Globalisation: Concepts, Problems and Challenges
Globalisation: Concepts, Problems and Challenges
Globalisation: Concepts, Problems and Challenges
Yash Bhagat
Discuss globalization trends of Indian
Business organizations and obstacles to
become global for Indian businesses.
Analyze the factors which are helping India in
Globalization and what is the strategy adopted by
Indian Industry in globalizing itself .
What are the challenges of Global Business
that one faces when becoming global player?
Give example of Indian company that you
have read about.
could involve
all these
Integration of Economies
The increasing reliance of
economies on each other
The opportunities to be able to
buy and sell in any country in
the world
The opportunities for labour
and capital to locate anywhere
in the world
The growth of global markets in
Stock Markets are now accessible from anywhere
in the world!
Internet access
Expanding revenue
Lowering costs
Sourcing raw materials
Controlling key supplies
Control of processing
Global economies
of scale
Exploitation of labour?
Monopoly power
Economic degradation
Non-renewable resources
Damage to cultures
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Obstacles to Globalization: issues
Government Policy and Procedures:
Government policy and procedures in India are among the most
complex, confusing and cumbersome in the world. Even after the much
publicised liberalisation, they do not present a very conducive situation.
One prerequisite for success in globalisation is swift and efficient
action. Government policy and the bureaucratic culture in India in this
respect are not that encouraging.
High Cost:
High cost of many vital inputs and other factors like raw materials and
intermediates, power, finance infrastructural facilities like port etc.,
tend to reduce the international competitiveness of the Indian business.
Increasing interdependence and global The major economic powers have a major
institutions like WTO and World Bank, that influence in the institutions of globalisation,
manage the settlement of government-to- like the WTO, and this can work against the
government disputes, have enabled interests of the developing world. The level of
international political and economic tensions agricultural protection by rich countries has
to be resolved on a "rules based" approach, also been estimated to be around five times
rather than which country has the greatest what they provide in aid to poor countries
economic or political power. Importantly it
hasbolstered peace as countries are unlikely to
enter conflict with trading partners and
poverty reduction helps reduce the breeding
ground for terrorism.
The voluntary adoption by global companies Globalised competition can force a 'race
of workplace standards for their to the bottom' in wage rates and labour
internationalised production facilities in standards. It can also foster a 'brain
developing countries has made an important drain' of skilled workers, where highly
contribution to respect for international educated and qualified professionals, such
labour standards. Wages paid by as doctors, engineers and IT specialists,
multinationals in middle- and low-income migrate to developed countries to benefit
countries are on average 1.8 to 2.0 times the from the higher wages and greater career
average wages in those countries. and lifestyle prospects. This creates severe
skilled labour shortages in developing
International migration has led to greater Indigenous and national culture and
recognition of diversity and respect for languages can be eroded by the modern
cultural identities which is improving globalised culture.
democracy and access to human rights.
Improved technology has dramatically reduced costs Trade liberalisation and technological
and prices changing the way the world communicates, improvements change the economy of a
learns, does business and treats illnesses. Between country, destroying traditional agricultural
1990 and 1999, adult illiteracy rates in developing communities and allowing cheap imports of
countries fell from 35 per cent to 29 per cent. manufactured goods. This can lead to
unemployment if not carefully managed, as work
in the traditional sectors of the economy becomes
scarce and people may not have the appropriate
skills for the jobs which may be created.
Modern communications and the global spread of Modern communications have spread an awareness
information have contributed to the toppling of of the differences between countries,
undemocratic regimes and a growth in liberal and increased the demand for migration to richer
democracies around the world. countries. Richer countries have tightened the
barriers against migrant workers, xenophobic fears
have increased and people smugglers have exploited
vulnerable people.
The impact of globalization on Indian economy is a
critical fusion of rewards and costs
certain economic indicators like GDP growth, Foreign
direct investment,, Forex reserves etc had a positive face
but indicators like Unemployment, Poverty, education,
Health, social issues were not so up to the mark.
In such situation of projections and expectations, the
role of Indian policy makers is certainly very crucial.
They have to adopt such policies and execute such
programmes, which can optimize the positive effect and
minimize the evil effects of this most talked about
phenomenon called Globalization