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Vol. 64, 2018 (2): 104–114 Res. Agr. Eng.


Application of eggshell wastes as valuable and utilizable

products: A review
Akbar Arabhosseini*, Hamideh Faridi

Department of Agrotechnology, College of Abouraihan, University of Tehran, Iran

*Corresponding author: ahosseini@ut.ac.ir

Arabhosseini A., Faridi H. (2018): Application of eggshell wastes as valuable and utilizable products: A review. Res.
Agr. Eng., 64: 104–114.

Eggshell is a solid waste, with production of several tons per day. Eggshell is mostly sent to the landfill with a high
management cost. It is economical to transform the eggshell waste to create new values from these waste materials.
The present article is an attempt to summarize the possible applications of eggshell. The eggshell waste can be used
(a) at biodiesel production as a solid base catalyst used for biodiesel pollutants minimization, reducing the production
costs of biodiesel and making the process of biodiesel production fully ecological and environment-friendly; (b) as an
absorbent of heavy metals from wastewater as it is a serious environmental problem in the ecosystem; (c) as biomaterial
in order to replace bone tissues due to the rise in the number of patients; (d) as a fertilizer and calcium supplement in
nutrition for human, animals, plants, etc. Number of research articles have been included in this review to describe a
methodical growth in this subject matter.

Keywords: biomaterial; fertilizer; waste; application; biodiesel

Farming processes generate different kinds of of. The solid waste includes any kind of garbage
wastes. Reducing environmental problems caused made by agricultural establishment, sludge from
by irresponsible disposal of waste relies on the suf- water treatment plants and any waste materials
ficient utilization of agricultural waste. In the glob- created during agricultural activity. Hazardous
al scale, the management of agricultural wastes is wastes which are also composed of chemicals may
essential and a crucial strategy as it becomes a crit- be explosive, corrosive or highly flammable and of
ical factor for humans, animals and vegetation (Al course dangerous to humans, animals or the envi-
Seadi, Holm-Nielsen 2004). The nature, quantity ronment. Agricultural machinery often produces
and type of the waste vary in different countries. oils that are used repeatedly and gather other mate-
Helping to protect the quality of the environment rials such as water, chemicals or dirt. The oils need
and health requires searching for an effective way to be replaced because of the performance reduc-
to properly manage agricultural wastes. For these tion. To provide an agricultural establishment pro-
purposes, wastes should be recycled, reused and duces large amounts of used oil, and it is required
channelled towards the valuable and utilizable to store them in tanks to prevent leaking of the oil
product. Nowadays, utilization of the waste is a into the surrounding environment.
priority for sustainable development achievement Expecting the oils to be usable in medical sci-
(Martin-Luengo et al. 2011a). ences is a novel practice. Most agricultural waste
The agricultural waste could be categorized in researches basically concentrate on its energy po-
biological, solid, hazardous and used oil, and then tential or as a renewable raw material due to its
regulated according to  how it can be disposed abundance, cheapness and renewability (Peng et

Res. Agr. Eng. Vol. 64, 2018 (2): 104–114


al. 2000; Ling, Zakari et al. 2010; Teo 2011; Surip composed of the Greek word of “bio” and “diesel”
et al. 2012). Microorganisms or their components from Rudolf Diesel, refers to a renewable alterna-
carried out the transformation into precious prod- tive to petroleum diesel made of monoalkyl es-
ucts or energy sources (Di Gioia et al. 2011). Ben- ters of fatty acids, similarly to petroleum diesel in
eficial products were made from many agricul- terms of physical properties, unless capable of the
tural wastes, to be used as an effective feedstock incomparable benefits as renewable, biodegrad-
(Boonpoke et al. 2011; Xu et al. 2011; Rashidi et able, non-toxic and low emissions (Ma, Hanna
al. 2012) and as a good option as biomaterials in 1999; Demirbas 2009). It generally can be made
therapies that replace bone for the growth of the from processed organic oils and fats such as soya
osteoblasts (Martin-Luengo et al. 2011a,b). The bean, rapeseed, sunflower, coconut, corn, cot-
development of biomaterials is carried out due to ton seed, mustard, palm oil, peanut, animal fats,
the rise in the number of patients that need bone waste vegetable oil and algae by transesterification
replacements. It is crucial that the biomaterials are of them in the presence of catalysts (Ma, Hanna
biocompatible with sufficient mechanical strength 1999; Huber et al. 2006; Demirbas 2009), such as
to support the weight of human body before being NaOH, KOH or NaOCH3, which are added in the
used as bone implants (Li, Tjong 2011). transesterification because of the reaction rate they
Eggshells are one of the widely used food pro- induce (Fadhil et al. 2016). The price of biodiesel
cessing and manufacturing plants by-products. could be reduced using the waste oils and non-edi-
Eggs represent a major ingredient in a large vari- ble oils (Maddikeri et al. 2012, 2014; Hosseini et
ety of products such as cakes, salad dressings and al. 2015). Other important matter in the biodiesel
fast foods, whose production results in several yield is the catalyst selection (Chen et al. 2015).
daily tons of eggshell waste and incur considerable Both types of catalysts, homogeneous and hetero-
disposal costs in the world. About 250,000 tons geneous, could catalyse transesterification. Homo-
of eggshell waste is produced annually worldwide geneous base catalysts such as NaOH and KOH
(Verma et al. 2012). have high catalytic activity but their separation
Most of the eggshell wastes are currently cumulat- and reusing after the reaction is difficult (Lee et
ed on-site without any pre-treatment (Stadelman al. 2015). Other homogeneous types such as alkali
2000; Tsai et al. 2008a). Also in view of the environ- metal hydroxides and alkoxides and homogeneous
mental odour from biodegradation, the waste man- acids such as H2SO4 are basically corrosive and also
agement is not a pleasant function (Tsai et al. 2008b). react with free fatty acid to create undesirable soap
In recent years, great deals of efforts have been by-products that require expensive separation. Re-
performed for transforming the eggshell wastes to cycling of homogeneous acid catalysts is difficult
a valuable product. These major applications in- because the process needs high temperature and
cluded a possible bone substitute (Dupoirieux et sometimes cause serious environmental and corro-
al. 1995), the starting material to prepare calcium sion problems.
phosphate bioceramics such as hydroxyapatite Heterogeneous catalysts have received notice-
(HAp) (Balázsi et al. 2007) and bone mineraliza- able attention for solving the homogeneous cata-
tion and growth, a low-cost adsorbent for removal lyst problems, as they are non-corrosive, recyclable
of ionic pollutants from the aqueous solution (Tsai and effective and could simplify the separation and
et al. 2008a), or a biodiesel catalyst. purification steps. Many heterogeneous catalysts
Chicken eggshell is one of the agricultural wastes, for the transesterification of oils were studied such
which received attention today and has the poten- as eggshell due to its intrinsic pore structure in the
tial of being used in medical and dental therapy. calcified eggshell, high content of CaCO3 and the
Eggshell has as an important constituent pure amount in abundance. It is possible to prepare ac-
CaCO3 and a little developed porosity. Its composi- tive heterogeneous catalyst from eggshell.
tion has been reported chemically (by weight) as Another global crisis is water pollution and waste-
follows: calcium carbonate (94%), magnesium car- water treatment especially of industrial wastewater
bonate (1%), calcium phosphate (1%) and organic contaminated with heavy metals commonly pro-
matter (4%) (Stadelman 2000). duced from many kinds of industrial processes.
Another application of eggshell wastes was men- Hence, the wastewater without any treatment with
tioned before as a biodiesel catalyst. Biodiesel, a suitable process can cause a serious environmen-

Vol. 64, 2018 (2): 104–114 Res. Agr. Eng.


tal problem in the natural ecosystem and accumu- regard, the applicants are priority that are econom-
lation of metal ions will take place either through ically feasible and the benefits available to indus-
direct intake or food chains (Yoo et al. 2002). Ac- tries to process them, along with the environmental
cordingly, heavy metals should be prevented to issues.
reach the ecosystem because of their toxicity. Sev- This review presents the results based upon waste
eral approaches were suggested and investigated characterization and alternative uses for these ma-
for this purpose including chemical precipitation, terials, which can be used as a basis for calculating
coagulation, ion exchange, solvent extraction, fil- the volumes generated in an egg processing com-
tration, evaporation and membrane methods. pany. In addition, this study could demonstrate
Some of these approaches are very expensive and an economical treatment process to recycle useful
less effective with some limitations such as require- products from eggshell waste and their utilization
ment of several pre-treatments as well as additional in different aspects that make the process cost-
treatments (Volesky 1990; Kim 2002; Kam et al. effective and environmentally friendly and give a
2011). Because of these limitations, many research- novel avenue for solid waste management.
ers have selected natural wastes regeneration to
treat heavy metals from aqueous solutions (Mu-
rakami et al. 1986; Roy et al. 1993; Cho 1994; Lee Medical application of eggshell
1994; Chiron et al. 2003). The adsorption capacity
of heavy metals with rice hulls and green algae was Agricultural wastes contain active compounds
studied and evaluated by (Roy et al. 1993). Other that are valuable in medical applications. Regard-
researchers reported about the adsorption results ing this feature, biocompatible material or bioma-
of heavy metals on the shell of crab (Lee 1994) and terial production from them has added a different
shell of shrimp (Cho 1994). Potential possibility of dimension to the utilization of agricultural waste.
regenerated wastes as adsorbents was proposed for An insight into utilization of avian eggshell as
the removal of lead by shell of crab (Lee 1994). In an agricultural waste, is to produce HAp. A cal-
addition, other wastes were studied in terms of ap- cium phosphate ceramics material was found to be
plicability such as scoria, fly ash, zeolite, chitosan, crucial as a biomaterial because of its osteophilic
sawdust and coal (Nugteren et al. 2002; Cao et al. nature and its incorporation into bone tissues
2004; Inglezakis, Grigoropoulou 2004; Kwon (Ducheyne et al. 1986; Gergely et al. 2010). Dis-
et al. 2005). According to the crucial matters in the carded eggshells remain largely unutilized and un-
industrial process such as minimization of wastes, transformed. The eggshells consist of calcium car-
maximum regeneration of wastes and energy and bonate as a useful material to produce HAp, which
recovery of precious material, development of vari- is the major inorganic part in bones used in bone
ous green and economical materials from wastewa- and dental therapy (Fig. 1). Moreover, the use of
ter treatment was carried out by several researches eggshell to produce HAp will help reduce the pollu-
(Kumar, Bandyopadhyay 2006). tion effect of the waste and the subsequent conver-
Utilization of activated carbon from sawdust as a sion of the waste into a highly valuable product as
wastewater dye eliminator was reported by (Malik a good chance of reducing the cost of treatment in
2004)B. Another recommendation for textile waste- bone repair or replacement with little impact to the
water dye were orange peels stated by (Haddad- environment. The process of transforming eggshell
ian et al. 2013), which was quite remarkable for a into HAp and nano-HAp is an environmentally-
treatment (Kyzas, Kostoglou 2014). The oyster friendly process.
shell was pretty impressive to adsorb the hydrogen (Wu et al. 2013) proposed a research of the
sulfide from pore water (Asaoka et al. 2009). chicken eggshells recycling as a way of improving
There is no sufficient attention regarding the the ecosphere; by reduction of waste management
conversion of waste to useful materials, despite requirements and utilization of eggshells as useful
the beneficial properties. In this context, different raw materials for nanomaterials. The main com-
applications of eggshell wastes were applied to of- ponent and the major inorganic substance in egg-
fer suggestion for any egg processor, applicant and shells are calcium carbonate (calcite) and it makes
consumer, by reviewing information of the tech- up about 94% of chemical composition of eggshell.
nological potentials of eggshell properties. In this This makes it an essential material for HAp produc-

Res. Agr. Eng. Vol. 64, 2018 (2): 104–114


Fig. 1. A flower-like hydroxyapa-

tite nanostructure of eggshells
(Kumar et al. 2012)

tion (Li-Chan, Kim 2008). Others are organic mat- Eggshell is a rich source of minerals, serving as
ter which makes up 4%, magnesium carbonate (1%) a pharmaceutical excipient, a base material for de-
and calcium phosphate (1%) as well as insoluble veloping medicinal and dental preparations, a food
proteins (Rivera et al. 1999; Li-Chan, Kim 2008). additive and calcium supplement, a diluent of solid
The calcite, the most stable form of calcium car- dosage forms, an agricultural fertilizer component,
bonate, forms elongated structures called columns, and as a component for bone implants (Muraka-
palisades or crystallite. One of the most rapid mi et al. 2007).
known processes of biomineralization is calcifica-
tion of eggshells, which is contributed to better
mechanical properties and strength of eggshell- Application of eggshell
based Hap. (Li-Chan, Kim 2008) demonstrated its in producing biodiesel
superior sinterability when compared with HAp
synthesized from other sources in terms of hard- Calcium oxide (CaO) is one of the most promis-
ness, density and cell culture. Cytotoxicity test ing alkaline earth metal oxides with high basicity,
for evaluation of the biocompatibility of eggshell- which is suitable for biodiesel production (Bal et
based HAp (Krishna et al. 2007) shows that the al. 2001; Tsai et al. 2006; Syazwani et al. 2015).
eggshell-based HAp favours adhesion of the osteo- Mollusk shells, eggshells, and mussel shells could
blast cells and is noncytotoxic. This might be be- be calcined to take CaO used as a heterogeneous
cause of the biological nature of CaCO3 that is able catalyst in biodiesel production (Nakatani et al.
to improve the properties of the HAp (Krishna et 2009; Gole, Gogate 2012; Rezaei et al. 2013).
al. 2007). The HAp from eggshells has a great qual- Biodiesel has already been commercially pro-
ity due to its resemblance with human hard tissues duced from renewable resources such as soybean
(Akram et al. 2014). Smaller in size and cellular are oil by transesterification reaction using homogene-
the usual features of the HAp, which are contrib- ous strong bases or acids as catalysts ( Vicente et
uted to the excellent quality of eggshell-based HAp al. 2004; Di Serio et al. 2005; Morin et al. 2007;
that is much closer to the composition and struc- Chouhan, Sarma 2011). The chemical composi-
ture of biological apatite. This is considered with tion of waste eggshell is mainly calcium carbonate
a synthetic apatite as a major requirement used to as reported by other researchers (Witoon, 2011).
repair damage and hard tissues (Han et al. 2002). Due to intrinsic pore structure in eggshell surface
A good perspective of using eggshell is its non-ex- and its abundance, eggshell is a good raw material
pensiveness. It is also an environmentally friendly for preparation of fine powder, which might pave
source for HAp preparation (Balázsi et al. 2013). the way for its utilization such as porous solid cata-
The membrane of the shell composed of glyco- lyst. In fact, the solid base catalysts derived from
proteins, consisting of collagen types can be used eggshell were prepared by calcinations (Wei et al.
in the production of cosmetics (Boron 2004; Fáti- 2009; Viriya-Empikul et al. 2010; Witoon 2011;
ma et al. 2005). Khemthong et al. 2012).

Vol. 64, 2018 (2): 104–114 Res. Agr. Eng.


Eggshell (Ostrich/Chicken) catalyst

Waste cooking oil

Methanol Biodiesel

Fig. 2. Calcinations of waste eggshells in the transesterification process (Tan et al. 2015)

The possibility of application of eggshell as a All these studies on waste materials revealed that
catalyst in catalytic process of biodiesel production a higher catalyst wt% and longer reaction time are
was investigated by (Wei et al. 2009). Reuse of egg- needed to achieve high biodiesel yields.
shell as a low-cost catalyst for biodiesel production (Tan et al. 2015) showed that applications of het-
was assessed in the viewpoint of the eggshell waste erogeneous base catalyst, CaO, which was obtained
recycling , minimization of contaminants, reduc- from calcinations of waste eggshells in the transes-
ing the production costs of biodiesel (Rabu et al. terification process, have a promising potential to be
2013; Dawodu et al. 2014) and making the process adopted in biodiesel production purpose (Fig. 2).
of biodiesel production fully ecologically-friendly. Another research was conducted by (Yin et al.
Eggshells wastes were used for the transesterifi- 2016) on biodiesel production from soybean oil
cation of used cooking oils and obtained a biodiesel deodorizer distillate (SODD) using calcined duck
yield of 100% using a 4 wt% catalyst for a reaction eggshell (DES) as a catalyst, which is an inexpen-
time of 5h (Navajas et al. 2013), while (Niju et al. sive and environment-friendly source of calcium
2014) used eggshells to undergo calcination–hy- carbonate. The reusability of the DES-derived cata-
dration–dehydration treatment to obtain a CaO lyst was tested and the results showed that the bio-
catalyst. The transesterification of waste frying oil diesel yield was above 80% after 5-times usage and
(WFO) results showed that the methyl ester con- was lower than 60% after 8-times usage.
version was 67.57% for commercial CaO and it was (Joshi et al. 2015) studied the transesterifica-
94.52% for CaO obtained from the calcination–hy- tion of jatropha and karanja oils by using waste
dration–dehydration treatment of eggshell at a 5 wt% eggshells-derived calcium--based mixed metal ox-
catalyst (based on oil weight), a methanol to oil ratio ides as a catalyst. High surface areas of the catalysts
of 12:1, a reaction temperature of 65°C and are ac- were observed when they were calcined at 900°C
tion time of 1h. Recently (Chen et al. 2014) derived and therefore they showed a high catalytic activity.
CaO catalyst from ostrich eggshell and reported (Niju et al. 2014) revealed that the calcinations-
that maximum biodiesel yield (92.7%) was obtained hydration-dehydration treatment was a sufficient
from palm oil under the following conditions: cata- method to increase the catalytic activity of waste
lyst 8 wt%, methanol-to-oil ratio 9:1, reaction time shells.
60 min and ultrasonic power 60% amplitude. Be- Active biodiesel production catalysts were de-
sides, this CaO catalyst could be reused for more rived from waste eggshells using simple calcination
than 8 times without a significant loss of activity. in air (Khemthong et al. 2012). The physicochem-

Res. Agr. Eng. Vol. 64, 2018 (2): 104–114


ical properties of the activated catalysts were char- removing hydrogen sulphide from wastewaters. For
acterized by XRD, N2 sorption, CO2-TPD, TGA– this purpose, physical and chemical properties of
DTG, XRF and SEM, while the catalytic activity the treated eggshell were investigated and potential
was tested in producing biodiesel via transesteri- applicability of the treated eggshell in the removal
fication on palm oil with methanol under micro- of heavy metals was studied with both synthetic
wave conditions. The effect of microwave power, and real wastewater. In this way, the removal capac-
reaction time, methanol-to-oil ratio and catalyst ity of toxic heavy metals by the reused eggshell was
loading was investigated. The experimental results studied by (Park et al. 2007). As a pre-treatment
revealed that the catalysts exhibited a high content process for the preparation of the reused material
of CaO (99.2 wt%) with high density of strong base from the waste eggshell, calcination was performed
sites. The catalytic testing demonstrated a remark- in the furnace at 800°C for 2 h after crushing the
able enhancement for biodiesel production using dried waste eggshell. Although the natural egg-
microwaves compared to conventional heating. shell had some removal capacity of Cd and Cr, a
The max. yield of fatty acid methyl esters reached complete removal was not accomplished even after
96.7% under the optimal condition of reaction time 60 min due to quite slower removal rate. However,
of 4 min with 900 W microwave power, methanol- in contrast to Cd and Cr, an efficient removal of Pb
to-oil ratio of 18:1, and catalyst loading of 15%. The was observed with the natural eggshell rather than
results indicated that the CaO catalysts derived the calcined eggshell. From the application of the
from eggshells showed good reusability and had a calcined eggshell in the treatment of real electro-
high potential to be used as biodiesel production plating wastewater, the calcined eggshell showed a
catalysts under microwave-assisted transesterifica- promising removal capacity of heavy metal ions as
tion of palm oil. well as it had a good neutralization capacity in the
(Alba-Rubio et al. 2010) reported that the trans- treatment of strong acidic wastewater.
esterification reaction of oil and methanol can be Habeeb et al. 2014 evaluated the characteriza-
effectively catalysed by CaO with a biodiesel yield tion and application of chicken eggshell as green
higher than 90%. This research also suggested that and economical adsorbents for the treatment of hy-
the basic strength of CaO is sufficient for this re- drogen sulfide from wastewaters, which is fatal to
action which could be found from waste eggshells benthic aquatic lives as it depletes the dissolved oxy-
(Boro et al. 2011) not only to exhibit a high po- gen in their ecosystem. The results showed that the
tential use as biodiesel synthesis catalysts but also calcinate waste eggshell had the highest adsorption
to add value to the green biodiesel process due to capacity. It is concluded that the chickens’ eggshells
their eco-friendly characteristics and low cost. In are very useful green and economic adsorbents due
a research that investigated the transesterification to their availability and absence of any toxic and haz-
of palm olein oil with methanol catalysed by CaO ardous constituent’s elements from all adsorbents.
derived from the wastes of mollusk shell, bone, The calcinate modified was the most suitable fol-
and eggshell, (Witoon 2011; Viriya-Empikul et lowed by the activated carbon modified adsorbent.
al. 2012) found that these catalysts are active to The ground chicken eggshell without treatments
biodiesel production resulting in fatty acid me- was the least suitable for the removal of H2S from
thyl ester (FAME) above 90%. Among the derived waste waters. Another research in this area was
catalysts, an eggshell-derived catalyst displayed the done about the influence of milling on the adsorp-
highest catalytic performance when compared to tion ability of eggshell waste (Baláž et al. 2016).
others. However, those reactions require a longer The effect of ball milling on the structure and ad-
time (> 60 min) to achieve a satisfactory conversion sorption ability of eggshell (ES) and its membrane
of oil to biodiesel because of heat and mass transfer (ESM) was investigated, with the conclusion that
limitations. milling is beneficial only for the ES. The adsorption
experiments showed that the ESM is a selective ad-
sorbent, as the adsorption ability toward different
Eggshell as an absorbent ions decreased in the following order: Ag (I) > Cd
(II) > Zn (II). The potential industrial application of
Many researches seek to evaluate the use of chick- ES was also demonstrated by successful removal of
en eggshell as green and economical adsorbents for Ag (I) from the technological waste.

Vol. 64, 2018 (2): 104–114 Res. Agr. Eng.


Utilization of ground eggshell waste as an adsor- eggshell materials instead of discarding them into
bent for the removal of dyes from aqueous solution the environment. Moreover, the use of these shells
was carried out by (Tsai et al. 2008a). From the re- as an alternative source of CaCO3 (calcium carbon-
sults of their research, it is feasible to utilize the ate) may reduce the impact on the natural reserves
ground eggshell waste as an effective adsorbent for of limestone, a non-renewable natural source (Ne-
removal of anionic dye from aqueous solutions. ves 1998; Boron 2004).
The advantage of eggshells in comparison with
other natural sources of calcium is the low level of
Application of eggshell as a fertilizer toxic substances present (Boron 2004). Occasion-
ally, parts of this waste are used as fertilizer, due
A great quantity of eggshells is generated as bio- to its high content of calcium and nitrogen. How-
waste all over the world each day. Not only does the ever, eggshells are a potentially polluting industrial
odour of eggshell provide site for flies and abrasive- waste when not properly managed because they
ness, but also many useful materials are lost. Among support microbiological action. Studies focused
the applications of eggshell waste mentioned before, on the conversion of eggshells to animal feed (par-
it might be used as a fertilizer for plants, as they ticularly for poultry) recommend pre-treatment at
might help reduce the plant blossom-end rot (BER) approximately 80°C to reduce microbiologic con-
disease and the cost of plantation. It also increases tamination of the powdered shell (Rivera et al.
the nutritional intake of plants (Hamester et al. 1999). The powder obtained through this process,
2012). Also, it will be used as a calcium supplement presented in Fig. 3, besides being a calcium source,
tablet for females as a substitute for CIPCAL-500. contains proteins remaining from the albumen (egg
Basically, eggshells resulting from industrial pro- white), the membranes and the shell matrix. (Ok et
cesses are used in agriculture, in order to correct al. 2011) described a similar process, but with dry-
the pH of acid soils. Although they are of economic ing the eggshells at 105°C for 72 h, to remove Cd
value when used in this way, this waste product is and Pb from the contaminated oil.
currently undervalued. Also, environmental issues (Chakraborty 2007) reported that eggshell has
should be considered in attempts to add value to a huge amount of calcium which can be used very
effectively in various applications. As a fertilizer, it
enriched the pH and calcium content of the soil.
This enrichment is very beneficial for plants suf-
In terms of weight fering from blossom-end rot disease, for example
Eggshell tomato plants, berry plants, etc. In another appli-
110t cation, the chicken eggshell powder was used up to
make tablets (Fig. 4) that were tested for equivalen-
cy to CIPCAL-500 calcium supplement tablets. The
analysis results were comparable, while the source
1% of losses Drying at 108°C
availability and extraction of chicken eggshell are
much easier as compared to the oyster shell which
is the main source for CIPCAL-500 tablets produc-
tion (Lozano et al. 1994).
109.89t Milling The effect of eggshell powder on the stabilizing
potential of lime on expansive clay soil was studied
by (Amu et al. 2005). From the results obtained, it
could be concluded that lime has exhibited its su-
Powdered perior potency over eggshell as a stabilizing agent
in all ramifications.
Effects of using eggshell waste as a calcium source
were evaluated in the diet of the Rhode Island Red
Fig. 3. Process flowchart of the powdered eggshell used roosters on semen quality, gonadal development,
for animal feed, fertilizer and removal of heavy metals plasma calcium and bone status (Gongruttan-
(Oliveira et al. 2013). anun 2011). It was apparent that eggshell can be

Res. Agr. Eng. Vol. 64, 2018 (2): 104–114


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