Schuman and Water
Schuman and Water
Schuman and Water
физико-математические науки /
УДК 537.8 DOI: 10.15507/0236-2910.027.201704.476-489
Vol. 27, no. 4. 2017 Mordovia University Bulletin
cies remain the same. However, there is lightning strokes around the globe. The
some change due to the solar sunspot intensities of Schumann Resonances re-
cycle as the Earth’s ionosphere changes flect global thunderstorm activity, which
in response to the 11-year cycle of solar excite transverse magnetic normal modes
activity [2]. of earth ionosphere cavity [4].
At any moment, the total charge re- Materials and Methods
siding in this cavity is 500,000 Coulombs. The Earth’s atmosphere and ionosphere.
There is a vertical current flow between The ionosphere is defined as the lay-
the ground and the ionosphere of 1–3 x er of the Earth’s atmosphere that is ion-
10-12 Amperes per square meter. The re- ized by solar and cosmic radiation. It
sistance of the atmosphere is 200 Ohms. lies 75–1 000 km above the Earth. (The
There are about 1 000 lightning storms at Earth’s radius is 6 370 km, so the thickness
any given moment worldwide. Each pro- of the ionosphere is quite tiny compared
duces 0.5 to 1 Ampere and these collec- with the size of Earth). The ionosphere is
tively account for the measured current composed of three main parts, named for
flow in the Earth’s electromagnetic cav- obscure historical reasons: the D, E, and
ity [2]. The characteristics of Schumann F regions. The electron density is high-
Resonance frequencies depend on the est in the upper, or F region. The F region
characteristics of their source, location of exists during both daytime and nighttime.
the observation point with respect to the During the day it is ionized by solar ra-
source, and ionospheric electron density/ diation, during the night by cosmic rays.
conductivity behavior [3]. The D region disappears during the night
It has been well established that the compared to the daytime, and the E region
resonance frequencies contain informa- becomes weakened [5]. Fig. 1 shows the
tion about space time distribution of Earth’s atmosphere and ionosphere.
The Sun’s upper atmosphere, the co- throughout our own galaxy and the uni-
rona, is very hot and produces a constant verse (rotating neutron stars, supernovae,
stream of plasma and UV and X-rays that radio galaxies, quasars and black holes).
flow out from the Sun and affect, or ion- Thus the ionosphere is much less charged
ize, the Earth’s ionosphere. Only half the at nighttime, in which a lot of ionospher-
Earth’s ionosphere is being ionized by ic effects are easier to spot at night and
the Sun at any time [5]. During the night, take a smaller change to notice them [5].
without interference from the Sun, cos- Fig. 3 shows the Earth’s ionosphere and
mic rays ionize the ionosphere, though ground through which very low frequen-
not nearly as strongly as the Sun. These cy (VLF) radio signals can propagate or
high energy rays originate from sources “bounce” around the Earth [5].
The signal strength usually increases VLF wave strength during a flare can
because the waves don’t lose energy either increase or decrease due to wave’s
penetrating the D layer. However, the interferences, as seen in fig. 4.
F i g. 5. A thunderstorm and its lightning strokes in the troposphere affect the ionosphere [8]
The history of the Schumann Reso- huge antennas that maximum radiated
nances (SR) is an interesting story. While energy occurs around 10 kHz. Lightning
Schumann gets most of the credit for the signals below 100 Hz are very weak, and
first prediction of the existence of the SR, hence the electromagnetic waves from an
the idea of natural global electromagnetic individual discharge can be propagated
resonances were first presented by George a number of times around the globe be-
F. Fitzgerald in 1893, and then again by fore decaying into the background noise.
Nikola Tesla in 1905. However, while oth- For this reason, the Earth-iono-
ers formulated the idea before Schumann, it sphere waveguide behaves like a reso-
was Schumann, together with Köning, who nator at ELF frequencies, and amplifies
attempted to measure the resonant frequen- the spectral signals from lightning at the
cies for the first time, unsuccessfully. It was resonance frequencies due to constructive
not until measurements made by Balser and interference of EM waves propagating
Wagner that adequate analysis techniques around the globe in opposite directions
were available to extract the resonance in- (see figure6). The resonance peaks occur
formation from the background noise [7]. when the wavelength of the ELF waves
Literature Review is comparable with the Earth’s circumfer-
Lightning discharges are considered ence (λ = c/f ~40,000 km), with the direct
as the primary natural source of SR. The waves resulting in constructive interfer-
vertical lightning Channels behave like ence at the SR frequencies [7].
A very rough approximation to describe storm, traveling along ground surface and
the properties of the Schumann resonances returning to the starting point. Assuming
is an assumption of the ideal conductivity the perfectly conducting Earth and iono-
of both the Earth’s surface and of the iono- spheric boundaries made of two perfectly
sphere E-layer. conducting concentric spheres separated by
Schumann has predicted an extremely a height, which is much smaller than the
low frequency (ELF) resonance in the Earth’s radius Re. Then the resonant fre-
earth-ionospheric waveguide. The reso- quencies fn are determined by the Earth’s
nance occurs between the electromagnetic radius and the speed of light c and can be
wave, generated by lightning and thunder- derived from the following relation [7].
Physics and mathematics 481
F i g. 7. Electric and magnetic fields of the first three SR modes. White shading
implies field maximum, while black shading implies field minimum [7]
The ionosphere is not a perfectly the first seven SR vibrations. The basis,
conducting medium and energy losses or fundamental, for these resonances
due to its finite conductivity reduce the is 7.83 Hz (cycles per second), which is
resonance frequencies to 7.8, 14.1, 20.3, a standing wave in the cavity between the
26.3 and 32.5 Hz [3–5]. Fig. 8 shows ionosphere and Earth [9].
it can be obscured by electrical noise pol- This is a very important fact that binds us
lution [11]. to the Earth. It is a natural occurrence.
Since life began, the Earth has been This electromagnetic field has al-
surrounding all living things with this nat- ways been there right from the moment
ural vibration. These naturally occurring of creation. The resonance is essential
Schumann Waves are an essential ingre- to the proper functioning of the human
dient of all biological life on Earth. Re- brain. All life has evolved with it, and is
search seems to suggest that our biological meant to live in harmony with it. From
system is “tuned” into the Schumann Fre- the basics of “Tuning Fork”. If you have
quency of our planet [6]. Scientists have two tuning forks, when one tuning fork
confirmed that these Vibrations are not is struck, the other one will also vibrate
only an essential ingredient of life, they at the same frequency. This is due to
in fact have shaped our life, and thru the wave motion resonance. Now think of
eons of time have determined the frequen- the Earth as one tuning fork constantly
cy spectrum of the human brain. That is to vibrating, and yourself as the other one
say, the frequencies of these naturally oc- receiving the resonances (fig. 10). When
curring signals in the atmosphere have de- the Earth is vibrating, it induces a simi-
termined the “evolution” and development lar vibration in all of us which promotes
of the frequencies of the human brain [6]. well-being [11].
7.83 Hz, which is even more interesting, Hopefully, we can learn to understand
as this frequency is one which applies to both our emergence from an essentially
mammals. For instance, septal driving of electromagnetic environment and facili-
the hippocampal rhythm in rats has been tate our potential for healing, growth and
found to have a minimum threshold at non-local communication”[13].
7.7 Hz [12; 14]. In DNA Formation: Dr. L. Montag-
Although Schumann Resonance nier conducted an experiment in which
could easily be confirmed by measure- he filled two test tubes with pure water
ments at the time of its discovery, it is and placed piece of heavily diluted bac-
no longer so obvious due to our atmos- terial DNA into one of the test tubes.
phere being filled with manmade radia- After surrounding both test tubes with
tion noise at different frequencies. This is a weak electromagnetic field pulsing at
almost drowning out the natural signals – 7 Hz for 18 hours, DNA was detectable
signals that have been there through in the glass that originally had nothing in
a eons of evolution. It is possible that it but water. It would appear that the 7 Hz
these signals act like a natural tuning played a substantial role in extracting the
fork, not just for the biological oscillators DNA information from the one test tube
of the brain, but for all processes of life. and communicating it into the other test
With the advent of new wireless tech- tube [13].
nology, in particular microwaves pulsed In Psychic Communication Phenom-
at frequencies close to Schumann Reso- ena: Dr. M. Persinger has conducted
nance as in mobile telephony, another research in which two people in sepa-
threat is emerging. We may be creating rate rooms were presented with identi-
an environment that is literally `out of cal magnetic fields at approximately
tune’ with Nature itself. And it is at this 7 Hz. When one of these individuals drew
point that there is an urgent need to un- a picture, the other person could roughly
derstand how everything alive responds approximate that drawing, even though
to the most subtle changes in magnetic they were in separate rooms). Further re-
and electromagnetic fields surrounding search has shown a strong correlation be-
us. For instance, we need to examine the tween geomagnetic activity and psychic
possible interaction between magnetite phenomena [13].
crystals within cells and manmade mag- However, recent collected data
netic fields in the environment. brought an evidence suggests that the
In Brainwave Evolution: L. B. Hains- proliferation of manmade electromag-
worth has hypothesized that the electromag- netic fields has given rise to a kind of
netic frequencies in the Earth-ionisphere electromagnetic chaos that now seems to
cavity have played a governing role in be affecting the fundamental Schumann
the evolution of human and mammalian Resonance, effectively raising it and add-
brainwave patterns, particularly the Al- ing to the chaos experienced by living
pha pattern which the Schumann Reso- systems. If this is the case, it would sug-
nance falls within. Commenting on the gest that (1) Integrating the fundamental
unique correlations of Alpha brainwave Schumann Resonance in human living
activity and its relationship to the Earth- environments would be beneficial in es-
ionispheric cavity resonance, Hainsworth tablishing optimal physical and psycho-
has said, “As human beings we have logical health; and (2) With the continu-
extraordinary potentials we have hardly ing rise of electromagnetic technology,
begun to study, much less understand. the future health of all living systems
Creative gifts, intuitions and talents that seems to necessitate the emergence of
are unpredictable or emergent may be- an organic technology that can decrease
come stabilized in generations to come. and/or completely reverse the detrimental
Physics and mathematics 485
suitable Earth targets. The discovery of bilities for the detection of similar phe-
Schumann resonances in the Earth’s ion- nomena at other planets and moons of the
osphere offers new remote sensing capa- solar system with ionospheres.
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Submitted 31.07.2017; revised 02.10.2017; published online 19.12.2017
488 Физико-математические науки
Vol. 27, no. 4. 2017 Mordovia University Bulletin
About the authors:
Amal Fathi Alrais, BSc. Student of Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Benghazi
(Benghazi, Libya),
Eman A. Alsslam Alfadeel, Graduate Student of Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University
of Benghazi (Benghazi, Libya),
Samir Ahmed Hamouda, professor of Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University
of Benghazi (Benghazi, Libya), Ph.D. (Physics), ORCID:,
All authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Об авторах:
Альраис Амаль Фатхи, студент физического отделения факультета естественных наук, Уни-
верситет Бенгази (Ливия, г. Бенгази),
Альфадель Эман А. Альсслам, аспирант физического отделения факультета естественных
наук Университета Бенгази (Ливия, г. Бенгази),
Хамуда Самир Ахмед, профессор кафедры физики, факультета естественных наук, Университет
Бенгази (Ливия, г. Бенгази), кандидат физических наук, ORCID: