Alm 017
Alm 017
Alm 017
- Operation Manual -
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ALM-017 - ‘Pamela’s NEW Workout’
Introduction .......................................................................................3
Features --------------------------------------------------------------------4
Technical Specifications ----------------------------------------------------4
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ALM-017 - ‘Pamela’s NEW Workout’
'Pamela's NEW Workout' is a compact programmable clocked modulation
source for your Eurorack modular synthesiser system. It provides 8 highly editable
outputs producing various control voltage signals correlated and synced to a BPM
based master clock.
Building on the original ’Pamela’s Workout’, this new evolved model maintains
the original’s form factor and intuitive workflow but improves and adds many new
features with upgraded hardware, a new OLED display and rewritten software.
Each output is now able to provide not just clocked triggers but also rhythmic
waveforms with many parameters controllable directly and via assigning to external
CV control. Pamela has grown beyond a clever clock and now provides almost
limitless synced modulation possibilities.
Improvements have been made to overall clock stability and integration with
external clocks and devices. Also new are dedicated MIDI and Din Sync clock
outputs available via optional expander module(s).
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ALM-017 - ‘Pamela’s NEW Workout’
Pamela’s NEW Workout provides a wide range of features in a compact space.
They include;
Technical Specifications
• Supply: +12V 50mA Max / -12v 0.5mA
• Size: 8 HP
• Depth: 22mm (including power header)
• Outputs: 0-5v buffered low impedance. 10 bit res. 500Hz max update freq.
• Inputs: CV 1 0v-5v / CV 2 -5v-5v / Clock, Run - rising edge 700mV min.
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ALM-017 - ‘Pamela’s NEW Workout’
Core Operation
Panel Layout
“Pamela’osrkout ”
External Clock Input Inputs CV Inputs
Clock Pulse
Option ‘Run’ or Reset CV 1 0v → 5v
CV 2 -5v → +5v
2 OLED Display
Program Knob
Start / Stop
Start/Stop Button
1 2 3 4
0v → +5v
with LED incdication
5 6 7 8
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ALM-017 - ‘Pamela’s NEW Workout’
Getting Started
If you are already friends with the original Pamela then usage of the NEW
workout will be very familiar but hopefully clearer and much more feature rich.
When initially powered on, Pamela’s NEW Workout’s display shows the current
clock tempo setting in beats per minute (BPM). Clicking and then twisting the main
blue program knob highlights and then adjusts this BPM value between its
maximum and minimum values when turned. Clicking again deselects.
Selection highlights
indicating its editable
Clicking the 'Start / Stop' button starts the clock with this selected BPM tempo
shown on the display. With the clock now running, synced voltage are sent through
each of the output jacks, the level indicated by their relevant green LED's.
Clicking the 'Start / Stop' button again stops and resets the clock
Also outputs can be set to be permanently on or off, to just trigger once at clock
start or stop (for reset external sequencers) or assigned to a CV input for external
control - more later.
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ALM-017 - ‘Pamela’s NEW Workout’
To adjust an output modifier from the BPM display (unselected) twisting the
program knob will now cycle through each of the eight numbered output 'screens'
before returning back to the main BPM screen.
1 /1 1 /1
Twist Push
Each output is represented by the output number (on left) together with the
current set modifier value for that numbered output. The modifier value is either a
multiplier, a divider or a special value (on, off, pulse) correlated to the set BPM clock
Not all modifier values are integers - some are decimal values for triplet and
dotted type timings.
There are also 4 special ‘utility’ types of modifier mainly for working with
external devices; constant ‘on’ and ‘off’ gates, a single initial start pulse and a single
final pulse fired when the stops (both indicated by pulse symbol).
Clicking the program knob will highlight the selected modifier and turning will
then cycle through the various available values. Clicking again will exit.
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Note the extended parameters are not available for the special utility modifier
With an output screen selected, pushing and holding the program knob for just
over 1 second will access the extended output parameter selection.
1 /1
Slop 50
The various parameters can be cycled through and edited by use of the program
knob just as when editing output modifiers. Each screen is represented by a
parameter and the corresponding current set value. To exit back up to the main
output modifier screen, click and hold the program knob again for just over 1
Many output parameter values are in percentages of total ‘step time’. The step
time is derived from the selected trigger modifier. For example a divisor of /2 would
have a step time of 2 beats, *4 would be a quarter of a beat.
Any output parameter value can also be assigned to be CV controlled via either
CV input. See the Voltage control section for more info on this.
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Select between Gate / Triangle / Sine / Envelope / Random output waveforms.
The voltage output level in percent 0-100% of maximum 5v output.
Adds a vertical offset voltage to the output in percent 0-100% of a maximum 5v.
Signals over 5v will be clipped at a 5v maximum.
A percentage width - applicable to step time but actual function depends on
selected output waveform type;
• Gate - percentage of step cycle that is non zero (at selected level)
• Triangle & Sine - essentially skews the waveform - i.e at 50% a triangle is a
triangle, at 100% is it a saw.
• Random - no effect
References the start point on the chosen output waveform. For example starting
the triangle at 50% phase would start it mid way.
The % of total step time before waveform generation starts, before then, output
level will be 0. The end of the waveform cycle will clipped.
Note the delay divisor must be set for this to take effect!
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Sets which steps the delay parameter (if set) alters. For example a divisor of ‘1’
would delay every step - ‘2’ every other step, ‘3’ every third etc.
Sine Wave
25% Phase
75% Width
25% Delay
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Percentage indicating the likelihood of timing errors being introduced.
‘Humanises’ the output timing.
Euclidean Parameters
Euclidean rhythms are made from a simple algorithm which takes a numbers of
steps and hits (or triggers) and produces a pattern based the hits being as
equidistant from each other as possible. See
Euclidean_rhythm for more info.
Pamela is able to map euclidean patterns on to an output and to then skip steps
when they are not a hit. Three parameters are available for setting up a pattern.
Sets the number of ‘triggers’ or ‘hits’ for Euclidean pattern generation. Must be
less than the number of steps.
Percentage likelihood of a step being completely skipped. Together with the loop
parameter this can be used to build rhythmic loops.
Specifies the number of actual beats (note NOT steps) at which the the output is
effectively reset. This can be used to loop both the random waveform and random
skip parameters as well as reset and ‘sync’ euclidean timings.
This is a very useful melody and rhythm generator when used with the random
waveform, ‘Level’ and ‘RSkip' parameters.
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Note an output can have its mute state quickly toggled by clicking and holding the
program knob and then clicking the start/stop button.
Click the program knob to then scroll to a selected bank and then clicking again
will performing the save (‘??’ will be displayed again). Alternatively ‘NO’ can be
selected to abort the save operation.
Works just like the save operation but rather than save, loads a set of output
values from a selected bank and slot.
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ALM-017 - ‘Pamela’s NEW Workout’
Voltage Control
As well as direct user control, Pamela’s clock and outputs can be assigned to
external voltage control via 4 upper external signal inputs - clock, run, CV 1 & CV 2.
CV Assigning
An output modifier and many of its extended parameters can be externally
voltage controlled by assigning its parameter value to either of the CV inputs.
1 CV 1 Attn 00
OUT: MODIFIER: T:1 CV:1 Mod + %
1 CV 1
Click Push+Hold
The set attenuation value can be either positive or negative which in effect
inverts the CV value (i.e just like an attenuverter)
Multiple parameters can be assigned to the same CV input and each parameter
has its own attenuation and offset parameters.
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For syncing to work, Pam needs to know the external clocks ratio of ticks to a
quarter note - this is known as the Pulses Per Quarter Note (PPQN) value. Pam also
needs to know if it should start the clock automatically when an external clock
signal is detected or wait for an external signal via the ‘Run' input to go high and
then start the clock.
By default Pam is setup to follow a Din Sync like clock. This has a PPQN of 24
and uses the run input to start and stop the clock. (NOTE: You can use an ALM004 -
D.S.G or adapter cable to connect to a Din Sync style connector - see Appendix IV)
To change these settings - select the top level BPM clock screen and then press
and long hold the program knob for just over 1 second. The ‘external’ Clock sub
menu will be displayed. From this sub menu you can change both the expected
PPQN value or assign it to ‘CV” where a voltage level (Patch to to CV1) controls
If you sync to an external clock and the BPM gets set to 10, then you very likely
have an incorrect PPQN value set, which is too high
The next ‘Run?” screen allows you to set if the run input is used to start the clock
(‘Y’) or ignore and start the clock automatically when a clock input is detected (’N’).
The Run input becomes a reset input if Run is set to ‘N’.
The two external clock sub menu screens will also display the BPM of a detected
external clock (if present) and will display a warning if the external clock tempo is
not constant and thus unstable. This may well likely mean the external is clock is
unable to provide a workable clock to sync too.
It is not recommended you sync Pam to computer sourced MIDI clocks. Modern
computers tend to give MIDI hardware (particularly over USB) a low priority
compared to other system events. This notoriously leads to timing errors in
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generating the midi clock and thus any slave devices will not sync correctly. For
syncing to a computer it is recommend an audio track based clock is used or you
use Pamela as the master with MIDI clock from the expander to DAW.
Always use as higher PPQN value as possible (24 recommended) for best sync
accuracy. Use of a Run signal is preferred as there is less guesswork involved as to
what speed to start the clock at and when to stop it.
If an external clock is sloppy then Pam will be too! It can't fix an external clock. It
is HIGHLY recommend you use Pamela as your master clock as this is what Pamela
was primarily designed for! It is EXTREMELY stable. Through use of the optional
expanders both dedicated Din Sync and Midi clock outputs can be gained (See
Appendix III)
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ALM-017 - ‘Pamela’s NEW Workout’
Limited Warranty
From the date of manufacture this device is guaranteed for a period of 2 years
against any manufacturing or material defects. Any such defects will be repaired or
replaced at the discretion of ALM. This does not apply to;
• Physical damage arising for mis treating (i,e dropping, submerging etc).
• Damage caused by incorrect power connections.
• Overexposure to heat or direct sunlight.
• Damage caused by inappropriate or mis-use.
• Use of incorrect or non official firmware
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ALM-017 - ‘Pamela’s NEW Workout’
For the latest news, additional info, downloads and firmware updates please
visit the ALM website at and follow @busycircuits on
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ALM-017 - ‘Pamela’s NEW Workout’
I: Service Mode & Calibration
Holding down the program knob whilst powering the unit will access the service
menu. This mode allows subtle calibration of the core internal clock (lower value
slower, higher faster. Default 16), clearing and resetting of the internal saved
outputs, and testing of the OLED display. The service mode will also display current
firmware version.
Pressing the start button will exit and Pamela will start as normal.
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To perform the upgrade you need to install the ‘dfu-util’ program on your
computer. It is available from for Windows, Mac OS
and Linux. It is a command line program that needs to be run from the terminal. It is
highly recommended you perform the upgrade from Mac or Linux. Very limited
support is available for windows.
Mac Install
The easiest way to install dfu-util on mac is to first install ‘brew’ by following the
instructions at . Then in the Terminal App run ‘brew install dfu-util’ .
Windows Install
Download win32 binaries from - version 0.8 is
Tick ‘list all devices’ from the ‘options’ menu. From the devices drop down menu
select ‘STM 32 BOOTLOADER’ . Then select ‘WinUSB’ from the driver list and click
install driver.
Linux Install
Dfu-util should be available in your distribution's of choice package manager.
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ALM-017 - ‘Pamela’s NEW Workout’
Update Procedure
Remove Pamela from you modular system and disconnect power.
*UNPOWERED* connect Pamela to you computer via the mini usb jack at the side
of the unit. Ideally with no other usb devices should be connected to your computer.
Then run the following command in the Terminal (on single line);
Replace ‘firmware.bin’ with the location of the firmware you wish to install. All
should be on a single line. For example, on mac, if you had downloaded
‘alm0117-167.bin’ to your home downloads directory, you would run (on single line);
The update process should take just a few seconds. Do not unplug whilst the
update is happening. When completed disconnect the usb and plug back into your
Eurorack system with power now connected. Note Pam’s display will remain blank
during the update process. You should see something like;
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Please use only official firmware files when made available from the
BusyCircuits website.
III : Expanders
There are two optional expander modules available for use with Pamela’s NEW
Workout (not the original Pamela!). Both extend Pamela’s functionality adding
primarily a midi clock and other extra outputs. Only a single expander is supported
at any time.
Both modules connect to the 5 pin header on the back of Pamela via the cable
supplied with the expander. Match the respective ‘<’ and ‘o’ symbols by the
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ALM-017 - ‘Pamela’s NEW Workout’
clock out
Din Out
Gates Out
x4 x2
Fixed gates
(50% duty)
x1 /4
4HP module Provides Din Sync and MIDI clock outputs with DIN type connectors.
4 further fixed buffered gate outputs - x1 / x4 / x2 / /4 (5v / 50% duty) are also
provided with LED indication. Everything is synced to the main Pamela clock.
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ALM-017 - ‘Pamela’s NEW Workout’
2HP module featuring 3.5mm jack type midi clock output and a x24 clock and
run jack outputs.
The jack outputs can be used to sync a second Pamela, derive a Din Sync output
signal via an ALM D.S.G or adapter cable. The 3.5mm jack can be switched between
differing 3.5mm MIDI configurations by reversing the jack connector on the rear of
the module. Matching the connector indicator to the ‘*’ on the board will work with
Arturia devices whilst reversing will work with Korg and Make Noise.
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ALM-017 - ‘Pamela’s NEW Workout’
Clock Start/Stop
Trigger Trigger
By connecting a DIN Sync clock to the clock input (with a setting of 24 PPQN -
the default) and the start/stop to the run input Pamela will run as a DIN Sync slave
syncing to an external clock signal.
By using two trigger outputs, one set as a 24 multiplier connected to the DIN
Sync clock trigger and the other set as a constant gate connected to the DIN Sync
Start/Stop trigger Pamela can act as a DIN Sync master and drive external DIN
Sync devices.
Further to this the 2 outputs can be freed up by using either of the expander
modules Din Sync output - the EXP 1 also include a Din Sync socket (Output only!)
so an adaptor may not be needed.
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