Workflow-Based E-Learning Platform
Workflow-Based E-Learning Platform
Workflow-Based E-Learning Platform
Jianming Yong
Department of information Systems
Faculty of Business
University of Southern Queensland
Toowoomba QLD 4350
Admin personnel
3. Workflow process T5
Workflow [8-16] has been used in big organisations to
control their business processes and work re-engineering. T1 T2 T3 T6
According to Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC),
workflow focuses on handing business processes. It is
concerned with the automation of procedures where T4
information and tasks are passed between participants
according to a defined set of rules to achieve, or contribute
to, an overall business goal. It is often associated with Figure 3 Teaching workflow
business process re-engineering, which is concerned with
the assessment, modeling, definition and subsequent
operational implementation of the core business process of
an organization (or other business entity). In order to 4.2 learning workflow system (L)
implement an effective workflow system, WfMC have
published its reference model of the workflow system. In In the e-learning environment, the main learning activities
April, 2000, Object Management Group ( OMG ) also are study plan (L1), acceptance of materials (L2), self-
published its workflow management facility specification learning (L3), assignments (L4), discussion (L5),
in order to use its CORBA and relevant technologies to evaluation (L6), and examination (L7). The learning
implement workflow systems. For the e-learning workflow is shown in Figure 4.
environment, workflow mechanism can be used to plan
and design the process of all aspects of e-learning. There is
a teaching workflow for the lecturers/instructors. There is
a learning workflow for the students/learners. There is an
admin workflow for the admin personnel. There is an
T & L relationship
A5 A3 End
In the e-learning environment, T and L relationship is very
A2 A6 important. A proper relationship between T and L will
present an ideal e-learning atmosphere. In order to easily
present these co-relationships, the following definitions
Figure 5 Admin workflow need to be given.
In this e-learning environment, the main activities of Definition 2: if and only if there is an activity, A, then an
technical experts include e-learning platform plan and activity, B, will either occur or not. We denote this
design (I1), initial installation of e-learning system (I2), relationship as A† B.
supporting tools for teaching, learning and administration
(I3) , system maintenance and upgrade (I4), user training Definition 3: if and only if there is an activity, A, then an
(I5), daily technical support to all users (I6). The activity, B, will never occur. We denote this relationship
infrastructure workflow is described in Figure 6. as A B.
The relationships between teaching sub-workflow system The relationships between administration sub-workflow
and infrastructure sub-workflow system are as the follows. system and infrastructure sub-workflow system are as the
I3† T1 follows.
I3† T2 I3 A1
I3 T4 I3 A2
I3 T5 I3 A3
I3 T6 I3 A4
I4† T3 I3 A5
I4† T4 I3 A6
I4† T5 I4† A1
I4† T6 I4† A2
I6 T3 I4† A3
I6 T5 I4† A4
I6 T6 I4† A5
From these relationships, I3 in the infrastructure sub- I4† A6
workflow system has a significant impact on the teaching I6 A1
sub-workflow system. I6 A2
I6 A3
L & A relationship I6 A4
I6 A5
The relationships between learning sub-workflow system I6 A6
and administration sub-workflow system are as the follows. From these relationships, I3 and I6 in the infrastructure
L4 A2 sub-workflow system have a significant impact on the
L4 A3 administration sub-workflow system.
L4 A4
L6 A6 From previous analyse, T4, T6, L4, L5, L7, I3, and I6 are
L7 A2 relatively more important than other activities for e-
L7 A3 learning system. In other words, if a design can improve
L7 A4 the performance of T4, T6, L4, L5, L7, I3, and I6, the
A5 L1 whole e-learning system will have a better performance.
From these relationships, L4 and L7 need more
involvement of the administration sub-workflow system. 6. Practical case show
L & I relationship In the previous section, some key activities are identified
for e-learning. In our teaching practise, we focus on
The relationships between learning sub-workflow system building these key activities to effectively enhance the
and infrastructure sub-workflow system are as the follows. performance of our e-learning processes. Because the
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e-learning will become one of most important means for
the future education, especially for the universities.