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Commercial Dispatch Eedition 1-16-19

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Wednesday | January 16, 2019

Triple homicide shocks Artesia Person of interest of three men found dead from apparent
gunshots in a mobile home in the small
detained in apparent Lowndes County town.
Price was at a loss as to why anyone
shooting in mobile home would want to kill Nance — and how
something so awful could happen in
By Isabelle Altman and Zack Plair Artesia.
Authorities ialtman@cdispatch.com; zplair@cdispatch.com “He was real sweet, kind-hearted,”
investigate a she said, adding he would help anyone
triple homicide Danielle Price was asked to do who needed it. “I have to pray real hard
on Mobile something Tuesday evening she never about this one.
Drive in Arte- dreamed she would have to, but it was “(This has) never happened in Arte-
sia Tuesday
night. A per- a task that will haunt her the rest of her sia,” she added. “Never. First time any-
son of interest life. thing like this ever happened around
has been The Artesia resident, along with here.”
detained. her mother, identified the body of her Lowndes County Coroner Greg Mer-
Isabelle Altman/Dispatch Staff cousin, Mauricio Lamarcus Nance, one See Artesia, 8A

County will
get no hospital Local Airbus plant shows
trust funds operations to European guests
from 2018
Sanders: Effort
to make withdrawal
date retroactive was
By Slim Smith

When the two

firms who managed
Lowndes County’s
hospital trust fund
portfolio provided
their year-end reports
to County Adminis-
trator Ralph Billing-
sley, the information
confirmed what Bill-
ingsley already knew:
For the first time in
the five-year history
of the investment pro-
gram, the county will
have no dividends to
pull from the account.
Each year, the Sanders
county has the option Mary Pollitz/Dispatch Staff
of withdrawing profits made from Airbus employees complete wiring on the Lakota UH-72A helicopter for the U.S. Army in Columbus on Tuesday
the account based on its status as of morning. Airbus is the world’s leading manufacturer world-wide. The Columbus location largely produces Lakota
Dec. 31. For most of the year, it ap- and H125 helicopters, completing up to 80 aircrafts a year.
peared the trust fund investments
would provide a healthy profit, as
much as $900,000 by mid-year. But
a fourth-quarter plunged wiped
Lowndes one of three locations on North American tour
out those profits, leaving the value BY MARY POLLITZ
of the trust fund roughly $500,000 mpollitz@cdispatch.com
lower than its corpus (or principle)
at the time the county withdrew Steffen Weyer visited America for the first time
$1,000,700 for 2017 profits in Febru- Tuesday afternoon, receiving his visa just last
ary. Thursday.
The county uses the money for Weyer, a journalist in Germany for dpa-AFX,
capital improvements, such as the toured the Columbus Airbus facility as a part of
recently completed E-911 building. the North American Airbus Tour. He was one of
Billingsley said the corpus of more than 30 European journalists and Airbus
the fund after the withdrawals was representatives worldwide who visited the facili-
set at $32,630,000. As of Dec. 31, ty.
2018, the trust fund’s balance was
“It’s interesting to see how they’re built here
and how they’re organized,” Weyer said.
“There’s no way we can make a
Weyer said the Airbus facility in Hamburg,
withdrawal this year,” Billingsley Mary Pollitz/Dispatch Staff
said. “In fact, we would have to earn Germany largely produces airplanes, whereas the
Airbus employee, Bobby Stewart, lays out the wiring for an
$556,000 just to get back to where Columbus facility produces helicopters. He added
aircraft’s black box on Tuesday afternoon. Stewart started
the corpus was earlier this year.” working in the paint shop in 2011 and was promoted after he had no idea how large the facility or impact the
A miscommunication between received on-the-job electrical training. Airbus prints, cuts Columbus Airbus branch was for the community.
Billingsley and board president and lays out all the wiring for its aircrafts. See Airbus, 8A
Harry Sanders suggested the coun-
See Hospital trust fund, 8A

Weather Five Questions Calendar Local Folks Public

1 On what university campus did the Friday meetings
National Guard open fire on a group of Jan. 21: Colum-
■ Memphis Jones: The Columbus Arts
students protesting the U.S. bombing bus Convention
of Cambodia? Council presents Memphis Jones &
and Visitors
2 What poet wrote, “I celebrate my- The City Limits from B.B. King’s Blues
Club on Beale Street at 7:30 p.m. in Bureau Board of
self, and sing myself”?
3 What number did Julius Erving wear the Rosenzweig Arts Center Omnova Directors regular
Amy Cancellare for the Philadelphia 76ers — 6, 33 Theater, 501 Main St.. CAC member meeting, 4 p.m.
or 42? tickets are $15 in advance/$17 at the Jan. 26: Colum-
Second grade, Annunciation
4 What country is home to Chacalta- door. Non-members, $20/$22. Get bus Municipal

54 Low 40
ya, La Paz and Potosi?
tickets at columbus-arts.org or call School District
High 5 What award did you win if you’re
handled a silver trophy of an astronaut 662-328-2787 (closed Mondays). Board Special
Partly sunny
holding a flag? call meeting,
Full forecast on
page 2A.
Answers, 8B
Saturday 8:30 a.m.,
Brandon Central
■ Symphony orchestra: The
Starkville-MSU Symphony Orchestra Services
Inside presents “Our America” at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 4: Lown-
Classifieds 8B Food 5B in MSU’s Lee Hall. Celebrate both new des County
Comics 7B Obituaries 4A and historic works of American music. Supervisors, 9
Crossword 6B Opinions 6A Free to the public. Visit starkvillesym- Dev Jaiswal is a junior at a.m., County
139th Year, No. 262 Dear Abby 7B NATS 7A phony.org. MSMS from Louisville. Courthouse


2A Wednesday, January 16, 2019 The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com

Did you hear?
Netflix raising prices for 58M
US subscribers as costs rise
New prices will immediately affect
all new subscribers and then roll out
to existing customers during the
Starkville/MSU Symphony to celebrate
next three months
By MICHAEL LIEDTKE This marks the fourth
MLK Day in Saturday concert
AP Technology Writer time that Netflix has raised
its U.S. prices; the last hike
Concert will feature the work of Mississippi American musicians and celebrate
their important place in the fabric
Netflix is raising its U.S.
came in late 2017 . But this
is the first time that higher
native William Grant Still, who was the first of classical music.”
In addition to the “Afro-Amer-
prices by 13 to 18 percent,
its biggest increase since
prices will hit all 58 million African American to have a symphony performed ican Symphony,” Saturday’s Our
U.S. subscribers, the num- America concert will also include a
the company launched its
video streaming service 12
ber Netflix reported at the by a major orchestra performance of “Candide Over-
end of September. ture” by legendary American
years ago. SPECIAL TO THE DISPATCH Rochester Philharmonic Orches-
Previously, Netflix had composer Leonard Bernstein. The
Its most popular plan tra. Born in Woodville, Still holds

continued to offer a basic, Symphony Orchestra will round
will see the largest hike, he Starkville/MSU Sym- a historic place in American music
$8-a-month streaming plan out the program with “Americana
to $13 per month from phony will present its Our as the first African American to
while raising rates on more Folk Suite” composed by Sympho-
$11. That option offers America concert Saturday
comprehensive plans with conduct a major orchestra, and the ny conductor Barry Kopetz.
high-definition streaming at 7:30 p.m. in Lee Hall on the
better video quality and op- first to have an opera performed The Starkville/MSU Symphony
on up to two different in- campus of Mississippi State Uni-
tions to watch simultane- by a major company. Association was established March
ternet-connected devic- versity. The concert will feature a
es simultaneously. Even ously on different devices. “We’re delighted to include 2, 1969. Under its leadership, the
selection of new and historic works this important work in the Our
at the higher price, that This time, the price for Symphony’s program of work has
by American composers, including
plan is still a few dollars the cheapest plan is go- America concert,” said Ryan Ross, grown to support the community
the “Afro-American Symphony.”
cheaper than HBO, whose ing up to $9 per month. Starkville/MSU Symphony con- orchestra, chorus and its yearly
Admission is free and open to the
streaming service charges A premium plan offering cert manager. “Still’s work offers education initiative, Programs for
$15 per month. ultra-high definition will During this fourth installment a stunning example of what’s Children. With the goal of intro-
The extra cash will help jump to $16 per month in the Symphony’s landmark 50th possible when elements of African ducing the vibrant classical music
to pay for Netflix’s huge in- from $14. season, the Our America program American and European classical genre to an audience reflecting the
vestment in original shows The new prices will im- includes a prelude to the celebra- music traditions are combined.” entire Starkville and surrounding
and films and finance the mediately affect all new tion of Martin Luther King Jr. Day “One of the Starkville/MSU community, every concert has re-
heavy debt it has assumed subscribers and then roll with a performance of the his- Symphony Association’s goals is mained free and open to the public
to ward off rivals such out to existing custom- toric “Afro-American Symphony” to present historically relevant throughout the Symphony’s entire
as Amazon, Disney and ers during the next three composed by Mississippi native works like this in the context of 50-year history.
AT&T. months. Customers in William Grant Still. The work was our own diverse community.” For more information, visit
While subscribers about 40 Latin America the first symphony composed said Haley Montgomery, SMSA starkvillesymphony.org, or connect
might bemoan a bigger countries where Netflix by an African American to be vice president. “The inclusion of on social media at facebook.com/
monthly bill, Wall Street bills in U.S. currency will performed by a major orchestra. this symphony is a great way for starkvillesymphony or twitter.
cheered, sending Netflix’s also be affected, excepting It was premiered in 1931 by the us to honor the legacy of African com/stksymphony.
shares up 6.5 percent key international markets
Tuesday. such as Mexico and Brazil.


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cdispatch.com.lifestyles with subscription busi- falling profits and print ing through a massive
NEW YORK — Face-
ness models and invest- readership. Facebook, transition that has been
book says it is investing
Physical address: 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39701 $300 million over the next ing in nonprofits aimed at like Google, has also been underway for a long
three years in news initia- supporting local news. It partly blamed for the on- time,” she said. “None of
Mailing address: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511 will also be used for Face- going decline in newspa- us have quite figured out
tives, with a focus on local
Starkville Office: 101 S. Lafayette St. #16, Starkville, MS 39759 news partnerships and book’s other, broad news pers’ share of advertis- ultimately what the future
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The money will go to- literacy programs and advertisers have moved look like but we want to
SUBSCRIPTIONS ward reporting grants for third-party fact-checking. online. be part of helping find a
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Sunday only delivery + unlimited online access*...........$8.50/mo.
Daily home delivery only*.................................................$12/mo.
Satisfaction: Rolling Stones to headline 50th Jazz Fest
Online access only*.......................................................$8.95/mo. The Associated Press ers will play. Also headlin- er Quint Davis said. residents only, to buy tick-
1 month daily home delivery................................................... $12 ing the 8-day event, which Perry is scheduled to ets for the Rolling Stones’
1 month Sunday only home delivery........................................ $7 NEW ORLEANS — runs April 25-28 and May perform April 27, the first date. Up to two tickets can
Mail Subscription Rates....................................................$20/mo. The New Orleans Jazz 2-5, are Katy Perry, the Saturday, while the Stones be purchased on the Plaza
* EZ Pay rate requires automatic processing of credit or debit card. and Heritage Festival has Dave Matthews Band, Al will take over the festival’s level of the Superdome
got satisfaction: The Roll- Green, Pitbull, Santana, largest stage Thursday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
ing Stones are among the Jerry Lee Lewis, Aaron May 2. Tickets go on sale Fri-
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320) headliners for the 50th an- Neville and gospel great Seeing the Stones’ per- day for the entire festival
Published daily except Saturday. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS niversary festival. Shirley Caesar. formance will require a at 10 a.m. in New Orleans
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to: Organizers on Tuesday “Fifty years is very rare special ticket good only or at www.nojazzfest.com
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., confirmed reports that the and to be here, still, just as for that day. Cost? $185. or www.ticketmaster.com
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703 Rock and Roll Hall of Fam- strong, just as relevant is Tickets go on a pre-sale or by calling 1-800-745-
amazing,” festival produc- Thursday for Louisiana 3000.


Becoming cloudy with a Mostly cloudy with a Variable clouds Becoming windier; Windy and cooler with
shower late shower or two heavy p.m. t-storms sun and clouds
40° 56° 47° 62° 53° 67° 41° 42° 22°
Columbus Tuesday
Tuesday 45° 30°
Normal 54° 33°
Record 77° (1971) 13° (1964)
Tuesday 0.00
Month to date 2.87
Normal month to date 2.49
Year to date 2.87
Normal year to date 2.49
In feet as of Flood 24-hr.
7 a.m. Tue. Stage Stage Chng.
Amory 20 12.38 -0.43
Bigbee 14 6.88 -0.26 Shown are tomorrow’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
Columbus 15 7.10 +0.15 Showers T-Storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice Cold Warm Stationary Jetstream
Fulton 20 11.71 -1.33 -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s
Tupelo 21 2.33 -0.28 THU FRI THU FRI
In feet as of 24-hr.
7 a.m. Tue. Capacity Level Chng. Boston 29/23/s 39/22/sn Orlando 73/50/s 76/53/s
Chicago 34/19/sf 30/24/c Philadelphia 35/30/pc 46/28/pc
Aberdeen Dam 188 163.77 -0.72 Dallas 64/46/c 70/42/t Phoenix 69/54/pc 69/45/s
Stennis Dam 166 137.61 -0.72 Honolulu 82/67/sh 78/68/sh Raleigh 52/42/pc 61/40/s
Bevill Dam 136 136.41 +0.04 Jacksonville 67/44/s 71/50/pc Salt Lake City 45/34/r 40/29/c
Memphis 59/41/c 59/53/c Seattle 53/46/r 54/46/r
SOLUNAR TABLE Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.
The solunar period indicates peak feeding times for
fish and game.
Major Minor Major Minor SUN AND MOON MOON PHASES
Wed. 8:18a 2:04a 8:46p 2:32p WED THU FULL LAST NEW FIRST
Thu. 9:09a 2:54a 9:38p 3:23p Sunrise 6:58 a.m. 6:58 a.m.
Sunset 5:09 p.m. 5:10 p.m.
Forecasts and graphics provided by Moonrise 1:12 p.m. 1:56 p.m.
AccuWeather, Inc. ©2019 Moonset 2:05 a.m. 3:08 a.m. Jan 20 Jan 27 Feb 4 Feb 12
Wednesday, January 16, 2019 3A


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Starkville planning two Mississippi House:

pedestrian infrastructure projects Power cooperatives
Multi-use path, Hwy. 12
sidewalks in the works
could offer internet
By Alex Holloway House voted 115-3 to approve
House Bill 366, sending it to the
The city of
Starkville is moving Senate for more debate
through the early By JEFF AMY
stages of two infra- The Associated Press
structure projects
that should further JACKSON — With rural residents facing few
the city’s ongoing choices for high speed internet, Mississippi law-
efforts to improve pe- makers pushed ahead Tuesday with a measure that
destrian accessibility Kemp would allow the state’s electric cooperatives to offer
options. the service.
On Tuesday, the city accepted The House voted 115-3 to approve House Bill
$588,000 in federal Transportation 366, sending it to the Senate for more debate. The
Alternatives Program (TAP) funds, Courtesy image
measure would allow Mississippi’s 25 electric co-
administered through the Missis- A map, included in the packet for Tuesday’s board of aldermen meeting,
shows the proposed path for a multi-use path from Spring Street to Mis- operatives to form subsidiaries to offer broadband
sippi Department of Transportation, internet service. They’re currently prohibited from
sissippi State University’s amphitheater. The city accepted $588,000 in
for a multi-use path. The proposed Transportation Alternatives Program funding for the project on Tuesday. doing so by law.
path will run from the intersection Supporters said the bill would provide an oppor-
of Highway 12 and Spring Street Louisville Street to Emerson Fam- provements along the highway. tunity for the state’s many rural residents to fully
onto Mississippi State University’s ily School. Kemp said work on a “The intent will be to use those participate in an economy and society that assumes
campus. multi-use path along Locksley way funds to fill in missing gaps along people have good digital access, although they
The multi-use path, according and Blackjack Road should begin in Highway 12,” Kemp said, “to con- warned it would take time for service to become
to maps in the meeting’s e-packet the near future. nect existing points of interest widespread.
online, will begin near the Hamp- “This allows us to continue to where people are already walking-- “They are being penalized now today because
ton Inn on the south side of the in- provide sidewalks and interconnec- for example grocery stores or retail
tersection and continue along the they chose to live in Mississippi in the country,” said
tivity between the county, city and areas.”
south side of Highway 12. It will Rep. Tommy Reynolds, a Water Valley Democrat.
university,” Spruill said. “... This Kemp said the project will also
break away from the highway near The measure is sponsored by House Speaker
will connect what we’ve already improve some intersections along
Twelve Lane on MSU’s campus got going on at Spring Street and Philip Gunn, and got the early-session push that the
Highway 12 and make it easier to
until it intersects with Bully Bou- Blackjack to enhance our ability Clinton Republican gives to some of his priorities.
cross from one side of the Highway
levard, then turn to run along Old to improve quality of life and allow to the other. House leaders had held pre-session talks to try to
Bully Boulevard until it reaches the pedestrian access to the university While the city has not yet deter- smooth out concerns of private companies that offer
amphitheater. and I think that’s a great thing.” mined where the sidewalks will go internet service and landowners. That resulted in a
City Engineer Edward Kemp — that will be decided through the bill that says cooperatives wouldn’t be required to
said the city applied for the project Highway 12 sidewalk project planning approved on Tuesday — offer internet service and couldn’t use electrical rev-
in December. The city also approved an engi- Spruill said it will look at areas that enues to prop up their internet subsidiary.
“This project will provide con- neering contract with Garver En- already see high pedestrian traffic.
nection not only for everyday traffic gineering, which has an office in “Part of the way we’re going to
but also a lot of game-day traffic for Jackson, to plan a project that aims make that determination is by see-
pedestrians who use that corridor to build more sidewalks along High- ing where people are traveling now
right now,” he said. “It will provide way 12. — where people have worn paths
a safe way for them to do that, as The city has about $290,000 left by walking from one location to an-
well as provide a better connection over from the “Grand Bullyvard” other on Highway 12,” Spruill said.
between the city and university.” project the Legislature funded with “I think we will have a opportunity
The project is funded with a 20 $750,000 in 2015. That project was to really make a difference and this
percent local match. Kemp said the geared toward making improve- summer you will see that extension
city is working to see if the costs ments along the Highway 12 corri- of sidewalks that will improve the
can be split three ways between it- dor between Spring Street and Rus- people’s ability to get to and from
self, Oktibbeha County and MSU, sell Street. and around the Highway 12 corri-
which would bring the city’s share Starkville entered an agreement dor.”
to about $80,000. with MDOT in December 2017 to Both projects were approved as
Mayor Lynn Spruill said the use those funds toward landscaping part of Tuesday’s consent agenda,
project is another chance for and sidewalks along Highway 12. which means they were unanimous-
Starkville to spread pedestrian ac- Kemp said the landscaping work ly approved without discussion
cess through the city. It’s working is complete, leaving the remaining along with other housekeeping
on a multi-use path extension along funds available for sidewalk im- matters.

State of the State: Bryant pushes teacher pay, school safety

By EMILY specific details about how sissippi economy, saying He asked lawmakers to
WAGSTER PETTUS he would like to prevent the state had a 9.4 percent put more money into the
The Associated Press
or respond to such situa- unemployment rate when foster care system, which
tions. he became governor in has been under federal
JACKSON — Missis-
“Our schools, which January 2012. He said court scrutiny for years.
sippi Gov. Phil Bryant
used his final State of the once were a haven of secu- the state now has record He also asked them to ap-
State speech Tuesday rity, have become a place low unemployment, at prove programs designed
to look back on his two of potential violence,” Bry- 4.7 percent, and Missis- to reduce the rate of peo-
terms and to offer pro- ant said. “To help protect sippi’s median household ple who return to prison
posals for his final year in our students and those income has increased 8.4 after serving time.
office. who teach them, I will percent since 2011. “If President Donald
Bryant, a Republican, ask you to pass a compre- “And just in case you’re J. Trump can pass na-
asked lawmakers to en- hensive plan to keep our not tired of winning yet, tionwide criminal justice
act a teacher pay raise school children safe. The we have 80,000 more Mis- reform through a grid-
and to approve a school recommendations come sissippians working today locked and hyper-parti-
safety program. He men- from a yearlong study for than the day I took office,” san congress, surely we
tioned concerns about effective results.” he told lawmakers during can do so right here in
active shooters in U.S. Bryant cited a litany of the speech in the state Mississippi,” said Bryant,
schools, but did not offer statistics about the Mis- Capitol. a Trump supporter.

Second man arrested in shooting

death of Mississippi pastor
The Associated Press charged him with capital
murder, armed robbery,
JACKSON — A second auto theft and conspiracy.
man has been charged Hamilton remained jailed
with killing a Mississippi Tuesday. Police Chief
pastor who was unlocking James Davis told report-
his small church Sunday ers Monday that Hamilton
morning. confessed to the killing.
Jackson Police spokes- It’s unclear if either
man Sgt. Roderick man has a lawyer.
Holmes said police arrest- The two are accused of
ed 23-year-old Bernard confronting 62-year-old
Randall late Monday and Anthony Longino early
charged him with cap- Sunday morning outside
ital murder. Randall is New Bethany Missionary
also charged with armed Baptist Church, shooting
robbery and aggravated him, and stealing his pick-
assault in a convenience up truck. The truck was
store robbery last week. later found abandoned.
Police say he robbed a “They didn’t have to
man in a parking lot and do with they did, they
then shot the victim in the could’ve just got what they
arm as he fled. wanted and went about
Police on Sunday their business” Stanley
arrested 22-year-old Longino told WLBT-TV of
Marquez Hamilton and his brother’s death.
4A Wednesday, January 16, 2019 The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com

Area obituaries
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH served as a minister in Christopher Spencer Visitation will be from Parham Jr., Paul Ray Virginia and Josh Ward
OBITUARY POLICY the United Methodist 5-8 p.m. Thursday Parham and John O’Con- of Hatley; sister, Hazel
Obituaries with basic informa- PORT ORANGE,
Church, Head of the Fla. — Christopher Leo at Cleveland-Moffett nor Parham. Perkings of Rolling
tion including visitation and
History Department, Funeral Home in Amory. She is survived by her Fork; brother, Price
service times, are provided Spencer, 57, died Jan. 10,
Director of the Insti- Cleveland-Moffett Fu- daughters, Joan Ward of “Hank” Parham of Flor-
free of charge. Extended obit- 2019, in Port Orange,
uaries with a photograph, de- tute for the Human- neral Home is in charge Port Angeles, Washing- ida; 11 grandchildren;
tailed biographical information ities, Associate Dean of arrangements. ton, Cornellia Jones of and four great-grandchil-
Services will be at Seffner, Florida, Melissa dren.
and other details families may of Arts and Sciences Mrs. Ward was born
wish to include, are available 2:30 p.m. Saturday at Van Etten of Gulfport Memorials may
and as a board member May 1, 1925, in the Par-
for a fee. Obituaries must be Lowndes Funeral Home and Julie Powell of be made to the Pine
of the College Choice ham Community, to the
submitted through funeral
Foundation. He was Chapel. Burial will follow Columbus; sons, Gene Vale Children’s Home,
homes unless the deceased’s late John Robert Parham
also co-author of sever- at Living Faith Taberna- Ward of Thaxon, John 1872 County Road 700,
body has been donated to sci- Sr. and Dessie Madonna
al publications and was cle Church Cemetery. Ward of Lynchburg, Corinth, MS 38834.
ence. If the deceased’s body Ausborn Parham. She
a member of Trinity Visitation will be two
was donated to science, the was a graduate of An-
family must provide official Presbyterian Church. hours prior to services at guilla High School and
proof of death. Please submit
In addition to his the funeral home. Lown- was a member of Chris-
all obituaries on the form pro- des Funeral Home is in
vided by The Commercial Dis- parents, he was pre- tian Chapel Church of
patch. Free notices must be cede din death by his charge of arrangements. Christ.
submitted to the newspaper brothers, Dan and Har- In addition to her par-
no later than 3 p.m. the day vey Lowery; and sister, Sunshine Ward ents, she was preceded
prior for publication Tuesday Matt Lowery Bryan. HATLEY — Sun- in death by her husband,
through Friday; no later than 4
He is survived by his shine Parham Ward, Eugene William Ward
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
edition; and no later than wife, Susie Bradford 93, died Jan. 15, 2019, Sr.; infant son, Robert
7:30 a.m. for the Monday edi- Lowery; sons, Tom at River Place Nursing Stephen Ward; sisters,
tion. Incomplete notices must Lowery, Trent Low- Center in Amory. Marguerita Parham and
be received no later than 7:30 ery and Dan Lowery; A private graveside Joyn Faye Parham; and
a.m. for the Monday through sister, Frances Poep- service will be held at brothers, Riley Quenton
Friday editions. Paid notices pelmeir of Dadeville,
must be finalized by 3 p.m. for
New Hope Cemetery. Parham, John Robert
inclusion the next day Monday
Alabama; and 10 grand-
through Thursday; and on children.
Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday Memorials may be
and Monday publication. For made in his honor to
more information, call 662- the College Choice
328-2471. Foundation at www.
Johnny Buster tion.org or through the
COLUMBUS — Trinity Presbyterian
John M. Buster, 72, Church Office.
died Jan. 15, 2019, at
Baptist Memorial Hos- Bettye Bridges
pital-Golden Triangle. COLUMBUS — Bet-
Services will be tye Ann Bridges, 77,
at 1 p.m. Saturday at died Jan. 15, 2019, at
Memorial Gunter Peel Trinity Healthcare.
Funeral Home Chapel, Services will be at
Second Avenue North 1 p.m. Friday at An-
location. Burial will fol- nunciation Catholic
low at Bethel Cemetery Church with Father
near Vernon, Alabama. Jeffrey Waldrep offici-
Visitation will be from ating. Burial will follow
5-7 p.m. Friday at the at Egger Cemetery
funeral home. Memori- in Caledonia. Visita-
al Gunter Peel Funeral tion will be two hours
Home and Crematory, prior to services at
Second Avenue North the church. Memorial
location is in charge of Gunter Peel Funeral
arrangements. Home and Crematory,
College Street location
Dorothy Cavender is in charge of arrange-
COLUMBUS — Dor- ments.
othy J. Cavender, 73,
died Jan. 16, 2019, at
the Windsor Place.
Arrangements are
William Darnell, Sr.
incomplete and will be William Dale Darnell, Sr, 87,
announced by Lowndes passed away Sunday, January
Funeral Home. 13, 2019 at his residence.
Visitation will be Wednes-
Charles Lowery day, January 16, 2019, 10:00 AM
- 12:00 PM. A funeral service
will follow at 12:00 PM at Lown-
Charles D. Lowery, 81,
des Funeral Home with Rev.
died Jan. 12, 2019, at
Charity Gordon and Rev. Ron
North Mississippi Med- Ida Mae Belk McDougald officiating. Burial
ical Center in Tupelo. Visitation: will be at Egger Cemetery in
A Celebration of Thursday, Jan. 17 • 4-6 PM
Memorial Gunter Peel Caledonia. Lowndes Funeral Home is honored to
Life service will be at Funeral Home be entrusted with funeral arrangements.
1 p.m. Friday at Trinity College St. Location
Graveside Services: Dale Darnell was born October 20, 1931 in
Presbyterian Church.

Vivian Moss
Friday, Jan. 18 • 11 AM Aberdeen, MS, to the late William Fred and Mae
Welch Funeral Home Mt. Zion Baptist
Church Cemetery
Dee Dale Darnell. He was a teacher who taught
is in charge of arrange-
Burial high school as well as coached at Moss Point,
ments. Mt. Zion Baptist MS; Winona, MS; and Lee High School, Colum- Vivian Thomas Moss, 89, of
Mr. Lowery was Church Cemetery
bus, MS. He was the Founding Father of the Cale- Columbus, MS, passed away
born May 8, 1937, in
Greenville, to the late Bettye Bridges donia Confederates of Caledonia, MS. He also Saturday, January 12, 2019, at
Visitation: served as Basketball Coach at Caledonia High her residence.
Reuben and Frances Friday, Jan. 18 • 11-1 PM School. He worked as Plant Manager for Beneke,
Lowery. He was a 1955 Annunciation Catholic Church
Visitation will be Wednesday,
Services: Columbus, MS; Stephens Toys, Herman, MO; January 16, 2019, from 10:00
graduate of Sidney Friday, Jan. 18 • 1 PM Richards Medical, Memphis TN, and served as
Lanier High School, a AM – 11:00 AM at Fairview
Annunciation Catholic Church
Vice President of Manufacturing for Microtek Baptist Church, Columbus, MS.
1959 graduate of Hun- Medical, Columbus, MS; as well as LaRomana,
Egger Cemetery A funeral service will follow
tington College, a 1961 Caledonia Dominican Republic. He was a longtime member
graduate of Florida Memorial Gunter Peel
at 11:00 AM with Bro. Sammy
Funeral Home
of Caledonia United Methodist Church, Caledo- Crawford officiating and Bro.
State University and a nia, MS, where he served as Church Lay Lead-
1966 graduate of the
College St. Location Tommy Gillon assisting. Interment will be at 3:00
er and Lay Speaker. Mr. Darnell also made the PM at Lena Cemetery, Lena, MS with Lowndes
University of Virgin- Johnny Buster Walk to Emmaus.
ia. He was formerly Funeral Home directing.
Visitation: In addition to his parents, he was preceded in Mrs. Moss was born August 22, 1929, to the
employed as a history Friday, Jan. 18 • 5-7 PM death by one brother: Sam Fred Darnell.
professor at Mississip- Memorial Gunter Peel late James Murry and Velma Sessums Thomas,
Funeral Home Mr. Darnell is survived by his wife of 68 years in Lena, MS and moved to Columbus, MS 54
pi State University and 2nd Ave. North Location Betty Carolyn Lockhart Darnell; Sons: William
Services: years ago. She was a devoted Christian and faith-
Saturday, Jan. 19 • 1 PM Dale (Betty) Darnell, Jr., Samuel H. Darnell, ful member of Fairview Baptist Church for over
Memorial Gunter Peel and John Fredrick (Karen) Darnell; Grandchil- 40 years. She was a great cook and loved fishing,
Funeral Home
2nd Ave. North Location dren: William Samuel (Tiffany) Darnell, Law- Mississippi State Baseball and traveling to the
Burial rence Dale (Brittany) Darnell, Leila Mae Dar- mountains. Mrs. Moss worked for Mississippi
Bethel Cemetery
Near Vernon, AL
nell, Fred Darnell, Stephen (Kristin) Johnston, Power for a number of years prior to having chil-
Visit us Samantha Johnston, Dana (Scott) Fleming and dren. She was a homemaker while her children
on the web at Kellie (Tony) Weaver; Great Grandchildren: Tay- were young and then taught at St. Mary’s Catho-
lor Darnell, Wyatt Darnell, Annabelle Darnell,
cdispatch.com Will and Mollie Kate Andrews, Brett and Carson
lic School, Columbus, MS for a number of years.
memorialgunterpeel.com In addition to her parents, Mrs. Moss was pre-
Beatty, Jackson Fleming, Brianna Bobitt, and ceded in death by her husband, Billy B. Moss, Sr;
Kaylee Bobitt. sisters, Dorothy Gunn and Jimmie Garver; and
Pallbearers will be: William Samuel and Tay- brother, Murry Howell Thomas.
lor Darnell, Lawrence and Wyatt Darnell, Fred Mrs. Moss is survived by her sons, Bill (Ruth-

Beverly H. Shelton
Darnell, B.J. Haase, Walter Dodson, Michael ie) Moss, Columbus, MS and Doug (Carole)
Nickoles, Roy Jones and Tony Weaver. Honorary Moss, Caledonia, MS; grandchildren, Justin
Pallbearers will be Dr. Michael Duckworth, Dr (Jessica) Moss, Jana Moss, Jason Harrison, Au-
Beverly H. Shelton, 68, of Collierville, TN, Brad Brown, Deb Fisher, Rev Al Gore, Members drey (Brad) Arinder, Anna (Koby) Bailey and
passed from this life January 13, 2019, at her of Caledonia United Methodist Church, Member Alex (Daniel) McCafferty; great-grandchildren,
home. of 1957 Caledonia High School Football Team, Savannah Moss, Maris James, Harper McCaf-
She was born December 2, 1950, in Kosciusko, Edward Johnson, David Dean, Mark Atkins, Al- ferty, Sophia Moss and Hayes Bailey; and sister,
MS, to the late J. W. and Lois Kyle Haynes. She len Tuttle, John Dodson, Rick Taylor, Woo Young Katherine (George) Pace, Rocky Mount, NC.
was a retired mortgage loan officer. Shin, Dan Lee, Kim Vought, Scott Reese, Josh Pallbearers will be Justin Moss, Jason Harri-
Beverly is survived by her husband, Phillip Pounders, Robert Lee Loftis, Tony Smith, Bobby son, Daniel McCafferty, Brad Arinder and Koby
R. Shelton, Sr.; a daughter, Krystal Shelton; Egger, Scott Fleming, as well as Past and Present Bailey. Honorary pallbearers will be J.B. Cox,
a son, Phillip R. Shelton, Jr. (Amanda); and Employees of Microtek Medical. Ralph Blackstock, Ray Crosby, Bobby Ward, Dr.
granddaughter, Lillian Shelton. Memorials may be made to Caledonia United Brad Brown and Dr. Ramon Overstreet.
Services will be 10:00 AM Friday at Collierville Methodist Church, 811 Main Street, P.O. Box 1 Memorials may be made to the charity of the
Funeral Home with visitation at 9:00 AM. Caledonia, MS, 39740. donor choice.
Compliments of Compliments of
Paid Obituary - Collierville Funeral Home Lowndes Funeral Home Lowndes Funeral Home
www.lowndesfuneralhome.net www.lowndesfuneralhome.net
The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com Wednesday, January 16, 2019 5A

Congress prepares to skip planned toAreDiscuss

You Ready
recess if shutdown goes on Long Term
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Shutdown, already the
longest ever, entered its
The IRS is recalling 46,000 Are you struggling to provide care for a loved one?
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26th day Wednesday workers to handle tax returns Do you have questions about how to protect your
assets if you need long term care?
By LISA MASCARO, CATHERINE Official start of tax filing season begins Jan. 28 Are you confused by Medicare and Medicaid
and their requirements?
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WASHINGTON — Staring down WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service is recalling about
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the next deadline to pay federal 46,000 of its employees furloughed by the government shutdown —
to discuss your long term care planning goals.
workers, the White House shift-
ed tactics, trying to bypass House
nearly 60 percent of its workforce — to handle tax returns and pay out
refunds. The employees won’t be paid during the shutdown. Dunn & Hemphill, P.A.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi to negotiate With the official start of the tax filing season coming Jan. 28, the 214 Fifth Street South | Columbus, Mississippi
with rank-and-file lawmakers even Trump administration has promised that taxpayers owed refunds will 662.327.4211 | www.marketstreetlaw.com
as President Donald Trump dug in be paid on time, despite the disruption in government services caused Offering Peace of Mind, One Client at a Time.
for a prolonged shutdown. by the partial shutdown now in its fourth week. W. David Dunn | Christopher D. Hemphill
The House and Senate an- There had been growing concern that the shutdown would delay re- Mention this ad when you call to get a free 30 minute
nounced Tuesday they would stay in funds worth hundreds of billions of dollars because the money wouldn’t Estate or Long Term Care Planning Consultation!
session, canceling an upcoming re- be available for them from Congress. But last week, the administration *Background information available upon request.
cess week at home if the shutdown

© The Dispatch
said customary shutdown policies will be reversed to make the money Providing Our Clients Expertise With
continued, which seemed likely. On available to pay refunds on time. Over 50+ Years Of Combined Experience
the shutdown’s 25th day Tuesday, An IRS document detailing its new shutdown plan shows that 46,052
Trump did not move off his demand agency employees will be called back to work, of the total workforce of
to have Congress provide $5.7 bil- 80,265. It says the plan will take effect as soon as the Treasury Depart-
lion to build his promised border ment issues an official notice.
wall with Mexico. Democrats say Only about 10,000 employees are deemed essential and have been
they will discuss border security working.
once the government has reopened,
but Pelosi is refusing money for the
next payday, hoping to reach a res- intent on declaring a national emer-
wall they view as ineffective and im-
moral. olution before next week’s Tuesday gency in order to build the wall, has
The president, on a conference deadline, when they’ll need to pre- turned his attention back to Con-
call with supporters, showed no pare the next round of paychecks gress as polling shows he is taking
signs of backing down. for workers who have been seeing much of the blame for the standoff.
“We’re going to stay out for a long zeros on their pay slips. The White House invited rank-
time, if we have to,” Trump said. “There is definitely a sense that and-file lawmakers to lunch with
“We’ll be out for a long time.” there is a deadline approaching, Trump at the White House as part
With some 800,000 federal em- which would be next Tuesday, to of a strategy to build support from
ployees furloughed or working with- make sure that we’re able to solve centrist Democrats and newly elect-
out pay, Trump suggested the par- this problem,” said Mercedes ed freshmen, including those from
tial shutdown, which has clogged Schlapp, a White House spokes- areas where the president is popular
airport security lines and shuttered woman. with voters.
federal agencies, was going smooth- Tuesday brought another day of But the White House quickly
ly. high theatrics, but low substance, learned the limits of that approach.
“People are very impressed with as the shutdown dragged into its None of the House Democrats took
how well government is working fourth week. The shutdown, already Trump up on the offer.
with the circumstances that we’re the longest ever, entered its 26th One, Rep. Lou Correa, D-Calif.,
under,” Trump said. day Wednesday. The previous lon- “welcomes the opportunity to talk
Behind the scenes, though, the gest was 21 days in 1995-96, when with the President about border se-
administration — and its allies on Bill Clinton was president. curity,” his spokesman said, “as soon
Capitol Hill — are warily eyeing the Trump, who a week ago seemed as the government is reopened.”

Court filing: OxyContin maker

forecast ‘blizzard of prescriptions’
Lawsuits across the country are 2017. The Massachusetts
litigation is separate from
the competition. The pre-
scription blizzard will be
trying to find the drug industry some 1,500 federal law-
suits filed by governments
so deep, dense, and white,”
he said, according to the
responsible for an opioid crisis that being overseen by a judge
in Cleveland.
“Over the next twenty
killed 72,000 Americans in 2017 But the company doc- years, the Sacklers made
uments at the heart of the Richard’s boast come
The Associated Press tients and doctors about Massachusetts allegations true,” lawyers in the attor-
the risks of opioids and are also part of the evi- ney general’s office wrote.
BOSTON — A mem- pushing prescribers to dence exchanged in those “They created a manmade
ber of the family that owns keep patients on the drug cases. While the Massa- disaster. Their blizzard of
OxyContin maker Purdue longer. The documents chusetts filing describes dangerous prescriptions
Pharma told people at the provide information about their contents, the docu- buried children and par-
prescription opioid pain- former Purdue Pharma ments themselves have not ents and grandparents
killer’s launch party in the President Richard Sack- been made public, at the across Massachusetts,
1990s that it would be “fol- ler’s role in overseeing company’s request. and the burials continue,”
lowed by a blizzard of pre- sales of OxyContin that According to the fil- they wrote.
scriptions that will bury hasn’t been public before. ing, Richard Sackler, then The complaint says
the competition,” accord- The drug and the close- senior vice president re- the Sackler family, which
ing to court documents ly held Connecticut com- sponsible for sales, told includes major donors to
filed Tuesday. pany that sells it are at the the audience at the launch museums including the
The details were made center of a lawsuit in Mas- party to imagine a series of Smithsonian Institution,
public in a case brought by sachusetts and hundreds natural disasters: an earth- New York’s Metropolitan
Massachusetts Attorney of others across the coun- quake, volcanic eruption, Museum of Art and the
General Maura Healey try in which government hurricane and blizzard. Tate Modern in London,
that accuses Purdue Phar- entities are trying to find “The launch of Oxy- was long aware its drug
ma, its executives and the drug industry responsi- Contin Tablets will be fol- was dangerous and addic-
members of the Sackler ble for an opioid crisis that lowed by a blizzard of pre- tive but pushed more sales
family of deceiving pa- killed 72,000 Americans in scriptions that will bury anyway.

Judge bars citizenship question from 2020 census

Ruling: While such a question would be constitutional, was not politically moti-
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross acted in an ‘arbitrary The ruling came in
cases in which 18 states,
and capricious’ manner and violated the law the District of Columbia,
15 big cities or counties,
By LARRY NEUMEISTER would be constitutional, sion that squarely laid the and immigrants’ rights
The Associated Press Commerce Secretary blame on Ross. groups argued that the
Wilbur Ross acted in an Ross’ explanations for Commerce Department,
NEW YORK — A fed- which designs the census,
“arbitrary and capricious” his decision were “unsup-
eral judge blocked the failed to properly analyze
manner and violated the ported by, or even counter
Trump administration the effect that the ques-
law. to, the evidence before the
Tuesday from asking tion would have on house-
“He failed to consider agency,” the judge said.
about citizenship status holds with immigrants.
on the 2020 census, the several important aspects Among other things,
of the problem; alternate- the judge said, Ross didn’t Furman, citing Cen-
first major ruling in cas- sus Bureau estimates,
es contending officials ly ignored, cherry-picked, follow a law requiring
concluded the citizenship
ramrodded the question or badly misconstrued Congress be given three
question would depress
through for Republican the evidence in the record years’ notice of plans to responses in households
political purposes to in- before him; acted irratio- add a citizenship question with noncitizens by at
tentionally undercount nally both in light of that to the census. least 5.8 percent and like-
immigrants. evidence and his own stat- “We are disappointed ly more.
In a 277-page decision ed decisional criteria; and and are still reviewing the Thus, he said, several
that won’t be the final failed to justify significant ruling,” Justice Depart- states would lose at least
word on the issue, Judge departures from past ment spokeswoman Kelly one congressional seat
Jesse M. Furman ruled policies and practices,” Laco said in a statement. based on 2020 census
that while such a question Furman wrote in a deci- Ross has said the move data.
6A Wednesday, January 16, 2019
BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018

PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Our View
Online commenters signal the End Times?
Each week, between 40,000 and the opportunity to write letters to the But something happened over the sign of the end times.
50,000 folks turn to The Dispatch’s editor. As it is with the online com- weekend that we could not have imag- Others are nervously waiting to
website to read the news. One feature menters, there are a small group of ined or predicted. hear what Lee Roy has to say before
offered online that is not available in people who routinely avail themselves In Sunday’s edition, we reported selling all their earthly possessions
the print edition is the ability to leave of the opportunity. The two most the city of Columbus is considering and gathering at the Riverwalk for the
anonymous comments below each prodigious letter writers are Cameron a plan to replace its street lights with Rapture.
story. Triplett and Lee Roy Lollar. new, energy-saving LED lights, a cost Some people are reporting that dogs
Most readers don’t comment on the Taken together, the opinions of the of close to $3 million. Officials believe and cats are playing together. There
stories, but there are a small group of commenters range from one end of the savings offered by the conversion are unconfirmed reports that Colum-
online readers who almost always have the political spectrum to the other and justifies the expense. bus Mayor Robert Smith and Lowndes
something to say. They have the right often, the disputes, disagreements and Naturally, we assumed that opinions County Board of Supervisors Harry
to remain silent, if not the ability. diatribes become so far removed from on this topic would range from support Sanders are planning a beach vacation
In our offices, they’ve become the content of the stories on which to bitter objection. together.
something akin to celebrities — people they are commenting on that they be- Surprisingly, the consensus among Someone said they saw Frank smile
using pseudonyms such as “Frank” come something of a spectator sport. our commenters was favorable. This and that Gracie complimented the
or “Lowndes Native” or “Raider” or (It wouldn’t be abnormal to see our has never, ever happened as far as we President on his suit.
“Gracie” or “Boudreaux.” There is also commenters arguing about whether or know. The best guess is that this is some
a regular commenter who goes by the not Hillary should have been locked up Frank said it was a good idea. So did sort of odd combination of time, place
name of “Hughlon Thornberry” which beneath a story on a local non-profit.) Cameron. Those who might instinc- and circumstance that has created
may or may not be his actual name. If one letter writer or commentator tively object on the grounds that they this phenomenon, sort of like Haley’s
To us, the identity of these com- favors Opinion A, you can be sure that oppose whatever Frank and Cameron Comet or a solar eclipse.
menters is not important. If anonymity others will swarm to the comment sec- believe on general principal, offered no No matter the cause, at a time in our
is a condition they feel they need to tion to denounce Opinion A in the most objection. country when it seems no one agrees
share their views, we’re fine with it. strenuous language imaginable. No Quite frankly, we don’t know how to about anything, we can all agree on
For those who aren’t afraid to put matter the subject, there are distinctly take this. LED street lights is a welcomed turn of
their name on their opinions, we offer different views. Some in the office believe it to be a events.

Cartoonist View

State of the nation

Some find it all too easy to denigrate women
This is a “They” want to get Bill Cosby and
column about So some black people need to get past the idea that each Michael Jackson. “Y’all” are trying to
some black bring Mike Tyson down.
people. of us is obligated to defend any one of us against any and But as Public Enemy once said,
Not all, “Some blacks act devil, too.” So some
thank good- all accusations regardless of evidence. black people need to get past the idea
ness. Not even that each of us is obligated to defend
most. tized woman, describing hells of mind a reminder that the word “fan” likely any one of us against any and all accusa-
But if you control, physical violence, isolation and originated from the word “fanatic” — tions regardless of evidence. That’s not
watched the child molestation. One recounts being and superfluous evidence of how we racial solidarity. No, it’s an abdication of
stunning recent hit because she was not a Chicago Bulls often refuse to know difficult things. At our right and responsibility to exercise
Lifetime docu- fan, others explain how they had to ask another level, though, there is some- judgment.
mentary, “Sur- Leonard Pitts permission to go to the bathroom or thing here unique to the African-Amer- It is also a betrayal of every woman
viving R. Kelly,” have a meal, yet others describe the ican experience. Perhaps you heard it who came forward in that documentary.
which detailed notorious sex tape on which Kelly is in the word “they.” Maybe you caught it Most were just as much black as Kelly,
decades of sexual assault accusations seen — allegedly — urinating upon a at “y’all.” so you’d think they’d have an equal
against the singer, surely you wondered 14-year-old girl. If you are unclear on who “they” and claim on African-American compassion
about some of the black people you saw Nor is all that love and support sim- “y’all” are, welcome to America. Hope and regard. But for some of us, his
continuing to profess undying love and ply an artifact of the past. In the days you enjoy Disney World. Those of us celebrity trumps their humanity. Some
support even as the charges against since the documentary aired, some who aren’t here on tourist visas, those of us still find it all too easy to doubt and
their idol grew steadily more sickening. black people have been online busily of us who are people of color, know denigrate women — especially women
Like the girl outside the courthouse trying to defend the indefensible. all too well what those words refer to. of color.
in 2008 where he was on trial on child To wit: Namely, the great white world that so As one of the women, Jerhonda Pace,
pornography charges, who declares “R. Kelly is a victim. Them hoes just often conspires against us as we vote, put it, “Nobody ... cares about the black
with definitive defiance, “He’s not guilty wanted fame and money from him.” seek work, demand justice or simply try women that speak out. Especially the
at all. They just want to bring him down And: “Everybody throwing stones, to go about our day, unmolested. black community.” She has a point.
and kill his image.” condemning this man as if they have no When the larger world conspires And for that, some black people
“They.” We’ll get back to that in a sin at all.” against you so often and in so many dif- should be ashamed.
moment. And: “Y’all keep attacking our black ferent ways, it becomes easy — almost Leonard Pitts Jr., winner of the 2004
For now, let us just note that her men usher Bill Cosby Morgan freeman a reflex — to see conspiracy whenever Pulitzer Prize for commentary, is a col-
sentiment was starkly at odds with now R Kelly.” accusations are leveled against peo- umnist for the Miami Herald. Email him
the testimony of woman after trauma- At one level, this is little more than ple like you, especially famous ones. at lpitts@miamiherald.com.

Other editors

Alarms can help prevent fire deaths

Sadly, fire deaths were up significant- deaths during the previous year. no smoke alarms were present. State people in 2018 and visited more than
ly across the state in 2018, according to “As recently as 2006, the SFMO has Fire Marshal Mike Chaney said in 12 300 schools.
data from the State Fire Marshal Office. investigated upwards of 100 fire deaths,” cases there were smoke alarms but they “Still, more people need to install
Mississippi saw 79 fire deaths in State Chief Deputy Fire Marshal Ricky didn’t work. and maintain smoke alarms and make
2018. One of those deaths was here in Davis said. “In fact, in the last five years, “It’s upsetting because these fires escape plans specific to their home,”
Lincoln County. The State Fire Marshal we’ve significantly lowered the number were preventable and, in every one Chaney said. “One fire death is one too
Office investigated 74 of those, while of preventable fire deaths across the of these cases, a life could have been many.”
local agencies investigated the other state. I can’t say specifically why the saved,” said Chaney. “The State Fire ...
five deaths. That’s compared to 56 fire numbers are higher this year but, in Marshal Office doesn’t just investigate We encourage everyone to install
deaths statewide in 2017, with 53 of a majority of these cases, a working after a fire has occurred. Our educators smoke alarms and make sure they work
those investigated by SFMO. smoke alarm could have saved lives.” are out working in communities and properly. The simple devices can save
The number of fire deaths in 2018 Out of the 74 fire deaths investigated schools every day.” lives, maybe your own.
reflects a 36 percent increase over fire by SFMO, there were 38 cases in which SFMO educators reached over 41,000 (Brookhaven) Daily Leader
The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com Wednesday, January 16, 2019 7a

News About Town

CLUBS the Wellness Center 662-495-9355.
compassionate volunteers to help in a
variety of hospital settings. For informa-
n POSSUM TOWN TOASTMASTERS Baptist Golden Triangle offers Childbirth
tion, call 662-244-1165 or email info.
Possum Town Toastmasters meet every goldentriangle@bmhcc.org.
classes and Breastfeeding classes each
Friday at 7 a.m. at the Church of Christ, n BAPTIST HOSPICE VOLUNTEERS
month, 6 p.m., in room 6, near the Gift
Columbus. To become a better communi- Baptist Hospice-Golden Triangle seeks
Shop, $20. For information or to register,
cator and leader, call 662-549-3483. volunteers to assist in the office and with
call 662-386-5592.
n POSSUM TOWN QUILTERS Hospice families at 2309 Bluecutt Road,
Possum Town Quilters meet at 9:30 a.m.
n LUPUS SUPPORT Suite B. For more information, call Katie
A lupus support group meets from 10
the second and fourth Saturdays of each Bostwick, 662-243-1173.
a.m.-2 p.m. the first Saturday of every
month at the Rosenzweig Arts Center n DRUG/ALCOHOL INTERVENTION
month in Classroom 6 of the Baptist
(lower level), 501 Main St., Columbus. Narconon offers drug and alcohol inter-
Golden Triangle Patient Tower. Open to
Check us out at possumtownquilters. ventions. For free screenings or referrals,
anyone with lupus or any family member or
blogspot.com. call 1-800-431-1754.
friend. For more information, call Rashell
n EAST LIONS CLUB Hopkins, 662-570-8342. n GOLDEN TRIANGLE AA
The Columbus East Lions Club meets Golden Triangle AA meets daily for
every second and fourth Monday of
Baptist Cancer Center hosts a support support. If you want to drink, that is your
the month at 65 Airline Road. For more business. If you want to stop drinking,
group for cancer survivors and their fami-
information, call 662-251-1415 or 662- that is our business. For information, call
lies, noon-1 p.m. the third Friday of every
574-7552. 662-327-8941.
month. Next class is Jan. 18 in Classroom
n HOST LIONS CLUB 5 of the Patient Towers. Lunch provided. n AL-ANON MEETING
The Columbus Host Lions Club meets For information and location, call 662- The Columbus Al-Anon Family Groups
every Friday at noon at EMCC Lion Hills 244-2923. meet Mondays and Thursdays at 5:30
Center for a buffet lunch and business
n HYPERTENSION SUPPORT p.m. When you don’t know where to turn
gathering. For more information, call John
A pulmonary hypertension support group because someone drinks too much, we
Michael, 601-955-2176.
meets at 2 p.m. the second Saturday of can help. For information, call 888-425-
n LOWNDES REPUBLICAN WOMEN every month at North Mississippi Medical 2666 or go to msafg.org.
Lowndes County Republican Women Center-West Point Education Center, 385
meets the second Tuesday of each month.
Buffet line opens at 11:15 a.m., with call
Medical Center Drive. For information, call
Dana Albert, 662-295-3642.
to order at noon. n BASEBALL COACHES’ MEETING
■ DIABETES SUPPORT The Lake Lowndes Summer Baseball
n GT QUILTERS GUILD Baptist Golden Triangle hosts day classes
The Golden Triangle Quilters Guild meets Coaches’ Meeting is 6-7 p.m. today for all
for Diabetes Support on third Wednesdays
at 5:30 p.m. every third Thursday at the softball, and Jan. 23 for all T-Ball at New
of each month, 10-11 a.m. in room 6 PT.
Starkville Sportsplex Activities Building. Hope Community Center, 381 Stadium
For information, call Lacy Smith at 662-
Road. The Lake Lowndes Summer League
■ BREAKFAST WITH THE BULLDOGS 244-1392 or 800-544-8762, ext. 1392.
is looking for coaches for all age grouops.
MSU alumni, friends are invited to ■ HEART SUPPORT For more information, call 662-328-0885
Breakfast with the Bulldogs on second Weekly education/support group for or visit lowndesrecreation.com.
Thursdays each month (except this month people with congestive heart failure are
is Jan. 17) at Starkville Café. Dutch treat n UNCF BANQUET
Thursdays 11 a.m.-noon in the Outpa-
breakfast 7:30 a.m. Contact Carol Moss The Golden Triangle United Negro College
tient Pavilion Boardroom, Baptist Golden
Read at carolmoss@bellsouth.net or 662- Fund banquet is 6:30 p.m. Jan. 18 at the
Triangle. For information, call 244-1953 or
312-0637. Nancy Hogarth Dining Center at Missis-
sippi University for Women. Speaker is
■ DULCIMER PLAYERS n NUTRITION EDUCATION Goldie M. Turner-Smith. Donation $30.
Friendly City Strummers meet twice Diabetes education class meets on fourth Call 662-327-4538 or 662-242-5149.
monthly to practice and teach others to Wednesdays, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Baptist
play dulcimers. Join for $10/year for the Golden Triangle Outpatient Pavilion. Physi-
whole family. Dulcimers available to bor- ENCE
cian referral required. For information, call
row. Contact David Saum, 662-386-6836 Unlimited Community Agricultural Cooper-
662-244-1597 or email info.goldentrian-
or DrSaum@cableone.net, or the Switzers, ative hosts its fourth Save Rural America
662-312-6025. Conference at noon Jan. 18 at the BJ3
n ABUSE RECOVERY GROUP Center, 5226 Old West Point Road,
n TOPS A Domestic Abuse Recovery Group meets Starkville. Representatives from MSU
Take Off Pounds Sensibly No. 288 meets Thursdays at 6 p.m. through Safe Haven Extension, Alcorn State Extension and
Tuesdays at Community Baptist Church, Inc. Group counseling for rape recovery is more will be available. For more informa-
Yorkville Road East, Columbus. Weigh-in available. For information, call 662-327- tion, call Orlando Trainer, 662-769-0071
begins at 5:30 p.m. Contact Pat Harris, 6118 or 662-889-2067. or email, orlandotrainer@hotmail.com.
n TOPS Baptist Golden Triangle offers childbirth Commemoration of the Martin Luther
Take Off Pounds Sensibly No. 270 meets classes Tuesdays at 6 p.m. To register, King Holiday will begin with breakfast at
Thursdays at 4370 Cal-Kolola Road, call 662-244-2498 or email info.goldentri- 8 a.m. Jan. 21 at the Trotter Convention
Caledonia. Weigh-in begins at 5-5:30 angle@bmhcc.org. Center. Free and open to the public as
p.m. Contact Michelle Holliman, 662-386-
3650. n CPR CLASSES space allows. Speakers include Dr. Rita
Baptist Golden Triangle offers CPR class- Felton. Participants encouraged to go to
es each month at 6 p.m. in the Patient the Columbus Soccer Complex, where
Senior Crafts meets at the Starkville
Tower. Next class is Jan. 28. Pre-registra- United Way will distribute school supplies
Sportsplex Tuesdays, 10-11:30 a.m.
tion required. Call the Education Depart- to teachers in Columbus and Lowndes
Crafts provided by the parks department.
ment, 662-244-2498. County. To register for the free breakfast,
For information, call Lisa Cox, 662-323-
n FREE PSA SCREENINGS visit www.muw.edu/mlk.
n QUILTING CLUB Baptist Cancer Center offers free prostate n UNITED WAY VOLUNTEERS
PSA screenings ever other month for men The United Way needs between 300-500
Quilting Club meets in the activities room
over 40. Next screenings are 8-11:45 a.m. volunteers to help sort and distibute
adjacent to the multi-purpose facility at
and 1-2 p.m. Jan. 25. Walk-ins accepted. supplies on Jan. 21. To volunteer, email
the Starkville Sportsplex Thursdays 10
For appointments, call 662-244-4673. volunteer@uwlc-ms.org or call Volunteer
a.m.-noon. Bring your own project to work
on. For information, call Lisa Cox, 662- n DIABETES EDUCATION Columbus, 662-328-0943.
323-2294. Diabetes Self-Management Education n HOMELESS COUNT
Class meets on fourth Wednesdays at The Point in Time count of sheltered and
n AARP 8:30 a.m. at Baptist Golden Triangle unsheltered homeless persons in Lown-
AARP meets the first Wednesday of each Outpatient Pavilion Conference Center. des County will be 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Jan.
month at 10 a.m. in the Community Room Physician referral required. For informa- 28 at Loaves & Fishes Community Soup
of Regions Bank, Main Street, Columbus. tion, call 662-244-1596.
Programs are geared to the needs and Kitchen (22nd Avenue North and Main
interests of seniors 50 and up. For more n ANGER MANAGEMENT Street, across from Salvation Army, Co-
information, call 662-889-9496. Family Resource Center, Columbus lumbus). Local agencies will also share
campus, 1575 Second Ave. N., offers free resource information.
conflict resolution and anger management
Health Notes classes. For information, call 662-368-
Family Resource Center, Columbus
n BLOOD DRIVE Campus, 1575 Second Ave. N., hosts
Vitalant, formerly United Blood Service, n FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER this event from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Jan. 30 to
holds its quarterly blood drive from 11 The Family Resource Center offers discuss the Online High School Diploma
a.m.-5:15 p.m. Jan. 25 at the Outpatient free classes including parenting, anger Program. Free of charge to all residents
Pavilion Conference Center at Baptist management, healthy relationships, life in the Golden Triangle. For more informa-
Golden Triangle. For more information, skills and youth development education tion, call 662-368-3603.
visit bloodhero.com. classes. Call 662-251-1861. n BASEBALL/SOFTBALL
Baptist Golden Triangle offers free mam- North Mississippi Medical Center’s Lake Lowndes baseball and softball
mograms to women 35 and older who Bariatric Center, 1105 Earl Frye Boule- registration is open through Feb. 23.
have no insurance coverage for mammo- vard, Amory offers Weight Loss Surgery Register from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Fri-
grams and are living in Lowndes, Oktibbe- Options 1001 at 6 p.m. Jan. 17 at NMMC day at the Lowndes Recreation Office, 17
ha, Clay, Monroe or Chickasaw Counties. Gilmore-Amory’s Cafe for indviduals Airline Road (behind the Driver’s License
To see if you qualify, call 662-244-2979. interesed in weight loss surgery. Free Building) or online at lowndesrecreation.
n CROSSOVER SYMMETRY event. Speakers are bariatric surgeons com.
North Mississippi Medical Center-West Terry Pinson, M.D., and Will Cauthen, M.D. n WALKING GROUP
Point Wellness Center offers a Crossover Seminar attendance mandatory prior to J.L. King Center’s Families First of
Symmetry Program focusing on shoul- intital consultation. To register or for more Oktibbeha County invites the community
der health/performance. The 30-day information, call 662-377-7546. to join its Walking Group at 6:30 a.m.
membership is $30 for members; $50 for n BAPTIST VOLUNTEERS Monday-Friday at Westside Park, 700 N.
nonmembers. For more information, call Baptist Golden Triangle seeks caring, Long St. in Starkville.
8A Wednesday, January 16, 2019 The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com

Mary Pollitz/Dispatch Staff

A Lakota UH-72A sits in the Airbus delivery center in Columbus on Tuesday. The Lakota aircraft is manufactured
for the U.S. Army as a training helicopter, for which about 1,100 pilots are produced annually.

Continued from Page 1A
“It is a very small city, Veronique Creissels, Once the wires are laid month for the U.S. Army.
but it seems that a com- head of communication out, they organize and About 1,100 pilots per
pany like Airbus comes at the France Airbus lo- wire the dashboard. year are trained to fly the
here offers education and cation, also toured the fa- Bobby Stewart, who Lakota UH-72A helicop-
possibilities for people to cility Tuesday afternoon. started working for Air- ter. Other than the Lako-
stay here,” Weyer said. “I During her first visit to bus in 2011, initially ta aircraft, the Columbus
see that there is a effect Columbus, she said the fa- worked in the paint shop. facility also manufactures
when you see the employ- cility surprised her from Throughout his tenure, H125 aircrafts and com-
ees talk about it. It seems the get-go. he advanced to the elec- pletes customizations for
that there’s something “It’s quite impressive trical room. Stewart lays aircrafts. The Columbus
positive for the region but here,” Creissels said. out more than six miles of facility produces up to 80
I don’t know the region.” The tour began in the wiring installed in the he- aircrafts a year.
The Airbus North manufacturing facility, licopter dashboards. Joe Max Higgins, CEO
American tour started with helicopters lined “I set up the wires for of the Golden Triangle
with the Canadian facil- along the floor in differ- the aircrafts,” Stewart Develop -
ity on Monday, Colum- ent stages of completion. said. “This is for an air- ment LINK,
bus on Tuesday and the Each Airbus employee craft black box. It was credited
Mobile, Alabama facility works on specific sta- difficult at first, but they Airbus with
on Wednesday. The tour tions: mechanical assem- trained me up and I’m the manu-
was orchestrated to edu- bly, installing wiring, blessed they did.” facturing
cate those internationally navigation systems and Airbus is an inter- success in
of the Airbus presence safety testing. Before the national company with the region.
outside of the European helicopters can be assem- nearly 25,000 employees “I can’t Higgins
sector. Vice President of bled, the process starts in worldwide, including four tell you how
Military Affairs, Scott a meticulously quiet and locations in America. that decision changed
Tumpak, said Airbus is clean room: the electrical The Columbus location this region,” Higgins
no longer just a European backroom. In this room, opened in 2006 and has said. “I don’t know if we
company with strong and employees print the wir- nearly 200 employees who could have attracted Steel
growing roots in North ing for the aircrafts and manufacture two to three Dynamics or Paccar if it
America. lay the wires on a board. Lakota Helicopters each weren’t for (Airbus).”

Continued from Page 1A
chant identified Nance, ceiving a call reporting a the prayer lamenting the the shooting in her town.
22, of Columbus, along shooting at the residence. lives lost. She said she knew all
with Demario Snell, 31, of For hours deputies, “It’s an immediate three of the victims, in-
Artesia, and Tyshun Ber- eventually with the as- shock,” Bourne said of cluding Snell who she
nard Fields, 24, of Craw- sistance of Mississippi the shooting. “People said lived in the home
ford, as the deceased. Bureau of Investigation don’t know what to think. where the shooting took
Sheriff Mike Arledge agents, cordoned off ... But when you begin to place. Like Price, she
told The Dispatch late and processed the scene process it, you never want couldn’t give a reason
Tuesday officers had a while the victims’ family, anything like this ever to why someone would want
person of interest de- friends, neighbors and occur.” to kill him.
tained for questioning. other shocked bystand- He said he hoped the “He was cool with ev-
The sheriff’s office sched- ers gathered as close as community would rely on erybody,” Williams said.
uled a press conference they could. faith while dealing with “That’s why it was shock-
for 10 a.m. today — which At about 7:30, some of the tragedy. ing to hear that.”
is after The Dispatch’s the bystanders formed a “Even in the middle of She said all three vic-
press time — to update prayer circle a few yards a bad situation, God can tims were friends and she
the public on the case. away from the crime bring newness,” he said. had grown up with them.
Law enforcement re- scene tape blocking the One of those in the “It’s a small town,” she
sponded to 23 Mobile Dr., road. Timothy Bourne, prayer circle, neighbor said. “You can’t help but
just off Ellis Loop near pastor of Beulah Grove Artesia Williams, said know everybody.
downtown Artesia, just Full Gospel Baptist “never in a million years” “This is a hit for Arte-
before 4 p.m. after re- Church in Artesia, led would she have expected sia,” she added.

Hospital trust fund

Continued from Page 1A
ty might still be able to
withdraw funds as part
Two firms — Renasant
Wealth Management and
Hospital trust
of pending legislation to Stephens Capital Man- fund withdrawals
change the valuation date agement — have been Year Amount
from Dec. 31 to Aug. 31. managing the hospital
2014 $924,000
Earlier this month, trust fund since 2013,
Sanders said the legisla- when the Legislature be- 2015 $942,000
tion could be retroactive gan allowing the county 2016 $73,050
to Aug. 31, 2018, when to invest the funds. 2017 $975,470
the funds where $700,000 Over that five-year
above the corpus. period, the county has 2018 $1,009,186
Billingsley said that pulled annual profits 2019 $0
was never part of the re- ranging for $73,050,000
quest to the Legislature. in 2016 to $1,009,186 in sant has 48.7 percent in
“It was never a part of 2018. Over that span, the stocks, 41.9 percent in
what we were asking for,” county has grown the bonds and 9.4 percent in
he said. principle of the fund by $2 cash.
Tuesday, Sanders million while withdraw- In February, the two
agreed. ing almost $4 million, firms will provide an over-
“What we are asking is money earmarked for
view on their account and
that they let us change the capital improvement proj-
make suggestions for how
date so we will have time ects.
to have that information Not all of the fund is to invest the funds going
before we do our budget invested in the stock mar- forward.
in September. As an after- ket. “We really listen to
thought, I said it would be Currently, Stephens them and do what they
nice if they would let us Capital has 39 percent of recommend,” Billingsley
go back retroactively and its share of the funds in- said. “We’re pleased with
withdraw some profits, vested in the market and the job they have done.
but it’s not part of the leg- 60 percent in bonds (with They’re the experts, not
islation.” 1 percent in cash). Rena- us.”
PREP SOCCER: New Hope, Caledonia split doubleheader
Adam Minichino

662-241-5000 B

THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Q Weatherspoon
pushes No. 24 MSU
to first SEC victory
By Amber Dodd
Special to The Dispatch

STARKVILLE — Quinndary Weatherspoon

felt like something had been missing in his last
few games.
As one of the leaders on the Mississippi
State men’s basketball team,
Weatherspoon’s concerns played
a role in MSU dropping its first
two Southeastern Conference
With a potential third-straight
league setback staring the
Bulldogs in the face,
Weatherspoon found the Quinndary
precision and accuracy that had Weatherspoon
been missing.
Weatherspoon scored on a layup and convert-
ed the three-point play with 3.6 seconds remain-
Chris McDill/Special to The Dispatch ing Tuesday night to lead No. 24 MSU to a 71-68
New Hope High School goalkeeper Breyon Bradford tries to make the save against Caledonia’s Garrett Bergstrom victory against Florida in a SEC game before a
and Dylan Lester (00) in their match Tuesday night in Caledonia. Story, 2B. crowd of 7,501 at Humphrey Coliseum.
“Me and Lamar (Peters) were supposed to
go back and forth and the last person to touch
that ball was supposed to drive all the way,” said
Weatherspoon, who was fouled by Kevarrius
Hayes. “Lamar broke the play off and ended up
getting out the way. It left me with a wide open
lane for the layup.”
Weatherspoon, who recorded his fifth
game-winner for the Bulldogs, scored five of his
nine points in the final 1 minute, 25 seconds to
lift MSU to 13-3 and 1-2 in the league.

Game 17
n At Vanderbilt, 7:30 p.m. Saturday (SEC Network;
WKBB-FM 100.9, WFCA-FM 107.9).

n MORE FLORIDA-MSU: Coach Ben Howland was
pleased with the Bulldogs’ scoring balance and
3-point defense. Page 3B
n Also, No. 3 Tennessee routed Arkansas and No.
12 Kentucky beat Georgia. Page 3B

Chris McDill/Special to The Dispatch

New Hope High School coach Andrew Olsen celebrates
as the final whistle blows Tuesday night.
Chris McDill/Special to The Dispatch
Caledonia’s Garrett Bergstrom tries to get around the
defense of New Hope’s Ben Bradley. Tigers get big road
win vs. No. 18 Rebels
The Associated Press

OXFORD — Ole Miss freshman Blake

Hinson went hard to the rim, rising up into the air
to try and send home a
huge one-handed dunk. LSU 83,
The only problem was No. 18 Ole Miss 69
LSU’s Kavell Bigby-
Williams was there to
deliver a crushing two-handed block that crammed
the ball back toward the floor.
The Rebels hadn’t lost in nearly two months.
That was about to change in a hurry.
Tremont Waters scored 20 points, Bigby-Wil-
liams had 14 points, 10 rebounds and five blocks,
and the LSU men’s basketball team beat No. 18
Ole Miss 83-69 on Tuesday night.
See LSU, 3B

Chris McDill/Special to The Dispatch

New Hope High School’s Bree Younger battles
Chris McDill/Special to The Dispatch
Caledonia High School’s Lizzie Truelock gets around the WOMEN’S COLLEGE
Caledonia’s Clara Allen for possession of the ball. defense of New Hope’s Taylor Pritchett.
Freshman Carter’s
confidence growing
Shorter accepts job to be Louisville coach/AD By Adam Minichino
By Adam Minichino family when the received a text Shorter replaces long-
aminichino@cdispatch.com Louisville Munici- message from the time coach M.C. Miller, AUBURN, Ala. —
pal School District superintendent and his former boss and the Jessika Carter reminds
Tyrone Shorter has Board of Directors Louisville High man who hired him at herself to slow down when she feels
grown intimately familiar approved Short- principal. “I’m ex- Noxubee County High in the need to do something quickly.
with the Louisville High er to be the high cited to get started 1998. Miller retired after When you’re a freshman adjust- Carter
School football program school’s new foot- over there. I just leading Louisville to a ing to the life in the Division I fast
over the years. ball coach and ath- Shorter think it was a ca- 25-20 victory against Pop- See MSU WOMEN, 4B
On Tuesday night, letic director. reer move for me. larville in the Mississippi
Shorter officially received “I’m excited,” It had nothing to do with High School Activities Game 18
the go-ahead to become said Shorter, who didn’t the kids here at Noxubee Association (MHSAA) n South Carolina, 6 p.m. Thursday (ESPN;
a member of the Wildcat attend the meeting but County.” See SHORTER, 2B WKBB-FM 100.9, WFCA-FM 107.9).
2B Wednesday, January 16, 2019 The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com

briefly CALENDAR PREP SOCCER Basketball

Local Prep Basketball
Tuesday’s Games
Indiana 131, Phoenix 97
Philadelphia 149, Minnesota 107
Starkville Academy loses doubleheader to Leake Academy Thursday’s Game Atlanta 142, Oklahoma City 126
Milwaukee 124, Miami 86
The Starkville Academy girls basketball team lost to Leake Acade- Winston Academy at Columbus Christian Golden State 142, Denver 111
my 63-33 on Tuesday night. L.A. Lakers 107, Chicago 100
Friday’s Games Today’s Games
Meri Laci Archer had 10 points to lead the Lady Volunteers. Orlando at Detroit, 6 p.m.
In the boys game, Starkville Academy lost 59-34. Ben Guest had Tupelo at Columbus Brooklyn at Houston, 7 p.m.
10 points for the Volunteers. New Hope at Leake Central Milwaukee at Memphis, 7 p.m.
Toronto at Boston, 7 p.m.
n In other action Tuesday night, the Caledonia High School boys Caledonia at Pontotoc San Antonio at Dallas, 7:30 p.m.
Cleveland at Portland, 9 p.m.
basketball team edged Itawamba Agricultural High 62-61. The Caledo- Starkville High at Madison Central New Orleans at Golden State, 9:30 p.m.
nia girls lost to IAHS 26-24. Utah at L.A. Clippers, 9:30 p.m.
n Chandler Hughes had 20 points, but the New Hope High boys West Point at Grenada Thursday’s Games
New York vs. Washington at London, 2 p.m.
lost to Louisville 57-54. Duane Hughes and LJ Hackman added 10 Noxubee County at Kosciusko Philadelphia at Indiana, 6 p.m.
Sacramento at Charlotte, 6 p.m.
points, and Presley Langford had eight. Okolona at Aberdeen Phoenix at Toronto, 6:30 p.m.
n Cameron Bell had 16 points Tuesday night to lead the Heritage Heritage Academy at Starkville Academy Chicago at Denver, 8 p.m.
Academy boys basketball team to a 51-37 victory against Magnolia L.A. Lakers at Oklahoma City, 8:30 p.m.
Oak Hill Academy at Central Holmes Academy
Reid Huskison had 13 points for the Patriots. Columbus Christian at Starkville Christian Football
Saturday’s Games NFL Playoffs
Mississippi University for Women
Conference Championships
Mooreville at Caledonia Sunday’s Games
Columbus girls at Warren Central
Women’s basketball team loses in OT Starkville High at Choctaw County Classic
L.A. Rams at New Orleans, 2:05 p.m. (FOX)
Tenazhia Hinkson scored a season- and game-high 31 points, New England at Kansas City, 5:40 p.m. (CBS)
grabbed 12 rebounds, and recorded four assists, but the No. 1 Missis- Okolona at Noxubee County
Pro Bowl
sippi University for Women’s women’s basketball lost to Huntingdon Monday’s Games Sunday, Jan. 27
At Orlando, Fla.
College 89-83 in overtime Tuesday at Pohl Gymnasium. Columbus boys, Starkville High boys at Rumble AFC vs. NFC, 2 p.m. (ABC/ESPN)
The W (11-5) trailed by as many as 10 points before a late rally in the South (St. Andrew’s) Super Bowl
pushed the game into overtime. Sunday, Feb. 3
Hinkson recorded her ninth double-figure scoring effort and her East Webster at Oak Hill Academy Adam Minichino/Dispatch Staff At Atlanta
second double-double. Junior forward Qiayon Bailey had 26 points and Prep Soccer Caledonia High School senior Hanna Pettigrew,
seated, poses for a picture with her parents,
AFC champion vs. NFC champion, 5:30 p.m.
junior guard Starlandria Walton had 13. Thursday’s Match
The W was 20-for-36 at the free-throw line (55.6 percent), while the
MSMS at Choctaw Central, 5:30 p.m.
Dawn and Jason Grace, during a signing cermony Hockey
Hawks were 18-for-20 (90). to celebrate her decision to attend and to play NHL
Huntingdon (13-4) extended a 32-31 halftime lead with a 17-10 Friday’s Matches soccer at the Mississippi University for Women. Tuesday’s Games
run to take a 49-41 lead. The Hawks led by 10 points with 4 minutes, 4 Kosciusko at Caledonia, 5 p.m. Columbus 4, New Jersey 1

Caledonia’s Pettigrew
N.Y. Islanders 2, St. Louis 1, OT
seconds left in the quarter. Louisville at New Hope, 5 p.m. N.Y. Rangers 6, Carolina 2
In the fourth quarter, the Owls grabbed their first lead since the Montreal 5, Florida 1
Columbus Christian at Pillow Academy, 5 p.m. Detroit 3, Anaheim 1
second quarter. With 17 seconds left in regulation, the Owls led 68-67. Nashville 7, Washington 2
Huntingdon made two free throws to regain the lead. Hinkson was Heritage Academy at Starkville Academy, 5 p.m. Minnesota 3, Los Angeles 2, SO

will play at The W

Winnipeg 4, Vegas 1
fouled with three seconds left and split her free throws to force the Owls Starkville High at Northwest Rankin, 5:30 p.m. Tampa Bay 2, Dallas 0
into their first overtime game of the season. Saturday’s Match San Jose 5, Pittsburgh 2
Today’s Games
Huntingdon scored the first points of the period with just four sec- Starkville High at New Hope, 11 a.m. Colorado at Ottawa, 6 p.m.
onds off the clock. Walton answered to tie the game at 71. The teams Boston at Philadelphia, 6:30 p.m.
exchanged points, but back-to-back 3-pointers by the Hawks with a little Men’s College Basketball By Adam Minichino
Buffalo at Calgary, 8:30 p.m.
Edmonton at Vancouver, 9 p.m.
more than a minute left gave them an 85-79 lead. Today’s Games aminichino@cdispatch.com
San Jose at Arizona, 9 p.m.
Thursday’s Games
The W will return to action at 5:30 p.m. Thursday when it will play Alabama at Missouri, 8 p.m. St. Louis at Boston, 6 p.m.
host to Selma University in Pohl Gymnasium. New Jersey vs. N.Y. Islanders at Nassau Veter-
Thursday’s Games CALEDONIA — Team is an important word ans Memorial Coliseum, 6 p.m.
Chicago at N.Y. Rangers, 6 p.m.
Southern Miss at Charlotte, 6 p.m. to Hanna Pettigrew, even if the Caledonia High
Ole Miss Selma University at Mississippi University for School senior doesn’t know it.
Toronto at Tampa Bay, 6:30 p.m.
Anaheim at Minnesota, 7 p.m.
Winnipeg at Nashville, 7 p.m.
Men’s tennis team will take on No. 8 Texas Women, 7:30 p.m. If you want to know what team means to Pet-
Los Angeles at Dallas, 7:30 p.m.
ORLANDO, Fla. — The Ole Miss men’s tennis will take on No. 8
Texas at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the USTA National Campus Collegiate Women’s College Basketball tigrew, ask Allen Greenhaw, who coached Petti- Tennis
Series. Thursday’s Games grew starting in 2009 with Columbus United up Australian Open
MELBOURNE — Results Wednesday from the
The Collegiate Series is in its second year, and showcases some Selma at Mississippi University for Women, 5:30 p.m. until last year. Australian Open at Melbourne Park (seedings
of the premier schools in the nation at the Collegiate Center. Eighteen South Carolina at Mississippi State, 6 p.m. “She has been a pleasure,” Greenhaw said of
in parentheses):
Men’s Singles
men’s squads will take to the courts throughout the season. Second Round
The squads faced each other in singles play last week during the Charlotte at Southern Miss, 6 p.m. Pettigrew, who played goalkeeper, forward, and Marin Cilic (6), Croatia, def. Mackenzie Mcdon-
opening day of the Miami Invite. Rookie Karlo Kranic emerged as the Tennessee at Alabama, 8 p.m. defender on the club soccer team. “She is very ald, United States, 7-5, 6-7 (9), 6-4, 6-4.
Fernando Verdasco (26), Spain, def. Radu Al-
lone victor, taking down senior Johnny Goodwin 7-5, 6-2. Saturday’s Games coachable. She may not have had the most talent bot, Moldova, 6-1, 7-6 (2), 6-3.
Roberto Bautista-Agut (22), Spain, def. John
The teams also faced in doubles play on the second day of the Morris College at Mississippi University for on the field, but she had the desire and the work Millman, Australia, 6-3, 6-1, 3-6, 6-7 (6), 6-4.
invitational, where fellow freshmen Jan Soren Hain and Simon Junk Karen Khachanov (10), Russia, def. Yoshihito
Women, 1 p.m. ethic. I wish we had more players like her.” Nishioka, Japan, 6-3, 6-3, 6-3.
defeated the senior duo of Harrison Scott/Rodrigo Banzer 8-6. Stefanos Tsitsipas (14), Greece, def. Viktor Tro-
n Softball team will have a Meet the Rebels at The Pavilion: At Old Dominion at Southern Miss, 4 p.m. Caledonia High soccer coach Louis Alexander icki, Serbia, 6-3, 2-6, 6-2, 7-5.
Nikoloz Basilashvili (19), Georgia, def. Stefano
Oxford, the softball team will have a Meet the Rebels event Saturday at Sunday’s Games also has come to understand what the word team Travaglia, Italy, 3-6, 6-3, 3-6, 6-4, 6-3.
The Pavilion at Ole Miss prior to the men’s basketball team’s game. LSU at Alabama, 1 p.m. Taylor Fritz, United States, def. Gael Monfils
Doors at The Pavilion will open at 10:30 a.m. The Rebels will be
means to Pettigrew, a transfer from Hamilton (30), France, 6-3, 6-7 (8), 7-6 (6), 7-6 (5).
Florida at Ole Miss, 3 p.m. High. Alexander said Pettigrew came in, worked
Roger Federer (3), Switzerland, def. Daniel Ev-
available for autographs until tipoff of the men’s basketball team’s game ans, Britain, 7-6 (5), 7-6 (3), 6-3.
Frances Tiafoe, United States, def. Kevin An-
against Arkansas at noon. Specially designed autograph posters will be hard, adjusted to his system, and has helped sta-
available to all fans. During the game, the softball team will participate in
a T-shirt toss for fans in attendance.
on the air bilize the back line at right back.
derson (5), South Africa, 4-6, 6-4, 6-4, 7-5.
Andreas Seppi, Italy, def. Jordan Thompson,
Australia, 6-3, 6-4, 6-4.
“She is definitely fast and knows how to work Grigor Dimitrov (20), Bulgaria, def. Pablo Cue-
The softball team will kick off the season Feb. 7-10 at the Friends of Today with the other girls,” Alexander said. “It has
vas, Uruguay, 6-3, 6-7 (5), 6-3, 7-5.
Thomas Fabbiano, Italy, def. Reilly Opelka,
Jaclyn Tournament in Orlando, Florida. Ole Miss will take on host UCF, COLLEGE BASKETBALL United States, 6-7 (15), 6-2, 6-4, 3-6, 7-6 (5).
Ohio State, Minnesota, and George Mason. 5 p.m. — St. Bonaventure at Rhode Island, CBS been an easy transition. The credit goes to her Tomas Berdych, Czech Republic, def. Robin
Haase, Netherlands, 6-1, 6-3, 6-3.
Sports Network teammates but, most importantly to Hanna.” Diego Schwartzman (18), Argentina, def. Denis

Alabama 5:30 p.m. — Creighton at St. John’s, FS1

6 p.m. — Iowa at Penn State, Big Ten Network
Pettigrew will take that team-first attitude to
Kudla, United States, 6-4, 7-5, 3-6, 6-7 (6), 6-4.
Alex de Minaur (27), Australia, def. Henri Laak-
sonen, Switzerland, 6-4, 6-2, 6-7 (7), 4-6, 6-3.
Men’s basketball team will face Missouri 6 p.m. — Kansas State at Oklahoma, ESPN2 the Mississippi University for Women. On Tues- Rafael Nadal (2), Spain, def. Matthew Ebden,
Australia, 6-3, 6-2, 6-2.
COLUMBIA, Mo. — The Alabama men’s basketball team will 6 p.m. — UConn at Tulsa, ESPNEWS day, Pettigrew finalized those plans during a Women’s Singles
begins a two-game road swing at 8 p.m. Wednesday (SEC Network) 6 p.m. — Auburn at Texas A&M, ESPNU signing ceremony at the school in which she had Second Round
Petra Kvitova (8), Czech Republic, def. Iri-
against Missouri. 6 p.m. — South Carolina at Vanderbilt, SEC 12 medals from her years of soccer arranged on na-Camelia Begu, Romania, 6-1, 6-3.
The game marks just the second time in the last seven meetings Network Belinda Bencic, Switzerland, def. Yulia Putint-
that Alabama will play at Mizzou Arena. 7 p.m. — Dayton at Virginia Commonwealth, CBS a table with her jerseys for Caledonia High and seva, Kazakhstan, 7-5, 4-6, 6-2.
Amanda Anisimova, United States, def. Lesia
Alabama (10-5, 1-2 Southeastern Conference) is coming off an Sports Network Columbus United. Tsurenko (24), Ukraine, 6-0, 6-2.
Aryna Sabalenka (11), Belarus, def. Katie
81-80 defeat loss to Texas A&M on Saturday in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. 7:30 p.m. — Butler at DePaul, FS1 “Everybody works together. You win as a team Boulter, Britain, 6-3, 6-4.
Aggies’ guard TJ Starks canned a 3-pointer as the horn to win the 8 p.m. — Minnesota at Illinois, Big Ten Network Ashleigh Barty (15), Australia, def. Yafan Wang,
game. 8 p.m. — Houston at SMU, ESPNEWS and you lose as a team,” said Pettigrew, who said China, 6-2, 6-3.
Maria Sakkari, Greece, def. Astra Sharma,
Missouri (9-5, 0-2) is coming off an 85-75 loss to South Carolina 8 p.m. — Iowa State at Texas Tech, ESPNU she started playing soccer when she was about 5 Australia, 6-1, 6-4.
Maria Sharapova (30), Russia, def. Rebecca
on Sunday. 8 p.m. — Alabama at Missouri, SEC Network years old. “You do everything together, and it’s Peterson, Sweden, 6-2, 6-1.
9 p.m. — Central Florida at Wichita State, CBS not just for yourself.”
Caroline Wozniacki (3), Denmark, def. Johanna
Larsson, Sweden, 6-1, 6-3.
Junior Colleges Sports Network
10 p.m. — UNLV at Air Force, ESPNU Pettigrew started playing in Caledonia. The Sloane Stephens (5), United States, def. Timea
Babos, Hungary, 6-3, 6-1.
EMCC basketball teams sweep Coahoma C.C. WOMEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL medals she had arranged on the table date back Petra Martic (31), Croatia, def. Marketa Von-
drousova, Czech Republic, 6-4, 7-5.
CLARKSDALE — The East Mississippi Community College 11 a.m. — George Mason at Massachusetts, to 2009, when she started playing with Columbus Aliaksandra Sasnovich, Belarus, def. Anett
Kontaveit (20), Estonia, 6-3, 6-3.
basketball teams claimed much-needed road victories over Coahoma NBC Sports Network United. Greenhaw was her first coach. Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova, Russia, def. Kiki
Community College on Monday night in Mississippi Association of GOLF Bertens (9), Netherlands, 3-6, 6-3, 6-3.
Community and Junior Colleges (MACJC) North Division action at the 5 a.m. — European Tour Golf: Abu Dhabi HSBC Greenhaw said Pettigrew always has been an Danielle Rose Collins, United States, def. Sa-
chia Vickery, United States, 6-3, 7-5.
Pinnacle. Championship, first round, Abu Dhabi, TGC inquisitive player who wants to know how and Caroline Garcia (19), France, def. Zoe Hives,
Australia, 6-3, 6-3.
The Lady Lions snapped a five-game losing skid with a 51-50 12:30 p.m. — Web.com Tour Golf: The Bahamas why to do things. He said her athleticism and her Kimberly Birrell, Australia, def. Donna Vekic
victory, while the EMCC men bounced back with a 52-50 victory. Great Exuma Classic, final round, Bahamas, TGC team-first attitude enabled her to play multiple
(29), Croatia, 6-4, 4-6, 6-1.
Angelique Kerber (2), Germany, def. Beatriz
Tye Metcalf had a game-high 19 points off the bench to lead the 7 p.m. — Asian Tour Golf: Singapore Open, first Haddad Maia, Brazil, 6-2, 6-3.
EMCC women (5-9, 2-1 MACJC North). round, Singapore, TGC positions through the years. Men’s Doubles
First Round
Markedric Bell and Dewayne Cox led EMCC (8-6, 2-1) with 14 and 1 a.m. (Thursday) — European Tour Golf: Abu “It was always about the team. It wasn’t about Maximo Gonzalez, Argentina and Nicolas Jar-
11 points, respectively. Dhabi HSBC Championship, second round, Abu me,” Greenhaw said. “She played wherever you ry, Chile, def. Luke Saville, Australia and Max
Purcell, Australia, 3-6, 6-4, 6-3.
EMCC will play host to Northwest Mississippi C.C. on Thursday in Dhabi, TGC asked her to play and never asked why, or nev- Roberto Carballes Baena, Spain and Andrey
a doubleheader. The women’s game will begin at 5:30 p.m., followed by NBA Rublev, Russia, def. Benoit Paire, France and
the men’s game at 7:30 p.m. at EMCC’s Keyes T. Currie Coliseum. 7 p.m. — Toronto at Boston, ESPN er said she didn’t want to play there. It was just, Hugo Nys, France, 6-2, 7-6 (2).
Leonardo Mayer, Argentina and Joao Sousa,
9:30 p.m. — New Orleans at Golden State, ESPN ‘Where do you need me?’ That speaks volumes Portugal, def. Feliciano Lopez, Spain and Marc
Lopez (14), Spain, 6-4, 6-7 (1), 6-3.
NHL about her character.”
Miller named MACJC Player of the Week 6:30 p.m. — Boston at Philadelphia, NBC Sports
Frederik Nielsen, Denmark and Marcelo Demo-
liner, Brazil, def. Marcel Granollers, Spain and
FULTON — Itawamba Community College sophomore forward Network Greenhaw said those qualities are the epitome Gerard Granollers, Spain, 4-6, 6-4, 6-2.
Michael Venus, New Zealand and Raven Klaas-
Taneshia Miller was named Mississippi Association of Community and 9 p.m. — San Jose at Arizona, NBC Sports of what any coach wants in a play. en (6), South Africa, def. Mikhail Kukushkin,
Junior College (MACJC) Women’s Basketball Player of the Week in a Network “It was always more about her team than she
Kazakhstan and Bradley Klahn, United States,
4-6, 6-4, 6-3.
league announcement Tuesday. SOCCER Jonny O’Mara, Britain and Luke Bambridge,
The Greenville native averaged a double-double last week to help is about herself,” Greenhaw said. Britain, def. Marius Copil, Romania and Marton
11:20 a.m. — Italian Super Cup: Juventus vs. AC
ICC (10-2, 6-1 MACJC North) pick up a victories against Baton Rouge Milan, ESPN2 Alexander agrees and feels Pettigrew will do Fucsovics, Hungary, 6-3, 6-1.
Nikola Mektic, Croatia and Kevin Krawietz,
(La.) C.C. and Northeast Mississippi C.C. TENNIS well at The W. He said he is excited to see how Germany, def. Nicholas Monroe, United States
and Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan, India, 4-6, 7-6
ICC will play host Mississippi Delta C.C. in a division showdown at 8 p.m. — Australian Open: Day 4, second round, she progresses as a college player because she (8), 7-5.
5:30 p.m. Thursday. ESPN2 Edouard Roger-Vasselin, France and Ivan
— From Special Reports is “always going to work hard and be coachable.” Dodig (13), Croatia, def. Matt Reid, Australia

and Nick Kyrgios, Australia, 6-2, 7-6 (2).
“I feel like I am more of a supporter,” Petti- Henri Kontinen, Finland and John Peers (12),
Australia, def. Aisam Qureshi, Pakistan and
grew said she feels more like a “supporter” in her Santiago Gonzalez, Mexico, 6-3, 4-1, ret.
Nicolas Mahut, France and Pierre-Hugues
first year in the Caledonia High program. She Herbert (5), France, def. David Marrero San-
Continued from Page 1B said she takes the attitude that she will support
tana, Spain and Mischa Zverev, Germany, 7-6
(4), 6-3.
Igor Zelenay, Slovakia and Denys Molchanov,
Class 4A State title game on Class 4A playoffs. years at one school, Shorter said you if you’re down and that she will remind you to Ukraine, def. Marco Cecchinato, Italy and Mat-
Dec. 1 in Hattiesburg. The Shorter said the uncertain- it was a difficult decision, espe- stay humble if things are going well. teo Berrettini, Italy, 4-6, 6-3, 6-3.
Guillermo Garcia-Lopez, Spain and Pablo Car-
win enabled Louisville (15-1) ty surrounding the state take- cially when it came time to tell Pettigrew said she always has tried to be stay reno-Busta, Spain, def. Rohan Bopanna, India
and Divij Sharan (15), India, 6-1, 4-6, 7-5.
to win its ninth state title. Only over of the Noxubee County his players at Noxubee County humble, too, and to put the team first. She ac- Mao Xin Gong, China and Ze Zhang, China,
def. Marcin Matkowski, Poland and Martin Kli-
South Panola (11) and West school district was part of the High he was leaving. knowledges she has had her good and bad days, zan, Slovakia, 7-5, 5-7, 6-4.
Adrian Mannarino, France and Andreas Mies,
Point (10) have more football reason he felt the timing was “You spend 20 years at a but she has made it her goal to do whatever she Germany, def. Peter Gojowczyk, Germany and
Albert Ramos-Vinolas, Spain, 6-4, 6-4.
state titles in the state of Mis- best for him to make a move. place and you build so many needs to do to help the team. Bob Bryan, United States and Mike Bryan (4),
sissippi. In Louisville, he found the great relationships,” Shorter Pettigrew, whose said her favorite position
United States, def. Alex Bolt, Australia and
Marc Polmans, Australia, 7-6 (4), 7-6 (1).
Louisville also won state ti- rare opportunity to take over said. “Looking at the kids and is defense, said she talked with The women’s
Lukasz Kubot, Poland and Horacio Zeballos
(7), Argentina, def. Aljaz Bedene, Slovenia and
tles in 1985, 1986, 1991, 1993, a healthy program in a place speaking to the kids was the soccer coach Gray Massey following Caledonia Maximilian Marterer, Germany, 7-5, 5-7, 6-3.
James Cerretini, United States and Marcelo
1995, 2007, 2008, and 2013. where the community sup- hardest thing. ... This commu- High’s first match against New Hope. She said Arevalo-Gonzalez, El Salvador, def. Horia
Tecau, Romania and Jean-Julien Rojer (9),
Throughout that time, Louis- ports its teams. nity has been good to me. This she visited the Columbus campus the next day Netherlands, 7-5, 6-7 (2), 6-3.
Sam Querrey, United States and Ryan Harri-
ville spent many years locked “I’m familiar with Louis- school district been good to and gave a verbal commitment a few days later. son, United States, def. Robin Haase, Neth-
in the same classification — ville,” Shorter said. “Even me. We have had some great Pettigrew said the location of the school and the
erlands and Matwe Middelkoop (16), Nether-
lands, 7-5, 4-6, 6-3.
4A — as Noxubee County. The though they have been a rival players over the years. The chance to play soccer in college played a big role
Artem Sitak, New Zealand and Austin Krajicek,
United States, def. Leander Paes, India and Mi-
winner of Region 4 usually for 20 years, I have known the parents have been good. in her realizing her dream.
guel Angel Reyes-Varela, Mexico, 7-5, 7-6 (4).
Women’s Doubles
earned the right to represent kids and competed against the “I just hope the people here First Round
It remains to be seen if Pettigrew will get a Barbora Krejcikova, Czech Republic and Kat-
the North in the state title kids for 20 years. I feel like in Noxubee County realize erina Siniakova (1), Czech Republic, def. Anas-
chance to add to her collection of medals as a se- tassia Rodionova, Australia and Ana Bogdan,
game. I have known them because this is a career move and this
nior at Caledonia or at The W, but she feels like Romania, 6-2, 6-2.
Shorter played a key role in they have been a team to beat has nothing to do with the Jessica Moore, Australia and Monique
a soccer career that started on the youth fields Adamczak, Australia, def. Aleksandra Krunic,
continuing Noxubee County’s for 20 years. I’m excited to go kids. I just want them to think Serbia and Saisai Zheng, China, 6-1, 6-4.

run as one of the state’s top over there and work with them. about all of the good times. in Caledonia has flown by. She said a Frostbite Alize Cornet, France and Petra Martic, Croatia,
def. Ajla Tomljanovic, Australia and Magda

teams. After joining Miller’s It’s the same kind of kids and I took it as high as it has ever medal Columbus United players received after Linette, Poland, 2-6, 6-0, 6-0.
Samantha Stosur, Australia and Shuai Zhang,
staff in 1998, Shorter became there is a lot of tradition. Their been. It was not just me. I had winning the tournament is one that holds the China, def. Magdalena Rybarikova, Slovakia
and Viktoria Kuzmova, Slovakia, 7-6 (3), 6-2.
defensive coordinator and then program is one of the best pro- some great coaches, great most memories for her. At The W, Pettigrew will Desirae Krawczyk, United States and Nao Hib-
ino, Japan, def. Makoto Ninomiya, Japan and
took over for Miller in 2011 af- grams in the state.” players, and great administra- focus on making more memories by putting the Miyu Kato (14), Japan, 3-6, 6-4, 6-3.
Shuko Aoyama, Japan and Lidziya Marozava,
ter he left and eventually land- Shorter said he talked with tion. I hope they remember the team first. Belarus, def. Anna-Lena Groenefeld, Germany
and Vania King (12), United States, 6-4, 6-3.
ed at Louisville High. Shorter Miller and asked him about the championships. I hope they “I hope I have stayed (consistent and hum- Asia Muhammad, United States and Kaitlyn

guided Noxubee County to an program and what direction it is remember how I cared about ble),” Pettigrew said. “It was harder this year be- Christian, United States, def. Kai-Chen Chang,
Taiwan and Ching Wen Hsu, Taiwan, 6-1, 6-2.
89-28 record in eight seasons. going. He said he became inter- the kids, just making sure the cause it was another team and I didn’t know as Andreja Klepac, Slovenia and Maria Jose Mar-
tinez Sanchez (5), Spain, def. Naiktha Bains,
He led the Tigers to state titles ested in the position when it was kids had an opportunity to get many of the girls. This year, I feel like I am not Australia and Destanee Aiava, Australia, 6-2,
7-6 (6).
in 2012, 2014, 2015, and 2017. opened up, and that Miller told scholarships and football play- really a leader because I haven’t had the experi- Nadiia Kichenok, Ukraine and Yafan Wang,
China, def. Oksana Kalashnikova, Georgia and
Noxubee County finished 7-6 him it was a great opportunity ers graduated and did the right ence there for them to respect me.” Dayana Yastremska, Ukraine, 6-4, 6-2.
Kveta Peschke, Czech Republic and Nicole
in 2018 and lost to Greenwood with great players. things. That is what it was all Follow Dispatch sports editor Adam Minichino Melichar (4), United States, def. Tatjana Maria,
Germany and Heather Watson, Britain, 6-1,
in the second round of the Still, after more than 20 about for me.” on Twitter @ctsportseditor 4-6, 6-4.
The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com Wednesday, January 16, 2019 3B

No 3 Tennessee defeats
TENNESSEE (15-1): Schofield 7-11 0-0 Saturday’s Games
Tuesday’s Men’s 17, Pons 0-2 1-2 1, Alexander 4-6 4-5 12, Wil- Southeastern No. 11 Texas vs. TCU, 1 p.m.
College Scores liams 2-7 14-14 18, Bone 2-10 4-4 8, Walker 1-1
1-2 3, Fulkerson 2-4 3-4 7, Jancek 0-1 0-0 0,
Conference Men No. 13 Gonzaga at San Diego, 4 p.m.
No. 18 Iowa State vs. Oklahoma, Noon
EAST Conf. Pct. Overall Pct.
Marquette 74, Georgetown 71 Turner 6-8 6-6 21, Bowden 6-7 2-2 19, Johnson Tennessee 4-0 1.000 15-1 .938 Sunday’s Games
Providence 72, Seton Hall 63 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 30-57 35-39 106. No. 1 Notre Dame vs. Boston College, Noon

Arkansas for 11-straight win

LSU 3-0 1.000 13-3 .813
Saint Joseph’s 61, Davidson 60 Halftime—Tennessee 55-34. 3-Point S. Carolina 3-0 1.000 8-7 .533 No. 2 Baylor vs. West Virginia, 4 p.m.
Saint Louis 63, Fordham 60 Goals—Arkansas 10-26 (Joe 7-13, Jones 2-8, Ole Miss 3-1 .750 13-3 .813 No. 2 UConn at Temple, Noon
SOUTH Embery 1-4, Harris 0-1), Tennessee 11-18 Kentucky 3-1 .750 13-3 .813 No. 4 Louisville at Wake Forest, Noon
Kentucky 69, Georgia 49 (Bowden 5-6, Schofield 3-4, Turner 3-4, Bone Auburn 1-1 .500 12-3 .800 No. 5 Oregon vs. Arizona, 11 a.m.
LSU 83, Mississippi 69 0-1, Williams 0-1, Pons 0-2). Fouled Out—Bai- Miss. State 1-2 .333 13-3 .813 No. 6 Stanford vs. Washington State, 2 p.m.
Mississippi St. 71, Florida 68 ley, Gafford, Osabuohien. Rebounds—Ar- Alabama 1-2 .333 10-5 .667 No. 8 N.C. State vs. Virginia Tech, 11:30 a.m.
Morgan St. 89, Howard 86, OT kansas 31 (Gafford, Jones 7), Tennessee 30 Texas A&M 1-2 .333 7-7 .500 No. 9 Maryland vs. Penn State, 1 p.m.
North Carolina 75, Notre Dame 69 No. 10 Oregon State vs. No. 19 Arizona State, By The Associated Press
Tennessee 106, Arkansas 87
Virginia 81, Virginia Tech 59
(Williams 7). Assists—Arkansas 16 (Jones 6),
Tennessee 19 (Bone 8). Total Fouls—Arkan-
1-3 .250 10-6
1-3 .250 9-7
1-3 .250 9-7
4 p.m.
No. 12 Syracuse at Georgia Tech, 1 p.m.
SEC Men’s Roundup
Wake Forest 71, NC State 67 sas 28, Tennessee 17. Technicals—Arkansas No. 14 Marquette vs. St. John’s, 2 p.m.
MIDWEST coach Mike Anderson. A—19,282 (21,678). Missouri
0-2 .000 9-5
0-3 .000 9-6
.600 No. 17 Michigan State at No. 20 Rutgers, 1 p.m. KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Ten-
Akron 51, E. Michigan 49
Bowling Green 79, Ball St. 78 No. 12 Kentucky 69, No. 22 Iowa at Illinois, 2 p.m.
No. 23 Minnesota at Nebraska, 5 p.m. nessee men’s basketball coach miral Schofield scored all 17 of his
Tuesday’s Games
Buffalo 88, W. Michigan 79
Cent. Michigan 78, N. Illinois 69 Georgia 49 Tennessee 106, Arkansas 87 No. 24 DePaul vs. Seton Hall, 2 p.m.
No. 25 Indiana at Purdue, 1 p.m. Rick Barnes doesn’t like referring points in the second half, and Kyle
Cincinnati 82, South Florida 74 KENTUCKY (13-3): Washington 4-6 1-2 Mississippi State 71, Florida 68
Illinois St. 59, S. Illinois 58 10, Travis 3-7 0-0 6, Johnson 0-6 0-0 0, Herro Kentucky 69, Georgia 49 USA Today Women’s to Lamonte’ Turner and Jordan Alexander had 12 points.
4-10 4-4 12, Hagans 9-18 4-5 23, Richards 2-5 LSU 83, Ole Miss 69
Kent St. 66, Ohio 52
Loyola of Chicago 71, Valparaiso 54 0-0 4, Montgomery 3-6 0-0 6, Quickley 1-3 0-0 Today’s Games Top 25 Bowden as reserves. Isaiah Joe scored 23 points,
South Carolina at Vanderbilt, 6 p.m.
Purdue 89, Rutgers 54
Toledo 71, Miami (Ohio) 59
2, Baker 2-3 0-0 6. Totals 28-64 9-11 69.
GEORGIA (9-7): Claxton 5-11 2-4 12, (SEC Network)
The top 25 teams in the USA Today women’s
college basketball poll, with first-place votes As far as he’s concerned, those Mason Jones had 18, Reggie
Auburn at Texas A&M, 6 p.m. (ESPNU)
TCU 98, West Virginia 67
Hammonds 3-8 4-5 11, Ogbeide 3-5 1-2 7, Alabama at Missouri, 8 p.m. (SEC Network)
in parentheses, records through Jan. 14,
points based on 25 points for a first-place vote two guards are starters who hap- Chaney 11 and Daniel Gafford 10
Hightower 1-6 2-2 5, Jackson 1-8 0-0 2, Ngu-
Nevada 72, Boise St. 71 mezi 0-1 0-0 0, Wilridge 0-1 1-2 1, Fagan 1-3
Thursday’s Games
No games scheduled
through one point for a 25th-place vote and
previous ranking:
pen to come off the bench. for Arkansas (10-6, 1-3).
San Diego St. 97, New Mexico 77 0-0 2, Harris 2-7 1-1 6, Crump 1-6 0-0 3. Totals
17-56 11-16 49.
Friday’s Games
No games scheduled

1. Notre Dame (26)
Rec. Pts Pvs
16-1 792 1
Turner and Bowden combined n No. 12 Kentucky 69,
The Associated Press Halftime—Kentucky 35-31. 3-Point Saturday’s Games 2. UConn (4) 14-1 754 3 to score 40 points, and the third- Georgia 49: At Athens, Georgia,
Goals—Kentucky 4-11 (Baker 2-2, Washing- Florida at Georgia, 11 a.m. (WCBI)
Men’s Top 25 Fared ton 1-1, Hagans 1-3, Quickley 0-1, Travis 0-1, Arkansas at Ole Miss, Noon (SEC Network)
3. Baylor (2)
4. Louisville
13-1 730 4
15-1 708 2 ranked Volunteers whipped Ar- Ashton Hagans knew he was go-
Tuesday Johnson 0-1, Herro 0-2), Georgia 4-27 (Harris Alabama at Tennessee, 1 p.m. 5. Oregon 15-1 676 5
1. Duke (14-2) did not play. Next: vs. No. 4
Virginia, Saturday. 1-4, Hightower 1-4, Hammonds 1-5, Crump Missouri at Texas A&M, 2:30 p.m. 6. Mississippi State 16-1 630 6 kansas 106-87 on Tuesday night ing to get booed returning to his
(SEC Network) 7. Stanford 14-1 616 7
2. Michigan (17-0) did not play. Next: at
Wisconsin, Saturday.
1-6, Wilridge 0-1, Claxton 0-2, Jackson 0-5).
Rebounds—Kentucky 40 (Richards, Herro 7), Kentucky at Auburn, 3 p.m. (ESPN) 8. N.C. State 17-0 591 8 for their 11th consecutive victory. home state.
South Carolina at LSU, 5 p.m. (SEC Network)
3. Tennessee (15-1) beat Arkansas 106- Georgia 33 (Claxton 9). Assists—Kentucky
14 (Herro, Hagans 4), Georgia 12 (Hightower,
Mississippi State at Vanderbilt, 7:30 p.m.
9. Maryland
10. Oregon State
15-1 540 9
14-2 505 10 “We definitely have seven guys It sure didn’t seem to bother
87. Next: vs. Alabama, Saturday.
4. Virginia (16-0) beat No. 9 Virginia Tech Jackson, Ogbeide 2). Total Fouls—Kentucky
(SEC Network)
Sunday’s Games
11. Texas
12. Syracuse
14-2 478 11
14-2 449 12
that we can start, and who knows him.
81-59. Next: at No. 1 Duke, Saturday. 14, Georgia 15. A—10,523 (10,523).
5. Gonzaga (16-2) did not play. Next: vs.
No games scheduled 13. Marquette 14-3 409 14 what we’ll do with the lineup With the crowd jeering each
Loyola Marymount, Thursday. LSU 83, No. 18 Ole Miss 69 Tuesday’s Women’s 14. Gonzaga 16-1 373 15
6. Michigan State (15-2) did not play. LSU (13-3): Bigby-Williams 5-7 4-6 14, 15. Kentucky 15-3 267 16 (moving forward)?” Barnes said. time he touched the ball, Hagans
Next: at Nebraska, Thursday. College Scores 16. Arizona State 12-4 263 19
7. Kansas (15-2) did not play. Next: at
Reid 4-8 1-2 9, Mays 3-10 5-7 14, Waters 6-11
6-8 20, Taylor 5-8 0-1 12, Days 0-1 0-0 0, Wil- EAST 17. Tennessee 12-4 250 13 “I do think some guys respond scored 23 points in a brilliant all-
Marist 69, Monmouth (NJ) 45 18. Iowa 12-4 247 17
West Virginia, Saturday.
8. Texas Tech (15-1) did not play. Next: vs.
liams 1-2 4-6 6, Smart 3-10 0-0 8. Totals 27-57 NJIT 80, Lipscomb 67 19. Iowa State 13-3 218 22 better sitting there and watching around performance that led No.
20-30 83. 20. South Carolina 12-4 201 25
Iowa State, Wednesday.
9. Virginia Tech (14-2) lost to No. 4 Vir- OLE MISS (13-3): Olejniczak 3-7 1-2 7,
St. Peter’s 68, Fairfield 65
SOUTH 21. Florida State 14-2 154 18 the game a little bit and coming in 12 Kentucky to a rout of Georgia
T.Davis 8-20 1-2 21, Tyree 5-11 0-0 12, Shuler 22. Michigan State 12-4 97 24
ginia 81-59. Next: vs. Wake Forest, Saturday.
10. Nevada (17-1) beat Boise State 72-71. 1-6 3-4 6, Hinson 2-8 0-2 5, Buffen 5-5 3-5 13,
Gardner-Webb 66, Presbyterian 58
Hampton 66, Longwood 40 23. Rutgers 13-3 77 — and doing some things.” on Tuesday night.
Next: vs. Air Force, Saturday.
11. Florida State (13-4) did not play. Next:
Stevens 2-6 1-2 5, D.Davis 0-1 0-0 0, Rodri-
guez 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 26-64 9-17 69.
Howard 79, Morgan St. 56
Liberty 67, Kennesaw St. 61
24. DePaul
25. Minnesota
12-5 63 —
12-4 48 20 Tennessee last won 11 straight Hagans, a freshman point
at Boston College, Sunday.
12. Kentucky (13-3) beat Georgia 69-49.
Halftime—31-31. 3-Point Goals—LSU North Alabama 62, Jacksonville 59 Also Receiving Votes: Missouri 45,
California 31, Texas A&M 31, Indiana 29, Drake
in the 2007-08 season. Tennessee guard, committed to Georgia
9-19 (Mays 3-7, Smart 2-3, Waters 2-4, Taylor North Florida 71, Stetson 57
Next: at No. 14 Auburn, Saturday. 2-4, Reid 0-1), Ole Miss 8-28 (T.Davis 4-9, Radford 67, Charleston Southern 41 21, Central Michigan 20, UCF 17, Miami 17,
UAB 10, Arizona 9, Utah 8, Butler 7, Purdue 5,
(15-1, 4-0 Southeastern Confer- while still in high school but
13. North Carolina (13-4) beat Notre UNC-Asheville 93, SC-Upstate 86
Dame 75-69. Next: at Miami, Saturday.
Tyree 2-7, Shuler 1-4, Hinson 1-5, Stevens
0-3). Fouled Out—Buffen, Bigby-Williams. Re- Winthrop 59, Campbell 46 New Mexico 4, Troy 4, South Alabama 2, Tulane
2, South Dakota 1, Virginia Tech 1.
ence) is off to its fastest start since wound up signing with Kentucky.
14. Auburn (12-3) did not play. Next: at
Texas A&M, Wednesday. bounds—LSU 37 (Bigby-Williams 10), Ole Miss SOUTHWEST
that 2007-08 campaign, when the That change of heart — large-
15. Marquette (15-3) beat Georgetown 32 (T.Davis 10). Assists—LSU 17 (Waters 9), SMU 78, Wichita St. 50
SEC Women
74-71. Next: vs. Providence, Sunday. Ole Miss 14 (Shuler 6). Total Fouls—LSU 20, The AP Women’s Top 25 Conf. Pct. Overall Pct. Vols won 16 of their first 17. ly the result of a coaching change
16. Buffalo (16-1) beat Western Michigan Ole Miss 23. A—9,500 (9,500).
88-79. Next: vs. Eastern Michigan, Friday. Schedule
S. Carolina
Miss. State
4-0 1.000 12-4
3-0 1.000 15-1
.938 This marked Tennessee’s by the Bulldogs — made Hagans
No. 24 Mississippi St. 71,
17. N.C. State (14-3) lost to Wake Forest
71-67. Next: at Notre Dame, Saturday.
Tuesday’s Games Missouri 3-1 .750 14-4 .778 highest single-game point total a convenient villain for the sellout
Florida 68 No games scheduled Georgia 3-1 .750 12-5 .706
18. Ole Miss (13-3) lost to LSU 83-69.
Next: vs. Arkansas, Saturday. FLORIDA (9-7): Hayes 2-3 1-2 5, Hudson
Today’s Games
No. 1 Notre Dame at Virginia Tech, 6 p.m.
2-1 .667 14-2
2-2 .500 15-3
since setting the school scoring crowd at Stegeman Coliseum.
19. Maryland (15-3) did not play. Next: at
Ohio State, Friday.
1-8 0-0 3, Nembhard 6-14 0-0 13, Locke 4-9
3-4 12, Allen 5-12 4-4 17, Stone 0-2 0-0 0,
No. 2 Baylor at Kansas, 7 p.m.
No. 2 UConn at Tulane, 7 p.m.
Texas A&M 2-2 .500 13-4 .765 record in a 124-49 blowout of UNC “When I heard the crowd boo-
Arkansas 2-2 .500 13-5 .722
20. Oklahoma (13-3) did not play. Next:
vs. Kansas State, Wednesday.
Bassett 2-2 0-0 4, K.Johnson 4-6 0-0 11, Bal-
lard 1-3 0-0 3, Okauru 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 25-59
No. 11 Texas at Kansas State, 7 p.m. LSU 2-2 .500 11-5 .688 Asheville on Nov. 17, 2009. ing me, it was just like, ‘Let me just
No. 18 Iowa State at West Virginia, 6 p.m.
21. Houston (16-1) did not play. Next: at
SMU, Wednesday.
8-10 68. No. 20 Rutgers vs. Purdue, 6 p.m.
1-3 .250 12-4
1-3 .250 9-8
.529 “They’re probably the No. 1 go out here and put on a show,’ ” he
MISSISSIPPI STATE (13-3): Ado 2-2 0-0 No. 25 Indiana vs. Northwestern, 6 p.m.
22. Villanova (13-4) did not play. Next: vs.
Xavier, Friday.
4, N.Weatherspoon 4-7 0-0 9, Q.Weatherspoon Thursday’s Games
Ole Miss
1-3 .250 7-11
1-3 .250 5-12
team in the country with the way said. “I’m at home. I played good
No. 4 Louisville vs. Virginia, 6 p.m.
23. Iowa (14-3) did not play. Next: at Penn 4-8 1-1 9, Peters 5-12 2-2 16, Woodard 1-4 1-2
3, Perry 2-3 4-4 8, Holman 4-6 1-2 10, Carter No. 7 Mississippi State vs. No. 15 South
Vanderbilt 0-4 .000 5-12 .294 they’re playing,” Arkansas coach in front of the home crowd, even
State, Wednesday.
24. Mississippi State (13-3) beat Florida 4-7 0-0 12. Totals 26-49 9-11 71. Carolina, 6 p.m.
No. 9 Maryland at No. 17 Michigan State, 5 p.m. Tuesday’s Games Mike Anderson said. though I was getting booed. Other
71-68. Next: at Vanderbilt, Saturday. Halftime—Mississippi St. 36-34. 3-Point No games scheduled
25. Indiana (12-5) did not play. Next: at Goals—Florida 10-31 (K.Johnson 3-4, Al-
No. 12 Syracuse at Pittsburgh, 6 p.m.
No. 13 Gonzaga at BYU, 8 p.m. Today’s Games Turner scored 21 points and than that, I had my family here. I’m
Purdue, Saturday. len 3-7, Ballard 1-2, Locke 1-4, Hudson 1-5,
Nembhard 1-8, Stone 0-1), Mississippi St.
No. 16 Kentucky at LSU, 6:30 p.m. No games scheduled
Thursday’s Games hit 6 of 8 shots. Bowden was 6-of- just happy they saw me play.”
No. 3 Tennessee 106, 10-17 (Carter 4-6, Peters 4-8, Holman 1-1,
No. 20 Tennessee at Alabama, 8 p.m.
No. 22 Iowa vs. Michigan, 7 p.m. Georgia at Missouri, 6 p.m. (SEC Network) 7 shooting and 5 of 6 from 3-point Hagans reached double fig-
Arkansas 87 N.Weatherspoon 1-2). Fouled Out—None. Re- No. 23 Minnesota at Wisconsin, 7 p.m. South Carolina at Mississippi State, 6 p.m.
ARKANSAS (10-6): Bailey 3-9 1-2 7, bounds—Florida 28 (Hayes 8), Mississippi St. Friday’s Games (ESPN) range en route to 19 points. ures for the fifth game in a row
Gafford 4-6 2-4 10, Joe 7-15 2-2 23, Harris 3-7 27 (N.Weatherspoon, Q.Weatherspoon, Ado 5). No. 5 Oregon vs. No. 19 Arizona State, 8 p.m. Kentucky at LSU, 6:30 p.m.
0-2 6, Jones 7-16 2-3 18, Chaney 5-7 1-2 11, Assists—Florida 18 (Nembhard 8), Mississippi No. 6 Stanford vs. Washington, 9 p.m. Auburn at Vanderbilt, 7 p.m. Grant Williams added 18 and eclipsed his previous high, 18
No. 10 Oregon State vs. Arizona, 9 p.m. Tennessee at Alabama, 8 p.m. (SEC Network)
Henderson 1-1 0-0 2, Osabuohien 0-0 5-7 5,
Sills 1-1 0-0 2, Embery 1-5 0-0 3. Totals 32-
St. 19 (Peters 6). Total Fouls—Florida 12, Mis-
sissippi St. 12. Technicals—Perry. A—7,501 No. 14 Marquette vs. Seton Hall, 11:30 a.m. Friday’s Games points for Tennessee and made all points a week ago against Texas
67 13-22 87. (10,575). No. 24 DePaul vs. St. John’s, 7 p.m. No games scheduled
14 of his free-throw attempts. Ad- A&M.

Balanced scoring, 3-point defense play key roles in MSU’s victory

By Amber Dodd that big block. Florida-MSU Notebook 35-pound advantage on Florida Peters’ second-half impact
Special to The Dispatch “We shot the ball well from guard Jalen Hudson. didn’t mark up the stat sheet.
three, and we end up shooting Woodard provided energy He led MSU’s 3-point defense
STARKVILLE — Ben How- 58 percent on less attempts rel- throws. on both sides of the ball by driv- that limited Florida to 3-for-11
land had plenty of teaching ative to percentage. I thought Howland said the bench’s ing to the rim, diving for loose shooting from behind the arc in
points to take from the Mis- our turnovers (15) were decent ability to hold serve against balls, and creating offensive op- the second half. Peters had five
sissippi State men’s basketball considering their pressing the Florida kept MSU’s starters portunities. of his six assists in the second
team’s first two Southeastern whole game, so I was really hap- ready. Tyson Carter hit four Woodard II had his only field half.
Conference losses. py for our team that we found a 3-pointers (12 points) to help goal to tie the game at 45. He “When I look at his stats
No. 24 MSU improved in two way to pull this one out because MSU outscore Florida 30-18 in also had a blocked shot that right here — two to one on as-
of the areas — 3-point defense this was really important, ob- points off the bench. stopped a dunk that would’ve sist-to-turner against that pres-
and shot selection — on Tues- viously, as we head to the road “We got them more rest and tied the game. sure and that press,” Howland
day night to avoid falling to 0-3 here for our next few games.” “I thought Robert did a tre-
that was big,” Howland said. said of Peters. “I thought he
in the league. The Bulldogs improved in all mendous job tonight,” Howland
“My responsibility in the two was tremendous and did a real-
With eight players in the areas, from Quinndary Weath- said. “He had that big block
losses was getting the guys ly good job defensively. We got
scoring column, including erspoon’s attention to detail and we shot the ball well from
enough rest.” him more rest. We got Q (Quin-
three in double figures, No. 24 to drive for a two instead of a three.”
MSU used its depth to earn a 3-pointer to performances that ndary Weatherspoon) more
71-68 victory against Florida did not show up on the floor. Woodard II’s will to win Strong play by Peters rest. That was big. My respon-
before a crowd of 7,501 at Hum- Weatherspoon converted the Senior forward Aric Holman sibility, we were talking about
Peters used his athleticism the two losses, is not getting
phrey Coliseum. game-winning shot with 3.6 said leaving Woodard out of the
and veteran IQ to spark the
“I thought our defense was seconds left and was fouled by second half against Ole Miss our guys enough rest and using
Bulldogs. Peters’ confidence
better because they force you Kevarrius Hayes. was a mistake. the eight guys that we played to-
helped him ignite the offense
to be patient offensively be- Instead of waiting until night, divvying it (the minutes)
late in the first half. Energy and
cause they’re playing that one- Starters go cold MSU needed him off the bench efficiency sparked a quick one- up more. That’s what we’re go-
two-two, kind of soft zone, to Only one starter — Lamar against Florida, Howland start- man 11-point run to help MSU ing to continue to do.
make you use time,” Howland Peters — reached double fig- ed Woodard II in Holman’s open a 34-26 lead with 3 min- “I think he was good. The
said. “That helped our defense. ures in scoring. place. The former Columbus utes, 4 seconds left in the first only shot that I think was a bad
We started Robert Woodard Peters’ 16 points helped keep High School and two-time Mis- half. Peters went 4-for-7 from shot for him, all night, was he
(II) tonight because they were the Bulldogs in the game in the sissippi Gatorade Player of the 3-point range and had 16 points had made an 11-0 run, and he
starting four guards with (Ja- first half. The other starters, Year did a little bit of every- in the first half points to equal took one from 30 feet. Then, he
len) Hudson. It was just the best Abdul Ado, Quinndary and thing with three points, four re- his total against Ole Miss. drove the next one and made
matchup of our guys that play Nick Weatherspoon, and Wood- bounds, two assists, and three Peters proved his theory a layup. That’s what you have
the four to match them up with ard II combined for 25 points steals in 20 minutes. correct. His efforts couldn’t be to do when you’ve made three
Hudson. I thought Robert did a on 11-for-21 shooting from the Woodard II had an inch sustained without defensive ef- threes in a row. Then, you want
tremendous job tonight. He had field. They attempted three free height advantage and a forts. to drive it and mix it up.”


Continued from Page 1B Continued from Page 1B
Peters paced the Bull- to set the stage for the Bull- and Lamar (Peters) did a The 6-foot-11 Bigby-Williams had
dogs with 16 points (all in dogs’ come-from-behind good job of just giving the arguably his best game of the season
“One of those games.
the first half) and six as-
sists. Tyson Carter added
Peters facilitated an 11-0
ball up to Q. Q did exactly
what he was told to do — go
just a few days after one of his worst.
He had no points and no rebounds in
We’ve got to let it go and
12 points on 4-for-6 shoot-
ing from 3-point range.
run late in the first half
while playing tough defense.
all the way to the rim and
finish. I thought he made a
18 minutes against Arkansas on Satur-
have a short memory.”
Aric Holman added 10 Woodard II also played well lot of nice passes tonight, Q “He finished everything at the rim. Ole Miss men’s basketball coach
points and three assists off defensively against forward did.” He was a presence down there,” Will Kermit Davis
the bench. Jalen Hudson. KeVaughn Allen led Wade said. “That’s as good of a block
Former Columbus High “He did a really good Florida (9-7, 1-3) with 17 as you’ll see when he blocked Hinson.”
School and two-time Mis- job defensively,” Howland points. Andrew Nembhard LSU (13-3, 3-0 Southeastern Con- ball movement in the second half,
sissippi Gatorade Player of said of Peters. “(Having a) (13) points, Locke (12), and ference) used an early 8-0 run in the which led to the win.
the Year Robert Woodard 2:1 against assist-turnover Keyontae Johnson (11) also second half to take a 48-39 lead. The “We were just way too stagnant in
II had three points, four re- ratio against that floor and scored in double figures. Tigers maintained a healthy advan- the first half,” Wade said. “I thought
bounds, three assists, and that press. I thought his “Our tempo press was tage from that point, playing tight de- the second half we moved the ball,
three steals in 20 minutes floor game tremendous to- effective for 39-and-a-half fense and forcing several turnovers.
in his first start. night.” minutes, but it wasn’t effec- moved their defense and made them
Bigby-Williams said he believed his guard us full court. We were able to
The win helped MSU The game featured 11 tive at the end of the game,”
early blocks helped set the tone. get it down and finish in the paint.”
bounce back from losses lead changes and 12 ties. Florida coach Mike White
“I think just my presence alone al- LSU opened the season at No. 23 in
to South Carolina and Ole MSU stayed in the game said. “We rotated a little bit
tered some shots,” he said. The Associated Press’ preseason poll,
Miss in its first two SEC thanks to a 10-for-17 effort late. He finished. He’s a re-
Waters also had nine assists, and but three losses during non-confer-
games. from 3-point range. That ally good player and made a
Skylar Mays scored 14 points. LSU has ence play knocked it out of the rank-
The game came down shooting performance con- good play.”
to the final seconds after tributed to the Bulldogs’ MSU will take on Van- won six straight.
ings. The Tigers might be on their way
MSU’s Nick Weatherspoon 53.1-percent shooting from derbilt at 7:30 p.m. Sat- Ole Miss (13-3, 3-1) had its 10-game
back into the poll.
collected a loose ball and the field (26-for-49). urday (SEC Network) in winning streak snapped. The Rebels
“We’ve got to earn our way back,”
tried to help the Bulldogs “There were obvious- Nashville, Tennessee. Four hadn’t lost since Nov. 24, when they
Wade said. “Just like Ole Miss earned
keep possession by pass- ly huge plays down the of the team’s next five SEC fell 71-57 to Cincinnati. Terence Davis
led the Rebels with 21 points and 10 it with two top-15 wins last week.”
ing it to Holman under- stretch,” Howland said. games will be on the road. Kermit Davis said guard Devontae
neath his team’s basket. “Going back to Nick’s But with Weatherspoon on rebounds. K.J. Buffen added 13 points.
“One of those games,” Ole Miss Shuler has been battling a foot injury
But Noah Locke stole the (Weatherspoon) three — call, MSU has the confi-
coach Kermit Davis. “We’ve got to let and will be evaluated Wednesday. The
ball and scored with 10.2 the really nice drive by La- dence to stay back on track.
it go and have a short memory.” 6-foot-2 guard had six points in 31 min-
seconds left to tie it at 68. mar. He dished it off of two “I just do whatever to
On the game-winner, feet when we spread the help my team win,” Weath- Neither team played particularly utes.
MSU coach Ben Howland floor for him to hit (Quin- erspoon said. “It doesn’t re- well in the first half, with LSU and Ole If Shuler misses any time, he would
relied on the ability of Pe- ndary Weatherspoon) to ally matter what time of the Miss both shooting 36 percent from be difficult for the Rebels to replace.
ters and Quinndary Weath- tie the game … And then game it is. Five minutes or the field. Tyree had 12 points before The team’s rotation is usually only
erspoon to break down the last play, we knew that last few seconds, whatever the break, and the teams went into eight players deep.
defenders. Peters had five with nine seconds to go, we I can do, I’m going to try halftime tied at 31. “We don’t have much margin for er-
assists in the second half wanted to attack the rim and do it.” Wade said LSU had much better ror,” Davis said.
4B Wednesday, January 16, 2019 The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com

Caledonia girls win region title; New Hope boys prevent Feds from clinching
From Special Reports gion) clinch the region title Lumsden added another to help is paying off for them. I’m excit- to a T, at least in the first half,
with a home game remaining New Hope edge Caledonia 3-2. ed about where this team can when it wasn’t followed at all,”
CALEDONIA — The Cale- against Kosciusko on Friday The victory by the Trojans (7-4- go.” Alexander said. “Honestly, it
donia High School soccer teams night. 1) denied the Confederates (11- Francisco Garcia and Mor- was just mental mistakes. We
accomplished one half of their
“The girls followed the game 3) a chance to clinch the region gan Fishel scored goals for possessed the ball probably 75
title mission Tuesday night.
plan to a T,” Caledonia coach title. Caledonia, which beat New percent of the game, especially
Lizzie Truelock scored three
goals and Hallie Kate Brewer Louis Alexander said. “I put in “I am just really proud of my Hope 4-0 in the first meeting. in the second half. We had the
added another to lead the Cale- a game plan mid last week and guys,” New Hope coach An- Alexander said the Confed- ball in their half the majority
donia High girls to a 4-0 victory we trained specific to what we drew Olsen said. “They played erates also had a game plan to of the second half. We honest-
against New Hope in a Missis- thought they were going to do the full 80 minutes and never face the Trojans, but he said the ly had 15 chances on goal and
sippi High School Activities As- or try to do, and that is exactly checked up. It was a total team first half proved to be trouble- we could never find a way to
sociation (MHSAA) Class 4A, what they did and nothing sur- effort. some as New Hope took a 2-0 even things up or to take the
Region 3 victory. prised us.” “Starting the season, we had lead. lead. Credit to New Hope. They
The victory helped the Lady In the boys game, Trey Par- a few slip-ups, but all of the hard “For one reason or another, weathered the storm and came
Confederates (11-1-2, 5-0 re- nell had two goals and Hays work they have been putting in that game plan wasn’t followed out with a win.”

MSU women
Continued from Page 1B
lane, there can be a gap which was her 12th game vide solid contributions Carter. native has been recog- sociated Press and USA
between reminding your- this season in which she will be a key factor as “Coming in as a fresh- nized by the SEC eight Today Coaches’ polls, re-
self to do something and has reached double dig- MSU gets deeper into the man, you have to build times in her career, in- spectively.
then executing. its. It was her third dou- season. With the status that confidence and allow cluding a freshman of the MSU is the high-
Seventeen games into ble-figure scoring game, of redshirt junior Zion them to know they can do week selection in 2015-16. est-ranked team in the
her freshman season, Car- and first since she had Campbell (boot on right it,” McCowan said. “It is Her eighth award sur- SEC. It has been ranked
ter is showing the confi- a career-high 16 points foot) uncertain and Ole the SEC, but, at the same passes Victoria Vivians in The AP poll for
dence and comfort level against Coppin State in Miss transfer Promise time, if they have that (2015-17) and LaToya 85-straight weeks. State
to slow down. On Monday her fourth game. Taylor redshirting, Car- confidence, they can com- Thomas (2000-03) for the has been a top-10 team in
against Auburn, Carter had “I thought Jessika was ter is MSU’s only other pete in the SEC.” most in MSU history. the poll in 49 consecutive
one of the best games of her really good when she center. Any contributions Carter knows the McCowan recorded weeks, the fourth-longest
young career, as she scored came in,” MSU coach Vic Carter can provide will bench players will have a her 52nd career dou-
14 points and grabbed six Schaefer said. “T(eaira take some of the load off streak in the nation.
key role moving forward ble-double on Thursday
rebounds in the No. 7 Mis- McCowan) and Jess were 6-7 senior center McCow- MSU is among the top
as MSU tries to extend night against Georgia
sissippi State women’s bas- pretty good rim protec- an and give her valuable a 20-game SEC regu- with 18 points and 21 15 in the country in 12
ketball team’s 85-59 victory tors.” rest. lar-season winning streak rebounds. She had 13 statistical categories. The
against Auburn in a South- Earlier in the season, “I did all right,” Carter and to continue on its path offensive rebounds that Bulldogs lead the nation
eastern Conference game Schaefer talked about said. “I could have done to a second-straight SEC she turned into 14 sec- in scoring margin (+35.4
at Auburn Arena. not wanting to hurt the better on defense in de- regular-season crown. ond-chance points. Mc- ppg) and are second scor-
“I feel a lot more con- confidence of his young nying the ball and getting “The bench, we have Cowan also blocked two ing offense (91.1 ppg).
fident. The last few days players or newcomers to back in the press.” been working hard in shots and recorded a MSU is second in blocks
in practice we have been the program by putting Carter was 4-for-4 practice all together,” steal. (6.8 per game), second in
working on being more them in tough situations. from the field and 6-for-6 Carter said. “I know T and On Monday against rebound margin (+17.3),
patient with your post He credited all of his from the free-throw line Jazz(mun Holmes) and Auburn, she was 9-for-10 fifth in field goal percent-
moves,” Carter said. “I bench players — Carter, and had zero turnovers Anriel (Howard) get tired from the field and 4-for-4 age (50.5 percent), and
have gotten more confi- Andra Espinoza-Hunter, against an opponent and they need a break, at the free-throw line for sixth in rebounding (46.1
dent and slowed down a Bre’Amber Scott, Myah that uses a zone press to so having somebody who 22 points. She had 10 re- rpg).
lot more.” Taylor, Nyah Tate, and force other teams into can go out there and keep bounds for her 53rd dou-
No. 7 MSU (16-1, 4-0 Xaria Wiggins — for their mistakes. Carter’s per- it going, then that is good. ble-double and blocked
SEC) will look to Carter efforts against the Tigers. formance suggests she “We all play a role on three shots without play-
Dawg Talk
to supply key minutes off Schaefer feels all of the has found her footing and Schaefer will returns
the team. We have got to ing in the fourth quarter.
the bench at 6 p.m. Thurs- reserves have been prac- could be ready to take on to DawgTalk at 7 p.m.
play our role.” McCowan leads the
day (ESPN) when it plays ticing well. a bigger role. Her produc- Wednesday at The Ve-
SEC in blocks per game
host to No. 15 South Car- “We did a good job of tion was part of a 27-point randa in Starkville. Fans
olina (12-4, 4-0) at Hum- everyone coming in and showing by the reserves McCowan earns SEC (2.65), which is 14th in
can tune in on affiliates
the nation. She leads the
phrey Coliseum. we didn’t really slack off. in 58 minutes. It was one honor league in double-doubles
of the MSU Sports Radio
Carter is averaging We didn’t have a setback,” game removed from a On Tuesday, McCow- Network presented by
(14), field goal percent-
5.4 points and 4.4 re- Schaefer said. “We had one-point performance in an was named the SEC Learfield. It is also avail-
age (67.6 percent), and
bounds in 13.6 minutes continuity through substi- 16 minutes by the bench Player of the Week for the able online courtesy of
rebounding (13.3).
per game. She is second tution, which I told you is players. third time this season. HailState.com/Plus, the
on the team in blocked a real challenge. To play McCowan feels Carter McCowan averaged 20 TuneIn app and Facebook
shots (24). Against Au- the minutes we played is growing more com- points and 15.5 rebounds MSU holds places in Live.
burn, the 6-foot-5 stand- with eight in double fig- fortable and is primed to in victories against Geor- national polls Follow Dispatch sports
out from Waverly Hall, ure minutes, that is good.” do more. She said confi- gia and Auburn. MSU remained at No. editor Adam Minichino on
Carter logged 17 minutes, Carter’s ability to pro- dence is a key piece with The Brenham, Texas, 7 and at No. 6 in The As- Twitter @ctsportseditor

TENNIS: Australian Open

Youngsters stun seeds in Australia
By HOWARD FENDRICH men went 1-5, the coun- against top-10 opponents
The Associated Press try’s contingent produced and is now into the third
those two upsets and threw round at a major for the
MELBOURNE, Austra- a couple of scares into oth- second time, equaling his
lia — Frances Tiafoe rolled er seeded players, too, but best showing.
up his white shirt’s right couldn’t pull off the wins. “These are the matches
sleeve, flexed his biceps Mackenzie McDonald where they kind of define
and slapped the muscle pushed No. 6 Marin Cilic you and help you feel more
five times. Then he pound- before losing 7-5, 6-7 (9), and more comfortable to
ed his chest and yelled, 6-4, 6-4, and Denis Kudla keep winning matches
“Yeah! Let’s go! Let’s go! went to a fifth set before like that,” Tiafoe said. “So,
Come on!” bowing out 6-4, 7-5, 3-6, yeah, I’m definitely going
Forgive the young 6-7 (6), 6-4 against No. 18 to remember this one.”
American’s exuberance. Diego Schwartzman. Reil- As for his postmatch
This was, after all, the big- ly Opelka, a 21-year-old flex, Tiafoe said: “I hope
gest victory of his nascent who eliminated No. 9 John the crowd liked it.”
career. Isner in an all-U.S. first- Defeat Andreas Seppi
Down a set and 3-0 in round showdown, held a of Italy next, and Tiafoe
the second, the 20-year- 67-2 ace advantage — and would make his debut
old Tiafoe came back to a 15-inch (38-centime- in the second week of a
stun two-time Grand Slam ter) height advantage — Grand Slam.
finalist and No. 5 seed against Thomas Fabbiano He turns 21 on Monday
Kevin Anderson of South but lost to the Italian 6-7 and said: “If I’m playing on
Africa 4-6, 6-4, 6-4, 7-5 on (15), 6-2, 6-4, 3-6, 7-6 (5). that day and beat some-
Wednesday in the Austra- “This group (of Amer- body, that’s the best pres-
lian Open’s second round. icans) really deserves the ent I can get.”
“I went to a different hype, I guess, because I Federer, seeking a re-
place. I dug insanely deep,” think everyone’s good,” cord seventh Australian
the 39th-ranked Tiafoe Fritz said. Open title and third in a
said. “It’s all about compet- Cilic was the 2014 U.S. row, beat Dan Evans 7-6
ing. Guys are so good. It’s Open champion and the (5), 7-6 (3), 6-3, and 2009
just about how badly you runner-up at Melbourne champion Rafael Nadal set
want it. I want it real bad.” Park to Federer last year. up a third-round showdown
He was joined in the Against McDonald, an against 19-year-old Austra-
third round by another NCAA champion in sin- lian Alex de Minaur with a
kid from the U.S. who’d gles and doubles at UCLA straight-set victory.
never been that far at Mel- who is 23 years old and “I couldn’t pull away
bourne Park, 21-year-old ranked 81st, Cilic deliv- early in the match,” said
Taylor Fritz, who saved 12 ered 25 aces, including on Federer, who actually was
of the 13 break points he each of the last two points. two points from dropping
faced while dispatching “It was a much tougher the opening set.
No. 30 seed Gael Monfils of match than I expected,” The defending wom-
France 6-3, 6-7 (8), 7-6 (6), Cilic said. “I didn’t know en’s champion, Caroline
7-6 (5). much about him.” Wozniacki, also advanced
Next for Fritz is a match- For Tiafoe, it helped in straight sets, beating Jo-
up against Roger Federer, that Anderson’s best at- hanna Larsson 6-1, 6-3, and
the two-time defending tribute, his intimidating will face Maria Sharapova
champion in Australia and serve, slowed down along next. Sharapova, whose
owner of 20 Grand Slam the way because of prob- five major titles include the
titles. lems with his right arm. 2008 Australian Open, had
“I grew up watching a Anderson was repeatedly a 6-2, 6-1 win over Rebecca
lot of the guys I play today. visited by a trainer during Peterson in Wednesday’s
I can’t tell you how many changeovers and he lost last match.
times I watched Monfils’ pace on his first serves as Three-time major
highlight reel on YouTube, the match wore on. champion Angelique Ker-
just growing up. ‘Fed,’ obvi- Anderson was the run- ber moved on with a 6-2,
ously, my whole life grow- ner-up at Wimbledon last 6-3 victory over qualifier
ing up, he was always the year and at the U.S. Open in Beatriz Haddad Maia. No.
best, winning everything,” 2017 and had won all three 5 Sloane Stephens opened
Fritz said. “So it’s really previous matchups against the day in Rod Laver Arena
cool being able to step on Tiafoe. with a 6-3, 6-1 victory over
the court with him again.” But Tiafoe ended a her junior doubles partner
A day after American six-match losing streak Timea Babos.
Jan Swoope: 328-2471

Low-carb, anyone?

Daniel J. van Ackere/America’s Test Kitchen via AP

Greek-style shrimp with tomatoes
and feta, from “Complete Mediter-

shrimp for
dinner? Check
out this
Greek recipe

n the traditional Greek dish
called shrimp saganaki, sweet,
briny shrimp are covered with
a garlic- and herb-accented tomato
sauce and topped with crumbles of
creamy, salty feta cheese.
Restaurant versions, however,
can be a gamble. The shrimp can
be tough and rubbery, the tomato
sauce can turn out dull or over-
whelming, and the feta is often
lackluster. We set out to develop a
foolproof recipe for home cooks.
Canned diced tomatoes along
with sautéed onion and garlic
provided the base for the sauce.
Dry white wine added acidity, and delish.com
ouzo, the slightly sweet anise-fla- Taco tomatoes are a tasty low-carb option, see page 6B for the recipe. Fillings can be changed up to make
vored Greek liqueur, added wel- cheeseburger tomatoes.
come complexity.
While the shrimp are typically
layered with the tomato sauce and
feta and baked, we were after a
quick and easy dish. We opted to
Going lower-carb doesn’t mean giving up on flavor
cook the shrimp right in the sauce; BY JAN SWOOPE
adding the shrimp raw to the jswoope@cdispatch.com
sauce helped infuse them with the

sauce’s bright flavor. f reducing carbohydrates in
See Shrimp, 6B your diet is part of your I’m-
master plan, you’re not alone. Ac-
cording to dietdoctor.com, a poll
conducted for the U.S. online mag-
azine Insider shows that, among

The W announces those who resolve to lose weight

in the new year, the top dietary
approach is the low-carb diet.
spring cooking The poll found that 43 percent
of respondents said weight loss/
eating habits were their top reso-
classes lution. Of those, 45 percent said
their method would be using a
DISPATCH STAFF REPORT lower-carb, higher-fat strategy.
Clinical psychologist Dr. Jen

ississippi University for Unwin of the UK advises, among
Women’s Culinary Arts other things, taking small hab-
Institute will offer four it-forming steps to help you see
Saturday cooking classes to the low carb as a lifestyle and not a
public this spring that require no diet with an end date. If you have
enrollment in the university. Each small lapses in keeping to the res-
class is offered individually and olution, just get right back at it.
does not have to be taken in con- In general, low-carb plans are
nection with any others. used for losing weight, but they
Classes include: can have health benefits beyond
n Jan. 26: “Soups,” 9 a.m.-1 that, such as reducing risk factors
p.m.; cost $50 associated with type 2 diabetes or
n Feb. 9: “Valentine’s Date metabolic syndrome — a clus-
Night,” 5-8 p.m.; cost $100 per ter of conditions, like increased
couple blood pressure, high blood sugar,
n Feb. 23: “Japanese,” 9 a.m.-1 excess abdominal weight and
p.m.; cost $50 abnormal cholesterol or triglycer-
n March 2: “Pizza Workshop,” 9 ide levels, that occur together and
a.m.-1 p.m.; cost $50 increase the risk of heart disease,
For more information or to stroke and diabetes (mayoclinic.
receive a registration form, con- org).
tact the Culinary Arts Institute, These hash brown egg cups are made with cauliflower. See Low-carb, 6B
662-241-6286 or 662-241-7472. Or
email Chef Mary Helen Hawkins at

Butter Together

Everything old is new again

couple years to make equal, and American Christmas; where trip allows us to spread out the of these meals could feed us
ago, Zack honestly? Too much are the boxes, the bows, the financial burden of Christmas a third time, too. It doesn’t
and I decided to pay for. piles of paper? gift-giving over a longer period usually work out that way for
to stop giving our Instead, we plan What we have discovered, of time and pace ourselves us, but your luck may be better
children gifts for a family trip. Zack though, is that our kids love it. accordingly. But let’s be real than mine — or your appetite,
Christmas. Sure, we and I decide the Our middle daughter, Zayley, here: those sales always suck smaller.
still stuff stockings location, and the recently told us that she plans me in anyway. (Curse you, Cooking a whole chicken
with lip balms girls find out where to continue this tradition with month-long Black Friday and using all the meat and car-
and hair supplies, we will go on the her own kids if she has any. deals!) cass is probably the most basic
chocolates and an day we celebrate Not bad for a measure we took That’s why this time of year of these types of recipes, but I
orange in the toe. Christmas. primarily to help us hang on to is perfect for “rubber” meals, also like using a pork loin for a
But the piles of At first, we were any shred of parental sanity we where I can cook once and little variety. These recipes will
Amelia Plair the main protein will bounce make a pork loin for the first
wrapped gifts be- afraid our kids have remaining by the end of
came too much: too would miss the December. back and feed us a second night and fried rice the next.
much to hunt down, too much trappings of the traditional Theoretically, planning a time. I have this idea that some See Butter Together, 6B
6B Wednesday, January 16, 2019 The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com

Continued from Page 5B
There are multiple low-carb
diets, but to summarize, in general
they focus on proteins, including
meat, plant-based proteins, poultry,
fish, eggs and some nonstarchy
vegetables. They tend to exclude or
limit most grains, legumes, breads,
sweets, pastas and starchy vegeta-
bles and certain other foods.

Cutting back
Before making drastic changes
in diet, it pays to understand carbs
and their function. Talk to your
doctor. Information can also be
found at sites such as mayoclinic.
org. Carbohydrates are the body’s
main source of energy, and too Sudoku YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
few carbs, as well as too many, can
cause concerns.
Sudoku is a number-
5 1 2 9 4 6 7 3 8
placing puzzle
Sudoku based on
is a number-
That being said, it’s probably a 9x9 grid
placing with based
puzzle severalon 8 4 9 3 7 5 2 1 6

2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

safe to say most of us take in more agiven
9x9 grid with several
Coconut flour and coconut oil give these chocolate brownies a low-carb edge. numbers. The object 7 3 6 8 1 2 4 5 9
carbs than we need. If you’re look- given numbers.
is to place The object
the numbers
ing to moderate, healthline.com is
3 8 1 6 2 7 9 4 5
with a wooden spoon, until no longer n Transfer back into bowl (make sure 1 to place
to 9 in thethe numbers
empty spaces
offers a few simple tweaks. Among pink, 8 minutes. Drain fat. there’s no liquid in it), and add the 1sotothat
9 ineach
the empty spaces
row, each 9 6 4 1 5 8 3 7 2
them: n Flip over tomatoes so they’re stem- whisked egg, cheeses, salt and garlic so that each
column row, each
and each 3x3 box 2 5 7 4 3 9 8 6 1
side down and slice to make 6 wedges, powder. Divide mixture into each muffin column
n First and foremost, eliminate being careful not to cut all the way containsand theeach
same3x3 box
number 1 2 3 5 9 4 6 8 7
hole and firmly press them with your contains the same number
sugar-sweetened drinks such as through. Carefully spread open wedges. only once. The difficulty
fingertips to create a “nest” or cup. only once. The difficulty 6 9 5 7 8 3 1 2 4
soda and sweet iced tea. n Divide taco meat among tomatoes, n Bake for about 15-20 minutes or until level increases from
level increases from 4 7 8 2 6 1 5 9 3
n Cut back on breads, especial- then top each with cheese, lettuce, and cheese has melted, cups are golden Monday to Sunday.
Monday to Sunday.
ly white breads made from refined sour cream before serving. Stuff these and edges are browned. Remove from Difficulty Level 1/15

lasagna-style: Top with a little ricotta, oven; break eggs into each cup; season
grains. mozzarella and basil and bake for 15 with salt and pepper; return to oven and
n Choose low-carb snacks, like minutes at 350 F. (You can change up bake for a further 10-15 minutes, or until
almonds, peanuts, macadamia the filling for cheeseburger tomatoes, whites are set and yolks are cooked to
nuts, hazelnuts, pecans, walnuts, too.) your liking.
cheese. (Source: Lena Abraham/delish.com) n Allow them to cool 5 minutes before
n Ask for vegetables instead of handling, or they may fall apart. Lightly
slide a knife around the sides of each
potatoes or bread in restaurants. HASH BROWN EGG CUPS cup. Using a fork, gently lift one side first
n Substitute low-carb flours, Servings: 12 cups to make sure they’re not sticking to the
like those made from nuts and bottom, and lift out of pan. Garnish with
1 head of cauliflower, stalk and leaves red chili flakes and parsley, if desired.
coconut, for wheat flour. removed, cut into florets (Source: cafedelites.com)
n Emphasize non-starchy 1 extra large egg, whisked
vegetables such as bell peppers, 1/2 cup cheddar cheese, (or mozzarella)
broccoli, asparagus, mushrooms, 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2-1 teaspoon salt, to taste
zucchini and spinach.
When it comes to meals, some
Pepper, to taste (optional)
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder, (or 1 tea-
Prep time: 10 minutes
restaurants identify low-carb or spoon onion powder) Total time: 40 minutes
“light” choices on their menus. 12 small-medium sized eggs
And when cooking at home, you 1/2 cup cocoa powder
don’t have to give up all your favor- n Preheat oven to 350 F. Lightly spray a 1/3 cup virgin coconut oil
12-hole muffin tin with cooking oil spray 6 eggs
ite comfort foods. Recipes below (or grease with butter), wipe over excess 1 cup white sugar
provide some flavorful lower-carb with a paper towel and set aside. 1/2 teaspoon salt
twists. n Pulse cauliflower in two batches for 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
about 30-50 seconds until a fine “rice” 1/2 cup coconut flour, sifted
is formed. It’s OK if there are a few 1 tablespoon semisweet chocolate chips,
TACO TOMATOES bigger pieces in there. (Be careful not to
over-process or the cauliflower will form a
or more to taste
Prep time: 5 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes raw puree.) n Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease an
Makes 4 servings n Measure out 3 cups (17 ounces in 8-by-8-inch baking dish.
weight) of the cauliflower rice into a mi- n Stir cocoa powder and coconut oil to-
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil crowave safe bowl and heat for about 8 gether in a saucepan over low heat until
3/4 pound ground beef minutes or until soft. Alternatively, lightly coconut oil has melted, about 5 minutes.
1 medium onion, chopped steam over a pot of boiling water or in a Remove from heat and let cool.
1 (1-ounce) packet taco seasoning vegetable steamer until soft. Remove, n Beat eggs, sugar, salt, and vanilla
4 large, ripe beefsteak tomatoes allow to cool for a good 5 minutes before extract together in a bowl; stir in cocoa
1/2 cup shredded Mexican cheese blend handling. mixture. Whisk coconut flour into egg
1/2 cup shredded iceberg lettuce n Using paper towels, an old tea towel mixture until there are no lumps. Pour
1/4 cup sour cream or a cheesecloth, squeeze out as much batter into prepared baking dish; sprinkle
liquid as you can until hardly any liquid chocolate chips over top.
n In a large skillet over medium heat, can be squeezed out. (It’s easier to wrap n Bake in preheated oven until a tooth-
heat oil. Add onion and cook, stirring, un- the cauliflower in the towel, or cloth, and pick inserted into the center come out
til soft, 5 minutes. Add ground beef and squeeze it into a ball over the sink. Less clean, about 35 minutes.
taco seasoning. Cook, breaking up meat mess.) (Source: dish.allrecipes.com)

Continued from Page 5B
And for even more GREEK-STYLE SHRIMP 6 ounces feta cheese, crum- ing 2 tablespoons ouzo. Bring
flavor, we first marinated bled (1 1/2 cups) to simmer and cook, stirring
the shrimp with olive oil, WITH TOMATOES 2 tablespoons chopped fresh
occasionally, until flavors meld
and sauce is slightly thickened
ouzo, garlic, and lem- ACROSS
on zest while we made
AND FETA n Toss shrimp in bowl with 1
(sauce should not be com-
pletely dry), 5 to 8 minutes. 1 Sighed word
Servings: 4-6
the sauce. A generous Start to finish: 45 minutes tablespoon oil, 1 tablespoon Stir in parsley and season with 5 Mushroom heads
sprinkling of feta and ouzo, 1 teaspoon garlic, lemon salt and pepper to taste. 9 “Id est,” e.g.
1 1/2 pounds extra-large zest, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and n Reduce heat to medium-low 11 Tale’s end, some-
chopped fresh dill over 1/8 teaspoon pepper; set and add shrimp along with
shrimp (21 to 25 per pound), times
the sauced shrimp fin- peeled and deveined aside. any accumulated juices; stir
12 Heavier than
ished our recipe. 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil n Heat 2 tablespoons oil in to coat and distribute evenly.
12-inch skillet over medium Cover and cook, stirring heavy
The cooking time is 3 tablespoons ouzo
13 Sporting site
5 garlic cloves, minced heat until shimmering. Add occasionally, until shrimp
for extra-large shrimp onion, bell pepper, and 1/4 are opaque throughout, 6 to 14 Modern: Prefix
1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
(about 21 to 25 per Salt and pepper teaspoon salt, cover, and 9 minutes, adjusting heat 15 Candidate of
pound). If using small- 1 small onion, chopped cook, stirring occasionally, as needed to maintain bare 2016
er or larger shrimp, 1 red or green bell pepper, until vegetables release their simmer. Off heat, sprinkle with
17 Hog
be sure to adjust the stemmed, seeded, and liquid, 3 to 5 minutes. Uncover feta and dill and drizzle with
chopped and continue to cook, stirring remaining 1 tablespoon oil. 19 Crude home
cooking time as needed. 1/2 teaspoon red pepper occasionally, until liquid Serve. 20 Wander off
If you don’t have ouzo, flakes evaporates and vegetables are Nutrition information per serv- 21 Boater or bowler
you can substitute an 1 (28-ounce) can diced toma- softened, about 5 minutes. ing: 330 calories; 150 calories 22 Make blank
equal amount of Pernod toes, drained with 1/3 cup Stir in remaining garlic and from fat; 17 g fat (6 g saturat- 24 Doc’s charge
juice reserved pepper flakes and cook until ed; 0 g trans fats); 168 mg 26 Minimum amount
or 1 tablespoon vodka 1/4 cup dry white wine fragrant, about 1 minute. cholesterol; 1298 mg sodium; DOWN 21 Get better
plus 1/8 teaspoon anise 2 tablespoons coarsely n Stir in tomatoes and re- 16 g carbohydrate; 2 g fiber; 29 Take in 1 By the way 23 Fishing nets
seeds. chopped fresh parsley served juice, wine, and remain- 11 g sugar; 21 g protein. 30 Blue-veined 2 Record compa- 24 French mathe-
cheese nies matician

Butter Together
32 Superman’s 3 Went to a restau- 25 Pal of Pooh
home rant 27 Layers
34 Fish eggs 4 Bro’s kin 28 Sounded a horn
Continued from Page 5B 35 Love, in Lom- 5 Hokey stuff 29 Flat fish
bardy 6 Singer Franklin 30 Proofing note
Amelia Plair is a mom oughly with oil, salt, pepper, a few minutes. Serve with a and cook a few minutes. 36 Cheer up
garlic, and sugar. (Full disclo- green vegetable — I like broc- Add garlic and cook, stirring 7 Go well 31 Must have
and high school teacher in 38 Mystical deck 8 Incline 33 Debate group
sure: I don’t measure any of coli or zucchini — and a huge constantly, for about a minute.
Starkville. Email reaches this except the brown sugar.) pot of rice. Be sure to prepare Add cooked rice and stir to 39 Quite full 10 Sweet drink 37 Pool unit
her at mamabadgerplair@ n Wrap the loin as best you enough rice to have leftovers combine. Push rice mixture to 40 Seine seasons 11 Primary
gmail.com. can with the bacon; drape it for the next meal. the edges of the skillet. 41 Knee protectors 16 Serving
over if you must. Use a twist (Source: Adapted from dinner- n Place a tablespoon of but- 18 Apple or pear
tie to keep the bag closed thendessert.com) ter in the middle of the skillet
SLOW COOKER BACON and place the whole shootin’
match in the refrigerator over-
and allow it to melt. Crack
eggs into the melted butter
GARLIC PORK LOIN night. (Note: you do not have
to do this ahead of time, but
SCRAMBLED RICE and sprinkle them with salt.
Stir and cook eggs until they
Pork loin, trimmed of fat (The the flavor of the meat will be are about halfway set. Add
better and your morning will be 3 tablespoons butter, divided vegetables, diced pork, and
original recipe suggests a less stressful if you do.) 1/2 medium onion, chopped several shakes of soy sauce
3-pound loin. I get whatever is n The next day, place the 2 teaspoons minced garlic and mix everything together.
on sale.) bag in the slow-cooker and 2 cups cooked cold rice Keep stirring until eggs are
1 tablespoon canola oil remove the twist tie. Place 3 eggs completely cooked through
Salt and pepper, to taste (I the lid on the slow cooker. Salt and pepper, to taste and the mixture is no longer
use pink Himalayan sea salt) Cook 4-5 hours on low if you Frozen peas or leftover cooked shiny. Taste and add more
4 garlic cloves, minced (I use used a 3-pound loin. If you vegetables, chopped fine salt, pepper, and soy sauce as
jarred, minced garlic) have a temperature probe Leftover pork loin, chopped needed. Enjoy!
1/3 cup light brown sugar on your slow cooker, cook to into bite-sized pieces Note: this recipe is very forgiv-
8 slices thick cut bacon an internal temperature of Soy sauce (or coconut amin- ing and is really just a basic
145 F. When it’s cooked, the os), to taste recipe of proportions. I usually
n The night before you intend bacon will still look limp and go heavy on the egg and light
to cook the loin, trim the extra gross, so if you want a prettier n Melt 2 tablespoons butter on the rice.
fat. Place it in a slow cooker presentation, broil the loin on over medium heat in a large (Source: Adapted from hillbilly-
bag. Rub the loin down thor- a baking sheet in the oven for skillet. Add chopped onion housewife.com)

Know a good cook? Drop us a line.

email: jswoope@cdispatch.com WHATZIT ANSWER
Log cabin
The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com Wednesday, January 16, 2019 7B

A one-pan chili with maximum flavor starts with toasted rice

BY AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN our chili bowls were ready to 1 onion, chopped fine 1/2 teaspoon salt and bring to boil.
serve, we topped them with the 1 red bell pepper, stemmed, seeded, Cover, reduce heat to low, and sim-

ooking to make enough and chopped mer until liquid is absorbed and rice
crema for an authentic finish. 1 tablespoon ground cumin is tender, about 20 minutes.
chili for one night’s dinner You will need a 12-inch non- 2 garlic cloves, minced n Off heat, add remaining 1
without hauling out a stick skillet with a tight-fitting 2 teaspoons chipotle chile powder teaspoon lime zest and remaining
heavy pot, we turned to our lid for this recipe. Serve with 1 (15-ounce) can tomato sauce 2 tablespoons lime juice and fluff
trusty skillet. We would use it pickled jalapeños, shredded 1 (15-ounce) can black beans, rinsed gently with fork to incorporate. Divide
to make both the chili and the 1 cup frozen corn, thawed cooked rice among warmed bowls,
cheese, and diced avocado. cover with aluminum foil, and keep
rice, cooking in stages, for a n Adjust oven rack to middle warm in oven.
one-pan meal with maximum Carl Tremblay/America’s Test Kitchen via AP position, place 4 individual serving n Heat remaining 1 tablespoon oil in
flavor and minimal fuss. Chipotle beef chili bowls with
lime-cilantro crema and toasted
CHIPOTLE BEEF CHILI BOWLS bowls on rack, and heat oven to 200
F. Whisk sour cream, 2 tablespoons
now-empty skillet over medium heat
until shimmering. Add onion and bell
We started by toasting and
simmering the rice, flavoring
rice can be prepared in a skillet. WITH LIME-CILANTRO CREMA cilantro, 1 teaspoon lime zest, 1 pepper and cook until just beginning
Servings: 4 tablespoon lime juice, and 1/4 to brown, 5 to 7 minutes. Add beef
it with lime zest and juice to moist and tender, even with a Start to finish: 1 hour, 15 minutes teaspoon salt together in bowl; cover mixture, breaking up meat with wood-
brighten it up. We then trans- short cooking time. Blooming and refrigerate until ready to serve. en spoon, and cook until no longer
ferred it to individual serving ground cumin, minced garlic 1/2 cup sour cream Toss beef with 2 tablespoons water, pink, 6 to 8 minutes.
bowls, which we kept warm in 1/4 cup minced fresh cilantro baking soda, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and n Stir in cumin, garlic, and chili pow-
and chipotle chile powder 2 teaspoons grated lime zest plus 3 pinch pepper in bowl until thoroughly der and cook until fragrant, about 1
a low oven. boosted their potency, which tablespoons juice (2 limes) combined; let sit for 20 minutes. minute. Stir in tomato sauce, beans,
While the rice cooked, we contributed complex flavor to Salt and pepper n Meanwhile, heat 1 tablespoon oil corn, and 1 teaspoon salt and cook
prepared our ingredients for the finished chili. 1 pound, 90 percent lean ground in 12-inch nonstick skillet over medi- until slightly thickened, about 3
a quick but flavorful chili. We We also whipped up a simple beef um heat until shimmering. Add rice minutes.
found that treating ground
2 tablespoons plus 2 cups water and cook, stirring often, until edges n Spoon chili over rice in bowls,
lime-cilantro crema (made 1/4 teaspoon baking soda begin to turn translucent, about 2 sprinkle with remaining 2 table-
beef with salt and baking soda from sour cream, cilantro, lime 2 tablespoons vegetable oil minutes. spoons cilantro, and serve with
ensured that it would remain zest and juice, and salt); when 1 cup long-grain white rice n Add remaining 2 cups water and lime-cilantro crema.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: sometimes shoot than lash out at others. Being
I’m a themselves in the able to calmly say, “I’m having
15-year-old foot. a bad day today,” or, “When you
girl. I’m a fun While anger is say (or do) that, it makes me
person to be with, a normal emotion angry” will earn you the respect
and I love spend- we all experience of others. And it is the key to
ing time with my at one time or an- defusing anger before you lose
friends and fam- other, most peo- control.
ily. But one thing ple start learning DEAR ABBY: I just finished
sometimes ruins to control it building my dream home. My
it. I have a bit of a during childhood. dilemma is, now that I have
temper and some Uncontrolled a wonderful home gym, my
anger problems. anger is destruc- in-laws want to use it. I feel
ZITS I’m wondering if tive because it selfish saying no. But I’m a very
you have anything drives others private and somewhat intro-
that could help away, making it verted person, and I really like
me control my impossible to my space. I’m afraid if I agree,
temper and be Dear Abby maintain healthy, it may become inconvenient
nicer to people? I successful for me when I want to use it.
get into disagree- relationships. The Where do I draw the line?
ments with people I care about trick is learning to express Am I being selfish? If not,
because of my attitude. Can anger in constructive rather how do I refuse without disrupt-
you give me some guidance? — than destructive ways. My ing the family dynamics? I have
TESTY TEEN IN WISCONSIN booklet “The Anger in All of a feeling it wouldn’t sit well,
DEAR TEEN: If you think Us and How to Deal With It” and so far, I’ve been coming up
you are the only person with offers suggestions on how to with excuses to avoid the situa-
anger issues, you are mistaken. recognize you are angry before tion. Please help. — RUNNING
We are living in increasingly you lose control and how to OUT OF EXCUSES
stressful times that have channel it appropriately. It can DEAR RUNNING OUT: A
GARFIELD affected most of us in one way be ordered by sending your tactful solution might be to
or another. name and mailing address, “remind” your in-laws that you
It takes self-control — and plus a check or money order for want the gym to be available for
maturity — to react calmly $8 (U.S. funds), to Dear Abby your private use when you need
instead of spouting off angrily. Anger Booklet, P.O. Box 447, it, and suggest some hours
Before you can deal with your Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. or days when there wouldn’t
anger problem you need to be Shipping and handling are be a conflict. And hold a good
able to pinpoint what makes included in the price. I hope it thought. Interest in working out
you lose control. The problem will be helpful for you. It takes in gyms is notoriously short-
with a hair-trigger temper is that maturity to identify and verbal- lived, so your problem may
those who fly off the handle ize negative emotions rather disappear in quick time.

16). Remember when you came You help people make upgrades LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
within inches of victory? The to their situation whether or Relationships get a longer look.
experience will only serve to not their scene is within your You’ll notice how behaviors
make your victory in 2019 all expertise. How? Compassionate change from moment to mo-
the sweeter. Other highlights: inquiry. You ask the questions ment, but what doesn’t change
the approval of someone whose that get people thinking. You is the fundamental dynamic of
opinion you cherish, a travel listen well, reflecting back what the relationship, and there are
plan that goes better than your you hear. insights to be gained through
highest expectations and the GEMINI (May 21-June 21). examining that.
fun you have circulating in a You already know that the way VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
high-powered group. Virgo and to accomplish big things is to Consider the actions that make
Gemini adore you. Your lucky do small things on a consistent up your routine. Habits are like
numbers are: 26, 30, 35, 2 basis. And today you’ll get a bet- compound interest. They may
and 5. ter idea about what those small not seem hugely significant to
BABY BLUES ARIES (March 21-April 19). steps really need to be. the bottom line over the course
You may think that you don’t CANCER (June 22-July 22). of a day, but over time they are
need to be appreciated -- that There are a few bad influences enormously consequential.
your ego is small enough and around. Possibly it can’t be LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
your spirit big enough not to helped. These may be forces Most problems you encounter
require a lot of validation along that aren’t going anywhere get solved with a commonly
the way -- but appreciation is soon. They’re just a part of the known solution. Problems that
vital to your momentum. Go landscape right now, giving you prove resistant to the usual
where it flows. good reason to keep yourself in solutions will require patience,
awareness, empathy and nu-
ance — all abundantly available
to you now.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). Emotional labor has always
been a main component of the
BEETLE BAILEY labor force that makes the world
go around, though this work
is often invisible and typically
unacknowledged. Not today.
Today, you’ll get props for your
21). There are many things you
could take issue with, and you
would have in past eras, but
now you’re too occupied with
bigger things, too focused on
what matters, to bother with
them. It’s a sign of how far
you’ve come.
19). Maybe it doesn’t seem
like a lot of progress, or harm,
is occurring, as the case may
be. But what would happen if
this state continued daily? The
trajectory will matter more than
net results of any given day.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). What is the point of a
book club where people don’t
read the book? Many value the
social and identity aspects of a
group and yet don’t want to put
in the intellectual rigor. This is
FAMILY CIRCUS a metaphor for the dynamic you
deal with today.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). On a very scientific level,
the world you know is created
inside your mind, as it’s the
only way our brains can process
it. Today works this way: You
will yourself to let in more
light, beauty and joy and so it

Cross section
The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com
as same appears of re- of James Wallace Ney- sissippi, and containing
8B Wednesday, January
cord in16,
office of the man, deceased, by the 0.82 acres, more or
Chancery Clerk of Chancery Court of less.
Lowndes County, Mis- Lowndes County, Mis-
Legal Notices 0010 sissippi filed and
Legal Notices 0010 recor- sissippi, on0010
Legal Notices the 14th Title
Legal to the 0010
Notices above de- General Help Wanted 3200 General Merchandise 4600 Apts For Rent: Other 7080 Houses For Sale: West 8350
ded July 21, 2003, in day of December 2018. scribed property is be-
SUBSTITUTED TRUST- Deed Book 2003, Page This is to give notice to lieved to be good but I Position Announcement APPLE COMPUTERS FIRST FULL MONTH FSBO: 3BR/2BA in May-
EE'S NOTICE OF SALE 27586; and all persons having will convey only such Town of Caledonia, MS Two 2009 iMac com- RENT FREE! 1 & 2 Bed- hew, 1551 Garth Rd.
claims against said es- title as vested in me as Chief Marshal puters available. Good room Apts/Townhomes. Close to Columbus,
WHEREAS, on May 14, WHEREAS, the benefi- tate to Probate and Re- Substitute Trustee, working condition. Stove & refrigerator. Starkville & West Point.
2008, Elijah Perrigin, a cial interest of said gister same with the without warranty of any The Town of Caledonia Would be good for ba- $335-$600 Monthly. New HVAC, 1.7 acres,
married person and Ash- Deed of Trust was trans- Chancery Clerk of kind whatsoever. is seeking a full time sic web browsing or Credit check & deposit. large metal bldg incl.
ley B. Perrigin, a mar- ferred and assigned to Lowndes County, Mis- Chief Marshal to work word processing. 2Ghz; Coleman Realty, $139,000. 662-418-
ried person executed a Bayview Loan Servicing, sissippi, within ninety WITNESS MY SIGNA- days and nights as 2 GB RAM; 250 GB HD. 662-329-2323. 8984 or 662-552-1400.
certain deed of trust to LLC, a Delaware Lim- (90) days from the first TURE this the 4th day of needed, and is respons- Computer and built-in
ited Liability Company; publication date of this ible for supervising all
1, 2, 3 BEDROOM apart- Investment Property 8550
First American Title, January, 2019. monitor only; mouse
Trustee for the benefit and Notice to Creditors. A marshal department and keyboard not in-
failure to so Probate /s/ James P. Wilson, Jr. personnel. The candid- ments & townhouses. GRAVEL FOR SALE on
of Mortgage Electronic cluded. $50 each.
WHEREAS, the under- and Register said claim JAMES P. WILSON, JR. ate will plan, schedule, Call for more info. private property. Approx
Registration Systems, Call 662-574-1561
signed, Rubin Lublin, will forever bar the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE coordinate, and direct 662-328-8254. 6 acres. Will sell or
Inc., as nominee for
PHH Mortgage Corpora- LLC has been appoin- same. the daily activities of the H&H tool box for stand- lease property located
tion d/b/a ERA Mort- ted as Substitute Trust- Prepared By: officers while providing ard size truck. $195. DOWNTOWN LOFT. in NE Noxubee County.
gage, its successors ee; and This the 18th day of James P. Wilson, Jr. for the protection of Call 662-889-2116. Very big, nice 1 bed- 601-405-3717.
and assigns which deed December 2018. Mitchell, McNutt & lives and property, pre- room. Wood floors, lots
of trust is of record in NOW, THEREFORE, the Sams, P.A. vention of crime and en- STARKVILLE HABITAT of windows. $700 per
the office of the Chan- holder of said Deed of /s/ Delene Carter, Ad- P. O. Box 1366 forcement of laws and for Humanity ReStore is month. Call Stewart,
cery Clerk of Lowndes Trust, having requested ministratrix Columbus, MS 39703 ordinances within the open this Saturday, 662-364-1610.
County, State of Missis- the undersigned so to (662) 328-2316 town limits. The Chief January 19 from 8-11
Marshal will be held ac- AM. Located at 1632
sippi in Book 2008 at do, as Substitute Trust- PUBLISH: 1/9, 1/16, &
It’s a classified
Page 12866; and ee or his duly appoin- 1/23/2019 PUBLISH: countable to the Mayor
and Board of Alderper- Rockhill Road in
WHEREAS, Nationstar
ted agent, by virtue of
the power, duty and au- SUBSTITUTED TRUST-
January 9, 2019
January 16, 2019 sons for the effective Starkville. Come by for
bargains on furniture, RENTALS rule-of-thumb:
thority vested and im- EE’S NOTICE OF SALE delivery of police ser-
Mortgage LLC d/b/a Mr.
Cooper has heretofore posed upon said Substi-
January 23, 2019
January 30, 2019 vices to the town. appliances, building
materials, and more!
We tell readers
tute Trustee shall, on WHEREAS, William A. 1 BEDROOM
substituted Shapiro &
February 6, 2019 with- Evans executed a cer- Submit applications, what they need
Massey, LLC as Trust-
in the lawful hours of tain Deed of Trust to
Building & Remodeling 1120 complete with resume TWIN BED- Ashley 2 BEDROOMS
ee by instrument dated
September 4, 2018 and sale between 11:00AM Timothy L. Gowan as
and salary require-
HOME REPAIRS & CON- ments to:
brand, with mattress &
boxspring, $175. 3 BEDROOMS to know to buy
and 4:00PM at the Trustee for the use and STRUCTION WORK
recorded in the afore-
said Chancery Clerk's southeast front door of benefit of Bankfirst Fin- WANTED. Carpentry,
662-251-1074 or
662-251-9793. LEASE,
what they need.

© The Dispatch
Town of Caledonia
Office in Book 2018 at Courthouse proceed to ancial Services, dated small concrete jobs, Attn: Lindy Thomason
Page 19636; and sell at public outcry to March 1, 2016 for the
principal amount of
electrical, plumbing, PO Box 100 Lawn & Garden 4630 DEPOSIT
the highest and best roof repairs, pressure
WHEREAS, default hav- bidder for cash or certi- $464,500.00, filed for washing and mobile
Caledonia MS. 39740
townhall@cableone.net RED OAK & White Oak AND
fied funds ONLY, the fol- record in the Land Re-
ing been made in the
terms and conditions of lowing described prop- cords located in the Of-
home roof coating and
underpinning. No job
fax: 662-356-4117 Firewood For Sale. Pull CREDIT CHECK Lots & Acreage 8600
behind leaf rake for
said deed of trust and erty situated in Lowndes fice of the Chancery too small. 549-7031. Deadline for applica- $150. 662-242-7455.
the entire debt secured
thereby having been de-
County, Mississippi, to Clerk of Lowndes
wit: County, Mississippi on SUGGS CONSTRUCTION 2019.
tions is January 23,
Sporting Goods 4720
662-329-2323 1.7 Acres on Hwy 12.
Excellent building site,
clared to be due and March 2, 2016, and re- Building, remodeling, cleared. Close to gas
payable in accordance THE FOLLOWING DE- corded in said office in metal roofing, painting plant, Caledonia school
Book 2016 at Page CONTRACTOR SEEKING ED SANDERS Gunsmith 2411 HWY 45 N
with the terms of said SCRIBED REAL PROP- & all home repairs. experienced carpenter Open for season! 9-5, district. $15,000.
deed of trust, Nation- ERTY SITUATED IN 4222; and 662-242-3471 COLUMBUS, MS 662-356-6035.
with lots of experience. Tues-Fri & 9-12, Sat.
star Mortgage LLC COUNTY OF LOWNDES, Please call: Over 50 years experi-
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, WHEREAS, said Deed of Tom Hatcher, LLC 2.28 +/- Acre Lot.
d/b/a Mr. Cooper, the ence! Repairs, cleaning,
legal holder of said in- TO-WIT: Trust authorized the ap- Custom Construction, 662-570-9464 for info. refinishing, scopes Commercial Property For 149 Tanyia Lane. Off of
pointment and substitu- Restoration, Remodel- Lake Lowndes Road.
debtedness, having re- mounted & zeroed, Rent 7100
quested the under- A SURVEY OF A TRACT tion of another Trustee ing, Repair, Insurance HEAVY EQUIPMENT Has asphalt drive &
claims. 662-364-1769. SERVICE MECHANIC handmade knives. parking, 1200 ft. shop
signed Substituted OR PARCEL OF LAND in the place of the Trust- Located: Hwy 45 Alt,
ee named in said Deed Licensed & Bonded with verifiable experi- COMMERCIAL PROPER- w/ living area, septic
Trustee to execute the LOCATED IN THE ence, own tools and North of West Point, TIES/Retail/Office
NORTHWEST QUARTER of Trust, and Bankfirst tank & water meter. No
trust and sell said land clean MVR. Submit turn right on Yokahama Spaces starting @ trailers. $45,000. Call
and property in accord- (NW ¼) OF THE NORTH- Financial Services, pur- General Services 1360 Blvd, 8mi & turn left on $285/mo. Downtown & 662-574-0345.
resume by fax to
ance with the terms of EAST QUARTER (NE ¼) suant to said Deed of 662-492-4490 Darracott Rd, will see East Columbus loca-
said deed of trust and JOB SEEKING WOMEN; or email to: jm.site sign, 2.5mi ahead shop tions. 662-435-4188.
for the purpose of rais- SHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE James P. Wilson, Jr. as masters@yahoo.com on left. 662-494-6218. A Stable growth invest-
17 WEST, LOWNDES Trustee in the place of COMPUTER TRAINING, ment. FSBO: 72 Acres
ing the sums due there- RESUME WRITING, & IN-
under, together with at- COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI, the original Trustee, by OFFICE SPACE: 2,000 in Webster Co., near
TERVIEW SKILLS; The Mississippi School Business Opportunity 6050 square feet. 294
torney's fees, trustee's AND BEING MORE PAR- written instrument for Mathematics and Mantee. Mature pines
TICULARLY DESCRIBED dated November 20, Tues & Thurs Evening Chubby Dr. Flexible leas- (75yr), hardwoods
fees and expense of classes start February Science (MSMS) is HISTORIC DOWNTOWN
sale. AS FOLLOWS: 2018 and filed for re- ing terms. Available (50yr), 10ac hay field,
cord in the office of the 5th. Enroll now at Chris- accepting applications Columbus: 411 Main now. 662-328-8254. 2ac pond, w/county
Chancery Clerk of tian Women's Job for the position of St. Office, Retail, Res-
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BEGINNING AT THE Computer Science taurant Space available. road frontage/utilities,
NORTHEAST CORNER Lowndes County, Mis- Corps. Min H.S. Dip- HISTORIC DOWNTOWN superb potential home
Shapiro & Massey, LLC, loma or Equivalent re- Teacher for the 2019- Call 423-333-1124.
Substituted Trustee in OF SECTION 6, TOWN- sissippi, on November 2020 school year. Columbus Office, Retail, site & recognized
SHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 27, 2018 and recorded quired. Call 662-722- Restaurant Space avail- school. 45 minutes to
said deed of trust, will 3016 or 662-597-1030 MSMS is a state-wide, Apts For Rent: Northside 7010
on January 30, 2019 of- 17 WEST, LOWNDES in said office in Book public, residential high able. Call 662-328- MSU. 334-277-9744.
fer for sale at public COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI; 2018 at Page 24958, school for academically 520 11TH Street North- 8655 or 662-574-7879. LAMAR CO. 99+/-
and; RETAINER WALL, drive-
outcry and sell within THENCE N 86 DE- gifted and talented 11th 2BR/1BA, updated, acres. Near Kennedy.
way, foundation, con-
legal hours (being
WHEREAS, default hav- crete, masonry restora- and 12th grade stu- brick, central H&A, ap- Houses For Rent: Northside Paved Rd. Small creek,
between the hours of tion, remodeling, base- dents located on the pliances, flooring, paint. 7110 timber. $198,000.
11:00 a.m. and 4:00 KNOWN AS ANDERSON ing been made in the campus of Mississippi $450/month. NO pets. 662-327-2656.
performance of the con- ment foundation, re- University for Women in NO HUD. Credit check.
p.m.), at the Southeast GROVE ROAD, A DIS-
ditions and stipulations pairs, small dump truck Columbus, MS. A job 2 AVAILABLE: 2BR/1BA LOWNDES COUNTY 45
Door of the County TANCE OF 1801 FEET; Call Long & Long, Re-
as set out in the above hauling (5-6 yd) load & description and Employ- altors @ 662-328-0770. near CAFB. $450/mo + acres on Sobley & Dav-
Courthouse of Lowndes THENCE SOUTH 515
described Deed of Trust demolition/lot cleaning. ment Application are $350 dep. 662-889- is Rd. Excellent hunting.
County, located at 505 FEET TO THE INITIAL Available NOW.
and the said Substi- Burr Masonry available at http://www. 1122. 1 mile west of Hwy. 69.
2nd Avenue North, POINT OF THE PROP-
tuted Trustee having 662-242-0259. themsms.org/employ Small creek runs thru
to the highest and best SCRIBED; THENCE N 87 been requested and dir- WORK WANTED: ment-opportunities/. 1 & 2 BR near hospital. 2BR HOUSE. Stove, ref., property. $1375 per
bidder for cash or certi- DEGREES 00 MINUTES ected by Bankfirst Fin- For additional ques-
Licensed & Bonded-car- tions, contact: $595-645/mo. Military w/d hookup, window acre. 205-799-9846 or
fied funds the following W, A DISTANCE OF 420 ancial Services to ex- pentry, painting, & de- discount offered, pet a/c, heat electric. 205-695-2248.
described property situ- FEET; THENCE S 19 DE- ecute the trust; and in molition. Landscaping,
Amber Lynn Moore at area, pet friendly, and $485/mo. Lease-
ated in Lowndes GREES 30 MINUTES strict accordance with
gutters cleaned, bush
amoore@themsms.org furnished corporate dep.+credit check. Cole- WINTER SPECIAL
County, State of Missis- WEST, A DISTANCE OF the Deed of Trust afore- or 662-329-7674.
hogging, clean-up work, The Mississippi School apartments available. man Realty. 329-2323. 1.95 acre lots.
said and the Laws of Good/bad credit.
sippi, to-wit: 210 FEET; THENCE S pressure washing, mov- for Mathematics and ON SITE SECURITY.
Sale of the State of Mis- 10% down, as low as
87 DEGREES 00 ing help & furniture ON SITE MAINTENANCE.
sissippi, the dates for Science is an Equal COLONIAL TOWN- $299/mo. Eaton Land.
Lot No. Forty-Eight (48) MINUTES E 420 FEET; repair. 662-242-3608 ON SITE MANAGEMENT.
publication of this Sub- Opportunity Employer. HOUSES. 2 & 3 bed- 662-361-7711
of Thornton Estates Ex- THENCE N 19 DE- 24-HOUR CAMERA
GREES 30 MINUTES E A stitute Trustee’s Notice room w/ 2-3 bath town-
tension, a subdivision Lawn Care / Landscaping SURVEILLANCE. houses. $600 to $695. Mobile Homes for Sale 8650
of an in Lowndes DISTANCE OF 210 FEET of Sale in The Commer- QUALITY CONTROL
Benji @ 662-386-4446
TO THE INITIAL POINT cial Dispatch, a newspa- 1470 MANAGER NEEDED. 662-549-9555. Ask for
County, Mississippi, as Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm. Glenn or text. NEW 2017, 16x80 MH
per map or plat thereof OF THIS DESCRIPTION per published in the City Immediate opening at
of Columbus, Lowndes JESSE & BEVERLY'S Sat/Sun by appt only. @ The Grove, Colum-
duly recorded in Plat AND CONTAINING 2 Columbus Air Force
County, Mississippi, LAWN SERVICE. Mow- Base. Construction bus. 3BR/2BA, never
Book 5 at Page 13 in ACRES, MORE OR Apts For Rent: West 7050 HOUSE WITH APART- lived in, can be moved.
LESS. having been set at the ing, cleanup, landscap- experience required. MENT NEAR MUW.
the Chancery Clerk's Of- ing, sodding, & tree cut- Email resume to: New Hope Sch. Dist.
following, to wit: Janu-

fice of Lowndes County, 323 13th St. N. 3 Blks $29k. 662-769-2565.
PROPERTY ADDRESS: ary 9, 2019, January ting. 356-6525. josh@gsiconstruct.com from MUW. L/r, d/r,
16, 2019, January 23, eric@gsiconstruct.com

The street address of b/r, kitchen, large f/r
the property is believed 2019, and January 30, Painting & Papering 1620 w/ fireplace, 2BR/3BA.
Autos For Sale 9150
Subject however to the
reservation of ease- to be 116 JOHN KIDD 2019. Notice is hereby Medical / Dental 3300 Laundry room, outside
ments as shown on the RD, CALEDONIA, MS given that I will, on fenced patio, screened Automatic, 6cyl, A/C &
January 31, 2019, dur- SERVICE HELP WANTED
recorded plat and Sub- 39740. In the event of side porch & work room power steering.
ject further to the re- any discrepancy ing the legal hours, Certified in lead
removal. Offering spe- & Houses WITH ATTACHED APART- $16,000.
strictive covenants and between this street ad- which are between the CARE CENTER OF MENT B/r, d/r, kitchen 662-386-2367.
conditions dated Janu- dress and the legal de- hours of 11:00 a.m.
cial prices on interior &
exterior painting, pres- ABERDEEN 1 Bedrooms & bathroom. NO HUD.
ary 8, 1990 and recor- scription of the prop-
erty, the legal descrip-
and 4:00 p.m. at the
main front door of the sure washing & sheet
2 Bedroooms Ref. req. Dep. req. 1991 MERCEDES 500
ded in Deed Book 920 Pets allowed w/ extra SL. Serviced as re-
at Page 125 in the tion shall control. Lowndes County Court- rock repairs.
Free Estimates M-F, 8A-4:30P 3 Bedrooms dep. $1075/mo. quired. 106k miles,
Chancery Clerk's Office house in the City of 662-386-7506. 2 tops. Excellent buy!
Call 435-6528
of Lowndes County, Mis- Title to the above de- Columbus, Mississippi,
offer for sale, at public
LPN 3P - 11P Furnished & $12,500. 662-356-
LPN 11P - 7A
sissippi. scribed property is be-
lieved to be good, but I auction and sell to the
Stump Removal 1790 Unfurnished Mobile Homes for Rent 7250 6035.
highest and best bidder 2013 CHEVY Cruze.
such title as vested in
will convey only such
title as is vested in me for cash, the following
Apply in person at
Care Center 1, 2, & 3 Baths 3BR/2BA Trailer, New
Good condition. 100k
Hope school dist.
me as Substituted as Substitute Trustee. described real property
lying and being in
505 Jackson St, Lease, Deposit $500/mo & $500 dep.
miles. Black, 4-door.
Aberdeen $5,450. Call Ed @
THIS LAW FIRM IS AT- Lowndes County, State EOE & Credit Check Call between 10a-7p.
WITNESS MY SIGNA- TEMPTING TO COLLECT of Mississippi, and be- viceinvestments.com NO TEXT MESSAGES. SUPER CHARGED 2004
TURE on this 4th day of A DEBT. ANY INFORMA- ing more particularly de- Truck Driving 3700
scribed as follows: Monte Carlo SS. Dale
December, 2018. TION OBTAINED WILL
ALLSTUMP GRINDING NICE 3BR/2BA MH in Jr. Signature Edition.
Beginning at the Northw- SERVICE West Lowndes school $3500. 662-570-2601.
Shapiro & Massey, LLC PURPOSE. with Truck & Lowboy
SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE est corner of the North- GET 'ER DONE!
Trailer experience to
Apts For Rent: Caledonia 7060 district. $485/mo +
428 North Lamar Blvd, east Quarter of the We can grind all your $485 dep. 662-242- Campers & RVs 9300
stumps. Hard to reach load, haul, & unload 3BR/1BA Duplex. No
Shapiro & Massey, LLC Suite 107 Southwest Quarter of heavy construction 7653 or 662-308-7781. TOMBIGBEE RV Park,
Section 4, Township 18 places, blown over Smoking. No Pets. 1 yr.
1080 River Oaks Drive Oxford, MS 38655 equipment. Overnight lease. $550/month + located on Wilkins Wise
rubinlublin.com/prop- South, Range 18 West, roots, hillsides, back-
Suite B-202 travel required. Only deposit. 662-356-4958 RENT A fully equipped Rd & Waverly Rd. Full
erty-listing Lowndes County, Mis- yards, pastures. Free
Flowood, MS 39232 qualified applicants with or 662-574-0227. camper w/utilities & Hookups available.
Tel: (877) 813-0992 sissippi; thence run estimates. You find it,
(601) 981-9299 clean MVR, current cable from $145/wk - $300/mo. 662-328-
Fax: (404) 601-5846 North 01 degrees 06 we'll grind it!
662-361-8379 medical examiner’s Apts For Rent: Other 7080 $535/month. Colum- 8655 or 662-574-7879.
275 Thornton Drive minutes West 2,296.83 certificate and no acci- bus & County School
PUBLISH: 01/09/2019, feet; thence run North
Columbus, MS 39702
18-022114MN 01/16/2019, 59 degrees 04 minutes Tree Services 1860
dents need apply. Fax
resume to 662-492-
1BR/1BA Apts for rent. locations. 662-242-
College Manor Apts, dir- 7653 or 601-940-1397.
Five Questions:
01/23/2019, West 1,065.90 feet to 4490 or email to jm.site
the initial point of begin- A&T Tree Service ectly across from MUW.
Publication Dates: 01/30/2019 masters@yahoo.com Completely renovated, Houses For Sale: Northside
1 Kent State
January 2, 9, 16, and ning of the property Bucket truck & stump
herein described; removal. Free est. incl granite countertops,
23, 2019
IN THE CHANCERY thence North 59 de- Serving Columbus Farm Equipment & Supplies SS appls & W/D. 12 mo 8150
COURT OF LOWNDES grees 04 minutes west since 1987. Senior 4420 lease, dep req, $650/ CONVENIENT 3BR/2BA
mo. 662-425-3817.
2 Walt
NOTICE OF SUBSTI- COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI 108.37 feet; thence run citizen disc. Call Alvin @ 512 Lincoln Rd. New
TUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE North 15 degrees 16 242-0324/241-4447 2016 JOHN Deere paint, flooring, brick
"We'll go out on a limb 5100E Tractor, 210 2BR/1BA located in
IN THE MATTER OF THE minutes East 259.65 shop, fenced backyard
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI ESTATE OF JAMES WAL- feet to the South line of for you!" hours. $40,500. Historic Downtown & patio. Zoned commer-
COUNTY OF LOWNDES LACE NEYMAN, DE- Bluecutt Road; thence Also, 2016 15ft Columbus. 2,000 sqft. cial, can be home/of-
CEASED run South 59 degrees VICKERS TREE Kubota Bush hog avail. Hardwood floors fice. Call 662-328-9634
SERVICE, LLC 205-329-1790. throughout. Open floor. for more information.
3 Six
WHEREAS, default has 04 minutes East along
occurred in the perform- CAUSE NO.: 2018- said South line of Tree trimming and re- Very nice. Incl W&D.
ance of the covenants, 0246-KMB Bluecutt Road 178.48 moval. Fully insured. HAY FOR SALE. Some $1200/mo. Call
terms and conditions of feet; thence run South Free estimates. stored in barn and out. 662-328-8655. Houses For Sale: Southside
a Deed of Trust dated DELENE CARTER, AD- *Now Accepting Credit 662-386-9122. 8300
4 Bolivia
30 degrees 56 minutes
July 18, 2003, ex- MINISTRATRIX West 250.0 feet to the & Debit Cards* DOWNTOWN: 2BR/1BA,
ecuted by EMMA B. initial point of begin- Call Curt 662-418-0889 Garage Sales: East 4510 CH&A, 1 story, W/D, 2BR/1BA Gas stove &
HILL, HAROLD L. HILL, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ning of the property or 662-549-2902 historic district, 1 block heat. Move-in ready. 1
conveying certain real herein described; lying “A cut above the rest” PORCH&INSIDE Sale. from downtown, $625/ BR Apt. attached that
property therein de-
scribed to DEBERA
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI and being situated in
COUNTY OF LOWNDES General Help Wanted 3200
84 Grace Dr. Sat. 1/19
8a-until. Furniture,
mo. + $625 dep. NO
PETS. 662-574-8789.
needs work. $21,000.
417 17th St. S.
5 MTV Music
the Southwest Quarter
BRIDGES, as Trustee,
for CITIFINANCIAL INC, Letters of Administra-
of the Southwest
Quarter of Section 33, PART TIME OFFICE
glassware, books &
more. 662-570-1412.
Peaceful & Quiet area. Call 662-327-8712. Video Award
Original Beneficiary, to tion have been granted Township 17 South, ADMIN/SECRETARY Houses For Sale: Other 8500
secure the indebted- and issued to the under- Range 18 West, needed for General Merchandise 4600
ness therein described, signed upon the Estate Lowndes County, Mis- small church.
as same appears of re- of James Wallace Ney- sissippi, and containing Monday & Wednesday, BASS BOAT, 15ft, 70hp
cord in the office of the man, deceased, by the 0.82 acres, more or 16 hours per week. Yamaha.
Chancery Clerk of Chancery Court of less. Tech and social media Riding mowers - 2.
Lowndes County, Mis- Lowndes County, Mis- skills required. Garden Tiller.
sissippi filed and recor- sissippi, on the 14th Title to the above de- For more info, call 662-418-8984 or 662-
ded July 21, 2003, in day of December 2018. scribed property is be- 662-574-1972 552-1400.
Deed Book 2003, Page This is to give notice to lieved to be good but I
Medical / and
27586; Dental 3300 all persons having will convey only such Apts For Rent: Other 7080
claims against said es- title as vested in me as
WHEREAS, the benefi- tate to Probate and Re- Substitute Trustee,
cial interest of said gister same with the without warranty of any
Deed of Trust was trans- Chancery Clerk of kind whatsoever.
ferred and assigned to Lowndes County, Mis-
Bayview Loan Servicing, sissippi, within ninety WITNESS MY SIGNA-
LLC, a Delaware Lim- (90) days from the first TURE this the 4th day of
ited Liability Company; publication date of this January, 2019.
and Notice to Creditors. A
failure to so Probate /s/ James P. Wilson, Jr.
WHEREAS, the under- and Register said claim JAMES P. WILSON, JR.
signed, Rubin Lublin, will forever bar the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE
LLC has been appoin- same.
ted as Substitute Trust- Prepared By:
ee; and This the 18th day of James P. Wilson, Jr.
December 2018. Mitchell, McNutt &
NOW, THEREFORE, the Sams, P.A.
holder of said Deed of /s/ Delene Carter, Ad- P. O. Box 1366
Trust, having requested ministratrix Columbus, MS 39703
the undersigned so to (662) 328-2316
do, as Substitute Trust- PUBLISH: 1/9, 1/16, &
ee or his duly appoin- 1/23/2019 PUBLISH:
ted agent, by virtue of January 9, 2019
the power, duty and au- January 16, 2019
thority vested and im- January 23, 2019
posed upon said Substi- January 30, 2019
tute Trustee shall, on
February 6, 2019 with-
in the lawful hours of
sale between 11:00AM
and 4:00PM at the
southeast front door of
Courthouse proceed to
sell at public outcry to
the highest and best
bidder for cash or certi-
fied funds ONLY, the fol-
lowing described prop-
erty situated in Lowndes
County, Mississippi, to

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