Uco Bank
Uco Bank
Uco Bank
SL Quarter Ended
No. 31.03.2011
Particulars (Audited)
1 Interest Earned (a)+(b)+(c)+(d) 306849
(a) Interest/discount on advances / bills 229755
(b) Income on
(c) Interest on investments
balances with R.B.I & other 72757
inter-bank funds 1951
(d) Others 2386
2 Other Income 29206
3 Total Income (1+2) 336055
4 Interest Expended 222421
5 Operating Expenses (a) + (b) 55645
(a) Employees Cost 38119
(b) Other
Total Operating
Expenditure Expenses
(4+5) (excluding 17526
6 Provisions and Contingencies)
Operating Profit (Before Provisions and 278066
7 Contingencies)
Provisions (3-6)
(other than tax) and 57989
8 Contingencies 34077
...of which provision for NPA 9364
9 Exceptional Items from Ordinary Activities
Profit(+)/Loss(-) 0
10 before tax (7-8-9) 23912
11 Tax Expenses
Net Profit(+)/Loss(-) from Ordinary 1322
12 Activities after tax (10-11) 22590
13 Extraordinary items 0
14 Net Profit/(Loss) for the period (12-13) 22590
Paid-up Equity Share Capital (Face Value
15 Rs.10/- each) 62751.75
(As per BalanceexcludingSheetRevaluation Reserves
of previous accounting
16 year) 451793
17 Analytical Ratios
(i) Percentage of shares held by Govt. of
India 68.13%
(ii) Capital Adequacy Ratio: Basel-I 11.87%
Basel-II 13.71%
(iii) Earning Per Share (EPS) (in Rs.)
(Not Annualised)
Basic and Diluted EPS before and after
Extraordinary items for the period, for the
year to date and for the previous year.
(iv) NPA Ratios
a) Gross NPA 315036
b) Net NPA 182455
c) % of Gross NPA 0.03
d) % of Net NPA 0.02
e) Return on Assets (Annualised) (%) 0.62%
18 Public Shareholding
- No. of Shares (in lakh) 2000
- Percentage
Promoters andof Promoter
Group 31.87%
19 Shareholding
a) Pledged/Encumbered
Number of Shares
Percentage of Shares (as a % of the total
shareholding of promoter and promoter group)
Percentage of Shares (as a % of the total
share capital of the Company) Nil
b) Non-Encumbered
Number of Shares (in lakh) 4275.17
Percentage of Shares (as a % of the total
shareholding of promoter and promoter group)
Percentage of Shares (as a % of the total
share capital of the Company) 68.13%
4 Segment Liabilities
i) Treasury Operations 4901918
ii) Corporate/Wholesale Banking 8915675
iii) Retail Banking 2522253
iv) Other Banking Operations 0
Total Liabilities 16339845
As on
Particulars (Audited)
Capital & Liabilities
Capital 2450 52
Reserves and Surplus 4968 71
Deposits 145277 60
Borrowings 5474 77
Other Liabilities and Provisions 5226 85
Total 163398 45
Cash and Balance with RBI 10404 03
Balance with Banks and Money at call and
Short Notice 6576 41
Investments 42927 28
Advances 99070 81
Fixed Assets 738 87
Other Assets 3681 05
Total 163398 45
, Kolkata - 700 001
(Rs. in lakhs)
Quarter Ended Year Ended
31.03.2010 1 31.03.2010
(Audited) (Audited) (Audited)
243591 1137080 952632
175134 850539 710685
60794 270013 218898
5013 12424 19887
2650 4104 3162
25409 92541 96593
269000 1229621 1049225
169198 752589 720220
43244 207536 158442
28778 148012 105762
14466 59524 52680
212442 960125 878662
56558 269496 170563
17685 175040 65647
20369 118065 35380
0 0 0
38873 94456 104916
893 3802 3698
37980 90654 101218
0 0 0
37980 90654 101218
Quarter Ended Year Ended
31.03.2010 1 31.03.2010
(Audited) (Audited) (Audited)
(Rs. in
As on
1699 36
3511 18
122415 55
6263 84
3429 56
137319 49
7242 73
861 60
43521 43
82504 53
710 04
2479 16
137319 49