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J Food Sci Technol (June 2014) 51(6):1085–1093

DOI 10.1007/s13197-011-0594-7


Effect of emulsifiers on oil separation problem

and quality characteristics of Tahin Helva during storage
Onur Guneser & Murat Zorba

Revised: 24 October 2011 / Accepted: 16 November 2011 / Published online: 10 December 2011
# Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India) 2011

Abstract Tahin helva is one of Turkish traditional confec- through the storage time at 20 °C and 30 °C, while there was
tionary foods. Sesame paste, sugar syrup and soapwort extract an increase in that value at 40 °C. The highest change in the
were used for tahin helva’s production. The purpose of this moisture content of all helva samples through storage was
study was to solve the oil separation problem occurred in observed at the storage temperature of 20 °C. Sensory scores
tahin helva by using food additives permitted as an emulsifier for appearance, texture and flavour characteristics of helva
for tahin helva in the Turkish and EU Codex. Sorbitan have decreased significantly during the storage period.
tristearate (STS), sorbitan monopalmitate (SMP) and their
combinations (STS:SMP, 1:1) were added to tahin helva, then Keyword Tahin Helva . Oil separation . Emulsifier .
helva samples were stored at the storage temperatures of Sorbitan ester
20 °C, 30 °C, and 40 °C. The emulsifiers did not have any
effect on physical, chemical and sensory properties of tahin
helva except on its oil content, whereas storage temperature Introduction
and storage time had effects on those properties of helva.
STS:SMP combination was found to be statistically more Foods through the world present different tastes to
effective than SMP and STS formulations in preventing oil consumers according to climatic conditions, economic
separation. Penetration force of tahin helva has increased by reasons, traditional habits in social life and cultural
increasing the storage temperature and storage time. It was diversity of the nations. Turkish eating culture has a various
found that there was a decrease in −a colour value of helva food varieties and it is originated from Middle Asia. There
are lots of traditional foods consumed through regional
Practical applications The oil separation problem is really scale in Turkey (Tan 2004). Tahin helva is one of the
considered as a very important problem in the aspects of both helva Turkish traditional confectionary foods and it is produced at
manufacturers and consumers in Turkey and also in other countries industrial scale in Turkey. The history of tahin helva has
where this product is preferred to consume. Although the helva
producers have been using different food additives or their
not been known completely, but it is said that this product
combinations sold under several commercial names in order to reduce has been produced since BC 3000. Tahin helva is also the
the oil separation level, it is observed that the problem has not been most popular food in the Mediterranean and Middle East
completely solved yet. There are many studies on chemical and Countries such as Greece, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, and Saudi
microbiological properties of tahin helva and on its compounds.
However, the studies on oil separation problem in tahin helva are very
Arabia (Ozdemir et al. 2006).
limited. So, we think that the results of this study will be used as a The main ingredients of tahin helva are sesame paste
scientific source in the future studies and by confectionary (tahin), sugar syrup and Saponaria officinalis (soapwort)
manufacturers to improve quality of tahin helva. extract and they are mixed at different levels for the
O. Guneser : M. Zorba (*) production. Tahin helva is then produced as a result of using
Faculty of Engineering-Architecture, Department of Food a special mixing technique of these ingredients. Besides the
Engineering, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, main ingredients, nuts, walnuts, pistachio, cacao powder, and
Terzioglu Campus,
17100 Canakkale, Turkey dried fruits may be added to enhance the flavour of tahin
e-mail: murat_zorba@yahoo.co.uk helva (Anon 2004). It was suggested to consume this product
1086 J Food Sci Technol (June 2014) 51(6):1085–1093

due to its high energy and nutritional value especially for produced in a tahin helva manufacturer (Tatlan Food
sportsman, workers, teens, and pregnant women (Ceyhun Company, Canakkale, Turkey) by using its sugar solution,
Sezgin and Artik 2010, Var et al. 2004, Var et al. 2007). tahin and Saponaria officinalis extract. Sorbitan mono-
Turkish Food Codex describes the minimum limits for the stearate (E491), sorbitan tristearate (E492), sorbitan mono-
chemical composition of tahin helva as; 27.50% for sesame laurate (E493), sorbitan monooleate (E494) and sorbitan
oil, 52% for tahin, 11% for protein, 47% for total sugar monopalmitate (E495) were used to reduce oil separation
(sucrose), and 97% for dry matter (Anon 2008). and all were food grade. All chemicals were analytical
Helva has a porous non-crystalline sugar melt particles reagents (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany).
surrounded by a precipitated protein layer originating from
tahin. The sesame oil was found as a free fluid, filling in the Methods
spaces between sugar and protein particles. Therefore, tahin
helva has got oil separation problem. It occurs by starting of Selection of emulsifiers and their concentrations
the removing of the sesame oil from the product. The oil
separation problem in tahin helva begins immediately after According to Turkish Food Codex (Anon 2008) sorbitan
production and continues increasingly during storage of the monostearate, sorbitan tristearate, sorbitan monolaurate,
product. This problem causes; 1) contamination of package sorbitan monooleate and sorbitan monopalmitate are per-
material with oil, 2) changes on the colour of the helva mitted emulsifiers to be used in tahin helva at a maximum
negatively, and 3) changes in the texture of helva from a concentration of 5 g/kg (0.5%), alone or in combination.
stringy and oily tender structure to a tough one. These These emulsifiers were evaluated for their suitability to this
changes affect the purchasing decision of the consumer, food product by taking their Hydrophilic Lipophilic
negatively due to the product looks stale and in low quality. Balance (HLB) values into consideration. HLB values for
It is also stated that the reason for this problem in tahin helva sorbitan monolaurate, sorbitan monopalmitate, sorbitan
is due to the filling of spaces between protein and sugar monostearate, sorbitan monooleate and sorbitan tristearate
particles with sesame oil physically in the non-emulsified are 8.6, 6.7, 4.7, 4.3 and 2.1, respectively (Hepworth 2006).
form (Ereifej et al. 2005). Tahin helva is a W/O (Water in Oil) emulsion type product
Although the helva producers have been using different because of its oil and moisture contents. Therefore, sorbitan
food additives or their combinations sold under several monolaurate was eliminated from this study due to its more
commercial names in order to solve the oil separation hydrophilic character (HLB:8.6) than others. Sorbitan
problem, it is observed that the problem has not been monostearate was also not selected for this study. Because
completely solved yet. In addition, it was also determined it has both higher HLB value than sorbitan monooleate and
that these additives did not contain the ones permitted to be lower esterification degree than sorbitan tristearate. So,
used in this type of product. There are many studies on sorbitan monopalmitate, sorbitan monooleate and sorbitan
chemical and microbiological properties of tahin helva tristearate were selected for preliminary experiments. In the
(Abu-Jdayil et al. 2002; Abu-Jdayil 2004; Alpaslan and preliminary experiments, these selected emulsifiers were
Hayta 2002; Arslan et al. 2005; Ceyhun Sezgin and Artik added to tahin helva as alone and with sorbitan tristearate:
2010; Kahraman et al. 2010; Var et al. 2004, 2007; Yigit et sorbitan monopalmitate combination (STS:SMP, 1:1) at the
al. 2007) and on other similar confectionery products (Itagi concentrations of 2 g/kg, 3.5 g/kg and 5 g/kg. So, 12
and Singh 2011; Itagi et al. 2011; Muresan et al. 2010). different helva samples and a control sample having no
However, the studies on oil separation problem in tahin emulsifier were produced and stored at 40 °C for four
helva are very limited (Ereifej et al. 2005). The purposes of weeks. The oil separation levels of the samples were
this present study were to solve the oil separation problem checked during the storage. At the end of the storage,
of tahin helva by using permitted food additives as ranking test was applied by ten trained panellists to the
emulsifiers and to evaluate the effects of the food additives samples for sensory evaluation in order to determine
on physical, chemical and sensory characteristics of tahin consumer overall preferences. Through the preliminary
helva during storage at different temperatures. experiments, it was found that the preventive effect of
sorbitan monooleate on oil separation problem was too low
in all concentrations according to the others. So, it was
Materials and methods decided for sorbitan monooleate not to include to this study.
It was also not determined any significant difference
Materials between the concentration levels of the emulsifiers accord-
ing to the results of sensory evaluation. Therefore, it was
Traditionally prepared plain type tahin helva samples were decided to add sorbitan tristearate (STS), sorbitan mono-
used as the material in this study. The helva samples were palmitate (SMP), and sorbitan tristearate:sorbitan mono-
J Food Sci Technol (June 2014) 51(6):1085–1093 1087

palmitate combination (STS:SMP, 1:1) at the concentrations on the oil separation level in tahin helva and also to
of 0.35%, 0.35%, and 0.2%, respectively to tahin by taking evaluate physical, chemical and sensory properties of
the helva production cost into consideration. tahin helva.

Production of tahin helva Colour measurement

Tahin helva was produced by following the traditional Colour parameters were measured by CIE LAB Colour
production steps of the tahin helva manufacturer. These System. L* for lightness, −a for greenness, and +b for
steps were observed during the production in the manufac- yellowness values of helva samples were determined on the
turer and they are shown on Fig. 1. Through the surface of tahin helva by using Minolta Chroma Meter CR-
production line, no changes were made except adding 400 model colorimeter (Minolta Ltd., Japan) during
the food additives. They were directly added to tahin and storage. The instrument was standardized with white tile
then the tahin was mixed with a hand blender to obtain a of CIE Lab colour scale. Colour measurements were
homogenous mixture. The production was duplicated and repeated three times at different surfaces for each helva
its quantity was 10 kg for each formulation. A control sample and colour measurements were duplicated.
sample having no emulsifier was also produced. After the
bulk production of tahin helva, the product was moulded Texture measurement
perpendicularly into small weights as 250 g and then
packaged in plastic moulds. The samples were taken from The texture of helva sample was evaluated by determin-
these small packages as a cubic weighing almost 100 g ing penetration force. Texture analyzer, TA.XTPlus
and then put into a petri dish. The Petri dish contains filter (Stable Micro Systems Ltd., U.K.) with P3 probe was
paper and metal grids for allowing the leaked oil to used. The penetration test was carried out on 15 × 15 ×
remove from the sample completely during storage. Then, 15 mm of helva sample at 20 °C. Test parameters were;
a beaker having suitable diameter for taking the cubic 5 mm for the penetration distance and 2 mm/s for the test
sample into itself was placed invertedly into the petri dish speed. The penetration force was automatically recorded
for avoiding moisture loss of the sample. The samples and calculated by the TA 32 software program from the
were later stored at the storage temperatures of 20 °C, penetration force vs. time diagram in the unit of gram
30 °C and 40 °C for 36 days to determine the effects of the force (gf). Five measurements were made for each helva
emulsifiers, the storage temperature and the storage time sample.

Fig. 1 The production steps

for tahin helva (observation
Glucose solution Sesame
through the production in the
helva manufacturer) Tahin and Glucose
Water 10-15% Syrup Mixing
Washing and
Heating Cleaning

Kneading NaCl solution 18 %

Glucose Syrup

Soapwort extract

Bleaching Addition of Cacao, Nut,

Walnut, Pistachio
(if desired) Centrifugation

White and Viscous

Glucose Syrup Roasting (150-200° C)

Crushing and Grading

1088 J Food Sci Technol (June 2014) 51(6):1085–1093

Moisture content mine statistically significant differences (p<0.05) between the

factors of type of emulsifier, storage time and storage
Moisture content of helva samples was determined by using temperature and their interactions. Tukey Honestly Signifi-
vacuum drying method for confectionery products (AOAC cant Differences (HSD) test was used for multiple compa-
International 2000). risons. The statistical analyses were conducted by using the
software packages of SPSS (Statistical Package for the
Oil separation Social Sciences, SPSS for Windows, release 15.0.6, USA)
and SAS (Statistical Analysis System, SAS, version 9.1.3,
The oil separation from the helva samples can be expressed SAS Institute Inc., NC, USA). Duplicate independent helva
as the decrease in the oil content of the samples during productions were carried out. Two parallel independent
storage. Therefore, the oil content of helva samples through samples were taken for each analysis from each production.
the storage was determined by using soxhlet extraction So, the values were expressed as mean±standard error of four
method (AOAC International 2000). independent measurements (n=4).

Sensory evaluation
Results and discussion
Sensory evaluation was conducted with ten panellists (7
females and 3 males, ages ranged from 25 to 42 years Colour
old) by using a five-point scale scoring test in the
aspects of appearance, texture and flavour characteristics It was found that the changes on the colour parameter of
of tahin helva (Demirag and Altug 1999) during storage. lightness (L*) for tahin helva during the storage were not
Panellists were consisted of academic staff and graduate significant (p>0.05). This shows that type of emulsifier, the
students in the Department of Food Engineering at storage time and the storage temperature did not have any
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University. The panellists had significant effect on L* colour value of tahin helva. It was
50 h of experience in sensory evaluation. Four samples observed that the effects of the selected emulsifiers on the
were evaluated in each sensory panel session and each colour parameters of −a and +b for tahin helva were not
session was duplicated. significant (p=0.942 and p=0.924 for −a and +b, respec-
tively). However, a significant interaction between storage
Statistical analysis time and storage temperature was determined for both −a
and +b values of tahin helva (p=0.001). This means that
Statistical analyses were applied to the data by using the storage temperature has a significant effect on the
Variance Analysis of Repeated Measurements to deter- colour values of −a and +b for tahin helva depending on

Table 1 Changes in quality characteristics of helva samples during storage at different temperatures

Storage Temperature (°C) Storage time (days)

0 6 12 24 36

Colour −a value
20 1.87±0.07Aa 1.91±0.08Aa 1.67±0.07Aab 1.71±0.07Aab 1.46±0.05Ab
30 1.97±0.08Aa 1.70±0.09Abc 1.76±0.10Abc 1.60±0.09Ac
40 1.86±0.09Aab 1.72±0.10Ab 1.95±0.08Aab 2.00±0.16Ba
Colour +b value
20 19.59±0.17Ab 20.35±0.20Aa 19.66±0.31Ab 19.96±0.14Bab 19.39±0.14Cb
30 20.59±0.16Aa 20.14±0.24Aab 20.69±0.17Aa 20.11±0.21Bab
40 20.79±0.17Aac 20.15±0.38Aab 21.18±0.29Acd 21.72±0.44Ad
Texture sensory scores
20 3.88±0.04Aa 4.07±0.06Aa 3.23±0.23Ab 2.87±0.16Ac 3.33±0.06Ab
30 3.97±0.07Aa 3.75±0.11Ba 3.53±0.11Ba 2.86±0.11Bb
40 4.11±0.09Aa 3.45±0.19ABb 3.45±0.14Bb 3.52±0.11Ab

The results are expressed as mean±standard error of four independent measurements (n=4). Different capital letters within a column and different
small letters within a row show significant difference for each characteristic (p<0.05).
J Food Sci Technol (June 2014) 51(6):1085–1093 1089

the storage time. The changes in these Hunter colour values C SMP STS SMP:STS

for tahin helva during the storage at different temperatures 20oC

are shown in Table 1. 600

Penetration force (gf/cm 2 )

There is a general decrease in the colour value of −a for 550
tahin helva through the storage time at the storage tempe- 500
ratures of 20 °C and 30 °C (Table 1). It was noticed that this
decrease has continued until 12 days of storage and then an 350
increase in −a value has begun for the storage temperature of 300
40 °C. These changes in −a values of tahin helva samples 250
were found to be significant after the storage time of 36 days, 150
12 days and 12 days at the storage temperatures of 20 °C, 100
30 °C and 40 °C, respectively (p<0.05). The colour value of 0 6 12 24 36

−a is a positive function of the storage temperature under Storage time (Day)

each storage time. The effect of the storage temperature on
650 30o C
the colour value of +b for helva samples (Table 1) was found

Penetration force (gf/cm 2)

to be significant after the storage time of 24 days (p<0.05).
No significant differences were observed in the colour values
of +b for helva samples stored at 30 °C and 40 °C in the 450
storage time of 24 days, whereas significant differences were 400
observed in between the colour values of +b of helva 350
samples in the storage time of 36 days for each temperature. 300
The highest +b value observed in helva samples stored at 250
40 °C in the storage time of 36 days.
Texture 0 6 12 24 36
Storage time (Day)
The changes on textural characteristics of tahin helva
samples during storage were determined by measuring the 40 o C
penetration force to describe the hardness of helva. These 650
changes are graphically shown on Fig. 2 for each selected 600
Penetration force (gf/cm 2)

storage temperature. 500
There is an increase in the penetration force of tahin helva 450
samples through the storage at each storage temperature. The 400
penetration force for tahin helva was not significantly 350
affected by addition of the emulsifier (p=0.236), whereas 250
the storage time (p=0.001) and the storage temperature (p= 200
0.009) affected individually to this textural parameter 150
significantly. In the aspect of the storage time, the increase 100
0 6 12 24 36
in the penetration force was found significant in the first Stroge time (Day)
6 days of the storage (p<0.05). The penetration force of the
samples stored at 40 °C was found higher and significantly Fig. 2 Changes in penetration force of helva samples at different
temperatures. (C: helva samples without food additive; SMP: helva
different than the values obtained at the storage temperatures samples added sorbitan monopalmitate; STS: helva samples added
of 20 °C and 30 °C (p<0.05). The highest value of sorbitan tristearate; SMP:STS: helva samples added Sorbitan mono-
penetration force was also observed at 40 °C (Fig. 2). The palmitate:sorbitan tristearate). Each value is a mean of four indepen-
reasons for this significant difference are; more oil separation dent measurements (n=4)
from tahin helva samples and slower increase in moisture
content of the samples stored at 40 °C than the samples whereas a significant interaction was observed in between
stored at 20 °C and 30 °C. the storage time and the temperature for the moisture content
of the samples (p=0.001). The effect of the storage
Moisture temperature on the moisture content depends on the storage
time. It was also obtained that the moisture content of the
The effect of the emulsifiers on moisture content of tahin samples was affected by storage time individually and both
helva samples during storage was not significant (p=0.254), the storage time and storage temperature until and after
1090 J Food Sci Technol (June 2014) 51(6):1085–1093

12 days of storage, respectively. Figure 3 shows the changes products having high sugar content tend to get moisture
in moisture content of helva samples during storage at the during storage because of their hydroscopic structure. The
temperatures of 20 °C, 30 °C and 40 °C. moisture content for this type of products is very important
The moisture contents of helva samples added emulsi- because of being indicator of freshness. Tahin helva is given
fiers increased during storage at all selected temperatures as a good example to these products and it is determined that
(Fig. 3). In addition, helva samples stored at 20 °C became the moisture content has got a very important effect on its
moister than the others. The reason for this might be due to durability and consumability (Mohos 2010; Edwards 2000).
very slow water vapour circulation in the air and much
more moisture absorption by helva surface at this tempe- Oil separation
rature than the others. It is emphasized that confectionary
The effects of the selected emulsifiers on the oil separation
from tahin helva samples stored at selected storage tempe-
C SMP STS SMP:STS ratures were evaluated by determining the changes in the oil
20 C
o content of the samples. The changes of oil content of helva
4 samples during their storage are shown in Fig. 4.
3,5 In Fig. 4, it can be seen that there was a general decrease
in oil content of helva samples except the samples added
Moisture (%)

SMP:STS combination during storage for all the storage
2,5 temperatures. However, the rate of this decrease shows a
slowing tendency through the storage. This means that the
oil separation from helva samples has stopped after a time
1,5 during storage. The decreases in the oil content of helva
samples added SMP:STS during the storage were not
0 6 12 24 36 significant for all storage temperatures. This indicates that
Storage time (Day) oil separation problem in helva samples, in which sorbitan
tristearate:sorbitan monopalmitate combination (STS:SMP,
4 1:1) was added at the concentration of 0.2%, occurs at the
3,5 least ratio compared to the other helva samples. It was
Moisture (%)

determined that all the factors; the selected emulsifiers, the

storage time and the storage temperatures interacted signif-
2,5 icantly on oil separation from the helva samples (p=0.007).
2 Decreases in oil contents of control and helva samples, in
1,5 which sorbitan monopalmitate (SMP) and sobitan tristearate
(STS) were added, were found to be significant after the
0 6 12 24 36 24 days of the storage at 20 °C (p<0.05). The changes in oil
Storage time (Day) contents of these helva samples were not significantly
different until 24th days of the storage. No significant
4 o
differences were observed between in the oil contents of
40 C
3,5 SMP:STS added samples through storage time (p>0.05). At
the storage temperature of 30 °C, the changes in the oil
Moisture (%)

contents of control, SMP and STS added samples were
2,5 found to be significant after 6th, 12th and 24th days of the
2 storage, respectively (p<0.05). Any significant differences
between the oil contents of SMP:STS added samples were
not observed during the storage at this temperature (p>0.05).
1 The changes in the oil contents of all samples except SMP:
0 6 12 24 36
STS added ones were found to be significant after 6 days of
Storage time (Day)
the storage at the temperature of 40 °C (p<0.05). These
Fig. 3 Changes in moisture content of helva samples at different results indicate that sorbitan tristearate:sorbitan monopalmi-
temperatures (C: helva samples without food additive; SMP: helva tate emulsifiers combination (STS:SMP, 1:1) at the concen-
samples added sorbitan monopalmitate; STS: helva samples added
sorbitan tristearate; SMP:STS: helva samples added Sorbitan mono-
tration of 0.2% was very effective in preventing oil
palmitate:sorbitan tristearate). Each value is a mean of four indepen- separation from helva samples during the storage for all the
dent measurements (n=4) selected storage temperatures.
J Food Sci Technol (June 2014) 51(6):1085–1093 1091


et al. (2005) investigated the effects of various food
ingredients such as palm oil, soy protein isolate, gelatine,
39 20°C
lecithin, gum arabic, pectin, and ground sugar on oil
37 separation in tahin helva. They stated that ground sugar,
Oil Content (%)

36 gum arabic and pectin decreased the oil leaked out from tahin
35 helva, however this decreasing was not important practically.
33 It was demonstrated that the addition of palm oil in the
32 concentrations of 1% and 2.5% into tahin helva at 25 °C
31 prevented the oil separation from tahin helva, whereas soy
29 protein isolate, gelatine and lecithin were not effective. The
28 effects of particle dimension and storage temperature on oil
0 6 12 24 36 emulsion stability of tahin were investigated by Ciftci et al.
Storage time (Day) (2007). It was found that oil emulsion stability was increased
by the decreasing of particle dimension in tahin stored at
39 30°C
20 °C. Hence, oil emulsion stability became independent
37 from particle dimension of tahin at 30 °C and above
temperatures. The researchers have determined the emulsion
Oil content (%)

35 stability of tahin depended on both storage temperature and
34 particle dimension, hence they stated that storage tempera-
33 ture was more effective on emulsion stability than particle
32 dimension. Eissa and Zohair (2006) investigated the changes
31 of some quality characteristics in modified helva with dried
mushroom (oyster mushroom, Pleurotus sajor-caju) during
storage at 25 °C for 6 months. It was found that colour value
0 6 12 24 36 of a and browning index of helva increased depending on
Storage time (Day) the increasing mushroom concentration (from 10 g/kg to
120 g/kg) in tahin helva. The researchers stated that the
39 40°C addition of dried mushroom prevented oil separation in
38 helva. In a study by Damir (1984), utilization of sunflower
37 seed to produce tahin and helva was investigated. In the
Oil content (%)

study, no differences were observed between sunflower and

sesame helva samples in terms of textural and flavour
33 characteristics. However, sunflower helva had distinctly dark
32 colour than sesame helva. Oil separation in sunflower helva
29 Table 2 Appearance and flavour sensory mean scores of helva
28 samples for both storage time and temperatures
0 6 12 24 36
Storage time (Day) Appearance Flavour sensory
sensory scores scores
Fig. 4 Changes in oil content of helva samples at different tempe-
ratures (C: helva samples without food additive; SMP: helva samples Storage time 0 4.31±0.11A 4.16±0.10A
added sorbitan monopalmitate; STS: helva samples added sorbitan (day) 6 4.39±0.04A 4.12±0.05A
tristearate; SMP:STS: helva samples added Sorbitan monopalmitate:
sorbitan tristearate). Each value is a mean of four independent 12 3.82±0.18B 3.58±0.06B
measurements (n=4) 24 3.83±0.06B 3.31±0.15C
36 3.64±0.04B 3.13±0.14C
Uluöz et al. (1975) showed that oil leaked out from tahin Storage temperature 20 3.77±0.08B 3.63±0.06A
helva at the ratio of 8.5% of its weight and they emphasized (°C) 30 4.09±0.07A 3.66±0.08A
that addition of magnesium stearate and licorice extract 40 4.13±0.06A 3.70±0.08A
(24%) at the concentration of 1% and 0.25% might be
The results are expressed as mean±standard error of four indepen-
suitable for solving oil separation problem in tahin helva, dent measurements (n=4). Different capital letters within a column
respectively. However, they stated that comprehensive show significant difference for both storage time and temperatures
researches were required on solving this problem. Ereifej (p<0.05)
1092 J Food Sci Technol (June 2014) 51(6):1085–1093

was followed during storage at room temperature for 90 days. Conclusion

The researcher also emphasized that the addition of glycerol
monostearate had a pronounced stabilizing action resulting in Sorbitan tristerate:sorbitan monopalmitate: (STS:SMP, 1:1)
reducing oil separation from 11.8% to 6.25%. combination at the concentration of 2 g/kg helva was
obtained statistically more effective formulation than the
Sensory evaluation other formulations used in this study on solving oil
separation problem in tahin helva through the storage at
Plain type of tahin helva has got smooth and homogenous the temperatures of 20 °C, 30 °C and 40 °C. The
surface and slightly sticky, oily, fibrous, crunchy and fragile emulsifiers did not have any effect on the selected quality
texture, when it is produced, in the aspects of such sensory characteristics of the samples except in oil separation.
characteristics as appearance and texture, respectively. Storage temperature and storage time were found more
Helva has also got rich yellowish colour due to its high effective on physical, chemical and sensory properties of
sesame oil content. However, this product begins to loose tahin helva than the emulsifiers. Thereby, the storage
these sensory quality characteristics through the storage. In temperature and the storage time are important factors
the present study, it was observed that helva had got a which should be considered in producing tahin helva in
tough appearance and a dull colour after a period of storage high quality. Further researches are needed to state the
and there were increases in textural properties of stickiness effects of different storage conditions, packaging materials
and fragility, whereas there was a decrease in the property and other food additives on tahin helva quality.
of oiliness. According to the statistical results of sensory
evaluation for tahin helva samples, it was found that the Acknowledgments This research was funded by Scientific Research
Fund of Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (project no 2007/87). The
selected emulsifiers did not have any effect on the sensory
Authors would like to thank to Tatlan Company which provided raw
characteristics of appearance (p=0.756), texture (p=0.203) material and the manufacturing of tahin helva. The Authors also thank to
and flavour (p=0.953) of tahin helva. On the other hand, it the panel members for their judges and participation in sensory evaluation.
was observed that there was a significant interaction
between the storage temperature and time in the aspect of
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