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Draw The Stress - Strain Diagram For Mild Steel. Explain.: Unit - I

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1 A) How do you classify materials for engineering use? 5M

B) Draw the stress –strain diagram for mild steel. Explain. 5M
2 A) How do you classify the machine design? Explain 5M
B) Explain the general design procedure while designing a machine 5M
3 A) What are the general design consideration should be followed while 5M
designing a machine element
B) What are the manufacturing consideration should be followed while 5M
designing a machine element
4 A) What do you mean by preferred numbers and explain the 5M
B) What is meant by factor of safety? Explain how it can be used in 5M
design applications.
5 A) A cast iron link, as shown in Fig., is required to transmit a steady 5M
tensile load of 45 kN. Find the tensile stress induced in the link
material at sections A-A and B-B.

B) Calculate the force required to punch a circular blank of 60 mm 5M

diameter in a plate of 5 mm thick. The ultimate shear stress of the
plate is 350 N/mm2
6 A copper bar 50 mm in diameter is placed within a steel tube 75 mm 10M
external diameter and 50 mm internal diameter of exactly the same
length. The two pieces are rigidly fixed together by two pins 18 mm
in diameter, one at each end passing through the bar and tube.
Calculate the stress induced in the copper bar, steel tube and pins if
the temperature of the combination is raised by 50°C. Take Es = 210
GN/m2 ; Ec = 105 GN/m2 ; αs = 11.5 × 10–6/°C and αc = 17 × 10–
7 A) Derive an expression for the impact stress induced due to a falling 5M
B) An unknown weight falls through 10 mm on a collar rigidly 5M
attached to the lower end of a vertical bar 3 m long and 600 mm2 in
section. If the maximum instantaneous extension is known to be 2
mm, what is the corresponding stress and the value of unknown
weight? Take
E = 200 kN/mm2.
8 A) Write the torsional shear stress relation And draw the diagram. 4M
B) A shaft is transmitting 97.5 kW at 180 r.p.m. If the allowable shear 6M
stress in the material is 60 MPa, find the suitable diameter for the
shaft. The shaft is not to twist more that 1° in a length of 3 metres.
Take C = 80 GPa
9 A) Write the bending stress relation And draw the diagram. 4M
B) A pump lever rocking shaft is shown in Fig. The pump lever exerts 6M
forces of 25 kN and 35 kN concentrated at 150 mm and 200 mm
from the left and right hand bearing respectively. Find the diameter
of the central portion of the shaft, if the stress is not to exceed 100

10 The load on a bolt consists of an axial pull of 10 kN together with a 10M

transverse shear force of 5 kN. Find the diameter of bolt required
according to 1. Maximum principal stress theory; 2. Maximum
shear stress theory; 3. Maximum principal strain theory; 4.
Maximum strain energy theory; and 5. Maximum distortion energy
1 A) Explain Goodman’s and Soderberg’s equation for combination 4M
B) Find the maximum stress induced in the following cases taking 6M
stress concentration into account: A rectangular plate 60 mm × 10
mm with a hole 12 diameter as shown in Fig. and subjected to a
tensile load of 12 kN.

Take Kt = 2.5 for d/b ratio=0.2

2 Explain stress concentration in detail and various methods to reduce

stress concentration in machine members
3 A pulley is keyed to a shaft midway between two bearings. The 10M
shaft is made of cold drawn steel for which the ultimate strength is
550 MPa and the yield strength is 400 MPa. The bending moment at
the pulley varies from – 150 N-m to +400 N-m as the torque on the
shaft varies from –50 N-m to +150 N-m. Obtain the diameter of the
shaft for an indefinite life. The stress concentration factors for the
keyway at the pulley in bending and in torsion are 1.6 and 1.3
respectively. Take the following values: Factor of safety = 1.5. Load
correction factors = 1.0 in bending and 0.6 in torsion. Size effect
factor = 0.85. Surface effect factor = 0.88
4 A hot rolled steel shaft is subjected to a torsional moment that varies 10M
from 330 N.m clockwise to 110 N.m counter clockwise and an
applied bending moment at a critical section varies from 440N-m to-
220 N-m. The shaft is of uniform cross-section and no key way is
present at the critical section. Determine the required shaft diameter.
The material has an ultimate strength of 550 MN/m2 and yield
strength of 410 MN/m2.Take the endurance limit as half the ultimate
strength, factor of safety of 2, size factor of 0.85 and surface finish
factor of 0.62.

5 A) Discuss the factors affecting endurance limit 4M

B) Determine the diameter of a circular rod made of ductile material 6M
with a fatigue strength (complete reversal), σe=265 MPa and tensile
yield strength of 350 MPa. The member is subjected to a varying
axial load from W min =-300 KN to W max = 700 KN and has a stress
concentration factor is 1.8. Use factor of safety as 2.

6 A) Draw the SN curve for the ferrous and non ferrous materials and 5M
discuss their importance in design of components subjected variable
B) A machine component is subjected to a fluctuating stress that varies 5M
from 40 N/mm2 to 100 N/mm2. The corrected endurance limit of the
machine component is 270 N/mm2. The ultimate stress and yield
point stress of the material are 600 and 400 N/mm2 respectively.
Find the factor of safety using: (i) Gerber formula. (ii) Solderberg
line. (iii) Goodman line.
7 A circular bar of 500 mm length is supported freely at its two ends. 10M
It is acted upon by a central concentrated cyclic load having a
minimum value of 20 kN and a maximum value of 50 kN.
Determine the diameter of bar by taking a factor of safety of 1.5,
size effect of 0.85, surface finish factor of 0.9. The material
properties of bar are given by : ultimate strength of 650 MPa, yield
strength of 500 MPa and endurance strength of 350 MPa.
8 Cantilever beam made of cold drawn carbon steel of circular cross- 10M
section as shown in Fig. Is subjected to a load which varies from –
F to 3 F. Determine the maximum load that this member can
withstand for an indefinite life using a factor of safety as 2. The
theoretical stress concentration factor is 1.42 and the notch
sensitivity is 0.9. Assume the following values :
Ultimate stress = 550 MPa
Yield stress = 470 MPa
Endurance limit = 275 MPa
Size factor = 0.85
Surface finish factor= 0.89
9 A simply supported beam has a concentrated load at the centre 10M
which fluctuates from a value of P to 4 P. The span of the beam is
500 mm and its cross-section is circular with a diameter of 60 mm.
Taking for the beam material an ultimate stress of 700 MPa, a yield
stress of 500 MPa, endurance limit of 330 MPa for reversed
bending, and a factor of safety of 1.3, calculate the maximum value
of P. Take a size factor of 0.85 and a surface finish factor of 0.9.
10 A machine component is subjected to a flexural stress which 10M
fluctuates between + 300 MN/m2 and – 150 MN/m2. Determine the
value of minimum ultimate strength according to
1. Gerber relation; 2. Modified Goodman relation; and 3. Soderberg
Take yield strength = 0.55 Ultimate strength;
Endurance strength = 0.5 Ultimate strength; and
factor of safety = 2.
1 Find the efficiency of the following riveted joints : 10M
1. Single riveted lap joint of 6 mm plates with 20 mm diameter
rivets having a pitch of 50 mm.
2. Double riveted lap joint of 6 mm plates with 20 mm diameter
rivets having a pitch of 65 mm.
Permissible tensile stress in plate = 120 MPa
Permissible shearing stress in rivets = 90 MPa
Permissible crushing stress in rivets = 180 MPa
2 An eccentrically loaded lap riveted joint is to be designed for a steel 10M
bracket as shown in Fig. The bracket plate is 25 mm thick. All rivets
are to be of the same size. Load on the bracket,
P = 50 kN ; rivet spacing, C = 100 mm; load arm, e = 400 mm.
Permissible shear stress is 65 MPa and crushing stress is 120 MPa.
Determine the size of the rivets to be used for the joint.
3 A) What do you understand by the term riveted joint? Explain the 5M
necessity of such a joint.
B) What do you understand by the term ‘efficiency of a riveted joint’? 5M
4 A) What is the difference between caulking and fullering? Explain with 5M
the help of neat sketches
B) Explain briefly the method of riveting 5M
5 A) Show by neat sketches the various ways in which a riveted joint 5M
may fail.
B) Classify the rivet heads according to Indian standard specifications 5M
6 Write advantages and disadvantages of welded joint over riveted 10M
7 A) What are the assumptions made in the design of welded joint? 5M
B) Sketch and discuss the various types of welded joints used in
pressure vessels. What are the considerations involved?
8 A) What is an eccentric loaded welded joint? Discuss the procedure for 5M
designing such a joint.
B) A plate 100 mm wide and 10 mm thick is to be welded to another
plate by means of double parallel fillets. The plates are subjected to
a static load of 80 kN. Find the length of weld if the permissible
shear stress in the weld does not exceed 55 MPa.
9 A plate 75 mm wide and 12.5 mm thick is joined with another plate 10M
by a single transverse weld and a double parallel fillet weld as
shown in Fig. The maximum tensile and shear stresses are 70 MPa
and 56 MPa respectively. Find the length of each parallel fillet
weld, if the joint is subjected to both static and fatigue loading.

10 The fillet welds of equal legs are used to fabricate a `T' as shown in 10M
Fig.(a) and (b), where s is the leg size and l is the length of weld.
Locate the plane of maximum shear stress in each of the following
loading patterns:
1. Load parallel to the weld (neglect eccentricity), and
2. Load at right angles to the weld (transverse load).
Find the ratio of these limiting loads.
1 A) Distinguish between cotter joint and knuckle joint.
B) What is a cotter joint? Explain with the help of a neat sketch, how a
cotter joint is made?
2 A) What are the applications of a cottered joint?
B) A knuckle joint is required to withstand a tensile load of 25 kN.
Design the joint if the permissible stresses are :
σt = 56 MPa ; τ = 40 MPa and σc = 70 MPa.
3 Design and draw a spigot and socket cotter joint to support a load
varying from 30 kN in compression to 30 kN in tension. The
material used is carbon steel for which the following allowable
stresses may be used. The load is applied statically.
Tensile stress = compressive stress = 50 MPa; shear stress = 35 MPa
and crushing stress = 90 MPa.
4 Design a sleeve and cotter joint to resist a tensile load of 60 kN. All
parts of the joint are made of the same material with the following
allowable stresses: Tensile stress = 60 MPa; shear stress = 70 MPa;
and compressive stress = 125 MPa.
5 The big end of a connecting rod, as shown in Fig. is subjected to a
maximum load of 50 kN. The diameter of the circular part of the rod
adjacent to the strap end is 75 mm. Design the joint, assuming
permissible tensile stress for the material of the strap as 25 MPa and
permissible shear stress for the material of cotter and gib as 20 MPa.
6 Design a knuckle joint to transmit 150 kN. The design stresses may
be taken as 75 MPa in tension, 60 MPa in shear and 150 MPa in
8 A) A hollow shaft has greater strength and stiffness than solid shaft of
equal weight. Explain.
B) Find the diameter of a solid steel shaft to transmit 20 kW at 200
r.p.m. The ultimate shear stress for the steel may be taken as 360
MPa and a factor of safety as 8. If a hollow shaft is to be used in
place of the solid shaft, find the inside and outside diameter when
the ratio of inside to outside diameters is 0.5.
9 A) What type of stresses are induced in shafts?
B) A shaft made of mild steel is required to transmit 100 kW at 300
r.p.m. The Supported length of the shaft is 3 meters. It carries two
pulleys each weighing 1500 N supported at a distance of 1 meter
from the ends respectively. Assuming the safe value of stress,
determine the diameter of the shaft.
10 A) Define equivalent twisting moment and equivalent bending moment.
State when these two terms are used in design of shafts.
B) A solid circular shaft is subjected to a bending moment of 3000 N-m
and a torque of 10 000 N-m. The shaft is made of 45 C 8 steel
having ultimate tensile stress of 700 MPa and a ultimate shear stress
of 500 MPa. Assuming a factor of safety as 6, determine the
diameter of the shaft.
1 What is a key? State its function with neat sketch.
Design the rectangular key for a shaft of 50 mm diameter. The
shearing and crushing stresses for the key material are 42 MPa and
70 MPa.
2 How are the keys classified? Draw neat sketches of different types
of keys and state their applications.
3 What is the effect of keyway cut into the shaft?
A 45 mm diameter shaft is made of steel with yield strength of 400
MPa. A parallel key of size 14 mm wide and 9 mm thick made of
steel with yield strength of 340 MPa is to be used. Find the required
length of key, if the shaft is loaded to transmit the maximum
permissible torque. Use maximum shear stress theory and assume a
factor of safety of 2.
4 Discuss the function of a coupling. Give at least three practical
Design and make a neat dimensioned sketch of a muff coupling
which is used to connect two steel shafts transmitting 40 kW at 350
r.p.m. The material for the shafts and key is plain carbon steel for
which allowable shear and crushing stresses may be taken as 40
MPa and 80 MPa respectively. The material for the muff is cast iron
for which the allowable shear stress may be assumed as 15 MPa.
5 Describe, with the help of neat sketches, the types of various shaft 10M
couplings mentioning the uses of each type.
6 Design a clamp coupling to transmit 30 kW at 100 r.p.m. The 10M
allowable shear stress for the shaft and key is 40 MPa and the
number of bolts connecting the two halves are six. The permissible
tensile stress for the bolts is 70 MPa. The coefficient of friction
between the muff and the shaft surface may be taken as 0.3
7 Design a cast iron protective type flange coupling to transmit 15 kW 10M
at 900 r.p.m. from an electric motor to a compressor. The service
factor may be assumed as 1.35. The following permissible stresses
may be used :
Shear stress for shaft, bolt and key material = 40 MPa
Crushing stress for bolt and key = 80 MPa
Shear stress for cast iron = 8 MPa
Draw a neat sketch of the coupling.
8 Design and draw a cast iron flange coupling for a mild steel shaft 10M
transmitting 90 kW at 250 r.p.m. The allowable shear stress in the
shaft is 40 MPa and the angle of twist is not to exceed 1° in a length
of 20 diameters. The allowable shear stress in the coupling bolts is
30 MPa.
9 Design a bushed-pin type of flexible coupling to connect a pump 10M
shaft to a motor shaft transmitting 32 kW at 960 r.p.m. The overall
torque is 20 percent more than mean torque.
The material properties are as follows :
(a) The allowable shear and crushing stress for shaft and key
material is 40 MPa and 80 MPa respectively.
(b) The allowable shear stress for cast iron is 15 MPa.
(c) The allowable bearing pressure for rubber bush is 0.8 N/mm2.
(d) The material of the pin is same as that of shaft and key.
Draw neat sketch of the coupling.
10 A) How does the working of a clamp coupling differ from that of a 5M
muff coupling? Explain.
B) Discuss briefly about: (i) Flange coupling. (ii) Muff coupling with 5M
neat sketches.
1 Which of the following material has the maximum ductility? [ ]
(A) Mild Steel

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