Chapter 1 The Foundation of Ethical Thought
Chapter 1 The Foundation of Ethical Thought
Chapter 1 The Foundation of Ethical Thought
Ethics in Action
• The foundation arm of Panera Bread has
established the “Panera Cares Café”
– A Panera Cares Café is a café in which the
customers decide how much to pay for their
• The average Panera Cares café will generate
revenue of $100,000 monthly and yield a
“profit” of $3,000 to $4,000 a month.
– The profits are used to fund job training
programs for high risk young people.
• Questions to ask to identify values needed to
interpret ethical action or behavior
1. Is the behavior or action consistent with the
overall basic duties of the individual in question?
2. Does the behavior or action acknowledge and
respect the underlying rights of all the
individuals who will be impacted by the action?
3. Would the behavior or action be considered the
best practice in that specific set of
4. Does the behavior or action match the overall
entrenched beliefs of the individual?
Business Ethics
• Defined as the collective values of a
business organization that can be used
to evaluate whether the behavior of the
collective members of the organization
are considered acceptable and
Descriptive Ethics
• Defined as the presentation of facts
related to the specific ethical actions of
an individual or organization
• Used when an observer wants to
understand the course of events that
generated the ethical issue
Analytical Ethics
• Described as understanding the
reasons a course of action that may
have an ethical impact took place
• Moves from the how and when inquiry,
which is the basis of the descriptive
ethics viewpoint, to asking why
Normative Ethics
• Defined as a prescribed course of action
that attempts to ensure that ethical
behavior will be followed in the future
• Moves the evaluation of ethical behavior
from the past to future tense
• Presents information on what should be
done in the future rather than what was
done in the past
Teleological Frameworks
• Focus on the results of the conduct of the
• Three frameworks are
– Ethical egoism
– Utilitarianism
– Sidgwick’s dualism
Ethical Egoism
• Based on the belief that every individual
should act in a way to promote himself/herself
if the net result will generate, on balance,
positive rather than negative results
• Any action of an individual will provide the
greatest good for the greatest number of
• Based on the principle of utility where each
person’s actions add to the overall utility of
the community
Sidgwick’s Dualism
• Attempts to resolve the difference of
whether the actions for one’s self-benefit
impact just the individual or others
• Argued that utilitarianism is a foundation
component of any ethical framework
Deontological Frameworks
• Focus on the duty or obligation in determining
whether the actions are right or wrong
– The three frameworks are
• Existentialism
• Contractarianism
• Kant’s ethics
• Based on the underlying belief that the
only person who can determine right and
wrong is the person making the decisions
• Each individual determines his or her own
actions and is ultimately responsible for
the consequences of those actions
• Also called social contract theory
• Based on the belief that all
individuals agree to social contracts
to be members within a society
Kant’s Ethics
• The free will to make decisions that
were considered rational needed to be
converted into a universal will
• Considered a dualism because it
attempts to bridge the gap between
the existentialist and contractarian
points of view
Fiduciary Principle
• Each officer of a company has a legal
fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of
the stakeholders and other employees
within the firm
Traditional components include ensuring that
there are no actual or potential conflicts of
interest given the actions of the employee
Property Principle
• Based on the belief that every
employee should respect property as
well as the rights of the owners of the
Traditional examples of violations of this
principle include theft, misappropriation of
funds, and wasting resources
Reliability Principle
• Based on the belief that it is the
employee’s responsibility to honor the
commitments he or she has made to
the firm
– Traditional violations of this principle
include breaching a promise or contract
or not fulfilling a promised action
Transparency Principle
• Based on the belief that every employee
should conduct business in a truthful
and open manner.
– Traditional violations of this principle
include fraudulent and deceptive actions of
the employee
Dignity Principle
• Based on the belief that each employee
needs to respect the dignity of all
– Violations include humiliation, coercion, or
other type of human offenses
Fairness Principle
• Based on the belief that stakeholders
who have a vested interest in the firm
should be treated fairly
• Four types of fairness
1. Reciprocal Fairness
2. Distributive Fairness
3. Fair Competition
4. Procedural Fairness
Citizenship Principle
• Based on the belief that every
employee should act as a responsible
citizen in the community
– It is also expected that employees respect
the laws of the community
Responsiveness Principle
• Based on the belief that employees
have a responsibility to respond to the
requests for information about the
operations from various stakeholders
– Employees must also be responsive to
ideas presented by the stakeholders