T. I. P
T. I. P
T. I. P
This module will help you get acquainted with the organization. It introduces
you to DepEd values as it translates to the way it delivers its service in
accordance to its mandate, vision, mission and goals. More importantly, it
sets out DepEd’s policies and guidelines that reflect standards on teaching
practices that are consistent with DepEd’s core values—Maka-Diyos, Maka-Tao,
Makakalikasan at Makabansa. This module aims to help you realize your
professional development goals in your journey at DepEd.
B. Objectives
Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each
How can you foster partnership and extend linkages to your stakeholders?
______________ __________________________________
6. Vision Sharing (write your vision and share your thoughts about it to your
VISION Sharing
Strategic Directions
Core Values
Vision Statement
Cite Strategies on
How to successfully
attain your desired
How is it relevant to
the DepEd Mandate,
VMV, and Strategic
G. Reflection
After going through this lesson, (DepEd Mandate, Vision, Mission, Core Values, and
Strategic Directions), answer in your journal the following questions:
1. In what concrete ways has this session helped you become a more
agentive teacher in promoting ―learner-centered‖ teaching?
2. How has this session helped you clarify your vision and motive in serving
your learners better and in promoting a learner-centered environment for
4. What are your personal beliefs and values that are aligned with the DepEd’s
B. Objectives
b. Describe the different school systems and processes and their support to
school policies and procedures to foster harmonious relationship with
the wider school community;
Each box at the left column contains positions at the central, regional, and
schools division offices of DepEd. Arrange the positions from highest to
lowest based on your knowledge. Write your answers on space provided.
Central Office
Regional Office
Director, Legal
Officer IV,
Officer V,
Accountant III
Schools Division Office
Officer V, Legal
Officer IV, Schools
Chief Education
Education Program
Assistant Schools
Senior Education
Program Specialist
D. Activities and Assessment
Activity 1. The statements below are powers, duties, and functions of the
National (N) Level, Regional (R) Level, Division (D) Level, Schools District (SD)
Level and School (S) Level. Read them carefully and put a check mark on the
appropriate box on who is responsible for exercising such.
Powers, Duties, and Functions
Formulating educational policies
Promoting awareness of and adherence by all
and learning center to accreditation standards
prescribed by the Secretary of Education
Promulgating educational standards
Offering educational programs, projects, and
which provide equitable opportunities for all
learners in
the community
Supervising the operations of all public and private
elementary, secondary and integrated schools, and
learning centers.
Undertaking educational research and studies
Approving the establishment of public and private
elementary and high schools and learning centers
Curricula Supervision
Introducing new and innovative modes of
instruction to
achieve higher learning outcomes
Monitoring the utilization of funds provided by the
national government and the local government
units to
the schools and learning centers.
2. Why do think that RA 9155 states that, ―The school shall be the
heart of the formal education system?‖ Cite specific conditions.
3. Identify the best practices in your school that adhere to the existing
laws and regulations stated on RA 9155. Make a checklist and
share it with your colleagues.
Activity 4. Discuss which office or person can help you, and the
process that must be followed to resolve an issue or concern in the
situations given below:
Office/People to
Contact Process to be followed
Situation 2: You are assigned as a school paper adviser aside from your
regular teaching load. You want to ask more about your task and how it
will affect your assignment.
Situation 4: You would like to find a good exposure trip or immersion for
your SHS students.
Situation 6: You would like to know your salary, deductions and benefits.
Situation 8: A parent would like to sue you because her son was running for
honors and got a failing grade in your subject.
2. Are there processes not identified but should be followed? What are
these, if any?
2. As a newly hired teacher, how will you help your school head and the
school in general to establish a strong partnership and linkages to its
E. Reflection
1. Each box at the left column contains positions at the central, regional,
and schools division offices of DepEd. Arrange the positions from highest
to lowest based on your knowledge. Write your answers on space provided.
Central Office
Regional Office
Regional Office
Director, Legal
Officer IV,
Officer V,
Accountant III
Schools Division Office
Officer V, Legal
Officer IV, Schools
Chief Education
Education Program
Assistant Schools
Senior Education
Program Specialist
2. Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on
the blank before each number.
Column A Column B
______ 1. It is a lifelong process of a. Alternative Learning
learning. System
3. The statements below are powers, duties, and functions of the National (N)
Level, Regional (R) Level, Division (D) Level, Schools District (SD) Level and
School (S) Level. Read them carefully and put a check mark on the
appropriate box on who is responsible for exercising such.
Powers, Duties, and Functions
Read the paragraph below then choose three phrases that best
describe your own philosophy in the teaching profession. Justify your
a. Phrase 1:
b. Justification
c. Phrase 2:
d. Justification
e. Phrase 3:
f. Justification
D. Activities and Assessment
1. What is a profession?
3. What are the requisites by the PRC one should satisfy before
he/she becomes a professional?
5. What is a vocation?
10. Write how you manifest the first quality of a professional teacher.
11. Write the attitude you have that foster learning and genuine
human relationship.
13. Write what you do to manifest mastery of subject matter? What do you
need to improve?
14. What are the effective teaching strategies that you use to facilitate
student learning? Write them down and share these to your partner.
15. What are some of your personal beliefs, insights, and habits that help
you do your work well?
Activity 2. Read and analyze the following situations then share
your findings to your peer.
1. Situation 1
Mr. Manalo divided his Araling Panlipunan class according to the
abilities and interests of his students. At the end of the lesson,
the groups had the following outputs: The first group composed a
song, the second had a skit, and the third had an artwork.
2. Situation 2
The school principal visited the Science class of Miss Bravo. The
principal observed that Miss Bravo was reading from the textbook
and her notes while explaining the lesson on ecosystem.
What could have been done by Miss Bravo to improve her teaching
F. Post-Test
a. Familiarize and discuss the seven domains and the different career stages
of the PPST in realizing one’s professional goals;
A. “Map Me”
In this activity, you are going to make your own career map by
answering the question below. (Note: Please read and understand
DepEd Order 42, s.2017)
Years 1-2 Years 3-4 Years 5-6 Years 7-8 Years 9-10
B. Read
Answer the questions that follow.
C. What I Learned
What are the seven domains of the PPST? Discuss each domain briefly
based on your own understanding.
D. What I Do
Which of the indicators can you confidently say you are doing?
Indicators A S N
1.Demonstrates content knowledge and its application within
and /or
across curriculum teaching areas
2.Shows skill in the positive use of ICT to facilitate the
Teaching –Learning
3.Demonstrates knowledge of strategies that promote reading
numeracy skills
4.Applies teaching strategies that develop critical and creative
and/or other higher order thinking skills
5. Demonstrates an understanding of the range of verbal and
classroom communication strategies that support learner
participation, engagement, and achievement.
6.Uses Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English to facilitate
teaching and
7.Demonstrates understanding of research based knowledge
and principle
of teaching and learning
E. What I Realize
As a teacher, what are the indicators under beginning stage that you can do?
Is it possible that you can move to the higher career stage? Knowing where you
are, what professional development goals could you prepare based on your
strength and areas for improvement?
c. Prepare a road map to serve as the career path in the DepEd journey of a
beginning teacher.
Read the characteristics of teachers in their respective stages. Write B if you
think the teacher being described is a beginning Teacher; P Proficient; HP for
Highly Proficient; and D for Distinguished Teacher after the number and write
it in the blank provided.
____4. Possesses the requisite knowledge, skills, and values that support the
teaching and learning process.
____13. Embodies the highest standard for teaching grounded in global best
A. Study the table below and ask assistance from your mentor then
answer the questions that follow.
Position/ Salary
Education Experience Training Eligibility
Title Grade
Teacher II
Teacher III
Teacher I
Teacher I
Principal I
C. Resolve the issue
Teacher A is a Teacher III in Rizal Elementary School for 5 years. She was
able to earn a master’s degree in educational leadership and management
with specialization in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment.
Coincidentally, there is one Master Teacher I (Salary Grade 19) item
available in the school and one Senior Education Program Specialist (SG
19) in the division office. The division office and the school are situated in
the city. Given the situation, if you are Teacher A, which position would
you choose? Why?
D. My Gains
The first stop on the road map should be your entry to public
school system;
can decide how the map ―ends‖ in 10 years from now.
There should be five other ―stops‖ on the map, representing different
key concepts that could help or hamper your journey in achieving
professional development. They may be experiences that you have or
have yet to experience
Record three major future events that you hope will happen on your
road map. Indicate on your map your age when you want these things to
happen. (Possible examples- graduating from graduate school, getting
promoted, implemented innovations, and improved teacher development
The map should have small illustrations of eachevent—this can be a
picture, magazine cut-out, clip art, etc.
The map should be in color! How you decorate and map out
your professional growth journey is up to you.
Be guided by the following rubric:
Road map
Road map includes
One or more
includes all required
required Road map
element includes all required elements as
Elements all required elements and well
is missing
from elements. one additional as a few
Each event is
The road map Some events Each event is
illustrated with
Map lacks are illustrated illustrated with
a detailed and
Illustrations illustrations with an image an image or
creative image
for life events or symbol. symbol.
or symbol.
The first step is to sketch out your life map before you actually start the project.
Use the space below to create a rough sketch.
E. Reflection
1. From your map, choose two events to write about. Consider the following
questions when writing about each of these: why did you choose to include
this event on your map? How will this event affect your pursuit for
professional development?
2. From your map, choose your top future entry (goal) and clearly describe
what steps you could take to help you reach this goal (minimum of three
steps). Describe what resources you would need to meet these goals. Why
is it important for you to achieve such professional growth?
INSTRUCTION: Read the characteristics of teachers in their respective
stages. Write B if you think the teacher being described is a beginning
Teacher; P Proficient; HP for Highly Proficient ; and D for Distinguished
Teacher after the number and write it in the blank provided.
____4. Possesses the requisite knowledge, skills, and values that support the
teaching and learning process.
____13. Embodies the highest standard for teaching grounded in global best
1. An Act to promote and improve the social and economic status of public
school teachers is called_______________________.
4. Cost of living allowance and special hardship allowance are under the
______________ in the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers.
9. Study leave and indefinite leave are kinds of entitled leaves given to a
teacher under the ________________ of the Magna Carta.
10. The section on ____________ of the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
allows the teacher to establish and join organizations to further and
defend their interests.
D. Activities and Assessment
Activity 1. THROWBACK
Recall a time when you were recruited and employed at DepEd. What
were the challenges and problems you encountered and how did you
overcome them.
1. As teachers are professionals and hired as the right people to the right
position, it follows that in exercising professionalism in teaching, they
need to know the standards that they need to teach, and the need to
know on how to teach in the most effective ways.
4. These are the following criteria with respective points used in the
evaluation and selection procedure in the hiring of Teacher 1. Education
20%, Teaching Experience 15%, LET/PBET Rating 15%, Specialized
Training Skills 10%, Interview 10%, Demonstration Teaching 15%, and
Communication Skills 15%.
5. No teacher may be transferred without his or her consent. Should
there be an urgent need or demand for transfer, the school
superintendent must notify the teacher beforehand and state the
1. An Act to promote and improve the social and economic status of public
school teachers is called_______________________.
4. Cost of living allowance and special hardship allowance are under the
9. Study leave and indefinite leave are kinds of entitled leaves given to a
teacher under the ________________ of the Magna Carta.
10. The section on ____________ of the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
allows the teacher to establish and join organizations to further and
defend their interests.
b. Describe how the code of ethics can help or guide a teacher in the day to
day performance/tasks of his work, hence resulting to a good teacher
c. Describe and become familiar with the responsibilities specified in the Code
of Ethics for Professional Teachers.
d. Exhibit professional behavior as set out by the Code of Ethics for Teachers
in the Philippines.
2. Which of the following is NOT correct under the Code of Ethics for
Teachers regarding teacher and business?
a. No teacher shall act, directly or indirectly, as agent of, or be
financially interested in any commercial venture which furnishes
textbooks and other school commodities.
b. A teacher has no right to engage, directly or indirectly, in legitimate
income generation.
c. A teacher shall maintain a good reputation with respect to the
financial matters such as in the settlement of his debts and
loans in arranging satisfactorily his private financial affairs.
d. None of the above.
4. During the distribution of the report card, which of the following must
be the foremost concern of a teacher?
a. Discuss the projects of the school.
b. Discuss the progress as well as the deficiencies of the students.
c. Discuss the unsettled bill of the students.
d. Discuss the complaints of other teachers and classmates of the
5. Miss Reyes is a new teacher like you. During her first few weeks in
school, she felt like quitting teaching. At the end of the day she is totally
burned out. If you were in her place from whom will you ask assistance?
I realized that…
Teacher’s personality
Teacher’s accountability
Activity 2. Study the following cases. Guided by your understanding of the
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers (Appendix 1), identify the article
and the provision that can guide the teacher to come up with his best
action. Write your answers on the space provided in each number.
Case 1
Mr. Antonio B. Baguio received a complaint from the guardian of one of
his students regarding the grade of his daughter in English. Mr. Baguio
listened to the complaint of the guardian with sympathy and referred it
to the teacher concerned for clarification.
Case 2
During barangay fiesta, Mr. Ben Y. Maya, a public school teacher, was
designated as the fiesta directorate chairman. Because of his talent, he
accepted the task willingly even without any honorarium. He facilitated
the culture-based activities that resulted to a very organized celebration
of their barrio fiesta.
Is it alright for Mr. Maya not to receive payment for the services he
rendered during the barrio fiesta?
Article in the Code Provision Is Mr. Maya right in his
of Ethics statement action
(Explain based on the provision
of the article)
Case 3
Mrs. Jenny San Jose is a new teacher in Malaban National High
School. The school is scheduled to hold its Reading Camp on a
Saturday. Relative to this activity, Mrs. Josie Rivera, the school
principal, advised the faculty to attend and help the organizers to
facilitate the event.
Case 5
Mr. Mario B. Reyes has been teaching for the last 15 years. Every time
his principal would ask him to attend training, he would always decline
and would ask another teacher to attend the said training. Is this
Situation no. 1
Being a person known for his integrity and credibility, Mr. Elbert R.
Tolentino has been serving as part of the Board of Election Canvassers for
the past 10 years. However, in the coming elections, his mother will be
running as barangay captain. Because of this, he is asked to campaign for
her. Is it alright for him to campaign for his mother’s candidacy? Explain
your answer.
Situation no. 2
Mr. Mario Ocampo, who has been teaching for the last 25 years, refused
to attend an important conference in Mindanao. Every time he is asked
by the principal to attend such an activity, he always requests a new
teacher to attend. As a professional teacher, is it right to express refusal
in attending conferences.
Situation no. 3
During barangay fiesta, Mr. Ben Y. Maya was designated as the fiesta
directorate chairman. Because of his talent, he accepted the task
willingly even without any honorarium. He facilitated culture-based
activities that made their barangay fiesta a significant one. Is it alright
for Mr. Maya not to receive any compensation for his services rendered
since this will be a precedent for the succeeding activity coordinator?
Situation no. 5
Situation no. 6
Situation no. 8
Mr. Ricky dela Cruz is one of the youngest teacher in Silab Community
High School. Due to his young age he has lots of friends and barkadas.
After school hours, he is always seen with his friends in an internet
café playing Dota, in gambling dens, and in beerhouses. He also
frequently seen in discos during weekends. Is Mr. Cruz acting as a
good model to his students?
F. Post-Test
2. Which of the following is NOT correct under the Code of Ethics for
Teachers regarding teacher and business?
a. No teacher shall act, directly or indirectly, as agent of, or be financially
interested in any commercial venture which furnishes textbooks and
other school commodities.
b. A teacher has no right to engage, directly or indirectly, in legitimate
income generation.
c. A teacher shall maintain a good reputation with respect to the
financial matters such as in the settlement of his debts and loans
in arranging satisfactorily his private financial affairs.
d. None of the above.
4. During the distribution of the report card, which of the following must be
the foremost concern of a teacher?
a. Discuss the projects of the school.
b. Discuss the progress as well as the deficiencies of the students.
c. Discuss the unsettled bill of the students.
d. Discuss the complaints of other teachers and classmates of the
5. Miss Reyes is a new teacher like you. During her first few weeks in school,
she felt like quitting teaching. At the end of the day she is totally burned
out. If you were in her place from whom will you ask assistance?
a. from the principal
b. from the parents
c. from co-teachers
d. from pupils
Write down performance indicators based on the identified objectives and KRAs.
Class management
Professional growth
and development
D. Reflection
1. Recall your experience on how you have accomplished your previous IPCRF and
learning activities and assessment. What insights have you learned from them?
2. Are there other interventions you need to continuously improve yourself? Cite
3. In a form of a journal, write your synthesis of learning gained from this lesson
and the points that challenge and inspire you as a newly hired teacher.
a. Enumerate and explain the existing laws and regulations on the different
incentives, privileges, benefits, awards, and recognition for teachers.
b. Discuss how teachers can avail themselves of these benefits.
c. Reflect on the importance of the benefits being given to teachers.
1. What is the program requiring newly hired teachers to read the series of
learning modules and do several activities?
A. Clothing Allowance
B. Step Increment
C. Cash gift of five thousand pesos
D. Performance Based Bonus
6. Which of the following is the primary basis for the computation of the
retirement benefits?
10. What law allows the solo parent employee to avail parental leave where
physical presence is required?
3. A scholarship program service contract will oblige you to render return service
for the privilege you earned before you can apply for another scholarship.
4. A local scholarship program may be allowed to teachers who may at the same
time report to school provided the degree or course is finished within the
prescribed period. However, if teachers will not be allowed to study on official
time, they may go on official vacation leave with pay, or leave without pay. This
leave should not be more than 1 year in case there are not enough leave
5. A graduate program is a career path teachers may pursue to enhance and
maximize professional growth and for promotion in the department.
D. Reflection
Write insights gained and perceived on teacher’s entitlements benefits, rewards, and
E. Post-Test
4. Who among of these teachers can avail the wedding anniversary leave?
A. Clothing Allowance.
B. Step Increment.
C. Cash gift of P5,000.00.
D. Performance-Based Bonus
7. What Republic Act allows one salary grade higher upon retirement?
10. What law allows the solo parent employees to avail parental leave where
his or her physical presence is required?
A. Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular No. 07, series
B. Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular No. 08, series
C. Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular No. 09, series
D. Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular No. 10, series