3P8SR336 Series Parallel Surge Arrester - Fin Grid installation - Finland 1997
Surge Arresters
2HSR & 3HSR Modular Single Column
Polymeric Surge Arresters
2HSR & 3HSR Modular Single Column
Polymeric Surge Arresters – Accessories
L6 L5 L2 M5
Aluminium Stem Line Clamp to suit Line Clamp to suit 4 hole Pedestal Base
30mm Ø x 80mm high cables up to 35mm Ø cables up to 16mm Ø 127 -140 PCD
M10 E5 E2
Single Polyfibre Earth Clamp to suit Earth Clamp to suit
Base Insulator cables up to 35mm Ø cables up to 16mm Ø
Set of 4 Polyfibre
Base Insulators
used with M5
2H & 3H Arrester Type Rating MCOV 2H & 3H Arrester Type Rating MCOV
with M16 Studs & nuts both ends kV kV with pedestal base kV kV
2HSRB30L1E1M0 30 24 2HSRBP30L1E1M5 30 24
2HSRB45L1E1M0 45 36 2HSRBP45L1E1M5 45 36
2HSRB48L1E1M0 48 38 2HSRBP48L1E1M5 48 38
2HSRB60L1E1M0 60 48 2HSRBP60L1E1M5 60 48
2HSRC48L1E1M0 48 38 2HSRCP48L1E1M5 48 38
2HSRC60L1E1M0 60 48 2HSRCP60L1E1M5 60 48
2HSRC72L1E1M0 72 58 2HSRCP72L1E1M5 72 58
2HSRC84L1E1M0 84 67 2HSRCP84L1E1M5 84 67
3HSRC96L1E1M0 96 77 3HSRCP96L1E1M5 96 77
3HSRC108L1E1M0 108 86 3HSRCP108L1E1M5 108 86
3HSRC120L1E1M0 120 96 3HSRCP120L1E1M5 120 96
3HSRC126L1E1M0 126 101 3HSRCP126L1E1M5 126 101
L1,E1 = M16 Studs with 2 Full Nuts and Washers L1 = M16 Studs with 2 Full Nuts and Washers
E1 = 2 x M10 Screws
Example: 3 HSRC 96 L1 E1 M0
Stages Mounting
Arrester Housing Earth Terminal
Voltage Line Terminal
Series Parallel Polymeric Surge Arresters
Series Parallel Polymeric Surge Arresters –
Aluminium Flange
PSRA & PSRB Single Column
Polymeric Housed Surge Arresters – Accessories
L2 L3/E2 L5/E5
Aluminium Stem Line/Earth Clamp to suit Line/Earth Clamp to suit
35mm Ø x 80mm high cables up to 16mm Ø cables up to 35mm Ø
L6 M6
4 hole Nema Pad 4 Polyfibre Base Insulators
on 280mm PCD
PSRB Arrester Type Rating MCOV PSRB Arrester Type Rating MCOV
kV kV kV kV
PSRB160L2E1M4 60 48 PSRA160L2E1M4 60 48
PSRB175L2E1M4 75 60 PSRA175L2E1M4 75 60
PSRB296L2E1M4 96 77 PSRA296L2E1M4 96 77
PSRB2108L2E1M4 108 86 PSRA2108L2E1M4 108 86
PSRB2120L2E1M4 120 96 PSRA2120L2E1M4 120 96
PSRB2132L2E1M4 132 106 PSRA2132L2E1M4 132 106
PSRB2138L2E1M4 138 110 PSRA2138L2E1M4 138 110
PSRB2144L2E1M4 144 115 PSRA2144L2E1M4 144 115
PSRB2150L2E1M4 150 120 PSRA2150L2E1M4 150 120
PSRB2168L2E1M4 168 134 PSRA2168L2E1M4 168 134
PSRB3198L2E1M4 198 158 PSRA3198L2E1M4 198 158
PSRB3228L2E1M4 228 182 PSRA3228L2E1M4 228 182
E1 = 2 x M10 Screws
M4 = 4 Hole Pedestal Base on 280mm PCD
Porcelain Housed Surge Arresters
Kuwait 300kV system MEW installed 1982 UK 132kV Seeboard installed in 1975
Porcelain Housed Surge Arresters –
M3 = MBA - 210mm PCD
L2 L3/E2 L5/E5 L6 M4 = MAA/MCA/MDA - 280mm PCD
Aluminium Line Stem Line/Earth Clamp to suit Line/Earth Clamp to suit 4 hole Nema Pad 4 Polyfibre Base Insulators
30mm Ø x 80mm high cables up to 16mm Ø cables up to 35mm Ø
Voltage MCOV MBA Porcelain MAA Porcelain MCA Porcelain MDA Porcelain
Max Arrester Type Arrester Type Arrester Type Arrester Type
kV kV L2E1M1 L2E1M2 L2E1M2 L2E1M2
3 2.4 MBA0 MAA0 MCA0 MDA0
6 4.8 MBA0 MAA0 MCA0 MDA0
12 9.6 MBA0 MAA0 MCA0 MDA0
15 12 MBA0 MAA0 MCA0 MDA0
18 14 MBA0 MAA0 MCA0 MDA0
21 17 MBA0 MAA0 MCA0 MDA0
24 19 MBA0 MAA0 MCA0 MDA0
27 22 MBA1 MAA1 MCA1 MDA1
30 24 MBA1 MAA1 MCA1 MDA1
36 29 MBA1 MAA1 MCA1 MDA1
39 31 MBA1 MAA1 MCA1 MDA1
42 34 MBA1 MAA1 MCA1 MDA1
60 48 MBA2 MAA2 MCA2 MDA2
75 60 MBA2 MAA2 MCA2 MDA2
96 77 MBA3 MAA3 MCA3 MDA3
108 86 MBA3 MAA3 MCA3 MDA3
120 96 MBA3 MAA3 MCA3 MDA3
126 101 MBA3 MAA3 MCA3 MDA3
132 106 MBA3 MAA3 MCA3 MDA3
144 115 MBA4 MAA4 MCA4 MDA4
150 120 MBA4 MAA4 MCA4 MDA4
144 115 MBA3.0 MAA3.0 MCA3.0 MDA3.0
150 120 MBA3.1 MAA3.1 MCA3.1 MDA3.1
150 120 MBA3.2 MAA3.2 MCA3.2 MDA3.2
150 120 MBA3.3 MAA3.3 MCA3.3 MDA3.3
150 120 MBA4.0 MAA4.0 MCA4.0 MDA4.0
198 158 – MAA4.1 MCA4.1 MDA4.1
198 158 – MAA4.2 MCA4.2 MDA4.2
198 158 – MAA4.3 – –
198 158 – MAA4.4 – –
240 192 – – MCA4.3 MDA4.3
288 230 – – MCA4.4 MDA4.4
360 288 – – MCA3.3.3 MDA3.3.3
E1 = 2 x M10 screws
MBA-M2 = 4 Hole Pedestal Base on 210mm PCD MAA, MCA, MDA = 4 Hole Pedestal Base on 280mm PCD
Max Rating MBA = 156kV, MAA = 198kV, MCA & MDA = 360kV
Surge Counters
Surge Counter
Earth Cable
Committed to Quality
For further information contact
All of the above information, including drawings, illustrations and graphic designs, reflects our present understanding and is to the best of our knowledge and belief correct and
reliable. Users, however, should independently evaluate the suitability of each product for the desired application. Under no circumstances does this constitute an assurance of
any particular quality or performance. Such an assurance is only provided in the context of our product specifications or explicit contractual arrangements. Our liability for these
products is set forth in our standard terms and conditions of sale.
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© Tyco Electronics BOW-EPP 0001-08-02