Section A (TOTAL: 100 MARKS) Answer ALL Questions. Please Read and Answer Each Question Carefully
Section A (TOTAL: 100 MARKS) Answer ALL Questions. Please Read and Answer Each Question Carefully
Section A (TOTAL: 100 MARKS) Answer ALL Questions. Please Read and Answer Each Question Carefully
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MGT2243 Mid-Term Test S2/17
7. Describe about the three forecasting tools used to forecast personnel needs as the
a) Trend analysis
b) Ratio analysis
c) Scatter plotting
(6 marks)
8. Define succession planning and describe the three steps in succession planning.
(8 marks)
9. Describe about the two types of validity test as the following:
a) Criterion validity
b) Content validity
(4 marks)
10. Describe about the BIG FIVE personality dimensions for personnel testing as the
a) Extraversion
b) Conscientiousness
c) Agreeableness
d) Openness to experience
e) Emotional stability/ Neuroticism
(10 marks)
11. Describe about the three types of Interviews as the following:
a) Selection interview
b) Appraisal interview
c) Exit interview
(6 marks)
12. Describe about the four types of interview questions as the following:
a) Situational interview
b) Behavioral interview
c) Job-related interview
d) Stress interview
(8 marks)
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MGT2243 Mid-Term Test S2/17
13. Describe the six steps on how to conduct a more effective interview.
(12 marks)
14. Define globalization in the changing environment of Human Resource Management.
(2 marks)
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