VISION: Aroroy Municipal College (AMC) envisions to produce graduates who are competent and ready to assume careers as technology teachers and trainers in industry-based training centers.
GOALS: 1. To turn out graduates who can integrate quality and excellence in their service to God, country and family through a globally competitive enterprise
2. Program educational offerings to meet the pressing needs of a modernizing society and the emerging world of the new century
3. Translate national and local development goals into viable programs of instruction
4. Be a decisive instrument for economic development, social, intellectual and scientific progress. The promotion of desirable cultures, values and the strengthening of national identity
5. Promote the advancement and diffusion of knowledge through involvement in research and dynamic linkage with local and international universities and research centers through modern technology.
Instructor’s Information
The course is designed with the end view of contributing to the information of the ideal professional teacher as concretely described in the seven integrated domains in the teaching-learning process and for
Course Description: purposes of advocacy for current trends in education such as reflective education, multicultural education, interactive, constructivist, collaborative and outcome-based teaching.
1. Create a physical and psychological environment that facilitates learning to all kinds of learners
Course Outcomes: 2. Demonstrate understanding of various learning and development motivation theories and the 14 learner-centered psychological principles
3. Apply the various theories of learning and motivation to help students become highly motivated and self-directed learners
4. Demonstrate learning skills that facilitate and maximize self-directed learning.
Intended Learning Outcome Week/Term Topic /Content Outcome-Based Assessment Teaching-Learning Activities Resources
At the end of the session, learners will be able to:
1. Know and be oriented of the course/subject syllabus 1st Week/ Introduction of the Awareness of the course/subject Discussion/distribution of Course /subject Syllabus
Preliminary term Course/Subject course/subject syllabus
1. Explain metacognition in their own words 2nd Week/ Metacognition Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks for
2. Apply metacognitive strategies in their quest or learning Preliminary term Recitation/Group report Facilitating Learning subject
as novice and expert learners Exercises Reading materials from the
1. Explain the 14 Learner-Centered Psychological Principles 3rd Week/ Learner-Centered Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks for
2. Advocate the use of 14 principles in the teaching learning Preliminary term Psychological Principles Recitation/Group report Utilization of graphic organizer Facilitating Learning subject
process Exercises Reading materials from the
1. Explain the salient concepts and principles of the major 4th Week/ Review of the Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks for
development theories Preliminary term Developmental Theories Recitation/Group report using power point Facilitating Learning subject
2. Apply these theories to teaching-learning situations Exercises presentation/visual aids Reading materials from the
1. Identify the different factors that bring about diversity in 5th Week/ Individual Differences Quizzes Discussion of the topics using References/textbooks for
the classroom Preliminary term Recitation/Group report power point presentation/visual Facilitating Learning subject
2. Demonstrate a positive attitude towards diversity as an Exercises aids Reading materials from the
enriching element in the learning environment Role playing/Simulation Application of Differentiated internet
3. Come up with the teaching strategies that consider instruction Projector
student diversity Employment of Pedagogical
1. Describe the different learning/thinking styles and multiple 6th Week/ Learning/Thinking Styles and Quizzes Discussion of the topics using References/textbooks for
intelligences Preliminary term Multiple Intelligences Recitation/Group report power point presentation/visual Facilitating Learning subject
2. Pinpoint their own learning/thinking styles and multiple Exercises aids Reading materials from the
intelligences Role playing/Simulation internet
3. Plan learning activities that match learners’ learning Projector
styles and multiple intelligences
1. Describe the basic categories of exceptional learners 1st Week/ Learners with Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks for
2. Define and distinguish the terms disability and handicap Midterm Exceptionalities Recitation/Group Report using power point Facilitating Learning subject
3. Demonstrate “people first” language when referring to Exercises presentation/visual aids Reading materials from the
exceptional learners and advocate for its use internet
1. Explain the basic principles of behaviourism 2nd Week/ Behaviourist Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks for
2. Make a simple plan applying the primary laws of learning Midterm Perspective Recitation/Group Report Facilitating Learning subject
3. Determine how to use rewards in the learning process Exercises using power point Reading materials from the
more effectively presentation/visual aids internet
1. Explain Tolman’s purposive behaviourism 3rd Week/ Neo Behaviorism: Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks for
2. Explain Bandura’s social learning theory Midterm Tolman and Bandura Recitation/Group Report using power point Facilitating Learning subject
3. Give specific applications of each theory in teaching Exercises presentation/visual aids Reading materials from the
1. Describe the different gestalt principles 4th Week/ Gestalt Psychology Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks for
2. List ways of applying gestalt psychology in the teaching- Midterm Recitation/Group Report using power point Facilitating Learning subject
learning process Exercises presentation/visual aids Reading materials from the
3. Demonstrate appreciation of the usefulness of gestalt internet
principles in the teaching-learning process Projector
1. Describe the processes involved in acquiring, storing and 5th Week/ Information Processing Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks for
retrieving knowledge Midterm Recitation/Group Report using power point Facilitating Learning subject
2. Cite educational implications of the theory or information Exercises presentation/visual aids Reading materials from the
processing internet
1. Explain Gagne’s conditions of learning 6th Week/ Gagne’s Conditions of Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks for
2. Make a simple lesson outline using Gagne’s instruction Midterm Learning Recitation/Group Report using power point Facilitating Learning subject
events Exercises presentation/visual aids Reading materials from the
1. Explain Ausubel’s subsumption theory 1st Week/ Ausubel’s Meaningful Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks for
2. Determine the uses of graphic organizers Pre Final term Verbal Learning/ Recitation/Group Report using power point Facilitating Learning subject
3. Use advance graphic organizers for a topic presentation Subsumption Theory Exercises presentation/visual aids Reading materials from the
1. Explain the role of constructivism in facilitating learning 2nd Week/ Constructivism: Knowledge Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks for
2. Describe strategies to promote knowledge construction Pre Final term Construction/ Recitation/Group Report using power point Facilitating Learning subject
3. Describe strategies to facilitate concept learning Concept Learning Exercises presentation/visual aids Reading materials from the
1. Explain how transfer of learning occurs 3rd Week/ Transfer of Learning Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks for
2. Identify the factors that affect transfer of learning Pre Final term Recitation/Group Report using power point Facilitating Learning subject
3. Apply principles of transfer in facilitating transfer of learning Exercises presentation/visual aids Reading materials from the
1. Formulate learning outcomes reflecting the different levels 4th Week/ The Revised Bloom’s Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbook for
of the revised taxonomy Pre Final term Taxonomy of Educational Recitation/Group Report using power point Facilitating Learning subject
2. Explore the use of technology apps in applying the revised Objectives Exercises presentation/visual aids Reading materials from the
taxonomy internet
1. Explain Sternberg’s Successful Intelligence Theory and 5th Week/ Sternberg’s Successful Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks for
WICS Model Pre Final term Intelligence Theory and Recitation/Group Report using power point Facilitating Learning subject
2. Explain the four criteria of creativity by Torrance WICS Model/ Exercises presentation/visual aids Reading materials from the
Problem-Solving and internet
Creativity Projector
1. Make an outline and give a lecturette on motivation by 6th Week/ Meaning and Types of Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks for
following an outline Preliminary term Motivation Recitation/Group Report using power point Facilitating Learning subject
2. Distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation Exercises presentation/visual aids Reading materials from the
1. Explain to a learning partner the different theories on the 1st Week/ Theories on Factors Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks for
sources of intrinsic motivation Final term Affecting Motivation Recitation/Group Report using power point Facilitating Learning subject
Exercises presentation/visual aids Reading materials from the
1. State and explain two principles on the social and cultural 2nd Week/ Students’ Diversity on Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks for
influences on motivation Final term Motivation Recitation/Group Report using power point Facilitating Learning subject
Exercises presentation/visual aids Reading materials from the
1. Compose a poem/song describing teachers’ behavioural 3rd Week/ Human Environmental Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks for
traits that are facilitative of learning Final term factors Affecting Motivation Recitation/Group Report using power point Facilitating Learning subject
2. Dramatize the de-motivating function of bullying in schools Exercises presentation/visual aids Reading materials from the
1. Describe the classroom climate that is conducive for 4th Week/ The Classroom Climate/ Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks for
learning by the use of simile and metaphor Final term The Physical Learning Recitation/Group Report using power point Facilitating Learning subject
2. Create a conducive learning environment in a simulation Environment Exercises presentation/visual aids Reading materials from the
1. Cite ways to make assessment more motivating for 5th Week/ Assessment Strategies that Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks for
students and Final term can Increase Motivation Recitation/Group Report Facilitating Learning subject
2. Demonstrate appreciation of assessment as a process to Exercises using power point Reading materials from the
evaluate and facilitate learning presentation/visual aids internet
MAJOR EXAMINATION There are four (4) written and/or oral major examinations for the course. If student fails to take the major exam, he/she should notify the instructor for not taking otherwise he will be marked zero.
QUIZZES Series of quizzes will be given for each term. A make-up quiz is allowed if and only if one could secure/present an excuse letter duly signed by the parent/guardian/ physician. Make-up quizzes
shall be given not later than 2 days after returning from the class.
RECITATION/CLASSROOM Every class discussion requires students’ participation so as activities which will be based on class/group collaboration. The rate will come from individual, group and instructor’s assessment.
PROJECTS All projects shall be submitted on the deadline for submission set by the instructor. No late projects will be accepted unless given instructor’s consideration depending upon the gravity of the
ATTENDANCE Three (3) consecutive absences without notifying the instructor would mean a failing term grade or will automatically be dropped from the course.
REFERENCES Corpuz, Facilitating Learning: A Metacognitive Process, 4th Edition OBE and K to 12 Based. Lorimar Publishing, Inc., 2014
Corpuz, Facilitating Learning: A Metacognitive Process, 2nd Edition OBE and K to 12 Based. Lorimar Publishing, Inc., 2011
Padilla, LET Reviewer 2012 Edition
GRADING SYSTEM & Major Examinations (Prelim, Midterm, Pre-final and Final) …………………………… 40%
EVALUATION METHOD Quizzes …………………………………………………………………………………….. 20% 1.0 - 100/99 1.4-94 1.75-90 2.1- 86 2.4- 82 2.75- 78 5.0-Failed
Recitation/ Classroom Participation …………………………………………………….. 20% 1.1- 98 1.5- 93 1.8- 89 2.2- 85 2.5-81 2.8- 77 INC-Incomplete
Projects/ Research Papers/Assignment ………………………………………………… 10% 1.2- 97 1.6- 92 1.9-88 2.25- 84 2.6-80 2.9- 76 DRP- Officially Dropped
1.3- 96/95 1.7- 91 2.0-87 2.3- 83 2.7- 79 3.0- 75 UDRP-Unofficially Dropped
Attendance ………………………………………………………………………………….. 10%
Students’ prelim, midterm, pre-final and final grades will be based on the prescribed grades and equivalent given by the AMC as indicated on the table above.
EDUC. 313
(Facilitating Learning)
Submitted by:
VISION: Aroroy Municipal College (AMC) envisions to produce graduates who are competent and ready to assume careers as technology teachers and trainers in industry-based training centers.
GOALS: 1. To turn out graduates who can integrate quality and excellence in their service to God, country and family through a globally competitive enterprise
2. Program educational offerings to meet the pressing needs of a modernizing society and the emerging world of the new century
3. Translate national and local development goals into viable programs of instruction
4. Be a decisive instrument for economic development, social, intellectual and scientific progress. The promotion of desirable cultures, values and the strengthening of national identity
5. Promote the advancement and diffusion of knowledge through involvement in research and dynamic linkage with local and international universities and research centre through modern technology.
Instructor’s Information
The course is designed with the end view of exposing students in varied recreational activities that will help them develop their physical, psychological, emotional and social well beings.
Course Description:
1. Demonstrate knowledge and the application of rules and strategies, relating to various recreational and leisure activities
Course Outcomes: 2. Use both cognitive and physical skills to merge academic and recreational experiences
3. Value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, expression and/or social interaction
4. Cooperatively participate with others by demonstrating leadership skills in doing such recreational activities while maintaining strong work ethics.
Intended Learning Outcome Week/Term Topic /Content Outcome-Based Assessment Teaching-Learning Activities Resources
At the end of the session, learners will be able to:
1. Know and be oriented of the course/subject syllabus 1st Week/ Introduction of the Awareness of the course/subject Discussion/distribution of Course /subject Syllabus
Preliminary term Course/Subject course/subject syllabus
2. Explain the basic concept of recreation and its 2nd Week/ Recreation: Concept Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks
characteristics and importance Preliminary term and Importance Recitation/Group report Reading materials from the
Exercises internet
3. Identify the different recreational activities 2nd Week/ Recreation: Concept Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks
Preliminary term and Importance Recitation/Group report Reading materials from the
Exercises internet
4. Determine how recreational activities can help in one’s 3rd Week/ Recreation: Concept Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks
physical, emotional, mental and social development Preliminary term and Importance Recitation/Group report using power point Reading materials from the
Exercises presentation/visual aids internet
5. Utilize skills learned to sustain personal recreational 3rd Week/ Recreation: Concept Quizzes Discussion of the topics using References/textbooks
activities. Preliminary term and Importance Recitation/Group report power point presentation/visual Reading materials from the
Exercises aids internet
6. Discuss the topic “Hiking” as an enjoyable outdoor activity 4th Week/ Hiking Quizzes Discussion of the topics using References/textbooks
Preliminary term Recitation/Group report power point presentation/visual Reading materials from the
Exercises aids internet
7. To appraise students mastery on the lesson taught to 5th Week/ Prelim Exam Examination Assessment/Evaluation Test questionnaire
them by giving Preliminary Exam. Preliminary term
8. Discuss social and ballroom dances and its overview 1st Week/ Social and Ballroom Dances Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks
Midterm Recitation/Group Report using power point Reading materials from the
Exercises presentation/visual aids internet
9.Describe the brief historical background, style, 2nd & 3rd Weeks/ The Waltz Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks
characteristics and music of the waltz/ Identify the proper Midterm Recitation/Group Report using power point Reading materials from the
rhythm and basic dance steps of the waltz Exercises presentation/visual aids internet
10. Describe the brief historical background, style, 4th & 5th Weeks/ The Cha Cha Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks
characteristics and music of the Cha cha/ Identify the proper Midterm Recitation/Group Report using power point Reading materials from the
rhythm and basic dance steps of the Cha Cha Exercises presentation/visual aids internet
11. To appraise students mastery on the lesson taught to 6th Week/ Midterm Exam Examination Assessment/Evaluation Test questionnaire
them by giving Midterm Exam. Midterm
12.Describe the brief historical background, style, 1st & 2nd Weeks/ The Jive Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks
characteristics and music of the Jive/ Identify the proper Pre-Final Recitation/Group Report using power point Reading materials from the
rhythm and basic dance steps of the Jive Exercises presentation/visual aids internet
13. Describe the brief historical background, style, 3rd & 4th Weeks/ The American Swing Quizzes Discussion of the topics References/textbooks
characteristics and music of the Tango/ Identify the proper Pre-Final Recitation/Group Report using power point Reading materials from the
rhythm and basic dance steps of the Tango Exercises presentation/visual aids internet
14. To appraise students mastery on the lesson taught to 5th Week/ Pre-Final Exam Examination Assessment/Evaluation Test questionnaire
them by giving Pre-Final Exam. Pre-Final
15. Perform Cha-Cha, Tango, Jive and Waltz; enhance 1st-4th Weeks/ Culminating Activity Practicum Assessment of the dance steps Rubrics/ Criteria
social behaviour and personality through social dancing; Final term of the different ballroom dances
utilize skills in social dancing as a socialization and
recreational activity; and evaluate performance based on
the given area
MAJOR EXAMINATION There are three (3) written and/or oral major examinations and one (1) practicum/culminating activity for the course. If student fails to take the major exam, he/she should notify the instructor for
not taking otherwise he will be marked zero.
QUIZZES Series of quizzes will be given for each term. A make-up quiz is allowed if and only if one could secure/present an excuse letter duly signed by the parent/guardian/ physician. Make-up quizzes
shall be given not later than 2 days after returning from the class.
RECITATION/CLASSROOM Every class discussion requires students’ participation so as activities which will be based on class/group collaboration. Same with practicum. The rate will come from individual, group and
INTERACTION/PRACTICUM instructor’s assessment.
PROJECTS All projects shall be submitted on the deadline for submission set by the instructor. No late projects will be accepted unless given instructor’s consideration depending upon the gravity of the
ATTENDANCE Three (3) consecutive absences without notifying the instructor would mean a failing term grade or will automatically be dropped from the course.
Prepared by:
(Recreational Activities)
Submitted by: