Open Protocol: Appendix For Powerfocus 6000
Open Protocol: Appendix For Powerfocus 6000
Open Protocol: Appendix For Powerfocus 6000
Open Protocol
Atlas Copco Tools and Assembly Systems
1 Introduction
Open Protocol is an interface for building applications for remote control or data subscription of
controllers. It is platform independent and can be implemented on Linux, PLC, printers, and all Windows
platforms for example.
The Open Protocol supports Ethernet connection towards Power Focus 6000.
This document specifies all the product Power Focus 6000 specific considerations when using the
Open Protocol.
All messages
X = 31 + 4*Number of relays present
Y = X + 8 + 4*Number of digital inputs present
All messages
15 Reset relays No
16 parameter set select bit 0 Yes
17 parameter set select bit 1 Yes
18 parameter set select bit 2 Yes
19 parameter set select bit 3 Yes
20 Job select bit 0 Yes
21 Job select bit 1 Yes
22 Job select bit 2 Yes
23 Job select bit 3 Yes
24 Reserved
25 Reserved
26 Reserved
27 Reserved
28 Line control start Yes
29 Line control alert 1 Yes
30 Line control alert 2 Yes
31 Ack error message Yes
32 Fieldbus digin 1 No
33 Fieldbus digin 2 No
34 Fieldbus digin 3 No
35 Fieldbus digin 4 No
36 Flash tool green light No
37 Reserved
38 Reserved
39 Set bistable relay 1 Yes
40 Set bistable relay 2 Yes
41 Reserved
42 Reserved
43 Reserved
44 Reserved
45 parameter set select bit 4 No
46 parameter set select bit 5 No
47 parameter set select bit 6 No
48 parameter set select bit 7 No
49 Job select bit 4 No
50 Job select bit 5 No
51 Job select bit 6 No
52 Job select bit 7 No
53 Batch decrement Yes
All messages
94 DigOut monitored 4 No
95 Disable ST Scanner No
guaranted that the result is the previous from the ID sent. The integrator shall then use the received ID
decremented by one to get the next latest result. This shall then be continued until the integrator recives an
ID it knows or until the PF6000 doesn’t find any more results.
Important to know if more than one tool is or have been used at the station: The old result will be fetched
at a global level that will say the received result may belong to another tool/Virtual Station than the
connected one. It is thetrefore important for the integrator to filter the recived old result against the Station
Id that is part of Rev 7 in MID 65 and in Rev 6 of the Communication start Ack, MID 2.
Example of fetching three old results, integrator knows about tightening ID 10204 and the stations uses
two tools.
Integrator sends: MID 1, Communication start
PF6000 answer: MID 2, Station ID in parameter 14 is 6534 and saved by Integrator.
Integrator sends: MID 64, ID = 0
PF6000 answer: MID 65, tightening ID = 10230, Station ID = 6534
Integrator sends: MID 64, ID = 10229
PF6000 answer: MID 65, tightening ID = 10226, Station ID = 6534
Integrator sends: MID 64, ID = 10225
PF6000 answer: MID 65, tightening ID = 10220, Station ID = 6685 (not the connected VS, throw away)
Integrator sends: MID 64, ID = 10219
PF6000 answer: MID 65, tightening ID = 10216, Station ID = 6685 (not the connected VS, throw away)
Integrator sends: MID 64, ID = 10215
PF6000 answer: MID 65, tightening ID = 10209, Station ID = 6534
Integrator sends: MID 64, ID = 10208
PF6000 answer: MID 65, tightening ID = 10204, Station ID = 6534
The received tightening ID was known by the integrator, all missed results fetched from PF6000.
All messages