Rate PDF
Rate PDF
Rate PDF
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July, 2018
The standard schedule of rates manual was prepared by the standard schedule of rates
41/91 dated 6thJune,1992. Basis for preparation of this schedule of Rates Manual is a
language which also uses the dBASE utility R&R, prepared by O&M Cost Cell,
BWDB under Small Scale Water Control Structure-III Project, sponsored by the
database management system has been updated from dBASE IV to Microsoft Access
1. This Standard Schedule of Rates Manual (Volume 1 & 2) has been prepared in
compliance with the “BWDB Standard Templates”, approved by the Board vide
Memo No. 260-BWDB/Sectt./O&M-1/AKK-41/91, Dated: 18/07/1993 using
computer software which is installed in Design Circle-2, BWDB, Dhaka. Subsequent
updates and inclusion of new items are also included in this Manual.
2. The Standard Schedule of Rates Manual, Volume 1 contains the “item description”
which are common for all BWDB Circle. The Standard Schedule of Rates Manual,
Volume 2 contains the “rates” which are prepared on the basis of rate, communicated
by the Superintending Engineer, of respective BWDB O & M Circle.
3. While preparing this document, efforts were made to draw a comparison of all
individual element rates of different circles and some inconsistencies were noticed in
the previously existing rates and the proposed rates of the elements. A committee
comprising five members of this office, however, examined rates of elements in the
local market. Considering the existing element rates and result of verification of the
individual element rates, a realistic judgment has been made in formulating this
document. Additionally, efforts were also made to examine element rates of other
government departments performing implementation works of nature similar to that
of the BWDB.
4. Under the purview of the provisions of the PPR 2008, this document (rates) after due
approval is to be used to prepare an official estimate of a particular procurement for
which there must be administrative approval and budget allocation. This document
(rates) was prepared taking into consideration of unit rates of all elements needed to
accomplish the work(s). The construction workers are also direct beneficiaries of the
works procured through public fund. It is a well-publicized policy of the government
to reduce poverty of the poorest of the poor. People who sell labour for construction
works belong to this poor class of the society and due to lack of environment and
circumstances; they are not possibly in any good position to bargain with their
employers for the just wage.
Thus, it is implied that the Procuring Entity should exercise legitimate authority in the
whole process of procurement to safeguard rightful interest of the construction work
5. Examining the elements’ rates of different Circles, it was noticed that enhancement
of rates of all the previously existing rates were proposed by some offices; but in
reality with the expansion of trade, industry, manufacturing techniques and
improvement of elements’ quality, rates of some elements even may be reduced in the
market. In the interest of further improvement of this document in the future, it is
suggested to prepare a Committee under all the Executive Engineers of the Circle to
collect/verify element rates in the market/locality for a significant period and giving
due consideration to the prevailing market price and making comparison of elements
rates so collected, the elements’ rates for the Circle should be recommended in the
6. All unit rates are inclusive of carriage of all materials and have been worked out so as
to cover the full compensation of materials, labour, equipment and machinery, tools
and plants, overhead/incidental charges, etc., necessary to complete the work in all
respect required under the respective item. The unit rates are also inclusive of all
duties and taxes and a certain amount of profit for the contractors/suppliers. In the
relevant cases, it has further taken into account the testing, installation and
maintenance expenses. However, in a few cases, the costs for some of the major
construction materials have been itemized separately. For example, the cost of
reinforcement has been taken out from the item on Reinforced Cement Concrete
(R.C.C.) and shown separately.
7. All items of works, contained in the Schedule of Rates, Volume-I, have been described
in a precise manner. The Tender Documents should accompany Technical
Specifications detailing all procedures in addition to the short description of the Cost
Estimates/BOQ and the features shown in the Drawings.
10. For the purpose of recording the quantity of the salvaged materials and to determine
and specify their useable quantities, the old materials should be taken out, properly
stacked, accurately measured and the measurements are entered in the Measurement
Book (MB). The materials should be stacked in a manner that will allow for the
Engineer-in-charge to hold random inspection and verification with regard to the
quality and the quantity of materials as salvaged. The Engineer-in-charge shall certify
the salvaged materials according to his inspection results. Inventory of the materials
shall then only be made and the material(s) be allowed for use in the work(s). The
Contractor shall agree with the quantity of material(s) salvaged and so certified by the
Engineer-in-charge. The material(s) shall, under no circumstance, be issued to the
Contractor(s) before the measurement(s) has (have) been properly entered into the
permanent record. The value of the material(s), so supplied, shall be recovered from
the Contractor strictly in accordance with the provisions of the contract. In case the
salvaged materials become more than the quantity shown in the Tender
Document/BOQ, the value of the material(s), in excess to the provisions of the Tender
Document/BOQ, shall also be recovered.
11. For any quantities of loss or pilferage of the departmentally supplied or the salvaged
material(s), the cost shall be recovered from the Contractor(s) at double the delivery
rate of the materials(s) specified in the Tender Document. The Contractor(s) is (are)
also required to return to the Department any quantity of material that may remain
unused from the supply given by the Department or salvaged.
12. Unless provisions are made in the Technical Specifications, every item of this
Schedule of Rates shall also comprise activities like mobilization, de-mobilization and
clearance of work site. Separate item should not be provided for these activities in the
estimate/BOQ unless an exception is allowed by the authority. In the case of any
exception, obtaining prior approval of the authority shall be compulsory.
13. The Contractor(s) at his (their) own cost shall perform all laboratory tests required for
the construction works in the BWDB authorized laboratories/facilities established at
the site (if any). The testing facilities if not available with the BWDB, may be
performed outsource as directed by the Superintending Engineer. The Superintending
Engineer/Executive Engineer shall reserve the right to increase the frequency of
testing on actual requirement.
14. All unit rates contained in this Schedule of Rates are inclusive of all duties and taxes
as required under the law of the country and the Contractor(s) shall remain liable to
pay them all. The Contractor(s) shall include all these levies in his (their) tender prices
for all items of works and no additional claim for payment of taxes and duties or any
compensation to subsequent increase in the existing taxes, duties, etc. shall be
entertained by the authority. The Income Tax and VAT shall be deducted at source
strictly in accordance with the rules of the NBR and shall be credited immediately to
the respective head of account of the Government as per BWDB’s standing orders.
15. In case of detection of any error or omission in the specifications during or prior to
implementation of work, it should immediately be brought to the notice of the
authority for necessary correction or amendment.
16. The Executive Engineer of the Division is the key-person for overall management and
supervision of works supported by the Sub-Divisional Engineer/Assistant Engineer
and the Sub-Assistant Engineers (SAEs). It is their responsibility to ensure that the
items of this Schedule of Rates are strictly implemented in the work(s) with all
stipulations, specifications and details. Standard field/laboratory tests are to be
performed with random sampling of brick, cement, sand, M.S. bar and other principal
construction materials. Random cylinder/cube tests for Cement Concrete shall be
carried out at the specified frequency for all concrete structural elements in order to
protect their requisite strength.
17. Estimates of dewatering operation, closure dam and dredging work shall be send to
the Design Circle-2 for vetting prior to inclusion in the estimate/BOQ.
18. Estimate/BOQ for earth work shall be prepared on pre-work and post-work basis and
the same will be checked as per codal rule by the respective authorized officers. On
issuing detail work order, the BOQ for earth work shall be checked by the
contractor(s) at own expense/arrangement and inform the outcome in a written letter
to the Executive Engineer. Variation from the sanctioned estimate, if any, must be
reported to the Superintending Engineer for verification and clearance by him.
19. The rates in the “Schedule of Rates” are for finished item of works unless otherwise
explicitly mentioned and include all the cost incidental to the items.
20. Every item of the Schedule is to be executed unless otherwise specified as per
Standard Specifications of the BWDB.
21. Elements rates where applicable are exclusive of the containers; for example the rate
of cement, bitumen etc. are exclusive of the cost of empty bags, drums etc.
respectively except for the imported items unless otherwise mentioned.
22. Rates for all works are inclusive of the lighting, guarding and putting barrier/fencing
etc. during execution of works.
23. All tools, plants and articles, and equipment needed for the execution of the works are
to be supplied by the contractor at his own cost unless otherwise specified. Provision
of such cost has been made in the Schedule of Rates. In case of hiring the
Departmental equipment, the contractor will have to pay the Departmental hire charge
at the rate(s) specified by the BWDB.
24. Removal includes cost for removal of old materials from the site where necessary.
25. Earth work for payment will be calculated from pre-work and post-work sections of
work in the construction of new embankment, re-sectioning of old embankment,
excavation & re-excavation of canal and dredging works (excluding small repair, if
26. In determining the Formation Level of a compacted embankment, 10% (ten percent)
of the fill height calculated on the basis of Pre-work Level and Design Level shall be
added to Design Level while preparing official estimate. But post-work measurement
shall be precisely as per the work done status.
27. Leads and lifts shall be reckoned from the centre of excavated sections to the centre
of the place of throwing the spoil. Measurement for lead(s) and lift(s) shall be based
on unit of shortest distance traversed and part of units shall be counted for full unit
measurement subject to the conditions that fraction of 30 (thirty) cm over the unit of
lift and fraction of 3 m (three) meter over the unit of lead shall not be considered for
a full unit.
28. Local carriage within 300 meter of the work site is included in the item rates of works.
29. Unless otherwise specified, cost of scaffolding is included in the rates of such item of
work requiring the scaffolding.
30. Members of formwork of timber shall be local hard wood of approved quality or as
specified in the description. All formwork shall be rigidly constructed and must not
sway under working load on vibration of the construction machinery and equipment.
31. Cost of all kinds of testing of material properties as and when desired by the Executive
Engineer shall be considered to be included in the unit price. No extra cost on account
of testing materials to be used in work shall be admissible unless otherwise specified.
32. Concrete works shall mean providing standard joints in every sequence of
construction including cleaning, removing loose mortars, brushing, pouring cement
paste between the grey and green concrete etc. for which no extra cost shall be
admissible unless otherwise specified.
33. Cement concrete blocks shall generally be provided with one number (25mm dia.X
25mm deep) curing water trap on the top-centre unless otherwise specified.
34. In manufacturing cement concrete blocks, the platform shall be made by one brick flat
soling and polythene sheet (1.0 kg. per 16.0 sqm) shall be used for preventing leakage
through bottom face of the shutter.
35. Load test of form work for massive concrete work, if any, shall be carried out with
written permission from the project authority in consultation with the concerned
Design Office before tendering.
36. In all hydraulic structures steel shuttering shall only be used except minor ones as
permitted in the tender, if any.
37. In concreting the pre-cast R.C.C piles, polythene sheet shall be used at the bottom and
on the two sides.
38. Rates for sand and cement plastering, pointing etc. includes raking out joints of bricks
and clearing the surface of the wall or face of the member.
39. Rates for white washing, colour washing and painting include the cost of removal of
old white wash, rusts and paint marks by scraping or iron brushing from the wall
surface, chowkats, glass panels, metals etc.
40. One face of the opening shall be measured for payment for plastering and white
washing to compensate for jams, sills and soffits of doors and windows.
41. Diameter of Wooden Bullah will be measured at a distance 1/3 (one third) length from
butt end without bark.
42. In the measurement of the volume of Boulders and Gravels, percent deduction for
void shall be made at the specified rates mentioned against the respective item to
account for void.
43. In repair works, the pavement shall be made for the actual requirement of repair only
to bring the work back similar to the original state/condition.
44. All kinds ofR.C.C pipes and sockets shall be manufactured in close conformity with
the AASHTO Designation (M 170M-89).
45. The weight of Geo-bag has been considered on the basis of dry unit of sand in this
46. Cost of stacking ofCC block, Boulders, Hard Rock, Geo-bag etc. was included in the
respective item.
47. Cost of survey required during dredging work has been included in the respective
dredging Itern.
48. Item code and sub-item code against each item description marked in the Standard
Schedule of Rates must be quoted in preparing estimate of a work and the work
Schedule/BOQ for a tender.
49. In preparing an estimate of work, item of works listed under different Chapters may
be combined. But it should be carefully noted that the item of works, which are
earmarked for a particular kind of work, must not be applied for a work of different
50. No additional item of work and element description shall be inserted or no existing
item of work and element description shall be altered or deleted in this Standard
Schedule of Rates Manual without vetting by Design Circle-2, BWDB, Dhaka.
( Md. Harun Dr Rasheed)
Superintending Engineer
Design Circle-2, BWDB, Dhaka
The item Description Report provides general element quantity and quality
specification. An item code, description and unit of measure are defined for each
work item. The item code is a unique and permanent number assigned to each item for
sorting purpose. Item codes are defined by a five digit number, and sub items are
defined by a seven digit number. The item description stipulates the work
requirements: the scope of work, materials to be used, and procedures to be followed.
The unit of measure specifies how to the work item volume is to be assessed.
The Standard Rates Committee of BWDB reviewed the Standard Schedule of Rates
System prepared by O&M cost cell in October, 1991, and the present schedule of
rates Manual is prepared on the basis of program developed by O&M cost cell. Some
new item has been enclosed as per present need.
The item prepared by O&M cost cell were based almost exclusively on existing
BWDB documents. The O&M cost cell reviewed current BWDB circle schedule of
rates and selected appropriate descriptions as per their judgment.
The items included in primary item classification Codes were also re-arranged
without any changed in primary classification Code, set by O&M Cost Cell.
Item Description Report
04-100 Manufacturing and supplyimg R.C.C. boundary pillar, bench mark pillar and each
kilometer post in proportion 1:2:4, as per approved drawing and specifications,
110cm height, bottom dia 25cm and top dia 20cm, of which 15cm slanting and
5cm level; with 6 nos. 10mm dia vertical rod and 8 nos. 6mm dia binder
excluding the cost of M.S. works for reinforcement but including the cost of
form works, plastering top, finishing surface, curing with inscription of
"BWDB, R.L./K.M." mark, as per approved size and shape in exposed surface
etc. complete, as per direction of Engineer in charge.
04-110 Fixing in position, boundary pillars/bench mark pillars/K.M. post etc. of size each
110cm height, bottom dia 25cm and top dia 20cm, embedded 45cm below G.L.
including carriage, earth cutting, filling, ramming, etc. complete as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
04-120 Construction of B.M. Pillars at site with first class bricks in cement mortar each
(1:4) of size 38cmx38cmx75cm on cement concrete (1:2:4) base of size
50cmx50cmx7.5cm with 12mm thick cement plastering (1:2) on exposed
surfaces of pillar and cement mortar on top (1:2), with inscription of "BWDB"
with 25cm of the pillar below ground level etc. complete including ramming
the backfill and the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
04-130 Manufacturing and supplying R.C.C. (1:2:4) boundary pillar triangular in each
shape 20cm sides, 75cm height and 40cmx40cmx10cm base, with 3 nos 10mm
dia bar each way at base, 3 nos 10mm dia vertical bar & 8 nos. 6mm dia rings,
excluding the cost of M.S. works for reinforcement but including the cost of
form works,plastering top, finishing surface, curing with inscription of
"BWDB" on exposed surface etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in
04-140 Fixing in position triangular boundary pillar of 20cm sides, 75cm height with each
40cmx40cmx10cm base, embedded 45cm below G.L. including carriage, earth
cutting, backfilling, ramming etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in
04-150 Manufacturing and supplying R.C.C. (1:2:4) B.M. Pillars of size each
15cmx15cmx75cm, with 40cmx40cmx10cm base having 3 nos. 10mm dia
M.S.bar each way at base, 4 nos. 10mm dia vertical bar and 8 nos. 6mm dia
ring, excluding cost of M.S. works for reinforcement but including cost of form
works, concreting, plastering at top, finishing surface, curing etc. complete,
with inscription of "BWDB", on exposed surface etc. complete as per direction
of Engineer in charge.
04-160 Fixing in position B.M. pillars and kilometer posts of size 15cmx15cmx75cm each
with 40cmx40cmx10cm base, embedding 45cm below G.L. including carriage,
earth cutting, backfilling, ramming, etc. complete as per direction of Engineer
in charge.
04-180 Site preparation by manually removing all miscellaneous objectional materials sqm
from entire site and removing soil upto 15cm depth including uprooting
stumps, jungle clearing, levelling dressing etc. complete as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
04-200 Supplying & fixing at site temporary bamboo gauges, 6cm to 9cm dia, marked m
in meter, decimeter and centimeter, including black & white water proof
painting and printing gauge, to be driven not less than 1.80m below ground
(Measurement will be given only for the marked portion) as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
04-210 Supplying & fixing wooden gauges at site, made of sal/gajari/sundari wood, m
engraved in meter, decimeter & centimeter, including water proof painting
with black, white & red paint, etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in
04-230 Supplying & fixing at site triangular gauges of 15 cm size made of best quality m
local hard wood, engraved in meter, decimeter & centimeter, including water
proof painting with black, white & red paint, etc. complete as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
04-240 Supplying & driving 2.8m long, 15 cm to 20 cm average dia local hard wood each
post of approved quality, including sizing, sharpening & providing holes for
fitting gauges (driving portion not less than 1.80 m) etc. complete as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
04-260 Fixing gauges to posts including supply of necessary bolts and nuts or nails. each
04-310 Supplying 7.50 cm dia bamboo sounding rods, 450 cm long, with black & each
white paint, at every alternative decimeter and figuring etc. complete as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
04-320 Supplying bamboo pegs 0.45 m to 0.75 m long and average dia 6 cm, with saw no
cut top as per direction of Engineer in charge.
04-330 Labour charge for fixing the bamboo pegs 0.45m to 0.75m long and average no
dia 6cm, as per direction of Engineer in charge.
04-400 Removing water hyacinth and stacking on the bank and burning in to ashes: sqm
04-410 Cutting trees and uprooting stumps and removing the same from the base of each
embankment and keeping in a place, as per direction of Engineer in charge.
04-440 Cutting and clearing jungles and uprooting trees upto 30cm girth and removing sqm
the same from the site as per direction of Enginer in charge.
04-450 Cutting, uprooting and removing bamboo cluster from the site as per direction sqm
of Engineer in charge.
04-460 Cutting, uprooting and removing cane jungles, from the site, as per direction of sqm
Engineer in charge.
04-490 Jafry bamboo fencing with 75mm x 75mm gap with bamboo posts 60mm to sqm
80mm dia, at 1.20m apart including fitting, fixing complete by bamboo battens
at 30cm apart both ways.
04-500 Supplying, fitting and fixing bamboo fencing 1.0mx1.0m, around the gauge each
with split bamboo walling pieces (minimum width 40mm) @ 20cm c/c,
including fixing with necessary bamboo posts, by nails etc. complete (average
dia of bamboo 75mm), as per direction of Engineer in charge.
04-510 Providing barbed wire fencing with average 100mm dia best quality local m
ballah post of 2.20m total height, (1.6m above G.L., and 60cm embedded in the
ground) placed at 1.8m c/c with 9 nos. horizontal lines and 2 nos diagonal lines
of 12 BWG 2 ply barbed wire with 4 points barbs at 100 mm c/c, including
digging holes and embedding the post properly in ground, stretching the wire
and fixing with the post with minimum 62mm long G.I. nails including supply
of all materials, etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
04-520 Supplying, fitting and fixing 12 BWG barbed wire (2 ply, 4 points; 100mm sqm
apart) in fencing work @ 150mm c/c both horizontally and vertically
supported by 38mmx38mmx6mm M.S. angle post (300mm embeded in R.C.C.
or in B/W, 600mm vertical and 450mm inclined or as per requirement) @
2.4m c/c including strenghening, tightening, binding the joints with 18 BWG
wire making holes in the angle including supply of all necessary materials and
making good of damages caused to RCC/ brick work etc. complete as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
04-530 Supplying , fitting and fixing 12 BWG galvanised barbed wire fencing (single m
line) with 2 ply wire, 4 points 100mm apart, fitted with balli posts/ angle posts
etc. with necessary nails/ G.I. wire (2 ply 16 BWG) etc. complete as per
direction of Engineer in charge (excluding the cost of posts).
04-600 Providing cork sheet/polysterene sheet in expansion joints of concrete works sqm
including supply of all materials etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in
04-620 Filling of expansion joints upto a depth of 40 mm with bitumen mixed with m
coarse sand (FM>=2.5) in concrete works including supply of all materials etc.
complete as per specification and direction of Engineer in charge.
04-620-10 25 mm wide. m
04-620-20 20 mm wide. m
08 . Carriage
08-100 Carriage of materials by head load including stacking in measurable stacks pmt/m
properly as per direction of Engineer in charge.
08-110 Carriage of materials by cart in all types of road, including loading, unloading pmt/km
and stacking in measurable stacks properly for every subsequent kilometer or
part thereof (less than 0.25 km to be neglected) as per direction of Engineer in
08-120 Carriage of materials by boat including loading, unloading and stacking in pmt/km
measurable stacks properly for every subsequent kilometer or part thereof (less
than 0.25 km to be neglected) as per direction of Engineer in charge.
08-130 Carriage of cement, C.I. sheet, bitumen, M.S. rod, sheet pile of minimum 6.0m pmt/km
length etc. by truck in all types road, including loading, unloading and stacking
in measurable stacks properly for every subsequent kilometer or part thereof
(less than 0.25 km to be neglected) as per direction of Engineer in charge.
08-140 Carriage of sand, brickbats, shingles, boulders, c.c block, geo-bag, coal, timber pcum/m
etc. by head load including stacking in measurable stacks etc. complete (no
carriage for 15m or part thereof) as per direction of Engineer in charge.
08-150 Carriage of sand, brick bats, shingles, boulders, c.c block, geo-bag, coal, wood cum/km
etc. from different field/ departmental stocks to work sites by truck/ boat/ cart
including carriage by head load upto a distance of 30m at each point including
loading, unloading and stacking at work site in measureable stacks (less than
0.25m neglected) as per direction of Engineer in charge.
08-180 Carriage of bricks (1000 nos) from one place to another by head load including per m
stacking in measurable stacks etc. complete (no carriage for 15m or part
thereof) as per direction of Engineer in charge.
08-190 Carriage of bricks (1000 nos) from one place to another including loading and p%0/km
unloading involving carriage by head load to a distance of 30 m at each loading
and unloading point including stacking properly in measurable stacks etc.
complete (less than 0.25 km be neglected) as per direction of Engineer in
12 . Dewatering
12-100 Installation of pizeometer including supply of 40mm G.I. pipe, brass strainer, each
socket, labour, by wash boring, lowering, fixing the elevation and providing
cover on the top of the well etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in
12-110 Mobilization of complete well point system, equipments and accessories from ps/km
one place to another including loading and unloading as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
12-120 Installation of well point dewatering set including supply of all accessories, set
materials and labours for one 5 cusec vacuum pump for minimum 100 well
points in controlling subsurface water during construction, providing shrouding
materials, conducting test operation and subsequent removal of the complete
dewatering set in accordance with standard specification and field requirement,
as per direction of Engineer in charge.
12-150 Operation of well point system, by 5 cusec vacuum pump for dewatering of pphour
subsurface water, maintaining draw down records including supply of
necessary fuels, lubricants, operation personnel and maintenance of the same
upto completion of the work in accordance with standard specification and
direction of Engineer in charge.
12-160 Demobilization of complete well point system, equipments and accessories ps/km
from one place to another including loading and unloading as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
12-180 Installation of dewatering tubewells at site for controlling subsurface water ptwell
during construction, including supply of all materials, equipments, fuels,
lubricants etc. providing shrouding materials, conducting well testing &
development and subsequent removal of complete dewatering system in
accordance with standard specification and field requirement etc. complete
including sealing of hole, mobilization and demobilization of equipments and
accessories (contractor has to prepare and submit a dewatering plan based on
field requirement to the competent authority for approval, prior to installation
of the tube well) as pe direction of Engineer in charge.
12-180-05 12.0m depth including strainer (as per design) and 75mm dia tubewell (bore ptwell
hole 200mm dia) with PVC pipe and strainer.
12-180-10 18.0m depth including strainer (as per design) and 75mm dia tubewell (bore ptwell
hole 200mm dia) with PVC pipe and strainer.
12-180-15 12m depth including strainer (as per design) and 100mm dia tubewell (bore ptwell
hole 250mm dia) with PVC pipe and strainer.
12-180-20 18m depth including strainer (as per design) and 100mm dia tubewell (bore ptwell
hole 250mm dia) with PVC pipe and strainer.
12-180-25 18m depth including strainer (as per design) and 150mm dia tubewell (bore ptwell
hole dia 300mm dia) with PVC pipe and strainer.
12-180-30 24m depth including strainer (as per design) and 150mm dia tubewell (bore ptwell
hole dia 300mm dia) with PVC pipe and strainer.
12-180-35 30m depth including strainer (as per design) and 150mm dia tubewell (bore ptwell
hole dia 300mm dia) with PVC pipe and strainer.
12-180-40 18m depth including strainer (as per design) and 150mm dia tubewell (housing ptwell
pipe 300mm dia and bowel assembly) with GI pipe and brass strainer.
12-180-45 24m depth including strainer (as per design) and 150mm dia tubewell (housing ptwell
pipe 300mm dia and bowel assembly) with GI pipe and brass strainer.
12-180-50 30m depth including strainer (as per design) and 150mm dia tubewell (housing ptwell
pipe 300mm dia and bowel assembly) with GI pipe and brass strainer.
12-180-55 18m depth including strainer (as per design) and 200mm dia tubewell (housing ptwell
pipe 350mm dia and bowel assembly) with GI pipe and brass strainer.
12-180-60 24m depth including strainer (as per design) and 200mm dia tubewell (housing ptwell
pipe 350mm dia and bowel assembly) with GI pipe and brass strainer.
12-180-65 30m depth including strainer (as per design) and 200mm dia tubewell (housing ptwell
pipe 350mm dia and bowel assembly) with GI pipe and brass strainer.
12-200 Operation of tubewell by centrifugal pump for dewatering of subsurface water, pphour
maintaining drawdown records including supply of necessary fuels, lubricants,
operation personnel and maintenance of the same upto the completion of the
work as per specification and direction of Engineer in charge.
12-210 Operation of tubewell by 2 cusec turbine pump for dewatering of subsurface pphour
water, maintaining drawdown records including supply of necessary fuels,
lubricants, operation personnel and maintenance of the same upto the
completion of the work as per specification and direction of Engineer in charge.
12-210-10 For 18m depth of tubewell : Electric Motor, 20 HP with 2 cusec pump. pphour
12-210-20 For 24m depth of tubewell : Electric Motor, 25 HP with 2 cusec pump. pphour
12-210-30 For 30m depth of tubewell : Electric Motor, 30 HP with 2 cusec pump. pphour
12-250 Installation of Booster Pump for major structure (5 cusec Turbine Pump with each
Motor and all other accessories) at suitable elevation within area to be
dewatered including construction of masonry sump of 2.5mx2.5mx3.0m,
connecting the delivery pipes of the wells, mounting the pumps and motors,
laying in position the high head delivery pipes upto discharge outlet including
staging, electric connections and test operations etc. complete as per approved
dewatering plan and direction of Engineer in charge.
12-260 Operation of Booster Pump for dewatering of subsurface water, including pphour
supply of necessary fuels, lubricants, operation personnel and maintenance of
the same upto completion of the work as per standard specification and
direction of Engineer in charge.
12-300 Construction of sump well with dug holes of size 1.80 m x 2.0 m, laying in each
position the perforated empty diesel/petrol drum sheet of 1.00 m dia to a depth
1.5m having slot area of 1000 sq.cm/sqm, slot dia being 30mm each with
supply of necessary shrouding materials comprising of 60% 40mm down
graded khoa and 40% coarse sand of FM>=2.50 and placing those around and
beneath the drum sheet having thickness of 40cm and 50cm respectively
including necessary welding, fitting etc. complete as per direction of Engineer
in charge.
12-310 Bailing out of water with all leads and lifts by manual labour or pump, with all cum
arrangements for protection of ring bund and side slopes of foundation pit
against erosion or washout etc. complete actual volume of work will be
measured by sounding method before starting the work) as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
16 . Earthwork
16-100 Erection of bamboo profile with full bamboo posts and pegs not less than 60mm each
in diameter and coir strings etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in
16-130 Earth work by manual labour in all kinds of soil in excavation or reexcavation cum
of channels with the initial lead of 30m and lift of 1.5m including levelling,
dressing and throwing the spoils to profile with breaking clods, rough dressing,
clearing jungles including cutting trees upto 200mm girth, dug bailing etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
16-140 Earth work by manual labour in resectioning of embankment/ canal bank/ river cum
slopes/ road/ compound etc. manually compacted by 7.0 kg iron rammer to
avoid any air pocket in clayey soil (minimum 30% clay, 0-40% silt and 0-30%
sand) within the initial lead of 30m and all lifts including throwing the spoils
to profile in layers not exceeding 150mm thickness with clod breaking to a
maximum size of 100mm, removing roots & stumps of trees of girth upto
200mm from the ground, benching the side slopes, stripping/ ploughing the
base of embankment and borrowpit areas, dug bailing, bail out of water, rough
dressing including 150mm cambering at the centre of the crest (where
necessary) etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
16-150 Earth work in excavation of foundation trenches in all kinds of soils including cum
levelling, dressing, placing, removal of spoils to a safe distance with initial lead
of 30m and lift of 1.5m as per direction of Engineer in charge.
16-190 Extra rate for every additional lead of 15m or part thereof beyond the initial pldcum
lead of 30m upto a maximum of 19 leads (3m neglected) for all kinds of earth
16-200 Extra rate for every additional lift of 1.0m or part thereof beyond the initial lift pltcum
of 1.5m (30cm neglected) for all kinds of earth work.
16-210-10 0.0m to 6.0m height and above, with 85% compaction. cum
16-210-20 0.0m to 6.0m height and above, with 90% compaction. cum
16-220 Earth work by manual labour with clayey soil (minimum 30% clay, 0-40% silt cum
and 0-30% sand) in construction of cross bundh/ ring bundh as per design and
specification with all leads and lifts, throwing the earth in layers not exceeding
150mm in thickness, including breaking clods, rough dressing, clearing the
jungle, removing stumps, dug bailing and 75mm cambering etc. complete as
per direction of Engineer in charge.
16-230 Compaction of earth in resectioning of embankment/ canal bank/ road/ river cum
bank slopes/ compounds etc as per design to profile in layers not exceeding
150mm in thickness in all kinds of soils etc. complete as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
16-230-10 By engine operated vibratory soil compactor to attain 80% maximum dry cum
density at optimum moisture content with reference to laboratory density test
AASHTO-180 modified hammer.
16-230-20 By 7.00 kg. iron rammer to remove all voids from soil. cum
16-240 Earth work by manual labour, in all kinds of soil in removing the cross bundh/ cum
ring bundh, including all leads and lifts complete and placing the spoils to a
safe distance, (minimun 15m apart from the bank) as per direction of Engineer
in charge.
16-270 Earth work by manual labour with clayey soil (minimum 30% clay, 0-40% silt cum
and 0-30% sand) for closing breach or channel, with all leads and lifts within
the channel width including profiling, clod breaking, ramming etc. complete as
per specification and direction of Engineer in charge.
16-280 Earth work in closing ghogs or holes in the embankment or banks with clayey cum
soil (minimum 30% clay, 0-40% silt and 0-30% sand) including cutting,
filling, watering etc. complete with all leads and lifts (only pit measurement
will be allowed) as per direction of Engineer in charge.
16-300 Royalty of specified earth taken from private land (with prior permission of the cum
Executive Engineer on production of royalty deeds with the land owner) from
the area to be selected by the contractor with mutual agreement.
16-310 Earth work in excavation of foundation trenches in all kinds of soil as per cum
layout plan of foundation excavation with all leads and lifts and placing the
spoil earth for constructing the ring bundh/ cofferdam where necessary as per
design and specification or disposing it to a safe distance including pushing,
levelling, dressing, etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
16-310-10 For moving spoil earth upto a distance of 100m from the centre of the pit. cum
16-310-20 For moving spoil earth upto a distance of 200m from the centre of the pit. cum
16-310-30 For moving spoil earth upto a distance of 300m and above from the centre of cum
the pit.
16-330 Earth work in excavation of foundation trench in all kinds of soil as per design cum
and specification, including removing spoils, levelling, dressing ramming etc
complete (for building work) as per direction of Engineer in charge.
16-340 Earth work in removal of slushy earth, including all leads and lifts form the bed cum
of the sluices or any other places, in accordance with specification (prior
permission from the Executive Engineer has to be taken before execution of the
work regarding necessity and quantity of work) as per direction of Engineer in
16-350 Earth work by Carried Earth (by truck/boat or any other means) supplied at cum
contractor's own cost (including royalty) in resectioning of embankment/ canal
bank/ river slopes/ road/ compound etc. manually compacted by 7.0 kg iron
rammer to avoid any air pocket with clayey soil (minimum 30% clay, 0-40%
silt, 0-30% sand) beyond the initial lead of 300m and all lifts including
throwing the spoils to profile in layers not exceeding 150mm thickness with
clod breaking to a maximum size of 100mm, removing roots & stumps of trees
of girth upto 200mm from the ground, benching the side slopes, stripping/
ploughing the base of embankment and borrowpit areas, dug bailing, bail out of
water, rough dressing including 150mm cambering at the centre of the crest
(where necessary) etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
16-360 Earth work by carried earth by truck/boat or any other means supplied at cum
contractor's own cost (including royalty) in constructing/ resectioning of the
embankment/ canal bank/ road etc. in clayey soil (minimum 30% clay, 0-40%
silt and 0-30% sand) beyond the initial lead of 300m including throwing the
spoils to a profile in layers not exceeding 150mm in thickness, breaking clods,
benching the side slopes, stripping the base of embankment and borrow pit
area, dug bailing, cutting trees upto 200mm girth with uprooting stumps,
clearing jungles, bail out of water, rough dressing and 150mm cambering at the
centre of the crest etc. complete as per design, specification and direction of
Engineer in charge.
16-370 Earth work by carried earth (by truck/boat or any other means) supplied at cum
contractor's own cost (including royalty) with clayey soil (minimum 30% clay,
0-40% silt and 0-30% sand) in closing breach or channel for double handling
in final closing with all leads and lifts including clod breaking , dressing and
ramming etc. complete (applicable in case of final closing portion only) as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
16-380 Earth work by carried (by truck/boat or any other means) earth supplied at cum
contractor's own cost (including royalty) with clayey soil (minimum 30% clay,
0-40% silt and 0-30% sand) for closing breach or channel with all leads and
lifts within the channel width including clod breaking, ramming etc. complete
beyond 300m from the centre of the channel as per direction of Engineer in
16-390 Manufacturing, supplying and laying matha (average dia 0.9m) of golpata, cum
straw and clayee soil tied with straw rope and fixing in position with bamboo of
60mm to 80mm dia and 3.0m to 3.7m long at 2.4m (average) apart for
construction of closure dam etc. complete including the cost of all materials as
per direction of Engineer in charge.
16-400 Manufacturing and supplying packed straw bundles (average dia 0.9m and bundle
1.20m long) tied with straw rope and laying in position for construction of
closure dam etc. complete including the cost of all materials as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
16-410 Earth work by carried earth (by truck/boat or any other means) supplied at cum
contractor's own cost (including royalty) in constructing/ resectioning of the
embankment/ canal bank/ road etc. compacted to 85%/90% maximum dry
density at optimum moisture content with reference to laboratory density test
AASHTO modified hammer, with clayey soil (minimum 30% clay, 0-40% silt
and 0-30% sand) beyond initial lead of 300m including throwing the spoils to
profiles in layer not exceeding 230mm in thickness with clod breaking to
maximum size of 100mm, benching the side slopes, removing roots and stumps
of trees of girth upto 200mm, stripping/ ploughing the base of embankment and
borrow pit area, dug bailing, clearing jungles, bail out of water, rough dressing
including 150mm cambering at the centre of crest with all leads and lifts
complete (compaction will be done by the contractor with approved equipment
including all ancillary charges for compaction and testing) as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
16-410-40 1.00 km.to 5.00 km. 90% compaction, (Extra rate) cum
16-420 Earth work by carried earth (by truck/boat or any other means) supplied at cum
contractor's own cost (including royalty) in constructing cross bundh or ring
bundh, with clayey soil (minimum 30% clay, 0-40% silt and 0-30% sand)
beyond initial lead of 300m with all leads and lifts, throwing the earth in layer
not exceeding 150mm in thickness, including clod breaking, benching the side
slopes, rough dressing, clearing the jungles, removing the stumps, dug bailing
and 75mm cambering etc. complete as per design specification and direction of
Engineer in charge.
16-430 Earth work by carried earth by truck/boat or any other means) supplied at cum
contractor's own cost (including royalty) beyond initial lead of 300m, in
resectioning/ repair of old embankment/ road as per design and specification
with clayey soil (minimum 30% clay, 0-40% silt and 0-30% sand) including
removal of weeds, bush etc. if any, breaking clods, dressing etc. complete with
all leads and lifts as per direction of Engineer in charge.
16-440 Earth work by borrowing earth from river bed (all kind of soil but excluding cum
organic material) and carried to site by any means by contractor
constructing/re-sectioning of embankment with in initial distance of 1.0 km
and with all necessary lift including throwing the earth to profiles in layers not
exceeding150 mm in thickness with prior preparation of base of the
embankment by stripping/ploughing, dug bailing, cutting trees up to 200 mm
girth with uprooting stumps, clearing jungles, bailing out water, breaking
clods, benching the side slopes, rough dressing and cambering the crest to a
height of 150 mm at the center and compacting to 85%/90% minimum dry
density at optimum moisture content with reference to laboratory density test
AASHTO modified hammer with suitable equipment dressing etc complete as
per design specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge. Location of river
bed from where earth will be collected and quality of borrow soil must have
prior approval from the Engineer-in-charge. In no circumstances, earth shall be
borrowed from agricultural/homestead land. The borrow earth have to be
collected from river bed by avoiding any detrimental impact on the river
16-440-10 Borrowed earth from river bed: From 0.00 m to 1.00 km (85% compaction). cum
16-440-20 Borrowed earth from river bed: Beyond1.00 km to 5.00 km, 85% compaction cum
(extra rate).
16-440-30 Borrowed earth from river bed: From 0.00 m to 1.00 km (90% compaction). cum
16-440-40 Borrowed earth from river bed: Beyond1.00 km to 5.00 km, 90% compaction cum
(extra rate).
16-450 Providing clay blanket/clay core by carried earth supplied at contractor's own cum
cost (including royalty) in different thickness over embankment crest and side
slopes/embankment core/bed and slope of irrigation canal/crest and side slopes
of irrigation canal dykes etc. with selected clay (clay content minimum 80%
and silt content maximum 20%) including throwing clay in layers not
exceeding 150mm in thickness, clod breaking, benching the side slopes, and
compacting to 85% maximum dry density at optimum moisture content with
suitable equipment, dressing etc. complete (clay blanket should be extended
upto 0.5m below the berm on the outside of embankment/ irrigation canal dyke
etc.) as per design, specification and direction of Engineer in charge.
16-460 Providing clay cover by carried earth by any means in different thickness over cum
the side slopes or crest of the embankment or clay core in side the embankment
with selected soil (clay content minimum 80% and silt content 0-20%)
including throwing clay in layers not exceeding 150 mm in thickness, clod
breaking, benching the side slopes and compacting to 90% minimum dry
density at optimum moisture content with reference to laboratory density test
AASHTO modified hammer with suitable equipment dressing etc. complete as
per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Composition of specified soil must be
confirmed by laboratory test (from a recognized Institute) before use.
Compaction of the soil must also be confirmed by test (expenditure for all Test
is the responsibility of contractor).
16-460-10 Carried earth by any means: From 0.00 m to 1.00 km. cum
16-460-20 Carried earth by any means: Beyond 1.00 km to 5.00 km (Extra rate). cum
16-470 Earth work by manual labour in all kinds of soil for excavation/ re-excavation cum
of pond/ tank and constructing bank as per design and specification, throwing
the spoil earth in layers of 150mm including breaking clods, dressing, profiling
etc. complete with all leads and lifts as per direction of Engineer in charge.
16-510 Earth filling in foundation trenches, plinth and back filling including cum
consolidation in 150mm layer, watering etc. complete (building only) as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
16-520 Supplying and filling sand in foundation of hydraulic structures, buildings and cum
in protective works with selected sand, in 150mm thick layer, including
levelling, dressing, ramming, watering etc. complete (compacted to 50%
relative density by manual labour using mallet/ vibro compactor) as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
16-530 Back filling in hydraulic structures and slope building in protective works cum
including all leads and lifts with selected local soil in layer of 150mm including
watering, ramming etc. complete compacted to 20% relative density by
compactor or any other suitable method as per direction of Engineer in charge.
16-540 Back filling in hydraulic structures including all leads and lifts in 150mm layer cum
including watering, ramming, compacting to 30% relative density etc. complete
by compactor or any other suitable method as per direction of Engineer in
16-560 Shoring for slope protection of foundation trench, canal, embankment, road, sqm
pond etc. as per design slopes, grades including removal of spoils to a safe
distance as per direction of Engineer in charge.
16-560-10 By bamboo post of 6.0m length, 60mm to 80mm dia, 25 cm c/c and 2.0m drive sqm
with diagonally woven tarza walling and average 70mm dia half split bamboo
batten @ 2.0m c/c fixed with nails.
16-560-20 By bamboo post of 6.0m length, 60mm to 80mm dia, 20cm c/c, driven 2.0m sqm
below ground, with drum sheet walling and average 70mm dia half split
bamboo batten @ 2.0m c/c fixed with nails.
16-560-30 By local hard wood ballah post of 6.0m length, 125mm dia, 1.0m c/c, and 2.0m sqm
drive with 6.0m long bamboo of avarage 75mm dia, @ 1.0m c/c and 2.0m
drive with drum sheet walling and average 70mm dia half split bamboo batten
@ 2.0m c/c fixed with nails.
16-600 Earth work by Mechanical Excavator ( Long Boom ) in all kinds of soil in cum
excavation / re-excavation of channel/canal/khal etc. Including disposal of
spoil-soil upto 30m away from the point of excavation with rough dressing
and levelling etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
16-615 Extra Rate for every additional shift of Dredged/Excavated earth or shifting of pspc
earth by Mechanical Excavator ( Long Boom ) of 30m or part thereof beyond
the initial shift of 30m upto a maximum of 9 shift for all kind of earthwork
shift. (Unit: per shift per cum)
16-620 Extra Rate for Carriage of Dredged earth/Excavated earth or shifting of earth
by dump truck including loading, unloading complete as per direction of
Engineer in charge. Extra Rate for Carriage of Dredged earth/Excavated earth
by dump truck including loading, unloading complete as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
16-630 Extra Rate for Carriage of Dredged earth/Excavated earth by cargo/Engine boat
or by any other means including loading, unloading complete as per direction
of Engineer in charge.
16-650-20 Embk. by Mech. Equipment; ht: 4 to 6m & above; 85% comp. cum
16-650-40 Embk. by Mech. Equipment; ht: 4 to 6m & above; 90% comp. cum
16-660 Earth work by carried earth (by truck/boat or any other means) supplied at cum
contractor's own cost (including royalty) in constructing/ resectioning of the
embankment/ canal bank/ road etc. by Mechanical Excavator (Long Boon)
compacted to 85%/90% maximum dry density at optimum moisture content
with reference to laboratory density test AASHTO modified hammer, with
clayey soil (minimum 30% clay, 0-40% silt and 0-30% sand) beyond initial
lead of 300m including throwing the spoils to profiles in layer not exceeding
230mm in thickness with clod breaking to maximum size of 100mm, benching
the side slopes, removing roots and stumps of trees of girth upto 200mm,
stripping/ ploughing the base of embankment and borrow pit area, dug bailing,
clearing jungles, rough dressing including 150mm cambering at the centre of
crest with all leads and lifts complete (compaction will be done by the
contractor with approved equipment including all ancillary charges for
compaction and testing) as per direction of Engineer in charge.
16-660-20 300 m to 1 km and Embk. ht: 4 to 6 m and above with 85% Comp. cum
16-660-40 300 m to 1 km and Embk. ht: 4 to 6 m and above with 90% Comp. cum
16-660-60 1 km to 5 km and Embk. ht: 4 to 6 m and above with 85% Comp. cum
16-660-80 1 km to 5 km and Embk. ht: 4 to 6 m and above with 90% Comp. cum
20 . Brick Work
20-100 Single brick flat soling including preparation of bed, sand filling (FM>=0.50), sqm
levelling, dressing and sand blinding in foundation or floor with supply of all
materials etc. complete and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
20-200 Brick work with 1st. class bricks in cement mortar (sand of FM>=1.50) in cum
foundation and plinth, including soaking bricks in clean water for 6 hours,
cleaning the bricks, raking out joints, staging, sorting, curing at least for 7 days
, including supply of all materials etc. complete and as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
20-220 Extra rate for brick work in superstructure in different stories, over the rates of cum
brick work in foundation and plinth:
20-230 125 mm thick brick work with 1st. class bricks in cement mortar (sand of cum.
FM>=1.50) including soaking bricks in clean water for 6 hours, cleaning the
bricks, raking out joints, staging, sorting, curing at least for 7 days, including
supply of all materials etc. complete (in ground floor) and as per direction of
Engineer in charge:
20-240 Extra rate for 125mm thick brick work in superstructure in different stories sqm
over the rate of brick work in ground floor.
20-250 Brick work with 10 hole machine made ceramic bricks of approved size cum
having uniform colour, carefully laid in cement mortar 1:4 (sand of
FM>=1.50) in ground floor superstructure with uniform width and depth of
joints true to vertical and horizontal lines, including soaking bricks in clean
water for 6 hours, cleaning the bricks, raking out joints, staging, sorting,
pointing with cement mortar (1:2), cleaning the surface, including supply of
all materials etc. complete and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
20-260 Extra rate for 10 hole machine made ceramic brick work in superstructure of cum
different stories over the rate of brick work in ground floor etc.complete as per
direction of Enginneer in charge.
20-280 75mm thick brick work with 1st. class bricks in all kinds of works in cement sqm
mortar 1:3 (sand of FM>=1.5) including soaking bricks, raking out joints,
staging, sorting, cleaning the surface, curing at least for 14 days including the
cost of all materials etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
20-290 Providing brick work in facing in superstructure with 200mm x 50mm x 50mm sqm
machine made ceramic pressed bricks of approved quality with cement mortar
1:4 (sand of FM>=1.50) including soaking bricks in clean water for 6 hours,
cleaning the bricks, raking out joints, staging, sorting, high class ruled
pointing, cleaning the surface, curing at least for 7 days, including supply of all
materials etc. complete for all floors as per direction of Engineer in charge.
20-300 125 mm thick jally brick work in cement mortar 1:4,(sand of FM>=1.50) sqm
including soaking bricks in clean water for 6 hours, cleaning the bricks, raking
out joints, staging, sorting, cleaning the surface, curing at least for 14 days,
including supply of all materials etc. complete for all floors as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
24 . Plastering Work
24-100 Minimum 20mm thick sand cement plaster, (sand of FM>=1.3) in ground sqm
floor, including scaffolding, raking out joints, making sharp edges and corners,
cleaning the surface, curing for at least seven days etc. complete including the
cost of all materials and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
24-110 Extra rate for 20mm thick sand cement plaster, in super structure for each floor sqm
over ground floor.
24-130 Minimum 12mm thick sand cement plaster, (sand of FM>=1.30) in ground sqm
floor, including scaffolding, raking out joints, making sharp edges and corners,
cleaning the surface, curing for at least 7 days etc. complete including the cost
of all materials and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
24-140 Extra rate for 12mm thick sand cement plaster in super structure for each floor sqm
over ground floor.
24-160 Minimum 6mm thick sand cement plaster (sand of FM>=1.30) over concrete sqm
faces , in ground floor super structure, including chipping the surfaces,
scaffolding, making sharp edges and corners, cleaning the surface, curing for at
least 7 days etc. complete including the cost of all materials and as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
24-170 Extra rate for 6mm thick sand cement plaster in super struture for each floor sqm
over ground floor,
24-180 Neat cement finishing on plaster surfaces just after initial setting of plaster in sqm
all floors including curing at least for seven days with supply of all materials
etc complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
24-200 Drip coarse at the edge of sunshade or cornices, with 1:4 sand cement mortar m
(sand of FM>=1.30) including cleaning the surface, curing for at least 7 days,
scaffolding etc. complete in all floors with supply of all materials and as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
24-300 Rule pointing to brick work in sand cement mortar (sand of FM>=1.3), sqm
including scaffolding, curing, raking out joints, clearing the surfaces etc.
complete in all floors, with supply of all materials and as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
24-310 Flush pointing to brick works, in sand cement mortar (sand of FM>=1.3), sqm
including scaffolding, curing, raking out joints, clearing the surface etc.
complete in all floors including the cost of all materials and as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
26 . Admixture
26-100 Water Reducer & Plasticizer for Pilling : Supplying and applying specified type Ltr
of chemical such as Con-Lub or equivalent, confirming the current chemical
specification requirements like physical properties, uniformity & equivalence in
composition etc. for the treatment of Water Reducing, strength gaining, better
workability, anti-corrosive, no segregation, perfect compaction etc. Prepare
concrete screening using 300 ml - 750 ml Con-Lub with 50kg cement. Initially
300 ml - 750 ml Con-Lub for 1 bag cement is to be mixed with required
amount of water which will be used in preparation of concrete or doges
mentioned in the manufacturer's brochures and strictly following the
recommendation and instruction, providing safety provision in all respect etc.
All complete as per direction of the E-I-C.
26-150 Water Reducer & Plasticizer for Superstructure, Block & other Concretes: Ltr
Supplying and applying specified type of chemical such as Con-Lub or
equivalent, confirming the current chemical specification requirements like
physical properties, uniformity & equivalence in composition etc. for the
treatment of Water Reducing, strength gaining, better workability,
anti-corrosive, no segregation, perfect compaction etc. Prepare concrete
screening using 250 ml - 700 ml Con-Lub with 50kg cement. Initially 250 ml -
700 ml Con-Lub for 1 bag cement is to be mixed with required amount of water
which will be used in preparation of concrete or doges mentioned in the
manufacturer's brochures and strictly following the recommendation and
instruction, providing safety provision in all respect etc. All complete as per
direction of the E-I-C.
26-200 Chemical for Water Proofing Basement Floor, Ground Floor, Retaining walls, Ltr
Water Reservoirs, Water Tank, ETP, WETP or Drain Concreting etc:
Supplying and applying specified type of chemical such as Foam-Lub or
equivalent, confirming the current chemical specification requirements like
physical properties, uniformity & equivalence in composition etc. for the
treatment of Water & Damp Proofing, vibration tolerance, better
compatibility,void & porosity reducing, Reduce permeability of concrete,
shrinkage factor controlling of heat of hydration etc. Prepare Concrete
screening using 500 ml Foam-Lub with 50kg of cement. Initially 500 ml
Foam-Lub for 1 bag cement is to be mixed with required amount of water
which will be used in preparation of concrete or doges mentioned in the
manufacturer's brochures and strictly following the recommendation and
instruction, providing safety provision in all respect etc. All complete as per
direction of the E-I-C.
26-250 Chemical for Anti Salinity & Damp Proofing Plaster Work (Inside & outside Sqm
Wall) : Supplying and applying specified type of chemicals such as Desalt-S01
and Foam-Lub or equivalent, confirming the current chemical specification
requirements like physical properties, uniformity & equivalence in composition
etc. for the treatment of Anti-salinity, Damp proofing, Partial auto Curing,
Reduce hair Cracks etc. at inside and outside brick walls. Prepare a mixture
with the proportion of 1 liter Desalt-S01, 10 liter Water and 25ml or 1 div
Catalyst. Cleaning the surface properly and apply one coat of Desalt-S01
mixture with a jute brush or spray over the exposed brick surface (before
plaster). Use the mixture within 2 hours of preparation. After that, prepare
sand-cement mortar for plastering work using admixture as Foam-lub 250 ml
with 50kg cement. Initially 250 ml Foam-lub for 1bag cement is to be mixed
with required amount of water which will be used in preparation of sand
cement mortar or doges mentioned in the manufacturer’s brochures and strictly
following the recommendation and instruction, providing safety provision in all
respect etc. all complete as per direction of the E-I-C. (Excluding cost of
Plastering Work).
26-300 Chemical for Anti Salinity, Damp & Water-Proofing Liquid Felt treatment: sqm
Supplying and applying specified type of chemicals such as Desalt-S01,
Hydroseal Ef-32, Foam-Lub and associates materials (Coal-Tar, Kerosin) or
equivalent, confirming the current chemical specification requirements like
physical properties, uniformity & equivalence in composition etc. for the
treatment of Damp & water Proofing liquid Felt membrane at Basement floor,
Roof gardening etc . To Prepare a mixture in proportion of 1 liter of
Desalt-S01, 10 liters of water and 25 ml of Catalyst. Apply 1 Coat of the
mixture within 2 hours of Preparation with a Jute Brush. Then Prepare a
mixture of 4 liters of Hydro seal Ef-32, 4 liters of water, 100 ml of T-Catalyst
and 50 ml of R-Catalyst in a Bucket. In another Bucket Prepare a mixture of 4
liters of Coal-tar and 1 liter of Kerosin, Mix the elements of the Buckets
together properly. Apply 3 Coats of prepared mixture with Jute Brush on the
floor surface at an interval of 12 hours; water will be reduced by 2 liters in the
2nd Coat and without water in the 3rd Coat. After applying 3rd coat, spread
cement on it and make 3” CC casting. To prepare a mixture of Concrete in
proportion of 250 ml Foam-Lub with 50 Kg of Cement. Initially 250 ml
Foam-Lub for 1 bag cement is to be mixed with required amount of water
which will be used in preparation of concrete or doges mentioned in the
manufacturer's brochures and strictly following the recommendation and
instruction, providing safety provision in all respect etc. All complete as per
direction of the E-I-C.
26-350 Chemical for Heat Reducing & Water-Proofing treatment for Patent stone sqm
Concrete: Supplying and applying specified type of chemical such as Foam-Lub
(Meta) or equivalent, confirming the current chemical specification
requirements like physical properties, uniformity & equivalence in composition
etc. for the treatment of Heat insulating & Water proofing Patent stone
Concrete. At first, Chipping and clean the surface of base concrete properly.
Then Prepare a mixture of Curdy- Dense Foam-Lub (Meta) Cement grout in
proportion of 2 liters of Foam-Lub (Meta), 40 liters of Water and 1 bag or 50
Kgs of cement. Apply prepared Cement Grout with a broom on Roof surface
properly. After applying Cement Grout, make average 3” patent stone casting.
To prepare a mixture of Concrete Screeding in proportion of 500 ml Foam-Lub
(Meta) with 50 Kg of Cement. Initially 500 ml of Foam-Lub (Meta) is to be
mixed with required amount of water which will be used in preparation of
concrete that needs 50 Kgs or 1 bag of Cement and Wire Mesh (22 Gage) or
Expending Metal Net (1" to 1.5"gap) have to use in middle position of the
patent stone. Curing properly and Use the mixture within 1 hour of preparation
or doges mentioned in the manufacturer's brochures and strictly following the
recommendation and instruction, providing safety provision in all respect etc.
All complete as per direction of the E-I-C. (Excluding cost of concrete
Screeding, 1:1.5:3)
26-400 Chemical for Heat Reducing & Water-Proofing Roof Slab treatment : Ltr
Supplying and applying specified type of chemical such as Foam-Lub (Meta)
or equivalent, confirming the current chemical specification requirements like
physical properties, uniformity & equivalence in composition etc. for the
treatment of Heat insulating & Water proofing Roof Slab. Prepare Concrete
screening using 500 ml Foam-Lub (Meta) with 50 Kg of Cement. Initially 500
ml of Foam-Lub (Meta) is to be mixed with required amount of water which
will be used in preparation of concrete that needs 50 Kgs or 1 bag of Cement or
doges mentioned in the manufacturer's brochures and strictly following the
recommendation and instruction, providing safety provision in all respect etc.
All complete as per direction of the E-I-C.
26-450 Chemical for fair face Treatment on sand, stones, ceramics & ordinary brick Sqm
works: Supplying and applying specified type of chemicals such as Desalt-S01
and Hydro-Seal, Ef-34 or equivalent, confirming the current chemical
specification requirements like physical properties, uniformity & equivalence in
composition etc. for Machine Made/Ceramic brick face treatment on claded or
normal exposed fair face brick and sand stone to prevent salinity, water
absorption and growth of algae. To Prepare a mixture in proportion of 1 liter of
Desalt- S01, 10 liter of Water and 25ml or 1 point/mark of Catalyst. Apply one
coat of mixture with a jute brush or spray. Use the mixture within 2 hours of
preparation. After 12 hours of application, clean the surface with water using
soft brush. Wait 4 days minimum for drying the surface. On dried up surface,
apply one coat of Hydro-Seal, Ef-34 mixture prepared in proportion of 1 litre
of Hydro-Seal Ef-34, 6 litre of water and 25 ml or1 point/mark of T. catalyst
using jute brush. After one day apply second coat of Hydro-Seal,Ef-34 mixture
prepared in proportion of 1 liter of hydro-Seal, Ef-34, 5 liter of water & 25 ml
or 1 point/mark of T. catalyst on the same dried surface. Again after one day of
the applying 2 nd coat, apply third coat of hydro-Seal,Ef-34 mixture prepared
in same proportion of second coat on the same dried surface or doges
mentioned in the manufacturer's brochures and strictly following the
recommendation and instruction, providing safety provision in all respect etc.
All complete as per direction of the E-I-C.
26-500 Chemical for Anti-termite treatment : Supplying and applying specified type of Kg
chemical such as Pestearthy of Baral Chemicals or equivalent best quality,
confirming the current chemical specification requirements like physical
properties, uniformity & equivalence in composition etc. for the treatment of
Anti-termite inside (Floor) of building & outside (Barrier) of building :
a. Inside (Floor) of building : At first fill the floor with sand and soil. Then
spread Pestearthy equally on the surface of the floor. 1 kg Pestearthy spread 300
sft of coverage area.
b. Outside (Barrier) of building : Dig the canal in the soil outside and attached
to the external wall and make a surrounding canal of 600 mm wide and 600
mm deep. Spread Pestaerthy equally on the bottom layer of the canal. Fill up
half of the canal with soil or sand. Then spread Pestearthy as 2nd layer the
half-filled canal by the same way.After that fill up the 3/4 of the canal with soil
or sand and spread Pestearthy as 3rd or final layer on the surface and fill the
rest part of the canal with sand,soil,cement concrete etc. Pestearthy 1 kg spread
surrounding canal of 3 layers by 12.20 meter or doges mentioned in the
manufacturer's brochures and strictly following the recommendation and
instruction, providing safety provision in all respect etc. All complete as per
direction of the E-I-C.
26-550 Chemical for Anti-termite treatment in affected building Wall & Wood Ltr
Furnitures : Supplying and applying specified type of chemicals such as
Pestonol or equivalent, confirming the current chemical specification
requirements like physical properties, uniformity & equivalence in composition
etc. for the treatment of Anti -termite. To Prepare a mixture in proportion of 1
liter of Pestonol and 20 liter of Water. Then Apply prepared mixture on the
surface of the affected building wall & furniture with a spray machine or inject
the affected area. Use the mixture within 2 hours of preparation or doges
mentioned in the manufacturer's brochures and strictly following the
recommendation and instruction, providing safety provision in all respect etc.
All complete as per direction of the E-I-C.
26-600 Chemical for Salinity Protective & Sulphate Resistance: Supplying and Ltr
applying specified type of chemical such as Con Lub-S or equivalent,
confirming the current chemical specification requirements like physical
properties, uniformity & equivalence in composition etc. for the treatment of
Salinity Protective, Sulphate Resistance & Anti-corrosive of Concrete. Prepare
concrete screening using 400 ml - 700 ml Con Lub-S with 50kg cement.
Initially 400 ml - 700 ml Con Lub-S for 1 bag cement is to be mixed with
required amount of water which will be used in preparation of concrete or
doges mentioned in the manufacturer's brochures and strictly following the
recommendation and instruction, providing safety provision in all respect etc.
All complete as per direction of the E-I-C.
26-650 Chemical for Anti-Salinity & Damp Proofing Repairing Work of old Building: Sqm
Supplying and applying specified type of chemicals such as Desalt-S01 and
Foam-Lub or equivalent, confirming the current chemical specification
requirements like physical properties, uniformity & equivalence in composition
etc. for the treatment of Anti-salinity & damp proofing Repairing work. First of
all, Remove existing plaster and pointing on the damped wall/surface concern
and clean the surface properly with broom, do not use water.Then Prepare a
mixture in proportion of 1 liter of Desalt-S01, 10 liter water and 25 ml or 1 div
catalyst. Apply one coat of the mixture within 2 hours of preparation on
exposed concrete surface/brick walls with a jute brush. Prepare a mixture of
Curdy-Dense Foam-Lub Cement Grout in proportion of 2 liters Foam-Lub, 35
liters of water and 50 kgs cement.Apply 3 coats of prepared Cement Grout with
a jute brush on the brick walls/concrete surfaces at an interval of 6 hours. Sand-
Cement plaster work will be started after application of 3rd coat of curdy-dense
Foam-Lub cement grout. After that, Prepare sand-cement mortar for plastering
work using admixture as Foam-Lub 500 ml with 50 kg cement. Initially 500 ml
Foam-Lub for 1 bag cement is to be mixed with required amount of water
which will be used in preparation of sand cement mortar or doges mentioned in
the manufacturer's brochures and strictly following the recommendation and
instruction, providing safety provision in all respect etc. All complete as per
direction of the E-I-C. (Excluding cost of Plastering Work)
28 . Concrete Construction
28-100 Cement concrete work in leanest mix. 1:4:8, with sand of FM>=1.5, in cum
foundation or floor, including breaking, screening, grading and washing
aggregates with clear water, mixing, laying in position, consolidation to levels,
curing, including supply of all materials, excluding the cost of formworks etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
28-100-10 With 25mm down graded picked jhama or 1st. class brick chips. cum
28-100-40 With 40mm down graded picked jhama or 1st. class brick chips. cum
28-120 Cement concrete work in leanest mix. 1:3:6 with sand of FM>=1.5, in cum
foundation or floor including breaking, screening, grading and washing
aggregates with clear water, mixing, laying in position, consolidation to levels,
curing, including supply of all materials, excluding the cost of formworks etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
28-120-10 With 25mm down graded picked jhama or 1st. class brick chips. cum
28-120-40 With 40mm down graded picked jhama or 1st. class brick chips. cum
28-130 Reinforced Cement Concrete Works in leanest mix. 1:2:4 with 25mm down cum
graded coarse aggregates and sand of FM>1.5, to attain a minimum 28 days
cylinder strength of 16.0 N/mm², including breaking, screening, grading,
washing aggregates with clear water, mixing, laying in forms, consolidation to
levels, curing, including supply of all materials, excluding the cost of M.S.
work for reinforcements and formworks etc. complete and as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
28-140 Reinforced Cement Concrete Work in leanest mix. 1:2:4, with 20mm down cum
graded coarse aggregates and sand of FM>1.8 to FM<=2.5, to attain a
minimum 28 days cylinder strength of 18.0 N/mm²,
including breaking, screening, grading, washing aggregates with clear water,
mixing, laying in forms, consolidation to levels, curing, including supply of all
materials, excluding the cost of M.S. work for reinforcement and formworks
etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
28-150 Reinforced cement concrete work in leanest mix. 1:2:4 with 25mm down cum
graded coarse aggregates and sand of FM>1.8 to FM<=2.5, to attain a
minimum 28 day cylinder strength of 18.0 N/mm², including breaking,
screening, grading and washing aggregates with clear water, mixing, laying in
forms, consolidation to levels, curing, including supply of all materials,
excluding cost of M.S. work for reinforcements and formworks etc. complete
and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
28-170 Reinforced cement concrete work in leanest mix. 1:2:4 with 40mm down cum
graded coarse aggregates and sand of FM>1.8 to FM<=2.5, to attain a
minimum 28 day cylinder strength of 18.0 N/mm², including breaking,
screening, grading and washing aggregates with clear water, mixing, laying in
forms, consolidation to levels, curing, including supply of all materials,
excluding cost of M.S. work for reinforcements and formworks etc. complete
and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
28-180 Reinforced cement concrete in leanest mix. 1:2:3.5, with 25mm down graded cum
coarse aggregates and sand of FM>1.8 to FM<=2.5, to attain a minimum 28
day cylinder strength of 20.0 N/mm², including breaking, screening, grading,
washing aggregates with clear water, mixing, laying in forms, consolidation to
levels, curing, including supply of all materials, excluding cost of M.S. work
for reinforcements and formworks etc. complete and as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
28-200 Reinforced cement concrete work in leanest mix. 1:1.5:3, with 20mm down cum
graded coarse aggregates and sand of FM>2.0 to FM<=2.5, to attain a
minimum 28 day cylinder strength of 22.0 N/mm², including breaking,
screening, grading, washing aggregates with clean water, mixing, laying in
forms, consolidation to levels, curing, including supply of all materials,
excluding cost of M.S. work for reinforcements and formworks etc. complete
and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
28-220 Reinforced Cement Concrete work in leanest mix. 1:1.5:3, with 25mm down cum
graded coarse aggregates and sand of FM>2.0 to FM<=2.5, to attain a
minimum 28 day cylinder strength of 22.0 N/mm², including breaking,
screening, grading and washing aggregates with clear water, mixing, laying in
forms, consolidation to levels, curing, including supply of all materials,
excluding cost of M.S. work for reinforcements and formworks etc. complete
and as per direction of Enginner in charge.
28-230 Reinforced Cement Concrete work in leanest mix. 1:1.5:3, with 20mm down cum
graded coarse aggregates and sand of FM>=2.5, to attain a minimum 28 day
cylinder strength of 25.0 N/mm², including breaking, screening, grading and
washing aggregates with clear water, mixing, laying in forms, consolidation
to levels, curing, including supply of all materials, excluding cost of M.S. work
for reinforcements and formworks etc. complete and as per direction of
Enginner in charge.
28-240 Pre-stressed cement concrete work in bridge girders and end blocks in leanest cum
mix 1:1.5:3 including necessary admixture with 20mm down well graded
crushed stone chips, sand of FM =>2.8 and cement to attain a minimum 28 day
cylinder strength of 35 N/mm² including screening, mixing, laying in forms,
consolidation to levels, centering, shuttering with 14 BWG M.S. sheet fitted
and fixed with 40mmx40mmx6mm m.s.angle frame and 25mmx6mm F.I.bar
stiffener including all necessary ties, battens, struts, nuts and bolts etc.
complete, scaffolding, staging with 125mm dia bullah props etc. complete but
excluding the cost of M.S.reinforcement and its fabrication in PC girder
including supplying anchorage with J-hooks, core helic, steel strips, required
numbers of 12/7 mm HT wire and its fabrication in conformity with ASTM
421-80 standard with minimum ultimate strength of 1550 N/mm², stressing,
making, fitting of sheath including cost and arrangement of post tensioning,
casting, launching, shifting, staging arrangement and placing in position,
grouting the holes with cement mortar (18 litre water, 50 Kg cement and 1 Kg
of grout additive) including the cost of all materials etc. complete as per design,
drawing and direction of Engineer in charge.
28-260 Cement Concrete Wearing Course in leanest mix. (1:1.5:3) with cement, sand cum
of FM>=2.0 to FM<=2.5 and Pea Gravels including screening, washing
gravels, mixing, laying, consolidation to levels, finishing, curing including
supply of all materials etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
36 . Form Work
36-100 Form work for centering and water tight shuttering as per drawing with sqm
minimum 25mm thick wooden plank and batten (minimum size
75mmx50mm), struts and props including covering the surface with 28 BWG
plain GI sheet, fitting, fixing by nails, tie rods and nuts & bolts to desired level
and shape and removing the forms etc. after specified period including the cost
of all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
36-100-10 Vertical and inclined walls, columns, piers with 60-80mm dia barrack bamboo sqm
36-100-20 Deck slab, operating deck slab, top slab of barrel upto 3.5m of height with sqm
60-80mm dia barrack bamboo props.
36-100-30 Deck slab, operating deck slab, top slab of barrel above 3.5m upto 6.5m height sqm
with >=125mm dia local hard wood bullah props.
36-100-40 Beams and girders (web portion), in deck/ operation deck (upto 3.5m height) sqm
with 60-80mm dia barrack bamboo props.
36-100-50 Beams and girders (web portion), in deck/operation deck (above 3.5m upto sqm
6.5m height) with >=125mm dia local hard wood bullah props.
36-100-60 Footing, footing beams, girder beams, foundation slab with 60-80mm dia sqm
barrack bamboo props.
36-140 Form work for centering and water tight shuttering as per drawing with sqm
minimum 30mm thick wooden plank with batten (minimum size
75mmx50mm), struts, and >= 125mm dia local bullah props including
covering the surface with 28 BWG plain GI sheet, fitting, fixing by nails, tie
rods and nuts & bolts to desired level and shape and removing the forms etc.
after specified period including the cost of all materials etc. complete as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
36-140-10 Deck slab, operating deck slab, top slab of barrel above 6.5m height. sqm
36-150 Formwork for centering and water tight shuttering as per drawing with 14 sqm
BWG M.S. sheet, fitted and fixed with 40mmx40mmx6mm M.S. angle frame
and 25mmx6mm F.I. bar stiffener, with necessary fabrication, welding, making
the forms including fitting, fixing of steel forms with necessary ties, battens,
struts, nuts & bolts, props etc. as per desired shape and size including levelling
and removing the forms after specified period including the cost of all materials
as per direction of Engineer in charge.
36-150-10 Vertical and inclined walls, columns, piers with 60-80mm dia barrack bamboo sqm
36-150-20 Deck slab, operating deck slab, top slab of barrel upto 3.5m height with sqm
60-80mm dia barrack bamboo props.
36-150-30 Deck slab, operating deck slab, top slab of barrel above 3.5m upto 6.5m height sqm
with 50mm dia GI pipe props.
36-150-40 Beams and girders (web portion) in deck/operating deck upto 3.5m height with sqm
60-80mm dia barrack bamboo props.
36-150-50 Beams and girders (web portion) in deck/operating deck above 3.5m upto 6.5m sqm
height with 50mm dia GI pipe props.
36-150-60 Footing, footing beams, grade beams, foundation slab with 60-80mm dia sqm
barrack bamboo props.
36-170 Formwork for centering and water tight shuttering as per drawing with 14 sqm
BWG MS sheet fitted and fixed with 40mmx40mmx6mm MS angle frame and
25mmx6mm FI bar stiffener with necessary fabrication, welding and making
the frames including fitting, fixing the steel form with necessary ties, battens,
struts, nuts & bolts, props etc. as per desired shape and size including levelling
and removing the forms after specified period including the cost of all materials
etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
36-170-10 Deck slab, operating deck slab, top slab of barrel, above 6.5m height with sqm
>=125mm dia local hard wood bullah props.
36-170-20 Beams, girders (web portion) above 6.5m height with >=125mm dia local hard sqm
wood bullah props.
36-300 Form work for centering and water tight shuttering as per drawing with sqm
wooden planks of different thickness including supply of polythene sheet (1 kg
covering 6.5 sqm ) for making shuttering leakproof for all sorts of R.C.C.
works in building construction including fitting, fixing by nails, tie rods, nuts
and bolts to desired shape and size including levelling and removing the forms
etc. after specified period including the cost of all materials as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
36-300-10 Individual and continuous footing of column, raft etc. with 25mm thick wooden sqm
36-300-30 Padestal, column capital etc. with 40mm thick wooden planks. sqm
36-300-40 Tie beam, lintel etc. with 40mm thick wooden planks with 51-60mm dia sqm
barrack bamboo props.
36-300-50 Tee beam, ractangular beam etc. (web portion) with 40mm thick wooden sqm
planks and >=125mm dia local hard wood bullah props.
36-300-60 Sunshade, dropwall, cornice, railing etc. with 25mm thick wooden planks with sqm
51-60mm dia barrack bamboo props.
36-300-70 Staircase slab, steps etc. with 40mm thick wooden planks with 51-60mm dia sqm
barrack bamboo props.
36-300-80 Floor/roof slab with 25mm thick wooden planks with 60-80mm dia barrack sqm
bamboo props.
36-320 Form work for centering and water tight shuttering as per drawing with sqm
minimum 25mm thick wooden plank and batten (75mmx50mm), struts,
60-80mm average dia bamboo props etc. and covering the surface with 28
BWG plain G.I. sheet for RCC works including fitting, fixing by nails, tie rods,
nuts & bolts, levelling the top surface and removing the formworks etc.
complete, after specified period including the cost of all materials (roof/floor
slab only) as per direction of Engineer in charge.
36-330 Form work for centering and water tight shuttering as per drawing with 28 sqm
BWG plain GI sheet cover over minimum 25mm thick wooden plank with
batten (75mmx50mm), struts, 60-80mm dia bamboo props etc. as required in
stair case, arch or other similar ornamental works including fitting, fixing by
nails, tie rods, nuts & bolts to desired shape and size including levelling and
removing the formworks etc. after specified period including the cost of all
materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
36-350 Form work for centering and water tight shuttering as per drawing with 40mm sqm
thick wooden plank with batten (minimum size 75mmx50mm), struts,
60-80mm dia bamboo props etc. covering the surface with 28 BWG plain GI
sheet as required in columns, lift walls, walls etc. including fitting, fixing by
nails, tie rods, nuts & bolts to desired shape including levelling and removing
the formworks etc. after specified period including the cost of all materials as
per direction of Engineer in charge.
36-370 Formwork as per drawing in expansion, contraction and construction joints sqm
with minimum 25mm thick wooden plank with necesary adjustments for
accomodating reinforcing/ dowel bars, water stops etc. including necessary ties,
battens, struts, props etc. covering the surface with 28 BWG plain GI sheet as
required for RCC works and removing the formworks after specified period etc.
complete including the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in
40 . Protective Work
40-100 Manufacturing and supplying sand-cement block with cement and sand each
(FM>=1.5), in 1:8 proportion, to attain a minimum 28 day strength of 1.8
N/mm², including screening and washing sand, mixing, laying in forms,
compacting, curing for at least 14 days including preparation of platform,
shuttering etc. complete including supply of all materials and stacking in
measurable stacks (steel shutter to be used) as per direction of Engineer in
40-110 Manufacturing and supplying sand-cement block with cement and sand each
(FM>=1.5), in 1:6 proportion, to attain a 28 day minimum strength of 2.5
N/mm², including screening and washing sand, mixing, laying in forms,
compacting, curing for at least 14 days including preparation of platform,
shuttering etc. complete including supply of all materials and stacking in
measurable stacks (steel shutter to be used) as per direction of Engineer in
40-120 Labour charge for protective work in laying sand cement blocks of different cum
sizes including preparation of base, ramming of base etc. complete as per
direction of the Engineer in charge:
40-130 Labour charge for salvaging and removing of hard stone boulders or steel slag cum
or brick bats etc. from the slopes and berm of the embankment, stacking the
same in a measurable stacks within all leads and lifts as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
40-140 Manufacturing and supplying C.C. blocks in leanest mix. 1:3:6, with cement, each
sand (FM>=1.5) and Stone Chips (40mm down graded), to attain a minimum
28 days cylinder strength of 9.0 N/mm² including grading, washing stone
chips, mixing, laying in forms, consolidation, curing for at least 21 days,
including preparation of platform, shuttering and stacking in measurable stacks
etc complete including supply of all materials (steel shutter to be used) as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
40-190 Manufacturing and supplying C.C. blocks in leanest mix. 1:3:6, with cement, each
sand (FM>=1.5) and shingles (40mm down graded), to attain a minimum 28
days cylinder strength of 9.0 N/mm² including grading, washing shingles,
mixing, laying in forms, consolidation, curing for at least 21 days, including
preparation of platform, shuttering and stacking in measurable stacks etc
complete including supply of all materials (steel shutter to be used) as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
40-200 Manufacturing and supplying C.C. blocks in leanest mix. 1:3:5.5 with cement, each
sand (FM>=1.5) and Stone Chips (40mm down graded) to attain a 28 days
cylinder strength of 10.5 N/mm² including grading, washing stone chips,
mixing, laying in forms, consolidation, curing for at least 21 days, including
preparation of platform, shuttering and stacking in measurable stacks etc.
complete including supply of all materials (steel shutter to be used) as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
40-210 Manufacturing and supplying C.C. blocks in leanest mix. 1:3:5.5 with cement, each
sand (FM>=1.5) and shingles (40mm down graded) to attain a 28 days cylinder
strength of 10.5 N/mm² including grading, washing shingles, mixing, laying in
forms, consolidation, curing for at least 21 days, including preparation of
platform, shuttering and stacking in measurable stacks etc. complete including
supply of all materials (steel shutter to be used) as per direction of Engineer in
40-220 Labour charge for protective works in laying CC blocks of different sizes cum
including preparation of base, watering and ramming of base etc. complete as
per direction of Engineer in charge.
40-230 Manufacturing and supplying C.C. blocks in leanest mix. 1:2:4 with cement, each
sand (FM>=1.5) and Stone Chips (40mm down graded) to attain a 28 days
cylinder strength of 15 N/mm² including grading, washing stone chips, mixing,
laying in forms, consolidation, curing for at least 21 days, including
preparation of platform, shuttering and stacking in measurable stacks etc.
complete including supply of all materials (steel shutter to be used) as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
40-235 Manufacturing and supplying C.C. blocks in leanest mix. 1:2:4 with cement, each
sand (FM>=1.5) and Shingles (40mm down graded) to attain a 28 days
cylinder strength of 15 N/mm² including grading, washing stone chips, mixing,
laying in forms, consolidation, curing for at least 21 days, including
preparation of platform, shuttering and stacking in measurable stacks etc.
complete including supply of all materials (steel shutter to be used) as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
40-240 Manufacturing and supplying C.C. blocks in leanest mix. 1:2:4 with cement, each
sand (FM>=2.0) and Stone Chips (40mm down graded) to attain a 28 days
cylinder strength of 18 N/mm² including grading, washing stone chips, mixing,
laying in forms, consolidation, curing for at least 21 days, including
preparation of platform, shuttering and stacking in measurable stacks etc.
complete including supply of all materials (steel shutter to be used) as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
40-245 Manufacturing and supplying C.C. blocks in leanest mix. 1:2:4 with cement, each
sand (FM>=2.0) and Shingles (40mm down graded) to attain a 28 days
cylinder strength of 18 N/mm² including grading, washing stone shingles,
mixing, laying in forms, consolidation, curing for at least 21 days, including
preparation of platform, shuttering and stacking in measurable stacks etc.
complete including supply of all materials (steel shutter to be used) as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
40-250 Manufacturing and supplying of brick blocks with first class brick in cement each
mortar (1:4), with sand of FM>=1.5, including soaking, cleaning bricks
properly, curing for at least 14 days, stacking at site etc. complete with supply
of all materials and as per direction of Engineer in charge:
40-270 Labour charge for placing brick blocks of all sizes, including preparation of cum
base, ramming, watering etc. complete and including carriage within the site of
the sluice or any protective work as per direction of Engineer in charge.
40-280 Supplying local hard rock (Maddhapara, mini. unit weight of 2700 kg/cum) at cum
work site including all modes of carriages, handling, loading, unloading and
stacking in measurable stacks as per specified size ranges including all taxes
etc complete (deduction for voids will be made at the rate mentioned against
each size range for arriving at actual volume) as per direction of Engineer in
40-290 Supply of local hard stone/boulders at work site including all modes carriages, cum
handling, loading, unloading and stacking in measurable stacks as per specific
size ranges, including all taxes etc. complete (deduction for voids will be made
at the rate mentioned against each size range for arriving at actual volume) as
per direction of Engineer in charge.
40-300 Labour charge for protective works in laying stone/hard rock/ boulders of cum
different sizes from 15cm to 50 cm including preparation of base and levelling,
dressing etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
40-320 Labour charge for dumping in position Hard rock/ stone/ boulders/C.C cum
blocks/brick blocks/sand cement blocks of different sizes on river bed/slope
beyond 1.00m depth of water by boat or any other means as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
40-330 Labour charge for salvaging of cement concrete/sand cement/brick blocks of cum
different sizes including carriage within the site of any protective work with all
leads and lifts and stacking in measurable stacks as per direction of Engineer in
40-340 Labour charge for salvaging of Geo-Bags of different sizes including No.
carriage within the site of any protective work with all leads and lifts
and stacking in measurable stacks as per direction of Engineer in charge.
40-350 Supplying and dumping/laying in position 2nd class brick bats of specified cum
sizes (not less than 1/3rd brick) on bed, slopes or any other places by any means
as per direction of Engineer in charge.
40-410 Supplying 2nd hand gunny bags in good condition at site : nos
40-420 Labour charge for filling empty gunny or synthetic bags with sand or earth, nos
sewing the end with sutly, including carrying and placing in above water
position within the site as per direction of Engineer in charge.
40-430 Labour charge for filling empty gunny or synthetic bags with sand or earth,
sewing the end with sutly, including carring and placing under water position
within the site as per direction of Engineer -in-Charge.
40-440 Supplying and filling empty gunny/synthetic bags as approved in design & nos
drawing with sand/ earth available at site sewing the end with sutly, including
carrying and placing in position within the site with supply of all materials as
per direction of Engineer in charge.
40-450 Supplying and filling empty gunny/ synthetic bags as approved in design and nos
drawing with sand of FM>=0.80, sewing the end with sutly, including carrying
and placing in position within the site with supply of all materials as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
40-460 Protective work with sand cement (10:1 proportion) filled 3/4th in 50 kg gunny nos
bags, including supply of all materials and necessary sewing, filling and
placing in position as per specification and direction of Engineer in charge.
40-470 Protective work with sand cement (8:1 propotion) filled 3/4th in 50 Kg & 75Kg no
gunny bags (sand F.M>=1.00) including supply of all materials and necessaary
sewing, filling and placiing/dumping in position and mixing with mixture
machine with desined water cement ratio & curing as per specification and
direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
40-470-10 Sand cement new gunny bag ( 50 Kg; sand cement 8:1; Fill vol = 0.026 cum) no
40-470-20 Sand cement 2nd hand gunny bag (50 Kg; sand cement 8:1; Fill vol.= 0.026 no
40-470-30 Sand cement new gunny bag ( 75 Kg; sand cement 8:1; Fill vol = 0.031 cum) no
40-470-40 Sand cement 2nd hand gunny bag ( 75 Kg; sand cement 8:1; Fill vol = 0.031 no
40-480 Protective work with sand cement (6:1 propotion) filled 3/4th in 75Kg gunny no
bags (sand F.M>=1.00) including supply of all materials and necessaary
sewing, filling and placiing/dumping in position and mixing with mixture
machine with desined water cement ratio & curing as per specification and
direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
40-480-30 Sand cement new gunny bag ( 75 Kg; sand cement 6:1; Fill vol = 0.031 cum) no
40-484 Supplying , filling and placing of Geo-Tube, making with standard geo-textile m
(100% Polypropylene fabric, unit weight : 855 Kg/m3 to 946 Kg/m3,
geo-textile thickness = 4.00 mm, mass = 550 gm/m² ) and sewing in
accordance with the detailed drawing and Technical Specifications
included in the Tender Document and Schedule of Rates of BWDB, filling
hydraulically with Sand (minimum 95% sand must be retained on sieve no
200), sewing along one transverse (top) side after filling, including carrying,
placing in possition in the site as per approved design, cost of all materials &
equipments and its mobilization, labour, incidental charges etc. complete as per
direction of Engineer in Charge.
40-490 Filling and placing of geo-textile bags of different sizes and capacity at No.
project/work site, filling with sand (dry and minimum 95% sand must be
retained on sieve no 200), sewing along one transverse (top) side after filling
sand, staking in measurable/countable stakes, marking with synthetic enamel
paint during counting and placing in position as per drawing including
levelling, dressing, preparation of base, cost of all materials & equipments and
its mobilization, labour, incidental charges etc complete as per technical
specification, approved design and direction of Engineer in charge.
[fill volume and weight will be measured after filling with dry sand]
40-494 Supplying filling and placing of geo-textile bags of different sizes and capacity No.
at project/work site, making with standard geo-textile fabric (100%
Polypropylene fabric, mass>= 400gm/m², unit weight : 855 Kg/m3 to 946
Kg/m3, EOS<=0.07 mm) and sewing in accordance with the drawing and
Technical Specifications of BWDB and Schedule of Rates of BWDB, filling
with sand (dry and minimum 95% sand must be retained on sieve no 200),
sewing along one transverse (top) side after filling, staking in
measurable/countable stakes, marking by synthetic enamel paint during
counting, placing in position as per approved drawing including levelling,
dressing and preparation of base, cost of all materials & equipments and its
mobilization, labour, incidental charges etc. complete as per technical
specification, approved design and direction of Engineer in charge.
[fill volume and weight will be measured after filling with dry sand]
40-500 Supplying, sizing and placing in position local hard wood bullah such as Sonali m
gul, Tetul, Jam etc. including all taxes and incidental charges (bullah measured
at 1/3rd. length from thick end excluding the bark) etc. complete as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
40-500-10 10 cm to 13 cm m
40-500-20 Above 13 cm to 15 cm m
40-500-30 Above 15 cm to 18 cm m
40-500-40 Above 18 cm to 20 cm m
40-500-50 Above 20 cm to 23 cm m
40-510 Labour charge for driving local hard bullah such as Sonali gul, Tetul, Jam etc. m
bullah piles on dry land, by monkey hammer etc. complete including charges
for all equipments as per direction of Engineer in charge.
40-510-10 10 cm to 13 cm m
40-510-20 Above 13 cm to 15 cm m
40-510-30 Above 15 cm to 18 cm m
40-510-40 Above 18 cm to 20 cm m
40-510-50 Above 20 cm to 23 cm m
40-520 Labour charge for driving hard wood bullah, such as Sonali gul, Tetul, Jam m
etc.bullah piles in water by monkey hammer, including supplying and erection
of all necessary staging boat derricks and other equipments, etc. complete as
per direction of Engineer in charge:
40-520-10 10 cm to 13 cm m
40-520-20 Above 13 cm to 15 cm m
40-520-30 Above 15 cm to 18 cm m
40-520-40 Above 18 cm to 20 cm m
40-520-50 Above 20 cm to 23 cm m
40-530 Supplying, fitting and fixing of half sawn local hard wood walling pieces, fitted m
with 20mm. dia bolts and nuts at 1.0m c/c etc. complete as per directoin of
Engineer in charge:
40-530-05 13 cm to 15 cm dia m
40-530-10 15 cm to 18 cm dia m
40-540 Supplying, sizing and placing of barrack bamboo pins and stays of diameter >= no
8.0 cm in position etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
40-550 Labour charge for driving barrack bamboo pins of diameter >= 8.0 cm, by m
hammer or monkey hammer, as per direction of Engineer in charge.
40-550-20 >= 1.50 m to <= 2.0 m drive, in water including necessary staging etc. as m
40-550-40 >= 0.75 m to < 1.50 m, in water including necessary staging etc. as required. m
40-560 Supplying, sizing and fitting in position 8.0 cm and above dia in size full m
barrack bamboo half split walling pieces with nails average 1.00 m apart
including supply of all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
40-570 Labour charge for taking out bullah from river bed (measurement for the driven m
portion to be taken only); or cross ties walling pieces, including cutting and
opening out bolts and nuts; or old bamboo pieces and struts from river bed and
stacking the materials on the bank as per direction of Engineer in charge.
40-570-10 Bullah m
40-580 Supplying and placing in position and fitting, fixing single layer tarjah doubly sqm
woven matting with necessary ties including the cost of all materials etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
40-590 Supplying, fitting and fixing old drum sheet with necessary nails,ties etc. for sqm
protective works, including carriage of all materials to work site, as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
40-600 Supplying and placing non-woven needle punched type geotextile fabric (100% sqm
Polypropylene Fabric, unit weight : 855 Kg/m3 to 946 Kg/m3) as filter
materials of elongation at maximum force machine direction (MD) >=60% and
<= 100 % , elongation at maximum force (CMD) => 40% and <= 100%
,horizontal and vertical permeability (under 2 kn/m² pressure)=>2x10E-3
m/sec. for effective erosion protection in hydraulic structures/river training
works including local handling, placing in position, providing machine seamed
joints (with 100% polypropylene or nylon thread) or 35cm lap in dry condition
or minimum 100cm lap under water including protecting the geotextile
material from UV ray and from any other damages including supply of all
materials, labours, equipment’s etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in
(Geotextile delivered at site should be certified by ISO and clearly labelled with
brand name and grade printed at regular intervals across the body of the
40-600-10 Mass => 200 gm/m², thickness(Under 2 kpa pressure) =>1.50mm, sqm
EoS<=0.12mm, strip tensile strength =>11 kn/m, grab strength =>600 N, CBR
puncture resistance =>1600N.
40-600-40 Mass =>400 gm/m², thickness(Under 2 kpa pressure) =>3.00 mm, sqm
EoS<=0.08mm, strip tensile strength =>23 kn/m, grab strength =>1500 N,
CBR puncture resistance =>3800 N.
40-605 Supply & placing of woven type Natural Additive Treated Jute Geo-textile sqm
(JGT) for effective erosion protection in hydraulic structures/river training
works including local handling, placing in position including protecting
the Jute Geo-textile (JGT) material from any damages including supply of
all materials, labours, equipments etc. following the technical specification
and installation method complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
40-610 Supplying and laying dry 1st class or pick jhama chips as filter in two layers cum
(top and bottom) as per specific size, range and gradation, including breaking
chips, grading, preparation of surface, compacting each layer etc. complete
with supply of all materials and as per direction of Engineer in charge:
40-620 Supplying and laying shingles and peagravels as filter in two layers (top and cum
bottom) as per specific size ranges and gradation including grading,
preparation of surface, compacting each layer etc. complete with supply of all
materials and as per direction of Engineer in charge:
40-640 Supplying and laying stone chips as filter in two layers (Top and bottom) as per cum
specific size ranges and gradation including preparation of surface, grading,
compacting each layer etc. complete with supply of all materials and as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
40-650 Supplying and laying sand as filter layers as per specific size ranges and cum
gradation including preparation of surface, compacting in layer etc. complete
with supply of all materials and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
40-700 Brick mattressing work, 150 mm thick, with 1st. class bricks, encased in double sqm
layers of 12 SWG galvanised wire netting, 100 mm hexagonal mesh, including
fixing, spreading and tying both upper and lower layers with 12 SWG
galvanised wire at 60cm c/c including anchoring with 1.5m long 75mm to
100mm dia wooden/bamboo post at 3.0m c/c both ways (at least 1.2m of the
post shall be driven under ground and 0.3m shall be above ground level to
facilitate tying), box cutting to required depth, fine dressing of base and
supplying of all materials etc. complete and as per direction of Engineer in
40-730 Labour charge for brick mattressing work, 150 mm thick, with 1st class bricks, sqm
encased in double layers of 12 SWG galvanised wire netting, 100mm
hexagonal mesh, including fixing, spreading and tying both upper and lower
layers, with 12 SWG galvanised wire at 60cm c/c, including anchoring with
1.5m long 75mm to 100mm dia wooden/bamboo posts at 3.0m c/c both ways
(at least 1.2m of the post shall be driven under ground and 0.3m shall be above
ground to facilitate tying), box cutting to required depth and fine dressing of
base, excluding the cost of bricks, wire net and G.I. wire, but including the cost
of bamboo/wooden posts etc. complete and as per direction of Engineer in
40-750 Labour charge for brick mattressing with 1st class bricks, 75mm thick, covered sqm
with single layer of 12 SWG galvanised wire netting, 100mm hexagonal mesh,
including fixing, spreading and tying with 12 SWG galvanised wire and
anchoring with 1.5m long 75mm to 100mm dia bamboo at 3.0m c/c both ways,
box cutting to required depth, fine dressing of base, excluding the cost of
bricks, wire net and G.I. wire, but including the cost of bamboo pegs etc.
complete and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
40-760 Manufacturing and supplying 100mm size hexagonal mesh wire netting crates each
of 12 SWG galvanised wire, filling the same with boulders/bricks/brick bats
(not smaller than half brick) and stitching with 12 SWG galvanised wire, tying
the same and laying in position under water in bed or slope of canal/river, with
supply of all materials etc. complete and as per direction of Engineer in charge:
40-760-10 0.90mx0.60mx0.45m, with first class bricks/brick bats (minimum 1/2 brick). each
40-760-30 0.60mx0.60mx0.45m, filled with first class bricks/brick bats (minimum 1/2 each
40-760-50 0.50mx0.50mx0.45m, filled with first class bricks/brick bats (minimum 1/2 each
40-770 Labour charge for untying and removing the wire nets and picking the bricks sqm
and stacking properly the same as per direction of Engineer in charge:
40-800 Construction of double row bamboo spur, with full length barrack bamboo, m
60mm to 75mm dia and 3.0m to 4.5m long, 0.30m c/c, 1.5m apart and single
row runner with half split bamboo on both sides, of each row, fixing with
country nails, and 1.5m apart, double layers cross tie at 3.0m interval and 1.5m
apart, including 2.4m to 3.0m driving of bamboo pins by monkey hammer,
necessary staging etc. complete with supply of all materials and as per drawing
and direction of Engineer in charge.
40-810 Construction of double row bamboo spur, with full length barrack bamboo of m
average 60mm to 75mm dia and 4.5m to 6.0m long, at 0.30m c/c, two rows at
1.5m apart and stays with bamboo at 3.0m apart on D/S side of the spur and
single row runner with half split bamboo on both sides of each row and double
layers cross tie at 3.0m interval, including 2.4m to 3.0m driving of bamboo
pins by monkey hammer, necessary staging etc. complete with supply of all
materials including local carriage within 150m and as per drawing and
direction of Engineer in charge.
40-820 Construction of double row bamboo spur, with full length barrack bamboo of m
average 75mm to 100mm dia, 7.5m to 11.0m long, at 0.3m c/c, two rows at
1.5m apart and stays with bamboo at 3.0m apart on the D/S side of the spur and
double row runner with half split bamboo on both sides of each row, double
layer cross tie at 3.0m interval, including 2.4m to 3.0m driving of bamboo pins
by monkey hammer, necessary staging etc. complete with supply of all
materials including local carriage within 150m and as per drawing and
direction of Engineer in charge.
40-850 Construction of single row bamboo spur, with full length barrack bamboo of m
average 60mm to 75mm dia and 6.0m to 7.5m long, at 0.3m c/c and stays with
bamboo at 3 m apart on the D/S side of the spur, double row runner with half
split bamboo on both sides and also with double layer cross tie at 3.0m interval,
including 2.4m to 3.0m driving of bamboo pins by monkey hammer, necessary
staging etc. complete with supply of all materials including local carriage
within 150m and as per drawing and direction of Engineer in charge.
40-880 Supplying of brush wood compacted in bundle not more than 75cm. dia and cum
180cm. in length tied securely with coir string and dumping the same in
position etc. complete with supply of all materials and as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
40-900 Earth work in cutting and filling of eroded bank of river, channel etc. to design cum
slope, including levelling, dressing and compacting the earth in 150mm layers
and preparation of the base for bank protection work as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
44-100 Driving precast RCC pile upto 15.0 m length including layout, providing center m
line and Bench Mark pillars, carriage of piles from yard to driving point and
driving through hard strata, if any, including the cost of installation,
demobilization and carriage of all equipments, auxillary items, labours,
materials etc. complete, as per direction of Engineer in charge.
44-110 Manufacturing, supplying and fitting fixing M.S.Shoe at RCC pile tip with tip each
area 20mmx20mm, butt area 135mmx135mm and height 200mm, fabricated
with 6mm thick 4 nos M.S. plate (20mmx135mmx200mm) at sides and one
plate (20mmx20mm) at tip, having 6mm thick continuous fillet weld at all
joints and 16mm dia 500mm long anchor bar welded to the tip plate at one end
and hooked at the other end etc. complete including cost of all materials and as
per direction of Engineer in charge.
44-115 Construction of R.C.C. cast in situ bored piles in 1:1.5:3 upto required depth in m
all types of soils including drilling and driving & extracting temporary steel
casing upto required depth where necessary with bentonite circulation, casting
concrete with cement, sand (FM>=2.50) and 20 mm down graded stone chips
in leanest mix. 1:1.5:3 having minimum 28 day cylinder strength of 22.0
N/mm² including the cost of all materials, labour, equipments and all incidental
charges excluding the cost of M.S. work for reinforcement etc. complete in all
respect (measurement will be given from the bottom of the pile cap) as per
design, drawing, specification and direction of Engineer in charge.
44-120 Construction of R.C.C. cast in situ bored piles in 1:1.5:3 upto required depth in m
all types of soils including drilling and driving & extracting temporary steel
casing upto required depth where necessary with bentonite circulation, casting
concrete with cement, sand (FM>=2.50) and 20mm down graded shingles in
leanest mix. 1:1.5:3 having minimum 28 day cylinder strength of 22.0 N/mm²
including the cost of all materials, labour, equipments and all incidental
charges excluding the cost of M.S. work for reinforcement etc. complete in all
respect (measurement will be given from the bottom of the pile cap) as per
design, drawing, specification and direction of Engineer in charge.
44-130 Supplying and installation of best quality M.S. pipe of 6mm wall thickness of m
different diameter (Inner) to work site for bored cast in situ pile as permnent
casing including loading, unloading, carrying and all sorts of handling, taxes,
incidental charges, fitting and fixing the same in position by making all
arrangements etc. complete, as per design, specification and direction of
Engineer in charge.
44-140 Labour for breaking of head of cast in situ bored pile/precast pile upto required cum
length by any means and removing the dismantled materials such as concrete to
a safe distance including scrapping and removing concrete from steel/M.S.
rods, all sorts of handling, stacking the same properly after clearing, levelling
and dressing the site and clearing the river bed etc. complete as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
44-150 Providing and making point welding at contact point of the spiral binders at point
0.5m intervals with the main reinforcements by electric arc welding and the
rest to be binding with G.I. wire for construction of cast in situ bored pile
carefully with highly oxidised electrodes making the point including the cost of
all materials, labour, tools, plants and equipments, cost of power etc. complete
in all respect as per direction of Engineer in charge.
44-160 Providing and making joint of welding of minimum 300mm length at the m
lapping portion of main reinforcements by electric arc welding for construction
of cast in situ bored pile carefully with highly oxidised electrodes making the
joint prominent, including the of cost of all materials, labour, tools, plants and
equipments, cost of power etc. complete in all respects as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
44-180 Carrying out pile load test with at least 2 times of designed load for precast or each
cast in situ piles at sites, according to the ASTM standard specification
including the cost of installation of all kinds of equipments, materials, labour,
technical manpower etc. for conducting load tests and removing the
installations and applied load after test etc. complete as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
44-200 Construction of pile yard for casting RCC pile with 50mm thick cement sqm
concrete (1:3:6) with cement, sand (FM>=1.5) and 20mm down graded picked
jhama or 1st class brick chips including breaking, screening, grading and
washing chips, mixing, laying and compacting to levels, over a brick flat soling
with 1st class bricks including preparation of base, sand filling to make a level
base, ramming and sand blinding with sand of FM>=0.8 etc. complete with
neat cement finish over the concrete surface including the cost for supply of all
materials and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
44-220 Supplying and laying single layer polythene sheet in floor below cement sqm
concrete, RCC slab, on walls etc. complete in all respect as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
44-240 Supplying at site U-shape hot rolled steel sheet pile of different section of m.ton
Phosphorus=0.04%(Maximum), Sulphur = 0.04% (Maximum), Tensile
strength=> 490 N/mm2 , Yield strength =>296 N/mm2, Elongation =15%
(Minimum) including all taxes, freights, incidental charges etc. complete as per
direction of the Engineer -in- charge.
44-240-10 U-shape, hot- rolled steel sheet pile width= 400mm to 600mm: height=> m.ton
100mm, Thickness>=10.5mm. (±0.50mm)
44-240-20 U-shape, hot- rolled steel sheet pile width= 400mm to 600mm: height=> m.ton
130mm, Thickness>=13.0mm. (±0.50mm)
44-240-30 U-shape, hot- rolled steel sheet pile width= 400mm to 600mm: height=> m.ton
170mm, Thickness>=15.5mm. (±0.50mm)
44-270 Driving steel sheet piles of various sections and weights of any type of soil, by sqm
monkey hammer including handling and placing in position, staging and
supplying of all equipments like monkey hammer, pully, rope, bamboo, bullah
etc. including correcting leaning beyond tolerance & other defects and any
other incidental cost etc. complete (measurement will be taken on projected
width x height) as per direction of Engineer in charge.
44-290 Driving steel sheet piles of various sections and weights of any type of soil, by sqm
mechanical device including handling and placing in position including supply
of all materials and equipments related with driving of sheet piles including
correcting leaning beyond tolerance and other defects etc. complete
(measurement will be taken on projected width x height) as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
44-300 Lifting steel sheet piles of any section and weights from any type of soil by sqm
mechanical device including handling and placing in stacks etc. complete
(measurement will be taken on projected width x height)including supply of all
equipments etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
44-310 Supplying and placing 20mm thick hessian cloth impregnated with bitumen in sqm
expansion joints or on top of sheet piles as per specification and direction of
Engineer in charge.
44-320 Cutting of steel sheet piles to design length and shape as per requirement in m
design and drawing and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
44-330 Jointing steel sheet piles 0f different thickness by welding to increase the length m
of pile as per requirement including necessary modification of the ends to
receive the weld, supply of welding materials, equipments and other accessories
as per specification and direction of Engineer in charge.
44-340 Fabrication and construction of corner Joints in steel sheet piles including m
cutting, welding, shaping as per design and specification and as per
requirement including supply of necessary welding materials, equipments and
other accessories as per specification and direction of Engineer in charge.
44-360 Sinking open caisson in all kinds of soils by using mechanical or manually sqm
operated grabs including use of bentonite or any other appropriate slurry for
facilitating driving, additional weight where necessary etc. complete including
supply of all equipments, manpower and other allied materials etc. complete
(measurement will be given for outside face of caisson sunk) as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
44-370 Manufacturing and supplying 30mm thick pre-cast ferro-cement sheet pile in sqm
construction of drain/ sluice/ culvert/ outlet and any other works in leanest mix
1:2 with sand of FM>=2.0 to attain a minimum 28 day cylinder strength of
20.00 N/mm² including screening, grading and washing aggregates with clear
water, mixing, laying in forms, consolidating, curing, testing, placing
wire-mesh in position, welding, including making grooves and keys as per
approved design and drawing including tools, plants, preparation of platform,
shuttering (timber shutter with sheet lining and polythene sheet) and stacking
in measurable stacks including cost of all materials and labour (excluding the
cost of M.S work for reinforcement) etc. complete as per direction of Engineer
in charge.
44-380 Driving pre-cast ferro-cement sheet pile upto 2.0 m depth including layout, sqm
providing centreline and bench mark pillars, carriage of piles from yard to
driving point, placing the same in row and position, staging, plumbing,
providing horizontal runners, water jetting where necessary including supply of
all equipments like timber dolly, pulley, rope, bamboo, bullah, hammer etc.
complete (measurement will be taken on projected width x height) as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
44-400 Execution of sand pile through displacement method by using tripod rig, m
mechanical winch, special type drop hammer (weighing minimum 1.00 ton)
and casing pipe of inner dia 250mm to 300mm upto a maximum depth of 6.5m,
compacting the sand with desired sand force volume and FM value of sand upto
desired relative density (60% to 65%), to attain the desired SPT value between
sand piles etc. complete including the cost of compacted sand as per design,
specification and direction of Engineer in charge.
48-100 Fine dressing and close turfing of the slopes and the crest of embankment with sqm
75mm thick, good quality durba or charkanta sods of size 200mm x 200mm,
with all leads and lifts, including ramming, watering until the turf grows
properly, maintaining etc. complete (measurement will be given on well grown
grass only). as per direction of Engineer in charge.
48-110 Plantation of vetiver Grass (Binnah Ghass) tiller @ 0.20m c/c interval in sqm
1.00m(one meter) horizontal and vertical grid with all leads & lifts in the slope
of the embankment for protection of rain-cuts,erosion control,wave action etc.
including supplying of vetiver grass tiller produced in the nursery, ramming the
loose soil properly during plantation, nursing and maintenance of vetiver grass,
dug bailing and watering until the vetiver grass grown properly (Measurment
will be given on well grown vetiver grass only) as per directiion of the
48-130 Biological protection of bare earth surface by Dholkalmi with minimum 50cm m
long sapling, planting @ not more than 30 cm apart including supplying,
sizing, taping and nursing etc. complete as per direction of the Engineer in
48-210 Plantation of coconut plant including cutting earth and supplying at site 75cm each
to 90cm long plant including putting manure and salt by digging 60cm dia hole
to a depth of average 45cm, supplying 10.0 kg of manure & 1.0 kg. salt and
keeping it wet for one month before plantation including guarding and
watering the plant for 6 months as per direction of Engineer in Charge.
48-220 Plantation of all kinds of timber plants and fruit plants such as Mehegany, each
Teak, Sal, Chamble, Mango, Jack, Lichi, Kul etc including cutting earth and
supplying at site average 1.0m height plant, including putting manure by
digging 45cm dia hole, to a depth of average 30cm, supplying and mixing 7.56
kg of manure, tieing the plant with 1.50m split bamboo post and keeping it wet
for one month before plantation including guarding the plant for 6 months as
per direction of Engineer in Charge.
48-230 Supplying at site materials for plantation of trees, as per direction of Engineer kg
in charge.
48-230-20 Salt kg
48-230-30 Urea kg
48-300 Supplying of bamboo jafry gabion of 1.40m height and 60cm average dia, each
including fixing by barrack bamboo post of 60mm to 70mm dia including
fitting and fixing etc. complete.
48-310 125mm thick jally brick work of 2nd class bricks, with sand and cement mortar each
(1:6), 90cm dia inside and 140cm height above the ground level, 30cm solid
brick work below ground level, including finishing 15cm top bend with 12mm
thick cement plaster (1:6) and cutting foundation etc. complete as per
direction,including white washing outside surface of gabion with supply of all
materials and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
52-100 Dismantling of brick soling work including cleaning and stacking bricks within sqm
60m as per direction of Engineer in charge.
52-110 Dismantling of construction works, including removing debris within 60m as cum
per direction of Engineer in charge.
52-120 Dismantling of artificial stone flooring upto a minimum depth of 25mm sqm
carefully, including removing debris at specified place asper direction of
Engineer in charge.
52-130 Dismantling of the C.I. sheet walling/roofing and stacking the materials at site sqm
as per direction of Engineer in charge.
52-180 Dismantling of Cement Concrete/brick lining upto 100 mm thick of irrigation sqm
canal bed and slope carefully including removing debries at specified place as
per direction of Engineer in charge.
52-210 Dismantling of brick on end edging of 1st class bricks and picked jhama bricks sqm
and stacking the same within 60m in measurable stacks as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
52-220 Dismantling compacted khoa consolidation upto 200mm thick and stacking the cum
materials within 60m in measurable stacks as per direction of Engineer in
52-230 Dismantling of compacted bituminous carpeting upto 75mm thick and sqm
removing the debris within 60m as per direction of Engineer in charge.
52-250 Stripping of old plaster, clearing the surface, racking out joints of brick work sqm
and watering etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
52-290 Repairing of cracks with sand and cement in proportion 1:4, including m
watering, curing etc. complete including supply of all materials as per direction
of Engineer in charge.
52-310 Repairing of cracks with jhama chips, sand and cement (1:2:4), including m
opening out cracks 125mm wide and 75mm deep and watering, finishing etc.
complete including supply of all materials as per direction of Enginer in
52-340 Repairing of roof cracks with lime concrete (2:2:7), including opening out m
cracks in V-shaped notch (100mm wide and 50mm deep), cleaning,
compacting, curing, etc. complete including supply of all materials as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
52-350 Repairing of roof cracks with coal tar and pitch (3 coal tar and 1 pitch), in two m
layers reinforced with jute cutting, including cutting grooves 75mmx50mm
size, removing debries and sand blinding on top etc. complete (F.M. of sand
>=1.50) including supply of all materials as per direction of Engineer in
52-360 Renewing old cast in situ mosaic by pumic stone for removing top skin layer sqm
including the mosses, undesired spots and mending the demages where
necessary and polishing the surface including the cost of all materials, labours,
equipments etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
52-380 Stopping leakage in C.I. sheet with putty and cotton etc. complete including no
supply of all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
56 . Road Construction
56-100 Earth work in box cutting up to 1.00 m depth, in all kinds of soil with all leads, cum
removing the spoils to a safe distance, including levelling and dressing,
maintaining required cambering etc. complete, as per direction of Engineer in
56-120 Brick flat soling with 1st class bricks, including preparation of bed, sand sqm
blinding (FM>=0.5), levelling, dressing including supply of all materials etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
56-130 Brick on edge soling in Herring Bone Bond (HBB) with 1st class bricks, sqm
including preparation of bed, sand blinding (FM>=0.5), levelling, dressing
including supply of all materials etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in
56-140 Brick on end edging (single layer) across the road, with 1st class bricks, m
including cutting trenches true to level and grade, sand filliing (FM>=0.5),
40mm thick, sand blinding, levelling, dressing, ramming sides properly
including supply of all materials etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in
56-140-10 75 mm thick. m
56-150 Construction of road sub-base with graded materials of crushed well burnt cum
picked jhama or first class brick chips (50mm down graded) mixed with sand
(FM>=1.0) in proportion 2:1 (chips:sand), and spreading uniformly in
maximum 150mm thick layers (Loose) to proper camber, grade and super
elevation where necessary including dressing, levelling, ramming, watering
and compacting to attain minimum CBR-25% by 8.0 to 10.0 m.ton power
driven road roller compacted to 98% of maximum dry density, Aggregate
Crushing Value (ACV) should not be greater than 38%, Ten Percent Fine
Value should not be less than 75 KN including including cost of all materials
etc. complete as per design, drawing and direction of Engineer in charge
(payment shall be made on compacted thickness).
56-200 Construction of road base type-1 with graded materials of Crushed cum
boulder/gravel aggregate (40mm down graded) mixed with sand (FM>=1.0) in
proportion 2:1 (stone chips : sand), and spreading uniformly in maximum
150mm thick layers (Loose) to proper camber, grade and super elevation where
necessary including dressing, levelling, ramming, watering and compacting to
attain minimum CBR-80% by 8.0 to 10.0 m.ton power driven road roller and
compacted to 98% of maximum dry density, Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV)
<30%, Los Angeles Abrasion Value (LAA) < 35% including cost of all
materials etc. complete as per design, drawing and direction of Engineer in
charge (payment shall be made on compacted thickness).
56-210 Construction of road base type-2 with graded materials of crushed well burnt cum
picked jhama or first class brick chips (40mm down graded) mixed with sand
(FM>=1.0) in proportion 2:1 (brick chips : sand), and spreading uniformly in
maximum 150mm thick layers (Loose) to proper camber, grade and super
elevation where necessary including dressing, levelling, ramming, watering
and compacting to attain minimum CBR-50% by 8.0 to 10.0 m.ton power
driven road roller and compacted to 98% of maximum dry density, Aggregate
Crushing Value (ACV) <35%, Los Angeles Abrasion Value (LAA) < 40%
including cost of all materials etc. complete as per design, drawing and
direction of Engineer in charge (payment shall be made on compacted
56-230 Compacted water bound macadam base course with 1st. class or picked jhama cum
brick chips in two layers and in two operations, 1st. layer with chips between
40mm to 25mm down graded sizes and 2nd. layer with chips between 25mm to
20mm down graded sizes, thickness of each layer (loose) shall not exceed
120mm, including breaking, screening, grading chips, spreading, packing,
ramming, compacting with 8 to 10 m.tonne power driven road roller in each
layer in dry and wet condition, watering properly to attain minimum CBR-80%
to level, grade, camber superelevation including cost of all materials and
equipments etc. complete as per design, drawing and direction of Engineer in
charge (payment shall be made on compacted volume, reduction of loose height
by 30% to 35% may be allowed on maximum possible compaction).
56-240 50mm thick premixed bitumenous carpetting with specified well graded stone sqm
chips (25mm to 4.0 mm) @ 0.06 cum. of stone chips mixed with 72 kg. of
bitumen (heated between 170 deg. centigrade & 190 deg. centigrade) per cum.
of stone chips, while still hot the resulting mixture is to be spreaded uniformly
over 1.0 sqm. prepared surface in proper camber, grade and superelevation and
rolling hard to full compaction with 8 to 12 M. tons power driven road roller
and spreading 0.012 cum. sand (FM>=0.80) per sqm. including supply of all
materials and equipments etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
56-250 40mm thick premixed bitumenous carpetting with specified well graded stone sqm
chips (20mm to 4.0 mm) @ 0.048 cum. of stone chips mixed with 80 kg. of
bitumen (heated between 170 deg. centigrade & 190 deg. centigrade) per cum.
of stone chips, while still hot the resulting mixture is to be spreaded uniformly
over 1.0 sqm. prepared surface in proper camber, grade and superelevation and
rolling hard to full compaction with 8 to 12 M. tons power driven road roller
and spreading 0.012 cum. sand (FM>=0.80) per sqm. including supply of all
materials and equipments etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
56-260 30mm thick premixed bitumenous carpetting with specified well graded stone sqm
chips (20mm to 4.0 mm) @ 0.038 cum. of stone chips mixed with 80 kg. of
bitumen (heated between 170 deg. centigrade & 190 deg. centigrade) per cum.
of stone chips, while still hot the resulting mixture is to be spreaded uniformly
over 1.0 sqm. prepared surface in proper camber, grade and superelevation and
rolling hard to full compaction with 8 to 12 M. tons power driven road roller
and spreading 0.012 cum. sand (FM>=0.80) per sqm. including supply of all
materials and equipments etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
56-270 Minimum 75mm thick compacted semi grouting with stone metal and hot sqm
bitumen laying and spreading stone metal 100mm thick (loose) in two layers,
1st. layer of 60mm thick (loose) with 40mm to 25mm size and 2nd. layer of
40mm thick (loose) mixing with 80% of 25mm to 20mm size and 20% of
20mm to 10mm size stone chips to proper camber level, grade and
superelevation and spreading hot bitumen @ 1.50kg. per sqm. on the 1st. layer
and 2.00kg. hot bitumen per sqm. on the 2nd. layer, rolling hard to full
compaction with 8 to 12 M. tons power driven road roller including heating
bitumen to 170 deg. C. to 190 deg. C. temp. and spreading stone chips 0.09
(0.06+0.024+0.006) cum. per sqm. road surface obtained from screening of
stone metal after breaking of boulders to make it dense, voidless and water tight
etc. complete including supply of all materials and equipments and as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
56-280 Minimum 75mm thick compacted semi grouting with brick metal 25mm down sqm
graded khoa and hot bitumen laying and spreading metal @ 110mm thick
(loose) in two layers of 70mm and 40mm to proper camber level, grade and
superelevation and applying hot bitumen @ 1.70kg. per sqm, uniformly in the
1st. layer and 2.50kg. hot bitumen per sqm. on the 2nd. layer over a tack coat
of 1.25kg. per sqm. bitumen, after cleaning the road surface with brush broom
and gunny bags and removing the debries to safe distance (the surface should
be quite dry) and rolling hard to full compaction with 8 to 10 M. tons power
driven road roller including heating bitumen to 170 deg. C. to 190 deg. C.
temp. including supply of all materials and equipments etc. complete as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
56-290 Average 50mm thick compacted semi grouting with brick metal 25mm down sqm
graded khoa and hot bitumen in one layer to develop the damaged, depressed
and undulated surface of the road, laying, spreading metal @ 75mm thick
(loose) etc.to proper camber level, grade and superelevation and spreading hot
bitumen @ 2.50kg. per sqm. rolling hard to full compaction with 8 to 10 M.
tons power driven road roller including heating bitumen to 170 deg.C.to 190
deg.C. temp. including supply of all materials and equipments etc. complete
and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
56-300 Providing tack coat @ 0.75kg. of bitumen per sqm. including heating bitumen sqm
to 170 deg. C. to 190 deg. C. temperature, spreading and supply of all materials
etc. complete and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
56-310 Pre-mixed bitumenous seal coat minimum 9mm thick compacted with 0.015 sqm
cum. of peagravels mixed with 80 kg. of bitumen per cum. of pregravels and
laid over 1.0 sqm. of road surface including spreading with proper camber and
blinding with dry sand @ 0.01 cum. (FM>=0.80) per sqm. rolling with 8 to 10
M. tons power driven road roller including supply of all materials and
equipments etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
56-320 Pre-mixed bitumenous seal coat with 0.015 cum. of coarse sand (FM=2.0 to sqm
2.8) mixed with 96kg. of bitumen per cum. of sand and laid over 1.0 sqm. of
road surface including spreading with proper camber and blinding with dry
sand @ 0.01 cum. (FM>=0.80) per sqm. rolling with 8 to 10 M. tons power
driven road roller including supply of all materials and equipments etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
56-330 Pre-mixed bitumenous seal coat with 0.012 cum. of peagravels and 0.006 cum. sqm
of coarse sand (FM=2.0 to 2.8) mixed with @ 80kg. of bitumen per cum. of
peagravels and @ 96kg. of bitumen per cum.of coarse sand and laid over 1.0
sqm. of road surface including spreading with proper camber and blinding with
dry sand(FM>=0.80) @ 0.01 cum. per sqm. including cost of all materials and
incidental charges, heating bitumen 170 deg. C. to 190 deg.C temperature,
rolling with 8 to 10 M. tons power driven road roller etc. complete including
supply of all materials and equipments and as per direction of Engineer in
56-420 Providing expansion/ contraction joint in concrete road, with 1.58 mm thick m
card board coated hot bitumen, graded 80/100 and filling gaps with bitumen
etc. complete including supply of all materials and as per direction of Engineer
in charge.
56-430 Filling up the expansion joints by asphalt, sand and jute waste etc. complete m
including supply of all materials and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
60 . Drain Construction
60-100 Construction of masonry surface drain, with 75mm thick brick work with first m
class brick on one brick flat soling at base, all set in sand (FM>=1.5) cement
mortar (1:4), 12mm thick sand (FM>=1.3) cement plaster (1:3), including
rounding corners and necessary earth work, ramming and watering etc.
complete (average depth 25cm, bottom width 22cm and top width 45cm)
including the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
60-110 Construction of masonry surface drain with 125mm thick brick work with first m
class brick on one brick flat soling at base, all set in sand (FM>=1.5) cement
mortar (1:4), 12mm thick sand (FM>=1.3) cement plaster (1:3), including
rounding corners and necessary earth work, ramming and watering etc.
complete (average depth 25cm bottom width 30cm and top width 30cm)
including the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
60-120 Construction of masonry surface drain with 125mm thick brick work with first m
class bricks on one brick flat soling at base, all set in sand (FM>=1.5) cement
mortar (1:4), 12mm thick sand (FM>=1.3) cement plaster (1:3), including
rounding corners and necessary earth work, ramming and watering etc.
complete (average depth 45cm, bottom width 38cm and top width 50cm)
including the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
60-130 Construction of masonry surface drain with 125mm thick brick work, with first m
class bricks, all set in sand (FM>=1.5) cement mortar (1:4) and 10cm thick
cement concrete (1:2:4) (sand of FM>=1.5, 20mm down graded brick chips) at
bottom over a brick flat soling, 12mm thick sand (FM>=1.3) cement plaster
(1:3), including rounding corners, necessary earth work, ramming, watering
etc. complete (average depth 50cm, bottom width 30cm and top width 30cm)
including the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
60-140 Construction of masonry surface drain with 250mm thick brick work with 1st m
class brick, all set in sand (FM>=1.5) cement mortar (1:4) and 10cm thick
cement concrete (1:2:4) (sand of FM>=1.5, 20mm down graded brick chips) at
bottom over a brick flat soling, 12mm thick sand (FM>=1.3) cement plaster
(1:3), including rounding corners, necessary earth work, ramming, watering
etc. complete (average depth 75cm, bottom width 45cm and top width 75cm)
including the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
60-150 Construction of average 30cm wide and 20cm deep "V" shaped drain, with m
75mm thick brick lining, with 1st class bricks, set in cement pointing (1:3)
(sand of FM>=1.3) and rounding corners with cement mortar (1:3) etc.
complete including the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in
60-160 Construction of average 30cm wide and 20cm deep wide "V" shaped drain with m
75mm thick brick lining with 1st class bricks, set in sand (FM>=1.5) cement
mortar (1:3), with 12mm thick sand (FM>=1.3) cement plaster (1:3), roundimg
corners etc. complete including the cost of all materials as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
60-220 Cement Concrete lining of irrigation Canal bed and slope of different thickness sqm
with 20 mm down graded picked jhama/ 1st. class brick chips/ stone shingles
and sand of FM >=1.5, including breaking, screening, grading and washing the
chips with clean water, mixing laying in position, consolidation to levels curing
with supply of all materials including the cost of shuttering and forms etc.
including preparation of bed and slope by cutting/ filling as per requirement
true to level, grade and camber, ramming the bed, slope etc. for proper
compaction complete, as per direction of Engineer in charge.
60-220-10 In leanest mix. 1:2:4 with picked jhama/1st. class brick chips; 50mm thick. sqm
60-220-20 In leanest mix. 1:2:4 with picked jhama/1st. class brick chips; 75mm thick. sqm
60-220-30 In leanest mix. 1:3:6 with picked jhama/1st. class brick chips; 50mm thick. sqm
60-220-40 In leanest mix. 1:3:6 with picked jhama/1st. class brick chips; 75mm thick. sqm
60-220-50 In leanest mix. 1:2:4 with stone shingles; 50mm thick. sqm
60-220-60 In leanest mix. 1:2:4 with stone shingles; 75mm thick. sqm
60-220-70 In leanest mix. 1:3:6 with stone shingles; 50mm thick. sqm
60-220-80 In leanest mix. 1:3:6 with stone shingles; 75mm thick. sqm
60-240 Brick lining (75mm thick) in irrigation canal bed and side slope with 1:4 sand sqm
cement mortar including soaking bricks in clean water for 6 hours, cleaning the
bricks, curing at least for 7 days with supply of all materials etc. complete as
per design specification and direction of Engineer in charge.
60-260 Manufacturing and Supplying Standard machine made RCC pipe of different m
diameter, length and thickness in construction of Drain/ Sluice/ Culvert/ Outlet
and any other works in leanest mix. 1:1.5:3 with 12mm/20mm down graded
stone chips, sand of FM>=2.0 and admixture (water reducing plasticiser) @ 1.5
litre per cubic meter of concrete to attain a minimum 28 days cylinder strength
of 25 N/mm² including breaking, screening, grading and washing aggregates
with clear water, mixing, laying in forms, consolidating, curing including the
cost of 6mm dia M.S. work for reinforcement and form works as per approved
drawing and specification including tools, plants, testing, stacking in
measurable stack etc. complate as per direction of Engineer in charge.
60-260-05 RCC Pipe : 100mm dia, wall thickness not less than 25mm, circular m
reinforcement 100mm c/c and longitudinal reinforcement 75mm c/c.
60-260-10 RCC Pipe : 150mm dia, wall thickness not less than 25mm, circular m
reinforcement 100mm c/c and longitudinal reinforcement 110mm c/c.
60-260-15 RCC Pipe : 225mm dia, wall thickness not less than 30mm, circular m
reinforcement 100mm c/c and longitudinal reinforcement 135mm c/c.
60-260-20 RCC Pipe : 300mm dia, wall thickness not less than 45mm, circular m
reinforcement 100mm c/c and longitudinal reinforcement 225mm c/c.
60-260-25 RCC Pipe : 450mm dia, wall thickness not less than 50mm, circular m
reinforcement 100mm c/c and longitudinal reinforcement 225mm c/c.
60-260-30 RCC Pipe : 500mm dia, wall thickness not less than 55mm, circular m
reinforcement 100mm c/c and longitudinal reinforcement 220mm c/c.
60-260-35 RCC Pipe : 600mm dia, wall thickness not less than 60mm, circular m
reinforcement 95mm c/c and longitudinal reinforcement 210mm c/c.
60-260-40 RCC Pipe : 750mm dia, wall thickness not less than 70mm, circular m
reinforcement 85mm c/c and longitudinal reinforcement 200mm c/c.
60-260-45 RCC Pipe : 900mm dia, wall thickness not less than 90mm with circular m
reinforcement for inner case 90mm c/c, outer case 100mm c/c and longitudinal
reinforcement 150mm c/c.
60-260-50 RCC Pipe : 1050mm dia, wall thickness not less than 95mm with circular m
reinforcement for inner case 80mm c/c, outer case 100mm c/c and longitudinal
reinforcement 140mm c/c.
60-260-55 RCC Pipe : 1200mm dia, wall thickness not less than 100mm with circular m
reinforcement for inner case 60mm c/c, outer case 100mm c/c and longitudinal
reinforcement 130mm c/c.
60-260-60 RCC Pipe : 1350mm dia, wall thickness not less than 115mm with circular m
reinforcement for inner case 50mm c/c, outer case 90mm c/c and longitudinal
reinforcement 125mm c/c.
60-280 Manufacturing and supplying standard machine made RCC Socket of diffrent each
diameter, 125mm length and 50mm wall thickness in construction on Drain/
Sluice/ Culvert/ outley and any other works in leanest mix. 1:1.5:3 with 12mm
down graded stone chips, sand of FM>=2.0 and admixture (water reducing
plasticiser) @ 1.5 liters per cubic meter of concrete to attain a minimum 28
days cylinder strength of 25.0 N/mm² including screening, grading and
washing aggregates with clear water, mixing, laying in forms, consolidating,
curing including the cost of formwork, 3 Nos circular reinforcement and 5 Nos
longitudinal reinforcementof 6mm dia M.S. rod equally spaced as per approved
drawing and specification including tools, plants, testing, stacking in
measurable stack at etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
60-300 Laying in position standard machine made R.C.C. pipe of different diameter in m
construction of drain/ sluice/ culvert/ outlet and any other work including
fitting, fixing the socket where necessary, local handling, cutting, dressing,
levelling, plumbing etc. complete as per design, specification and direction of
Engineer in charge.
60-330 Manufacturing, supplying and laying in position 25mm thick pre-cast sqm
ferrocement sheet in lining of irrigation canal bed and slope in leanest mix 1:2
(cement:sand) with sand of FM>=2.00 to attain a minimum 28 days cylinder
strength of 18.0 N/mm²including screening, grading and washing aggregates
with clear water, mixing, laying in forms, consolidating, curing, testing,
placing wire mesh (20mm mesh,18 BWG wire, 2 layers) in position as per
approved design and drawing including tools, plants, preparation of platforms,
shuttering (timber shutter) and staking in measurable stacks including cost of
all materials and labours for preparation of bed and slope of canal and placing
in position including joining with the adjacent sheet etc complete as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
64 . Building Construction
64-100 Lay-out of building works as per approved plan with 50mmx 50mmx 300mm sqm
wooden pegs, nails, nylon ropes, checking the dimensions, marking the
excavation edges with chalk powder and maintaining the centre line pegs till
completion of foundation works upto a safe level etc. complete including the
cost of all materials as per direction of Enfineer in charge.
64-110 Damp proof coarse (D.P.C) in proportion 1:2:4 with pudlo mixed @ 2.25kg per sqm
bag of cement over a hot bitumen coat with 12mm down graded picked jhama
chips and coarse sand (FM>1.5); properly washed and screened including
breaking chips, mixing, laying finishing, curing, including the cost of all
materials etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
64-120 Artificial patent stone flooring with picked jhama chips, coarse sand sqm
(FM>=1.5) and cement in proportion 1:2:4, including breaking bricks,
screening, washing coarse and fine aggregates, mixing, laying in blocks,
compacting etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
64-130 Neat cement finish on patent stone surfaces just after initial setting of concrete sqm
in all floors including curing for at least 14 days with supply of all materials etc
complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
64-140 200mmx200mmx20mm mosaic terrazo tiles flooring having 10mm thick sqm
finished mosaic top with one part of 10mm down graded marble chips and one
part of mixture containing white cement and grey cement in proportion 9:1
including preperation of mix, machine pressed on 12mm thick cement mortar
base (1:2) including preparing the base, setting the tiles on minimum 40mm
thick cement slurry and lime and surki in proportion 1:3, compacting, cutting
with pumic stone and finishing with oxalic acid including screening, washing
mosaic chips and supply of all necessary materials etc. complete in all respects
as per direction of Engineer in charge.
64-150 200mmx200mmx20mm silver grey mosaic terrazo tiles flooring having 10mm sqm
thick finished mosaic top with one part of 10mm down graded marble chips
and one part of mixture containing white cement and grey cement in proportion
1:1, including preparation of mix, machine pressed on 12mm thick cement
mortar base (1:2),preparing the base, setting the tiles on minimum 40mm thick
cement slurry and lime and surki in proportion 1:3, compacting, cutting with
pumic stone and finishing with oxalic acid, including screening, washing
mosaic chips including the cost of all necessary materials etc complete as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
64-160 Supplying, fitting and fixing glazed tiles of approved size, colour, quality and sqm
design in floors/ walls upto required length, breadth and height, set in 20mm
thick cement mortar (1:4), including cutting & edging the tiles where necessary
filling the joints by white cement and matching colour including the cost of all
materials etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
64-170 10mm thick finished silver grey cast in situ mosaic work on floor with one part sqm
of marble chips and one part of mixture containing white cement and grey
cement in proportion 1:1 including preparation of mixture and laying the same
over artificial patent stone flooring including making suitable panel by 5mm
thick and 20mm deep glass dividers, compacting, curing at least 7 days, cutting
with pumic stone and finishing with oxalic acid, screening, washing mosaic
chips including the cost of all materials but excluding the cost of patent stone
etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
64-180 10mm thick cast in situ mosaic work on floor with one part of marble chips sqm
and one part of mixture containing white cement and grey cement in
proportion 9:1 including preparation of mix, and laying the same over
artificial patent stone flooring including making suitable panel by 5mm thick
and 20mm deep glass dividers, compacting, curing at least for seven days,
cutting with pumic stone and finishing with oxalic acid, screening, washing
mosaic chips including the cost of all necessary materials but excluding the
cost of patent stone etc complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
64-190 6mm thick (finished) cast in situ mosaic of approved colour with marble chips, sqm
white cement, portland cement, colouring materials in proportion 5:3:2:0.25,
laying in block by block, compacting, curing, maintaining proper slope and
polishing the top with pumic stone, finishing with oxalic acid etc complete in
all floors including the cost of all materials and as per direction of Engineer in
64-200 6mm thick (finished) silver grey cast in situ mosaic with marble chips, white sqm
cement and portland cement in proportion 5:3:2, laying in block by block,
compacting, curing, maintaining proper slope and polishing the top with pumic
stone, finishing with oxalic acid etc complete in all floors including the cost of
all materials and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
64-210 3mm thick red oxide or any colour finishing on patent stone or plaster surface sqm
including finishing, polishing, curing etc complete in all floors including the
cost of all materials but excluding the cost of patent stone or plaster, as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
64-400 Supplying double tarzah single layer fixed ceiling, diagonally woven, fitting, sqm
fixing etc with 2.5cmx5.0cm wooden battens of best quality local seasoned hard
wood, not more than 1m apart both ways, with necessary screws, nails etc.
complete including the cost of all materials, as per direction of Engineer in
64-420 Supplying, fitting and fixing 3mm thick hard board ceiling, with best quality sqm
local hard wood batten 6.50cmx2.0cm size, not more than 80 cm apart both
ways, with necessary screws, nails etc. complete including the cost of all
materials, as per direction of Engineer in charge.
64-430 Supplying, fitting and fixing 12mm thick plain partex board in ceiling with sqm
well seasoned garjan wood frame of section 75mmx40mm at 600mmx600mm
in grid, suspended from ceiling/roof or beam by 12 SWG double ply G.I.Wire
fixed in the ceiling by rowel plug, screws, hooks, nails etc maintaining straight
lines and desired finished level at bottom face with vertical strut as required
including cutting holes in slabs or beams by drill machine and mending good
the damages with supply of all materials, accessories, labour for installation,
scaffolding, screws, nails etc. complete including the cost of all materials, as
per direction of Engineer in charge.
64-440 Supplying, fitting and fixing 12mm thick plain partex board in walling with sqm
well seasoned garjan wood frame of section 75mmx40mm at 600mmx600mm
in grid, fitted and fixed to wall by plugs, nails, screws etc maintaining straight
lines, levelled, finished and desired exposed faces including cutting holes in
walls and mending good the damages with supply of all materials, accessories,
labour for installation, scaffolding etc. including the cost of all materials etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
64-460 Supplying and fitting fixing 12mm thick plain partex board in ceiling with sqm
aluminium frame of section 25mmx25mmx1.0mm angles and Tees made with
high strength entruded section of aluminium alloy with anodic oxide hard core
coating of 10 microns on all exposed faces, at 600mmx600mm in grid,
suspended from ceiling/ roof or beam by 12 SWG double ply G.I.Wire fixed to
the ceiling by rowel plug, screws, hooks, nails etc maintaining straight lines
and desired finish level at bottom face including cutting holes in slabs or beams
by drill machine and mending good the damages including cost and carriages
of all materials accessories, labour for installation, scaffolding etc. all complete
including the cost of all materials, as per drawing and direction of Engineer in
64-470 Supplying fitting and fixing of aluminium door, aluminium sliding/ hinged/ sqm
fixed windows and partition doors having high strength extruded section made
of aluminium alloy having a minimum section thickness of 1.8mm unless
otherwise shown in drawing, all the exposed surfaces shall be given a dark
bronze anodic oxide hardcore coating of 10 microns in thickness and uniform
colour tone conforming to the approved sample with all necessary locks,
handles, 5mm thick glass panes and all other accessories for fitting fixing
including neoprene weather strips and sealing joints between frames etc.
complete including the cost of all materials as per drawing and direction of
Engineer in charge.
64-480 Supplying fitting & fixing of standard uPVC (Plastic Door) Door of different sqm
sizes with 4 nos 3" hinges,2nos 4" tower bolt, 2nos 6" handle and one no
standard lock including all accessories complete as per direction of the
64-500 Supplying, fitting and fixing C.I.sheet roofing, with G.I.nuts, limped, washers, sqm
screws, bolts etc. and fitting, fixing with 76mm hooks with at least 2 pitch
lapping etc. complete, including the cost of all materials as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
64-510 Supplying, fitting and fixing C.I.sheet walling, with G.I.nuts, limped, washers, sqm
screws, bolts etc. including the cost of all materials and fitting, fixing with
76mm hooks with at least 2 pitch lapping etc. complete, as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
64-530 Supplying, fitting and fixing G.I or C.I. ridging or gutting (24 BWG) with sqm
bolts, washers, screws, etc. complete including cost of all materials as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
64-550 Supplying, fitting & fixing coloured Translucent corrugated sheet made of UV sqm
resistant resin in roofing/walling with all nuts & bolts, washers, screws etc. and
fitting, fixing with 75mm hooks with at least 2 pitch lapping etc. complete
including the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
64-560 Supplying, fitting & fixing 2-3 mm thick coloured Translucent sheet made of sqm
UV resistant resin in ridging or gutting with all nuts & bolts, washers, screws
etc. complete including the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in
64-580 Replacing glass panes in door and window shutters including removing, sqm
clearing old (broken) panes in steel or wooden shutters including supply of all
materials such as putty, beat, glass panes of required size etc. complete in all
respect as per direction of Engineer in charge.
64-610 Labour charge for taking out C.I. sheet and refitting with old and new C.I. sqm
sheet with supply of necessary bolts, screws, washers etc. complete as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
64-620 Labour charge for fitting and fixing ridges and gutters with bolts, screws, m
washers etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
64-650 Supplying, fitting and fixing steel glazed window shutters with frames as per sqm
design having 19mmx 19mmx 3mm "Z" section in frame and "T" section for
horizontal dividers of shutters and 25mmx 3mm F.I. bar for middle vertical
members of frames including all charges for fabrication & manufacture by
welding, rivetting etc. with supply of all essential fittings like stopper, handle,
250mm long adjustable cleats, iron pins, hinges, clamps, 3mm glass panes by
pucca putty and painting the window with two coats of synthetic enamel paint
over a coat of anticorrosive priming, making necessary holes in walls and
R.C.C. works as necessary filling with C.C. (1:2:4) and mending good the
damages including all cost of material, carriage and labour in fitting, fixing etc.
all complete as per drawing, design and direction of Engineer in charge.
64-660 Manufacturing, supplying, fitting and fixing of fixed glazed frame with outer sqm
member of 19mm x 19mm x 3mm "Z" section in frame and "T" section for
horizontal dividers of 19mm x 19mm x 3mm "T" section including all cost of
fabrication and welding, supplying and fixing of clamps of required nos. with
the frame, fixing the frame in wall with 1:2:4 C.C. after making necessary
grooves, supplying and fixing of 3mm glass panes with pucca putty, mending
good all damages, painting iron faces with two coats of synthetic enamel paint
over a coat of anticorrosive priming of approved colour and quality etc.
complete including the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in
64-680 Fitting, fixing of pre cast ventilator minimum 25mm thick of any design, with sqm
cement mortar (1:3) fitted and fixed in position, finished with cement plaster
(1:6) including necessary scaffolding, curing etc. complete in all floors
including the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
64-690 Reinforced Cement Concrete works (building works) in leanest mix. 1:2:4, in cum
foundation and plinth, with 20mm down graded coarse aggregates and sand of
FM>1.5, to attain a minimum 28 day cylinder strength of 16.0 N/sq.mm,
including breaking, screening, grading and washing aggregates with clear
water, mixing, laying in forms, consolidation to levels, curing, including the
cost of all materials, excluding the cost of M.S. work for reinforcements and
formworks etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
64-700 Reinforced cement concrete work (building works) in leanest mix 1:2:4, in cum
foundation and plinth, with 20mm down graded coarse aggregates and sand of
FM>1.8 to FM<=2.5, to attain a minimum 28 day cylinder strength of 18.0
N/sq.mm, including breaking, screening, grading, washing aggregates with
clear water, mixing, laying in forms, consolidation to levels, curing, including
the cost of all materials, excluding the cost of M.S. work for reinforcements
and formworks etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
64-710 Reinforced cement concrete work (building works) in leanest mix 1:1.5:3, in cum
foundation and plinth, with 20mm down graded coarse aggregates and sand of
FM>2.0 to FM<=2.5, to attain a minimum 28 day cylinder strength of 22.0
N/sq.mm, including breaking, screening, grading, washing aggregates with
clear water, mixing, laying in forms, consolidation to levels, curing, including
the cost of all materials, excluding the cost of M.S. work for reinforcements
and formworks etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
64-720 Extra rates for R.C.C in superstructures in different stories over the rate of cum
R.C.C work in foundation and plinth.
64-730 Average 80mm thick (beaten) lime terracing in roof with 25mm down graded cum
1st class brick chips, surki from 1st class bricks and lime, in proportion 7:2:2,
including breaking chips, screening, mixing, laying to slopes, compacting and
finishing with 6mm thick lime slurry (1:4), molasses and watering, making
ghoondy, curing etc. complete with including the cost of all materials as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
64-730-20 Extra rate for above work for each additional storey. cum
64-750 Repairing leakage in roof slab by applying bitumen emulsion (bitumen content sqm
not less than 57%) in 5 coats; the 1st coat being 1.51 kg/sqm, the 2nd coat 1.18
kg/sqm and the rest 3 coats each being 0.97 kg of bitumen emulsion per sqm to
be subsequently applied; including scraping, removing moss, cleaning the roof
surface by steel wire brush, brooming and drying & cleaning the bitumenous
coat at every sequance including sand (FM>=1.5) blinding by 0.0030 cum per
sqm on each bituminous coat including the cost of all labours, materials,
stagging, implements etc. complete in all respects as per direction of Engineer
in charge.
68 . Wood Work
68-100 Supplying wooden flap gates with pressure treated Sundari, Garjan, Shishu or each
equivalent timber for regulator/ sluices, as per approved drawing, specification
and direction of Engineer in charge.
68-100-10 0.75m dia to 1.20m dia with 40mm thick plank and 3 nos 50mmx75mm batten. each
68-100-20 Above 1.20m dia with 50mm thick plank and 3 nos 50mmx75mm batten. each
68-130 Supplying pressure treated wooden fall boards/stop logs of different sizes (not cum
less than 15cm in depth) of sal, sundari, garjan, shishu or equivalent for
regulator/ sluices, including fixing in position with eye hook etc. complete as
per direction of Engineer in charge.
68-180 Supplying wooden folding camp table of size 0.90mx 0.75mx 0.75m, made of each
well seasoned jack/ shilkarai or equivalent wood (free from saps) including
polishing etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
68-190 Supplying wooden office table of size 1.20mx 0.75mx 0.75m, with two each
drawers, made of well seasoned jack/ shilkarai or equivalent wood (free from
saps) including polishing etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
68-210 Supplying typist table, 1.50mx0.75mx0.75m size made of well seasoned Jack/ each
shilkorai or equivalent wood (free from saps) including sand papering,
polishing etc. complete (25mm thick plank) as per direction of Engineer in
68-220 Supplying secretariat table made of well seasoned Jack/ shilkorai or equivalent each
wood (free from saps) with reksin top, including sand papering, polishing etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
68-230 Supplying standard size wooden armed chair of approved quality, made of well each
seasoned jack/ shilkarai wood (free from sap), including sand papering,
polishing etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
68-240 Supplying standard size armless chair, made of well seasoned) Jack/ silkarai each
wood (free from saps), including sand papering, polishing etc. complete as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
68-250 Supplying wooden what not of size 0.90mx0.75mx0.35m with 3 shelves, made each
of well seasoned Jack/ Garjan wood, (free from saps), including polishing etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
68-260 Supplying wooden long bench of standard size (1.60m long), made of well each
seasoned Jack/ shilkorai wood, (free from saps), including polishing etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
68-270 Supplying wooden notice board of size 1.20mx 0.75mx 0.15m, made of well each
seasoned Silkarai/ Jack wood, with 12mm thick soft pertex board at back,
hinged shutter with locking arrangement having galvanizsd steel ornamesh
(9mmx29mm mesh, 0.5mm thick) covering etc. complete with polishing and
necessary arrangement for hanging etc complete as per direction of Engineer in
68-280 Supplying wooden tender box, 450mmx 600mmx 900mm size, made with each
minimum 25mm thick plank (finished) of well seasoned shilkarai, shisu or
equivalent wood (free from saps) including necessary locking arrangements,
sand papering, polishing etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
68-290 Supplying wooden stool of standard size, made of well seasoned jack/ shilkarai each
or equivalent wood (free from saps) including sand papering, polishing etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
68-300 Supplying wooden file rack of size 2.15m x1.50m x0.45m, with 5 shelves, each
made of well seasoned jack/ shilkarai or equivalent wood (free from saps)
including sand papering, polishing etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in
68-310 Supplying dustbin/ waste paper basket of standard size as per direction of each
Engineer in charge.
68-350 Supplying, fitting and fixing 40mm thick (finished) single leaf, well seasoned sqm
flush door shutters, having top and bottom rails of section 100mmx40mm,
styles 100mmx40mm, lock rail 100mmx40mm, covered with 13mm thick
planks screwed to each other with close tongue and groove joints, including the
cost of all materials such as screws, 2 nos 150mm and 150mm long tower and
socket bolts, 4 nos 100mm hinges, 2 nos heavy type nickel plated handles,
hinged cleats etc. complete, finished with sand papering for all floors and as
per drawing and direction of Engineer in charge.
68-390 Supplying, fitting and fixing 40mm thick (finished) seasoned wood grooved sqm
panel flush door shutters, having top, bottom, lock rails and styles of section
100mmx40mm and vertical panels 100mmx40mm including keeping
6mmx12mm grooved lap to each panel, providing 4 nos 100mm long iron
hinges, 2 nos 300mm and 225mm long iron socket and tower bolts, 2 nos heavy
type nickel plated handles, hinged cleats and finished with necessary sand
papering for all floors etc. complete including the cost of all materials as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
68-400 Supplying, fitting and fixing 40mm thick (finished) seasoned wood double leaf sqm
panel door shutters, top rail and styles of section 100mmx40mm, lock rail
125mmx40mm and bottom rail 225mmx40mm, panelling 40mm thick
(finished), both sides raised, provided with 6 nos 100mm long iron hinges, 2
nos 300mm and 225mm long iron socket and tower bolts, 2 nos heavy type
nickel plated handles, hinged cleats, buffer blocks and finished with necessary
sand papering for all floors etc. complete including the cost of all materials as
per direction of Engineer in charge.
68-410 Supplying, fitting and fixing 40mm thick (finished) seasoned wood panel door sqm
shutters, having top rails and styles of section 100mmx40mm, lock rail
125mmx40mm and bottom rail 225mmx40mm, panelling 40mm thick
(finished), both sides raised, provided with 6 nos 100mm long iron hinges, 2
nos 300mm and 225mm long iron socket and tower bolts, 2 nos heavy type
nickel plated handles, hinged cleats and finished with necessary sand papering
for all floors (double leaf) etc. complete including the cost of all materials as
per direction of Engineer in charge.
68-430 25mm single leaf well seasoned wooden shutters of local wood (Jack, garjan), sqm
free from saps or knots, having 60mmx25mm size (finished section) Z-battens,
with necessary screws, 3 nos 100mm long iron hinges, 2 nos 150mm and
150mm long iron socket and tower bolts, 2 nos rings 50mm dia for locking,
hinged cleats, finished with sand papering etc. complete, for all floors
including the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
68-450 Supplying, fitting and fixing 40mm thick chambol/gammar/ chapalish or sqm
equivalent veneered door shutters with supply of all necessary fittings and
accessories such as screws, 4 nos 100mm long iron hinges, 2 nos 300mm and
225mm long iron socket and tower bolts, 2 nos heavy type nickel plated
handles, hinged cleats etc complete in all floors including the cost of all
materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
68-500 Supplying, fitting and fixing 40mm thick (finished) well seasoned wood, glazed sqm
window shutters, having horizontal and vertical section of 90mmx40mm size,
sash bar 40mmx40mm, fitted with 3mm glass panes with putty and nails and
provided with 4 nos 75mm long iron hinges, 2 nos 250mm and 150mm long
iron tower and socket bolts, nickel plated handles, 225mm long catch hooks,
hinged cleats and finished with necessary sand papering for all floors etc.
complete including the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in
68-520 Supplying, fitting and fixing 40mm thick (finished) well seasoned wood sqm
window shutters, one third glased and 40mm thick two third both sides raised
panelling having horizontal and vertical section of 90mmx40mm, sash bars
40mmx40mm, fitted with 3mm glass panes with putty and nails and provided
with 4 nos 75mm long iron hinges, 2 nos 250mm and 150mm long iron tower
and socket bolts, nickel plated handles, 225mm long catch hooks, hinged cleats
and finished with necessary sand papering for all floors etc. complete including
the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
68-540 Wood work in door and window frames with best quality well seasoned wood, cum
free from sap or knots, including painting 2 coats of paints to the face in
contact with walls, finishing, cutting grooves for fitting the shutters etc. and
fitting fixing with 6 nos of 225mmx38mmx5mm F.I. bar clamps, fitted with
frames with screws, duly embedded in walls with cement concrete (1:3:6) etc.
complete in all floors including the cost of all materials as per drawing and
direction of Engineer in charge.
68-580 Wood work in frames of roof trusses, post, post plate, rafter purlin, wall plate cum
etc. of required size including fitting, fixing, with nails, screws, supplying all
materials, fabrication, hoisting, scaffolding etc. complete including the cost of
all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
68-600 Fine and smooth finished wood work with well seasoned wood, fitting, fixing, cum
with nails, screws etc. complete including the cost of all materials as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
68-620 100mmx70mm size (finished section) wooden hand rail with well seasoned m
wood, for stair or verandah railing, including supply of all materials, necessary
moulding, fitting, fixing etc. complete including the cost of all materials as per
drawing and direction of Engineer in charge.
68-640 Repair of door and window frames after taking out (if necessary) the frames cum
with shutters and refixing after repairing and making good the damages in the
wall etc. complete including the cost of all materials as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
68-650 Repair of door and window shutters after taking out the shutters (if necessary) sqm
with sized wood of finished section and refixing after repairing etc. complete
including the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
72 . Painting Work
72-100 Plastic emulsion painting to walls and ceiling including sand papering the sqm
surface, scaffolding etc. complete, with all necessary lime cement putty to
surface including the cost of all materials, as per direction of Engineer in
72-110 Painting gauges with black, white and red water proof paint including printing m
letters and necessary cleaning and sand papering before printing etc. complete
as per direction of Engineer in charge.
72-120 Synthetic enamel painting 2 coats over a priming coat, to M.S. window sqm
gratings, including scrapping, sand papering, clearing the rust if any, including
the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
72-130 Synthentic enamel painting to steel surfaces/ gates/ hoists etc. with paint of sqm
approved colour (2 coats over a coat of priming) including preparation of the
surface with steel brush, emery paper and cleaning etc. complete including the
cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
72-140 Synthetic enamel painting to wood works, including preparation of surface by sqm
sand paper etc. complete including the cost of all materials as per direction of
Engineer in charge:
72-150 Coal tar painting 2 coats, over a coat of priming with 20% pitch, including sqm
preparation of surface (wood work) etc. complete including the cost of all
materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
72-170 Red oxide painting to brick work etc. including preparation of surface, with sqm
sand paper, iron brush etc. complete, including the cost of all materials as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
72-180 Provide 1 (one) coat of Zinc phosphate as primary coat and 2 (two) coat of sqm
coaltar epoxy coat over primary coat to steel surface with paint of approved
colour etc. complete including the cost of all materials as per direction
of Engineer in charge.
72-190 White washing 1 coat with stone lime, gum etc. including cleaning the surface, sqm
sand papering, scaffolding, etc. comlplete in all floors, including the cost of all
materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
72-200 White washing 2 coats, over a coat of priming with stone lime, gum and blue, sqm
including cleaning the surface, sand papering, scaffolding etc. complete, in all
floors including the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
72-220 Colour washing 2 coats, over a coat of priming white wash of approved colour sqm
with slaked stone lime, including cleaning the surface, scaffolding etc.
complete in all floors, including the cost of all materials as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
72-250 Snowcem painting of approved quality and colour, to out side wall, including sqm
cleaning and sand papering the surface, necessary scaffolding including curing
for at least 7 days etc. complete, in all respect, including the cost of all
materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
72-260 Weather Coat of approved quality and colour (delivered from authorized local sqm
agent of the Manufacturer in a sealed container) on exterior surface applying as
per manufacturer instructions including cleaning the surface with wire brush,
provision of necessary scafolding, cleaning doors & windows, ventilators by
washing including cost of water, electricity & other charges etc. complete in all
respect as per direction of Engineer in charge.
72-290 Scrapping and clearing of mosses or outside colour work or surface marks from sqm
wall and ceiling as per direction of Engineer in charge.
72-310 French polishing to the frames and shutters of doors and windows, 4 coats over sqm
a coat of priming, including preparing the surface, cleaning, finishing and
polishing with sand paper etc. all complete in all floors, including the cost of
all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
72-330 Earth oiling 2 coats including the cost of all materials as per direction of sqm
Engineer in chargre.
72-490 Oil bound distempering to walls and ceiling with approved brand distemper sqm
over a primary coat of chalk wash with glue including cleaning, sand papering
the surface and necessary scaffolding etc. complete in all floors, including the
cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
72-540 Epoxy paint 2 coats of approved colour and specification over a priming coat to sqm
gate, hoisting device and embedded metal parts including scraping out rust and
old paint with chisel, scraper, steel wire brush & emery paper etc. complete in
all respect including the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in
72-550 Greasing different types of gear box of hoisting system with best quality grease each
including deassemble of the gear box, cleaning old grease, removing sticky
materials by scraper, chisel, steel wire brush, emery cloth, diesel/kerosine and
assembling the same in original level, line, grade etc. complete including the
cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
76-100 M.S. Work for reinforcement with plain M.S. bar, fy=300 N/mm², (made from kg
billet) in RCC works, including local handling, cutting, forging, bending,
cleaning and fabrication with supply of plain round M.S. bar in different sizes
and binding with 22 to 18 gages G.I. wire etc. complete including the cost of
all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
76-110 M.S. Work for reinforcement with deformed M.S. bar, fy=300 N/mm², (made kg
from billet) in RCC works, including local handling, cutting, forging, bending,
cleaning and fabrication with supply of deformed M.S. bar in different sizes
and binding with 22 to 18 gages G.I. wire etc. complete including the cost of
all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
76-115 M.S Work for reinforcement with Standard deformed bar fy=300 N/mm^2 in
RCC works including local handling, cutting, forging,bending,cleaning and
fabrication with supply of deformed M.S. bar in different sizes and bending
with 22 to 18 gages G.I. wire etc. complete including the cost of all materials as
per direction of Engineer in charge.
76-120 M.S. Work for reinforcement with deformed M.S. bar, fy=400 N/mm², (made kg
from billet) in RCC works, including local handling, cutting, forging, bending,
cleaning and fabrication with supply of deformed M.S. bar in different sizes
and binding with 22 to 18 gages G.I. wire etc. complete including the cost of
all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
76-140 M.S. Work for reinforcement with plain M.S. bar, fy=248 N/mm², (made from kg
scrap) in RCC works, including local handling, cutting, forging, bending,
cleaning and fabrication with supply of plain round M.S. bar in different sizes
and bending with 22 to 18 gages G.I. wire etc. complete including the cost of
all materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
76-170 M.S. Work in plates, angles, channels, flat bars, Tees etc. including fabricating, kg
machining, cutting, bending, welding, forging, drilling, revetting, embedding
anchor bars, staging and fitting, fixing, local handling etc. comlpete with
energy consumption and supply of labours including the cost of materials as per
design, specification and direction of Engineer in charge.
76-180 Cleaning corrosion and rust from the surface of steel with power brush etc. sqm
Complete including the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer
in charge.
76-185 Cleaning corrosion, rust and old paint from the surface of steel with sand sqm
blasting with coarse sand (FM>=3) etc. Complete including the cost of all
materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
76-190 Manufacturing, supplying and Installation of Padestal type lifting device for each
slide gate with 63mm dia threaded steel shaft, 146mm outer dia bronze nut,
thrust bearing, steel bevel gear etc. as per approved design including supply of
all components, labours with a prime coat of redoxide where necessary etc.
complete including the cost of all materials as per specification and direction of
Engineer in charge.
76-200 Manufacturing, supplying and Installation of Hand Wheel type lifting device each
for slide gate with 63mm dia steel shaft, 108mm outer dia bronze nut taper
roller bearing SKF-50216 etc. as per approved design including supply of all
components, labours with a prime coat of redoxide where necessary etc.
complete including the cost of all materials as per specification and direction of
Engineer in charge.
76-230 Manufacturing, supplying, installation and fitting, fixing the vertical steel lift kg
gate/ flap gate as per design and specification, including fabricating, rivetting,
welding, fixing rubber seal, providing required nuts and bolts including the
cost of all materials etc. complete with a prime coat of redoxide where
necessary as per direction of Engineer in charge.
(Applicable only for size not specified and smaller than size mentioned in Item
code 76-240 & 76-250)
76-240 Manufacturing & Supplying of M.S. Vertical Lift Gate shutter of 8mm thick each
M.S. skin plate and stiffener with minimum 75mmx75mmx10mm M.S. angle
as frame, horizontal & vertical beam, 75mmx25mmx12mm P-type rubber seal,
fixed with 10mm dia x 63.5mm M.S. counter shank bolts with nuts and
40mmx10mm M.S. strip as clamp drilled spaces @ 150mm c/c, stem
attachment with proper thread, nut, cotter pin and washer as per approved
design including the cost of all materials of proper grade & brand new with a
prime coat of redoxide where necessary as per specification and direction of
Engineer in charge.
76-250 Manufacturing & Supplying of M.S. Flap Gate shutter of 8mm thick M.S. skin each
plate and stiffener with minimum 75mmx75mmx10mm M.S. angle as frame,
horizontal & vertical beams, 100mmx45mmx16mm P-type rubber seal, fixed
with 10mm dia x 63.5mm M.S. counter sink and hax. nuts & bolts and
40mmx10mm M.S. strip as clamp drilled spaces @ 150mm c/c hinge assy with
gate and wall bracket, link arm of 19mm thick M.S. plate, 4 nos 25mm dia x
150mm stainless steel hinge pin with proper thread, nut, cotter pin and washer
as per approved design including the cost of all materials of proper grade &
brand new with a prime coat of redoxide where necessary as per specification
and direction of Engineer in charge.
76-260 Labour charge for fitting and fixing of M.S. vertical lift gate/ flap gate shutters each
of different size including making holes in concrete for hooking arrangements
with supply of necessary materials, tools and other accessories required for
fitting the same to regulator/sluice and mending the damages with CC (1:2:4),
removing the spoils etc. complete including the cost of all materials as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
76-270 Labour charge for removal of M.S.Gates and Hoists from all types of structures each
with all leads and lifts including hire charge of boat, chain pulley, bamboo,
ropes etc. and refixing the same in original level, line and grade after painting
(excluding the cost of painting) as per direction of Engineer in charge.
76-290 Manufacturing, supplying and fitting, fixing of M.S. gratings with sqm
25mmx25mmx6mm M.S. angle frame and 25mmx6mm F.I. bar @ 50mm c/c,
lateral stiffener not more than 600mm apart and embedded frame with M.S.
angle (25mmx25mmx6mm), including fabrication, welding in accordance with
approved design, drawing, specification, etc. complete including the cost of all
materials with a prime coat of redoxide where necessary as per direction of
Enfineer in charge.
76-300 M.S. railing of 0.91m height with 25mmx6mm vertical flat bar, at the rate of sqm
100mm c/c, welded to 25mmx6.00mm flat bar at top and bottom with wooden
hand rail (100mmx70mm, finished), including fitting and fixing in position
with necessary clamps with a prime coat of redoxide where necessary including
making holes in walls or floors where necessary and duly embedded in concrete
(1:3:6), mending the damages etc. complete as per approved drawing and
direction of Engineer in charge:
76-310 0.910m high M.S. railing with 25mmx6mm vertical F.I. bar, at the rate of sqm
100mm c/c, welded to 25mmx6mm F.I. bar at top and bottom with 40mm dia
G.I. pipe hand rail, including fitting and fixing in position with necessary
clamps with a prime coat of redoxide where necessary including making holes
in walls or floors where necessary and duly embedded in concrete (1:3:6)
mending good the damages etc. complete as per drawing and direction of
Engineer in charge.
76-320 Supplying and fitting fixing M.S.Grill made of 10mm dia M.S.bar @100mm sqm
c/c both ways fitted with M.S.Angles (25mmx25mmx6mm) outer frame
including fabricating, welding in each point with a prime coat of redoxide
where necessary as per drawing, design etc. complete, as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
76-330 M.S. work in window gratings, with 16mm dia m.s.bar @ 100mm c/c, and 3 sqm
nos F.I.horizontal bars (40mmx6mm size), fitted and fixed in position,
including necessary drilling, fabricating, welding, screwing with a prime coat
of redoxide where necessary etc. complete in all floors as per drawing and
direction of Engineer in charge.
76-350 Supplying and fitting fixing of window grills of normal ornamental design, sqm
made of mild steel flat bars of size 20mmx6mm with outer frame of
25mmx6mm F.I.bar, including necessary drilling, fabricating, welding with a
prime coat of redoxide where necessary etc. complete in all floors as per
drawing and direction of Engineer in charge.
76-360 Supplying and fitting fixing of window grills of ornamental design, made of sqm
mild steel flat bars of size 20mmx5mm with outer frame of 25mmx6mm
F.I.bar, including necessary drilling, fabricating, welding with a prime coat of
redoxide where necessary etc. complete in all floors as per drawing and
direction of Engineer in charge.
76-370 Supplying, fitting and fixing of the catch hooks of approved quality. each
76-380 Supplying, fitting and fixing of 230mm to 300mm long adjustable window each
stopper of F.I. bar (minimum size 20mmx4mm) of approved quality and as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
76-390 Supplying and fitting fixing flat iron clamps 30mm wide, 250mm long and each
6mm thick, embedded in wall with cement concrete (1:2:4) including fixing
with door frames with necessary screws etc. complete in all floors as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
76-400 Supplying, fitting and fixing of angle iron frame for door and window, with kg
30mmx30mmx6mm M.S. angles, including fitting and fixing with F.I.bar
clamps 200mmx30mmx5mm duly embedded in cement concrete (1:3:6),
necessary welding, finishing etc. complete, in all floors, as per drawing and
direction of the Engineer in charge.
76-410 Supplying, fitting and fixing of steel frame sliding door 2.44mx2.44m in size, sqm
with 50mmx50mmx10mm M.S. angle frame, 8mm thick M.S. plate for
shutter,as per drawing, providing 3nos. M.S. FI bar 50mmx10mm, both ways,
wheels on both lower and upper side, and runner at bottom and top, including
locking arrangement etc. complete.
76-420 Manufacturing, supplying, fitting and fixing collapsible gate made of sqm
20mmx6mmx3mm M.S. channel placed @ 110mm c/c vertically and
connecting the same with each other with 20mmx3mm M.S. flat bar, scissors
525mm/600mm long provided in 3 rows including cutting the different M.S.
members to required sizes, fabricating welding, rivetting with required size
rivets, providing required size wheels, pulling handles on both sides, suitable
locking arrangement and finally placing the same in position in between 2 nos.
50mmx56mmx6mm M.S. Tee rail made by welding 2 nos. 50mmx6mm M.S.
flat bar fitted and fixed at top and bottom with R.C.C. lintel/roof slab, floors
and side wall with required nos. 150mm to 225mm long 40mmx6mm M.S. flat
bar clamps one end welded with the gate member and the other end bifurcated
and embedded in C.C. (1:2:4) including cutting holes, with a prime coat of
redoxide where necessary etc. all complete as per drawing amd direction of
Engineer in charge.
76-430 Supplying, fitting and fixing tower bolts of approved quality, with necessary each
screws etc. complete:
76-430-20 Brass tower bolts, 225mm long and 13mm dia. each
76-430-30 Brass tower bolts, 150mm long and 13mm dia. each
76-430-40 Brass tower bolts, 100mm long and 10mm dia. each
76-430-50 Iron tower bolts, 225mm long and 13mm dia. each
76-430-60 Iron tower bolts, 150mm long and 10mm dia. each
76-430-70 Iron tower bolts, 100mm long and 10mm dia. each
76-440 Supplying, fitting and fixing door spring, 225mm long, of approved quality and each
as per direction of Engineer in charge:
76-450 Supplying, fitting and fixing of approved quality C.P. door handle. each
76-460 Supplying, fitting and fixing of the hinges with screws as per approved quality. each
76-470 Supplying, fitting and fixing of the 225mm long hasp bolts of approved quality each
and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
76-480 Supplying, fitting and fixing of rolling shutter of 22 gauge G.I. sheet, with sqm
M.S. plate 76mmx6.40mm size, and 38mm dia G.I. pipe in top, providing
19mmx3mm flat bars, and 25mmx25mmx3mm M.S. angles, 10 gauge fan plate
and best quality spring with a prime coat of redoxide where necessary etc.
complete, as per direction and specification.
76-490 Supply,fitting and fixing of the new iron bolts(more than 150mm), nuts, iron kg
cleats and fish plates, including forging,drilling etc. complete.
76-500 Supplying, fitting and fixing lead sheet of any size in bearing (hinge or free), kg
including cutting to desired shape and placing between top and bottom plate
etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
76-510 Supplying, fitting and fixing of M.S. bearing plate (hinge or free) of desired kg
size including cutting to size, fabrication, welding of M.S. lug and M.S. anchor
bar around periphery, providing hinge bar, and fixing in
abutments/girders/bases etc. complete with supply of all materials as per
drawing, specification and direction of Engineer in charge (excluding cost of
M.S. bar).
76-520 Cutting M.S. plate/sheet pile with Oxy-acetylene flame to desired shape and m
size and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
76-530 Supplying steel tender box made of 18 BWG M.S. steel sheet of size each
450mmx600mmx900mm including necessary locking arrangements and two
coats of spray paints over a coat of priming etc. complete as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
76-550 Supplying and fitting fixing of fan hook with 16mm dia m.s.rod as per each
direction of Engineer in charge.
76-610 Removal of old rubber seal and supplying, fitting, fixing new P-type rubber m
seal in vertical lift gate/flap gate including making necessary holes, replacing
all demaged nuts & bolts and clamp bars etc. comlpete including the cost of all
materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
76-610-10 Size : Width = 75mm, Thickness = 12mm and Bulb dia = 25mm. m
76-610-20 Size : Width = 100mm, Thickness = 16mm and Bulb dia = 45mm. m
76-630 Supply and fitting and fixing 23cm wide P.V.C water stops having minimum m
strength of 13.80 N/mm² at 225% elongation and of approved quality in
cntraction and expansion joints with necessary arrangments for modification in
shuttering and kepping the water stop in position etc. complete as per design,
specification and direction of Engineer in charge.
76-640 Labour charge for fitting and fixing 23cm wide P.V.C water stops, in the m
contraction and expansion joints of hydraulic structures, with necessary
modification of formworks, as per design, specification and direction of
Engineer in charge.
76-710 Supply, fitting and fixing of approved quality Mortice lock with handle, each
necessary screws etc. comlplete including duplicate keys.
76-720 Supply, fitting and fixing approved quality cylindrical mortice lock (round each
lock) with necessary srews etc. complete with supply of duplicate keys.
76-750 Providing and fitting fixing encased Rubber (Elastomeric) Bridge Bearing cm3
reinforced with steel plates under girders including cost of bearing and fitting
charge etc. complete in all respect as per approved design, drawing, in
conformity with BS-5400 having minimum tensile strength of 15.5 N/mm²,
minimum elongation at break 350% and maximum compression set at 35% and
as per direction of Engineer in charge.
76-780 supplying and fitting, fixing dowel bar in expansion joints of hydraulic each
structures with 32 mm dia M.S.plain bar 2000 mm long, hooked in one end
and painted at the other end for a length of 900 mm with 40 mm dia 100 mm
long G.I./M.S. pipe closed at one end and filled with 30 mm thick compressible
filler, including placing in position, binding with G.I. Wire etc. complete as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
80 . Plumbing Work
80-100 Supplying and sinking 40mm dia G.I. tubewell pipe including test boring and m
hiring of all necessary equipments with all necessary fittings as required etc. all
complete including the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in
80-110 Supplying and sinking 40mm dia PVC tubewell pipe (B.S. 3505) including test m
boring and hiring of all necessary equipments with all necessary fittings as
required etc. complete including the cost of all materials as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
80-120 Supplying, fitting and fixing 40mm dia brass/PVC strainer, 1.80m long each
including hiring necessary equipments and supply of all necsssary fittings etc.
complete including the cost of all materials as per direction of Engineer in
80-140 Supplying, fitting and fixing pump No. 6 for 40mm dia tubewell, as per each
approved quality with all accessories etc. complete including the cost of all
materials as per direction of Engineer in charge.
80-150 Labour charge for taking out and resinking of 40mm dia G.I. tubewell pipes m
upto required depth, including test boring and hire charge of the equipments
with alll necessary fittings as required etc. complete, as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
80-160 Labour charge for taking out 40mm dia tubewell pipes including cleaning the m
pipes and other fittings, as per direction of Engineer in charge.
80-200 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position G.I. over head tank each
1.20mx1.20mx1.20m size of 1800 litres capacity with 200mm dia C.I. manhole
cover with locking arrangement and 25mm dia ball valve, including fitting and
fixing inlet and outlet pipe, overflow pipe, plug and jam nut etc. complete with
anticorrosive paint of approved quality and as per direction of Engineer in
80-205 Supplying and installation of plastic overhead water tank including carriage
and all accessories except preparation of base and cost of overflow pipe, of
different capacity and size with cover and ball valve including fitting fixing
inlet and outlet etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
80-210 Hoisting or taking down 1800 litre capacity G.I. over head tank, including each
fitting, fixing etc. complete.
80-230 Supplying, laying, fitting and fixing of different dia G.I. pipes with all special m
fittings, such as bends, elbows, sockets, tees, unions, jamnuts etc. including
cutting foundation trenches upto required depth where necessary and filling the
same with earth duly compacted, making holes in floors and walls and
mending the damages, fixing in walls with holders and clips, including cutting
threads, making necessary connection etc. all complete, and as per direction of
Engineer in charge:
80-240 Extra rates for concealing G.I.pipes (13mm to25mm) in brickwall/ concrete by m
cutting wall, slab, lintel, beam etc. by any means carefully without damaging
the structure and filling the grooves after laying of pipes with C.C.(1:2:4) etc.
all complete in all floors as per direction of Engineer in charge.
80-260 Supplying, fitting and fixing of the different dia G.I. water distribution pipe m
line, with all special fittings such as bends, elbows, sockets, reducing sockets,
tees, unions etc including cutting trench up to an average depth of 0.90m,
maintaining proper level, cutting pipes where necessary, making threads etc.
all complete, as per direction of Engineer in charge:
80-270 Supplying, fitting and fixing CI/PVC. pipe, with necessary bends, tees, elbows, m
clamps etc. and oter necessary fittings for all types of works as per direction of
Engineer in charge:
80-280 Supplying, fitting and fixing of 13mm dia lead plastic pipes, 400mm long, with each
13mm dia brass tail and nut, including plumbing joints etc. complete as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
80-290 Painting of 13mm dia to 40mm dia G.I. pipes, with approved paint over a coat m
of priming.
80-300 Supplying, fitting and fixing of C.P.Bib cock of approved quality as per each
direction of Engineer in charge.
80-310 Supplying, fitting and fixing of C.P. pillar cock of approved quality: each
80-320 Supplying, fitting and fixing of brass bib cock of approved quality: each
80-330 Supplying, fitting and fixing of check valves of approved quality. each
80-340 Supplying, fitting and fixing of gate valve of approved quality: each
80-350 Supplying, fitting and fixing of controlling valve stop cock of approved quality each
as per direction of Engineer in charge.
80-380 Supplying, fitting and fixing of ball cock of approved quality: each
80-400 Renewing of C.P./brass bib cock of approved quality, including fitting, fixing each
and removing the old one with supply of all materials as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
80-410 Renewing of brass controlling valve stop cock/gate valve of approved quality, each
including fitting, fixing and removing the old one with supply of all materials
as per direction of Engineer in charge.
80-420 Renewing of C.P. pillar cock of approved quality, including fitting, fixing and each
removing the old one with supply of all materials as direction of Engineer in
80-430 Renewing of C.P. controlling valve/stop cock of approved quality, including each
fitting, fixing and removing the old one with supply of all materials as per
direction of Engineer in charge.
80-470 Making connection with the water main, including earth cutting, filling up each
trenches properly and mending all damages etc. complete as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
80-480 Supplying, fitting and fixing of the 100mm dia gratings as per direction of each
Engineer in charge.
80-510 Labour charge for fitting and fixing rain water pipes, with all fittings, such as m
sockets, bends, elbows, tees etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in
80-520 Labour charge for fitting and fixing 50mm dia H.C.I. gas pipe, including fitting m
fixing bends, door bends, junctions, cowels etc. all complete as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
80-550 Supplying, fitting and fixing of 13.64 litres low level porcelain flushing cistern each
set of approved quality including all fittings complete, as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
80-580 Supplying, fitting and fixing 13.64 litres heavy type C.I.high level cistern, each
including necessary PVC flush pipe and all fittings i.e. lead pipe, bend, ball
cock etc. complete, as per direction of Engineer in charge:
80-590 Taking out flushing cistern and refitting, including scrapping out inside rust, each
colouring both inside and out side with approved colour paint and proper
adjustment of inside fittings etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in
80-600 Supplying, fitting and fixing of cast iron enamelled porcelain bath tub 1.68m set
long, with two 19mm dia hot/cold E.C.C.I. pillar taps, 40mm dia C.I. overflow,
38mm C.P. waste chain and plug, including making holes to walls and floors,
mending damages etc. complete, as per direction of Engineer in charge.
80-620 Supplying and fitting fixing "BISF STANDARD" white glazed vitreous Wash each
Hand Basin (685mmx460mmx235mm, size) including fitting, fixing the same
in position with heavy type C.I. Brackets, 30mm dia PVC waste water pipe
with brass coupling, 13mm dia plastic connection pipe with brass coupling,
13mm dia brass Stop Cock, 13mm C.P. Pillar Cock, 30mm dia C.P. Basin
Waste with chain plug including making holes in walls and floors and fitting
with wooden blocks, screws and mending good the damages etc complete as per
direction of Engineer in Charge.
80-630 Labour charge for fitting and fixing of wash hand basin with single or double each
tab holes, including all fittings, cutting holes in walls, fixing brackets, mending
the damages etc complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
80-650 Supplying, fitting and fixing of bath room mirror with C.P. screws and hard each
board backing complete, as per direction of Engineer in charge:
80-660 Supplying, fitting and fixing of approved quality C.P. towel rail, with all each
necessary accessories etc. complete, as per direction of Engineer in charge:
80-670 Supplying, fitting and fixing of the approved quality bath room fittings, with all each
necessary accessories etc. complete, as per direction of Engineer in charge.
80-680 Supplying, fitting and fixing of C.P. shower set with 130mm dia, 125mm face each
C.P. shower, 13mm dia C.P. contolling valve, and 13mm dia C.P. bib cock etc.
complete, as per dsiertion of Engineer in charge.
80-690 Supplying, fitting and fixing of the approved quality glass shelf, 6mm thick each
with C.P. bracket and guard rail, including all necessary accessories etc.
complete, as per direction of Engineer in charge:
80-700 Supplying, fitting and fixing of BISF STANDARD porcelain kitchen sink, set
fitted and fixed with heavy type C.I.brackets, 13 mm dia C.P. bib cock, 40 mm
dia C.P. waste & chain plug, 38 mm dia PVC waste pipe with brass coupling
(750mm length), including making holes in walls and floors and mending the
damages etc complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
80-700-30 Size: 625mm x 490mm x 225mm; with sink tray, white each
80-700-40 Size: 625mm x 490mm x 225mm; with sink tray, coloured each
80-710 Supplying, fitting and fixing of the stainless steel kitchen sink of each
1000mmx510mmx460mm size, with 13mm dia C.P.bib cock, 40mm dia C.P.
waste & chain plug, 40mm dia PVC waste pipe (750mm length), heavy type
C.P. brackets, including making holes in walls and floors and mending the
damages etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
80-720 Supplying, fitting and fixing, Bangladesh pattern 'BISF STANDARD' long pan pset
with white vitreous china syphone and preparing the base of pan with cement
concrete and wirenet or m.s.rods if necessary in floors including making holes
in walls and floors whereever required and mending good the the damages and
supplying 13.60 litres capacity C.I. cistern with all fittings and fitting, fixing
the same in position with C.I. Brackets including supply of best quality 30mm
dia PVC flush pipe with brass coupling, 13mm brass stop cock, 13mm dia ball
cock and pulling chain etc. all complete as per direction of Engineer in charge:
80-740 Supplying 'BISF STANDARD' quality glazed porcelain foot rest pair
(265mmx130mmx40mm size) for eastern type pan, including fitting and fixing
in position etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
80-750 Supplying, fitting and fixing European type glazed pocelain commode 'P' or 'S' each
type 'BISF STANDARD' (580mmX345mmx410mm) with lowdown white
vitreous china cistern including all internal fittings with ebonite (heavy type)
plastic seat cover, 13mm dia approved quality C.P. stop cock, 13mm dia plastic
connection pipe with brass coupling and preparing the base with cement
concrete and with wire nets or rods, if necessary, in all floors including making
necessary holes whereever required and mending good the damages and fitting
fixing complete with all necessary fittings and connection as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
80-770 Supplying, fitting and fixing 'BISF STANDARD' European type glazed set
vitreous standing urinal (310mmx260mmx490mm) including fitting fixing the
same in position after making holes in walls and floors, providing 30mm dia
plastic waste pipe with brass coupling, 13mm dia plastic connection pipe with
brass coupling, 13mm dia C.P.Stop cock including mending good the damages
etc all complete as per direction of Engineer in charge:
80-780 Supplying,fitting and fixing 'BISF STANDARD' glazed vitreous china set
squatting or flat urinals (610mm x 370mm x 85mm) with flushing inlet fitted
in cement concrete with cast iron painted body, one gallon automatic flushing
cistern in each group etc.with 13mm dia brass controlling valve, 30mm dia
PVC flush pipe with brass coupling, 13mm dia plastic connection pipe with
brass coupling including mending good the damages etc. all complete as per
direction of Engineer in charge:
80-800 Fitting, fixing 150mm dia R.C.C. pipe (excluding the cost of pipe & sockets) m
including laying in position over 75mm thick, 150mm wide cement concrete
(1:3:6) at base including 250mm width single brick flat soling and gasket with
cement mortar joints, cutting and filling trenches upto required depth etc. all
complete in all respect as per plan and direction of Engineer in charge.
80-810 Supplying, fitting and fixing 100mm dia C.I. traps (syphone trap or P-trap) each
including making holes in walls and floors and mending good the damages etc.
all complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
80-820 Supplying, fitting and fixing of H.C.I. pipe with all fittings such as bend (door m
and plain), Tees, sockets, junction (door and plain) both double and single,
cowels, antisyphones etc. with wood pins, with nails and washer, making holes
in walls and floors, and mending good the damages, chaulking joints with
gasket and pig lead etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
80-830 Supplying, fitting, fixing 50mm dia PVC best quality (BS 3505) ventilation m
pipe with all fittings such as plain bends, tees, cowels etc. including gasket with
high class solution and making holes in walls and mending good the damages
etc. all complete as per direction of Engineer in charge.
80-840 Labour charge for fitting and fixing of H.C.I. soil pipe with all fittings such as m
bends, junction, cowels, clamps etc. including cutting holes in walls and floors,
fixing blocks and mending good the damages etc. complete as per direction of
Enginer in charge.
80-860 Labour charge for fitting and fixing 100mm dia R.C.C.or C.I. or S.W. drainage m
pipe, including laying in position, cutting trenches, chaulking out joints, with
cement, gaskets and materials and filling up the tenches as per specification
and direction of Engineer in charge.
80-870 Labour charge for fitting fixing water closet with high or low level flushing each
cistern with all necessary fittings including making holes in walls and floors,
fixing with wire nets if necessary and mending good the damages etc complete,
as per direction of Engineer in charge.
80-880 Labour charge for fitting and fixing of the kitchen sink with all fittings each
including cutting holes in walls and mending good the damages etc. complete
as per direction of Engineer in charge.
80-900 Construction of septic tanks of different sizes with brick work (6:1), as per each
approved plan over a brick flat soling and 150mm cement concrete flooring
(4:2:1) and with 125mm thick brick walls in partition , 20mm thick cement
plaster on both sides with neat cement finishing and 25mm thick patent stone
flooring with neat cement finishing, including supplying, fitting and fixing of
two R.C.C tees and providing 2 numbers of C.I.M.H cover with 100mm R.C.C.
slab (4:2:1) with minimum 1% reinforcement , shuttering, fabrication, casting
and curing etc. complete upto any depth, including shoring, bailing out water
and the cost of materials, and incidental charges etc. complete, as per design
and direction of Engineer in charge (as per P.W.D drawings).
80-910 Construction of soak well of different sizes, with 250mm solid brick work and each
250mm honey comb brick work in cement mortar (6:1) as per design, over
R.C.C. well curve (4:2:1), with 1.50 % reinforcement up to the desired depth,
as per drawing with 100mm thick R.C.C. cover slab (4:2:1), with 1%
reinforcement, including supplying, fitting and fixing of 460mm C.I. manhole
cover, filling the well up to the required depth, with graded khoa and sand,
including supplying and fabricating M.S. rod, with cost of all materials etc.
complete, as per drawing, design and direction of Engineer in charge (as per
P.W.D. drawings):
80-920 Supplying, fitting and fixing of the C.I. inspection pit covers of 40mm thick each
and 460mm. dia, heavy type, water sealed set etc. complete, as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
80-930 Labour charge for removing of silt, from soak well, including dewatering, each
taking out and refitting the cover etc complete as per direction of Engineer in
80-940 Removing of sludge from inside of septic tank, cleaning, washing and repairing cum
as necessary and filling with water as per direction of Engineer in charge.
84 . Electrical Work
84-100 Distribution wiring for light and fan points in conformity with IEE regulations point
in buildings, with twin core 2x1.5mm² flat PVC insulated and sheathed wire on
standard Ctg.T.W.batten 12mm thick, complete with circuit wiring, 5 Amps
tumbler switch, ceiling rose, round block etc as required complete as per
sample approved and direction of Engineer in charge in looping system at the
switch board including supply of all materials.
84-100-10 Light point (Eastern cable with 16SWG ECC wire type BYFYE) point
84-100-20 Fan point (Eastern cable with 16SWG ECC wire, type BYFYE) point
84-100-30 2-pin 5 amps socket outlet with control switch on switch board (Eastern cable point
with 16SWG ECC wire, type BYFYE)
84-100-40 Call bell point with control switch on switch board (Eastern cable with 16SWG point
ECC wire, type BYFYE)
84-100-50 Light point (with minimum 16SWG ECC wire Jamuna/ Sunshine/ BRB or any point
approved wire, type BYM).
84-100-60 Fan point (with minimum 16SWG ECC wire Jamuna/ Sunshine/ BRB/ or any point
approved wire type BYM).
84-100-70 2-pin 5amps socket outlet with control switch on switch board (with 16SWG point
ECC wire Jamuna/ Sunshine/ BRB or any approved wire, type BYM).
84-100-80 Call bell point with control switch on switch board (with 16SWG ECC wire point
Jamuna/ Sunshine/ BRB or any approved wire, type BYM).
84-110 Surface conduit distribution wiring for light and fan points in conformity with point
IEE regulations in buildings, with single core 1x1.5mm² PVC insulated and
sheathed wire with 16SWG ECC through PVC pipe of minimum 26.50mm
outer dia having wall thickness of minimum 1.50mm complete with 5amps
tumbler switch, ceiling rose etc complete as per sample approved and direction
of Engineer in charge in looping system at the switch board including supply of
all materials.
84-110-30 2-pin 5amps socket outlet in switch board with control switch (wire type BYM point
of Eastern cable)
84-110-40 Call bell point with control switch on switch board (wire type BYM of eastern point
84-120 Concealed conduit distribution wiring for light and fan points in conformity point
with IEE regulations in buildings, with single core 1x1.5mm² PVC insulated
and sheathed wire with 16SWG ECC through PVC pipe of 26.5mm outer dia
having wall thickness of minimum 1.5mm complete with inspection box,
5amps piano type switch, ceiling rose, 3mm thick perspex sheet cover in switch
board etc complete as per sample approved and direction of Engineer in charge
in looping system at the switch board including supply of all materials and
necessary cutting of wall/ floor and subsequent mending good of the damages
etc. complete.
84-120-30 2-pin 5 amps socket outlet with control switch (wire type BYM of Eastern point
84-120-40 Call bell point (wire type BYM of Eastern cable) point
84-120-50 Light point (Jamuna/ Sunshine/ BRB or any approved wire, type BYM) point
84-120-60 Fan point (Jamuna/ Sunshine/ BRB or any approved wire, type BYM) point
84-120-70 2-pin 5amps socket outlet with control switch on switch board (Jamuna/ point
Sunshine/ BRB or any approved wire, type BYM)
84-120-80 Call bell point with control switch on switch board (Jamuna/ Sunshine/ BRB or point
any approved wire, type BYM)
84-130 Surface batten wiring with the undermentioned size of twin core PVC insulated m
and sheathed wire on 12mm thick Ctg.T.W.batten with ECC flat cable in
conformity with IEE regulations in buildings complete as required etc as per
sample approved and direction of Engineer in charge including supply of all
84-130-10 1-2x1.5mm² PVC insulated and sheathed wire (BYFYE of Eastern cable) m
84-130-20 1-2x1.5mm² PVC insulated and sheathed wire (Sunshine/ Jamuna/ BRB or any m
approved cable, type BYFYE)
84-130-30 1-2x2.5mm² PVC insulated and sheathed wire (BYFYE of Eastern cable) m
84-130-40 1-2x2.5mm² PVC insulated and sheathed wire (Sunshine/ Jamuna/ BRB or any m
approved cable, type BYFYE)
84-130-50 1-2x4.0mm² PVC insulated and sheathed wire (BYFYE of Eastern cable) m
84-130-60 1-2x4.0 mm² PVC insulated and sheathed wire (Sunshine/ Jamuna/BRB or any m
approved cable, type BYFYE)
84-130-70 1-2x6.0mm² PVC insulated and sheathed wire (BYFYE of Eastern cable) m
84-130-80 1-2x6.0mm² PVC insulated and sheathed wire (Sunshine/ Jamuna/ BRB or any m
approved cable, type BYFYE)
84-150 Surface conduit wiring with the undermentioned size of single core PVC m
insulated and sheathed wire through PVC pipe of minimum 26.5mm outer dia
having minimum wall thickness of 1.5mm with ECC in conformity with IEE
regulations in buildings complete as required etc as per sample approved and
direction of Engineer in charge including supply of all materials.
84-150-05 2-1x1.5mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (BYM of Eastern Cable) m
84-150-10 2-1x1.5mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (Sunshine/ Jamuna/ BRB or m
any approved cable)
84-150-15 2-1x2.5mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (BYM of Eastern Cable) m
84-150-20 2-1x2.5mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (Sunshine/ Jamuna/ BRB or m
any approved cable)
84-150-25 2-1x4.0mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (BYM of Eastern Cable) m
84-150-30 2-1x4.0mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (Sunshine/ Jamuna/ BRB or m
any approved cable)
84-150-35 2-1x6.0mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (BYM of Eastern Cable) m
84-150-40 2-1x6.0mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (Sunshine/ Jamuna/ BRB or m
any approved cable)
84-150-45 2-1x10.0mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (BYM of Eastern Cable) m
84-150-60 2-1x16.0mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (Sunshine/ Jamuna/ BRB m
or any approved cable)
84-160 Surface conduit wiring with the undermentioned size of 3-core PVC insulated m
and sheathed wire through PVC pipe of minimum 26.5mm outer dia having
minimum wall thickness of 1.5mm with ECC in conformity with IEE
regulations in buildings complete as required etc as per sample approved and
direction of Engineer in charge including supply of all materials.
84-160-05 1-3x1.5mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (BYM of Eastern Cable) m
84-160-10 1-3x1.50mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (Sunshine/ BRB/ Jamuna m
or any approved cable)
84-160-15 1-3x2.5mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (BYM of Eastern Cable) m
84-160-20 1-3x2.50mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (Sunshine/ Jmuna/ BRB or m
any approved cable)
84-160-25 1-3x4.0mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (BYM of Eastern Cable) m
84-160-30 1-3x4.0mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (Sunshine/ BRB/ Jamuna or m
any approved cable)
84-160-35 1-3x6.0mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (BYM of Eastern Cable) m
84-160-40 1-3x6.0mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (Sunshine/ Jamuna/ BRB or m
any approved cable)
84-160-45 1-3x10.0mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (BYM of Eastern Cable) m
84-160-50 1-3x10.0mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (Sunshine/ Jamuna/ BRB m
or any approved cable)
84-190 Concealed conduit wiring with the undermentioned size of single core PVC m
insulated and sheathed wire through PVC pipe of minimum 26.5mm outer dia
having minimum wall thickness of 1.5mm with ECC in conformity with IEE
regulations in buildings complete as required etc as per sample approved and
direction of Engineer in charge including supply of all materials and necessary
cutting of wall/ floor and subsequent mending good of the damages etc.
84-190-05 2-1x1.50mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (BYM of Eastern Cable) m
84-190-10 2-1x1.5mm² BYM with 16SWG.HDBC ECC wire (Sunshine/ Jamuna/ BRB or m
any approved cable)
84-190-15 2-1x2.50mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (BYM of Eastern Cable) m
84-190-20 2-1x2.5mm² BYM with 16SWG.HDBC ECC wire (Sunshine/ Jamuna/ BRB or m
any approved cable)
84-190-25 2-1x4.0mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (BYM of Eastern Cable) m
84-190-30 2-1x4.0mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (Sunshine/ Jamuna/ BRB or m
any approved cable)
84-190-35 2-1x6.0mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (BYM of Eastern Cable) m
84-190-40 2-1x6.0mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (Sunshine/ Jamuna/ BRB or m
any approved cable)
84-190-45 2-1x10.0mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (BYM of Eastern Cable) m
84-190-50 2-1x10.0mm² BYM with 14SWG.HDBC ECC wire (Sunshine/ Jamuna/ BRB m
or any approved cable)
84-210 Wiring with the following size of PVC insulated and sheathed wire (type NYY m
single/ twin core of Eastern cable) through 19mm dia G.I.Pipe by laying the
pipe in underground trench of minimum 30cm width and 75cm depth,
including cutting trench and refilling the trench with earth duly rammed
through G.I.Pipe in concealed system by cutting wall/ floor/ ceiling etc and
consequent mending good the damages with ECC in conformity with IEE
regulations in buildings complete as required etc as per sample approved and
direction of Engineer in charge including supply of all materials.
84-220 Wiring with the following size of PVC insulated and sheathed wire (type NYY m
single/ three core of Eastern cable) through 19mm dia G.I.Pipe by laying the
pipe in underground trench of minimum 30cm width and 75cm depth,
including cutting trench and refilling the trench with earth duly rammed
through G.I.Pipe in concealed system by cutting wall/ floor/ ceiling etc and
consequent mending good the damages with ECC in conformity with IEE
regulations in buildings complete as required etc as per sample approved and
direction of Engineer in charge including supply of all materials.
84-290 Supplying fitting fixing and connecting sub busbar TPN, assembled in 16SWG each
metal board with hinge type cover etc in conformity with IEE regulations in
buildings complete as required, as per sample approved and direction of
Engineer in charge including supply of all materials.
84-290-10 200A, 500V, TPN, (minimum cross sectional area of busbar=150mm² and each
minimum lenth=910mm)
84-290-20 100A, 500V, TPN, (minimum cross sectional area of busbar=70mm² and each
minimum lenth=690mm)
84-290-30 60A, 500V, TPN, (minimum cross sectional area of busbar=60mm² and each
minimum lenth=495mm)
84-290-40 30A, 500V, TPN, (minimum cross sectional area of busbar=45mm² and each
minimum lenth=340mm)
84-300 Supplying, fitting, fixing and connecting of the iron clad main switch, fuse unit each
on the surface of the wall, with sealed and interlocked switch handle, on angle
iron, as per specification:
84-310 Supplying, fitting, fixing and connecting of the iron clad single phase branch each
distribution fuse board (BDB), assembled in a 16SWG metal enclosure
including providing 15amps cutout with rewireable type fuse link carrier and
one common copper conductor for neutral connection etc complete, on the
surface of the wall as per direction of Engineer in charge:
84-320 Supplying, fitting, fixing and connecting of iron clad single phase branch each
distribution fuse board (BDB), assembled in 16SWG metal enclosure including
providing 15amps cutout with rewireable type fuse link carrier and one
common copper bar for neutral wire connection etc complete, concealed in the
wall, as per direction of the Engineer in charge.
84-330 Supplying, fitting and fixing of wooden (Ctg.T.W) switch or junction board, on each
the surface of the wall, of different sizes, including fixing with wooden blocks
or rowel plug, nails screws etc complete as required, as per sample approved
and direction of Engineer in charge including supply of all materials.
84-340 Supplying, fitting and fixing of steel switch board, inspection box or junction each
board, made of 16SWG sheet steel with perspex sheet cover of different sizes,
concealed in the wall, including cutting holes in walls and mending good the
consequent damages, complete as required, as per sample approved and
direction of Engineer in charge including supply of all materials.
84-360 Supplying, fitting and fixing of 25mmthick (finished) wooden main switch each
board box, made of gamari or silkarai wood, of different sizes, fitted in wall,
including fixing 4nos of iron angles of size 9mmx38mmx38mm, 460mm long,
including cutting holes in walls and mending good the consequent damages
with iron hinges, clamps, screws, wire nails etc complete as required, as per
sample approved and direction of Engineer in charge including supply of all
84-370 Supplying, fitting and connecting 15Amps/5Amps. 3 pin 250V grade combined each
socket outlet with switch (concealed/surface) without board.
84-410 Supplying, fitting and fixing of flourescent tube lights (1x40 W - 20 W), with each
superior quality choke, starter, holder etc with 18SWG sheet steel rust proof
stove enamelled base with/without perspex cover to be fitted on wall/ceiling or
suspended type with superior quality metal chain/ metal pipe including wiring
with 2x1.5mm² PVC insulated and sheathed wire with supply of all necessary
materials etc. complete, as per direction of the Engineer in charge:
84-410-10 Single tube light(40W), 1.20 m long, without perspex cover. each
84-410-30 Single tube (20W), 0.60m long, without perspex cover each
84-410-40 Single tube (20W), 0.60m long, with perspex cover. each
84-420 Supplying, fitting and fixing of the approved quality florescent tube light each
(2x40W), 1.20 m long, with superior quality choke, starter, holder etc with
18SWG sheet steel rust proof stove enamelled base with/ without perspex cover
to be fitted on wall/ ceiling or suspended type with superior quality metal chain/
metal pipe including wiring with 2x1.5mm² PVC insulated and sheathed wire
complete, as per sample approved and direction of Engineer in charge:
84-430 Supplying, fitting and fixing of the bracket light, with brass holder, 230mm each
brass bracket, 250 V, 60 W bulbs etc. complete, as per direction of Engineer in
84-430-20 with 150mm dia white round glass glove with carrier each
84-440 Supplying, fitting and fixing batten light fittings to be fixed on ceiling with each
brass batten holder etc complete with 250V, 60W lamp including supply of all
materials as per direction of engineer in charge.
84-450 Supplying, fitting, fixing and connecting of pendent light fittings for each
60W/100W lamps, complete with brass pendent holder, twin flexible wire etc
complete as required, as per sample approved and direction of Engineer in
charge including supply of all materials.
84-450-20 with 200mm dia white round glass globe, with aluminium carrier and 13mm each
dia brass oxidized or chromium plated metal pipe of required length.
84-470 Supplying, fitting, fixing and connecting of the different items, including each
supplying of screws, nails, plastic tape etc. complete, as per direction:
84-490 Supplying, fitting, fixing and connecting water tight bracket light, with brass each
holder, fancy and decorated glass shade with 'D'type glove reflector etc
complete as required, as per sample approved and direction of Engineer in
charge including supply of all materials.
84-500 Supplying, fitting and fixing of the 250 V, A.C. capacitor type ceiling fan, with each
regulator and other accessories etc. complete:
84-510 Supplying, fitting, fixing and connecting exhaust fan of approved quality with each
wall cover, providing erecting steel frame, louver shutter etc complete, as per
sample approved and direction of Engineer in charge including supply of all
84-530 Supplying, fitting and connecting on prepared board single phase 250V grade each
miniature circuit breaker complete with thermal overcurent and
instanantaneous electromagnatic short circuit release (made in
UK/Germany/France/Switzerland/Sweden/Japan) of the following capacities as
per direction of Engineer in charge.
84-700 Supplying and fitting of porcelain cutout, single phase with rewireable type each
fuse link fitted with aluminium casted enclosures including locking
arrangement and connecting with the main switch board as per direction of
Engineer in charge:
84-730 Electrical grounding by 38mm dia G.I. pipe of 3.0 m length welded with each
600mmx600mmx6mm M.S. plate including supplying and laying in position, 8
SWG copper wire as per drawing, concealed in 13mm dia PVC pipe digging pit
of size 1.25mx1.25mx3.00m and back filling the same by 20kg salt and 12kg
charcoal placed in suitably alternate layers and levelling the pit by locally
available earth, watering, ramming etc. complete as per approved design,
drawing and direction of Engineer in charge.
84-740 Manufacturing, supplying and erection of G.I. electric pole upto 6.0m long each
(4.5m being 75mm dia, and the balance 1.5m being 50mm dia fitted with
75mmx50mm reducer) including additional 1.2m long 38mm dia battered G.I.
pipe fitted with 50mmx38mm reducer with 45 degree inclination at the top and
the bottom end being welded with 300mmx300mmx6mm M.S. plate including
fabrication, welding, supply & cost of all materials such as bamboo, jute rope,
labours and other implements required for plumbing and erection in correct
position, level & grade etc. complete as per PDB standard, and direction of
Engineer in charge.
84-800 Providing all types of Mid-Span joint during the erection of new Conductor, each
(WASP), including cutting, cleaning and de-oxidising the Conductor ends,
installing and making a mid-span joint as per PDB Standard and direction of
the Engineer in charge.
84-810 Supplying, fitting & fixing of different size of 16 SWG galvanised metal gang
box for MK switch including cost of all materials for
84-830 Supplying, fitting and fixing and connecting electronic dimmer of standard each
quality (Foreign made) for regulating fan speed.
90 . Dredging Work
90-100 Basic dredging by operating dredger with necessary arrangment by Tug cum
boat/Work boat disposing dredged earth upto 1.5 km, positioning the cutter of
dredger at designed level by maintaining bathematric prework and post work
survey including the cost of mobilization and demobilization of dredger with
houseboat by Tug boat/Work boat, fitting/fixing & maintenance of all necessary
equipments, Supplying of necessary fuels & lubricants, shore pipes & floating
pipes, anciliary dredging materials etc. complete as per direction of engineer in
charge. (Not for BWDB Dredger)
90-150 Extra Rate for booster pump beyond 1.5 km. (Not for BWDB Dredger) cum/km
90-150-10 Extra Rate for booster pump beyond 1.5 km: 26" Dredger. cum/km
90-150-20 Extra Rate for booster pump beyond 1.5 km: 20" Dredger. cum/km
90-150-30 Extra Rate for booster pump beyond 1.5 km: 18" Dredger. cum/km
90-240 Construction of mooring for 18" dredger, making anchorage both side of the each
dredger by driving hard wood bullah (125 mm dia, 1 m depth, 8 no of Bullah
for two side achorage) tying with 14/16 BWG GI wire including fitting and
fixing etc. cost of all materials as per direction of engineer in charge. (Not for
BWDB Dredger)
90-250 Lifting shore pipe sinked into the mud below the ground level using tripod m
stand & chain hoist and cleaning with water, etc including the cost of all
materials as per direction of engineer in charge. (Not for BWDB Dredger)
90-250-10 Lifting 26" shore pipe sinked into the mud below the ground level m
90-250-20 Lifting 20" shore pipe sinked into the mud below the ground level m
90-250-30 Lifting 18" shore pipe sinked into the mud below the ground level m
90-270 Construction of outlet for dumping and disposal of water from disposal area by each
300 mm dia and 12 m long PVC pipe,Placing 10 nos 125 kg sand-filled geobag
at the outer end of pipe with polytheen sheet, etc. complete including the cost of
all materials as per direction of engineering in charge. (Not for BWDB
90-500-10 Bulkhead/cargo/boat or any other means: within 1 km along the river cum/km
90-700 Basic dredging by operating dredger with necessary arrangment by Tug cum
boat/Work boat disposing dredged earth upto 1.5 km, positioning the cutter of
dredger at designed level by maintaining bathematric prework and post work
survey including the cost of mobilization and demobilization of dredger with
houseboat by Tug boat/Work boat, fitting/fixing & maintenance of all necessary
equipments, Supplying of necessary fuels & lubricants, shore pipes & floating
pipes, anciliary dredging materials etc. complete as per direction of engineer in
charge. (For BWDB Dredgers Only)
90-750 Extra Rate for booster pump beyond 1.5 km (For BWDB Dredgers Only) cum/km
90-750-10 Extra Rate for booster pump beyond 1.5 km: 26" Dredger cum/km
90-750-20 Extra Rate for booster pump beyond 1.5 km: 20" Dredger cum/km
90-750-30 Extra Rate for booster pump beyond 1.5 km: 18" Dredger cum/km
90-840 Construction of mooring for 18" dredger, making anchorage both side of the each
dredger by driving hard wood bullah (125 mm dia, 1 m depth, 8 no of Bullah
for two side achorage) tying with 14/16 BWG GI wire including fitting and
fixing etc. cost of all materials as per direction of engineer in charge. (For
BWDB Dredgers Only)
90-850 Lifting shore pipe sinked into the mud below the ground lebvel using tripod m
stand & chain hoist and cleaning with water, etc including the cost of all
materials as per direction of engineer in charge. (For BWDB Dredgers Only)
90-850-10 Lifting 26" shore pipe sinked into the mud below the ground lebvel m
90-850-20 Lifting 20" shore pipe sinked into the mud below the ground lebvel m
90-850-30 Lifting 18" shore pipe sinked into the mud below the ground lebvel m
90-870 Construction of outlet for dumping and disposal of water from disposal area by each
300 mm dia and 12 m long PVC pipe,Placing 10 nos 125 kg sand-filled geobag
at the outer end of pipe with polytheen sheet, etc. complete including the cost of
all materials as per direction of engineering in charge. (For BWDB Dredgers
1.0 Cement
1.1 Quality
All cement shall be ordinary Portland cement conforming to the requirements of
BDS-EN-197-1-CEM1, 52.5 N or ASTM C150 Type 1 or BS 12, or equivalent. Special
cement shall conform to the requirements laid down by the Engineer. The quality of
ordinary Portland cement in general, should meet the following requirements.
1.2 Strength
The compressive strength and tensile strength of standard cubes and briquettes
respectively shall not be less than as follows :
Days Compressive strength, (N/mm²) Tensile strength (N/mm²)
3 13 1.00
7 20 2.00
28 28 2.50
Setting Time :
Initial setting time : Shall not be more than 45 minutes
Final setting time : Shall not be more than 8 hours.
Fineness :
The ability to provide strength of a certain type of cement is checked by
finding the fineness of that cement, because the fineness of cement
is responsible for the rate of hydration and hence the rate
of gain of strength and also the rate of evolution of heat.
If the cement is fine then greater is its cohesiveness, which is
the property, required in the concrete because it gives compactness to
the concrete. Usually cement loses 10% of its strength within one month of
its manufacturing. For finding the fineness of Wet or Dry cement, following
number sieve is recommended by ASTM.
Cement by wet process = # 300 sieve
Cement by dry process = # 200 sieve
Formula to calculate the percentage fineness of cement:
W1= Total weight of cement
W2= Weight of residue
Percentage of fineness= ((W1– W2 )x 100)/W1
For 100 gram sample: IF
Weight of w2< 10 gram: Cement is fresh.
Weight of w2 > 10gram: Cement is not fresh.
% age of fineness is > 90 %: Cement is fresh.
% age of fineness is <90 %: Cement is not fresh
Soundness :
In the soundness test a specimen of hardened cement paste is boiled for a fixed
time so that any tendency to expand is speeded up and can be detected. Soundness
means the ability to resist volume expansion. The cement when tested for soundness
shall not have an expansion of more than 10 mm.
Size of Bag : 50 kg
A certificate showing the place of manufacture and the results of standard tests carried
out on the bulk supply from which the cement was extracted must accompany each
consignment of cement delivered to the site.
Immediately upon arrival at site, cement shall be stored in the godowns with adequate
provision to prevent absorption of moisture. All storage facilities shall be subject to
approval by the Engineer and shall be such as to permit easy access for inspection and
identification. The contractor shall use consignments in the order in which they are
received. Cement delivered to the site in bags provided by the supplier or the
manufacturer shall be stored in the bags until used in the works. Any cement in bags,
which have been opened, shall be used immediately after opening. The cement shall not
be stored in the godown for more than 4 (four) months or a lesser period as directed by
the Engineer. After the exceedence of the period, any unused cement shall be removed
from the site.
1.5 Testing of cement
The Engineer shall ask to carry out the sampling, inspection and testing of all cement,
as he may consider necessary. Sapmles shall be taken as instructed from the site store, or
from elsewhere on the works or from any places where cement is used for incorporation
in the works. Cement may be rejected, discretion of the Engineer, if it fails to meet any of
the requirements of the specifications. All testing shall be in accordance with ASTM
designation C150 or equivalent.
2.0 Reinforcement
Reinforcement steel may be either plain or deformed or ribbed twisted. All
reinforcing bars shall be mild steel, made from billet structural grade of Chittagong Steel
Mills (CSM) and shall conform to the following specifications.
V. Below 28.0 mm bar ±0.50 mm
Tolerance From 28.0 mm bar ±0.60 mm
VI. The difference between calculated weight and
Weight Tolerance
actual scaled weight shall be within ±3.5%
(a) Deformation shall be spaced along the bar at substantially uniform distances. The deformation
on opposite sides of the bar shall be similar in size and shape.
(b) The deformation shall be placed with respect to the axis of the bar so that the included angle is
not less than 45° where the line of deformation forms and included angle with the axis of the
bar of form 45° to 70°, inclusive, the deformations shall alternately reversed in direction from
those on the opposite side. Where the line of deformation is over 70° a reversed in direction is
not required. The average centre to centre or distance between deformation on each side of the
bar shall not exceed seventeenths of the nominal diameter of the bar.
(d) The overall length of deformation shall be such that the gap between the extreme ends of the
deformation on opposite sides of the bar shall not exceed 12.5% of the nominal perimeter of the
bar where the extreme ends terminate in a longitudinal ribs are involved the gap where more
than two longitudinal ribs are involved the total width of all longitudinal ribs shall not exceed
25% of nominal perimeter of the bar; furthermore the summation of gaps shall not exceed 25%
of the nominal diameter of the bar. The nominal perimeter of the bar shall be 3.14 ( = 3.14)
times the nominal diameter.
(e) The minimum height of deformation shall be not less than the following percentages of the
nominal diameter of the bar.
(f) The Spacing, Height and Gap of deformation shall conform to the requirements prescribed
Bar Size Max. average Min. average Max. gap in Chord 12.5%
spacing in mm Height in mm nominal perimeter
10 mm dia 6.7 0.38 3.5
12 mm dia 8.9 0.51 4.9
16 mm dia 11.1 0.71 6.1
20 mm dia 13.3 0.96 7.3
22 mm dia 15.5 1.11 8.5
25 mm dia 17.8 1.27 9.7
28 mm dia 20.1 1.42 10.9
3.1 Uses
The standard specifies first class and jhama bricks for use in all type masonry works,
course aggregate for concrete, filter material, road pavement works, manufacturing of brick
blocks, brick mattressing work.
Second class brick may be used in preparing gabions and other temporary works.
3.2 Classification
3.3 Dimension
Individual bricks shall be 240 mm x 120 mm x 70 mm size. The variation in dimension
shall not be more than 5 mm in length, 2.5 mm in breadth and 1.5 mm in height.
4.0 Sand
4.1 Uses
The standard specifies sand to be used in plastering works, brick masonry works,
manufacturing of cement concrete blocks, brick blocks, sand cement blocks, structural
back filling works, foundation and well filling works. This excludes the specification of
sand to be used as fine aggregates in Reinforced Cement Concrete.
4.2 Quality
Sand shall be non-plastic, non-saline, free from all silt, clay, roots and other organic
Sieve Size % Passing F.M. % Passing F.M. % Passing F.M. % Passing F.M.
(1.50-2.80) (1.00-1.50) (0.80-1.00) (0.50-0.80)
4.80 mm 95-100 100 100 100
2.40 mm 90-100 100 100 100
1.20 mm 70-95 97-100 100 100
600 micron 40-80 85-95 95-100 100
300 micron 10-50 50-70 70-80 80-90
150 micron 00-20 20-35 35-40 40-60
5.2 Grading
The fine aggregate shall be tested according to ASTM Designation C136, conform to
the following requirements, unless otherwise specified, and at fitness modulus between
1.5 and 2.5.
6.2 Quality
The quality of aggregates, in general, shall conform to the specifications of parent
material from which they will be made i.e. first class/ picked jhama bricks, shingles,
boulder/ gravel/ rock. The pieces of aggregates shall be well shaped, angular without any
thin or elongated particles. They shall be hard, dense, durable, clean and free from
adherent coatings. They should be non-reactive with cement and should not contain any
harmful materials such as salts, coal residue, clay lumps, organic matter etc. The limit of
deleterious materials such as clay, fine silt, fine dust etc. should not exceed % (one
6.3 Grading
Coarse aggregate shall be tested according to ASTM Designation C136 or equivalent.
Gradations for 50 mm, 40 mm, 25 mm and 20 mm size aggregates, unless otherwise
specified, shall conform to the following requirements.
The bitumen shall be homogenous, free from water and shall not foam when heating to
180°C. It shall be packed in brand new non-leakable steel drums minimum 0.63 mm thick
and securely sealed. Gross weight of each drum shall not exceed 180 kg. The quality of
bitumen should meet the following requirement.
All tests shall be carried out in accordance with the standard test procedures adopted by
8.2 Types
In general PVC water stop may be two or three bulb dump bell type or corrugated type as
shown in figure.
All dimensions are in mm
8.3 Dimension
The dimension of water stop shall be as shown in the figure.
8.4 Quality
a) Water stop shall be of high grade of PVC containing no filter or reclaimed or scrap
material. PVC shall comply with the requirements of BS 2571 for PVC type A,
b) The surface of water stop shall be free from defects such as harmful cracks, crazing
and the like when visually inspected.
c) The quality of water stops shall comply with the requirements :
b) The material shall be free from cracks and veins, which could lead to breakage
during loading, unloading and dumping.
c) The dimension of single rock shall not differ notably in size. The ratio between the
smallest and largest dimension of single stone shall generally be not less than 0.4.
d) The aggregate impact value shall not exceed the 30% limit as per BS 812 : part-3,
e) The bulk specific gravity shall have a minimum value of 2600 kg/m3 as per BS 812,
Part-2, Chapter-6.
f) The weighted average loss of material in the Sodium Sulphate Soundness Test shall
not be more than 10% by weight as per ASTM C88.
g) The percentage of wear as per loss Angeles Test shall not be more than 40 as per
ASTM C535.
h) The rock material shall comply with the grading requirements as specified for
concerned work.
The gradation of materials stock piled at the yard shall be tested at least one time for
each 500t of delivery.
Samples for determination of weight gradation shall contain at least 100 individual
stones/ rocks. The samples shall be taken by random selection from each specified
gradation to obtain representative samples, and shall confirm to the grading as
Only stone/rock with a factor not exceeding 2.5 between the longest and shortest
dimension of the rock shall be allowed in the delivery.
In case of non-compliance with the specified gradation range more tests may need to
be performed.
In case the additional tests show non-compliance the whole or part of the rock
delivery may be rejected
10.1 Uses
This standard specifies steel sheet piles for use in cut-off wall of hydraulic structures
except otherwise mentioned in the drawing. Specified steel sheet piles of cold dawn steel
sheet are excluded from this standard.
10.2 Quality
a) Steel sheet piles shall not show any harmful defects under use. It shall be straight
and out end surfaces shall be flat, for all practical purposes. It shall be adequately
engaged with adjacent pilesduring driving provided that they can be disengaged
for extracting.
b) Joints of steel sheet piles shall be watertight provided their structure does not
obstruct driving and extraction.
c) Steel sheet piles shall be rolled from structural carbon steel and shall have the
following chemical and mechanical properties:
10.3 Type
Steel sheet piles shall be classified in accordance with the cross sectional shapes given
U-Type Roughly U-shaped with joints of piles when driven located
on the neutral axis of the piling work.
Straight/ Flat Flat shaped close to straight line with high resistance to
Type tensile force.
(a) Length of steel sheet piles shall be in terms of whole numbers of meters of standard
lengths and shall be measured in divisions of 500 mm. There shall be one handling hole
of 25mm to 60mm diameter, center of which is to be located 100mm to 300mm from one
(b) Sheet pile wall having minimum weight per unit wall area against the desired section
modulus per unit area shall be preferred.
(c) Size and weight of U-Type steel sheet piles are as follows:
(d) Tolerance in Thickness of Sheet pile : ± 0.50
(e) Size and weight of Straight/ flat type steel sheet pile
Width 400 mm
Height 44.50 mm
Thickness 9.50 mm to 12.70 mm
Weight per meter of pile 54.20 kg. to 60.80 kg.
Section modulus per pile 47.80 cm3 to 48.30 cm3
a) Ferro-cement sheet pile shall be pre-cast at the location of the work as per
design and drawing.
b) It shall be made of sand-cement mortar with leanest mix proportion of 1:2
(cement : sand). Cement to be used shall be in accordance with clause 802
and F.M. of sand shall be =>2.0. Sand-cement mortar shall develop a 28 days
compressive cylinder strength of minimum 20.0 N/mm2 .
c) M.S. reinforcement of minimum yield strength 276 N/mm2 shall be used.
d) Form works to be used shall be made of steel so as to achieve smooth finished
concrete surface.
Brand name and grade of all geotextiles shall be clearly and uniformly marked on
the upper face. The marking shall take the form of an indelible repeat roll imprint
at the edge of each geotextile roll recurring at least every 1.5 m.
It is very important that the sand does not leak out over time.
Each batch of geobags delivered at site shall be packed in standard numbers and
marked with labels that identify the (i) brand and grade, (ii) production lot number
and date of production of geotextile, (iii) number of bags, (iv) size of bags, and (v)
name and signature of the quality control person certifying the compliance of all
bags per bale
Each bag shall be double stitched along all edges except for the opening at the top
of each bag which shall be closed after filling. The minimum tensile strength of
the seam shall be not less than 90% of the tensile strength of the geotextile.
After filling, the opening of geobag shall be closed by double stitched with corner
The number of stitch per inch should not be less than 5. The stitch shall be double
thread chain type.
The thread used for the seam should be of same material as the geotextile (e.g.
polypropylene or polyester).
At the bottom end of each seam (at the folded site) the stitch shall be locked
either by stitching one time back and forth for a length of minimum 2.5 cm from
the end of the bag, or by joining the ends of the two threads e.g. by gluing,
welding, knotting or other appropriate methods.
The bags shall be stored under cover, well sheltered from direct sunlight and to
prevent the ingress of dust or mud. They shall be protected from damage by
insects or rodents.
Average Area Coverage of Geobag after sand filling :
Properties of Geotextiles
14.0 CC Block
Pre-cast concrete blocks shall be made as per dimensions shown on the drawings.
The materials and workmanship shall comply with the standard specification in all
Pre-cast concrete blocks (cc blocks) shall be made from concrete with the
compressive strength as shown in the drawing, such as 9 N/mm2, 10.5 N/mm2, 15
N/mm2, 16 N/mm2.
The blocks shall comply with the percentages of the different sizes as shown on
the drawings. A size wise schedule of all blocks shall be prepared before
execution of the work.
Each block shall be marked with a serial number and the date of casting.
Marking shall be engraved on the block whilst the concrete is still "green“.
Marking by paint is not acceptable.
A register (officially issued) shall be used to maintain the number, date of casting,
date and location of placing/dumping of each block at site and available at all
times for inspection.
In case more than one batching plant is used, then one set of six test specimens is
to be produced for each plant on every working day.
Three samples of each set shall be tested after 7 days and other three sets shall be
tested after 28 days of its production.
Compressive strength may also be determined by cutting core from CC Block at
any time.
Production of CC Block
Formwork and moulds shall ensure the designed shapes and sizes of block. They
shall be of steel.
The moulds shall be sufficiently tight fitting to prevent grout losses and
sufficiently rigid to withstand the effects of pouring and vibrating during placing
the concrete without distorting and capable of releasing the hardened concrete
blocks without causing damages to the blocks.
Hand mixing of concrete is prohibited. Batching plants shall be used for mixing
Concrete shall be transported from the place of mixing to the place of final
deposition as quickly as possible. The methods adopted should ensure that
concrete is placed in position within Initial Setting Time of cement i,e 45 minutes.
Un-used concrete of one day shall not be used on the next day.
Concrete should be placed gently at its position and not thrown from a height.
Before placing concrete the formwork and moulds shall be cleaned and well
Water in the Production of CC Block
Water used in concreting shall be fit for drinking purpose.
The water used for concrete mixing, curing, or other designated applications shall
be fresh water, clean and free from oil, salt acid, alkali, sugar, vegetable or any
other substance injurious to the finished product.
The water shall meet the requirements of the Standards, in particular DIN 4030 or
BS 3148.
The water to cement ratio shall be within 0.45 to 0.55 by weight. This ration shall
strictly be maintained.
Curing of CC Block
Concrete shall be protected from the effects of sunshine, dry wind, running water
or mechanical damage for a continuous period, until the concrete has reached at
least three quarters of its 28 day strength, but not less than 10 days.
Curing shall begin as soon as the concrete is sufficiently hard and shall be
continued for 21 days.
In short, concrete surface shall be always wet, without any break, for 21 days.
Any strip of underwater protection from the river-side edge of the falling apron to
the edge of shallow water (Average Low Water or SAL) must be completed in a
day’s work.
The quantity of material to be dumped per unit length of bank shall be stacked
along the dumping edge of the pontoon/barge and dumped at proper position as
directed by the control through total station on the bank.
Dumping aid shall not have any sharp corners or edges or any other features that
could damage the bags or reduce the properties of the bags making them
unsuitable as protective launching element.
Anchor points in the river may consist of anchor pontoons equipped with winches
temporarily positioned at site to hold and move the dumping pontoons during
dumping of bags. Alternatively, dumping pontoons can be directly anchored into
the riverbed. Standard anchors can be used, such as stockless anchors having a
holding power of about 3 to 5 times the own weight. In selecting type of anchors,
flow velocity, bed material etc shall be taken into consideration.
No construction work on under-water apron shall start if the flow velocity is 1.5
m/sec or higher. This can be relaxed only when emergency protection or repair of
protection work is needed.
Survey boat equipped with sonar scanner and divers for direct underwater
inspection shall be used throughout the construction period.
16.0 Machinery and equipment needed for River Bank Protection work
Flat top barges
Tug boats (400 HP)
Drum mooring winches with ropes and anchors
Crane (40-ton capacity)
Topographic and bathymetric survey teams with equipment
Diver team
Sewing machines (if geobag is used as apron material)
Laboratory for sand and concrete strength testing
Motorized country boat
Concrete mixers
Compaction Equipment
17.0 Sand-Cement Gunny Bag /Geobag
Shall be used for precautionary work.
Water Cement ration is 0.50.
Minimum curing is 7 days.
Dumping or placing shall be done after curing.
Approximate thickness of one layer of Sand-Cement filled Gunny Bag :
18.0 Geotube
Material of Geotube shall be Geotextile. Specification of Geotextile shall be as stated in
Article 13.0.
Geotube shall be filled hydraulically with sand.
95% sand shall retain on # 200 sieve.
Height of Geotube : Approximately 70% of Dia after sand fill.
Length of Geotube : Approximately max 30 m or as per design.
1 N = 0.2248 lb. = 0.102 kg. 1 lb = 0.4536 kg.
1kg = 2.205 lb. 1 Ton = 9.964 KN. =1016 kg.
1KN = 0.1004 Ton = 102.0 kg = 0.102 Tonne = 1.016 Tonne
1 Tonne = 1000 kg = 0.9842 Ton = 9.807 KN 1 Cwt. = 112lbs. = 50.80 kg.
1 Quintal = 1.9684 Cwt = 0.508 Quintal
1 lb/ft = 14.59 N/m = 1.488 kg/m 1 Ton/ft = 32.69 KN/m = 3.333 Tonne/m
Fluid Capacity :
1 litre = 0.22 Imperial gallon 1 Imperial gallon = 4.546 litre
= 0.2642 US gallon = 1.201 US gallon
Abbreviations Abbreviations
14. C.I. Sheet (Depending on Gauges) Cast Iron 102 kg per bundle
Sl. Size Thickness (t) in Weight per metre Sectional Area in
No. in mm mm length in kg cm2
12. 75x75 5.00 5.70 7.27
6.00 6.80 8.66
8.00 6.90 11.38
10.00 11.00 14.02
13. 80x80 6.00 7.30 9.29
8.00 9.60 12.21
10.00 11.80 15.05
12.00 14.00 17.81
14. 90x90 6.00 8.20 10.47
8.00 10.80 13.79
10.00 13.40 17.03
12.00 15.80 20.19
15. 100x100 6.00 9.20 11.67
8.00 12.10 15.39
10.00 14.90 19.03
12.00 17.70 22.59
16. 110x110 8.00 13.40 17.02
10.00 16.50 21.06
12.00 19.60 25.02
15.00 24.20 30.81
17. 130x130 8.00 15.90 20.22
10.00 19.70 25.06
12.00 23.40 29.82
15.00 28.90 36.81
18. 150x150 10.00 22.80 19.03
12.00 27.20 34.59
15.00 33.80 42.78
18.00 39.90 50.79
19. 200x200 12.00 36.60 46.61
15.00 45.40 57.80
18.00 54.00 68.81
25.00 73.60 93.80