Modification To AMP REV1
Modification To AMP REV1
Modification To AMP REV1
I decided to build a Amplifier for my SoftRock RXTX6.2 QRP rig and was familiar with
the Amplifier that was published in QST March 1999 by Mike Kossor, WA2EBY. This
amplifier is a push-pull type using low-cost IRF510 power supply FETs. The amplifier
design has been published in several of the ARRL Handbook editions. The circuit
topology has been used by many other amplifier designs in the last 5 years.
Details of this information will be presented. To discuss the project I have split it up into
three sections: 1) Obtaining the parts, 2) Design modifications, and 3) Build information.
The latest handbook details a parts list, but some of the Mouser parts number are no
longer valid. The first item is the PCB. Luckly, Far Circuits sells a two PCB circuit card
set for the design for $19.50 ( ; BROADBAND HF AMP,
IFR510's 1W IN, 40 W OUT (TWO BOARD SET) ). These are excellent 2 sided board,
one for the amplifier and another for the filter board. The board does require quite a few
“z-wires” connecting the top ground plane to the bottom ground plane since it does not
have plated thru holes. You can use a hotter soldering iron since you need to heat up the
ground plane for each connection. Shown below is the two PCB with the “z-wires”
The next item is the chip capacitors. Cap sizes for C1-C8, C9, and C15-C17 should be
1206 sizes or larger due to the spacing on the PCB. I used .12uF for C1-C8 and just
about any value around that should be fine since they are for decoupling and RF
coupling. You might as well get 50V caps so you can use them in other projects. C9 is a
47pF cap and I would recommend at least 100V rating (I used a 150V part). The main
power bulk decoupling capacitors C10-C12 should be at least 35V types, Values are not
that critical but helpful to cover several decades of range for good power supply filtering
(i.e. 100uF, 10uF, 1uF). I used a chip cap for C12 since I had several and easier/cleaner
to mount. One big area of expense is the 500V rated Silver Mica capacitors for the filter
board. These caps when the value is large (1000+pF) can be expensive. You may want
to look at my filter modifications before ordering the values you want. Need the 500V
ratings for margin with output power and SWR.
Zeners and R11 were eliminated and used a DPAK LM317 regulator for bias and relay
voltage. Relay K1 should be the ultra-sensitive type: I used the OMRON G5V-2 series
H1 high sensitivity. I bought 24V, 12V and 5V models for different design approaches.
Current one built using the LM317 regulator uses the 5V model (Mouser 653-G5V-2-H1-
Q1, Q2 FET should be IRF510’s. I ended up buying a pile of IRF510A from Mouser.
The cutout is not wide enough on the PCB for the part (or IRF510).. It really doesn’t
matter much though since you can mount the FET to the heat sink and then use the
cutouts to just route the bent legs back through the PCB to the top side.
I had many T50-2,6,43 cores at home but still bought the HFFLT low pass filter core kit
from Amidon, it is a good deal and didn’t use up my stock!! The hard part to find (in my
junk box) was the BN-43-3312 core. Luckly Amidon also sells a HFAFC Amplifier
ferrite kit containing the core and the other FT-50-43 cores. Kit was supposed to have
the Teflon wire but mine was missing. I used insulated #20 Teflon with 220C rating
(overkill) for mine.
The heat sink that was specified in the article is very hard to find. I ended up using some
aluminum extrusion that I had in my junk box. You would like a heat sink with many
large fins and size bigger than the amp board (this allows you to cut out the chassis box to
the amp board size and cover the hole with the heat sink.
Design Modifications:
As discussed, I replaced the R11/D1 and D5 zeners with a LM317 regulator. I soldered
the DPAK Regulator to the top of the 5V power plane (just about where C13 is shown in
the original layout drawing). I cut two small area in the top side ground plane next to
this regulator for the input and adjustment pads (for the regulator); this is around where
C10 is shown in the original layout drawing. A small jumper wire connect the top pad
(input) to the +24 plane just to the right. A 240ohm 1206 chip resistor is soldered to the
output/adjustment pads. A 820ohm 1206 chip resistor is soldered to the
adjustment/ground(below cut) pads. These two resistors set the +5V to around 5.5V. I
wanted this a bit higher than +5 to allow for Vce of the Q3 transistor and since the relay
can operate fine @ 150% overvoltage from spec.
The original filter board used half-wave 5th order filter. The original band groups were
160M, 80M, 40M, 30M, 20/17M, 15/12/10M. I wanted more 3rd harmonic rejection than
the half-wave design. I also wanted to improve the rejection on the main 20M and 15M
bands so I changed the band grouping to: 160M, 80M, 40M, 30/20M, 17/15M, 12/10M.
This grouping also matches some of my main ham equipment for band grouping ( i.e.
Ameritron AL-82). My parts list shows the new filter component values used. I have
also enclosed the predicted filter inband (loss) and outband (rejection) responses. Also
enclosed is the swept Spectrum Analyzer and Tracking Generator responses of the board
(ignore far out response since board was not enclosed / no shielding).
Build Information
To install the ground plane jumpers in the board: I spaced the board off of a hard surface
with toothpicks (near the tips). This lets you solder one side and have about the right
wire length for soldering the other side without additional cutting.
Each board (RF and filter) have two holes that need to have ground removed from the
bottom side. The RF board need the two holes in the 5V plane cleared out (using large
drill bit on bottom ground side). These holes are just to the right of the top IRF510.
The Filter board needs the two holes on the switch center pins cleared out (using large
drill bit on the bottom ground side). These holes are the single holes near the center of
the switch (vertical aligned holes which are the two common pin of the switch banks).
When building the filter make sure you notice that the last two filters are out of sequence.
My 12/10M is second to last and my 17/15M is last. Also follow directions on not
pushing the switch all the way into the board.
I used a Hammond 1590D box for both boards. I made a cutout just slightly bigger than
the RF board in the bottom (my back side) for installing the RF board with the heat sink
attached. The heat sink then covers the hole entirely to seal the box.
I mounted the Filter board to the top panel (my front) by the switch. Two miniature coax
cables connect the boards and IO to BNCs.
A power switch was installed inline with the DC input.
Start up the amp with the bias at 0V. Both of my transistor ended up with the bias
voltage at 3.53V. Setting with the pots are touchy. On my next set of boards I am going
to make the bias adj less sensitive by two 1K fixed resistors setting the bias and another
1K connecting to the pots center (allowing adjustment from 1.83V to 3.67V).
The bias current settings remain fairly constant even with different supply voltages. I
have run my amp at 12V up to 28V.
I left out the attenuator circuit I my amp. Of course you can put an inline attenuator from
the softrock to the amp (but will also be inline for RX).
Using the amplifier is a real joy. Most of the time I just leave it connected to my main
12V power supply. The only thing to make sure you do each time you turn it on is to set
the band switch. You will blow the MOSFETs if the band switch is in the wrong filter
position. I’ve been lucky several times and the original set of MOSFETs are still
C1 AVX 1206 .12UF 50V
C2 AVX 1206 .12UF 50V
C3 AVX 1206 .12UF 50V
C4 AVX 1206 .12UF 50V
C5 AVX 1206 .12UF 50V
C6 AVX 1206 .12UF 50V
C7 AVX 1206 .12UF 50V
C8 AVX 1206 .12UF 50V
C9 MURATA 1010 47PF 150V MA28470J
C10 XICON 100UF 35V 105C
C11 XICON 7MM 10UF 35V 20%
C12 AVX 1812 1UF 50V 18125C105KAT2A
C13 AVX 2225 1UF 50V 22255C105KAT2A
C14 AVX 2.2uF 50V TAP235K050SCS
C15 N/A
D2 1N916A
D3 1N916A
D4 1N4001
U1 LM317M
K1 OMRON G5V-2-1-DC5
AT 11dBM
W/ 1.8V ON
AT 17dBM W
0.2 ON Q3
Redesigned filters are shown in blue, the original half wave design is shown in red.
“Close” inband attenuation (on top) and “far” harmonic rejection graphs (on bottom) are
shown for each Ham band.
160M 80M
40M 30M
20M 17M
15M 12M