Field Sampling and Testing Manual Section 300 Bases
Field Sampling and Testing Manual Section 300 Bases
Field Sampling and Testing Manual Section 300 Bases
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302 Description
302.1 Acceptance Samples and Tests
302.2 Independent Assurance (IA) Samples and Tests
304 Description
304.1 Acceptance Samples and Tests
304.2 Independent Assurance Samples and Tests
306 Description
306.1 Acceptance Samples and Tests
306.2 Independent Assurance (IA) Samples and Tests
All test procedures used within and referred to in the section can be found under
“Testing Procedures” of this manual. The test procedures are listed in the
following order: AASHTO, ASTM, and NDDOT. Any modifications will be listed at
the beginning of each test procedure.
Blank copies of the forms referred to in the section will be found numerically at
the end of the section. The most current edition of these forms should be used.
These forms are found on the NDDOT internet website, or you may duplicate the
ones behind each section.
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This work consists of furnishing and placing one or more courses of aggregate or
salvaged materials and additives on a prepared foundation.
Divide the material into lots. A lot is defined as one day's production if production
is greater than 1,000 tons per day. If production is less than 1,000 tons per day,
then a lot is as many days production as necessary to produce 1,000 tons. If
plan quantity is less than 1,000 tons, a lot shall be equal to plan quantity.
Three random samples will be obtained for each lot of material placed. If the
base material is placed in a windrow on the roadway, obtain samples from the
equalized aggregate windrow. If construction operations do not require the base
material to be equalized in a windrow, obtain the sample according to
AASHTO T 2, “Sampling of Aggregates,” and split the sample according to
AASHTO T 248, “Reducing Samples of Aggregate to Testing Size.”
Test these samples for compliance with the specified gradation according to
AASHTO T 27, “Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate,” and
AASHTO T 11, “Materials Finer than No. 200 Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by
Washing.” Test each sample and accept the material if the average of the three
samples meet the specified gradation. If the material from all three samples
meets the gradation specified, test only one of the three samples from each
subsequent lot. If the sample tested does not meet the gradation requirements,
test the remaining two samples. Use the average gradation of these three
samples to determine acceptance of the material. If an average of three test
results is used to determine the acceptance for a lot, then each subsequent lot
shall have all three samples tested. However, the testing can be reduced once
again to only one test per subsequent lot after a lot has all three samples within
the specified limits.
Determine the physical properties of the aggregate from each 10,000 ton lot, or
fraction thereof. If the fraction is less than 2,500 tons include it in the previous
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10,000 ton lot. Physical properties of the aggregate will be conducted according
to NDDOT 4, “Percentage of Fractured Particles in Coarse Aggregate”;
AASHTO T 113, “Lightweight Pieces in Aggregate”; and AASHTO T 90,
“Determining the Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils.” If the material from all
three samples is within the specified limits, only one of the three samples will be
tested from each subsequent lot. If at any time the sample tested fails to meet
the specified limits, the remaining two samples will be tested and the physical
properties of each lot will be determined by the average of these three test
results. The testing of three samples per lot will continue until all three samples
are within the specified limits then only one of the three samples will be tested
from each subsequent lot.
Take one sample for every 30,000 tons of aggregate produced for sieve analysis
and determining physical properties. The sieve analysis is conducted according
to AASHTO T 27, “Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates,” and
AASHTO T 11, “Materials Finer than No. 200 Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by
Washing.” Physical properties are determined according to NDDOT 4,
“Percentage of Fractured Particles in Coarse Aggregate”; AASHTO T 113,
“Lightweight Pieces in Aggregate”; and AASHTO T 90, “Determining the Plastic
Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils.” Compute the results on SFN 9987,
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For aggregate base or surface course, perform one width and depth check for
every two miles and record on SFN 13889, “Project Records Samples/Tests
Submit one sample for the first six miles in length and one sample for every
additional six miles, or fraction thereof. If the project is less than six miles in
length, submit only one sample.
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Three random samples for each lot are obtained and split according to
AASHTO T 2, “Sampling of Aggregates,” and AASHTO T 248, “Reducing
Samples of Aggregate to Testing Size,” respectively. A sieve analysis is
conducted according to AASHTO T 27, “Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse
Aggregate,” and AASHTO T 11, “Materials Finer than No. 200 Sieve in Mineral
Aggregates by Washing.” Compute the results on SFN 9987, “Aggregate Sample
Test each sample and accept the material if the average of the three samples
meet the specified gradation. If the material from all three samples meet the
gradation specified, test only one of the three samples from each subsequent lot.
If the sample tested does not meet the gradation requirements, test the
remaining two samples. Use the average gradation of these three samples to
determine acceptance of the material. If an average of three test results is used
to determine the acceptance for a lot, then each subsequent lot shall have all
three samples tested. However, the testing can be reduced once again to only
one test per subsequent lot after a lot has all three samples within the specified
Determine the physical properties of three random samples obtained from the
stockpile for each lot of 10,000 ton, or fraction thereof. Physical properties are
determined according to NDDOT 4, “Percentage of Fractured Particles in Coarse
Aggregate,” and AASHTO T 113, “Lightweight Pieces in Aggregate.” Compute
the results on SFN 9987, “Aggregate Sample Worksheet.” If a fraction of a lot is
less than 2,500 ton, include it with the previous lot of 10,000 tons. If the material
from all three samples is within the specified limits, test only one of the three
samples from each subsequent lot. If at any time the sample tested fails to meet
the specified limits, test the remaining two samples and determine the physical
properties of each lot by the average of these three test results. If an average of
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three test results is used to determine the acceptance for a lot, then each
subsequent lot shall have all three samples tested. However, the testing can be
reduced once again to only one test per subsequent lot after a lot has all three
samples within the specified limits.
A set of depth checks consists of placing three metal plates on top of the primed
surface at the random locations. Determine the thickness by inserting a metal
measuring device through the permeable base until the device contacts the metal
plate. Record the depth of insertion.
Obtain one sample for every 20,000 tons of aggregate produced for sieve
analysis and physical properties. The samples are obtained and split according
to AASHTO T 2, “Sampling of Aggregates,” and AASHTO T 248, “Reducing
Samples of Aggregate to Testing Size,” respectively. Test samples according to
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Submit one sample for the first six miles in length and one sample for every
additional six miles, or fraction thereof. If the project is less than six miles in
length, submit only one sample.
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Revised 7/23/2009 306
This work consists of blending and placing the existing aggregate base, existing
bituminous surfacing, and possibly one or more courses of aggregate into a
uniform base material.
Divide the material into lots. A lot is defined as one day's production if production
is greater than 1,000 tons per day. If production is less than 1,000 tons per day,
then a lot is as many days production as necessary to produce 1,000 tons. If
plan quantity is less than 1,000 tons, a lot shall be equal to plan quantity.
Three random samples will be obtained for each lot of material placed. If the
base material is placed in a windrow on the roadway, obtain samples from the
equalized aggregate windrow. If construction operations do not require the base
material to be equalized in a windrow, obtain the sample according to the
procedures outlined in AASHTO T 2, “Sampling of Aggregates.” Split according
to AASHTO T 248, “Reducing Samples of Aggregate to Testing Size.”
Test these samples for compliance with the specified gradation according to
AASHTO T 27, “Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate,” and
AASHTO T 11, “Materials Finer than No. 200 Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by
Washing.” Test each sample and accept the material if the average of the three
samples meet the specified gradation. If the material from all three samples
meets the gradation specified, test only one of the three samples from each
subsequent lot. If the sample tested does not meet the gradation requirements,
test the remaining two samples. Use the average gradation of these three
samples to determine acceptance of the material. If an average of three test
results is used to determine the acceptance for a lot, then each subsequent lot
shall have all three samples tested. However, the testing can be reduced once
again to only one test per subsequent lot after a lot has all three samples within
the specified limits.
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When the blending process begins, the blended material shall be sampled and
tested a minimum of two times per day to assure 97 to 100% of the material
passes a 2” sieve and 90 to 100% passes a 1½” sieve. When the Engineer is
satisfied the Contractor is producing blended material within the specified limits,
random tests will be obtained as determined by the Engineer to assure
Determine the physical properties of the aggregate from each 10,000 ton lot or
fraction thereof. If the fraction is less than 2,500 tons, include it in the previous
10,000 ton lot. Physical properties of the aggregate will be conducted according
to NDDOT 4, “Percentage of Fractured Particles in Coarse Aggregate”;
AASHTO T 113, “Lightweight Pieces in Aggregate”; and AASHTO T 90,
“Determining the Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils.” If the material from all
three samples is within the specified limits, only one of the three samples will be
tested from each subsequent lot. If at any time the sample tested fails to meet
the specified limits, the remaining two samples will be tested and the physical
properties of each lot will be determined by the average of these three test
results. The testing of three samples per lot will continue until all three samples
are within the specified limits then only one of the three samples will be tested
from each subsequent lot.
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Take one sample for every 30,000 tons of aggregate produced for sieve analysis
and physical properties. The sieve analysis is conducted according to
AASHTO T 27, “Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates,” and
AASHTO T 11, “Materials Finer than No. 200 Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by
Washing.” Physical properties are determined according to NDDOT 4,
“Percentage of Fractured Particles in Coarse Aggregate”; AASHTO T 113,
“Lightweight Pieces in Aggregate”; and AASHTO T 90, “Determining the Plastic
Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils.” Compute the results on SFN 9987,
“Aggregate Sample Worksheet.” Record the results on SFN 10072, “Aggregate
Quality Test Summary.”
For aggregate base or surface course, perform one width and depth check for
every two miles and record on SFN 13889. If an NHS system project, submit a
copy of SFN 13889, “Project Records Samples/Test Reports,” to the FHWA at
the completion of the project for compliance purposes.
Submit one sample for the first six miles in length and one sample for every
additional six miles, or fraction thereof. If the project is less than six miles in
length, submit only one sample.
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North Dakota Department of Transportation, Materials & Research
SFN 9987 (Rev. 03-2015)
Wt. Ret. % % ND
(mm) Ret.
Laboratory No. Non-Cum. Cum. Ret. Pass Spec.
100 4"
Field Sample No. 90 3 1/2"
75 3''
Pit Location 63 2 1/2"
50 2''
Owner 37.5 1 1/2"
25.0 1"
Project 19.0 3/4"
16.0 5/8''
County 12.5 1/2''
9.5 3/8''
Material/Specification 4.75 No. 4
Minus No. 4
Date Received Wt.Check
Original Wt.
Date Sampled
AASHTO T-27 Tested By:
Sampled From
Submitted By
Wt. Ret. % % % Pass ND
(mm) Ret. Non-
Cum. Ret. Pass Tot. Smpl. Spec.
2.36 No. 8
1.18 No. 16
FF = Percentage of particles with fractured faces
600µm No. 30
WF = Weight of fractured particles 425µm No. 40
300µm No. 50
WQ = Wt. of questionable fract. particles
150µm No. 100
WA = Weight of total sample 75µm No. 200
Minus No. 200
FF = [WF + (WQ/2)]/WA X 100
Original Wt.
FF = Wt. After Wash
Wash Loss
ND Spec
Tested By: ND T-27 Tested By: ND T-11 Tested By:
+ No. 4 Material – No. 4, + No. 30 Material
(A) % Retained on No.4 Sieve = % (I) Weight of Lt Wt Pieces, -No. 4, + No. 30 Mtrl. = g
(B) % Passing No. 30, Total Sample = % (J) Weight of – No. 4, + No. 30 Material = g
(C) % Pass No. 4 – % Pass No. 30, [100–(A+B)] = % (K) Lt Wt Pieces, – No. 4, + No. 30 (I/J)x100 = %
(D) Total Sample A+B+C = 100.0 % (L) Lt Wt Pieces, – No. 4, + No. 30 Material
(E) Weight of Lt Wt Pieces in + No. 4 Mtrl. = g % of Total Sample (KxC)/100 = %
(F) Weight of + No. 4 Material = g
(G) Lt Wt Pieces, + No. 4 Mtrl (E/F)x100 = %
(H) Lt Wt Pieces, + No. 4 Mtrl., % of Total Sample (GxA)/100 %
(M) Lightweight Pieces in Total Sample (H+L) = %
ND T-113 Tested By: * Attention Advised
Central Lab.
Date Testing Lab Supervisor
SFN 9987
Laboratory Number
LA Abrasion
Grading Used: A B C D (indicate by circling)
Unit Weight
Wt. Loose, lbs lbs/cf
Wt. Rodded, lbs lbs/cf