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Vol. 7(5), pp.

227-230, July 2019

DOI: 10.14662/ARJASR2019.020 Academic Research
Copy©right 2019
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article Journal of Agricultural
ISSN: 2360-7874 Science and Research

Full Length Research

Development of laundry soap from jatropa, castor and

palm oils
Seferu Tadesse Wubie
Department of Chemistry, Wondo Genet Agricultural Research Center, EIAR, P.O. Box: 198, Shashemene, Ethiopia.
Corresponding authors email:seferutadesse5@gmail.com, phone # +251972736148

Accepted 20 March 2019

The activity of the contribution arises out of the actual situation in the Ethiopia, where the Lower class
of peoples didn’t use soap because they hadn’t money to buy soap from market. This led up to serious
problems with sanitation and causes for different diseases. For this reason the experiment was
conducted with the objective of developed and evaluated soap by substitute edible oil with nonedible
(jatropha, castor and palm) oils. Jatropha, castor and palm oil is nonedible oil which has more benefits
to soap making. It has also cosmetics and medicinal properties. Several parameters were considered
for developed laundry soaps from jatropha, castor and palm oils. Values of pH for jatropha, castor and
palm oil soap were 6.8, 7.4 and 7.2, for maximum moisture and volatile matter content at 105 °C were
29.18, 28.82 and 30, for minimum total fatty matter 62.3, 62.57 and 62.6, for maximum total free fat
(unsaponified and unsaponifiable fatty matter) 0.18, 0.19 and 0.15, for maximum matter insoluble in
water 0.2, 0.16 and 0.13, for maximum matter insoluble in ethanol 2.2, 1.9 and 1.86, for maximum
chloride content as NaCl 0.15, 0.3 and 0.25, for maximum total free alkali as sodium hydroxide ND, 0.16
and 0.18, for maximum free caustic alkali as sodium hydroxide ND, 0.02 and 0.04 respectively. From the
activity it can be conclude that the chemical properties of developed soap were within the limits set by
standards of East African laundry soap and humans made easily in their homes.

Key Words: Jatropha, Castor, Palm, Soap making

Cite this article as: Seferu TW (2019). Development of laundry soap from jatropa, castor and palm oils. Acad.
Res. J. Agri. Sci. Res. 7(5): 227-230


Soaps are one of the major elements which we use in our Among the known non edible oils, Jatropha, castor and
everyday life. Basically soaps are the sodium and palm oil can be used for soap making. Mostly Jatropha,
potassium salts of higher fatty acids, such as oleic, castor and palm oil soap are known for its medicinal
stearic, lauric, and palmitic acids (Sharma, 2000). These properties and sensitivity. It is used for the remedy of
fatty acids are responsible for foaming and cleansing various skin diseases. (Messemaker, 2008; Akbar et al.,
actions of soaps. Soaps are generally produced using 2009). The 36% linoleic acid (C18:2) content in Jatropha
edible oils, that is, palm oil, coconut oil, soybean oil, oil makes it an interesting candidate for
groundnut oil (Najjar et al., 2014). However, usages of skincare.(Henning, 2000; Benge, 2009).The oil also has
nonedible oils have advantages; it can significantly components in hair conditioners.(Brittaine et al.,
reduce the consumption of edible oils and ultimately the 2010).Jatropha, castor and palm grows in various parts of
dependence on edible oils for soap manufacturing. Ethiopia, as a hedge around homesteads and farmlands,
228 Acad. Res. J. Agri. Sci. Res.

such as in Wolayita, Metekel, Southern Wollo, Northern from five regions of Ethiopia namely Southern Nation
and Eastern Shoa, Tigrai, Gamo Gofa zones and Nationalities Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS), Amhara
Gambella region (Sadubthummarak et al., 2013; Najjar et region, Tigria region, Oromia region and Benishangul
al., 2014; Kassahun et al., 2016).This suggests that Gumuz Regions, where seeds are found abundantly.
Jatropha, castor and palm can be cultivated either as
large-scale plantations on marginal areas, as small-scale Oil extraction
hedges, or intercropped to assist rural livelihoods.
Although Jatropha, castor and palm already exists in Oil is extracted by mechanical pressing method. For the
many places of Ethiopia; its economic importance are far operation, at first the Jatropha, palm and castor seeds
from being realized due to absence of proper evaluation are collected and dried at sun. Then, husks were
and promotion of the existing local Jatropha, castor and removed to separate seeds from the seed. Then, seed
palm provenances for oil yield, oil quality for biodiesel kernels were opened by removing the black seed shells.
utilization and further use of oils for soap making process. These shelled seed kernels were used to press, and oil
In Ethiopia especially rural part of peoples haven’t use were extracted and collected. Then crude oil was filtered
soap because they haven’t money to buy it. Due to these by using filter paper.
most of rural part of Ethiopia people affect with typhus,
common cold and other problems related to lack of
sanitation. Jatropha, castor and palm are grown Formulation of soap from jatropha, castor and palm
everywhere in Ethiopia and they are perennial crops oils
(Kassahun et al., 2016).So this activity is designed to
develop soaps from Jatropha, castor and palm and 1) Mixed properly 24.04% water and 11.75% caustic
improve the sanitation problems of rural part of Ethiopia, soda
who population is very high (85%). 2) Heat 64.21% jatropha, castor and palm oil until
65 c and mixed with the solution of caustic soda
MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY and stir with clean stick wood for 20 minutes then
finally 2ml essential oil of lemongrass was added
Plant Material for flavor purpose.
3) Put in flat container and dry until the moisture
The seeds of jatropha, palm and castor were collected was evaporating then cut in to needed sizes.
4) Finally determination of quality parameters of
soap were done


Castor TFF
Jatropha MIE
0 50 100 150
Figure 1:The comparison of chemical properties of soap
with guide lines of East African standard
Whereas: MVM = moisture and volatile matter content
by; TFM = Min.Total fatty matter; TFF = maximum total
free fat; MIW =Matter insoluble in water, max; MIE =
Matter insoluble in ethanol, max.; CLC = Max. chloride
content; TFA = Max. total free alkaline content; FCA =
Max. Free caustic alkali content.
Seferu 229

Table 1. The mean chemical properties of jatropha, castor and Palm oil soaps as done in Wondgenet, natural product
EAS Castor oil Methods of test
Jatropha oil Palm oil
Parameters 31:2011%( soap%(m/
soap %(m/m) soap%(m/m)
m/m) m)
pH 6.5 – 8 6.8 7.4 7.2 pH meter
Moisture and volatile matter content ISO 672
30 29.18 28.82 30
at 105 °C, max
Total fatty matter, min 62 62.3 62.57 62.6 ISO 685
Total free fat (unsaponified and ISO 1067
0.2 0.18 0.19 0.15
unsaponifiable fatty matter), max.
TZ to provide the
Matter insoluble in water, max. 0.5 0.2 0.16 0.13
Matter insoluble in ethanol, max. 2.5 2.2 1.9 1.86 ISO 673
Chloride content as NaCl, max. 1.5 0.15 0.3 0.25 ISO 457
Total free alkali as NaOH, max. 0.2 Not-detected 0.16 0.18 ISO 684
Free caustic alkali as NaOH, max. 0.2 Not-detected 0.02 0.04 ISO 456

RESULT AND DISCUSSION castor oil soaps. The maximum value of matter insoluble
in ethanol of jatropha, castor and palm oil soap were 2.2,
According to the requirement of East African laundry 1.9 and 1.86 respectively whereas the EAS laundry soap
soap standard parameter values the jatropha, castor and requirement for this parameter at maximum is 2.5. Based
palm oil soap will safe for the users. According to the on this all types of formulated soap were satisfy the
standard the maximum value of moisture and volatile requirements of the standard. When compared to each
matter content at 105 °C is 30. The results of jatropha, other palm oil soap were best than jatropha and castor oil
castor and palm oil soap were 29.18, 28.82 and 30 soaps for this specific parameter, because its results was
respectively which were good according to standard 1.86 which is lowest than the two formulated soaps. The
value. Even if all types of oil were within the limit of maximum chloride content of jatropha, castor and palm
standard value castor oil was best as compared to oil soap were 0.15, 0.3 and 0.25 respectively. EAS
jatropha and palm oil on parameters of maximum value of laundry soap standard value for maximum chloride
moisture and volatile matter content at 105 °C . content is 1.5. Based on the result all types of soap were
According to the standard the maximum total free fat good with chloride content especially jatroha oil soap was
(unsaponified and unsaponifiable fatty matter) is 0.2. The best than castor and palm oil soaps. The EAS laundry
results of jatropha, castor and palm oil soap were below specification value for maximum free alkali as NaOH is
0.2 which means that the three formulated soap were 0.2. The formulated soap of jatropha, castor and palm
within the range of the standard on the parameters of were ND, 0.16 and 0.18 respectively. Based on this result
total free fat (unsaponified and unsaponifiable fatty the parameter of total free alkali for jatropha, castor and
matter). When compared to each other palm oil soap was palm oil were within the range of standard. The
best than jatropha and castor oil soaps which values comparable result in terms of maximum total free alkali
were 0.15, 0.2 and 0.18 respectively. The East African as NaOH, jatropha oil soap was best than castor and
standard value of minimum total fatty matter is 62. The palm oil soaps. The maximum free caustic alkali as
results of jatropha, castor and palm oil soap were 62.3, NaOH value of jatropha, castor and palm oil soap were
62.57 and 62.6 respectively. The standard says the ND, 0.02 and 0.04 respectively and the EAS laundry
minimum value so the results got were above 62 which soap maximum value of free caustic alkali as NaOH is
satisfy the requirement of EAS of laundry soap. Based on 0.2. Based on the result all jatropha, castor and palm oil
comparison result palm oil soap was best than jatropha soap were satisfy the requirements of standard, even if
and castor oil soaps based on this specific parameter, jatropha oil soap was best than castor and palm oil
because its value is somewhat large than the two soaps.
formulated soaps. The results of maximum value of
matter insoluble in water of jatropha, castor and palm oil
soap were 0.2, 0.16 and 0.13 respectively, which were fit CONCLUSION
to the EAS laundry soap requirement. Based on this
parameter palm oil soap was best than jatropha and Based on the study, I drawn to a conclusion that to
230 Acad. Res. J. Agri. Sci. Res.

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Research Project for providing all the necessary facilities development studies at the Faculty of Geosciences
and support during the entire experimentation. Utrecht University.
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