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(Formerly known as Flex Industries Limited)

(INR in lacs)

S.No. Particulars Quarter Quarter Nine Months Nine Months

Ended Ended Ended Ended
31.12.2017 31.12.2016 31.12.2017 31.12.2016
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited)
01. Net sales / Income from operations 167443 158081 497880 479502
02. Other Income 533 247 1500 1638
03. Total Income (1+2) 167976 158328 499380 481140
04. Expenditure
(a) (Increase)/decrease in stock in trade & WIP (2600) (4234) (8115) (5706)
(b) Consumption of raw material/traded goods 103633 86642 294404 259068
(c) Purchase of traded goods 748 1760 4519 5261
(d) Excise duty & service tax - 8491 9127 25787
(e) Power & fuel 7865 7420 23336 22257
(f) Employees cost 15034 12690 44747 40023
(g) Depreciation 9120 7844 25899 23304
(h) Other expenditure 23326 24331 64268 67254
Total 157126 144944 458185 437248
05. Interest 5686 4742 14583 13765
06. Profit(+)/Loss(-) from ordinary activity before tax (3)-(4+5) 5164 8642 26612 30127
07. Tax expenses (1) 1186 2778 5112
08. Net Profit(+)/Loss(-) from ordinary activity after tax (6-7) 5165 7456 23834 25015
09. Extra ordinary items (Net of tax expenses) - - - -
10. Net Profit(+)/Loss(-) for the period (8-9) 5165 7456 23834 25015
11. Share of Profit/ (Loss) of Associate 65 15 238 196
12. Minority interest 29 95 137 184
13. Net Profit(+)/Loss(-) after taxes, minority interest
and share of Profit/ (Loss) of associates (10+11-12) 5201 7376 23935 25027
14. Other Comprehensive Income, Net of income tax
(including shares in OCI of Subsidiaries & Associates) (2871) (9772) 1933 (12478)
15. Total Comprehensive Income for the period (13+14) 2330 (2396) 25868 12549
16. EPS
Basic 7.20 10.21 33.15 34.66
Diluted 7.20 10.21 33.15 34.66
(Non-statutory advertisement)
Treat, not kill
Vol. XXXIII/01 PSU banks are too important for financial inclusion
Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018
www.capitalmarket.com to allow them to fail
In the early 1990s, Harshad Mehta exploited the manual transactions undertaken by
Owner : Capital Market Publishers India Pvt. Ltd.
...................................................................................................................................... banks to get rich. Fake bankers’ receipts, not backed by underlying assets, were issued
Managing Director : Ruby Anand
...................................................................................................................................... by two little known entities to secure funds. Some banks transferred money that was
Editor : Mohan Sule to be used to buy government securities into his personal account to play the market
so that they could get better returns. Shares were held in physical form. Long posi-
Deputy Editor : Yagnesh Thakkar
...................................................................................................................................... tions could be carried forward from settlement to settlement after paying a nominal
REGISTERED OFFICE charge. Brokers undertook proprietary trades using clients’ money. The scam trig-
401, Swastik Chambers, Sion-Trombay Road, Chembur, Mumbai-400 071.
Tel: 91-022-2522-9720 Fax: 91-022-2522-0954 / 2523-0011.
gered the transition to automation in banks and the stock market. If modern trading
email: info@capitalmarket.com practices have increased the size of the market, the downside is limitless damage. The
rollover of letters of understanding by some employees of Punjab National Bank did
Tel: 91-022-2522-1112 / 2522-9720 Fax: 91-022-2522-0954 / 2523-0011 not leave a trail despite using the Swift network to direct money into its accounts in
email: info@capitaline.com foreign branches of Indian lenders since 2011. The fraud, estimated to be more than Rs
11000 crore, was detected when there was a change in personnel mid 2017. In 1995,
Tel: 91-022-2528-9297/ 2522-9720 Fax: 91-022-2522-0954 / 2523-0011 a two-centuries-old British bank vanished into thin air due to unauthorized trading by
email: advt@capitalmarket.com
a 28-year-old derivatives trader in Singapore,
SUBSCRIPTION & DISTRIBUTION If an individual’s greed brought about a great institution’s demise, the meltdown of
Tel: 91-022-2526-1046 Fax: 91-022-2522-0954 / 2523-0011 the global markets in September 2008 stemmed from the financial markets’ insatiable
email: subscription@capitalmarket.com
hunger for profit. To capitalize on the housing boom, there was a scramble to buy and
AHMEDABAD sell mortgaged-backed securities comprising a cocktail of low- and high- rated paper.
312, Sampada Complex, 3rd flr., Rashmi Society, Mithakhali,
Six-Road Junction, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380 009. Eventually, prices of homes reached bubble territory. Buyers dried up, leading to loan
Tel: 079-2642 1534 / 35, 2656 4727 Fax: 079-2642 1535. defaults. Not only Wall Street firms but even those in remote places such as Iceland
email: cm-ahmd@capitalmarket.com
ended up holding worthless instruments. Finally, the US government forced many of
BENGALURU too-big-too-fail financial services providers to merge and allowed some to die. A few
No.37, 2nd Floor, Dickenson Road, Bengaluru-560 042.
Tel: 080-4151-0674 Fax: 080-4151-0674. smaller economies in the euro region had to be bailed out by the rich nations. The first
email: cm-bglr@capitalmarket.com conclusion is that money skimming schemes can occur with or without digitization.
Second, internal controls and risk management are invariably lax. Third, greed at every
No.41, 1 st Flr, Sundareshwarar Street, Mylapore Chennai-600004. level contributes to the blowout. Fourth, due to global linkages, the fallout is across
Tel: 044-246-12690 / 38, 249-51900 / 01 / 02 Fax: 044-2461-2638
email: cm-chennai@capitalmarket.com partners within and outside the border. The PNB money-siphoning scandal has come
at an inopportune time. Credit growth is reviving. Period for recognition of non-
DELHI performing loans have been shortened. Time-consuming restructuring processes have
601, 6th Floor, Padma Tower - II, 22, Rajendra Place,
New Delhi - 110 008. Tel: 011 - 2581-1255 / 56 / 57 been junked. Borrowers are being shepherded to insolvency. The headwinds of de-
email: cm-delhi@capitalmarket.com
monetization and roll-out of GST are fading. Yet, the demand for privatization of the
HYDERABAD ailing nationalized banks is growing louder. The rise and fall of Global Trust Bank, one
# 3-5-890, Room No-103, Paras Chambers, Himayatnagar, of the earliest new-age private banks, should silence the vocal proponents of whole-
Hyderabad-500 029.
Tel: 040-2326 4384, 32408398. Fax: 040-4007-7098. sale selloff of government-controlled peers. Goldman Sachs owned 4% and
email: cm-hyd@capitalmarket.com the International Finance Corporation 5% when GTB suffered in the market crash of
KOLKATA 2001 due to exposure to Ketan Parekh-boosted stocks in 2001. It was acquired by
3A, Shivam building, 3rd Floor, 46E, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Road, Oriental Bank of Commerce in August 2004. Shareholders received nothing.
Kolkata-700 016. Tel: 033-400 14462. Fax: 033-2227-3120
email: cm-kolkata@capitalmarket.com Nonetheless, the grouse against political interference, from appointing top man-
agers to influencing to whom and where to lend, cannot be dismissed, going by the fate
C-28, 1st Flr, Shrinath Plaza, Plot no. 559, Bhamburda, Shivaji Nagar, of UTI. Flagship US- 64 scheme bought KP stocks even as their market value was
Fergusson College Road, Pune-411 005. Tel: 020-2551-1616 / 17. plunging mid 2000. Getting a whiff of trouble, there was a run on the scheme mid
email: cm-pune@capitalmarket.com
...................................................................................................................................... 2001. Units of Rs 10 were redeemed at Rs 14.20 when the actual value was less than
Cover Price: Rs 75 Rs 8. In July, purchase and sale of units was frozen for six months. A 10% dividend
Annual Subscription (26 issues): India Rs 1,460 was declared. Repurchase was undertaken at face value. The then BJP-led government
Overseas (Airmail) US$ 210. (Cheque/D.D. drawn on Mumbai
in favour of Capital Market Publishers India Pvt. Ltd.) had to spend Rs 3500-crore on recapitalization. PSU banks need to thrive as they are
© 2018 Capital Market Publishers India Pvt. Ltd. important links in the last-mile connectivity of various financial inclusion schemes.
All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without The strategy to revive the PSU asset management company can be copied to clean up
permission is prohibited. the banking system. In August 2002, UTI was split into two. Tax sops were extended
All possible efforts have been made to present factually correct
data. However, the publication is not responsible, if, despite this, to US-64 and assured returned schemes. These were handed over to the Specified
errors may have crept in inadvertently or through oversight. Undertaking of UTI, managed by a government-appointed team. The shortfall in US-
Though all care is taken in arriving at the recommendations
given in this publication, readers are cautioned that prices of 64 scheme was Rs 6000 crore and of ARS Rs 8561 crore. UTI Mutual Fund got other
equity shares and debentures may rise or fall in a manner not
foreseen. Readers are advised to take professional advice
net asset value-based schemes. Shareholding was offered to PSU banks. When the
before investing. market recovered, Suuti returned all the support provided by the government and was
Subject only to Mumbai jurisdiction
...................................................................................................................................... wound up in 2012. In the same way, the top 10 PSU banks’ assets can be divided into
Printed and published by Ruby Anand on behalf of Capital Market good and bad banks. Bad loans can be disposed of at a good price as economic
Publishers India Pvt. Ltd. Printed at Kala Jyothi Process Pvt Ltd recovery catches speed and the bad banks dissolved. The government should remain
Plot # W 17 & W18, MIDC, Taloja, Navi Mumbai - 410 208 and
published from 401, Swastik Chambers, Umarshi Bappa Chowk, a strategic investor, instead of owner, in good banks.
Sion-Trombay Road, Chembur, Mumbai 400 071.
Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 3
exercise reflects the confidence 2017 over a year ago is due to dollar ensured that copper
of the management and increase in core inflation. The lingered around a four-year high
promoters in their own heating suggests pick-up in in early calendar year (CY)
businesses. demand after the cold wave 2018. World mine production
Kamraj Tulli, e-mail stemming from demo and GST. of coppers CY 2017 was
A handful companies are Yet the cumulative CPI inflation affected by significant supply
growing at supersonic pace, is lower in April-December disruptions in Indonesia and
justifying their rich valuations. 2017. Also, wholesale prices are Chile and reducing output in
Similarly, some stocks hold at a three-month low on softer major mining production
strong promise based on their prices of vegetables, pulses, egg, countries. In addition, overall
established businesses and meat and fish. lack of major new projects or
ability to explore future Sameer Vahi, e-mail expansions and lower grades in
opportunities. The regulatory framework in planned mining sequencing in
Putting a price Jashveer Negi, e-mail India is a work in progress. some countries adversely
Growth in revenues and profit Checking the pulse The reminder of the fact was affected world growth.
should drive the share price Equity exposure of foreign fund the market regulator’s decision Trambak Panday, e-mail
(Stocks: ‘Crowning glory’, Jan investors is up three times over to put off disclosure of Share-surrender
29–Feb 11, 2018). Ideally, if the the year (Editorial: ‘Feels domestic and international A cash-rich company usually
business is delivering a good set good’, Jan 29–Feb 11, 2018). debt default by listed compa- resorts to buyback when it
of numbers, the stock market Mutual fund inflows to stocks nies after making it mandatory feels the share price is
recognises the performance. This more than doubled over the in August. It seems the undervalued (Buyback: ‘What
is not happening at the moment. period. There is unlikely to be a Reserve Bank of India is not the response foretells’, Jan 29–
Shourabh Mongiya, e-mail flight of capital, with the comfortable with the informa- Feb 11, 2018). Subsequently,
A growth of 15% is roughly Federal Reserve dithering over tion coming in public domain. the number of shares outstand-
around double the country’s rate ramp-up in the current Jateen P, e-mail ing in the market reduces. As a
economic growth and, thus, a calendar year as inflation in the Growth barometer result, valuations and return
sufficiently high cut-off to US is still soft. Although near-term growth ratios improve, making the
shortlist companies. Achieving Pryagraj Mishra, e-mail could surprise on the upside, stock more attractive.
this feat can be considered The buoyancy in tax collection there are still substantial Neeraj Goyal, e-mail
extraordinary in the light of the has resulted in reassessment of downside risks including the The response to the buyback
demonetization exercise by the the government’s borrowing possibility of financial stress, indicates the outlook for the
Central government in November program. The target has been increased protectionism, and companies. Companies opting
2016. Apart from growth in H1 slashed to Rs 20000 crore rising geopolitical tensions for buybacks are thought to
of the current fiscal year, other from Rs 50000 crore earlier. (Copper: ‘Growth drivers in have sluggish growth going
factors such as future plans to Consequently, fears of increase place’, Jan 29–Feb 11, 2018). ahead. As such, they have very
ensure sustainable growth were in interest rates going ahead Particularly worrying are little scope to use their cash to
studied to decide if the present have subsided. longer-term risks of subdued increase market share in their
growth is sustainable. Binit Bishwas, e-mail productivity. With output core area of operations.
Ratan Devaji, e-mail Companies are reducing debt. gaps closing or closed in many Instead of diversifying into
Investors should focus on Distressed assets are getting countries, supporting aggregate unrelated ventures, many
growth-oriented companies. buyers. Transparency in real demand with the use of prefer to return the accumu-
Those with stable state of estate and interest subvention cyclical policies is becoming lated cash through buybacks
operation might not report the on first-home loans are less of a priority. and to dramatically increase
desired levels of growth due to bringing back buyers. Chandan Gyani, e-mail the return ratios.
lack of capital expenditure. Girish Lohana, e-mail Apart from the global economic Jaysingh Y, e-mail
Companies need to invest on a The spurt in consumer prices to cues, optimistic Chinese Send your feedback to
consistent basis to grow. The a 17-month high in December growth prospects and weak US readersreact@capitalmarket.com

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4 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

13 | IPO Centre
HG Infra Engineering
Building roads

14 | In Focus
PSU Banks
Troubled times
08 | Cover Story
Set to reap
Budget 2018-19
Stocks: Tomorrow’s companies
Tariff tale Structural themes unfold over decades, perfectly synchronizing with
the strategy of investing for the long term

24 | Market Watch
Stocks-Mid caps 77 | RingsideView 89 | Commodity Watch
Sizzlers and dampeners Updates on Schaeffler India, Monte Lead
Carlo Fashions, Take Solutions, Taking charge
Market Report Ujjivan Financial Services, Tata
Woe betide Motors, Apcotex Industries, Visaka
Stocks-Large caps Industries, Technofab Engineering, 90 | Capitalaline Corner
Movers and shakers Ahluwalia Contracts, Dilip Salzer Electronics
Buildcon and Lasa Supergenerics Set for growth acceleration
69 | Stock Watch
Insecticides India
Growing well 32 | Corporate Scoreboard
82| Apna Money 61 | Consolidated Scoreboard
74 | Over The Counter
Passage from India 63 | Company Index
Mutual Fund scoreboard
Buying and Selling
What is the tax if urban land is
67 | Bulletin
Foreign fund buys PC Jeweller
divided among legal heirs? 68 | Watch List
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CoverStory Stocks


Tomorrow’s companies
Structural themes unfold over decades, perfectly synchronizing with
the strategy of investing for the long term
The fiscal year 1975-76 (FY 1976) and FY lifestyle products is expected to improve as
2000 are two landmarks for the Indian Efficiency count the share of affluent population goes up.
economy. In FY 1976, the output of the Capital Market attempted to spot com-
services sector decisively surpassed the ag- HDFC Standard Life Insurance panies that could achieve business growth
Company’s solvency ratio was 191%
riculture and allied sector by contribution to on a sustainable basis over the medium to
end December 2017. The 13-month
the gross domestic product (GDP). In FY persistency ratio stood at 83% long term on account of structural changes
1963, FY 1972 and FY 1973, the services in the domestic economy. Changes in con-
sector came close to cross the output of the sumption pattern in the overseas markets
Face Value: Rs 10
agriculture and allied sector. However, the 465
could also offer business opportunities for
agriculture and allied sector managed to re- HDFC Standard Life Insurance domestic companies.
main ahead of the services sector. After run- 430 In the recent past, several initial public
ning neck-to-neck for around a decade, the 395
offerings (IPOs) from emerging industries
industry’s contribution to GDP exceeded have increased the investment opportuni-
that of the agriculture and allied sector in FY 360 ties manifold. Recently, both life and non-
2000. In FY 2017, the services sector is far life insurers were listed. The new industries
ahead, with a share of 54% in GDP, fol- N D J F might not be very young. Earlier, the play-
lowed by industry, with 31%, and the agri- ers might not have been interested in going
CMP Rs 436 as on 19 February 2018. 3 month return: 26.64%
culture and allied sector at 15%. S&P BSE Sensex 3 month return: 1.30% public for multiple reasons. Though insur-
The period between the calendar years ance is a centuries-old industry in the devel-
(CYs) 1990 and 2000 proved to be another Several enablers have aided the struc- oped world, in India, the space is witness-
turning point with the emergence of the tural changes to deliver economic prosper- ing action only after the entry of private
technology, telecom and media sectors. The ity over the last three decades. Opening up players. Some of the insurers have achieved
software sector has given wings to the most of the economy for private sector re- scale and turned profitable. A few among
dreams of millions of aspiring Indians. Tele- sulted in massive investments. Next, liber- them opted for IPOs.
communications generated millions of jobs alized norms towards foreign direct invest- Apart from insurance, the other new
and new opportunities. ment have aided economic growth. Going industries to have emerged for investment
Exports were in mere single digits till the forward, many more such transformations include pathology laboratories, temporary
Eighth Five-Year Plan period (FY 1992 to are going to unfold. These are going to be staffing services, publications, internet-re-
FY 1996) but grew significantly over the last swift and will have a profound impact on lated businesses such as matrimony services,
two-and-a-half decades. Though India still has the economy and society. securities depository services, stock ex-
a long way to go for its exports to become The best part about such stories is that change services, restaurants, fast food ser-
synonymous with quality, their growth is no they unfold over decades, perfectly syn- vices and beauty services.
less vindication of the country’s improving chronizing with the strategy of investing for Yet, a more diverse field is desirable.
standards. In FY 2017, exports accounted for the long term to make a fortune. In fact, For instance, global web-based businesses
24% of the GDP. Importantly, foreign cur- these stories are resilient as well. such as social networking sites and online
rency inward remittances jumped manifold The structural changes in the economy market places have created waves. How-
over these years. These remittances are criti- could see the emergence of new industries ever, still very limited options are avail-
cal for the rural parts of the country. India is and change in demand dynamics. Shifting able for Indian investors.
estimated to have received US$ 65 billion in preferences and tastes, rising income levels, The emergence of the middle class has
overseas remittances in FY 2017. increasing urbanization, inclination towards been and will be crucial in encouraging and
Internet has changed the way we live, nuclear families, integration of the domestic supporting new industries. Goldman Sachs,
shop and communicate. The opportunity market with the global market, improving a global investment banking, securities and
has been seized by many entrepreneurs and literacy rate and better infrastructure will investment firm, has provided a balanced
companies to create wealth for their share- accelerate structural changes. narrative on the Indian middle class in its re-
holders. At the moment, the talk is about For instance, demand for branded prod- port released in June 2016, ‘India Consumer
driverless cars and electric cars. Several ucts is projected to increase at the cost of Close-Up’. The report says India’s consumer
thousands of individuals have signed for a unbranded products. Consumers are ex- story will be shaped by its 440 million
one-way trip to Mars. pected to prefer quality products. Usage of millennials and 390 million Gen Z (born after

8 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

CoverStory Stocks

2000).The sheer size of India’s youth com- portfolio, along with eight optional rider
bined with improved education make India’s Gaining momentum benefits catering to a diverse range of cus-
consumer story one of the world’s most com- tomer needs, end December 2017.
pelling for the next 20 years. Goldman Sachs ICICI Lombard General Insurance The presence across the country is
Company’s policy count increased to
says India’s urban middle cohort is relatively through 414 branches and additional distri-
17.60 million in the nine months ended
small. The urban middle (over US$ 11,000 December 2017 from 12.83 million bution touch-points by dint of tie-ups com-
annual income) stands at 27 million or 2% of prising 139 partners across traditional and
the population. Face Value: Rs 10 non-traditional channels including non-
Probably, it is no exaggeration to say 850
banking finance companies, micro finance
the future belongs to countries such as India ICICI Lombard General Insurance institutions and small finance banks and a
with the right demographics in place. What 800 team of around 71,430 individual agents.
is required is investment to support eco- 750
The top 15 bancassurance partners have
nomic growth that, in turn, can lead to job over 11,200 branches.
creation. As structural stories have the abil- 700 Assets under management stood at Rs
ity to run for multiple years, stocks from 104430 crore, with a retail customer base
these emerging sectors should be on the in- O N D J F of 5.5 million. The solvency ratio was at
vestors’ radar. 191% end December 2017. The 13-month
CMP Rs 817 as on 19 February 2018. 3 month return: 19.80%
HDFC Standard Life Insurance S&P BSE Sensex 3 month return: 1.30% persistency ratio stood at 83% and the 61-
Company is a joint venture (JV) between month ratio at 60%. This ratio measures
Housing Development Finance Corpora- India offers a range of individual and group percentage of contracts measured by pre-
tion, a pioneer in housing finance, and Stan- insurance solutions to meet various cus- mium still in force 13 or 61 months after
dard Life Aberdeen, a global investment tomer needs such as protection, pension, they have been issued. High GDP growth,
company. Established in CY 2000, the long- savings, investment, and health. There were favorable demographics and under-penetra-
term life insurance solutions provider in 33 individual and 11 group products in the tion of life insurance offer significant op-
portunity for growth.
ICICI Lombard General Insurance
Going ahead
Company is the largest private-sector non-
Companies that could achieve business growth on a sustainable basis over the medium life insurer in the country based on gross
to long term primarily on account of structural changes in the domestic economy direct premium income (GDPI) since the fis-
cal year ended March 2004 (FY 2004). The
COMPANY CMP MCAP 52-WEEK MF D-E P/E P/BV DIV comprehensive and diverse range of prod-
(Rs) (Rs cr) HIGH LOW (%) RATIO RATIO YIELD ucts include motor, health, crop, fire, per-
(Rs) (Rs) (%) sonal accident, marine, engineering and li-
Eicher Motors 27350.1 74492.7 33484.0 22990.0 4.62 0.01 38.1 12.39 0.37 ability insurance through multiple distribu-
HDFC Standard Life Insurance 431.2 86684.7 493.8 307.7 2.77 0 102.9 22.00 0.25 tion channels. Customers are serviced in 618
ICICI Lombard General Insurance 814.2 36960.5 872.0 619.0 7.7 0.07 44.6 8.93 0.43
out of 716 districts across the country.
Key products include motor own dam-
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance 402.5 57770.5 507.9 347.0 2.8 0.25 36.8 9.44 0.96
age (contribution 25%), motor third party
Info Edge (India) 1226.8 14913.1 1457.5 796.4 14.87 0 0 9.36 0.24
(17%) and health and personal accident
Jubilant Foodworks 1952.7 12884.5 2329.5 817.6 10.09 0 191.3 16.00 0.13
(17%). The retail segment contributed 57.3%
Kaya 925.4 1205.8 1262.0 711.0 3.85 0.06 0 5.43 0
and the corporate segment 39.8% of the
La Opala RG 630.5 3499.0 744.0 451.7 1.26 0.01 48.1 7.79 0.32 health GDPI in the nine months ended De-
Mahindra Holidays & Resorts 310.2 4132.9 469.0 268.8 13.36 1.34 27.7 6.91 1.07 cember 2017. The solvency ratio was 2.21x,
Multi Commodity Exchange 738.8 3767.9 1258.2 665.0 16.89 0 39.2 2.85 2.03 while the combined ratio was 100.4% end
PVR 1401.2 6548.8 1659.7 1145.0 9.67 0.8 66.3 6.37 0.14 December 2017. The combined ratio is cal-
Sun Pharma Adv Research Co 424.0 10638.5 532.4 273.0 2.09 0.31 0 38.71 0 culated as incurred loss and expenses upon
Talwalkars Better value Fitness 294.2 912.0 358.1 209.0 3.62 0.89 12.3 1.41 0.49 earned premium. The policy count increased
Team Lease Services 2153.9 3682.4 2536.8 850.0 14.7 0.03 42.8 9.66 0 to 17.60 million in the nine months ended
Thomas Cook (India) 230.4 8455.3 274.2 185.9 12.2 0.88 41.7 4.18 0.16 December 2017 from 12.83 million in the
Titan Company 802.6 71253.7 938.0 411.0 3.08 0.01 72.4 16.05 0.32 corresponding period of the previous year.
Trent 320.0 10632.5 361.4 230.0 10.92 0.26 165.7 6.87 0.31
Non-life insurance penetration in India
was at US$13 (premium per capita) in the
United Spirits 3239.6 47079.7 4003.5 1831.3 4.25 2.45 173.1 26.37 0
CY 2016 compared with China’s US$147.
Westlife Development 327.8 5099.2 388.9 201.0 8.77 0.32 0 9.30 0
India’s premium-to-GDP ratio in percent-
Wonderla Holidays 384.7 2173.6 424.4 330.0 5.86 0.03 56.8 2.85 0.26
age terms stood at 0.77% in CY 2016, around
CMP (current market price) is closing as on 16 February 2017. MF (mutual fund) holding as of December 2017.
Consolidated financials considered wherever available. Debt-to-equity ratio is for FY 2017. P/E : Price to earnings ratio. 1/4th of global average. The non-life insur-
For P/BV (Price to book value), book value is based on the latest financial year. ance industry reported CAGR of 17% from
Source: Capitaline database
FY 2001 to FY 2017 based on GDPI.

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 9

CoverStory Stocks

United Spirits is a subsidiary of Diageo ern culture. Thus, there is a strong trend
Plc, a global producer of beverage alcohol, Propelled by demand towards premium products. Due to rising
with an outstanding portfolio of brands income levels, the pace of growth of con-
across spirits, beer and wine categories. Post As many as 18 brands in the portfolio sumption in tier- 2, 3 and 4 cities and rural
of United Spirits sell over a million
acquisitions in the calendar years (CYs) 2013 areas could outpace that in urban cities.
cases per annum. Of these, four brands
and 2014, Diageo Plc holds 54.8% equity sell over 10 million cases Mahindra Holidays & Resorts is a
stake in India’s largest spirits maker. direct play on the structural theme arising
The manufacturer and distributor of from changes in leisure culture and habits.
Face Value: Rs 10
beverage alcohol sells around 90 million 3500
Established in CY 1996, the provider of lei-
cases of Scotch whisky, Indian-made for- United Spirits sure holidays on timeshare basis has 2.30
eign liquor whisky, brandy, rum, vodka, gin 3000 lakh members and inventory of 3,362 rooms
and wine. The portfolio includes brands across 53 resorts. The room inventory has
such as McDowell’s No.1, Royal Challenge, recorded 11% CAGR between FY 2010 and
Signature, and Antiquity among others. Also, 2000 FY 2017. As many as 4,436 members were
Diageo’s iconic brands such as Johnnie added in Q3 of FY 2018, down 5.5% over a
Walker, VAT 69, Black & White, Smirnoff M A M J J A S O N D J F year ago. International resorts are located in
and Ciroc are imported, manufactured and Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Dubai, Austria and
CMP Rs 3241 as on 19 February 2018. One-year return: 37.00%
sold in India. S&P BSE Sensex one-year return: 18.64% Singapore. Subsidiary Holiday Club Resorts
As many as 18 brands in the portfolio (Finland) is among the leading vacation own-
sell over a million cases per annum. Of chisee arrangements. The entire consumer ership companies in Europe, with 50,000
these, four brands sell over 10 million cases. spectrum is catered to by luxury, premium, members and 33 resorts across Finland,
Exports go to over 37 countries. Apart from prestige and popular spirits categories. Sweden and Spain.
60 manufacturing facilities spread across The alcohol industry in India is witness- Four projects are under planning and
the country, there are facilities under fran- ing significant changes influenced by west- development including Naldhera in Himachal

The structural changes in the economy could see the emergence of new industries and change in demand dynamics

Info Edge Among the very limited web-based businesses opportunities available is a very rare profitable pure internet play. The focus of
the online classifed ads is on recruitment (Naukri.com), matrimony (Jeevansathi), real estate (99acres.com), education
(Shiksham.com) and related services. Investment has been made in several web-based start-ups and ventures. The major
ones include Zomato (online food guide portal) and Policybazaar (online insurance portal). The debt-free and cash-rich status
provides significant leeway to promote and invest in internet-based ventures.
Titan Company The luxury goods maker is a leading watch producer in India, with watch brand Titan and jewellery brand Tanishq. The joint
venture between the Tata group and the Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation also sells Fastrack, a brand dedicated
to the youth segment. Other key brands include Sonata, Raga, Zoya, Favre-Leuba, Xylys and Nebula. Over 15 million
watches are manufactured per annum. Around 1,415 stores with aggregate retail space of 1.8 million square feet are spread
across 266 towns. Besides, products are sold through 11,000 multi-brand retail outlets. The aim is to achieve revenues of US$
5 billion by FY 2025 (US$ 2 billion in FY 2017).
ICICI Prud Life Insurance A joint venture between ICICI Bank and Prudential Corporation Holdings, part of an international financial services group
headquartered in the UK, is one of the first private sector insurers to begin operations in December 2000. Products are across
categories of protection, savings and investments. The first private life insurer to cross Rs 1 trillion assets under management
(AUM), with AUM of Rs 1383.04 billion end December 2017, had a 13-month persistency ratio of 86.7% and 61-month of 55%
in the eight months ended December 2017.
MCX Started in November 2003, the country’s first commodity derivatives exchange offers online trading, and clearing and
settlement of commodity derivatives transactions, with a market share of 89.1% by value of commodity derivatives contracts
traded. Trading in commodity derivative contracts is offered across varied segments including bullion, industrial metals,
energy and agricultural commodities. There are 669 registered members and 51,575 authorized persons, with presence in
over 1,200 cities and towns. Commodity derivatives volumes are a multiple of underlying physical commodity volumes. In
India, volumes on commodity futures exchanges are very low compared with the size of the physical market.
Talwalkars Better value Fit Founded in 1932, one of the largest fitness chains in the country has 211 centers spread across 85 cities in India and Sri
Lanka, with over 2 lakh members. Approval is awaited from the National Company Law Tribunal for de-merger into two
companies: gym and lifestyle. The gym company’s fitness centers are in five different formats: Talwalkars Gym, Talwalkars
Premium Gym, HiFi, Power World Gyms and Snap Fitness. The lifestyle company offers value- added services such as
NuForm (time-efficient weight loss program), Reduce (easy-diet program), Transform (holistic fitness program), Mickey Mehta

10 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

CoverStory Stocks
Pradesh, Assanora in Goa and expansion at through a synergistic combination of prod- ganized segment. The services comprise
Ashtamudi in Kerala and Kandaghat in ucts and services backed by skincare tech- diverse functional roles including staffing,
Himachal Pradesh. These projects will add nologies. Each clinic has an in-house quali- payroll processing, recruitment, compli-
600 rooms in the coming couple of years. fied and certified dermatologist for consul- ance and training services.
Next, opportunities are being considered for tation and personalized solutions. There is presence in eight locations, with
acquisition and leases in India. Besides, there The skincare solutions include services over 2,500 clients and 1,400 employees.
is land bank at 10 destinations across six in the areas of acne and acne-scar reduc- There are over 1.75 lakh associates and train-
states. Efforts are on to expand further. Some tion, pigmentation, anti-ageing and laser ees. Till date, employment has been given
of the existing resorts have surplus land that permanent hair reduction along with regu- to over 1.6 million individuals. The share
can be utilized for expansion. lar beauty enhancement and maintenance of the organized staffing market is 5%.
Car ownership is used as a proxy for services. There are over 50 skin- and hair- In partnership with the Gujarat gov-
the addressable market. At present, there care products ranging from daily skin care ernment, TeamLease Skills University, to
are over 13 million households owning a car, to specific skin concerns such as acne, pig- impart vocational training, was set up at
a huge business opportunity. mentation and ageing. Vadodara. National Employability
Incorporated in CY 2003 and demerged The customer count was at 51,308 through Apprenticeship Program was
from parent Marico in September 2013, end December 2017 compared with rolled out in FY 2015 to provide on-the-
Kaya provides skin-care solutions in In- 48,126 end December 2016.The average job training to apprentices.
dia and the Middle East through Kaya ticket size improved to Rs 9973 from Rs The penetration level of flexi staffing in
Skin Clinics (103 in India and 24 in the 9307 in the period. The Middle East cus- India is on the lower side at 0.5% compared
Middle East) and product retail format tomer count declined to 15,960 from with the global average of 1.6%. The ratio is
Kaya Skin Bar (151 in India). The Middle 16,678, while the average ticket size re- on the higher side for countries such as UK
East presence is in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, mained flat at US$ 448 (447). (3.9%), Australia (3.7%), US (2.2%), Ger-
Oman and Kuwait. Flexi-staffing player TeamLease Ser- many (2.1%) and France (2%). The increase
Kaya Skin Clinics offer customized so- vices was set up in CY 2002 to provide in the formalization of workforce will sig-
lutions by expert dermatologists, delivered leading human resource services to the or- nificantly benefit the flexi staffing industry.

360 Wellness Centers, Zumba Merchandise and Zumba (aerobics and Latin dance inspired fitness programme), Zorba (yoga),
spa, massage and aerobics along with a club business venture.
Trent The Tata group company operates Westside, one of the country’s largest retail chains; Star Bazaar, a hypermarket chain; and
Landmark a family entertainment format store. As many as 17 Westside stores were opened and three unviable stores closed
in FY 2017. Westside operates through 66 malls or shopping centers and 42 standalone stores across India. Westside is
planning to accelerate expansion in the coming years by focusing broadly on two formats: flagship stores (prominent full-offer
stores) and curated smaller stores in non-metros and emerging micro-markets. There are two separate joint ventures with the
Inditex group of Spain (holding 51% equity stake): one for Zara and the other for Massimo Dutti stores in India.
Westlife Development The focus is on putting up and operating quick service restaurants through wholly owned subsidiary Hardcastle Restaurants.
In west and south India, Hardcastle was operating McDonald’s through 265 restaurants across 36 cities in Telangana, Gujarat,
Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Goa and parts of Madhya Pradesh end
September 2017. McDonald’s operates through various formats and brand extensions including standalone restaurants, drive-
thru’s, 24/7 restaurants, McDelivery, and dessert Kiosks. Mutual funds owned 8.77% equity end December 2017.
Sun Pharma Adv Research The Sun group company undertakes research and development (R&D) of novel drugs and delivery systems. The re-
organized early- stage portfolio of programs is focusing on therapy areas over the last couple of years. The portfolio is
balanced between new chemical entities and novel drug delivery system programs, with focus on select types of cancers,
inflammation and neurodegenerative diseases and developing abuse deterrent formulations. Some of the programs are
expected to enter clinical trials in the near future. Mutual funds controlled 2.09% share capital end December 2017. R&D is one
of the industries likely to see lot of action due to the availability of talent in India.
La Opala RG The possessor of the largest opal glass tableware capacity in India across its Sitarganj in Uttarakhand and Madhupur in
Jharkhand facilities has prominent brands La Opala, Diva (Classique, Ivory, Quadra and Sovrana) and Solitaire. Diva
(tableware) and Solitaire (crystal ware) target premium consumers. The La Opala brand addresses the mass market. Products
are exported to over 40 countries. The demand pattern is witnessing transformation. Earlier, only the affluent population was
the customer. However, now demand for products is originating from other strata of population as well.
Thomas Cook The group is one of the largest travel service providers in the Asia-Pacific region. Travel and travel-related services offered
include foreign exchange, corporate travel, meetings- incentives-conferences-and-exhibitions (Mice), leisure travel, insurance,
visa and passport services and e-business. Leading B2C and B2B brands include Thomas Cook, Sotc, TCI, Sita, Asian
Trails, Allied T Pro, Australian Tours Management, Desert Adventures, Travel Circle International, and Private Safaris East &
South Africa. Footprint (exclusive of subsidiaries) extends to 223 locations including 21 airport counters in 85 cities across
India, Mauritius and Sri Lanka. There is 49.02% stake in Quess Corp, the provider of business services, and 100% in Sterling
Holiday Resorts, offering time-share.
Source: Companies.

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 11

CoverStory Stocks

Formal jobs were estimated at 60 million in Australia, Portugal, Austria, Malaysia, Bra-
the CY 2017 and are projected to reach 110 Gearing for the future zil and Vietnam.
million by CY 2019. VE Commercial Vehicles, the JV with the
Mutual funds held 14.7% stake in the Nearly 60 acres of land have been bought Volvo group, manufactures and markets trucks
by Wonderla Holidays in Chennai for a
debt-free and cash-rich company. Keystone and buses. The attempt is to modernize com-
new amusement park. Construction is
Business Solutions was acquired to strengthen expected to commence shortly mercial transportation in India and other de-
IT staffing and Evolve Technologies to enter veloping markets. Another JV with US-based
telecom staffing business in CY 2017. Polaris Industries Inc, Eicher Polaris Pvt Ltd,
Face Value: Rs 10
Wonderla Holidays operates three 400
launched Multix, a multiple purpose vehicle
amusement parks in Kochi, Bangalore and Wonderla Holidays for businessmen, in June 2015.
Hyderabad. Also, there is a resort in Banga- 380 PVR is among the largest film exhibitor
lore, under the brand Wonderla. Spread over in India, with a cinema circuit of 612 screens
30 acres of landscaped space, the park in at 132 properties in 51 cities spread across
Kochi offers over 50 amusement rides. The 340 18 states and one Union Territory, with ag-
Bangalore park, spread across 82 acres of gregate seats of 1.37 lakh. The basket com-
landscaped garden, is home to 61 thrill M A M J J A S O N D J F prises 55 premium format screens like Gold
packed rides. The Hyderabad park, spread Class (36 screens), Imax (six screens), 4DX
CMP Rs 381 as on 19 February 2018. One-year return: 3.22%
across 27 acres and having 43 rides, was S&P BSE Mid-cap index one-year return: 22.05% (six screens), PXL (four screens) and Play-
launched in FY 2017 at a cost of Rs 40 crore. house (three screens).
Growth opportunities include expand- rants in India end October 2017. Dunkin’ Footfalls recorded were 570 lakhs and
ing existing theme parks by adding features Donuts addresses two distinct non-compet- occupancy 31.2% in the nine months ended
and rides and launching new theme parks. ing segments of the food service industry: December 2017. As many as 36 screens were
Nearly 60 acres of land have been bought in the home-delivery pizza market and the all- added in the period and 31 screens are sched-
Chennai for a new amusement park. Con- day part-food-and-beverage market. The uled to open in Q4 of FY 2018.
struction is expected to commence within Dunkin’ Donuts restaurants offer young Recently, a tie-up has been entered into
the next two quarters and the park is set to guests a great ambience to catch up with with South Korea-based CJ4Dplex to take
become operational by the start by CY 2020. their friends and family in a relaxed and com- the total 4DX screens count to 21 by the
Importantly, despite being part of a capi- fortable environment. end of CY 2019 from the current six. Fur-
tal-intensive industry, there is no debt at the The growth drivers include higher dis- ther, a minority stake has been bought in
net level. In a positive development, goods cretionary income, urbanization, widening US-based iPic-Gold Class Entertainment, a
and services tax on the amusement park was exposure to new cultures and cuisines, pro- luxury restaurant and theatre company, with
reduced to 18% in January 2018 as against growth demographics like youth popula- 121 screens. The tie-up with BookMyShow
the earlier peak rate of 28%. As a result, tion, nuclear family and increase in work- is to jointly run theatre-on-demand booking
footfalls are expected to increase. ing women. Mutual funds controlled platform Vkaao and to provide a richer and
Currently, India has over 150 theme 10.09% stake in the debt-free company end more engaging experience to audiences.
parks catering to over 1.2 billion popula- December 2017. Mutual funds held 9.67% stake end
tion. The park-to-population ratio is re- Eicher Motors owns the iconic Royal December 2017. The debt-to-equity ratio
markably lower as compared with the US Enfield, the oldest motorcycle brand is in was at 0.80 times end March 2017.
that has 400 theme parks for a popula- continuous production in the world. Royal
tion of 319 million. Besides, Indian theme Enfield is the leader in the premium segment Conclusion
parks are smaller in size, with a limited of the domestic market. With the change in Investors betting on structural stories
numbers of rides. business dynamics, Royal Enfield has seen have to take a long-term view on growth.
Starting operations in CY 1996, Jubi- significant increase in demand in the domes- It is crucial to assess the size of business
lant Foodworks along with subsidiary op- tic market. Royal Enfield models com- opportunities.
erates Domino’s Pizza brand, with exclu- manded a market share of 95% in the do- Though the structural stories are alluring,
sive rights for India, Nepal, Bangladesh and mestic mid-size motorcycles segment, with they have their ups and downs. Investors
Sri Lanka. The market leader in the pizza engine capacity between 250cc–750cc, in need to bear with the down-cycles and remain
segment had a network of 1,126 Domino’s FY 2017. In August 2017, production of invested. Such stories also command a high
Pizza restaurants across 264 cities end Oc- Royal Enfield commenced at a third manu- premium due to limited opportunities.
tober 2017. facturing facility at Vallam Vadagal near Lately, stock markets across the globe
Dunkin’ Donuts was launched in India Chennai. Thus, the capacity of Royal Enfield have witnessed correction owing to harden-
in CY 2012. There is exclusive right to oper- is expected to reach 8.25 lakh per annum by ing of bond yields in the US market. In the
ate and develop Dunkin’ Donuts restaurants March 2018 and peak capacity will be 9 near term, the markets are likely to remain
in India for 15 years till February 2026. lakh by March 2019. in correction mode. This could be oppor-
Dunkin’ Donuts, a subsidiary of Dunkin’ To target global markets, 30 exclusive tune time to explore and invest in stocks
Brands, is the world’s leading baked goods stores of Royal Enfield were opened in the that are set to benefit from emerging oppor-
and coffee chain. US, Colombia, the UK, the UAE, France, tunities created by change in demand mood.
There were 50 Dunkin’ Donuts restau- Spain, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, — Venkatesh S

12 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET


HG Infra Engineering CM Rating 44/100 Weaknesses

Change in Central government and its

Building roads policy like that in FY 2015 can affect the

overall tendering process and order book
and execution. Lot of contracts that were
Orders stood at Rs 3707.81 crore end November 2017, tendered out got cancelled in FY 2015. The
with Maharashtra accounting for 51% and Rajasthan 45% Union government stopped build-operate-
transfer (BOT) mode of tendering orders.
Incorporated in 2003 and promoted by ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS Thus, the order book was affected. Rev-
Harendra Singh, Vijendra Singh, Girish enues declined 22% to Rs 365.08 crore and
Fresh Issue ( in no of shares in lakhs)
Pal Singh, HG Infra Engineering (HG) is a profit after tax (Pat) slipped 46% to Rs
- On upper price band 111.11
Rajasthan-based player undertaking infra- 9.22 crore in FY 2015.
Total Issue size for fresh issue ( in Rs crore) 300.00
structure construction, development and Maharashtra accounts for 51% and
management. The main business includes Offer for sale ( in Rs crore)
Rajasthan 45% of the total order book. Any
providing engineering-procurement-and- - On upper price band 162.00 change in policies or other related issues in-
construction (EPC) services on a fixed-sum Total Issue size for fresh issue cluding changes in toll collection in these
( in no of shares in lakhs) 60.00
turnkey basis and undertaking civil construc- states can affect prospects.
Price Band (Rs) 263-270
tion and related infrastructure projects. The While the aim is to de-risk the EPC
Bid size ( in no of shares) 55.00
focus area is road projects, including high- business from roads to other related sec-
ways, bridges and flyovers. Post issue share capital (Rs crore) 65.17
tors, a penetration policy has to be
The order book was Rs 3707.81 crore Post-issue Promoter & Group shareholding (%) 73.7% adopted. Prequalification eligibility will
end November 2017. It comprised 21 Issue open date 26-02-2018 also be lower. Orders will be won only at
projects in the the roads and highways sec- Issue closed date 28-02-2018 lower margins.
tor, four civil construction projects and two Listing BSE, NSE While private sector participation is
water supply projects. As much as 67% of picking up, the business is predominately
the order book comprised contracts from Strengths dependent on Central government (includ-
government clients (NHAI, Morth and state The order book was Rs 3707.81 crore end ing states) tenders and bidding process. Elec-
PWD) and rest from private clients. November 2017. It amount to about 3.5 tions, political uncertainties, availability of
The aim is to diversify and expand pres- times the fiscal year ended March 2017 (FY funds and such other factors affect the
ence in different states to reduce business 2017) revenues. government’s tendering process.
concentration in limited geography. Bids Healthy economic growth, increase in Any delay in construction of projects,
have been put in for projects in Gujarat, government investments, reforms and higher cost overruns due to change in the scope of
Madhya Pradesh and Punjab. The strategy budgetary support, new region-specific ini- work and claims for damage can affect the
is to de-risk from a limited number of states. tiatives, improved private participation and execution of projects and, thus, the margins.
The thrust will be on EPC work in non- favourable policy changes are some of the
road projects. Diversification will include major growth drivers for the road sector. Valuation
bidding for construction and maintenance of Cumulative investments by the Central Consolidated net sales were up 42% to Rs
railways, airport runways, and metros and government in the road sector recorded 11% 1054.89 crore and the operating profit mar-
water and sewerage treatment. compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) gins (OPM) increased 90 basis points to
to Rs 580000 crore between FY 2013 and 11.4%, thus resulting in 54% expansion in
The Offer and the Objects FY 2017. State governments’ investments operating profit (OP) to Rs 120.17 crore in
The offer comprises an initial public offer- in the road sector registered 14% CAGR FY 2017. Consolidated profit after tax (Pat)
ing of Rs 300 crore. At the higher price band from Rs 48500 crore to Rs 81500 crore. rose 63% to FY 2017.
of Rs 270, the size is 111.11 lakh equity According to Morth and Crisil Re- Net sales stood at Rs 567.34 crore, with
shares. The offer also comprises offer for search, despite having the second largest OPM of 14.1%, resulting in OP of Rs 79.77
sale of Rs 60 lakh shares. At the higher price road network of 6.1 million km, India has crore in the six months ended September
band of Rs 270, the size is Rs 162 crore. sub-par quality of roads, with surface roads 2017. Consolidated Pat was Rs 29.20 crore.
The selling shareholders comprise promot- accounting for as high as 61% of the total Due to seasonality of business, half- year
ers and group Harendra Singh, Vijendra road length. earnings cannot be annualised.
Singh, Girish Pal Singh (each comprising 10 National highway (NH) constitutes a The diluted equity share capital at the
lakh shares) and Hodal Singh (30 lakh shares). mere 1.7% of the road network but carry upper price band of Rs 270 stands at Rs
The objects of the issue is to repay about 40% of the total road traffic. There is 65.17 crore of face value of Rs 10. Thus,
certain borrowings totalling Rs 115.52 crore tremendous opportunity in EPC work in the EPS is Rs 7.6 for FY 2017. The P/E on FY
and to purchase capital equipment worth road sector. Expected investments, based on 2017 earnings works out to 35.7.
Rs 90.03 crore. The balance is for other the budgetary allocation of the Central and KNR Construction, PNC Infratech and
corporate purposes, apart from the ben- state governments, in NH are around Rs Dilip Buildcon are some of the listed peers.
efits of listing the equity shares on the BSE 430000 crore in the next five years, up 2.9 They are trading at P/E of 35-40 times their
and the NSE. times from five years ago. consolidated FY 2017 EPS 

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 13

Long-term gains undergo short-term pains
The Nifty Bank index has dipped The Nifty PSU Bank index has lost 4.5% The Nifty Bank index has outperformed
9.1% and the Nifty PSU Bank index over a year ago level and has eroded the NSE Nifty 50, but the Nifty PSU
has plunged steep 14.8% in February 21.8% from a peak touched post re-cap Bank has dipped 19% in three years
2018 so far bonds announcement on 24 October 2017 and 7% five years
110 4200 160
Nifty Bank
105 4000 140
Nifty PSU Bank Nifty Bank
100 120
Nifty 50
95 100
90 80
Nifty PSU Bank Nifty PSU Bank
85 3000 60

80 l l l l l l 2800 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 40 l
l l l l
D'17 J'18 F * J'15 J'16 J'17 J'18
*20 Feb D'16 J'17 F M A M J J A S O N D J'18 F

Base= 100 as on December 2017 * Till 20 February 2018 Base= 100 as on January 2015. *Till 20 Dec 2018

PSU Banks Paper & Allied Products and a complaint

registered with the Enforcement Directorate.
Troubled times Meanwhile, Uco Bank announced on 17
February 2018 that its outstanding exposure
involved in the transactions was about US$
Challenges from rising NPAs, tightening of regulatory norms, 411.82 million. Allahabad Bank followed,
frauds, higher credit cost and provisioning saying it had taken exposure with PNB as a
counter-party under various LoUs issued
Banking sector stocks have taken a big hit submitting appropriate documents. The through authenticated Swift message. The
since early calendar year (CY) 2018. The LoUs were given without making entries in bank had also purchased some buyer’s credit
plunge in Nifty PSU Bank index has been bank’s trade finance module. A series of assets from Axis Bank extended against PNB
particularly sharp, underperforming even the meetings were held with representatives of LoU through risk participation as a part of
headline NSE Bank index. The partial ero- the Nirav Modi group and Chokshi’s normal international business practice.
sion in the gains seen since the announce- Gitanjali group in New Delhi and Mumbai Allahabad Bank’s outstanding exposure is
ment of recapitalization of banks late Octo- to impress upon them to pay the amount. approximately US$ 366.87 million. Union
ber 2017 has been contributed by missteps They were also directed to provide all Bank of India also disclosed exposure of US$
by three top PSU banks (PSBs) that have necessary documents to ensure that the 300 million towards PNB LoUs and buyer’s
hogged the limelight in the New Year. imports are bona fide trade transactions. credit assets from Axis Bank. All three banks
Mid February, Punjab National Bank Upon confirming the first maturity of have indicated that their lending is fully
(PNB) disclosed to the stock exchanges of LoU liabilities on 25 January 2018 as secured by LoU documents and are confident
detecting some fraudulent and unauthorized fraudulent, a fraud report was submitted to of receiving the payment from PNB.
transactions (messages) by some customers the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 29 An LoU allows the customer of the
amounting to about US$ 1.77 billion in one January 2018. The liabilities amounted to issuing bank to raise money from another
of its branch in Mumbai. Based on these US$ 44.22 million, equivalent to Rs 280.70 bank’s foreign branch in the form of a short-
transactions, other banks appeared to have crore, and were related to three group firms term credit. It serves the purpose of a bank
advanced money to them abroad. Firms of Nirav Modi. A few days later, a criminal guarantee for the customer for making
associated with the Nirav Modi and the Mehul complaint for registration of FIR against payment to offshore suppliers in foreign
Chokshi group approached PNB branch at accused persons including the maker and currency. For raising the LoU, the customer
Brady House, Mumbai, to allow buyers’ checker employees of the bank for offence (importer) is supposed to pay margin money
credit for making payment to overseas of cheating of fraud was filed with Joint to the bank that issues the LoU. It is 100%
suppliers. As there was no sanctioned limit, Director (Policy), Central Bureau of for gems and jewellery firms. The charges for
branch officials asked for 100% cash margin Investigation (CBI). On 12 February 2018, LoU vary from customer to customer and
for issuing letter of undertaking (LoU). The based on investigation report, total fraud of bank to bank based on their negotiation. PNB
firms contested that they have been availing Rs 11394.02 crore stemming from the charges 0.25% per month or minimum
such transactions since past several years. unauthorized issuance of LoUs, foreign LoCs Rs 1500 per LoU for taking buyer’s credit
On scrutiny, it was observed that the and inland letter of guarantees in the group from PNB and 0.4% per month or minmum
earlier issuance of LoU had been made by accounts of Nirav Modi Group and Gitanjali Rs 2000 per LoU for taking buyer’s credit
the branch officials through Swift (The Group and in the account of Chandri Paper arranged from other banks.
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial & Allied Products was reported to the RBI. With the recent, sharp moderation in
Telecommunication) without obtaining The next day an FIR was filed with CBI bank credit growth, banks have been focusing
approval of competent authorities or against above the two groups and Chandri on increasing fee income by acquiring higher

14 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

non-fund based business. However, frauds private banks were better off, with lower
and defaults on the non-fund based exposure Making amends exposure to leveraged corporate accounts.
is a key concern for banks’ earning and asset As many as 24 of the 38 listed banks PSB’s fresh slippages of loan remained
quality. Fee income of PNB, which hovered have reported gross NPA divergence elevated at Rs 2.59 trillion. Those of PVBs
around Rs 3400 crore per year in the three of Rs 43546 crore for FY2016. It has jumped to Rs 0.78 trillion in FY2017. PSBs’
years up to the fiscal year ended March 2016 been adjusted in FY2017 slippages continue to be elevated at Rs 1.48
(FY2016), jumped to Rs 4090 crore in 10000 9478
trillion and for PVBs at Rs 0.37 trillion in the
FY2017 and remained healthy at Rs 3330 first half for FY2018. The subsequent AQRs
crore in the nine months ended December 6817 from the RBI, continuous slippages of
2017, driven by growth across all segments. 5105 restructured loans, balance sheet clean-up
Separately, Bank of Baroda (BoB) 4000 from banks, demonetization and government
decided to shut down its South African 2097 1954 1884 loan waivers for certain segments caused
2000 1350
operations by end March after 21 years amid further slippages in FY2017 and FY2018.
a probe into alleged compliance lapses by Axis IDBI ICICI Yes Bank Central Corpo. J & K Oriental Meanwhile, the bank-wise risk-based
Bank Bank Bank Bank of Maha Bank Bank Bank Bank
the branch there. The Indian state-owned supervision (RBS) from the RBI to assess
NPA divergence for FY2016 in Rs crore.
bank came under the scanner after it emerged certain retrospective divergence in banks’ asset
in April 2016 as the only bank willing to do under the baseline scenario, the gross NPA classification and provisioning relating to
business with the Gupta brothers, accused ratio of all scheduled commercial banks may FY2016 also caused pressure on banks’
of bribing President Zuma and his family increase from 10.2% in September 2017 to profitability in FY2017. As many as 24 banks
members to promote their business interests. 10.8% by March 2018 and further to 11.1% out of 38 listed banks have reported gross
The business of the bank in South Africa is by September 2018. If macro-economic NPA divergence of Rs 43546 crore for FY2016.
not very significant and the exit will not have conditions deteriorate, the gross NPA ratio The divergence has been adjusted in their
any major impact on its financials, it said in may increase further. financial statements for FY2017. The net NPA
a filing to the stock exchanges. The bank The RBI has provided a number of divergence of these banks has been Rs 31536.
assured an orderly exit in consultation with resolution tools such as corporate debt Further, the provision divergence is reported
the local regulators. restructuring (CDR), formation of joint at Rs 13200 crore, while the reported profit
BoB’s dealings with the Gupta family, lenders’ forum (JLF), flexible restructuring after tax (Pat) at Rs 7466 crore has been
now settled in South Africa, came to light for long-term project loans to infrastructure overestimated to the extent of Rs 10522 crore
following information furnished by the bank and core industries called 5/25 scheme (notional) in FY2016. The divergence is not
to exchanges in August 2017 of paying Rs 5.45 (allowing banks to extend long-term loans disclosed by the rest of the banks as it is below
crore as penalty on the South Africa branch of 20-25 years to match the cash flow of the 15% threshold level of the RBI on both
by the local regulator. Of the total 5,558 projects), strategic debt restructuring scheme NPA as well as provisioning.
branches, the Baroda (Gujarat)-headquartered (SDR) and sustainable structuring of Yes Bank’s gross NPA divergence jumped
bank has 107 overseas branches. stressed assets (S4A). to Rs 6355-crore loans and additional
Meanwhile, India’s largest PSB State The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code provision requirement of Rs 1536 crore in
Bank of India posted net loss of Rs 2416 has been enacted and Securitization and FY 2017. The bank has absorbed the full
crore in the quarter ended December 2017. Reconstruction of Financial Assets and impact of the divergence in Q2 of FY2018
The sharp increase in provision for bad debt Enforcement of Security Interest Act and itself. Axis Bank disclosed elevated gross NPA
and investment depreciation along with dip The Recovery of Debts due to Banks and divergence of Rs 5633 crore and provisioning
in treasury income caused net losses in Q3 Financial Institutions Act have been divergence of Rs 1316 crore. It has duly
of the financial year ending March 2018 (FY amended to improve recovery of bank loans. recorded the impact of divergence for FY2017
2018), after consistently recording profit for Six new Debt Recovery Tribunals (DRTs) in the results for the quarter ended September
the last 74 straight quarters. have been established. 2017. SBI showed NPA divergence of Rs
The series of misfortunes come on top The central bank undertook the asset 23239 crore, causing an increase in the fresh
of the surge in bad debts amid slowdown in quality review (AQR) of the banking system slippages of loans for the bank to Rs 25836
credit growth. PSBs’ loan growth started in Q3 of FY2016. Banks were advised to crore in Q3 of FY2018. Bank of India also
decelerating from around 20% end December classify certain weak accounts as bad loans reported NPA divergence of Rs 14057 crore
2013 to turn negative at 0.4% end December and make provisions. The banking sector for FY2017, causing to post net loss of Rs
2016, but recovered to the positive level of fresh slippages of loans jumped more than 2341.20 crore in Q3 of FY2018 on account
5.3% end December 2017. two times, with PSBs reporting voluminous of higher NPA provisioning.
However, non-performing assets fresh NPA additions of Rs 3.63 trillion and PSBs’ losses widened in Q3 of FY2018
(NPAs) continued to accelerate to 5.1% end private sector banks (PVBs) posting NPA as spurt in bond yields in anticipation of
December 2014 and spurted to 13% end addition of Rs 0.47 trillion in FY 2016. About higher interest rates going ahead due to
December 2017. As per the latest financial 55-65% of the total slippages in the second increase in fiscal deficit to 3.5% of GDP in
stability report of December 2017 of the half of FY2016 owed to the implementation FY 2018 as against the target of 3.2%. As a
RBI, the overall risks to the banking sector of RBI’s AQR. result, treasury income of banks was severely
remains elevated due to asset quality Corporate lenders mainly faced the brunt affected due to the decline in mark to market
concerns. The stress test indicated that, of asset quality woes in FY2016. Retail value of the bonds in their portfolio. Banks

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 15

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Going downhill
The banking sector’s fresh slippages of loans jumped more than two times, with fresh NPA additions of
Rs 3.63 trillion by PSU banks and Rs 0.47 trillion by private banks in FY 2016. About 55-65% of the total slippages in the
second half of FY2016 owed to the asset quality review
(Rs cr) (Rs cr) (Rs cr) (Rs cr) RATIO %
Public sector bank
Allahabad Bank* 1004 377 152180 21760 11.27 8.38 14.38 8.97 53.73
Andhra Bank* 1911 110 149454 21662 12.17 8.56 14.26 7.72 57.44
Bank of Baroda 2446 54 499230 109584 11.55 9.52 11.31 4.97 68.03
Bank of India* 9197 263 413886 61170 12.05 8.82 16.93 10.29 56.96
Bank of Maharashtra 459 114 107846 16255 11.29 9.06 19.05 12.17 53.4
Canara Bank* 3651 82 373440 79305 12.49 9.57 10.38 6.78 55.81
Central Bank* 1769 417 222331 26954 7.87 5.87 18.08 9.45 62.49
Corporation Bank 3184 117 137049 24693 10.00 7.32 15.92 10.73 59.48
Dena Bank* 746 - 76600 9811 11.48 8.97 19.56 11.52 56.85
IDBI Bank 2428 113 257059 129847 11.93 8.97 24.72 16.02 56.99
Indian Bank* 129 10 205221 66319 12.44 10.99 6.27 3.30 64.73
Indian Overseas Bank* 1187 - 215309 14732 9.74 7.27 21.95 13.08 57.83
Oriental Bank* 812 8 162131 36619 10.37 7.56 16.95 9.52 62.09
Punjab & Sind Bank* 159 1383 60636 5050 11.16 8.12 10.95 7.20 50
Punjab National Bank 1860 843 481918 85559 11.58 9.16 12.11 7.55 60.78
State Bank of India 14807 2427 1954634 410165 12.68 10.30 10.35 5.61 65.92
Syndicate Bank* 1823 167 214887 23490 11.88 9.06 9.62 5.44 59.93
UCO Bank* 418 10 123813 16580 9.01 7.01 20.64 10.90 62.29
Union Bank * 8075 17623 309953 50893 11.37 8.65 13.03 6.96 57.12
United Bank* 436 91 68562 5737 10.98 7.73 20.10 11.96 59.11
Vijaya Bank* 720 43 94207 7869 12.26 9.67 6.17 3.99 61.25
Priavate Sector
Axis Bank 1995 570 614615 122985 17.50 13.63 5.28 2.56 66.00
City Union Bank 68 3 27137 2811 14.93 14.47 3.30 1.74 65.00
DCB Bank 240 40 21569 1917 15.77 12.54 1.89 0.87 73.36
Dhanlaxmi Bank* 334 - 10077 811 11.15 - 6.96 4.08 73.49
Federal Bank 220 0 100723 6239 14.41 13.84 2.52 1.36 70.00
HDFC Bank 7132 1284 732936 92310 15.50 13.60 1.29 0.44 -
ICICI Bank 5060 913 845710 268149 17.65 14.57 7.82 4.20 60.90
IDFC Bank - - 92605 22772 19.15 18.84 5.62 2.52 -
IndusInd Bank 6924 467 181471 69816 15.83 15.33 1.16 0.46 60.00
J & K Bank 169 - 85065 4955 10.87 8.54 10.08 4.29 69.51
Karnataka Bank 378 90 49059 6227 12.26 11.14 3.97 2.85 49.13
Karur Vysya Bank 518 409 49646 5726 13.92 13.36 5.94 3.88 54.07
Kotak Mahindra Bank 5198 297 221116 42947 17.09 16.40 2.31 1.09 -
Lakshmi Vilas Bank 151 7 25029 2347 9.75 7.88 5.66 4.27 46.75
RBL Bank 540 15 49967 13637 15.03 14.10 1.56 0.97 52.54
South Ind.Bank 701 32 68795 4843 12.51 10.10 3.40 2.35 49.35
Yes Bank 4858 578 225627 70068 18.40 14.70 1.72 0.93 46.40
Source: Banks Basel III disclosures, Capitaline Databases. Figures end December 2017. * Credit exposure data end September 2017. CRAR: Capital adequacy ratio.
Tier I: Ratio is banks’ subscribed capital, retained earnings and other eligible instruments as % of total risk weighed assets.

18 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

were also required to make heavy PSBs facing actions under the RBI’s
Worsening performance
provision of depreciation of the Prompt Corrective Action (PCA)
investment book. The yield on 10-year The loan growth and NPA cycles of PSBs have taken a framework, were given priority
government security (g-sec) paper turn for the worse since FY 2013 as economic allocation of capital in the first tranche.
jumped 67 basis points (bps) in Q3 of expansion slowed below 5% by the March 2013 quarter The non-PCA large banks such as BoB
FY2018 and increased 82 bps in CY (Rs 5375 crore), PNB (Rs 5473 crore)
2017, making it one of the worst years 20 and SBI (Rs 8800 crore) also received
17.5 16.8
for Indian bonds since CY 2008. The 14.4
strong capital allocation to substantially
yields increased while snapping the 11.7 strengthen capital adequacy ratio banks
consistent cumulative decline of 231 10
and boost loss absorption capacity,
bps of the last three straight years on 5 3.6
4.4 5
5.3 particularly of PNB.
concerns over inflation pressure and 0.7
To bail out and revive troubled
liquidity tightening. Global factors FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY
discoms, the Union government had
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
such as the rise in oil prices and the announced the Ujwal Discom Assurance
GNPA % Loan growth %
onset of monetary tightening in the Yojna (Uday), a third package in the last
developed markets also contributed to * FY 2018 till December. Year end March 12 year, aiming to ensure a sustainable
boosting domestic bond yields. Bond permanent solution to the problem.
yields are expected to remain elevated and demonstrate ‘satisfactory performance’ of Banks restructured significant portion of
hover in the range of 7.35% to 7.65% in the no default at any time during the exposure to the discoms. With the end of
next few months, providing no support to implementation period. Any failure on the three-year moratorium period for principal
treasury income of banks. part of lenders in meeting the prescribed repayment in FY 2016, about Rs 53000 crore
At a time when more PSBs are revealing timelines or any actions by lenders with of discoms loans were on the verge of slipping
divergences in NPA classification, the anintent to conceal the actual status of to NPA category. Under the scheme, the states
banking regulator has overhauled the accounts or evergreen the stressed accounts have to take over 75% of discom debt on 30
resolution framework. The RBI issued a is to be subjected to stringent supervisory September 2015, i.e., 50% in FY 2016 and
revised framework, discontinuing all the and enforcement actions including, but not 25% in FY2017. The balance 25% of the loan
existing schemes such as revitalizing of limited to, higher provisioning on such on the books of discoms will be converted
stressed assets, CDR, the 5/25 scheme, SDR, accounts and monetary penalties. into credit at a concessional rate: base rate
change in ownership outside SDR and If a resolution plan in respect of large plus 10 bps or issued as bonds in the market.
scheme for sustainable structuring of stressed accounts is not implemented as per the
assets (S4A) with immediate effect. prescribed timelines, lenders shall file Conclusion
Banks have to report credit information insolvency application, singly or jointly, The banking sector, particularly PSBs, has
on loans of Rs 5 crore and above to Central under IBC within 15 days from the expiry of continued to witness various challenges
Repository of Information on Large Credits the timeline. The revised framework tightens from rising NPAs, tightening of regulatory
(CRILC) every month against existing norms significantly around recognition of norms and cases of frauds. Higher credit
quarterly basis. Any default in such impairment, resolution timelines and cost and provisioning is expected to con-
loans needs to be reported to CRILC every recognition of upgrades and may lead to tinue to be major challenges. Provisions are
Friday starting 23 February. All lenders must prolonged NPA cycle, higher provisioning expected to remain higher for fresh NPA
put in place board-approved policies for burden and lower growth capital for PSBs. additions, aging of existing NPAs and for
resolution of stressed assets under this Recognizing the challenging times being application of Inidian accounting standard
framework, including the timelines for faced by PSBs, the Central government has (Ind-AS) requiring higher provision effec-
resolution. As soon as there is a default in continued support to them by periodic tive from 1 April 2018.
the borrower’s account with any lender, all capital infusion. In August 2015, it The revised stressed asset resolution
lenders singly or jointly – have to initiate announced a four-year plan for bank framework of the RBI is expected to put
steps to cure the default. Where there is capitalization of Rs 70000 crore spanning pressure on fresh NPA addition and
restructuring or change in ownership in FY2016 to FY2019 to give a boost for provisioning for the banking sector.
accounts of Rs 100 crore and above, an investment and growth in India and has However, the government recap plan is
independent credit evaluation (ICE) of the pumped in Rs 59435 crore so far. a major boost to PSBs as well as for
residual debt by credit rating agencies In October 2017, it announced a massive economic growth. PSBs will be capitalized
specifically authorized by the RBI is plan to recapitalize PSBs with capital of Rs in the current fiscal year through a mix of
required. Accounts with exposure of Rs 500 2.11 lakh crore. The amount was nearly 35% recapitalization bonds Rs 80000 crore and
crore and above will require two such ICEs. of their networth and 50% of their market direct infusion from budgetary allocations
Only such evaluated plans will be considered cap on 24 October 2017. Of the proposed Rs 8139 crore. The capital infusion will help
for implementation. Rs 2.11-lakh-crore capital infusion, Rs 1.35 PSBs to absorb higher losses with large
If there is restructuring, the account will lakh crore will be provided by issuing haircuts on resolution of NPA accounts. The
be immediately downgraded to sub-standard recapitalization bonds, Rs 18000 crore from consolidation process in PSBs is, thus, likely
and can be upgraded only when all the budgetary support and balance Rs 58000 to gain traction.
outstanding loan or facilities in the account crore from market capital raising. — Vijay Ghutukade

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 19


Fertilizers will complement all such schemes such as

soil health card, input management, per-

Set to reap drop-more-crop in Pradhan Mantri Krishi

Sinchai Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima
Yojana and e-Nam. Recently, the Goods and
Focus on distribution, access to credit, MSP at 1.5 times Services Tax (GST) Council also cut the
production cost and DBT to attract investors
tax rate on drip-irrigation systems and
mechanical sprayers from 18% to 12%.
The agriculture-oriented budget with sus- Agricultural productivity is dependent
Bottoming out
tained focus on increasing rural incomes, is on the appropriate use of critical inputs such
expected to boost consumption of fertiliz- The WPI of fertilizers and nitrogen as irrigation, seeds, fertilizers, credit, ma-
ers. Domestic fertilizer makers are expected compounds dropped 2.21% in April- chines, technology and extension services,
see robust sales going ahead. Union Finance December 2017, but has been steady for the noted the Economic Survey 2017-18.
Minister Arun Jaitely announced in his bud- last three months, signalling a recovery In its annual report for 2016-17, RCF
get speech for 2018-19 a number of initia- noted that India is the third largest producer
tives to direct the benefits of structural 122 of nitrogenous fertilizers in the world, only
changes and good growth to reach farmers, behind China and the US and third largest
poor and other vulnerable sections of soci- producer of phosphatic fertilizers. The
ety and to uplift the under-developed re- 118 requirement of potash is met through import
gions. The next fiscal year’s budget will con- as there are no reserves.
solidate these gains and strengthen the agri- Chemical fertilizer consumption per
culture and rural economy. 114 l
Jan Dec
l hectare in India is, however, still low, at 139
Viewing agriculture as an enterprise, the 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 kg per hectare in 2015-16, in comparison with
government wants farmers to produce more some developed countries such as South
from the same land parcel at lesser cost and be linked by March 2018. About 22,000 rural Korea (400 kg), Netherlands (275 kg), Belgium
simultaneously realize higher prices for their haats will be upgraded into grameen (225 kg), Japan (340 kg). As most of the
produce. The emphasis is also on generating agricultural markets (Grams). As much as cultivated areas in India are rainfed, they
productive and gainful on-farm and non-farm Rs 2200 crore has been allocated for an consume only 20% of the total fertilizers.
employment for the farmers and landless agricultural market fund to develop and The Indian fertilizer industry is carrying out
families. The minimum support price upgrade infrastructure across the 22000 de–bottlenecking and energy-saving schemes
(MSP) for crops will be at least at one-and- Grams and 585 APMCs, allowing bulk for the existing plants to enhance the capacity
a-half times the cost involved. purchasers to directly procure from farmers. and reduce specific energy consumption.
As many as 470 agricultural produce Programs to double the income of the The direct benefit transfer (DBT) sys-
market committees (APMCs) have been farmers by the calendar year (CY) 2022 tem for fertilizer subsidy was introduced on
linked to the National Agricultural Market encompass activities from seed to a pilot basis from October 2016. The entire
(e-Nam). The remaining 115 APMCs will marketing. Credit from institutional sources subsidy on various fertilizer grades is re-
leased to the fertilizer companies on the ba-
Supportive climate sis of actual sales made by the retailers to
the beneficiaries. The sale of all subsidized
The GST on fertilizer-grade phosphoric acid has been cut to 12% from 18%, fertilizers to farmers and buyers is made
help fertilizer manufacturers through point-of-sale (PoS) devices installed
OPM % PAT % NET SALES (Rs crore) at each retailer. The beneficiaries are identi-
Q3 FY TTM Q3 Q3 FY TTM Q3 Q3 FY QUARTER YEARLY TTM Q3 % ON fied through Aadhar card, kisan credit card
and voter identity card.
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 (%) (%) 2017 PREV TTM
The implementation of the DBT scheme
Coromandel Inter 12.27 12.78 6.39 6.78 2694.87 -26.104 20.566 10834.39 0.58
requires development of PoS devices at
Natl. Fertilizer 5.67 6.96 1.85 2.69 2840.75 33.199 12.842 8712.38 17.24
every retailer, training of retailers in using
RCF 4.01 4.81 0.9 1.38 1985.06 10.137 17.827 7563.94 8.07
the PoS device and stock initialization in the
Chambal Fert. 11.98 12.39 6.4 6.12 2330.1 10.547 -2.023 7476.95 -3.43
PoS device after verifying the physical stock
GSFC 11.04 9.25 12.98 8.79 1537.45 -0.184 39.426 5757.15 6.06
at the retail point before making sales
GNFC 29.03 27.05 14.32 13.25 1590.89 5.584 39.857 5276.36 12.52
transactions. Presently, the DBT scheme is
Deepak Fert. 9.48 10.73 3.47 3.69 1641.29 33.562 59.593 5258.02 30.00
under implementation in 17 pilot districts.
Zuari Agro Chem. 10 10.53 3.35 2.45 1434.3 5.91 46.278 4436.69 3.91
Based on the deployment of PoS devices in
Nagarjuna Fert. 9.02 8.58 -1.01 -1.82 1001.89 -3.304 15.082 3661.4 5.91
different states, preparedness of the state
Mangalore Chem. 9.47 7.42 3.43 1.72 668.11 -17.119 22.145 2608.68 -5.38
government and lead fertilizer supplier
SPIC 5.56 5.61 3.33 2.04 524.89 -13.296 23.728 1899.93 18.16
companies, the department has drawn up a
FACT 12.94 12.8 -0.76 -5.7 583.2 -3.654 36.466 1839.55 5.25
detailed action plan to extend the DBT
Only companies declaring earnings for Q3 of FY 2018 and with net sales excedding Rs 1000 crore in last TTM considered.
scheme to other states in a phased manner.

20 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

On 22 December, 2017, 14 states and and coarse cereals is likely to be 2.8% below
Divergence in trends
Union Territories were brought under the the record crop of 138.5 mt in 2016-17. Rabi
DBT framework. The Aadhaar-seeded data Domestic production of urea dropped crop is also set to shrink, with the acreage
base of beneficiaries provides transaction 3.32% between April and November falling 1.5% end January 2018. However,
visibility. The linking of actual sales to 2017. Production of DAP gained 17.38% an expected uptick in food commodity prices
subsidy payments facilitates faster tracking between April and November 2017 should ensure that the coming kharif season
of funds along the value chain, i.e., from 2100 sees heavy plantings.
manufacturers to beneficiaries. Diversion of 2015.75 Even the rabi harvest is likely to turn in
fertilizers is expected to be minimized. 1950.51
a disappointing performance. As per
Due to react reform, the fertilizer sector is 1892.95 1882.18
preliminary reports received from the states,
attracting foreign investors. In January 2018, the total area sown under rabi crops stood
Norwegian fertiliser giant Yara International 1800
at 632.34 lakh hectares on 2 February 2018
announced the completion of acquisition of compared with 641.72 lakh hectares this time
Tata Chemicals’s 1.2- mt per annum urea plant 1700 in 2017, a drop of 1.50%. It is clear that the
FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18*
at Babrala in Uttar Pradesh. Termed as India’s prices for major agriculture commodities will
*FY 2017-18 till November.
first-ever foreign direct investment in the Average production in thousand tonnes remain elevated in the coming months.
fertilizer sector, the Rs 2682-crore deal However, the country is set to see a
includes the transfer of all assets and liabilities at 116.80 levels for the last three months, buoyant sowing kharif season in the
(working capital) of the Babrala unit. indicating that the weakness in the price calendar year 2018. Demand for all farm
Domestic production of urea, a widely levels might be on its way to disappear. inputs will increase as a result of the budget
used nitrogenous fertilizer in India, extended The index bottomed out at 116 in July announcements and a steady recovery in
its downward trajectory. Total output 2017, the lowest level in four years. the broad economy.
decreased around 2% in November 2017 over Imports of fertilizers are also sliding, There is a possibility that the players
November 2016. Production dropped 3.32% indicating that the domestic variants are in the domestic fertilizer sector can witness
between April and November 2017 as against witnessing good demand. Imports of crude some upward pressure on the working
a 0.39% de-growth in the same period a year fertilizers dropped 12.90% in April- capital requirement in the face of current
ago. Production of di-ammonium phosphate December 2017 compared with the same streamlining of the DBT process. However,
(DAP) also dropped 9.89% in November period a year ago. Imports of manufactured the fertilizer industry will find comfort that
2017 compared with the same month a year fertilizers also slipped 3.80%. the government has been steadily increasing
ago. Production gained 17.38% between April the volumes of institutional credit for the
and November 2017, extending the growth Outlook agriculture sector. The amount of credit
momentum in recent years. The general undertone in the agriculture com- went up from Rs 8.5 lakh crore in 2014-15
The Wholesale Price Index (WPI) of modity prices seems to be buoyant. The to Rs 10 lakh crore in 2017-18. The latest
fertilizers and nitrogen compounds rose a MSP compensation formula seems to have budget now proposes to raise it to Rs 11
marginal 0.09% in December 2017 come at an apt time. Output of the kharif lakh crore for 2018-19.
compared with the same month a year ago (monsoon) crops in the current fiscal year is Apart from the Union Budget, the
and dropped 2.21% in April – December likely to be lower than the previous year. continued efforts of the various state
2017. However, the index has held steady Production of food grains such as rice, pulses governments to alleviate farming distress and
push up the reforms aimed at increasing
productivity and farmers’ incomes should
Action packed boost demand for fertilizers in the coming
The New Urea Policy, 2015, led to an additional production of approximately quarters. In the last six months or so, the
20 lakh tonnes from the existing plants state governments of Uttar Pradesh,
The New Urea Policy, 2015, has been prices US$ 4.205-5.75 per million Maharashtra and Rajasthan have provided
notified by the Union government with British thermal units (mbtu) (pre-2014). generous relief to farmers by waiving off
the objectives of maximizing indig-  Gas price pooling was launched from loans. Along with the plethora of measures
enous urea production, promoting 1 June 2015 to incentivize urea produc- announced in the Union Budget 2018-19, the
energy efficiency and rationalizing tion at healthy energy efficiency domestic market for fertilizers, along with
subsidy burden on the government.  Nutrient-based subsidy rates revision other agri inputs, is likely to remain abuzz.
The policy, effective from June 2015 on periodical basis will lower the The GST on fertilizer-grade phosphoric
to March 2019, led to an additional subsidy burden. Possibility of de- acid has been cut to 12% from 18%. The
production of approximately 20 lakh canalization of urea imports move is likely to support fertilizer
tonnes (lt) from the existing plants.  Direct benefit transfer of subsidy to manufacturers by lowering working capital
Total production of urea was 244.5 lt farmers for tracking fertilizers till its requirements. The 18% tax rate earlier on
in 2015-16. actual consumption will plug leakages phosphoric acid and ammonia compared with
 Domestic Price Guidelines, 2014, and containing the ever increasing the 5% tax rate on fertilizers was leading to
were introduced to align variation in gas subsidy bill. build-up of input tax credits for the players.
— Sachin Dabhade

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 21


Budget 2018-19 doubly dearer to import at 20% duty. Duty

on imitation jeweller has been hiked to 20%

Tariff tale from 15%. Wrist watches and clocks will be

slapped with 20% duty, double of that
earlier, and so will sun glasses and toilet
The hike in import duty ranges from 5% to doubling of the sprays. Various types of vegetable oils have
existing duty, with a peak revised rate of 35% on some edible oils been given special attention. Saffola, coconut
oil and sesame oil and other vegetable oils
One of the notable features of the Union electronics and hardward, furniture, watches have been levied a steep 30% duty, a sharp
Budget 20181-19 is the changes in import and clocks, toys and games, edible oils of hike from 12.5%. A 35% import duty has
duty. Customs duty has increased on a number vegetable origin and miscellaneous itesm been imposed on refined edible vegetable oils,
of goods. Essentially, the aim is protect such as sunglasses, scent sprays, kites and higher than the 20% earlier.
domestic manufacturers and encourage foreign candles. The hike ranges from 5% to doubling However, import duty has been brought
exporters of these items into India to of the existing duty. down on capital goods and electronics items,
undertake their production locally. Miscellaneous food preparations now refractory items and medical devices.
These include food processing items, attract 50% duty, up from 30%. Duty on To understand the implications here is
perfumes and toiletry preparations, completely knocked-down imports of motor the list of companies that will benefit due to
automobile and automobile parts, footwear, vehicles and motor cyces has been increased the raising of tariff barriers on competing
diamonds-precious-stones-and-jewellery, to 25% from 20%. Footwear will become finished items.

(Rs cr) COST (Rs cr) (Rs cr)
Coal India Oil & Lubricants 307.35 0.6 -4.0 190784.72 201703 2.31 28.1 8.22 420.02 14500.53
BPCL Petroleum Products-Purchases 474.85 -2.5 5.5 103006.97 201703 110650.15 60.8 181930.80 242047.81 8039.30
Nestle India Edible Oil 7585.35 -2.1 22.9 73137.94 201612 285.94 7.3 3890.47 9556.24 926.54
Marico Oil-Raw 309.45 -0.9 16.9 39942.91 201703 781.06 36.6 2133.39 4868.88 842.70
Castrol India Base Oil (in KL/MT) 197.90 3.0 -4.2 19574.73 201612 647.56 41.9 1546.57 3875.96 674.91
Crompton Gr. Con Lighting Products-Traded 231.15 -13.2 22.0 14488.14 201703 618.07 22.4 2754.00 4091.68 290.69
WABCO India Intermediates & Components 7246.60 -4.4 33.9 13739.55 201703 939.18 73.6 1275.67 2260.57 213.48
Jubilant Food. Beverage-Prepackaged 2017.55 6.6 107.4 13312.71 201703 58.16 9.4 616.47 2546.07 67.25
Varun Beverages Beverage-Purchased 666.60 -0.2 65.2 12172.09 201612 73.34 5.3 1382.71 3567.96 186.73
Aarti Inds. Fuel 1179.85 4.7 52.0 9688.97 201703 90.29 5.5 1635.94 3050.22 306.68
Asahi India Glas Float Glass 346.65 -10.7 70.8 8427.06 201703 478.41 55.6 860.52 2546.59 130.68
OCL India Refractories-Purchased 1350.70 -9.4 47.7 7685.48 201703 34.96 7.1 493.23 3267.42 383.87
Relaxo Footwear Footwear-Purchased (pairs) 592.80 -12.7 40.4 7134.56 201703 137.07 19.0 720.67 1760.66 122.97
MMTC Precious Metals-Purchased 55.90 -17.6 -13.1 5590.00 201703 5417.06 41.9 12934.00 11708.36 57.06
Elgi Equipment Oils-Purchased 325.20 7.7 58.4 5152.94 201703 12.10 2.4 513.04 948.71 68.38
Gulf Oil Lubric. Base Oil 989.50 7.2 42.2 4917.81 201703 330.29 61.9 533.73 1304.03 121.08
Phillips Carbon Carbon Black Feed Stock 1199.60 -16.1 334.6 4135.02 201703 1221.26 100.0 1221.26 2131.27 69.52
Suprajit Engg. Glass Tubes 272.60 -13.0 33.8 3812.92 201703 19.86 3.8 517.08 952.55 86.86
Gayatri Projects HSD Oils 223.35 5.9 64.1 3958.92 201703 112.91 16.6 679.37 2115.35 70.43
La Opala RG Glass - Purchases 635.25 -10.7 32.0 3525.64 201703 0.70 1.6 44.19 268.86 54.95
Jamna Auto Inds. Bushes 79.10 -6.8 101.4 3151.85 201703 17.86 2.6 677.88 1222.69 103.37
Apar Inds. Base Oil 793.70 -7.2 9.7 3037.38 201703 1063.56 29.7 3576.67 5232.42 182.32
Federal-Mogul Go Spark Plugs-Purchased 519.00 -8.4 9.2 2887.20 201703 5.32 1.2 435.84 1432.98 71.99
Prataap Snacks Oil 1226.65 3.4 0.0 2876.87 201703 103.06 16.1 640.55 908.05 10.45
Toys 75.92 11.9
Eveready Inds. Batteries 392.05 -13.1 58.2 2849.42 201703 10.00 1.1 889.34 1418.69 93.63
Vesuvius India Refractories (Unshaped) 1349.50 0.0 12.2 2739.49 201612 78.69 17.2 458.56 894.98 87.11
Asian Star Co. Rough Diamonds 1482.00 6.1 114.8 2372.68 201703 1924.78 79.2 2430.86 2696.52 44.48
Tide Water Oil Base Oil 6723.75 -9.5 13.9 2343.09 201703 323.38 60.6 533.38 1132.02 102.93
Vaibhav Global Diamonds 676.35 -4.8 62.5 2204.09 201703 18.69 5.8 322.07 478.29 23.65
Gems & Stones 202.15 62.8
Silver 44.60 13.8

22 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET


(Rs cr) COST (Rs cr) (Rs cr)
Gold and Alloys 18.80 5.8
Ramco Inds. Building Materials 259.70 -18.7 30.9 2250.64 201703 314.01 82.6 380.25 785.30 59.87
Savita Oil Tech Base Oil 1498.85 -4.8 66.1 2188.32 201703 929.63 83.5 1113.20 1683.27 93.62
Lumax Inds. Adjustor Motors 2262.35 5.5 111.0 2115.30 201703 71.75 9.5 757.17 1454.75 45.18
Action Const.Eq. Engines 180.05 8.3 231.9 2112.40 201703 67.93 12.7 532.82 797.26 19.64
DFM Foods Toys 1735.70 -6.7 -8.4 1737.73 201703 53.90 25.8 208.80 344.89 15.87
Andrew Yule & Co Oil/Chemical 32.65 -19.6 35.5 1596.42 201703 6.25 4.0 155.51 429.86 27.39
Transformer-Part of Distribut. 43.24 27.8
Agro Tech Foods. Oil-Edible 650.85 -13.1 24.3 1586.12 201703 243.73 45.1 540.20 809.84 28.96
Oil-Refined Edible-Purchased 134.26 24.9
Sharda Motor Auto Components - Traded 2383.25 -10.5 91.7 1417.16 201703 51.90 7.3 714.22 1226.12 55.97
Honda Siel Power Engines-Purchased 1502.60 0.3 7.0 1523.64 201703 25.29 5.9 431.96 735.89 57.15
Andhra Sugars Extractions 495.70 -22.1 84.5 1343.84 201703 5.53 2.3 245.29 972.00 120.51
Empire Inds. Cullets 2175.35 -7.9 31.8 1305.21 201703 22.59 14.7 153.95 412.74 32.64
Shreyas Shipping Fuel Oil 575.50 -7.6 107.9 1263.80 201703 95.51 88.9 107.48 370.16 4.08
Panama Petrochem Base Oil 197.05 -20.8 152.5 1192.03 201703 421.99 68.7 614.09 791.25 40.34
Seshasayee Paper Petroleum Products-Purchases 895.15 -23.0 20.7 1128.78 201703 24.60 6.0 412.08 1193.87 128.84
Jayant Agro Org. Castor Oil 376.05 -13.8 27.2 1128.15 201703 108.64 23.6 461.21 661.63 45.25
GMM Pfaudler Gears 751.40 -3.0 45.4 1098.36 201703 4.74 4.0 118.16 291.40 28.22
Volt.Transform. Transformer Oil 1121.10 -5.4 19.6 1134.23 201703 27.35 5.9 462.12 666.25 67.97
India Motor Part Automotive Prod.&Access.-Pur. 1116.75 -19.1 46.7 929.14 201703 453.25 100.0 453.25 518.90 27.33
Munjal Showa Oil Seals 234.05 -23.2 16.5 936.08 201703 65.16 6.1 1067.76 1590.51 56.55
Fork Pipe 154.22 14.4
Main Spring Cushions 147.19 13.8
Atul Auto Engines 420.65 -6.4 0.6 923.04 201703 99.89 28.8 346.55 531.91 37.32
The Hi-Tech Gear Transmission Gears & Shafts-Pu 449.50 -17.9 53.5 843.71 201703 20.73 8.8 235.71 493.16 20.38
Beverages 6.81 7.7
Multibase India Oil 663.60 -3.7 145.5 837.46 201703 5.44 9.5 57.19 96.49 13.30
TBZ Precious Metals 112.85 -23.9 66.1 753.06 201703 843.46 62.9 1341.52 1708.20 18.53
Precious Metals-Purchased 271.35 20.2
Precious Stones 168.90 12.6
Precious Stones-Purchased 57.81 4.3
Thangamayil Jew. Gold Ornaments 541.50 -17.1 192.7 742.94 201703 1125.10 93.2 1206.56 1299.46 13.95
Silver Items & Diamonds 65.42 5.4
Atlas Jewellery Gold,Silver & Diamonds Purchas 71.50 -7.2 7.2 719.68 201703 4.45 100.0 4.45 8.65 -9.31
Ganesha Ecosphe. Plastic/Pet Bottle scrap 357.65 -20.3 77.8 685.86 201703 339.76 78.9 430.42 685.95 29.94
Aksh Optifibre Glass 40.05 -5.1 77.2 651.47 201703 186.37 57.0 326.70 479.03 15.09
Renaissance Jew. Diamonds 387.00 16.4 161.0 730.63 201703 662.16 75.2 880.37 1100.43 30.48
Silver/Silver Model 21.81 2.5
Gold 132.48 15.0
SVP Global Gold Jewellery Purchased 506.80 -14.4 155.1 641.10 201703 3.28 12.6 26.07 5.55 0.18
TGV Sraac Castor Oil 61.60 -23.2 205.0 565.59 201703 57.86 17.3 335.21 1028.47 19.44
Wendt India Industrial Synthetic Diamonds 2902.20 -14.6 53.7 580.44 201703 16.25 36.3 44.73 140.81 11.69
TIL Engines 549.00 -16.4 86.0 550.65 201703 8.69 4.3 203.85 332.89 121.37
Axles 13.76 6.8
T N Petro Prod. Kerosene 62.65 -9.7 102.8 563.66 201703 228.52 44.2 516.71 1010.54 9.55
GPT Infraproject Stone Aggregate 184.90 -15.6 49.2 537.80 201703 1.59 11.1 14.29 379.17 10.48
ADF Foods Oil 268.30 -11.1 80.8 568.84 201703 4.04 4.5 90.20 166.73 12.37
CMP as on 15 February 2018. Companies whose product value represents less than 1% of the total raw material cost have been ignored.

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 23

Stocks - Mid caps

Sizzlers and dampeners

Two drug producers display divergent trends despite positive news flow and two garment makers
please and shock post improved and disappointing quarterly performance
FDC (Re 1) 287 5094 23 35 69 4 9 1252 0 180 27

Pharmaceuticals Net profit of the pharmaceutical producer surged 93.6% to Rs 42.66 crore on 13% growth in net sales
Beta: 0.51 to Rs 248.77 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016. The board approved buyback of
not exceeding 34.3 lakh fully paid-up shares at Rs 350 per share for an aggregate amount not exceeding
Rs 120.05 crore on a proportionate basis through the tender offer route.

Excel Industries (Rs 5) 847 1065 23 131 52 8 0 258 0 3 42

Chemicals Net profit of the specialty and performance chemicals manufacturer spurted 1557.63% to Rs 19.56
Beta: 1.05 crore on 60.11% growth in net sales to Rs 146.77 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016.

8K Miles Software Services (Rs 5) 777 2370 21 31 60 2 1 324 0 86 15

IT - Software The global cloud and security solutions provider is launching 8K Health Edge, a proprietary Blockchain
Beta: 0.86 platform, to provide solutions for some of the most complex problems in global healthcare. Blockchain
allows organization of any chain of records or transactions without the need of intermediaries, thereby
reducing costs and allowing for real-time solutions.

Ipca Laboratories (Rs 2) 629 7934 13 15 46 23 14 2430 0 11 41

Pharmaceuticals Net profit of the pharmaceuticals producer jumped 155% to Rs 105.58 crore on 15% rise in total
Beta: 0.84 income to Rs 870.18 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016. The earnings before interest,
tax, depreciation and amortization margins were up to 19.79% compared with 14.79%.

GTPL Hathway (Rs 10) 164 1849 7 NA 74 3 11 317 1 2 46

Entertainment Net profit of the digital cable TV and broadband service provider spurted 478% to Rs 23.80 crore
Beta: 1.20 on 23% increase in revenues to Rs 195.50 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016.
Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortization went up 46% to Rs 63.40 crore.
As many as 1.80 lakh set-top boxes were seeded and 1.10 lakh digital paying subscribers were
added. Increase in phase III and phase IV average revenues per user and reduction in finance costs
improve profitability.

Reliance Communications (Rs 5) 28 7702 7 -20 53 7 8 27716 2 0 0

Telecomm-Service The shareholders of the telecom services provider approved the monetization of assets including
Beta: 1.79 spectrum, towers, fiber, telecom infrastructure and other assets with overwhelming majority of 99.91%.
Post monetization (from April 2018), the debt and liabilities will reduce by Rs 25000 crore on prepay-
ment of debts and transfer of Department of Telecommunications’ spectrum installments.

Surya Roshni (Rs 10) 424 2308 7 128 63 0 1 723 1 2 32

Steel The steel pipe products maker obtained orders from Energy Efficiency Services for supply of Led
Beta: 1.53 street lights under the Street light National Program, aggregating to Rs 83.86 crore.

24 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET



Hathway Cable & Datacom (Rs 2) 38 3185 7 7 43 4 34 729 2 -1 0

Entertainment The cable television services provider reported net profit of Rs 23.87 crore in Q3 December 2017
Beta: 0.99 compared with net loss of Rs 44.40 crore in Q3 December 2016. Total income dropped 57.39% to
Rs 144.57 crore.

T V Today Network (Rs 5) 476 2841 6 79 57 10 11 540 0 19 30

Media - Print/TV/Radio Net profit of the news broadcaster surged 35.75% to Rs 35.73 crore on 22.66% increase in total income
Beta: 0.32 to Rs 179.13 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016.

Parag Milk Foods (Rs 10) 286 2405 6 28 49 4 16 573 1 2 26

FMCG The private dairy FMCG player reported consolidated net profit of Rs 25.48 crore in Q3 December
Beta: 0.97 2017 compared with net loss of Rs 41.08 crore in Q3 December 2016. Total income jumped 16.17% to
Rs 521.77 crore. Operating profit stood at Rs 58.81 crore compared with loss of Rs 18.32 crore.

Prakash Industries (Rs 10) 216 3337 5 161 41 0 0 2082 0 2 13

Steel The steel manufacturer to issue of one-crore convertible equity warrants at Rs 208 each, aggregating to
Beta: 2.15 Rs 208 crore, on preferential basis to the promoters and 12.50 lakh convertible equity warrants at Rs
208 each, aggregating to Rs 26 crore, on preferential basis to Chartered Finance & Leasing.

Welspun Enterprises (Rs 10) 165 2440 3 134 45 5 3 1111 0 1 40

Construction Consolidated profit after tax of the infrastructure player surged 349.13% to Rs 15.54 crore on 449.06%
Beta: 1.01 spurt in net sales to Rs 298.91 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016. Operating profit
jumped 355% to Rs 46.20 crore and the operating profit margins expanded to 15.5%.

Shanthi Gears (Re 1) 140 1145 2 25 70 4 1 298 0 220 46

Auto Ancillaries Net profit of the power transmission products maker advanced 42.49% to Rs 6.74 crore on 16.76%
Beta: 0.92 improvement in total income to Rs 56.65 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016.

Cox & Kings (Rs 5) 237 4182 1 24 50 3 36 2511 2 3 9

Consolidated net profit of the travel company jumped 431.47% to Rs 85.46 crore despite 1.51% fall
in total income to Rs 1370.91 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016.
Beta: 0.87

Kaveri Seed Company (Rs 2) 474 3130 -1 3 55 8 16 1001 0 597 25

Miscellaneous Net profit of the seed producer spurted 52.97% to Rs 5.43 crore on 7.37% slide in total income to Rs
Beta: 1.41 72.26 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016.

Housing Develop & Infra (Rs 10) 52 2235 -2 -21 36 4 26 11042 0 1 15

Realty Consolidated net profit of the real estate developer declined 52.86% to Rs 18.96 crore on 13.33% fall
Beta: 1.90 in total income to Rs 100.92 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016.

Uflex (Rs 10) 371 2680 -2 36 44 2 13 3557 1 3 8

Packaging Consolidated net profit of the flexible packer declined 29.49% to Rs 52.01 crore despite 12.11% rise
Beta: 1.29 in total income to Rs 1679.76 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016. Operating profit
fell 5.6% to Rs 200.40 crore due to one-time product related cost of Rs 20.32 crore.

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 25



Monte Carlo Fashions (Rs 10) 547 1188 -2 42 65 3 4 467 0 6 19

Textiles Net profit of the textile garments and clothing accessories maker rose 36.87% to Rs 47.78 crore on
Beta: 1.44 23.66% growth in net sales to Rs 355.92 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016.

Prism Cement (Rs 10) 123 6189 -4 33 75 9 7 492 2 1 0

Cement The integrated building materials provider reported net profit of Rs 14.85 crore in Q3 December 2017
Beta: 1.16 compared with net loss of Rs 47.02 crore a year ago. Total income rose 4.80% to Rs 1317.92 crore.

CG Power & Indl Solutions (Rs 2) 82 5161 -4 21 34 30 20 3977 0 2 0

Capital Goods - Elect Equip The electrical products systems and services provider’s wholly owned subsidiary CG Power Systems
Beta: 1.36 Indonesia bagged US$55-million order from Indonesian state utility PT PLN (Persero) for manufactur-
ing and supply of 64 units of power transformers.

Empire Industries (Rs 10) 2116 1270 -4 30 73 15 0 176 1 6 26

Glass & Glass Products Net profit of the manufacturer of glass bottles spurted 154.45% to Rs 19.72 crore on 2.78% rise in net
Beta: 0.48 total income from operations to Rs 103.67 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016.

Finolex Industries (Rs 10) 627 7784 -5 21 52 8 4 2191 0 35 22

Plastic products Net profit of the pipes and fittings manufacturer fell 3.34% to Rs 69.55 crore despite 26.52% increase
Beta: 0.69 in total income to Rs 732.98 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016.

Indoco Remedies (Rs 2) 256 2361 -6 -6 59 8 6 633 0 16 31

Pharmaceuticals The pharmaceuticals producer was granted an European good manufacturing practices certification
Beta: 0.53 from the Regulatory Authority of Hungary for its Goa manufacturing facility.

Hinduja Global Sol (Rs 10) 844 1755 -9 36 68 2 7 1317 1 7 9

IT - Software Consolidated net profit of the business process management fell 8.2% to Rs 47.20 crore despite
Beta: 0.85 3.5% incline in operating revenues to Rs 956.30 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q2 September
2017. The board approved the merger of wholly-owned subsidiary HGS International Services
with itself.

JK Tyre & Industries (Rs 2) 158 3583 -10 33 52 2 10 1919 2 2 0

Tyres Consolidated net profit of the tyre maker plunged 86.91% to Rs 11.32 crore despite 15.54% improve-
Beta: 1.60 ment in net sales to Rs 2123.24 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016. The board
approved raising of funds up to Rs 1000 crore by private placement in one or more tranches.

Kitex Garments (Re 1) 224 1489 -17 -26 54 0 5 440 0 16 17

Readymade Garments/ Appar Net profit of the children’s apparel maker dropped 44.59% to Rs 17.62 crore on 2.42% slide in total
Beta: 0.77 income to Rs 145.88 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016.

# Mid-cap stocks with market capitalisation above Rs 1000 crore and below Rs 8000 crore. Beta is a measure of a stock’s volatility in relation to the key benchmark index. Higher the beta of the stock, higher will
be the volatility in the stock price and, hence, riskier the investments. The beta of the index or the market is pegged at 1. Interest coverage ratio (ICR) is a measure of a company’s ability to meet its interest
payments on outstanding debt. Higher the ICR, higher is the ability of the company to service its outstanding debt. D/E and ICR are of the latest financial year. P/E is based on EPS for the latest TTM figures
available. Promoters, domestic institutions and FII shareholding is as on 31 December 2017. CMP as on 20 February 2018. Data is on consolidated priority basis.
Compiled by Hitesh Dharawat

26 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

Market Report on sovereign debt in the US and hardening
of global commodity prices.

Woe betide On the basis of an assessment of the

current and evolving macroeconomic situa-
tion, the Monetary Policy Committee
Oil bubbling near US$ 70 a barrel and fears of domino effect (MPC) of the Reserve Bank of India de-
cided to keep the policy repo rate under the
of the billion-dollar bank fraud at a PSU bank hit trading liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) un-
Key indices extended recent losses as a changed at 6%. Consequently, the reverse
jump in India’s trade deficit in January 2018 Bank heist repo rate under the LAF remains at 5.75%,
and global crude oil prices trading above and the marginal standing facility rate and
A US$1771.69-million fraud was detected by
US$ 60 a barrel mark caused concern. The Punjab National Bank at a Mumbai branch. the bank rate at 6.25%.
benchmark index slipped below the psy- Based on these transactions, other banks The decision of the MPC is consistent
chological 34,000 level. advanced money to these customers abroad with the neutral stance of monetary policy
A mammoth US$1771.69-million fraud 11500 in consonance with the objective of achiev-
detected by Punjab National Bank at its ing the medium-term target for consumer
single branch in Mumbai added to inves- Nifty 50
price index (CPI) inflation of 4% within a
tors’ worries. The bank announced on 14 band of +/- 2%, while supporting growth.
February 2018 that it detected some fraudu- 10000 The MPC reiterated its commitment to
200 days keep headline inflation close to 4% on a
lent and unauthorised transactions in one of Nifty-50
its branch in Mumbai for the benefit of a durable basis.
9000 l The RBI introduced the marginal cost
few select account holders with their appar- N
l l
l l
l l
19 Feb
ent connivance. Based on these transactions, Nifty-200-day simple moving average. of funds-based lending rates (MCLR) sys-
other banks appear to have advanced money tem from 1 April 2016 on account of the
to these customers abroad. duction of long-term capital gains (LTCG) limitations of the base rate regime. With the
Earlier, benchmarks had declined after tax on equities exceeding Rs 1 lakh at 10% introduction of the MCLR system, it was
the Union government announced re-intro- in Budget 2018-19, surging interest rates expected that the existing base rate linked
credit exposures to migrate to the
Domestic flavour Inflows and outflows MCLR system. However, a large pro-
Net investment in equities and debt by foreign portion of bank loans continue to be
How the indices moved
portfolio investors and mutual funds linked to the base rate. Hence, the base
VARI (%) rate will be harmonized with MCLR
EQUITY FPIs (Rs cr) MFs (Rs cr) from 1 April 2018.
S&P BSE Sensex 33703.59 23.34 -1.44 17.59
EQUITY DEBT EQUITY DEBT Presently, banks and non-banking
07/02/2018 -1001.09 -410.31 472.51 303.9 finance companies (NBFCs) in India
S&P BSE 500 14482.76 25.9 -0.41 19.17
08/02/2018 -2225.71 -60.28 2220.66 1479.43 generally classify a loan account as
S&P BSE 200 4534.06 24.24 -0.78 17.64 09/02/2018 -1393.7 96.07 142 2863.31 non-performing asset based on 90- and
S&P BSE Mid-Cap 16419.51 38.96 0.85 21.5 12/02/2018 -879.33 196.09 1705.65 1772.27 120-day delinquency norms, respec-
S&P BSE Small-Cap 17831.04 112.69 2.52 31.21 14/02/2018 -599.02 -1607.23 -138.88 2263.9 tively. The formalisation of business
S&P BSE BANKEX 28061.01 30 -3.89 19.29 Fortnight* -6098.85 -1785.66 4401.94 8682.81 through registration under the goods
S&P BSE Finance 5656.78 27.19 -2.19 21.8 Feb 2018* 13781.46 8522.92 5351.96 17954.76 and services tax had adversely im-
S&P BSE Auto 24432.43 23.66 -2.09 12.48 Jan-18 9023.16 22240.3 9023.16 22240.3 pacted the cash flows of the smaller
Jan-17 -1176.6 -2319.19 5233.55 31104.8 entities during the transition phase
S&P BSE Telecom 1400.06 -19.22 -2.01 7
February 9902.18 5960.25 2039.55 38829.7 with consequent difficulties in meet-
S&P BSE Cap Goods 18844.43 30.57 -1.82 22.92
March 30906 25354.89 4191.55 34894.09 ing their repayment obligations to
S&P BSE Tech 6538.53 21.86 -0.7 12.92 April 2394.49 20363.75 11244.25 55932.89 banks and NBFCs.
S&P BSE FMCG 10435.18 40.77 -0.58 18.21 May 7711.41 19154.75 9357.67 9514.37 As a measure of support to mi-
S&P BSE IT Sector 12072.67 17.97 -0.3 16.11 June 3616.82 25685.11 9106.11 12617.91 cro-small-and-medium enterprises
S&P BSE Oil&Gas 15390.89 12.65 -0.27 15.61 July 5160.71 18867.15 11799.85 40387.5 (MSMEs) in their transition to a for-
S&P BSE Industrials 3722.97 38.95 -0.04 20.84 August -12769.7 15446.51 17941.11 36466.82 malized business environment, the
September -11392.3 1348.89 17456.84 31855.24
S&P BSE Power 2213.73 20.86 0.21 -1.4 RBI has decided that the exposure of
October 3055.44 16063.65 9990.5 29088.49
S&P BSE Utilities 2090.91 23.87 0.99 5.34 banks and NBFCs to a borrower clas-
Nov 19727.65 530.54 12080.1 41978.37
S&P BSE Energy 4139.68 14.41 1.5 29.9 sified as MSME under the MSME
Dec -5882.68 2350.23 8333.3 18997.55
S&P BSE Healthcare 14074.93 35.38 2.07 -8.73 Development Act, 2006, will con-
CY 2017 51253.47 148806.53 118774 383709
tinue to be classified as a standard
S&P BSE Basic Materl 3390.5 30.68 2.08 27.83 CY 2016 20566.18 -43645.3 46849.5 330205.6
asset in the books of banks and
S&P BSE Cons Dura 21238.95 44.23 2.42 57.04 CY 2015 17806.15 45856.25 72197.7 433809.6
NBFCs, subject to a set of conditions.
S&P BSE Realty Index 2422.11 26.49 2.43 65.09 CY 2014 97031.08 158229.69 23421.6 626336.8
* till 14 Feb. CY: Calendar year. FPIs: foreign portfolio investors.
Inflation based on the wholesale
S&P BSE Metal 15059.27 25.59 2.52 27.08 MFs: Mutual funds. 13 Feb holiday. price index eased to 2.84% (provi-

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 27


In the limelight
BSE Large caps BSE Mid-caps BSE Small-caps
VARI (%) VARI (%) VARI (%)
Gainers Gainers Gainers
Nestle India* 7554.85 59.45 7.74 20.56 IDBI Bank 66.3 0 16.11 -19.49 NELCO 160.75 39.66 48.91 102.2
Coal India 310.25 22.82 6.74 -3.06 Page Industries* 22713.25 79.26 14.54 57.12 Fortis Health. 153.45 16.64 34.19 -21.83
Titan Company 831.2 74.94 6.58 91.74 Rel. Comm. 27.85 0 13.21 -19.51 TTK Healthcare* 1355.45 42.87 33.86 57.61
Cipla 601.9 40.33 6.41 1.35 GE T&D India* 419.6 47.31 11.18 40.05 Prec. Wires (I)* 304.45 20.04 28.57 145.62
Interglobe Aviat 1262.75 34.4 5.47 51.68 3M India* 20422.6 74.76 10.58 84.66 Aptech 327 79.83 28.39 35.26
Britannia Inds. 4736.55 59.76 4.62 45.58 Torrent Power 262.4 14.55 7.98 27.29 Zydus Wellness 1258.6 38.24 28.19 53.52
Godrej Consumer 1051.65 50.82 3.98 28.38 SJVN 37.45 11.21 7.77 4.03 MT Educare 70.15 0 27.43 -21.4
Oil India 361.6 12.19 3.64 10.11 JSW Steel 304.7 16.54 7.52 61.95 Hinduja Ventures 807.3 0 27.12 58.25
Dr Reddy’s Labs 2162.15 35.43 3.2 -25.54 Castrol India* 190.25 27.22 5.93 -11.75 Phillips Carbon 1202.95 61.45 26.21 305.37
Ambuja Cem. 263.1 30.59 3.18 9.9 Amara Raja Batt.* 807.3 29.93 5.9 -6.49 8K Miles 776.6 14.97 25.83 31.26
Losers Losers Losers
Punjab Natl.Bank 116.55 23.92 -27.36 -18.35 Union Bank (I) 111.3 17.42 -11.14 -21.37 Gitanjali Gems 30.45 1.84 -44.69 -55.06
IOCL 366.95 9.81 -8.83 -4.82 Bank of India 129.25 0 -9.39 2.58 Virtual Global* 1.33 13.3 -31.09 -70.9
Yes Bank 309.3 21.31 -8.64 8.21 GMR Infra. 17.7 0 -8.53 15.23 Electrosteel St.* 2.95 0 -29.93 -38.16
Motherson Sumi 324.9 28.92 -8.52 38.67 Glenmark Pharma. 524.55 17.63 -8.26 -44.39 Sterling Intl 1.6 0 -26.27 -5.88
St Bk of India 269.65 0 -7.5 0.15 Bayer Crop Sci.* 3821.85 47.39 -6.5 -4.7 Omkar Spl.Chem. 40.05 2.2 -26.11 -48.95
Bank of Baroda 144.75 19.2 -6.25 -14.22 United Breweries 1055 121.48 -6.38 33.07 Ajmera Realty 226.2 10.83 -22.51 25.49
M&M 709.05 25.83 -6.01 7.82 Emami 1043.55 71.77 -6.19 -6.16 Stampede Cap. 11.1 55.78 -17.78 -50
Axis Bank 531.7 34.5 -5.74 10.63 A B B* 1513.2 76.35 -6.1 23.36 Agarwal Indl. 400 34.69 -16.75 -2.68
Tech Mahindra 573.05 17.85 -5.46 14.68 Shriram Trans. 1290.15 23.47 -5.53 37.06 Global Infratech* 86.7 0 -16.43 -1.7
HCL Technologies 905.5 14.06 -5.11 7.59 Max Financial 499.25 33.93 -5.18 -15.85 Kitex Garments 223.85 17.46 -16.22 -26.22
* PE on standalone basis, others on consolidated basis, * PE on standalone basis, others on consolidated basis, * P/E on standalone basis, others on consolidated basis,
for TTM based on latest results. for TTM based on latest results for TTM based on latest results

sional) in January 2018 compared with 2017, while the electricity generation moved
Commodity flow 3.58% (provisional) in the previous month up 4.4% in December 2017, contributing to
Monthly variation : -4.9% and 4.26% in the corresponding month of the improvement in overall industrial pro-
Yearly variation : 16.9%
Closing price (19 Feb 2018) : US$ 64.84 the previous year. The build-up inflation rate duction growth in December 2017.
in the financial year so far was 2.3% com- The provisional figures of direct tax col-
pared to a build-up rate of 4.55% in the lections up to January 2018 showed that
corresponding period of the previous year. net collections, at Rs 6.95 lakh crore, are
68 The all-India general inflation based on 19.3% higher than the net collections for the
CPI eased to 5.07% in January 2018 com- corresponding period of last year. The net
pared with 5.21% in December 2017. The direct tax collections represent 69.2% of the
Brent crude oil in US$ per barrel corresponding provisional inflation rate for revised estimates of direct taxes for FY 2018
62 rural area was 5.21% and urban area 4.93% (Rs 10.05 lakh crore). Gross collections (be-
l l l l l l l l l l l
19 Jan Feb 19 Feb in January 2018 as against 5.27% and 5.09% fore adjusting for refunds) increased 13.3%
2018 2018
(+) Appreciation. (-) Depreciation in December 2017. The core CPI inflation to Rs 8.21 lakh crore between April 2017
was flat at 5% in January 2018 compared and January 2018. Refunds amounting to
with 4.98% in December 2017. The cumu- Rs 1.26 lakh crore were issued between April
Exchange equation lative CPI inflation was lower at 3.43% in 2017 and January 2018.
Monthly variation : 1.3% April-January of the fiscal year ending Markit Economics data of a monthly
Yearly variation : -3.7% March 2018 (FY2018) compared with survey on the performance of India’s ser-
Closing price of US$ (16 Feb 2018) : Rs 63.91
4.68% in April-January of FY2017. vices sector in January 2018 showed that
Industrial production continued to the Nikkei India Services purchasing man-
63.6 record strong growth for the second straight agers index increased to 51.7 in January from
INR/USD month at 7.1% in December 2017 over De- 50.9 in December 2017.
cember 2016. The growth figure for Novem- Merchandise exports increased 9.1%
64.0 ber 2017 was revised upwards to 8.8% from to US$24.38 billion and merchandise im-
64.2 8.4% reported earlier. The manufacturing ports surged 26.1% to US$ 40.68 billion
sector’s production surged 8.4% in Decem- in January 2018 over a year ago. The trade
64.4 l l l l l l l l l l l
19 Jan Feb 16 Feb
ber 2017, supporting overall growth in in- deficit jumped 64.6% to US$16.30 billion
2018 2018 dustrial production. The mining output in January 2018 from US$9.9 billion in
(+) Appreciation. (-) Depreciation growth also improved 1.2% in December January 2017.

28 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET


Taking off impact on the country’s overall fiscal strength

and is in line with Moody’s expectations.
BSE 500 companies hitting life-time highs in the fortnight ended 20 February 2018 Moody’s further considers the formal
STAKE TTM adoption of key recommendations by the
COMPANY ALL-TIME 52-WEEK PROMO. MF FIIs NPM P/E P/BV Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Manage-
ment Committee as credit positive. These
HIGH-DATE HIGH (Rs) LOW (Rs) (%) (%) (%) (%) include the objective to bring down the cen-
tral government debt-to-GDP ratio to 40%
Escorts* 07/02/2018 921.9 405.6 40.04 21.17 5.78 6.37 65.37 5.25
(from about 50% today) and use of the fis-
VRL Logistics* 07/02/2018 492 288.15 67.6 12.42 11.05 4.74 43.42 6.48
cal deficit target as the government’s key
operational parameter.
Jubilant Life 08/02/2018 1039 600 54.03 20.25 5.27 9.33 23.5 3.93 The Department of Heavy Industry is
working for formulating the National Auto-
Inox Leisure 08/02/2018 326 213.3 48.7 16.46 18.67 4.36 48.1 4.61 motive Policy for holistic development of
automobile sector in India. After a series of
Elgi Equipment 12/02/2018 350 199 31.9 15.69 11.77 5.87 54.57 7.85 one-to-one stakeholder consultation, the de-
partment has finalized the draft Automo-
JK Tyre & Indust 12/02/2018 192.95 116.45 52.48 9.64 1.24 -0.08 0 1.98 tive Policy to adopt a long-term roadmap
for emission standards beyond BSVI and
3M India* 12/02/2018 22563.95 10750 75 9.04 2.33 12.31 74.76 17.04 harmonize the same with global standards
by the calendar year (CY) 2028. It also pro-
MphasiS 12/02/2018 932.6 522.3 60.4 21.8 6.77 12.43 21.15 3.33 poses to rollout corporate average fuel effi-
ciency norms till CY 2025 and beyond and
JSW Steel 12/02/2018 315.4 175.05 41.68 19.76 2.55 6.52 16.54 3.17 setup incentives and penalties, adopt a com-
posite criterion based on length and CO2
FDC* 12/02/2018 297 164 68.89 9.37 3.67 17.88 27.08 4.01 emissions to classify vehicles for differen-
tial taxation purposes among others.
T.V. Today Netw.* 12/02/2018 511.2 211 57.42 11.47 10.45 19.15 29.8 4.98 The nationwide rollout of the India Post
Payments Bank (IPPB) Expansion Program
L&T Technology 12/02/2018 1547 671 89.28 3.17 1.05 12.67 29.25 7.67
is scheduled to begin April 2018. Once the
proposed expansion is completed, IPPB will
Bharat Forge* 14/02/2018 783.3 497.45 45.74 20.83 7.82 16.37 58.2 8.36
be providing the largest financial inclusion
network in the country, covering both urban
Ashok Leyland* 15/02/2018 139.4 81 51.27 22.62 5.48 5.71 25.38 6.11
as well as rural hinterland with ability to
Hind. Unilever* 15/02/2018 1415.15 840.55 67.19 12.89 1.7 15.35 79.99 42.81
provide digital payment services at the door-
step with the help of Postmen and
Cholaman.Inv.&Fn 15/02/2018 1410 913 53.08 19.31 15.36 17.51 22.97 4.46 GraminDak Sewaks. IPPB will also enable
more than 17 crore active account-holders
Aarti Inds.* 15/02/2018 1190.9 720 53.63 3.88 13.01 8.73 30.56 7.07 of Post Office Savings Bank to make
interoperable digital payments including the
Sonata Software 15/02/2018 366 142.95 30.95 13.17 4.27 7.03 19.18 5.58 benefit of national electronic funds transfer,
real time gross settlement, unified payments
L & T Infotech 15/02/2018 1542.95 682 83.68 6.08 1.72 15.43 22.6 6.99 interface and bill payment services. Addi-
tionally, the IPPB will enable acceptance of
K E C Intl. 16/02/2018 413.1 160 50.99 10.3 18.48 4.43 24.04 5.84 digital payments across post offices in the
country in line with the digital payments
Zydus Wellness 20/02/2018 1298 809 72.54 6.37 3.99 26 38.24 7.94 initiative of the government.
For promoting port-led industrializa-
* Results are on standalone basis for others on consolidated basis for TTM ended 31 December 2017 tion, 14 coastal economic zones (CEZs) cov-
ering all the maritime states and union terri-
Traffic at major ports in India grew would stop licensing products and data to tories have been identified as part of the
4.58% and together handled 560.97 million foreign exchanges to prevent trading from National Perspective Plan under the
tonnes (mt) of cargo from April 2017 to Janu- migrating overseas. Sagarmala Programme. The Perspective
ary 2018 as against 536.41 mt handled in Moody’s Investors Service believes that Plans for all 14 CEZs have been prepared in
the corresponding period of previous year. India’s budget for the fiscal year ending March consultation with relevant state governments
India’s three main stock exchanges — 2019 (FY 2019) strikes a balance between and Central ministries.
the National Stock Exchange, BSE and fiscal prudence and growth. Slight slippage The Ministry of Housing & Urban Af-
Metropolitan Stock Exchange — said they in the budget deficit targets has no material fairs has approved the construction of

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 29

1,86,777 more affordable houses for the ben-
efit of urban poor under Pradhan Mantri Cooling prices in India ... ... heating concerns in the US
Awas Yojana (Urban) with an investment of WPI eased to 2.84% in January 2018 US wholesale prices rose 0.4% in January
Rs 11169 crore with Central assistance of compared with 3.58% in the previous over last year, the biggest increase since
Rs 2797 crore. The approval was given in month. CPI eased to 5.07% in January November. Consumer prices inclined
the 30th meeting of the Central Sanctioning 2018 compared with 5.21% 0.5%, topping the forecast
and Monitoring Committee. 21 4750

The Cabinet Committee on Economic 4650

Affairs approved to enhance of the target of
India VIX 4550
Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) 17 BSE Dollex 30
from five crore to eight crore with an addi- 4450

tional allocation of Rs 4800 crore. The deci- 4350
sion comes in the wake of huge response to
13 l l l l l l l l l l l 4250 l l l l l l l l l l l
PMUY from the women particularly in ru- 19 Jan Feb 19 Feb 19 Jan Feb 19 Feb
2018 2018 2018 2018
ral areas and to cover such households not Rise or fall in India VIX depicts increase or decline in volatility Rise or fall in the BSE Dollex 30 depicts firmness or weakness
having LPG connection. The revised target in the near term of the rupee
of PMUY will be achieved by 2020.
In global commodities markets, Brent US wholesale prices rose 0.4% in Janu- The Bank of England on 8 February
crude oil futures edged lower amid volatil- ary, the biggest increase since November over 2018 said it is likely to raise interest rates
ity. Brent for April 2018 settlement declined last year. Consumer prices increased 0.5% earlier and faster than previously expected
US$2.74 a barrel to US $64.88 a barrel. The in January, topping the forecast. US retail to damp the effects of a stronger global
Brent crossed above the US$70 a barrel mark sales in January missed expectations, de- economy on UK inflation. All nine mem-
in late January 2018. Surging US produc- creasing 0.3%. bers of the bank’s MPC agreed a statement
tion is offsetting those efforts by the Orga- China inflation as represented by the CPI that the central bank was no longer willing
nization of the Petroleum Exporting Coun- rose 0.6% month-on-month in January, well to tolerate inflation above its 2% target over
tries and some other producers including above the previous month’s print of 0.3%. the next three years.
Russia to curb production. A weak dollar is China’s trade surplus shrank in January on huge Economic activity in Germany eased a
also providing support to advance in prices. imports surge. Trade surplus for January, in little toward the end of 2017, but the
In the foreign exchange market, the rupee yuan terms, came in at CNY 135.80 billion. economy remained on its path of solid
edged lower against the dollar on drop in local Fourth-quarter Japan GDP data showed growth, owing to booming global demand
stock market indices. The partially convert- the economy grew at an annualized 0.5%, for premium engineering goods. In the fourth
ible rupee fell 53 cents to 64.405 per dollar. below a median forecast. quarter, GDP grew at a quarterly clip of
0.6%, or an annualized rate of 2.5%.
Global equity markets France’s unemployment rate fell below
9% at the end last year for the first time in
Returns in local currencies Returns in US dollars almost nine years. The unemployment rate
COUNTRY INDEX FORT 1 MNTH 3 MNTHS 1 YEAR FORT 1 MNTH 3 MNTHS 1 YEAR fell to 8.9% at the end of 2017 from 9.6% at
the end of the previous quarter.
Australia ASX 200 -3.6 -1.7 -2.1 1.7 -3.6 -2.6 1.4 5.2
Global wealth grew significantly over the
Brazil Bovespa 0.6 4.1 17.1 24.8 0.4 3.6 18.9 20.2
past two decades but per capita wealth de-
China Shanghai Composite -7.6 -8.3 -6.8 -0.1 -8.2 -7.4 -2.4 8.2 clined or stagnated in more than two dozen
France CAC 40 -1.6 -4.4 -1.8 8.5 -0.9 -0.8 5.6 17.4 countries in various income brackets, said a
India BSE Sensex -3.0 -4.2 2.1 19.5 -3.3 -5.0 3.4 24.6 new World Bank report. Going beyond tra-
India Nifty -2.9 -4.1 1.3 18.5 -3.2 -4.8 2.6 23.6 ditional measures such as GDP, the report
Japan Nikkei 225 -6.7 -8.8 -4.2 12.9 -2.9 -4.9 2.4 20.1 uses wealth to monitor countries’ economic
progress and sustainability.
New Zealand NZX 50 Index -3.4 -2.0 1.9 14.5 -2.2 -0.4 8.8 18.0
South Korea KOSPI -4.1 -3.9 -4.8 16.4 -2.2 -3.9 0.1 25.8
United Kingdom FTSE 100 -2.0 -5.6 -1.9 -0.1 -2.5 -4.3 4.4 13.0 Proceedings of the budget session of parlia-
Germany DAX -2.6 -7.3 -5.1 5.9 -2.7 -5.8 1.2 24.1 ment, macroeconomic data, investments by
Russia MICEX -1.2 -1.4 4.0 6.0 -0.9 -0.7 9.3 10.1 foreign portfolio investors and movement of
UAE ADX General -0.8 -1.0 4.6 -1.4 -0.8 -1.0 4.6 -1.4 rupee against the dollar and crude oil price will
Mexico IPC -3.0 -1.6 1.8 3.6 -2.7 -1.0 5.0 14.7 dictate trend on the bourses in the near term.
Singapore Straits Times -2.4 -3.0 0.7 10.8 -1.8 -2.3 4.5 20.0
The first phase of the budget session
got over from 29 January 2018 to 9 Febru-
USA Dow Jones -1.2 -3.3 7.7 22.3 -1.2 -3.3 7.7 22.3
ary 2018. After a recess, parliament meets
USA S&P 500 -1.1 -2.8 5.8 16.2 -1.1 -2.8 5.8 16.2
again from 5 March 2018 to 6 April 2018.
As on 16 February 2018. Returns in percentage. — Amit Shenai

30 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

We will keep changing the format of the scoreboard so as to give more and varied
CorporateScoreboard data at regular intervals. Readers are advised to read the Legend carefully before
studying the Company Results.
Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Top 1250 companies (in orderQuarter
Latest of their market capitalisation)
TTM are published
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP DivScoreboard
CPS EPS every
Salesissue of the
Sales OPMmagazine.
NP NPThe nextEPS
Ended 1000NPcompanies
Week into two
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
parts and given in alternate issues. This enables coverage of 2250 companies over
two issues. The list is reviewed regularly. Depending on changing market
capitalisation, companies keep getting in and out of the Scoreboard.

Corporate Scoreboard of each industry is divided into four portions — Full year, Latest quarter, Trailing twelve months (TTM) and Market data. Latest quarter and trailing twelve
months both end in the same month indicated after latest quarter NP Var. (%) and before TTM EPS. TTM figures are the sum of the last four quarter
figures. Wherever audited results for the latest full year have not been declared, unaudited results (the sum of the first-half and second-half figures) are
displayed with a ‘U’ before the Full Year, indicating that they are unaudited results, subject to change when the audited results are declared.
Consolidated Scoreboard: Consolidated figures are given for companies whose consolidated TTM Sales are above Rs. 50 crore and are more than 163% of the Standalone TTM
Sales. Both consolidated and standalone figures have been calculated for same TTM year-end. Companies without enough quarterly consolidated
results to enable TTM calculations have been excluded. TTM Year-End (YE): Trailing 12 Months (TTM) YE. ## denotes TTM YE is 201709, ** denotes
TTM YE is 201706 and other cases TTM YE is 201712. BV: (Latest Equity + Latest Reserves)/Latest Equity * Latest Face Value. Latest equity taken
from standalone equity history. Latest reserves taken from latest consolidated balance sheet. Fresh issue of shares at a premium as well as bonus
issues are adjusted.
In the case of companies closing their books of accounts for periods other than 12 months, the number of months appears after the Full Year column within brackets.
Dividend and EPS figures have been annualized where the number of months is other than 12. All other figures like Sales and NP are
unannualized actuals. A ‘*’ before year-end indicate that data for that company is updated during the latest fortnight.

Equity The latest subscribed equity capital (whether fully paid-up or not). period. P/L (Profit to Loss) in the Var. (%) column means that the
Therefore, it may not always tally with that appearing in the bal- company which made a profit in the corresponding previous
ance-sheet. In addition, throughout the year, equity is continu- period has now incurred a loss. Nil (-) in the Var. (%) column
ously adjusted for rights, bonus, conversion, etc, so as to give the indicates that either the figures for the corresponding previous
latest equity as far as possible. Wherever equity has changed period are not available or the variance is insignificant. A vari-
after the year-end, an asterisk (*) appears after the EPS. ance of 999 indicates that the variance is very large (more than
three digits). This occurs mostly in the case of new companies.
Promoters’ stake(%) It is the percentage share holding of promoters in the equity
capital. It includes government’s holding in case of public sector Earnings Per Share NP reduced by preference dividend and dividend tax,
undertakings. (EPS) divided by the number of equity shares. In case of TTM EPS, pref-
erence dividend and dividend tax are not deducted. The EPS is
BV The book value per share is arrived at by dividing the sum of equity arrived at by dividing the net profit by the expanded equity. The
and reserves (excluding revaluation reserves) by the number of expansion in equity may be due to various reasons, which are
equity shares. The reserves are also continuously adjusted so as indicated by putting the following marks after the price: R: Rights;
to reflect changes on the issue of fresh shares at a premium, as B: Bonus; C: Conversion; P: Public Issue; F: Foreign Issue; M: Mis-
well as on bonus issues. In the case of unaudited results where cellaneous issues; CB: Cum-bonus; XB: Ex-bonus; CR: Cum-rights
reserves are not available, the reserves are calculated by adding and XR: Ex-rights. XB appears after the price from the date on
the latest year’s net profit to the last year’s reserves (updated for which the shares become ex-bonus and continues up to two months
rights/bonus, if any). Hence, the unaudited book value might from the record date/book closure date for the bonus. Similarly, XR
change when the audited results are declared. appears from the date on which the shares become ex-rights and
continues till the actual closure of the rights issue. Thereafter, these
RONW(%) Return on net worth is calculated only when the latest full year
are replaced by B and R respectively. The asterisk and other marks
annual report is available.
disappear as soon as the increase in equity is reflected in the
RONW(%) = {(Net Profit - Preference Dividend)/(Equity Paid Up + Free Re- audited financial statement for the full year.
serves, excluding Revaluation Reserves)} * 100. Balance-sheet
Price Change Difference in price over the previous fortnight is given within
figures are taken as the average of the last two years and profit
brackets after the price.
and loss account figures are annualized.
Where price is indicated as Ex-Bonus/ Ex-Rights, the correspond- 52-Week H/L Prices After adjusting for rights/bonuses. A ‘H’ after the 52-week H/ L
ing figures for Equity, BV and EPS are adjusted according to the indicates that the scrip touched a new high during the fortnight. A
Bonus / Rights Ratio. This is done to arrive at a logical ‘L’ indicates a new low and a.’*’ indicates the scrip touched a new
P/E ratio. high as well as a new low during the fortnight.
Sales Sales is net of excise duty. P/E Ratio Market Price/TTM EPS. For companies not listed on BSE/NSE, mar-
ket price is as on the trading day immediately preceding the speci-
OPM (%) is profit before other income, interest, depreciation and tax
fied date.
(OP) as a percentage of sales.

Profit After Tax (NP) It is calculated without taking into account the income and expen- Industry P/E (Sum of market capitalisation of all companies in that industry)/
diture of earlier years/of a non-recurring nature (* after NP indi- (sum of net profits of all companies in that industry - preference
cates that such adjustments have been made). It is before deduct- dividend - dividend tax). Companies which have EPS < 1 are
ing dividend tax. excluded while calculating industry P/E. In case of TTM P/E, pref-
erence dividend and dividend tax are not considered.
Sales/NP Var. (%) Indicates the variance (%) in sales or net profit over the corre-
sponding previous period. LP (Loss to Profit) in the Var. (%) Industry MCAP is the sum of the market capitalisation of all the companies covered
column means that the company which incurred a loss in the in that industry. It is given in the price column.
corresponding previous period has made a profit in the current

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 31

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Carborundum Uni. * 1703 18.89 1 44 55.7 12.1 1405.7 9 15.1 122.0 4 175 9.9 6.4 405.6 23 15.8 37.6 58 1712 7.2 27 356 M(-6) 428/253 49.4
Grindwell Norton 1703 55.36 5 58 79.9 14.1 1236.4 10 14.6 110.8 * 12 80 13.6 10.0 355.6 17 17.4 39.4 48 1712 11.8 20 506 (6) 570/327 42.8
Orient Abrasives * 1703 11.96 1 64 15.2 3.9 219.8 -23 9.5 7.0 -71 25 1.3 0.6 89.7 79 9.7 3.9 68 1712 0.6 -42 44 (-1) 67/28 -
Wendt India 1703 2.00 10 80 512.2 11.7 129.5 10 17.2 11.5 * 11 250 103.7 55.5 31.1 -3 19.0 2.7 23 1712 50.8 -1 2716 (-184) 4260/1807 53.5
IND.COMPOSITE 88.21 2991.4 14.6 251.3 16.0 83.6 13393 46.4
Blue Star * 1703 19.19 2 39 95.7 13.0 4112.1 16 4.9 111.6 * 8 375 17.4 11.6 901.1 9 5.2 22.2 135 1712 12.4 6 726 M(7) 845/541 58.4
Johnson Con. Hit 1703 27.19 10 74 161.5 20.3 1971.6 20 8.5 81.2 62 15 48.6 29.9 377.4 45 2.5 -1.8 77 1712 31.4 23 2290 (-31) 2775/1332 73.0
LEEL Electricals * 1703 40.33 10 56 228.4 9.9 2977.3 27 9.1 85.1 * -7 215 30.0 21.1 297.4 -44 7.5 2.4 -63 1712 16.0 -40 248 (-21) 329/168 15.5
IND.COMPOSITE 86.71 9061.0 7.0 277.9 5.0 22.8 14191 52.7
Arfin India 1703 12.15 10 73 44.4 33.5 363.3 27 7.5 13.1 98 20 11.6 10.7 119.3 35 10.8 7.0 115 1712 15.2 60 508 B(22) 597/133 33.5
Century Extrus. * 1703 8.00 1 52 4.9 4.3 181.9 8 6.0 1.7 41 - 0.6 0.2 60.3 38 3.7 1.0 111 1712 0.3 48 7 (1) 8/4 -
Ess Dee Alumin. * 1703 32.05 10 58 54.0 - 0.4 -100 -99.9 -511.0 -293 - - - - - - -45.7 25 1712 - -193 63 (-8) 93/28 -
Hind Aluminium * 1703 6.30 10 62 120.8 8.8 498.2 -31 3.6 6.5 -28 16 14.7 9.9 186.3 81 3.0 1.6 46 1712 12.5 8 127 (-1) 175/83 10.1
Hindalco Inds. * 1703 224.50 1 35 210.8 2.7 36936.6 8 12.9 1216.3 * 239 110 11.8 5.4 11022.8 18 11.9 445.8 39 1712 6.6 24 247 M(-) 284/179 37.3
Natl. Aluminium * 1703 966.46 5 60 52.8 5.7 7543.0 11 14.3 696.2 -7 56 5.5 3.0 2388.8 20 14.4 194.4 14 1712 4.2 28 68 (-5) 98/61 16.1
P G Foils * 1703 8.11 10 58 151.4 11.4 238.1 13 5.8 13.0 * 317 11 19.0 15.8 62.7 13 9.4 4.8 -23 1712 13.1 -14 182 (9) 239/98 13.9
Sacheta Metals * 1703 18.94 10 57 14.6 2.2 61.2 21 5.3 0.6 43 3 1.2 0.3 19.4 34 6.8 0.5 382 1712 0.8 240 49 (-) 71/32 -
IND.COMPOSITE 1276.51 45822.6 12.1 1436.4 12.1 609.4 69914 29.7
Apex Frozen * 1703 31.25 10 72 71.6 28.4 699.1 16 6.4 24.4 27 10 9.7 7.7 262.8 - 11.4 18.8 - 1712 21.0 - 669 P(-60) 941/195 31.9
Waterbase * 1703 41.43 10 64 30.7 9.7 321.6 7 9.4 11.6 116 10 4.1 2.8 60.0 13 11.8 3.3 LP 1712 6.7 LP 323 M(9) 418/83 48.5
Zeal Aqua 1703 4.20 10 68 87.5 6.2 174.6 44 5.3 1.8 -7 - 10.1 4.2 - - - - - 7.4 - 535 (-12) 600/281 72.7
IND.COMPOSITE 76.88 1195.2 7.0 37.8 11.5 22.1 3654 38.0
Ashok Leyland 1703 292.71 1 51 21.0 21.2 20477.7 6 8.8 1269.1 64 156 6.1 4.3 7113.2 58 11.1 449.7 178 1712 4.9 59 132 M(3) 139/81 27.1
Force Motors 1703 13.18 10 61 1263.6 11.4 3069.0 1 8.7 179.2 * - 100 221.7 135.9 749.5 19 6.1 14.7 -37 1712 107.2 -28 2840 (-193) 4810/2826 26.5
SML ISUZU * 1703 14.47 10 44 278.2 16.9 1369.0 17 7.9 63.0 23 80 59.8 43.5 221.5 -2 -0.8 -9.8 PL 1712 2.1 -96 780 (-31) 1385/775 367.6
Tata Motors * 1703 577.47 2 36 71.7 - 44364.0 4 3.2 -2384.5 -999 - 2.0 - 16101.6 58 8.6 187.8 LP 1712 - 24 368 (-28) 487/357 -
IND.COMPOSITE 897.83 69279.7 5.2 -873.2 9.2 642.4 149764 27.8
M&M * 1703 621.60 5 20 206.6 13.9 43785.4 7 10.4 3347.0 * 7 260 37.6 26.9 11577.8 5 12.9 919.8 17 1712 29.7 15 727 XB(-34) 803/613 24.5
Maruti Suzuki 1703 151.04 5 56 1197.4 17.4 68034.8 18 15.2 5758.8 * 27 1500 276.8 190.6 18940.0 14 16.0 1799.0 3 1712 197.3 -5 8740 (-349)10000/5804 44.3
IND.COMPOSITE 772.64 111820.2 13.3 9105.8 14.9 2718.8 354415 36.7
Escorts 1703 122.58 10 40 162.4 9.7 4093.7 22 7.5 185.7 76 15 20.3 15.2 1205.0 12 12.0 91.9 286 1712 25.6 113 859 (-21) 922/406 33.5
HMT * 1703 1204.09 10 94 1.7 - 10.1 46 -99.9 -26.9 PL - - - 4.2 85 -74.8 4.4 LP 1712 0.9 191 34 (-1) 49/31 -
VST Till. Tract. * 1703 8.64 10 54 566.0 15.8 695.1 7 14.2 68.9 * -7 150 93.5 79.8 165.7 17 17.5 31.4 148 1712 103.1 15 2669 (225) 2814/1770 25.9
IND.COMPOSITE 1335.31 4799.0 7.3 227.7 12.4 127.6 16871 31.8
Atul Auto * 1703 10.97 5 53 82.3 22.3 475.3 -10 12.6 35.9 * -24 85 17.9 15.5 127.9 -4 12.2 9.7 -20 1712 18.1 -4 416 (4) 512/390 23.0
Bajaj Auto 1703 289.37 10 49 588.7 25.3 21766.7 -4 20.3 3830.5 -3 550 142.0 131.4 6246.2 26 19.7 952.4 3 1712 131.9 -4 3040 (-138) 3473/2695 23.1
Mah. Scooters 1703 11.43 10 51 283.9 3.0 8.5 -5 -76.4 9.4 * -90 300 8.7 8.3 3.0 -4 - 0.4 -66 1712 50.0 1 2431 (-120) 3442/1643 48.6
Scooters India * 1703 85.38 10 94 10.4 -11.0 96.4 -31 -12.1 -10.3 PL - - - 19.4 -30 -21.2 -4.2 -999 1712 - -616 50 (-5) 80/37 -
IND.COMPOSITE 397.15 22347.0 20.0 3865.5 19.4 958.3 92080 23.4
Eicher Motors * 1703 27.24 10 51 1440.0 49.9 7038.0 14 31.3 1560.2 49 1000 629.1 572.8 2245.9 23 32.0 472.0 14 1712 684.5 22 27083 M(-493) 33484/22990 39.6
Hero Motocorp * 1703 39.94 2 35 506.3 35.7 28475.0 0 16.3 3283.4 * 8 4250 171.4 146.7 7305.5 15 15.9 805.4 4 1712 168.0 - 3460 M(-174)4200/3081 20.6
TVS Motor Co. 1703 47.51 1 57 50.7 22.8 12135.3 9 7.1 496.7 * 10 250 16.0 10.0 3685.0 24 7.8 154.4 16 1712 11.8 6 652 (-7) 795/414 55.1
IND.COMPOSITE 114.69 47648.3 16.2 5340.3 16.3 1431.8 173857 30.1
Alicon Cast. 1703 6.68 5 65 166.0 14.9 712.3 4 11.6 24.8 13 85 37.3 18.6 233.3 47 11.4 10.0 107 1712 25.7 44 616 M(-20) 763/365 24.0
Amara Raja Batt. * 1703 17.08 1 52 151.8 20.3 5317.2 15 16.0 470.2 * -3 425 38.7 27.5 1553.5 17 15.6 134.5 20 1712 26.5 -6 803 (24) 955/665 30.3
Amtek Auto 1703 49.65 2 52 123.9 - 1949.9 30 17.9 -941.4 -188 - - - 424.6 -23 8.4 -384.7 -29 1706 - -109 24 (1) 44/21 -
Auto.Corp.of Goa 1703 6.42 10 54 306.2 10.9 467.4 12 6.5 21.0 24 175 41.4 32.7 113.4 4 6.2 5.0 3 1712 33.6 6 1145 (-49) 1670/600 34.1
Autolite (India) * 1703 11.18 10 54 35.0 - 113.9 -11 7.3 0.5 * -17 - 2.9 0.4 35.9 24 10.0 2.0 677 1712 - PL 74 (14) 111/48 -
Automotive Axles * 1703 15.11 10 71 248.7 13.8 1146.8 6 9.8 48.4 * 37 80 58.2 32.1 407.9 43 10.8 22.3 107 1712 48.0 69 1628 (35) 1826/618 33.9
Banco Products * 1703 14.30 2 68 73.5 21.9 517.4 5 18.0 98.7 * 21 450 15.6 13.1 144.7 37 16.5 22.4 - 1712 12.7 -15 222 (-1) 276/192 17.4
Bharat Gears 1703 8.14 10 55 86.5 -1.9 406.8 2 7.0 -1.2 PL - 19.0 - 129.5 18 9.7 2.8 524 1712 6.9 LP 193 M(2) 232/101 28.2
Bharat Seats * 1703 6.28 2 74 19.8 21.1 825.2 18 4.4 12.4 67 45 9.4 3.9 216.1 7 6.2 5.8 97 1712 7.9 120 204 (9) 274/63 26.0
Bosch 1703 30.52 10 70 2883.2 14.1 10435.2 8 21.6 1294.1 * -4 1650 540.4 391.0 3071.9 14 14.6 281.0 29 1712 304.9 -42 19429 (-482)25245/18602 63.7
Endurance Tech. * 1703 140.66 10 83 111.1 15.2 3865.7 6 11.8 219.8 * 5 25 27.4 15.6 1116.9 25 12.9 64.8 37 1712 18.2 14 1274 (118) 1397/657 69.8
Enkei Wheels 1703 7.71 5 71 35.3 - 406.7 6 8.2 4.2 * LP - 16.8 2.7 110.9 14 9.0 1.6 LP 1712 4.5 LP 386 M(16) 468/158 86.4
Exide Inds. 1703 85.00 1 46 58.4 14.6 7628.4 11 14.2 694.0 11 240 10.3 7.8 2276.5 33 12.4 154.3 2 1712 7.9 -6 210 (4) 250/193 26.7

32 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Federal-Mogul Go * 1703 55.63 10 75 101.1 13.7 1302.2 -2 13.9 72.4 60 - 26.7 13.0 313.3 10 11.9 15.5 30 1712 14.9 29 500 (-18) 651/469 33.6
Fiem Inds. * 1703 13.16 10 64 321.7 11.3 1017.4 3 13.2 39.4 -31 80 59.7 29.9 284.3 22 12.6 12.6 40 1712 31.9 -22 887 (9) 1085/821 27.8
Gabriel India * 1703 14.36 1 54 31.4 19.7 1529.1 6 9.4 82.4 9 130 8.1 5.6 445.2 20 8.9 21.5 15 1712 6.3 12 157 (-7) 223/111 24.8
GNA Axles 1703 21.47 10 66 138.3 13.6 513.4 1 15.7 29.6 14 - 24.9 13.8 167.0 41 16.1 12.7 56 1712 18.9 31 417 (1) 475/189 22.1
Harita Seating * 1703 7.77 10 66 116.1 31.7 347.7 13 8.0 24.6 * 14 50 38.2 31.7 133.1 58 7.9 9.3 51 1712 37.4 11 917 (15) 1108/651 24.5
Hind.Composites * 1703 7.38 5 75 469.7 3.8 166.2 8 23.3 24.4 * 17 10 21.8 16.6 54.2 26 20.2 8.0 22 1712 15.6 261 449 B(-11) 803/420 28.8
India Motor Part U 1709 (6) 8.32 10 31 316.5 11.3 189.1 -64 5.6 13.7 11 - 33.8 32.8 94.5 -25 5.6 6.8 -8 1709 27.5 -23 1134 (101) 1443/759 41.3
India NipponElec 1703 11.31 10 66 254.6 9.4 350.0 4 10.8 26.0 * -4 100 26.7 23.0 110.0 26 13.5 11.7 23 1712 31.7 18 998 (31) 1425/505 31.5
IP Rings * 1703 12.68 10 57 68.2 - 173.6 47 7.7 -1.5 PL - 5.2 - 48.3 1 13.9 2.2 LP 1712 6.0 LP 184 (-9) 279/121 30.8
IST * 1703 5.83 10 75 284.2 5.2 25.3 43 16.8 8.4 * 119 - 18.0 14.4 5.2 -1 15.3 2.4 91 1712 16.1 71 1128 (37) 1588/722 69.9
Jamna Auto Inds. * 1703 39.85 1 48 8.4 35.6 1087.4 0 12.0 103.2 * 41 70 3.7 2.5 440.7 80 11.1 32.2 48 1712 2.8 13 76 M(1) 91/39 26.9
Jay Bharat Mar. 1703 10.83 5 59 140.6 19.3 1526.6 17 8.7 53.3 * 38 50 43.7 24.6 416.4 12 8.9 14.0 11 1712 28.2 40 462 (-30) 749/346 16.4
JBM Auto * 1703 20.40 5 62 58.4 15.3 698.0 23 11.0 33.3 * 37 40 13.9 8.2 190.6 11 11.8 8.3 -6 1712 9.0 31 442 (-1) 629/259 49.4
JMT Auto * 1703 50.38 1 72 3.4 2.5 314.2 -6 17.0 4.2 -18 - 0.7 0.1 92.6 21 16.6 0.2 -88 1712 0.0 -92 5 (-) 16/3 -
Jullundur Motor 1703 5.96 10 38 212.3 10.7 379.6 -1 4.6 13.0 * 5 40 22.8 21.0 55.7 -39 0.7 1.2 -53 1709 17.8 -18 255 (35) 300/191 14.3
L G Balakrishnan 1703 15.70 10 48 291.2 14.4 1171.6 7 12.4 60.6 * 6 70 70.0 38.6 333.5 20 14.6 22.5 84 1712 47.1 25 1034 (89) 1139/551 22.0
Lumax Auto Tech. * 1703 13.63 10 56 104.1 5.1 508.3 -10 4.5 7.1 -64 47 14.8 5.2 154.1 54 8.9 7.4 403 1712 16.6 51 774 (36) 932/420 46.5
Lumax Inds. 1703 9.35 10 74 258.5 20.6 1299.8 4 7.7 45.0 * 21 145 91.3 48.1 370.8 25 8.9 17.4 32 1712 58.4 20 2212 (454) 2437/1144 37.9
Minda Corp * 1703 41.86 2 70 18.9 14.4 773.1 10 10.1 51.8 * 7 25 3.4 2.4 249.7 30 12.5 16.3 -9 1712 2.9 4 189 (3) 229/91 66.0
Minda Inds. * 1703 17.34 2 71 129.4 15.1 1639.5 12 9.5 92.7 * 24 110 16.2 10.7 451.8 13 10.7 33.3 75 1712 13.2 27 1082 M(-66) 1357/376 81.8
Motherson Sumi * 1703 210.53 1 62 27.6 20.0 6347.8 20 20.1 773.0 * 13 200 4.6 3.7 1759.6 17 17.8 174.6 -18 1712 4.1 13 328 B(-27) 395/229 80.7
Munjal Auto Inds 1703 20.00 2 75 25.0 13.6 849.9 -4 7.1 32.0 67 100 4.9 3.2 234.5 25 7.0 10.7 72 1712 4.0 36 76 B(-1) 98/46 19.3
Munjal Showa 1703 8.00 2 65 127.4 11.8 1459.7 -3 6.5 52.7 * -10 200 20.5 13.2 351.9 7 5.3 11.2 -23 1712 13.3 -11 225 (-11) 312/184 16.9
Omax Autos 1703 21.39 10 55 102.1 -9.6 1042.2 1 3.4 -21.0 * PL - 2.6 - 305.6 21 7.4 12.5 LP 1712 - PL 171 (-) 216/62 -
PPAP Automotive * 1703 14.00 10 64 165.9 10.8 342.7 13 18.8 23.8 * 56 30 34.2 16.8 90.2 6 21.3 8.2 23 1712 22.4 57 553 (2) 721/201 24.7
Precision Camshf * 1703 94.80 10 64 58.2 11.7 443.0 2 22.7 59.7 * 1 15 10.2 6.3 93.0 -9 20.3 6.7 -52 1712 4.2 -29 108 M(-5) 167/103 25.7
Pricol Ltd 1703 9.48 1 37 87.8 10.3 1264.9 940 10.7 46.1 999 100 11.8 4.9 274.4 -6 12.0 8.7 -17 1712 2.2 -52 98 (5) 138/76 43.9
Rane (Madras) 1703 11.61 10 62 197.0 11.5 1003.3 17 9.5 19.1 21 60 56.2 15.5 308.9 33 12.2 14.2 317 1712 26.6 76 822 M(8) 960/407 31.0
Rane Brake Lin. 1703 7.91 10 67 211.0 30.2 487.5 9 14.9 46.0 79 150 81.6 57.0 128.1 12 19.5 13.2 33 1712 57.3 14 1001 (-44) 1447/915 17.5
Rane Engine Val. 1703 6.72 10 51 238.1 -8.4 360.2 3 6.1 -11.1 * 63 25 24.8 - 91.0 15 3.9 -3.2 -93 1712 - 71 543 (-2) 743/513 -
Rasandik Engg. * 1703 4.73 10 54 61.9 10.6 215.0 10 11.3 3.0 178 - 33.5 6.3 60.1 25 11.2 0.3 LP 1712 6.8 18 190 (-1) 279/70 27.8
Rico Auto Inds. * 1703 13.53 1 50 37.1 8.9 954.5 5 9.5 43.1 53 75 5.8 3.2 263.3 20 9.5 14.1 53 1712 3.2 -4 83 (4) 111/44 26.3
Samkrg Pistons 1703 9.82 10 67 111.8 19.4 251.6 3 16.1 19.7 24 45 33.2 20.1 70.0 25 16.7 5.9 26 1712 21.5 22 304 (-4) 379/181 14.2
Setco Automotive * 1703 26.72 2 64 16.0 9.4 536.7 1 12.4 19.2 * -42 33 2.7 1.4 145.7 21 14.9 11.3 279 1712 1.8 - 62 (2) 74/33 34.2
Shanthi Gears * 1703 8.17 1 70 37.5 7.6 184.0 12 19.4 21.8 * 26 75 4.9 2.7 54.0 17 19.5 6.7 42 1712 3.0 13 142 (4) 179/104 47.6
Sharda Motor Ind * 1703 5.95 10 73 474.2 21.8 1042.6 12 13.1 60.6 66 125 196.6 100.5 254.4 2 12.6 17.2 45 1712 121.5 31 2264 (-50) 3100/1203 18.6
Shivam Autotech * 1703 20.00 2 75 19.2 -2.0 456.4 7 10.0 -3.8 PL - 2.8 - 127.7 19 17.1 2.3 LP 1712 1.1 LP 79 (2) 108/42 74.5
Shriram Pistons 1703 22.37 10 48 350.7 16.1 1467.7 5 17.4 116.5 * 29 70 92.3 52.1 430.8 31 15.4 28.9 27 1712 56.5 19 1710 (10) 2498/1130 30.3
Sintercom India 1703 24.20 10 - 29.9 7.0 65.3 3 23.0 2.8 -14 - 3.5 1.1 - - - - - 1.1 - 71 P 90/68 62.5
Sona Koyo Steer. * 1703 19.87 1 77 15.0 8.2 1164.9 8 10.9 23.7 39 50 5.0 1.2 292.8 2 10.7 5.8 12 1712 1.3 7 105 (7) 131/75 79.5
Steel Str. Wheel * 1703 15.56 10 58 314.0 15.9 1331.7 13 12.3 69.9 * 15 30 75.4 44.6 397.4 19 12.0 18.1 44 1712 49.3 20 973 M(-47) 1225/679 19.7
Subros 1703 12.00 2 40 58.2 11.3 1549.5 19 10.8 38.5 60 25 21.1 6.4 448.8 22 10.6 16.4 420 1712 9.9 93 335 (17) 442/185 34.0
Sundaram Clayton * 1703 10.12 5 75 302.2 18.9 1394.6 -2 9.5 101.1 * -27 630 79.7 49.7 404.5 20 -6.4 1.0 -98 1712 - PL 4984 (389) 6195/3250 -
Suprajit Engg. * 1703 13.99 1 44 36.9 18.7 861.6 47 16.8 81.3 * 66 110 6.9 5.8 254.4 22 17.8 26.1 -3 1712 6.0 7 271 (-15) 349/198 45.2
Talbros Auto. * 1703 12.35 10 57 109.7 8.0 328.8 6 9.8 10.2 * 24 15 17.9 7.9 102.0 30 10.9 5.2 44 1712 10.4 31 291 (16) 354/124 27.9
Talbros Engg. * 1703 5.08 10 73 83.1 17.9 160.9 15 9.4 7.0 108 20 20.8 13.6 47.6 26 10.5 2.1 101 1712 19.1 101 330 B(2) 444/135 17.3
The Hi-Tech Gear 1703 18.77 10 55 98.2 11.6 449.5 0 12.1 20.2 * -6 25 23.0 10.5 121.3 33 13.7 7.4 129 1712 15.1 48 436 (-35) 602/292 28.8
Ucal Fuel Sys. 1703 22.11 10 70 158.5 7.4 564.0 12 13.4 24.9 * 38 50 21.3 11.3 149.2 - 18.3 11.7 97 1712 15.5 32 255 (-9) 338/175 16.4
WABCO India 1703 9.48 5 75 667.9 18.3 2067.5 13 15.8 200.3 * 2 140 138.1 105.6 615.5 34 16.3 63.8 46 1712 121.0 7 7184 (-102) 8480/5200 59.4
Wheels India * 1703 12.03 10 75 388.5 13.5 2172.9 9 8.6 59.3 * 49 130 101.4 48.2 592.0 10 7.5 12.9 -10 1712 52.5 9 2087 (-158) 2410/1221 39.8
Z F Steering * 1703 9.07 10 74 357.3 14.8 389.9 2 20.5 41.5 * -5 80 76.6 45.8 100.9 12 19.1 12.6 30 1712 43.1 -15 1086 (-34) 1537/1045 25.2
IND.COMPOSITE 1482.30 80015.1 14.0 4710.2 12.5 1103.6 276152 47.2
Allahabad Bank * 1703 800.21 10 68 156.6 - 20304.7 -2 59.4 -313.5 * 58 - - - 4755.3 -5 29.6 -1263.8 PL 1712 - -5 51 M(-10) 93/49 -
Andhra Bank * 1703 872.80 10 70 133.1 1.7 20335.7 6 62.3 174.5 -68 - 3.7 2.0 5093.4 2 35.0 -532.0 PL 1712 - PL 46 M(-3) 76/44 -
Bank of Baroda * 1703 460.83 2 59 174.9 3.4 48958.0 0 61.3 1305.2 * LP 60 7.9 5.7 12976.3 7 55.0 111.8 -56 1712 3.2 LP 144 (-14) 207/134 44.4
Bank of India * 1703 1184.55 10 75 240.8 - 46063.2 1 56.2 -1558.3 74 - - - 10376.0 -11 31.7 -2341.2 PL 1712 - 24 125 M(-22) 217/120 -
Bank of Maha * 1703 1379.94 10 76 49.2 - 13570.0 -4 55.4 -1372.4 PL - - - 2994.6 -14 27.3 -596.7 -227 1712 - -43 17 M(-2) 41/17 -
Canara Bank 1703 597.29 10 66 474.0 - 48942.0 0 66.7 1120.6 * LP 10 24.3 18.8 12341.1 2 58.8 125.8 -61 1712 14.2 LP 304 (-13) 463/281 21.4
Central Bank * 1703 1967.75 10 82 78.4 - 27537.1 -1 56.8 -2437.9 -63 - - - 6589.3 -3 22.6 -1664.2 -175 1712 - -27 66 M(-3) 125/64 -
Corporation Bank * 1703 229.41 2 71 105.0 - 22561.8 7 69.1 560.5 * LP - 6.3 4.9 4841.4 -17 25.2 -1240.5 PL 1712 - -999 32 (-4) 65/32 -
Dena Bank * 1703 1130.85 10 62 68.8 - 11433.1 1 60.4 -863.2 8 - - - 2476.0 -17 31.1 -380.1 PL 1712 - -107 21 M(-2) 50/20 -
IOB * 1703 2852.56 10 82 44.4 - 23091.2 -11 48.1 -3418.0 * -18 - - - 5062.4 -10 41.7 -971.2 -75 1712 - 6 20 M(-1) 32/19 -
IDBI Bank 1703 2642.49 10 78 80.6 - 31759.0 1 53.2 -5157.6 -41 - - - 6645.8 -6 20.7 -1524.3 32 1712 - -56 64 M(4) 84/50 -
Indian Bank * 1703 480.29 10 82 301.1 10.1 18251.1 1 67.4 1406.7 97 60 31.5 28.1 4903.1 8 61.6 303.1 -19 1712 30.1 21 316 (-24) 428/252 10.5
J & K Bank 1703 55.69 1 59 95.6 -28.5 7178.7 -2 35.4 -1632.3 PL - - - 1790.8 1 57.8 72.5 LP 1712 - 87 68 M(-2) 96/66 -
Oriental Bank 1703 346.17 10 58 366.1 -8.3 21187.9 -3 58.6 -1094.3 * PL - - - 4699.1 -13 27.1 -1985.4 -999 1712 - PL 103 (-10) 191/98 -
Pun. & Sind Bank * 1703 400.41 10 80 131.6 3.9 8751.0 -5 71.0 201.1 * -40 - 6.1 5.0 2178.7 1 55.5 -258.3 PL 1712 - PL 38 (-4) 72/38 -
Punjab Natl.Bank * 1703 485.12 2 57 177.7 3.6 56227.4 5 59.8 1319.4 * LP - 7.2 5.4 15257.5 8 52.2 230.1 11 1712 5.7 LP 116 M(-47) 232/114 20.2

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 33

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
St Bk of India * 1703 863.21 1 57 198.9 7.0210979.2 10 58.9 10509.9 5 260 14.5 11.8 62887.1 17 46.1 -2416.4 PL 1712 - PL 268 M(-30) 352/241 -
Syndicate Bank * 1703 1041.30 10 63 131.9 3.0 26461.2 3 64.6 358.9 * LP - 4.8 3.4 5945.2 -9 41.0 -869.8 PL 1712 - 53 56 M(-11) 96/54 -
UCO Bank * 1703 1866.89 10 81 62.0 - 18440.3 -9 57.8 -1851.0 * 34 - - - 3721.9 -23 43.3 -1016.4 -133 1712 - 3 27 M(-2) 45/25 -
Union Bank (I) 1703 855.75 10 56 281.2 2.7 37624.6 5 64.5 529.4 * -61 - 8.9 6.2 9133.6 -5 45.0 -1249.9 PL 1712 - PL 110 M(-17) 205/105 -
United Bank (I) * 1703 1561.82 10 87 46.5 3.6 11614.5 2 66.5 219.5 * LP - 2.1 1.4 2483.0 -20 30.8 -637.5 PL 1712 - -319 14 M(-1) 27/14 -
Vijaya Bank 1703 1109.87 10 63 72.3 10.7 14030.7 8 68.6 752.1 97 15 7.5 6.8 3450.8 -7 60.0 79.6 -65 1712 6.5 17 57 M(-4) 97/53 8.7
IND.COMPOSITE 23185.20 745302.2 60.0 -1240.7 43.6-18024.9 430172 19.6
AU Small Finance * 1703 285.68 10 33 70.0 24.1 2100.9 100 48.2 361.0 * 46 - 12.8 12.6 570.2 61 58.5 78.9 -5 1712 11.2 - 573 M(-52) 739/496 51.2
Axis Bank * 1703 513.00 2 27 251.2 6.8 56233.5 12 53.6 3679.6 -55 250 16.3 14.3 14314.6 -1 56.1 726.4 25 1712 14.4 -20 539 M(-27) 628/448 37.5
City Union Bank * 1703 66.35 1 - 53.8 15.2 3657.7 9 67.7 502.7 * 13 30 8.4 7.6 987.1 3 72.0 154.8 22 1712 8.6 17 174 B(17) 209/125 20.3
DCB Bank 1703 308.00 10 15 75.6 10.8 2325.6 21 63.6 199.8 3 5 7.8 6.5 685.7 12 65.4 57.0 11 1712 7.6 8 167 M(1) 213/138 22.0
Dhanlaxmi Bank * 1703 253.01 10 - 30.6 - 1200.1 -6 64.1 12.3 * LP - 1.3 0.5 270.1 -7 52.9 -21.7 -166 1712 0.0 LP 23 M(-2) 45/23 -
Federal Bank 1703 393.83 2 - 58.1 9.8 9759.2 14 66.1 830.7 * 75 45 4.8 4.2 2729.8 7 71.4 260.0 26 1712 5.0 69 93 M(-1) 128/83 18.5
HDFC Bank 1703 518.41 2 21 345.2 18.0 81602.5 15 62.2 14549.6 18 550 59.4 56.1 24450.4 18 71.0 4642.6 20 1712 64.3 20 1875 M(-39)2014/1360 29.1
ICICI Bank * 1703 1284.81 2 - 150.9 10.7 73660.8 8 57.3 9799.4 * 1 125 16.4 15.3 16832.2 -4 56.1 1650.2 -32 1712 12.1 -8 320 B(-12) 366/241 26.4
IDFC Bank 1703 3402.83 10 53 43.1 7.2 9545.8 136 79.0 1023.4 119 8 3.4 3.0 2514.5 -3 80.9 146.1 -24 1712 1.7 -42 52 M(-1) 70/49 30.2
IndusInd Bank * 1703 600.11 10 15 337.8 15.3 18577.2 22 60.3 2866.0 * 26 60 50.9 47.8 5473.5 16 69.8 936.3 25 1712 56.7 25 1632 M(-82)1818/1288 28.8
Karnataka Bank 1703 282.61 10 - 167.0 10.8 5994.7 8 69.2 452.6 9 40 17.8 16.0 1526.9 5 65.9 87.4 28 1712 16.0 8 133 M(-5) 181/115 8.3
Karur Vysya Bank 1703 145.33 2 2 81.6 12.6 6404.6 4 64.9 605.7 * 7 130 9.5 8.3 1647.2 4 58.1 71.5 -38 1712 7.1 -3 111 R(-1) 150/84 15.7
Kotak Mah. Bank * 1703 952.64 5 30 175.4 13.2 21176.1 11 61.3 3403.5 * 63 12 19.3 17.7 6049.0 12 69.8 1053.2 20 1712 20.6 26 1057 M(-5) 1133/790 51.3
Lak. Vilas Bank 1703 255.88 10 9 107.4 14.4 3349.4 17 69.3 255.8 * 42 27 11.9 10.0 817.5 -7 65.0 -39.2 PL 1712 3.5 -65 119 R(-10) 195/118 34.1
RBL Bank * 1703 418.72 10 - 143.9 12.2 4468.6 38 65.7 445.6 * 53 18 12.1 10.6 1409.0 23 66.3 165.3 28 1712 13.6 36 474 M(-11) 600/414 35.0
South Ind.Bank * 1703 180.88 1 - 25.5 9.4 6562.7 8 69.6 393.1 18 40 2.5 2.2 1735.8 - 71.6 115.0 3 1712 1.6 -24 27 M(-1) 35/20 16.5
Yes Bank 1703 460.18 2 20 95.9 18.6 20581.4 27 67.8 3330.1 * 31 120 15.2 14.5 6492.6 24 73.3 1076.9 22 1712 17.2 27 313 M(-31) 383/275 18.2
IND.COMPOSITE 10322.27 327200.6 60.8 42710.9 65.511160.7 1310164 29.7
ABC Bearings 1703 11.55 10 39 120.2 7.4 189.8 6 16.5 9.8 * 79 20 19.4 8.5 50.0 9 18.3 3.6 40 1712 7.7 -15 470 (-15) 569/158 60.9
Bimetal Bear. 1703 3.83 10 75 428.4 2.6 148.2 1 0.2 4.2 * -20 75 21.5 10.9 45.2 44 6.0 1.7 287 1712 18.6 35 599 (16) 689/352 32.2
Menon Bearings 1703 5.60 1 75 11.5 33.2 123.6 11 27.0 19.3 29 100 4.2 3.2 37.1 32 25.1 5.5 39 1712 3.9 25 101 (-6) 127/67 25.8
NRB Bearings * 1703 19.38 2 54 34.7 16.0 708.7 8 14.8 51.0 * 11 70 8.0 5.0 207.9 26 19.5 21.3 178 1712 7.1 43 157 (10) 183/103 22.2
NRB Indl Bearing * 1703 4.85 2 70 -6.1 - 39.6 -1 -7.3 -14.6 24 - - - 12.2 20 -4.5 -4.4 17 1712 - 30 26 (-) 45/25 -
Schaeffler India * 1712 16.62 10 51 999.1 14.2 1918.7 6 19.1 238.0 22 170 186.0 143.2 506.1 9 20.0 67.9 24 1712 143.2 22 5320 (-57) 5960/4030 37.1
SKF India * 1703 51.34 10 52 352.5 14.0 2631.4 -12 12.8 243.7 * 19 100 53.7 44.3 700.5 5 17.6 86.2 32 1712 54.9 19 1850 M(94) 2010/1453 33.7
SNL Bearings * 1703 3.61 10 74 55.2 38.1 33.5 12 31.9 6.7 17 30 19.8 17.8 10.3 16 33.3 2.2 21 1712 21.9 31 378 (15) 460/212 17.2
Timken India * 1703 68.00 10 75 90.9 16.9 1056.2 1 15.0 97.1 * 4 10 18.5 14.3 278.6 21 7.4 9.2 -31 1712 13.8 -3 825 (-43) 1008/601 59.7
IND.COMPOSITE 184.78 6849.7 15.2 655.2 15.5 193.2 27006 37.0
Assoc.Alcohols * 1703 18.08 10 58 54.4 19.4 296.5 3 13.8 17.4 * 18 10 15.7 9.6 96.7 15 18.5 9.6 80 1712 13.9 43 262 (17) 309/108 18.9
G M Breweries 1703 14.62 10 74 150.2 21.9 747.7 8 9.7 43.6 * -19 30 32.9 29.2 117.9 21 28.9 22.3 125 1712 39.9 25 903 (42) 1212/389 22.7
Globus Spirits * 1703 28.80 10 55 129.4 2.5 789.1 12 7.1 7.9 * -37 - 16.0 2.8 258.3 19 6.6 1.3 -68 1712 - PL 130 (4) 178/62 -
IFB Agro Inds. 1703 9.37 10 65 302.0 10.1 829.3 33 5.9 26.9 * - - 50.4 28.7 188.7 -4 6.6 5.3 -42 1712 23.1 -36 675 (3) 939/366 29.2
Jagatjit Inds. * 1703 46.15 10 34 -7.4 - 510.9 -26 -9.2 -102.0 -51 - - - 99.8 -18 1.4 -18.7 -4 1712 - 22 86 (-4) 128/45 -
Pincon Spirit 1703 47.79 10 34 31.0 36.7 1420.1 50 6.6 43.0 73 8 9.5 8.9 402.6 30 7.2 13.1 39 1709 10.4 55 34 C(1) 78/29 3.3
Pioneer Distil. * 1703 13.39 10 75 -33.5 - 113.2 -41 2.8 -30.1 PL - - - 33.6 29 -4.8 -9.4 -10 1712 28.4 LP 178 (-6) 254/128 6.3
Radico Khaitan 1703 26.66 2 40 77.3 8.1 1679.9 2 12.7 81.7 8 40 9.3 6.1 482.5 17 15.7 35.0 78 1712 8.0 34 336 M(-18) 418/107 42.1
Som Distilleries 1703 27.52 10 23 49.3 10.6 244.7 11 14.4 13.4 * - 15 5.9 4.6 65.3 50 17.3 3.8 125 1712 7.6 65 242 (-4) 299/114 32.1
United Breweries 1703 26.44 1 73 88.2 10.2 4734.1 -2 14.3 229.4 -24 115 19.5 8.7 1197.1 17 12.7 47.4 -2 1712 11.7 12 1054 (-130) 1243/716 89.9
United Spirits 1703 145.33 10 58 133.3 - 8547.6 4 9.5 308.4 999 - 30.3 21.2 2263.3 -8 12.0 143.9 -3 1712 26.2 172 3241 (48) 4003/1831 123.6
IND.COMPOSITE 404.15 19913.1 10.1 639.6 11.9 253.6 83711 82.1
Cords Cable * 1703 12.93 10 51 93.8 4.1 323.4 14 10.2 5.0 62 - 8.1 3.8 87.8 13 9.7 1.3 14 1712 4.5 26 100 (1) 154/74 22.5
Diamond Power * 1703 269.71 10 11 24.3 - 1131.7 -45 -57.2 -908.7 * -237 - - - 105.0 -58 -11.7 -29.7 90 1712 - 43 14 (-3) 45/14 -
Dynamic Cables 1703 22.01 10 - 29.4 23.2 300.0 12 7.1 7.9 17 - 4.5 3.6 87.3 - 5.8 2.1 - 1706 - - 54 P(4) 72/43 -
Finolex Cables * 1703 30.59 2 36 122.7 18.2 2444.8 4 15.2 291.1 * 27 150 21.7 18.5 656.8 6 14.9 74.9 9 1712 21.4 6 713 (36) 750/427 33.3
Hind.Urban Infra 1703 1.44 10 75 1877.2 -1.1 656.0 -4 6.5 -2.9 * PL 10 85.3 - 135.9 -15 2.6 -5.9 -675 1712 - PL 1120 (-36) 1650/626 -
KEI Inds. 1703 15.67 2 46 60.4 23.5 2669.1 15 10.3 98.7 59 30 16.2 12.6 888.7 24 9.5 39.0 51 1712 17.3 71 374 M(4) 423/167 21.7
Paramount Comm. * 1703 28.58 2 56 -23.4 - 315.7 2 -15.5 -71.7 * 42 - - - 104.8 74 -1.2 -2.3 84 1712 - 66 15 M(-) 20/3 -
Universal Cables * 1703 34.70 10 62 61.9 14.2 818.2 9 9.1 27.5 * 78 - 13.4 7.9 297.1 44 9.2 8.4 73 1712 7.8 -16 152 (3) 210/87 19.6
IND.COMPOSITE 415.63 8658.9 1.4 -553.1 9.0 87.7 15359 29.3
Aksh Optifibre * 1703 81.33 5 28 29.2 3.3 458.9 6 10.2 15.0 * -61 - 2.1 0.9 154.0 20 11.1 6.4 392 1712 0.9 -35 37 (-) 47/17 -
Bhagyanagar Ind * 1703 6.40 2 73 32.1 4.4 305.1 3 2.7 6.9 320 - 3.2 2.2 119.3 74 3.0 1.9 99 1712 2.6 334 44 (5) 58/20 17.2
CMI * 1703 15.03 10 44 70.3 22.7 307.2 28 14.0 20.1 * 18 10 14.1 13.2 86.9 65 12.3 4.6 30 1712 13.6 -4 249 M(-5) 308/161 18.3
Shilpi Cable * 1703 110.63 10 30 -29.9 - 2004.4 5 -29.9 -685.0 PL 12 - - 4.5 -99 - -104.0 PL 1712 - PL 11 (-) 252/10 -
Sterlite Tech. * 1703 80.20 2 54 24.2 15.1 2256.4 11 18.6 141.0 -22 63 6.9 3.4 757.3 20 21.0 65.7 57 1712 4.8 19 344 M(21) 415/120 72.0
Vindhya Telelink * 1703 11.85 10 44 368.2 16.7 1033.4 5 12.4 67.3 -17 70 67.4 56.8 320.5 54 12.9 16.6 54 1712 69.7 37 1126 (-26) 1472/620 16.2
IND.COMPOSITE 305.44 6365.4 0.7 -434.7 16.1 -8.8 16386 51.7

34 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio


AIA Engg. * 1703 18.86 2 62 256.8 16.5 2065.8 13 27.1 369.6 * -35 400 46.1 38.5 488.2 -2 21.5 90.5 9 1712 41.8 -9 1460 (12) 1702/1276 34.9
Bharat Forge * 1703 93.12 2 46 90.9 15.0 3864.7 -11 27.3 558.6 * -20 375 18.1 11.7 1390.6 47 29.9 228.2 77 1712 16.9 46 736 B(22) 783/497 43.5
Electrost.Cast. 1703 35.70 1 53 80.2 1.6 1834.2 -9 15.2 44.8 * -36 50 3.0 1.3 511.7 11 13.2 20.4 -15 1712 0.1 -97 32 (1) 45/24 -
Inv.&Prec.Cast. 1703 5.00 10 50 110.8 8.0 92.0 8 16.3 4.2 48 13 18.5 8.5 28.4 25 22.3 2.7 171 1712 15.0 88 430 (-) 525/185 28.6
Jayaswal Neco * 1703 638.63 10 69 25.6 - 2516.4 -5 11.2 -462.4 * -999 - - - 821.0 34 5.5 -173.3 -24 1712 - -22 9 (-) 13/6 -
Kalyani Forge * 1703 3.64 10 59 280.8 4.6 226.8 -2 7.1 4.5 * 303 30 41.0 12.4 63.8 14 6.4 0.8 -54 1712 7.6 -11 314 (-26) 410/267 41.6
LGB Forge * 1703 15.00 1 64 0.5 - 84.0 -5 -1.3 -5.9 * -32 - - - 25.2 18 -1.0 -1.5 1 1712 - -46 4 (-) 8/3 -
M M Forgings * 1703 12.07 10 56 260.6 14.6 478.4 -5 19.4 43.4 * -13 60 68.1 35.8 146.0 25 21.6 15.2 51 1712 44.6 29 1094 (96) 1229/455 24.5
Mahindra CIE 1612 378.37 10 70 91.5 2.0 1786.9 34 8.1 57.3 37 - 3.4 1.5 484.3 21 10.0 20.4 45 1709 1.7 26 225 M(16) 270/198 129.8
National Fitting * 1703 8.32 10 66 33.3 42.9 67.1 29 23.2 10.1 37 40 13.1 11.8 15.4 -15 24.3 2.4 -15 1712 10.1 -15 210 (-5) 285/195 20.7
Nelcast * 1703 17.40 2 75 37.9 10.7 574.6 2 11.1 34.0 * 7 45 5.3 3.7 201.4 41 9.7 10.3 5 1712 4.2 14 84 (6) 109/51 20.0
PTC Inds. * 1703 5.24 10 63 242.4 4.7 99.4 4 15.1 5.9 -5 - 21.8 11.2 23.9 2 22.6 2.4 43 1712 10.3 -27 533 (3) 655/251 51.8
Ramkrishna Forg. 1703 32.59 10 44 212.0 4.0 875.8 -3 18.9 19.0 -65 10 27.0 5.8 400.1 89 19.3 27.7 999 1712 23.7 477 757 M(-13) 891/378 32.0
Simplex Casting * 1703 5.98 10 58 138.7 2.3 207.6 0 10.0 1.9 * -47 5 15.2 3.0 79.1 162 7.4 0.9 LP 1712 2.7 -71 152 (-) 177/92 57.2
Steelcast 1703 10.12 5 46 36.6 - 134.3 -2 18.1 1.5 * 999 12 6.8 0.7 58.9 83 17.3 4.8 LP 1712 6.4 999 185 (-2) 224/55 28.8
Uni Abex Alloy * 1703 1.98 10 63 172.4 -22.2 59.2 -5 -3.5 -9.2 * -214 - - - 18.3 66 11.0 -0.1 99 1712 - 23 504 (-26) 635/270 -
IND.COMPOSITE 1282.02 14967.0 18.3 677.3 17.8 251.8 64181 42.9
ACC * 1712 187.79 10 55 498.7 7.0 12931.0 16 14.8 915.5 52 260 82.8 48.7 3417.1 30 13.0 204.5 84 1712 48.7 52 1633 (-11) 1869/1382 33.5
Ambuja Cem. 1612 397.13 2 63 96.1 5.7 9267.8 -2 18.2 835.5 * 16 140 8.1 3.8 2319.6 15 15.3 272.4 10 1709 5.0 28 258 (-1) 291/223 51.6
Barak Valley * 1703 22.16 10 56 38.3 1.6 122.5 12 8.2 1.4 LP - 1.9 0.6 37.9 46 13.2 1.5 14 1712 1.5 122 33 (3) 43/24 22.4
Birla Corpn. * 1703 77.01 10 63 412.2 5.3 3345.1 2 10.9 162.5 * 1 65 40.2 21.1 894.6 20 4.3 -24.5 PL 1712 3.3 -88 949 (-94) 1290/668 283.9
Century Textiles 1703 111.70 10 50 222.2 4.3 7899.3 -1 11.4 99.0 * LP 55 37.0 8.9 2003.8 17 16.3 89.9 424 1712 26.3 390 1187 (-63) 1472/915 45.1
Guj. Sidhee Cem. * 1703 86.15 10 72 16.0 - 437.4 -7 -7.6 -39.0 -451 - - - 128.4 21 4.6 4.6 LP 1712 - 56 32 (-) 41/24 -
Heidelberg Cem. * 1703 226.61 10 69 42.7 8.2 1717.5 4 16.2 76.1 * 118 20 7.7 3.4 483.9 25 17.1 31.8 251 1712 4.7 46 156 (9) 189/110 33.6
J K Cements 1703 69.93 10 64 274.6 14.4 4420.7 7 16.6 269.6 163 80 62.9 37.7 1126.1 24 15.1 73.0 11 1712 49.3 40 1031 (-51) 1195/838 20.9
JK Lakshmi Cem. 1703 58.84 5 46 117.4 2.9 2910.4 11 12.6 39.1 * LP 15 18.0 3.3 837.4 25 11.3 8.6 13 1712 2.4 -50 412 (2) 535/375 173.0
Mangalam Cement * 1703 26.69 10 13 189.6 7.5 908.6 8 13.4 36.5 * LP 8 28.8 13.7 292.0 25 2.8 2.7 -54 1712 7.2 -58 339 (-21) 480/285 47.0
OCL India * 1703 11.38 2 75 414.0 17.7 2911.9 9 23.2 383.8 * 56 250 93.2 67.5 859.2 25 19.8 117.7 47 1712 74.8 9 1314 (41) 1620/880 17.6
Prism Cement * 1703 503.36 10 75 19.0 1.9 5019.6 -5 5.7 16.3 * LP - 3.5 0.3 1296.3 14 7.0 14.9 LP 1712 1.5 LP 118 (-10) 159/91 77.5
Sanghi Inds. * 1703 251.00 10 75 60.3 5.8 1102.0 31 18.0 63.1 -37 - 5.4 2.5 279.6 3 22.1 32.2 598 1712 4.0 13 111 M(-5) 144/61 27.6
Saurastra Cem. * 1703 69.19 10 74 41.0 3.5 474.9 -10 4.9 10.1 -73 10 3.5 1.5 141.3 29 4.2 3.3 LP 1712 5.3 24 79 (-7) 102/56 14.9
Sh. Digvijay Cem 1703 141.37 10 75 12.9 - 319.1 -33 3.5 -13.5 PL - 0.6 - 100.1 59 12.3 3.6 LP 1712 0.1 -56 25 (-1) 33/20 -
Shree Cement 1703 34.84 10 65 2209.6 18.4 8429.2 53 28.1 1309.9 * -14 1400 701.0 352.4 2296.2 23 24.8 333.3 42 1712 361.7 -26 16834 (204)20560/15368 46.5
Star Cement * 1703 41.92 1 73 15.4 12.0 1400.6 -1 12.9 72.7 * 28 - 2.9 1.7 345.9 21 24.7 59.4 LP 1712 4.9 - 124 M(2) 151/102 25.3
Udaipur Cement * 1703 118.08 4 74 7.5 -0.6 85.2 -3 4.1 -1.2 * PL - 0.1 - 94.5 363 6.6 -19.5 -999 1712 - PL 26 (-) 39/22 -
UltraTech Cem. * 1703 274.58 10 62 871.9 11.5 23891.4 1 20.7 2580.2 * 11 100 140.1 94.0 7589.9 35 16.7 421.5 -25 1712 86.8 -11 4111 M(-27)4594/3695 47.4
IND.COMPOSITE 2709.73 87594.1 17.2 6817.6 15.9 1630.9 313857 43.3
Andhra Cement 1703 293.52 10 69 -2.2 - 349.3 20 11.1 -103.1 -16 - - - 113.8 32 5.0 -33.8 -38 1712 - -33 11 (-1) 16/8 -
Anjani Portland * 1703 25.29 10 75 80.8 30.8 309.7 13 26.5 44.9 * 127 20 24.5 17.7 90.0 8 12.0 3.3 -73 1712 10.6 -34 198 (-8) 294/177 18.7
Dalmia Bhar. * 1703 17.79 2 58 156.5 4.7 222.5 9 25.2 63.4 1 110 7.7 7.1 64.9 6 20.3 18.6 37 1712 10.3 26 2840 (112) 3349/1842 274.7
Deccan Cement * 1703 7.00 5 56 233.9 15.2 645.5 -3 15.4 46.6 3 60 48.0 32.7 134.0 18 13.5 9.0 -20 1712 28.8 -12 570 (10) 660/493 19.8
India Cements * 1703 308.15 10 28 165.8 3.4 5079.2 20 17.0 172.5 * 31 10 13.9 5.6 1213.1 -4 13.8 15.2 -57 1712 3.1 -48 160 M(6) 226/142 51.3
KCP * 1703 12.89 1 45 32.4 8.1 818.3 9 17.7 32.6 -25 200 6.5 2.5 262.9 30 13.2 14.4 35 1712 6.4 252 128 (-1) 170/92 20.0
Kakatiya Cement * 1703 7.77 10 53 296.4 13.3 220.1 5 18.8 28.7 29 30 40.0 37.0 35.4 -54 -23.7 -5.6 PL 1712 26.5 -23 292 (-21) 449/278 11.0
NCL Inds. * 1703 45.23 10 40 97.8 25.0 868.4 16 13.2 54.7 1 25 17.3 11.7 222.7 6 12.8 13.7 -27 1712 12.0 3 236 M(-12) 310/148 19.6
Orient Cement 1703 20.49 1 38 48.2 -3.2 2010.1 28 8.9 -31.2 PL 50 4.2 - 511.5 12 7.6 -17.7 -51 1712 2.4 LP 145 (2) 184/125 60.9
Sagar Cements 1703 20.40 10 50 384.5 1.9 535.8 -14 11.1 12.3 * -75 15 19.8 6.0 180.2 47 14.1 10.2 473 1712 22.7 97 978 (51) 1161/722 43.1
Shiva Cement * 1703 39.00 2 0 4.2 - 22.0 -68 -22.7 -9.7 PL - - - 4.4 24 -68.8 -8.9 3 1712 - -54 27 (-1) 41/16 -
Shri Keshav * 1703 5.12 10 68 51.5 3.2 50.4 -9 21.2 0.7 -83 10 14.9 1.4 6.6 -50 0.6 -2.6 PL 1712 - PL 151 (-12) 272/142 -
The Ramco Cement * 1703 23.56 1 43 158.8 19.0 3949.5 11 29.8 648.7 * 20 300 38.8 27.5 1047.5 13 22.5 122.7 -19 1712 24.7 -17 713 M(-6) 840/616 28.9
IND.COMPOSITE 826.21 15080.7 19.0 961.1 14.6 138.5 57146 51.6
A Infrastructure * 1703 10.66 10 74 40.9 0.9 166.9 -12 6.5 0.4 * LP 5 2.3 0.2 45.7 59 6.2 0.1 LP 1712 2.5 LP 62 (1) 100/30 25.0
BIGBLOC Const. * 1703 14.16 10 71 16.2 13.3 62.8 4 16.8 2.9 527 3 3.7 2.0 19.9 23 17.3 1.3 119 1712 2.7 263 137 (15) 159/59 50.4
Everest Inds. 1703 15.62 10 48 224.4 0.7 1155.4 -12 3.2 2.5 * -93 10 17.5 1.6 290.6 16 6.2 9.4 LP 1712 28.6 999 543 M(-5) 637/186 19.0
Hil Ltd 1703 7.46 10 41 672.1 11.4 1053.6 -4 9.0 52.3 * 25 200 123.0 68.1 282.0 32 9.8 14.3 50 1712 80.0 3 1714 (77) 1895/623 21.4
Ramco Inds. * 1703 8.67 1 54 68.0 9.3 712.1 1 10.3 51.8 * 132 50 8.5 6.0 179.6 28 10.7 11.7 153 1712 7.5 9 251 (-29) 326/197 33.4
Visaka Inds. * 1703 15.88 10 41 244.2 11.1 966.7 -4 11.9 40.8 67 60 47.2 25.7 241.8 11 14.2 14.3 142 1712 37.7 45 676 (6) 840/217 18.0
IND.COMPOSITE 72.45 4117.5 8.3 150.7 9.9 51.0 5638 23.9
Asian Granito * 1703 30.09 10 33 118.8 8.1 949.9 9 8.3 26.4 * 40 13 16.0 8.7 227.6 5 8.6 6.7 -20 1712 9.1 4 509 (-16) 617/271 55.9
Cera Sanitary. 1703 6.50 5 55 401.8 21.5 1009.2 10 16.5 100.1 * 21 240 91.0 77.0 290.9 23 14.0 23.1 1 1712 75.7 -2 3406 (168) 4300/2330 45.0
HSIL 1703 14.46 2 48 200.6 7.3 2075.0 6 14.1 105.0 -10 200 29.9 14.5 578.4 14 12.5 22.5 -2 1712 12.5 -11 408 (-6) 564/291 32.8
Kajaria Ceramics 1703 15.90 1 48 74.2 25.3 2528.0 3 17.5 272.7 13 300 20.0 16.6 624.1 4 16.4 59.6 -2 1712 16.5 -5 590 M(-16) 788/545 35.8
Lexus Granito 1703 19.19 10 70 31.1 9.6 163.5 61 11.2 2.6 * -17 - 6.5 1.4 - - - - - 1.9 - 105 M(-7) 134/53 56.4

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 35

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Nitco * 1703 54.70 10 70 -24.5 - 726.9 -12 1.0 -32.3 46 - 1.0 - 137.8 -17 1.1 -8.1 10 1712 - 4 120 (8) 142/52 -
Orient Bell 1703 14.23 10 57 97.2 8.3 654.3 -7 8.4 12.1 84 5 20.7 8.5 165.5 17 7.1 4.3 59 1712 11.5 54 285 M(-11) 375/156 24.8
Somany Ceramics 1703 8.48 2 52 119.3 18.6 1840.6 6 8.7 86.4 36 135 26.4 20.4 381.9 -6 7.5 14.3 -29 1712 16.0 -23 682 (-18) 974/587 42.6
IND.COMPOSITE 163.55 9947.3 12.3 573.0 11.5 122.3 22438 38.5
Aarti Inds. 1703 41.06 5 54 159.5 25.5 3050.2 4 19.9 306.1 * 21 20 51.3 37.3 990.2 29 18.0 90.2 22 1712 37.2 1 1164 (68) 1191/720 31.3
Advance. Enzyme. * 1703 22.33 2 71 22.8 15.6 173.8 25 27.1 33.5 * 60 20 3.8 3.0 58.1 41 23.2 10.0 26 1712 3.0 19 236 (-11) 445/222 79.9
Alkyl Amines * 1703 10.20 5 74 120.1 22.3 500.6 4 18.3 49.6 * - 100 31.3 24.3 153.1 4 17.4 15.0 -12 1712 25.5 -3 620 (-22) 790/359 24.3
Amines & Plast. * 1703 11.00 2 73 10.6 29.6 295.0 13 9.6 15.5 * 58 15 3.2 2.8 81.1 27 8.5 3.7 11 1712 3.0 27 73 (4) 110/30 24.1
Andhra Petro. * 1703 84.97 10 45 13.4 -5.4 328.9 -2 3.9 -6.2 80 - 0.3 - 143.0 53 14.0 15.8 361 1712 4.0 LP 59 (-8) 78/23 14.7
Ashok Alco-Chem * 1703 4.60 10 55 101.4 4.6 151.4 -55 1.8 2.1 -83 10 6.6 4.3 43.7 25 6.2 1.7 251 1712 6.1 -4 111 (11) 131/75 18.1
Balaji Amines 1703 6.48 2 54 113.8 25.9 667.5 5 23.2 83.8 * 37 110 31.1 25.4 218.8 21 23.1 27.7 42 1712 30.0 8 632 (4) 781/271 21.1
BASF India * 1703 43.29 10 73 254.6 - 5079.8 7 5.3 -29.5 * 85 10 32.2 - 1269.0 13 5.4 4.4 LP 1712 27.0 LP 1996 (-20) 2430/1135 73.8
Camlin Fine * 1703 12.12 1 35 27.1 0.0 324.6 -21 7.8 -0.1 * PL - 1.0 - 117.9 72 -7.0 -8.2 PL 1712 - PL 115 M(-2) 155/71 -
Camp. & Allied * 1703 5.13 10 58 350.5 14.4 351.3 0 14.7 24.1 * 9 15 69.6 46.9 92.7 18 13.1 5.2 -18 1712 43.6 -1 1030 (2) 1390/645 23.6
Castrol India * 1712 494.56 5 51 7.5 - 3584.3 6 28.8 691.8 3 140 7.5 7.0 970.3 24 31.6 196.7 30 1712 7.0 3 192 XB(11) 227/172 27.4
Chembond Chem. * 1703 6.72 5 67 147.4 0.7 216.8 1 1.0 1.4 * -94 33 2.7 0.7 56.4 5 3.1 2.6 999 1712 2.3 -82 287 (30) 315/180 122.5
Clariant Chemica * 1703 23.08 10 51 291.6 3.7 981.0 -14 6.9 25.0 -13 250 27.9 10.8 262.7 13 5.1 16.8 LP 1712 12.2 -11 583 (-10) 725/554 47.9
Deepak Nitrite 1703 27.28 2 47 64.8 9.3 1221.6 -9 12.0 56.4 * -15 60 7.2 4.1 371.1 31 14.0 20.3 176 1712 6.0 36 265 M(6) 299/102 44.5
DIC India * 1712 9.18 10 72 315.6 7.8 740.6 5 1.2 -0.3 * PL - 16.7 - 199.5 11 2.2 8.6 67 1712 - PL 520 (-19) 635/433 -
Elantas Beck 1612 7.93 10 75 279.8 27.7 365.3 6 21.5 54.5 * 31 45 74.3 67.8 91.2 - 20.8 13.3 -13 1709 65.8 -1 2020 (-161) 2395/1726 30.7
Excel Inds. * 1703 6.29 5 52 192.6 10.9 445.0 2 9.3 24.5 * -5 120 30.6 19.5 146.8 60 21.5 19.6 999 1712 34.2 54 849 (159) 969/343 24.8
Fairchem Speci. * 1703 37.61 10 75 18.7 12.7 185.6 22 12.4 8.5 -23 10 3.4 2.3 58.5 35 15.7 4.1 48 1712 3.8 9 403 (4) 595/370 105.2
Fineotex Chem * 1703 22.46 2 72 8.5 15.7 75.7 11 25.4 14.1 * -3 5 1.3 1.3 23.3 25 23.3 7.9 89 1712 1.7 13 67 (2) 106/24 39.5
Foseco India 1712 6.39 10 75 227.9 28.4 357.6 5 14.2 31.3 -5 250 57.4 49.0 91.9 6 13.2 7.5 6 1712 49.0 -5 1676 (3) 2336/1282 34.2
Ganesh Benzopl. 1703 5.18 1 43 -4.6 - 118.1 -1 31.9 14.9 22 - 5.0 2.9 46.6 58 30.9 8.0 151 1712 5.1 45 84 (-3) 108/32 16.6
GHCL 1703 97.42 10 19 138.5 32.4 2780.7 10 25.6 388.3 46 50 47.6 38.8 717.9 16 19.2 71.2 -12 1712 40.5 12 291 M(-10) 358/204 7.2
Goa Carbon 1703 9.15 10 60 86.1 12.6 291.1 -8 5.3 9.6 LP 45 12.2 10.2 186.6 160 20.6 22.5 LP 1712 51.3 832 970 (141) 1215/103 18.9
GOCL Corpn. * 1703 9.91 2 75 73.2 3.9 97.5 -5 -6.5 13.8 * 4 80 3.1 2.8 22.1 -15 -5.2 3.4 -25 1712 2.4 13 570 (-3) 700/328 239.2
Godrej Inds. * 1703 33.63 1 75 48.0 -8.6 1500.1 15 4.5 -146.8 * -59 175 - - 495.1 28 7.1 -22.3 47 1712 - 95 546 M(-11) 700/474 -
GP Petroleums 1703 25.49 5 72 30.0 10.9 479.9 14 6.2 15.8 * 15 15 3.5 2.9 174.1 37 4.8 5.8 73 1712 2.7 -32 83 (3) 104/70 30.8
Grauer & Weil * 1703 22.67 1 69 13.4 18.5 493.9 6 17.8 51.3 21 40 2.9 2.3 126.6 15 24.0 20.1 51 1712 2.8 14 64 (-) 86/37 23.1
Guj Fluorochem * 1703 10.99 1 68 276.3 4.9 1427.5 7 21.0 142.5 * 49 350 26.5 13.0 526.8 62 29.0 94.7 273 1712 27.2 185 775 (-15) 959/488 28.5
Gulf Oil Lubric. * 1703 9.94 2 73 71.2 40.2 1131.1 12 16.0 121.3 21 425 25.2 23.7 356.0 34 17.3 42.5 59 1712 30.6 31 982 M(85) 1099/675 32.1
Gulshan Polyols 1703 4.69 1 59 54.8 11.0 503.8 14 12.0 27.5 * -10 70 11.7 5.5 155.6 30 10.6 4.0 -14 1712 4.3 -21 80 (-) 114/74 18.6
Himadri Speciali 1703 41.84 1 49 25.8 8.1 1324.2 15 17.1 80.7 * LP 10 2.7 1.9 500.1 42 24.1 70.1 249 1712 4.8 254 162 (-) 197/42 33.7
Hind.Organ.Chem. * 1703 67.17 10 59 -184.6 - 143.4 31 -91.5 -227.3 -23 - - - 63.5 199 -3.9 -27.0 37 1712 - -23 24 (-1) 40/18 -
I G Petrochem. * 1703 30.79 10 72 127.7 29.7 1037.5 9 15.8 101.6 * 68 30 38.6 33.0 294.6 24 24.2 40.5 75 1712 45.9 66 699 (31) 840/316 15.2
India Glycols * 1703 30.96 10 61 273.3 5.4 2473.4 7 9.6 44.6 183 10 36.3 14.4 709.8 32 13.4 34.3 115 1712 20.2 94 506 (68) 589/146 25.1
Indo Amines * 1703 32.92 10 74 17.8 26.2 278.9 15 11.8 13.9 * 62 10 7.5 4.0 92.9 37 10.7 2.3 -19 1712 4.3 13 98 (-3) 145/65 22.6
Indo Borax * 1703 3.21 10 55 291.8 9.2 66.6 2 15.5 8.3 * -9 15 30.1 25.5 32.7 114 17.9 4.1 95 1712 35.1 23 573 (158) 610/244 16.4
IOL Chemicals * 1703 56.21 10 41 33.7 - 710.7 22 14.3 4.3 LP - 6.1 0.8 262.7 44 12.3 8.8 771 1712 3.2 LP 81 (7) 96/42 25.5
IVP * 1703 10.33 10 71 70.5 16.7 162.4 5 10.9 11.2 * 35 20 12.1 10.8 71.7 87 8.3 3.6 26 1712 10.6 36 210 (34) 234/122 19.7
Jayant Agro Orga 1703 15.00 5 66 78.5 20.5 656.4 17 12.7 45.2 * 109 175 16.9 14.3 189.0 25 12.3 10.6 -1 1712 15.5 21 372 B(24) 571/296 24.0
Jocil 1703 8.88 10 55 189.4 5.0 374.6 -5 3.8 8.2 * -55 30 17.2 9.2 70.3 -7 -0.2 -0.4 PL 1709 2.1 -86 173 (-8) 238/156 81.7
Kavit Industries * 1703 61.93 10 43 10.7 - 177.5 423 0.7 0.9 453 - 0.2 0.1 17.4 -80 -0.7 -0.1 PL 1712 0.1 -55 17 (-) 42/13 -
Keltech Energies 1703 1.00 10 54 454.2 13.7 192.7 7 8.5 5.9 17 25 103.4 59.3 50.3 6 15.4 4.2 163 1712 85.4 60 1513 (-175) 2169/652 17.7
Kesar Petroprod. * 1703 9.67 1 64 6.2 40.8 173.3 20 15.1 20.1 66 - 2.2 2.1 45.2 3 24.5 8.5 123 1712 3.1 59 44 (3) 75/30 14.0
Linde India * 1712 85.28 10 75 165.1 -0.5 2033.1 11 16.1 23.8 * LP 10 27.0 2.8 518.1 - 16.0 9.5 -13 1712 2.8 LP 485 (-20) 599/360 173.2
Mangalam Organic 1703 9.05 10 47 51.8 10.7 176.5 4 6.8 4.8 LP - 11.1 5.3 78.4 95 8.8 3.8 132 1712 13.7 999 203 (-1) 239/59 14.9
Mysore Petro * 1703 6.58 10 73 49.3 6.5 30.3 30 18.4 2.0 5 10 7.5 3.1 1.7 -83 -27.0 0.6 999 1712 7.8 175 136 (10) 183/80 17.5
Natl. Peroxide * 1703 5.75 10 71 465.8 19.6 255.4 9 26.0 44.0 * 133 340 92.0 76.4 69.7 31 45.0 20.7 163 1712 118.9 68 2183 (222) 2898/860 18.4
Navin Fluo.Intl. 1703 9.87 2 32 151.6 15.9 701.2 10 21.4 110.1 * 30 315 27.3 21.6 221.5 45 23.6 47.7 235 1712 31.1 22 761 M(-29) 879/493 24.4
Nitta Gelatin 1703 9.08 10 74 171.9 12.1 330.3 -8 11.8 18.4 10 25 31.8 20.2 94.9 19 11.6 5.8 45 1712 12.1 -46 230 (5) 285/171 19.0
NOCIL 1703 164.38 10 37 36.2 20.1 742.2 4 21.3 106.5 * 36 18 7.4 6.5 249.3 41 27.9 45.0 81 1712 9.0 50 185 M(-8) 236/80 20.5
Omkar Spl.Chem. * 1703 20.58 10 28 40.2 26.7 345.0 8 16.6 35.2 59 - 21.4 17.4 22.6 -72 -1.5 -5.7 PL 1712 9.3 -23 36 (-32) 206/35 3.9
Oriental Carbon 1703 10.30 10 50 325.9 17.2 297.5 8 29.7 54.2 2 100 66.8 52.0 86.3 23 30.2 15.3 3 1712 50.7 -7 1192 (-11) 1589/842 23.5
PCOL Enterprises * 1703 5.58 10 47 29.4 0.3 319.8 57 1.8 0.1 * -98 - 2.4 0.1 136.0 50 2.6 1.4 LP 1712 3.1 -26 83 (9) 96/44 26.5
Phillips Carbon 1703 34.47 10 54 326.6 6.4 1927.0 2 13.8 72.4 330 60 38.6 21.0 612.4 26 15.8 56.6 280 1712 55.4 360 1190 (187) 1595/280 21.5
Pidilite Inds. 1703 51.28 1 70 66.3 25.6 4865.4 3 23.3 775.2 4 475 16.8 15.0 1375.8 20 26.0 239.0 17 1712 15.4 -5 896 M(21) 972/666 58.2
Plastiblends 1703 12.99 5 62 83.6 16.5 572.0 10 11.1 33.0 -12 50 16.7 12.7 140.2 7 7.9 5.4 -28 1712 8.6 -34 199 B(2) 333/183 23.3
Poddar Pigments 1703 10.61 10 61 119.7 17.2 329.2 1 8.2 19.5 * 10 35 20.7 17.9 84.8 11 5.9 4.8 -3 1712 18.0 -5 289 (-7) 359/243 16.1
Pondy Oxides * 1703 5.58 10 46 118.4 52.6 759.1 63 7.1 26.5 * 161 30 54.1 46.8 238.1 7 6.5 8.0 15 1712 59.9 85 551 (-39) 779/325 9.2
Prem. Explosives * 1703 10.64 10 40 142.3 20.3 230.7 25 12.4 14.4 * 107 30 16.8 13.5 67.5 21 5.7 1.6 -37 1712 12.8 54 392 M(-24) 539/328 30.6
Punjab Chemicals * 1703 12.26 10 45 46.2 - 411.1 15 2.4 2.9 156 - 14.1 2.4 124.2 11 5.2 1.4 438 1712 3.0 -57 413 (3) 521/262 139.5
Ram Minerals * 1703 20.58 1 22 1.1 0.3 33.0 4 -0.8 0.1 -20 - - - - - - - PL 1712 - PL 6 B(-) 23/6 -
S H Kelkar & Co 1703 144.62 10 58 42.8 12.8 621.0 11 16.3 72.8 * 11 18 5.5 5.0 197.1 32 16.3 22.5 -2 1712 4.2 -27 284 (-10) 333/237 67.4
Seya Indus. * 1703 24.60 10 75 180.1 17.8 308.6 12 23.9 42.1 57 10 22.7 16.5 88.4 12 34.8 15.7 67 1712 22.9 72 655 C(42) 826/284 28.6
Sharda Cropchem 1703 90.22 10 75 98.6 23.2 1129.2 21 24.7 188.8 10 20 27.1 20.9 269.5 57 16.5 35.2 24 1712 20.9 6 390 (-25) 568/379 18.7

36 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Solar Inds. * 1703 18.10 2 73 72.8 22.0 1137.3 12 19.1 130.4 * 21 250 16.1 14.0 313.0 10 17.0 30.5 -20 1712 13.8 -3 1040 (5) 1232/712 75.5
Sterling Biotech 1703 27.22 1 26 46.9 - 368.4 -30 3.4 -412.5 -14 - - - 94.8 - 0.5 -109.5 -25 1706 - -19 3 (-1) 7/3 -
Tata Chemicals * 1703 254.76 10 31 347.6 7.0 6228.4 -24 18.0 592.7 * -3 110 29.3 23.3 912.0 4 25.0 366.4 75 1712 32.7 41 709 (12) 781/549 21.7
Thirumalai Chem. 1703 10.24 10 41 252.7 34.1 861.5 10 15.6 75.5 * 77 188 87.5 73.7 254.8 18 26.3 43.2 130 1712 134.3 106 2018 (156) 2437/811 15.0
Tide Water Oil * 1703 1.74 5 57 1847.6 16.6 961.5 3 13.5 103.2 5 3000 289.7 268.6 292.4 21 11.4 29.1 28 1712 296.7 12 6417 (-33) 7925/5390 21.6
Transpek Inds. * 1703 5.59 10 59 190.8 29.8 316.6 12 16.7 29.9 35 90 68.8 53.4 96.5 12 16.4 6.3 -14 1712 45.8 -5 1297 (96) 1493/523 28.3
Tyche Inds. * 1703 10.25 10 62 46.7 6.6 42.6 -21 14.1 3.1 * 25 5 4.8 3.0 13.2 9 12.7 1.3 25 1712 5.5 120 112 (-7) 157/48 20.3
Valiant Organics 1703 3.64 10 52 79.8 38.0 58.0 11 27.1 9.8 -4 50 28.3 25.4 - - - - - 31.4 22 895 (70) 922/391 28.6
Vishnu Chemicals * 1703 11.95 10 75 105.0 10.1 438.8 -5 13.6 12.0 -54 - 21.2 10.0 144.2 22 11.0 1.7 -60 1712 4.4 -70 335 (-20) 437/214 76.7
Vivimed Labs. * 1703 16.50 2 36 62.0 30.2 569.8 78 45.6 132.7 999 20 21.8 18.5 65.9 -53 29.7 1.7 -96 1712 11.4 108 82 M(2) 153/75 7.2
IND.COMPOSITE 2585.95 63092.2 15.9 4465.5 16.6 1777.3 222142 31.3
Guj Alkalies * 1703 73.44 10 46 457.1 9.8 2070.2 4 21.7 307.5 * 39 50 57.0 41.9 617.6 27 29.0 112.2 137 1712 54.5 19 767 (24) 932/370 14.1
Kanoria Chem. * 1703 21.85 5 74 140.6 4.5 295.7 0 7.0 27.1 70 30 10.9 6.2 88.3 29 5.3 0.6 -82 1712 4.6 58 77 (-4) 113/67 16.9
TGV Sraac 1703 91.82 10 57 37.7 6.8 906.9 11 15.1 22.2 -23 - 7.5 2.4 273.4 22 18.0 10.6 219 1712 5.2 222 57 C(-) 90/20 11.1
IND.COMPOSITE 187.11 3272.8 18.6 356.8 23.8 123.4 6489 13.9
Godfrey Phillips * 1703 10.40 2 72 306.1 7.0 2265.3 -3 11.0 108.7 * -29 400 39.0 20.9 572.4 32 16.0 48.9 27 1712 25.5 22 872 (-16) 1376/826 34.2
ITC 1703 1219.32 1 - 37.2 23.5 40088.7 10 36.4 10070.2 * 8 475 8.0 7.2 9672.6 6 40.4 2814.6 6 1712 8.7 6 264 M(-15) 353/250 30.5
VST Inds. 1703 15.44 10 32 346.1 31.6 948.2 7 26.0 142.6 * 1 750 116.2 92.3 238.7 5 33.5 49.8 20 1712 103.7 5 3270 (83) 3774/2610 31.5
IND.COMPOSITE 1245.16 43302.2 34.9 10321.5 38.9 2913.3 330934 30.5
Elgi Equipment 1703 15.85 1 32 34.1 13.3 891.7 3 12.7 68.4 * 261 100 6.6 4.3 268.1 23 12.1 19.4 46 1712 4.7 260 310 (-3) 350/199 66.2
Ingersoll-Rand * 1703 31.57 10 74 336.3 7.5 633.7 2 10.8 73.3 * 17 60 19.8 16.0 171.1 3 12.9 26.8 27 1712 25.0 7 743 (-1) 940/646 29.8
Kirl.Pneumatic 1703 19.85 10 54 197.2 12.7 529.0 4 11.5 44.9 * 33 100 30.9 22.2 118.2 -2 7.7 5.9 -71 1712 5.5 -80 900 M(-50) 1390/835 163.9
IND.COMPOSITE 67.27 2054.4 11.8 186.6 11.4 52.2 9039 55.1
Cerebra Integr. * 1703 120.39 10 6 16.8 - 145.6 9 1.8 2.8 186 - 0.3 0.2 51.3 30 14.2 4.1 360 1712 0.6 241 59 M(7) 66/36 -
Compuage Info. 1703 11.75 2 61 19.6 16.4 3551.3 33 1.6 17.7 26 20 3.5 2.9 1035.6 17 2.0 5.9 50 1712 3.4 13 53 (11) 65/21 15.7
D-Link India * 1703 7.10 2 51 47.6 9.9 696.6 -1 3.4 15.6 * -26 25 4.7 4.4 185.1 1 3.7 5.0 -42 1712 1.1 -82 105 (-13) 154/85 93.7
HCL Infosystems 1703 65.84 2 63 34.1 - 2265.4 -9 0.3 -49.9 5 - - - 1058.7 160 0.7 -12.7 -10 1712 - 4 61 R(6) 70/40 -
Moser Baer 1703 221.77 10 36 -131.0 - 546.6 -28 -8.9 -311.0 14 - - - 67.6 -56 -45.9 -115.6 25 1709 - 38 5 (-) 8/4 -
Panache Digilife 1703 6.00 10 70 132.3 31.8 54.4 11 7.7 1.8 * 15 - 3.3 3.0 8.0 48 6.5 0.3 625 1709 3.5 - 110 M(-27) 154/84 31.7
PCS Technology * 1703 20.95 10 70 21.4 9.7 25.9 -59 9.3 4.3 -24 - 2.6 2.0 2.2 -66 -10.1 0.4 -58 1712 1.6 -30 24 (-4) 35/19 14.8
Redington India 1703 80.03 2 - 38.6 13.1 15052.3 22 2.3 201.4 * 7 215 4.5 4.2 4012.8 -6 2.2 45.7 -12 1712 4.9 -4 150 M(1) 210/103 30.8
Smartlink Netwr. 1703 4.51 2 74 148.9 -0.6 - 0 - -2.1 * 65 100 - - 4.4 44 78.4 3.5 999 1712 1.5 LP 102 (1) 137/85 68.5
Spel Semiconduct * 1703 46.12 10 59 10.5 -18.5 35.7 38 -60.7 -9.5 * 49 - - - 12.6 52 13.3 -2.6 -89 1712 - 40 14 (1) 24/10 -
TVS Elec. * 1703 18.61 10 60 27.6 16.5 2625.0 342 0.7 7.8 185 5 9.1 4.2 1220.2 50 0.6 5.0 319 1712 10.7 737 386 (31) 545/166 36.0
WEP Solutions * 1703 25.12 10 39 16.9 3.6 78.0 -12 12.8 1.3 23 - 3.6 0.5 20.4 -4 13.8 0.3 -51 1712 0.9 116 40 M(-5) 64/38 -
IND.COMPOSITE 628.19 25076.8 1.6 -119.8 1.5 -60.9 10730 31.2
HCL Technologies * 1703 278.44 2 60 186.5 29.0 19318.3 44 40.7 6871.3 * 12 1200 47.9 44.5 5723.0 17 44.4 1969.0 18 1712 52.0 8 914 M(-74) 1042/797 17.6
Infosys 1703 1092.05 5 13 311.2 21.4 59289.0 10 29.0 13737.0 * 8 515 64.1 58.0 15631.0 5 28.6 6004.0 67 1712 74.8 15 1130 M(-8) 1220/862 15.1
MphasiS * 1703 193.23 10 60 242.1 13.6 3018.6 3 22.1 575.7 * 24 170 31.2 29.8 827.9 6 26.7 183.3 4 1712 32.9 17 865 M(9) 933/522 26.3
Oracle Fin.Serv. * 1703 42.70 5 74 313.4 33.9 3736.3 6 36.7 1125.6 * 25 3400 91.5 83.7 905.8 -5 37.6 226.0 -18 1712 124.5 -3 4026 M(-197)4376/3300 32.3
Polaris Consulta * 1703 51.38 5 74 74.0 14.2 1511.0 -4 10.6 91.4 * 21 - 11.1 8.9 467.1 25 13.6 36.3 20 1712 11.1 69 471 M(21) 472/165 42.5
TCS 1703 191.43 1 74 404.7 33.2 92693.0 8 29.2 23184.0 * 2 4700 120.0 111.8 24278.0 5 29.3 6069.0 - 1712 124.6 3 2925 M(-182)3255/2255 23.5
Tech Mahindra * 1703 489.76 5 36 172.5 19.1 23165.4 10 15.9 3031.4 * -4 180 37.3 30.9 5967.7 1 16.5 838.2 -2 1712 36.6 11 572 M(-57) 631/358 15.6
Wipro * 1703 904.72 2 74 103.1 18.6 46047.8 3 20.8 7895.5 * -1 100 19.8 17.5 11072.7 -3 19.1 1804.5 -6 1712 17.7 5 290 B(-9) 335/235 16.4
IND.COMPOSITE 3243.71 248779.4 27.2 56511.9 27.517130.3 1177074 19.4
3i Infotech * 1703 1612.71 10 - 4.0 - 279.1 -19 42.9 92.2 * LP - 0.6 0.6 58.1 -15 6.4 -2.1 PL 1712 - 47 6 C(-) 9/4 -
63 Moons Tech. * 1703 9.22 2 46 617.1 1.9 150.1 6 -71.4 54.4 LP 100 17.7 11.8 32.1 -17 -86.9 4.6 -8 1712 12.9 -14 96 (1) 166/54 7.5
8K Miles * 1703 15.26 5 60 26.9 3.1 37.5 79 23.1 2.3 85 20 1.8 0.7 9.6 -9 18.3 0.6 -17 1712 1.1 61 800 (156) 1024/365 735.4
Accel Frontline * 1703 29.76 10 60 -14.9 - 365.1 13 2.8 -20.8 47 - - - 77.7 -9 1.6 -2.3 52 1712 - -901 49 (-4) 82/29 -
Accelya Kale 1706 14.93 10 75 110.3 68.5 332.4 7 41.6 88.8 * 10 510 66.9 57.2 82.6 4 39.5 33.0 63 1712 64.6 4 1359 (-6) 1633/1260 21.1
Airan 1703 12.50 10 74 28.8 4.5 28.9 11 15.9 1.2 * 37 - 2.9 1.0 - - - - - 1.5 23 233 (4) 260/51 158.3
Allied Digital * 1703 27.11 5 49 83.3 0.4 78.1 -24 37.8 1.9 215 - 2.8 0.3 17.6 2 39.5 1.0 -28 1712 - 75 24 (3) 33/19 -
Allsec Tech. * 1703 15.24 10 40 97.1 - 116.2 7 16.5 21.7 * 140 - 16.4 14.2 33.5 10 18.9 7.0 12 1712 17.4 62 383 (-12) 531/306 22.1
Apollo Micro Sys * 1703 20.76 10 - 119.3 34.3 211.2 33 19.3 18.6 86 - 10.8 8.9 54.8 -27 21.7 5.1 -16 1712 9.5 - 296 P(-20) 480/286 31.1
ASM Technologies * 1703 5.00 10 62 120.8 11.4 74.0 17 15.7 6.7 LP 50 15.4 12.3 19.0 3 8.5 1.0 -37 1712 12.6 LP 157 (-15) 188/100 12.5
Aurionpro Sol. * 1703 23.61 10 32 193.7 2.2 211.0 32 13.6 9.6 -29 10 9.7 4.1 61.7 43 9.5 2.4 -37 1712 1.0 -77 202 C(8) 284/103 -
AXISCADES Engg. * 1703 18.88 5 66 61.9 7.3 232.0 -1 10.3 13.1 -51 - 6.1 3.5 62.8 9 6.9 -2.8 PL 1712 - PL 169 (-3) 228/108 -
BLS Internat. * 1703 10.25 1 74 1.6 20.1 24.1 52 22.3 3.1 159 35 0.5 0.3 10.0 62 26.6 1.4 45 1712 0.9 220 190 (-) 293/119 -
Cadsys (India) L 1703 7.50 10 - 47.8 13.5 27.3 -6 24.5 2.7 -52 - 6.9 3.6 - - - - - 3.6 -52 98 M(-6) 137/72 27.2
California Soft. 1703 12.37 10 51 -21.3 - - 0 - 1.7 -63 - 1.4 1.4 - - - 0.2 LP 1712 - PL 64 (-6) 114/6 -
Cigniti Tech. 1703 26.51 10 48 48.9 - 275.1 35 8.2 0.8 -97 - 2.3 0.3 58.5 -12 8.3 2.3 -69 1712 0.2 -98 263 (-17) 406/161 -
COSYN * 1703 7.50 10 58 30.1 36.2 36.0 30 21.8 6.9 86 10 10.4 9.2 12.2 67 24.9 2.0 46 1712 9.3 12 89 (9) 183/66 9.6

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 37

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Cyient 1703 56.29 5 22 167.2 13.3 1292.0 4 21.7 252.8 6 210 26.1 21.3 377.5 14 27.7 135.9 88 1712 32.8 78 611 M(-12) 685/435 18.6
Datamatics Glob. * 1703 29.47 5 73 79.6 6.1 305.7 9 10.1 27.8 -17 15 7.1 4.7 81.0 3 16.6 14.8 76 1712 6.5 10 124 (1) 153/93 19.1
Diamond Infosys. 1703 40.20 1 27 1.2 - 300.6 2 0.1 - -99 - - - 74.7 20 0.1 - -67 1709 - PL 2 (1) 3/1 -
eClerx Services 1703 39.92 10 50 275.4 32.0 1162.0 5 36.4 337.7 7 10 93.7 84.6 286.8 1 31.6 64.5 -24 1712 69.3 -23 1307 M(-132)1608/1142 18.9
FCS Software 1703 170.96 1 20 2.2 - 22.3 -16 -32.1 -1.9 PL - 0.0 - 6.6 -1 -3.9 4.2 191 1709 - LP 1 (1) 1/1 -
Firstsour.Solu. * 1703 685.58 10 55 29.2 10.0 940.1 7 24.5 184.9 * 26 - 3.0 2.7 186.0 -16 34.2 51.1 -3 1712 2.9 25 46 M(6) 50/30 16.0
Fourth Dimension 1703 21.78 10 73 31.3 38.4 1490.9 6 2.9 23.3 16 - 12.0 10.7 - - - - - 7.6 -39 176 (-8) 202/38 23.0
Genesys Intl. 1703 15.42 5 52 75.7 8.4 76.7 63 35.5 18.8 332 3 8.2 6.1 29.3 39 39.0 8.3 26 1709 7.9 108 284 M(16) 390/145 36.0
Globalspace 1703 11.46 10 55 26.5 11.8 17.3 24 21.1 1.0 64 - 2.0 0.9 - - - - - 0.9 - 65 P(2) 71/60 -
Hexaware Tech. * 1712 59.36 2 71 51.9 29.3 1524.1 9 32.1 411.0 15 200 15.5 13.8 371.9 1 30.0 98.3 -6 1712 13.8 15 331 (-40) 395/200 24.0
Hinduja Global * 1703 20.80 10 68 476.3 10.6 1597.5 16 13.9 101.6 -17 100 86.5 48.9 418.3 - 12.2 35.0 15 1712 55.6 -8 823 M(-107)1042/491 14.8
HOV Services * 1703 12.54 10 50 70.1 1.3 13.7 1 6.5 1.2 -17 - 1.1 0.9 2.9 -13 0.3 0.3 -33 1712 1.0 -12 263 M(-22) 397/152 253.7
Infibeam Incorp. * 1703 54.28 1 45 14.8 - 53.2 23 37.0 0.2 -100 - 0.1 - 16.0 18 62.3 4.7 -56 1712 - PL 160 M(4) 196/87 -
Infinite Comp * 1703 34.32 10 75 161.1 15.8 383.3 -11 32.5 92.8 -2 - 31.2 27.0 121.1 12 23.4 20.2 -35 1712 22.5 -23 462 B(66) 498/199 20.6
Innovana Think. 1703 4.10 10 - 26.8 76.2 15.5 135 9.8 1.0 65 - 2.9 2.4 - - - - - 2.4 65 248 M(83) 248/75 103.3
Intellect Design 1703 62.62 5 31 57.8 -14.7 517.0 -5 -10.4 -79.2 * PL - - - 178.1 43 10.6 17.5 LP 1712 - -286 178 R(-15) 205/97 -
Intense Tech. * 1703 4.42 2 18 32.6 18.9 70.2 67 31.4 12.9 999 - 7.2 5.9 9.5 -11 -3.7 -1.2 54 1712 2.6 -34 79 (-6) 213/75 30.6
Intrasoft Tech. * 1703 14.73 10 48 80.2 -0.5 12.0 -58 -7.9 -0.6 * PL 20 0.6 - 2.2 -31 -39.6 -0.4 PL 1712 - PL 595 (-40) 855/306 -
IRIS Business 1703 18.88 10 39 19.0 -36.3 27.2 -15 -13.2 -8.5 1 - - - - - - - - - - 57 P(5) 79/33 -
IZMO 1703 12.82 10 30 129.6 0.7 21.6 17 19.2 1.1 LP - 5.4 0.9 6.4 1 17.1 1.8 48 1712 3.2 999 105 M(23) 119/45 32.7
Kellton Tech * 1703 23.68 5 62 18.8 10.0 76.5 57 21.5 8.4 * -6 - 2.2 1.8 46.4 142 11.8 3.4 44 1712 2.0 1 120 M(11) 149/80 61.2
KPIT Tech. 1703 39.50 2 19 69.7 13.1 1319.6 5 19.9 169.3 * -17 110 12.0 8.3 377.7 15 19.8 48.7 45 1712 7.1 -33 198 (-9) 227/105 27.9
L & T Infotech 1703 17.19 1 84 173.2 38.0 6182.9 11 17.8 938.5 9 1655 60.9 54.6 1778.2 12 15.8 267.3 13 1712 63.1 15 1403 M(140) 1543/682 22.2
Lycos Internet * 1703 95.25 2 39 12.3 -0.5 466.2 1 2.9 -2.8 57 - - - 113.0 -4 1.0 -1.5 -999 1712 - - 5 (-1) 11/5 -
Majesco * 1703 14.03 5 48 174.8 1.4 15.6 26 -64.0 3.6 -2 - 1.6 1.3 4.9 34 -37.9 0.6 25 1712 1.9 999 475 M(-66) 604/300 251.0
Mastek 1703 11.83 5 48 98.0 11.8 171.8 -55 15.9 25.5 105 70 15.9 10.8 42.9 30 10.0 6.4 999 1712 10.0 66 489 M(35) 532/176 48.7
Mindteck (India) * 1703 25.47 10 65 70.3 3.1 83.6 -3 8.9 5.4 -34 10 2.7 2.1 20.9 5 3.4 0.4 -27 1712 1.6 -13 66 M(-3) 92/63 41.0
Mindtree 1703 163.93 10 14 168.0 18.7 4752.6 10 15.2 475.0 * -18 100 35.6 27.5 1344.2 8 16.2 156.8 42 1712 34.7 13 691 M(-14) 784/435 19.9
Moschip Semicon. * 1703 26.32 2 61 4.5 - 16.7 228 -6.1 -1.0 90 - - - 10.6 58 -6.5 -1.8 PL 1709 - 30 33 C(-3) 59/33 -
MPS Infotecnics 1703 377.44 1 42 1.2 - 186.4 -29 -0.7 -2.5 * 53 - - - 23.0 -58 -3.2 -1.0 PL 1709 - -34 1 (1) 1/1 -
NIIT Tech. 1703 61.44 10 31 218.0 12.9 1595.1 7 16.9 174.0 -9 125 41.4 26.6 412.2 8 16.8 39.5 40 1712 42.7 100 761 M(-66) 927/401 17.8
Nucleus Soft. 1703 29.04 10 68 161.9 10.7 299.4 8 11.1 46.2 * 4 50 19.4 15.9 87.7 17 15.8 14.1 -2 1712 20.5 -7 439 M(38) 602/238 21.4
One Point One 1703 16.72 10 - 36.3 42.2 90.5 8 13.2 4.6 40 - 4.5 2.8 25.6 - 16.2 1.2 - 1706 - - 77 M(-5) 111/75 -
Persistent Sys 1703 80.00 10 31 226.8 17.4 1733.0 20 21.4 287.1 * 23 90 42.3 34.7 430.0 -7 21.5 77.7 -10 1712 35.8 4 751 (-19) 821/558 21.0
Quess Corp 1703 145.48 10 72 115.1 16.0 3360.7 15 5.3 89.4 * 14 - 7.3 6.1 1137.1 32 4.9 53.7 104 1712 15.8 144 986 M(8) 1199/630 62.4
Quick Heal * 1703 70.32 10 73 96.6 9.0 299.0 0 32.5 62.0 - 25 13.2 8.8 63.6 20 20.6 8.2 185 1712 8.6 -20 300 M(-16) 404/173 35.1
R Systems Intl. * 1712 12.40 1 51 19.7 19.7 263.8 0 11.5 23.9 -38 - 2.5 1.9 67.6 -2 14.3 8.7 -14 1712 1.9 -38 39 (-) 62/33 20.3
Ramco Systems * 1703 30.54 10 55 224.4 - 277.9 6 17.2 50.7 251 - 31.8 16.6 69.8 1 32.1 9.3 -26 1712 18.2 22 448 M(-10) 573/313 24.7
Reliable Data 1703 8.60 10 - 27.2 12.0 20.4 8 13.2 1.0 1 - 1.6 1.1 - - - - - 1.1 1 57 M(-4) 87/53 52.1
Rolta India * 1703 164.86 10 51 236.9 18.1 1454.9 -20 60.5 613.1 -20 - 43.0 37.2 387.7 13 61.6 140.7 -23 1712 20.9 -59 71 M(10) 82/50 3.4
Sasken Technol. 1703 17.11 10 42 316.6 7.3 390.5 -3 7.3 37.7 * 3 70 25.5 22.1 108.4 20 10.4 22.4 330 1712 33.8 28 734 (49) 810/375 21.7
Softsol India * 1703 16.82 10 72 109.6 1.0 2.5 -32 -99.9 1.9 * LP - 2.8 1.1 1.1 49 - 0.9 -53 1712 0.0 -99 43 (1) 54/29 -
Sonata Software * 1703 10.52 1 31 43.4 33.6 592.6 17 25.3 131.8 * 13 900 12.3 11.8 180.3 21 24.6 38.7 3 1712 13.1 -3 324 (51) 366/143 24.7
Sphere Global 1703 18.07 10 54 12.4 6.6 4.2 -60 33.8 1.4 -43 5 0.8 0.7 5.8 440 32.4 1.5 314 1709 1.8 76 37 (-3) 73/36 20.4
SQS India BFSI 1703 10.71 10 54 97.1 22.6 260.0 -2 14.8 21.6 * -32 240 24.2 19.4 70.4 16 12.9 5.2 63 1712 21.1 -17 528 M(7) 651/403 25.0
Starcom Info. 1703 5.00 10 75 4.5 - 12.8 12 8.6 0.1 LP - 1.6 0.2 2.6 6 7.0 - - 1709 0.2 -98 283 (13) 388/180 -
Subex 1703 562.00 10 0 12.7 - 324.4 10 0.3 -19.2 * 72 - - - 28.8 -67 -3.1 -4.2 PL 1712 - -758 9 M(-) 13/8 -
Take Solutions * 1703 13.32 1 63 37.6 4.5 18.8 -20 -5.7 18.4 34 100 1.4 1.4 0.6 -86 - 4.5 201 1712 2.0 153 165 (2) 184/118 81.9
Tanla Solutions 1703 11.24 1 31 58.0 4.5 498.7 78 7.4 28.5 663 25 3.5 2.5 173.2 13 6.1 0.2 -96 1712 2.9 231 31 C(-) 56/29 10.8
Tata Elxsi 1703 62.28 10 45 89.8 36.7 1233.0 15 22.1 173.3 * 12 160 32.2 27.8 345.5 11 27.1 62.8 42 1712 34.0 23 984 B(-21) 1123/644 28.9
Trigyn Techno. * 1703 29.90 10 47 57.1 - 55.8 -63 3.2 1.0 -58 - 0.5 0.3 16.8 20 6.7 -0.2 PL 1712 - PL 146 M(3) 189/88 -
Virinchi * 1703 26.82 10 50 59.4 9.1 138.9 33 26.2 11.4 173 - 10.9 4.3 43.5 29 29.8 4.5 119 1712 7.4 282 116 M(-4) 154/67 15.7
Virtual Global 1703 42.37 1 23 1.4 3.8 37.6 3 10.9 2.2 -3 - 0.1 0.1 8.5 -6 9.9 0.6 -28 1712 0.1 27 1 (-1) 7/1 -
Xchanging Sol. * 1703 (15) 111.40 10 79 16.3 - 99.0 -18 -14.1 -6.9 * PL - - - 13.8 -27 17.3 2.8 988 1712 0.2 LP 60 (3) 71/46 -
Zen Technologies 1703 7.72 1 59 15.5 6.2 61.7 17 18.4 7.2 * 209 15 1.4 0.9 8.9 -74 9.1 0.3 -98 1712 - PL 115 (5) 158/46 -
Zensar Tech. 1703 44.98 10 49 250.8 17.3 1282.8 3 21.6 176.7 * -25 120 46.0 38.5 318.5 -2 19.3 38.3 -40 1712 33.6 -29 885 M(-33) 1000/730 26.3
IND.COMPOSITE 5643.36 40000.4 17.8 5241.3 17.8 1518.9 150881 23.3
Vakrangee 1703 105.88 1 42 19.5 28.5 3949.0 25 23.5 519.0 * 33 200 5.6 4.9 1750.5 81 19.7 236.8 82 1712 6.9 51 233 XB(-4) 515/154 33.7
IND.COMPOSITE 105.88 3949.0 23.5 519.0 19.7 236.8 24691 33.7
Aptech * 1703 39.89 10 49 57.9 4.1 117.1 29 12.3 9.1 * -11 30 4.0 2.3 42.1 23 6.2 -1.7 PL 1712 - PL 298 (22) 404/178 -
NIIT * 1703 33.32 2 32 48.5 -1.0 366.3 -4 -1.0 -8.0 * -314 - 1.0 - 90.5 7 3.9 -1.3 84 1712 0.5 LP 92 M(-2) 119/72 -
Zee Learn 1703 32.59 1 58 9.0 13.4 161.2 16 28.6 36.3 141 10 1.2 1.1 30.5 20 33.7 6.5 13 1712 1.4 56 43 M(-1) 51/38 31.9
IND.COMPOSITE 105.80 644.6 8.8 37.4 10.1 3.5 4113 31.8
Adhbhut Infra. * 1703 11.00 10 75 17.2 -1.4 0.3 -60 -71.8 -0.3 80 - - - - - - -0.1 -67 1712 - 73 82 (-) 82/56 -
Ahluwalia Contr. * 1703 13.40 2 58 75.8 18.5 1426.5 14 12.1 86.0 2 - 16.4 12.8 361.1 1 17.3 29.2 20 1712 15.6 12 344 (24) 426/236 22.1
Ajmera Realty * 1703 35.48 10 63 123.7 14.7 251.6 18 39.4 60.7 * 79 30 17.5 17.0 78.0 3 43.1 20.7 3 1712 19.3 29 228 (-75) 366/175 11.8

38 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Anant Raj * 1703 59.02 2 63 139.9 1.5 429.3 8 28.1 60.2 -17 12 2.7 2.0 111.7 -12 26.3 12.4 -31 1712 1.6 -29 58 (-) 85/43 36.4
Ansal Buildwell * 1703 7.38 10 55 134.1 -1.0 51.3 -40 21.3 -1.0 * PL - 0.3 - 18.7 218 41.0 5.9 LP 1712 19.9 LP 82 (2) 110/53 4.1
Ansal Properties * 1703 78.70 5 49 107.8 0.5 674.1 -4 6.6 8.7 * -64 - 0.8 0.6 89.4 -10 0.4 -0.2 PL 1712 - PL 23 (-1) 36/15 -
Arihant Super. * 1703 41.16 10 74 28.8 25.3 128.9 55 35.8 26.6 55 10 6.6 6.5 26.8 6 24.1 3.6 15 1712 6.3 199 147 (-10) 211/100 23.3
Arvind SmartSp. 1703 31.75 10 57 70.1 12.6 90.0 -19 31.8 21.3 23 - 7.0 6.7 20.2 46 19.3 2.0 LP 1712 7.8 15 179 C(-9) 222/68 22.9
Ashiana Housing * 1703 20.47 2 61 70.7 9.8 355.9 -30 25.7 63.4 * -40 13 7.0 6.2 25.4 -40 -12.1 -3.6 PL 1712 5.3 -52 174 (-6) 250/158 33.1
B.L.Kashyap * 1703 21.54 1 64 21.9 1.6 889.5 6 9.7 7.3 428 - 1.2 0.3 242.6 20 12.0 9.7 344 1712 1.0 89 49 M(2) 72/20 48.6
Bharat Road * 1703 83.95 10 65 121.8 - 14.3 272 48.5 -30.8 34 - - - 3.0 -46 3.7 10.9 999 1712 - - 176 P(-2) 219/170 -
Brahmaputra Inf. 1703 29.02 10 74 43.5 - 212.9 -4 20.7 -0.9 * 85 - 3.9 - 44.2 18 9.6 -7.5 -106 1709 0.5 LP 33 (1) 50/19 -
Brigade Enterpr. * 1703 136.07 10 47 161.4 10.3 1654.8 5 27.5 168.8 15 25 20.4 12.4 334.1 -25 40.9 56.8 66 1712 15.6 87 278 M(-) 325/154 17.8
CCCL * 1703 79.70 2 12 -0.8 - 574.2 47 -1.0 -140.4 * 18 - - - 108.2 -30 1.1 -18.3 37 1712 - 48 6 (-) 10/4 -
Capacit’e Infra. * 1703 67.89 10 44 104.2 29.9 1125.1 40 13.4 69.3 46 - 12.9 10.2 366.5 16 13.6 22.7 40 1712 12.3 - 328 P(3) 437/303 26.7
CHD Developers * 1703 22.72 2 70 10.6 4.4 130.6 -23 14.7 5.2 -41 5 0.6 0.4 27.1 13 10.0 0.3 -62 1712 0.4 10 17 (-1) 20/7 -
CMM Infraproj 1703 15.67 10 73 29.2 14.6 201.9 13 5.7 3.6 * 56 - 3.8 2.3 - - - - - - - 74 M(1) 105/39 -
Coromandel Engg. 1703 33.23 10 75 9.1 - 31.3 -74 -3.4 -7.3 * PL - - - 6.9 -4 -12.2 -2.2 -38 1712 - -34 52 (-3) 68/38 -
D B Realty * 1703 243.26 10 62 119.5 0.1 13.8 -92 -99.9 1.4 -98 - 0.3 0.1 0.5 550 - 23.2 LP 1712 1.5 LP 52 (-4) 86/32 35.2
Dilip Buildcon * 1703 136.77 10 76 135.5 24.8 5097.6 25 19.5 360.1 * 63 10 43.0 26.3 1942.1 40 17.7 164.7 52 1712 43.7 163 928 (43) 1059/254 21.2
DLF * 1703 356.81 2 75 82.4 4.1 3703.0 2 41.3 607.0 -44 100 4.0 3.4 502.9 -48 7.1 61.9 -64 1712 2.2 -71 224 M(-4) 274/140 100.6
Eldeco Hsg.&Inds * 1703 1.97 10 55 424.8 11.3 72.7 7 25.4 9.1 79 125 45.4 43.6 10.3 -22 45.3 2.7 123 1712 28.2 -44 1953 (-192) 2694/565 69.3
Elpro Intl. * 1703 16.95 1 66 14.6 2.5 48.1 7 45.1 3.5 * LP - 0.3 0.2 21.0 77 59.5 4.1 LP 1712 0.6 226 52 XR(-1) 64/22 -
Emami Infra. * 1703 4.86 2 58 10.7 - 0.9 46 99.9 15.5 LP - 6.5 6.4 0.2 -4 - 0.7 LP 1712 8.2 LP 308 (28) 406/60 37.6
Ganesh Housing * 1703 49.23 10 56 149.8 5.3 177.7 -10 63.4 38.2 -5 20 8.4 7.8 53.7 31 53.5 10.7 46 1712 10.1 24 148 M(9) 190/75 14.6
Gayatri Projects * 1703 35.45 2 47 41.8 10.3 2115.4 17 15.3 81.9 41 - 6.6 4.1 903.9 74 15.5 46.5 229 1712 8.8 123 217 (16) 230/126 24.8
Globus Power * 1703 98.95 10 74 3.8 - - -100 - -87.5 -999 - - - - - - -0.1 43 1712 - -999 13 (-) 24/12 -
Godrej Propert. 1703 108.24 5 75 89.8 5.9 457.1 22 12.2 110.7 * 999 - 5.7 5.1 185.9 -56 4.4 20.2 -77 1712 3.1 -33 776 M(-4) 910/345 248.6
GPT Infraproject * 1703 29.09 10 75 54.9 6.8 377.1 6 14.5 10.5 - 25 7.9 3.5 97.0 - 14.6 2.3 59 1712 3.8 -6 178 B(-9) 247/101 46.5
HDIL * 1703 434.00 10 36 260.8 1.6 710.8 -39 67.7 170.8 * -50 - 4.1 3.9 99.1 -1 - 19.2 -49 1712 3.3 -43 52 (-1) 102/45 15.8
Hind.Construct. 1703 101.55 1 28 26.7 -4.5 4195.9 0 17.1 -99.9 * -244 - 0.3 - 1230.9 30 13.3 31.3 588 1712 - -20 35 C(-1) 48/32 -
Hubtown * 1703 72.74 10 57 237.6 0.4 603.5 66 58.1 6.5 * -76 - 1.3 0.9 67.1 -3 47.8 5.7 LP 1712 7.8 638 92 (-10) 173/83 11.8
IL&FS Engg. * 1703 131.12 10 42 6.6 - 1820.2 -1 10.0 -59.4 * 68 - - - 440.6 12 14.7 0.3 LP 1712 7.2 LP 44 (-) 66/31 6.1
Indbull.RealEst. 1703 94.93 2 37 129.9 - 27.2 56 -61.2 8.4 * -15 - 0.2 0.2 6.3 -13 -81.4 -20.8 PL 1712 - 60 214 M(11) 270/76 -
Indian Hume Pipe * 1703 9.69 2 70 82.5 28.0 1799.5 92 11.5 98.6 * 240 170 22.3 20.2 356.1 -7 10.3 14.7 -18 1712 15.8 3 369 (-6) 591/357 23.4
IRB Infra.Devl. * 1703 351.45 10 57 71.3 8.3 3412.5 23 11.0 201.2 * -31 50 5.7 5.7 763.1 -5 16.5 75.5 999 1712 13.7 301 226 (2) 272/194 16.5
ITD Cem * 1612 17.18 1 47 51.7 9.1 2871.6 5 6.8 48.3 -15 30 4.6 2.8 413.7 -7 14.8 19.1 144 1709 3.8 -65 190 M(-1) 235/145 50.7
IVRCL * 1703 156.58 2 5 4.9 - 2015.3 -15 -18.4 -127.6 88 - - - 319.3 -20 -33.1 -315.7 -27 1712 - 79 4 (-1) 8/4 -
J Kumar Infra * 1703 37.83 5 44 183.6 7.9 1437.5 2 17.2 104.9 * 7 40 21.2 13.9 457.2 24 17.0 32.9 24 1712 14.2 2 327 (35) 375/182 23.0
Jaypee Infratec. * 1703 1388.93 10 64 38.5 - 962.1 -66 -37.6 -876.4 * -145 - - - 59.9 -81 - -361.3 -773 1712 - -411 14 (-1) 26/10 -
JMC Projects * 1703 33.58 10 67 205.4 9.0 2328.4 -3 9.5 57.9 * 36 15 34.3 17.3 706.6 29 9.9 23.7 30 1712 25.9 65 586 (88) 688/216 22.7
JP Associates 1703 486.49 2 39 31.1 - 6219.3 -28 -1.2 -3892.4 -56 - - - 1108.6 -27 12.7 -137.0 87 1712 - 48 17 (-2) 30/9 -
KNR Construct. * 1703 28.12 2 55 63.7 19.3 1541.1 71 14.7 164.9 4 25 16.3 11.7 433.2 13 22.7 65.7 61 1712 17.2 45 316 (17) 349/172 18.3
Kolte Patil Dev. * 1703 75.77 10 75 105.3 11.1 534.5 148 24.4 84.7 89 16 12.0 11.2 149.0 13 24.3 21.4 17 1712 14.1 53 333 (18) 405/100 23.6
Landmark Prop. * 1703 13.41 1 65 4.5 1.0 2.5 -2 15.0 0.6 * -30 - 0.0 - 0.6 -2 20.3 0.3 47 1712 0.1 -15 4 (-) 6/3 -
Mahindra Life. 1703 51.33 10 52 292.8 3.3 680.6 36 5.0 48.2 * -38 60 9.3 8.4 144.7 -27 11.1 13.2 -17 1712 8.0 -30 455 M(-17) 563/320 57.0
Man Infra * 1703 49.50 2 63 27.6 7.7 158.4 -25 18.0 50.3 * 20 54 2.3 2.0 44.2 17 14.1 12.9 54 1712 2.8 39 56 (-5) 75/38 19.9
Manas Properties 1703 4.16 10 73 23.6 9.0 1.9 18 47.9 0.6 -89 - 1.5 1.5 - - - - - 1.9 - 370 (1) 380/360 199.9
Manjeera Constr. * 1703 12.51 10 74 67.7 2.0 34.5 20 4.5 1.7 -70 - 1.7 1.3 16.7 82 13.4 3.0 86 1712 2.8 33 71 (-3) 83/48 25.0
Marathon Nextgen * 1703 23.00 10 75 306.8 13.2 193.1 -2 29.4 88.0 1 10 38.3 38.2 - - - 10.3 -59 1712 24.0 -43 474 M(-35) 670/205 19.7
MEP Infrast. * 1703 162.57 10 70 37.0 3.0 780.8 12 79.1 17.4 * -42 3 35.5 1.1 531.2 203 12.1 10.8 450 1712 1.9 38 91 (8) 148/40 48.6
Mercantile Vent. 1703 111.92 10 63 21.7 0.5 4.7 10 99.9 1.4 -67 - 0.2 0.1 1.3 15 48.9 0.8 23 1712 - PL 12 (1) 21/8 -
NBCC * 1703 180.00 2 75 18.6 22.0 6279.4 8 6.4 351.2 22 82 3.8 3.8 1312.6 -7 5.2 61.9 -3 1712 4.1 23 199 (-8) 292/161 48.8
NCC * 1703 120.13 2 20 66.5 7.8 7892.1 -5 8.7 259.7 4 20 6.2 4.3 1850.7 -3 13.8 122.6 94 1712 5.7 33 125 M(12) 142/78 21.8
Nila Infrastruc. * 1703 39.39 1 62 5.1 12.3 224.2 22 16.3 22.8 * 34 11 0.6 0.6 53.9 7 17.1 5.9 2 1712 0.7 28 21 M(-) 29/15 -
Nimbus Proj. * 1703 7.44 10 75 9.1 - 7.9 2 -29.4 -3.3 * 37 - - - 1.9 -61 50.0 -0.3 PL 1712 - -275 62 (-2) 101/34 -
Nirlon * 1703 90.12 10 72 36.6 18.8 279.0 -3 75.7 55.5 * 23 8 13.9 6.0 74.1 4 79.2 17.1 1 1712 6.5 51 208 (1) 250/188 32.0
Noida Tollbridg. * 1703 186.20 10 26 25.7 0.2 82.1 -36 53.3 0.9 * -99 - 2.1 - 4.0 -68 -92.2 -16.0 -70 1712 - PL 13 (-1) 17/8 -
Oberoi Realty 1703 339.60 10 72 121.0 8.1 890.6 -25 51.9 318.8 * -36 20 10.6 9.4 263.5 26 53.9 92.8 29 1712 12.0 16 477 M(6) 562/319 39.9
Omaxe * 1703 182.90 10 75 102.1 3.7 1036.6 8 20.7 67.7 * 28 7 4.1 3.7 349.2 54 18.3 16.3 19 1712 2.9 -33 228 (-) 235/167 79.4
Parsvnath Devl. * 1703 217.59 5 71 58.8 -1.4 249.4 -18 20.3 -36.1 * -999 - - - 19.7 -64 -50.9 -28.0 -86 1712 - -999 22 (-) 34/12 -
Patel Engg. * 1703 15.70 1 21 139.0 2.3 2925.6 6 15.3 45.6 LP - 5.8 2.9 635.7 -10 42.0 224.5 LP 1712 14.2 LP 73 (4) 107/62 5.1
Peninsula Land * 1703 55.84 2 55 61.1 -8.0 264.6 141 -44.2 -148.8 * PL - - - 277.5 999 -4.5 -48.7 -138 1712 - -999 28 (-1) 44/16 -
Phoenix Mills * 1703 30.62 2 63 158.9 6.7 375.9 6 67.0 159.6 4 120 12.4 10.4 100.1 - 61.9 29.2 -28 1712 9.9 - 607 M(3) 700/353 61.4
PNC Infratech * 1703 51.31 2 56 61.3 13.0 1689.1 -16 13.1 192.0 * -16 25 9.6 7.5 472.5 2 14.0 93.1 21 1712 6.1 -51 165 (-3) 228/100 27.2
Prakash Constro. * 1703 12.57 1 27 9.5 3.2 211.8 17 4.7 3.7 * -23 - 0.4 0.3 49.3 148 7.1 1.4 311 1712 0.3 -49 7 (-) 11/3 -
Prestige Estates * 1703 375.00 10 70 126.5 7.9 2180.3 -33 20.5 352.2 * -12 12 10.7 9.4 769.0 39 13.6 60.9 -19 1712 6.6 -24 321 (17) 356/148 48.5
Prime Property * 1703 8.49 5 72 52.2 27.5 41.7 0 55.6 21.7 999 20 12.6 12.5 2.3 - 70.1 1.2 -23 1712 3.1 -76 34 (-) 51/26 11.0
Prozone Intu * 1703 30.52 2 32 27.1 0.9 7.2 -5 -25.8 3.8 * -16 - 0.3 0.2 1.7 -8 -35.8 0.4 -60 1712 0.2 -45 58 (1) 78/33 -
PSP Projects * 1703 36.00 10 72 71.9 47.5 400.8 -12 16.4 41.2 * 65 25 13.5 11.4 170.8 126 15.6 15.2 107 1712 17.1 127 488 P(-16) 595/189 28.6
Punj Lloyd * 1703 67.12 2 36 6.1 - 3761.0 12 -5.1 -873.8 * 44 - - - 1019.4 3 -6.2 -184.0 21 1712 - 25 21 M(-) 29/18 -
Puravankara * 1703 118.57 5 75 83.5 5.2 976.5 -4 31.1 100.5 17 45 4.7 4.2 249.0 25 16.6 1.6 -78 1712 4.2 76 141 (-3) 182/49 33.7
Pushpanj. Realms 1703 10.01 10 58 28.2 24.1 25.7 16 14.9 2.4 65 - 2.8 2.4 - - - - - 2.4 - 75 M(2) 99/52 31.2

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 39

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Ramky Infra * 1703 57.20 10 68 49.2 - 1524.6 -17 6.5 18.9 * 13 - 11.5 3.3 256.8 -31 -26.6 0.9 -97 1712 9.5 -78 190 (-8) 271/73 20.1
Ratnabhumi Dev. 1703 13.70 10 73 24.4 14.3 8.2 37 11.7 1.4 -14 - 1.0 1.0 - - - 0.1 - 1706 - - 36 P(3) 65/32 -
RDB Realty * 1703 17.28 10 74 55.2 0.8 23.5 -22 6.0 0.8 * 23 - 0.8 0.4 6.1 2 30.7 0.9 -9 1712 1.1 -47 53 (-) 64/28 47.2
Real News * 1703 20.00 10 25 7.9 - 3.7 -18 -38.1 -2.4 20 - - - - - - -1.7 31 1712 - -103 25 (-) 30/14 -
RKEC Projects 1703 23.99 10 - 25.1 40.6 197.2 75 14.4 13.1 307 - 6.6 5.5 - - - - - 6.4 - 135 M(2) 183/54 21.3
Rodium Real. * 1703 3.25 10 67 35.6 15.0 50.0 375 4.3 1.6 * -26 10 5.3 5.0 7.5 -52 7.2 0.6 152 1712 0.3 -88 149 (-2) 170/105 -
RPP Infra Proj. * 1703 22.60 10 53 75.7 14.9 366.3 16 13.7 24.0 27 5 12.8 10.6 137.0 75 13.2 -9.3 PL 1712 5.9 -44 282 (-1) 337/212 47.9
Sadbhav Engg. * 1703 17.16 1 46 96.8 11.9 3320.3 4 10.7 174.9 * 31 75 16.0 10.2 935.1 8 11.3 53.1 1 1712 11.5 35 393 (-1) 439/262 34.2
Sadbhav Infra. 1703 352.23 10 69 38.1 3.1 285.5 233 54.1 41.1 * LP - 1.2 1.2 94.2 22 72.2 24.7 15 1712 2.0 104 133 (-3) 158/90 66.9
Shri Krishna * 1703 28.00 10 55 21.8 3.3 22.1 1 25.0 2.0 -16 - 0.8 0.7 6.4 38 47.2 1.5 999 1712 1.4 253 17 (2) 24/12 12.4
Shristi Infra * 1703 22.20 10 75 180.5 0.5 100.2 -37 39.7 2.3 -12 5 1.6 1.0 28.1 25 27.1 0.6 211 1712 1.6 122 282 (-5) 375/245 178.9
Simplex Infra * 1703 9.89 2 56 309.5 8.1 5607.5 -5 12.4 123.1 15 25 64.9 24.9 1360.1 -2 13.1 31.1 69 1712 31.8 95 566 (-19) 650/272 17.8
SKIL Infrastr * 1703 216.57 10 63 122.0 - 0.0 0 -99.9 -103.0 36 - - - - - - -55.7 -9 1712 - -5 41 (-3) 56/19 -
Sobha * 1703 94.85 10 56 265.0 5.6 2175.0 14 18.3 140.2 12 25 21.1 14.8 632.9 19 19.4 44.7 57 1712 18.3 41 554 M(18) 687/284 30.2
SPML Infra * 1703 7.33 2 38 134.1 1.8 1611.1 14 6.8 8.6 * -17 - 5.2 2.3 344.1 -20 20.5 8.4 LP 1712 10.1 LP 117 (-3) 188/55 11.6
Sri Krishna Con. 1703 10.47 10 63 22.5 9.7 10.3 -42 15.5 2.3 33 - 2.3 2.2 - - - - - 3.8 362 143 B(-33) 183/33 37.7
Sunstar Realty * 1703 23.62 1 19 1.9 0.2 3.1 -58 -33.7 0.1 -17 - - - - - - 0.5 999 1712 0.0 - 8 (-4) 63/8 -
Sunteck Realty * 1703 14.63 1 67 103.1 20.2 197.2 127 79.0 157.5 * 999 150 10.8 10.8 48.3 83 76.5 27.7 -11 1712 6.3 -30 400 M(-3) 450/120 63.9
Supreme Holdings * 1703 35.48 10 54 20.7 -1.0 6.0 0 -23.5 -0.9 * -268 - - - 7.4 - -1.1 - LP 1712 0.0 LP 25 (-2) 34/12 -
Swan Energy * 1703 24.43 1 65 36.4 0.3 330.8 4 5.7 1.2 * 627 8 0.3 - 97.4 39 4.9 0.2 -12 1712 0.2 999 196 M(-9) 235/112 -
Tarmat * 1703 10.96 10 63 34.6 - 60.3 14 1.3 - -96 - 1.3 - 23.2 152 -0.8 0.1 700 1712 2.3 243 60 (-1) 83/30 25.6
Texmaco Infrast. * 1703 12.74 1 61 32.4 3.4 14.6 6 43.6 12.3 * -16 20 1.2 1.0 3.3 -7 42.8 2.0 -28 1712 0.8 -19 62 (-) 79/40 -
Tirupati Sarjan * 1703 16.50 5 48 18.2 11.0 130.5 10 9.6 6.2 7 6 2.2 1.9 39.4 19 9.6 2.2 4 1712 2.1 15 20 (1) 27/16 9.5
Tulive Developer * 1703 3.48 10 75 254.7 10.9 0.1 -89 -99.9 9.2 131 - 26.4 26.3 - - - 0.3 -94 1712 6.4 -41 177 (4) 177/157 27.5
Unitech * 1703 523.26 2 15 32.0 -2.3 889.3 -17 -21.8 -190.9 * 31 - - - 372.5 41 38.4 -56.7 PL 1712 - -7 7 (-) 12/4 -
Unity Infra. * 1703 24.18 2 60 -86.7 - 247.1 -35 -99.9 -1100.6 -135 - - - 44.8 1 - -575.2 -280 1712 - -229 6 (-1) 10/4 -
Vascon Engineers * 1703 174.06 10 36 36.1 - 216.6 -33 -1.8 1.4 * LP - 0.5 0.1 93.5 85 6.9 2.5 64 1712 0.2 LP 39 M(2) 59/28 -
Vipul Ltd * 1703 12.00 1 63 34.4 0.6 226.4 27 12.1 2.4 * 110 5 0.3 0.2 62.0 28 19.6 0.7 LP 1712 0.6 LP 65 (-6) 102/57 -
Welspun Enterp * 1703 147.77 10 45 91.6 -0.7 300.5 63 -14.9 -9.9 * 75 8 0.5 - 273.4 446 7.9 31.5 361 1712 3.4 LP 167 M(6) 198/64 48.7
IND.COMPOSITE 9833.04 100371.1 12.3 -2076.3 14.4 8.1 275985 35.3
Blue Dart Exp. 1703 23.73 10 75 219.8 28.1 2680.9 5 9.9 139.6 -27 150 77.4 58.8 704.6 -2 11.4 45.5 61 1712 55.9 -14 4425 (-183) 5422/3831 79.2
Gati * 1703 21.67 2 26 64.5 4.8 512.0 6 8.9 29.8 55 40 3.7 2.8 110.8 -15 3.7 0.4 -93 1712 5.0 95 113 C(-6) 154/102 22.4
TCI Express 1703 7.66 2 66 41.8 29.6 753.9 0 8.9 40.8 LP 80 11.6 10.5 229.0 22 10.5 15.4 78 1712 14.6 118 505 (25) 645/284 34.6
IND.COMPOSITE 53.06 3946.7 9.5 210.2 10.4 61.3 13658 56.2
Atlas Cycles 1703 3.25 5 44 143.3 - 714.5 20 2.0 1.6 * LP - 9.7 2.4 166.4 -12 2.4 0.8 -71 1709 1.5 -80 184 (2) 248/135 119.6
Tube Investments * 1703 18.75 1 49 60.9 27.8 4108.6 - 8.9 150.7 * - 200 14.5 8.0 1103.0 19 8.3 34.9 28 1712 8.3 - 267 M(11) 308/233 32.1
IND.COMPOSITE 22.00 4823.1 7.9 152.3 7.5 35.7 5128 32.6
Galaxy Surfact. 1703 35.45 10 - 160.4 19.8 1502.6 12 12.5 103.9 -3 40 35.6 28.5 827.0 - 11.9 51.2 - 1709 - - 1593 (1593)1743/1520 -
Jyothy Lab. 1703 18.18 1 67 36.0 - 1632.0 6 15.9 201.8 * 184 600 14.1 11.1 418.4 13 16.9 37.3 97 1712 11.5 172 345 M(-15) 441/325 29.9
Pee Cee Cosma * 1703 2.65 10 75 63.3 9.5 71.0 -5 5.0 1.6 * -24 25 8.2 5.4 20.3 13 12.1 1.5 999 1712 12.9 132 173 (42) 179/68 13.4
T N Petro Prod. * 1703 89.97 10 35 29.9 - 888.9 27 7.2 -5.9 * 69 - 1.1 - 291.5 39 7.6 10.8 16 1712 - PL 60 (2) 84/29 -
IND.COMPOSITE 146.25 4094.4 12.6 301.4 12.4 100.8 12498 29.6
Asian Star Co. * 1703 16.01 10 75 404.9 7.1 2696.5 14 3.8 44.7 10 15 37.7 27.9 634.2 14 3.2 11.0 39 1712 27.4 9 1445 (-29) 1614/589 52.7
Atlas Jewellery * 1703 100.65 10 51 15.5 - 8.7 -37 -72.5 -7.5 -75 - - - 1.5 -66 - -4.6 PL 1712 - -241 72 (-2) 92/46 -
Gitanjali Gems 1703 118.62 10 28 293.8 1.2 10464.8 -3 3.9 39.0 * -12 8 4.7 3.3 2327.4 2 3.1 34.3 54 1709 3.4 -38 34 (-26) 105/34 10.1
Goldiam Intl. * 1703 24.95 10 57 79.7 5.5 138.4 5 6.3 10.6 * 5 20 4.6 3.9 34.8 -8 14.2 3.9 72 1712 3.8 258 72 (-3) 99/70 19.2
Kanani Inds. * 1703 9.89 1 75 4.2 1.0 78.7 -7 -0.7 0.4 13 - 0.1 - 25.1 46 -2.1 -0.2 -283 1712 0.0 -30 9 (-1) 18/8 -
PC Jeweller 1703 394.36 10 61 102.7 14.9 8099.4 12 9.4 429.6 * 8 10 11.5 10.9 2644.9 26 10.2 162.7 52 1712 14.2 40 354 B(-69) 601/185 25.0
Radhika Jewel. 1703 23.60 10 62 45.1 9.0 156.9 15 6.9 9.3 211 - 4.0 3.9 - - - - - 5.6 - 32 (1) 51/10 5.7
Rajesh Exports * 1703 29.53 1 54 126.7 13.1 44947.7 16 1.8 461.3 -3 110 15.7 15.6 7756.5 -33 2.1 104.6 2 1712 15.6 13 790 (-25) 872/498 50.6
Renaissance Jew. * 1703 18.88 10 75 234.2 7.3 1100.4 -4 3.5 29.1 * -12 - 19.8 15.4 329.5 -6 8.1 16.4 -2 1712 15.4 -13 340 M(46) 411/138 22.0
TBZ * 1703 66.73 10 74 69.1 4.1 1700.2 3 4.5 18.6 LP - 4.1 2.8 547.4 1 4.1 7.4 1 1712 2.3 999 107 (-8) 155/62 47.2
Thangamayil Jew. 1703 13.72 10 66 110.4 9.7 1293.7 2 3.7 14.0 32 20 17.0 10.2 315.1 -5 4.1 4.2 999 1712 17.1 147 500 (-5) 701/183 29.3
Titan Company 1703 88.78 1 53 48.6 21.3 12614.5 14 9.5 836.1 19 260 10.5 9.4 4085.4 7 10.9 308.2 22 1712 12.4 36 805 (1) 938/426 65.2
Uday Jewellery * 1703 11.69 10 65 12.1 - 45.2 43 3.5 1.2 -9 - 1.1 1.0 20.1 46 4.2 0.5 LP 1712 1.8 56 43 (8) 46/16 24.4
Vaibhav Global 1703 32.59 10 67 153.3 4.9 478.3 32 7.5 23.6 * 35 - 9.8 7.2 133.4 2 9.1 10.6 82 1712 11.9 182 687 M(16) 795/366 57.8
IND.COMPOSITE 950.00 83823.5 4.2 1910.0 5.6 659.0 116860 49.8
Bajaj Electric * 1703 20.41 2 63 85.4 13.2 4261.7 -7 5.7 106.7 * -3 140 13.4 10.5 1140.7 9 6.2 36.8 24 1712 11.2 9 505 M(70) 585/256 45.3
Butterfly Gan.Ap * 1703 17.88 10 65 100.2 -26.8 402.3 -55 -6.7 -55.4 PL - - - 141.0 76 6.1 1.7 LP 1712 - 55 495 (-75) 661/157 -
DHP India 1703 3.00 10 74 149.1 19.8 46.6 27 24.8 8.0 * 143 20 31.1 26.2 11.9 3 25.5 5.6 351 1712 39.8 91 533 (-10) 648/310 13.4
Hawkins Cookers 1703 5.29 10 56 201.7 54.4 578.6 6 12.4 45.6 6 700 92.8 86.2 139.3 11 13.8 12.5 7 1712 89.7 2 2808 (-71) 3290/2605 31.3
IFB Inds. 1703 40.52 10 75 115.2 11.5 2172.8 17 4.5 49.6 * 97 - 23.0 12.2 531.7 17 6.9 18.6 14 1712 15.1 22 1312 (30) 1543/585 87.0
Orient Paper 1703 21.22 1 39 23.9 11.1 1914.7 2 6.8 48.8 * 133 100 4.4 2.3 168.7 26 15.5 10.5 276 1712 4.1 77 40 (-3) 62/23 9.8

40 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Symphony 1703 13.99 2 75 65.5 45.2 667.2 61 31.1 161.0 * -2 225 23.0 22.5 217.6 21 39.9 66.3 21 1712 24.7 -1 1712 (-63) 2213/1154 69.2
TTK Prestige 1703 11.55 10 70 740.1 18.2 1683.1 8 11.6 141.9 * 20 270 144.8 122.9 458.0 7 13.2 43.7 47 1712 122.8 25 7125 M(183)8911/5301 58.0
Whirlpool India 1703 126.87 10 75 116.9 23.4 4772.5 15 10.3 310.7 29 30 31.4 24.5 958.0 18 9.3 53.1 -4 1712 26.3 9 1443 (78) 1680/980 54.8
IND.COMPOSITE 260.73 16499.5 8.6 816.9 10.6 248.9 52347 53.1
Eveready Inds. 1703 36.34 5 44 39.8 - 1355.2 2 9.9 93.8 36 - 15.0 12.9 369.6 12 9.3 20.9 -40 1712 11.2 -12 391 (8) 465/228 34.9
HBL Power System * 1703 27.72 1 56 26.7 5.2 1407.2 9 8.7 33.5 * 330 25 2.9 1.2 414.0 18 8.9 9.6 2 1712 1.5 111 55 (-) 76/40 37.9
Panasonic Energy * 1703 7.50 10 58 132.9 5.3 214.1 -11 2.9 5.1 -69 55 9.8 6.8 60.2 22 11.4 5.3 492 1712 10.2 -11 358 (53) 413/221 35.1
IND.COMPOSITE 71.56 2976.5 8.8 132.4 9.2 35.8 4647 35.9
AksharChem (I) * 1703 8.20 10 63 247.4 47.5 259.7 38 30.6 48.4 * 201 35 64.1 58.4 58.8 -7 15.1 8.3 -10 1712 37.4 -35 634 M(-70) 942/623 17.0
Amal 1703 9.43 10 66 1.4 - 25.7 11 46.1 8.9 559 - 9.8 9.4 9.1 11 41.0 3.1 -31 1712 8.5 7 156 M(-4) 226/97 18.4
Asahi Songwon * 1703 12.27 10 65 127.6 17.1 257.1 15 18.0 25.1 29 30 25.6 19.8 71.2 25 15.8 9.2 120 1712 24.6 43 353 (15) 424/241 14.4
Atul 1703 29.66 10 45 647.6 16.2 2694.5 10 17.5 282.8 * 4 100 126.1 95.4 803.7 25 15.7 66.0 13 1712 78.2 -19 2651 (-7) 3084/1958 33.9
Bhageria Indust. 1703 7.96 5 53 70.0 46.1 344.4 44 17.7 40.8 * 175 100 26.7 24.6 89.6 18 27.9 14.6 127 1712 22.8 - 290 (-10) 372/228 12.7
Bodal Chemicals * 1703 24.44 2 55 47.8 43.0 1184.1 30 18.6 125.3 * 54 40 12.3 10.2 304.1 10 17.3 30.5 -1 1712 9.3 -5 144 M(-11) 194/127 15.5
Dynemic Products * 1703 11.33 10 40 66.0 19.5 148.4 15 17.0 13.6 80 15 14.8 12.0 43.9 48 20.6 5.4 50 1712 15.1 41 201 (17) 236/101 13.3
Indian Toners 1703 13.16 10 69 54.2 5.7 33.8 -3 12.4 3.6 * -37 - 3.7 2.7 28.7 8 23.4 6.1 31 1712 3.7 -72 270 M(6) 345/143 73.0
Indokem * 1703 24.33 10 71 9.0 - 72.2 23 20.0 0.4 * 999 - 0.5 0.2 17.9 16 -1.8 -0.6 PL 1712 - PL 27 (-1) 44/17 -
Ishan Dyes & Ch. * 1703 11.26 10 44 22.7 24.6 66.7 9 16.6 5.6 44 - 6.4 5.0 19.0 24 4.5 0.5 -59 1712 1.6 -70 49 (3) 80/40 31.0
Kiri Indus. * 1703 30.24 10 43 160.0 - 964.8 9 13.3 95.6 999 - 39.0 31.6 180.1 -20 13.3 17.5 -9 1712 34.1 20 508 C(-15) 674/227 14.9
Polson * 1703 0.60 50 75 6054.2 15.4 108.3 4 17.6 9.4 * 41 - 1052.5 782.5 25.3 -8 16.7 1.4 -28 1712 755.8 -9 18036 (-1821)26337/7151 23.9
Sadhana Nitro 1703 9.20 10 71 -0.1 - 57.3 63 14.9 2.3 LP - 4.5 2.5 26.6 121 37.1 8.1 LP 1712 13.2 999 219 (18) 219/35 16.6
Sh.Pushkar Chem. * 1703 30.22 10 63 64.1 17.1 313.0 26 16.7 30.5 37 15 11.9 10.1 93.8 25 17.7 9.5 34 1712 11.7 27 232 (-21) 338/172 19.9
Sudarshan Chem. * 1703 13.85 2 53 57.1 24.8 1292.9 7 13.7 91.2 27 175 19.9 12.7 339.1 25 13.5 19.1 54 1712 12.3 -9 435 (17) 484/320 35.5
Ultramarine Pig. * 1703 5.84 2 53 50.3 24.8 255.4 16 19.8 32.4 * 19 200 12.5 11.1 76.0 12 21.6 11.8 42 1712 14.8 36 332 (-10) 435/151 22.5
Vidhi Specialty * 1703 4.99 1 64 13.0 24.3 192.6 4 15.1 14.6 -1 80 3.2 2.8 47.2 -15 16.2 3.8 2 1712 3.1 7 82 (-2) 116/49 26.8
IND.COMPOSITE 246.98 8271.0 17.0 830.5 16.5 214.4 18934 24.3
ABB * 1712 42.38 2 75 170.2 12.0 8961.4 4 8.2 420.0 17 220 27.3 19.8 2739.8 12 10.7 171.5 5 1712 19.8 17 1479 (-150) 1744/1175 74.7
Amber Enterp. 1703 31.45 10 44 270.8 10.4 1554.5 59 8.0 29.9 * 46 23 20.6 9.2 - - - - - 9.5 - 1147 P(-80) 1327/1001 120.6
Apar Inds. 1703 38.27 10 58 247.7 21.3 4775.6 -5 9.1 177.3 * 56 100 57.7 46.3 1407.9 24 6.8 41.1 -5 1712 39.5 -11 795 (76) 909/684 20.1
BHEL * 1703 734.28 2 63 88.0 - 28222.2 11 2.9 494.6 * LP 79 3.7 1.3 6494.4 5 4.5 153.2 64 1712 1.5 -28 93 B(-2) 122/81 60.6
Bharat Bijlee 1703 5.65 10 34 517.1 6.9 662.6 4 3.1 18.5 * 166 - 50.3 32.8 227.7 34 6.2 9.7 191 1712 40.6 131 1411 (89) 1593/805 34.8
CG Power & Ind. * 1703 125.35 2 34 67.0 5.4 4356.8 12 7.0 225.3 158 - 5.1 3.6 1179.4 11 7.4 50.8 -2 1712 2.3 708 83 (-3) 99/66 36.1
Crompton Gr. Con 1703 125.36 2 34 8.6 75.7 3975.9 119 12.3 292.3 156 75 4.8 4.7 938.2 7 12.4 69.5 28 1712 4.9 11 232 M(-22) 295/184 47.3
Easun Reyrolle 1703 6.16 2 36 37.6 - 27.8 -21 -48.9 -47.8 -30 - - - 5.6 -10 -58.9 -14.2 -28 1706 - -33 17 (-1) 38/15 -
GE Power 1703 67.23 10 69 123.5 1.9 1993.5 17 2.8 15.3 LP 30 11.2 2.3 365.3 -54 7.5 80.6 -34 1712 20.3 403 835 (-67) 1048/560 41.1
GE T&D India * 1703 51.21 2 75 40.3 -7.8 4052.1 23 1.4 -86.9 * PL 90 0.1 - 1438.6 23 3.5 71.8 62 1712 8.9 LP 426 (35) 473/277 48.1
Havells India 1703 62.51 1 62 52.4 17.3 6135.3 14 13.9 580.6 4 350 10.6 8.7 1965.8 31 13.3 179.2 29 1712 10.0 -3 504 M(3) 593/396 50.7
Honda Siel Power * 1703 10.14 10 68 417.9 14.5 701.6 4 13.5 57.0 * 18 75 79.1 56.2 203.3 15 16.1 19.9 41 1712 57.8 -3 1430 (90) 1675/1296 24.7
HPL Electric * 1703 64.30 10 72 111.0 4.2 926.5 -17 11.7 22.6 -39 15 6.9 3.5 261.2 27 10.0 7.1 -9 1712 4.0 -7 137 (1) 165/103 34.0
Igarashi Motors * 1703 30.61 10 75 121.0 22.2 507.9 14 24.0 73.2 * 15 66 31.1 23.9 102.0 -18 19.9 15.4 -15 1712 21.8 -11 832 CB(11) 1125/737 38.2
IMP Powers * 1703 8.64 10 53 119.3 3.3 393.1 9 8.8 3.4 8 5 10.9 3.9 105.0 -5 11.2 3.2 197 1712 3.1 -23 109 (-2) 131/72 35.0
Indo Tech.Trans. * 1703 10.62 10 74 130.5 - 148.8 -22 -5.3 -16.3 * -140 - - - 46.6 81 -1.0 -0.7 89 1712 - 16 196 (4) 258/177 -
Indosolar 1703 372.07 10 57 -7.8 - 442.3 72 16.4 -58.2 59 - - - 52.2 -59 -30.2 -0.8 96 1712 - 70 8 C(-1) 15/6 -
Inox Wind 1703 221.92 10 86 97.6 12.6 2863.2 -26 14.4 233.5 * -50 - 12.1 10.5 53.4 -95 -53.8 -43.3 PL 1712 - PL 132 (9) 209/105 -
Jyoti * 1703 17.13 10 33 -206.4 - 269.2 25 8.1 -60.4 27 - - - 34.8 -41 -7.1 -4.7 76 1712 0.9 LP 48 (-10) 68/38 -
Kaycee Inds. * 1703 0.63 100 72 1946.0 5.4 23.6 3 1.0 0.6 LP 5 154.0 101.6 5.7 4 8.8 0.3 190 1712 141.3 68 7673 (873)10096/3310 54.3
Kirl. Electric * 1703 66.41 10 49 3.2 - 575.6 5 0.6 -29.9 * 44 - - - 82.9 -42 -15.4 -20.2 -67 1712 - -316 38 (-2) 57/37 -
Lak. Electrical 1703 2.46 10 28 406.5 9.2 160.9 -14 7.4 9.4 9 80 46.3 38.1 37.8 - 6.7 1.1 -44 1712 34.6 -12 621 (-24) 865/436 18.0
Rexnord Electr. * 1703 11.16 10 61 24.8 13.1 56.7 10 11.5 3.3 63 - 4.2 2.9 13.1 7 10.8 0.9 34 1712 2.9 8 63 (3) 98/39 21.5
Salzer Electron. * 1703 14.50 10 30 153.2 8.2 384.0 6 11.2 16.2 * - 16 18.0 11.2 110.7 22 12.2 5.3 57 1712 12.7 13 214 M(20) 249/168 16.9
Schneider Elect. * 1703 47.82 2 75 -3.9 - 1264.9 -10 -9.7 -154.2 -844 - - - 470.5 10 0.4 -7.3 PL 1712 - -672 103 (-12) 163/102 -
Servotech Power 1703 18.31 10 69 16.3 65.0 81.0 58 11.7 6.3 971 - 3.9 3.5 - - - - - - - 35 M(-2) 47/31 -
Shilchar Tech. * 1703 3.81 10 66 130.2 28.2 109.2 7 16.0 12.3 35 30 35.8 32.2 20.5 -12 6.7 1.0 -56 1712 18.5 -42 383 (-27) 510/365 20.7
Siemens * 1709 71.22 2 75 216.4 10.3 11014.8 2 9.8 749.7 * 7 350 25.4 19.8 2363.2 6 11.5 190.5 19 1712 21.9 4 1246 (-22) 1470/1123 56.9
Suzlon Energy * 1703 1063.95 2 20 2.8 - 9245.7 56 12.1 849.0 650 - 2.4 1.6 1720.0 -31 15.2 15.5 -96 1712 0.3 -62 13 C(-) 22/12 -
Swelect Energy * 1703 10.11 10 54 647.9 4.6 169.6 4 5.1 28.4 * 136 40 39.1 28.1 42.9 52 10.9 6.7 39 1712 29.3 90 429 (8) 633/329 14.7
TRIL * 1703 13.26 1 75 25.1 5.1 802.2 39 10.1 16.7 LP - 2.3 1.3 151.4 -21 6.3 -3.9 PL 1712 - PL 31 (-2) 48/29 -
TD Power Sys. * 1703 33.24 10 54 148.7 0.0 369.4 -19 4.5 0.1 -99 18 8.4 - 94.5 51 4.5 0.9 LP 1712 - 84 211 (20) 271/155 -
Techno Elec. * 1703 22.54 2 59 75.6 16.4 1236.4 20 16.4 128.7 * 21 - 12.6 11.4 275.6 -17 18.2 33.5 8 1712 10.6 -9 350 M(-12) 439/315 32.9
Triveni Turbine * 1703 33.00 1 68 12.0 29.6 732.8 3 22.5 102.7 * 3 120 3.6 3.1 165.0 -16 19.5 21.0 -40 1712 2.2 -36 120 (-6) 167/115 54.5
Ujaas Energy * 1703 20.00 1 63 11.4 17.3 474.4 71 15.0 35.5 * 72 5 2.2 1.8 75.4 -25 12.9 4.0 -54 1712 1.3 -34 21 (-1) 47/21 16.3
V-Guard Inds. 1703 42.56 1 64 15.0 27.4 2150.6 15 10.0 151.2 * 35 70 3.9 3.6 523.5 19 9.4 35.8 41 1712 3.6 3 234 M(21) 251/151 65.9
Veto Switchgears * 1703 18.33 10 46 49.0 14.7 120.3 7 13.8 12.2 * 11 20 7.4 6.5 30.3 24 20.4 4.2 33 1712 9.7 37 220 (13) 265/135 22.6
Volt.Transform. * 1703 10.12 10 47 531.2 10.6 609.4 8 9.1 53.3 * 47 150 58.4 52.6 160.1 52 11.7 23.6 153 1712 58.8 2 1146 (151) 1367/930 19.5
IND.COMPOSITE 3528.71 100551.8 7.7 4365.4 8.1 1121.8 225494 51.8

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 41

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio

Graphite India 1703 39.08 2 65 94.8 6.3 1305.8 -3 5.8 111.4 * 6 100 7.8 5.7 933.1 176 55.6 340.5 999 1712 26.7 561 708 (56) 908/99 26.6
HEG 1703 39.96 10 61 218.2 -5.6 860.0 -1 9.4 -49.7 -429 - 6.1 - 842.7 248 66.2 342.1 LP 1712 111.2 LP 2825 (494) 3147/178 25.4
IND.COMPOSITE 79.04 2165.8 7.2 61.7 60.6 682.6 25123 26.0
Ador Welding * 1703 13.60 10 57 174.4 8.2 440.6 8 7.3 17.1 * -29 50 20.9 12.6 103.7 1 6.5 3.7 -11 1712 11.5 -20 432 (-2) 659/280 37.7
Esab India * 1703 15.39 10 74 221.9 7.9 473.7 5 8.0 28.4 -4 10 25.2 18.5 126.4 4 11.6 9.6 62 1712 20.2 -10 784 (32) 1075/67 38.8
IND.COMPOSITE 28.99 914.3 7.6 45.5 9.3 13.3 1793 38.4
Aditya Vision 1703 14.11 10 56 12.6 12.2 361.7 50 1.3 1.7 46 - 1.8 1.2 - - - - - 2.0 - 114 (-13) 141/18 56.8
BPL * 1703 48.88 10 63 25.1 -1.7 94.5 134 -23.8 -1.7 * -235 - - - 37.2 49 8.7 3.3 999 1712 - PL 91 (2) 122/53 -
Dixon Technolog. * 1703 11.33 10 39 221.1 30.6 1644.3 31 5.1 46.9 73 60 49.0 40.2 541.2 18 4.6 15.0 13 1712 49.3 - 3149 P(-563)4491/2510 63.9
MIRC Electronics * 1703 23.10 1 58 9.7 - 747.6 -3 4.7 3.0 LP - 0.6 0.1 131.3 -4 6.7 2.9 LP 1712 1.4 LP 49 M(-) 65/12 36.4
Videocon Inds. 1703 (15) 334.46 10 54 250.9 -16.4 12329.4 -1 9.7 -1568.1 -999 - - - 363.0 -81 - -1272.0 -164 1712 - -148 18 (1) 110/12 -
IND.COMPOSITE 431.88 15177.4 8.5 -1518.2 5.2 -1250.7 5891 54.2
Bharat Electro. 1703 245.70 1 67 30.6 18.8 8611.9 18 20.5 1546.2 * 18 225 7.1 6.3 2452.3 26 18.2 302.8 -19 1712 6.6 9 153 B(3) 193/135 23.1
Centum Electron * 1703 12.84 10 59 147.4 17.6 387.3 17 13.1 33.7 4 50 32.8 25.9 73.8 -24 -6.3 -6.4 PL 1712 0.3 -99 600 M(-28) 793/530 -
Genus Power 1703 25.72 1 50 27.4 8.5 642.7 -25 13.5 58.0 -27 45 2.8 2.2 200.2 9 10.0 13.2 8 1712 2.0 -15 67 M(-2) 86/37 33.9
Honeywell Auto * 1703 8.84 10 75 1335.2 15.4 2410.1 10 12.0 169.9 21 100 210.7 192.2 721.5 7 12.8 62.3 -3 1712 241.7 20 16435 (24) 21899/9530 68.0
Incap * 1703 5.13 10 73 24.5 20.2 28.6 -5 13.7 2.3 * 49 10 4.9 4.3 6.9 41 8.1 0.7 25 1712 6.5 100 95 (-1) 132/28 14.6
MIC Electronics * 1703 44.05 2 16 14.7 5.1 230.9 6 13.1 14.1 -83 - 1.0 0.6 41.1 -36 0.1 -1.4 PL 1712 0.3 -92 7 (-1) 16/6 -
Permanent Mag. * 1703 8.60 10 72 15.1 9.6 71.9 7 5.9 1.2 28 - 3.0 1.4 24.1 49 7.8 1.0 110 1712 2.6 149 103 (31) 125/19 39.9
PG Electro. * 1703 16.41 10 62 75.2 - 367.1 41 5.9 3.7 88 - 8.5 2.3 81.4 13 5.6 0.5 66 1712 4.2 -8 303 (-25) 460/169 71.8
Shivalik Bimetal * 1703 7.68 2 62 19.1 13.2 118.8 20 15.0 9.1 115 25 3.3 2.4 41.7 33 13.1 3.1 55 1712 3.5 89 121 B(25) 124/28 34.4
IND.COMPOSITE 374.97 12869.1 17.6 1838.2 15.5 375.8 55966 28.6
A2Z Infra Engg. * 1703 145.84 10 36 41.5 - 634.6 -34 6.8 -137.8 -175 - - - 89.5 -20 -0.3 -36.5 -52 1712 - -177 33 M(-2) 53/32 -
Action Const.Eq. 1703 23.46 2 69 24.8 6.0 751.2 18 5.8 19.2 * 169 15 2.6 1.3 279.1 49 9.7 16.4 236 1712 3.2 153 180 (21) 204/51 55.6
Batliboi 1703 14.36 5 75 10.5 - 105.2 3 -6.8 -13.0 * 18 - - - 26.5 3 -0.5 -1.4 75 1712 - 39 32 (-1) 55/22 -
BEML Ltd * 1703 41.64 10 54 523.9 3.9 2498.8 -16 6.1 84.5 32 80 35.2 20.3 731.5 2 5.7 16.7 -23 1712 30.8 181 1229 (-34) 1947/1126 39.9
Cimmco * 1703 27.35 10 82 64.8 -3.5 118.4 75 3.1 -6.1 51 - - - 16.7 -60 -1.7 -4.9 -84 1712 - 77 97 M(-4) 142/58 -
CMI FPE Ltd * 1703 4.94 10 75 313.0 1.9 153.8 -25 -2.2 2.9 * -16 - 16.5 5.9 116.9 135 4.8 3.0 -69 1712 19.1 317 909 (-144) 1389/470 47.6
DE Nora India 1703 5.31 10 54 97.1 5.8 27.1 -47 6.9 2.9 * -70 20 7.0 5.4 13.4 166 35.4 4.5 999 1712 8.8 8 544 (187) 633/217 61.7
Disa India * 1703 1.45 10 75 639.2 11.4 157.2 10 9.7 11.4 * 8 25 92.3 78.5 102.1 25 23.6 16.3 54 1712 107.9 28 5882 (57) 7500/4611 54.5
Dynamatic Tech. * 1703 6.34 10 50 446.7 4.0 505.4 17 19.5 11.1 738 - 66.7 17.6 150.5 17 17.6 3.5 -2 1712 - PL 1666 (-80) 3008/1660 -
Eimco Elecon * 1703 5.77 10 74 482.6 7.1 171.2 22 12.8 18.9 * 28 50 40.7 31.7 35.3 -33 18.1 5.8 23 1712 29.1 3 478 (-5) 700/458 16.4
Elecon Engg.Co * 1703 22.44 2 59 65.0 2.9 923.4 -6 18.0 21.1 -9 25 6.0 1.7 195.3 -12 12.7 0.5 LP 1712 - PL 80 (-5) 114/45 -
Fluidomat * 1703 4.93 10 53 58.1 9.9 26.3 -6 15.0 2.8 -31 18 6.6 5.2 4.4 -22 5.3 0.2 -72 1712 4.7 -44 185 (-3) 238/160 39.5
Forbes & Co 1703 12.90 10 74 187.2 32.4 283.5 42 31.3 62.6 * LP 25 53.2 48.5 63.9 41 21.5 6.8 LP 1712 29.6 -13 3358 (-128) 5290/1390 113.6
GMM Pfaudler * 1703 2.92 2 75 113.6 15.9 266.3 16 15.4 24.4 * 34 200 21.3 16.3 79.2 19 15.5 7.4 19 1712 17.6 6 711 (25) 885/502 40.5
Hercules Hoists 1703 3.20 1 70 60.5 1.9 74.2 -19 -2.6 3.6 * -73 100 1.9 1.1 17.9 -25 5.3 3.4 -30 1709 0.4 -85 129 (-3) 184/125 -
Intl. Combustion * 1703 2.39 10 53 387.6 0.1 98.4 5 3.0 0.1 * LP - 21.6 0.3 29.3 16 6.7 0.5 -75 1712 - -999 490 (-20) 1140/431 -
Intl. Conveyors * 1703 6.75 1 37 11.8 - 47.2 -38 9.4 -2.3 * -3 5 0.1 - 19.3 27 9.9 1.6 -9 1712 - PL 25 (2) 40/17 -
ION Exchange 1703 14.67 10 44 201.6 16.8 937.2 17 8.7 46.0 34 35 38.7 31.3 242.9 23 5.9 8.9 49 1712 32.1 19 495 (-28) 638/321 15.4
ISGEC Heavy * 1703 7.35 10 62 1531.3 15.6 3031.5 -22 9.0 162.5 * -10 300 305.9 219.1 662.8 -11 8.1 29.4 -36 1712 169.0 -30 7205 (-14) 8400/5482 42.6
Jash Engineering 1703 11.84 10 - 98.4 12.3 145.4 31 14.6 10.5 20 20 12.2 8.9 - - - - - 8.4 - 174 M(-4) 227/133 20.7
Kabra Extrusions 1703 15.95 5 56 57.7 11.7 276.1 -8 10.6 20.0 * -8 40 8.5 6.3 66.0 23 9.9 4.4 LP 1712 6.3 241 124 (-2) 168/107 19.7
Kennametal India * 1706 21.98 10 75 179.2 6.5 648.5 14 8.4 25.1 21 20 23.9 11.0 186.7 17 10.7 9.2 -3 1712 13.7 13 757 (-5) 1009/563 55.2
Kilburn Engg. * 1703 13.26 10 60 83.1 6.9 136.0 1 15.9 7.3 -8 20 8.8 5.5 26.7 3 6.3 1.8 -17 1712 3.9 -49 82 (-) 116/53 21.1
Lokesh Mach. * 1703 17.03 10 50 78.4 1.8 131.8 9 12.8 2.2 * -3 - 6.1 1.3 46.3 33 15.1 1.3 999 1712 2.3 70 65 (-) 110/59 27.7
Mazda 1703 4.26 10 41 261.5 8.3 110.4 -10 11.8 8.8 * -22 73 26.8 20.6 26.3 -19 12.2 1.9 1 1712 12.7 -55 372 (-5) 525/305 29.4
Mold-Tek Technol * 1703 5.49 2 49 12.5 9.4 55.9 17 8.1 3.0 * -32 30 1.9 1.0 14.5 2 6.1 1.2 -27 1712 1.7 119 60 M(-6) 82/46 35.3
Nitin Fire Prot. * 1703 58.45 2 60 2.4 - 268.7 -42 -19.4 -96.4 PL - - - 11.6 -82 - -63.0 -94 1712 - -151 6 (-) 29/4 -
Om Metals Infrap 1703 9.63 1 71 60.1 2.3 231.4 22 17.8 13.0 -59 20 2.5 1.3 26.7 -60 8.4 3.0 -52 1709 1.5 -37 57 (-4) 84/38 36.9
Patels Airtemp * 1703 5.07 10 47 132.3 12.5 136.2 8 12.8 7.9 10 25 20.6 15.5 48.5 96 12.3 2.4 48 1712 15.9 14 185 (4) 227/170 11.6
Pitti Lamination * 1703 13.49 5 60 42.0 5.7 285.9 -8 11.5 6.1 * LP - 7.3 2.3 77.3 1 14.5 2.7 4 1712 3.9 LP 92 (14) 119/47 23.9
Praj Inds. * 1703 36.16 2 33 39.6 6.8 729.4 -11 9.3 46.1 * -28 81 3.6 2.5 191.2 12 6.6 6.7 -41 1712 1.4 -62 90 M(-6) 132/61 64.3
Premier 1703 30.37 10 45 35.1 - 35.5 -64 -75.3 -122.5 * -24 - - - 2.3 -78 - -31.9 -9 1712 - 3 29 (-) 41/28 -
Sika Interplant 1703 4.24 10 72 98.2 4.1 34.2 -17 8.3 1.7 * -11 8 5.2 3.8 5.0 -39 9.8 0.3 -44 1712 2.4 -56 177 (-19) 285/152 75.1
Skipper * 1703 10.26 1 70 47.8 25.7 1703.0 13 14.9 111.6 17 155 14.0 10.9 566.4 33 13.1 29.2 31 1712 11.1 11 241 M(-) 293/140 21.7
Swiss Glascoat 1703 6.50 10 50 70.6 8.5 81.5 -12 11.6 3.1 -26 20 8.3 4.4 19.5 -1 13.9 1.1 13 1709 5.0 2 181 (1) 243/146 36.3
Texmaco Rail * 1703 21.98 1 52 47.6 2.1 1154.2 7 5.1 21.3 * 60 25 1.7 1.0 226.9 -12 4.1 4.1 43 1712 - PL 97 M(1) 129/84 -
Thermax * 1703 23.83 2 62 202.2 9.0 3763.7 -13 10.0 213.8 -29 300 23.4 17.9 980.5 25 9.4 63.2 12 1712 17.2 -26 1174 (-21) 1375/835 68.3
TIL * 1703 10.03 10 56 290.3 10.1 308.2 -2 -29.5 23.2 * LP 30 34.3 23.1 97.9 59 11.9 5.3 LP 1712 69.2 LP 508 (-41) 686/275 7.3
Titagarh Wagons * 1703 23.09 2 46 77.5 2.2 349.2 12 5.2 19.4 88 40 2.7 1.7 87.2 7 8.3 3.9 20 1712 1.3 -32 127 M(-9) 190/100 95.6
Va Tech Wabag * 1703 10.93 2 25 150.8 14.2 1798.4 19 11.2 113.3 -1 200 21.6 19.9 460.9 21 11.2 41.1 -36 1712 17.1 -43 561 M(-7) 749/517 32.8
Veljan Denison * 1703 2.25 10 75 510.0 13.5 82.6 3 28.0 14.5 16 100 76.0 64.6 21.6 - 29.6 3.5 26 1712 63.5 4 1028 (37) 1500/768 16.2

42 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Walchan. Inds. * 1703 7.61 2 55 12.6 - 397.9 -50 14.5 -58.3 -38 - - - 116.3 16 17.3 -6.6 71 1712 - 40 189 (4) 273/133 -
Windsor Machines * 1703 12.99 2 59 13.5 17.3 300.2 7 10.6 13.5 * -4 38 3.0 2.1 84.4 8 11.5 5.5 7 1712 2.0 -32 104 (-3) 140/45 53.2
Yuken India * 1703 3.00 10 53 182.6 5.5 195.3 -1 3.5 3.0 999 10 23.0 10.1 61.4 40 9.6 2.7 999 1712 26.9 438 4369 (-99) 4990/821 162.4
IND.COMPOSITE 733.70 24170.1 9.2 726.0 9.9 175.1 56416 44.3
Artson Engg. 1703 3.69 1 75 1.6 -96.7 100.6 -9 4.4 27.2 999 - 7.6 7.4 28.1 17 - 0.4 242 1712 7.6 999 86 (-2) 135/44 11.3
Ashoka Buildcon 1703 93.57 5 55 99.6 10.3 2045.1 6 12.7 181.8 * 29 32 12.4 9.7 658.9 26 12.1 52.0 22 1712 11.2 29 220 (-) 269/172 19.7
Atlanta * 1703 16.30 2 71 56.0 19.8 224.5 65 60.5 82.4 999 15 10.6 10.1 29.4 -31 49.0 5.6 -73 1712 7.8 -17 92 (-7) 132/77 11.9
BGR Energy Sys. * 1703 72.16 10 75 190.9 2.3 3438.0 6 9.7 31.5 * 16 - 7.7 4.4 707.6 10 11.9 6.9 LP 1712 4.8 9 118 (-5) 185/115 24.6
Engineers India 1703 315.96 5 52 43.6 11.8 1448.6 -4 21.0 325.0 * 18 60 5.5 5.1 473.4 46 28.5 108.4 28 1712 5.9 11 167 M(-) 206/141 28.2
GMR Infra. * 1703 603.59 1 62 10.8 - 1179.8 -5 61.7 -30.0 PL - - - 214.0 150 40.5 -150.1 -286 1712 - PL 18 (-2) 25/14 -
GVK Power Infra. * 1703 157.92 1 54 11.2 - 28.2 4 -99.9 -57.6 48 - - - 3.1 -56 33.2 11.1 999 1712 - 64 18 (-2) 28/5 -
IL&FS Transport * 1703 328.96 10 73 86.0 -1.3 3400.7 -22 17.6 -36.9 * 74 20 - - 712.8 -10 17.0 60.3 8 1712 - 71 72 (-4) 124/70 -
L&T Technology 1703 20.49 2 89 149.5 34.3 3112.5 8 19.4 449.7 3 350 49.5 43.9 908.0 16 15.5 119.6 2 1712 42.4 -7 1325 M(27) 1547/671 31.2
Larsen & Toubro 1703 280.27 2 - 328.3 10.9 65723.9 4 10.1 4818.0 * 9 1050 43.1 34.4 17715.7 12 9.4 1178.5 26 1712 35.5 1 1297 B(-66) 1470/974 36.6
McNally Bharat * 1703 57.39 10 67 7.7 - 1921.5 -22 -20.4 -58.2 83 - - - 303.4 -34 -24.3 -143.9 2 1712 17.9 LP 62 M(3) 80/38 3.5
MSR India * 1703 31.44 5 75 5.3 0.3 112.6 -36 3.9 0.1 * -88 - 0.5 - 49.9 118 5.9 1.1 41 1712 0.2 -17 44 (6) 52/22 -
Petron Engg. * 1703 7.54 10 72 194.5 -8.8 344.6 -18 3.0 -13.5 PL - - - 40.3 -57 - -58.5 -999 1712 - -999 121 (-3) 217/118 -
Power Mech Proj. * 1703 14.71 10 64 419.6 10.9 1291.2 -5 12.5 63.6 * -14 10 70.2 43.2 287.7 -6 12.8 13.4 -9 1712 40.1 -12 866 (88) 930/390 21.6
Rel. Indl. Infra 1703 15.10 10 45 207.2 3.0 93.2 4 20.5 9.0 * -26 35 15.5 6.0 21.1 -8 16.3 2.7 -1 1712 4.7 -19 479 (-2) 684/392 101.6
Sanghvi Movers * 1703 8.66 2 47 198.9 13.5 553.1 4 66.3 106.4 * -5 200 59.2 24.6 38.9 -71 14.7 -26.2 PL 1712 - PL 170 (-) 274/130 -
Shriram EPC * 1703 971.53 10 29 17.2 - 519.7 -5 3.0 -226.8 -66 - - - 178.0 33 14.8 8.4 LP 1712 - 64 31 M(4) 36/17 -
Sunil Hitech * 1703 37.80 1 35 12.4 9.1 2091.2 14 8.5 38.4 * -20 8 1.9 1.0 600.9 13 8.9 14.2 -2 1712 1.0 -31 12 (-) 16/10 -
Technofab Engg. * 1703 10.49 10 48 227.2 3.8 402.2 -13 9.6 9.1 -10 - 13.4 8.7 107.9 16 12.1 3.2 49 1712 8.6 -18 226 (-10) 339/177 26.4
IND.COMPOSITE 3047.57 88031.0 11.3 5719.2 10.4 1207.0 234942 34.1
Cummins India 1703 55.44 2 51 135.0 20.3 5077.3 8 15.8 732.9 * -3 700 28.5 25.4 1318.4 - 14.9 172.2 -13 1712 23.8 -11 846 (38) 1096/767 35.5
Greaves Cotton * 1703 48.84 2 51 37.7 17.3 1634.3 1 14.0 156.2 * -4 275 7.3 5.4 447.3 11 13.9 40.0 -7 1712 5.9 -8 120 (-12) 178/113 20.4
Kirloskar Oil 1703 28.92 2 59 111.8 8.6 2670.4 8 10.5 130.8 * -4 250 16.7 9.0 684.6 7 9.4 39.5 41 1712 7.4 -29 359 (-24) 450/325 48.4
Swaraj Engines 1703 12.42 10 51 228.2 25.2 666.1 27 15.8 69.2 35 430 68.8 55.7 183.3 18 14.0 17.2 13 1712 62.7 19 1912 M(2) 2545/1322 30.5
IND.COMPOSITE 145.62 10048.2 14.1 1089.1 13.2 268.9 33958 34.3
Balaji Telefilms * 1703 20.23 2 33 105.5 4.9 284.1 11 13.9 28.5 * -6 20 4.0 2.8 71.4 -31 18.0 9.3 29 1712 4.0 153 138 M(-1) 203/85 34.7
Channel Nine 1703 23.29 1 21 1.3 0.3 2.4 -25 7.6 0.1 -27 - 0.0 - - - - - - - -27 20 (-) 30/20 -
Cinevista * 1703 11.49 2 68 11.6 - 22.1 -43 -6.6 -0.1 * 99 - 0.3 - 2.7 -57 -32.1 -2.2 - 1712 - 51 11 (-) 25/6 -
D B Corp 1703 184.00 10 70 86.9 25.2 2257.4 10 28.4 376.0 * 28 40 23.4 18.8 598.6 -5 23.3 78.1 -34 1712 17.9 -12 325 M(-3) 395/314 18.1
Den Networks 1703 195.78 10 36 49.1 - 980.8 12 3.3 -195.3 48 - 0.9 - 268.8 20 14.9 0.2 LP 1712 - 69 104 M(3) 150/65 -
Diksat Transworl 1703 17.21 10 73 11.9 - 9.8 7 13.4 0.2 -2 - 0.6 0.1 - - - - - 0.3 - 72 (4) 72/50 -
Dish TV * 1703 106.60 1 64 2.6 - 1945.4 -13 19.8 166.0 -60 - 2.3 1.6 470.6 -1 5.2 -8.4 PL 1712 - PL 72 M(-3) 111/68 -
DQ Entertain. * 1703 79.28 10 75 36.1 -49.2 86.0 -50 -99.9 -186.5 * PL - - - 14.6 -26 -49.7 -16.0 -82 1712 - -977 15 (-1) 26/12 -
Ent.Network * 1703 47.67 10 71 179.3 5.0 556.5 9 22.6 41.3 * -53 10 19.7 8.5 147.0 -2 24.2 13.1 -20 1712 4.6 -52 705 (2) 1008/664 153.7
Eros Intl.Media * 1703 94.63 10 60 142.8 10.2 1146.2 -3 21.8 130.3 * 16 - 14.3 13.8 135.2 -43 39.5 18.7 -52 1712 6.6 -48 198 M(6) 308/171 30.2
GTPL Hathway * 1703 112.46 10 74 56.2 10.8 612.8 25 29.4 39.7 * 141 10 11.8 3.5 189.5 22 30.3 23.7 471 1712 6.5 179 161 P(8) 190/127 24.9
H T Media 1703 46.55 2 70 73.0 3.7 1432.0 -4 6.0 64.0 -45 20 6.9 2.7 375.3 -2 19.7 75.0 86 1712 6.4 49 91 (-4) 119/78 14.3
Hathway Cable * 1703 166.10 2 43 11.8 - 1307.4 19 18.3 -148.8 4 - 1.8 - 138.6 -59 43.3 23.9 LP 1712 0.4 LP 38 (2) 49/27 -
Hindustan Media 1703 73.39 10 74 159.5 18.6 933.3 2 22.0 193.6 -2 12 29.1 26.4 230.2 - 25.3 39.1 -11 1712 24.2 -16 242 (-8) 298/225 10.0
Inox Leisure 1703 96.46 10 49 57.3 5.1 1220.7 5 11.9 27.4 * -67 - 11.6 2.8 325.9 9 14.2 13.2 258 1712 5.6 19 290 (6) 326/213 51.8
Iris Mediaworks * 1703 49.98 5 2 13.1 - 90.9 -9 0.4 0.1 -68 - 0.0 - 7.6 -68 2.1 0.2 -11 1712 - LP 24 (-) 25/17 -
Jagran Prakashan 1703 62.28 2 61 53.5 20.9 1900.1 7 27.7 296.1 * 21 150 12.1 9.5 495.5 -1 27.5 77.4 -13 1712 8.8 -3 163 M(-6) 209/159 18.6
KSS * 1703 213.59 1 - 1.3 - 1.8 79 36.9 0.9 LP - - - - - - - 50 1712 - 59 1 (1) 1/1 -
Landmarc Leisur. * 1703 80.00 1 75 0.4 - 1.0 7 -99.9 -4.6 -96 - - - 0.7 11 24.7 0.1 LP 1712 - 100 1 (-) 1/1 -
Media Matrix 1703 113.27 1 61 1.5 - 3.6 15 17.4 0.5 28 - - - 0.7 -28 -9.2 - -94 1712 - -89 6 (-) 11/5 -
Millitoons Ent. 1703 17.01 1 75 2.0 1.3 14.8 1238 1.9 0.3 999 2 0.0 - 0.2 -76 25.0 - -89 1709 0.0 -24 28 (-12) 64/27 -
Mukta Arts * 1703 11.29 5 70 48.3 - 58.9 1 7.6 -0.8 57 - 2.5 - 3.1 -79 -11.8 0.2 -71 1712 0.8 LP 78 (-2) 120/74 -
Music Broadcast 1703 57.05 10 71 96.1 - 271.4 20 33.6 35.8 * - - 9.7 6.3 76.2 5 30.6 11.9 16 1712 6.9 2 351 (-15) 458/333 51.2
Next Media. * 1703 66.89 10 62 4.3 - 0.8 54 -99.9 -2.7 -8 - - - 0.2 -5 - -0.3 - 1712 - -39 17 (-) 28/16 -
Prime Focus * 1703 29.91 1 35 36.7 -3.2 154.5 30 11.4 -35.2 * PL - - - 33.1 -8 9.6 -5.4 PL 1712 - -725 102 M(2) 135/76 -
PVR 1703 46.74 10 20 203.9 10.2 2002.0 16 14.8 98.0 3 20 46.7 20.5 547.9 9 17.4 28.3 23 1712 20.6 5 1390 (92) 1660/1145 67.5
Raj Television 1703 25.96 5 71 18.2 -8.9 61.2 -26 1.9 -9.0 * -48 - - - 15.2 -19 21.5 0.2 -66 1712 - -21 54 (-1) 74/51 -
Sahara One Media * 1703 21.53 10 75 106.6 - 2.9 -43 -83.7 -2.3 92 - - - - -71 - -5.2 -460 1712 - -206 48 (-5) 76/38 -
Sambhaav Media * 1703 16.29 1 65 3.8 6.6 33.0 9 22.2 3.6 * 89 - 0.4 0.2 9.3 61 20.0 1.1 LP 1712 0.3 427 11 (-) 17/6 -
Saregama India 1703 17.41 10 59 96.8 4.7 208.2 -3 4.2 7.7 -36 15 6.7 4.4 93.7 73 4.9 1.3 5 1712 6.8 37 672 M(-7) 954/202 99.6
Shalimar Prod. * 1703 98.43 1 17 1.0 0.0 4.4 66 2.1 - -74 - - - 0.6 -32 - - -100 1712 - PL 1 (1) 1/1 -
Shemaroo Entert. 1703 27.18 10 66 159.6 15.3 414.8 11 30.9 61.7 * 11 14 24.2 22.7 129.4 15 27.7 18.0 17 1712 23.0 -7 502 (-49) 595/317 21.9
Silly Monks 1703 4.64 10 - 34.0 10.4 3.0 49 19.6 0.3 * 328 - 1.0 0.6 - - - - - 0.6 - 144 M(-4) 189/135 -
Siti Networks 1703 87.21 1 73 6.0 - 773.7 -10 9.7 -164.8 -216 - - - 222.9 18 15.5 -38.5 -28 1712 - -70 20 (-1) 41/19 -
Sri Adhik. Bros. * 1703 34.94 10 30 28.9 4.3 137.7 28 29.5 4.3 344 6 6.7 1.2 11.0 -72 -19.6 -11.7 PL 1712 - PL 20 (-4) 297/13 -
Sun TV Network * 1703 197.04 5 75 102.1 26.0 2558.3 7 67.9 961.0 * 38 200 32.3 22.3 683.3 16 72.0 267.0 11 1712 25.9 27 888 (-65) 1097/652 34.3
T.V. Today Netw. * 1703 29.83 5 57 104.9 19.0 572.8 6 28.4 102.6 * 28 40 22.0 17.2 173.6 23 32.9 35.7 36 1712 21.0 73 477 (28) 511/211 22.8

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 43

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Tips Industries 1703 15.36 10 75 44.9 4.4 47.0 -31 -7.1 3.0 -1 10 2.9 2.0 10.3 41 47.5 0.2 -86 1712 2.2 24 89 (-10) 159/56 41.1
TV Vision * 1703 34.94 10 38 34.9 - 175.6 104 28.8 8.2 83 - 8.4 2.4 27.8 -38 21.8 -3.6 PL 1712 - PL 17 (-4) 298/15 -
TV18 Broadcast 1703 342.87 2 60 21.6 2.8 666.8 6 18.3 101.4 * -19 - 0.7 0.6 196.2 14 28.5 35.5 16 1712 0.7 16 55 (-) 67/33 -
UFO Moviez * 1703 28.35 10 30 186.0 11.6 386.6 11 33.1 54.1 * 6 100 40.8 19.1 97.5 3 25.0 5.6 -28 1712 21.7 11 420 M(-30) 611/316 19.4
Zee Entertainmen 1703 96.05 1 43 46.0 25.8 4928.4 17 30.5 1005.5 * 53 250 11.3 10.5 1552.9 22 36.5 365.2 33 1712 15.9 59 566 M(-15) 619/477 35.7
zee Media 1703 47.08 1 69 13.8 6.1 390.1 2 20.5 38.2 72 - 1.4 0.8 142.9 47 27.0 16.0 49 1712 0.9 16 42 (-) 50/34 -
IND.COMPOSITE 3148.26 28660.9 24.8 3100.3 29.0 1066.8 163117 31.7
Simm. Marshall 1703 2.24 2 57 47.0 11.8 145.0 7 10.7 5.8 * 17 25 8.9 5.1 46.9 21 13.4 3.1 13 1709 4.5 -19 107 (3) 144/72 23.7
Sterling Tools * 1703 7.20 2 65 57.9 26.1 373.9 1 20.8 36.0 * 26 100 13.9 9.6 108.8 33 21.2 12.6 - 1712 11.6 9 387 M(11) 478/187 33.4
Sundram Fasten. 1703 21.01 1 50 62.5 26.8 2934.4 13 18.7 317.7 27 450 19.1 14.8 848.1 20 17.7 91.7 22 1712 17.2 5 542 (36) 600/332 31.5
IND.COMPOSITE 30.45 3453.3 18.6 359.5 17.9 107.3 12904 31.6
Chambal Fert. * 1703 416.21 10 58 60.9 17.9 7410.7 -16 4.7 408.1 * LP 19 11.3 9.8 2330.1 -2 12.7 149.1 15 1712 10.6 999 155 (13) 165/76 14.6
Coromandel Inter 1703 29.23 1 62 96.2 17.9 10021.0 -13 9.8 475.6 * 38 500 18.9 15.5 2694.1 21 11.8 172.4 53 1712 25.1 72 517 M(-37) 588/308 20.6
Deepak Fert. * 1703 88.20 10 51 196.1 9.7 4036.0 -5 11.2 160.0 * 34 60 32.9 18.1 936.7 -5 6.7 26.2 -44 1712 11.9 -20 354 (-8) 500/233 29.8
FACT 1703 647.07 10 90 -23.1 - 1925.1 9 2.6 -238.3 * 50 - - - 583.2 36 12.3 -4.4 94 1712 - 57 46 (-3) 66/33 -
GNFC 1703 155.42 10 41 244.6 9.4 4588.8 1 14.2 333.6 * 93 50 37.6 21.5 1590.9 40 26.9 227.9 241 1712 32.9 44 467 (22) 549/253 14.2
GSFC * 1703 79.70 2 38 165.0 6.9 5264.5 -14 9.2 419.5 2 110 12.7 10.1 1537.5 39 10.5 199.6 226 1712 12.7 71 132 (7) 166/113 10.4
M B Agro Prod. 1703 21.91 10 61 35.2 16.3 78.7 22 23.3 11.7 27 5 8.5 5.3 - - - - - 4.0 -26 49 (-1) 80/47 12.2
Madras Fert. 1703 161.10 10 85 -34.5 - 1400.2 17 5.6 -22.1 78 - - - 312.1 -6 -13.1 -61.8 PL 1706 - -397 35 (-1) 54/15 -
Mangalore Chem. * 1703 118.52 10 75 30.7 5.5 2487.5 -16 7.0 19.7 LP 5 4.6 1.7 668.1 22 9.3 22.9 196 1712 3.8 55 70 (6) 89/47 18.4
Nagarjuna Fert. * 1703 59.81 1 57 18.3 - 3376.3 -15 6.6 -121.3 -33 - - - 1001.9 15 8.6 -10.1 50 1712 - 52 18 (-2) 29/11 -
Natl.Fertilizer 1703 490.58 10 75 37.2 11.8 7619.9 -2 7.3 207.1 * 4 - 6.0 4.2 2840.8 13 4.0 52.5 -28 1712 4.8 59 61 (2) 90/55 12.8
RCF * 1703 551.69 10 75 53.0 6.2 7098.2 -12 5.9 179.8 4 11 5.8 3.3 1985.1 18 5.6 51.4 -17 1712 2.5 -7 81 (-4) 112/53 32.4
SPIC * 1703 220.71 10 46 12.6 - 1529.2 -17 3.5 27.4 * 76 - 2.6 1.2 524.9 24 5.5 17.5 401 1712 1.7 96 38 (-) 58/21 22.3
Zuari Agro Chem. * 1703 42.06 10 66 195.6 6.0 3917.9 -26 7.4 48.1 165 10 19.7 11.4 1434.3 46 8.8 48.0 396 1712 26.0 142 518 (59) 689/315 19.9
Zuari Global * 1703 29.44 10 56 492.0 1.7 - 0 - 20.5 -28 10 7.0 7.0 9.2 - -1.2 2.7 297 1712 6.3 -18 195 (6) 320/113 30.9
IND.COMPOSITE 3111.65 60753.8 7.9 1929.4 9.9 893.9 53835 17.0
21st Cent. Mgmt. * 1703 10.50 10 46 55.5 -1.0 2.1 -27 -11.4 -0.6 * PL - - - 13.5 LP 97.8 10.2 LP 1712 13.8 LP 44 (3) 44/16 3.2
5Paisa Capital 1703 12.74 10 30 66.5 - 7.5 713 -99.9 -10.5 -90 - - - 5.4 184 - -6.7 -44 1712 - - 331 M(41) 650/241 -
A.K.Capital Serv 1703 6.60 10 67 538.7 7.1 96.3 34 63.7 24.4 31 60 39.4 37.0 31.3 24 61.2 6.1 -7 1712 33.7 -7 440 (-58) 665/361 13.1
Abhinav Capital * 1703 6.92 10 71 31.5 15.9 4.4 10 95.5 3.2 39 - 4.7 4.6 2.7 280 97.0 1.9 318 1712 6.1 69 70 (-3) 95/70 11.5
Adit.Birla Money 1703 5.60 1 74 6.0 - 124.9 5 13.0 6.1 * 441 - 1.6 1.1 42.6 36 15.1 2.6 -6 1712 1.6 192 74 M(1) 164/28 46.1
Aditya Birla Cap * 1703 2200.91 10 73 28.3 - 35.0 377 14.0 4.2 * LP - 0.0 - 142.5 999 62.3 84.5 LP 1712 0.4 - 162 M(-3) 264/156 -
Alankit * 1703 14.30 1 68 3.2 32.8 86.7 186 25.3 13.3 276 20 1.0 0.9 28.2 50 30.4 3.5 -2 1712 1.4 163 49 (-11) 89/17 35.2
Alfred Herbert 1703 0.77 10 73 613.2 0.9 23.0 1045 2.3 0.4 * -67 20 5.7 4.5 0.5 -7 50.9 0.2 60 1712 15.6 54 998 (-13) 1598/505 64.0
Arnold Holdings * 1703 30.08 2 7 3.4 0.3 37.5 45 0.6 0.1 -81 - 0.0 - 4.7 -19 9.7 0.2 LP 1712 0.4 LP 6 (-) 9/5 -
Aryaman Fin. * 1703 11.68 10 62 15.2 6.1 5.1 91 32.4 1.0 82 - 1.0 0.9 2.4 102 61.3 1.0 296 1712 1.9 134 50 (-2) 53/21 26.8
Ausom Enter. * 1703 13.62 10 74 34.1 - 295.8 2 3.8 5.7 999 - 4.2 4.2 89.9 915 3.1 1.7 LP 1712 8.4 276 70 (-8) 104/21 8.3
Authum Invest * 1703 11.53 10 - 55.2 14.1 221.7 -30 6.5 8.4 610 - 7.2 7.2 90.7 4 14.1 8.8 25 1712 15.1 405 71 (8) 87/21 4.7
Avonmore Capital * 1703 24.27 10 49 31.5 8.4 6.9 215 90.7 6.2 443 - 2.6 2.6 3.7 LP 96.2 2.7 LP 1712 9.0 289 35 (-2) 51/10 3.9
Bajaj Fin. 1703 115.30 2 55 244.6 21.6 10003.3 36 67.4 1836.2 * 44 180 33.1 31.9 3543.3 31 67.0 766.8 38 1712 41.2 39 1642 M(38) 1989/1020 39.9
Bajaj Finserv 1703 79.57 5 58 173.8 2.6 165.0 -34 63.8 69.9 * -57 35 4.5 4.4 35.0 38 48.7 11.0 75 1712 8.6 5 5006 M(101)5835/3600 580.7
Bajaj Holdings 1703 111.29 10 44 659.2 7.6 888.4 -37 76.3 538.3 -58 325 48.8 48.4 317.1 15 94.3 268.5 117 1712 111.6 29 2738 (19) 3036/2020 24.5
Balmer Law. Inv. 1703 22.20 10 60 41.4 42.5 41.8 9 97.8 38.8 9 170 17.5 17.5 1.8 10 89.7 1.2 20 1712 24.1 38 437 (11) 497/362 18.1
Bengal & Assam * 1703 8.68 10 74 432.9 6.3 48.8 4 92.7 23.0 - 100 26.9 26.5 5.3 -51 81.5 1.0 -82 1712 25.8 -26 2260 (143) 2902/1195 87.6
BF Investment * 1703 18.83 5 73 191.9 2.5 24.5 -2 74.4 17.7 * -17 - 4.9 4.7 3.8 832 72.5 2.4 LP 1712 8.7 43 332 (51) 431/147 38.0
Bharat Financial 1703 139.05 10 2 176.0 - 1727.9 31 47.9 289.6 * -4 - 21.8 20.8 543.7 20 63.3 162.6 14 1712 0.7 -98 991 M(-34) 1095/651 -
BNK Capital 1703 10.00 10 53 55.8 17.8 14.7 71 77.7 9.3 51 15 9.2 9.0 5.6 570 21.3 1.0 405 1712 10.1 159 114 (-1) 158/43 11.3
BSE 1703 10.76 2 - 451.6 8.4 551.0 7 44.9 195.3 * -5 1400 45.2 36.3 156.0 22 50.7 55.6 22 1712 45.6 17 807 M(-19) 1178/798 17.7
Capital First 1703 98.95 10 36 226.2 11.1 2726.9 48 54.2 217.6 39 26 23.7 22.0 943.4 31 48.8 81.3 46 1712 28.6 47 677 M(-6) 902/627 23.7
Capital Trust 1703 16.36 10 66 134.1 19.4 118.8 94 67.9 36.9 82 15 22.8 22.5 47.1 51 69.7 9.2 -2 1712 6.9 -69 486 (6) 570/355 70.7
Capri Global 1703 35.03 2 74 65.3 5.2 231.7 24 59.3 57.8 40 15 3.5 3.3 97.1 71 68.9 29.2 130 1712 4.6 75 102 (-4) 142/44 22.2
Central Dep. Ser 1703 104.50 10 24 44.2 15.3 155.2 -7 61.3 67.8 * 26 30 6.2 5.9 45.4 14 62.0 18.3 13 1712 7.3 - 319 (-7) 486/243 43.8
Centrum Capital * 1703 41.60 1 37 7.2 13.3 169.3 193 48.2 37.5 999 5 1.0 0.9 26.9 4 57.1 6.0 182 1712 1.2 893 64 (-1) 91/32 51.5
Choice Intl. * 1703 20.00 10 73 51.5 4.6 21.0 -73 41.0 2.6 56 - 1.8 1.3 6.2 41 66.3 0.6 -39 1712 1.1 -22 158 C(-15) 196/42 149.8
Chola. Invest. 1703 156.31 10 53 275.9 18.0 4660.4 11 72.4 718.7 26 55 47.7 45.3 1383.3 18 71.1 249.2 53 1712 57.7 31 1352 M(79) 1410/913 23.4
Crest Ventures * 1703 26.05 10 65 84.4 1.7 21.1 -15 65.3 3.3 -67 5 1.5 1.3 12.7 99 84.6 8.3 323 1712 18.7 248 221 (7) 295/116 11.8
CSL Finance 1703 5.90 10 59 274.4 15.5 40.7 -9 66.2 16.4 26 10 27.9 27.7 10.8 53 78.5 5.1 28 1712 26.2 -15 617 M(25) 785/261 23.6
Dhunseri Invest. * 1703 6.10 10 75 432.9 5.0 14.8 -54 90.9 12.8 * -25 15 21.3 21.0 4.0 LP 94.0 2.9 LP 1712 19.5 -7 399 (-3) 542/160 20.5
Dolat Investment 1703 17.60 1 74 4.0 2.2 82.7 -7 2.4 1.5 * -50 - 0.1 0.1 17.0 -47 68.8 7.5 LP 1712 0.9 659 11 (-) 11/2 -
Dwitiya Trading * 1703 5.01 2 0 2.1 1.2 1.0 23 11.1 0.1 724 1 0.0 - - - - - - 1712 - 100 195 (-59) 323/195 -
Edelweiss Fin. 1703 91.17 1 34 35.6 7.8 450.5 33 63.7 129.0 -17 130 1.4 1.4 104.7 -21 51.8 25.1 -63 1712 1.4 -7 254 M(4) 309/119 188.2
Emk.Global Fin. 1703 24.53 10 72 48.3 5.8 96.6 2 17.8 6.7 -31 10 4.4 2.7 36.9 54 26.3 6.4 390 1712 7.6 215 209 M(22) 321/61 27.5
Equitas Holdings 1703 339.90 10 - 49.4 0.4 12.4 51 67.1 4.7 121 - 0.2 0.1 3.5 2 77.2 1.6 15 1712 0.2 84 143 M(4) 185/130 -
Finkurve Fin. * 1703 9.66 1 73 1.2 5.0 10.4 10 95.2 0.6 7 - 0.1 0.1 2.0 -26 89.6 0.4 169 1712 0.2 258 49 (-2) 53/25 -
Florence Invest. * 1703 3.33 10 75 489.0 8.6 14.8 -57 97.4 13.4 -53 300 40.3 40.3 0.3 -89 67.9 0.1 -92 1712 44.7 14 2140 (138) 2430/561 47.9

44 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Fortune Fin.Ser. * 1703 51.02 10 74 82.3 -0.5 21.1 400 10.9 -1.7 * -205 - - - 46.6 999 14.0 -2.7 PL 1712 - PL 240 (-4) 394/216 -
Frontline Sec. 1703 7.19 10 75 60.7 10.8 5.6 17 88.4 4.5 27 5 6.2 6.1 3.2 203 92.0 2.5 202 1712 11.0 134 73 (5) 82/35 6.7
Ganges Securitie * 1703 10.00 10 56 46.5 - 0.2 0 -75.3 -0.2 -354 - - - 0.1 - - -0.1 - 1712 - - 104 (5) 128/56 -
Garnet Intl. * 1703 6.51 10 57 77.3 19.2 49.5 116 22.5 8.8 999 12 13.4 13.3 147.6 999 2.8 3.1 153 1712 29.3 999 1112 C(-347)1997/475 38.0
Geojit Fin. Ser. * 1703 23.78 1 62 16.6 11.8 266.8 13 32.5 44.2 24 125 2.4 1.9 89.6 38 34.3 18.0 46 1712 2.6 45 93 M(-4) 147/41 35.5
Goldline Intl. * 1703 52.10 1 6 1.0 0.1 4.1 9 6.7 0.1 -79 - - - 0.2 -57 15.0 - - 1712 - - 10 (-1) 19/10 -
Greencrest Finan * 1703 36.55 1 1 1.3 1.3 10.2 -35 9.5 0.6 -11 - 0.0 - 2.7 324 18.4 0.5 -9 1712 - PL 33 (-) 73/33 -
HDFC Stand. Life 1703 2010.55 10 81 19.6 25.7 30942.6 67 3.6 892.1 9 11 4.4 4.2 5461.2 19 4.2 207.3 15 1712 5.0 - 436 M(-6) 494/308 86.9
Hinduja Ventures * 1703 20.56 10 71 500.2 10.5 203.4 -39 86.3 102.9 2 175 50.6 50.0 64.9 23 93.5 33.8 -6 1712 50.3 1 794 (156) 920/437 15.8
IDFC 1703 1596.35 10 - 60.5 0.6 159.2 -30 54.6 55.8 -52 3 0.4 0.3 7.4 -51 4.1 -2.7 94 1712 0.9 LP 53 M(-) 68/50 -
ICICI Pru Life 1703 1435.47 10 81 44.6 28.7 37897.7 82 4.9 1682.2 2 74 10.9 10.9 6812.8 19 7.4 452.1 - 1712 11.8 -16 403 M(-20) 508/350 34.3
IIFL Holdings 1703 63.70 2 29 47.1 10.5 192.3 -9 93.8 159.0 -8 225 5.0 5.0 42.6 15 97.5 33.1 28 1712 5.9 153 760 M(10) 865/348 129.5
IL&FS Inv Manage 1703 62.81 2 50 4.7 17.6 68.9 -36 41.7 24.0 * -51 30 0.8 0.8 10.0 -10 70.4 4.8 280 1712 0.5 -66 20 (-) 35/13 -
Indbank Merchant 1703 44.38 10 65 12.2 8.5 11.7 25 51.4 4.4 * 71 - 1.1 1.0 3.8 49 55.4 1.6 156 1712 1.1 25 25 (-1) 39/12 23.2
India Finsec * 1703 24.94 10 38 17.4 4.0 9.1 26 28.6 1.7 205 - 0.7 0.7 2.0 -14 -22.1 -0.5 PL 1712 0.3 -36 35 (-3) 40/9 -
Indiabulls Vent. * 1703 105.07 2 35 57.5 19.3 151.4 45 68.8 47.0 * 180 50 0.9 0.9 49.2 108 59.1 8.3 999 1712 1.2 117 246 XR(4) 296/67 208.7
Indian Energy Ex 1703 30.33 10 - 156.3 34.8 237.4 19 65.0 99.0 * -1 300 27.7 25.0 70.2 21 82.6 36.2 26 1712 37.2 - 1527 P(-51) 1674/1488 41.1
Inditrade Cap. * 1703 23.35 10 72 35.3 3.7 27.0 22 14.6 2.9 * -7 - 1.5 1.3 6.5 9 17.4 0.7 713 1712 1.8 522 73 (3) 100/32 40.3
Indl. Inv. Trust * 1703 22.55 10 42 236.7 -1.1 2.1 -87 -99.9 -5.7 PL - - - 3.5 305 -1.4 -0.1 89 1712 - -773 103 (-1) 159/67 -
Indl.& Prud.Inv. * 1703 1.75 10 66 202.9 21.7 8.1 8 89.5 7.0 9 250 39.8 39.7 0.8 -67 87.7 0.7 -62 1712 34.2 -10 1266 (-59) 1499/1106 37.1
Indo Thai Sec, 1703 10.00 10 66 45.0 -3.5 49.8 1 -1.3 -1.5 * PL 10 - - 12.9 14 69.6 6.2 LP 1712 9.5 LP 82 (3) 129/19 8.7
Intec Capital * 1703 18.37 10 75 91.6 0.2 97.5 -26 58.2 0.4 -94 - 0.6 0.2 17.6 -25 37.9 -1.2 PL 1712 - -205 35 (-5) 62/34 -
JM Financial * 1703 83.78 1 62 28.4 6.3 163.0 3 90.3 106.7 -5 150 1.3 1.3 11.5 -37 63.8 -2.7 -683 1712 1.6 55 150 M(-5) 191/79 93.2
JSW Holdings 1703 11.10 10 61 761.4 5.8 63.4 26 93.8 47.4 29 - 42.7 42.7 12.8 -42 89.6 9.1 -51 1712 59.7 43 1704 (5) 2007/1491 28.6
Kalyani Invest. * 1703 4.37 10 70 804.9 3.5 14.5 -65 84.6 12.1 -69 - 28.0 27.8 12.9 999 94.4 12.2 LP 1712 86.8 50 2338 (105) 2955/1460 26.9
KIFS Financial * 1703 10.82 10 74 23.5 13.8 8.5 19 93.1 3.4 19 9 3.1 2.9 1.4 -1 90.1 0.7 205 1712 3.1 23 102 (-6) 135/26 33.1
Kiran Vyapar * 1703 25.92 10 75 222.6 1.4 24.8 26 55.0 8.2 14 25 3.5 3.2 13.2 151 77.1 8.0 578 1712 5.8 94 167 (-2) 225/97 28.7
L&T Fin.Holdings 1703 1824.81 10 64 25.1 3.6 314.9 -26 92.4 248.6 * -34 8 1.3 0.7 25.7 30 82.4 7.0 -40 1712 1.4 591 159 C(-) 214/113 116.6
M & M Fin. Serv. 1703 123.55 2 51 139.0 6.4 6237.5 6 56.5 400.2 * -40 120 7.2 6.5 1846.4 23 66.6 309.5 LP 1712 10.8 25 428 M(-11) 524/274 39.5
Magma Fincorp 1703 47.41 2 28 86.0 0.3 2022.1 -5 49.3 6.1 * -97 40 2.3 0.3 508.9 2 53.5 47.4 61 1712 0.9 -87 156 M(1) 191/95 -
Mahanivesh (I) 1703 10.00 10 17 24.9 0.0 0.1 -5 3.8 - 426 - - - - -100 33.3 - LP 1712 0.1 LP 439 (-) 610/412 -
Manappuram Fin * 1703 168.39 2 35 39.3 24.0 3008.4 36 72.3 725.7 * 115 75 9.0 8.3 742.2 -6 64.2 172.7 -9 1712 8.8 15 108 M(3) 126/82 12.3
MAS Financial 1703 54.66 10 73 124.5 31.1 341.5 16 75.1 67.4 26 29 11.9 11.2 113.0 29 69.5 25.3 37 1712 16.2 - 611 P(-12) 701/564 37.8
Max Financial * 1703 53.68 2 30 68.1 8.8 256.3 27 60.9 154.0 34 - 5.8 5.7 119.9 16 74.5 88.8 10 1712 4.3 -23 497 M(-32) 683/486 115.5
Max India * 1703 53.68 2 41 61.0 -0.2 51.7 -24 2.7 -2.7 * PL - - - 14.9 33 19.2 1.0 LP 1712 - -98 98 M(-16) 163/97 -
Max Ventures 1703 72.65 10 38 46.2 - 12.0 22 -34.1 -6.3 PL - - - 7.9 120 48.2 2.3 LP 1709 7.9 999 80 C(2) 114/73 10.1
Monarch Networth * 1703 30.31 10 65 20.9 - 58.6 29 26.0 8.1 999 - 3.3 2.7 23.6 70 30.9 4.3 120 1712 3.6 83 75 (3) 99/25 21.1
Motil.Oswal.Fin. 1703 14.47 1 71 46.2 13.7 176.3 59 69.7 80.9 * 73 550 5.6 5.1 78.0 306 92.7 50.9 802 1712 6.4 -15 1113 M(-55) 1585/640 173.7
Mukesh Babu Fin. * 1703 6.97 10 63 72.3 5.7 5.6 -9 89.0 2.8 4 10 4.1 4.0 4.2 449 93.9 2.6 646 1712 9.4 309 98 (10) 119/40 10.4
Muthoot Cap.Serv 1703 16.45 10 63 208.5 18.5 284.2 24 60.4 30.1 32 - 18.9 18.3 105.2 50 53.8 15.7 144 1712 26.3 67 735 B(-35) 904/222 27.9
Muthoot Finance * 1703 399.91 10 74 163.0 19.4 5746.7 18 74.3 1179.9 46 60 29.5 28.3 1566.7 16 76.6 463.7 59 1712 39.8 42 394 M(-2) 526/327 9.9
Naga Dhunseri * 1703 1.00 10 74 770.2 14.8 44.1 143 30.2 10.6 369 25 108.0 106.2 23.4 277 31.6 5.7 LP 1712 137.7 69 1633 (310) 2365/361 11.9
Nalwa Sons * 1703 5.14 10 56 730.1 3.3 15.1 -20 93.0 12.0 -13 - 23.4 23.4 1.4 -78 76.4 0.8 -86 1712 32.5 40 1135 (2) 1514/773 34.9
NBI Indl. Fin. 1703 1.23 5 60 435.0 - 100.9 2534 98.9 80.7 999 10 327.9 327.8 2.8 -10 90.5 2.5 -6 1709 331.6 999 1796 (373) 2520/949 5.4
Niyogin Fintech * 1703 80.03 10 42 14.7 - 3.0 2704 -99.9 -4.8 PL - - - 4.8 - 18.3 0.8 LP 1712 - -10 114 M(18) 114/17 -
Oscar Investment * 1703 17.28 10 71 1008.3 5.1 281.6 94 69.0 87.1 LP - 50.6 50.4 35.2 -23 40.6 -14.9 PL 1712 - PL 177 (-16) 409/175 -
Oswal Agro * 1703 134.23 10 42 41.7 - 32.3 6 30.9 -6.6 PL - - - 4.8 117 54.2 1.4 95 1712 - -160 13 (-1) 18/10 -
Oswal Green Tech * 1703 256.81 10 64 86.7 4.2 105.0 -77 72.4 92.1 98 - 3.7 3.6 26.0 1 70.8 11.5 4 1712 2.2 -32 29 (-2) 44/22 13.5
Paisalo Digital 1703 40.56 10 26 136.6 9.6 249.5 29 68.7 51.3 14 10 14.1 12.6 76.9 22 68.3 17.5 9 1712 14.6 11 289 (56) 402/141 19.8
Palash Securi. * 1703 10.00 10 62 20.4 - 0.0 0 -99.9 -0.5 -999 - - - 3.0 - 93.1 2.8 - 1712 2.2 - 72 (-2) 100/51 32.4
Pilani Invest. * 1703 7.91 10 58 1168.1 5.1 52.7 13 93.3 46.0 18 250 58.9 58.1 1.3 -77 29.1 0.2 -94 1712 47.1 -19 2773 (-136) 3310/1650 58.9
Pioneer Invest. * 1703 12.30 10 57 93.8 11.9 53.5 141 62.4 13.0 525 - 11.0 10.5 9.9 -53 15.5 0.3 -96 1712 2.2 -79 47 (3) 85/40 21.4
PNB Gilts 1703 180.01 10 74 49.9 20.5 384.4 101 99.9 167.1 * 385 25 9.3 9.3 68.3 -59 94.4 -13.9 PL 1712 2.1 -76 36 (-1) 60/34 17.3
Prime Securities 1703 13.26 5 - 24.4 - 16.5 -51 20.1 3.2 -79 - 1.3 1.2 1.9 575 37.6 0.5 LP 1712 0.7 -80 49 (6) 67/24 -
Profin Capital * 1703 7.07 10 25 34.3 - 26.5 335 3.1 0.2 679 - 0.6 0.3 12.8 - -7.1 -1.0 PL 1712 - PL 225 (2) 251/129 -
PTC India Fin * 1703 642.28 10 65 37.7 16.6 1351.9 14 87.0 345.3 -12 15 5.4 5.4 283.2 -4 78.7 34.3 -59 1712 3.8 -14 31 (-3) 51/31 8.1
Rane Holdings * 1703 14.28 10 46 243.0 9.1 98.8 30 41.8 29.6 * -17 85 21.2 20.2 0.2 -63 - 6.9 60 1712 32.6 47 2558 (214) 2713/840 78.5
Reliance Capital * 1703 252.70 10 52 542.2 3.1 2071.0 -50 91.4 408.9 * -58 105 17.3 16.2 916.0 150 83.0 213.0 752 1712 30.8 1 478 M(21) 878/398 15.6
Reliance Nip.Lif 1703 612.00 10 86 40.2 22.6 1400.4 10 42.8 405.6 * 4 2150 6.1 5.8 455.0 30 42.9 128.0 27 1712 7.8 - 277 P(4) 334/237 35.7
Religare Enterp. * 1703 178.46 10 13 104.1 - 35.1 -97 25.4 -148.2 PL - - - 8.0 4 - -41.7 4 1712 - -47 63 M(22) 240/34 -
RSD Finance 1703 6.47 10 75 63.0 11.1 7.4 28 72.0 4.3 64 - 6.8 6.6 1.4 491 - 1.1 12 1709 7.9 36 78 (-13) 200/70 9.8
Santosh Indus. * 1703 4.81 10 69 694.2 5.5 23.9 -53 84.3 18.0 -34 10 37.4 37.3 5.4 83 - 12.3 238 1712 41.9 - 126 (126) 126/126 3.0
Sastasundar Ven. * 1703 31.81 10 74 69.6 -0.5 1.0 -56 -81.5 -1.1 PL - - - 0.5 86 - -1.8 -999 1712 - -800 105 (4) 154/75 -
Satin Creditcare * 1703 47.67 10 27 199.8 5.1 776.7 39 61.6 24.6 -58 - 6.3 5.2 239.7 15 9.4 12.7 -51 1709 - PL 447 C(16) 525/244 -
SBI Life Insuran 1703 1000.00 10 84 55.5 18.6 30687.5 58 3.9 954.7 13 15 9.7 9.2 9709.0 60 2.8 230.3 21 1712 11.1 - 685 (-10) 738/629 62.0
Shalibhadra Fin. * 1703 5.00 10 51 50.3 18.5 15.6 20 70.9 4.3 24 10 8.5 8.4 5.0 26 75.9 1.4 26 1712 10.0 27 135 (10) 178/59 13.5
Shardul Sec. 1703 17.50 10 75 62.4 0.2 3.5 -50 39.7 0.2 -95 6 0.2 - 2.5 LP 76.8 1.5 LP 1712 8.9 LP 50 (-1) 64/33 5.6
Share India Sec. * 1703 24.42 10 73 23.5 28.1 110.1 49 15.9 8.1 * 29 - 4.1 3.3 39.6 - 26.8 5.6 - 1712 - - 113 P(13) 116/43 -
Shri.City Union. 1703 65.96 10 34 762.3 11.7 4434.5 15 54.6 556.1 5 150 88.6 83.3 1353.3 17 57.0 225.5 43 1712 95.5 5 2022 M(78) 2648/1824 21.2

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 45

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Shriram Trans. 1703 226.88 10 26 498.2 11.7 10830.6 5 66.3 1257.5 7 100 56.1 54.6 3088.9 14 68.6 495.6 43 1712 69.3 26 1288 (-61) 1543/890 18.6
SIL Investments * 1703 10.60 10 63 192.7 8.8 30.0 22 88.9 17.2 37 15 16.4 16.2 77.7 999 99.1 60.2 999 1712 91.1 467 443 (22) 579/120 4.9
South India Proj * 1703 5.03 10 51 69.3 3.3 4.0 417 17.3 0.5 65 - 0.9 0.9 1.8 57 34.6 0.5 269 1712 1.9 76 247 (2) 254/163 130.8
SPS Finquest 1703 4.51 10 48 76.5 14.8 7.3 166 95.4 4.8 148 - 10.6 10.6 - - - - - 1.5 -94 176 (-4) 207/117 120.3
SREI Infra. Fin. 1703 503.09 10 61 56.9 3.4 2299.6 21 71.2 96.0 * 68 5 2.9 1.9 466.9 2 83.8 34.3 31 1712 2.3 27 78 (-2) 138/73 34.4
Srestha Finvest * 1703 15.00 2 - 2.4 0.6 2.4 65 49.1 0.1 131 - 0.0 - 0.7 7 79.7 0.3 4 1712 0.1 36 14 (1) 16/7 -
SRS Finance * 1703 98.12 1 69 1.1 - 18.2 -66 -14.8 -15.0 PL - - - -0.3 PL - -16.3 PL 1712 - PL 1 (-1) 2/1 -
Stampede Cap. * 1703 22.90 1 17 2.2 0.1 10.3 -48 16.4 - -92 - 0.1 - 1.1 -42 -53.2 -0.8 PL 1712 - PL 12 (-2) 24/5 -
Stanrose Maf.Inv 1703 3.97 10 48 144.8 7.9 9.4 -14 61.7 4.4 -27 60 12.0 11.0 0.9 -57 9.0 0.2 -84 1712 9.2 -18 143 (-19) 212/132 15.5
Steel City Sec. 1703 15.11 10 57 41.0 8.4 35.5 33 23.8 4.7 18 20 3.1 2.7 - - - - - 4.3 33 99 (-10) 154/48 23.2
STEL Holdings * 1703 18.46 10 50 66.0 4.0 7.3 -24 85.3 4.8 LP - 2.6 2.6 - - - 0.1 -97 1712 2.5 LP 108 (4) 151/63 43.4
Summit Sec. * 1703 10.90 10 74 411.0 1.2 3.2 -81 44.1 5.2 * -67 - 4.8 4.8 - - - -0.4 -63 1712 13.2 62 881 (-15) 1349/415 66.7
Sundaram Finance U 1709 (6) 111.10 10 36 360.9 14.0 1400.5 -43 80.2 320.0 30 - 63.0 57.6 710.3 14 77.4 126.1 -9 1712 52.6 22 1629 (-20) 1870/1217 31.0
Swastika Investm * 1703 2.96 10 63 65.7 33.9 32.7 44 32.0 5.6 * LP 10 22.2 19.0 8.9 45 25.6 1.6 LP 1712 20.8 77 174 (17) 245/65 8.4
Tamboli Capital * 1703 9.92 10 52 13.7 9.5 1.6 21 86.5 1.2 31 7 1.2 1.2 0.2 - 70.0 0.1 10 1712 1.4 12 88 (-10) 133/75 64.7
Tata Inv.Corpn. * 1703 55.10 10 73 443.7 8.7 271.4 8 88.5 202.4 - 180 36.8 36.7 47.0 46 92.6 34.5 54 1712 38.4 -2 796 (-11) 955/575 20.7
TI Financial * 1703 18.75 1 49 51.7 2.5 40.1 -99 90.6 36.3 -62 125 1.7 1.7 2.8 - 75.6 1.2 LP 1712 2.7 2 675 M(-) 731/432 254.8
Times Guaranty * 1703 8.99 10 75 31.2 15.6 5.6 4280 92.0 4.1 LP - 4.5 4.5 0.1 -99 -80.0 - PL 1712 0.7 -84 57 (-1) 95/28 -
Ujjivan Fin.Ser. * 1703 120.70 10 - 145.6 1.5 216.8 18 10.2 21.4 * 34 8 1.8 1.8 1.8 -96 61.9 -0.6 PL 1712 - PL 360 M(13) 465/285 -
Upsurge Invest. 1703 15.15 10 35 14.3 - 13.2 -7 5.0 0.5 168 - 0.4 0.3 11.1 347 16.9 1.4 423 1712 1.8 411 61 (-8) 87/12 34.1
Vardhman Hold. * 1703 3.20 10 75 1431.4 49.3 190.5 259 98.9 181.7 277 50 566.8 566.7 9.6 244 94.8 8.6 487 1712 683.9 493 4599 M(194)6189/2435 6.7
Vibrant Glo. Cap 1703 22.91 10 69 13.1 7.0 19.3 9 19.2 2.0 207 - 0.9 0.9 - - - - - - PL 63 (-7) 80/17 -
VLS Finance 1703 38.66 10 45 64.7 19.8 2692.3 40 2.3 46.3 995 10 11.9 11.8 496.6 47 3.0 10.3 331 1712 3.8 -69 79 (-1) 105/54 21.0
Wallfort Fin. * 1703 9.69 10 75 104.9 11.5 24.2 34 64.3 11.2 53 - 11.9 11.5 15.1 58 78.7 9.2 71 1712 22.8 LP 128 (27) 148/45 5.6
Weizmann For. * 1703 11.56 10 75 103.2 20.9 5993.2 25 0.9 23.6 8 30 23.8 19.8 1828.2 21 1.1 11.2 41 1712 37.4 138 983 (-98) 1640/217 26.3
Yamini Invest * 1703 52.57 1 17 1.3 0.2 10.4 -39 2.5 0.1 -77 - - - 0.4 -78 -13.5 -0.1 PL 1712 - -75 6 (-) 48/6 -
IND.COMPOSITE 17623.48 178998.1 28.1 16005.9 33.1 5478.5 883730 40.5
Akme Star Hou. F * 1703 12.08 10 53 16.3 8.2 3.4 25 77.1 1.4 22 - 1.2 1.2 1.9 109 82.8 0.9 217 1712 2.1 - 114 C(4) 132/34 54.4
Can Fin Homes 1703 26.63 2 30 80.9 24.1 1353.1 25 92.9 234.9 * 50 100 17.9 17.6 394.8 13 92.6 80.1 34 1712 22.3 40 503 M(44) 667/376 22.6
Coral India Fin. 1703 9.98 2 74 16.8 10.0 13.6 16 75.8 8.1 28 10 1.6 1.6 6.9 49 83.3 4.4 41 1712 2.5 44 38 (4) 105/21 15.5
Dewan Hsg. Fin. 1703 313.66 10 39 254.9 22.7 10826.7 48 74.6 1473.9 * 102 40 47.5 46.8 2634.2 11 89.7 306.0 25 1712 52.8 90 547 M(37) 678/316 10.4
GIC Housing Fin. 1703 53.85 10 42 155.7 18.8 1001.7 14 89.4 147.7 19 50 27.6 27.4 281.2 11 87.8 42.2 23 1712 31.8 25 394 (-7) 623/295 12.4
GRUH Finance 1703 73.14 2 58 30.4 30.5 1487.4 17 91.7 296.7 22 140 8.2 8.1 428.5 12 88.7 82.2 28 1712 9.4 25 515 M(-31) 714/362 55.0
HDFC * 1703 319.58 2 - 248.1 20.2 33159.6 7 95.5 7442.6 5 900 46.9 46.6 8695.1 7 96.3 2523.2 48 1712 51.5 3 1811 M(-15)1982/1361 35.2
HUDCO * 1703 2001.90 10 90 45.8 9.6 3634.4 10 85.8 808.9 * 4 6 4.0 3.9 1091.9 12 73.5 163.6 -10 1712 4.3 -7 81 (1) 102/66 18.9
Indiabulls Hous. 1703 85.31 2 24 278.3 25.4 11317.2 28 88.5 2842.4 24 1350 61.7 61.2 3871.7 32 85.7 1084.1 44 1712 80.6 29 1255 M(-40) 1439/833 15.6
LIC Housing Fin. 1703 100.93 2 40 219.5 19.1 14080.4 13 93.7 1931.0 * 16 310 38.5 38.3 3767.6 6 94.9 491.1 -2 1712 39.2 7 515 (-1) 794/483 13.1
PNB Housing 1703 166.59 10 33 334.8 13.6 3907.9 45 88.7 523.7 60 60 32.6 31.4 1438.6 44 88.0 217.5 58 1712 45.8 61 1203 M(-91) 1715/960 26.3
Reliance Home * 1703 485.06 10 75 35.5 20.1 1144.7 40 78.0 172.6 99 - 3.7 3.6 421.0 56 81.5 46.0 100 1712 4.8 - 72 R(1) 115/63 15.1
Repco Home Fin * 1703 62.56 10 37 181.8 17.4 1045.9 19 88.9 182.3 21 20 29.7 29.1 277.6 5 85.4 48.5 4 1712 32.0 15 538 (-54) 923/536 16.8
SRG Housing 1703 13.00 10 62 26.1 10.8 14.6 42 68.6 2.7 45 - 2.3 2.1 9.4 165 65.0 2.5 416 1712 5.3 180 306 (-6) 368/107 58.2
IND.COMPOSITE 3724.27 82990.4 90.3 16068.9 91.3 5092.2 457505 25.2
IFCI * 1703 1662.04 10 56 34.2 -7.8 2874.2 -28 53.0 -478.5 * PL - - - 650.8 4 31.9 -176.9 -292 1712 - -166 23 (-2) 35/21 -
Power Fin.Corpn. * 1703 2640.08 10 66 138.1 5.9 27018.6 -2 79.8 2126.5 -65 50 7.1 7.0 6253.3 -9 - 1604.4 -18 1712 5.7 -78 107 (-5) 169/105 18.7
Rural Elec.Corp. * 1703 1974.92 10 58 168.7 20.2 24095.4 1 94.0 6245.0 * 11 97 30.2 30.2 5574.4 -5 95.3 1296.4 -26 1712 26.0 -16 140 (-8) 224/138 5.4
Tour. Fin. Corp. * 1703 80.72 10 9 68.7 10.0 231.9 25 71.2 53.5 * - 20 6.3 6.2 58.9 25 96.9 23.4 40 1712 10.9 166 157 (1) 182/56 14.4
IND.COMPOSITE 6357.76 54220.1 84.6 7946.5 44.5 2747.4 60903 8.5
ADF Foods * 1703 21.20 10 35 91.8 6.4 166.4 4 13.1 12.0 * -17 25 9.0 5.7 43.3 6 19.0 4.4 4 1712 6.9 -3 254 (-3) 348/144 37.0
Amrit Corp 1703 3.21 10 75 545.6 0.1 47.5 13 -11.5 0.2 * -96 75 5.4 0.7 13.2 10 0.5 7.9 LP 1712 31.1 180 1245 (-75) 1668/425 40.1
Avanti Feeds * 1703 9.08 2 44 126.1 39.6 2654.2 32 11.6 206.9 32 450 46.7 44.1 551.8 26 24.9 94.1 137 1712 95.0 193 2293 (-25) 3000/590 24.2
Bambino AgroInds * 1703 8.01 10 75 58.5 7.4 207.9 -23 7.9 3.4 -47 16 7.7 4.2 43.1 24 7.1 0.9 24 1712 3.3 -54 236 (-11) 356/167 72.4
Chamanlal Setia * 1703 10.35 2 75 28.1 30.2 493.3 2 13.1 38.4 * 3 20 8.3 7.4 202.8 69 10.0 13.6 26 1712 8.0 13 153 (2) 220/83 19.1
DFM Foods 1703 10.01 10 38 80.7 21.8 344.9 -11 9.9 15.8 * -35 50 23.1 15.8 123.7 42 14.0 8.4 61 1712 19.3 -23 1672 M(4) 2089/1122 86.5
Eco Friendly 1703 24.77 1 20 1.5 2.4 3.3 -3 77.3 1.2 43 - 0.1 - - - - - - 0.1 260 18 (-1) 26/18 -
Esteem Bio Org. 1703 24.86 1 21 1.6 3.1 3.5 -1 73.3 1.2 1 - 0.1 - - 93 - - - 1703 0.1 342 22 (-1) 39/22 -
Euro India Fresh 1703 24.80 10 74 23.2 5.5 48.1 1 8.4 2.1 999 - 1.6 0.9 - - - - - 0.9 - 142 (-2) 159/82 -
Flex Foods * 1703 12.45 10 60 61.1 10.6 85.2 3 22.4 7.9 -3 25 10.2 6.3 21.3 18 19.0 1.4 331 1712 7.5 57 124 (-10) 169/88 16.4
Foods & Inns * 1703 1.61 10 42 410.7 13.6 337.6 1 7.4 7.5 * 999 30 103.4 46.4 78.4 1 8.7 1.6 7 1712 60.8 387 1444 (54) 1668/890 23.8
Freshtrop Fruits 1703 12.15 10 58 45.8 17.7 140.6 18 10.9 9.0 * 11 - 10.6 7.4 14.7 100 6.4 -1.2 -85 1709 7.9 9 158 (-4) 218/85 20.1
Godrej Agrovet * 1703 192.03 10 69 62.6 21.1 3616.1 7 8.9 169.1 * 24 45 11.4 8.8 865.8 4 7.8 34.4 -38 1712 9.2 - 575 P(-10) 635/524 62.3
Hatsun AgroProd. 1703 15.22 1 73 22.8 46.4 4199.7 22 9.0 133.3 * 125 400 18.1 8.6 1012.9 7 8.6 15.0 -53 1712 8.4 69 776 (2) 970/441 92.3
Heritage Foods * 1703 23.20 5 40 65.4 24.6 2273.4 -5 6.1 67.0 19 40 21.4 14.4 574.3 25 6.8 17.8 -10 1712 10.6 -31 676 (-46) 885/506 63.7
Hind.Foods * 1703 12.99 10 60 25.5 - 37.9 59 9.9 1.3 -7 - 2.1 1.0 26.2 322 8.6 1.0 - 1712 3.6 144 364 (-75) 500/142 101.0
Jhandewala Foods 1703 10.26 10 - 28.5 19.7 148.6 4 6.0 2.4 157 - 2.7 2.3 33.8 - 6.4 0.6 - 1706 - - 53 P(-2) 94/48 -
Kothari Ferment. * 1703 15.00 10 75 22.6 9.7 79.1 2 11.1 3.2 67 - 3.8 2.1 24.2 11 15.1 1.7 45 1712 2.5 53 50 (1) 76/43 20.2
KRBL 1703 23.54 1 59 79.5 24.1 3147.9 -6 20.6 401.1 23 210 19.7 17.0 783.4 -2 23.2 123.8 11 1712 20.2 28 584 (-6) 673/365 28.9

46 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
KSE * 1703 3.20 10 26 272.8 19.6 1047.3 13 2.7 15.2 * 125 300 57.7 47.4 351.4 27 9.7 21.2 288 1712 184.5 833 2535 (237) 2861/729 13.7
Kwality * 1703 23.80 1 64 42.0 18.7 6131.2 8 6.7 164.2 * 22 10 7.8 6.9 1773.3 12 7.2 20.9 -54 1712 4.4 -32 88 M(-6) 169/82 20.0
L T Foods * 1703 31.98 1 56 23.8 8.7 2076.4 14 7.2 31.2 8 15 1.7 1.0 552.4 2 5.8 13.9 78 1712 1.3 50 95 M(5) 110/53 72.9
Lotus Chocolate * 1703 12.84 10 72 -8.3 - 66.5 2 2.2 -0.5 PL - 0.3 - 13.8 10 2.5 0.1 LP 1712 1.4 LP 49 (-1) 55/16 35.0
Manpasand Bever. 1703 114.46 10 44 100.8 8.3 701.5 35 19.9 71.0 * 40 10 12.7 6.2 143.1 40 18.7 12.0 66 1712 7.6 29 396 B(14) 512/336 52.4
Parag Milk Foods * 1703 84.11 10 49 79.2 4.1 1701.1 5 5.9 21.5 -59 5 8.2 2.6 509.7 16 11.2 23.9 LP 1712 9.1 271 277 (7) 319/206 30.4
Prabhat Dairy * 1703 97.68 10 50 57.1 5.0 1131.2 13 3.9 27.4 2 4 4.5 2.8 360.5 18 3.6 6.0 -26 1712 1.7 -38 178 (-14) 258/99 104.1
Prataap Snacks 1703 11.73 5 71 209.4 4.6 903.9 19 4.6 10.6 -68 - 15.2 4.5 260.7 6 8.1 12.5 407 1712 16.2 - 1216 P(16) 1404/1102 75.2
Raghuvansh Agro. 1703 11.92 10 21 21.2 15.6 7.4 264 58.2 3.7 577 - 3.5 3.1 - - - - - 2.8 61 46 (8) 101/36 16.3
Sanwaria Consum. 1703 73.61 1 67 5.1 12.4 3512.4 30 3.1 44.0 51 5 0.7 0.6 1273.5 12 4.2 25.1 120 1712 1.2 139 21 B(-1) 35/4 18.2
Tasty Bite Eat. * 1703 2.57 10 74 333.7 31.2 237.2 21 11.5 22.7 * 41 20 123.6 88.3 69.3 14 13.9 6.8 43 1712 107.6 41 8004 (-682)11090/4410 74.4
Umang Dairies 1703 11.00 5 75 15.3 5.2 210.0 11 3.0 1.6 * -78 - 2.2 0.7 65.2 50 9.0 2.9 LP 1712 - PL 91 (4) 112/65 -
Vadilal Enterp. * 1703 0.86 10 51 47.8 3.6 551.5 5 1.8 0.1 * -4 8 111.6 1.4 74.5 1 -1.5 -2.8 - 1712 - PL 844 (31) 962/416 -
Vadilal Inds. * 1703 7.19 10 65 116.5 21.7 469.0 6 11.6 16.2 * 14 13 42.5 22.5 66.9 -7 -9.6 -8.8 -124 1712 7.3 -74 882 (53) 1174/652 120.8
Varun Beverages * 1712 182.60 10 74 125.8 14.6 3062.5 3 23.6 235.6 26 - 27.9 12.9 329.9 29 2.1 -69.1 25 1712 12.9 26 650 M(-12) 762/341 50.4
Vikas Wsp * 1703 19.44 1 20 53.3 -8.2 193.6 -66 -10.1 -84.0 77 - - - 178.3 829 14.0 8.0 LP 1712 1.3 LP 16 M(1) 18/7 12.8
Zydus Wellness * 1703 39.07 10 73 142.6 21.1 225.2 13 39.3 108.8 * 6 65 27.5 26.5 68.0 24 43.4 36.1 44 1712 32.5 20 1174 (199) 1213/809 36.1
IND.COMPOSITE 1182.80 40262.6 9.8 1772.3 9.9 435.0 95081 40.3
Britannia Inds. * 1703 24.01 2 51 215.1 36.7 8414.4 9 14.3 844.8 10 1100 78.4 70.4 2398.3 15 15.6 249.2 18 1712 74.9 6 4739 M(107)4964/3052 63.3
GlaxoSmith C H L * 1703 42.06 10 72 742.4 22.2 3986.5 -4 20.9 656.7 -4 700 171.4 156.1 1034.7 20 19.7 163.7 20 1712 157.9 -2 6458 (-53) 6799/4856 40.9
Jubilant Food. 1703 65.98 10 45 129.2 9.4 2546.1 6 9.8 77.4 -28 25 34.6 11.7 795.2 21 17.2 66.0 231 1712 23.5 73 1993 M(37) 2330/818 84.7
Nestle India * 1712 96.42 10 63 354.8 31.8 9952.5 8 21.1 1225.2 30 860 162.6 127.1 2589.6 16 20.6 311.8 60 1712 127.1 30 7512 (379) 8001/6085 59.1
IND.COMPOSITE 228.47 24899.4 17.6 2804.1 16.9 790.7 169639 57.6
Asahi India Glas * 1703 24.31 1 54 20.6 29.2 2336.2 8 18.2 129.0 * 31 100 9.4 5.1 623.9 10 18.4 45.5 -1 1712 5.7 -4 336 (-14) 439/201 58.5
Borosil Glass * 1703 2.31 1 73 334.1 5.9 267.0 20 7.1 41.3 * 43 250 20.4 17.9 78.8 9 16.2 12.8 28 1712 18.3 13 937 (-46) 1125/600 51.2
Empire Inds. * 1703 6.00 10 73 304.1 19.7 401.6 4 15.3 32.6 * 7 250 69.2 54.3 71.4 19 14.3 19.7 154 1712 80.0 55 2150 (-60) 2598/1561 26.9
Guj. Borosil * 1703 34.10 5 75 9.1 - 183.0 1 23.6 14.6 94 - 4.3 2.1 52.8 17 20.4 2.2 -25 1712 1.6 -1 109 (-1) 175/76 69.7
Hind.Natl.Glass * 1703 17.91 2 71 49.2 - 1860.6 -6 9.9 -214.5 * -17 - - - 500.0 8 4.3 -81.6 -28 1712 - -138 142 M(-1) 194/74 -
La Opala RG * 1703 11.10 2 65 49.3 21.7 263.1 6 33.6 55.7 -5 100 11.9 9.6 69.8 18 42.8 22.9 51 1712 12.3 11 631 CB(3) 744/452 51.5
Saint-Gob. Sekur * 1703 91.11 10 75 9.5 - 123.5 -12 12.8 6.2 * LP - 1.5 0.7 39.9 37 24.3 5.3 413 1712 1.2 LP 60 (4) 77/43 52.0
Viaan Industries * 1703 10.81 1 51 1.6 - 40.6 24 -1.5 0.1 448 - 0.0 - 28.1 747 1.2 0.3 767 1712 0.0 -74 37 M(6) 44/12 -
IND.COMPOSITE 197.65 5475.5 15.3 65.0 14.3 27.1 18103 51.5
Apollo Hospitals * 1703 69.56 5 34 257.3 8.3 6441.8 15 12.0 277.1 * -21 120 37.2 19.9 1896.1 13 11.7 67.4 -7 1712 15.4 -19 1187 (55) 1357/959 77.3
Artemis Global * 1703 13.24 2 70 24.0 0.2 0.4 0 87.8 0.2 LP - 0.1 - 0.1 - -40.0 -0.1 PL 1712 - - 110 (-5) 159/100 -
Dr Agarwal’s Eye 1703 4.70 10 75 63.8 24.6 148.5 9 15.3 6.8 LP 15 33.0 14.4 34.6 1 0.8 -1.3 -999 1712 22.3 LP 622 (-87) 850/276 27.9
Dr Lal Pathlabs * 1703 83.33 10 57 75.0 26.7 881.9 15 26.0 147.5 17 30 21.3 17.5 254.4 27 21.4 35.0 16 1712 18.5 -5 902 M(24) 1021/718 48.8
Fortis Health. 1703 518.65 10 34 82.4 -1.9 653.6 5 -22.5 -71.5 -175 - - - 168.4 1 -8.2 -0.6 92 1706 - -375 146 M(28) 231/107 -
Health.Global * 1703 86.88 10 24 67.6 - 538.8 14 15.8 22.0 * LP - 7.4 2.5 142.1 4 16.0 8.9 61 1712 2.6 3 321 M(-16) 352/215 124.2
Indrapr.Medical * 1703 91.67 10 51 25.2 11.6 765.7 1 10.2 26.6 6 18 6.2 2.9 184.1 -3 9.8 5.5 -8 1712 2.2 -23 54 (-) 68/45 24.2
KMC Speciality * 1703 16.31 1 75 1.2 36.4 54.8 29 22.2 6.0 85 - 0.6 0.4 19.4 38 21.2 2.0 55 1712 0.5 115 21 (1) 31/12 -
Kovai Medical * 1703 10.94 10 50 215.1 29.1 525.6 13 23.3 59.7 * 48 25 76.2 54.6 149.5 15 20.5 14.5 - 1712 56.4 8 1336 (77) 1480/1024 23.7
Lotus Eye Hospit * 1703 20.80 10 55 24.0 0.9 34.0 9 9.8 0.5 396 5 1.9 0.2 9.4 17 10.9 0.3 LP 1712 0.4 25 31 (2) 43/26 -
Narayana Hrudaya 1703 204.36 10 64 51.8 9.4 1645.9 12 13.3 97.7 53 - 8.1 4.8 461.1 16 9.8 17.9 -16 1712 3.9 -13 307 (14) 344/281 78.6
Poly Medicure * 1703 44.11 5 49 29.7 22.0 439.8 11 21.4 52.5 * 11 50 8.6 6.0 125.8 11 23.5 16.5 8 1712 6.7 6 247 (-8) 320/190 37.1
Shalby 1703 108.01 10 79 70.7 26.0 324.0 13 22.8 63.0 * 105 - 7.3 5.8 97.4 30 21.7 10.8 -52 1712 4.2 - 224 P(-10) 274/210 53.9
Tejnaksh Health. 1703 2.21 10 72 35.9 23.9 6.5 38 43.8 1.7 28 - 9.2 7.6 - - - - - 8.1 -5 430 (14) 456/261 53.4
Thyrocare Tech. 1703 53.72 10 64 78.3 18.8 300.1 28 39.1 74.1 * 27 100 15.0 12.8 77.8 12 43.4 21.8 56 1712 18.8 74 634 (-44) 780/611 33.8
IND.COMPOSITE 1328.49 12761.4 13.2 763.9 12.9 198.6 52177 56.5
Apollo Sindoori 1703 1.30 10 66 146.3 37.4 132.6 1 7.6 6.0 147 30 53.2 46.2 35.4 8 9.8 2.0 -7 1709 54.8 71 1499 (143) 1823/481 27.4
Asian Hotels (E) 1703 11.53 10 66 770.6 1.3 98.3 0 15.3 11.6 * 271 20 15.6 10.0 30.6 18 30.2 5.9 30 1712 10.5 42 287 (-15) 454/212 27.4
Asian Hotels (N) 1703 19.45 10 72 282.8 -3.6 251.2 4 33.1 -19.9 * 40 - 0.7 - 77.6 14 33.3 14.8 LP 1712 5.5 LP 282 (52) 319/102 51.6
Asian Hotels (W) * 1703 11.46 10 68 242.5 -1.9 135.6 3 23.2 -5.3 * -40 10 8.6 - 38.2 4 25.7 1.8 -58 1712 - -24 265 (-10) 332/145 -
Best Eastern Hot * 1703 1.69 1 75 2.0 4.1 4.8 -6 22.6 0.1 * -46 - 0.5 0.1 1.4 16 35.0 0.3 225 1712 0.1 -29 66 (-1) 81/46 -
Coffee Day Enter * 1703 211.25 10 51 85.9 - 100.6 89 41.3 -79.6 47 - - - 21.7 84 81.3 -13.2 48 1712 - 30 318 M(-3) 375/205 -
EIH 1703 114.31 2 35 44.8 4.8 1277.6 -10 15.2 119.7 -2 45 4.0 2.1 362.1 - 22.9 42.7 -24 1712 1.7 -29 172 (-5) 232/101 103.8
EIH Assoc.Hotels 1703 30.47 10 75 92.2 16.3 263.6 7 27.9 43.2 9 45 18.6 14.0 84.7 1 37.8 19.8 -5 1712 13.4 -7 427 (-29) 635/300 31.8
Fomento Resorts * 1703 16.00 10 75 60.9 18.9 60.5 3 37.4 16.8 * 20 10 12.2 10.5 18.3 2 44.6 4.2 - 1712 9.7 38 135 (-10) 180/116 13.9
Graviss Hospital 1703 14.10 2 75 34.1 -1.6 41.5 -12 -0.1 -3.9 -262 - 0.1 - 15.1 24 10.0 1.1 - 1712 - 21 20 (-1) 28/16 -
Guj. Hotels 1703 3.79 10 54 69.7 11.0 3.3 -7 89.4 2.8 * 20 35 7.5 7.4 0.9 -3 89.9 0.8 -7 1712 7.3 16 124 (-1) 161/110 17.0
Hotel Leela Ven. * 1703 126.11 2 47 0.4 - 699.9 6 25.2 -102.9 * PL - 1.6 - 203.6 4 32.0 40.7 LP 1712 - PL 20 M(-) 27/16 -
ITDC * 1703 85.77 10 87 40.3 5.1 473.2 8 2.3 17.3 -40 13 2.9 2.0 102.1 -1 6.2 5.2 -40 1712 - PL 430 (-17) 746/377 -
Indian Hotels * 1703 118.93 1 39 34.6 3.4 2391.3 5 19.1 84.6 * -4 35 2.0 0.7 760.0 9 30.3 82.7 -5 1712 0.9 -4 137 R(1) 161/101 -
Mac Charles * 1703 13.10 10 81 217.1 10.7 56.3 1 36.2 28.8 -14 100 25.9 22.0 15.7 15 37.7 5.2 -24 1712 17.0 -44 374 (-20) 608/374 22.0
Mahindra Holiday * 1703 133.28 10 67 50.6 20.7 1088.7 14 23.6 130.9 15 50 14.4 9.8 267.5 -1 21.6 31.8 -11 1712 9.6 -1 304 B(-13) 469/269 31.7

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 47

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Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Oriental Hotels 1703 17.86 1 62 13.4 - 333.5 8 14.3 1.5 * LP - 1.5 0.1 92.5 3 17.6 2.4 -42 1712 0.4 LP 51 (-1) 69/26 -
Royal Orch.Hotel 1703 27.27 10 70 73.7 5.0 91.3 4 13.4 10.1 51 10 5.0 3.5 28.4 26 24.2 4.2 1 1712 4.8 44 192 M(-11) 227/82 40.1
Sayaji Hotel * 1703 17.52 10 75 50.7 -4.6 158.2 -2 18.5 -3.8 PL - 9.7 - 60.9 29 26.2 7.2 47 1712 - 84 270 (4) 320/139 -
Speciality Rest. * 1703 46.96 10 51 60.7 -7.7 312.4 -3 0.2 -22.8 * -999 - 2.1 - 79.3 -5 6.4 0.7 LP 1712 - -37 151 (17) 195/60 -
TajGVK Hotels 1703 12.54 2 75 57.8 2.5 264.5 -2 21.9 9.0 * 9 20 4.3 1.4 82.7 15 30.1 9.5 153 1712 2.6 31 165 (-4) 203/125 64.0
TGB Banquets * 1703 29.29 10 32 38.5 -5.7 136.9 0 17.9 -6.6 57 - 4.4 - 37.8 6 1.9 0.4 -37 1712 - 57 49 (-1) 77/45 -
The Byke Hospit. * 1703 40.10 10 46 36.9 23.6 270.0 17 23.1 31.7 22 10 10.9 7.7 55.0 -30 40.4 12.4 16 1712 8.2 8 177 (-3) 221/150 21.7
Westlife Develop * 1703 31.12 2 62 30.8 - 0.2 -37 -99.9 -0.3 32 - - - - - - -0.1 9 1712 - PL 319 M(-33) 389/201 -
IND.COMPOSITE 1135.20 8645.7 18.9 269.0 26.3 282.2 55063 48.7
Bata India * 1703 64.26 5 53 103.1 13.8 2467.2 2 12.0 175.6 4 70 18.7 13.7 674.0 6 16.5 68.2 35 1712 16.5 21 711 (17) 833/492 43.2
Bhartiya Intl. * 1703 12.16 10 48 210.8 7.3 477.8 7 8.7 15.2 * 4 12 16.1 12.3 124.5 -2 5.0 1.9 54 1712 13.8 37 434 C(-6) 699/408 31.5
Khadim India 1703 17.97 10 60 130.9 18.1 621.3 16 10.7 31.3 22 - 26.3 17.4 204.6 47 9.7 8.9 89 1712 21.6 - 697 P(14) 742/645 32.3
Liberty Shoes 1703 17.04 10 61 94.9 4.1 497.4 10 7.9 6.9 -38 - 12.0 4.0 163.2 29 7.2 2.6 134 1712 3.5 -34 219 (6) 309/160 62.3
Mirza Internatio 1703 24.06 2 74 41.9 15.0 935.7 1 17.2 71.2 -9 45 8.2 5.7 254.0 11 18.1 20.9 21 1712 6.5 -6 130 (-1) 183/84 20.1
Relaxo Footwears 1703 12.04 1 74 50.2 22.7 1739.8 2 14.1 123.6 5 100 14.5 10.3 457.5 25 15.7 38.2 57 1712 11.9 17 603 M(17) 724/417 50.8
Sreeleathers * 1703 25.16 10 65 87.7 6.3 99.6 25 20.8 12.9 * 25 - 5.6 5.1 32.5 39 23.8 4.9 91 1712 7.5 69 234 (-11) 343/117 31.0
Super Tannery * 1703 10.80 1 59 7.8 4.6 233.1 -2 8.7 3.7 * 4 - 1.0 0.3 58.5 21 8.3 1.0 -5 1712 0.3 -9 8 (1) 10/4 -
IND.COMPOSITE 183.49 7071.8 12.6 440.4 14.2 146.6 20775 40.3
Arcotech Ltd * 1703 21.00 2 74 21.5 12.4 733.8 1 13.3 26.4 -28 15 3.1 2.5 208.5 27 12.8 6.5 -16 1712 1.9 -42 43 (-) 153/39 22.2
Ashapura Minech. * 1703 17.40 2 40 -30.4 - 234.6 -60 -15.7 -58.1 PL - - - 58.0 28 -13.5 -14.8 21 1712 - -44 81 (-3) 120/47 -
Assoc. Stone Ind * 1703 8.29 1 70 15.9 13.2 235.1 37 11.4 15.0 * 13 30 2.5 1.8 67.0 85 -0.2 -1.7 PL 1712 2.1 21 35 (-3) 49/34 16.6
Balasore Alloys * 1703 44.45 5 59 60.1 18.6 1011.8 21 17.7 89.7 379 15 12.7 10.1 317.6 19 11.3 19.4 -10 1712 13.1 219 71 (-2) 100/43 5.4
Coal India * 1703 6207.41 10 79 22.4 96.8 398.7 96 -99.9 14500.5 * -13 199 22.4 22.3 79.0 -20 - 121.1 LP 1712 22.1 -10 305 (10) 332/234 13.8
GMDC * 1703 63.60 2 74 125.0 8.5 1536.7 30 27.3 323.8 * 44 150 14.3 9.6 506.1 33 26.0 78.6 69 1712 13.3 55 142 (-1) 181/112 10.7
Gravita India 1703 13.74 2 73 16.8 21.8 534.0 51 7.6 23.3 999 30 3.9 3.4 197.3 49 7.0 6.5 34 1712 3.9 96 149 M(-1) 194/46 38.1
Hind.Copper 1703 462.61 5 76 15.9 4.3 1228.7 14 10.8 61.6 * 69 4 2.2 0.7 440.1 85 16.0 18.9 12 1712 1.1 376 75 (-1) 111/55 70.8
Hind.Zinc 1703 845.06 2 65 72.9 19.9 17273.0 22 56.4 6772.5 * 3 1470 20.3 16.0 5922.0 19 54.8 2230.0 -4 1712 18.8 38 312 (19) 331/227 16.6
Indian Metals 1703 26.98 10 59 386.7 27.0 1672.4 38 30.8 246.9 * LP 200 129.9 89.6 483.7 7 28.7 74.7 17 1712 130.9 885 592 (-26) 823/385 4.5
KIOCL 1703 634.51 10 99 33.1 2.3 869.8 373 -11.6 48.6 LP 4 1.1 0.8 442.8 43 -1.6 12.9 LP 1712 1.1 13 294 (-15) 506/84 270.6
Maithan Alloys 1703 29.11 10 70 203.5 40.1 1342.1 17 20.8 185.7 * 135 25 72.5 63.8 549.1 73 19.1 78.3 18 1712 100.7 107 891 (29) 1028/370 8.9
Manaksia * 1703 13.11 2 63 15.0 8.8 31.5 22 -27.6 8.3 * -63 - 1.3 1.3 19.8 118 -4.8 -0.2 84 1712 7.2 385 60 (-6) 86/60 8.3
MOIL * 1703 266.38 10 66 105.3 9.8 989.8 56 30.1 305.8 77 110 13.0 11.0 299.8 -16 41.0 103.8 2 1712 15.4 129 219 B(-12) 286/148 14.2
NILE * 1703 3.00 10 50 328.1 30.6 579.4 36 9.0 26.3 273 30 98.6 87.2 202.5 35 7.8 8.3 - 1712 101.3 72 852 (27) 1164/525 8.4
NMDC * 1703 316.39 1 75 71.2 10.0 8828.1 37 40.8 2588.9 * -8 515 8.0 7.3 2469.0 -1 49.0 793.5 11 1712 9.5 9 128 (-5) 163/103 13.5
Orissa Minerals * 1703 0.60 1 50 1401.3 0.8 - 0 - 7.2 -37 147 20.1 12.0 - - - 1.2 -52 1712 4.2 -61 1693 (-44) 2342/1616 404.7
Prec. Wires (I) * 1703 11.56 5 60 89.6 11.0 884.2 5 6.0 22.0 * 29 70 15.0 8.8 413.5 101 5.9 10.9 150 1712 15.1 74 301 (57) 345/110 20.0
Ram Ratna Wires * 1703 11.00 5 73 43.4 25.5 801.0 11 6.4 21.6 131 25 13.6 9.8 261.6 35 5.5 5.8 -7 1712 11.1 26 180 (-10) 244/95 16.3
Sandur Manganese * 1703 8.75 10 72 477.2 12.8 422.2 90 21.1 49.6 * LP 50 64.1 56.0 152.3 56 21.8 20.5 124 1712 106.6 999 1206 (33) 1470/541 11.3
Sarthak Metals 1703 13.69 10 69 23.9 14.0 152.2 19 6.0 4.0 * 11 5 3.7 2.9 - - - - - 3.1 6 59 (1) 76/28 18.8
Shalimar Wires * 1703 7.52 2 74 -40.8 - 102.2 6 10.8 1.9 * 999 - 2.2 0.5 26.9 13 15.5 0.5 LP 1712 0.9 999 22 (5) 25/4 -
Shilp Gravures 1703 6.15 10 61 87.1 13.4 68.0 6 22.5 6.5 * 49 15 20.5 10.6 16.8 10 20.7 2.0 345 1712 11.5 62 141 (-) 180/77 12.2
Shirpur Gold * 1703 29.14 10 73 114.4 - 1698.5 -56 1.8 5.0 -64 - 4.0 1.7 446.3 61 1.4 0.6 -39 1712 0.7 -81 155 (7) 234/87 -
South West Pinn. 1703 13.95 10 - 47.1 22.8 69.2 -18 24.3 6.0 51 - 8.6 4.3 33.8 - 23.6 3.3 - 1709 - - 88 P 94/76 -
Tinplate Co. 1703 104.67 10 75 59.4 4.5 831.5 -1 10.9 28.0 -59 16 8.6 2.3 502.3 128 7.0 12.8 186 1712 5.3 112 233 (1) 325/77 43.7
Vedanta 1703 371.72 1 50 214.6 11.1 36663.3 8 18.0 8774.6 * LP 1945 31.5 23.5 12185.0 26 14.2 712.9 -42 1712 21.4 LP 320 M(-9) 356/218 15.0
IND.COMPOSITE 9551.79 79191.6 27.2 34091.6 26.5 4306.3 530716 15.2
Safari Inds. * 1703 4.45 2 58 67.8 10.2 355.2 28 6.5 10.3 31 20 6.8 4.5 103.4 12 11.9 6.8 128 1712 7.8 149 528 M(33) 664/205 67.4
V I P Inds. 1703 28.26 2 53 28.2 20.7 1274.8 5 9.5 76.1 20 120 6.1 5.2 338.0 12 11.0 24.1 52 1712 7.2 41 338 (-) 394/144 47.2
IND.COMPOSITE 32.71 1630.1 8.9 86.4 11.2 30.9 5955 50.2
Aban Offshore * 1703 11.67 2 46 700.6 5.3 886.9 -13 64.0 210.0 * -27 - 62.3 36.0 158.7 -30 33.5 -8.6 PL 1712 4.9 -91 171 (-20) 280/161 34.9
Alphageo (India) * 1703 6.36 10 44 244.9 43.8 296.6 332 31.6 48.0 * 613 40 103.8 75.5 103.6 29 28.2 13.8 20 1712 92.0 165 830 C(-47) 1101/750 9.0
Asian Oilfield * 1703 29.47 10 63 45.4 - 43.4 364 -0.3 -5.7 * 80 - - - 24.2 999 10.4 0.6 LP 1712 0.2 LP 237 C(-4) 297/164 -
Dolphin Offshore * 1703 16.77 10 55 67.0 - 62.2 111 7.4 -9.3 65 - - - 6.6 -56 -60.8 -8.0 -999 1712 - 2 93 (-8) 158/73 -
Hind.Oil Explor. 1703 130.49 10 - 25.4 - 25.0 -12 -17.1 7.4 * LP - 1.3 0.6 13.4 143 87.5 8.4 101 1712 1.3 445 121 (2) 154/67 93.1
Jindal Drilling 1703 14.49 5 64 295.2 1.4 371.6 16 4.6 11.9 * -52 10 7.3 4.1 35.6 -67 -14.4 -2.3 PL 1712 - PL 161 (-7) 235/137 -
ONGC * 1703 6416.62 5 68 144.6 10.2 77698.5 0 40.0 17891.2 * -2 151 23.4 13.9 22995.9 15 47.5 5014.7 15 1712 14.3 2 185 (-4) 213/155 12.9
Oil India * 1703 756.60 10 66 383.9 9.1 9510.4 -3 32.6 2443.3 - 143 44.7 30.2 2852.6 17 42.9 705.2 55 1712 35.9 26 361 M(25) 389/258 10.1
Selan Expl. Tech 1703 16.40 10 28 172.1 3.1 55.8 -10 62.5 8.7 -33 50 21.5 4.3 21.2 50 41.9 6.6 167 1712 9.3 91 208 (-21) 270/154 22.3
IND.COMPOSITE 7398.87 88950.4 39.2 20605.5 46.7 5730.4 269430 12.6
AMD Industries * 1703 19.17 10 67 64.3 0.2 150.3 -11 12.9 0.2 * -91 - 6.0 0.1 21.9 30 2.3 -4.5 15 1712 - 68 34 (-2) 59/26 -
Control Print 1703 16.33 10 56 102.2 20.2 147.4 10 25.8 26.1 6 60 20.4 14.8 42.1 24 29.1 5.4 153 1712 23.3 118 449 M(-8) 554/244 19.3
Cosmo Films * 1703 19.44 10 43 313.9 20.1 1457.8 1 11.9 107.4 * -3 100 72.7 55.2 454.2 32 8.2 16.1 -36 1712 43.7 -19 296 (-35) 469/291 6.8
Emmbi Industries * 1703 17.69 10 58 48.4 16.1 229.1 10 13.1 12.8 21 5 9.6 7.2 66.6 20 13.9 3.9 63 1712 8.7 24 203 (2) 264/128 23.4

48 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Essel Propack 1703 31.45 2 57 39.6 10.7 795.4 7 19.8 64.9 * -17 120 8.0 4.1 203.8 7 23.6 19.5 65 1712 4.7 7 282 M(11) 317/226 60.2
Ester Inds. * 1703 41.70 5 59 33.3 -3.9 706.9 -8 6.1 -10.1 PL - 2.3 - 202.2 14 7.1 0.5 LP 1712 - 96 61 (-5) 78/30 -
Everest Kanto * 1703 22.44 2 66 13.2 - 244.1 43 16.8 -3.5 * 96 - 1.0 - 78.2 41 12.6 12.6 LP 1712 0.9 LP 55 (2) 78/30 -
Flexituff Intl. * 1703 24.88 10 33 155.4 2.3 1326.4 15 13.3 8.6 115 - 31.1 3.5 265.0 -13 16.3 1.4 -42 1712 2.8 -33 71 (-) 220/68 25.2
Garware Poly. * 1703 23.32 10 61 215.8 4.0 860.0 2 8.3 19.6 * 15 10 15.9 8.4 194.4 -6 8.1 5.2 208 1712 10.6 18 180 (3) 266/118 16.9
Gopala Polyplast * 1703 8.87 10 39 23.1 3.1 309.8 2 4.0 0.6 * 97 - 7.3 0.7 60.4 - 10.7 1.8 999 1712 4.7 507 153 (2) 180/52 32.4
Hind.Adhesives * 1703 5.12 10 64 47.4 22.4 74.6 8 15.0 4.9 * 132 10 16.1 9.4 19.4 3 11.2 0.7 112 1712 7.4 11 118 (5) 150/56 15.9
Huhtamaki PPL 1612 15.10 2 66 62.5 16.1 2177.8 89 11.4 86.7 77 150 22.9 10.9 538.5 -2 11.8 19.1 16 1709 7.9 -25 339 M(34) 387/201 42.9
Jindal Poly Film * 1703 43.79 10 75 418.8 6.4 2463.8 -7 8.6 106.0 * -45 10 40.1 24.2 768.1 30 9.8 36.9 90 1712 25.0 19 344 (-) 476/316 13.7
Kaira Can * 1703 0.92 10 46 568.5 5.4 130.9 5 7.2 2.8 100 50 78.4 30.4 32.0 30 8.7 1.0 488 1712 51.4 144 1477 (-138) 1919/800 28.7
Kanpur Plastipa. * 1703 14.33 10 69 68.2 18.9 245.5 -1 13.2 14.5 -13 18 12.7 9.6 73.5 22 13.7 5.0 60 1712 9.7 -9 151 R(23) 189/87 15.5
Orient Press * 1703 10.00 10 73 78.4 4.3 189.8 -7 8.1 2.9 23 13 9.1 2.9 57.3 11 5.7 0.6 -15 1712 4.4 73 228 M(24) 231/60 51.4
Polyplex Corpn. * 1703 31.98 10 50 143.0 8.2 945.9 -2 8.3 36.3 * 7 70 29.6 11.3 280.4 22 9.1 28.1 123 1712 18.5 50 489 (1) 601/359 26.4
Rishi Tech. * 1703 7.39 10 34 29.9 12.5 59.3 -4 9.0 2.4 43 - 5.2 3.2 17.1 11 9.8 0.6 -3 1712 2.8 -10 71 C(-4) 99/53 25.6
Sh. Rama Multi. * 1703 31.73 5 43 1.4 - 121.0 13 11.6 -2.2 * 2 - 1.6 - 31.0 7 11.5 0.4 LP 1712 - 82 13 (-) 20/12 -
Shetron 1703 9.00 10 62 48.0 4.0 148.7 -6 15.5 1.7 * 13 - 10.2 1.9 40.7 24 11.5 0.2 89 1712 2.5 44 54 (-1) 86/41 22.0
Shree Tirupati 1703 10.13 10 - 27.9 17.9 68.4 12 9.1 2.9 -15 - 4.3 2.8 - - - - - - - 55 M(1) 70/42 -
TCPL Packaging * 1703 9.10 10 56 221.9 20.6 613.0 3 16.0 33.2 -13 63 68.5 36.5 184.2 17 13.3 7.2 -25 1712 24.0 -41 633 M(13) 735/486 26.3
TPL Plastech * 1703 7.80 10 75 78.7 19.8 180.2 1 12.1 11.2 * 30 30 18.0 14.4 47.0 9 12.5 2.7 7 1712 14.6 17 484 (-16) 781/428 33.1
Uflex * 1703 72.21 10 44 282.8 9.9 3887.5 2 12.7 193.5 * 3 35 52.8 26.8 942.0 12 11.7 10.2 -74 1712 18.9 -29 375 (-4) 507/257 19.8
IND.COMPOSITE 493.89 17533.4 11.6 723.4 11.5 174.7 18194 24.9
Akzo Nobel 1703 46.66 10 73 216.0 22.8 2824.9 7 12.3 227.0 * 23 220 60.8 48.6 712.0 6 13.9 82.6 21 1712 45.8 - 1810 (40) 2095/1450 39.5
Asian Paints 1703 95.92 1 53 72.5 28.0 14490.1 8 18.5 1792.1 * 11 1030 21.2 18.1 3587.4 11 22.8 529.0 24 1712 19.1 7 1122 (-12) 1261/954 58.7
Berger Paints * 1703 97.10 1 75 19.8 21.1 4121.5 7 15.4 370.5 * 7 175 4.8 3.8 1190.9 14 16.9 114.9 20 1712 4.0 -2 246 M(4) 286/220 61.8
Kansai Nerolac 1703 53.89 1 75 52.1 19.1 4404.1 7 16.6 461.3 * -2 300 9.2 7.9 1139.3 13 16.9 125.2 1 1712 9.0 -17 491 (-2) 608/348 54.9
Shalimar Paints * 1703 4.50 2 62 47.3 -11.0 396.2 -8 3.7 -6.4 PL - - - 66.3 -21 -13.0 -9.8 -999 1712 - PL 170 XR(-9) 303/135 -
IND.COMPOSITE 298.07 26236.8 16.8 2844.5 19.4 841.8 166795 57.1
AMJ Land * 1703 8.20 2 62 22.3 6.9 8.3 -33 35.8 6.2 -14 10 2.0 1.5 8.3 47 31.8 2.1 98 1712 1.5 255 27 (2) 36/17 17.5
Astron Paper 1703 46.50 10 44 24.8 24.7 183.3 16 11.8 10.0 63 - 2.8 2.1 65.0 51 11.6 6.3 999 1712 4.5 - 129 P(-) 177/113 28.4
Balkrishna Paper 1703 10.74 10 60 46.3 - 181.2 15 -6.7 -25.4 * -11 - - - 56.4 19 -10.3 -9.2 5 1712 - 31 75 (-) 124/67 -
Ballarpur Inds. * 1703 258.69 2 25 17.3 - 215.4 -62 -65.0 -253.4 -999 - - - 82.3 954 -14.2 -80.0 -62 1712 - -56 13 M(-2) 23/11 -
Emami Paper M * 1703 12.10 2 75 68.5 6.5 1138.4 111 11.1 24.6 * 3 60 13.1 4.1 364.5 30 8.6 12.5 241 1712 2.0 -75 197 (13) 269/95 100.3
Genus Paper & Bo 1703 25.71 1 50 12.6 1.8 308.7 -2 7.0 5.7 * -13 - 0.7 0.2 89.4 29 12.1 4.8 549 1712 0.6 214 14 (1) 17/4 -
Internat. Paper 1703 39.77 10 75 121.3 - 1208.4 4 13.7 51.8 227 - 30.2 13.0 328.3 3 17.0 20.7 -6 1712 17.9 129 314 (-) 418/272 17.5
JK Paper 1703 175.50 10 49 81.3 13.4 2881.2 4 17.8 155.5 * 155 15 15.7 8.9 790.8 24 19.5 69.8 95 1712 13.4 94 132 C(-6) 170/88 9.8
Kuantum Papers * 1703 8.73 10 70 239.3 34.1 609.6 16 19.4 61.0 149 20 87.5 69.9 173.3 14 19.9 16.9 24 1712 83.2 52 756 (16) 1032/389 9.1
Kushal * 1703 47.45 2 66 3.8 87.5 384.2 13 2.9 63.9 209 105 2.7 2.7 476.6 406 2.3 5.1 75 1712 3.5 292 158 (5) 230/106 45.6
Malu Paper 1703 17.06 10 69 10.4 - 252.1 11 8.4 2.9 * 49 - 4.5 1.7 67.6 7 6.8 0.3 -74 1709 0.9 -63 39 (2) 53/21 -
N R Agarwal Inds * 1703 17.02 10 73 96.5 54.4 1040.6 18 12.7 74.9 312 20 58.4 44.0 315.2 20 12.5 25.9 37 1712 54.2 35 453 (8) 599/191 8.4
Ruchira Papers * 1703 22.42 10 61 68.1 23.4 417.4 15 15.2 32.1 65 23 19.0 14.3 117.5 15 19.3 11.9 48 1712 18.4 54 176 (7) 220/127 9.6
Satia Indust. * 1703 10.00 10 50 137.4 21.1 516.9 19 17.5 26.5 330 20 66.0 26.1 163.8 30 13.4 24.0 156 1712 47.0 40 202 (-) 202/65 4.3
Seshasayee Paper 1703 12.61 10 43 436.0 26.5 1134.8 11 18.9 128.8 262 100 126.5 102.2 294.8 1 16.2 27.4 -20 1712 91.2 6 864 (-34) 1225/650 9.5
Sh. Ajit Pulp * 1703 5.36 10 47 174.7 7.1 208.7 -6 8.9 6.4 -47 8 22.1 11.9 65.8 36 5.0 - -70 1712 9.2 -44 190 (-2) 309/137 20.6
Shree Rama News. * 1703 147.52 10 60 30.0 -2.1 390.3 2 4.0 -8.9 -43 - 0.9 - 144.0 33 3.5 -3.4 PL 1712 - -326 28 (1) 39/18 -
Shreyans Inds. * 1703 13.82 10 47 88.0 26.0 420.0 8 13.0 28.6 211 15 26.4 20.7 116.7 5 10.6 6.8 -24 1712 22.1 16 160 (-8) 234/124 7.3
Star Paper * 1703 15.61 10 46 79.1 64.1 324.1 19 21.9 59.9 * 264 20 41.0 38.4 87.1 11 19.1 12.1 -10 1712 37.4 24 229 (-24) 318/135 6.1
T N Newsprint * 1703 69.21 10 35 246.3 16.5 3199.0 18 22.8 264.5 * 2 75 66.7 36.7 929.5 33 15.6 27.1 -56 1712 - PL 375 (-43) 499/289 -
West Coast Paper * 1703 13.21 2 56 96.8 22.2 1769.3 4 19.1 128.5 LP 125 36.2 19.5 408.6 -7 17.9 43.0 15 1712 29.6 999 273 (14) 348/167 9.2
Yash Papers * 1703 35.24 10 45 17.1 12.1 173.8 0 16.7 7.0 147 - 3.9 2.0 50.1 10 19.0 5.1 218 1712 4.3 170 72 M(1) 85/23 16.8
IND.COMPOSITE 1012.47 16965.5 15.4 851.1 13.3 228.8 20333 13.7
Bajaj Corp 1703 14.75 1 67 34.0 44.8 792.5 0 31.8 224.5 -3 1150 13.2 12.9 197.3 6 34.4 55.2 -5 1712 13.5 -20 485 (14) 525/343 36.0
Dabur India 1703 176.15 1 68 20.8 29.6 5369.8 -1 20.7 955.2 * 4 225 5.9 5.4 1449.3 13 21.4 265.5 16 1712 5.6 3 340 (1) 368/264 60.6
Emami 1703 22.70 1 73 75.4 23.9 2301.2 7 34.6 390.9 3 700 30.6 17.2 715.6 7 36.9 149.1 6 1712 16.4 -5 1063 (-32) 1428/990 64.8
Godrej Consumer 1703 68.13 1 63 64.6 20.7 4748.1 4 23.9 843.2 * 17 1500 13.2 12.4 1394.7 18 28.4 299.1 29 1712 14.0 18 1036 B(-2) 1125/798 74.2
Kaya Ltd * 1703 13.03 10 60 136.2 - 193.9 5 -8.0 -17.2 -117 - - - 49.6 8 -6.3 -5.3 -4 1712 - -8 930 M(-57) 1262/711 -
Marico * 1703 129.08 1 60 22.7 30.9 4850.8 0 19.7 806.9 * 18 350 6.3 5.8 1337.6 18 18.9 240.1 -9 1712 5.6 -11 306 M(11) 348/266 54.4
IND.COMPOSITE 423.84 18256.3 23.2 3203.5 25.0 1003.5 202434 62.2
Colgate-Palm. * 1703 27.20 1 51 46.8 50.1 3981.8 3 23.7 577.4 * -4 1000 24.1 19.2 1027.0 19 27.5 170.7 34 1712 23.1 8 1068 (-53) 1176/886 46.3
Gillette India * 1706 32.59 10 75 153.6 35.2 1733.6 -1 22.2 255.6 25 1640 90.2 78.4 407.5 5 24.0 58.8 7 1712 82.6 18 6699 (307) 7197/4025 81.1
Hind. Unilever 1703 216.45 1 67 30.0 70.3 31890.0 3 18.8 4320.8 * 4 1700 18.6 16.8 8323.0 11 20.2 1342.5 44 1712 23.4 20 1336 M(-22) 1415/848 57.1
P & G Hygiene 1706 32.46 10 71 162.1 39.7 2320.4 2 29.1 439.0 4 3890 153.7 135.2 704.2 9 29.9 131.2 -13 1712 132.7 -7 9299 (81) 9900/6668 70.1
IND.COMPOSITE 308.70 39925.8 20.0 5592.8 21.7 1703.2 370169 57.9
Aimco Pesticides * 1703 9.24 10 53 21.5 81.5 99.2 3 10.8 11.5 314 - 13.1 12.4 33.4 36 4.2 0.8 -56 1712 11.2 148 179 (-3) 271/76 16.0

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 49

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Astc Life 1703 19.53 10 67 70.7 20.6 298.0 35 21.1 26.3 999 15 20.5 13.5 74.3 22 18.1 4.9 322 1712 12.6 80 563 M(13) 684/475 44.6
Bhagiradha Chem. * 1703 7.79 10 20 125.5 4.3 205.1 35 5.3 2.0 LP - 7.5 2.6 46.5 -17 9.8 3.2 LP 1712 5.7 LP 291 M(12) 389/131 50.8
Bharat Rasayan * 1703 4.25 10 75 472.3 31.4 620.7 36 17.8 54.5 61 15 166.9 128.2 188.7 45 23.8 25.1 123 1712 182.4 64 4659 (807) 5078/2310 25.6
Dhanuka Agritech * 1703 9.82 2 75 105.9 23.9 873.2 5 19.3 118.2 * 13 30 27.1 24.1 221.5 5 15.9 28.6 6 1712 24.2 -3 662 (-35) 940/631 27.3
Insecticid.India * 1703 20.67 10 69 225.9 13.3 1107.4 12 10.3 58.5 48 20 36.0 28.3 175.9 24 13.1 9.6 67 1712 40.0 57 771 (-25) 966/516 19.3
Kilpest India * 1703 6.41 10 43 17.3 2.1 13.0 -17 8.2 0.2 23 3 0.8 0.3 3.7 - 4.9 - -75 1712 0.7 121 133 (-1) 169/25 -
Meghmani Organ. * 1703 25.43 1 48 24.9 6.8 1046.2 9 12.6 43.2 1 40 3.2 1.7 307.3 35 15.4 17.1 95 1712 3.1 55 98 (-2) 129/36 31.5
NACL Industries 1703 15.63 1 75 14.1 9.8 734.2 6 8.3 19.7 * 117 13 3.1 1.3 186.7 17 6.4 1.4 LP 1712 1.5 176 43 M(-4) 69/26 29.7
P I Inds. 1703 13.79 1 51 116.7 33.1 2276.5 9 24.3 457.1 * 47 400 38.1 32.8 537.7 10 19.5 80.7 -14 1712 28.7 -6 846 M(-13) 1035/674 29.5
Paushak 1703 3.21 10 67 248.3 10.5 66.7 -14 18.1 7.8 * -33 30 34.2 24.2 29.1 47 26.8 5.0 90 1712 47.1 110 1497 (158) 1550/540 31.8
Rallis India 1703 19.45 1 50 57.9 14.3 1400.5 9 16.9 146.4 * 16 375 9.2 7.0 357.3 17 13.1 33.0 -3 1712 7.4 -6 225 (-4) 289/205 30.5
Super Crop Safe * 1703 7.85 2 39 6.3 17.5 75.0 4 6.4 2.9 140 7 0.9 0.7 16.2 -12 11.1 1.1 115 1712 1.2 165 27 C(1) 36/23 23.1
UPL 1703 101.67 2 28 150.9 3.2 6939.0 16 13.5 269.0 -30 350 18.2 5.3 1942.0 8 12.3 145.0 LP 1712 11.3 29 700 M(-23) 902/681 62.2
IND.COMPOSITE 264.74 15754.6 15.3 1217.3 14.1 355.5 63759 41.0
Bayer Crop Sci. 1703 34.33 10 69 598.8 14.9 2802.8 1 14.8 290.3 * -8 170 93.0 84.6 479.7 -28 4.7 10.7 -71 1712 80.5 -20 3843 M(-340)5050/3685 47.8
Excel Crop Care * 1703 5.50 5 65 395.4 15.2 963.5 10 10.1 61.9 * 13 230 69.5 54.0 258.7 45 8.2 12.9 381 1712 77.6 36 3282 (-32) 3940/1630 42.3
Monsanto India * 1703 17.26 10 72 306.8 31.3 640.7 18 24.5 149.3 43 300 88.7 83.4 183.7 15 37.5 63.3 7 1712 81.9 -1 2494 (-26) 2980/2300 30.5
IND.COMPOSITE 57.09 4407.0 15.2 501.5 12.2 86.9 21110 42.0
Agarwal Indl. * 1703 10.16 10 60 107.3 9.8 297.3 7 8.8 8.9 33 15 14.1 8.5 83.0 13 8.4 2.8 135 1712 11.6 45 409 (-97) 792/406 35.3
Bhansali Engg. 1703 16.59 1 55 9.5 24.3 626.2 18 10.0 34.8 * 108 20 2.4 2.1 257.9 110 16.8 29.1 850 1712 5.2 317 168 (1) 217/22 32.4
DCW * 1703 44.20 2 47 29.8 3.1 1175.8 -7 12.3 20.1 * 18 - 4.0 0.9 273.6 -9 14.8 -0.8 PL 1712 - PL 37 C(-1) 55/30 -
Dhunseri Petro. * 1703 35.02 10 74 216.5 18.9 22.2 -17 3.4 144.7 567 20 41.4 41.3 256.6 999 11.4 26.6 259 1712 4.1 -93 164 (28) 196/71 40.4
Diamines & Chem. 1703 9.78 10 65 35.0 13.1 34.8 -2 26.7 4.3 999 15 6.3 4.4 9.6 31 31.3 1.8 158 1712 7.5 128 107 (2) 123/52 14.2
INEOS Styrolut. 1703 17.59 10 75 333.7 12.4 1482.4 -6 8.7 68.9 * 8 40 53.5 39.2 453.0 44 6.8 14.3 164 1712 36.0 -4 920 (-16) 1169/592 25.6
Manali Petrochem * 1703 86.00 5 45 18.8 13.4 576.6 0 9.2 41.1 -16 10 2.8 2.4 162.2 17 18.8 17.2 28 1712 2.0 -30 37 (4) 49/30 18.6
Oricon Enter. * 1703 31.41 2 66 31.3 0.4 38.5 -33 -15.3 1.9 * -87 23 0.2 0.1 14.7 125 -10.7 1.0 -56 1712 0.9 81 61 (1) 72/51 -
Panama Petrochem * 1703 12.10 2 49 48.1 14.8 725.4 9 9.4 40.3 100 50 7.1 6.5 317.4 59 8.5 14.6 41 1712 8.8 70 188 B(-2) 268/76 21.3
Savita Oil Tech 1703 14.60 10 72 452.8 14.9 1497.2 1 10.4 92.9 * 163 135 80.3 60.9 453.6 23 11.5 35.2 94 1712 79.9 66 1445 (-60) 1700/858 18.1
Supreme Petroch. 1703 96.50 10 61 60.3 36.0 2918.6 41 10.2 179.5 136 45 20.9 18.6 720.8 5 6.6 28.0 -21 1712 15.0 -13 350 (-8) 447/263 23.3
IND.COMPOSITE 373.95 9394.8 10.0 637.4 10.3 169.7 14527 24.0
Alembic 1703 53.41 2 64 13.8 8.7 144.3 8 3.2 31.2 23 10 1.3 1.1 29.9 11 14.5 5.6 672 1712 1.4 33 61 (-) 72/34 43.0
Alembic Pharma 1703 37.70 2 73 99.1 25.4 2985.9 -1 21.2 430.6 -38 200 26.4 22.0 754.9 -6 21.3 105.0 -24 1712 17.9 -27 553 (31) 709/470 30.9
Alkem Lab * 1703 23.91 2 66 367.4 22.1 4668.5 18 18.8 882.8 * 24 750 80.2 73.8 1422.5 23 22.0 213.0 - 1712 65.1 -7 2171 (3) 2468/1578 33.4
Aurobindo Pharma * 1703 58.59 1 52 144.0 22.3 9607.1 5 24.9 1720.3 6 250 34.3 29.4 2620.4 7 25.4 444.3 1 1712 33.7 18 584 (-30) 809/504 17.3
Bal Pharma * 1703 14.17 10 45 47.8 8.0 226.0 14 8.7 5.0 * 78 10 8.1 3.5 51.9 -11 11.5 1.7 9 1712 3.2 41 94 (3) 128/84 29.8
Biocon 1703 300.00 5 61 109.0 8.3 2587.9 12 22.9 516.4 * 71 60 11.1 8.6 592.1 -9 9.4 43.7 -58 1712 6.1 -15 592 B(-13) 658/295 96.7
Cadila Health. * 1703 102.37 1 75 64.7 10.3 3230.7 -54 10.0 662.5 -67 320 8.9 6.5 1504.6 111 27.2 306.4 999 1712 12.9 142 410 (2) 558/373 31.8
Cipla * 1703 161.00 2 37 159.0 7.9 10974.6 -9 14.5 952.7 * -32 100 18.1 11.8 2892.4 12 23.5 418.5 23 1712 15.5 40 600 M(20) 663/479 38.7
Claris Lifescien * 1703 54.57 10 50 135.7 -2.1 21.1 -83 -99.9 -15.6 * -777 20 - - 0.1 -95 - -320.2 PL 1712 245.7 999 385 (2) 426/308 1.6
Dishman Carbogen 1703 32.28 2 61 297.6 - 451.5 6530 32.8 22.5 * 999 60 9.8 1.4 76.6 -21 55.5 11.7 LP 1712 2.7 61 332 M(-22) 397/275 122.4
Dr Reddy’s Labs 1703 82.95 5 27 699.3 11.7 9719.8 -6 18.0 1347.2 * 2 400 125.5 81.2 2501.3 -2 21.4 296.9 -32 1712 34.7 -46 2152 M(42) 2948/1902 61.9
FDC * 1703 17.78 1 69 71.1 16.0 1008.9 2 23.4 186.7 * 15 225 12.4 10.5 248.8 13 21.0 42.7 94 1712 10.2 2 287 (55) 297/164 28.2
Glenmark Pharma. * 1703 28.22 1 47 334.4 25.5 7989.2 31 36.3 2322.0 56 200 86.0 82.3 1459.3 -31 18.3 194.1 -73 1712 47.1 -42 523 M(-68) 958/517 11.1
Gufic BioScience * 1703 7.74 1 66 5.8 28.9 249.3 23 10.8 11.4 57 5 1.9 1.5 88.4 36 13.5 5.8 87 1712 2.3 72 119 (6) 144/54 50.9
Ind-Swift Labs. * 1703 45.28 10 55 50.6 - 674.9 6 15.5 -34.4 25 - 11.9 - 166.1 -3 20.2 0.1 LP 1712 - 34 74 M(17) 84/31 -
Indoco Remedies 1703 18.43 2 59 70.7 12.6 1094.1 9 14.3 77.0 * -7 80 15.2 8.4 274.2 1 15.8 22.7 29 1712 4.1 -53 257 (-15) 317/179 62.1
Ipca Labs. * 1703 25.24 2 46 196.1 7.9 3156.7 11 13.7 185.5 * 109 50 28.2 14.7 859.2 15 18.8 105.6 155 1712 17.7 29 628 (73) 656/400 35.5
J B Chemicals * 1703 16.71 2 56 166.1 10.5 1174.7 3 18.9 136.5 * -11 50 21.9 16.3 304.7 10 19.2 33.9 -5 1712 13.4 -28 300 M(2) 363/255 22.5
Jagsonpal Pharma * 1703 13.10 5 69 39.0 1.7 143.9 0 4.0 1.6 * -50 2 1.4 0.6 38.1 11 -5.5 -2.3 PL 1712 - PL 32 (-2) 51/28 -
Lasa Supergeneri * 1703 22.86 10 40 43.0 - 199.7 - 7.4 -0.6 - - 3.5 - 61.0 - 22.1 3.1 - 1712 - - 129 M(-31) 215/126 -
Mangalam Drugs * 1703 15.83 10 51 54.4 32.1 302.9 3 16.2 24.3 50 - 18.5 15.3 73.9 -8 17.1 6.0 -2 1712 16.0 18 163 (1) 226/126 10.2
Mesco Pharma. * 1703 20.32 10 42 -4.8 - - 0 - -0.3 PL - - - - - - - - 1712 - - 2746 (-15) 2890/2680 -
Morepen Labs. 1703 89.97 2 35 5.2 - 537.0 19 11.2 23.0 14 - 1.3 0.5 141.6 2 12.0 9.7 107 1712 0.7 25 35 (2) 44/15 -
Natco Pharma * 1703 36.90 2 48 141.7 32.6 2002.8 89 34.6 494.8 180 338 28.4 25.5 540.3 -18 53.0 217.3 10 1712 31.4 51 803 M(-111)1080/671 25.6
Panacea Biotec * 1703 6.13 1 74 8.4 - 530.1 -18 11.5 -48.7 - - 2.8 - 152.2 49 19.9 -9.7 62 1712 - -116 316 (40) 364/129 -
Piramal Enterp. 1703 36.06 2 51 902.4 5.7 3766.2 11 48.7 776.9 -18 1050 48.3 43.1 871.1 43 39.9 81.1 35 1712 15.8 -72 2630 XR(10)3065/1800 166.3
RPG LifeScience. 1703 13.23 8 69 93.2 10.7 304.4 9 9.6 15.4 * 33 35 16.4 9.3 95.7 45 12.6 5.5 396 1712 4.1 -71 474 (28) 606/294 115.5
Sakar Healthcare 1703 10.96 10 69 32.4 12.4 44.2 7 23.1 3.4 53 - 6.2 3.1 - - - - - 3.6 - 61 (6) 78/49 16.8
Source Natural * 1703 6.44 10 74 10.8 - 15.9 46 11.5 1.4 229 - 2.7 2.2 2.7 -55 24.4 0.7 -51 1712 1.6 10 105 (-10) 220/84 65.7
Strides Shasun * 1703 89.50 10 31 361.2 5.5 2063.5 -5 12.8 176.3 86 45 33.9 19.7 297.9 -19 -0.8 104.4 LP 1712 26.6 406 732 M(45) 1220/641 27.5
Sun Pharma.Inds. * 1703 239.93 1 54 87.0 -1.3 7702.4 0 1.2 -282.8 * 79 350 0.6 - 1992.0 7 9.0 40.5 LP 1712 0.5 LP 563 M(6) 728/433 -
Syngene Intl. 1703 200.00 10 74 70.7 23.6 1200.9 8 33.9 287.3 19 10 20.1 14.4 387.7 17 32.5 81.9 10 1712 15.0 4 590 (-3) 670/430 39.4
Themis Medicare 1703 9.17 10 67 125.5 20.3 216.7 7 14.7 17.5 16 - 26.6 19.1 50.0 -8 10.4 1.4 -74 1712 9.8 -40 554 M(-15) 798/380 56.8
Titan Biotech * 1703 7.74 10 48 29.9 10.5 52.5 15 10.5 2.3 36 8 4.1 3.0 14.9 21 14.3 0.8 50 1712 3.2 18 69 (5) 80/38 21.9
Torrent Pharma. * 1703 84.61 5 71 263.2 20.9 4592.7 -16 24.5 798.3 * -53 280 61.1 45.1 1012.0 -17 25.6 20.0 -91 1712 18.9 -62 1393 (56) 1572/1144 73.6
TTK Healthcare 1703 7.77 10 65 188.5 13.9 532.7 3 7.4 18.8 * -17 50 38.4 23.2 146.0 19 13.1 12.3 243 1712 26.7 5 1276 (218) 1458/685 47.9

50 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Unichem Labs. 1703 18.19 2 50 124.3 9.6 1397.9 15 11.6 102.9 * 2 150 15.8 11.3 159.1 2 -34.6 2507.0 999 1712 284.2 999 329 M(-29) 382/234 1.2
Vikram Thermo * 1703 5.58 10 61 64.6 14.4 45.1 17 19.0 4.9 * 16 17 10.9 8.4 13.8 26 6.0 0.2 -79 1712 6.1 -33 109 (-2) 152/101 18.0
Wockhardt 1703 55.30 5 74 110.2 11.5 2297.5 4 6.3 137.1 999 200 22.0 12.4 535.1 -2 3.5 -27.5 -41 1712 - PL 774 M(29) 1012/532 -
Zota Health 1703 17.54 10 66 35.6 25.1 71.6 11 14.0 5.5 * 8 20 3.4 2.7 - - - - - - - 215 M(12) 228/126 -
IND.COMPOSITE 2087.48 87985.4 19.8 11999.6 21.3 4983.7 538563 26.9
Aarti Drugs * 1703 23.86 10 62 166.6 19.9 1092.3 2 16.6 74.2 12 10 46.5 31.1 308.2 17 16.5 22.0 35 1712 29.8 - 627 (40) 785/456 21.0
Anuh Pharma * 1703 12.53 5 72 54.6 13.7 206.2 -37 11.3 17.3 * -33 50 7.7 6.9 63.3 19 8.8 4.9 13 1712 7.9 9 169 (-) 217/160 21.5
Beta Drugs Ltd 1703 8.65 10 - 34.5 - 41.7 58 17.3 5.2 357 - 7.4 6.0 - - - - - 6.0 357 145 M(-15) 216/88 24.2
Denis Chem Lab * 1703 13.88 10 39 34.4 5.4 113.4 14 12.3 1.3 LP - 5.8 0.9 27.4 -6 11.5 0.6 - 1712 - 81 100 R(3) 179/85 -
DIL * 1703 2.29 10 63 381.0 -22.3 5.9 -4 -99.9 -18.9 * -110 25 - - 3.1 211 -37.0 -3.9 21 1712 - -4 2966 (445) 3098/590 -
Divi’s Lab. 1703 53.09 2 52 203.8 21.6 4023.9 8 35.8 1053.2 * -5 500 44.3 39.7 1037.9 6 31.4 224.7 -16 1712 32.7 -23 1016 (-17) 1142/533 31.1
Everest Organics * 1703 8.00 10 73 20.1 12.9 106.9 7 5.0 1.4 * 71 - 4.9 1.8 26.9 -3 7.4 0.5 13 1712 2.6 -20 146 C(4) 184/64 55.4
Gennex Lab. * 1703 12.65 1 22 2.4 9.1 41.9 9 10.8 2.7 14 - 0.3 0.2 11.9 12 7.9 0.3 -69 1712 0.1 -74 4 (-) 8/3 -
Granules India * 1703 25.38 1 45 46.7 18.4 1349.5 2 21.9 142.3 * 18 90 8.3 5.5 412.7 25 18.0 33.8 -4 1712 5.6 4 115 M(-5) 157/102 20.4
Guj. Themis Bio. 1703 7.26 5 75 5.6 - 35.7 9 16.8 4.3 -9 - 3.7 2.9 9.8 16 16.3 1.0 -8 1712 2.7 -14 47 (-) 68/40 17.3
Hikal * 1703 16.44 2 69 65.3 13.4 1013.9 10 19.8 68.5 66 60 16.6 8.2 346.6 40 19.3 23.2 68 1712 9.6 23 225 (16) 265/191 23.5
Jubilant Life 1703 15.93 1 54 128.2 3.9 2491.2 -6 12.8 73.9 * 1 300 9.7 4.6 922.1 54 20.8 97.9 999 1712 12.4 356 928 (-28) 1039/600 74.8
Lactose (India) * 1703 9.85 10 32 28.0 12.1 35.7 3 32.0 2.7 17 - 6.2 2.8 9.1 -21 29.1 0.4 -66 1712 0.0 -99 125 C(-6) 190/71 -
Lupin * 1703 90.41 2 47 327.0 23.5 12753.2 12 35.2 3144.6 12 375 76.1 68.0 2462.1 -23 20.2 309.2 -64 1712 35.5 -54 816 M(-36) 1498/782 23.0
Marksans Pharma * 1703 40.93 1 48 10.2 - 215.8 -40 11.2 12.2 * -83 5 0.7 0.3 80.0 24 14.4 5.6 -21 1712 0.2 -67 38 (-) 58/34 -
Nectar Lifesci. * 1703 22.43 1 44 44.9 5.6 1643.3 -2 13.6 54.4 * - 5 5.2 2.4 531.3 20 12.8 19.0 5 1712 2.5 -4 31 (1) 44/24 12.4
Neuland Labs. 1703 8.88 10 52 242.9 16.3 572.7 12 15.3 32.5 23 - 57.6 36.6 115.9 -12 8.5 1.2 -67 1712 17.2 -49 708 (-50) 1680/685 41.3
NGL Fine-Chem 1703 3.09 5 65 94.7 27.7 100.2 4 25.6 14.2 25 - 28.0 23.0 29.3 17 23.8 2.6 -39 1712 17.4 -26 400 (4) 558/301 22.9
Nutraplus India * 1703 17.05 5 40 19.7 -10.9 91.4 18 -1.9 -7.1 * PL - - - 31.1 27 10.6 0.2 LP 1712 - -160 37 (3) 51/20 -
Parabolic Drugs * 1703 61.89 10 38 -127.5 - 73.7 -2 -61.8 -107.9 78 - - - 16.3 -33 -27.6 -15.5 66 1712 2.6 LP 9 (1) 10/6 3.5
Parnax Lab * 1703 8.50 10 63 12.8 - 5.3 -27 1.0 -0.8 25 - - - 1.8 -3 24.7 0.1 LP 1712 - 50 55 (3) 78/41 -
Samrat Pharma * 1703 3.09 10 48 49.6 10.8 72.7 15 5.1 1.6 * 428 - 7.3 5.0 25.1 38 9.4 1.4 124 1712 8.7 74 150 (47) 170/49 17.2
Sequent Scien. * 1703 48.75 2 57 51.6 - 378.4 -4 3.5 - PL - 1.0 - 26.7 -9 -27.3 -4.3 -538 1712 0.7 LP 75 (2) 147/65 -
Shilpa Medicare * 1703 8.15 1 54 117.3 15.6 733.4 9 24.8 119.4 * 8 60 17.8 14.6 173.2 -1 19.4 24.2 -12 1712 16.6 16 469 M(-51) 749/465 28.3
SMS Pharma. * 1703 8.47 1 67 30.9 12.8 445.2 -27 16.9 35.5 -15 20 6.5 4.2 103.7 -18 24.2 12.1 26 1712 5.1 19 91 (-) 121/67 17.9
Suven Life Scie. 1703 12.73 1 60 57.5 15.9 543.5 9 30.4 107.9 * 23 100 10.0 8.3 162.7 41 31.6 34.6 43 1712 9.5 12 191 (-8) 251/155 20.2
Vinati Organics 1703 10.28 2 74 132.3 22.8 666.3 6 32.9 136.6 * 4 25 30.7 26.6 185.7 13 26.8 31.7 -9 1712 24.7 -10 826 M(-57) 1122/700 33.5
IND.COMPOSITE 554.46 28853.2 27.6 4971.2 20.7 827.7 103153 28.0
Ajanta Pharma 1703 17.60 2 71 170.9 37.9 1822.7 16 34.9 489.7 * 16 650 62.4 55.6 500.8 -2 30.7 164.6 -4 1712 50.8 -16 1348 M(37) 1870/1106 26.5
Alpa Lab. * 1703 21.04 10 55 47.5 7.4 65.6 23 10.9 7.2 -7 - 3.8 3.4 16.6 -3 18.5 3.9 53 1712 3.2 -11 43 (8) 57/28 13.4
Amrutanjan Healt * 1703 2.92 2 50 86.6 15.4 222.0 20 13.8 19.1 * -11 193 14.4 12.6 62.5 6 4.4 5.8 -22 1712 10.7 -23 573 (-19) 790/517 53.4
Bafna Pharma. * 1703 18.66 10 33 24.1 - 65.0 -24 -8.0 -18.5 -52 - - - 10.9 -32 5.2 28.1 LP 1712 5.0 LP 28 (5) 33/20 5.6
Bharat Immunol. 1703 43.18 10 59 9.7 - 124.2 -3 9.9 6.8 LP - 1.7 1.6 4.5 -81 4.7 0.5 -77 1712 - PL 24 (-) 39/20 -
Bliss GVS Pharma 1703 10.31 1 60 47.7 13.6 349.2 7 26.3 62.6 -5 60 6.6 6.1 72.4 -13 27.2 10.4 -36 1712 4.8 -11 195 (-) 230/129 41.1
Caplin Point Lab * 1703 15.12 2 69 25.9 44.3 344.4 49 28.3 70.8 * 17 75 11.1 9.4 110.8 26 33.4 23.6 34 1712 13.6 103 626 (44) 784/374 45.9
ERIS Lifescience * 1703 13.75 1 56 39.8 56.9 688.4 14 39.3 229.4 * 69 - 18.4 16.7 182.2 9 43.5 73.9 10 1712 19.6 - 727 (-48) 831/511 37.0
Hester Bios 1703 8.51 10 54 140.7 22.6 123.2 22 33.3 24.9 28 53 35.8 29.3 31.5 11 40.0 6.5 12 1712 33.6 22 1601 (72) 1950/716 47.6
Ind-Swift * 1703 10.83 2 56 -115.1 - 267.2 -13 -99.9 -363.8 -82 - - - 76.8 7 -4.1 -14.0 92 1712 - 69 9 (-) 12/5 -
Jenburkt Pharma. * 1703 4.59 10 45 116.8 28.7 103.3 10 19.1 13.4 * 24 81 33.1 29.2 30.9 24 20.9 4.5 54 1712 32.9 34 558 M(23) 650/392 17.0
Kerala Ayurveda 1703 10.56 10 62 17.0 - 36.1 11 13.3 2.2 * 30 - 2.7 2.1 11.4 24 15.3 1.3 30 1712 2.3 -3 86 (-5) 123/64 37.4
Laurus Labs 1703 106.03 10 31 128.1 18.6 1891.9 7 22.0 202.9 40 15 28.8 18.9 473.8 -5 18.3 35.9 -23 1712 19.5 14 516 M(7) 634/485 26.4
Lincoln Pharma. 1703 20.00 10 33 93.3 15.5 304.7 -2 14.0 25.6 15 12 14.7 12.8 75.6 20 19.5 11.1 122 1712 13.8 -5 224 (-3) 275/148 16.2
Medicamen Biotec * 1703 11.38 10 47 40.9 23.1 82.5 23 14.0 5.2 973 - 6.2 4.5 28.3 41 17.4 2.8 64 1712 8.2 60 630 C(-9) 784/415 76.7
Vista Pharma. * 1703 5.73 2 36 7.4 8.4 24.2 57 12.6 1.2 49 - 0.8 0.4 7.1 13 23.3 0.6 37 1712 0.6 -14 41 C(-) 54/22 -
Zenotech Lab. 1703 61.03 10 69 8.8 - 2.3 9 -99.9 -21.7 * -13 - - - 3.4 999 -31.6 -1.4 73 1712 - 20 44 R(-2) 60/34 -
IND.COMPOSITE 381.24 6516.7 20.7 757.0 24.7 358.1 38475 31.9
Abbott India * 1703 21.25 10 75 652.7 21.4 2902.6 11 13.7 276.8 8 400 138.0 130.2 881.5 18 18.5 115.4 35 1712 161.6 17 5667 (301) 6110/3996 35.1
Astrazeneca Phar * 1703 5.00 2 75 72.2 14.5 539.6 -4 5.5 24.8 374 - 16.2 9.9 128.5 -14 -8.4 -10.4 PL 1712 7.2 -40 1014 (-129) 1278/883 141.1
Glaxosmi. Pharma 1703 84.70 10 75 239.5 15.9 2994.5 6 13.9 306.5 * -18 300 29.1 26.0 703.9 - 20.1 89.7 118 1712 39.0 8 2421 (-40) 2770/2309 62.1
Merck 1612 16.60 10 52 388.8 12.3 996.3 6 12.0 76.0 40 110 63.6 43.5 305.5 16 18.5 31.7 11 1709 50.0 11 1450 (64) 1687/977 29.0
Novartis India 1703 12.35 5 71 371.6 5.4 656.2 -5 3.9 57.2 -40 200 24.6 23.2 156.1 -5 7.6 7.5 -43 1712 17.6 LP 615 M(-11) 758/579 34.9
Pfizer 1703 45.75 10 64 528.7 11.1 1966.3 -2 17.8 253.5 * -15 200 69.2 55.4 456.5 -7 25.8 87.2 71 1712 79.3 53 2281 (99) 2365/1625 28.8
Sanofi India 1612 23.03 10 60 753.5 17.7 2368.6 8 22.3 296.9 * 25 680 172.1 115.1 626.6 5 29.3 116.3 40 1709 128.2 -1 4778 (-154) 5130/3901 37.3
IND.COMPOSITE 208.68 12424.1 15.0 1291.7 20.4 437.4 60446 40.9
Jindal Photo * 1703 10.26 10 73 180.5 -0.3 - 0 - -0.6 * 64 - - - - - - - -99 1712 - PL 66 (-4) 123/61 -
IND.COMPOSITE 10.26 0.0 - -0.6 - 0.0 68 -
Apollo Pipes 1703 11.03 10 55 13.9 -1.4 - 0 - -0.1 -15 - - - 74.7 50 11.4 4.5 126 1712 - PL 576 M(-6) 725/269 -
Arrow Greentech * 1703 11.74 10 65 34.4 38.0 30.9 36 51.0 12.8 * 15 56 12.0 10.9 9.7 35 39.0 2.7 40 1712 14.0 23 402 (-39) 715/395 28.8

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 51

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Astral Poly * 1703 11.98 1 59 69.7 13.6 1474.8 12 14.0 106.0 * 45 50 12.3 8.8 405.2 14 13.4 31.4 27 1712 9.9 33 775 (-12) 870/432 78.2
Biopac India 1703 17.25 10 50 11.7 0.5 47.8 -8 21.0 0.1 92 - 3.2 0.1 12.6 6 23.8 0.1 - 1712 0.3 LP 27 (1) 45/16 -
Bright Brothers * 1703 5.68 10 50 84.0 -2.7 183.5 19 4.2 -1.3 * 81 20 5.8 - 47.1 6 5.6 0.3 LP 1712 - 90 98 (-7) 132/62 -
Capitan Polyp. * 1703 10.08 10 75 29.0 18.3 116.9 -5 13.3 4.9 28 4 6.9 4.8 38.5 24 12.7 1.9 40 1712 5.3 13 161 (3) 190/118 30.2
Dhabriya Poly. * 1703 10.82 10 74 28.2 15.1 72.9 17 15.9 3.7 21 - 5.8 3.4 19.4 - 16.9 1.0 - 1712 - - 134 M(-12) 198/120 -
Dutron Polymers 1703 6.00 10 71 26.8 11.7 91.1 -17 6.1 1.8 -7 14 5.3 2.8 21.4 10 4.3 0.5 156 1712 2.9 13 132 (-10) 176/110 46.3
EPC Inds. 1703 27.71 10 55 48.4 7.7 200.8 -1 6.2 9.9 * 14 - 4.7 3.6 53.9 9 8.9 2.6 -50 1712 1.4 -64 158 M(-8) 215/132 116.1
Finolex Inds. * 1703 124.10 10 52 184.6 18.2 2987.6 5 18.8 346.5 * 52 115 32.4 27.9 722.7 25 15.7 69.6 -3 1712 24.4 -3 632 (-25) 753/510 25.9
Jai Corp * 1703 17.84 1 73 60.8 -0.2 655.4 5 13.0 -2.2 PL 50 0.8 - 146.8 9 14.0 4.6 LP 1712 1.3 999 167 (7) 223/68 125.8
Jain Irrigation 1703 99.27 2 28 92.7 4.3 4199.6 -14 15.0 182.2 192 38 7.3 3.7 1027.1 30 14.6 64.7 999 1712 5.3 165 118 C(-4) 150/83 22.2
Kingfa Science * 1703 12.11 10 75 202.9 6.5 427.1 36 4.4 11.8 10 - 12.3 9.8 164.0 48 7.2 8.2 496 1712 17.1 59 997 R(20) 1170/615 58.2
Kisan Mouldings * 1703 33.86 10 44 37.3 - 435.5 -6 9.1 0.5 LP - 3.9 0.2 115.3 19 7.7 -1.8 44 1712 0.7 LP 172 M(-5) 212/75 -
KKalpana Inds. 1703 18.81 2 74 28.8 10.0 1944.0 5 4.2 25.0 * 207 - 4.1 2.7 402.7 -8 5.5 5.7 75 1712 1.5 114 34 (-2) 55/25 22.4
Machino Plastics * 1703 6.14 10 74 78.5 10.3 259.2 27 10.1 4.7 * 237 20 28.6 7.6 74.5 12 10.0 0.9 -45 1712 - PL 225 (-2) 342/200 -
Mayur Uniquoters * 1703 22.89 5 61 86.0 21.9 484.8 -5 26.9 78.8 * -5 20 20.7 17.1 138.0 27 26.1 21.8 21 1712 18.6 -3 509 (34) 568/315 27.4
Mold-Tek Pack. * 1703 13.85 5 36 52.0 19.8 308.3 12 16.5 26.4 * 9 72 12.4 8.8 83.0 22 18.7 7.8 53 1712 11.1 15 326 (2) 374/208 29.3
Multibase India * 1703 12.62 10 75 51.0 23.1 86.5 23 22.0 13.3 * 34 - 11.1 10.5 28.6 39 29.0 5.7 88 1712 14.9 57 640 (23) 779/267 43.0
Natl. Plastic * 1703 9.13 10 57 26.1 4.5 97.7 -2 7.6 1.1 -47 10 3.3 1.0 26.3 -5 9.7 1.1 49 1712 1.9 -22 64 (5) 92/50 33.6
Nilkamal Ltd 1703 14.92 10 64 467.2 18.5 1956.7 5 11.3 118.7 12 110 111.9 79.2 522.8 6 12.7 33.1 17 1712 77.6 -4 1712 (40) 2275/1491 22.1
OK Play India * 1703 18.61 10 58 23.8 - 69.4 -29 21.2 0.5 * -93 - 2.1 0.2 27.4 53 16.5 1.6 999 1712 1.0 -66 114 (9) 239/97 -
Pearl Polymers * 1703 16.83 10 54 31.6 - 174.1 -2 5.8 0.2 * -73 - 3.8 0.1 48.9 13 4.4 0.2 -53 1712 - PL 31 (-2) 55/28 -
Pil Italica * 1703 23.50 1 66 2.2 - 58.4 37 1.7 2.0 * 405 - 0.1 0.1 19.2 53 8.6 1.2 147 1712 0.1 122 15 C(-) 20/10 -
Polylink Poly. * 1703 11.06 5 75 5.4 11.4 32.0 -11 6.3 1.3 -30 - 0.9 0.6 9.0 12 8.9 0.5 52 1712 0.7 40 27 (2) 33/10 -
Premier Polyfilm * 1703 10.47 5 48 16.4 10.9 103.7 9 8.4 3.5 * -4 10 2.7 1.7 33.0 38 10.4 1.4 300 1712 2.2 52 45 (6) 65/26 20.6
Responsive Ind * 1703 26.69 1 59 22.6 3.5 1825.6 -1 7.5 20.6 * 15 10 4.5 0.8 273.7 -37 9.0 4.9 -50 1712 0.3 -74 43 (5) 107/35 -
Shaily Engineer. * 1703 8.32 10 51 127.0 16.3 246.4 9 16.7 14.6 * 4 50 33.6 17.6 78.6 42 16.7 5.9 246 1712 25.6 69 1385 (384) 1425/490 54.0
Sintex Plastics * 1703 59.41 1 30 7.0 - 0.2 - -99.9 -0.8 - - - - 3.7 - -12.3 0.1 - 1712 - - 68 C(-3) 137/65 -
Sri KPR Inds. * 1703 20.15 10 65 16.7 5.2 14.7 10 34.0 1.8 * -11 10 2.1 0.8 3.4 6 16.1 -0.3 49 1712 1.1 LP 26 (-2) 32/20 24.6
Supreme Inds. 1703 25.41 2 50 122.3 27.3 4461.8 51 17.1 377.6 * 30 750 41.3 29.1 1278.1 15 15.5 98.7 5 1712 28.9 2 1186 (-76) 1490/980 41.0
Texmo Pipes * 1703 25.02 10 35 50.6 -0.7 260.1 1 5.8 -0.8 * PL - 2.0 - 68.4 13 4.4 -0.3 43 1712 - PL 22 M(-2) 35/18 -
Time Technoplast * 1703 22.61 1 53 51.1 9.1 1596.1 17 15.5 94.8 * 30 65 7.1 4.2 454.5 18 15.9 30.1 30 1712 4.8 26 185 (8) 233/93 38.9
Vikas Ecotech * 1703 27.99 1 40 4.7 33.2 371.4 21 18.2 32.8 29 5 1.3 1.2 110.1 31 18.7 10.8 45 1712 1.4 13 37 (-) 49/18 26.3
Wim Plast * 1703 12.00 10 70 218.8 20.4 357.7 0 23.0 48.6 8 70 50.5 40.5 88.7 13 21.7 10.3 7 1712 38.3 -4 1173 (-67) 1690/1126 30.6
IND.COMPOSITE 805.90 25632.5 13.8 1541.3 13.8 431.1 65758 36.2
Adani Power 1703 3856.94 10 72 12.1 - 11018.0 -14 11.5 -2139.4 PL - - - 2183.5 -13 -19.5 -1242.3 -51 1712 - -101 31 (-2) 48/26 -
Adani Transmissi 1703 1099.81 10 75 19.3 - 809.7 195 3.1 3.9 LP - 0.0 - 242.0 1 -4.2 -32.3 PL 1712 - 68 196 (2) 252/61 -
BF Utilities * 1703 18.83 5 56 22.5 9.1 21.3 308 68.8 7.3 * LP - 3.0 1.9 4.9 56 51.2 15.5 LP 1712 3.8 750 445 (13) 599/313 118.0
CESC * 1703 132.56 10 50 1005.1 5.2 7220.1 6 24.0 681.8 * -28 100 80.2 49.4 1706.0 5 18.4 154.0 1 1712 50.7 -43 989 (-12) 1189/793 19.5
Energy Devl.Co. * 1703 47.50 10 57 37.9 -0.2 103.2 -23 4.2 -0.4 * PL 5 0.6 - 13.0 -39 17.0 1.7 LP 1712 0.9 100 26 (3) 47/14 -
Guj Inds. Power * 1703 151.25 10 58 147.8 10.7 1310.6 -3 32.8 229.2 22 27 23.6 15.2 342.6 12 34.4 59.1 43 1712 17.1 23 118 (1) 151/100 6.9
India Power Corp 1703 97.38 1 59 11.5 0.8 450.2 -20 26.4 9.1 * -72 5 0.3 0.1 98.9 -21 15.4 3.5 27 1709 0.1 -66 30 (-) 48/28 -
Indowind Energy * 1703 89.74 10 48 19.3 0.7 23.9 54 63.8 1.2 * 39 - 1.4 0.1 3.3 -21 22.1 - LP 1712 0.6 LP 9 (-1) 16/4 -
JP Power Ven. * 1703 5996.00 10 31 16.5 -8.7 2791.6 -28 34.3 -760.6 -312 - - - 855.5 23 21.0 -194.4 -12 1712 - 32 6 (-1) 10/4 -
JSW Energy * 1703 1640.05 10 75 51.3 2.3 4041.0 -31 22.4 190.6 * -83 5 3.4 1.2 1134.6 24 16.0 51.6 LP 1712 1.1 -66 79 (-6) 98/60 74.9
KSK Energy Ven. * 1703 423.99 10 38 73.6 -2.8 19.9 -9 43.2 -88.8 * -136 - - - 0.5 -88 - -32.0 -79 1712 - -108 13 (-1) 19/6 -
NHPC Ltd * 1703 10259.3 10 74 26.3 7.3 7271.2 -1 52.6 2078.2 * 11 18 0.5 - 1497.9 14 52.4 687.9 220 1712 2.0 -13 28 (-) 35/26 14.2
NLC India * 1703 1528.57 10 84 79.8 27.0 8581.5 30 39.6 3394.2 201 73 25.2 20.7 1706.5 -10 23.8 172.5 -49 1712 21.6 152 100 (-) 123/88 4.6
NTPC 1703 8245.46 10 62 116.7 10.0 78273.4 10 27.3 10012.2 -8 48 18.8 11.6 20774.4 7 25.1 2360.8 -4 1712 12.3 -1 163 (-3) 188/153 13.3
Orient Green 1703 739.80 10 72 11.6 - - 0 - -35.2 -5 - - - - - - -12.3 -45 1712 - -208 11 (-) 17/8 -
Power Grid Corpn 1703 5231.59 10 57 95.2 16.1 25716.5 24 87.4 7480.5 * 26 44 28.4 13.8 7507.0 13 88.4 2040.8 6 1712 15.5 13 194 (-3) 226/188 12.5
RattanIndia Infr 1703 276.45 2 83 4.9 - - 0 - -5.1 PL - - - - - - -0.5 74 1712 - 67 6 (-) 12/3 -
Rattanindia Pow. 1703 2952.93 10 54 16.8 - 1334.5 -47 55.1 -320.5 * -196 - - - 414.2 38 26.3 -187.6 -215 1712 - PL 6 (-) 10/5 -
Reliance Infra. 1703 262.99 10 48 798.3 3.3 8947.7 -10 14.5 659.8 * -2 90 59.4 24.0 1945.6 -8 28.7 319.9 -27 1712 19.2 -31 444 (-4) 630/391 23.2
Reliance Power 1703 2805.13 10 75 59.9 - 48.1 -14 -99.9 64.3 -89 - 0.3 0.2 4.3 -18 - 0.1 -100 1712 0.2 200 43 (-) 65/35 -
Tata Power Co. * 1703 270.48 1 33 55.6 3.6 7202.3 -17 27.7 538.9 -66 130 4.3 2.0 1958.8 21 27.2 520.1 72 1712 1.6 -73 86 (1) 102/76 54.0
Torrent Power * 1703 480.62 10 54 143.2 6.5 9985.3 -14 24.3 396.4 * -54 22 28.8 8.2 2742.4 18 28.6 201.2 90 1712 16.8 131 259 (6) 307/172 15.5
IND.COMPOSITE 46607.39 175169.7 35.9 22397.6 34.1 4887.5 413450 13.5
Gala Global * 1703 25.99 10 74 10.7 4.8 61.4 183 3.2 0.6 342 - 0.4 0.2 22.1 28 7.1 0.7 325 1712 0.7 - 326 B(129) 327/89 -
Kokuyo Camlin 1703 10.03 1 75 21.8 0.4 640.3 4 3.4 1.0 * -82 - 1.3 0.1 143.5 13 9.0 5.0 LP 1712 0.7 999 120 (-5) 157/81 -
Linc Pen &Plast. * 1703 14.79 10 59 80.0 15.7 360.9 5 9.3 17.2 -4 30 17.0 11.6 82.4 4 9.0 2.6 -16 1712 7.0 -41 426 (17) 530/220 61.1
MPS 1703 18.62 10 68 184.9 22.5 223.6 0 39.0 64.7 * 4 - 37.2 34.7 53.0 -10 38.4 17.3 10 1712 36.2 6 572 (-3) 730/554 15.8
Navneet Educat. * 1703 46.71 2 62 31.1 24.0 1107.4 18 23.4 158.9 * 28 125 7.9 6.8 174.4 13 11.7 11.9 -6 1712 6.5 - 138 (-4) 194/135 21.2
Repro India * 1703 11.50 10 55 200.2 -1.5 291.8 -22 8.0 -3.1 * 63 - 14.9 - 54.4 -26 15.6 5.8 108 1712 8.3 LP 670 M(9) 863/381 80.5
S Chand & Compan * 1703 17.48 5 47 239.2 5.5 305.8 8 18.4 26.6 * 76 525 9.6 7.6 46.1 7 -26.8 -5.8 29 1712 9.5 390 457 P(7) 707/425 48.1
Sandesh * 1703 7.57 10 75 778.4 12.2 362.4 -3 31.5 70.6 * -11 50 102.5 92.3 94.9 7 28.8 17.5 15 1712 102.6 - 1094 (-15) 1509/819 10.7
IND.COMPOSITE 152.69 3353.4 17.8 336.5 12.8 54.9 10161 23.1

52 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio

Kirl. Brothers 1703 15.88 2 66 105.5 4.0 1735.4 6 6.1 33.0 201 50 9.2 4.2 442.1 3 5.3 9.1 333 1712 6.1 37 330 (-10) 432/219 54.1
KSB Pumps 1612 34.81 10 66 170.0 10.8 827.0 1 11.9 61.7 * -11 55 25.0 16.6 200.5 25 10.5 11.6 34 1709 17.0 -11 791 (-44) 936/600 46.5
Shakti Pumps 1703 18.38 10 48 120.6 10.2 404.9 53 13.2 21.3 980 20 18.1 11.0 141.4 44 20.2 15.3 141 1712 16.2 169 534 (-12) 615/160 33.0
WPIL 1703 9.77 10 64 253.6 8.8 280.6 32 15.3 20.9 * 22 20 24.1 21.0 113.8 57 10.4 5.9 -6 1712 22.5 - 595 (-45) 799/383 26.5
IND.COMPOSITE 78.84 3247.9 9.3 136.9 9.5 41.9 6940 43.6
Adlabs Entert. * 1703 88.06 10 50 63.8 - 239.0 2 25.5 -117.1 * -13 - - - 63.0 4 31.2 -35.7 -57 1712 - -28 56 M(-2) 93/53 -
Wonderla Holiday * 1703 56.50 10 71 77.2 7.9 270.4 32 27.6 33.6 -39 10 11.1 5.9 63.8 -6 29.8 6.5 49 1712 6.7 13 381 (4) 424/330 56.9
IND.COMPOSITE 144.56 509.4 26.6 -83.5 30.5 -29.2 2645 57.0
BPCL * 1703 2169.25 10 54 137.4 28.2202210.6 7 5.4 8046.8 13 325 42.0 33.3 60616.4 13 5.3 2143.7 -6 1712 32.7 -15 459 B(-19) 550/400 14.0
CPCL 1703 148.91 10 67 222.5 - 27691.5 7 6.8 1029.8 40 210 87.9 69.2 8587.2 18 9.7 386.2 33 1712 60.8 -18 360 (-18) 477/340 5.9
HPCL * 1703 1523.82 10 51 133.5 32.4187023.7 5 5.7 6191.2 * 65 300 57.3 40.6 57229.8 18 5.5 1949.7 23 1712 42.1 10 380 B(-4) 493/327 9.0
IOCL 1703 4855.90 10 57 205.6 20.3359873.2 4 8.8 19075.2 * 85 190 47.6 34.8110666.9 19 12.0 7883.2 97 1712 40.8 14 370 CB(-40) 463/365 9.1
MRPL 1703 1752.60 10 89 57.5 31.5 43207.9 9 10.9 2595.3 * 101 60 18.7 14.8 14101.0 23 12.4 969.9 71 1712 14.8 -14 118 (-) 146/99 8.0
Nagar.Oil Refin. * 1703 42.82 1 40 2.9 - - 0 - -3.7 -11 - - - - - - -1.2 36 1712 - 21 5 (1) 6/3 -
Reliance Inds. 1703 6334.13 10 46 455.2 11.6242025.0 4 17.9 31478.2 15 110 63.1 49.7 73256.0 19 18.8 8454.0 5 1712 52.3 9 926 B(22) 990/530 17.7
IND.COMPOSITE 16827.43 1062031.8 9.7 68412.8 11.121785.6 949966 13.6
IFGL Refractori. * 1703 36.04 10 72 131.6 7.4 374.0 704 13.7 17.2 * 162 - 15.1 4.8 109.2 15 12.1 0.2 -96 1712 4.9 - 280 M(-4) 374/265 57.0
Orient Refrac. * 1703 12.01 1 70 22.8 28.7 519.4 13 19.8 66.8 * 21 250 6.1 5.6 157.8 23 21.0 22.0 31 1712 6.2 10 169 (7) 187/125 27.4
Vesuvius India * 1712 20.30 10 56 325.6 16.4 909.1 11 18.2 97.2 * 11 68 62.6 47.9 228.5 8 18.1 23.9 15 1712 47.9 11 1331 (6) 1486/1091 27.8
IND.COMPOSITE 68.35 1802.5 17.8 181.2 17.3 46.1 5734 30.4
Chowgule Steam. 1703 36.31 10 70 33.3 -2.3 0.5 -91 -99.9 -2.8 * 46 - - - - - - -1.0 -23 1712 - -1 15 (-) 19/13 -
Essar Shipping * 1703 206.98 10 74 85.0 - 657.7 -10 33.6 -117.0 31 - 1.0 - 150.7 1 18.6 -28.5 69 1712 - 84 26 (-) 36/23 -
GE Shipping Co * 1703 150.78 10 30 342.4 9.2 1704.0 -14 43.4 450.2 * -17 101 54.6 29.9 574.3 47 31.1 54.8 -68 1712 14.3 -46 384 (-1) 482/361 26.8
Global Offshore * 1703 24.73 10 33 167.8 -2.3 98.5 -38 33.1 -9.4 PL - 5.3 - 17.6 -22 18.2 -7.8 -250 1712 - PL 32 (-2) 61/30 -
Mercator * 1703 30.25 1 31 32.0 -2.6 538.3 -9 36.1 -20.8 PL 5 4.2 - 113.0 -21 3.8 -53.8 PL 1712 - -810 35 M(-2) 55/33 -
SCI * 1703 465.80 10 64 147.4 2.0 3446.9 -15 22.4 130.3 * -82 - 15.0 2.8 879.6 -9 21.5 82.2 748 1712 1.7 -72 79 (7) 114/62 46.0
SEAMEC Ltd * 1703 25.43 10 70 106.3 -43.3 207.6 -37 -53.9 -149.6 PL - - - 38.7 -43 5.9 -8.0 94 1712 - 97 184 (23) 194/81 -
Shreyas Shipping * 1703 21.96 10 73 106.9 8.8 370.2 18 13.2 20.3 -55 10 17.2 9.2 140.7 46 18.6 18.9 114 1712 28.8 143 557 (30) 645/273 19.4
IND.COMPOSITE 962.24 7023.6 26.9 301.2 22.5 56.7 12887 29.8
Agro Tech Foods. 1703 24.37 10 52 147.7 8.3 806.5 3 7.9 26.1 * 12 20 17.4 10.3 214.4 3 8.3 9.0 16 1712 13.2 28 633 (1) 815/480 47.9
AVT Natural Prod * 1703 15.23 1 74 15.3 11.6 310.8 16 14.9 25.8 * 12 40 2.1 1.7 67.9 -9 10.0 4.6 -47 1712 1.2 -34 41 (-4) 62/34 34.1
BCL Industries 1703 15.71 10 51 62.8 10.8 671.3 27 5.5 9.7 * 65 10 11.4 6.0 232.8 27 3.6 4.8 22 1712 9.1 33 156 C(5) 196/53 17.2
Gokul Agro * 1703 26.38 2 73 14.5 11.2 4261.6 17 2.0 19.7 * 43 - 3.1 1.5 974.5 - 3.1 4.2 39 1712 1.7 20 25 (-) 35/20 14.8
Guj. Ambuja Exp 1703 22.93 2 66 74.4 17.9 3330.8 22 8.3 150.2 * 54 40 19.3 13.1 1013.4 17 10.6 63.2 39 1712 11.0 -17 235 (-) 281/100 21.3
Modi Naturals * 1703 11.12 10 74 37.4 0.1 293.2 8 1.6 - -99 - 1.1 - 85.7 -7 -0.2 -1.1 PL 1712 - -224 125 (-6) 165/111 -
Ruchi Soya Inds. 1703 66.82 2 57 30.7 -71.9 18526.9 -33 -3.8 -1302.2 * -23 - - - 3088.8 -40 -91.2 -2882.7 PL 1709 - -246 16 (1) 34/14 -
Vijay Solvex * 1703 3.20 10 67 288.2 9.3 637.2 -4 2.5 8.2 * 52 - 30.0 25.6 238.2 48 2.2 3.7 74 1712 32.9 72 529 (-33) 573/169 16.1
IND.COMPOSITE 185.76 28838.3 -0.6 -1062.5 -44.6 -2794.3 6263 25.0
Bhushan Steel * 1703 45.30 2 58 -54.9 - 13702.7 16 21.3 -3495.5 -5 - - - 4244.3 18 14.4 -1317.2 -79 1712 - -22 54 (9) 103/39 -
Jindal Saw 1703 63.95 2 54 174.0 5.7 5695.7 -7 15.8 323.5 25 50 17.6 10.1 2114.7 56 11.8 117.6 46 1712 10.9 30 127 (-10) 182/67 11.7
Jindal Stain .Hi * 1703 47.19 2 58 36.5 24.9 6889.8 8 12.4 187.8 * LP - 19.2 8.0 2438.6 35 13.3 121.1 130 1712 13.8 192 194 (7) 252/105 14.1
Jindal Stain. * 1703 92.01 2 65 43.0 2.4 8311.3 27 13.3 40.8 * LP - 7.6 0.9 2988.9 43 12.9 96.3 146 1712 6.6 LP 105 C(3) 132/51 15.8
JSW Steel 1703 241.72 1 42 99.4 16.1 52290.1 42 22.3 3664.5 58 225 27.7 15.2 16299.0 23 21.9 1279.1 56 1712 15.0 22 302 (11) 315/175 20.1
Mah. Seamless 1703 33.50 5 60 339.6 6.6 1428.2 41 15.4 145.5 * 362 100 31.6 21.2 562.2 48 10.9 38.8 -11 1712 22.3 4 470 (-40) 550/299 21.1
Man Inds. * 1703 28.55 5 44 105.1 5.6 1060.5 -24 4.3 32.4 * -62 30 12.4 5.4 480.7 128 4.5 17.0 533 1712 8.3 -8 122 (3) 161/46 14.7
SAIL * 1703 4130.53 10 75 87.2 -7.5 44160.3 14 0.2 -2568.3 35 - 0.3 - 15323.7 36 9.4 65.9 LP 1712 - 43 87 (2) 101/53 -
Tata Steel * 1703 1126.61 10 31 511.1 7.9 47993.0 25 24.4 3790.8 196 100 65.1 33.6 15309.9 21 30.2 2045.2 66 1712 52.0 141 648 XR(-17) 755/408 12.5
Uttam Galva 1703 142.26 10 61 8.3 - 4348.1 -37 4.6 -445.3 -35 - - - 666.9 -36 -1.0 -180.0 30 1712 - 29 21 (1) 37/18 -
Welspun Corp * 1703 132.61 5 48 68.2 8.1 4345.8 15 11.6 139.3 * LP 10 14.5 5.3 1359.0 56 6.4 10.4 -75 1712 8.4 LP 153 (-8) 197/81 18.3
IND.COMPOSITE 6084.23 190225.6 15.9 1815.5 18.4 2294.2 205039 15.4
Adhunik Indus. * 1703 46.76 10 75 22.5 2.2 374.3 -9 6.2 2.3 1 - 1.3 0.5 128.5 53 4.4 0.8 273 1712 0.5 -4 84 (4) 128/36 -
Alliance Integ. 1703 11.61 10 71 206.5 - 104.6 -36 8.0 -51.3 7 - - - 9.2 -65 29.7 -27.5 -58 1709 - 41 164 (-1) 200/96 -
APL Apollo 1703 23.73 10 37 165.8 10.6 2879.4 -4 4.4 39.8 -20 120 29.3 16.8 1054.8 44 5.4 18.5 19 1712 39.1 115 2039 M(-59)2587/1015 52.2
Bajaj Steel * 1703 2.35 10 37 261.4 -14.1 211.1 -26 0.1 -9.8 * -296 - - - 61.7 -5 5.8 3.3 LP 1712 24.6 LP 210 (20) 258/118 8.5
Bedmutha Indus. * 1703 24.53 10 71 24.9 - 698.7 40 4.3 -52.4 * -31 - - - 137.1 -23 0.7 -12.9 -8 1712 - -102 25 (-) 50/22 -
Beekay Steel Ind * 1703 19.07 10 69 120.7 16.7 721.2 39 11.7 35.5 84 10 26.4 18.6 257.6 47 11.2 16.8 100 1712 32.8 114 390 (-14) 556/125 11.9
Bharat Wire * 1703 44.95 10 40 31.1 0.7 64.8 7 9.6 1.0 * -29 - 1.1 0.2 38.8 133 14.6 -1.4 PL 1712 - PL 117 (-2) 166/74 -
D P Wires 1703 13.57 10 - 40.3 19.7 196.1 23 5.3 5.0 * 128 - 4.6 3.7 - - - - - 3.7 128 74 M(-6) 108/60 20.0
Electrosteel St. * 1703 2409.24 10 45 -2.4 - 2541.3 -2 2.0 -1463.5 -127 - - - 848.4 83 8.1 -327.6 21 1712 - -6 3 (-1) 7/3 -

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 53

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Gallantt Metal 1703 81.32 10 63 43.1 8.1 616.7 -8 8.5 27.1 -35 - 5.4 3.3 184.4 34 8.9 7.6 -2 1712 3.6 -11 43 (4) 62/34 11.9
Gandhi Spl. Tube * 1703 7.35 5 73 121.9 14.7 97.6 7 33.8 25.3 * 39 180 18.4 15.4 28.1 26 37.5 9.3 22 1712 19.2 -6 402 (-25) 445/280 21.0
Godawari Power 1703 35.24 10 67 194.6 -10.9 1548.1 0 10.5 -81.8 * -72 - - - 573.7 65 21.7 64.3 LP 1712 25.4 LP 495 (30) 623/86 19.5
Guj.Nat.Resour. * 1703 38.75 10 24 21.3 0.5 - 0 - 0.4 LP 1 0.1 0.1 - - - -0.1 - 1712 0.1 LP 25 (-) 39/22 -
Gyscoal Alloys * 1703 15.83 1 62 4.5 -11.0 161.8 -1 8.6 -8.3 38 - 0.1 - 27.6 -28 -13.7 -7.2 PL 1712 - -41 8 (-1) 14/5 -
Hi-Tech Pipes 1703 10.30 10 61 72.6 12.5 591.4 17 6.2 8.5 * 30 3 14.1 8.2 - - - - - 9.8 20 382 (22) 449/115 38.8
ISMT 1703 73.25 5 52 -37.9 - 1053.2 6 4.3 -289.3 * 14 - - - 334.1 9 5.2 -64.6 6 1709 - 17 14 (-) 20/9 -
Kalyani Steel * 1703 21.83 5 61 170.7 23.4 1422.3 20 20.2 155.9 * 37 100 47.6 35.7 337.1 -3 14.6 30.8 -10 1712 28.0 -30 314 (-) 469/292 11.2
Kamdhenu * 1703 23.40 10 70 49.4 8.9 825.5 -2 4.0 9.8 21 8 6.5 4.2 305.1 38 3.6 4.1 76 1712 5.8 60 243 (19) 291/84 41.8
Kridhan Infra * 1703 17.42 2 51 24.7 1.1 69.6 22 - 1.0 -26 10 0.2 0.1 21.9 89 2.2 0.2 14 1712 0.1 -65 109 M(5) 142/48 -
Manaksia Coated * 1703 6.55 1 65 12.7 - 254.0 13 4.8 1.0 * -67 - 1.4 0.1 53.2 -29 5.7 0.1 LP 1712 0.3 -9 15 (-2) 26/8 -
Mukand * 1703 141.41 10 73 29.6 - 2697.4 -1 12.2 -39.1 PL - 2.3 - 789.9 23 4.8 -25.1 PL 1712 - PL 76 (-4) 109/60 -
Oil Country Tub. * 1703 44.29 10 49 35.4 -17.9 7.3 -95 -99.9 -35.5 -435 - - - 1.3 -66 - -10.3 10 1712 - -60 43 (-1) 67/39 -
Pennar Inds. * 1703 60.17 5 36 30.4 8.6 1023.1 13 8.8 30.1 * 11 - 3.5 2.5 299.4 22 8.3 8.6 72 1712 3.2 59 62 (5) 79/40 19.6
Prakash Inds. * 1703 154.27 10 41 149.4 3.7 2173.5 6 12.1 81.9 245 - 12.0 5.3 726.0 55 20.7 101.4 460 1712 17.0 306 218 C(12) 276/76 12.9
Raghav Product. 1703 7.18 10 73 25.8 18.8 42.3 -9 13.6 2.5 87 - 4.7 3.5 - -17 - - - 1703 5.1 64 126 (-18) 169/99 24.7
Rama Steel Tubes * 1703 8.40 5 61 35.6 20.4 234.9 9 8.0 8.0 57 - 6.5 4.7 85.4 46 4.1 1.2 -17 1712 5.3 - 212 C(-25) 287/117 40.1
Ratnamani Metals * 1703 9.35 2 60 253.9 12.9 1411.7 -18 18.2 144.4 -13 275 43.7 30.9 535.6 48 15.7 45.8 2 1712 29.0 -11 906 (-63) 1217/660 31.3
RMG Alloy * 1703 65.06 6 87 -27.5 - 234.4 -13 -6.7 -61.1 * 3 - - - 82.3 47 -1.9 -17.6 10 1712 - -5 11 (-) 13/4 -
Rudra Global 1703 24.09 10 74 22.4 11.2 262.1 -6 6.6 5.7 -3 - 4.1 2.4 - - - - - 3.1 72 213 (2) 260/35 68.6
Salasar Techno * 1703 13.28 10 75 95.5 22.4 373.0 35 9.2 18.7 83 - 15.0 14.1 128.0 38 8.4 5.3 28 1712 17.4 - 311 P(33) 344/198 17.9
Sarda Energy * 1703 36.05 10 72 331.6 8.7 1024.6 -2 16.7 97.8 * 167 40 40.3 27.1 355.1 38 19.6 34.4 46 1712 44.0 98 494 M(-30) 640/239 11.2
Scan Steels * 1703 52.35 10 48 50.6 - 418.2 8 3.9 -11.8 -578 - 1.6 - 114.9 22 5.1 0.6 LP 1712 0.5 -85 20 C(-) 26/8 -
Shah Alloys * 1703 19.80 10 54 -131.3 - 311.4 19 -0.4 -28.5 * 51 - - - 197.1 146 4.7 3.8 LP 1712 - PL 24 (5) 25/14 -
Sharda Ispat * 1703 5.08 10 75 15.5 - 55.9 -6 8.5 2.1 315 - 4.6 4.1 25.9 62 8.2 1.5 127 1712 8.6 196 91 (-2) 95/12 10.6
Srikalahas. Pip. 1703 46.70 10 43 227.7 18.6 1177.9 3 20.1 140.2 * -10 60 37.9 30.0 386.0 32 15.4 39.5 -2 1712 30.9 -7 362 M(1) 449/297 11.7
Sunflag Iron * 1703 180.22 10 49 39.3 9.7 1509.7 -5 9.6 65.2 15 - 5.5 3.6 506.4 34 14.9 40.9 215 1712 5.8 78 88 (15) 91/34 15.1
Surya Roshni * 1703 54.41 10 63 139.7 9.2 3145.5 6 7.3 66.2 * 5 15 22.3 12.0 1312.8 31 7.0 31.0 34 1712 14.4 12 440 M(42) 522/181 30.5
Technocraf.Inds. * 1703 26.30 10 75 242.7 16.5 863.9 13 15.7 96.5 * 5 - 43.8 36.7 260.7 24 12.9 18.3 -8 1712 35.1 -6 530 (6) 619/385 15.1
Usha Martin * 1703 30.47 1 50 15.0 - 3246.5 -5 10.7 -391.8 * 7 - - - 987.3 26 10.0 -110.6 -2 1712 - -29 21 (-2) 32/17 -
Vardhman Spl. 1703 32.13 10 73 82.8 10.2 673.8 3 8.9 19.0 * 265 - 11.6 5.9 218.4 27 8.7 9.5 158 1712 7.0 13 144 R(-1) 195/77 20.6
IND.COMPOSITE 3938.06 35318.4 9.5 -1433.3 10.3 -106.1 35311 19.3
Gallantt Ispat 1703 28.24 10 64 139.7 9.9 424.7 -21 12.3 36.8 * 29 5 17.3 12.9 139.0 21 14.6 13.6 67 1712 11.9 -19 295 (-5) 493/174 24.7
Jindal Steel 1703 91.64 1 62 237.7 -4.4 14449.2 5 19.8 -987.3 * 32 - 11.5 - 4214.5 23 21.9 -73.7 60 1712 - 61 250 M(-10) 294/93 -
Lloyds Metals 1703 22.26 1 63 3.0 - 407.3 7 3.7 6.0 -13 - 0.9 0.3 115.6 3 7.9 1.6 265 1712 0.6 174 17 (-) 23/15 -
Monnet Ispat * 1703 200.77 10 25 -57.1 - 1979.6 -51 -10.1 -1646.0 3 - - - 316.8 32 -2.0 -396.6 -3 1712 - - 30 (5) 45/23 -
MSP Steel & Pow. * 1703 88.10 10 73 47.2 - 842.8 -7 8.8 -93.6 49 - - - 329.6 72 10.3 -10.0 81 1712 - 73 21 (-2) 29/12 -
S.A.L Steel * 1703 84.97 10 51 -3.3 - 360.6 7 3.6 6.9 135 - 1.7 0.8 153.0 57 3.1 2.7 -51 1712 - PL 7 (1) 9/5 -
Tata Sponge Iron 1703 15.40 10 55 561.6 7.0 557.3 -3 11.1 58.8 83 110 44.4 36.1 214.5 49 22.4 36.0 228 1712 74.9 123 1017 (1) 1239/610 13.6
Vaswani Inds. * 1703 30.00 10 58 29.0 2.1 255.5 8 6.4 1.8 53 - 2.5 0.6 49.3 -24 8.1 0.9 673 1712 1.0 181 15 (-) 24/8 -
IND.COMPOSITE 561.38 19277.1 15.0 -2616.6 18.7 -425.6 26588 16.1
Kirl. Ferrous 1703 68.65 5 60 42.4 16.9 1133.7 2 15.5 90.6 57 35 9.9 6.6 477.0 87 6.5 11.0 -36 1712 2.6 -60 90 (-4) 122/72 34.2
Mideast Int. Stl 1703 137.88 10 66 46.4 2.2 283.2 -42 29.8 14.0 * 63 - 5.0 1.0 94.9 49 41.4 26.3 LP 1709 3.4 - 57 (7) 92/39 16.9
Sathavaha. Ispat * 1703 50.90 10 37 20.4 - 1095.6 -7 8.1 -64.8 * -89 - - - 39.5 -83 -91.7 -84.2 -262 1712 - -999 20 (-4) 65/20 -
Tata Metaliks 1703 25.29 10 50 81.9 75.8 1410.1 1 16.0 116.7 4 25 60.1 45.7 489.9 63 14.8 40.4 107 1712 57.5 -3 815 (-9) 975/439 14.2
IND.COMPOSITE 282.72 3922.6 14.7 156.5 9.7 -6.7 4196 17.9
Avadh Sugar * 1703 10.01 10 59 326.7 - 1873.0 0 23.0 213.6 LP - 259.3 213.4 683.3 54 11.7 43.0 -27 1712 217.3 - 717 (41) 1315/420 3.3
Bajaj Hindusthan * 1703 113.36 1 15 34.8 - 4384.6 -6 19.5 7.4 LP - 2.0 0.1 1118.7 67 5.7 -148.8 -306 1712 - 95 13 (-1) 19/13 -
Balrampur Chini * 1703 23.50 1 41 65.6 42.7 3460.1 26 26.0 615.7 160 350 29.9 25.5 1001.9 7 10.9 61.4 -65 1712 20.8 -22 116 M(-) 183/106 5.6
Bannari Amm.Sug. * 1703 12.54 10 59 850.9 14.5 1751.8 20 19.8 145.1 * 360 125 171.1 115.7 460.2 2 14.5 32.3 -33 1712 89.7 -34 1710 (-58) 2625/1702 19.1
Dalmia Bharat 1703 16.19 2 75 85.3 30.6 1686.0 45 22.3 182.2 * 268 100 29.4 22.5 603.0 25 14.9 54.2 12 1712 22.4 -7 105 (-2) 193/99 4.7
DCM Shriram Inds * 1703 17.40 10 45 202.6 40.7 1495.8 23 12.8 121.3 267 100 79.2 69.0 413.4 14 7.9 22.4 -29 1712 58.7 -14 250 (-6) 385/228 4.3
Dhampur Sugar 1703 66.39 10 49 99.7 44.5 2534.0 16 20.7 248.5 929 60 44.2 35.5 772.0 18 15.3 66.0 29 1712 48.3 41 205 (11) 331/175 4.2
Dwarikesh Sugar 1703 18.83 1 42 15.2 77.2 1190.4 50 22.8 156.7 * 356 100 9.8 7.3 272.8 24 9.6 21.3 -49 1712 8.4 -1 39 (-4) 81/37 4.7
EID Parry * 1703 17.70 1 45 83.5 20.6 2365.2 -9 15.0 278.9 * LP 400 22.1 15.8 461.4 -11 8.4 6.4 -47 1712 12.9 -6 317 M(-3) 392/270 24.7
Indian Sucrose * 1703 15.46 10 59 50.2 42.8 386.0 36 16.8 27.3 * 356 - 22.4 17.6 62.5 -32 -12.7 -5.9 PL 1712 3.3 -91 37 (-3) 62/32 11.3
KCP Sugar &Inds. * 1703 11.34 1 40 21.1 13.9 406.7 9 13.9 31.7 * 432 90 3.4 2.6 95.4 -29 0.5 -1.1 PL 1712 1.5 -68 27 (-1) 42/25 18.1
Kesar Enterprise * 1703 10.08 10 69 -141.7 - 373.0 17 17.2 6.6 * LP - 25.3 6.5 137.6 32 11.2 0.5 -44 1712 1.5 LP 58 (1) 140/48 39.8
KM Sugar Mills * 1703 18.40 2 64 6.6 72.2 336.2 -5 13.7 32.4 179 - 4.5 3.5 102.8 52 4.1 6.0 -65 1712 1.8 -54 16 (-) 31/15 8.9
Rajshree Sugars * 1703 28.17 10 48 26.8 - 666.7 17 20.9 29.9 * LP 10 19.7 10.6 127.8 -25 -6.0 -22.1 -86 1712 7.5 -32 38 M(-4) 75/37 5.0
Sh.Renuka Sugar 1703 94.52 1 54 12.3 - 7771.5 33 3.6 -131.2 * 53 - 0.1 - 1365.2 -33 0.4 -96.4 PL 1709 - PL 15 (-) 22/12 -
Triven.Engg.Ind. * 1703 25.79 1 68 30.2 - 2824.6 47 18.5 304.9 LP - 14.0 11.8 772.6 12 12.1 60.0 -13 1712 13.5 59 67 (4) 108/57 5.0
Ugar Sugar Works * 1703 11.25 1 45 10.2 22.8 585.4 -30 10.4 23.4 * 108 20 3.4 2.1 125.5 -26 9.9 2.7 -90 1712 - PL 21 (-2) 38/19 -
Uttam Sug.Mills * 1703 38.14 10 75 14.2 - 1082.9 34 19.9 114.1 519 - 35.9 29.9 292.8 28 12.7 12.6 -63 1712 29.1 -4 116 (7) 211/90 4.0
IND.COMPOSITE 549.07 35174.0 16.2 2408.5 8.8 114.7 20554 7.5

54 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

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Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio

89 TEA
Assam Company * 1703 30.98 1 41 5.4 - 211.6 -22 -11.1 -71.4 * -66 - - - 64.0 -10 -16.7 -24.1 -62 1712 - -22 5 (-) 9/4 -
Bombay Burmah * 1703 13.95 2 66 46.9 -9.3 261.4 8 -4.1 -28.0 * 14 50 - - 49.3 -21 -18.4 -0.7 PL 1712 - -35 1563 (251) 1820/625 -
CCL Products 1703 26.61 2 45 41.0 19.9 707.4 4 23.9 98.7 * 20 125 8.2 7.4 203.6 -11 22.7 28.1 -26 1712 7.6 9 287 (7) 372/265 37.7
Dhunseri Tea * 1703 7.00 10 66 251.9 5.9 187.7 3 12.0 9.9 * -52 80 24.5 14.2 61.2 - 18.7 6.0 -29 1712 2.1 -89 328 (-85) 513/255 154.1
Goodricke Group * 1703 21.60 10 74 135.1 11.7 680.4 -7 7.3 33.2 LP 45 20.9 14.5 255.7 -7 3.7 9.5 -63 1712 14.7 -33 394 (-16) 545/221 26.9
Grob Tea Co 1703 1.16 10 75 328.4 2.4 74.4 -4 7.1 0.8 * -82 20 39.4 7.2 27.7 9 44.6 11.7 35 1709 38.1 -13 1269 (-246) 2628/221 33.3
James Warren Tea * 1703 12.00 10 75 116.5 1.8 121.3 -12 3.6 2.4 * -46 - 4.5 2.0 51.6 12 9.1 2.9 -12 1712 - 39 132 (3) 160/110 -
Mcleod Russel * 1703 54.73 5 41 127.7 1.7 1485.4 -1 2.1 23.0 * 999 5 9.6 2.1 556.4 22 9.4 67.5 186 1712 8.6 461 169 (-1) 248/155 19.7
Neelamalai Agro * 1703 0.63 10 66 619.7 4.1 29.2 -11 -5.4 1.6 * -53 200 40.2 24.9 8.5 1 -9.3 -0.9 -121 1712 46.2 999 1511 (-89) 2011/925 32.7
Peria Kara. Tea 1703 3.10 10 48 316.3 1.6 45.5 15 10.7 1.6 LP 10 12.5 5.2 9.6 4 10.8 0.4 LP 1709 12.2 130 418 (-68) 680/140 34.3
Rossell India * 1703 7.34 2 75 45.4 - 163.8 2 3.0 -7.7 * PL 10 0.3 - 78.1 68 15.6 7.0 999 1712 - 73 104 (3) 150/89 -
Tata Coffee 1703 18.68 1 57 48.0 16.6 778.8 10 18.4 133.3 * 114 175 8.3 7.1 166.0 -11 5.9 10.1 -71 1712 5.1 -17 135 (-1) 183/118 26.4
Tata Global 1703 63.11 1 34 59.6 7.7 3063.9 3 11.8 274.2 * 20 235 4.7 4.3 848.4 8 17.5 128.6 77 1712 6.8 81 268 (-5) 329/137 39.3
United Nilgiri * 1703 5.00 10 50 151.5 12.1 54.4 -4 23.0 8.6 * -15 27 22.3 17.1 17.3 - 17.5 2.1 -27 1712 21.4 14 410 (-12) 576/268 19.1
IND.COMPOSITE 265.89 7865.1 9.8 480.2 12.1 248.1 38336 34.5
Bharti Airtel 1703 1998.70 5 67 253.2 3.7 62276.3 3 38.4 3967.7 -53 20 40.5 9.9 12687.6 -17 33.7 111.6 -80 1712 0.6 -96 414 (-26) 565/326 -
Idea Cellular * 1703 3934.21 10 47 68.6 -3.4 35278.7 -1 28.7 -846.1 * PL - 17.4 - 6389.6 -25 17.4 -1428.2 -190 1712 - PL 83 M(-5) 124/72 -
MTNL * 1703 630.00 10 56 -53.4 - 2869.7 -8 -37.9 -2936.3 -30 - - - 580.1 -16 -49.4 -639.0 22 1712 - -11 23 (2) 31/17 -
OnMobile Global 1703 105.29 10 48 64.5 7.3 330.3 -15 10.0 50.1 LP 15 5.8 4.8 62.1 -15 9.9 13.6 -16 1712 2.1 -31 54 M(7) 95/45 25.3
Quadrant Tele. * 1703 61.23 1 53 -30.2 - 527.8 -5 1.2 -136.8 -6 - - - 82.8 -38 -11.5 -5.8 87 1712 - 2 2 (-) 4/2 -
Rel. Comm. 1703 1382.77 5 53 87.6 - 9879.0 -12 3.1 -1689.0 -358 - 1.0 - 497.0 -47 19.1 48.0 -11 1712 - -367 28 M(2) 42/10 -
Tata Comm * 1703 285.00 10 75 324.7 3.1 5068.2 6 6.3 278.1 * -31 60 36.6 9.8 1266.1 -4 23.9 122.1 -40 1712 - PL 633 (15) 784/570 -
Tata Tele. Mah. 1703 1954.93 10 74 -30.2 - 2702.9 -9 -11.1 -2300.2 -544 - - - 418.4 -36 8.1 -385.1 7 1712 - -163 6 (-1) 11/4 -
Tejas Networks * 1703 90.50 10 - 105.7 - 865.3 38 15.6 53.2 94 - 12.1 5.9 229.0 -14 23.1 32.3 -9 1712 9.7 - 349 P(-34) 472/257 36.0
IND.COMPOSITE 10442.63 119798.1 27.9 -3559.3 25.1 -2130.5 230464 33.7
AGC Networks * 1703 28.47 10 75 15.0 - 245.4 -22 -2.5 -24.0 * 37 - - - 85.5 38 12.2 5.2 LP 1712 1.3 LP 122 (7) 171/82 93.6
Astra Microwave 1703 17.32 2 13 52.4 13.3 425.1 1 24.3 56.6 - 50 9.3 6.5 86.3 -10 40.6 16.5 93 1712 7.7 64 102 (-6) 149/98 13.3
Avantel 1703 4.05 10 36 48.0 5.2 33.6 36 11.5 1.0 * 67 20 6.6 2.4 16.4 97 28.1 3.1 821 1712 45.8 999 543 (53) 636/127 11.9
Goldst.Infratec. * 1703 20.07 4 37 40.9 7.4 104.9 13 19.2 6.6 5 - 2.4 1.3 51.3 120 6.1 0.7 -38 1712 1.2 -6 191 M(-2) 249/45 160.3
GTL Infra. * 1703 4536.45 10 20 4.5 - 952.1 4 41.0 -292.3 42 - - - 639.1 12 44.5 19.7 LP 1712 0.2 LP 5 C(-) 9/4 -
HFCL * 1703 123.94 1 38 8.4 12.6 2241.4 -22 8.0 123.7 -48 - 1.1 1.0 714.4 79 10.0 45.5 116 1712 1.0 1 28 (2) 37/12 27.1
ITI * 1703 660.00 10 93 -16.2 - 1591.9 27 -4.2 140.4 * -1 - 2.4 2.1 251.0 13 5.0 76.2 LP 1712 2.1 -62 124 M(18) 165/40 58.5
NELCO * 1703 22.82 10 50 6.5 - 89.4 -33 11.0 3.8 * LP - 3.7 1.7 8.0 20 4.6 2.8 72 1712 2.9 34 160 (49) 178/76 56.2
Prabhat Telecoms 1703 8.31 10 68 50.5 4.6 305.2 -4 5.0 1.9 74 - 4.8 2.3 - - - - - - PL 273 (4) 283/23 -
Prec. Electronic * 1703 13.85 10 75 14.8 0.3 24.1 -7 11.0 0.1 * LP - 0.8 - 5.4 -2 -42.4 -2.1 -56 1712 0.1 LP 35 (2) 50/24 -
Spice Mobility * 1703 68.36 3 74 4.1 -3.9 154.7 1 -9.3 -5.4 PL - 0.1 - - - - -3.3 -22 1712 - PL 18 (-3) 34/13 -
Valiant Commun. * 1703 7.22 10 42 40.1 1.7 17.6 30 11.7 0.5 * 128 - 3.1 0.7 6.1 140 15.3 0.4 LP 1712 3.1 LP 70 (-8) 115/65 22.7
IND.COMPOSITE 5510.86 6185.3 10.3 12.9 22.4 164.7 17460 39.0
Indian CardCloth * 1703 4.55 10 57 217.8 -4.2 50.7 -23 -9.0 -4.0 * -154 120 4.5 - 12.0 13 -36.7 -3.3 -106 1712 - -999 180 (-3) 223/170 -
Lak. Mach. Works 1703 10.96 10 30 1403.7 12.5 2432.3 -12 10.3 184.1 * -17 350 227.8 159.6 542.4 -7 11.9 56.6 5 1712 191.2 14 6000 (269) 6628/3638 31.4
Meera Industries 1703 3.93 10 71 19.5 32.1 13.2 61 10.7 1.1 * 151 10 3.1 2.5 - - - - - 4.0 50 348 P(-7) 393/31 87.7
Stovec Inds. 1612 2.09 10 71 408.9 28.7 188.5 20 18.8 22.4 9 310 125.5 100.9 42.6 -7 17.7 4.7 -33 1709 119.2 10 2954 (52) 3875/1999 24.8
IND.COMPOSITE 21.53 2684.7 10.5 203.6 11.4 58.0 7409 31.0
Bengal Tea * 1703 9.01 10 73 66.4 -7.9 215.0 -4 3.9 -5.0 * PL - 7.7 - 32.3 -1 15.7 2.0 -34 1712 - -999 62 (5) 71/40 -
Binny * 1703 11.16 5 75 156.8 - 455.3100501 93.2 290.7 LP - 130.3 130.2 0.1 800 - -6.3 -11 1712 - PL 212 (-9) 375/110 -
Lux Industries 1703 5.05 2 74 95.6 29.9 971.6 3 12.3 62.9 22 70 27.7 24.9 295.9 28 12.5 18.5 31 1712 27.6 24 1702 (63) 1901/650 61.6
Mafatlal Inds. * 1703 13.91 10 75 269.9 -3.2 1270.2 -4 2.1 -12.0 * PL 20 10.8 - 271.9 -1 -2.2 -19.5 -120 1712 - PL 292 (-7) 374/237 -
Mohota Indust. * 1703 14.59 10 42 26.6 7.3 331.8 1 4.8 2.8 -11 1 4.4 1.9 89.2 74 5.4 1.5 LP 1712 4.7 392 305 (-21) 434/65 65.5
Ruby Mills 1703 8.36 5 75 242.6 9.7 202.2 -5 27.6 37.6 * -6 35 31.1 22.5 41.1 -18 32.3 6.2 5 1709 22.5 2 323 (-19) 456/297 14.3
Soma Textiles * 1703 33.03 10 64 -2.6 - 127.3 -25 3.3 -16.8 * 17 - - - 19.5 -14 17.9 0.2 LP 1712 - 25 14 (1) 25/9 -
IND.COMPOSITE 95.11 3573.4 18.3 360.2 7.7 2.5 6263 46.3
Amarjothi Spg. 1703 6.75 10 55 145.5 14.9 216.8 12 19.8 13.0 * 51 20 39.4 18.9 41.3 -11 21.1 2.7 -20 1712 9.7 - 157 (5) 250/144 16.2
Ambika Cotton * 1703 5.73 10 50 653.7 15.7 528.6 7 19.9 55.4 * 28 - 147.9 96.7 148.0 16 19.2 15.9 10 1712 102.5 15 1381 (65) 1857/1150 13.5
Arvind Ltd 1703 258.62 10 43 125.4 8.7 5941.4 11 12.3 281.6 -11 24 17.9 10.9 1595.8 9 9.6 69.9 30 1712 10.5 -5 383 M(-4) 478/354 36.6
Ashima * 1703 128.45 10 61 -1.5 - 195.0 -9 19.8 -25.2 * -11 - - - 68.2 34 1.0 -0.7 78 1712 - 24 27 (-1) 38/14 -
Bannari Amm Spg. * 1703 15.75 10 56 183.8 7.1 873.9 13 11.2 19.6 * 6 18 31.7 12.5 243.4 12 7.8 -2.7 PL 1712 7.7 -36 280 (-11) 407/279 36.6
Himachal Fibres * 1703 8.63 1 55 2.1 - 55.9 17 6.7 -1.0 PL - 0.1 - 15.7 27 13.9 0.4 LP 1712 0.1 LP 6 (-) 13/5 -
Indo Count Inds. * 1703 39.48 2 59 41.9 31.7 1989.6 -1 16.3 228.7 -4 40 13.0 11.5 451.0 -8 15.4 36.4 -35 1712 7.8 -38 102 (4) 210/92 13.1
Kallam Spinning * 1703 8.56 2 48 20.4 15.7 286.8 7 16.1 12.7 115 10 6.2 3.0 86.9 25 15.1 5.1 989 1712 3.4 117 28 B(5) 30/16 8.3
Mohini Health * 1703 18.24 10 84 28.0 15.9 135.9 11 6.5 3.4 * -11 - 3.0 1.9 - - - - - - - 60 M(37) 60/19 -
Nagreeka Exports * 1703 6.50 5 53 78.9 1.0 615.6 25 3.7 1.0 * -59 - 6.0 0.8 147.4 -8 4.2 0.8 -46 1712 1.1 100 38 (3) 60/27 36.3
Nahar Indl. Ent. * 1703 39.84 10 69 172.9 10.8 1722.2 -3 12.2 68.4 * 64 10 34.5 17.2 451.2 18 7.9 4.8 -68 1712 2.0 -91 89 (-2) 150/85 45.6

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 55

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Nitin Spinners 1703 55.22 10 53 65.9 24.8 933.4 22 14.3 57.1 * 30 12 17.7 10.1 287.1 16 13.3 16.8 10 1712 9.7 1 110 M(-4) 145/91 11.4
Pashupati Cotsp. 1703 10.28 10 65 57.0 36.5 264.9 7 6.0 8.6 * 2 - 13.1 8.3 - - - - - - - 70 M(-2) 77/70 -
PBM Polytex * 1703 8.13 10 74 130.7 5.1 179.6 -7 6.1 5.3 * -6 30 10.8 6.5 60.5 40 4.6 1.9 29 1712 2.8 -66 90 (3) 124/77 32.1
Precot Meridian 1703 12.00 10 61 66.2 - 679.3 -1 4.3 -34.3 * 23 - - - 162.1 1 3.0 -13.5 PL 1709 - -116 73 (-1) 116/65 -
R&B Denims 1703 13.99 10 74 21.5 -1.6 202.6 27 4.9 -0.5 PL - 5.5 - - - - - - 6.4 LP 56 (6) 62/19 8.8
Rajapalayam Mill 1703 7.38 10 53 334.5 15.7 407.1 3 18.4 36.2 47 40 77.7 49.0 108.9 6 10.6 3.8 -59 1712 47.4 -15 1142 (8) 1583/676 24.1
RSWM Ltd * 1703 23.55 10 51 268.9 17.0 2986.6 2 10.9 99.1 * -7 125 98.2 42.1 787.4 13 8.2 9.2 -2 1712 11.8 -73 340 (-4) 460/302 28.8
Salona Cotspin * 1703 5.26 10 58 52.9 12.7 121.4 21 7.1 3.3 * 47 6 13.2 6.3 30.0 4 6.9 0.2 -63 1712 3.7 -33 129 (1) 215/52 35.2
Sambandam Spg. * 1703 4.26 10 50 131.9 15.4 209.0 2 16.8 8.6 999 40 44.2 19.4 45.0 -1 12.9 1.8 543 1712 8.4 -61 143 (-3) 185/90 17.0
Shiv Texyarn * 1703 12.96 10 75 70.1 8.2 387.0 -14 12.3 9.5 * -13 - 17.3 7.4 85.8 -7 12.1 1.9 2 1712 8.4 27 538 M(-29) 655/278 64.0
STI India 1703 29.00 10 75 -2.8 - 47.0 0 -9.6 -7.9 -1 - - - 8.3 7 -19.0 -0.6 79 1712 - 90 18 (1) 27/12 -
Suryalak. Cott. * 1703 16.67 10 56 170.2 8.0 761.9 0 11.2 20.5 * -33 10 31.2 12.3 168.4 16 9.6 0.2 LP 1712 3.5 -76 80 (-2) 122/76 23.0
Sutlej Textiles * 1703 16.38 1 64 49.8 21.1 2249.6 8 12.5 154.0 * 8 130 14.6 9.4 593.9 10 9.5 16.4 -41 1712 6.2 -41 81 (-13) 115/78 13.0
Vardhman Textile * 1703 57.43 10 62 694.3 18.4 5727.8 2 20.2 704.7 * 6 150 180.1 122.7 1551.5 11 13.5 115.8 -36 1712 48.5 -73 1369 (28) 1565/1129 28.2
IND.COMPOSITE 809.06 27718.9 13.9 1721.8 10.6 286.4 27058 24.9
Baroda Rayon * 1703 22.91 10 48 -103.4 - - 0 - -2.8 * 33 - - - - - - -0.1 98 1712 1.6 LP 2751 (1) 2850/2515 1750.7
Century Enka * 1703 21.85 10 25 391.0 11.2 1185.3 3 14.5 86.3 * 49 70 58.9 39.5 362.6 29 14.6 28.7 10 1712 25.3 -32 339 (27) 454/292 13.4
CIL Nova Petro. * 1703 27.10 10 67 15.5 - 222.8 11 6.4 5.0 -8 - 3.8 1.8 62.3 37 3.7 0.7 49 1712 0.5 -76 33 (-1) 56/21 -
Filatex India 1703 43.50 10 58 66.6 16.5 1550.6 21 8.6 43.2 95 - 16.5 9.9 504.2 37 7.5 14.5 111 1712 13.4 34 205 (7) 251/67 15.3
Grasim Inds * 1703 131.47 2 40 247.5 10.4 10345.7 15 20.8 1531.8 * 61 275 30.1 23.3 4428.3 75 19.7 473.9 43 1712 26.2 22 1091 M(-9) 1300/799 41.7
Indian Acrylics * 1703 135.32 10 60 7.2 - 480.9 -12 10.5 22.1 7 - 2.6 1.6 118.7 45 9.1 0.6 LP 1712 1.1 -33 17 (-) 25/13 15.0
Indo Rama Synth. * 1703 151.82 10 74 33.0 -18.6 2468.0 -3 0.2 -102.7 * PL - - - 524.3 -8 2.1 -19.2 49 1712 - PL 34 (-6) 58/26 -
JBF Inds. * 1703 81.87 10 43 194.4 2.3 3913.3 8 6.6 35.8 -42 5 16.0 4.2 817.5 -15 5.9 -16.3 PL 1712 - PL 167 (-6) 326/136 -
Kama Hold. 1703 6.45 10 75 781.2 7.0 36.1 20 98.3 35.4 * 20 150 55.0 53.3 0.3 - 28.0 - LP 1712 55.0 9 4063 (376) 4785/2470 73.8
Pasupati Acrylon 1703 89.13 10 66 13.7 35.7 460.9 -14 12.9 37.4 19 - 5.0 4.2 141.3 39 8.0 6.7 -7 1709 2.5 -51 28 (3) 33/21 11.4
RDB Rasayans * 1703 17.71 10 73 39.0 8.5 70.2 11 6.2 5.6 36 - 3.7 3.2 19.7 14 12.2 1.8 -8 1712 4.1 63 86 (-1) 97/32 21.2
SRF * 1703 57.42 10 52 547.5 14.1 3883.0 7 21.2 420.3 13 120 112.9 70.7 1126.5 26 19.8 121.6 32 1712 69.2 -6 1890 (116) 2045/1420 27.3
Surat Textile 1703 22.21 1 75 4.7 15.9 156.8 19 8.3 15.1 * 153 - 0.7 0.7 57.2 38 7.1 1.9 -54 1712 0.5 -28 5 (-) 9/4 -
Vardhman Acrylic * 1703 80.36 10 75 36.8 13.4 368.4 -18 10.2 41.1 1 15 5.7 5.1 85.8 32 21.7 14.6 141 1712 4.5 -22 47 (-2) 59/43 10.5
Zenith Fibres * 1703 4.42 10 50 103.3 12.5 52.1 -18 13.2 5.4 * -37 20 13.5 12.1 8.5 -27 6.0 0.7 -48 1712 6.9 -59 111 (-13) 161/105 16.1
IND.COMPOSITE 893.54 25194.1 14.9 2179.0 15.7 629.8 96257 40.0
Alok Inds. * 1703 1377.32 10 29 21.9 -74.3 8129.7 -31 -23.1 -3373.3 20 - - - 952.4 -54 - -4745.3 -488 1712 - -319 3 (-1) 5/2 -
AYM Syntex 1703 39.24 10 65 59.7 18.7 786.8 -2 12.3 39.5 * -17 - 17.8 10.1 227.1 28 7.7 2.5 -48 1712 3.1 -72 65 (2) 87/53 20.9
Black Rose Indus * 1703 5.10 1 75 5.0 19.9 165.8 29 8.6 4.5 * 200 10 1.4 0.9 44.6 - 13.0 3.7 368 1712 1.6 65 49 (8) 62/21 31.0
Bombay Dyeing * 1703 41.31 2 54 19.5 -59.2 1710.3 -7 4.7 -231.1 * -158 35 - - 619.9 35 17.1 3.4 LP 1712 - PL 283 (61) 304/54 -
BSL * 1703 10.29 10 56 77.1 7.2 443.1 17 8.2 5.5 -23 12 20.9 5.4 97.5 -14 6.3 0.2 -81 1712 2.6 -49 78 (-5) 131/53 29.8
Donear Inds. * 1703 10.40 2 74 16.8 13.3 517.7 0 9.5 10.1 * 79 10 4.7 1.9 133.6 7 11.1 4.7 78 1712 2.5 109 63 (1) 90/52 25.1
Ganesha Ecosphe. * 1703 19.18 10 45 120.0 13.9 674.2 4 11.8 30.0 20 12 26.3 15.6 180.2 9 11.9 9.3 25 1712 17.6 18 350 (-16) 480/202 19.8
Kamadgiri Fash. * 1703 5.87 10 31 58.7 7.6 309.9 3 5.3 2.6 34 15 11.8 4.3 76.4 26 6.7 1.7 LP 1712 9.6 93 138 (6) 188/59 14.3
Orbit Exports 1703 28.70 10 62 44.6 17.0 130.5 -11 28.8 20.1 * -18 26 9.0 6.7 27.9 6 32.0 5.2 19 1712 6.7 -14 156 (3) 190/116 23.3
Premco Global * 1703 3.34 10 64 177.9 17.9 69.7 -6 25.3 9.7 * -23 30 35.3 28.3 11.7 -19 13.8 0.9 -54 1712 16.3 -57 347 (-47) 540/331 21.3
Siyaram Silk 1703 9.37 2 67 127.3 16.5 2078.7 0 9.5 89.7 * 5 150 30.8 19.1 393.6 16 12.8 22.4 64 1712 22.5 41 652 (32) 799/327 29.0
Vijay Textiles 1703 13.13 10 65 46.9 - 116.0 7 25.7 3.9 251 - 8.6 2.9 17.0 -32 38.3 2.7 122 1709 5.0 173 54 (-) 72/30 10.8
Vishal Fabrics * 1703 21.96 5 69 43.4 8.0 373.6 37 8.6 10.5 * -26 - 3.8 2.4 246.1 170 6.9 7.1 83 1712 3.4 - 532 M(174) 545/87 155.5
Weizmann * 1703 17.27 10 69 32.9 6.2 85.9 51 7.2 3.6 18 5 2.6 2.0 16.1 -4 -4.4 0.3 -52 1712 2.3 22 48 (-) 83/28 20.6
IND.COMPOSITE 1602.48 15592.0 -7.6 -3374.7 12.5 -4681.2 14051 33.6
Aditya Bir. Fas. 1703 771.69 10 59 12.4 - 6602.9 9 7.3 54.5 LP - 3.9 0.7 1855.0 9 7.4 35.0 LP 1712 0.4 LP 152 M(-2) 189/144 -
Arrow Textiles * 1703 19.04 10 69 19.3 9.8 47.5 -3 18.3 3.3 * -36 15 3.8 1.7 10.2 -12 15.5 0.4 -27 1712 0.8 -53 41 (-) 58/36 -
Ashapura Inti. * 1703 25.21 10 54 68.1 18.8 311.2 67 15.1 20.3 64 - 9.4 8.1 78.3 116 16.8 37.8 999 1712 22.1 321 471 C(21) 569/354 21.3
Bhilwara Tech 1703 5.84 1 64 2.9 9.0 - 0 - 1.5 285 - 0.3 0.3 - - - 0.1 120 1712 0.1 -79 16 (-) 23/8 -
Bombay Rayon * 1703 317.48 10 39 144.1 - 3877.0 -7 15.5 -156.0 * PL - 0.2 - 737.2 -14 11.8 -25.2 45 1712 - 1 65 C(3) 233/56 -
Cantabil Retail * 1703 16.33 10 74 50.4 - 161.2 4 12.0 4.9 -2 - 7.9 3.0 54.7 21 14.4 3.2 2 1712 3.0 - 127 (16) 156/63 43.0
Celebrity Fash. * 1703 45.58 10 39 -1.5 - 191.2 -3 3.4 -5.2 9 - 0.4 - 37.0 14 14.2 3.1 LP 1712 0.5 LP 18 C(2) 27/10 -
Dollar Indus. 1703 10.84 2 57 33.4 26.6 897.3 9 10.4 43.5 * 65 50 10.5 7.8 212.7 8 13.7 14.9 31 1709 9.5 68 424 (-14) 515/263 44.8
Fiberweb (India) * 1703 28.79 10 49 34.7 - 104.3 69 16.4 14.2 * 212 - 5.9 4.9 60.8 129 13.8 7.6 88 1712 8.4 92 157 XB(-10) 195/103 18.8
Future Enterp. * 1703 90.80 2 45 85.9 -2.0 3784.1 -57 25.2 -74.3 * PL 10 12.3 - 1091.4 16 25.2 81.9 LP 1712 - 30 43 C(2) 62/26 -
Future Lifestyle 1703 38.08 2 61 87.9 4.0 4105.6 18 9.4 65.7 78 40 13.3 3.4 1189.0 12 8.8 37.7 5 1712 3.5 -30 370 M(-5) 411/180 105.5
Garware-Wall * 1703 21.88 10 51 205.3 20.5 865.3 5 15.3 83.4 34 50 44.6 38.1 201.5 4 17.2 21.6 15 1712 43.1 14 937 (-11) 1089/638 21.8
Gokaldas Exports 1703 17.48 5 40 48.4 - 914.6 -19 -2.3 -50.1 * PL - - - 237.5 20 -5.8 -16.8 21 1712 - -29 96 M(-4) 143/52 -
Indian Terrain * 1703 7.59 2 29 50.3 13.9 399.8 23 11.8 24.4 * -18 - 7.3 6.4 94.5 15 13.4 6.4 15 1712 7.1 41 191 (-16) 253/158 26.9
Jet Knitwears 1703 4.08 10 73 29.3 8.3 43.3 12 6.5 0.8 * 70 - 3.3 1.9 - - - - - 2.5 - 112 (10) 142/57 44.8
Jindal Worldwide * 1703 20.05 5 61 70.7 20.2 1157.9 15 11.5 50.0 * 17 5 24.6 12.4 424.6 85 6.2 15.8 23 1712 15.3 15 617 (11) 732/91 40.4
K P R Mill Ltd * 1703 36.95 5 75 151.3 22.7 2219.1 13 20.1 237.7 * 53 15 48.0 32.1 642.4 27 16.0 61.0 1 1712 32.4 15 696 (-25) 882/565 21.5
Kewal Kir.Cloth. 1703 12.33 10 74 290.4 19.9 503.8 8 19.8 65.4 * 1 190 53.4 49.5 94.4 - 16.7 10.4 25 1712 55.5 -1 1545 (-98) 2200/1501 27.9
KG Petrochem * 1703 5.22 10 75 103.9 17.7 226.4 6 13.7 8.7 * -3 - 44.4 16.6 43.7 4 13.0 1.8 7 1712 14.1 10 110 (-8) 151/93 7.8
Kitex Garments * 1703 6.65 1 54 68.5 22.5 545.9 0 31.3 92.8 -17 150 16.9 13.8 147.3 3 24.9 17.6 -45 1712 13.0 -22 226 B(-45) 384/198 17.4

56 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Lovable Lingerie * 1703 14.80 10 64 144.3 5.8 197.4 0 7.8 11.1 * -47 10 9.6 7.3 39.8 -1 10.6 2.3 8 1712 4.1 -65 219 M(-3) 283/184 53.1
MahalaxmiRubtech * 1703 11.47 10 67 60.8 5.8 202.7 20 7.0 3.3 * 7 - 9.9 2.9 52.9 16 7.1 1.0 288 1712 2.9 17 55 C(4) 71/43 19.3
Manomay Tex 1703 12.68 10 58 28.0 8.2 280.6 25 4.5 2.3 87 - 6.0 1.8 - - - - - 2.2 - 45 (3) 60/30 20.5
Monte Carlo Fas. * 1703 21.73 10 65 224.8 9.1 584.1 -6 13.2 39.2 * -31 100 29.4 18.0 355.9 24 22.5 47.8 37 1712 25.8 14 542 (-19) 664/374 21.0
Nahar Spinning * 1703 18.03 5 65 237.5 5.5 2132.1 5 8.8 44.8 * -8 30 39.0 12.4 545.8 7 6.7 2.3 -41 1712 - PL 106 (-2) 154/99 -
Nandam Denim Ltd * 1703 48.05 10 61 87.4 14.9 1220.4 6 15.6 56.7 -10 16 29.7 11.8 363.4 54 16.5 13.7 63 1712 12.9 9 143 (5) 187/112 11.1
Page Industries * 1703 11.15 10 49 597.1 44.5 2130.1 19 19.5 266.3 15 970 241.5 219.3 621.0 18 20.8 83.4 33 1712 286.6 25 22127 (2932)25779/13650 77.2
PDS Multi. * 1703 26.05 10 67 39.7 - 13.4 -46 11.0 0.5 55 - 0.5 0.2 5.1 61 18.0 -0.2 PL 1712 - PL 285 (-20) 365/131 -
Pearl Global Ind * 1703 21.66 10 67 137.1 2.6 857.9 12 0.8 7.6 * -39 30 8.7 3.5 144.8 -22 -1.2 0.1 -93 1712 - PL 113 (-4) 178/95 -
Pion. Embroider. * 1703 24.12 10 27 31.9 - 238.2 -7 7.3 1.0 * -95 - 3.8 0.4 66.1 18 4.8 0.4 LP 1712 - PL 37 C(-1) 57/33 -
Poddar Housing * 1703 6.32 10 61 350.6 0.1 33.1 -74 -19.3 0.2 * -99 15 0.9 - 3.5 -66 - -5.2 PL 1712 - PL 1126 (-24) 1636/821 -
Provogue (India) 1703 23.34 1 20 8.9 - 213.4 -50 -69.1 -180.1 * 6 - - - 24.5 -60 - -44.9 -35 1709 - 9 6 (-) 11/4 -
Raymond 1703 61.38 10 43 199.4 2.2 2822.2 1 5.4 27.4 * -60 13 18.6 3.9 789.6 12 8.1 20.7 LP 1712 10.8 110 939 (7) 1141/502 87.1
Riba Textiles * 1703 9.65 10 61 44.6 10.5 111.8 -2 7.0 4.5 223 - 7.5 4.7 39.1 71 10.5 1.5 13 1712 5.6 64 103 (-) 164/48 18.5
Rupa & Company * 1703 7.95 1 73 55.7 19.1 1084.2 7 13.0 77.1 11 275 11.6 9.7 277.2 35 14.9 23.8 40 1712 9.8 6 435 (20) 590/251 44.3
S P Apparels * 1703 25.17 10 60 152.1 21.3 622.8 16 16.9 55.5 * 80 5 30.8 21.1 154.2 8 18.6 12.1 -22 1712 19.1 5 347 (1) 482/301 18.2
Sh. Dinesh Mills * 1703 5.08 10 45 205.0 2.4 79.3 2 9.2 2.4 -16 15 19.7 4.8 18.7 8 13.4 1.4 23 1712 - PL 170 (-8) 256/120 -
Shoppers St. 1703 43.98 5 64 106.9 - 3838.8 9 5.0 -3979.8 * PL 15 - - 963.2 -5 8.2 19.9 5 1712 - PL 526 M(-3) 602/291 -
SORIL Infra * 1703 27.60 10 74 87.1 - 195.7 -25 16.9 31.8 -43 - 16.7 11.5 40.0 -3 23.0 7.3 999 1712 11.0 -39 247 (40) 398/89 22.5
SPL Inds. * 1703 29.00 10 67 12.9 - 150.6 1 1.5 0.4 -96 - 1.2 0.1 27.3 -11 29.1 7.4 LP 1712 - PL 25 (3) 30/16 -
Suditi Inds. * 1703 16.76 10 72 17.5 7.8 104.8 30 7.7 2.2 49 5 2.4 1.3 23.1 51 9.9 0.5 39 1712 1.7 29 71 (-9) 115/59 43.0
Trident 1703 509.60 10 68 53.5 13.1 4686.6 28 19.0 333.8 * 38 15 14.6 6.6 1137.2 1 17.6 73.0 -7 1712 6.1 2 73 M(1) 110/67 12.0
VIP Clothing 1703 16.52 2 53 15.8 - 232.1 19 7.4 2.6 LP - 0.8 0.3 64.3 12 10.7 3.9 LP 1709 0.5 LP 63 R(-5) 102/42 -
Virat Inds. * 1703 4.92 10 48 36.0 17.9 25.7 0 20.1 3.1 - 25 8.8 6.2 9.4 23 14.7 1.0 11 1712 6.2 -18 181 (-13) 214/92 29.0
Voith Paper * 1703 4.39 10 74 405.3 10.4 81.5 8 30.8 17.6 14 40 53.7 40.1 23.4 18 28.3 4.9 11 1712 42.7 17 810 (-12) 1002/559 19.0
VS Retail 1703 33.92 10 51 135.9 - 494.7 48 8.0 19.5 * 97 - 7.7 5.8 152.4 - 14.9 13.7 1 1712 8.1 75 373 C(-31) 555/179 46.1
Welspun India * 1703 100.47 1 73 21.9 30.9 5639.3 15 24.0 633.1 -3 65 10.9 6.3 1170.2 -11 18.4 84.8 -29 1712 2.6 -66 65 (2) 100/59 24.6
Zodiac Cloth. Co * 1703 19.52 10 61 90.5 -8.5 270.5 -11 -5.1 -15.0 * -278 10 - - 57.5 -23 -9.6 -7.6 -127 1712 - -66 183 (-6) 254/175 -
IND.COMPOSITE 2657.22 55502.1 13.3 -2045.4 13.2 683.3 99274 35.8
Himatsing. Seide * 1703 49.23 5 48 108.3 18.1 1398.1 37 22.2 171.0 * 25 50 21.7 17.4 434.3 5 24.1 53.0 23 1712 19.7 19 350 (20) 444/291 17.8
IND.COMPOSITE 49.23 1398.1 22.2 171.0 24.1 53.0 3442 17.8
APM Inds. * 1703 4.32 2 64 62.2 8.5 249.8 -6 8.5 11.0 * -44 100 6.7 4.8 70.8 36 7.7 2.8 12 1712 3.5 -57 60 (-1) 84/52 17.2
Deepak Spinners * 1703 7.19 10 42 154.8 7.2 410.1 2 9.3 7.8 -50 - 33.5 10.9 107.9 35 8.2 1.5 LP 1712 10.5 -28 87 (-3) 114/76 8.3
Polygenta Tech. * 1703 156.21 10 75 -4.0 - 50.6 8 -67.7 -48.5 * 22 - - - 13.2 -8 -43.0 -9.5 19 1712 - 21 13 (-) 15/13 -
Sangam (India) * 1703 39.42 10 47 125.3 11.7 1593.6 6 11.0 54.9 -29 20 32.3 13.9 416.5 19 7.3 3.8 -16 1712 6.4 -59 144 (-18) 324/140 22.7
Sarla Performanc 1703 8.35 1 55 30.8 17.1 259.5 7 20.9 41.3 * -3 110 6.2 4.7 71.1 9 26.3 10.4 1 1712 5.4 7 59 (-2) 82/42 10.9
Sintex Inds. * 1703 59.41 1 29 71.1 2.9 1430.5 56 18.8 126.8 * -5 25 4.4 2.1 509.0 17 12.3 24.0 -39 1712 2.2 LP 22 C(-) 39/16 9.8
Suryalata Spg. * 1703 4.27 10 70 220.8 10.5 346.5 -2 7.2 9.5 -1 15 41.2 22.1 86.0 10 7.6 2.0 5 1712 19.6 -15 165 (20) 213/123 8.4
IND.COMPOSITE 279.17 4340.7 12.7 202.8 10.0 34.9 2805 11.5
Cheviot Company 1703 4.31 10 75 841.7 10.9 390.2 14 11.6 37.1 * 4 10 102.6 86.1 89.5 -9 16.4 18.5 151 1712 111.7 15 1425 M(7) 1735/940 12.8
Gloster 1703 10.47 10 67 177.3 28.2 503.7 18 13.5 45.5 * 92 75 50.8 43.5 118.6 10 18.0 14.1 3 1712 39.9 -8 662 (-3) 794/485 16.6
Ludlow Jute 1703 10.77 10 67 43.7 17.0 359.4 0 4.9 7.3 * 29 25 11.4 6.8 73.0 -14 3.4 0.5 70 1712 2.5 -59 94 (-4) 133/75 37.0
Sheela Foam * 1703 24.39 5 86 86.3 30.2 1445.9 14 11.2 109.9 * 24 - 27.4 22.5 451.5 11 12.1 35.7 -7 1712 22.0 -12 1613 (3) 1850/1011 73.5
IND.COMPOSITE 49.94 2699.2 10.8 199.8 12.7 68.7 9277 46.4
3M India 1703 11.27 10 75 1088.2 21.7 2363.0 10 15.6 240.8 24 - 255.2 213.7 645.8 12 19.6 91.7 116 1712 273.2 44 20241 (1312)22564/10750 74.1
A B M Internatl. 1703 11.76 10 74 14.8 3.6 142.1 30 0.5 0.6 * -21 - 0.7 0.5 5.7 -88 -8.3 -0.5 PL 1712 - PL 52 (15) 202/23 -
Adani Enterp. 1703 109.98 1 75 34.3 6.1 8595.0 5 6.6 218.5 * -54 40 2.7 2.0 2890.6 55 7.9 129.3 LP 1712 0.9 -68 203 (3) 223/93 -
Aditya Consumer 1703 14.63 10 54 12.8 8.6 67.0 10 4.9 1.3 96 - 1.5 0.9 - - - - - 1.1 LP 219 (33) 224/25 205.4
Aegis Logistics 1703 33.40 1 61 13.7 14.3 391.1 9 25.6 62.8 * 17 105 2.1 1.8 134.4 39 21.0 23.4 61 1712 2.8 66 261 (5) 300/170 93.0
Aspinwall & Co 1703 7.82 10 64 152.7 8.0 244.6 3 8.3 9.2 24 30 14.7 11.7 82.7 3 10.7 4.7 -35 1712 22.7 111 423 (-3) 580/196 18.7
Avenue Super. 1703 624.08 10 82 61.5 18.1 12740.4 39 7.6 478.3 * 51 - 9.7 7.7 4094.8 23 10.3 251.8 66 1712 11.4 57 1166 (49) 1289/559 102.5
Axtel Industries 1703 16.15 10 50 22.9 20.4 76.1 13 14.0 6.8 * 42 - 5.9 4.2 14.4 -23 9.0 0.7 -38 1712 3.8 -44 101 (-7) 140/64 26.7
Bansal Multiflex 1703 7.41 10 73 16.2 12.8 11.8 452 5.2 0.4 999 - 0.6 0.5 - - - - - - - 118 M(6) 134/33 -
Best Steel * 1703 3.70 2 38 2.5 36.5 61.7 259 6.2 1.4 LP - 0.8 0.8 36.6 30 5.7 1.7 324 1712 3.9 639 141 (-2) 161/80 36.0
Binny Mills * 1703 3.19 10 75 19.5 9.2 9.1 15 11.9 0.6 -7 - 1.7 1.6 1.9 -15 20.9 0.3 48 1712 3.3 169 262 (-22) 405/186 79.6
Bombay Cycle * 1703 0.20 10 72 657.0 9.6 6.9 -19 14.3 1.2 * -26 40 66.5 60.0 1.9 13 30.1 0.5 10 1712 71.5 3 2470 (-149) 3100/1450 34.6
Brand Concepts 1703 10.58 10 - 21.6 - 62.4 23 10.2 1.4 58 - 2.3 1.4 10.9 - -1.8 -0.9 - 1706 - - 51 M(-6) 85/51 -
Cosco (India) * 1703 4.16 10 75 73.0 15.6 135.6 8 7.1 4.3 * 29 - 12.7 10.3 28.4 -11 9.9 1.1 8 1712 12.2 61 331 (-31) 443/213 27.1
Cravatex * 1703 2.58 10 75 114.4 -24.4 157.0 -16 -0.9 -7.6 * 18 - - - 0.2 -100 - 0.4 LP 1712 - 88 420 (25) 538/192 -
Ejecta Marketing * 1703 14.58 10 1 10.5 1.1 0.1 -97 -99.9 0.2 * 165 1 0.1 0.1 0.2 - -38.1 - PL 1712 0.1 900 61 (-12) 372/52 -
Empower India * 1703 116.38 1 15 2.9 - 90.4 -12 0.4 0.1 -28 - - - 4.8 -78 2.9 0.1 LP 1712 - LP 1 (1) 1/1 -
Fervent Synerg. * 1703 30.00 10 65 13.6 5.2 39.2 966 6.9 2.0 * 3 - 0.7 0.7 1.0 -95 -59.4 -0.4 PL 1712 0.2 -72 21 (-) 35/17 -
Future Consumer * 1703 1148.06 6 43 8.3 - 1645.0 23 1.7 6.6 * LP - 0.1 - 644.8 49 2.3 6.8 430 1712 0.2 LP 59 C(-1) 79/27 -
Future Retail * 1703 100.40 2 47 64.0 - 17980.5 147 3.2 368.3 999 - 8.0 7.3 4693.4 6 4.6 183.1 81 1712 12.1 73 519 C(-20) 660/219 42.9

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 57

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Grandma Trading * 1703 13.06 1 8 1.0 0.3 3.8 1329 -6.5 - -75 - - - - - - 0.1 -14 1712 - LP 5 (-) 9/5 -
Hexa Tradex 1703 11.05 2 46 41.0 -1.3 8.1 -65 -50.0 -2.9 * PL - - - - - - -0.3 30 1712 - 21 56 (-4) 100/18 -
Kemp & Co. * 1703 1.08 10 72 154.5 1.0 3.1 -36 -10.3 0.2 -46 5 4.0 1.6 0.8 9 -8.3 1.4 LP 1712 15.6 171 570 (-38) 608/206 36.6
Kothari Products * 1703 29.84 10 75 276.2 8.1 4348.0 -6 2.6 61.0 * 13 30 20.4 19.8 1058.2 -6 1.6 15.5 45 1712 18.2 6 174 (-19) 246/166 9.5
Lahoti Overseas * 1703 5.83 2 60 38.0 7.6 566.0 23 3.0 7.8 * 166 20 3.7 2.7 133.8 5 2.4 1.1 -23 1712 1.5 -38 23 (-1) 33/19 14.9
Mauria Udyog * 1703 13.32 10 74 81.0 7.5 1236.5 9 3.7 7.7 * -14 - 9.9 5.8 316.2 -9 5.0 4.2 29 1712 5.4 -26 174 (6) 190/22 32.2
MMTC * 1703 100.00 1 90 14.3 -0.4 11708.4 -7 -0.3 -6.0 * -4 30 0.0 - 3387.1 -31 0.5 5.8 -65 1712 0.2 89 53 (-2) 102/49 -
Modern India 1703 7.51 2 75 11.1 -10.0 56.9 -29 -9.3 -4.4 67 15 - - 18.5 31 -12.5 -0.4 72 1712 - 71 46 (-1) 89/40 -
Optiemus Infra. * 1703 85.81 10 75 32.3 3.6 1062.9 -44 4.1 9.4 * -48 - 3.0 1.1 82.4 -28 12.6 2.5 218 1712 1.0 17 264 (-5) 292/40 263.7
Polo Queen Ind. * 1703 67.15 10 75 23.3 0.7 61.4 -26 5.5 1.1 116 - 0.2 0.2 18.8 245 4.5 0.3 LP 1712 0.2 - 132 (21) 133/29 -
Praxis Home * 1703 12.32 5 - 5.0 - - 0 - - -353 - - - 143.9 999 -0.2 -1.0 78 1712 - - 175 M(-69) 315/167 -
Prime Customer 1703 3.49 10 58 18.7 6.3 23.9 13 4.0 0.3 20 2 1.5 0.9 - - - - - 1.6 - 197 (2) 206/60 127.3
PTC India * 1703 296.01 10 16 103.9 9.8 14074.8 13 2.2 283.6 * 27 30 9.7 9.6 4412.5 45 1.9 58.9 38 1712 11.0 38 98 (1) 130/84 8.9
Rain Industries 1612 67.27 2 41 27.4 5.1 44.9 -48 -7.4 31.3 20 50 1.0 0.9 4.0 70 -30.4 31.6 -1 1709 0.8 -19 392 (55) 476/78 -
Ravindra Energy 1703 122.13 10 73 18.1 2.9 54.0 -56 8.1 6.1 152 - 0.5 0.5 6.0 -38 29.0 1.3 999 1709 1.1 617 34 (-4) 46/24 30.3
STC * 1703 60.00 10 90 3.2 - 7814.5 -26 -2.6 -19.7 - - - - 2236.8 3 -0.7 12.9 763 1712 1.5 LP 151 (2) 299/140 102.7
Sakuma Exports * 1703 21.33 10 58 73.6 18.1 2016.2 12 1.3 17.5 -5 - 8.5 8.2 646.5 59 0.8 4.6 399 1712 10.0 24 189 M(20) 282/60 18.9
Sat Industries * 1703 21.60 2 54 8.3 - 48.0 -1 4.7 2.4 * LP - 0.2 0.2 15.3 453 12.5 1.2 213 1712 0.4 720 39 C(3) 44/22 -
Shankara Build. 1703 22.85 10 56 126.7 8.0 1976.0 11 3.3 20.7 92 28 10.8 9.1 561.9 24 4.4 11.5 224 1712 15.8 90 1692 (28) 2365/545 107.3
Shrenik 1703 20.40 10 74 24.2 16.3 427.7 30 3.2 4.2 42 - 2.2 2.1 - - - - - - - 588 M(1) 674/42 -
SORIL Holdings * 1703 10.14 2 34 155.5 -0.3 5.8 -56 -45.7 -2.2 * PL - - - 0.4 175 - 0.4 -85 1712 - PL 247 (29) 280/24 -
Steel Exchange * 1703 75.98 10 48 13.7 - 1279.4 -23 5.8 -103.8 PL - - - 284.8 26 3.1 -43.3 -135 1712 - -166 32 (2) 133/27 -
SVP Global 1703 12.65 10 68 77.2 0.2 5.6 -67 30.0 0.2 161 - 1.0 0.1 31.3 - 19.3 2.4 999 1709 4.5 999 471 (-23) 620/188 105.8
TCI Inds. 1703 0.90 10 75 -10.7 - 2.0 -32 -10.9 -0.2 47 - - - 0.4 193 -14.6 -0.1 83 1712 - 13 936 (30) 2348/891 -
Trent * 1703 33.23 1 33 46.4 5.7 1847.3 17 7.2 84.3 * -1 100 3.7 2.5 521.3 20 13.2 37.9 2 1712 3.2 8 321 (15) 361/230 99.0
Uniphos Enter. 1703 13.91 2 72 21.5 7.8 - 0 - 11.1 * -6 - 1.6 1.6 - - - 0.1 LP 1712 2.5 56 87 (2) 112/64 34.8
Urja Global 1703 50.72 1 34 2.4 0.9 117.1 -3 0.5 1.0 -1 - 0.0 - 28.5 -12 0.1 0.4 - 1709 0.0 -46 7 (-2) 11/1 -
Ushdev Intl. * 1703 33.85 1 54 22.8 -15.0 2502.6 -69 -3.9 -133.2 PL - - - 2.0 -100 - -156.0 -98 1712 - 32 2 (-) 21/2 -
V-Mart Retail * 1703 18.10 10 54 149.4 15.8 1001.7 24 8.2 39.1 * 46 13 33.8 21.6 368.0 13 17.4 36.7 27 1712 35.0 71 1519 M(59) 1800/638 43.4
Vama Inds. * 1703 10.51 2 43 3.2 7.7 43.1 -6 9.3 1.3 397 5 0.3 0.2 29.0 413 7.8 1.3 999 1712 1.0 622 26 (1) 34/19 24.9
Veritas (India) * 1703 2.68 1 60 57.5 5.3 534.0 18 1.5 8.3 10 5 3.3 3.1 178.3 35 0.4 0.8 -53 1712 3.0 -5 193 (8) 209/116 65.1
Vinyl Chemicals 1703 1.83 1 50 26.1 16.0 292.7 -13 3.2 7.2 * 20 180 3.6 3.6 108.9 64 2.5 2.1 54 1712 4.5 36 114 (5) 131/62 25.1
W H Brady * 1703 2.55 10 74 92.2 12.7 22.0 10 23.8 2.8 * -7 - 14.6 11.0 5.3 - 20.6 0.7 -32 1712 9.7 -16 185 (-17) 289/145 19.1
Yash Chemex 1703 4.10 10 48 32.3 5.3 74.3 9 0.9 0.6 121 - 1.6 1.5 - - - - - 2.1 77 168 CB(-) 179/30 81.0
IND.COMPOSITE 3523.53 98081.1 3.3 1734.0 4.9 728.6 217092 64.6
Bharti Infra. 1703 1849.61 10 54 87.8 9.8 6084.7 9 46.4 1721.1 * 58 160 15.6 9.3 1695.2 11 47.0 317.0 -14 1712 7.7 -45 329 (-20) 482/283 42.9
BS * 1703 44.17 1 52 4.6 13.2 679.4 - -40.4 -408.1 - - - - 2.4 -92 - -21.8 84 1712 - -51 1 (-) 3/1 -
Jyoti Structures 1703 21.91 2 18 -126.3 - 849.7 -66 -71.7 -1486.4 -196 - - - 144.5 -36 -98.1 -364.2 -83 1706 - -194 11 (1) 16/7 -
K E C Intl. * 1703 51.42 2 51 64.4 18.6 7566.4 -2 10.6 291.9 50 80 15.8 11.4 2085.7 24 10.7 102.3 44 1712 15.3 78 377 (23) 413/160 24.7
Kalpataru Power * 1703 30.69 2 59 161.5 11.5 4894.1 14 12.3 269.2 40 100 22.6 17.5 1417.4 26 10.7 75.2 32 1712 20.0 25 460 (29) 536/275 23.0
Suyog Telematics * 1703 10.15 10 50 51.3 39.1 60.5 38 48.1 17.0 41 - 19.9 16.8 22.6 50 49.6 6.2 62 1712 22.0 53 399 (39) 470/290 18.1
IND.COMPOSITE 2007.95 20134.8 16.8 404.7 19.4 114.8 78222 36.4
Interglobe Aviat 1703 384.31 10 75 164.2 51.0 18580.5 15 11.9 1521.0 * -22 340 48.6 36.7 6177.9 24 16.0 762.0 56 1712 63.2 37 1281 M(86) 1346/830 20.3
Jet Airways * 1703 113.60 10 51 -242.2 - 22398.7 2 4.9 190.8 * -83 - 94.9 16.8 6086.2 10 4.6 165.3 -46 1712 - PL 763 (72) 884/371 -
SpiceJet Ltd * 1703 599.45 10 60 -10.2 - 6191.3 22 8.8 389.7 * -1 - 9.8 6.5 2065.1 29 14.6 240.0 68 1712 9.3 40 143 (11) 156/62 15.3
TAAL Enterprises * 1703 3.12 10 51 24.1 - 6.8 -14 -48.2 -2.8 -450 - - - 2.1 375 -8.6 -0.1 95 1712 - 40 160 (1) 250/129 -
IND.COMPOSITE 1100.48 47177.3 8.2 2098.7 11.0 1167.2 66530 19.4
Cox & Kings * 1703 88.28 5 50 161.8 6.7 3117.5 9 8.9 181.3 10 20 11.5 10.1 554.0 -20 9.9 34.8 -4 1712 10.8 4 237 (1) 306/184 22.0
Intl. Travel Hse * 1703 7.99 10 62 202.8 7.0 201.5 3 13.3 10.5 * 20 43 28.2 13.1 49.9 - 6.5 0.9 -68 1712 9.9 16 188 (-12) 264/185 19.1
Thomas Cook 1703 36.71 1 68 31.6 -0.9 1714.2 -1 2.4 -10.1 * PL 38 0.2 - 338.5 23 -3.8 82.3 LP 1712 2.4 LP 235 M(3) 274/186 99.0
Transcorp Intl. 1703 5.09 2 73 17.3 4.3 746.0 -38 0.9 1.9 24 8 1.1 0.7 222.1 29 0.5 0.1 -61 1712 0.7 28 34 (-7) 62/15 -
IND.COMPOSITE 138.07 5779.2 6.1 183.6 4.0 118.1 13059 45.4
Apollo Tyres * 1703 57.21 1 39 119.4 16.1 8933.8 2 14.9 805.2 -20 300 18.8 13.7 2634.6 21 13.9 204.0 10 1712 10.1 -43 254 M(2) 289/178 25.2
Balkrishna Inds * 1703 38.66 2 58 183.6 22.6 3731.5 16 30.3 707.5 * 68 400 51.8 36.0 1106.3 23 26.2 189.5 2 1712 34.9 -3 1133 XB(74) 1286/574 32.4
CEAT 1703 40.45 10 51 570.1 17.1 5701.7 5 11.8 372.8 -17 115 127.3 92.2 1549.9 12 12.4 91.6 -3 1712 67.9 -30 1630 (8) 2030/1110 24.0
Goodyear India * 1703 23.07 10 74 305.3 19.4 1511.8 -13 13.2 127.2 * 33 125 69.8 55.1 398.9 6 13.6 37.6 13 1712 54.6 3 1163 (160) 1258/699 21.3
Innovative Tyres 1703 17.99 10 - 41.2 10.8 132.2 7 10.6 4.1 116 - 4.5 2.3 - - - - - 2.3 116 50 M(-3) 77/36 21.7
JK Tyre & Indust * 1703 45.36 2 52 73.8 16.2 5979.1 3 12.4 250.6 * -42 125 19.1 11.0 1732.7 22 8.8 32.9 -18 1712 - PL 161 (-14) 193/116 -
MRF 1703 4.24 10 28 20152 18.5 13245.8 -33 19.6 1453.5 -10 600 4864.73428.0 3798.8 20 18.5 340.5 18 17122443.7 -35 70622 (1910)74499/49600 28.9
PTL Enterprises 1703 13.24 2 70 18.8 26.8 50.0 9 90.7 30.6 * 26 63 4.5 4.4 - - - 11.6 71 1712 6.1 35 51 (-4) 82/38 8.4
TVS Srichakra * 1703 7.66 10 45 750.6 31.3 1960.4 2 14.5 155.3 -16 507 275.5 202.8 492.7 8 13.4 31.0 9 1712 158.1 -25 3650 (258) 4304/2912 23.1
IND.COMPOSITE 247.88 41246.4 17.0 3906.8 15.7 938.7 82554 27.6
Aarvi Encon 1703 14.78 10 - 36.8 11.1 146.2 34 5.1 3.5 28 10 2.9 2.3 - - - - - 3.0 - 97 M(4) 120/54 32.4

58 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Adani Ports 1703 414.19 2 66 81.4 20.4 4878.9 6 76.8 3071.6 * 4 65 17.4 14.8 1417.3 9 89.0 692.0 -7 1712 13.0 -7 393 (-16) 452/292 30.4
Airo Lam 1703 15.00 10 - 21.6 11.7 70.9 11 9.3 1.9 13 - 2.5 1.3 - - - - - 1.5 - 46 M(-1) 59/43 30.3
Allcargo Logist. * 1703 49.14 2 69 54.6 7.9 1173.6 -3 19.9 100.4 * -9 100 8.1 4.1 274.4 -3 13.0 7.8 -58 1712 4.0 7 177 (-12) 229/155 44.7
Apcotex Industri * 1703 10.37 5 58 99.5 8.8 390.1 45 7.6 17.4 * -15 90 14.2 8.4 137.9 20 12.6 13.3 165 1712 12.7 18 505 (36) 562/307 39.7
Archidply Inds. * 1703 22.07 10 73 58.9 5.3 271.2 -3 7.8 6.7 9 - 5.2 3.0 74.2 7 8.0 2.1 2 1712 3.3 9 94 (-2) 131/62 28.3
Aro Granite 1703 15.30 10 41 110.8 7.7 238.7 11 12.3 12.6 115 10 14.0 8.0 45.7 -11 7.2 0.1 -95 1712 1.5 -82 69 (6) 98/57 45.1
Arshiya * 1703 44.57 2 56 53.3 - 75.8 18 62.1 -94.4 46 - - - 24.9 18 65.8 -18.7 11 1712 - 10 94 C(9) 120/50 -
Asya Infosoft * 1703 12.06 10 2 20.4 - 0.3 -44 38.7 0.1 -62 - 0.2 0.1 0.7 983 -7.7 0.1 - 1712 0.1 - 43 (3) 70/35 -
Binani Inds 1703 31.37 10 53 709.8 - 159.0 -39 27.4 - * -100 - 0.6 - 3.5 -91 -42.0 -1.2 PL 1712 - PL 111 (8) 153/67 -
CARE Ratings 1703 29.46 10 - 169.4 30.0 280.5 6 66.5 135.9 * 17 280 43.5 42.5 74.8 13 62.0 37.3 -2 1712 47.9 -6 1382 M(53) 1800/1278 28.9
Century Ply. * 1703 22.22 1 72 31.9 30.1 1782.5 9 16.4 185.1 * 9 100 10.7 8.3 509.9 20 17.2 46.7 25 1712 7.9 3 318 (12) 363/224 40.1
Chart.Logistics * 1703 9.93 1 52 4.4 30.9 155.8 -5 13.0 11.1 * 215 - 1.3 1.1 34.6 -10 13.1 3.2 -22 1712 1.0 42 18 (-1) 28/17 18.0
CL Educate 1703 14.17 10 48 255.4 2.3 147.8 -10 8.7 7.3 53 - 8.5 5.1 30.2 19 -17.2 -2.5 4 1712 3.0 -30 242 M(-13) 474/210 80.3
Cochin Shipyard * 1703 135.94 10 75 221.4 16.2 2059.5 3 18.5 311.8 * 7 90 24.5 21.6 615.0 6 22.3 113.8 26 1712 24.8 - 526 P(4) 599/435 21.2
Confidence Petro * 1703 25.88 1 54 7.8 2.7 485.8 39 8.3 5.4 186 - 1.1 0.2 141.6 18 12.9 7.0 161 1712 0.7 250 31 (-1) 39/8 -
Container Corpn. 1703 243.72 10 55 363.0 10.0 5675.1 -5 22.0 856.9 * -10 171 49.6 35.2 1639.6 25 27.2 289.1 55 1712 44.7 32 1292 B(-53) 1500/922 28.9
CRISIL * 1712 7.17 1 67 113.2 33.1 1177.4 4 28.7 237.3 3 2200 37.1 33.1 305.0 -3 30.3 64.2 -10 1712 33.1 3 1963 M(-) 2070/1752 59.3
Cupid ltd * 1703 11.12 10 45 46.2 47.0 82.9 36 39.0 20.6 29 40 19.6 17.7 20.3 -27 32.9 4.1 -37 1712 17.4 -5 272 (-55) 423/251 15.7
Deep Industries * 1703 32.00 10 63 118.2 23.5 277.4 64 56.1 73.7 * 76 18 33.1 22.7 74.7 6 50.4 18.4 4 1712 25.0 23 194 (-2) 344/187 7.8
Delta Corp 1703 26.76 1 34 56.2 5.7 277.9 16 34.9 52.4 * 30 35 2.4 2.0 101.6 104 36.8 26.8 999 1712 3.1 50 352 M(10) 401/119 114.5
Divyashakti Gran * 1703 10.27 10 63 91.0 10.7 108.3 59 13.8 9.5 * -6 15 10.1 8.9 18.1 -38 4.4 1.1 -65 1712 2.2 -81 100 (-13) 153/89 44.7
Dredging Corpn. * 1703 28.00 10 73 543.1 0.5 585.9 -12 20.0 7.4 -77 30 37.6 2.0 119.9 -21 6.0 -22.5 PL 1712 1.4 -64 684 (-38) 920/440 506.7
Eastern Treads * 1703 5.23 10 65 19.7 13.6 93.4 7 5.5 1.3 -61 5 6.0 2.5 21.3 -6 5.5 - PL 1712 - PL 92 (-1) 130/82 -
Elegant Marbles * 1703 4.50 10 72 154.5 7.8 28.2 -7 5.4 5.2 * 27 - 11.9 11.5 8.1 6 11.4 1.0 -19 1712 11.4 240 186 (-3) 210/103 16.3
Future Market 1703 56.29 10 73 34.2 - 82.5 2 14.6 -23.3 PL - 0.5 - 19.8 2 31.7 6.1 LP 1712 - PL 110 (-) 201/49 -
Future Supply 1703 40.06 10 52 86.8 16.9 561.2 8 13.2 45.7 * 56 - 16.2 11.4 195.2 36 17.0 16.2 37 1712 16.6 - 662 C(-4) 750/645 39.8
GAIL (India) * 1703 1691.30 10 54 225.6 9.6 48148.9 -7 12.3 3701.1 65 112 30.1 21.9 14414.3 19 13.7 1262.2 28 1712 26.1 18 463 (-) 518/347 17.7
Gateway Distr. * 1703 108.73 10 26 70.5 6.7 321.2 -3 20.0 50.8 * -26 70 6.7 4.7 80.4 -3 19.9 10.2 -37 1712 4.1 -25 198 (-23) 292/192 48.3
Gayatri BioOrga. * 1703 78.79 10 68 -10.2 - 79.7 -42 -61.7 -65.8 -67 - - - - - - 6.2 LP 1712 - 74 10 (-) 23/6 -
General Insuranc * 1703 438.60 5 86 571.1 3.3 26313.6 73 -4.9 1456.4 * 6 200 14.7 14.6 8557.7 50 -3.2 672.8 LP 1712 38.6 - 770 P(16) 895/717 20.0
GKW 1703 5.97 10 75 176.6 3.6 14.1 17 34.8 3.7 * 67 - 6.8 6.2 7.2 175 70.1 5.0 999 1712 13.5 47 553 (-16) 793/350 41.0
Greenlam Industr * 1703 12.07 5 55 125.6 15.1 970.4 4 12.8 43.0 6 30 31.4 17.5 259.1 17 14.0 16.3 117 1712 24.8 51 1169 (18) 1400/621 47.2
Greenply Inds. * 1703 12.26 1 51 64.2 19.3 1770.8 3 14.1 136.6 2 60 15.0 11.0 399.3 11 15.7 36.1 50 1712 11.9 6 350 (27) 401/255 29.3
GRP 1703 1.33 10 42 960.2 6.8 303.2 -4 8.8 8.4 * - 100 167.7 62.9 72.8 7 6.7 -0.2 PL 1712 6.5 -92 1353 (-30) 1802/1110 209.2
Guj Pipavav Port 1703 483.44 10 43 41.8 12.5 683.1 4 61.6 251.0 30 38 6.6 4.4 162.7 -4 58.2 50.0 -23 1712 4.5 -7 143 (5) 179/126 31.8
Guj.St.Petronet * 1703 563.81 10 38 79.7 11.6 1027.6 4 86.4 496.6 12 15 12.0 8.8 350.2 31 84.8 181.6 53 1712 11.3 36 192 M(3) 236/152 17.0
Gujarat Gas 1703 137.68 10 61 119.5 13.9 5092.6 -17 15.0 226.6 6 30 35.2 16.5 1571.3 28 12.7 60.0 43 1712 19.3 -6 852 (14) 974/614 44.2
Hariyana Ship * 1703 6.17 10 73 185.6 8.6 275.5 -25 -5.2 9.7 114 - 18.9 15.8 40.0 52 -0.6 2.5 LP 1712 22.1 11 94 (11) 117/65 4.3
HPC Biosci. 1703 15.96 1 22 1.9 1.5 2.3 21 69.0 0.5 11 - 0.1 - - - - - - 0.0 239 44 (-1) 49/44 -
ICICI Lombard 1703 453.95 10 56 82.9 17.8 6157.8 28 -5.9 623.7 24 35 14.2 13.0 1750.5 13 17.6 231.8 5 1712 16.6 - 817 M(2) 872/619 49.4
ICRA * 1703 9.90 10 51 458.2 19.3 210.9 8 38.7 76.8 * 34 270 80.8 77.6 57.0 7 44.3 22.4 9 1712 80.9 2 3860 M(7) 4400/3726 47.7
Indag Rubber 1703 5.25 2 75 65.4 11.9 184.1 -27 15.8 19.6 * -36 120 8.1 7.0 44.4 -1 15.0 4.7 1 1712 5.3 -37 171 (-12) 235/165 32.6
Indraprastha Gas * 1703 140.00 2 45 41.8 21.0 3814.8 3 25.3 571.2 36 85 10.4 8.0 1183.9 25 22.2 165.9 15 1712 9.0 15 294 (-3) 344/194 32.7
Info Edg.(India) 1703 121.57 10 41 163.2 12.2 802.1 12 33.4 229.9 63 45 20.3 18.3 227.2 22 34.7 70.3 49 1712 22.6 24 1223 M(-67) 1458/796 54.2
Jet Freight 1703 5.45 10 73 24.9 38.0 216.7 5 4.3 3.9 * 288 - 8.3 7.1 - - - - - 9.5 95 100 (-4) 134/58 10.5
Jiya Eco-Product * 1703 10.72 10 64 21.1 22.4 52.0 54 16.6 4.6 65 - 6.4 4.2 27.5 106 15.6 3.2 151 1712 7.1 101 122 (31) 139/41 17.3
JK Agri Genetics * 1703 3.60 10 65 213.0 17.1 193.0 2 14.0 12.1 * 50 40 44.2 33.6 20.4 8 -35.0 -6.3 -31 1712 26.6 4 1073 (-453) 1819/481 40.3
Jupiter Info. * 1703 10.02 10 70 10.7 0.2 0.5 20 49.9 - * LP 1 0.3 - 0.1 -19 15.4 0.1 33 1712 0.3 LP 84 (1) 95/62 -
Just Dial * 1703 67.39 10 34 134.0 5.8 718.6 8 15.2 47.3 * -31 - 13.0 7.0 196.8 9 23.7 28.6 4 1712 8.2 -11 452 M(3) 648/326 54.9
JVL Agro Indus * 1703 16.79 1 55 35.9 0.3 3857.2 -6 2.2 2.0 * -87 - 1.2 0.1 772.0 -26 3.5 2.3 -24 1712 - PL 28 (-2) 40/18 -
Karuturi Global * 1703 149.75 1 24 10.0 - 10.2 -29 -16.0 1.1 LP - 0.0 - 2.1 -17 -7.7 0.9 LP 1712 0.1 LP 2 (-) 3/1 -
Kaveri Seed Co. * 1703 13.22 2 55 154.8 13.2 669.9 -7 20.5 129.4 -25 - 23.9 19.6 70.6 4 13.8 5.4 53 1712 29.1 24 462 M(-19) 708/433 15.9
KDDL Ltd * 1703 10.84 10 45 106.3 7.1 125.6 6 17.2 7.1 * 7 15 13.3 6.6 35.4 20 19.0 4.2 172 1712 10.7 37 379 (71) 407/172 35.6
Kirloskar Indus. 1703 9.71 10 73 782.5 3.9 3.5 -26 -99.9 28.6 * -52 200 30.5 29.5 0.9 64 - 2.3 -59 1712 46.9 4 1190 (-46) 1671/871 25.4
Lancer Containe. 1703 10.05 10 73 12.9 19.5 77.6 80 10.3 1.7 * 112 - 5.8 1.7 - - - - - 4.3 272 78 XB(-7) 113/18 18.2
Lanco Infratech * 1703 331.41 1 59 3.1 - 1634.9 -39 7.0 -881.6 -60 - - - 11.0 -95 - -426.2 -10 1712 - -95 1 (-) 4/1 -
Madhav Marbles * 1703 8.95 10 38 136.7 4.3 79.3 1 8.1 5.2 -32 10 8.2 5.6 15.0 -8 1.9 0.4 -60 1712 1.7 -78 63 (3) 87/49 37.3
Mahanagar Gas * 1703 98.78 10 65 186.3 22.1 2034.0 -2 31.7 393.4 27 190 44.6 35.0 581.4 15 34.6 124.0 25 1712 47.8 25 993 (21) 1345/845 20.8
Maheshwari Logi. 1703 14.80 10 58 62.2 12.9 738.0 23 3.8 9.5 * 11 - 9.7 6.4 - - - - - 7.3 51 183 (25) 215/71 25.2
Mahindra Logis. 1703 71.14 10 61 49.8 13.7 2588.7 30 2.6 44.8 20 - 7.6 6.3 776.4 11 3.2 14.0 22 1712 7.5 - 455 M(-13) 558/405 60.5
Matrimony.com 1703 11.30 5 51 57.8 - 267.5 6 13.8 26.8 486 - 16.4 11.8 76.8 17 14.5 4.0 -46 1712 14.7 - 851 P(-52) 1025/775 58.0
MT Educare * 1703 39.82 10 43 39.2 7.1 264.9 0 14.5 11.7 -60 - 7.3 2.9 35.5 -32 - -84.5 -999 1712 - PL 70 (14) 102/53 -
Multi Comm. Exc. 1703 51.00 10 - 266.4 8.2 259.4 10 30.7 108.0 * 22 150 24.8 21.2 61.0 -11 23.1 17.8 -48 1712 14.9 -47 760 (45) 1258/665 51.0
Nath Bio-Genes * 1703 19.00 10 41 144.3 12.6 169.7 5 17.0 16.4 15 - 10.2 8.6 25.8 42 26.8 4.0 238 1712 13.4 71 487 M(-11) 566/130 36.4
Natural Capsules 1703 6.23 10 52 94.7 2.1 53.6 -14 9.6 1.2 -72 10 8.9 1.9 14.2 -3 12.0 0.6 19 1712 1.5 -13 114 (-21) 159/57 75.6
Navkar Corporat. 1703 150.52 10 69 91.5 8.1 355.2 2 38.7 97.6 4 - 7.7 6.5 86.5 -1 39.0 25.0 18 1712 6.7 3 168 M(-6) 247/159 25.2
NESCO * 1703 14.09 2 68 119.8 22.3 305.8 17 70.0 169.4 17 110 25.2 24.0 80.6 -11 72.6 43.8 -22 1712 23.4 -9 580 (-15) 647/440 24.8
Netwrk.18 Media 1703 523.47 5 75 24.3 - 66.9 -1 -82.2 -118.7 * -59 - - - 17.9 5 -90.1 33.1 LP 1712 - 72 48 (-3) 64/34 -
New India Assura 1703 412.00 5 85 172.7 -8.0 17554.2 16 -21.4 -972.4 * -195 155 - - 5074.0 25 -9.2 617.3 LP 1712 5.3 - 703 P(16) 749/534 132.3
Newgen Software 1703 69.24 10 66 54.1 20.1 383.1 22 17.4 50.2 83 9 7.7 6.9 182.8 - 4.9 5.7 - 1709 - - 229 P(-3) 267/215 -

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 59

Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com
Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 19/02/18 High/Low Ratio
Patel Integrated * 1703 16.54 10 42 74.2 6.3 454.0 -11 3.7 7.0 -16 5 6.7 4.1 103.3 -3 3.8 1.6 78 1712 3.5 -35 67 M(-4) 98/65 19.3
Paul Merchants * 1703 1.03 10 73 1473.6 8.6 2992.6 21 1.1 12.7 -37 - 151.3 123.0 1205.1 59 0.1 199.5 999 17122001.8 905 5706 (1558)6195/3056 2.9
Petronet LNG * 1703 1500.00 10 50 54.0 23.2 24616.0 -9 10.5 1653.9 * 97 50 13.2 10.8 7757.1 23 10.9 528.8 33 1712 13.2 40 239 B(-8) 275/189 18.2
Pix Transmission * 1703 13.63 10 61 121.0 9.2 236.5 9 19.8 14.4 * 297 20 19.1 10.2 67.1 15 21.0 3.4 2 1712 11.3 43 156 (-7) 199/108 13.9
Pokarna 1703 6.20 2 57 40.5 9.8 155.5 -19 20.8 11.7 * -32 30 7.3 3.7 41.1 23 22.4 3.8 77 1712 3.8 2 207 (-1) 323/171 53.9
Pressman Adv. 1703 4.70 2 47 13.0 21.3 50.1 7 16.9 5.8 * 55 65 2.5 2.5 12.1 7 18.6 1.9 36 1709 2.8 62 57 (-2) 88/51 20.2
Radix Indust. * 1703 10.00 10 72 16.7 7.8 13.9 -54 17.0 1.3 -38 10 1.3 1.3 3.3 27 14.9 0.3 45 1712 1.6 120 64 (-3) 103/58 39.3
Reliance Nav.Eng 1703 737.59 10 31 16.0 - 519.5 69 4.3 -523.4 1 - - - 54.0 -56 18.6 -167.1 -26 1712 - -87 38 M(-) 73/34 -
Riddhi Siddhi Gl * 1703 7.14 10 75 1567.9 -3.2 117.8 123 -52.9 -36.1 PL 20 - - 7.4 -59 -22.0 10.1 206 1712 - PL 750 (15) 953/382 -
Rishiroop * 1703 9.70 10 70 57.5 5.7 46.7 22 7.7 3.0 * 180 10 3.6 3.1 13.9 11 30.0 3.1 LP 1712 8.2 205 121 (4) 155/42 14.7
Rubfila Intl. 1703 21.61 5 62 18.8 16.3 176.1 7 10.7 12.0 * 50 15 3.3 2.6 45.5 12 10.3 3.0 -7 1712 4.9 132 76 (1) 100/42 15.5
Rushil Decor 1703 14.61 10 54 84.4 25.8 306.0 3 15.6 24.5 242 5 21.5 16.8 83.9 15 14.4 6.9 5 1712 19.4 50 913 C(-19) 1191/541 47.1
Sarda Plywood * 1703 4.52 10 44 25.1 - 207.5 14 1.2 -5.7 * - - - - 54.4 - 0.4 -2.1 -51 1712 - -76 151 (1) 295/134 -
Sayaji Inds. * 1703 3.16 10 75 166.9 7.8 534.6 9 4.5 4.0 49 150 40.2 12.5 142.9 7 4.1 1.3 139 1712 13.8 - 512 B(-) 512/209 37.1
SecUR Credential 1703 4.89 10 - 68.5 - 9.8 122 28.0 1.8 999 - 3.8 3.7 5.7 - 31.3 1.3 - 1706 - - 200 M(14) 272/170 -
Security & Intel 1703 73.18 10 75 72.9 17.7 1614.8 27 5.9 26.5 * -15 - 6.9 3.6 560.5 39 6.7 22.5 841 1712 8.6 - 1134 P(4) 1300/708 131.7
Shreeji Translog 1703 3.49 10 - 49.6 7.3 86.7 -1 7.9 1.0 * 168 - 10.8 2.9 - - - - - 6.7 - 136 P(-7) 180/131 20.5
Sical Logistics 1703 55.60 10 57 98.8 8.7 817.4 26 13.7 45.5 89 - 13.1 8.2 271.6 33 10.1 5.6 -54 1712 6.7 -13 220 (25) 285/194 32.7
Sindhu Trade * 1703 51.40 10 75 78.9 21.0 887.3 33 18.2 76.9 1 - 18.2 15.0 256.4 12 17.2 16.0 -9 1712 15.1 -11 48 (3) 48/18 3.2
SJVN * 1703 4136.63 10 90 27.8 13.6 2468.7 -1 80.6 1568.7 20 28 5.0 3.3 436.6 -12 61.6 205.7 -21 1712 3.4 7 37 (2) 40/30 11.0
Snowman Logistic * 1703 167.09 10 40 25.7 -0.5 189.2 -16 19.2 -2.2 PL - 2.2 - 49.8 5 26.3 0.3 LP 1712 0.1 LP 52 (1) 71/46 -
Somi Conv.Belt. * 1703 11.78 10 59 44.4 1.6 65.3 13 14.7 0.8 * -64 - 5.5 0.7 22.5 64 9.6 0.3 127 1712 0.6 -37 60 (-3) 87/42 -
SPARC * 1703 25.09 1 67 11.7 - 181.0 12 -68.4 -120.3 -72 - - - 19.4 -16 - -58.1 12 1712 - -141 439 C(23) 532/273 -
Stylam Indus. * 1703 8.17 10 53 153.8 28.1 312.4 18 13.8 18.4 51 - 29.3 22.5 81.9 17 13.4 4.5 11 1712 22.0 - 708 M(49) 855/482 32.2
Sukhjit Starch * 1703 7.38 10 62 316.9 8.2 653.2 15 7.8 18.3 * -21 50 39.7 23.8 191.2 12 10.3 8.4 107 1712 28.1 7 528 (30) 578/277 18.8
Sunil Healthcare * 1703 10.25 10 74 36.3 17.9 102.1 25 16.5 6.2 18 - 10.3 6.0 22.9 -23 14.7 0.6 -61 1712 4.2 -25 75 (-5) 108/66 17.9
Talwal.Better * 1703 31.00 10 37 166.5 13.9 257.1 12 62.1 62.0 16 15 34.7 20.0 50.1 9 46.8 5.9 24 1712 22.9 21 287 M(-19) 358/209 12.5
Team Lease Serv. 1703 17.10 10 43 216.4 16.7 2991.1 19 1.2 56.7 133 - 35.5 33.1 859.4 8 1.4 18.0 143 1712 50.8 177 2179 (53) 2537/850 42.9
Tiger Logistics * 1703 10.57 10 73 44.6 24.5 298.1 18 5.7 10.3 41 - 10.3 9.7 80.1 18 6.5 3.0 36 1712 9.9 28 209 (4) 259/152 21.2
Timex Group 1703 10.10 1 75 -6.8 - 199.8 15 0.5 -3.8 59 - - - 50.5 -7 -8.1 -4.5 36 1712 0.5 LP 50 (-7) 71/35 -
Total Transport 1703 14.31 10 52 22.1 59.3 199.7 -12 5.0 5.6 LP - 4.6 3.9 - - - - - 4.7 - 51 M(-) 74/41 11.0
Transport Corp. * 1703 15.32 2 66 75.8 12.8 1804.3 13 8.8 70.9 12 55 16.8 9.3 555.3 24 9.5 27.9 65 1712 11.8 81 279 (16) 350/189 23.7
Uniply Inds. * 1703 23.91 10 33 53.9 8.4 161.7 19 11.5 7.3 68 - 3.6 3.1 25.0 -28 1.2 1.2 -41 1712 4.1 42 446 (41) 485/235 108.7
UV Boards * 1703 24.47 2 37 22.5 -12.0 17.8 -69 -0.2 -1.0 PL - - - 40.6 983 4.0 1.2 999 1712 - PL 56 M(-2) 71/17 -
Venky’s (India) * 1703 14.09 10 56 376.9 26.3 2475.6 16 11.2 124.7 * 227 60 107.7 87.5 695.9 13 17.7 69.4 66 1712 135.0 84 2689 (39) 3046/781 19.9
Vimta Labs 1703 4.42 2 37 61.6 7.7 171.3 24 15.5 10.1 59 - 8.9 4.6 47.5 24 29.1 6.0 98 1712 6.1 35 204 (9) 230/107 33.5
VRL Logistics * 1703 90.34 10 68 59.8 13.4 1803.1 5 12.2 71.0 -32 40 17.9 7.0 489.3 8 12.6 25.2 16 1712 9.9 21 424 M(3) 492/288 42.8
W I Plywood * 1703 8.49 10 42 47.1 -2.2 81.1 -4 4.6 -0.9 * PL - 1.4 - 23.1 12 2.6 -0.2 PL 1712 - - 65 (-5) 90/35 -
IND.COMPOSITE 14917.14 198394.2 9.8 15341.8 12.0 5477.3 633475 27.2
DCM Shriram 1703 32.48 2 64 156.4 24.7 5732.5 0 14.0 578.2 64 290 41.3 34.4 1746.1 29 19.0 221.1 49 1712 47.8 58 525 (-58) 628/270 11.0
Kesoram Inds. * 1703 124.77 10 46 30.2 - 3748.1 -9 -0.2 -243.3 * 60 - - - 883.0 1 -3.0 -1.8 98 1712 - -6 128 C(-2) 173/120 -
Voltas * 1703 33.09 1 30 90.2 14.8 5410.4 5 7.8 406.5 * 34 350 12.6 12.1 1217.2 20 6.3 70.2 -32 1712 12.3 -2 576 (-20) 675/345 46.8
IND.COMPOSITE 190.34 14890.9 8.2 741.4 9.9 289.5 29164 23.3
Balmer Lawrie * 1703 114.00 10 - 102.3 15.3 1706.4 7 12.4 170.4 * 4 70 17.2 14.9 411.5 9 15.0 40.8 57 1712 15.5 7 233 (3) 302/208 15.1
IND.COMPOSITE 114.00 1706.4 12.4 170.4 15.0 40.8 2660 15.1
Andhra Sugars 1703 27.11 10 47 310.3 15.7 906.7 4 22.9 119.5 * 163 100 60.4 44.1 236.0 -5 24.7 39.5 2 1712 45.9 21 476 (-84) 714/262 10.4
Andrew Yule * 1703 97.79 2 89 3.7 18.0 408.7 11 2.5 29.6 249 5 0.7 0.6 120.5 5 19.5 29.3 30 1712 0.5 -52 31 (2) 47/23 -
Nava Bharat Vent 1703 35.72 2 44 151.5 3.1 979.3 -5 15.1 82.8 * -29 50 6.7 4.6 312.5 27 16.9 31.6 21 1712 6.5 -2 145 (-5) 184/112 22.4
Rasoi 1703 1.93 200 75 12775 7.6 21.9 20 31.0 9.4 140 10 1051.8 974.1 4.9 -11 7.1 -0.1 PL 1712 747.2 13 36954 (-2546)49600/2522249.5
Surana Telecom * 1703 14.52 1 74 5.7 2.1 26.9 21 47.3 1.5 * -5 - 0.6 0.1 8.0 -5 36.1 0.7 -4 1712 0.1 -38 5 (-) 9/4 -
IND.COMPOSITE 177.07 2343.5 16.4 242.8 20.2 101.0 5827 17.1

Full Year TTM Dividend Yield (%) :

OPM (%) 25.5 23.6
Price / Book Value Ratio :
PBDT Margin (%) 12.9 11.7
P/C Ratio 22.2 23.5
Total Market Capitalisation - 1800 Companies :
P/E Ratio 27.5 26.3 Rs. 14499207.7 Cr.

60 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET


SALES (%) NP (%) EPS 19/02/18 SALES (%) NP (%) EPS 19/02/18
3i Infotech 3.8 967.4 -5 80.8 LP 0.5 6 11.3 Eldeco Housing 627.4 168.2 49 26.2 46 132.9 1953 14.7
52 Weeks Enter. 5.8 75.4 151 6.1 LP 1.7 5 2.8 Equitas Holdings 65.7 1712.5 15 -0.9 PL - 143 -
8K Miles 111.1 796.5 75 158.3 93 51.9 800 15.4 Essel Propack 66.1 2408.1 7 168.9 -4 10.7 282 26.3
Aban Offshore 451.5 1529.4 -23 -1173.0 29 - 171 - Everest Kanto 37.2 515.9 -15 1.1 LP 0.1 55 -
Adani Enterp. 128.5 39995.1 20 863.8 19 7.9 203 25.8 Fairchem Speci. 116.1 932.9 - 29.3 - 7.8 403 51.7
Adani Ports 83.8 10371.6 28 3998.6 10 19.3 393 20.4 Firstsour.Solu. 29.6 3523.3 1 295.3 2 4.3 46 10.7
Adani Power 7.8 23031.3 -4 -2343.9 999 - 31 - Fortis Health. ** 99.2 4692.6 7 421.1 346 8.1 146 18.0
Adani Transmissi 26.8 3973.2 48 1087.6 158 9.9 196 19.8 Fortune Fin.Ser. 90.2 295.1 107 44.2 117 8.7 240 27.7
Aditya Birla Cap 37.3 11568.1 - 886.5 - 4.0 162 40.3 Ganesh Housing 172.0 545.4 86 71.4 34 14.5 148 10.2
Advance. Enzyme. 41.2 370.3 14 84.7 -9 7.6 236 31.1 Gati 59.5 1696.1 -1 54.1 63 5.0 113 22.7
Aegis Logistics 18.0 4809.1 55 180.3 49 5.4 261 48.4 GMR Infra. 9.5 9528.0 75 -831.3 PL - 18 -
AGC Networks 22.3 716.0 -11 -2.5 -84 - 122 - GOCL Corpn. 76.8 470.5 -5 32.7 79 6.6 570 86.5
Alfavision Overs 27.0 140.4 - 1.9 - 6.1 53 8.6 Godrej Consumer 77.8 9679.0 8 1401.3 18 20.6 1036 50.4
Allcargo Logist. 72.9 5873.4 5 194.8 -9 7.9 177 22.4 Godrej Inds. 95.2 9012.6 8 248.9 -28 7.4 546 73.8
Allied Digital ## 81.9 215.0 -9 -5.1 PL - 24 - Godrej Propert. 92.6 1799.3 10 142.6 42 6.6 776 117.9
Allsec Tech. 98.5 344.7 10 60.7 7 39.8 383 9.6 Goldiam Intl. 121.5 303.5 -6 19.0 -8 7.6 72 9.5
Almondz Global 48.5 70.3 11 3.4 -28 1.3 27 20.5 Grasim Inds 478.1 48778.3 36 2479.4 -34 37.7 1091 28.9
Ambuja Cem. ## 98.4 22395.8 28 1299.9 11 6.5 258 39.4 Guj Fluorochem 411.1 4764.2 -30 53.3 -87 4.8 775 159.9
Apollo Pipes ** 38.9 274.5 4 5.9 -35 5.4 576 107.6 HDFC 375.6 65290.6 10 12475.4 9 78.1 1811 23.2
Arman Financial 73.7 66.6 24 4.1 -57 5.9 280 47.2 H T Media 95.9 2370.4 -6 229.7 16 9.9 91 9.3
Arshiya ** -60.2 276.6 -3 -335.9 -5 - 94 - HCL Technologies 236.6 50288.5 11 8931.5 12 64.2 914 14.2
Arvind Ltd 137.9 10274.1 14 309.8 -5 12.0 383 32.0 Hexaware Tech. 67.6 3942.0 12 499.5 20 16.8 331 19.7
Arvind SmartSp. 67.8 194.8 30 32.4 55 10.2 179 17.6 Hinduja Global 643.0 3785.5 3 187.0 10 89.9 823 9.2
Ashapura Minech. 0.4 979.7 -4 -42.7 PL - 81 - IDFC 67.8 11087.7 11 726.7 999 4.6 53 11.5
Asian Oilfield ## 20.7 196.1 533 6.7 LP 2.3 237 104.9 IIFL Holdings 137.6 6146.7 33 851.7 34 26.7 760 28.4
Aurionpro Sol. 279.8 679.0 7 45.4 66 19.2 202 10.5 IL&FS Inv.Manag. 9.8 124.6 1 11.6 6 0.4 20 -
Avonmore Capital 44.0 98.0 40 26.0 388 10.7 35 3.3 Indbull.RealEst. 85.3 4335.6 66 416.0 25 8.8 214 24.4
AXISCADES Engg. 76.4 478.3 1 6.2 -68 1.6 169 102.7 Indiabulls Vent. 60.6 816.3 82 222.0 386 4.2 246 58.1
BAG Films 5.8 135.3 -1 2.7 -21 0.1 6 - Inditrade Cap. 42.2 66.2 60 6.2 103 2.7 73 27.2
Bajaj Finserv 993.1 28824.6 -7 2591.0 15 162.8 5006 30.7 Infibeam Incorp. 14.4 719.7 82 86.3 168 1.6 160 100.8
Ballarpur Inds. 17.0 2151.1 -25 -1243.1 8 - 13 - Infinite Comp 252.8 2772.5 22 107.8 -16 31.4 462 14.7
Banco Products 102.6 1386.9 9 86.9 -19 12.2 222 18.3 Inox Wind 98.7 1295.7 -69 -10.7 PL - 132 -
Bilcare 260.6 2695.8 2 -432.2 PL - 62 - Intellect Design 63.7 1030.7 17 31.2 LP 2.5 178 71.6
Bliss GVS Pharma 46.9 916.4 37 117.9 34 11.4 195 17.1 Intrasoft Tech. 89.1 1101.5 21 8.6 -58 5.8 595 101.9
BLS Internat. 16.1 778.8 43 93.5 155 9.1 190 20.8 IRB Infra.Devl. 150.0 5862.9 2 881.9 33 25.1 226 9.0
Cadila Health. 68.0 11109.6 18 1571.2 -6 15.3 410 26.7 IZMO 141.9 59.1 10 7.6 LP 5.9 105 17.7
Cambridge Tech. 23.1 95.6 - 11.5 -20 5.8 77 13.2 Jain Irrigation 89.5 7894.7 9 218.1 36 4.4 118 26.8
Camlin Fine 29.8 640.3 24 -34.7 PL - 115 - Jayant Agro Org. 93.1 2308.9 43 56.6 15 18.9 372 19.7
Cerebra Integr. 18.4 251.9 4 20.2 100 1.7 59 35.3 JBM Auto 100.4 1859.1 13 70.2 27 17.2 442 25.7
Choice Intl. 54.9 139.5 -28 8.6 35 4.3 158 36.8 Jindal Poly Film 542.7 7532.4 8 74.5 -52 17.0 344 20.2
Cigniti Tech. -15.4 642.0 -2 -61.0 PL - 263 - JM Financial 47.5 2975.6 42 593.2 37 7.1 150 21.1
CL Educate 252.8 284.2 12 14.9 28 10.5 242 23.0 JSW Energy 63.3 8136.0 -11 564.9 -27 3.4 79 22.9
Coal India 39.5 123009.6 19 8432.5 -23 13.6 305 22.4 Jubilant Inds. 35.1 493.2 -2 -16.4 999 - 196 -
Coffee Day Enter 105.7 3931.8 16 56.9 -43 2.7 318 118.1 Jubilant Life 215.7 6863.0 19 636.5 44 40.0 928 23.2
Cox & Kings 146.6 6014.9 -18 410.8 795 23.3 237 10.2 Karuturi Global 14.6 220.0 -26 109.2 536 0.7 2 3.3
Cybertech Sys. 26.2 88.1 4 6.4 -27 2.3 70 29.9 Kaya Ltd 192.3 418.5 5 4.7 LP 3.6 930 258.4
Cyient 188.1 3786.0 9 381.2 14 33.9 611 18.0 KDDL Ltd 89.7 469.1 1 10.3 LP 9.5 379 40.0
Dalmia Bhar. 558.1 7774.1 12 502.1 125 56.4 2840 50.3 Kellton Tech 37.4 733.9 26 60.9 21 12.9 120 9.3
Datamatics Glob. 90.0 911.5 7 68.3 -1 11.6 124 10.7 Kiran Vyapar 353.2 111.3 -12 50.3 27 19.4 167 8.6
Delta Magnets 16.9 67.6 14 -2.9 -32 - 63 - Kolte Patil Dev. 114.0 1256.9 50 124.4 69 16.4 333 20.3
DIL 615.6 252.1 52 17.8 LP 77.7 2966 38.2 Kopran 28.9 306.0 - 26.3 30 6.1 71 11.6
Dion Global -2.0 249.3 19 -48.9 -27 - 34 - Kotak Mah. Bank 232.5 38387.5 23 6305.2 62 33.1 1057 31.9
Dishman Carbogen 300.3 1764.6 - 146.0 - 9.0 332 36.7 KPIT Tech. 80.2 3554.8 8 231.7 -12 11.7 198 16.9
DLF 137.7 7554.3 -12 145.6 138 0.8 224 274.0 Kridhan Infra 46.9 714.8 17 48.6 LP 5.6 109 19.6
Dynamatic Tech. ## 381.2 1389.5 -9 -12.3 PL - 1666 - KSK Energy Ven. 51.0 3745.4 -11 -1011.5 -3 - 13 -
Edelweiss.Fin. 64.2 7904.7 28 812.1 45 8.9 254 28.5 Kushal 10.3 2580.6 -15 131.5 -37 5.5 158 28.6
EID Parry 155.4 15309.9 -1 634.7 4 35.9 317 8.8 L T Foods 33.0 3520.8 13 135.2 14 4.2 95 22.5

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 61


SALES (%) NP (%) EPS 19/02/18 SALES (%) NP (%) EPS 19/02/18
L&T Fin.Holdings 45.2 9799.6 17 1377.6 41 7.5 159 21.0 Sadbhav Infra. 2.0 1914.9 34 -347.1 2 - 133 -
Lumax Auto Tech. 232.3 1050.2 7 43.7 9 32.1 774 24.1 Saksoft 126.0 278.5 11 19.3 -4 18.4 237 12.9
Majesco 185.1 780.2 -10 4.5 -41 1.6 475 295.9 Sastasundar Ven. ## 59.6 143.2 15 -26.5 -21 - 105 -
Man Infra 26.4 593.0 69 58.6 58 2.4 56 23.7 Sat Industries 9.2 108.0 - 6.1 - 0.6 39 69.5
Manaksia 125.6 1120.4 18 88.4 -21 13.5 60 4.5 Security & Intel 123.7 5659.1 - 166.5 - 22.7 1134 49.9
Marksans Pharma 10.6 898.1 13 34.3 268 0.8 38 45.3 Sequent Scien. 40.1 1046.7 38 47.6 LP 2.0 75 38.6
Mastek 147.4 774.8 53 66.1 155 27.9 489 17.5 Shirpur Gold 110.4 5538.3 25 11.2 270 3.8 155 40.4
Master Trust 162.4 134.6 26 9.1 168 8.4 103 12.3 Shiva Global 69.2 500.2 20 6.3 40 6.3 70 11.0
Max Heights 18.4 53.5 38 1.4 999 0.9 54 61.5 Shivalik Rasayan 109.7 144.8 -15 12.8 75 30.5 670 21.9
Max Ventures ## 48.3 686.4 3 -12.0 PL - 80 - Siti Networks 6.2 1400.2 12 -154.0 42 - 20 -
Media Matrix 0.3 514.6 144 2.7 600 0.0 6 - Sonata Software 55.6 2664.3 20 165.4 4 15.7 324 20.6
Megasoft 29.7 71.2 -2 -12.2 PL - 14 - SORIL Holdings 170.6 171.7 -44 -42.2 PL - 247 -
MEP Infrast. -0.5 1977.4 8 58.2 LP 3.6 91 25.5 Spice Mobility 12.9 710.8 302 -27.3 46 - 18 -
Mercator 37.6 1228.6 -46 -171.0 8 - 35 - SREI Infra. Fin. 97.8 5167.7 23 288.0 25 5.7 78 13.7
Minda Corp 30.2 3290.2 49 115.3 2 5.5 189 34.4 Sri KPR Inds. 26.5 75.3 10 7.2 193 3.6 26 7.3
Minda Inds. 118.5 4115.2 28 236.0 47 27.2 1082 39.7 Stampede Cap. ## 6.9 350.5 31 -0.5 PL - 12 -
Mindteck (India) 78.3 311.6 -7 9.4 20 3.7 66 18.0 Sterling Intl ** 76.2 427.0 258 -115.8 138 - 2 -
Moschip Semicon. ## 3.9 55.8 376 -4.0 -50 - 33 - Strides Shasun 302.9 3678.6 16 85.5 -75 9.5 732 76.6
Motherson Sumi 39.3 52185.7 27 1706.9 10 8.1 328 40.4 Sun Pharma.Inds. 152.7 27494.3 -13 2212.3 -68 9.2 563 61.0
Motil.Oswal.Fin. 123.4 2484.8 40 421.7 25 29.1 1113 38.2 Sunteck Realty 167.2 819.5 -9 180.0 -1 12.3 400 32.5
MphasiS 317.5 6307.3 4 727.9 - 37.7 865 23.0 SVP Global ## 472.2 2283.4 4 48.2 286 38.1 471 12.4
Netwrk.18 Media 12.3 1401.8 -3 -152.5 -25 - 48 - Systematix Corp. 42.9 51.5 21 6.5 178 4.9 25 5.2
Next Media. 3.9 73.0 -8 -7.9 -81 - 17 - Taaza Intern. 21.3 114.6 2 -0.7 PL - 10 -
NIIT 51.4 1054.6 5 75.6 48 4.5 92 20.2 Take Solutions 67.0 1488.8 14 140.7 18 10.6 165 15.7
NIIT Tech. 274.5 2947.3 7 285.1 12 46.4 761 16.4 Tata Chemicals 310.4 12522.7 -1 1479.6 71 58.1 709 12.2
OnMobile Global 53.6 651.4 -14 -1.9 -99 - 54 - Tata Coffee 56.6 1529.5 -7 169.5 29 9.1 135 14.9
Onward Technolog 27.6 240.8 11 7.5 999 4.8 95 19.8 Tata Comm 55.9 16936.0 -6 -1326.0 PL - 633 -
Opto Circuits 27.6 213.0 -19 183.5 LP 6.4 10 1.5 Tata Global 98.9 6808.9 1 497.2 408 7.9 268 34.0
Orient Green 8.0 381.0 14 -71.5 203 - 11 - Tata Motors 200.7 280557.3 2 6753.0 -9 23.4 368 15.7
Panoramic Univ. ## 22.1 124.2 -27 -30.2 15 - 9 - Tata Power Co. 43.6 28826.6 3 1101.1 99 4.1 86 21.1
Parenteral Drugs -23.8 231.2 1 -134.9 12 - 20 - Tata Steel 385.9 128684.0 25 7886.0 LP 70.0 648 9.3
PDS Multi. 177.7 4765.9 6 -13.7 PL - 285 - Technvision Ven. ## 34.0 51.2 28 -1.7 PL - 118 -
Pearl Global Ind 171.3 1589.7 4 15.1 -51 7.0 113 16.2 Thomas Cook (I) 41.4 10464.2 23 146.1 LP 4.0 235 59.1
Persistent Sys 237.4 3008.3 6 323.5 14 40.4 751 18.6 TI Financial 147.4 3221.8 -20 564.1 8 30.1 675 22.4
Phoenix Mills 142.8 1637.5 -11 182.8 20 11.9 607 50.9 Time Technoplast 58.3 2970.1 15 167.9 20 7.4 185 24.9
Piramal Enterp. 928.0 10090.9 30 1481.0 39 82.1 2630 32.0 Titagarh Wagons 83.8 1618.8 17 -34.4 PL - 127 -
Pokarna 53.0 345.6 -7 47.2 -33 15.2 207 13.6 Titan Securities 16.1 67.1 - 3.0 - 1.2 6 4.9
Polyplex Corpn 744.0 3423.0 6 193.6 -8 60.5 489 8.1 TRF -74.0 1018.2 -3 -61.4 79 - 222 -
Prestige Estates 119.0 5093.8 8 328.8 132 8.8 321 36.6 Trigyn Techno. 109.4 674.1 -1 38.9 -10 13.0 146 11.2
Prime Focus 18.6 2306.4 17 33.6 LP 1.1 102 91.3 Uflex 502.5 6856.3 8 337.4 2 46.7 375 8.0
Prime Securities 0.9 74.7 106 19.0 18 7.2 49 6.8 Uniply Inds. ## 58.6 356.2 116 20.0 186 8.4 446 53.3
Prozone Intu ## 36.4 65.6 -8 -2.1 PL - 58 - Unitech 35.2 1649.1 -3 -419.5 -11 - 7 -
R Systems Intl. 24.5 592.6 1 24.5 -52 2.0 39 19.6 UPL 143.9 17029.0 9 2089.4 68 41.1 700 17.0
Rain Industries ## 89.6 10587.6 14 523.7 142 15.6 392 25.2 Va Tech Wabag 181.7 3551.5 21 153.3 56 28.0 561 20.0
Rajesh Exports 190.8 198113.6 -19 1226.4 5 41.5 790 19.0 Vaibhav Global 128.7 1519.1 8 93.2 75 28.6 687 24.0
Ramco Systems 176.9 465.0 2 15.2 50 5.0 448 90.2 Vedanta 163.0 86747.0 32 6638.3 LP 17.9 320 17.9
Rane Holdings 505.6 3096.5 30 92.5 - 64.8 2558 39.5 Veto Switchgears 55.1 251.2 - 27.6 - 15.1 220 14.6
Raymond 272.6 5750.2 8 102.5 158 16.7 939 56.2 Viaan Industries 2.6 250.0 136 25.5 260 2.4 37 15.6
Redington India 78.7 42938.9 5 479.3 5 12.0 150 12.5 Virinchi 77.2 346.1 36 34.6 59 12.9 116 9.0
Rel. Comm. 105.2 17368.0 -19 -5180.0 999 - 28 - Vivimed Labs. 83.2 1336.7 -3 182.2 53 22.1 82 3.7
Reliance Capital 606.8 19958.0 29 1313.5 22 52.0 478 9.2 Westlife Develop 33.9 1062.2 16 -10.3 -30 - 319 -
Reliance Infra. 888.7 26108.0 1 -123.0 PL - 444 - White Organic 21.5 110.5 750 8.3 999 6.7 133 19.9
Reliance Power 76.2 9878.6 -13 996.7 5 3.6 43 12.2 Wockhardt 301.7 3782.2 -9 -343.9 999 - 774 -
Renaissance Jew. 271.9 1775.8 28 65.0 55 34.4 340 9.9 Zensar Tech. 326.9 3041.1 -1 176.2 -35 39.2 885 22.6
Revathi Equipmnt 520.6 160.6 -35 -12.1 PL - 620 - Zicom Electron. ## 59.3 473.5 -51 -270.3 429 - 21 -
Rollatainers 2.8 152.6 97 -10.5 47 - 6 - Zydus Wellness 142.6 494.6 19 126.4 19 32.4 1174 36.3
Rolta India 156.8 2974.2 -10 692.1 279 42.0 71 1.7 Zylog Systems -161.9 187.4 -17 -13.0 -53 - 4 -

62 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

Capital Market subscribers can see Corporate Scoreboard of 8000+ companies with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at
The numbers in brackets after the companies indexed here are the industry numbers in the corporate scoreboard where the companies will be found.
Where prices of a company are taken from stock exchanges other than Bombay, the stock exchange is indicated in brackets after the name of the company.
Beta and BSE Ticker code of the companies listed on BSE have been given opposite the name of the company.
Beta: Calculated based on one-year data, Beta indicates how sensitive the scrip is vis-à-vis the BSE Sensex. Beta of 1 indicates that the rise and fall in
the scrip price mirrors the rise and fall in BSE Sensex. Beta of less than 1 indicate that the scrip movements are less sensitive to BSE Sensex and Beta
of more than 1 indicate that the scrip movement is more sensitive to movement in BSE Sensex and the scrip’s rise and fall may be disproportionately larger
than the rise and fall in Sensex.
Alphageo (India) (61) B 1 (526397) Assoc.Alcohols (14) X 1.2 (507526) BCL Industries (83) X (524332) Cadsys (India) L (N) (28) -
A Amal (38) X 0.9 (506597) Astc Life (67) B 0.9 (533138) Bedmutha Indus. (85) B 2 (533270) California Soft. (28) B 0.2 (532386)
3M India (101) B 0.8 (523395) Amara Raja Batt. (10) A 0.9 (500008) Astra Microwave (91) A 1 (532493) Beekay Steel Ind (85) X (539018) Camlin Fine (22) B 1 (532834)
63 Moons Tech. (28) B 0.9 (526881) Amarjothi Spg. (94) X 0.9 (521097) Astral Poly (75) A 0.5 (532830) BEML Ltd (44) A 1.2 (500048) Camp. & Allied (22) X 0.6 (500078)
21st Cent. Mgmt. (50) T 0.1 (526921) Amber Enterp. (39) B (540902) Astrazeneca Phar (73) B 0.2 (506820) Bengal & Assam (50) B 1.3 (533095) Can Fin Homes (51) A 1.2 (511196)
3i Infotech (28) B 0.9 (532628) Ambika Cotton (94) B 0.5 (531978) Astron Paper (64) B (540824) Bengal Tea (93) X 0.9 (532230) Canara Bank (11) A 1.6 (532483)
8K Miles (28) B 1.1 (512161) Ambuja Cem. (18) A 1.1 (500425) Asya Infosoft (106) X 0.3 (511144) Berger Paints (63) A 0.8 (509480) Cantabil Retail (97) B 0.7 (533267)
5Paisa Capital (50) B (540776) AMD Industries (62) B 1 (532828) Atlanta (45) B 2 (532759) Best Eastern Hot (57) XT 0 . 5 ( 5 0 8 6 6 4 ) Capacit’e Infra. (31) B (540710)
A B B (39) A 0.5 (500002) Amines & Plast. (22) X 0.1 (506248) Atlas Cycles (33) T 1.2 (505029) Best Steel (101) X 0.3 (538566) Capital First (50) A 1.8 (532938)
A B M Internatl. (N) (101) - AMJ Land (64) B 0.7 (500343) Atlas Jewellery (35) X 0.3 (514394) Beta Drugs Ltd (N) (71) - Capital Trust (50) B 1 (511505)
A Infrastructure (20) X (539620) Amrit Corp (53) X 1.2 (507525) Atul (38) A 1 (500027) BF Investment (50) B 1.4 (533303) Capitan Polyp. (75) B 0.8 (536974)
A.K.Capital Serv (50) X 1 (530499) Amrutanjan Healt (72) B 1.1 (590006) Atul Auto (8) B 1 (531795) BF Utilities (76) A 1.4 (532430) Caplin Point Lab (72) B 1 (524742)
A2Z Infra Engg. (44) B 1.7 (533292) Amtek Auto (10) B 1.5 (520077) AU Small Finance (12) B (540611) BGR Energy Sys. (45) B 1.1 (532930) Capri Global (50) B 0.8 (531595)
Aarti Drugs (71) B 0.8 (524348) Anant Raj (31) B 1.7 (515055) Aurionpro Sol. (28) B 0.9 (532668) Bhageria Indust. (38) B 1 (530803) Carborundum Uni. (1) A 1 (513375)
Aarti Inds. (22) B 0.7 (524208) Andhra Bank (11) A 1.4 (532418) Aurobindo Pharma (70) A 1 . 1 ( 5 2 4 8 0 4 ) Bhagiradha Chem. (67) X 0 . 7 ( 5 3 1 7 1 9 ) CARE Ratings (106) A 0.7 (534804)
Aarvi Encon (N) (106) - Andhra Cement (19) T 1.2 (532141) Ausom Enter. (50) B 0.4 (509009) Bhagyanagar Ind (16) B 0.4 (512296) Castrol India (22) A 0.8 (500870)
Aban Offshore (61) A 1.4 (523204) Andhra Petro. (22) X 0.9 (500012) Authum Invest (50) X (539177) Bhansali Engg. (69) B 1.3 (500052) CCL Products (89) B 0.6 (519600)
Abbott India (73) B 0.5 (500488) Andhra Sugars (109) B 1.2 (590062) Auto.Corp.of Goa (10) X 0 . 7 ( 5 0 5 0 3 6 ) Bharat Bijlee (39) B 1.2 (503960) CEAT (105) A 1.1 (500878)
ABC Bearings (13) X 1.1 (505665) Andrew Yule (109) B 0.8 (526173) Autolite (India) (10) B 1.2 (500029) Bharat Electro. (43) A 1 (500049) Celebrity Fash. (97) B 1.2 (532695)
Abhinav Capital (50) XT 0.1 (532057) Anjani Portland (19) B 1.2 (518091) Automotive Axles (10) B 0.9 (505010) Bharat Financial (50) A 1.7 (533228) Central Bank (11) A 0.9 (532885)
ACC (18) A 1 (500410) Ansal Buildwell (31) X 1 (523007) Avadh Sugar (88) B (540649) Bharat Forge (17) A 1.2 (500493) Central Dep. Ser (N) (50) -
Accel Frontline (28) B 1.2 (532774) Ansal Properties (31) B 1 (500013) Avantel (91) X 0.6 (532406) Bharat Gears (10) B 1.5 (505688) Centrum Capital (50) B 0.6 (501150)
Accelya Kale (28) B 0.5 (532268) Anuh Pharma (71) X 0.8 (506260) Avanti Feeds (53) A 0.9 (512573) Bharat Immunol. (72) SS 1 . 1 ( 5 2 4 6 6 3 ) Centum Electron (43) B 0.7 (517544)
Action Const.Eq. (44) B 1.5 (532762) Apar Inds. (39) B 0.7 (532259) Avenue Super. (101) A (540376) Bharat Rasayan (67) B 0.8 (590021) Century Enka (95) B 1.1 (500280)
Adani Enterp. (101) A 1.6 (512599) Apcotex Industri (106) B 0 . 8 ( 5 2 3 6 9 4 ) Avonmore Capital (50) X 0 . 1 ( 5 1 1 5 8 9 ) Bharat Road (31) B (540700) Century Extrus. (3) B 0.4 (500083)
Adani Ports (106) A 1.6 (532921) Apex Frozen (4) B (540692) AVT Natural Prod (83) B 1 (519105) Bharat Seats (10) X 1.1 (523229) Century Ply. (106) A 1.3 (532548)
Adani Power (76) A 1.5 (533096) APL Apollo (85) B 0.8 (533758) Axis Bank (12) A 1.3 (532215) Bharat Wire (85) B 0.8 (539799) Century Textiles (18) A 1.6 (500040)
Adani Transmissi (76) A 1.5 (539254) APM Inds. (99) X 0.9 (523537) AXISCADES Engg. (28) B 1 . 5 ( 5 3 2 3 9 5 ) Bharti Airtel (90) A 0.8 (532454) Cera Sanitary. (21) B 0.9 (532443)
ADF Foods (53) B 1.1 (519183) Apollo Hospitals (56) A 0.5 (508869) Axtel Industries (101) X 1 (523850) Bharti Infra. (102) A 0.6 (534816) Cerebra Integr. (26) B 1.4 (532413)
Adhbhut Infra. (31) XT (539189) Apollo Micro Sys (28) B (540879) AYM Syntex (96) B 1.1 (508933) Bhartiya Intl. (58) B 0.6 (526666) CESC (76) A 0.7 (500084)
Adhunik Indus. (85) B 0.9 (538365) Apollo Pipes (75) X 1.2 (531761) Bhilwara Tech (97) X (533108) CG Power & Ind. (39) A 1.4 (500093)
Adit.Birla Money (50) B 0.8 (532974) Apollo Sindoori (N) (57) - B Bhushan Steel (84) B 1 (500055) Chamanlal Setia (53) X 0.8 (530307)
Aditya Bir. Fas. (97) A 1.1 (535755) Apollo Tyres (105) A 1.1 (500877) B H E L (39) A 1.4 (500103) BIGBLOC Const. (20) B 0.8 (540061) Chambal Fert. (49) A 0.6 (500085)
Aditya Birla Cap (50) B (540691) Aptech (30) B 1.6 (532475) B P C L (80) A 0.7 (500547) Bimetal Bear. (13) X 0.8 (505681) Channel Nine (47) M (535142)
Aditya Consumer (101) M (540146) Archidply Inds. (106) B 1.6 (532994) B.L.Kashyap (31) B 1.5 (532719) Binani Inds (106) B 1.7 (500059) Chart.Logistics (106) X 0.3 (531977)
Aditya Vision (42) M (540205) Arcotech Ltd (59) B 0.7 (532914) Bafna Pharma. (72) T 1.3 (532989) Binny (93) X 1 (514215) CHD Developers (31) XT 0.8 (526917)
Adlabs Entert. (79) B 1 (539056) Arfin India (3) X 0.8 (539151) Bajaj Auto (8) A 0.9 (532977) Binny Mills (101) X 0.7 (535620) Chembond Chem. (22) X 0 . 6 ( 5 3 0 8 7 1 )
Ador Welding (41) B 0.7 (517041) Arihant Super. (31) B 0.2 (506194) Bajaj Corp (65) A 0.3 (533229) Biocon (70) A 0.6 (532523) Cheviot Company (100) X 0 . 8 ( 5 2 6 8 1 7 )
Advance. Enzyme. (22) A 1 . 5 ( 5 4 0 0 2 5 ) Arnold Holdings (50) X 0.1 (537069) Bajaj Electric (36) A 0.7 (500031) Biopac India (75) XT 0.9 (532330) Choice Intl. (50) X 0.2 (531358)
Aegis Logistics (101) A 1 (500003) Aro Granite (106) B 1.6 (513729) Bajaj Fin. (50) A 1.4 (500034) Birla Corpn. (18) B 0.7 (500335) Chola. Invest. (50) A 0.4 (511243)
Agarwal Indl. (69) T 0.6 (531921) Arrow Greentech (75) B 1.2 (516064) Bajaj Finserv (50) A 0.9 (532978) Black Rose Indus (96) XT 0 . 5 ( 5 1 4 1 8 3 ) Chowgule Steam. (82) XT 0 . 2 ( 5 0 1 8 3 3 )
AGC Networks (91) B 1 (500463) Arrow Textiles (97) B 1.4 (533068) Bajaj Hindusthan (88) A 0.9 (500032) Bliss GVS Pharma (72) B 0 . 7 ( 5 0 6 1 9 7 ) Cigniti Tech. (28) T 0.4 (534758)
Agro Tech Foods. (83) B 0 . 5 ( 5 0 0 2 1 5 ) Arshiya (106) B 1.9 (506074) Bajaj Holdings (50) A 0.6 (500490) BLS Internat. (28) B 0.2 (540073) CIL Nova Petro. (95) B 0.8 (533407)
Ahluwalia Contr. (31) B 1 (532811) Artemis Global (56) B (540616) Bajaj Steel (85) X 0.4 (507944) Blue Dart Exp. (32) A 0.7 (526612) Cimmco (44) B 1.1 (505230)
AIA Engg. (17) A 0.2 (532683) Artson Engg. (45) X 1.3 (522134) Bal Pharma (70) B 1.4 (524824) Blue Star (2) A 0.8 (500067) Cinevista (47) B 0.7 (532324)
Aimco Pesticides (67) X 0.4 (524288) Arvind Ltd (94) A 1.5 (500101) Balaji Amines (22) B 0.9 (530999) BNK Capital (50) X 0.8 (500069) Cipla (70) A 0.6 (500087)
Airan (N) (28) - Arvind SmartSp. (31) B 1.2 (539301) Balaji Telefilms (47) B 1 (532382) Bodal Chemicals (38) B 1.1 (524370) City Union Bank (12) A 0.6 (532210)
Airo Lam (N) (106) - Aryaman Fin. (50) X 0.6 (530245) Balasore Alloys (59) X 1.6 (513142) Bombay Burmah (89) A 1.4 (501425) CL Educate (106) B (540403)
Ajanta Pharma (72) A 0.7 (532331) Asahi India Glas (55) B 1.1 (515030) Balkrishna Inds (105) A 0.4 (502355) Bombay Cycle (101) X 0.1 (501430) Clariant Chemica (22) B 0.7 (506390)
Ajmera Realty (31) B 1.9 (513349) Asahi Songwon (38) B 1.6 (532853) Balkrishna Paper (64) B 1.9 (539251) Bombay Dyeing (96) A 1.3 (500020) Claris Lifescien (70) B 0.9 (533288)
Akme Star Hou. F (51) B 0.7 (539017) Ashapura Inti. (97) B 0.6 (535467) Ballarpur Inds. (64) B 0.8 (500102) Bombay Rayon (97) B 0.7 (532678) CMI (16) B 1.3 (517330)
Aksh Optifibre (16) B 1.3 (532351) Ashapura Minech. (59) B 1 . 1 ( 5 2 7 0 0 1 ) Balmer Law. Inv. (50) X 0.5 (532485) Borosil Glass (55) B 0.9 (502219) CMI FPE Ltd (44) X 0.7 (500147)
AksharChem (I) (38) B 1 (524598) Ashiana Housing (31) B 1 (523716) Balmer Lawrie (108) B 0.5 (523319) Bosch (10) A 1.1 (500530) CMM Infraproj (N) (31) -
Akzo Nobel (63) B 0.5 (500710) Ashima (94) B 1.4 (514286) Balrampur Chini (88) A 0.8 (500038) BPL (42) B 1.6 (500074) Coal India (59) A 0.6 (533278)
Alankit (50) B 1.5 (531082) Ashok Alco-Chem (22) X 1.4 (524594) Bambino AgroInds (53) XT0 . 5 ( 5 1 9 2 9 5 ) Brahmaputra Inf. (31) X 1.5 (535693) Cochin Shipyard (106) B (540678)
Alembic (70) B 0.9 (506235) Ashok Leyland (5) A 1 (500477) Banco Products (10) B 1.3 (500039) Brand Concepts (N) (101) - Coffee Day Enter (57) B 0.6 (539436)
Alembic Pharma (70) A 0.4 (533573) Ashoka Buildcon (45) B 1 (533271) Bank of Baroda (11) A 1.4 (532134) Brigade Enterpr. (31) B 0.4 (532929) Colgate-Palm. (66) A 0.4 (500830)
Alfred Herbert (50) XT 0.1 (505216) Asian Granito (21) B 1.4 (532888) Bank of India (11) A 1.5 (532149) Bright Brothers (75) X 0.9 (526731) Compuage Info. (26) B 1.1 (532456)
Alicon Cast. (10) B 1.4 (531147) Asian Hotels (E) (57) T 1.2 (533227) Bank of Maha (11) B 0.6 (532525) Britannia Inds. (54) A 0.8 (500825) Confidence Petro (106) X 0 . 7 ( 5 2 6 8 2 9 )
Alkem Lab (70) A 0.3 (539523) Asian Hotels (N) (57) T (500023) Bannari Amm Spg. (94) B 1 . 1 ( 5 3 2 6 7 4 ) BS (102) B 1.2 (533276) Container Corpn. (106) A 0 . 5 ( 5 3 1 3 4 4 )
Alkyl Amines (22) B 0.8 (506767) Asian Hotels (W) (57) B 0.8 (533221) Bannari Amm.Sug. (88) B 0 . 7 ( 5 0 0 0 4 1 ) BSE (N) (50) - Control Print (62) B 0.5 (522295)
Allahabad Bank (11) A 1.5 (532480) Asian Oilfield (61) X 1.4 (530355) Bansal Multiflex (N) (101) - BSL (96) B 1.2 (514045) Coral India Fin. (51) B 0.2 (531556)
Allcargo Logist. (106) B 0.9 (532749) Asian Paints (63) A 0.8 (500820) Barak Valley (18) T 0.5 (532916) Butterfly Gan.Ap (36) B 1.2 (517421) Cords Cable (15) B 1.3 (532941)
Alliance Integ. (85) XT (534064) Asian Star Co. (35) B 0.7 (531847) Baroda Rayon (95) G (500270) Coromandel Engg. (31) X 1 . 2 ( 5 3 3 1 6 7 )
Allied Digital (28) B 1.3 (532875) ASM Technologies (28) X 0 . 3 ( 5 2 6 4 3 3 ) BASF India (22) B 0.8 (500042) C Coromandel Inter (49) A 0.9 (506395)
Allsec Tech. (28) B 1.5 (532633) Aspinwall & Co (N) (101) - Bata India (58) A 1 (500043) C C C L (31) B 1.2 (532902) Corporation Bank (11) A 1 (532179)
Alok Inds. (96) T 0.9 (521070) Assam Company (89) B 1.2 (500024) Batliboi (44) XT 1.1 (522004) C P C L (80) A 1 (500110) Cosco (India) (101) X 0.6 (530545)
Alpa Lab. (72) B 0.7 (532878) Assoc. Stone Ind (59) X 0.7 (502015) Bayer Crop Sci. (68) A 0.2 (506285) Cadila Health. (70) A 0.8 (532321) Cosmo Films (62) B 1.2 (508814)

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 63


COSYN (28) X 0.6 (538922) Eimco Elecon (44) B 0.7 (523708) Gabriel India (10) B 1.1 (505714) Guj. Ambuja Exp (83) B 1.1 (524226) Idea Cellular (90) A 0.8 (532822)
Cox & Kings (104) A 1.6 (533144) Ejecta Marketing (101) SS 0 . 2 ( 5 3 8 6 5 3 ) GAIL (India) (106) A 0.9 (532155) Guj. Borosil (55) X 1.2 (523768) IDFC Bank (12) A 1 (539437)
Cravatex (101) X (509472) Elantas Beck (22) B 0.5 (500123) Gala Global (77) B (539228) Guj. Hotels (57) X 0.1 (507960) IFB Agro Inds. (14) B 1 (507438)
Crest Ventures (50) B 1.3 (511413) Eldeco Hsg.&Inds (31) X 1 (523329) Galaxy Surfact. (34) B (540935) Guj. Sidhee Cem. (18) T 1.2 (518029) IFB Inds. (36) B 1.3 (505726)
CRISIL (106) A 0.3 (500092) Elecon Engg.Co (44) B 1.5 (505700) Gallantt Ispat (86) B (533265) Guj. Themis Bio. (71) X 1.3 (506879) IFCI (52) A 1.3 (500106)
Crompton Gr. Con (39) A 0 . 7 ( 5 3 9 8 7 6 ) Electrost.Cast. (17) B 1.4 (500128) Gallantt Metal (85) T 1.4 (532726) Guj.Nat.Resour. (85) X 0.4 (513536) IFGL Refractori. (81) B (540774)
CSL Finance (50) XT 0.9 (530067) Electrosteel St. (85) B 1 (533264) Gandhi Spl. Tube (85) B 0 . 7 ( 5 1 3 1 0 8 ) Guj.St.Petronet (106) A 0.8 (532702) Igarashi Motors (39) B 1.1 (517380)
Cummins India (46) A 0.8 (500480) Elegant Marbles (106) X 0.8 (526705) Ganesh Benzopl. (22) X 1.4 (500153) Gujarat Gas (106) A 0.6 (539336) IIFL Holdings (50) A 1.2 (532636)
Cupid ltd (106) B 1 (530843) Elgi Equipment (25) B 1 (522074) Ganesh Housing (31) B 1.2 (526367) Gulf Oil Lubric. (22) B 0.6 (538567) IL&FS Engg. (31) B 1.4 (532907)
Cyient (28) A 0.2 (532175) Elpro Intl. (31) X 1.9 (504000) Ganesha Ecosphe. (96) B 1 . 1 ( 5 1 4 1 6 7 ) Gulshan Polyols (22) B 2 (532457) IL&FS Inv Manage (50) B 0 . 5 ( 5 1 1 2 0 8 )
Emami (65) A 0.6 (531162) Ganges Securitie (50) B (540647) GVK Power Infra. (45) B 0.8 (532708) IL&FS Transport (45) A 1.1 (533177)
D Emami Infra. (31) B 1.2 (533218) Garnet Intl. (50) X 0.2 (512493) Gyscoal Alloys (85) T 2.5 (533275) IMP Powers (39) B 1.1 (517571)
D B Corp (47) A 0.3 (533151) Emami Paper M (64) X 1.1 (533208) Garware Poly. (62) X 1.1 (500655) Incap (43) XT (517370)
D B Realty (31) B 1.3 (533160) Emk.Global Fin. (50) B 1.1 (532737) Garware-Wall (97) B 1 (509557)
H Ind-Swift (72) B 0.7 (524652)
D P Wires (N) (85) - Emmbi Industries (62) B 1 . 1 ( 5 3 3 1 6 1 ) Gateway Distr. (106) A 0.8 (532622) H D F C (51) A 1.1 (500010) Ind-Swift Labs. (70) B 1.4 (532305)
D-Link India (26) B 0.8 (533146) Empire Inds. (55) B 0.6 (509525) Gati (32) A 1 (532345) H D I L (31) A 2 (532873) Indag Rubber (106) X 0.9 (509162)
Dabur India (65) A 0.6 (500096) Empower India (101) XT 0 . 1 ( 5 0 4 3 5 1 ) Gayatri BioOrga. (106) X 0.5 (524564) H F C L (91) A 1.1 (500183) Indbank Merchant (50) T 1 (511473)
Dalmia Bhar. (19) A 1.6 (533309) Endurance Tech. (10) B 1.2 (540153) Gayatri Projects (31) B 0.9 (532767) H P C L (80) A 1.1 (500104) Indbull.RealEst. (31) A 1.8 (532832)
Dalmia Bharat (88) B 1.1 (500097) Energy Devl.Co. (76) B 1 (532219) GE Power (39) B 0.7 (532309) H T Media (47) B 0.7 (532662) India Cements (19) A 2 (530005)
Datamatics Glob. (28) B 1.4 (532528) Engineers India (45) A 1.1 (532178) GE Shipping Co (82) A 0.6 (500620) H U D C O (51) B (540530) India Finsec (50) XT 0.2 (535667)
DCB Bank (12) A 1.3 (532772) Enkei Wheels (10) X 1.3 (533477) GE T&D India (39) A 0.7 (522275) Harita Seating (10) B 0.9 (590043) India Glycols (22) B 1.3 (500201)
DCM Shriram (107) B 1.6 (523367) Ent.Network (47) B 0.6 (532700) General Insuranc (106) B (540755) Hariyana Ship (106) X 1.3 (526931) India Motor Part (10) B 0.5 (590065)
DCM Shriram Inds (88) X 0 . 9 ( 5 2 3 3 6 9 ) EPC Inds. (75) X 1 (523754) Genesys Intl. (28) B 1.4 (506109) Hathway Cable (47) A 0.9 (533162) India NipponElec (10) B 0.8 (532240)
DCW (69) B 1.4 (500117) Equitas Holdings (50) A 1 . 4 ( 5 3 9 8 4 4 ) Gennex Lab. (71) X 0.6 (531739) Hatsun AgroProd. (53) B 0 . 2 ( 5 3 1 5 3 1 ) India Power Corp (N) (76) -
DE Nora India (44) T 2 (590031) ERIS Lifescience (72) B (540596) Genus Paper & Bo (64) B 0 . 6 ( 5 3 8 9 6 1 ) Havells India (39) A 1 (517354) Indiabulls Hous. (51) A 1.3 (535789)
Deccan Cement (19) B 1.5 (502137) Eros Intl.Media (47) A 1.2 (533261) Genus Power (43) B 1.3 (530343) Hawkins Cookers (36) B 0.6 (508486) Indiabulls Vent. (50) A 1.3 (532960)
Deep Industries (106) B 1.4 (532760) Esab India (41) B 0.7 (500133) Geojit Fin. Ser. (50) B 1 (532285) HBL Power System (37) B 1 . 2 ( 5 1 7 2 7 1 ) Indian Acrylics (95) X 1.4 (514165)
Deepak Fert. (49) A 1 (500645) Escorts (7) A 1.1 (500495) GHCL (22) A 1.1 (500171) HCL Infosystems (26) A 1.8 (500179) Indian Bank (11) A 1.7 (532814)
Deepak Nitrite (22) B 0.9 (506401) Ess Dee Alumin. (3) T 0.8 (532787) GIC Housing Fin. (51) A 1.4 (511676) HCL Technologies (27) A 0 . 6 ( 5 3 2 2 8 1 ) Indian CardCloth (92) B 0.9 (509692)
Deepak Spinners (99) X 1 (514030) Essar Shipping (82) B 0.5 (533704) Gillette India (66) B 0.3 (507815) HDFC Bank (12) A 0.7 (500180) Indian Energy Ex (50) B (540750)
Delta Corp (106) A 1.5 (532848) Essel Propack (62) B 0.5 (500135) Gitanjali Gems (35) B 1.4 (532715) HDFC Stand. Life (50) B (540777) Indian Hotels (57) A 0.8 (500850)
Den Networks (47) A 0.6 (533137) Esteem Bio Org. (53) M (534927) GKW (N) (106) (504704) Health.Global (56) B 0.3 (539787) Indian Hume Pipe (31) B 1 . 4 ( 5 0 4 7 4 1 )
Dena Bank (11) A 1 (532121) Ester Inds. (62) B 1.9 (500136) Glaxosmi. Pharma (73) A 0 . 3 ( 5 0 0 6 6 0 ) HEG (40) B 1.1 (509631)
Indian Metals (59) B 1.1 (533047)
Denis Chem Lab (71) X 1.5 (537536) Euro India Fresh (N) (53) - GlaxoSmith C H L (54) A 0 . 3 ( 5 0 0 6 7 6 ) Heidelberg Cem. (18) A 1.3 (500292)
Indian Sucrose (88) XT 0.2 (500319)
Dewan Hsg. Fin. (51) A 1.9 (511072) Eveready Inds. (37) B 0.7 (531508) Glenmark Pharma. (70) A 0 . 8 ( 5 3 2 2 9 6 ) Hercules Hoists (44) B 1 (505720)
Indian Terrain (97) B 0.7 (533329)
DFM Foods (53) B 1 (519588) Everest Inds. (20) B 0.6 (508906) Global Offshore (82) B 1.2 (501848) Heritage Foods (53) B 0.9 (519552)
Indian Toners (38) X 1 (523586)
Dhabriya Poly. (75) T 1.4 (538715) Everest Kanto (62) B 1.8 (532684) Globalspace (28) M (540654) Hero Motocorp (9) A 1.1 (500182)
Inditrade Cap. (50) XT 0.4 (532745)
Dhampur Sugar (88) B 1 (500119) Everest Organics (71) X 0.4 (524790) Globus Power (31) X 0.3 (526025) Hester Bios (72) B 0.9 (524669)
Indl. Inv. Trust (50) B 1 (501295)
Dhanlaxmi Bank (12) B 1 (532180) Excel Crop Care (68) B 0.6 (532511) Globus Spirits (14) B 1.8 (533104) Hexa Tradex (101) T 1 (534328)
Indl.& Prud.Inv. (50) X 0.5 (501298)
Dhanuka Agritech (67) B 0.6 (507717) Excel Inds. (22) B 0.9 (500650) Gloster (100) X 0.4 (538595) Hexaware Tech. (28) A 0.9 (532129)
Indo Amines (22) X 1.2 (524648)
DHP India (36) XT 1 (531306) Exide Inds. (10) A 1 (500086) GMM Pfaudler (44) X 1.1 (505255) Hi-Tech Pipes (N) (85) -
Indo Borax (22) X 0.8 (524342)
Dhunseri Invest. (50) B 0.2 (533336) GMR Infra. (45) A 1.5 (532754) Hikal (71) B 0.7 (524735)
Indo Count Inds. (94) A 1.3 (521016)
Dhunseri Petro. (69) B 0.7 (523736) F GNA Axles (10) B 2.1 (540124)
Hil Ltd (20) B 0.8 (509675)
Indo Rama Synth. (95) B 1 . 2 ( 5 0 0 2 0 7 )
Dhunseri Tea (89) B 0.8 (538902) F A C T (49) B 1.1 (590024) Himachal Fibres (94) X 0.6 (514010)
Goa Carbon (22) B 1.3 (509567) Indo Tech.Trans. (39) B 1.8 (532717)
Diamines & Chem. (69) X 0 . 9 ( 5 0 0 1 2 0 ) Fairchem Speci. (22) B 0.5 (530117) Himadri Speciali (22) B 1.3 (500184)
GOCL Corpn. (22) B 1.1 (506480) Indo Thai Sec, (50) B 0.8 (533676)
Diamond Infosys. (28) XT 0 . 5 ( 5 3 0 8 0 1 ) FCS Software (28) T (532666) Himatsing. Seide (98) B 1.2 (514043)
Godawari Power (85) B 0.9 (532734) Indoco Remedies (70) B 0.3 (532612)
Diamond Power (15) B 1.1 (522163) FDC (70) B 0.4 (531599) Hind Aluminium (3) X 1.3 (531979)
Godfrey Phillips (24) A 1.1 (500163) Indokem (38) X (504092)
DIC India (22) B 0.7 (500089) Federal Bank (12) A 1.5 (500469) Hind. Unilever (66) A 0.6 (500696)
Godrej Agrovet (53) B (540743) Indosolar (39) T 1 (533257)
Diksat Transworl (47) M 0.7 (540151) Federal-Mogul Go (10) B 1 (505744) Hind.Adhesives (62) X 0.3 (514428)
Godrej Consumer (65) A 1.1 (532424) Indowind Energy (76) T 0.4 (532894)
DIL (71) X 0.7 (506414) Fervent Synerg. (101) X 0.4 (533896) Hind.Composites (10) B 0.7 (509635)
Godrej Inds. (22) A 0.8 (500164) Indrapr.Medical (56) B 0.8 (532150)
Dilip Buildcon (31) A 1.4 (540047) Fiberweb (India) (97) X 1.1 (507910) Hind.Construct. (31) A 1.4 (500185)
Godrej Propert. (31) A 0.9 (533150) Indraprastha Gas (106) A 0 . 7 ( 5 3 2 5 1 4 )
Disa India (44) X 0.2 (500068) Fiem Inds. (10) B 0.9 (532768) Hind.Copper (59) A 1 (513599)
Gokaldas Exports (97) B 1.7 (532630) IndusInd Bank (12) A 1 (532187)
Dish TV (47) A 1.4 (532839) Filatex India (95) B 1.3 (526227) Hind.Foods (53) XT 0.6 (519126)
Gokul Agro (83) B 0.8 (539725) INEOS Styrolut. (69) B 0.7 (506222)
Dishman Carbogen (70) B (540701) Fineotex Chem (22) B 1.4 (533333) Hind.Natl.Glass (55) B 0.6 (515145)
Goldiam Intl. (35) B 1.1 (526729) Infibeam Incorp. (28) A 0.6 (539807)
Divi’s Lab. (71) A 0.7 (532488) Finkurve Fin. (50) XT 0.4 (508954) Hind.Oil Explor. (61) B 1.5 (500186)
Goldline Intl. (50) XT 0.2 (538180) Infinite Comp (28) B 0.5 (533154)
Divyashakti Gran (106) XT 0 . 5 ( 5 2 6 3 1 5 ) Finolex Cables (15) A 0.7 (500144) Hind.Organ.Chem. (22) B 1 . 2 ( 5 0 0 4 4 9 )
Goldst.Infratec. (91) B 0.8 (532439) Info Edg.(India) (106) A 0.5 (532777)
Dixon Technolog. (42) B (540699) Finolex Inds. (75) A 0.7 (500940) Hind.Urban Infra (15) X 0.6 (539984)
Goodricke Group (89) X 0.8 (500166) Infosys (27) A 0.8 (500209)
DLF (31) A 2.2 (532868) Firstsour.Solu. (28) A 1.3 (532809) Hind.Zinc (59) A 0.9 (500188)
Goodyear India (105) B 0.8 (500168) Ingersoll-Rand (25) B 0.9 (500210)
Dolat Investment (50) X 1.4 (505526) Flex Foods (53) X 0.4 (523672) Hindalco Inds. (3) A 1.7 (500440)
Gopala Polyplast (62) X 0.2 (526717) Innovana Think. (N) (28) -
Dollar Indus. (N) (97) - Flexituff Intl. (62) B 0.1 (533638) Hinduja Global (28) B 0.8 (532859)
GP Petroleums (22) B 1.4 (532543) Innovative Tyres (N) (105) -
Dolphin Offshore (61) B 1.6 (522261) Florence Invest. (50) X 1.1 (532518) Hinduja Ventures (50) B 0.7 (500189)
GPT Infraproject (31) B 0.7 (533761) Inox Leisure (47) A 0.7 (532706)
Donear Inds. (96) B 1.5 (512519) Fluidomat (44) X 0.2 (522017) Hindustan Media (47) B 0.3 (533217)
Grandma Trading (101) XT (504369) Inox Wind (39) A 1.1 (539083)
DQ Entertain. (47) B 1.4 (533176) Fomento Resorts (57) X 0.3 (503831) HMT (7) Z 0.9 (500191)
Granules India (71) A 1.3 (532482) Insecticid.India (67) B 0.7 (532851)
Dr Agarwal’s Eye (56) XT (526783) Foods & Inns (53) X 1 (507552) Honda Siel Power (39) B 1 (522064)
Graphite India (40) B 0.7 (509488) Intec Capital (50) X (526871)
Dr Lal Pathlabs (56) A 0.5 (539524) Forbes & Co (44) B 0.8 (502865) Honeywell Auto (43) B 0.3 (517174)
Grasim Inds (95) A 1 (500300) Intellect Design (28) A 1.7 (538835)
Dr Reddy’s Labs (70) A 0.6 (500124) Force Motors (5) B 1 (500033) Hotel Leela Ven. (57) B 0.8 (500193)
Grauer & Weil (22) B 1.5 (505710) Intense Tech. (28) B 1.4 (532326)
Dredging Corpn. (106) B 1 (523618) Fortis Health. (56) A 0.7 (532843) HOV Services (28) B 0.9 (532761)
Graviss Hospital (57) ST 0.2 (509546) Interglobe Aviat (103) A 0.5 (539448)
Dutron Polymers (75) XT 0 . 2 ( 5 1 7 4 3 7 ) Fortune Fin.Ser. (50) B 1 (530023) HPC Biosci. (106) M (535217)
Gravita India (59) B 0.7 (533282) Internat. Paper (64) B 0.8 (502330)
Dwarikesh Sugar (88) B 1 (532610) Foseco India (22) B 0.6 (500150) HPL Electric (39) B 1.6 (540136)
Greaves Cotton (46) A 0.8 (501455) Intl. Combustion (44) X 1.3 (505737)
Dwitiya Trading (50) XT 0.1 (538608) Fourth Dimension (N) (28) - HSIL (21) B 0.8 (500187)
Greencrest Finan (50) X 0.1 (531737) Intl. Conveyors (44) X 0.3 (509709)
Dynamatic Tech. (44) B 1.1 (505242) Freshtrop Fruits (53) X 0.7 (530077) Hubtown (31) B 0.7 (532799)
Greenlam Industr (106) B 0 . 5 ( 5 3 8 9 7 9 ) Intl. Travel Hse (104) X 0.8 (500213)
Dynamic Cables (15) M (540795) Frontline Sec. (50) X 0.1 (533213) Huhtamaki PPL (62) B 0.9 (509820)
Greenply Inds. (106) B 0.8 (526797) Intrasoft Tech. (28) B 1.4 (533181)
Dynemic Products (38) B 1 . 1 ( 5 3 2 7 0 7 ) Future Consumer (101) A 1 (533400)
Future Enterp. (97) B 0.5 (523574)
Grindwell Norton (1) B 0.4 (506076) I Inv.&Prec.Cast. (17) X 1.4 (504786)
E Future Lifestyle (97) A 1 (536507)
Grob Tea Co (N) (89) - I D F C (50) A 1.4 (532659) IOL Chemicals (22) B 1.2 (524164)
Eastern Treads (106) X 0.4 (531346) GRP (106) B 0.8 (509152) I G Petrochem. (22) B 1.1 (500199) ION Exchange (44) XT 0.8 (500214)
Future Market (106) B 1.5 (533296)
Easun Reyrolle (39) B 1 (532751) GRUH Finance (51) A 0.7 (511288) I O B (11) A 0.9 (532388) IP Rings (10) X 0.9 (523638)
Future Retail (101) A 1.5 (540064)
eClerx Services (28) A 0.4 (532927) GTL Infra. (91) B 0.6 (532775) I O C L (80) A 1 (530965) Ipca Labs. (70) A 0.5 (524494)
Future Supply (106) B (540798)
Eco Friendly (53) M (534839) GTPL Hathway (47) B (540602) I T D C (57) B 1.3 (532189) IRB Infra.Devl. (31) A 1.3 (532947)
Edelweiss Fin. (50) A 1.8 (532922) G Gufic BioScience (70) B 1.2 (509079) ICICI Bank (12) A 1.8 (532174) IRIS Business (28) M (540735)
Eicher Motors (9) A 0.9 (505200) G M Breweries (14) B 1 (507488) Guj Alkalies (23) B 1.1 (530001) ICICI Lombard (106) B (540716) Iris Mediaworks (47) ST (531337)
EID Parry (88) A 1 (500125) G M D C (59) A 1 (532181) Guj Fluorochem (22) B 0.9 (500173) ICICI Pru Life (50) B 0.9 (540133) ISGEC Heavy (44) B 0.9 (533033)
EIH (57) B 0.4 (500840) G N F C (49) A 0.9 (500670) Guj Inds. Power (76) B 0.5 (517300) ICRA (106) A 0.4 (532835) Ishan Dyes & Ch. (38) X 0.8 (531109)
EIH Assoc.Hotels (57) B 0.7 (523127) G S F C (49) A 0.8 (500690) Guj Pipavav Port (106) A 0 . 6 ( 5 3 3 2 4 8 ) IDBI Bank (11) A 1.3 (500116) ISMT (85) B 1.4 (532479)

64 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

IST (10) X 0.8 (508807) Kansai Nerolac (63) A 0.7 (500165) Linde India (22) A 1.1 (523457) Mindtree (28) A 0.8 (532819) Nilkamal Ltd (75) A 1.1 (523385)
ITC (24) A 1.1 (500875) Karnataka Bank (12) A 1.2 (532652) Lloyds Metals (86) X 1.2 (512455) MIRC Electronics (42) B 1.4 (500279) Nimbus Proj. (31) X (511714)
ITD Cem (31) B 1.2 (509496) Karur Vysya Bank (12) B 0.5 (590003) Lokesh Mach. (44) B 1.2 (532740) Mirza Internatio (58) B 1.3 (526642) Nirlon (31) B 0.4 (500307)
ITI (91) B 0.8 (523610) Karuturi Global (106) T 0.6 (531687) Lotus Chocolate (53) XT 0 . 5 ( 5 2 3 4 7 5 ) MMTC (101) A 0.8 (513377) Nitco (21) B 2 (532722)
IVP (22) B 1.2 (507580) Kaveri Seed Co. (106) A 0.8 (532899) Lotus Eye Hospit (56) B 1.5 (532998) Modern India (101) X 0.1 (503015) Nitin Fire Prot. (44) B 1.6 (532854)
IVRCL (31) B 1.1 (530773) Kavit Industries (22) X 0.4 (524444) Lovable Lingerie (97) B 1.1 (533343) Modi Naturals (83) X 0.9 (519003) Nitin Spinners (94) B 1.3 (532698)
IZMO (28) B 1.6 (532341) Kaya Ltd (65) B 0.6 (539276) Ludlow Jute (100) X 1.1 (526179) Mohini Health (N) (94) - Nitta Gelatin (22) X 0.7 (506532)
Kaycee Inds. (39) X 0.5 (504084) Lumax Auto Tech. (10) B 1 . 3 ( 5 3 2 7 9 6 ) Mohota Indust. (93) B 0.7 (530047) Niyogin Fintech (50) B 0.4 (538772)
J KCP Sugar &Inds. (88) B 1 . 3 ( 5 3 3 1 9 2 ) Lumax Inds. (10) B 1.2 (517206) MOIL (59) A 0.9 (533286) NLC India (76) A 0.7 (513683)
J & K Bank (11) A 1.1 (532209) KDDL Ltd (106) T 1.2 (532054) Lupin (71) A 0.8 (500257) Mold-Tek Pack. (75) B 0.7 (533080) NMDC (59) A 1.1 (526371)
J B Chemicals (70) B 0.8 (506943) KEI Inds. (15) B 1.1 (517569) Lux Industries (93) B 0.6 (539542) Mold-Tek Technol (44) B 0 . 9 ( 5 2 6 2 6 3 ) NOCIL (22) B 1.4 (500730)
J K Cements (18) B 0.8 (532644) Kellton Tech (28) B 1 (519602) Lycos Internet (28) T 0.9 (532368) Monarch Networth (50) X 1 . 3 ( 5 1 1 5 5 1 ) Noida Tollbridg. (31) B 0.4 (532481)
J Kumar Infra (31) B 1.1 (532940) Keltech Energies (22) X 1.2 (506528) Monnet Ispat (86) B 0.9 (513446) Novartis India (73) B 0.5 (500672)
Jagatjit Inds. (14) XT 0.3 (507155) Kemp & Co. (101) XT (506530)
M Monsanto India (68) A 0.6 (524084) NRB Bearings (13) B 0.9 (530367)
Jagran Prakashan (47) B 0.6 (532705) Kennametal India (44) B 0.3 (505890) M & M (6) A 0.9 (500520) Monte Carlo Fas. (97) B 0.5 (538836) NRB Indl Bearing (13) B 1 (535458)
Jagsonpal Pharma (70) B 1 . 4 ( 5 0 7 7 8 9 ) Kerala Ayurveda (72) X 0.8 (530163) M & M Fin. Serv. (50) A 1.5 (532720) Morepen Labs. (70) B 1.2 (500288) NTPC (76) A 0.8 (532555)
Jai Corp (75) A 1.7 (512237) Kesar Enterprise (88) B 1.2 (507180) M B Agro Prod. (N) (49) - Moschip Semicon. (28) X 0 . 1 ( 5 3 2 4 0 7 ) Nucleus Soft. (28) B 1.6 (531209)
Jain Irrigation (75) A 1.4 (500219) Kesar Petroprod. (22) X 0.4 (524174) M M Forgings (17) B 0.6 (522241) Moser Baer (26) T 0.9 (517140) Nutraplus India (71) SS 0.7 (524764)
James Warren Tea (89) X 0.2 (538564) Kesoram Inds. (107) B 1.3 (502937) M R P L (80) A 0.9 (500109) Motherson Sumi (10) A 1.6 (517334)
Jamna Auto Inds. (10) B 1.4 (520051) Kewal Kir.Cloth. (97) B 0.4 (532732) M T N L (90) B 1 (500108) Motil.Oswal.Fin. (50) A 1.3 (532892)
Jash Engineering (N) (44) - KG Petrochem (97) XT 0.1 (531609) Mac Charles (57) Z (507836) MphasiS (27) A 0.4 (526299) O N G C (61) A 0.7 (500312)
Jay Bharat Mar. (10) B 1.6 (520066) Khadim India (58) B (540775) Machino Plastics (75) X 1.6 (523248) MPS (77) B 0.4 (532440) Oberoi Realty (31) A 0.9 (533273)
Jayant Agro Orga (22) B 1.2 (524330) KIFS Financial (50) XT (535566) Madhav Marbles (106) B 1.3 (515093) MPS Infotecnics (28) T 0.2 (532411) OCL India (18) B 1.2 (502165)
Jayaswal Neco (17) B 0.9 (522285) Kilburn Engg. (44) X 1.2 (522101) Madras Fert. (49) B 1.1 (590134) MRF (105) A 0.9 (500290) Oil Country Tub. (85) B 1.4 (500313)
Jaypee Infratec. (31) B 1 (533207) Kilpest India (67) XT 0.1 (532067) Mafatlal Inds. (93) X 1 (500264) MSP Steel & Pow. (86) B 1 . 3 ( 5 3 2 6 5 0 ) Oil India (61) A 0.4 (533106)
JBF Inds. (95) B 1 (514034) Kingfa Science (75) T 1.3 (524019) Magma Fincorp (50) B 1.3 (524000) MSR India (45) X 0.8 (508922) OK Play India (75) X 1.3 (526415)
JBM Auto (10) B 1.4 (532605) KIOCL (59) B (540680) Mah. Scooters (8) B 1.1 (500266) MT Educare (106) B 1.3 (534312) Om Metals Infrap (44) B 1.3 (531092)
Jenburkt Pharma. (72) X 0.3 (524731) Kiran Vyapar (50) X 0.8 (537750) Mah. Seamless (84) B 1 (500265) Mukand (85) B 1.7 (500460) Omax Autos (10) T 1.1 (520021)
Jet Airways (103) A 1.2 (532617) Kiri Indus. (38) B 1.2 (532967) MahalaxmiRubtech (97) X 1 (514450) Mukesh Babu Fin. (50) X 0 . 2 ( 5 3 0 3 4 1 ) Omaxe (31) A 0.6 (532880)
Jet Freight (N) (106) - Kirl. Brothers (78) B 1.1 (500241) Mahanagar Gas (106) A 0.8 (539957) Mukta Arts (47) B 1.6 (532357) Omkar Spl.Chem. (22) B 0.7 (533317)
Jet Knitwears (N) (97) - Kirl. Electric (39) B 1.4 (533193) Mahanivesh (I) (50) XT 0.4 (530441) Multi Comm. Exc. (106) A 0 . 6 ( 5 3 4 0 9 1 ) One Point One (N) (28) -
Jhandewala Foods (53) M (540850) Kirl. Ferrous (87) B 1.7 (500245) Maheshwari Logi. (N) (106) - Multibase India (75) X 1 (526169) OnMobile Global (90) B 1.1 (532944)
Jindal Drilling (61) B 1.4 (511034) Kirl.Pneumatic (25) B 0.4 (505283) Mahindra CIE (17) A 1.2 (532756) Munjal Auto Inds (10) B 1 . 3 ( 5 2 0 0 5 9 ) Optiemus Infra. (101) T 0.8 (530135)
Jindal Photo (74) B 1.1 (532624) Kirloskar Indus. (106) B 0.2 (500243) Mahindra Holiday (57) A 0.7 (533088) Munjal Showa (10) B 1.3 (520043) Oracle Fin.Serv. (27) A 0.5 (532466)
Jindal Poly Film (62) B 1 (500227) Kirloskar Oil (46) B 0.7 (533293) Mahindra Life. (31) A 0.6 (532313) Music Broadcast (47) B (540366) Orbit Exports (96) B 0.5 (512626)
Jindal Saw (84) A 1.2 (500378) Kisan Mouldings (75) X 0.4 (530145) Mahindra Logis. (106) B (540768) Muthoot Cap.Serv (50) B 1 (511766) Oricon Enter. (69) B 1.6 (513121)
Jindal Stain .Hi (84) B 1.3 (539597) Kitex Garments (97) B 0.9 (521248) Maithan Alloys (59) B 1.1 (590078) Muthoot Finance (50) A 1 (533398) Orient Abrasives (1) B 1.2 (504879)
Jindal Stain. (84) B 1.2 (532508) KKalpana Inds. (75) X 0.9 (526409) Majesco (28) B 1.5 (539289) Mysore Petro (22) X 0.6 (506734) Orient Bell (21) B 1.4 (530365)
Jindal Steel (86) A 1.6 (532286) KM Sugar Mills (88) B 1.4 (532673) Malu Paper (64) B 0.5 (532728) Orient Cement (19) B 0.8 (535754)
Jindal Worldwide (97) B 0 . 8 ( 5 3 1 5 4 3 ) KMC Speciality (56) X 0.8 (524520) Man Inds. (84) B 1.4 (513269) N Orient Green (76) B 1 (533263)
Jiya Eco-Product (106) B 0 . 8 ( 5 3 9 2 2 5 ) KNR Construct. (31) B 0.7 (532942) Man Infra (31) B 1.4 (533169) N R Agarwal Inds (64) B 1.1 (516082) Orient Paper (36) B 1 (502420)
JK Agri Genetics (106) X 0.4 (536493) Kokuyo Camlin (77) B 0.9 (523207) Manaksia (59) B 0.5 (532932) NACL Industries (67) B 1.1 (524709) Orient Press (62) B 0.1 (526325)
JK Lakshmi Cem. (18) A 1 (500380) Kolte Patil Dev. (31) B 1.6 (532924) Manaksia Coated (85) B 0.4 (539046) Naga Dhunseri (N) (50) - Orient Refrac. (81) B 0.7 (534076)
JK Paper (64) B 1.2 (532162) Kotak Mah. Bank (12) A 0.8 (500247) Manali Petrochem (69) B 1 (500268) Nagar.Oil Refin. (80) B 1 (534184) Oriental Bank (11) A 1.9 (500315)
JK Tyre & Indust (105) A 1 . 5 ( 5 3 0 0 0 7 ) Kothari Ferment. (53) X 1 (507474) Manappuram Fin (50) A 1.3 (531213) Nagarjuna Fert. (49) B 0.9 (539917) Oriental Carbon (22) B 0.7 (506579)
JM Financial (50) A 1.5 (523405) Kothari Products (101) B 0 . 8 ( 5 3 0 2 9 9 ) Manas Properties (31) M (540402) Nagreeka Exports (94) B 0.8 (521109) Oriental Hotels (57) B 1 (500314)
JMC Projects (31) B 1.5 (522263) Kovai Medical (56) XT 0.4 (523323) Mangalam Cement (18) B 1 . 4 ( 5 0 2 1 5 7 ) Nahar Indl. Ent. (94) B 0.9 (519136) Orissa Minerals (59) B 0.8 (590086)
JMT Auto (10) B 1.5 (513691) KPIT Tech. (28) A 0.8 (532400) Mangalam Drugs (70) B 1.1 (532637) Nahar Spinning (97) B 1.2 (500296) Oscar Investment (50) X (501179)

Jocil (N) (22) - KRBL (53) B 0.7 (530813) Mangalam Organic (22) X 1 . 6 ( 5 1 4 4 1 8 ) Nalwa Sons (50) B 0.9 (532256) Oswal Agro (50) T 0.7 (500317)

Johnson Con. Hit (2) B 1.3 (523398) Kridhan Infra (85) B 0.6 (533482) Mangalore Chem. (49) B 0.9 (530011) Nandam Denim Ltd (97) B 0 . 8 ( 5 3 2 6 4 1 ) Oswal Green Tech (50) B 1.2 (539290)
KSB Pumps (78) B 0.6 (500249) Manjeera Constr. (31) X 0.1 (533078) Narayana Hrudaya (56) B 0.4 (539551)
JP Associates (31) A 1.5 (532532)
Manomay Tex (97) M (540396) Natco Pharma (70) A 0.7 (524816)
JP Power Ven. (76) B 0.8 (532627) KSE (53) XT 0.5 (519421)
Manpasand Bever. (53) B 1 (539207) Nath Bio-Genes (106) B 1.9 (537291) P & G Hygiene (66) A 0.2 (500459)
JSW Energy (76) A 1.3 (533148) KSK Energy Ven. (76) T 0.6 (532997)
Marathon Nextgen (31) B 1 (503101) National Fitting (17) X 0.6 (531289) P G Foils (3) X 0.6 (526747)
JSW Holdings (50) B 0.7 (532642) KSS (47) T 1 (532081)
Marico (65) A 0.7 (531642) Natl. Aluminium (3) A 1.1 (532234) P I Inds. (67) A 0.7 (523642)
JSW Steel (84) A 0.9 (500228) Kuantum Papers (64) X 1.7 (532937)
Marksans Pharma (71) A 1.3 (524404) Natl. Peroxide (22) X 1 (500298) Page Industries (97) A 0.8 (532827)
Jubilant Food. (54) A 1.3 (533155) Kushal (64) T 0.1 (536170)
Maruti Suzuki (6) A 1.3 (532500) Natl. Plastic (75) X 1 (526616) Paisalo Digital (50) B 0.4 (532900)
Jubilant Life (71) A 1.6 (530019) Kwality (53) A 1.2 (531882)
MAS Financial (50) B (540749) Natl.Fertilizer (49) B 1 (523630) Palash Securi. (50) B (540648)
Jullundur Motor (N) (10) -
Jupiter Info. (106) X 0.9 (534623)
L Mastek (28) B 1 (523704) Natural Capsules (106) X 1 . 3 ( 5 2 4 6 5 4 ) Panacea Biotec (70) B 1 (531349)
L & T Infotech (28) A 0.5 (540005) Matrimony.com (106) B (540704) Nava Bharat Vent (109) A 1 . 3 ( 5 1 3 0 2 3 ) Panache Digilife (N) (26) -
Just Dial (106) A 0.9 (535648)
L G Balakrishnan (10) B 0.9 (500250) Mauria Udyog (101) X (539219) Navin Fluo.Intl. (22) A 1.1 (532504) Panama Petrochem (69) B 0 . 8 ( 5 2 4 8 2 0 )
JVL Agro Indus (106) B 1 (519248)
L T Foods (53) B 0.9 (532783) Max Financial (50) A 0.6 (500271) Navkar Corporat. (106) A 0 . 6 ( 5 3 9 3 3 2 ) Panasonic Energy (37) X 1 . 2 ( 5 0 4 0 9 3 )
Jyothy Lab. (34) B 0.8 (532926)
L&T Fin.Holdings (50) A 1 . 3 ( 5 3 3 5 1 9 ) Max India (50) A 0.8 (539981) Navneet Educat. (77) B 0.4 (508989) Parabolic Drugs (71) T 0.6 (533211)
Jyoti (39) X 0.3 (504076)
L&T Technology (45) A 0.4 (540115) Max Ventures (50) B 1.5 (539940) NBCC (31) A 0.9 (534309) Parag Milk Foods (53) A 0.9 (539889)
Jyoti Structures (102) B 1.6 (513250)
La Opala RG (55) B 0.4 (526947) Mayur Uniquoters (75) B 0.5 (522249) NBI Indl. Fin. (N) (50) - Paramount Comm. (15) B 1 . 2 ( 5 3 0 5 5 5 )
K Lactose (India) (71) XT 0.1 (524202) Mazda (44) B 0.7 (523792) NCC (31) A 1.6 (500294) Parnax Lab (71) X 0.7 (506128)
Lahoti Overseas (101) X 1.2 (531842) Mcleod Russel (89) A 1 (532654) NCL Inds. (19) B 1.4 (502168) Parsvnath Devl. (31) B 1.1 (532780)
K C P (19) B 1.3 (590066)
K E C Intl. (102) A 1 (532714) Lak. Electrical (39) X 0.8 (504258) McNally Bharat (45) T 1.1 (532629) Nectar Lifesci. (71) B 1.1 (532649) Pashupati Cotsp. (N) (94) -

K P R Mill Ltd (97) A 0.8 (532889) Lak. Mach. Works (92) A 0.7 (500252) Media Matrix (47) ST 0.7 (512267) Neelamalai Agro (89) P (508670) Pasupati Acrylon (95) X 1.4 (500456)
Lak. Vilas Bank (12) A 0.6 (534690) Medicamen Biotec (72) X 1 (531146) Nelcast (17) B 1.1 (532864) Patel Engg. (31) B 1 (531120)
Kabra Extrusions (44) B 1.3 (524109)
Kaira Can (62) XT 0.5 (504840) Lancer Containe. (106) M 0 . 4 ( 5 3 9 8 4 1 ) Meera Industries (92) M (540519) NELCO (91) B 1.5 (504112) Patel Integrated (106) B 1.1 (526381)

Kajaria Ceramics (21) A 0.5 (500233) Lanco Infratech (106) T 0.8 (532778) Meghmani Organ. (67) B 1.3 (532865) NESCO (106) B 0.7 (505355) Patels Airtemp (44) X 0.5 (517417)
Landmarc Leisur. (47) XT (532275) Menon Bearings (13) B 1 (523828) Nestle India (54) A 0.4 (500790) Paul Merchants (106) X 0.2 (539113)
Kakatiya Cement (19) B 1.8 (500234)
Kallam Spinning (94) X 1 (530201) Landmark Prop. (31) B 0.3 (533012) MEP Infrast. (31) B 1.1 (539126) Netwrk.18 Media (106) A 1 . 1 ( 5 3 2 7 9 8 ) Paushak (67) X 0.6 (532742)

Kalpataru Power (102) B 0.8 (522287) Larsen & Toubro (45) A 1.3 (500510) Mercantile Vent. (31) XT 0.5 (538942) Neuland Labs. (71) B 0.8 (524558) PBM Polytex (94) X 1 (514087)
Lasa Supergeneri (70) T (540702) Mercator (82) B 1.3 (526235) New India Assura (106) B (540769) PC Jeweller (35) A 1.1 (534809)
Kalyani Forge (17) T 0.3 (513509)
Kalyani Invest. (50) B 1.1 (533302) Laurus Labs (72) A 1.2 (540222) Merck (73) B 0.4 (500126) Newgen Software (106) B (540900) PCOL Enterprises (22) X 0.3 (539195)

Kalyani Steel (85) B 1.5 (500235) LEEL Electricals (2) B 1.5 (517518) Mesco Pharma. (70) G (500274) Next Media. (47) B 1.3 (532416) PCS Technology (26) X 1.3 (517119)
Lexus Granito (N) (21) - MIC Electronics (43) T 1.3 (532850) NGL Fine-Chem (71) X 0.6 (524774) PDS Multi. (97) B 0.3 (538730)
Kama Hold. (95) B 0.8 (532468)
Kamadgiri Fash. (96) X 0.3 (514322) LGB Forge (17) T 1.4 (533007) Mideast Int. Stl (87) XT (540744) NHPC Ltd (76) A 0.9 (533098) Pearl Global Ind (97) B 0.8 (532808)

Kamdhenu (85) B 1.6 (532741) Liberty Shoes (58) B 1.4 (526596) Millitoons Ent. (47) X 0.6 (540023) NIIT (30) A 1.1 (500304) Pearl Polymers (75) T 1.3 (523260)
LIC Housing Fin. (51) A 1.5 (500253) Minda Corp (10) B 0.8 (538962) NIIT Tech. (28) A 0.7 (532541) Pee Cee Cosma (34) X 1.1 (524136)
Kanani Inds. (35) B 2.2 (506184)
Kanoria Chem. (23) B 1.4 (506525) Linc Pen &Plast. (77) B 0.8 (531241) Minda Inds. (10) B 1.1 (532539) Nila Infrastruc. (31) B 1 (530377) Peninsula Land (31) B 1.3 (503031)

Kanpur Plastipa. (62) X 1.2 (507779) Lincoln Pharma. (72) B 1.2 (531633) Mindteck (India) (28) B 1 (517344) NILE (59) X 1.3 (530129) Pennar Inds. (85) B 1.1 (513228)

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 65


Peria Kara. Tea (N) (89) - S C I (82) A 1.1 (523598) Shemaroo Entert. (47) B 1 (538685) SRS Finance (50) ST (536799)
Permanent Mag. (43) X 0.2 (504132)
R S Chand & Compan (77) B (540497) Shetron (62) X 1.2 (526137) St Bk of India (11) A 1.6 (500112)
Persistent Sys (28) A 0.4 (533179) R C F (49) A 1 (524230) S H Kelkar & Co (22) B 0.5 (539450) Shilchar Tech. (39) X 1.4 (531201) Stampede Cap. (50) T 1.3 (531723)
Petron Engg. (45) B 1.3 (530381) R Systems Intl. (28) B 0.5 (532735) S P Apparels (97) B 1.5 (540048) Shilp Gravures (59) X 0.9 (513709) Stanrose Maf.Inv (50) X 0.3 (506105)
Petronet LNG (106) A 0.9 (532522) R&B Denims (94) M 1.1 (538119) S P I C (49) B 1.4 (590030) Shilpa Medicare (71) B 1.1 (530549) Star Cement (18) B (540575)
Radhika Jewel. (35) M 0.7 (540125) S T C (101) B 1.3 (512531) Shilpi Cable (16) B 0.9 (533389) Star Paper (64) B 1.4 (516022)
Pfizer (73) A 0.3 (500680)
Radico Khaitan (14) A 1 (532497) S.A.L Steel (86) B 0.2 (532604) Shirpur Gold (59) B 1.4 (512289) Starcom Info. (28) XT 0.3 (531616)
PG Electro. (43) B 0.7 (533581)
Radix Indust. (106) X 0.7 (531412) Sacheta Metals (3) SS 0.3 (531869) Shiv Texyarn (94) B 1.4 (511108) Steel City Sec. (N) (50) -
Phillips Carbon (22) B 1.2 (506590)
Raghav Product. (85) M 1 (539837) Sadbhav Engg. (31) A 1 (532710) Shiva Cement (19) XT 1.5 (532323) Steel Exchange (101) B 1.2 (534748)
Phoenix Mills (31) B 0.8 (503100)
Raghuvansh Agro. (53) M (538921) Sadbhav Infra. (31) B 0.8 (539346) Shivalik Bimetal (43) X 1 (513097) Steel Str. Wheel (10) B 1 (513262)
Pidilite Inds. (22) A 0.8 (500331)
Rain Industries (101) A 1.2 (500339) Sadhana Nitro (38) XT 1.1 (506642) Shivam Autotech (10) B 1.5 (532776) Steelcast (17) X 0.4 (513517)
Pil Italica (75) T 0.6 (500327)
Raj Television (47) B 0.4 (532826) Safari Inds. (60) X 0.7 (523025) Shoppers St. (97) A 0.6 (532638) STEL Holdings (50) B 1 (533316)
Pilani Invest. (50) T 0.7 (539883)
Rajapalayam Mill (94) X 0.9 (532503) Sagar Cements (19) B 0.7 (502090) Shree Cement (18) A 1.1 (500387) Sterling Biotech (22) B 1 (512299)
Pincon Spirit (14) B 1.2 (538771)
Rajesh Exports (35) A 0.7 (531500) Sahara One Media (47) X (503691) Shree Rama News. (64) B 1 . 1 ( 5 0 0 3 5 6 ) Sterling Tools (48) B 0.9 (530759)
Pion. Embroider. (97) B 1.2 (514300)
Rajshree Sugars (88) B 1.3 (500354) Saint-Gob. Sekur (55) X 1.2 (515043) Shree Tirupati (N) (62) - Sterlite Tech. (16) A 1.2 (532374)
Pioneer Distil. (14) B 0.7 (531879)
Rallis India (67) A 0.9 (500355) Sakar Healthcare (N) (70) - Shreeji Translog (106) M (540738) STI India (94) T 0.4 (513151)
Pioneer Invest. (50) X 1.3 (507864)
Ram Minerals (22) SS (534734) Sakuma Exports (101) B 0.9 (532713) Shrenik (N) (101) - Stovec Inds. (92) X 0.3 (504959)
Piramal Enterp. (70) A 0.6 (500302)
Ram Ratna Wires (59) X 1 (522281) Salasar Techno (85) B (540642) Shreyans Inds. (64) B 1.3 (516016) Strides Shasun (70) A 1.1 (532531)
Pitti Lamination (44) B 1.7 (513519)
Rama Steel Tubes (85) T 1.2 (539309) Salona Cotspin (94) B 0.4 (590056) Shreyas Shipping (82) B 1 . 9 ( 5 2 0 1 5 1 ) Stylam Indus. (106) X 1.2 (526951)
Pix Transmission (106) X 0 . 7 ( 5 0 0 3 3 3 )
Ramco Inds. (20) B 1.9 (532369) Salzer Electron. (39) B 0.9 (517059) Shri Keshav (19) X 0.9 (530977) Subex (28) B 1.2 (532348)
Plastiblends (22) B 0.9 (523648)
Ramco Systems (28) B 0.8 (532370) Sambandam Spg. (94) X 0 . 6 ( 5 2 1 2 4 0 ) Shri Krishna (31) X 0.2 (531080) Subros (10) B 1.4 (517168)
PNB Gilts (50) B 0.4 (532366)
Ramkrishna Forg. (17) B 1.2 (532527) Sambhaav Media (47) B 1.1 (511630) Shri.City Union. (50) A 0.9 (532498) Sudarshan Chem. (38) B 1.6 (506655)
PNB Housing (51) A 2.1 (540173)
Ramky Infra (31) B 1.8 (533262) Samkrg Pistons (10) X 1.5 (520075) Shriram EPC (45) B 0.7 (532945) Suditi Inds. (97) XT 0.5 (521113)
PNC Infratech (31) B 0.4 (539150) Rane (Madras) (10) B 1.4 (532661) Samrat Pharma (71) X 0.7 (530125) Shriram Pistons (N) (10) - Sukhjit Starch (106) X 0.6 (524542)
Poddar Housing (97) B 0.6 (523628) Rane Brake Lin. (10) B 1.1 (532987) Sandesh (77) B 0.7 (526725) Shriram Trans. (50) A 1.3 (511218) Summit Sec. (50) B 1.1 (533306)
Poddar Pigments (22) B 1.1 (524570) Rane Engine Val. (10) B 0.7 (532988) Sandur Manganese (59) X 1 . 3 ( 5 0 4 9 1 8 ) Shristi Infra (31) X (511411) Sun Pharma.Inds. (70) A 0 . 7 ( 5 2 4 7 1 5 )
Pokarna (106) B 0.9 (532486) Rane Holdings (50) B 1.1 (505800) Sangam (India) (99) B 1 (514234) Sical Logistics (106) B 1.2 (520086) Sun TV Network (47) A 1.5 (532733)
Polaris Consulta (27) A 0.2 (532254) Rasandik Engg. (10) XT 0.8 (522207) Sanghi Inds. (18) B 1 (526521) Siemens (39) A 0.9 (500550) Sundaram Clayton (10) B 0 . 8 ( 5 2 0 0 5 6 )
Polo Queen Ind. (101) XT (540717) Rasoi (109) X 0.4 (507649) Sanghvi Movers (45) B 0.8 (530073) Sika Interplant (44) XT 0.9 (523606) Sundaram Finance (50) B 0 . 5 ( 5 9 0 0 7 1 )
Polson (38) XT 0.6 (507645) Ratnabhumi Dev. (31) M (540796) Sanofi India (73) A 0.3 (500674) SIL Investments (50) B 0.6 (521194) Sundram Fasten. (48) A 1 (500403)
Poly Medicure (56) B 0.8 (531768) Ratnamani Metals (85) B 0.2 (520111) Santosh Indus. (50) XT (540822) Silly Monks (N) (47) - Sunflag Iron (85) B 1.4 (500404)
Polygenta Tech. (99) XT (514486) RattanIndia Infr (76) B 0.6 (534597) Sanwaria Consum. (53) B 1 . 3 ( 5 1 9 2 6 0 ) Simm. Marshall (48) X 1.3 (507998) Sunil Healthcare (106) X 1.2 (537253)
Polylink Poly. (75) XT 1.1 (531454) Rattanindia Pow. (76) A 1.3 (533122) Sarda Energy (85) B 1.4 (504614) Simplex Casting (17) X 0.6 (513472) Sunil Hitech (45) B 1.3 (532711)
Polyplex Corpn. (62) B 1 (524051) Ravindra Energy (101) XT 0 . 5 ( 5 0 4 3 4 1 ) Sarda Plywood (106) ST 1 . 3 ( 5 1 6 0 0 3 ) Simplex Infra (31) B 0.9 (523838) Sunstar Realty (31) B (535141)
Pondy Oxides (22) X 1.1 (532626) Raymond (97) A 0.8 (500330) Saregama India (47) B 1.6 (532163) Sindhu Trade (106) XT (532029) Sunteck Realty (31) A 1.2 (512179)
Power Fin.Corpn. (52) A 1.1 (532810) RBL Bank (12) A 1.4 (540065) Sarla Performanc (99) B 1.2 (526885) Sintercom India (N) (10) - Super Crop Safe (67) X 0.9 (530883)
Power Grid Corpn (76) A 0 . 7 ( 5 3 2 8 9 8 ) RDB Rasayans (95) X 0.8 (533608) Sarthak Metals (59) M (540393) Sintex Inds. (99) A 1.6 (502742) Super Tannery (58) SS 0.7 (523842)
Power Mech Proj. (45) B 0.4 (539302) RDB Realty (31) X 0.4 (533285) Sasken Technol. (28) B 0.7 (532663) Sintex Plastics (75) B (540653) Suprajit Engg. (10) B 0.4 (532509)
PPAP Automotive (10) B 1.3 (532934) Real News (31) X (530053) Sastasundar Ven. (50) B 1 (533259) Siti Networks (47) B 0.2 (532795) Supreme Holdings (31) XT0 . 9 ( 5 3 0 6 7 7 )
Prabhat Dairy (53) B 1.3 (539351) Redington India (26) A 0.5 (532805) Sat Industries (101) X 1.1 (511076) Siyaram Silk (96) B 0.9 (503811) Supreme Inds. (75) A 0.6 (509930)
Prabhat Telecoms (91) M (540027) Rel. Comm. (90) A 1.3 (532712) Sathavaha. Ispat (87) B 1.6 (526093) SJVN (106) A 0.4 (533206) Supreme Petroch. (69) B 1.1 (500405)
Praj Inds. (44) A 1 (522205) Rel. Indl. Infra (45) B 1.4 (523445) Satia Indust. (64) XT (539201) SKF India (13) A 0.3 (500472) Surana Telecom (109) B 0.3 (517530)
Prakash Constro. (31) B 1.3 (533605) Relaxo Footwears (58) B 0.5 (530517) Satin Creditcare (50) B 2 (539404) SKIL Infrastr (31) T 1.5 (539861) Surat Textile (95) X 0.6 (530185)
Prakash Inds. (85) B 1.7 (506022) Reliable Data (N) (28) - Saurastra Cem. (18) X 1.2 (502175) Skipper (44) B 1.4 (538562) Surya Roshni (85) B 1.6 (500336)
Prataap Snacks (53) B (540724) Reliance Capital (50) A 1.8 (500111) Savita Oil Tech (69) B 0.9 (524667) Smartlink Netwr. (26) B 0.9 (532419) Suryalak. Cott. (94) B 1.2 (521200)
Praxis Home (101) B (540901) Reliance Home (51) B (540709) Sayaji Hotel (57) XT 0.5 (523710) SML ISUZU (5) B 1 (505192) Suryalata Spg. (99) X 1.2 (514138)
Prec. Electronic (91) XT (517258) Reliance Inds. (80) A 0.7 (500325) Sayaji Inds. (106) XT (540728) SMS Pharma. (71) B 0.9 (532815) Sutlej Textiles (94) B 0.9 (532782)
Prec. Wires (I) (59) B 1.1 (523539) Reliance Infra. (76) A 1.7 (500390) SBI Life Insuran (50) B (540719) SNL Bearings (13) X 0.9 (505827) Suven Life Scie. (71) B 1.3 (530239)
Precision Camshf (10) B 0.7 (539636) Reliance Nav.Eng (106) A 1 . 1 ( 5 3 3 1 0 7 ) Scan Steels (85) X (511672) Snowman Logistic (106) B1 . 1 ( 5 3 8 6 3 5 ) Suyog Telematics (102) B (537259)
Precot Meridian (N) (94) B (521184) Reliance Nip.Lif (50) B (540767) Schaeffler India (13) B 0.4 (505790) Sobha (31) A 0.8 (532784) Suzlon Energy (39) A 1 (532667)
Prem. Explosives (22) B 0.9 (526247) Reliance Power (76) A 1.3 (532939) Schneider Elect. (39) B 1 (534139) Softsol India (28) X 0.2 (532344) SVP Global (101) X 0.8 (505590)
Premco Global (96) X 0.4 (530331) Religare Enterp. (50) A 0.4 (532915) Scooters India (8) XT 0.3 (505141) Solar Inds. (22) B 0.5 (532725) Swan Energy (31) A 0.2 (503310)
Premier (44) B 1.1 (500540) Renaissance Jew. (35) B 0.7 (532923) SEAMEC Ltd (82) B 1.1 (526807) Som Distilleries (14) B 0.6 (507514) Swaraj Engines (46) B 0.8 (500407)
Premier Polyfilm (75) B (514354) Repco Home Fin (51) A 1 (535322) SecUR Credential (N) (106) - Soma Textiles (93) B 1.1 (521034) Swastika Investm (50) X 0.6 (530585)
Pressman Adv. (106) B 1.2 (509077) Repro India (77) B 0.6 (532687) Security & Intel (106) B (540673) Somany Ceramics (21) B 0.8 (531548) Swelect Energy (39) B 0.4 (532051)
Prestige Estates (31) A 1.1 (533274) Responsive Ind (75) B 0.7 (505509) Selan Expl. Tech (61) B 1 (530075) Somi Conv.Belt. (106) B 0.8 (533001) Swiss Glascoat (44) X 0.5 (522215)
Pricol Ltd (10) B (540293) Rexnord Electr. (39) X 1.4 (531888) Sequent Scien. (71) B 0.6 (512529) Sona Koyo Steer. (10) B 1.4 (520057) Symphony (36) A 0.7 (517385)
Riba Textiles (97) X 1.2 (531952) Servotech Power (N) (39) - Sonata Software (28) B 1 (532221) Syndicate Bank (11) A 1.4 (532276)
Prime Customer (101) M (540404)
Rico Auto Inds. (10) B 1.5 (520008) Seshasayee Paper (64) B 1.1 (502450) SORIL Holdings (101) B 1.2 (533520) Syngene Intl. (70) A 0.8 (539268)
Prime Focus (47) B 1 (532748)
Riddhi Siddhi Gl (106) X 0 . 9 ( 5 2 4 4 8 0 ) Setco Automotive (10) B 0 . 5 ( 5 0 5 0 7 5 ) SORIL Infra (97) B 1.8 (532679)
Prime Property (31) X 0.6 (530695)
Rishi Tech. (62) X 1.1 (523021) Seya Indus. (22) X 0.4 (524324) Source Natural (70) XT (531398)
Prime Securities (50) B 1.2 (500337)
Rishiroop (106) X 0.4 (526492) Sh. Ajit Pulp (64) X 1.4 (538795) South Ind.Bank (12) A 1 (532218) T B Z (35) B 1.4 (534369)
Prism Cement (18) B 1.4 (500338)
RKEC Projects (N) (31) - Sh. Digvijay Cem (18) X 1.2 (502180) South India Proj (50) XT 0 . 4 ( 5 3 8 8 9 1 ) T N Newsprint (64) B 1.2 (531426)
Profin Capital (50) XT (511557)
RMG Alloy (85) XT 0.3 (500365) Sh. Dinesh Mills (97) X 0.4 (503804) South West Pinn. (N) (59) - T N Petro Prod. (34) B 1.3 (500777)
Provogue (India) (97) B 0.7 (532647)
Rodium Real. (31) X 0.3 (531822) Sh. Rama Multi. (62) B 0.8 (532310) SPARC (106) A 1.1 (532872) T R I L (39) B 1.5 (532928)
Prozone Intu (31) B 1.3 (534675)
Rolta India (28) B 0.8 (500366) Sh.Pushkar Chem. (38) B 1 . 1 ( 5 3 9 3 3 4 ) Speciality Rest. (57) B 0.8 (534425) T.V. Today Netw. (47) B 0.7 (532515)
PSP Projects (31) B (540544)
Rossell India (89) B 1.5 (533168) Sh.Renuka Sugar (88) A 0.7 (532670) Spel Semiconduct (26) X 1 . 1 ( 5 1 7 1 6 6 ) TAAL Enterprises (103) X 1 . 8 ( 5 3 9 9 5 6 )
PTC India (101) A 0.9 (532524)
Royal Orch.Hotel (57) B 1.6 (532699) Shah Alloys (85) B 0.2 (513436) Sphere Global (28) B 0.3 (532172) TajGVK Hotels (57) B 1.3 (532390)
PTC India Fin (50) A 1 (533344)
RPG LifeScience. (70) B 1.2 (532983) Shaily Engineer. (75) X 0.5 (501423) Spice Mobility (91) B 0.6 (517214) Take Solutions (28) B 0.9 (532890)
PTC Inds. (17) X 0.9 (539006)
RPP Infra Proj. (31) B 1.2 (533284) Shakti Pumps (78) B 1.2 (531431) SpiceJet Ltd (103) B 0.8 (500285) Talbros Auto. (10) B 1.2 (505160)
PTL Enterprises (105) B 0.9 (509220)
RSD Finance (50) X (539875) Shalby (56) B (540797) SPL Inds. (97) B 1.2 (532651) Talbros Engg. (10) X 1.1 (538987)
Pun. & Sind Bank (11) B 0 . 9 ( 5 3 3 2 9 5 )
RSWM Ltd (94) B 0.8 (500350) Shalibhadra Fin. (50) X 0.6 (511754) SPML Infra (31) B 1.1 (500402) Talwal.Better (106) B 1 (533200)
Punj Lloyd (31) B 1.2 (532693)
Rubfila Intl. (106) X 0.7 (500367) Shalimar Paints (63) B 1.3 (509874) SPS Finquest (50) M 0.1 (538402) Tamboli Capital (50) X 1.3 (533170)
Punjab Chemicals (22) B 1 . 4 ( 5 0 6 6 1 8 )
Ruby Mills (93) B 1.6 (503169) Shalimar Prod. (47) X (512499) SQS India BFSI (28) B 1 (533121) Tanla Solutions (28) B 1 (532790)
Punjab Natl.Bank (11) A 1.6 (532461)
Ruchi Soya Inds. (83) B 1.1 (500368) Shalimar Wires (59) X (532455) Sreeleathers (58) B (535601) Tarmat (31) B 1.3 (532869)
Puravankara (31) B 0.9 (532891) Ruchira Papers (64) B 1.1 (532785) Tasty Bite Eat. (53) B 1.4 (519091)
Shankara Build. (101) B (540425) SREI Infra. Fin. (50) A 1.7 (523756)
Pushpanj. Realms (N) (31) - Rudra Global (85) B 2 (539226) Tata Chemicals (22) A 1 (500770)
Shanthi Gears (10) B 1 (522034) Srestha Finvest (50) X (539217)
PVR (47) A 0.7 (532689) Rupa & Company (97) B 0.9 (533552) Tata Coffee (89) B 0.9 (532301)
Sharda Cropchem (22) A 1 (538666) SRF (95) A 1.2 (503806)
Rural Elec.Corp. (52) A 1.3 (532955) Tata Comm (90) A 0.9 (500483)
Q Sharda Ispat (85) XT (513548) SRG Housing (51) XT (534680)
Rushil Decor (106) B 0.6 (533470) Sharda Motor Ind (10) B 0 . 9 ( 5 3 5 6 0 2 ) Sri Adhik. Bros. (47) T 0.2 (530943) Tata Elxsi (28) A 1.2 (500408)
Quadrant Tele. (90) X 1 (511116)
Shardul Sec. (50) X 0.5 (512393) Sri KPR Inds. (75) XT (514442) Tata Global (89) A 1 (500800)
Quess Corp (28) B 1 (539978) S Tata Inv.Corpn. (50) B 0.9 (501301)
Quick Heal (28) B 1.4 (539678) Share India Sec. (50) M (540725) Sri Krishna Con. (31) M (539363)
S A I L (84) A 1.4 (500113) Tata Metaliks (87) B 1.3 (513434)
Sheela Foam (100) B 0.3 (540203) Srikalahas. Pip. (85) B 1.3 (513605)

66 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET


Tata Motors (5) A 1.7 (500570) Titagarh Wagons (44) A 1.1 (532966) Union Bank (I) (11) A 1.6 (532477) Vesuvius India (81) B 0.4 (520113) Weizmann (96) B 1 (523011)
Tata Power Co. (76) A 0.9 (500400) Titan Biotech (70) XT 0.5 (524717) Uniphos Enter. (101) B 1.1 (500429) Veto Switchgears (39) B 1.1 (539331) Weizmann For. (50) B 0.6 (533452)
Tata Sponge Iron (86) A 1.4 (513010) Titan Company (35) A 1.2 (500114) Uniply Inds. (106) B 1 (532646) Viaan Industries (55) X 0.1 (537524) Welspun Corp (84) A 1.2 (532144)
Tata Steel (84) A 1.5 (500470) Torrent Pharma. (70) A 0.8 (500420) Unitech (31) B 1.6 (507878) Vibrant Glo. Cap (50) M (538732) Welspun Enterp (31) B 0.8 (532553)
Tata Tele. Mah. (90) B 1 (532371) Torrent Power (76) A 0.6 (532779) United Bank (I) (11) B 0.7 (533171) Videocon Inds. (42) A 0.1 (511389) Welspun India (97) A 1.1 (514162)
TCI Express (32) B 1 (540212) Total Transport (N) (106) - United Breweries (14) A 0.5 (532478) Vidhi Specialty (38) B 1 (531717) Wendt India (1) B 0.6 (505412)
TCI Inds. (101) XT (532262) Tour. Fin. Corp. (52) B 1.6 (526650) United Nilgiri (N) (89) - Vijay Solvex (83) XT (531069) WEP Solutions (26) X 1 (532373)
TCPL Packaging (62) B 0.7 (523301) TPL Plastech (62) B 1 (526582) United Spirits (14) B 0.6 (532432) Vijay Textiles (96) XT 1 (530151) West Coast Paper (64) B 1.5 (500444)
TCS (27) A 0.7 (532540) Transcorp Intl. (104) X 0.4 (532410) Unity Infra. (31) B 1.1 (532746) Vijaya Bank (11) A 0.9 (532401) Westlife Develop (57) B 0.6 (505533)
TD Power Sys. (39) B 0.8 (533553) Transpek Inds. (22) X 0.4 (506687) Universal Cables (15) B 1 (504212) Vikas Ecotech (75) B 1.3 (530961) Wheels India (10) B 1 (590073)
Team Lease Serv. (106) B 0 . 7 ( 5 3 9 6 5 8 ) Transport Corp. (106) B 0.7 (532349) UPL (67) A 1 (512070) Vikas Wsp (53) XT 1.2 (519307) Whirlpool India (36) A 0.8 (500238)
Tech Mahindra (27) A 1.1 (532755) Trent (101) A 0.7 (500251) Upsurge Invest. (50) X 1.5 (531390) Vikram Thermo (70) X 1 (530477) Wim Plast (75) B 0.4 (526586)
Techno Elec. (39) B 0.4 (533281) Trident (97) A 1.3 (521064) Urja Global (101) T 1 (526987) Vimta Labs (106) T 1.1 (524394) Windsor Machines (44) B 1 (522029)
Technocraf.Inds. (85) B 0.8 (532804) Trigyn Techno. (28) B 1.6 (517562) Usha Martin (85) B 1.8 (517146) Vinati Organics (71) B 0.7 (524200) Wipro (27) A 0.6 (507685)
Technofab Engg. (45) B 0.4 (533216) Triven.Engg.Ind. (88) B 1.3 (532356) Ushdev Intl. (101) ST 0.1 (511736) Vindhya Telelink (16) B 0.9 (517015) Wockhardt (70) A 1.2 (532300)
Tejas Networks (90) B (540595) Triveni Turbine (39) B 0.5 (533655) Uttam Galva (84) T 1.4 (513216) Vinyl Chemicals (101) B 1.3 (524129) Wonderla Holiday (79) B 0.5 (538268)
Tejnaksh Health. (56) M 0.6 (539428) TTK Healthcare (70) B 0.6 (507747) Uttam Sug.Mills (88) B 1.1 (532729) VIP Clothing (97) B 1.3 (532613) WPIL (78) X 0.8 (505872)
Texmaco Infrast. (31) B 1 (505400) TTK Prestige (36) A 0.4 (517506) UV Boards (106) XT 0.8 (526957) Vipul Ltd (31) B 1 (511726)
Texmaco Rail (44) A 1.1 (533326) Tube Investments (33) B (540762) Virat Inds. (97) X 1.8 (530521)
Texmo Pipes (75) B 1.9 (533164) Tulive Developer (31) XT 0 . 1 ( 5 0 5 2 8 5 )
V Virinchi (28) X 2 (532372)
Xchanging Sol. (28) B 1.1 (532616)
V I P Inds. (60) A 1.1 (507880)
TGB Banquets (57) B 1.3 (532845) TV Vision (47) B 0.8 (540083) Virtual Global (28) X 0.6 (534741) Y
TGV Sraac (23) X 1 (507753) TV18 Broadcast (47) A 1.6 (532800) V-Guard Inds. (39) A 0.8 (532953) Visaka Inds. (20) B 1.4 (509055) Yamini Invest (50) XT 0.3 (511012)
Thangamayil Jew. (35) B 1 . 2 ( 5 3 3 1 5 8 ) TVS Elec. (26) B 1.3 (532513) V-Mart Retail (101) B 0.3 (534976) Vishal Fabrics (96) B (538598) Yash Chemex (101) M 0.9 (539939)
The Byke Hospit. (57) B 0.9 (531373) TVS Motor Co. (9) A 1.1 (532343) Va Tech Wabag (44) A 0.4 (533269) Vishnu Chemicals (22) T 1 . 3 ( 5 1 6 0 7 2 ) Yash Papers (64) X 0.7 (516030)
The Hi-Tech Gear (10) B 1.5 (522073) TVS Srichakra (105) B 0.8 (509243) Vadilal Enterp. (53) XT 0.2 (519152) Vista Pharma. (72) X 0.7 (524711) Yes Bank (12) A 1.3 (532648)
The Ramco Cement (19) A 1 (500260) Tyche Inds. (22) X 1 (532384) Vadilal Inds. (53) B 1.2 (519156) Vivimed Labs. (22) B 1 (532660) Yuken India (44) X 0.9 (522108)
Themis Medicare (70) B 1.1 (530199) Vaibhav Global (35) B 0.6 (532156) VLS Finance (50) B 1.5 (511333)
Thermax (44) A 0.7 (500411)
U Vakrangee (29) A 0.2 (511431) Voith Paper (97) XT 0.5 (522122) Z
Thirumalai Chem. (22) B 1.5 (500412) Ucal Fuel Sys. (10) B 1.4 (500464) Valiant Commun. (91) X 0.8 (526775) Volt.Transform. (39) B 1.1 (532757) Z F Steering (10) B 1 (505163)
Thomas Cook (104) B 0.7 (500413) UCO Bank (11) A 1.1 (532505) Valiant Organics (22) M 1.2 (540145) Voltas (107) A 1.3 (500575) Zeal Aqua (4) M 0.7 (539963)
Thyrocare Tech. (56) B 0.8 (539871) Udaipur Cement (18) X 1.4 (530131) Vama Inds. (101) X 1 (512175) VRL Logistics (106) B 0.8 (539118) Zee Entertainmen (47) A 1 (505537)
TI Financial (50) A 0.6 (504973) Uday Jewellery (35) X (539518) Vardhman Acrylic (N) (95) - VS Retail (97) B 1.2 (532867) Zee Learn (30) B 0.9 (533287)
Tide Water Oil (22) B 0.6 (590005) Uflex (62) A 1.4 (500148) Vardhman Hold. (50) B 1 (500439) VST Inds. (24) B 0.5 (509966) zee Media (47) B 1.3 (532794)
Tiger Logistics (106) B 0.7 (536264) UFO Moviez (47) B 0.8 (539141) Vardhman Spl. (85) B 0.8 (534392) VST Till. Tract. (7) B 0.5 (531266) Zen Technologies (28) B 1.7 (533339)
TIL (44) B 1.2 (505196) Ugar Sugar Works (88) B 0 . 9 ( 5 3 0 3 6 3 ) Vardhman Textile (94) B 0.5 (502986) Zenith Fibres (95) XT 0.6 (514266)
Time Technoplast (75) A 1 . 1 ( 5 3 2 8 5 6 ) Ujaas Energy (39) B 0.9 (533644) Varun Beverages (53) B 0.6 (540180) W Zenotech Lab. (72) X 0.5 (532039)
Times Guaranty (50) B 0.4 (511559) Ujjivan Fin.Ser. (50) A 2.1 (539874) Vascon Engineers (31) B 2 . 1 ( 5 3 3 1 5 6 ) W H Brady (101) X 0.7 (501391) Zensar Tech. (28) B 0.2 (504067)
Timex Group (106) XT 1.5 (500414) Ultramarine Pig. (38) X 0.9 (506685) Vaswani Inds. (86) B 0.9 (533576) W I Plywood (N) (106) - Zodiac Cloth. Co (97) B 0.5 (521163)
Timken India (13) B 0.7 (522113) UltraTech Cem. (18) A 1.1 (532538) Vedanta (59) A 2 (500295) WABCO India (10) A 0.5 (533023) Zota Health (N) (70) -
Tinplate Co. (59) B 1.4 (504966) Umang Dairies (53) B 0.8 (500231) Veljan Denison (44) XT 0.7 (505232) Walchan. Inds. (44) B 1.2 (507410) Zuari Agro Chem. (49) B 1.2 (534742)
Tips Industries (47) B 0.4 (532375) Uni Abex Alloy (17) ST 0.4 (504605) Venky’s (India) (106) B 0.6 (523261) Wallfort Fin. (50) X 0.3 (532053) Zuari Global (49) B 1 (500780)
Tirupati Sarjan (31) X 1 (531814) Unichem Labs. (70) B 0.7 (506690) Veritas (India) (101) XT (512229) Waterbase (4) X 1.2 (523660) Zydus Wellness (53) B 0.5 (531335)

Company Dt. of Cl, Rec. Dt. Purpose Company Dt. of Cl, Rec. Dt. Purpose Company Dt. of Cl, Rec. Dt. Purpose
BCL Industries 06.03 to 12.03 EGM Rolcon Engg. Co. 09.03 to 15.03 EGM Trinity League 26.02 to 06.03 EGM


Date Company Purpose Company Dt. of Cl, Rec. Dt. Purpose
24/02/2018 Atlas Cycles Rslts 27/02/2018 Stovec Inds. Rslts & Div
24/02/2018 U P Hotels Rslts & Div 28/02/2018 Rain Industries Rslts
26/02/2018 TVS Motor Co. Div 08/03/2018 NBCC Div
27/02/2018 Elantas Beck Rslts & Div


Company Ratio Company Ratio
Jash Dealmark 1:1 Amrutanjan Healt 1:2
Kellton Tech 1:1 Foods & Inns 1 : 10
La Opala RG 1:1 Marathon Nextgen 1:2
Oil India 1:2 NBCC 1:2
Powerhouse Gym 1 : 20

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 67


Watch list
The following are fundamentally strong companies identified by Capital Market analysts. The list is constantly reviewed and updated,
adding scrips with upward potential and removing those that have, in our opinion, exhausted their run.
NO. 19-02-2018 YEAR EPS (Rs) NO. 19-02-2018 YEAR EPS (Rs)

Ador Welding 41 432 201712 11.5 37.7 Kalpataru Power 102 460 201712 20.0 23.0
Apar Inds. 39 795 201712 36.5 * 21.8 Kalyani Forge 17 314 201712 7.6 41.6
Auto.Corp.of Goa 10 1145 201712 33.6 34.1 Karnataka Bank 12 133 201712 16.0 8.3
Automotive Axles 10 1628 201712 48.0 33.9 KEI Inds. 15 374 201712 17.3 21.7
Bajaj Auto 8 3040 201712 135.9 * 22.4 Kennametal India 44 757 201712 13.7 55.2
Bajaj Corp 65 485 201712 13.5 36.0 Kirloskar Oil 46 359 201712 7.4 48.5
Bajaj Electric 36 505 201712 11.2 45.3 KSB Pumps 78 791 201709 17.0 46.5
Bajaj Fin. 50 1642 201712 41.2 39.9 L G Balakrishnan 10 1034 201712 47.1 22.0
Balmer Lawrie 108 233 201712 15.5 15.0 Lak. Electrical 39 621 201712 34.6 18.0
Bharat Forge 17 736 201712 16.9 43.5 Larsen & Toubro 45 1297 201712 52.3 * 24.8
Bharat Gears 10 193 201712 6.9 28.1 LIC Housing Fin. 51 515 201712 39.2 13.1
Camp. & Allied 22 1030 201712 43.6 23.6 M&M 6 727 201712 29.7 24.5
Carborundum Uni. 1 356 201712 10.3 * 34.7 M M Forgings 17 1094 201712 44.6 24.5
Castrol India 22 192 201712 7.0 27.4 Maruti Suzuki 6 8740 201712 197.3 44.3
Clariant Chemica 22 583 201712 12.2 47.9 Mazda 44 372 201712 12.7 29.3
Container Corpn. 106 1292 201712 44.7 28.9 Meghmani Organ. 67 98 201712 6.3 * 15.5
CRISIL 106 1963 201712 42.4 * 46.3 Monte Carlo Fas. 97 542 201712 25.8 21.0
Cummins India 46 846 201712 23.8 35.5 Multibase India 75 640 201712 14.9 43.0
D B Corp 47 325 201712 17.9 * 18.1 Munjal Showa 10 225 201712 13.3 16.9
Elantas Beck 22 2020 201709 65.8 30.7 Poddar Pigments 22 289 201712 18.0 16.1
Engineers India 45 167 201712 5.9 28.2 Power Grid Corpn 76 194 201712 15.5 12.5
Esab India 41 784 201712 20.2 38.8 Power Mech Proj. 45 866 201712 49.7 * 17.4
Essel Propack 62 282 201712 10.7 * 26.3 PPAP Automotive 10 553 201712 22.4 24.7
Federal Bank 12 93 201712 5.0 18.5 Prec. Wires (I) 59 301 201712 15.1 20.0
Fineotex Chem 22 67 201712 2.1 * 32.6 PTC India 101 98 201712 11.0 8.9
Foseco India 22 1676 201712 49.0 34.2 Rallis India 67 225 201712 9.1 * 24.7
Garware-Wall 97 937 201712 43.1 21.8 Ruchira Papers 64 176 201712 18.4 9.6
GE T&D India 39 426 201712 8.9 48.1 Salzer Electron. 39 214 201712 12.7 16.9
GMM Pfaudler 44 711 201712 17.6 40.4 Samkrg Pistons 10 304 201712 21.5 14.2
GNA Axles 10 417 201712 18.9 22.1 Savita Oil Tech 69 1445 201712 79.9 18.1
Godrej Consumer 65 1036 201712 20.6 * 50.4 Schaeffler India 13 5320 201712 143.2 37.2
Goodyear India 105 1163 201712 54.6 21.3 Sharda Motor Ind 10 2264 201712 121.5 18.6
HDFC 51 1811 201712 78.1 * 23.2 SKF India 13 1850 201712 54.9 33.7
Harita Seating 10 917 201712 37.4 24.5 South Ind.Bank 12 27 201712 1.6 16.5
HDFC Bank 12 1875 201712 64.3 29.1 St Bk of India 11 268 201712 0.0 0.0
Hero Motocorp 9 3460 201712 168.0 20.6 Sundaram Finance 50 1629 201712 52.6 31.0
Hikal 71 225 201712 9.6 23.5 Sundram Fasten. 48 542 201712 17.2 31.4
Hil Ltd 20 1714 201712 80.0 21.4 Supreme Inds. 75 1186 201712 31.3 * 37.9
Hindustan Media 47 242 201712 24.2 * 10.0 Swaraj Engines 46 1912 201712 62.7 30.5
Honda Siel Power 39 1430 201712 57.8 24.7 TCS 27 2925 201712 130.7 * 22.4
Honeywell Auto 43 16435 201712 241.7 68.0 Technofab Engg. 45 226 201712 8.6 26.4
HSIL 21 408 201712 12.5 32.8 Thermax 44 1174 201712 17.6 * 66.7
IDFC Bank 12 52 201712 1.7 30.2 Tide Water Oil 22 6417 201712 296.7 21.6
Indian Hume Pipe 31 369 201712 15.8 23.4 Time Technoplast 75 185 201712 7.4 * 24.9
Infosys 27 1130 201712 71.9 * 15.7 Va Tech Wabag 44 561 201712 28.0 * 20.0
Ingersoll-Rand 25 743 201712 25.0 29.8 Vesuvius India 81 1331 201712 47.9 27.8
Insecticid.India 67 771 201712 40.0 19.3 V-Guard Inds. 39 234 201712 3.6 65.9
Intl. Travel Hse 104 188 201712 9.9 19.1 Visaka Inds. 20 676 201712 37.7 18.0
ION Exchange 44 495 201712 32.1 15.4 VST Till. Tract. 7 2669 201712 103.1 25.9
ISGEC Heavy 44 7205 201712 169.0 42.6 Whirlpool India 36 1443 201712 26.3 54.8
JMC Projects 31 586 201712 25.9 22.7 WPIL 78 595 201712 22.5 26.5
K E C Intl. 102 377 201712 16.3 * 23.0 Yes Bank 12 313 201712 17.2 18.2
* indicates that EPS is consolidated. TTM: Trailing 12-months. This issue Insecticides India and Salzer Electronics replace Huhtamaki PPL and Modison Metals.

68 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

StockWatch Capita Telefolio
yields 45%,
Insecticides India when
S&P BSE Sensex
Growing well returns 18%
The agro chemicals producer is positioned to capitalize
on the Central government’s rural thrust
Insecticides India (IIL) makes more than 110-basis-point (bp) expansion in the op-
120 formulations and 15 technical crop Going ahead erating profit margins (OPM) to 13.1% fa-
protection products. These include insec- cilitated 36% jump in operating profit (OP)
ticides, weedicides, fungicides and plant Insecticidies India aims to double sales in to Rs 22.97 crore. Finally, profit after tax
growth regulation (PGRs) for all types of five years and profit in four years, with (Pat) soared 67% to Rs 9.64 crore.
crops and household. 1.5% gain in the Pat margin and 15% in Sales rose 9% to Rs 904.31 crore and the
The growth is faster than the industry sales each year for the next few years OPM improved 230 bps to 14.3%, boosting
due to strong brand and aggressive pricing operating profit 30% to Rs 129.16 crore in
strategies. Around 20 brands were acquired 900 the nine months ended December 2017 over
from Montari Industries. Two, Lethal and 800
a year ago. Pat jumped 47% to Rs 76.29 crore.
Tractor, have been revived. Own brands Vic- Opportunities such as contract manu-
tor and Sharp have high recall in the market. facturing and exports are being explored be-
Insecticides India
An organic product has been launched to 600 sides focusing on growing the herbicides
tackle soil degradation. and fungicides businesses. After transform-
500 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
Agreement with Nissan Chemical Indus- M A M J J A S O N D J'18 F ing to become an integrated solution pro-
tries, Japan, has resulted in the introduction Price on BSE in Rs. FV: Rs 10. vider over the years, the thrust is now to
of Pulsor and Hakama. Technical collabora- leverage these strengths to achieve the next
tion with Amvac, US, was undertaken to in- the country to enable distribution of the level of growth.
troduce Thimet and Nuvan. Other tie-ups products to the end consumers. Channel Around 10 new products are likely to
entered in the fiscal year ending March 2017 partners include about 48,00 distributors and be unveiled in FY 2019. They will drive the
(FY 2017) are with Momentive Performance 60,000 dealers. margins 250-300 bps in FY 2019 and FY
Materials Inc., US, and Nihon Nohyaku The international business forms an im- 2020. Exports, presently Rs 40 crore, are
Company, Japan, for their global products to portant integral part of operations. Presence expected to contribute to doubling sales by
enrich the range of the Tractor brand. has been established in Africa, Middle East the next fiscal year.
Ten new generation products to help and Asia. The contribution from overseas The per-hectare consumption of pesti-
farmers fight pests with the latest technol- sales is expected to be Rs 500-550 crore in cides in India is among the lowest in the
ogy were launched in the calendar year (CY) the years to come world, currently standing at 0.6 kg per hect-
2017. Green Label has emerged as an effec- Sales increased 24% to Rs 175.93 crore are (ha) against 5-7 kg per ha in the UK and
tive weed controller in paddy and has won in the quarter ended December 2017 over a 13 kg per ha in China. To increase yield and
accolades for being the first Make-in-India year ago. The higher revenues together with ensure food security, agrochemicals penetra-
product in the category. The product has tion in India is bound to go up.
been accepted in the interiors of the country Insecticides India: Financials Demand for agrochemicals should im-
due to high impact and affordability. prove next year due to benefits of reason-
There is a state-of-the-art research and 1603(12) 1703(12) 1803(12P)& 1903(P)& ably good rains in the current year and
development (R&D) centre at Chopanki in Sales 988.15 1107.38 1212.90 1358.45 government’s pre-election rural thrust to
Rajasthan, a joint venture with Japanese OPM (%) 9.2 10.3 12.2 12.5 increase rural income and employment.
company Oat Agrio Company, formally OP 91.14 113.95 147.67 169.81 Going ahead, benefits of operating le-
known as Otsuka Agritechno Company. It Other inc. 0.56 0.55 1.88 2.07 verage and sustainable OPM of around
aims to invent four-five agrochemical mol- 12-12.5% are likely to be reaped, leading
PBIDT 91.70 114.50 149.55 171.87
ecules in the next five years for the interna- to higher return on capital employed. The
Interest 25.88 18.54 15.97 13.57
tional markets. A biological research center aim is to improve the Pat margins 1.5%
PBDT 65.82 95.96 133.58 158.30
is to be set up in Uttar Pradesh. Soon more per year for the next few years and grow
products powered by inhouse R&D will Dep. 15.93 15.96 16.35 17.66 the top line 15% each year for the next
be launched to strengthen the bottom line. PBT 49.89 80.00 117.23 140.64 few years. The vision is to double sales
For instance, Kayakalp an innovative bio- Total Tax 10.60 21.86 33.19 43.32 every four-five years, with profit dou-
logical product, is able to bring back the PAT 39.29 58.14 84.04 97.32 bling every three to four years.
natural fertility of land. EPS (Rs) * 19.00 28.10 40.70 47.10 We expect IIL to register EPS of
Besides five modern formulation plants * on current equity of Rs 20.67 crore; Face Value: Rs 10. (P): Rs 40.7 in FY 2018 and Rs 47.1 in FY
and two multi-stream technical plants to Projections. &: As per new accounting standards. 2019. The scrip was trading around
make the products, there are 31 depots across Figures in Rs crore. Source Capitaline Databases Rs 771 on 19 February 2017. 

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 69


Stocks - Large caps

Movers and shakers

An automotive components maker and a specialty chemicals producer surge on good
performance, while PSU banks slump on losses in the December 2017 quarter
SECTOR (Rs cr) CLOSE (Rs) VAR (%) FII MF/UTI (Rs cr) YLD (%) EQUITY (%) (%)
Jet Airways (India) (Rs 10) 8664 763 11 108 5 10 -5013 0 0 48 7 4
Air Transport Service Profit after the tax of the Mumbai-based private air carrier declined 45.9% to Rs 165.25 crore despite
Beta: 1.2784 10.4% increase in net sales to Rs 6086.20 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016.

Indiabulls Real Estate (Rs 2) 10165 214 11 172 28 0 3956 0 2 26 6 5

Realty The New Delhi-based realtor to sell residential and commercial assets in Chennai. The commercial
Beta: 1.6274 leasing business in India of 100% subsidiaries Navilith Holdings (Cyprus) and M Holdco1 (Mauritius)
will be reorganized with a third-party institutional investor before 31 March 2018.

Page Industries (Rs 10) 24671 22127 10 55 37 5 655 0 0 77 59 45

Readymade Garments Profit after tax of the Bengaluru-based branded innerwear maker went up 32.63% to Rs 83.40 crore on
Beta: 0.8178 17.56% incline in net sales to Rs 621.03 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016.

Reliance Capital (Rs 10) 12079 478 9 10 16 8 15081 2 2 9 7 8

Consolidated profit after tax of the Navi Mumbai-based private sector financial services provider
Beta: 1.6667
spurted 50.7% to Rs 315 crore on 20.4% increase in total income to Rs 4771 crore in Q3 December
2017 over Q3 December 2016.

Bharat Forge (Rs 2) 34267 736 7 39 21 8 4070 0 1 58 13 16

Profit after tax of the Pune-based automotive components maker spurted 77.40% to Rs 228.17 crore
Castings, Forgings &
on 47.35% improvement in net sales to Rs 1390.55 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December
2016. The earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization inclined 0.8% to 29.6% due to
Beta: 1.2928
better product-mix and enhanced productivity. Strategic investment of up to Rs 30 crore for eventual
stake of 45% in an EV start-up, Tork Motorcycles, will be made.

GE T&D India (Rs 2) 10895 426 6 43 2 12 982 0 0 48 6 -8

Capital Goods - Electri. Equip Profit after tax of the New Delhi-based leading player in the power transmission and distribution
Beta: 0.8887 business jumped 61.97% to Rs 71.77 crore on 23.5% increase in net sales to Rs 1438.55 crore in Q3
December 2017 over Q3 December 2016.

SRF (Rs 10) 10852 1890 5 19 20 10 3124 1 1 23 14 17

Textiles Consolidated profit after tax of the New Delhi-based industrial and specialty intermediates maker
Beta: 0.8972 rose 21.09% to Rs 131.22 crore on 23.54% jump in net sales to Rs 1378.20 crore in Q3 December
2017 over Q3 December 2016.

Steel Authority of India (Rs 10) 36018 87 4 46 4 2 32912 0 1 0 -3 -7

Steel The New Delhi-based PSU steel manufacturer reported profit after tax of Rs 43.16 crore in Q3
Beta: 1.9 December 2017 as against net loss of Rs 794.84 crore in Q3 December 2016. Net sales rose 35.63% to
Rs 15323.65 crore.

70 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET


SECTOR (Rs cr) CLOSE (Rs) VAR (%) FII MF/UTI (Rs cr) YLD (%) EQUITY (%) (%)
Amara Raja Batteries (Re 1) 13714 803 4 -6 17 11 2576 1 0 30 28 20

Auto Ancillaries Profit after tax of the Andhra Pradesh-based storage batteries maker rose 19.70% to Rs 134.45 crore
Beta: 0.7612 on 17.07% incline in net sales to Rs 1553.46 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016.

Coal India (Rs 10) 189109 305 4 -4 6 2 18319 7 0 22 19 31

Consolidated profit after tax of the Kolkata-based state-owned coal major inclined 4.21% to Rs
Mining & Mineral prod
3004.79 crore on 5.30% rise in net sales to Rs 20708.47 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3
Beta: 0.4856
December 2016.

Oil India (Rs 10) 27313 361 4 8 4 1 28718 3 0 12 10 9

Profit after tax of the Assam-based crude oil explorer, developer and producer surged 55.10% to Rs
Crude Oil & Natural Gas 705.22 crore on 16.62% improvemnet in net sales to Rs 2852.55 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3
Beta: 0.5189 December 2016. Crude oil price realization jumped to US$59.40 per barrel from US$49.20 per barrel.
The board recommended issue of one bonus share for every two held and an interim dividend of Rs 14
per share for the year ending 31 March 2018.

Cipla (Rs 2) 48296 600 4 1 23 9 12365 0 0 40 7 8

Consolidated profit after tax of the Mumbai-based drug maker was up 4.82% to Rs 403.45 crore on
7.60% inclined in net sales to Rs 3834.49 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December
Beta: 0.7472
2016. Stepped up R&D resulted in approvals for differentiated products in the US.

Sun Pharmaceuticals Inds (Re 1) 135045 563 2 -17 17 7 36400 1 0 42 21 23

Consolidated profit after tax of the Gujarat-based drug major declined 76.76% to Rs 400.17 crore on
14.12% slid in net sales to Rs 6598.21 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016. Despite a
Beta: 0.9308
challenging US generic pricing environment, opportunities will be evaluated in the specialty segment.

HPCL (Rs 10) 57913 380 2 5 25 9 20055 5 1 7 23 44

Refineries Profit after tax of the Mumbai-based public-sector oil marketer expanded 22.60% to Rs 1949.69
Beta: 0.8119 crore on 18.03% increase in net sales to Rs 57229.81 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3
December 2016.

Britannia Industries (Rs 2) 56892 4739 0 46 18 6 2672 0 0 60 51 37

FMCG Consolidated profit after tax of the Kolkata-based FMCG company was up 19.6% to Rs 263.65 crore
Beta: 0.579 on 13% growth in net sales to Rs 2558.30 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016.

Cadila Healthcare (Re 1) 41948 410 0 -9 9 4 6858 1 1 27 16 23

The US Food and Drug Administration issued no observation after inspection of the Gujarat-based
Beta: 0.7407
drug major’s Moraiya facility in Gujarat from 5 February to 9 February 2018.

Gail (India) (Rs 10) 78358 463 -1 21 17 12 37614 1 0 24 13 10

Gas Distribution Profit after tax of the New Delhi-based natural gas producer spurted 28.4% to Rs 1262.22 crore on
Beta: 0.744 18.8% jump in net sales to Rs 14414.34 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016 due to
better performance by the liquid hydrocarbon, gas marketing and transmission segments. Natural
gas transmission and marketing volumes increased 6% each, petrochemicals sales 21%, liquid hy-
drocarbon sales 10% and LPG transmission 2%. The board recommended one bonus share of Rs 10
each for existing three shares held.

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 71

72 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018

SECTOR (Rs cr)
(Rs cr) CLOSE (Rs)
CLOSE (Rs) VAR (%)
FII (%) (Rs
(Rs cr) YLD (%) RATIO
EQUITY (%) (%)
(%) (%)
Mahindra & Mahindra (Rs 5) 90393 727 -5 10 32 8 29467 1 2 26 12 14
Automobile Profit after tax (Pat) of the Mumbai-based auto major improved 12.5% to Rs 1215.91 crore on 4.57%
Beta: 0.83 incline in net sales to Rs 11577.78 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016. Pat of the
combined entity including Mahindra Vehicle Manufacturers was up 17% to Rs 1306 crore on 10%
increase in revenues and other income to Rs 11593 crore.

Motherson Sumi Systems (Re 1) 68969 328 -7 41 20 7 8132 0 1 29 23 34

Auto Ancillaries Consolidated profit after tax of the Mumbai-based specialised automotive component manufacturer
Beta: 1.171 rose 2.63% to Rs 561.71 crore on 35.74% jump in net sales to Rs 14271.45 crore in Q3 December
2017 over Q3 December 2016.

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals (Re 1) 14769 523 -11 -45 31 3 4464 0 1 18 20 27

Pharmaceuticals Consolidated profit after tax of the Mumbai-based pharmaceuticals producer tumbled 78% to Rs
Beta: 0.7402 104.74 crore on 11.8% fall in net sales to Rs 2171.51 crore in Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December
2016. The financial results are not comparable as there was exclusivity on Ezetimibe, generic version
of Zetia, in Q3 December 2016.

SECTOR (Rs cr) CLOSE (Rs) VAR (%) FII MF/UTI (%)# YLD (%) # (%)# (%)# (%)#
IDBI Bank (Rs 10) 16859 64 9 -21 2 0 -1.83 0.0 0.94 2.16 12.8 16.02

Banks The Mumbai-based state-run bank sold entire 1.20-crore equity shares, constituting 30% of the paid-up
Beta: 1.8796 capital, of NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure that designs, manages and implements e-governance projects.

State Bank of India (Re 1) 231037 268 -10 0 12 10 -0.30 0.9 1.35 2.45 12.9 5.61

The Mumbai-based state-run bank reported net loss of Rs 2416.37 crore in Q3 December 2017 as
Banks against net profit of Rs 2610 crore in Q3 December 2016. The ratio of net non-performing assets to net
Beta: 1.8385 advances stood at 5.61% end December 2017 as against 5.43% end September 2017 and 4.24% end
December 2016. Provisions and contingencies spurted 111.08% to Rs 18876.21 crore. The provision
coverage ratio increased 65.92% end December 2017.

Bank of India (Rs 10) 14783 125 -16 0 4 1 -1.36 0.0 0.62 1.88 10.0 10.29

The Mumbai-based state-run bank reported net loss of Rs 2341.20 crore in Q3 December 2017
Banks compared with net profit of Rs 101.72 crore in Q3 December 2016. Total income fell 10.51% to Rs
Beta: 2.2376 10376.03 crore. The ratio of net NPAs to net advances stood at 10.29% end December 2017 as against
6.47% end September 2017 and 7.09% end December 2016. The provision coverage ratio was at
56.96% end December 2017.

Punjab National Bank (Rs 2) 28234 116 -28 -17 13 9 -1.36 0.0 0.62 1.88 10.0 10.29

The New Delhi-based state-run bank uncovered fraudulent transactions worth nearly US$1.8 billion
from one of its Mumbai branches. The branch staff had given unauthorised, improperly logged, letters
Beta: 2.2376
of understanding to a few select account holders to obtain advances abroad from the foreign branches
of other Indian banks. Nirav Modi, a diamantaire; his uncle Mehul Choksi, owner of a publicly listed
Gitanjali Gems; and Chandri Allied Paper & Allied Products, were named alleged beneficiaries.
* On consolidated basis. Only for stocks with market cap above Rs 8000 crore. Beta is a measure of a stock's volatility in relation to the key benchmark index. Higher the beta of the stock,
higher will be the volatility in the stock price and, hence, riskier the investments. The beta of the index or the market is pegged at 1. Return on equity (RoE), return on capital employed (RoCE)
and return on assets (RoA) are for the year ended March 2017. P/E calculated based on latest available TTM net profit. Latest close as on 19 February 2018. P/E calculated based on latest
available TTM net profit. Dividend yield is calculated based on market capitalisation on 19 February 2018.
Compiled by Abhishek Panchal

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 73

bought 38.18 lakh shares at Rs 134.91 per
Ticker trade
share. Societe Generale held 3.44% stake end
Companies witnessing big-ticket transactions December 2017.
The Supreme Court (SC) on 15 February
2018 paved the way for the sale of the shares
(Rs) (Rs cr) HIGH LOW 15 DAYS 1-YEAR YLD (%) TTM (%) pledged to lenders by former board members
ADF Foods 253.7 537.88 347.5 144.3 -1.36 69.13 1.44 32.2 6.42 Malvinder and Shivinder Singh. It had
Astra Microwave 101.75 881.27 149.4 98 -5.57 -9.56 0.9 14.45 13.28 blocked the sale of all Fortis Healthcare
Astron Paper 128.65 598.22 176.6 113.1 -0.43 NA 0 28.21 24.69 shares owned by Fortis Healthcare Holding
Bhushan Steel 53.8 1218.65 102.8 39.35 20.63 -1.01 0 0 0 (FHHPL) on 31 August 2017 on a petition
Bombay Dyeing 282.8 5840.81 304.2 54 27.16 400.97 0.84 0 -59.16 by Japanese drug maker Daiichi Sankyo to
prevent the Singhs from diluting the value
Career Point 124.95 226.95 167 85.2 9.32 10.19 0 13.66 4.41
of assets. The Singhs had approached the
City Union Bank 173.95 11541.13 208.8 124.55 10.76 26.13 0.24 20.3 15.18
SC for permission to appeal a judgment of
Fortis Health. 146.35 7590.41 230.9 106.65 23.55 -25.04 0 0 -1.86 the Delhi High Court (HC) in January
Galaxy Surfact. 1592.5 5646.17 1742.8 1520 NA NA 55.92 19.77 allowing Daiichi Sankyo to enforce the Rs
Genesys Intl. 283.55 874.48 390 144.9 5.74 67.83 0.07 32.55 8.39 3500-crore arbitration award. The apex court
Gini Silk Mills 246 137.51 482 212.5 6.15 NA 0.15 82 7.8 clarified that the status of the shares
JHS Sven.Lab. 67.65 301.32 83.05 36.6 7.38 72.14 0 19.16 16.06 encumbered on or before that date do not
KRBL 583.8 13742.06 673 365 -1.11 56.05 0.51 28.89 24.08 have to be maintained. FHHPL held 34.33%
stake end December 2017. Of this, 98.22%
Maithan Alloys 891.25 2594.57 1028 370 3.44 111.65 0.59 8.5 40.06
equity was pledged or otherwise encumbered.
MT Educare 70.35 280.14 102.3 53 25.74 -24.68 0 0 7.1
Fortis Healthcare’s board on 13
Nandan Denim 142.85 686.38 186.65 111.75 3.7 21.06 1.33 11.15 14.94 February 2018 had accepted the resignation
PC Jeweller 354.45 13977.92 600.65 185.2 -16.24 86.5 0.24 25 14.91 of the Singh brothers from 8 February 2018.
RPP Infra Proj. 282.3 638 340 211.65 -0.35 -14.31 0.19 47.77 14.92 As an interim measure, a management
Shaily Engineer. 1385.3 1152.35 1425 490 38.42 171.73 0.99 48.15 16.25 committee has been constituted to oversee
Shyam Century 11.98 266.16 18.7 7 15.19 53.59 0 29.22 5.76 the functioning from a strategic and
Vivimed Labs. 81.50 672.57 153.3 75 1.68 -23.58 0.38 6.77 30.16 operational guidance perspective.
CMP: Current market price as on 19 February 2018. P/E on standalone numbers based on TTM ended December 2017
Meanwhile, as per media reports, the
wherever data available, RoE: Return on Equity is for the year ended March 2017 auditors of Fortis Healthcare, Deloitte Haskins
& Sells Llp, have refused to sign the accounts
for Q2 of FY 2018 results amid suspicion of
Buying and selling misappropriation of funds by the Singh

Foreign fund buys PC Jeweller brothers. The Singh brothers were alleged to
have siphoned at least Rs 500 crore without
board approval about a year ago. The funds
Societe Generale and UBS Principal Capital Asia were reported on the balance sheet of Fortis
buy Fortis Healthcare Healthcare as cash and cash equivalents, but
the money was routed and placed under the
Insider Deals: Maithan Alloys witnessed of FY 2017. Efforts are on to improve the control of the Singhs at the time.
a series of block deals among promoter enti- performance of the legacy business by In a clarification to the stock exchanges,
ties at Rs 895 per share on the BSE on 16 optimizing capacities and ramping up Fortis Healthcare said that Fortis Hospitals,
February 2018. Sheela Devi Agarwalla process efficiency. To capitalize on the Steel a wholly owned subsidiary of Fortis
offloaded 3.60 lakh shares, Rita Devi sold demand that is expected to reach 300 million Healthcare, has deployed funds in secured
5.79 lakh shares. Siddhartha Shankar tonnes by FY 2030, organic and inorganic short-term investments with companies in
Agarwalla bought 1.80 lakh shares and expansion is being explored. normal course of treasury operations. These
Shankar Lal agarwalla purchased 7.59 lakh Bulk Deals: Societe Generale bought 38.11 entities as of the quarter ended 31 December
shares. Sheela Devi Agarwalla held 2.29%, lakh shares of hospital chain operator Fortis 2017 had become part of the promoter group
Rita Devi 1.99%, Siddhartha Shankar Healthcare at Rs 141.53 per share in a bulk due to a shareholding change in those entities.
Agarwalla 1.37% and Shankar Lal agarwalla deal on the NSE on 9 February 2018. ECL Subsequently, the same loans were
3.12% stake of the manufacturer and ex- Finance sold 29.10 lakh shares at Rs 130.01 recognized as related-party transactions in
porter of niche value-added manganese al- apiece in a bulk deal on the BSE on 16 Feb- compliance with necessary regulatory
loys end December 2017. ruary 2018. It offloaded 1.04 crore shares at requirements. These loans of Rs 473 crore
Maithan Alloys’ net profit rose 17.6% Rs 136.25 apiece in a bulk deal on the NSE are adequately secured and the repayment
to Rs 78.33 crore on 72.6% growth in net on 16 February 2018. IDBI Trusteeship has since commenced.
sales to Rs 549.09 crore in Q3 of the fiscal Services liquidated 77.78 lakh shares at Rs Fidelity Investment Trust Fidelity
year ending March 2018 (FY 2018) over Q3 134.91 per share. UBS Principal Capital Asia Emerging Markets Fund bought 40.89 lakh

74 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET


At stake
Fluctuations in the holdings of big-ticket investors
31 DEC 17 30 SEP 17 30 JUN 17 31 MAR 17 31 DEC 17 30 SEP 17 30 JUN 17 31 MAR 17 31 DEC 17 30 SEP 17 30 JUN 17 31 MAR 17
ADF Foods 35.22 38.99 46.07 54.32 3.32 0.03 0.97 0.27 0.02 0.09 0.09 0.09
Astra Microwave 13.14 15.5 15.62 15.8 2.35 2.43 2.78 3.03 28.09 27.79 27.77 29.63
Astron Paper 43.78 43.78 NA NA 0.48 0.48 NA NA 0.28 0.28 NA NA
Bhushan Steel 57.82 57.82 57.82 58.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bombay Dyeing 53.68 53.68 53.68 53.68 2.65 5.04 5.76 5.83 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Career Point 61.14 61.24 60.95 60.87 0 0 9.99 9.99 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.57
City Union Bank 0 0 0.00 0 31.52 34.15 34.49 36.7 15.01 11.63 10.96 9.13
Fortis Health. 34.43 34.31 42.96 52.3 30.37 33.75 32.65 34.5 9.34 8.54 5.63 0.06
Genesys Intl. 51.82 52.09 52.12 52.21 7.74 8.12 5.39 7.77 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
Gini Silk Mills 74.98 74.98 74.98 74.98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
JHS Sven.Lab. 34.01 34.33 33.97 35.51 0.72 0.09 0.18 0.18 0 0 0 0
KRBL 58.81 58.81 58.81 58.81 7.33 7.2 6.86 6.64 0 0 0 0.04
Maithan Alloys 69.94 69.87 70.69 70.69 0.8 0.46 0.3 0.27 0.28 0.03 0 0
MT Educare 42.78 42.78 42.78 42.78 6.17 7.78 10.5 12.44 0 0 2.52 2.52
Nandan Denim 60.65 60.18 58.44 58.27 7.18 8.88 10.33 11.95 0 0 0 0
PC Jeweller 60.5 60.5 60.50 62.64 30.41 30.97 30.99 29.21 0.85 1.04 0.62 0.16
RPP Infra Proj. 52.51 52.51 52.51 68 2.12 4.07 4 2.95 4.98 4.94 4.92 0
Shaily Engineer. 51.09 54.1 54.10 54.1 0 0 0 0 10.62 8.3 8.3 8.11
Shyam Century 61.68 61.68 61.63 61.63 0 0.03 0.11 0.11 0 0 0 0
Vivimed Labs. 35.81 36.05 36.05 36.48 9.62 6.95 4.72 4.23 0 0 0 0
Institutional holding in % including both FIIs and domestic institutions

shares of PC Jeweller at Rs 435.93 per in Q3 December 2017, higher than the net Anuradha Bhalla sold 1.51 lakh shares
share in a bulk deal on the NSE on 5 February loss of Rs 734.04 crore in Q3 December of RPP Infra Projects to Vikram Bhalla at
2018. The Fidelity fund held 1.03% stake 2016. Net sales rose 17.5% to Rs 4244.29 Rs 257.76 per share in a bulk deal on the
end December 2017. crore. Bhushan steel is currently undergoing NSE on 6 February 2018. There was net
Jewellery stocks are under selling debt resolution mechanism under the loss of Rs 9.31 crore in Q3 December 2017,
pressure of late after Gitanjali Gems came Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code. compared with net profit of Rs 3.95 crore in
under scanner of various investigating agencies SKA Securities and Financial Services Q3 December 2016. Net sales inclined 75.1%
following the Punjab National Bank’s liquidated 12.85 lakh shares of Bombay to Rs 136.99 crore.
declaration of nearly Rs 11500-crore fraud Dyeing & Manufacturing Company at Rs Niraj Laherchand Modi bought 2.50 lakh
by jeweler Nirav Modi. Promoter of Gitanjali 221.23 per share in a bulk deal on the NSE shares of Astron Paper & Board Mill at Rs
Gems Mehul Chokshi is uncle of Modi. on 5 February 2018. Societe Generale bought 126.42 per share in a bulk deal on the NSE
Bengal Finance & Investment sold 2.95 12.68 lakh shares at Rs 215.98 apiece. There on 7 February 2018.
lakh shares of Shaily Engineering Plastics was net profit of Rs 3.38 crore in Q3 SBI Mutual Fund mopped up 2.53 lakh
at Rs 963.45 per share in a bulk deal on the December 2017 compared with net loss of shares of Galaxy Surfactants at Rs
BSE on 5 February 2018. Ashish Rs 5.57 crore in Q3 December 2016. Net 1,704.50 per share in a bulk deal on the
Rameshchandra Kacholia bought shares at Rs sales rose 34.7% to Rs 619.93 crore. NSE on 8 February 2018. Shares of Galaxy
963.51 apiece. Bengal Finance & Investment Chaitali N Vora disposed of 15 lakh Surfactants settled at Rs 1,698.10 on the
controlled 7.21% stake end December 2017. shares of JHS Svendgaard Laboratories BSE, a premium of 14.74% to its offer
Net profit jumped 245.6% to Rs 5.91 crore on to Nikhil Vora at Rs 62 per share in a bulk price of Rs 1480 per share, on its debut
41.8% growth in net sales to Rs 78.59 crore in deal on the NSE on 5 February 2018. C N on the bourses on 8 February 2018. The
Q3 December 2017 over Q3 December 2016. Vora owned 7.86% equity end December initial public offer (IPO) of the
Earc Trust SC 283 offloaded 46.79 lakh 2017. Consolidated net profit spurted 41.7% manufacturers of surfactants and other
shares of Bhushan Steel at Rs 42.21 per to Rs 2.48 crore on 92.8% surge in net sales specialty chemicals for the personal- and
share in a bulk deal on the NSE on 5 February to Rs 43.81 crore in Q3 December 2017 over home-care industries received overall
2018. There was net loss of Rs 1607.06 crore Q3 December 2016. subscription of 20 times.

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 75

Subham Capital dumped 66 lakh shares
of Shyam Century Ferrous at Rs 9.80 Capital change
per share in a bulk deal on the NSE on 8 Ownership affected by big deals
February 2018. Shyam Metalics and
Energy bought 65.47 lakh shares. Subham
Capital held 3.75% and Shyam Metalics CMP DEAL EQTY CAP. CHNG HAND FORTNIGHT YEARLY
and Energy controlled 14.08% stake end COMPANY (Rs) PRICE(Rs) (%) VOLUME BSE NSE BSE NSE
December 2017. ADF Foods 253.7 249 0.52 110000 38939 367927 86866 370138
Bridge India Fund sold 2.62 lakh shares Astra Microwave 101.75 105 0.54 465000 69825 383578 103704 433696
of Genesys International Corporation at
Astron Paper 128.65 126.42 0.54 250000 96013 393644 249304 1093179
Rs 289.51 per share in a bulk deal on the
Bhushan Steel 53.8 42.21 2.07 4,679,000 1416320 8598035 471797 2161421
NSE on 9 February 2018. Dhara
Technosystem Llp purchased 2.17 lakh Bombay Dyeing 282.8 221.23 0.62 1285000 1467269 10025904 1189967 4438848
shares at Rs 289 apiece. Bridge India Fund Career Point 124.95 135.26 0.62 112000 25813 130422 44147 160403
owned 1.4% stake end December 2017. City Union Bank 173.95 166 0.90 6,000,000 163221 1765827 166089 631131
Shah Niraj bought 4.73 lakh shares of Fortis Health. 146.35 136.25 2.01 10400000 4253552 35697384 1206709 7352970
Vivimed Labs at Rs 87.49 per share in a Galaxy Surfact. 1592.5 1704.5 0.71 253000 244135 1467313 244135 1467313
bulk deal on the BSE on 12 February 2018.
Genesys Intl. 283.55 289.51 0.85 262000 20061 174860 41406 140587
On the same day, Hemant Navinchandra
Gini Silk Mills 246 250 3.93 220000 25639 0 12685 0
Shah sold 4.50 lakh shares at Rs 87.50 apiece
in a bulk deal on the NSE. JHS Sven.Lab. 67.65 62 3.37 1500000 70515 205925 74471 235147
Omar Ali Obaid Bal Saraf and Abdullah KRBL 583.8 594 2.72 6400000 740524 222348 41046 141425
Ali Bal Saraf sold a combined 64 lakh shares Maithan Alloys 891.25 895 3.23 939000 130616 99561 42000 113215
of KRBL to The Pabrai Investment Fund at MT Educare 70.35 71.15 1.10 440000 81605 794642 88965 284082
Rs 594 per share in a block deal on the BSE Nandan Denim 142.85 146.43 0.51 246000 21146 173528 34301 135281
on 12 February 2018. Abdullah Ali Bal Saraf PC Jeweller 354.45 435.93 1.04 4089000 1496459 14545319 292059 3287220
controlled 3.19% stake end December 2017.
RPP Infra Proj. 282.3 257.76 0.67 151000 118149 218833 82600 213269
LTS Investment Fund mopped up 2.46
lakh shares of Nandan Denim at Rs 146.43 Shaily Engineer. 1385.3 963.45 3.55 295000 10911 0 12729 0
per share in a bulk deal on the NSE on 12 Shyam Century 11.98 9.8 2.97 6600000 580667 907616 63839 152741
February 2018. Vivimed Labs. 81.50 87.49 0.57 473000 326970 1509828 249841 1097723
Kuber India Fund sold 1.10 lakh shares Eqty cap. Chng hand: Equity Capital change hand. CMP: current market price as on 19 February 2018
of ADF Foods at Rs 249 per share in a bulk
deal on the NSE on 14 February 2018. Kuber of the emerging share capital, of Rs 10 each Rajasthan Global Securities bought 1.12
India Fund owned 2.83% stake end at a price of Rs 72.76 per share. lakh shares of Career point at Rs 135.26
December 2017. The acquisition is aligned with the strategy per share in a bulk deal on the NSE on 15
Amitabh Sonthalia liquidated two lakh to increase its footprint across segments in the February 2018. Rajasthan Global Securities
shares of MT Educare at Rs 71.15 per share education sector and consolidate offerings held 2.24% stake end December 2017.
in a bulk deal on the NSE on 14 February through the digital route. The stake-buy will Lavender Investments disposed of 60
2018. India Max Investment Fund offloaded strengthen the pre schools presence through lakh shares of City Union Bank (CUB)
three lakh shares. Rajasthan Global Securities Kidzee and K12 offerings through Mount at Rs 166 per share in a bulk deal on the
bought 4.40 lakh shares. On 15 February Litera Zee Schools and will mark the entry NSE on 15 February 2018. Lavender
2018, Rajasthan Global Securities purchased into the high-growth market of edutech through Investments controlled 1.05% equity end
2.41 lakh shares at Rs 73.66 per share. Vijit Robomate and test preparation and tutorials December 2017.
Asset Management mopped up 2.07 lakh through other brands such as Mahesh CUB’s net profit rose 22.2% to Rs
shares at Rs 71.22 apiece. India Max Tutorials, Lakshya and Chitale classes. It will 154.79 crore on 3.5% growth in total income
Investment Fund sold 3.50 lakh shares at Rs help to make inroads into the government to Rs 987.05 crore in Q3 of FY 2018 over
69.86 per share in a bulk deal on the NSE on supported skilling and vocational segment, Q3 of FY 2017. The ratio of gross non-
16 February 2018. Rajasthan Global Securities where MT Educare has a significant presence. performing assets (NPAs) stood at 3.3% end
held 1.71% stake end December 2017. MT Educare offers education support and December 2017, compared with 3.07% end
Zee Learn on 14 February 2018 signed coaching services across India for the science September 2017 and 2.98% end December
definitive agreements to invest Rs 200 crore and commerce streams. 2016. The ratio of net NPAs was 1.74%
in MT Educare through a preferential Garnet International sold 2.20 lakh compared with 1.76% and 1.72%.
allotment of equity shares for a stake of shares of Gini Silk Mills at Rs 250 per Ratnabali Investment mopped up 4.65
44.53% in the expanded share capital of MT share in a bulk deal on the BSE on 15 lakh shares of Astra Microwave Products
Educare, triggering an open offer to the February 2018. Decent Financial Services at Rs 105 per share in a bulk deal on the
shareholders of MT Educare to acquire up bought 1.20 lakh shares. Garnet International NSE on 16 February 2018.
to 1.86-crore equity shares, constituting 26% held 1.2% stake end December 2017. — Compiled by Chaitanya Nallani

76 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET


Schaeffler India Monte Carlo Fashions

Ebitda to be 18-19%
Hikes capex plan Growth will be on higher capacity utilization,
with the average capex of Rs 10-15 crore
With the global economy growing and the government’s thrust Monte Carlo Fashions held a conference call
on 8 February 2018 to discuss the December
on core sectors, local and domestic orders set to go up 2017 quarter results and future growth
strategies. Executive Director Sandeep Jain
Schaeffler India held a conference call after and Director Dinesh Gogna addressed the
announcing the results for the quarter ended Demand bouncing back call. Highlights:
December 2017. It was addressed by Passenger vehicles and tractors were the Sales of Monte Carlo Fashions rose 24% to
Managing Director and CEO Dharmesh demand drivers for Schaeffler India in Rs 355.92 crore and the operating profit
Arora. Highlights: CY 2017. Better sales-mix boosted the margins (OPM) improved 410 basis points
The economy is on recovery path, with EBT margins (bps) to 79.93%, boosting operating profit
manufacturing activity accelerating. 6000 (OP) 51% to Rs 79.93 crore in the December
Companies are restocking their warehouses Face Value: Rs 10 2017 quarter over a year ago. Profit after tax
after the temporary disruption caused by 5600
(Pat) jumped 37% to Rs 47.78 crore.
the implementation of the goods and services 5200
Schaeffler India
Sales were up 15% to Rs 559.67 crore
tax. Core industries are showing growth in and the OPM moved up 240 bps to 20.4%,
H2 of the current fiscal year ending March 4800 pulling up OP 31% to Rs 114.17 crore in
2017 (FY 2017) as the effects of the nine months ended December 2017 over
demonetization are subsiding. The positive a year ago. Pat spurted 33% to Rs 68.56
momentum of the economy will continue in xxxxx
4000 crore. Q3 generates highest quarterly rev-
the coming quarters. 2018 enues in any fiscal year.
Schaeffler India’s revenues saw a moder- CMP Rs 5320 as on 19 February 2018. One-year return: 32.83%. The focus is on product diversification.
ate growth of 2.8% in the December 2017 S&P BSE Sensex one-year return: 18.64% Rock It launched in Q1 crossed sales of Rs
quarter over the September 2017 quarter, 2.5 crore and is expected to surge going for-
mainly supported by industrials (up 2%) and prove cost and supply-side efficiencies. The ward. The target is Rs 10 crore in FY 2019.
exports (6%). There was 8.8% increase in key objective is to combine the strengths Cotton products, contributing 57.1% of the
sales, driven by automotive (22%) and ex- and competencies of all the three entities sales in the recent nine months against
ports (30%), in the quarter over a year ago. and establish a strong listed entity. The 54.5% a year ago, are seeing growth. Sales
The calendar year (CY) 2017 saw sales transaction is to be completed in CY 2018. of woollen were strong due to severe win-
increasing 6.5% on the back of strong growth The new entity will have four plants, one ter in north India.
in automotive (17%) and exports (21%). The R&D centre and about 3,000 employees. Business was affected last fiscal year
industrials segment was relatively flat. Luk has higher 90% localization than Ina, due to demonetization as it came during its
The sales-mix affirms ongoing efforts (60%) localization. peak season. The rollout of goods and ser-
of localization. Manufactured products Ina India and Luk India’s revenues vices tax, too, hurt sales. However, the ef-
for the domestic market accounted for from the engine systems, chassis and fect of the two is now no more. Traction is
54% of the total revenues in the quarter, transmission systems are consistently being seen across national chain stores in-
an improvement of 5.8% over the year. expanding. These two companies also saw cluding large-format stores Reliance Retail,
Manufactured products for exports com- an improvement in EBT, led by sales Shoppers Stop, Aditya Birla Fashion, Cen-
prised 20.6% of the total revenues, up growth and operational performance. tral and Kapsons.
20.6%. Trader products consisted of 28%, The order book from steel makers is There were 234 (21 exclusive brand out-
growing 0.5%. encouraging due to the Central government’s lets: company owned and operated, and 213
Among the user industries, passenger initiatives for the sector. The efforts to- franchise owned and operated), 2,500 plus
vehicles and tractors were the demand driv- wards core sector should see good growth multi- brand outlets and 270 national chain
ers in CY 2017. Two-wheelers recovered in CY 2018. stores end December 2017.
from demonetization. Commercial vehicles FY 2019 will see steel prices hardening No new capex is planned for the next
bounced back in H2 of CY 2017 from the after the past few years of low prices. Hence, couple of years. Growth will be achieved
dual impact of demonetization and BS-IV the thrust is on better sourcing. Some new by higher capacity utilization. The average
(fuel norms) implementation. The focus is products will be launched in CY 2018 to sustaining capex is to be in the range of Rs
on ramping sales in a recovering market. boost sales. With the global economy pick- 10-15 crore a year for the next two years.
Better sales-mix and operational perfor- ing up, exports should look up. The thrust is on building a pan India
mance led to improvement in the earnings There are plans to invest US$ 40-45 presence. The central region contributed
before tax (EBT) margins. million each in CY 2018 and CY 2019, 15% to overall sales in the quarter. Presence
Two unlisted arms, Ina Bearings and double than the previously planned capex is being expanded in the western and south-
Luk India, will be merged with self to im- of US$18-20 million. ern markets as well as product offerings in

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 77


the home furnishing and kids’ segments to The mid-size pharmaceuticals segment
reduce the impact of seasonality. The focus Seeing traction is seeing lot of traction. Small and medium
will be on a comprehensive range of cotton In the US$ 163.1-million order book of companies contribute to 50% of the global
and cotton-blended products catering to all Take Solutions, the share of life science R&D spend, especially in novel therapies
seasons. The home-furnishing business is was US$ 151 million and supply-chain such as monoclonal antibodies and peptides
doing very well and is expected to grow 35- domain US$ 12 million While the US and EU are leading mar-
40% going ahead. 185 kets, consumption patterns indicate that the
Face Value: Re 1
Presence is being set up on e-commerce Asian market has enormous growth poten-
platform through own portals. Distribution 170
tial. These growing companies and markets
Take Solutions
agreements have been entered into with some 155
present an attractive growth opportunity.
of the leading Indian digital commerce plat- The order book stood US$ 163.1 mil-
forms for online sale of products. 140 lion end December 2017. The share of life
Debtors stood at Rs 343 crore end De- science was US$ 151 million and supply-
cember 2017 compared with Rs 243 crore a chain domain US$ 12 million.
year ago due to higher sales. The cash bal- xxxxx

Ujjivan Financial Services

ance including cash and bank balance along 2018

with current and non-current investments

was Rs 136.1 crore end December 2017.
CMP Rs 165 as on 19 February 2018. One-year return: 20.83%.
S&P BSE Mid-cap index one-year return: 22.05%
25% loan growth likely
The hope is of easily maintaining 12- The prudential write-off was Rs 131.71 crore
15% growth or more next fiscal year if the Sales grew 10% over the quarter and 19% in the nine months ended December 2017
economy grows at a faster pace than the over the year to Rs 408.02 crore end Decem- Ujjivan Financial Services conducted a
current rate. Advertising guidance has been ber 2017. Profit after tax increased 14% over conference call on 05 February 2018 to
reduced from 5% to 3-4% of sales. The 18- the quarter and 11% over the year to Rs 41.96 discuss the financial results for the quarter
19% earnings before interest, tax, depre- crore. Total revenues were up 23% and life ended December 2017. Ujjivan Financial
ciation and amortization (Ebitda) are sus- sciences revenues increased 25% in dollar Services Managing Director and CEO Sudha
tainable for years to come. Other income terms in the quarter over a year ago. Sales Suresh and Ujjivan Small Finance Bank
(OI) in FY 2017 had one-time duty claim improved 15% to Rs 1133.32 crore and Pat Managing Director and CEO Samit Ghosh
of Rs 7 crore. Otherwise, OI is sustainable 10% to Rs 114.37 crore in the nine months addressed the call. Highlights:
going forward. ended December 2017 over a year ago. The microfinance industry is showing
Preferential allotment of Rs 250 crore healthy recovery from the adverse effects
Take Solutions will be made to the promoters. The funds of demonetization. The asset quality is
To digitize life sciences R&D will be used to capitalize on growth oppor-
tunities and scale business in the clinical and
improving, except in certain pockets of
Vidharbha in Maharashtra and Madhya
Preferential allotment of Rs 250 crore regulatory spaces inorganically through stra- Pradesh. However, there are no operations
to promoters for capitalizing on opportunities tegic acquisitions in North America and Eu- in these areas.
Take Solutions held a conference call on 8 rope. Pricing will be made as per the guide- Disbursements are normalizing. Dis-
February 2018 to discuss the results for the lines of the Securities and Exchange Board bursement increased 9% over the quarter and
quarter ended December 2017 and future of India. The process will start immediately. 28% over the year to Rs 2134.32 crore. The
growth strategies. President and CEO Ram The US$ 33-billion life sciences R&D collection performance of loans disbursed
Yeleswarapu and CFO Subhasri Sriram outsourcing market is projected to grow at after demonetization is as strong as 99.7%,
addressed the call. Highlights: 7-10% over the next three years. The growth accounting for 78% of the overall loan book.
Take Solutions is a globally recognized domain will be fueled by biopharma producers look- The gross loan book increased 6.4%
intensive services provider in the life-sciences ing to stay compliant, control costs and over the quarter and 7.7% over the year to
segment. Domain-intensive services are maintain internal focus on core activities. Rs 7095.28 crore end December 2017. The
provided in life sciences and supply-chain The experience of working with over 150 off-balance-sheet portfolio stood at Rs
management (SCM). In the fast-growing life- pharmaceutical producers including nine of 168.62 crore. The net loan book increased
sciences space, niche expertise of legacy the 10 top global players enables delivering 8.8% over the quarter and 14.6% over the
brands Navitas, Ecron Acunova and Intelent of outcomes. year to Rs 6926.66 crore. Nearly 1.88 lakh
have been brought together as Navitas Life Rapid growth is expected in the borrowers were added in the quarter ended
Sciences to deliver transformative end-to-end biosimilars market as patents of all of the December 2017.
solutions across process, technology and top 30 biological drugs are due to expire be- There are hopes of further accelerat-
analytics to global clients. fore the calendar year 2025. The extensive ing the loan growth to 18-20% by end
The range of services span from clinical clinical experience will be used to monitor March 2018. The target is 22-25% loan
trials to regulatory submissions to post- and treat potential severe adverse responses growth for the next fiscal year ending
marketing safety backed by insights derived to biosimilar drug. March 2019 (FY2019).
through proprietary industry networks. In Besides oncology, expertise in dermatol- The loan book is being diversified fur-
SCM, the thrust is on high-margin niches in ogy and ophthalmology therapeutic areas is ther to increase the share of micro-small-
engineering, mobility and collaboration. garnering a lot of discussions with customers. and-medium-enterprises (MSME) and af-

78 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET


fordable housing loans to 5.5% end Decem- Apcotex Industries

Signs of recovery
ber 2017 from 4.3% end September 2017.
The gross non-performing asset (NPA)
Aims for Rs 550-crore sales
The provision coverage ratio of Ujjivan
ratio improved to 4.24% and net NPA to Financial Services was at 76.3% end 14% margins post capex due to new products
1.04% end December 2018 from 4.99% December 2017. Credit cost is expected and cost initiatives
and 1.38% end September 2017. The to be below 1% in FY2019 Apcotex Industries held a conference call on
opening NPA stood at Rs 323 crore, while 500
12 February 2018. It was addressed by
slippages were Rs 35 crore and collections Face Value: Rs 10 Managing Director Abhiraj Choksey.
at Rs 31 crore. Loans amounting to Rs 450 Highlights:
Ujjivan Financial Services
33.5 crore have been written off, ending Apcotex’s net sales jumped 34% to Rs
the quarter with gross NPAs of Rs 294 137.89 crore and net rpofit spurted from Rs
crore end December 2017. 350 5.02 crore to Rs 13.3 crore in the December
The prudential write-off was Rs 131.71 2017 quarter over a year ago. The
crore in the nine months ended December improvement in the margins was due to better
2017. The provision coverage ratio was xxxxx
250 raw material pricing, quality approvals and
healthy at 76.3% end December 2017. Credit 2018 bullishness in the market.
cost is expected to be below 1% in FY2019. CMP Rs 360 as on 19 February 2018. One-year return: -18.71%. Demand from all user industries grew in
The cost of funds is declining, with re- S&P BSE Mid-cap index one-year return: 22.05% double digits. There was a volume growth
duction of half the overall high cost borrow- of around 25%. Volumes from the biggest
ings. High-cost borrowings of Rs 2255 crore (CVs), light CVs, sports utility vehicles or customer in the paper industry are slowly
have been redeemed and Rs 950 crore of CV passenger carriers. Each is showing sig- returning as plant has started production.
higher funds have been prepaid so far. nificant growth as well as gain in market Synthetic rubber including high styrene
share. However, more needed to be done to rubber and nitrile rubber accounted for
Tata Motors improve the market share of medium and around 50% of total sales. Synthetic latex
India business booming heavy CVs.
JLR will continue to invest in products
including nitrile latex formed the remaining.
The share of nitrile rubber improved from 17%
Q4 performance to be boosted by new models, and technology. As much as GBP 4 billion when the production facility was acquired a
seasonality and better profit of JLR plus investment will happen this year in year ago to around 25% in the quarter.
Tata Motors (TTM) held a conference call on products, technology and capacity. Exports accounted for around 15% of to-
05 February 2018 to discuss the results for Q4 is projected to witness stronger per- tal sales. They spurted 80% in the nine
the December 2017 quarter. The call was formance, driven by newer models, season- months ended December 2017 over a year
addressed by Chairman N Chandrasekaran, ality and improved profitability of JLR. It ago. Some new products also boosted exports.
Managing Director and CEO Gunter should be definitely better than Q3. The Capex of Rs 60 crore has been under-
Butschek, Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) CEO Dr focus is on achieving 8-10% consolidated taken for the Valia plant in Gujarat. It will
Ralf Speth, Group CFO P Balaji, JLR CFO earnings before interest and tax (Ebit) mar- be completed in phases over two years.
Kenneth Gregor and other members of the gins on the back of new models, better cost The capex includes debottlenecking of ca-
investor relations team. Key highlights: efficiencies as well as operating leverage of pacity, some brown-field expansion, in-
China and India were the bright spots for the JLR business. vestment in building power capacity and
TTM in Q3 of the fiscal ending March 2018 The India business, too, is estimated some expense to reduce overall costs. Ca-
(FY 2018). Consumer demand was to see improved demand, with stepped pacity will increase to 22,000 tonnes from
especially strong in China. The thrust on up spending on infrastructure and rising 16,000 tonnes.
infrastructure and simplification of the goods consumer confidence and disposable in- The aim is to reach 14% margins post
and services tax in India ensured that the comes. The thrust areas will be gaining all the capex. The margins should improve
market remained receptive. back market share in the CV space and due to the introduction of new products
The situation in the UK in the run-up to improve the market share of passenger and cost initiatives. Some strategic acqui-
exiting from the euro region and the new vehicles and deliver growth that is prof- sitions will be undertaken. The target is to
diesel taxes are causing a fair amount of pain itable and cash accretive. record around Rs 550-crore sales in the
to consumer demand in the market. The There are three big movements in the current fiscal year considering the overall
cyclicality of the US market is a cause of Ebit margins improvement in the India busi- market for synthetic rubber has been good
concern as it is resulting in a significant ness: volumes and product mix boosted Ebit for the past six months.
amount of competitive spends to maintain 2%, net pricing contributed to 1.6% in-
market share. The new Slovakia plant will crease, and fixed cost leverage, too, had a Visaka Industries
start production at the end of the calendar
year (CY) 2018. In the longer-term, premium
role to play. Product cost, however, mar-
ginally increased.
Margins to improve
car volumes are expected to grow. The I-Pace is a premium electric vehicle On track to achieve 50% of sales from V board
The Indian market is witnessing broad- designed, engineered and also packaged with by FY 2020
based growth across the portfolio including a creative method of new technology. Good Visaka Industries held a conference call on
medium and heavy commercial vehicles demand is expected for the car. 14 February 2018 to discuss the December

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 79


2017 quarter results. It was addressed by The order back log was largely due to
CFO V Vallinath. Highlights: Overseas push the water and electrical sectors, with other
Net sales Of Visaka Industires increased Exports of Apcotex Industries were traditional sectors having a negligible contri-
21% to Rs 241.84 crore and the operating strong, accounting for around 15% of bution. Apart from the electrical and water
profit margins rose 310 basis points to total sales. They spurted 80% in the nine sectors, there are likely to be opportunities
14.2%, boosting operating profit 55% to months ended December 2017 in the power and industrial sectors, espe-
Rs 34.41 crore in the December 2017 quarter 550 cially for air pollution control systems and
over a year ago. Profit after tax surged Face Value: Rs 5 waste-to-energy plants as new measures are
142% to Rs 14.26 crore. 500
being implemented by the Central govern-
Apcotex Industries
A third plant in Haryana of capacity of 450
ment to contain the menace of air pollution
50,000 tonnes per annum to manufacture and solid waste.
boards and pencils is to commence opera- 400 To take full advantage of the healthy
tions from April 2018. The plant in order backlog, ways and means are being
Telangana to make solar boards and panels explored for additional funds for overall en-
will also begin production from April 2018. xxxxx
300 hancement of operational performance.
The solar roofing business is progress- 2018 The tightness in working capital,
ing well. The initial response is satisfactory. CMP Rs 505 as on 19 February 2018. One-year return: 55.33%. mainly due to delay in payments, has com-
The cement asbestos business volumes grew S&P BSE Mid-cap index one-year return: 22.05% pelled increase in short-term borrowings.
in double digits compared with 6% industry Short-term debt is Rs 120 crore and long-
growth in the quarter over a year ago. Ce- Technofab Engineering term debt Rs 3 crore. The cash position
ment asbestos sales stood at six lakh tonnes
in the nine months ended December 2017
Rs 2200-crore order backlog has halved from a year ago though the or-
der intake has doubled. As a result, finance
compared with 5.68 lakh tones a year ago. Outstanding bids of over Rs 3000 crore and cost has gone up. Thus, buffer of cash is
Most of the market share gain was in the lowest bidder position of Rs 150 crore needed to service the orders. Banks have
southern and eastern geography. The volume Technofab Engineering held a conference call been approached to increase the credit lim-
growth of cement asbestos sheets is expected on 14 February 2018 to discuss the results its. Promoters have pledged shares to in-
to continue in double digits going ahead. for the period ended December 2017. Whole- crease the credit limit. Equity might be di-
The decline in exports of boards bot- time Director Arjun Gupta addressed the luted to raise funds after the next the cur-
tomed out and bounced back 11% in the call. Highlights: rent fiscal year’s results are out.
December 2017 quarter over a year ago. Technofab Engineering’s sales grew 16% to A major chunk of receivables are from
Overall, volumes of boards and panels were Rs 107.85 crore and profit after (tax) rose Bihar and Rajasthan. Total receivables are
up 36% in the quarter and 12% in the nine 48% to Rs 3.18 crore in the December 2017 over Rs 130-140 crore. Bihar receivables
months over a year-ago periods. quarter over a year ago. Sales, however, fell were expected two months ago. But there
The margins of the boards and panels 5% to Rs 267.985 and Pat was down 2% to were some billing, conversion and acceptance
business are in early double digits and are Rs 7.23 crore in the nine months ended issues. Visits to sites are being undertaken
likely to reach around 16% levels in the next December 2017 over a year ago. so that the bills are converted into receiv-
two years. The operational results for the first half ables. Some money has started to come.
The yarn segment’s volumes jumped of the year were hit by the implementation Before March, Rs 30-40 crore of receivables
4.5%. The margins are back to 12-13% de- of the goods and services tax (GST), pau- are expected to materialize of the total of Rs
spite one-off expenditure of Rs 1.7 crore city of working capital and delay in pay- 90 crore from four projects. The Rajasthan
due to some power issues. The textile sec- ments from customers. government wants water in 55 villages in
tor suffered the most due to the rollout of Though the adverse impact of the rollout the Jawai district, putting pressure on the
the goods and services tax. However, the of GST has not fully disappeared, the in- government to release funds. There could,
business is back to normal now. tensity has diminished as reflected in the however, be some write-offs in Q4 of the
The working cycle has reduced to 24 increase in turnover. It was, however, current fiscal year like in the previous year.
days. As such interest costs are likely to go slightly lower than expected.
down further, Despite the Rs 100-crore debt, Sales in the current fiscal year are ex- Ahluwalia Contracts
capex end March 2018 will be the same as
that of last year. The next fiscal year will
pected to be more than that of the previous
year. The operating profit margins are likely
Meets order guidance
see mostly maintenance capex and some to be maintained at over 12%. The order Maintains revenue growth projection of 15-20%
spill-over of the current fiscal year’s capex. backlog is close to Rs 2200 crore and is to in the current fiscal year
Growth in boards is set to improve, be executed in the next three years. Thus, Ahluwalia Contracts hosted a conference call
with both volumes and the margins set to there is revenue visibility for the next two- on 15 February 2018. It was addressed by
pick up. Thus, the overall margins will im- three years. There are outstanding bids Deputy Managing Director Shobhit Uppal.
prove. Nearly 50% of the sales will be worth over Rs 3000 crore and known low- Key takeaways:
derived from V boards by the fiscal year est bidder (L1) position of around Rs 150 The order book of Ahluwalis Contracts
ending March 2020 compared with the cur- crore. The quest for more domestic and in- stood at Rs 3575 crore end December
rent 32%. ternational orders continues. 2017.The orders are to be executed over

80 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET


2.5 year. The order inflow was Rs 705 crore value chain—from discovery-to-delivery,
in the quarter and Rs 1260 crore in the nine Maintaining the tempo with established credentials in research,
months of the fiscal ending March 2018 (FY Dilip Buildcon’s OPM will be 18% manufacturing and global marketing.
2018). The orders are spread over 40 for FY 2018, sustaining the nine-month The specialist in catalyst chemistry
projects. The order inflow target is about of FY 2018 level for the balance manufacturer of anthelmintic and veterinary
Rs 1300 crore for the current fiscal year and of the fiscal year active pharma ingredient (API) products
Rs 1500 crore for the next fiscal year. 1200 introduced four of the 15 API products last
There are no lowest bidder (L1) orders Face Value: Rs 10 year. Currently, the seven top products con-
at the moment. Of the Rs 2500-crore order
stitute 70-75% of total sales. New APIs are
Dilip Buildcon
pipeline, 80% are government and PSU or- 800
being added every year to increase market
ders. These projects are in various stage of size. Every year, two products with sales
tendering. The aim is to maintain a healthy 600 potential of around Rs 100 crore will be
mix between government and private orders. launched for the next four to five years.
The current government-private sector or- The animal API market in India is around
der mix is 60:40. xxxxx
200 Rs 1000 crore market and growing 25-27%
Debt stood at Rs 61 crore end Decem- 2018 every year. Cattle accounts for around 51%
ber 2017 and is expected to come down to CMP Rs 928 as on 19 February 2018. One-year return: 238.81%. of the total animal veterinary market, fol-
S&P BSE Sensex one-year return: 18.64% lowed by poultry 36% and aqua, sheep and
Rs 25-30 crore by the end of FY 2018. There
was a one-off provision of Rs 8 crore to- goat and others the rest. Demand is not a
wards interest on claims made in the De- Currently road tenders for length of problem, but supply is due to regulatory
cember 2017 quarter. 8,760 km are in the pipeline from agencies and other controls.
The Kota bus build-own-transfer such as NHAI and Morth. There will be In veterinary segment, the nitro deriva-
project in Rajasthan made an accounting loss participation for all. These projects are ex- tives, vinyl pyrimidines and amide deriva-
of Rs 6.18 crore and cash loss of Rs 1.44 pected to be awarded by the end of the cur- tives base comprises 20% of the sales, while
crore in the nine months of FY 2018. Re- rent fiscal year. Bids have been submitted piperazines, benzimidazole, heterocyclics
pricing of contracts for GST has been com- for projects worth Rs 7500 crore. and imidazothiazole derivative base the rest.
pleted for only 50% of the contracts. FY 2018 is expected to close with rev- Four vertically integrated production units
The guidance of 15-20% growth in enues of Rs 7000 crore. The operating profit are located at Mahad and Chiplun in the
revenues and the operating profit margins margins will be of 18% for the entire fiscal Konkan region of Maharashtra. The total
of 13-14% given at the start of FY 2018 year, sustaining the nine-month FY 2018 capacity is 4,300 tonnes per annum.
is maintained. level for the balance period of the fiscal year. Turnover increased from Rs 1 crore in
Net debt was Rs 2900 crore end Decem- the fiscal year ended March 2012 (FY 2012)
Dilip Buildcon ber 2017. Funds stuck in projects for which to Rs 200 crore end FY 2017. The industry
is growing at a healthy pace of 18-20%. Sales
Rs 7000-crore sales likely the appointment date is yet to come are Rs
300 crore. Net debt is expected to come down growth of 25% and the operating profit
The target is to bag Rs 8000-10000-crore to Rs 2500-2600 crore by the end of the margins of 22% will be achieved in the cur-
orders in the current fiscal current fiscal year. rent fiscal year, higher than the guidance.
Dilip Buildcon hosted a conference call on Of the total consideration against divest- The run rate will be maintained for the next
14 February 2018. It was addressed by Head- ment of 24 road project to the Chhatwal three years.
Strategy and Planning Rohan Suryavanshi Group Trust, Rs 200-300 crore are likely to Around 5% of net sales are spent on
and CFO Vaibav Rawat. Key takeaways: be received in Q4 of FY 2018. An amount of R&D every year. Long-term debt is around
The order book of Dilip Buildcon was Rs Rs 250 crore was stuck on account of GST Rs 20 crore and short term debt including
12357.1 crore end December 2017. Nearly and is likely to come in soon. Capex will be external commercial borrowings (ECB)
80% of the orders were for roads, highways Rs 50 crore in the current quarter. stands at Rs 72 crore (Rs 22 crore is ECB
and bridges. About 53% of the orders were loan). Promoters have given an unsecured
from the National Highway Authority of Lasa Supergenerics loan of Rs 27 crore.

Plans rights issue

India (NHAI), 26% from the Ministry of There are plans for a rights issue of Rs
Road Transport & Highways (Morth), 11% 100 crore by June 2018 to pay off long-
from Northern Coal Fields and 6% from Sales growth of 25% and the margins of 22% term debt of Rs 20 crore. Some EPS accretive
Singareni Collieries Company. to be achieved in FY 2018 acquisitions are being planned. Acquisitions
Orders worth RS 3177 crore have been Lasa Supergenerics held its conference call will be in the same line of business.
bagged so far in Q4 of the fiscal ending on 14 February 2018 to discuss the An MoU was entered into with the
March 2018 (FY 2018). Of these, Rs 1364 December 2017 quarter result. It was Chinese giant CIDIC group to enter into
crore are for hybrid annuity model (Ham) addressed by Omkar Herlekar. Highlights: South East Asian markets and also to pro-
road projects and 1813 crore are engineer- Lasa Supergenerics, demerged from Omkar cure key intermediates from China and
ing-procurement-and-construction road Speciality Chemicals, is a vertically Japan on longer credit term and at com-
projects. The target is to bag Rs 8000-10000- integrated group spanning the entire petitive prices. CIDIC will sell finished
crore orders in the current fiscal. veterinary, animal and human healthcare goods in South East Asia. 

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 81


Taxation places, the location is the usual place of

Passage from India

residence of the supplier.
A supply is treated as an import of
service if the supplier of service is located
outside India, the recipient of service is
Exports and supplies to SEZ units and SEZ developers attract zero located in India, and the place of supply of
GST and are eligible for input credit service is in India. The place of such supply
is taken to be the location where the firm is
Supply of any service is considered an ex- (principal located outside India) and billing registered (for GST) and the supplies will
port of service when the supplier of service the principal in convertible foreign exchange attract IGST.
is located in India, the recipient of service is is an intermediary covered under section 13 An enterprise participating, either directly
located outside India and the place of supply (8) of IGST Act, 2017. Accordingly the place or indirectly or through one or more
of service is outside India. The payment for of supply of service provided by the agent intermediaries, in the management or in control
such service should have been received by to the principal is in India, irrespective of of capital of other enterprise, is an associated
the supplier of service in convertible foreign the mode of payment. Hence, GST is enterprise. The associated enterprise concept
exchange. The supplier of service and the re- payable on the services provided by the is particularly relevant if the supplier of
cipient of service should not be merely es- intermediary to the foreign principal. services is located outside India. The time of
tablishments of a deemed distinct person. As per Section 2(15) of IGST Act, the the supply will be the earlier of the date of
As per Section 8 of the Integrated Goods location of the supplier of service is to be entry in the books of account of the recipient
and Services Tax (IGST) Act, 2017, if a determined case by case. If a supply is made of supply or the date of payment. Thus, for
person has one establishment in India and from a place of business that is registered, associated enterprises, GST is attracted once
another outside India, an establishment in one the location is that registered place of book entries are made even if no actual
state and another in another state or two business. Software development, business payment takes place or no invoice is issued.
different registered establishments, being process outsourcing operations, and Every supplier located in a state or
different business verticals, in the same state, software consultancy are under this default Union Territory, whose aggregate turnover
then they are deemed as distinct persons. rule. When a supply is made from a place in a financial year exceeds Rs 20 lakh is
Exports and supplies to special economic other than the place of business for which liable to be registered under GST. A person
zone (SEZ) units and SEZ developers are zero- registration has been obtained (a fixed the with unit(s) in a SEZ as well as outside the
rated in GST. The exporter is also entitled to establishment elsewhere), the location of the SEZ in a state has to make a separate
the input tax credit on inputs and input supplier of service is the location of such application for registration for the SEZ unit
services used for exports. The exporter has fixed establishment. When a supply is made as a business vertical distinct from his other
two options. He can pay IGST on supplies from more than one establishment, the units located outside the SEZ in that state.
meant to be exported and get refund of tax so location of the supplier of service is the However, a single registration can be taken
paid after the supply is exported. He can location of the establishment that is most for all SEZ units within a state, whether
export under a bond or letter of undertaking directly concerned with the provision of the located in one SEZ or more than one SEZ.
and claim refund of taxes suffered on inputs supply of service. In the absence of such If the supplies are made by unregistered
and input services used in such exports. suppliers, GST is liable to be paid by the
If an Indian software company has hired recipient, who is a registered person, under
an agent located abroad to facilitate the Section 9(4) of the CGST Act, 2017. GST
supply of software abroad, the place of The place of supply is payable on reverse charge is to be discharged
supply of such intermediary service is taken to be the location through cash only. However, reverse charge
location of the supplier, as per Section 13(8) on unregistered suppliers has been
of IGST Act. If the agent is located outside where the firm is registered temporarily suspended till 31 March 2018.
India, GST is not payable when the payment The rate of GST on IT services is 18%. The
is made to such an entity.
for GST and the supplies supplier of software services is not eligible
Correspondingly, an agent in India will attract IGST for the composition scheme.
providing services to a foreign IT or ITES — Tushar Doctor

82 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET


Mutual Fund scoreboard

Top five performers in different categories as on 19 February 2018
Invesco India Banking Fund (G) 51.23 130.92 1.00 2.76 -2.57 2.36 25.07 12.31 17.09
Reliance Banking Fund - (G) 259.02 3134.16 1.00 2.32 -1.82 0.33 22.31 11.56 17.31
SBI Banking & Financial Services Fund (G) 14.74 501.95 1.00 3.06 -2.42 1.04 21.72 NA NA
Tata Banking & Financial Services Fund (G) 16.49 253.45 0.25 3.09 -2.94 -2.60 20.40 NA NA
Sahara Banking & Financial Services Fund (G) 61.63 5.42 1.00 3.06 -3.47 4.02 20.17 8.37 13.33
SBI Small & Midcap Fund (G) 58.41 907.87 1.00 2.69 4.95 26.90 49.61 24.76 35.84
HDFC Small Cap Fund (G) 45.35 2423.29 1.00 2.63 7.65 22.60 44.86 20.73 23.77
Reliance Small Cap Fund (G) 45.22 6542.42 1.00 2.35 5.51 18.97 41.28 22.22 35.11
L&T Emerging Businesses Fund (G) 27.47 4030.87 1.00 2.76 2.41 13.46 38.75 23.79 NA
BOI AXA Manufacturing & Infrastr Fund (G) 18.49 26.76 1.00 2.93 6.82 22.53 37.68 14.12 18.24
ICICI Pru Nifty Next 50 Index Fund (G) 25.79 170.10 0.25 0.61 -1.95 5.34 21.10 14.38 19.53
HDFC Index Fund-Sensex Plan 296.34 105.68 0.25 0.30 1.29 7.27 19.63 5.91 12.57
IDBI Nifty Junior Index Fund (G) 22.09 50.79 0.00 1.72 -2.17 4.57 19.41 13.43 18.63
Tata Index Sensex Fund - Regular 82.26 5.19 0.25 1.00 1.20 7.01 18.93 5.01 11.54
Reliance Index Fund - Sensex (G) 16.57 4.78 0.25 0.75 1.17 7.00 18.74 4.87 11.50
BOI AXA Manufacturing & Infrastr Fund (G) 18.49 26.76 1.00 2.93 6.82 22.53 37.68 14.12 18.24
Reliance Diversified Power Sector (G) 117.47 2105.55 1.00 2.41 3.94 12.96 34.31 14.55 16.76
L&T Infrastructure Fund (G) 17.84 1838.15 1.00 2.99 -0.89 11.64 31.76 17.21 23.50
IDFC Infrastructure Fund (G) 18.26 1102.07 1.00 2.83 -1.65 9.95 30.79 16.64 17.05
Sundaram Infrastructure Advantage Fund (G) 35.93 789.36 1.00 2.69 1.40 12.04 27.32 11.11 17.10
BOI AXA Tax Advantage Fund (G) 54.64 141.86 0.00 3.00 2.88 13.41 33.95 11.83 19.20
IDFC Tax Advantage (ELSS) Fund (G) 57.41 1012.20 0.00 2.79 2.99 10.64 32.31 13.08 20.91
Principal Tax Savings Fund 212.98 397.90 0.00 2.89 -0.65 10.98 28.93 13.68 20.74
Aditya Birla SL Tax Relief ’96 (G) 30.78 4949.08 0.00 2.39 0.65 10.60 27.88 11.90 21.55
Aditya Birla SL Tax Plan (G) 38.51 695.33 0.00 2.77 0.50 10.47 27.52 11.34 20.77
Arbitrage Funds
L&T Arbitrage Opportunities Fund (G) 12.73 801.28 0.50 0.89 1.66 3.16 6.22 6.59 NA
Kotak Equity Arbitrage Fund (G) 24.69 14591.56 0.25 0.68 1.61 3.09 6.13 6.57 7.54
Reliance Arbitrage Advantage Fund (G) 17.68 7241.42 0.25 0.77 1.78 3.16 6.09 6.65 7.48
BNP Paribas Enhanced Arbitrage Fund - Reg (G) 10.75 779.87 0.25 1.01 1.41 2.88 6.09 NA NA
Edelweiss Arbitrage Fund - Regular (G) 12.85 6399.95 0.25 1.11 1.61 3.08 6.03 6.69 NA
Principal Balanced Fund - (G) 74.74 1018.49 1.00 3.02 -0.45 8.71 24.96 13.26 17.19
UTI-CCP Advantage Fund - (G) 36.61 237.87 4.00 3.08 -1.46 5.70 22.88 9.91 16.11
Escorts Opportunities Fund (G) 55.96 14.22 1.00 2.50 2.57 9.45 20.87 8.58 12.77
Tata Retirement Savings Fund - Moderate (G) 28.78 501.57 3.00 2.98 -0.16 4.92 20.27 11.68 19.70
SBI Magnum Children Benefit Plan 54.28 57.95 3.00 2.78 2.23 8.32 18.97 14.39 15.25
Monthly Income Plans
Indiabulls Monthly Income Plan (G) 12.91 30.18 1.00 2.00 6.27 12.58 18.48 NA NA
BOI AXA Regular Return Fund (G) 20.97 188.82 1.00 2.07 1.62 4.56 11.29 9.05 10.10
HDFC Multiple Yield Fund-Plan 2005 - (G) 31.18 175.76 1.00 2.02 1.10 4.83 9.49 8.11 10.43
ICICI Pru MIP 25 (G) 39.08 1440.24 1.00 2.30 0.11 1.50 9.43 8.80 11.44
AXIS Income Saver (G) 18.39 438.24 1.00 2.76 0.86 2.62 9.38 6.64 9.36

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 83

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ApnaMoney Mutual Fund

Floating Rate Funds
JM Floater Fund - LTP (G) 26.59 240.33 1.00 0.60 1.72 3.51 7.42 8.21 8.36
L&T Floating Rate Fund (G) 17.01 701.90 0.00 0.78 1.55 3.21 7.27 8.30 8.49
Franklin India Savings Plus (G) 31.49 414.77 0.00 0.34 1.39 3.05 6.94 7.76 8.28
Aditya Birla SL Floating Rate - STP - (G) 229.09 12894.76 0.00 0.24 1.63 3.30 6.73 7.53 8.22
Tata Ultra Short Term Fund (G) 2607.13 4578.06 0.00 0.35 1.34 2.91 6.69 7.90 8.45
Gilt Funds
IDFC G Sec Fund - STP (G) 25.07 76.61 0.00 0.45 0.45 1.22 6.40 7.97 9.49
BNP Paribas Govt Securities Fund (G) 15.04 12.20 0.00 0.73 -0.26 -0.67 6.31 7.80 NA
SBI Magnum Gilt Fund - Short Term (G) 36.51 503.71 0.00 0.71 0.62 1.67 5.89 8.86 9.67
DSP BR Savings Fund (G) 33.71 38.52 0.00 0.58 1.39 2.81 5.75 6.54 7.57
UTI-G-Sec Fund - STP (G) 24.17 25.54 0.00 0.48 1.21 2.01 5.43 7.12 7.70
Income Funds
BOI AXA Corporate Credit Spectrum Fund 13.16 1453.60 4.00 1.85 1.64 3.29 8.46 NA NA
Franklin India Income Opportunities Fund (G) 20.40 3303.95 0.00 1.70 1.36 3.02 8.14 8.58 9.27
Franklin India Dynamic Accrual Fund - (G) 60.67 3056.52 0.00 1.77 1.25 2.82 7.95 9.34 9.07
Aditya Birla SL Corporate Bond Fund (G) 12.76 5276.84 1.00 1.90 0.96 2.13 7.94 NA NA
Franklin India Corporate Bond Opportunities (G) 17.83 6611.66 3.00 1.83 1.28 2.98 7.76 8.58 9.28
Liquid Funds
Principal Cash Management Fund (G) 1672.58 1304.60 0.00 0.28 1.66 3.33 6.75 7.53 8.17
Essel Liquid Fund - Regular (G) 1890.79 860.57 0.00 0.21 1.64 3.31 6.75 7.54 8.27
JM High Liquidity Fund - (G) 46.99 3935.81 1.00 0.24 1.64 3.29 6.72 7.54 8.21
Franklin India TMA - Super Inst (G) 2570.07 5617.20 0.00 0.20 1.65 3.30 6.71 7.55 8.25
L&T Liquid Fund (G) 2356.34 15073.16 0.00 0.16 1.64 3.30 6.70 7.47 8.13
Short Term Income Funds
Franklin India Short Term Income (G) 3625.06 9412.32 0.00 1.57 1.22 2.84 8.10 8.49 9.28
Franklin India Low Duration Fund (Growth Plan) 19.74 5692.09 0.50 0.78 1.44 3.14 7.91 9.18 9.48
L&T Short Term Income Fund (G) 18.52 1186.69 1.00 1.00 1.20 2.79 7.42 8.86 8.96
Aditya Birla SL Savings Fund - Regular (G) 338.24 19275.43 0.00 0.37 1.37 2.87 7.01 8.36 8.84
Kotak Low Duration Fund - Standard Plan (G) 2099.65 5649.02 0.00 0.71 1.29 2.90 6.84 8.29 8.36
Global Fund
Edelweiss GCE Off-Shore Fund(G) 28.12 42.91 1.00 1.81 3.02 20.36 38.64 13.64 14.30
Edelweiss EMO Equity Offshore Fund (G) 12.75 5.32 1.00 1.70 5.88 15.38 28.95 8.34 NA
Franklin Asian Equity Fund (G) 22.76 128.16 1.00 2.96 1.13 13.17 28.34 12.48 11.51
Principal Global Opportunities Fund (G) 30.13 18.06 1.00 0.95 4.54 13.63 26.06 10.26 6.71
Edelweiss ASEAN Equity Off-Shore Fund (G) 20.84 51.56 1.00 1.80 8.31 16.79 23.96 8.23 7.29
Fund of Funds
HSBC Managed Solutions Growth Fund (G) 17.70 161.57 0.00 0.51 2.31 5.58 18.31 10.60 NA
Principal A A FOF - Aggressive (G) 13.44 1.71 0.00 1.01 0.57 4.56 16.87 NA NA
HSBC Managed Solutions Moderate Fund (G) 16.70 278.46 0.00 0.61 1.88 4.61 15.51 10.19 NA
Aditya Birla SL FP FoF - Aggressive (G) 21.86 131.10 1.00 1.39 0.71 2.53 14.77 9.69 14.58
Franklin India Life Stage Fund of Funds -20 (G) 81.47 14.47 1.00 1.45 0.64 4.21 14.53 9.08 14.58
S&P BSE Sensex 33774.66 1.30 7.14 18.64 4.66 11.46
Nifty 50 10378.40 0.92 5.50 17.65 5.27 11.81
S&P BSE 100 10749.63 0.06 5.22 17.82 6.17 12.45
S&P BSE 200 4537.17 0.15 5.77 18.53 7.29 13.45
Nifty 500 9159.95 0.25 6.58 19.93 8.14 14.29
Returns are calculated as per adjusted NAV price for the respective period ended 19 February 2018. Source: NAV India

86 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

ApnaMoney Tax Matters

Tax Matters LTA is tax-free under Section 10(5) of the

Income Tax Act (IT), 1961, subject to cer-

What is the tax if urban land is tain limits and conditions.

As per LTA rules, LTA exemption can

divided among legal heirs?

be claimed when the employer provides
LTA to the employee on leave to any place
in India taken by the employee and their
By T K Doctor & Zankhana P Mehta family. Such exemption is limited to the
I would like to divide my urban land extent of actual travel costs incurred by
property of 425 square yards in three
An immoveable property the employee. The total cost of the holi-
parts. I want to donate two equal parts received as gift, when day is not covered. Only the traveling cost
to my two sons and retain one part with is covered.
me. Will tax be applicable on the parts sold, will be subject If the journey is performed by air, the
donated? If so, in whose hand will the to capital gains tax amount exempt from tax will be economy
property be taxed? What is the tax rate air fair on a national carrier by the shortest
applicable? If the land is sold thereaf- earned on the sale route or the amount spent, whichever is less.
ter, what are the tax implications for To avail the tax break, the employee has
each individual? to furnish documentary evidence of the travel
— L B Reddy, e-mail tal gains (LTCG) tax by investing in a resi- to the employer. In case the employee does
From 1 October 2009, immoveable prop- dential house or in capital gains bonds of not travel or does not submit travel bills, the
erty (land, building or both) received as gift Rural Electrification Corporation and Na- LTA gets paid as part of salary after deduct-
is taxable as income in the hands of the re- tional Housing Authority of India. ing tax at source (TDS).
cipient. However, there are certain circum- As per Budget 2017-18, the holding pe- Expenses on a trip in the year against
stances in which it is not taxed as income. riod for LTCG for all immoveable property LTA can only be claimed through the em-
One such circumstance is when the immove- has been reduced to two years from three ployer. If TDS has already been deducted on
able property is received from a relative. yers (36 months) from financial year 2017- LTA, you cannot get a refund of that TDS.
In your case, gift received by your sons 18 or assessment year 2018-19. Alternatively, you may request your
from you (father) will not be taxable in their The gains will be taxed in each of your employer to issue you revised Form 16 and
hands as income. Also, it is not taxed in the hands as per percentage of share in land. claim refund subsequently.
hands of the donor. Even though gift of an Clubbing will not apply assuming that your LTA is allowed to be claimed twice in a
immoveable property is not subject to in- sons are major (above 18 years of age). block of four years. The previous block was
come tax, it can still be subject to stamp I availed leave travel allowance (LTA) 2014 to 2017 (calendar years). The current
duty. Some states have waived the stamp from my employer in the financial year block is calendar years 2018 - 2021.
duty payable on immovable property gifted 2011-12. It was used to travel by air to If an employee has not availed of LTA
to certain relatives. Still it is vital that the the Andman islands in the same year. for one or two permitted journeys in a par-
gift of an immovable property is documented But the LTA has been accounted as tax- ticular block of four years, then he is en-
by gift deed and registered with the relevant able income by my employer. Recently, titled to carry one journey over to the next
sub-registrar’s office. I came to know that LTA received and block. In such a situation, the exemption
An immoveable property received as spent is tax-free. I would like to know if will be available for three journeys in the
gift, when sold, will be subject to income tax I need to re-file my tax return to next block provided the exemption for at
on the capital gains earned on the sale. For get refund? Or what is the procedure to least one journey is claimed in the first year
the purpose of determining capital gains, the be followed? of the next block.
cost of acquisition will be taken to be the — Senthil Kumar, e-mail I am an owner of a hotel at Shirdi. How
cost to the last owner who purchased it. LTA is the most common element of com- much goods and services tax (GST) is
Also, the holding period will be considered pensation adopted by employers to remu- applicable?
to be the entire period starting from the date nerate employees due to the tax benefits at- — Bhagyalakshmi, e-mail
when such owner first held it. tached to it. LTA is the reimbursement paid A hotel with a room rate less than Rs 1000
The capital gains will be treated as short by the employer to employee on leave for is exempt from GST. The tax incidence is
or long term depending on whether the ag- his or along with family’s travels in India. 12% for hotels with room rates in the range
gregate holding period is more than 36
months. If the holding period is less than 36
months, the gains accrued will be treated as
short term and taxed as per applicable slab If the employee does not travel or does not submit
rate. If the holding period is more than 36 travel bills, the leave travel allowance gets paid
months, then indexation of cost can be
availed. There is an option to claim exemp- as part of salary after deducting tax at source
tion from payment of 20% long-term capi-

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 87

ApnaMoney Tax Matters

of Rs 1000-Rs 2500. It is 18% for hotels

with a tariff of Rs 2500–Rs 7500. Hotels
with room rates above Rs 7500 will be
If a restaurant is attached to a hotel, the goods and
taxed at 28%. services tax rate chargeable will depend on the maximum
Star rating of hotels is now irrelevant
for determining the applicable rate of GST.
room declared tariff charged by the lodging facility
Hoteliers have been requesting the finance
ministry to charge taxes on the transaction
or invoice value instead of declared tariffs ing charges included goods and services To provide relief to the registered per-
as levying tax on the basis of declared tariff tax (GST). How do I file my nil GST re- sons from the provisions of Section 9(4),
leads to complications. For instance, there turn for July? the Central government has exempted intra-
could be seasonality issues. Tariffs could — Shomeel Patel, e-mail state supplies of goods or services or both
be different for corporate customers. Sub-section (4) of Section 9 of the Central received by a registered person from an un-
Restaurant bills are likely to get cheaper GST (CGST) Act, 2017, mandates that the registered person from whole of CGST or
as well. The GST Council slashed the rates tax on supply of taxable goods or services IGST payable under Section 9(4). The ag-
to 5% from 12% (non-AC restaurants) and or both by a non-registered supplier to a gregate value of such supplies of goods or
18% (AC restaurants) from 15 November registered person is to be paid by a regis- services or both received by the registered
2017. A uniform rate of 5% on food bill will tered person on a reverse-charge basis. All person from any or all of unregistered sup-
be levied. The tax will be 5% whether it is the provisions of the Act apply to such pliers should not exceed Rs 5000 per day.
eating in AC or non-AC restaurants or or- recipient as if he is the person liable for If the aggregate amount of purchase of
dering takeaways. However, the input tax paying the tax on the supply of such goods goods or services availed does not exceed Rs
credit (ITC) benefit given to restaurants ear- or services or both. Reverse charge means 5000 per day from unregistered persons, then
lier is now withdrawn. Busineses could ear- the liability to pay tax by the recipient of no liability arises under the reverse-charge
lier claim an offset on the tax they pay on supply of goods or services or both under mechanism (RCM). All business expenses
inputs against the tax they pay to the gov- Section 9(3) or 9(4) of the CGST Act or should be covered. No RCM is applicable
ernment on final products. Section 5(3) or 5(4) of the Integrated GST on exempted goods. RCM is also applicable
The 5% GST rate will be divided be- (IGST) Act, 2017. on payments made in advance.
tween 2.5% Central GST and 2.5% state If an unregistered vendor supplies goods In your case, the owner of the premises
GST. The rate of 5% is for standalone res- to a registered person under GST, then re- has not issued any bill. Assuming that he is
taurants that donot have attached residen- verse charge applies. GST will have to be unregistered, the amount paid towards hir-
tial or lodging facility. paid directly by the receiver to the govern- ing office charges will be liable for reverse
If a restaurant, mess, canteen or eating ment instead of the supplier. charge. As you have paid Rs 55000 for hir-
joint is attached to a hotel, residential or The registered dealer who has to pay ing office, tax will be payable on Rs 55000
lodging facility, the GST rate chargeable will GST under reverse charge has to do self- on reverse-charge basis. Further, tax paid
depend on the maximum room declared tar- invoicing for the purchases made. He has to on reverse-charge basis will be available for
iff charged by the lodging facility. Even if issue a payment voucher while making pay- input tax credit if such goods and/or ser-
one of the rooms has a declared tariff of ment to the supplier. vices are used in the course or furtherance
more than Rs 7500, the GST rate chargeable For inter-state purchases, the buyer has of business.
will be 18%. If the declared tariff for all the to pay IGST. For intra-state purchases, So you cannot file a nil return for July.
rooms in the lodging facility is less than Rs CGST and SGST have to be paid under re- Reverse charge details have to be given.
7500 per day, the GST rate applicable for verse charge by the purchaser. As per the recommendation of the GST
the restaurant will be 5%. Input tax credit will be allowed to the Council in its 22nd meeting on 6 October
Declared tariff includes charges for all registered dealer on the tax paid by him un- 2017, the Central Board of Excise and Cus-
amenities provided in the unit of accom- der the reverse charge mechanism, The only toms has suspended RCM till 31 March
modation (given on rent for stay) such as condition is goods and services have been 2018 under Section 9(4) of the CGST Act
furniture, air conditioner, refrigerator or any used for business or furtherance of business. and Section 5(4) of the IGST Act. There
other amenities but without excluding any is nothing in the notification on the effec-
discount offered on the published charges tive date of the suspension. However, the
for such unit. GST Network (GSTIN) tweeted on 12
I am story writer. I am also in the anima- For inter-state purchases, October 2017 that the RCM will be appli-
tion business and pay service tax accord- the buyer has to pay cable from the date of the notification, i.e.,
ingly. In July, I did not raise any bill, 13 October 2017.
neither did I receive any advance. But I IGST. For intra-state ...................................................................
paid Rs 55000 for hiring an office. Unfor- The replies are only in the nature of guidelines. The tax coun-
purchases, CGST and sellors and the publication are not responsible for any deci-
tunately, the owner of the premises has
sion taken by readers on the basis of the same.
not issued any bill so far. So I do not SGST have to be paid Readers may e-mail their queries on direct taxation to:
know the break-up and whether the hir- tax-matters@capitalmarket.com

88 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET


Lead ment and purifying charges (TC/RC) to

Depleting stockpile

nearly half of the average in the initial half
of CY 2017. Mining companies paying
LME lead inventories, a key barometer
TC/RCs to convert concentrate into metal
for global prices, have been falling over
is a reliable indicator of the demand in the

last one month and are currently at the
cash market.
lowest levels in nearly last one decade
Besides used to make lead acid batter-
ies, the metal is widely used in communica-
Tight supply due to China’s 2600
tions, transportation, power, solar defence,
motive, and railway industries. The com-
crackdown on pollution munications and automaker industry com-
propel prices 2400 prises the majority of the overall lead-acid
battery utilization.
Falling global inventories and tight supply 2200
The auto-maker industry contributes
have propelled lead higher over the last few more than 60% of the entire revenues of the
months. The metal has rallied in tandem with lead acid batteries market in India. The au-
the other base metals. The outlook is robust 1-Mar-18 16-Feb-18 tomotive segment used the start-light-and-
for the coming months. In its latest predic- Lead price US$ per tonne ignition batteries, though it is expected that
tion, the World Bank has noted that the fixed they will drive innumerable utilities such as
supply should boost prices for base metals India that more than balanced a decrease of in-vehicle leisure systems, power locking,
such as lead. 8.6% in the United States. power window systems and power steer-
London Metal Exchange (LME) lead Global lead mine production rose a mar- ing. The demand for automobile batteries
prices are at their highest in the last seven ginal 3% due to increase in output by China, comes from original equipment manufactur-
years at US$2680 a tonne in February India and Kazakhstan that more than offset ers and the aftermarket.
2018 after meek prices in the calendar year a significant fall in Australia and reduction In the industrial sector, batteries serve
(CY) 2016 due to drying up the pipeline in Sweden and the United States. as a backup power source for diverse ap-
of projects in many top lead-consuming The slackness in the supply of the metal plications including telecom, solar, rail-
nations. China’s imports of products con- can be attributed to the ecological crackdown ways, UPS, utilities, motive power and
taining lead concentrate dropped 7.7% to initiated by China, the world’s leading pro- defence. Lately, the battery market has
touch 6.43 lakh tonnes. However, Chinese ducer and supplier of the metal in the world. observed a series of new product launches,
net imports of refined lead metal totalled In an attempt to crush adverse environmen- technological innovations, growing compe-
77 kilo tonnes compared with net exports tal practices, it devised several policies that tition from regional and national players
of 11 kilo tonnes in the first 11 months affected the mining of the mineral and re- and shared ownership, changed the com-
of CY 2016. sulted in reduced supply. Extraction and plexion of the segment.
Now the tide seems to have turned. Ris- purification capacity of China dropped over
ing demand from battery and e-vehicle manu- five lakh tonnes in CY 2015. Outlook
facturers have propelled the metal in CY Smelters in China reduced their treat- The upside movement of CY 2017 will
2017. According to data from Inter- extend even in CY 2018. There-
national Lead and Zinc Study Group, fore, the futures market of lead is
world refined lead metal demand ex- From surplus to deficit in the making promising as robust factors indi-
ceeded supply by 1.69 lakh tonnes World refined lead metal demand exceeded supply cate an increase in demand. Strong
in the first 11 months of CY 2017. by 1.69 lakh tonnes in the first 11 months of CY 2017. car sales in China and concrete in-
Total reported stock levels decreased Total reported stock levels decreased 33,000 tonnes dustrial manufacturing data from
33,000 tonnes over the same period. over the same period Europe, China, and North America
Global refined lead metal usage 1000
will support prices. Demand from

grew 4.9% in the first 11 months of manufacturers of stationary


CY 2017 as a result of increase in engineering batteries, which

consumption by China, the Repub- utilize lead, was estimated to keep



lic of Korea and the United States. on growing.




Apparent demand increased 3.5% in LME lead inventories, a key


Europe, influenced by increase in de- barometer for global prices, have


mand by Germany and in the UK. been falling over last one month and
China’s imports of lead contained are currently at the lowest levels in
in lead concentrates fell 7.7% to 643 nearly last one decade. The inven-
kilo tonnes. CY 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 tories dropped from 1.90 lakh
In contrast, world refined lead Metal Production Metal Usage tonnes to 1.20 lakh tonnes in the
metal output was up only 3.1% CY: Calendar year. Monthly average figures in thousand tonnes. CY 2017 data till November
last one year.
mainly by higher output in China and — Abhishek Sharma

Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET 89

CapitalineCorner Capita Telefolio
yields 45%,
when S&P BSE
Sensex returns
Salzer Electronics 18%

Set for growth acceleration see page 85

High-margin products, entry into new geography and total

and customized electrical solutions have started yielding results
Salzer Electronics offers a complete range Energy management consisted of 1% of the customized electrical solutions to existing
of customized electrical solutions for the total revenues and increased 25% over a year and new customers. Also, the thrust will be
switchgear, wire and cable and energy man- ago on account of revenues booked from the on increasing exports, especially to the fast-
agement businesses. The product range previous quarters. growing markets of the US, Africa and
comprises load break switches, wiring The focus is on margins improvement Middle East. Exports to the US and Europe
ducts, terminal connectors, selector by offering niche and high-margin products, command better margins compared with the
switches, ammeter switches, voltmeter enter new geographies and offer total and domestic market. The share of sales to the
Switches, DC disconnectors, electro-mag- US in total revenues was 5% in the Decem-
netic relays and magnetic wires besides ber 2017 quarter compared with 2% in the
modular wiring accessories and allied spe- September 2017 quarter. Sales to Europe
cialty products. were 5.5% of the total sales compared with
The R&D facility is backed by a full- http://www.telefolio.com 4% a quarter ago.
fledged laboratory and a captive tool room FOR MORE DETAILS ON PAGE 85 In general, the business model is transit-
to upgrade and develop products that set ing to industrial switch gears, a relatively
market trends. There are five in-house manu- Value-accretive acquisition higher-margin business. Concentration will
facturing facilities at Coimbatore in Tamil After completion of the buy of Salzer be on this segment going forward.
Nadu and in Himachal Pradesh. Magnet Wires in Q4 of FY 2018, annual There is good traction in three-phase
The largest manufacturer of Cam-oper- sales of Salzer Electronics should go up transformers. The expected CAGR is 35%
ated rotary switches (market share 25%) Rs 50 crore and Pat Rs 1.5-2 crore over the next five years for the products in
and wire ducts (20%) in India is also the 260
the segment used by the renewable power
only maker in India of energy savers and industry, railways and the defence sector.
street-light controllers. 240 By FY 2020, the plan is to achieve sales
Salzer Electronics
Besides a wide own domestic distribu- 220
of Rs 1000 crore. New products will drive
tion network and 350 locals distributors of growth by 20% each year and double sales
Larsen & Toubro, exports go to more than 200 in five years. The hope is to add Rs 250
50 countries. crore from new products.
Sales grew 22% to Rs 110.70 crore and The latest acquisition is of Salzer Mag-
the operating profit margins (OPM) were 160
net Wires, offering a range of enamel-coated
up 10.6% to 12.2% leading to 39% jump in 2018 copper wires suitable for winding applica-
operating profit (OP) to Rs 13.49 crore in Share price on BSE in Rs tion in transformers, motors, alternators,
the December 2017 quarter. Finally profit contactors, relays and auto electrical.
after tax (Pat) jumped 57% to Rs 5.29 crore. Salzer Electronics: Financials The acquisition will be EPS-accretive
Sales were higher by 16% to Rs 316.02 and enable to leverage pricing with suppli-
crore but the OPM contracted 30 basis 1603(12) 1703(12)&1803(12P)&1903(12P)& ers. Salzer Magnet Wires has registered a
points to 11.7%, resulting in OP growing Sales 361.13 384.062 444.47 517.36 CAGR of 20% since inception in the calen-
just 12% to Rs 36.88 crore in the nine months OPM (%) 11.9 11.9 10.9 11.2 dar year 2008. After completion of the ac-
ended December 2017 over a year ago. Pat OP 42.90 42.92 48.44 57.94 quisition in Q4 of FY 2018, annual sales
increased 16% to Rs 15.17 crore. Other inc. 2.80 6.75 7.30 7.66 should go up by another Rs 50 crore and
Revenues from the industrial switchgear PBIDT 45.70 49.67 55.74 65.61 annual Pat Rs 1.5-2 crore. Equity will in-
business accounted for 48.9% of the total sales Interest 13.14 14.59 15.17 16.38 crease Rs 1.03 crore.
and grew 24% over a year ago due to good PBDT 32.56 35.08 40.57 49.23 We expect Salzer Electronics to register
demand pickup in the segment and for three- Dep. 8.32 9.80 11.28 12.97 net EPS of Rs 13.7 in FY 2018 and Rs 16.8
phase dry-type transformers (new product PBT 24.24 25.28 29.29 36.26 in FY 2019. The scrip was trading around
added in the current financial year ending March Total Tax 7.19 8.18 9.38 11.97 Rs 214 on 19 February 2018. 
2018, or FY 2018) in the December 2017 quar- PAT 17.05 17.09 19.92 24.29 Kindly note Capital Market magazine
ter. Sales of wires and cables comprised 45.2% EPS (Rs) * 11.8 11.8 13.7 16.8 and http://www.capitalmarket.com
of the total revenues and expanded 22% over a *Annualised equity of Rs 14.5 crore. Face value of Rs 10 do not send any mobile SMS, whatsapp
year ago on account of increased demand for each. EO: Extraordinary items. EPS is adjusted after EO
and relevant tax. (P): Projections. Figures in crore.
or twitter messages giving any kind
agri market cables. Buildings products sales
Source: Capitaline Databases of stock recommendations.
were 5.1% of the total revenues and grew 12%.

90 Feb 26 – Mar 11, 2018 CAPITAL MARKET

RNI NO. 43797/86, Postal Regn. No. MNE/138/2018-20. License to post without prepayment WPP License No MR/Tech/WPP – 227/NE/2018.
Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai – 400001 on Alternate Fridays & Saturdays. Published: Alternate Monday (19-02-2018)

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