Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences and Research: Journal Home Page: JRSR - - Ir
Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences and Research: Journal Home Page: JRSR - - Ir
Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences and Research: Journal Home Page: JRSR - - Ir
Original Article
Sara Abolahrari Shirazi1, Farahnaz Ghafari Nezhad1, Maryam Ebrahimian1, Elham Nouraddini2,
Azadeh Mansoorian2, Farahnaz Emami1*
Center for Human Motion Science Research, Department of Physiotherapy, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences,
Shiraz, Iran
Student Research Committee, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
in muscle function lead to alterations in ground reaction were included in this research [24]. Another criterion
forces, the progression of degenerative changes and the comprised experiencing pain in the majority of the days
development of pain [10]. Patients with knee OA thus of the week during the 6 months prior to the study. All
have different gait kinematics and kinetics compared to participants provided their written informed consent.
asymptomatic persons [11, 12]. Alterations in gait include Those with any history of low back pain, unilateral
decreased knee excursion and different muscle activity knee OA, trauma to the knee joint, loss of joint play
patterns in lower extremity. Although these alterations in tibiofemoral and patellofemoral articulations, lower
may protect the knee joint from further degeneration they extremity fracture and surgery, neurological deficit or
have numerous adverse effects [13]. movement disorder, and those who were athletes or who
The knee consists of two joints [14]: the patellofemoral had been treated with physiotherapy during the previous
and tibiofemoral joint. The former can be involved in 6 months, were excluded from the study. Initially, age,
biomechanical problems in the young and physically active weight and height were recorded on a data collection form.
population [15, 16]. Various factors such as abnormal All measurements were obtained with a goniometer. The
lower limb biomechanics, insufficient flexibility and goniometry reliability for measuring the range of motion
quadriceps deficit may lead to patellofemoral dysfunction. in limb joints is considered good to excellent [25].
Previous studies have shown that the flexibility of muscles In the present study joint play in knee complex was
around the knee joint was decreased in patellofemoral evaluated at first. If the joint play is found to be normal,
pain syndrome (PFPS) and in athletes with anterior knee the limitation of range of motion is most likely due to
pain [7, 17, 18]. Pone et al. noted that in patients with PFPS, lack of flexibility [26].
decreased flexibility in the quadriceps was greater than To measure hamstring flexibility, passive knee extension
in healthy people [17]. Similar studies have documented tests were done in the supine position, as follows. The
decreased flexibility in the gastrocnemius [18], hamstring pelvis was immobilized, and the leg to be measured was
and quadriceps muscles in patients with PFPS compared positioned in 90-90 degree hip and knee flexion. Then one
to controls [7]. Research on the association between examiner extended the knee joint passively to the point
PFP and lower extremity biomechanics by Ohjeoung et where she felt resistance to movement. A second examiner
al. suggested that less flexibility in the hamstring was placed the center (fulcrum) of a universal goniometer
increased in patients with PFPS compared to healthy on the lateral femoral condyle with the stationary arm
controls [19]. of the goniometer aligned on the lateral malleolus and
In middle-aged and elderly people OA is a relatively the moving arm aligned with the greater trochanter,
common problem that can influence self-efficacy for and recorded the angle as shown in figure 1 [27-32]. All
physical tasks, and that is associated with a risk of falling. measurements performed by the same examiner.
Muscle flexibility is an important characteristic, which
deceases with age. The resulting lack of muscle flexibility
can lead to changes in joint function [20], and may be a
risk factor for injuries during activities that require a full
range of motion [21]. Knee OA-related stiffness can be
observed during walking in patients [22]. According to
Oatis et al., joint stiffness showed a moderate negative
correlation with stride length in patients with knee OA
[23]. Thereby performing regular stretching exercises
increase muscle flexibility, ROM and provide functional
benefits for patients with knee OA and may delay the need
for surgical interventions.
To the authors’ knowledge, no previous studies have
explored the flexibility of muscles around the knee joint Figure 1: The measurement of hamstring flexibility.
in patients with knee OA. We accordingly designed the
present study to compare the flexibility of muscles around To measure quadriceps flexibility the examiner flexed
the knee in patients with OA and healthy asymptomatic the knee joint passively in the prone position. The center
control participants. Our hypothesis was that the amount of of the goniometer was positioned on the femoral lateral
knee joint muscles flexibility in patients with knee OA was condyle with the stationary arm aligned on the thigh and
differs from healthy subjects. Also we hypothesized that the moving arm aligned on the tibia, and the angle was
the muscle flexibility would correlate with pain intensity. recorded after 90% (figure 2) [33, 34].
To measure adductor flexibility in the supine position,
Methods the non-test leg was immobilized at the midline and the
other leg was abducted passively until firm resistance
Twenty-three non-athlete women with OA and 23 was felt. The center of the goniometer was placed on
healthy women between 40 and 60 years of age were the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS), and the moving
enrolled in this cross-sectional study. According to arm was positioned along the thigh midline while the
Kellgren and Lawrence grading system, each participant stationary arm was placed along the imaginary line
had grades 2 or 3 knee OA in bilateral tibiofemoral connecting the two ASIS (figure 3) [35].
Statistical Analysis
All statistical analyses were done with SPSS v. 16
software and P<0.05 was considered significant. The
normality of our data was examined by using Kolmogorov-
Smirnov. Independent t tests were used to compare
Figure 2: The measurement of quadriceps flexibility. muscle flexibility in patients with knee osteoarthritis
and controls, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient was
calculated to search for correlations between knee muscle
flexibility and pain intensity.
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Abolahrari Shirazi S et al.
Table 1: Baseline characteristics of the women who participated in the patient and control groups
Group Patient (n=23) Healthy (n=23) P value
Variable Mean±SD Mean±SD
Age (years) 3.89±49.6 5.71±48.72 0.590
Weight (kg) 11.07±68.52 8.9±68.04 0.873
Height (cm) 6.23±1.58 6.56±1.61 0.265
Table 2: Comparison of muscle flexibility in patients with knee osteoarthritis and controls
Group Patient Healthy P. value
Muscle Flexibility (degrees) SD±Mean SD±Mean
RT Hamstring 13.83±69.04 13.75±69.6 0.890
LT Hamstring 12.08±69.34 13.71±68.26 0.777
RT Quadriceps 13.14± 26.52 8.97±39.73 0.001*
LT Quadriceps 12.05±27.13 7.64±36.17 0.004*
RT Iliotibial band 7.28±17.47 8.4±20.65 0.120
LT Iliotibial band 6.18 ±17.17 9.07±18.00 0.720
RT Adductor 7.92±32.30 12.31±34.86 0.405
LT Adductor 6.46±28.95 9.96±33.26 0.089
RT Gastrocnemius 9.22 ±35.08 10.93±31.95 0.300
LT Gastrocnemius 8.24 ±30.73 10.39±30.86 0.963
RT, Right; LT, Left, *P. value<0.05
Table 3: Correlation between flexibility of muscles around the knee joint and pain intensity
Correlation r P. value
VAS (cm) × RT Hamstring (P) -0.017 0.911
VAS (cm) × LT Hamstring (P) 0.020 0.894
VAS (cm) × RT Quadriceps (P) -0.458 0.001*
VAS (cm) × LT Quadriceps (P) -0.461 0.001*
VAS (cm) × RT Ilitibial band (P) -0.046 0.759
VAS ( cm) × LT Iliotibial band (P) -0.003 0.986
VAS (cm) × RT Adductor (P) -0.258 0.084
VAS ( cm) × LT Adductor (P) -0.314 0.033*
VAS (cm) × RT Gastrocnemius (P) 0.085 0.575
VAS ( cm) × LT Gastrocnemius (P) -0.054 0.719
RT, Right; LT, Left; VAS, Visual analog scale; *P. value<0.05
words, quadriceps flexibility was lower in patients with ability to voluntary activation of quadriceps impaired
more intense perceived pain. One possible explanation in individuals with knee OA. Muscle activation failure
is that to prevent pain, the patients flex their knee joint can result in abnormal articular afferent inputs being
less than 100 degrees and this behavior leads to a decline sent to α.motor neurons and this may occur due to joint
in quadriceps flexibility, patella alta and recurrent pain degeneration [43].
– all of which create a vicious cycle [41]. In contrast to Our results for iliotibial band flexibility showed no
our results, some researchers have found a relationship significant differences between the two groups. We are
between hamstring tightness and pain in adolescent aware of no previous studies of iliotibial band flexibility
athletes with anterior knee pain [7]. A possible explanation in patients with knee OA. One earlier study found no
for these different findings is that the participants in the differences in flexibility between patients with PFPS and
study by Smith et al. were young athletes with anterior healthy individuals [18]. However, Hudson et al. reported
knee pain due to jumper’s knee, Osgood Schlatter disease, decreased iliotibial band flexibility in these patients [44].
patellofemoral pain or combinations of these whereas We believe this difference with our results may exist
the participants in the present study were middle-aged because all participants in our study had knee OA.
women with tibiofemoral joint OA. Therefore the pattern According to comprehensive approach in dysfunction of
of muscle tightness in athletes and patients with knee OA lumbopelvic-hip, shortening of iliotibial band trends to
may be dissimilar. occur in low back pain patients and necessarily not be
We found no significant differences between groups seen in all of patients with knee OA [45].
in hamstring, iliotibial band, gastrocnemius or adductor Our patients with knee OA did not differ significantly
muscle flexibility. One probable reason is that all from asymptomatic controls in hamstring muscle
participants in both groups were non-athletes and middle– flexibility. A previous study, however, noted that hamstring
aged and therefore probably experienced a similar trend tightness may be one of the contributing factors to PFPS
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