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Tutorial 5

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1. The diameter of a pipe changes gradually from 6 in at a point A, 20 ft above datum to 3 in at B,

10 ft above datum. The pressure at A is 15 lb/in 2 and the velocity of water flow is 12 ft/s. Neglecting
losses, determine the pressure at B.

2. A pipe, whose axis is horizontal, is full of water in motion. At a section A, the velocity of the
water is 90 mm/min and the pressure is 138 kN/m 2. If the pipe tapers gradually from 150 mm diametr at
A to 100 mm diameter at B, determine the pressure of the water at B, assuming there is no loss of
energy. What must be the diameter of the pipe at B if the pressure there is reduced to 27.6 kN/m 2?

3. Water at an average of 70˚F is flowing in a 2 in steel pipe, schedule 40. Steam at 220˚F is
condensing on the outside of the pipe. The convective coefficient for the water inside the pipe is h = 500
btu/h.ft2.˚F and the condensing steam coefficient on the outside is h = 1500 btu/h.ft2.˚F.
a) Calculate the heat loss per unit length of 1 ft of pipe using resistances.
b) Repeat calculation using the overall Ui based on the inside area Ai.

4. In the heat transfer relation, Q = UA∆Tlm for a heat exchanger, what is ∆Tlm called? How is it
calculated for a parallel flow and counter flow heat exchanger?

5. For specified inlet and outlet temperatures, for what kind of heat exchanger will the ∆Tlm be
greatest: double pipe parallel flow, double pipe counter flow, cross flow or multipass shell and tube heat
6. Water is flowing at the rate of 1.13 kg/s in a 1-2 shell and tube heat exchanger and is heated
from 45 ˚C to 85 ˚C by oil having a heat capacity of 1.95 kJ/kg.K. The oil enters at 120˚C and leaves at
85˚C. Calculate the area of the heat exchanger if the overall heat transfer coefficient is 300 W/m 2.K.

5. A pipe is insulated such that the outer radius of insulation is less than the critical radius. Now
the insulation is taken off. Will the rate of heat transfer from the pipe increase or decrease for the same
pipe surface temperature?

6. Consider an insulated pipe exposed to the atmosphere. Will the critical radius of insulation be
greater on calm days or on windy days? Why?

7. A 0.083 in diameter electrical wire at 115˚F is covered by 0.02 in thick plastic insulation (k =
0.075 btu/h.ft ˚F). The wire is exposed to a medium at 50˚F with a combined convection and radiation
heat transfer coefficient of 2.5 btu/h.ft2 ˚F. By assuming a thermal contact resistance of 0.001
h.ft2˚F/btu at the interface of the wire and insulation, determine if the plastic insulation on the wire will
increase or decrease heat transfer from the wire.

8. Consider a 5 m high, 8 m long and 0.22 m thick wall whose representative cross section is as
given in the figure. The thermal conductivities of various materials used, in W/m.˚C, are k A = kF = 2, kB =8,
kC = 20, kD = 15, kE =35. The left and right surfaces of the wall are maintained at uniform temperatures of
300˚C and 100˚C, respectively. Assuming heat transfer through wall to be one dimensional and disregard
any contact resistances at the interfaces, determine
a) the rate of heat transfer through the wall
b) the temperature at the point where section B, D and E meet
c) the temperature drop across the section F
9. What is blackbody? Does a blackbody actually exist?

10. A loaf of bread having a surface temperature of 373 K is being baked in an oven whose
walls and the air are at 477.4 K. The bread moves continuously through the large oven on an
open chain belt conveyor. The emissivity of the bread is estimated at 0.85, and the loaf can be
assumed to be a rectangular solid 114.3 mm high x 114.3 mm hide x 330 mm long. Calculate the
radiation heat transfer rate to the bread, assuming that it is small compared to the oven and
neglecting natural convection heat transfer.

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