Melese 2020 - Effectiveness of Kinesiotaping OA Knee SRMA jpr-13-1267
Melese 2020 - Effectiveness of Kinesiotaping OA Knee SRMA jpr-13-1267
Melese 2020 - Effectiveness of Kinesiotaping OA Knee SRMA jpr-13-1267
Haimanot Melese 1 Abstract: The purpose of this review was to summarize the current best evidence for the
Abayneh Alamer 1 effectiveness of Kinesio Taping in reducing pain and increasing knee function for patients
1 with knee osteoarthritis. A comprehensive search of literature published between 2014 and
Melaku Hailu Temesgen
Fetene Nigussie 2 2019 was conducted using the following electronic databases: PubMed, Google Scholar,
Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), Science Direct, and Scopus. Only randomized
Department of Physiotherapy, School of
controlled trials evaluating the effect of Kinesio Taping on knee osteoarthritis were included.
Medicine, College of Health Sciences and
Ayder Comprehensive Specialized PEDro was used to assess the risk of bias of included trials. This study was reported
Hospital, Mekelle University, Mekelle, according to the guideline of the PRISMA statement. The methodological quality of the
Ethiopia; 2Department of Nursing
Institute of Medicine, College of Health studies was done using the PEDro scale and GRADE approach. The overall quality of
Sciences, Debre Berhan University, evidence was rated from moderate to high. Eighteen randomized trials involving 876 patients
Debre Berhan, Ethiopia were included. The present systematic review demonstrated that there were significant
differences between Kinesio Taping groups and control groups in terms of visual analog
scale (VAS), Western Ontario and MacMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC)
scale and flexion range of motion. Kinesio Taping is effective in improving pain and joint
function in patients with knee OA.
Keywords: Kinesio Taping, osteoarthritis, knee joint, systematic review
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a long-term chronic degenerative disease characterized by the
deterioration of cartilage in joints and creating stiffness, pain, and impaired
movement.1 According to the World Health Organization (WHO), OA is one of
the major disabling conditions among musculoskeletal disorders and forecasted that
it will become the fourth primary cause of disability by the year 2020.2,3 It had
increasing physical, psychological, and socioeconomic burden globally.3,4
Osteoarthritis of the knee is a major leading cause of mobility impairment.5,6
Knee pain, decreased knee flexibility, and functional inability are common clinical
manifestations during daily activities among patients with knee OA.7,8 Previous
studies have reported that pain and significant physical functional limitations have
been associated with reduced muscle strength, poor proprioception, and impaired
self-reported knee status anticipated that worsening of knee instability over
Correspondence: Abayneh Alamer Clinically, conservative nonpharmacological treatments such as resistance
Tel +251 922276256 strengthening exercises, low-impact aerobic exercises, whole-body vibration, neu-
Fax +251 344416681/91
Email romuscular education, and KT were used to relieve pain, to delay complications,
submit your manuscript | Journal of Pain Research 2020:13 1267–1276 1267
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Melese et al Dovepress
and to prevent disease progression for knee OA.13,14 the key words were used; “Kinesio Taping /Elastic
Among those different treatments used to treat knee OA, Taping/sham taping/patellar taping/Kinesiology Taping”
the application of Kinesio Taping (KT) had gained AND “osteoarthritis/knee joint pain/Arthritis/degenerative
popularity.15–17 Current evidence18–20 showed that KT is knee arthritis” AND “randomized controlled trial”. The
becoming the latest and routine treatment option among retrieving of the studies was set from 2014 to 2019 for
other forms of intervention for pain relief and to improve the articles.
functional performance on subjects with knee OA.
KT was originally developed by Kase et al21 and has Eligibility Criteria
been used in clinics for Various therapeutic benefits such Studies searched were considered eligible if they met
as; inhibiting pain, increasing muscle strength, facilitat- the following criteria: 1) population: patients with knee
ing motor skills and reducing muscle fatigue to patients OA; 2) intervention: intervention groups received KT
with sport injuries or musculoskeletal disorders.22,23 The for the treatment of knee OA; 3) comparisons: control
physiological effects of KT have been assumed lifting the group received sham taping/placebo KT; 4) outcomes:
skin to increases the inter-tissue space and improves visual analog scale (VAS), McMaster Universities
blood and lymph circulation,20 “Gate-control of pain”, Arthritis Index (WOMAC) scale, range of motion,
and through “Neurofacilitation” on a human body TUG test. All randomized control trials (RCT) con-
system.24 However, the current evidence regarding its ducted to determine the effectiveness of KT rehabilita-
effectiveness appear to be unclear and debatable in redu- tion on knee osteoarthritis patients were included in this
cing pain, improving range of motion and preventing review. Studies in which the addition of KT over other
functional disability when compared to other forms of interventions (experimental group) compared with other
intervention in individuals with musculoskeletal interventions only (control group) were also included.
disorders.23,25–28 Only full-length articles reported in English were
Given the lack of consistency and resulted uncertainty included. Observational studies, quasi-experimental stu-
regarding the clinical worthiness of KT in parameters of dies and conference abstracts were excluded from this
pain, range of motion, functional disability among subjects review.
with knee OA, there is still a need for current evidence
with high-quality trials in a systematic way. Therefore, this Study Selection
review was aimed to call into question about the effective- Three reviewers (H.M, M.H and A.A) retrieved papers
ness of KT on subjects with Knee osteoarthritis based on from the identified lists on the basis of title/abstract,
recent trials. based on the established criteria for inclusion. The studies
were retrieved in detail through methodological quality
and data extraction. The fourth reviewer (F.N) solved the
discordance among the reviewers.
Design and Protocol Registration
This systematic review was conducted and reported in
Data Extraction
compliance with the Preferred Reporting Items for
A data extraction tool was prepared by the reviewers and
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
reviewers extracted the data independently. The following
data were extracted from each trial using PICOS: authors’
name and year of publication, OA definition (severity
Search Strategy measure, type and duration), number of participants in
A literature search was performed to identify all eligible treatment and control group, mean follow-up time, type
randomized controlled trials. An electronic search of the of treatment, mean age of the participants, primary out-
literature was conducted to identify relevant studies from come measures, study design, study results and study
Google Scholar, PEDro, Science direct, Scopus, and conclusions.
PubMed. The following terms were used as key words:
“Kinesio Taping”, “Elastic Taping, “knee osteoarthritis” Risk of Bias
and “randomized controlled trial”. As subject headings Three reviewers assess the quality of included studies
varied between the databases, various combinations of based on the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro)
Scale scored using 10 items with the first item (external Results
validity of the article) quality assessments of controlled Study Selection
interventional studies tool.30,31 The PEDro scale A total of 2443 articles were identified by the searching
assesses the methodological quality of a study based strategy. After adjusting for duplicates, 1740 remained.
on important criteria, such as concealed allocation, After title and abstract screening among 703studies,
intention-to-treat analysis, and adequacy of follow-up. 635studies were excluded. After full-text screening out of
These characteristics make the PEDro scale a useful tool 68 articles, 18 randomized controlled trials were included
to assess the methodological quality of physical therapy in this review (Figure 1).
and rehabilitation trials. The overall quality of the evi-
dence and the strength of recommendations were also Study Characteristics
evaluated using the GRADE approach.32 The GRADE The details of 18 included trials that were conducted
approach specifies four levels of quality (high, moder- between 2014 and 2019 are presented in Table 1. Among
ate, low and very low). The overall evidence was down- these trials three of the studies were conducted in Republic of
graded depending on the presence of five factors: Korea33,34 and three studies were from Iran,35–37 whereas the
limitations (due to risk of bias); consistency of results; other studies were conducted in different countries like
directness (e.g. whether participants are similar to those Turkey,38 Lithuania,39 two studies were conducted in
about whom conclusions are drawn); precision (ie, suffi- India,40,41 Italy,42 Germany43 Egypt,44 Myanmar45 Brazil.46
cient data to produce narrow confidence intervals); and A total of 876 patients with knee OA aged from 50 to
other (e.g., publication bias). 77 years old were included in the selected trails. The mean
Records screened
Records excluded (n = 635)
(n = 703)
Figure 1 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) diagram.
Notes: Adapted from Moher et al.53
Cho (2015)33 Source: 46 volunteer EG: therapeutic Taping for 60 min - Pain-free ROM of the knee joint
subjects with knee OA KT with 15–25% tension (active ROM)
(G1=23, G2=23). CG: sham taping - VAS at rest and during Walking
age(SD): G1=58.2y(4.5),
G2=57.5y (4.4)
Kocyigit Source: 41 outpatients with EG: therapeutic Repeated every 4 days, 3 - Pain intensity with activity and at
(2015)38 knee OA (G1=21, G2=20). KT with 25% tension times in total night (VAS)
Mean CG: sham taping
age(SD): G1=52y (7.5),
G2=52y (10)
Lee (2016)35 Source: 30 elderly patients EG: KT 3 times/week for 4 weeks. - Pain intensity (VAS)
with knee OA (G1=15, CG: CPT - Functional disability (KWOMAC)
G2=15). - Pain-free ROM of the knee joint
Mean (Passive ROM)
age(SD): G1=72.0y (4.0),
G2=73.1y (5.8)
Kaya et al Source: 39 outpatients with EG: therapeutic 12–16 days in total -Pain intensity (VAS at rest), -
(2017)49 knee OA (G1=20, G2=19). KT with 25% tension Functional disability
Mean age(SD): G1=52y CG: placebo KT (WOMAC),
(7.5), G2=52y (10) - Pain-free ROM of the knee and hip
Wageck Source: 76 outpatients with EG: a multilayer Taping for 4 days, follow-up - Functional disability (WOMAC)
(2016)46 knee OA (G1=38, G2=38). KT application for extra 15 days - pressure algometry (Pressure pain
Mean CG: sham taping Threshold).
age(SD): G1=69.6y (6.9),
G2=68.6y (6.3)
Dhanakotti Source: 30 patients with EG: KT with 40% stretch of 3 times/week for 3 weeks - Pain intensity (NPRS)
(2016)47 knee OA (G1=15, G2=15). its - Functional disability (WOMAC)
Mean maximal length+ CPT
age(SD): G1=51.73y (5.10), CG: CPT
G2=51.26y (4.86)
Malgaonkar Source: 40 subjects with EG: therapeutic 3 times/week for 2 weeks - Pain intensity (VAS)
(2014)50 knee OA (G1=20, G=20). KT with 25% -Functional disability (WOMAC)
Mean age(SD): G1=53.5y tension
(2.21), G2=52.95y (2.25) EG: MWM
Donec and Source: 187 subjects with OA (EG=94, EG: two Y-shaped KT strips 2 times/week for 4 weeks - Numeric Pain Rating Scale
Kubilius CG=93) (10–15% tension) over the - Knee injury and Osteoarthritis
(2019)39 Mean age(SD): EG= 68.7 (9.9), CG=70.6 Anterior knee joint surface Outcome Scores (KOOS) pain
(8.3) and 75–100% tension) over subscale
the patellar tendon and
medial/lateral collateral
CG: nonspecific taping (NT)
with 0% tension
Table 1 (Continued).
Authors Patient Characteristics, Sample Intervention Frequency and Mean Outcome Measures
(Year) Size, Mean Age Follow-Up Time
Taheri Source: 36 patients with knee EG: taping (in first 3 weeks) 6 weeks -VAS
et al (2017)36 OA (EG=20, CG=16) combined with exercise -TUG
Mean age(SD): EG= 56.4(6.4), CG= 56.1 therapy
(6.3) CG: exercise and medical
Park and Source: 50 patients with knee EG: non-elastic taping Not determined - NRS
Kim (2018)34 OA (EG=25, CG=25) CG: sham taping - KWOMAC
Mean age(SD): EG= 74.76 (6.85),
CG=77.2 0 (5.49)
Rahlf et al Source: 131 patients with OA(EG=44, EG: taping at knee joint. Consecutive 3 days -ROM
(2018)43 placebo=43, CG=44) Placebo/sham: taping at calf -WOMAC
Mean age: EG=64.7(7.3), Sham=64.7(7.3) CG: no taping -10MWT
Nwe et al Source: 60 patients with OA (EG=30, EG:KT plus conventional 1 time/week for 3 weeks -VAS,
(2019)45 CG30) exercise -WOMAC index
Mean age: EG= 63.57 (9.71), CG= 61.23 CG: conventional exercise - TUG
(8.44) alone
Tripathi et al Source: 30 patients with OA(EG=15, EG: KT plus standard 1 time/week for 3 weeks -NRS scale
(2017)41 CG=12) conventional therapy -TUG
Mean age: (not described for both groups) CG: standard conventional -WOMAC scale
Hayati et al Source: 84 patients with OA of EG: NSAID therapy and KT 3 times a week at 1-day -VAS
(2019)48 knee (EG=37, CG=29, sham group=18) Placebo/sham: sham taping interval -WOMAC scale
Mean age: EG=53.72 (8.91), CG=50.24 with NSAID therapy
(8.63), Sham=53.33 (8.50) CG: KT
Hakakzadeh Source: 30 patients with OA EG: KT with 15–25% 3 days duration -VAS
et al (2019)37 (EG=15, CG,15) tension -ROM
Mean age(SD): EG= 57.3(8.7), CG 50(6.5)y CG: sham taping -TUG
Sedhom Source: 40 females with EG: KT plus CET 3 times /week for -VAS
(2016)44 knee OA from outpatient (EG=20, CG: phonophoresis with 4 weeks -ROM
CG=20) PUT using aescin and
Mean age(SD): EG=48.7y diethylamine
(5.82), CG=49.25y (5.82) salicylate plus CET
Abbreviations: OA, osteoarthritis; KT, Kinesio Taping; CPT, conventional physical therapy; VAS, visual analog scale; WOMAC, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities
Osteoarthritis Index; KWOMAC, Korean Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index; ROM, range of motion; NPRS, Numeric Pain Rating Scale;
NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; CET, conventional exercise; EG, experimental group; CG, control group; PUT, pulsed ultrasound therapy; MWM, Mulligan’s
movement with mbilization.
age ranges of the participants were between 51.73 ± (5.1) Risk of Bias Within Individual Studies
and 74.76 ± (6.85) in the experimental group34,47 and The risk of bias within individual studies and the decisions
50.24 ± (8.63) to 77.2 ± (5.49) in the control group.34,48 of each item for the included trials are shown in Table 2.
The follow-up duration of the intervention ranged from 3 Among the included trials, PEDro score ranges from 5 to
days to 3 months for both experimental and control groups 9; with a mean score of 7, which is indicating high quality.
with outcome measures of VAS, WOMAC, and ROM. Only two trials have blind therapist38,48 and baseline
Table 2 Quality Assessment of Controlled Intervention Studies
Graded approach
Outcome Measures
Data were extracted for the following outcomes: pain Discussion
intensity, disability, physical function, and range of This systematic review synthesized the effectiveness of
motion. All 10 trials used the Western Ontario and KT in subjects with knee OA. To the extent of the author’s
McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) knowledge, there was lack of a systematic review of
to measure the Functional Disability status of subjects recently published trials on the efficacy of KT in subjects
with knee OA. Only one trial used Knee injury and with knee OA. In this systematic review, large numbers of
Osteoarthritis Outcome Scores (KOOS) to measure the recent trials were included. Most of the included trials with
physical function of the participants.39 Pain intensity was moderate to high quality of evidence reported that KT was
measured using the visual Analogue Scale (VAS) in 13 effective for knee osteoarthritis. The overall effect of KT
trials (Table 1). on knee OA was evaluated for different durations of inter-
vention with heterogonous outcome measures.
Even though KT was effective for the management of
Effectiveness of KT on Pain Reduction knee OA from most included trials, but there were few
Information extracted from the articles were summarized studies that did not report its beneficial effect for Knee
and presented in Table 1. Out of 18 trails, 16 of them OA.44,46 For instance, the study done by Wageck et al46
(n= 798) reported that the number of participants with reported that KT had no beneficial effects for subjects with
knee OA who claimed; knee pain was significantly knee osteoarthritis on any of the assessed outcomes. The
improved in the KT groups compared to the control reason for that could possibly be explained by the short
group.33–36,39,40,42,43,45,47,48 However, only two studies time that participants had the KT on (4 days), which may
(n=81) reported the KT group had no improvement of not have been long enough to induce any real benefits in
knee pain compared to that of the control groups.38,44 knee osteoarthritis. In contrast, trials done by Rahlf et al43
A total of 13 studies (n=136) assessed knee pain inten- have already noted an inconsistency with Wageck’s claim
sity by using VAS33,35,36,40,42,45,48 and four studies that reported KT had beneficial effects on pain relief,
assessed pain intensity by using the Numeric Pain reducing joint stiffness and increasing knee function
Rating Scale (NPRS).34,39,41,47 within short time (three consecutive days).
This difference might be due to; Wageck’s study patients with OA knee. This inconsistent finding may also
reported that the large dropout rate during the follow-up contribute from various severity levels of knee OA,
time, taping technique (using of sham application of KT although we failed to find the available evidence.
without tension for the control group) and for participants Tripathi and Hande41 found that KT plus conventional
with bilateral knee osteoarthritis, the most affected side exercise group studied in geriatric population showed
was used. Besides the direct method of measuring pain, more significant improvement of pain than conventional
two questionnaires that include questions related to pain exercise group after 3 weeks intervention. The possible
(Lysholm and WOMAC) were also used, and the score mechanism for pain relief by KT may be the stabilizing
was isolated and analyzed from the pain domain from the effect (structural support) of KT is believed to relief pain.
WOMAC questionnaire. Kocyigit et al's38 study reported In addition, the lifting effect of KT creates additional space
that inconclusive evidence of a beneficial effect of KT over between the dermis and the muscle. This additional space
sham taping in knee osteoarthritis. This might be because is supposed to relieve pressure on the pain receptors
Lequesne index could not be sensitive enough and respon- located under the skin resulting in pain relief.50 Taken
sive measures to document the changes within a short time together, these findings suggest that KT is effective in
period and the absence of a control group with no improving pain and joint function in patients with knee
treatment. OA compared with other forms of treatments.
Anandkumarr et al40 reported that therapeutic KT is
effective in improving isokinetic quadriceps torque, and Limitations
reducing pain in knee osteoarthritis. However, it is unclear This review had the following limitations: this review was
whether the measurements were done with or without the included in only English language articles. Hence, there
KT on, making it difficult to understand how blinding of might be a chance of missing articles published in non-
assessors was performed and possible benefits of KT English languages. The heterogeneity across the studies
might only be supposed while the tape is on. Likewise, for the entire reported outcomes in post intervention and
Cho et al33 investigated that pain decreased significantly beyond the intervention periods was not estimated by
immediately after taping in KT group compared to the pooled analysis. Studies with short treatment duration
sham taping. However, Cho et al performed a single KT were included because longer treatment could likely result
application in this study; thus, the long-term effects of KT in a significant intergroup difference. Sham taping design
application are unclear. Similarly, the study done by of the included studies is somewhat inadequate. Taping in
Dhanakotti et al47 showed that KT improving quadriceps the same way as therapeutic banding but with a non-
strength and knee functional ability in knee OA partici- therapeutic material would fit better with the definition of
pants (p<0.05). ideal sham taping.
On the contrary, the study done by Sedhom et al44
reported that phonophoresis, using of aescin, diethylamine Clinical Implication
salicylate gel is more effective than KT application in This review suggests that KT appears to result in improved
relieving knee pain in knee osteoarthritis patients. This outcomes for pain, and functional disability. Clinical deci-
might be due to drug capillary resistance that inhibits sion-making shall be based on the accessibility of KT,
inflammatory phenomena and improves microcirculatory especially in a resource-limited setting.
conditions besides; regulating capillary permeability.49 In
contradiction to this, the study done by Hayati et al48 Conclusion
suggested that KT as a treatment option for early OA KT was found to improve pain and physical functioning of
that can be used for pain reduction and reduce demands subjects with knee osteoarthritis. Although this systematic
or at least delay non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug pre- review found that KT is effective in improving muscular
scriptions in patients with early OA. This improvement strength compared to other interventions, the psychologi-
may be related to the pain relief effect of KT and regula- cal benefit and supporting effects of stability to knee joint,
tion of muscle tone by KT. Besides, Nwe et al’s45 study which were not considered in this review, may constitute
also showed more significant reduction of pain, ROM, further benefits of taping. Moreover, great attention is
improving function and reduction in analgesics consump- needed when we use KT for knee osteoarthritis subjects
tion was found in intervention group than control group in as the course of disease duration and severity.
Ethical Approval 17. Hochberg M, Altman RD, April KT, et al. American college of
rheumatology. American College of Rheumatology 2012 recommen-
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