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EDS309x D00012 M XXEN

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EN Manual

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I n



Portable equipment for insulation fault location

for energised and deenergised AC and DC systems
Software version: D399 V2.1

Bender GmbH & Co. KG © Bender GmbH & Co. KG
P.O.Box 1161 • 35301 Grünberg • Germany All rights reserved.
Londorfer Straße 65 • 35305 Grünberg • Germany Reprinting only with permission
Tel.: +49 6401 807-0 • Fax: +49 6401 807-259 of the publisher.
E-mail: info@bender.de • www.bender.de Subject to change!

Photos: Bender archives and bendersystembau archives.

Table of Contents

1. Important information ........................................................................................... 7

1.1 How to use this manual ......................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Technical support: Service and support .......................................................................... 8
1.2.1 First level support .................................................................................................................... 8
1.2.2 Repair service ............................................................................................................................ 8
1.2.3 Field service ................................................................................................................................ 8
1.3 Training courses ....................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 Delivery conditions ................................................................................................................. 9
1.5 Inspection, transport and storage ..................................................................................... 9
1.6 Warranty and liability ............................................................................................................. 9
1.7 Disposal ....................................................................................................................................... 9
1.8 Overview of chapters ........................................................................................................... 10

2. Safety instructions ............................................................................................... 11

2.1 General safety instructions ................................................................................................ 11
2.2 Intended use ........................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Device-specific safety instructions ................................................................................. 11

3. System description .............................................................................................. 13

3.1 System components ............................................................................................................ 13
3.1.1 Overview of system components ................................................................................... 13
3.1.2 Insulation fault location equipment type list ............................................................. 14
3.1.3 Accessories .............................................................................................................................. 15
3.2 Function of the system components ............................................................................. 16
3.2.1 Locating current injector PGH18… ................................................................................ 16
3.2.2 Insulation fault locator EDS195PM ................................................................................. 16
3.2.3 Measuring clamps ................................................................................................................. 16
3.2.4 Coupling device AGE185 .................................................................................................... 17
3.3 Operating principle for insulation fault location (IΔL) ............................................. 17
3.3.1 Schematic diagram EDS system ...................................................................................... 18
3.3.2 Test cycle .................................................................................................................................. 18
3.3.3 Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 19
3.3.4 Currents in the EDS system ............................................................................................... 19
3.4 Operating principle for residual current measurement (IΔn) ............................... 20

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 3
Table of Contents

4. Considerations prior to use ................................................................................ 21

4.1 How does the equipment for insulation fault location work ................................ 21
4.2 Requirements for reliable insulation fault location ................................................... 22
4.3 Reduced locating current ................................................................................................... 24
4.4 Response sensitivity characteristics of the EDS195PM ............................................ 24
4.4.1 Response characteristics for main circuits in 3AC systems .................................... 26
4.4.2 Response characteristics for main circuits in AC systems ....................................... 27
4.4.3 Response characteristics for main circuits in DC systems ....................................... 27
4.4.4 Response characteristics for control circuits in AC systems ................................... 28
4.4.5 Response characteristics for control circuits in DC systems .................................. 28

5. Connecting the locating current injector ....................................................... 29

5.1 Disconnecting insulation monitoring device .............................................................. 29
5.2 Locating current injector in an electrically isolated IT system .............................. 29
5.3 Connection to a live IT system .......................................................................................... 30
5.4 Connection to a PV system ................................................................................................ 31

6. Operation ............................................................................................................... 33
6.1 Short description of insulation fault location (EDS mode) ..................................... 33
6.1.1 Commissioning the PGH18… for locating current injection ................................. 33
6.1.2 Insulation fault location using EDS195PM ................................................................... 33
6.2 Detailed description of insulation fault location ........................................................ 33
6.3 Description of a residual current measurement ......................................................... 33
6.4 Displays and controls on the PGH18… ......................................................................... 34
6.5 Displays and controls on the EDS195PM ...................................................................... 35
6.6 Operating the EDS195PM ................................................................................................... 36
6.6.1 Switching on and off the device ...................................................................................... 36
6.6.2 Changing the measuring clamp ....................................................................................... 37
6.6.3 Improved legibility due to display lighting .................................................................. 37
6.6.4 Changing between insulation fault location IΔL and
residual current measurement IΔn operating modes .............................................. 37
6.6.5 Quickly checking the response values for IΔL and IΔn ............................................ 37
6.6.6 Checking Info menu ............................................................................................................. 37
6.6.7 Significance of the display elements .............................................................................. 38
6.7 Standard displays on the EDS195PM ............................................................................. 39
6.7.1 EDS measurement (IΔL) ....................................................................................................... 39 Standard display if there is no cable to be measured in the clamp ............. 39 Standard display for EDS measurement (IΔL) with cable in the clamp ....... 39 Standard display for measuring faults or pauses between changes in polarity
of the measuring pulse ................................................................................................. 39

4 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
Table of Contents

6.7.2 RCM measurement (IΔn) .................................................................................................... 39 Standard display for RCM measurement (IΔn) with cable in the clamp .... 39
6.8 Alarms during EDS measurement or RCM measurement ...................................... 40
6.9 Indication of device and measuring errors .................................................................. 40
6.10 Factory settings EDS195PM (state as supplied) ......................................................... 41
6.11 Menu structure ...................................................................................................................... 42
6.11.1 Navigating in the menu ...................................................................................................... 43
6.11.2 Menu item: Settings ............................................................................................................. 43
6.11.3 Menu item: System .............................................................................................................. 44
6.11.4 Menu item: Harmonics ........................................................................................................ 44
6.11.5 Menu item: IΔL alarms ......................................................................................................... 44
6.11.6 Menu item: IΔn logger ........................................................................................................ 45
6.12 Practical usage ....................................................................................................................... 45
6.12.1 Insulation fault location in a system without a permanently installed EDS
system ....................................................................................................................................... 45
6.12.2 Insulation fault location in a system with a permanently
installed EDS system ............................................................................................................ 48
6.12.3 Insulation fault location in diode-decoupled DC systems ..................................... 50
6.12.4 Usage of the EDS195PM as a residual current meter ............................................... 52
6.12.5 Indication of the harmonics during residual current measurement .................. 53
6.13 Coupling device AGE185 for higher system voltages ............................................. 54
6.14 Power supply for the EDS195PM ..................................................................................... 55
6.14.1 Displaying charge state ...................................................................................................... 55
6.14.2 Changing batteries ............................................................................................................... 55
6.14.3 Power supply unit supplied .............................................................................................. 55

7. Technical specifications ...................................................................................... 56

7.1 Technical specifications for the system EDS309… ................................................... 56
7.2 Technical specifications PGH18… .................................................................................. 56
7.3 Technical specifications EDS195PM ............................................................................... 57
7.4 Technical specifications measuring clamps ................................................................ 58
7.5 Technical specifications AGE185 ..................................................................................... 59
7.6 Standards and certifications ............................................................................................. 59
7.7 Dimension diagrams ............................................................................................................ 60
7.8 Status word ............................................................................................................................. 61
7.9 Ordering data including accessories ............................................................................. 62
7.10 Component list ...................................................................................................................... 63

8. Frequently Asked Questions .............................................................................. 64

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 5
9. Additional fault location information
using the EDS309x ......................................................................................... 65
9.1 Required equipment: ........................................................................................................... 65
9.2 IRDH575B2- 435 (B91065503) ......................................................................................... 65
9.3 Collecting and analysing information ........................................................................... 65
9.4 Taking measurements ......................................................................................................... 66

INDEX ........................................................................................................................... 72

6 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
1. Important information

1.1 How to use this manual

Always keep this manual within easy reach for future reference.
To make it easier for you to understand and revisit certain sections in this manual, we have used sym-
bols to identify important instructions and information. The meaning of these symbols is explained

The signal word indicates that there is a high risk danger that will result in elec-
trocution or serious injury if not avoided.

This signal word means that there is a medium risk of danger that can lead to
death or serious injury, if not avoided.

This signal word indicates a low level risk that can result in minor or moderate
injury or damage to property if not avoided.

This symbol denotes information intended to assist the user

to make optimum use of the product.

This manual is intended for qualified personnel working in electrical engineering

and electronics!

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 7
Important information

1.2 Technical support: Service and support

For commissioning and troubleshooting Bender offers you:

1.2.1 First level support

Technical support by phone or e-mail for all Bender products
 Questions concerning specific customer applications
 Commissioning
 Troubleshooting
Telefone: +49 6401 807-760*
Fax: +49 6401 807-259
In Germany only: 0700BenderHelp (Tel. and Fax)
E-Mail: support@bender-service.de

1.2.2 Repair service

Repair, calibration, update and replacement service for Bender products
 Repairing, calibrating, testing and analysing Bender products
 Hardware and software update for Bender devices
 Delivery of replacement devices in the event of faulty or incorrectly delivered Bender devices
 Extended warranty for Bender devices with in-house repair service or replacement device at no
extra cost
Telefone: +49 6401 807-780** (technical issues)
+49 6401 807-784**, -785** (Sales)
Fax: +49 6401 807-789
E-Mail: repair@bender-service.de

1.2.3 Field service

On-site service for all Bender products
 Commissioning, parameter setting, maintenance, troubleshooting for Bender products
 Analysis of the electrical installation in the building (power quality test, EMC test, thermogra-
 Training courses for customers
Telefone: +49 6401 807-752**, -762** (technical issues)
+49 6401 807-753** (Sales)
Fax: +49 6401 807-759
E-Mail: fieldservice@bender-service.de
Internet: www.bender.de

*Available from 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. 365 days a year (CET/UTC+1)
**Mon-Thurs 7.00 a.m. - 8.00 p.m., Fr 7.00 a.m. - 13.00 p.m.

1.3 Training courses

Bender is happy to provide training regarding the use of test equipment.
The dates of training courses and workshops can be found on the Internet at www.bender-de.com -
> Know-how -> Seminars.

8 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
Important information

1.4 Delivery conditions

Bender sale and delivery conditions apply. For software products, the "Softwareklausel zur Überlas-
sung von Standard-Software als Teil von Lieferungen, Ergänzung und Änderung der Allgemeinen
Lieferbedingungen für Erzeugnisse und Leistungen der Elektroindustrie" (software clause in respect
of the licensing of standard software as part of deliveries, modifications and changes to general de-
livery conditions for products and services in the electrical industry) set out by the ZVEI (Zentralver-
band Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V.) (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers'
Association) also applies.
Sale and delivery conditions can be obtained from Bender in printed or electronic format.

1.5 Inspection, transport and storage

Inspect the dispatch and equipment packaging for damage, and compare the contents of the pack-
age with the delivery documents. In the event of damage in transit, please contact Bender immedi-
ately. The devices must only be stored in areas where they are protected from dust, damp, and spray
and dripping water, and in which the specified storage temperatures can be ensured.

1.6 Warranty and liability

Warranty and liability claims in the event of injury to persons or damage to property are excluded if
they can be attributed to one or more of the following causes:
Improper use of the device.
 Incorrect mounting, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the device.
 Failure to observe the instructions in this operating manual regarding transport, commission-
ing, operation and maintenance of the device.
 Unauthorised changes to the device made by parties other than the manufacturer.
 Non-observance of technical data.
 Repairs carried out incorrectly and the use of replacement parts or accessories not approved by
the manufacturer.
 Catastrophes caused by external influences and force majeure.
 Mounting and installation with device combinations not recommended by the manufacturer.
 This operating manual, especially the safety instructions, must be observed by all personnel
working on the device. Furthermore, the rules and regulations that apply for accident preven-
tion at the place of use must be observed.

1.7 Disposal
Abide by the national regulations and laws governing the disposal of this device. Ask your supplier
if you are not sure how to dispose of the old equipment.
The directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE directive) and the directive on the
restriction of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS directive)
apply in the European Community. In Germany, these policies are implemented through the "Elec-
trical and Electronic Equipment Act" (ElektroG). According to this, the following applies:
 Electrical and electronic equipment are not part of household waste.
 Batteries and accumulators are not part of household waste and must be disposed of in accord-
ance with the regulations.
 Old electrical and electronic equipment from users other than private households which was
introduced to the market after 13th August 2005 must be taken back by the manufacturer and
disposed of properly.
For more information on the disposal of Bender devices, refer to our homepage at www.bender.de
-> Service & support.

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 9
Important information

1.8 Overview of chapters

1. How to get the most out of this manual:
This chapter provides information about using this documentation.
2. Safety instructions:
This section provides information about risks affecting installation and operation.
3. System description:
In this chapter you will find an overview of the system components, a description of their func-
tion and the basic principles of insulation fault location.
The principle of residual current measurement is described in the final section.
4. Considerations prior to use:
This chapter describes the practical aspects of insulation fault location and provides numerous
characteristic curves for assessing the response values to be set.
5. Connecting the locating current injector:
The connection of the PGH18… to a system to be tested is described here.
6. Operation:
This chapter contains a description of the graphical user interface on the EDS195PM. There is
also an illustration of the menu structure as well as illustrations of the various standard dis-
You will also find information of the supply of power to the EDS195PM here.
7. Technical specifications:
Along with tabular data this chapter contains information on standards and the dimensions of
the system components.
8. Frequently Asked Questions:
Use this chapter to quickly identify and rectify any malfunctions that occur.
Use the index to quickly find the desired keywords.

10 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
2. Safety instructions

2.1 General safety instructions

Part of the device documentation in addition to this manual is the enclosed "Safety instructions for
Bender products."

2.2 Intended use

Only skilled persons are permitted to carry out the work necessary to install, com-
mission and run a device or system.

The portable insulation fault location system EDS309… is used to locate insulation faults in IT sys-
tems. All variants are suitable for the measurement of residual currents in TN and TT systems. The
EDS3096PG is particularly suitable for insulation fault location in electrically isolated systems.
Please observe the limits on the area of application stated in the technical specifications, as well as
the measuring categories for the measuring clamps used. If, in the specific case, measuring current
transformers other than the measuring clamps supplied are used with the EDS195PM, attention is to
be paid to ensuring the connection wires and transformer have an adequate nominal insulation volt-
age (overvoltage category, see Technical specifications)
Use which deviates from or is beyond the scope of these technical specifications is considered non-

System interference and high system leakage capacitances can degrade the ac-
curacy of the measurement.

2.3 Device-specific safety instructions

Hazard due to excessively high locating current or excessively high

locating voltage!
An excessively high PGH18… locating current may damage sensitive loads (e.g.
CAUTION in control circuits) or trigger unintended switching processes. For this reason
select a lower locating current for these systems (1 or 10 mA).
For instance it is only allowed to use the EDS3091 or EDS3091PG in systems with
programmable logic controllers (PLCs).

The locating voltage of DC 50 V produced by the locating current injector

PGH186 can cause interference at sensitive system components. In case of
doubt, contact Bender.

The locating current from the PGH185 or PGH186 can cause residual current de-
vices to trip. The locating current is limited to maximum 25 mA (or 10 mA), how-
ever 30 mA residual current devices may trip, for instance, between 15 and 30

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 11
Safety instructions

It is necessary to aim for the best possible conductor symmetry in the measuring
clamp. Otherwise the measuring clamp may go into saturation due to an exces-
sively high load current and cause an alarm I∆n >10A.

12 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
3. System description

3.1 System components

On page 63, you will find a detailed overview of the scope of delivery of the EDS309x versions. The
following illustration provides a choice of the possible components.

3.1.1 Overview of system components

The primary task of the EDS309… is insulation fault location in IT systems. For this purpose the
individual components of the EDS309… are used in combination.

1 2 3




3(N)AC 0...575V mit/with 500...790V
DC 0...504V AGE185 400...960V




EDS195PM I n I L
A t.-no. amete: TGH1 OB
980r : 52 320
694 mm
ma Nr. / Ar er / heetP ON



Art.- me / Datas CL

/ 0,1 III

Du bla E /
ten NG

rch tt

1000600 V

x. 1

I n




4 5

1 Aluminium case with handle

2 Measuring clamp PSA3020 (main circuits) or PSA3320 (control circuits)

Clamp inside diameter 20 mm
3 Locating current injector PGH18…
For generating a locating current for insulation fault location
4 Insulation fault locator EDS195PM
For connecting measuring clamps and for finding insulation faults
5 Measuring clamp PSA3052 (main circuits) or PSA3352 (control circuits)
Clamp inside diameter 52 mm

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 13
System description

3.1.2 Insulation fault location equipment type list

It is possible to undertake a residual current measurement in TT and TN systems (earthed systems)
using all the device variants listed below.
The following overview describes which measuring tasks can be undertaken with which models:

Equipment for insulation fault location in main circuits

1. Permissible system voltage in the main circuits:
– Insulation fault location in IT systems up to AC 42…460 Hz, 20…575 V and DC 20…504 V
– Insulation fault location using AGE185 up to AC 42…460 Hz, 500…790 V and DC 400…960 V

 Can be used in IT systems in which a locating current injector PGH471 or an IRDH575 is already

 Can be used in IT systems in which neither a locating current injector PGH471 nor an IRDH575 is
already installed.
 Supply voltage for the locating current generator PGH185 supplied:
AC 50…60 Hz, 230 V

 Can be used in IT systems in which neither a locating current injector PGH471 nor an IRDH575 is
already installed.
 Supply voltage for the locating current generator PGH185-13 supplied:
AC 50…60 Hz, 90…132 V
2. Permissible system voltage in the main circuits:
– Insulation fault location in IT systems up to AC 42…460 Hz, 0…575 V and DC 0…504 V
– Insulation fault location using AGE185 up to AC 42…460, Hz 500…790 V and DC 400…960 V

 Can be used in IT systems in which neither a locating current injector PGH471 nor an IRDH575 is
already installed.
 Supply voltage for the locating current generator PGH186 supplied:
AC 50…60 Hz, 230 V
 Insulation fault location, also in IT systems electrically isolated on all poles

 Can be used in IT systems in which neither a locating current injector PGH471 nor an IRDH575 is
already installed.
 Supply voltage for the locating current generator PGH186-13 supplied:
AC 50…60 Hz, 90…132 V
 Insulation fault location, also in IT systems electrically isolated on all poles

 Applicable in PV systems without a locating current injector installed.
 Supply voltage for the delivered locating current injector PGH186: AC 50…60 Hz, 230 V.
 Insulation fault location, also in IT systems disconnected on all poles or in de-energised IT sys-

14 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
System description

Accessories CTAFxxx:
 Set with flexible clamps with band lengths of 500 and 1000 mm
 Application for cables with bigdimensions or in systems with narrow space conditions
 Combinable with EDS3090, EDS3092, EDS3096
 The minor response sensitivity towards the clamps PSA3... in chapter 4.4 must be considered.

Equipment for insulation fault location in control circuits

Permissible system voltage in the control circuits:
Insulation fault location in IT systems up to AC 42…460 Hz, 20…265 V and DC 20…308 V.

 Can be used in IT systems in which a locating current injector PGH473 or an IRDH575 is already

 Can be used in IT systems in which neither a locating current injector PGH473 nor an IRDH575 is
already installed.
 Supply voltage for the locating current generator PGH183 supplied:
AC 50…60 Hz, 230 V

 Can be used in IT systems in which neither a locating current injector PGH473 nor an IRDH575 is
already installed.
 Supply voltage for the locating current generator PGH183-13 supplied:
AC 50…60 Hz, 90…132 V

Equipment for insulation fault location in main circuits and control circuits
 Contains the components and combines the features of the EDS3090PG and EDS3091PG

3.1.3 Accessories
You will find information on the standard accessories as well as on optional accessories in the order-
ing data on page 62 and in the component list on page 63.

Only use the components supplied by us on working with the EDS309…. Com-
mercially available measuring clamps are not allowed to be used! This state-
ment also applies to measuring clamps or measuring current transformers from
the Bender range that are not expressly intended to be used with the EDS309….
Along with the measuring clamps supplied, it is allowed to connect to the
EDS195PM the following measuring current transformers from the Bender series:
W… /WR… /WS…
Series W…AB current transformers cannot be used!

For series WF… current transformers you will need a BNC to PS2 adapter cable, see page 62.

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 15
System description

3.2 Function of the system components

3.2.1 Locating current injector PGH18…
The PGH18… generates a defined locating current. The magnitude of the current is dependent on
the insulation fault present and the system voltage.
 The PGH185 or PGH186 limits the locating current to maximum 25 mA or maximum 10 mA
depending on the switch setting.
 The PGH183 limits the locating current to maximum 2.5 mA or maximum 1 mA depending on
the switch setting.
 The PGH186 applies the locating current in electrically isolated IT systems or in IT systems with
a system voltage < 50 V using an integrated voltage source (DC 50 V). In IT systems with a sys-
tem voltage > 50 V the existing voltage in the system is used to drive the locating current.

3.2.2 Insulation fault locator EDS195PM

The insulation fault locator EDS195PM has the following measuring functions:
 Insulation fault location I∆L (EDS mode) for use in IT AC or DC systems:
– Either as a component of the portable equipment for insulation fault location EDS309…
– Or as an additional insulation fault locator in permanently installed equipment for insulation
fault location with IRDH575 or PGH1… as well as EDS46…/49….
 Residual current measurement I∆n (RCM mode) for usage in TN or TT AC systems. The response
value range can be found in table 3.1 on page 16.

Response value
The response value is defined by the sensitivity of the EDS195PM. This value can be set in both DC
and AC and 3AC IT systems as an arithmetic mean in accordance with Tabelle 3.1 auf Seite 16. System
interference and high system leakage capacitances can degrade the accuracy.

3.2.3 Measuring clamps

Measuring clamps measure the locating current or the residual current. They have a test lead approx.
2 m long. The connection to the EDS195PM is made using a BNC connection.
The following table summarises the most important data for the usage of the different measuring

Main circuit Control circuit

(EDS3090…, 3092…, 3096…) (EDS3091…)
IT system Measuring range 10...50 mA 0.2…5 mA
Response value 2…10 mA, ±30% / ±2 mA 0.2…1 mA, ±30 % / ±0.2 mA
PSA3020, PSA3052, PSA3165 PSA3320, PSA3352
TN/TT system
Measuring range 5 mA…10 A 2 mA…2 A
Response value 10 mA…10 A 5 mA…1 A
Tab. 3.1: Measuring clamps and response values for the EDS195PM

If measuring current transformers are used instead of measuring clamps, you will need the adapter
supplied: BNC/4-mm connector. See table on page 63.

16 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
System description

3.2.4 Coupling device AGE185

The coupling device AGE185 expands the nominal voltage range of the equipment for insulation
fault location EDS309…. It enables the equipment to be connected to system nominal voltages up
to AC 790 V or DC 960 V.

3.3 Operating principle for insulation fault location (IΔL)

On the occurrence of the first insulation fault in IT systems a residual current flows that is essentially
defined by the system leakage capacitances. The basic concept of fault location is therefore to briefly
close the fault circuit using a defined resistance. With this principle a locating current is provided by
the system voltage and this locating current contains a signal that can be evaluated.
The locating current is generated periodically by the locating current injector PGH18… (part of the
EDS309…PG system).
The locating current can also be generated by an iso685-D-P, isoxx1685xP, IRDH575 or a locating cur-
rent injector PGH47….
The amplitude and duration of the locating current is limited. During this process the system con-
ductors are alternately
connected to earth via a defined resistance. The locating current produced as a result is dependent
on the magnitude of the insulation fault present and the system voltage.
For example the locating current on the EDS3090 is limited to maximum 25 mA; with the setting
Imax = 10mA it is limited to 10 mA. During planning it is to be ensured that there are no system com-
ponents in which this locating current could cause a reaction involving damage in unfavourable cir-
The locating current pulse flows from the locating current injector through the live conductors to the
insulation fault by the shortest route. From there it flows via the insulation fault and the earth cable
(PE cable) back to the locating current injector. This locating current pulse is detected by the meas-
uring clamps or measuring current transformers in the insulation fault path and is indicated by the
insulation fault locator EDS195PM connected.

You must ensure that all live conductors are routed through the measuring
clamp. Do not route any protective earth conductors or screens on
screened cables through the measuring clamp! Commercial measuring
clamps are not suitable for the EDS309… and must not be used.
Only if these notes are observed will you obtain a correct measurement result.
You will find additional information in our technical information Techinfo08
"Transformer installation".

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 17
System description

3.3.1 Schematic diagram EDS system

L1(L+) IT system


1 2




EDS195PM Insulation fault locator

PGH… Locating current injector
Un IT system voltage
PSA… Measuring clamp
RF Insulation fault
PE Protective earth conductor

3.3.2 Test cycle

The locating current pulse cycle has a duration of 6 seconds. The PGH… sends alternating positive
and negative locating current pulses. The sketch below shows the test cycle of the PGH… with the
different switch settings (1, 2, 3) on the device, see schematic diagram above.

Position 1 3 2 3 1

2 sec 4 sec 2 sec 4 sec

EDS Start

18 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
System description

3.3.3 Definitions
IL = Locating current that flows through the locating current injector while the fault location
is running (EDS mode).
I∆L = Locating current measured by the insulation fault locator (EDS mode).
I∆n = Residual current produced by an insulation fault (RCM mode).

3.3.4 Currents in the EDS system

As an addition to the schematic diagram on page 18, here the path of the residual currents and the
locating current is shown:
Un PSA...
IT system

1 2



............. Locating current circuit due to the insulation fault RF-N

. .. .. .. Residual currents I∆n (example)

I∆L Locating current measured by the EDS195PM

Upstream capacitances, system leakage capacitances upstream of the

measuring current transformer
Downstream capacitances, system leakage capacitance downstream of
the measuring current transformer
RF-V Insulation fault upstream of measuring current transformer
RF-N Insulation fault downstream of the measuring current transformer

The following residual currents flow through the measuring current transformer of the
 The locating current caused by the insulation fault RF-N
 The residual currents I∆n that flow through the system leakage capacitances CE-V and
CE-N, or that are caused by RF-V and RF-N
 Transient leakage currents that are caused by switching and control activities in the system
 Low-frequency leakage currents generated by the use of converters

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 19
System description

3.4 Operating principle for residual current measurement (IΔn)

In the RCM mode the EDS309… operates based on the principle of residual current measurement. In
this case only the insulation fault locator EDS195PM and a measuring clamp are used, the locating
current injector PGH18… is not required.
As per Kirchhoff's law the sum of the currents flowing into any node in a network is equal to the sum
of the currents flowing out.


EDS195PM I n I L


I n



Abb. 3.1: The two currents Izu and Iab have the same magnitude, however their signs are different,
such that the sum of the two currents is zero. The EDS195PM detects this situation, there is no message.


EDS195PM I n I L


I n



Abb. 3.2: Part of the current flows through an insulation fault RF. The sum of the two currents
is no longer zero. As soon as the residual current reaches or exceeds the response value
there is an alarm message on the EDS195PM.

In the RCM mode it is possible to measure residual currents in single and three-
phase TT or TN systems. If the system leakage capacitance ahead of the measur-
ing clamp is sufficiently high, the EDS195P can also be used for measurements in
single and three-phase IT systems. The suitability of the device is to be checked in
the specific case.

20 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
4. Considerations prior to use

4.1 How does the equipment for insulation fault location work
The equipment comprises a locating current injector PGH18… and an insulation fault locator
EDS195PM with measuring clamp PSA3… connected.

Functional sequence
 Insulation fault location is started by activating the locating current injector PGH18…
 The locating current injector PGH18… briefly connects the live conductors to earth with cur-
rent limiting.
 The insulation fault creates a closed circuit in which a locating current IL dependent on the sys-
tem voltage flows. The locating current is limited to a maximum value of 25 mA or 10 mA
(PGH185/186), 2.5 mA or 1 mA (PGH183).
 The locating current flows from the locating current injector via the live cables, the insulation
fault RF and the earth cable (PE cable) back to the locating current injector.
 The locating current signal can be measured using measuring clamp placed around the cables
in the outgoing circuit from the distribution system and evaluated by the insulation fault loca-
tor EDS195PM.
 The location of the fault can be determined exactly by moving along the cable with the measur-
ing clamp.


PGH18... EDS195PM

Abb. 4.1: EDS operating principle

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 21
Considerations prior to use

4.2 Requirements for reliable insulation fault location

The insulation fault locator has the task of locating the insulation fault RF-N downstream of the meas-
uring clamp. For this purpose, it must reliably detect the locating current caused by the insulation
 The insulation fault must be present for at least 30s
 The locating current is in the following ranges:
– Main circuits with EDS3090, EDS3090PG, EDS3090PG-13, EDS3092PG,
EDS3096PG-13, EDS3096PV, EDS3096PG: IL = 2…50 mA
– Control circuits with EDS3091, EDS3091PG, EDS3091PG-13, EDS3092PG:: IL = 0.2…5 mA
 The upstream capacitances CE-V must be at least as large as the downstream capacitances CE-N.
See also chapter "3.3.4 "
 The total system leakage capacitance must not exceed the maximum values in the characteris-
tics in chapter "4.4 ".
 The sum of the locating current and residual current flowing through the measuring clamp or
the measuring current transformer must not exceed the following values:
– Main circuits with EDS3090, EDS3090PG, EDS3090PG-13, EDS3092PG,
EDS3096PG-13, EDS3096PV, EDS3096PG: maximum 10 A
– Control circuits with EDS3091, EDS3091PG, EDS3091PG-13, EDS3092PG: maximum 1 A
 There must be no connections to other outgoing circuits downstream of a measuring clamp or
measuring current transformer, see sketch.

EDS195PM I n I L


I n



Abb. 4.2: Connections between outgoing circuits will result in measuring errors

 As well as the magnitude of the residual current, the frequency of the residual current also
affects the reliable detection of the locating current. Residual currents at frequencies other than
the system frequency may, e.g., be caused by the usage of frequency converters. The behaviour
of the EDS309… is described by the fault curve shown below:
– If the residual currents measured in main circuits exceed 10 A, the EDS195PM outputs the
alarm message "I∆n >10 A".
This statement applies to the system frequencies 50/60/400 Hz for the EDS3090,
EDS3090PG, EDS3090PG-13, EDS3092PG, EDS3096PG-13, EDS3096PV and EDS3096PG.
– If the residual currents measured in control circuits exceed 1 A, the EDS195PM outputs the
alarm message "I∆n >1 A".
This statement applies to the system frequencies 50/60/400 Hz for the EDS3091,
EDS3091PG, EDS3091PG-13 and EDS3092PG.

22 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
Considerations prior to use

Permissible residual current [A] EDS3090..., EDS3096...

Frequency range Insulaon fault locaon EDS195PM
1 10

0,9 9

0,8 8

0,7 7

0,6 6
0,5 5
Frequency and
0,4 4 Residual current range

0,3 3

0,2 2

0,1 1

1 10 100
Frequency [Hz]

Abb. 4.3: Fault curve:

A residual current of 2 A at 10 Hz is outside the permitted
frequency range (red dot) ==> a valid measurement is not possible!

There must be no connections between outgoing circuits downstream of the

measuring clamp because such connections will produce interfering residual
currents. For example, the message "I∆n>10A" may be output as a consequence.

Symmetrical insulation faults downstream of the measuring current transform-

er will not be detected in certain circumstances. Low frequency residual currents
(e.g. caused by converters) can mean that insulation faults are not found if their
frequency is the same as or approximately the same as the frequency of the lo-
cating cycle of the PGH18….

Parallel cables routed to the same load are to be routed together through the
measuring clamp during the measurement.

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 23
Considerations prior to use

4.3 Reduced locating current

Particularly in DC control voltage systems in the power station and public utility sector there may be
relays or PLCs installed that switch at relatively low currents. In such a case the Imax switch on the
PGH18… must be placed in the 10 mA or 1 mA position. The switch's label, e.g. 10 mA or 25 mA, de-
fines the magnitude of the locating current only for DC systems. For AC locating currents see
"chapter 4.4".
It must also be checked prior to a measurement with reduced locating current (switch position 10
mA or 1 mA) whether sensitive system components could be triggered unintentionally.

4.4 Response sensitivity characteristics of the EDS195PM

The type of system, system voltage, system frequency, system leakage capacitance and locating cur-
rent all affect the EDS system's response sensitivity. The magnitude of the locating current can be set
on the locating current injector PGH18…. A reduced locating current is produced in AC systems de-
pending on the type of system. In comparison to DC systems the related factor in AC systems is 0.5
and in 3AC systems 0.67. For this reason set the response value on the EDS195PM for usage in AC and
3AC systems as follows:

Settings Main circuit Control circuit PV system

Equipment for EDS3091PG
EDS3090PG-13 EDS3096PV
insulation fault location EDS3091PG-13
PSA3020, PSA3052,
EDS195PM setting: PSA3320, PSA3352 PSA3052
select the measuring clamp type Measuring range Measuring range
Measuring range
using button 0,2…5 mA 2…50 mA
2…50 mA
PGH18… setting: 25 mA 2,5 mA 25 mA
locating current IL (PGH185/186) (PGH183) (PGH186)
Response range EDS195PM
2…10 mA 0,2…1 mA 2…10 mA
Menu item 2.2: I∆L ALM
PGH18… setting: 10 mA 1 mA 10 mA
reduced locating current IL (PGH185/186) (PGH183) (PGH186)
Response range EDS195PM
with reduced locating current 2…5 mA 0,2…0,5 mA 2…5 mA
Menu item 2.2: I∆L ALM

Tab. 4.1: Settings for the EDS195PM and the PGH18…

For the response value setting see menu item “2. Settings/ 2. I∆L) on page 42. The response values
are given as characteristics that can have a maximum error of ±30 %. Measuring clamp tolerances are
included here. The characteristics apply at the related nominal voltage stated.
In case of variation in the nominal voltage, a proportional change in the response values is to be ex-
pected. In case of system voltages that change dynamically or in case of superimposed DC currents
and AC currents that vary from the system frequency (e.g. due to frequency converters), response
values outside the ranges shown may result.

24 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
Considerations prior to use

The characteristics below enable you to simply determine a practical response value for the
EDS195PM. If the insulation monitoring device in a monitored system indicates an alarm message,
manual insulation fault location can be started. Proceed as follows:
1. Select the characteristics (3AC, AC, DC) that are appropriate for your type of system.
2. From these, select the diagram that best matches the desired system voltage.
3. Calculate the expected leakage capacitance Ce of the system monitored. Insulation monitoring
devices in the IRDH… series can indicate the magnitude of the leakage capacitance (press
INFO button). Apply this value to the diagram in the form of a vertical line.
If it is not possible to check the capacitance, the highest capacitance in the related diagram is
to be taken.
4. The characteristics shown indicate the response sensitivity of the EDS195PM in main circuits
for 2 mA, 5 mA and 10 mA and in control circuits for 0.2 mA, 0.5 mA and
1 mA. Values above the related curve cannot be measured. Values and characteristics that lie in
the area between the upper and lower characteristic can be estimated approximately using
the existing characteristics.
5. Set the required response value, on the left of the line from point 3., on the EDS195PM.
6. The characteristics for DC 24 V and AC 42 V do not apply to the EDS3096, as the locating cur-
rent generator operates with a locating voltage of DC 50 V. For this reason the curves for
DC 60 V and AC 110 V apply at these nominal voltages.

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 25
Considerations prior to use

4.4.1 Response characteristics for main circuits in 3AC systems

Bei der Anwendung des CTAF-SET gilt nur die Kennlinie für 10 mA!

160 3AC400V
RF [k]

RF [k]
2mA 2mA
5mA 100 5mA
80 10mA
80 60
20 20

0 0
0 50 100 150 0 20 40 60 80
Ce[uF] Ce[uF]

3AC500V 3AC690V
160 250
RF [k]


2mA 2mA
5mA 5mA
120 10mA
100 150
60 100

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50
Ce[uF] Ce[uF]

26 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
Considerations prior to use

4.4.2 Response characteristics for main circuits in AC systems

AC42V AC110V
18 30
RF [k]

RF [k]
2mA 2mA
5mA 25 5mA
10mA 10mA
12 20
6 10
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Ce[uF] Ce[uF]

AC230V AC400V
60 100
RF [k]

RF [k]
2mA 2mA
50 5mA 5mA
80 10mA
40 70
30 50
20 30
10 20
0 0
0 50 100 150 0 20 40 60 80 100
Ce[uF] Ce[uF]

4.4.3 Response characteristics for main circuits in DC systems

10 25
RF [k]
RF [k]

2mA 2mA
5mA 5mA
8 10mA
20 10mA

6 15

4 10

2 5

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Ce[uF] Ce[uF]

DC110V DC230V
50 100
RF [k]
RF [k]

2mA 2mA
45 90
5mA 5mA
40 10mA 80 10mA
35 70
30 60
25 50
20 40
15 30
10 20
5 10
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150
Ce[uF] Ce[uF]

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 27
Considerations prior to use

4.4.4 Response characteristics for control circuits in AC systems

AC42V AC110V
120 250
RF [k]

RF [k]
0,2mA 0,2mA
100 0,5mA 200 0,5mA
1mA 1mA
80 150
0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
0 5 10 15 20 25 Ce[uF]

RF [k]

500 0,5mA




0 2 4 6 8

4.4.5 Response characteristics for control circuits in DC systems

120 250
RF [k]


0,2mA 0,2mA
100 0,5mA 0,5ma
1mA 1mA

20 50

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 5 10 15 20
Ce[uF] Ce[uF]
DC110V DC230V
450 1000
RF [k]


0,2mA 0,2mA
400 900
0,5mA 0,5mA
350 1mA 800
300 700
250 600
100 200
50 100
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Ce[uF] Ce[uF]

28 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
5. Connecting the locating current injector
Hazard due to excessively high locating voltage!
Check the information on the nameplate to ensure the devices to be connected
are suitable for the supplying system. The operation of the PGH18… and possi-
CAUTION bly the power supply unit with an incorrect supply voltage can cause irreparable
damage to the devices.

Prior to commissioning check whether all system components are correctly

connected together.

5.1 Disconnecting insulation monitoring device

During insulation fault location using the EDS309… an existing insulation monitoring device must
be disconnected from the system for the duration of the fault location if its internal resistance is
Ri < 120 kΩ. During this process the connection to the system must be interrupted on all poles, shut-
ting down the supply voltage to the insulation monitoring device is insufficient. On the usage of
such a device with Ri ≥ 120 kΩ the effect is negligible, disconnection is not required in this case. How-
ever the PGH18… will affect the measurement made by the insulation monitoring device.

5.2 Locating current injector in an electrically isolated IT system

For insulation fault location in electrically isolated systems using the EDS3096PG, the integrated
voltage source G in the PGH186 supplies a locating voltage.
The locating voltage DC 50 V is provided by the PGH186 at the socket L1(+). Make sure that this sock-
et is coupled to the system to be monitored during insulation fault location, only then will the inte-
grated voltage source in the PGH186 be effective.

Note that the active conductors in the system to be checked must be coupled
together via loads or the electrically isolated power supply.

US = 0 V
L1(L+) IT system





1 2

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 29
Connecting the locating current injector

5.3 Connection to a live IT system

Risk of electric shock!

On touching live uninsulated conductors, death or serious injury may be caused.
For this reason prevent any physical contact with active conductors and follow
DANGER the rules for working on electrical systems.

Risk of electric shock!

If the PGH18… is connected using terminals L1, L2, L3 (or L1, L2) to a system that
is live due to its operation, the terminal must not be disconnected from the
DANGER protective earth conductor (PE). Otherwise the terminal will be at the dangerous
system voltage!

Connect the locating current injector PGH18… as follows:

EDS195PM I n I L


I n




system system

DC system

30 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
Connecting the locating current injector

5.4 Connection to a PV system

Risk of electric shock!

On touching live uninsulated conductors, death or serious injury may be caused.
For this reason prevent any physical contact with active conductors and follow
DANGER the rules for working on electrical systems.

Risk of electric shock!

If the PGH186 is connected using terminals L1(+) und L2(–) to a system that is live
due to its operation, the terminal must not be disconnected from the protec-
DANGER tive earth conductor (PE). Otherwise the terminal will be at the dangerous system

Risk of short circuit!

When the EDS3090PV is connected with test leads without integrated fuses a
short circuit may occur due to incorrect wiring. Connect the EDS3090PV with the
CAUTION accompanying test lead with integrated fuses to reduce the risk of a short circuit.

Connect the locating current injector PGH186 as follows:

Central inverter
IT system
Junction Box Transformer
Strings =



PSA30.. PGH186


SET L2(-)

195PM E


PGH186 Locating current injector
AGE185 Coupling device
EDS3096PV Equipment for insulation fault location
EDS195PM Insulation fault locator
PSA30.. Measuring clamp (locating current sensor)
EDS-SET BNC Tee connector and 2 BNC cables for fault localisation in diode-decoupled systems

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 31
Connecting the locating current injector

For insulation fault location within the junction box, it is essential that the ± cables of a string are ar-
ranged in a way that the measuring clamp PSA30… can be put around the cables.
Insulation faults in the strings can be localised by means of two measuring clamps connected in par-
allel and an EDS-SET. For this purpose, place the measuring clamps on both sides of the module sup-
ply conductors in the direction indicated by the arrows.

32 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
6. Operation

6.1 Short description of insulation fault location (EDS mode)

Risk of electric shock!

On touching live uninsulated conductors, death or serious injury may be caused.
For this reason avoid any contact whatsoever with active conductors on posi-
DANGER tioning the measuring clamp.

6.1.1 Commissioning the PGH18… for locating current injection

1. The PGH18… is to be connected first to PE in the system to be checked, see page 30
2. Then connect the PGH18… to the active conductors
3. Connect device to US and switch on
If the locating current IL is to be supplied by an IRDH575, select the EDS-Setup menu item on this de-
vice and set to EDS=On.

6.1.2 Insulation fault location using EDS195PM

1. There must be no conductors in the measuring clamp and the measuring clamp must be sta-
tionary during commissioning
2. Switch on EDS195PM without current transformer using the button
3. Wait for the end of the self test and the message "No CT connected"
4. Set required current transformer type using the button
5. Connect selected current transformer and wait for end of the self-test
6. Fit measuring clamp to PE conductor between PGH18… (IRDH575) and, for example, PE rail to
demonstrate that the necessary locating current IL is flowing.
7. Place measuring clamp around the associated active conductors for the related outgoing cir-
cuit. Caution! Do not include PE in the cables in the clamp!
8. Read measured value and evaluate.
If the response value set has been exceeded, the "ALARM" LED flashes.

6.2 Detailed description of insulation fault location

 For information on using the EDS309… without a permanently installed EDS system, see
page 45
 For information on using the EDS309… in addition to a permanently installed EDS system, see
page 48
 For information on using the EDS309… in diode-decoupled DC systems, see page 52

6.3 Description of a residual current measurement

Using the EDS195PM it is also possible to undertake residual current measurements up to a value of
10 A, see page 52.

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 33

6.4 Displays and controls on the PGH18…






3(N)AC 0...575V mit/with 500...790V

DC 0...504V AGE185 400...960V




5 4
1 ON/OFF switch, switch on or off locating current

2 Changeover switch for maximum locating current values: 25/10 mA or 2.5/1 mA

Not shown: magnetic strip on rear of housing for fastening to metal items (e.g. switch
4 3 sockets for coupling to system

5 Socket for PE connection

Indicator LEDs:
ON Operation LED
Indication of positive locating current cycle
Indication of negative locating current cycle
7 Fine-wire fuse 100 mA

8 Flush mounted connector for supply voltage

34 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017

6.5 Displays and controls on the EDS195PM

EDS195P I L I n

Bender GmbH&CoKG
D-35305 Grünberg


11 I L

9 6

8 7

1 BNC connection for measuring clamp

LC display, illuminated
3 lines of 16 characters
- Flashes if the response value is exceeded
- Illuminates continuously on rectification of the fault, if the fault memory is
Button for selecting the current transformer:
- PSA30xx = PSA30… / PSA3165 (suitable for ILmax = 50 mA)
- CTAF-SET (suitable for ILmax = 50 mA,
ILmin = 25mA
4 - W/WR/WS = W…. / WR…. / WS…. (suitable for ILmax = 50 mA)
- PSA33xx = PSA33… (suitable for ILmax = 5 mA)
- W/WS-8000 = W….-8000 / WS….-8000 (suitable for ILmax = 5 mA)
- WF = WF…. (only suitable for I∆n)
INFO button:
- Device type, date, time, manufacturer
- Software version
- Actual response values I∆L and I∆n
- Status word (setup status)
ESC button:
Leave a menu function without changing parameters

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 35

MENU button:
OK Open the menu
6 MENU Enter button:
Accept modified parameter values or selected menu items

7 On/Off button

8 Button for switching on/off the display lighting

RESET button: delete fault memory

9 RESET Down button: move down in the menu, reduce parameter values

HOLD button: save the measured value

10 HOLD Up button: move up in the menu, increase parameter values

Button for selecting the operating mode:

11 I I∆L = Insulation fault location in IT systems (EDS mode)
I I∆n = Residual current measurement in TN-S systems (RCM mode)

12 Micro USB connection for charging the device's rechargeable battery

6.6 Operating the EDS195PM

6.6.1 Switching on and off the device
1. Switch on the device without current transformer using On/Off button.
The self-test is started after switching on.
If the self-test is completed normally "No CT connected" appears.
2. You can switch off the device by pressing the On-Off button for around 2 s.

D-35305 Grünberg

>>>Self test<<<
CT in rest pos.!
>> >> >> >>

No CT connected

PM PSA30xx

Abb. 6.1: Start sequence for the EDS195PM

36 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017

6.6.2 Changing the measuring clamp

Two methods can be used to change the measuring clamp.
 Changing with EDS195PM switched off:
– Disconnect clamp no longer required
– Switch on EDS195PM
– Wait for "No CT connected" message
– Set required clamp type
– Connect related clamp
– Wait for end of self-test.

 Changing with the EDS195PM in operation:

– Disconnect clamp from the device
– Wait for "No CT connected" message
– Set required clamp type
– Connect related clamp
– Wait for end of self-test.

6.6.3 Improved legibility due to display lighting

Press the button at the bottom left to improve the legibility of text and symbols.
Switch off the lighting by pressing the button again.

6.6.4 Changing between insulation fault location IΔL and

residual current measurement IΔn operating modes
Here you can select the measuring function. I∆n for residual current measurement preferably in
TN/TT systems. I∆L for insulation fault location in IT systems.
Avoid changing the mode during insulation fault location.

6.6.5 Quickly checking the response values for IΔL and IΔn
Press the INFO button three times to display the actual response values.

6.6.6 Checking Info menu

The following information appears on the display in succession on pressing the INFO button:
 Device name, time, date and manufacturer
 Software version with date
 Actual response values I∆L and I∆n
 Status information, coded, see page 61

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 37

6.6.7 Significance of the display elements

The elements shown relate to the EDS mode (I∆L). This mode is used for insulation fault location.

8 1
I L = 8mA
7 Resp. = 5mA
PM H PSA30xx

6 5 4 3

Indication of the locating current pulse:

= Positive pulse,
= Pause or no measurement possible when permanently displayed
= Negative pulse
29 = Timer (29…0) shows the duration of a measurement of an outgoing
Indication of the selected transformer type:
- PSA30xx = PSA30… / PSA3165 (suitable for ILmax = 50 mA)
- CTAF-SET (suitable for ILmax = 50 mA
ILmin = 25 mA)
2 - W/WR/WS = W…. / WR…. / WS…. (suitable for ILmax = 50 mA)
- PSA33xx = PSA33… (suitable for ILmax = 5 mA)
- W/WS-8000 = W….-8000 / WS….-8000 (suitable for ILmax = 5 mA)
- WF = WF…. (only suitable for I∆n)

3 H = Hold function is activated; measured value indication "frozen"

4 M = Fault memory is activated

Loudspeaker symbol visible:
The presence of an alarm is also output audibly
6 Charge state of the rechargeable battery in the steps 0%, 33%, 66%,100%

7 Resp. = Response value I∆L

8 I∆L = Indication of the actual locating current measured

38 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017

6.7 Standard displays on the EDS195PM

6.7.1 EDS measurement (IΔL) Standard display if there is no cable to be measured in the clamp

The device is in the EDS mode (I∆L).
A measured locating current I∆L is not indicated, as there is no conductor in the measuring clamp.
The display shows the timer count (29…0).

I L = mA 29
Anspr. = 5mA
PM PSA30xx Standard display for EDS measurement (IΔL) with cable in the clamp
The display is indicating a measured fault current I∆L of 3 mA. A measurement in progress is indicated
by the change in the polarity of the measuring pulse ( ) with a pause (- - -) in between.
I L = 3mA I L = mA
Resp. = 5mA Anspr. = 5mA
PM PSA30xx PM PSA30xx
Note that only half the magnitude of the locating current IL generated by the PGH18… in AC systems
is indicated by EDS195PM. The half-wave rectification used in the PGH18… reduces the value indi-
cated in AC systems to 50 %, in 3AC systems to 67 %. Standard display for measuring faults or pauses between changes in polarity of the
measuring pulse
When no measurement is possible due to low frequency residual currents or because the measuring
clamp is not being held still, the display permanently indicates a pause (- - -) at the top right corner.
During the evaluation of the measurement the display indicates a pause (- - -) for a short time only.
I L = mA
Anspr. = 5mA
PM PSA30xx

6.7.2 RCM measurement (IΔn) Standard display for RCM measurement (IΔn) with cable in the clamp
The display is indicating the measured residual current I∆n of 16 mA.
The residual current response value set is 100 mA.

I n = 16mA
Resp. = 100mA
PM PSA30xx
The following display appears if menu item "2.Settings/7.Harmonics: on" is activated. This setting can
only be used for 50 Hz or 60 Hz systems.
For the 1st harmonic (fundamental) the display is indicating a measured current of 10 mA as well as
a total harmonic distortion THD of 39 %.

I n = 16mA
H1 = 10mA THD = 39%
PM PSA30xx

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 39

6.8 Alarms during EDS measurement or RCM measurement

If one of the response values set I∆L or I∆n is exceeded, the ALARM LED flashes. If the fault memory M
is activated, the ALARM LED continues to illuminate after the removal of the fault.
The alarm saved is cleared using the RESET button.

I L = 8mA Alarm during insulation fault

Resp. = 5mA ALARM location (EDS):
PM PSA30xx LED flashes

I n = 1.6A Alarm during a residual current

Resp. = 100mA ALARM measurement (RCM):
PM PSA30xx LED flashes

6.9 Indication of device and measuring errors

The following table explains the error messages that may occur.

Can only occur after the end of the self-test:

- Incorrect current transformer type set
- During the self-test the clamp was:
Self test error
Not stationary
PRESS ->RESET Or a residual current was flowing through it
PM PSA30xx Or the PGH locating current was flowing through it
- EDS195PM hardware faulty
Press the "RESET" button to restart a self test.
No measuring clamp or no measuring current transformer on
No CT connected the measuring input or incorrect transformer type connected
PM PSA30xx Connect correct measuring clamp or correct measuring current
A permanent display of pause (- - -) indicates no measurement is
I L = mA possible.
Anspr. = 5mA Steps:
PM PSA30xx - Hold the measuring clamp still
- Avoid low frequency residual currents
A malfunction has occurred during insulation fault location
Possible causes:
- The measuring clamp was not held still.
Error IL - There is a low frequency residual current flowing through the
measuring clamp that is interfering with the EDS measurement
PM PSA30xx - There a magnetic field around the measuring clamp that is
interfering with the EDS measurement
- EDS195PM hardware faulty

If the EDS195 can no longer detect the locating current due to system interfer-
ence and an existing alarm is therefore cleared, an insulation fault will be detect-
ed again at the end of the interference.

40 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017

6.10 Factory settings EDS195PM (state as supplied)

Most of the settings are made on the menu. If this is not the case, the setting is marked with
Operating mode (button): I∆L (EDS mode = insulation fault location)
Current transformer (button): Measuring clamp PSA3052 (for EDS3090 and 3096)
Measuring clamp PSA3352 (for EDS3091)
Illumination (button): Off
Fault memory: On
Buzzer: On
Response value I∆L with PSA30…: 5 mA
Response value I∆L with PSA33…: 0.5 mA
Response value I∆n: 100 mA
System frequency I∆n: 50 Hz
Measurement of harmonics I∆n: Off
User interface language: English
Time: CET

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 41

6.11 Menu structure

The menu structure is shown schematically in the following.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 or explanation

1. Exit
1. Exit
2. Settings
2. I∆L ALM: 0.2…10 mA Response value measured locating current I∆L
3. I∆n ALM: 10 mA…10 A Response value residual current I∆n
4. Memory: on/off
5. Buzzer: on/off Audible alarm
6. Frequ.: 50/60Hz/up to 1kHz Frequency of the system monitored
7. Harmonics: on/off Indication of harmonics and total harmonic
distortion THD in %

3. System 1. Exit

1. Exit
2. Language
2. German
3. English
4. French
5. Russian
3. Clock 1. Exit
2. Format: D.M.Y
3. Date
4. Time
4. Contrast: 0…15 Contrast setting for display

4. Harmonics 1. Exit
This menu item is used only for the indication
2. H1 < 10 mA
of harmonics from H1 to H8. To display the
3. H2 < 10 mA
harmonic with the greatest amplitude in the
standard display with the menu closed, the
9. H8 < 10 mA
menu item "7. Harmonics: on/off" on the Set-
tings menu is to be activated

5. I∆L alarms 1. Exit

2. Entries Alarm No. 001
No. 002
No. ......
3. Delete 1. Exit
2. Delete Data
6. I∆n logger 1. Exit
2. Entries Entry No. 001
No. 002
No. ......
Percentage change from which logging
3. Change: 10…100 %
becomes active

4. Overwrite: yes/no Overwrite oldest data record

5. Delete 1. Exit
2. Delete Data
7. Service For service only

42 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017

6.11.1 Navigating in the menu

- Open the menu using MENU OK

- Select a menu item MENU
or accept a value using OK

- Navigate up or down in the menu

- Increase or reduce values

- Return from the last menu item selected INFO
- Discard modified setting without saving

6.11.2 Menu item: Settings

Using this menu item you can access the following parameters for the insulation fault location and
for the residual current measurement to:
 Set the response value for the locating current I∆L measured with the measuring clamp to
between 0.2…10 mA.
This value range is equally suitable for control circuits (0.2…1 mA) and main circuits (2…10 mA).
On the usage of the locating current injector note that the permissible locating current defined
for control circuits is ILmax = 5 mA, while for main circuits it is ILmax = 50 mA.
 Set the response value for the residual current I∆n measured with the measuring clamp to
between 10 mA and
10 A
 Activate or deactivate the fault memory
 Activate or deactivate audible signalling of alarms
 Set the frequency of the system monitored
 Enable the indication of the harmonics to display the current for the harmonic with the greatest
amplitude in the standard display. All harmonics from H1 to H8 can be checked using menu
item "4. Harmonics", see also page 44. Note that with harmonics activated only system frequen-
cies of 50 Hz and 60 Hz can be selected.

Level 1 Level 2 Meaning

2. Settings 1. Exit
2. I∆L ALM: 0.2…10 mA Response value measured locating current I∆L
3. I∆n ALM: 10 mA…10 A Response value residual current I∆n
4. Memory: on/off
5. Buzzer: on/off Audible alarm
6. Frequ.: 50/60Hz/up to 1kHz Frequency of the system monitored
7. Harmonics: on/off Indication or harmonics and total harmonic distortion THD

Alarms are signalled by the Alarm LED and the buzzer (delivery condition).

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 43

6.11.3 Menu item: System

Use this menu item to select the language for the user interface and to set the correct date and time.
The date format can be changed.
You can adjust the quality of the display by adjusting the contrast.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 or explanation

3. System 1. Exit

1. Exit
2. Language
2. German
3. English
4. French
5. Russian
3. Clock 1. Exit
2. Format: D.M.Y
3. Date
4. Time
4. Contrast: 0…15 Contrast setting for display

6.11.4 Menu item: Harmonics

This menu item is used only for the indication of harmonics from H1 to H8.

Level 1 Level 2 Meaning

4. Harmonics 1. Exit
2. H1 < 10 mA This menu item is used only for the indication of har-
3. H2 < 10 mA monics from H1 to H8. To display the harmonics, acti-
..... vate the menu item
9. H8 < 10 mA "2.Setting/7. Harmonics: on/off"

6.11.5 Menu item: IΔL alarms

Using this menu item you can check the alarms recorded automatically during insulation fault loca-
tion. The data records are numbered and contain the following information:
 The start of the alarm
 The end of the alarm
 The minimum locating current I∆L measured
 The maximum locating current I∆L measured
A maximum of 300 data records are saved.
The existing data records can be deleted using the menu.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Meaning

5. I∆L alarms 1. Exit
2. Entries Alarm No. 001 Period for the recording and min./
No. 002 max. values measured for I∆L

No. ......
3. Delete 1. Exit
2. Data delete

44 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017

6.11.6 Menu item: IΔn logger

Using this menu item you can check the measured values recorded automatically during a residual
current measurement. The data records are numbered and contain the following information:
 The start time for the measurement and the change in the residual current monitored
 The residual current I∆n measured
A maximum of 300 data records are saved.
The existing data records can be deleted using the menu.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Meaning

6. I∆n logger 1. Exit
2. Entries Entry No. 001
Time of the recording and
No. 002 residual current I∆n measured
No. ......
3. Change: Percentage change from which log-
10…100 % ging becomes active
4. Overwrite:
Overwrite oldest data record
5. Delete 1. Exit
2. Data delete

6.12 Practical usage

6.12.1 Insulation fault location in a system without a permanently installed EDS system

Risk of electric shock!

On touching live uninsulated conductors, death or serious injury may be caused.
For this reason avoid any contact whatsoever with active conductors on con-
DANGER necting the PGH and positioning the measuring clamp.

The EDS309… is primarily used as a portable insulation fault location system in unearthed IT sys-
tems. Once all the instructions in chapter “Considerations prior to use” on page 21 have been fol-
lowed, insulation fault location can be started. Proceed as follows during this process:
1. Check whether the system voltage is within the permissible limits.
The permissible voltages are stated in the user interface on the PGH18….
2. Connect the locating current injector PGH18… close to the feed, see connection diagram on
page 30. During this process follow the general guidelines for working with electrically live sys-
– First connect the PE socket on the PGH18… to the system's PE using the green-yellow wire.
– Then connect the PGH18… to the system to be checked using the connection wires pro-

Three-phase system Connect sockets L1, L2 and L3 to the system

Single-phase AC or DC Connect sockets L1 and L2 to the system

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 45

3. Connect the PGH18… to a suitable power supply using the power cable supplied (see name-
4. If there is an insulation monitoring device with an Ohmic internal resistance < 120 kΩ in the IT
system to be checked, disconnect it from the system to be checked on all poles. It is not suffi-
cient to switch off the power supply to the insulation monitoring device.
5. Set the maximum locating current using the Imax switch on the PGH18…. Follow the instruc-
tions in chapter “Reduced locating current” on page 24.
6. Switch on the PGH18…. The "ON" LED illuminates and the two " " and " " LEDs flash
alternately in synchronism with the test cycle. If there is no activity indicated on the LEDs, check
the supply voltage and the fine-wire fuse that can be accessed from the front panel.
7. Switch on the EDS195PM without a current transformer connected by pressing the button.
The device undertakes a self-test and outputs the error message "No CT connected" because a
current transformer is not connected.
8. Now select the type of measuring clamp or measuring current transformer to be connected
using the button. The device undertakes a further self-test and outputs the error message
"No CT connected" because a current transformer is not connected
9. Then connect the pre-selected measuring clamp or the pre-selected measuring current trans-
former to the EDS195PM. The device undertakes a further self-test and is then in the EDS
mode. "I∆L" appears in the first line of the display.
10. On handling the measuring clamp note:
– Do not bring measuring clamp into contact with system voltages above the rated insulation
voltage (see nameplate on the measuring clamp with information on measuring category,
e.g. CAT III)
– Always keep contact surfaces on measuring clamp's iron core clean.
– Do not use measuring clamp in the immediate vicinity of devices that produce magnetic
fields such as transformers or chokes and also not near adjacent conductors carrying high
– Never disconnect measuring clamp from the EDS195PM while it is placed around electrically
live conductors. Otherwise the measuring clamp may be irreparably damaged!
– Aim for the best possible symmetry of the conductors in the measuring clamp. Otherwise
the measuring clamp may go into saturation due to an excessively high load current and
cause an alarm I∆n >10 A.
– Keep the measuring clamp still during the measurement!
– During the measurement do not apply any pressure to the clamp limb.
11. Cover the green and yellow lead between PHG18… and earth with the measuring clamp. A
measurement process should take no more than 30 seconds. When the EDS195PM is ready to
take a measurement, the countdown (29…0) at the top right corner of the display starts. If the
time has expired and no error has been found, the countdown starts again. During a measure-
ment, the EDS195PM shows recognized test current signals with pauses in between:
i.e. --- .
In the case of a measurement fault, the display permanently indicates pause (- - -).
There are 3 reasons for this:
– The insulation fault resistance is too high and cannot be measured by the EDS195PM.
– The measuring clamp is not being held still. Hold the clamp still during measurement.
– Low frequency residual currents or magnetic fields in the environment have been superim-
posed on the test current pulse. Avoid these disturbances.

46 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017

12. Start the insulation fault location from the main distribution area of the IT system. Place the
measuring clamp around all system conductors, but not the PE conductor. During each meas-
urement wait one test cycle (approx. 30 seconds). A flashing alarm LED on the EDS195PM sig-
nals an insulation fault after (from the point of view of the locating current injector) the
measuring clamp. It recommended to have the buzzer activated during the search.

13. Now measure along the cable using the EDS195PM until the fault is found. During this process
move into sub-distribution systems using a star-shaped approach. The location of the fault is
found when the locating current in the measuring clamp generated by the PGH18… exceeds
as a minimum the response value set on EDS195PM.

Possible error messages

 Self test error:
– Incorrect current transformer type set
– EDS195PM hardware faulty
– Clamp moved while the indication ">>>Self test<<<" was displayed
– An interfering residual current is flowing through the clamp
– There is a PGH locating pulse acting on the clamp
 No CT connected:
Measuring clamp or measuring current transformer not connected or faulty.
 Error I∆L (can only be indicated while a measurement is in progress):
– Low frequency interference, measurement not possible
– EDS195PM hardware faulty
 I∆n >10 A / >1 A:
There is a residual current > 10 A or >1 A flowing through the measuring clamp. In this case it is
not possible to locate the insulation fault on the related outgoing circuit. Residual currents of
this magnitude in an IT system can be caused by large system leakage capacitances or multiple
insulation faults. It is therefore possible that there is an insulation fault on this outgoing circuit
also with this alarm message.

At operating currents < 10 A a measurement can also be made by placing the

clamp around only one conductor. At currents > 10 A it may no longer be possi-
ble to open the measuring clamp. This risk is particularly apparent in DC systems.
If this effect occurs, under no circumstances apply force; this action would irrep-
arably damage the measuring clamp. Instead the related system must be shut
down. It will then be possible to open the measuring clamp without the need to
apply force.

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 47

6.12.2 Insulation fault location in a system with a permanently installed EDS system
The EDS195PM can also be used in a permanently installed EDS system (EDS460/490 or EDS461/491).
In a large, complex IT system the main outgoing circuits are often monitored by the permanently in-
stalled EDS system. Once the main outgoing circuit affected by an insulation fault is detected, the
search is continued from there using the portable EDS195PM.
During this process the EDS195PM uses the locating current pulse from the permanently installed
EDS system (IRDH575, PGH47…). The PGH18… is not required for this application.
The PGH18… is not included in the items supplied with the EDS3090 and EDS3091. Insulation fault
location is therefore only possible in electrically live IT systems. Also follow the operating instruc-
tions for the permanently installed EDS system.

Risk of electric shock!

On touching live uninsulated conductors, death or serious injury may be caused.
For this reason avoid any contact whatsoever with active conductors on posi-
DANGER tioning the measuring clamp.

Example: The insulation monitoring device has signalled an insulation fault below its response value
and started the permanently installed EDS system. The main outgoing circuit affected by the insula-
tion fault has been detected. Proceed as follows for the further insulation fault location:
1. Set the mode of the EDS system to continuous insulation fault location:
– IRDH575: On the "EDS Setup" menu set the "EDS on" mode
– PGH471: Press "Start/Stop" button
2. Switch on the EDS195PM without a current transformer connected by pressing the button.
The device undertakes a self-test and outputs the error message "No CT connected" because a
current transformer is not connected.
3. Now select the type of measuring clamp or measuring current transformer to be connected
using the button. The device undertakes a further self-test and outputs the error message
"No CT connected" because a current transformer is not connected
4. Then connect the pre-selected measuring clamp or the pre-selected measuring current trans-
former to the EDS195PM. The device undertakes a further self-test and is then in the EDS
mode. "I∆L" appears in the first line of the display.
5. On handling measuring clamps note:
– Do not bring measuring clamp into contact with system voltages above the nominal insula-
tion voltage. (See nameplate on the measuring clamp with information on measuring cate-
gory, e.g. CAT III)
– Always keep contact surfaces on measuring clamp's iron core clean.
– Do not use measuring clamp in the immediate vicinity of devices that produce magnetic fields
such as transformers or chokes and also not near adjacent conductors carrying high currents.
– Never disconnect measuring clamp from the EDS195PM while it is placed around electrically
live conductors. Otherwise the measuring clamp may be irreparably damaged!
– Aim for the best possible symmetry of the conductors in the measuring clamp.
Otherwise the measuring clamp may go into saturation due to an excessively high load cur-
rent and cause an alarm I∆n >10 A.
– Keep the measuring clamp still during the measurement!
– During the measurement do not apply any pressure to the clamp limb.
6. Place the measuring clamp around the green-yellow wire between the IRDH575 or PGH47…
and earth. If the EDS195PM does not react, the insulation fault has an excessively high imped-
ance and cannot be detected. Locating current pulses detected are indicated using the symbol.

48 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017

7. Start the insulation fault location in the outgoing circuit of the IT system already detected as
faulty. Place the measuring clamp around all system conductors, but not the PE conductor.
During each measurement wait one test cycle (approx. 30 seconds). A flashing alarm LED on the
EDS195PM signals an insulation fault after (from the point of view of the locating current injec-
tor) the measuring clamp. It recommended to have the buzzer activated during the search.
8. Now measure along the cable using the EDS195PM until the insulation fault is found. During
this process move into sub-distribution systems using a star-shaped approach. The location of
the fault is found when the locating current generated by the iso685-D-P, isoxx1685xP,
IRDH575 or test current generator PGH47…in the measuring clamp exceeds as a minimum the
response value set on EDS195PM.

Possible error messages

 Self test error:
– Incorrect current transformer type set
– EDS195PM hardware faulty
– Clamp moved while the indication ">>>Self test<<<" was displayed
– An interfering residual current is flowing through the clamp
– There is a PGH locating pulse acting on the clamp
 No CT connected:
Measuring clamp or measuring current transformer not connected or faulty.
 Error I∆L (can only be indicated while a measurement is in progress):
– Low frequency interference, measurement not possible
– EDS195PM hardware faulty
 I∆n >10 A / >1 A:
There is a residual current > 10 A or > 1 A flowing through the measuring clamp. In this case it is
not possible to locate the insulation fault on the related outgoing circuit. Residual currents of
this magnitude in an IT system can be caused by large system leakage capacitances or multiple
insulation faults. It is therefore possible that there is an insulation fault on this outgoing circuit
also with this alarm message.

At operating currents < 10 A a measurement can also be made by placing the

clamp around only one conductor. At currents > 10 A it may no longer be possi-
ble to open the measuring clamp. This risk is particularly apparent in DC systems.
If this effect occurs, under no circumstances apply force; this action would irrep-
arably damage the measuring clamp. Instead the related system must be shut
down. It will then be possible to open the measuring clamp without the need to
apply force.

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 49

6.12.3 Insulation fault location in diode-decoupled DC systems

In diode-decoupled DC systems equalising currents occur in and between the decoupled circuits.
The direction and magnitude of these equalising currents is dependent on voltages in the system,
the characteristics of the decoupling diodes and the characteristics of the loads.
On the usage of the insulation fault location system EDS309… in such systems these equalising cur-
rents make themselves apparent and can degrade the accuracy of the measurement. For this reason
we recommend the usage of the EDS309… in diode-decoupled systems as shown in the sketch on
the next page.

Risk of electric shock!

On touching live uninsulated conductors, death or serious injury may be caused.
For this reason avoid any contact whatsoever with active conductors on con-
DANGER necting the PGH and positioning the measuring clamp.

During this process please note:

 Always use two measuring clamps of the same type.
Attention: this clamp type must also be set on the EDS195PM.
 For this purpose use the EDS195PM set (see ordering data, page 62).
 Take into account the maximum length of the coax cable of 10 m per measuring clamp.
 The usage of two measuring clamps results in a sensitivity loss of around 10 %.
 It is imperative both measuring clamps are used such that the direction of the flow of energy
corresponds to the arrow printed on the clamp.
Example: The central insulation monitoring device in a DC system without permanently installed in-
sulation fault location system (EDS) has signalled an insulation fault that is below the insulation value
that can be located using the EDS system. Once all the instructions from chapter "4. Considerations
prior to use" have been followed, fault location in a modified form can be started. Proceed as follows
during this process:
1. Read the actual insulation resistance on the insulation monitoring device. If the value read for
the insulation resistance is lower than the maximum insulation fault that can be located by the
EDS system, two appropriate identical measuring clamps (e.g. 2 x PSA3020 or
2 x PSA3052) are required for the insulation fault location.
2. Switch on the EDS195PM without a current transformer by pressing the button. The device
undertakes a self-test and outputs the error message "No CT connected".
3. Now select the type of measuring clamp(s) to be connected using the button. The device
undertakes a further self-test and outputs the error message "No CT connected" because a cur-
rent transformer is not connected
4. Then connect the pre-selected measuring clamp(s) to the EDS195PM. The device undertakes a
further self-test and is then in the EDS mode. "I∆L" appears in the first line of the display
5. Connect the PGH18… to the locating current injection points are shown on page 51.
6. Start the EDS system:
Switch on the PGH18…. The "ON" LED illuminates and the two and LEDs flash in synchronism
with the test cycle. If there is no activity indicated on the LEDs, check the supply voltage and
the fine-wire fuse fitted in the PGH18….
7. Insulation fault location in the system:
– Place a measuring clamp around each of the supply cables to the redundantly supplied
loads. During this process ensure that the clamp is placed around all related load supply
cables for a diode-decoupled load.
– Pay attention to identical directions of flow on the two measuring clamps (see connection

50 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017

diagram). For this purpose the measuring clamps are marked with an arrow
Place the two measuring clamps successively and systematically around all parallel outgoing cables
for loads. Outgoing cables for loads with an insulation fault are indicated by the flashing alarm LED
on the EDS195PM. The alarm messages are output in the same way as for an application with a single
measuring clamp. For possible error messages see page 47.


DC main distribution (DC 20-360 V)

Central coupling
of the insulation monitoring device (IMD)
and the locating current injector PGH185


Selector switch

Us AC 230 V


L+ L-










0 20 PGH186

A3 l max. =
10 m


m xx E

0 : 52 13 O

98 er H PR


x mmxx E
: B et : TG N

o. iam et O

0 : 52 13 O
-n D he P

98 er H PR

rt. r / as M


n L
at LA

: B et : TG N

o. iam et O
r. se D / C

-n D he P
-N mes t / E

rt. r / as M

at G

at LA
A urch bl N
D aten SZA

r. se D / C

-N mes t / GE

A urch bl N
D aten SZA



= 10

l max. EDS195PM I n



DC sub distribution

5 2/3
A 30
EDS195PM I n I L
Insulation fault
3x BE
0 : 52 H1 O
x mm x
B eter : TG N PR
t O
no am ee P
Ar r ta AM

. / se Da / CL

t.- / Di sh

Nr es / E
t.- hm tt G

Ar rc nbla AN
Du te SZ


I n


Abb. 6.2: Insulation fault location in diode-decoupled DC systems (connection diagram)

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 51

6.12.4 Usage of the EDS195PM as a residual current meter

The EDS195PM can be used as a residual current meter up to AC 10 A in TN and TT systems. Residual
current measurement is only possible in electrically live systems. The locating current
injector PGH18… is not required for this application.
1. Check whether the system voltage is within the permissible limits.
2. Switch on the EDS195PM without a current transformer connected by pressing the button.
The device undertakes a self-test and outputs the error message "No CT connected" because a
current transformer is not connected.
3. Now select the type of measuring clamp or measuring current transformer to be connected
using the button. The device undertakes a further self-test and outputs the error message
"No CT connected" because a current transformer is not connected
4. Then connect the pre-selected measuring clamp or the pre-selected measuring current trans-
former to the EDS195PM. The device undertakes a further self-test and is then in the EDS
mode. "I∆L" appears in the first line of the display.
5. Make the following settings:
– Change to the I∆n (RCM mode) function using the related button
– Set residual current response value using the menu path "2. Settings /3. I∆n ALM:"
6. On handling measuring clamps note:
– Do not bring measuring clamp into contact with system voltages above the nominal insula-
tion voltage. (See nameplate on the measuring clamp)
– During the measurement place the clamp around all system conductors, but not PE. Do not
place the clamp around screened conductors.
– Always keep contact surfaces on measuring clamp's iron core clean.
– Do not use measuring clamp in the immediate vicinity of devices that produce magnetic
fields such as transformers or chokes and also not near adjacent conductors carrying high
– Never disconnect measuring clamp from the EDS195PM while it is placed around electrically
live conductors. Otherwise the measuring clamp may be irreparably damaged!
– Aim for the best possible symmetry of the conductors in the measuring clamp.
Otherwise the measuring clamp may go into saturation due to an excessively high load cur-
rent and cause an alarm I∆n >10A.
– Keep the measuring clamp still or let go of it during the measurement!
– During the measurement do not apply any pressure to the clamp limb.
7. Start the measurement from the main distribution area of the system. Now measure along the
cable using the EDS195PM until the insulation fault is found. During this process move into
sub-distribution systems using a star-shaped approach.
8. EDS195PM indicates the residual current at each measuring point. If the residual current is
greater than the response value set, the "ALARM" LED illuminates and the measured value is
displayed. If the buzzer is activated, there is also an audible signal.
9. For long-term measurements at a point in the system, the fault memory is to be activated in
the menu 2.4 (Settings/Memory). In this way it is also possible to find intermittent residual cur-
rents provided they are above the response value set. The highest residual current measured is

52 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017

Possible error messages

 Self test error:
– Incorrect current transformer type set
– EDS195PM hardware faulty
– Clamp moved while the indication ">>>Self test<<<" was displayed
– An interfering residual current is flowing through the clamp
– There is a PGH locating pulse acting on the clamp
 No CT connected:
Measuring clamp or measuring current transformer not connected or faulty.
 Error I∆L (can only be indicated while a measurement is in progress):
– Low frequency interference, measurement not possible
– EDS195PM hardware faulty
 I∆n >10 A / > 1 A:
There is a residual current > 10 A or >1A flowing through the measuring clamp. In this case it is
not possible to locate the insulation fault on the related outgoing circuit. Residual currents of
this magnitude in an IT system can be caused by large system leakage capacitances or multiple
insulation faults. It is therefore possible that there is an insulation fault on this outgoing circuit
also with this alarm message

6.12.5 Indication of the harmonics during residual current measurement

Using the EDS195PM it is also possible to measure harmonics of the fundamental frequencies of 50
or 60 Hz.
1. Switch on the EDS195PM by pressing the button.
The device is in the EDS mode. I∆L appears in the first line of the display
2. Check correct setting for the selection of the clamp or current transformer on the display, cor-
rect if necessary
3. Now select the measurement type I∆n (RCM mode) using the I button
4. Then make the following settings:
– Check response value on menu 2.3 (Settings I∆n) and change if necessary
– Check system frequency on menu 2.6 (Settings I∆n) and change if necessary
– Activate measurement of the harmonics on menu 2.7 (Settings /Harmonics)
– Select the required harmonics on menu 4.
The EDS195PM indicates the harmonics of a residual current at each measuring point. If the residual
current is greater than the response value set, the "ALARM" LED flashes and the measured value is
displayed. If the buzzer is activated, there is also an audible signal.
After the activation of the harmonics in menu 2.7, the harmonic with the greatest amplitude and the
total harmonic distortion in % can be seen in the standard display with the menu closed.

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 53

6.13 Coupling device AGE185 for higher system voltages

This option is available for the variants EDS3090PG, EDS3090PG-13 and EDS3096PG with the locat-
ing current injectors PGH185 and PGH186. The coupling device AGE185 expands the nominal volt-
age range of the insulation fault location system EDS309…
The AGE185 reduces the losses in the locating current injector PGH18… As a result it makes it possi-
ble to connect the PGH18… to nominal system voltages up to AC 790 V or DC 960 V.

Risk of electric shock!

On touching live uninsulated conductors, death or serious injury may be caused.
For this reason avoid any contact whatsoever with active conductors on con-
DANGER necting the PGH or the AGE.

Assembly, connection and placing in operation

Only qualified personnel are permitted to carry out the work necessary
to install, commission and run a device or system. Observe the rules for
working on electrical installations.

The ends of the wires from the AGE185 can be connected, as necessary and to suit the local situation,
to the system's PE terminal and the PE socket on the PGH186; it is not necessary to take into account
the polarity.

Connection diagram
IT system







To the loads





: B ter : H13xx E

.-no. me TG PROB

n L
6xx mm

980 52
he P ON
Art r / Dia et :
Art me / Datas CL
Du bla E /
ten NG

.-N sse
rch tt

r. /


I n




Abb. 6.3: Connection diagram EDS309… with AGE185

54 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017

6.14 Power supply for the EDS195PM

 The device is supplied with power using 3 NiMH cells of 1.2 V each
or 3 mignon cells of type LR6 AA of 1.5 V each.
 The power supply unit is not allowed to be connected with non-rechargeable batteries
 On the connection of a power supply unit, there must be 3 correctly functioning rechargeable
batteries in the battery compartment.
 Rechargeable battery charging time ≤ 5 h.

6.14.1 Displaying charge state

The display can indicate 4 different charge states:
100 %, 66 %, 33 % and a flashing empty battery symbol.

I L = 8mA
Resp. = 5mA
PM H PSA30xx

6.14.2 Changing batteries

The battery compartment is on the rear of the EDS195PM. The settings in the EDS195PM are retained
on changing the batteries.
1. Undo 2 screws in the cover on the rear, remove cover.
2. Remove old batteries.
3. Fit new batteries in the battery compartment with correct polarity as indicated by the mark-
4. Close cover.

6.14.3 Power supply unit supplied

Risk of incorrect triggering due to wrong measuring values!

Power supply unit influences the measuring accuracy of EDS195PM.
CAUTION Therefore, do not connect the power supply unit during measurements.

A power supply unit with a USB connector and USB cable is included in the items supplied.
The primary purpose of the power supply unit supplied is to charge the rechargeable batteries in the
EDS195PM. See the display on the EDS195PM for the charge state of the rechargeable batteries.

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 55
7. Technical specifications

7.1 Technical specifications for the system EDS309…

The technical specifications stated in this section apply to the
components PGH18…, EDS195PM, AGE185.
EMC................................................................................................................................................................................................................ IEC 61326-2-4
Operating temperature ................................................................................................................................................................................ -10…+ 55 °C
Climatic classes acc. to IEC 60721:
Stationary use (IEC 60721-3-3) .................................................................................................................................3K5 (without condensation or icing)
Transport (IEC 60721-3-2) .........................................................................................................................................2K3 (without condensation or icing)
Long-term storage (IEC 60721-3-1) .........................................................................................................................1K4 (without condensation or icing)
Classification of mechanical conditions acc. to IEC 60721:
Stationary use (IEC 60721-3-3) .....................................................................................................................................................................................3M4
Transport (IEC 60721-3-2) .............................................................................................................................................................................................2M2
Long-term storage (IEC 60721-3-1) .............................................................................................................................................................................1M3
Operating mode .......................................................................................................................................................................................... Continuous duty
Position in normal use......................................................................................................................................................................................................Any
Weight EDS309… ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ≤ 7000 g
Weight EDS309… with PSA3165 ....................................................................................................................................................................... ≤ 8500 g
Weight EDS3092 ................................................................................................................................................................................................... ≤ 9000 g
Dimensions, case W x H x D ................................................................................................................................................................ 430 x 340 x 155 mm

7.2 Technical specifications PGH18…

Insulation coordination according to IEC 60664-1/IEC 60664-3
Rated voltage .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 500 V AC
Rated surge voltage / degree of pollution ................................................................................................................................................................. 4 kV/3
Nominal system voltage Un
PGH183.........................................................................................................................................................AC 42…460 Hz 20…265 V, DC 20…308 V
PGH185................................................................................................................................................ 3AC/AC 42…460 Hz 20…575 V, DC 20…504 V
PGH186.................................................................................................................................................... 3AC/AC 42…460 Hz 0…575 V, DC 0…504 V
Supply voltage
Supply voltage US ................................................................................................................................................................................AC 50…60 Hz 230 V
Operating range of US ................................................................................................................................................................................ 0.85…1.15 x US
Supply voltage US version -13 ................................................................................................................................................. AC 50…60 Hz 90…132 V
PGH 183, PGH 185:
Power consumption ................................................................................................................................................................................................. ≤ 3 VA
PGH 186:
Power consumption ................................................................................................................................................................................................. ≤ 6 VA

56 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
Technical specifications

Locating current
Locating current max., can be selected ..................................................................................................................................................................1/2.5 mA
Locating current max., can be selected .................................................................................................................................................................10/25 mA
Test cycle.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 s
Pause duration ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 s
Locating voltage
PGH186...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... DC 50 V
Degree of protection of built-in components DIN EN 60529 (VDE 0470-1) ................................................................................................................ IP40
Enclosure material................................................................................................................................................................................................ ABS plastic
Flammability class....................................................................................................................................................................................................UL94V-0
Weight ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ≤ 700 g
Dimensions ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 160 x 148 x 81 mm

7.3 Technical specifications EDS195PM

( )* = Factory settings
Insulation coordination according to IEC 60664-1/IEC 60664-3
Rated voltage...................................................................................................................................................................................................................50 V
Rated surge voltage/degree of pollution................................................................................................................................................................ 0.8 kV/3
Supply voltage
Power supply US .................................................................................................................... Rechargeable batteries, batteries or USB power supply unit
Rechargeable batteries......................................................................................................................................................................3 x NiMH ≥ 2000 mAh
Operating time (without display lighting) .............................................................................................................................................................. ≥ 150 h
Charging time .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. ≤ 5 h
Size............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... AA R6
Batteries................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 x LR6 AA – 1.5 V
USB power supply unit:
Primary ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 100…240 V, 50…60 Hz
Secondary ................................................................................................................................................................................................... DC 5 V, ± 10 %
Power consumption ................................................................................................................................................................................................. ≤ 0.5 W
Measuring circuit, insulation fault location
Nominal system voltage............................................................................................... With uninsulated conductors with measuring clamp up to 600 V
Rated frequency....................................................................................................................................................................................... DC, 42…2000 Hz
Main circuit (ILmax = 50 mA):
Measuring range ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2…50 mA
Measuring clamps ................................................................................................................................................................. PSA3020, PSA3052, PSA3165
Response sensitivity I∆L adjustable .................................................................................................................................................... 2… 10 mA (5 mA)*
Operating uncertainty ........................................................................................................................................... ±30 % / ±2 mA of the nominal value
Control circuit: (ILmax = 5 mA)
Measuring range ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 0.2…5 mA
Measuring clamps ................................................................................................................................................................................. PSA3320, PSA3352
Response sensitivity I∆L adjustable ............................................................................................................................................ 0.2…1.0 mA (0.5 mA)*
Operating uncertainty 0.2…0.9 mA ................................................................................................................ ±30 % / ± 0.2 mA of the nominal value
Operating uncertainty 1…5 mA ......................................................................................................................... ±30 % / ± 2 mA of the nominal value

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 57
Technical specifications

Measuring circuit, residual current

With measuring clamps........................................................................................................................................................ PSA3020, PSA3052, PSA3165
Measuring range ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 mA…10 A (crest factor up to 3)
Response sensitivity I∆n adjustable........................................................................................................................................... 10 mA…10 A (100 mA)*
Measuring clamps ................................................................................................................................................................................. PSA3320, PSA3352
Measuring range ............................................................................................................................................................. 2 mA…2 A (crest factor up to 3)
Response sensitivity I∆n adjustable............................................................................................................................................... 5 mA…1 A (100 mA)*
Frequency range............................................................................................................................................................................................. 42…1000 Hz
Operating uncertainty, 42…60 Hz ........................................................................................................................................................................... ±5 %
Operating uncertainty, 61…1000 Hz ..................................................................................................................................................................... ±20 %
Hysteresis....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 %
Harmonics, indication can be disabled................................................................................................................................................. 1st to 8th harmonic
Connection for measuring clamp........................................................................................................................................................................ BNC socket
Connection for power supply unit (DC 5 V) ..................................................................................................................................................... μUSB socket
LCD...............................................................................................................................................................3 x 16 characters, illumination can be enabled
LED ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Alarm
Degree of protection of built-in components DIN EN 60529 (VDE 0470-1) ................................................................................................................ IP40
Protective class according to IEC 60947-1, DIN EN 60947-1 (VDE 0660-100)....................................................................................................... Class III
Enclosure material............................................................................................................................................................................................... ABS plastic
Flammability class................................................................................................................................................................................................... UL94V-0
Weight ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ≤ 350 g
Software version .................................................................................................................................................................................................. D399 V2.0
Dimensions WxHxD.................................................................................................................................................................................. 84 x 197 x 30 mm

7.4 Technical specifications measuring clamps

Note: The technical data for the CTA-F-set can be found at
Electrical safety
Standard .................................................................................................................................................................................................... IEC 61010-2-030
Degree of pollution.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
System class......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... III
Operating voltage......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 600 V
Nominal insulation voltage ........................................................................................................................................ AC 600 V CAT III or AC 300 V CAT IV
Transformer ratio
PSA30… ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 A/10 mA
PSA33… ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1 A/0.1 mA
PSA3165 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 A/10 mA
Degree of protection of built-in components DIN EN 60529 (VDE 0470-1) ............................................................................................................... IP40
Protective class according to IEC 60947-1, DIN EN 60947-1 (VDE 0660-100)....................................................................................................... Class III
Measurement output ................................................................................................................................................................................... BNC connector
Dimensions PSA3052 / 3352 ................................................................................................................................................................ 216 x 111 x 45 mm
Dimensions PSA3020 / 3320 .................................................................................................................................................................. 135 x 65 x 30 mm
Dimensions PSA3165 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 285 x 179 x 45 mm
Permissible cable diameter PSA3052 / 3352 ........................................................................................................................................................... 52 mm
Permissible cable diameter PSA3020 / 3320 ........................................................................................................................................................... 20 mm
Permissible cable diameter PSA3165 .................................................................................................................................................................... 115 mm

58 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
Technical specifications

Weight PSA3052 / 3352 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ≤ 700 g

Weight PSA3020 / 3320 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ≤ 300 g
Weight PSA3165 ................................................................................................................................................................................................... ≤ 1300 g

7.5 Technical specifications AGE185

Insulation co-ordination according to IEC 60664-1
Rated insulation voltage ...................................................................................................................................................................................... AC 1000 V
Rated impulse voltage/degree of pollution................................................................................................................................................................ 4 kV/3
Nominal system voltage Un .......................................................................................................... 3AC/AC 42…460 Hz, 500…790 V, DC 400…960 V
Degree of protection of built-in components DIN EN 60529 (VDE 0470-1) ............................................................................................................... IP30
Connection type/wire: .................................................................................... Safety laboratory connectors with green-yellow connection wire 1 mm2
Weight ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ≤ 200 g
Dimensions WxHxD: ............................................................................................................................................................................... 88.5 x 42 x 21 mm

7.6 Standards and certifications

Observe the applicable national and international standards. The series EDS309…
complies with the standards:
 DIN VDE 0100-410 (VDE 0100-410)
Low-voltage electrical installations – Part 4-41:
Protection for safety – Protection against electric shock (IEC 60364-4-41, modified);
German version HD 60364-4-41
 DIN EN 61557-9
Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. –
Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 9:
Equipment for insulation fault location in IT systems (IEC 61557-9);
German version EN 61557-9
 DIN EN 61010-1; VDE 0411-1
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use –
Part 1: General requirements (IEC 61010-1);
German version EN 61010-1

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 59
Technical specifications

7.7 Dimension diagrams

All dimensions are given in mm.

Aluminium case





ca. 1950 88.5 ca. 450


60 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
Technical specifications

7.8 Status word

The status word can be checked by pressing the "INFO" button several times. This word contains the
current configuration and provides an error code if there is a device error.

CT type
p -> PSA30xx
P -> PSA33xx
w -> W/WR/WS
W -> W/WR-8000
F -> WF...

Idn L of the CT [H]

Data logger
Idn ALM [mA] Change [%] LCD contrast

0500010000EE N010P0024001609ABCD

IdL ALM [µA] Rcu of the CT [Ohm]

Data logger Error Code:
Overwrite Output in
J -> Yes hex format,
N -> No binary coded

E -> on
A -> off

Fault memory
E -> on
A -> off

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 61
Ordering details
Type Items supplied Supply voltage Nominal voltage Art.-No.

Insulation fault Locating current Measuring Measuring

locator injector clamps 20 mm clamps 52 mm

EDS3090 EDS195PM PSA3020 PSA3052 B91082026

AC 42...460 Hz, 20...575 V
EDS3090PG EDS195PM PGH185 PSA3020 PSA3052 AC 50...60 Hz, 230 V B91082021
und DC 20...504 V
EDS3090PG-13 EDS195PM PGH185-13 PSA3020 PSA3052 AC 50...60 Hz, 90…132 V B91082022
EDS3091 EDS195PM PSA3320 PSA3352 B91082027
AC 42...460 Hz, 20...265 V
EDS3091PG EDS195PM PGH183 PSA3320 PSA3352 AC 50...60 Hz, 230 V B91082023
und DC 20...308 V
EDS3091PG-13 EDS195PM PGH183-13 PSA3320 PSA3352 AC 50...60 Hz, 90…132 V B91082024
AC 42...460 Hz, 20...265 V
PGH183 PSA3320 PSA3352 AC 50...60 Hz, 230 V
und DC 20...308 V
EDS3092PG EDS195PM B91082030
AC 42...460 Hz, 20...575 V
PGH185 PSA3020 PSA3052 AC 50...60 Hz, 230 V
und DC 20...504 V
EDS3096PG EDS195PM PGH186 PSA3020 PSA3052 AC 50...60 Hz, 230 V B91082025
AC 42...460 Hz, 0...575 V
EDS3096PG-13 EDS195PM PGH186-13 PSA3020 PSA3052 AC 50...60 Hz, 90…132 V B91082029
und DC 0...504 V
EDS3096PV EDS195PM PGH186 – 2 x PSA3052 AC 50...60 Hz, 230 V B91082031
Optional Accessories
AC 42...460 Hz, 500...790 V,
AGE185 Coupling device for increasing the voltage range of the PGH185/186 B980305
DC 400...960 V

Adapter cable BNC-PS2 Adapter cable for operating a WF current transformer on the EDS195P B91082045
7.9 Ordering data including accessories

EDS-SET BNC Tee connector and 2 BNC cables for fault location in diode-decoupled systems B91082007
Plug power supply with
DC 5 V for external supply of the EDS195P via µUSB connector A167054
USB connector
PSA3165 Clamp 115 mm for EDS3090… and EDS3096… B980852

Clamp flexible for insulation fault location and differential method,

with CTAF ENCLOSURE, CTAF500 BAND, CTAF1000 BAND, BNC cable, terminal,
CTAF SET B98080220
2 x spare screws, case
Only in combination with EDS195PM

CTAF GEHÄUSE CTAF enclosure as spare part for CTAF SET without
BNC cable, with terminal and 2 x spare screws

CTAF500 BAND Band 500 mm as spare part for CTAF SET B98110027
CTAF1000 BAND Band 1,000 mm as spare part for CTAF SET B98110028
Technical specifications

Technical specifications

7.10 Component list



EDS-Set, optional


Measuring clamps 115 mm, optional
Measuring clamps


Measuring clamps 52 mm


Measuring clamps 20 mm


Coupling device, optional
(EDS3096PV only: in the scope of delivery)
PGH18... with accessories for



Components EDS309...

Safety claw grip, green/yellow



Safety claw grip, black 1


Safety measuring cable, green/yellow


Safety measuring cable, black


Supply cable for PGH18...




Locating current injector


Plug power supply for EDS195P



Adapter BNC-PS2 for WF-CT, optional

EDS195PM with



Adapter BNC/4mm connector for curr. transform.



Clamping connector on 4 mm



Insulation fault locator




Operating manual



Aluminium case with carrying handle







Device type

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 63
Frequently Asked Questions

8. Frequently Asked Questions

 The ISOMETER® indicates an insulation fault but this fault cannot be located using the
EDS309…. What could cause this problem?
– Individual outgoing circuits in the IT system monitored may be earthed. Check all outgoing
circuits for unintentional earthing.
The N conductor for the transformer that supplies the IT system must also not be earthed.
– There may not be any locating current flowing. Check the earth connection on the locating
current injector PGH18…, IRDH575 for correct connection.
– The PE conductor may have been unintentionally included in the cables in the measuring
clamp or the measuring current transformer.

 EDS195PM displays the error message "No CT connected". What could cause this problem?
– A measuring clamp is not connected or it is faulty.
– A measuring clamp or a measuring current transformer of the incorrect type has been con-
nected to the EDS195PM, see table on page 35.
 In case of residual current measurement (I∆n) the harmonic H… does not appear in the stand-
ard display. What could cause this problem?
– The menu item "2. Settings/ 7. Harmonics:" is not activated.

64 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
Additional fault location information
using the EDS309x

There are times when locating a fault is not as straighforward as is described in the manual. The ISO-
METER® indicates an insulation fault but the fault cannot be located using the EDS309x. With the aim
of reducing multiple trips onsite and increasing customer satisfaction, this information sheet pro-
vides additional fault finding tips using the EDS309x. This information sheet should be used together
with the latest version of the EDS309x manual.

Before travelling onsite:

Ensure you take ALL equipment necessary to cover ALL possible troubleshooting

Required equipment:
 EDS3090PG (B91082021)
 EDS3091PG (B91082023)
 PSA3165 (B980852)
 AGE185 (B980305)
 EDS-SET (B91082007)
 EDS195PM (B91082041)
 Portable oscilloscope
In the event you need to accurately measure the insulation resistance and generate a test current of
50 mA, the following equipment is needed:
 IRDH575B1- 435 (B91065500)

IRDH575B2- 435 (B91065503)

Collecting and analysing information

Before taking any measurements:
 Obtain and scrutinize the plant drawings/layout:
– Make sure you familiarize yourself with all the outlets/measuring points and where they are.
 Determine the system type:
– Main electricity grid (use the EDS3090PG)
– Voltage controlled network (use the EDS3091PG)
 Speak to as many people as possible:
– Ask when and how (under what circumstances) did the fault occur?
– Find out what changes (if any) were made to the installation before the fault occurred by
asking the following questions:
– Were any new components added (system extension)?
– Were any components replaced?

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 65
Additional fault location information using the EDS309x

In one particular case, two DSL modems were installed. However, the plant employee working with
Bender to locate the fault was totally unaware of this. It was subsequently discovered that the source
of the fault was a grounded negative power supply terminal.

Taking measurements
Use the PGH. . . to generate a defined test current. The magnitude of the current is dependent on the
insulation fault present and the system voltage.

Ensure there are no system components or loads (e.g. relays) in which the test
current could cause a reaction that could be dangerous. Use a low test current to
begin with and increase as required.

The test current flows from the test current generator through the live conductors to the insulation
fault by the shortest route. This locating current pulse is detected by the measuring clamps or meas-
uring current transformers in the insulation fault path and is indicated by the insulation fault locator

If the location of the fault has not been determined after the initial standard measurements and all
the standard questions have been asked (see FAQ in EDS309x manual) , the following points should
be considered:
 Are there other outlets that have been missed? Check the plant layout again.
 Are we looking in the right location for the fault? The fault can also be inside the plant, on the
distribution or sub-distribution lines, for example, or in the transformers, charging rectifiers or
batteries of the power supply.
 Sometimes the return path of the current is not clear because of leakage capacitances, and the
presence of other parallel faults or system interferences can result in reduced sensitivity. Inter-
ferences can also occur due to low-frequency residual currents or magnetic fields in the envi-
Because of these, the service engineer must visually inspect and analyse the signal. This is done
using the EDS195PM fault locator and a portable oscilloscope. The EDS195PM has a measuring sig-
nal output that can be connected directly to the portable oscilloscope via a 50 Ω coaxial cable (RG58)
- see following diagrams.

66 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
Additional fault location information using the EDS309x

Measuring signal input

Measuring signal

EDS195P I L I n

Bender GmbH&CoKG
D-35305 Grünberg




EDS195PM Portable oscilloscope

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 67
Additional fault location information using the EDS309x

IT system









To the loads






: B ter : H13x E
.-no. me TG PROB
6xx mm
980 52
he P ON
Art r / Dia et :
Art me / Datas CL
Du bla E /
ten NG

.-N sse
rch tt

r. /

50 Ω coaxial cable

EDS195PM I n I L


I n





EDS309... connectivity in an IT system

68 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
Additional fault location information using the EDS309x

In diode decoupled systems, parallel test signals can also be visually inspected by connecting as
shown in a diode decoupled DC system below.

DC main distribution (DC 20-360 V)

Central coupling of the insulation monitoring

device (IMD) and the test current injector



Selector switch
Us AC 230 V










PGH186 L+ L-
2/3 IMD
l max. =

10 m
m xx E
0 : 52 13 O
98 er H PR

: B et : TG N
o. iam et O
-n D he P
rt. r / as M

at LA

r. se D / C

-N mes t / E
at G

A urch bl N

D aten SZA


x mmxx E

0 : 52 H13 O

B eter T N P
EDS195PM I n I L

.: m : O

no Dia heet P
rt.- r / as M

at LA
r. se D / C
N mes t / E
.= at G
A urch bl AN
D aten SZ


l max rt.-


I n




DC sub distribution

50 Ω 0
coaxial cable 5 2/3
A 30 Insulation fault


EDS195PM n L

0 : 52 H13 O
x mmxx
B eter TG N PR
.: m : O
no ia et P
t.- r / D ashe M

at LA

r. se D / C

N es / E
t.- m att G
Ar urch bl AN
D aten SZ

/ Ar

I n




EDS195PM oscilloscope

Insulation fault location in a diode-decoupled DC system (connection diagram)

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 69
Additional fault location information using the EDS309x

A typical measured signal in systems without any interference is shown below (left). The amplitude
of the signal is dependent on the magnitude of the test current. The alarm notification and the
square wave pulse signalling a detected test current can be seen at the upper right-hand corner of
the EDS195PM display (right).

Test current pulse

indicating no disturbances

I L = 9mA
Anspr. = 0.5mA
PM PSA33xx
Corresponding EDS195PM display

Portable oscilloscope signal in a disturbance-free system

The measurement signal can, however, be affected by any number of problems (like those men-
tioned previously) so that the normal alarm notification is not given. In this case a visual detection of
the signal by the portable oscilloscope is possible. The example below (left) shows a low-frequency
disturbance. No alarm message appears on the EDS195PM display. Instead of the usual timer or the
square wave pulse that signals a detected test current, only a "---" is visible in the upper right-hand

Indication of a disturbance

I L= mA
Anspr. = 0.5mA
PM PSA33xx
Corresponding EDS195PM display

Portable oscilloscope signal if a disturbance is present in the system

With this method, the test signal can be easily followed.

70 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017
Additional fault location information using the EDS309x

If the test signal displayed on the oscilloscope is very small, the following options are available:
 Increase the test current in the main circuits to 50 mA by means of the IRDH575.
 Increase the test current in control circuits to 10 mA or 25 mA by means of the PGH185 under
the following condition:
– This should be done only in the case of an earth fault so that there is no influence on a con-
troller. For this purpose, the following should be checked:
– The isometer displays a value of < 1 kΩ.
– The voltage measurement on a line of all active line conductors (L-, L+, or L1, L2, L3, N) to
earth (PE) must be < 1 V.
 The PSA33xx is typically used for control circuits into which a test current of up to 2.5 mA has
been injected. However, in connection with the EDS195P(M), test currents of up to 10 mA can
also be measured. With this method higher sensitivity is achieved and a clearer measurement
signal displayed is on the oscilloscope.

Fault finding in diode decoupled DC systems:

If the distance to the switchgear is such as to prevent the use of two parallel
measuring clamps (as shown on page 7), proceed as follows:
- Use only one measuring clamp
- Experience has shown that the signal in a system with a disturbance is similar
to that shown on page 8, and often the disturbance can be visually detected
with an oscilloscope
- If necessary, increase the test current as described above

Fault finding in AC systems:

If the insulation fault cannot be localized using the IΔL function, then measure
the differential current by means of the IΔN function (this is possible, at least in
the case of an earth fault). The output with the highest differential current am-
plitude is usually where the fault lies. In exceptional cases, the output with the
highest differential current amplitude is also the one with the highest leakage
This must be considered when using this fault finding method. In this case, the
differential current amplitude becomes smaller the further the measuring loca-
tion is from the IT system supply.

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 71

A E - Settings 43
- System 44
Accessories EDS mode 16
Menu structure 42
- optional 15 EDS195PM
AGE185 54 - controls 35
Alarm is also output audibly 38, 42 N
Alarm LED 35 F Navigating in the menu on the EDS195PM
Alarms during EDS measurement or RCM 43
measurement 40 Factory settings 41
Fault circuit 17
Fault memory M is activated 38 O
B Frequently Asked Questions 64 Opening the menu 36
Buttons on the EDS195PM 35 Operating mode button 36
H Operating principle 17
C HOLD button 36
Operating the EDS195PM 36
Ordering data 62
Cables Hold function activated 38
Outline drawings 60
- screened 17
Characteristics, response sensitivity 26 I
Charge state of the rechargeable battery P
38 Indication of the locating current pulse 38
Permanently installed EDS system 33
Checking Info menu 37 INFO button 61
Checking the actual response values 35, Insulation fault location
- controls 34
37 - in a system without a permanently
PLC 24
Checking the device type 35 installed EDS system 45
Power supply for the EDS195PM 55
Checking the software version 35 - in diode-decoupled DC systems 50
Practical usage 45
Clamp change 37 - with permanently installed EDS sys-
Clamp selection button 35, 38 tem 48
Component list 63 Insulation fault locator 16 Q
Connecting the locating current injector Intended use 11 Quick check on the response values 37
Connection for external power supply unit L R
36 Leakage currents 19
Connection to an IT system 30, 31 RCM mode
Locating current 17 - function 20
Coupling device AGE185 54 Locating current limiting 24 Rechargeable batteries 57
Rechargeable battery
D M - changing 55
Deleting fault memory 36 Reduced locating current 24
Malfunction 40
Device and measuring errors 40 RESET button 36
Measuring clamps
Device-specific safety instructions 11 Residual currents
- handling 46
Diode-decoupled DC system 33, 50 Measuring current transformers
- path 19
Disconnecting insulation monitoring de- Response characteristics for control circuits
- commercially available 15
vice 29 28
Measuring harmonics 53
Display lighting 36 Response characteristics for main circuits
Measuring residual current 16, 52
Displaying harmonics 39 26
Menu item
Down button 36 - Harmonics 44
- IΔL alarms 44
- IΔn logger 45

72 EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017

Saving the measured value using HOLD 36
Selecting the current transformer 35
Selecting the operating mode 36
Setting language 42
Settings 43
Significance of the display elements 38
Standard display for EDS measurement 39
Standard displays on the EDS195PM 39
Standards 59
Status word 61
Switch on-off 36
System components 13
- electrically isolated 29

Technical specifications
- AGE185 59
- EDS195PM 57
- measuring clamps 58
- PGH18... 56
Test cycle 18
Type list EDS309... 14

Up button 36
USB power supply unit 57

EDS309x_D00012_05_M_XXEN/12.2017 73
Bender GmbH & Co. KG
Londorfer Str. 65 • 35305 Grünberg • Germany
P.O. Box 1161 • 35301 Grünberg • Germany
Tel.: +49 6401 807-0
Fax: +49 6401 807-259
E-mail: info@bender.de
Web: http://www.bender.de

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