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Ranging Speed Measurement Laser

Operator’s Manual

applied concepts, inc.

2609 Technology Drive Toll Free Sales 1-800-STALKER
Plano, TX 75074 Toll Free Service 1-877-STALKER
Phone (972) 398-3780 sales@stalkerradar.com
Fax (972) 398-3781 www.stalkerradar.com
011-0001-00 Rev N
Dear Valued LIDAR Customer:

Thank you for choosing the S LIDAR System. We sincerely appreciate you purchasing the S
and giving us the opportunity of serving you and your department. You will find the S to be an
invaluable tool in controlling speed violators and making your streets and highways safer. Most importantly, we
care about you, our customer, and want you to be completely satisfied. Our success as a company depends upon
your satisfaction and experience with the S LIDAR.

Applied Concepts, Inc. believes that the S LIDAR offers more than superior performance and versatility.
S is backed 100% with reliable, professional, and experienced sales and service support, ready to assist
you at your request. We also offer nationwide factory authorized repair centers to assure you of fast and
efficient service.
We wish you the greatest success in your speed enforcement program. Please do not hesitate to let us know if
there is anything we may do to add to your product satisfaction.

Thanks again!

Applied Concepts, Inc.

S LIDAR is covered by one or more of the following United States Patents: 5,563,603;
5,570,093; 5,525,996; 5,565,871; 5,528,245; 5,691,724; 6,198,427 B1; 6,501,418 B1;
6,580,386 B1; 6,646,591 B2; 6,744,379 B1; 6,831,593 B2; 6,853,314 B1; 7,068,212 B2;
7,218,271; 7,409,294; and 7,411,544.
In addition, other United States Patents are pending.
©2006, 2008 Applied Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved.
STALKER is a registered trademark of Applied Concepts, Inc.

Notice of Trade Secret. This Operator’s Manual contains trade secret and protected information that is exempted from
public and/or unauthorized disclosure under various state laws, federal laws, and the definition of trade secret
under the Restatement of Torts.
Unauthorized or public disclosure of this Operator’s Manual may cause substantial competitive injury or harm to
Standard of Care. You agree not use this Operator’s Manual for any purpose other than in connection with police radar
enforcement. You agree that the standard of care which you shall use in preventing disclosure of the Operator’s
Manual to third parties shall be at least the same care that you would take in preserving the confidentiality of your
own sensitive information and classified documents. You also agree to exercise reasonable care in overseeing
those with access to the Operator’s Manual, and shall limit such access to only those of who have a need to
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................................................ I
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
HISTORY OF LASER................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
WHAT IS LASER ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
BEAM WIDTH ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
SWEEP EFFECT ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
BEAM REFLECTION ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
COSINE OR ANGLE EFFECT .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE ................................................................................................................................................. 6
EYE SAFETY ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
OPERATOR CONTROLS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
REAR PANEL DISPLAY .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
REAR PANEL DISPLAY FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 7
KEYBOARD FUNCTIONS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
AUDIBLE INDICATORS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
HUD FEATURES ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
TESTING THE S LIDAR.................................................................................................................................................................. 10
POWER-ON SELF TEST ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10
MANUAL SELF-TEST .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
SIGHT ALIGNMENT TEST ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
DISTANCE TEST ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
KNOWN SPEED TEST.............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
S LIDAR SETUP ............................................................................................................................................................................... 12
USER SETUP MENU ................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
USER SETUP MENU VALUES ................................................................................................................................................................ 12
OPERATING THE S LIDAR............................................................................................................................................................ 12
OPERATING LOCATION ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
GENERAL FUNCTIONING OF THE LIDAR .......................................................................................................................................... 13
MODES AVAILABLE IN THE LIDAR .................................................................................................................................................... 13
TO PLACE THE LIDAR INTO OPERATION: ......................................................................................................................................... 13
OPERATING IN TRACKING MODE ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
OPERATING IN SINGLE SHOT MODE .................................................................................................................................................. 15
OPERATING IN TIME/DISTANCE MODE ............................................................................................................................................. 16
ENTERING DISTANCE FOR TIME/DISTANCE .................................................................................................................................... 17
USING TIME/DISTANCE MODE ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
INCLEMENT WEATHER MODE OPERATION ..................................................................................................................................... 18
SELECTING INCLEMENT WEATHER MODE ...................................................................................................................................... 18
DISPLAY MESSAGES .............................................................................................................................................................................. 19
DISPLAY VERSION NUMBER................................................................................................................................................................ 19
SPEED ALARM SET MODE .................................................................................................................................................................... 19
I/O PORT .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
INTERFERENCE SOURCES AND REMEDIES .......................................................................................................................................... 20
TERRAIN ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
RAIN ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
ELECTRICAL NOISE ............................................................................................................................................................................... 20
VEHICLE IGNITION NOISE .................................................................................................................................................................... 20
REQUIRED MAINTENANCE ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21
OPTICAL SURFACES............................................................................................................................................................................... 21
TROUBLESHOOTING .............................................................................................................................................................................. 21
CASE LAW .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
DOCUMENTED CASES ........................................................................................................................................................................... 23
COURTROOM TESTIMONY ................................................................................................................................................................... 23
LIDAR TRACKING HISTORY ................................................................................................................................................................. 24
LIDAR TEST AND REVIEW ........................................................................................................................................................................ 25
WARRANTY .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27


S LIDAR is a laser device that measures the speed of vehicles, indicates the distance of the vehicle and
whether the vehicle is coming toward or going away from the device. It can be operated hand-held or mounted
in a stationary position.
S LIDAR is a small, lightweight and well-balanced device that has a built-in HUD (Heads Up Display)
that allows the operator to track the target vehicle while observing nearby traffic.
S LIDAR’s electronic design is microprocessor based with signal processing and precision cast optics.
This allows the unit to be upgraded with future performance features by simply installing new computer
software using a laptop computer, which prevents obsolescence and insures the Customer the ability to benefit
from future enhancements.
S LIDAR provides both Single Shot mode and Tracking mode. Tracking mode provides continuous
tracking and immediate, real-time speed updates as long as the trigger is depressed. This coupled with our
unique Target Speed Tone gives the operator excellent tracking history and target identification. It sends out
130 pulses per second and operates at a wavelength 905 nanometer.

Albert Einstein, in 1917, developed a theory that a single frequency light could be created which could be
transmitted over great distances and would not dispense laterally from the source of origin. This theory showed
that molecules that were energized gave off a monochromatic light. Monochromatic light occupies only a small
portion of the light spectrum and is thought of as “one-color light.” This was the theory of laser, but actually
the first laser was not developed until 1957 by a Columbia University graduate student named Gorden Gould.
This design was on paper only. The first working laser was developed by Theodore Maiman in 1960. The first
laser developed for speed detection was introduced in 1989.
There are many different types of lasers and they are used for many different applications. Since a laser can
deliver energy with great accuracy, it can be used in industry for welding and cutting and in the medical field
for surgery. It is also used for such things as surveying, laser light shows, and can read bar codes at the local
grocery store or retail outlet. Laser technology is growing at a very fast pace and there are constantly new
developments being discovered for lasing materials and lasing methods. The type of laser being utilized in the
S LIDAR is a semi-conductor laser.

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part
15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the
equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with this instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case
the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Any changes or modifications to the S LIDAR not expressly approved by Applied Concepts, Inc. could void the
user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Speed detection devices
using this technology are referred to as Lasers or LIDAR. These units measure both speed and distance and the
word LIDAR stands for Light Detection And Ranging. Light is what allows us to see. When light reflects off
an object it makes the object visible to us. Light transmitted by a speed detection laser, or LIDAR, is a form of
electromagnetic radiation and is composed of waves similar to the radio or microwave waves transmitted by
radar. Stimulated emission is a method that allows light from a single frequency to be greatly amplified.
The difference between laser and radar is the wavelength and frequency of transmission. Radar is measured by
it’s frequency in gigahertz. Laser is measured by it’s wavelength in nanometers. Laser operates on a much
higher frequency than radar or microwave. Laser has a frequency 13,000 times higher than K-Band radar and
9,500 times higher than Ka-Band radar.
All electromagnetic waves, including radar or microwave and light from a laser, travel at the SPEED of LIGHT,
186,000 miles per second, or about one foot in one billionth of a second. In discussing radar or microwave, it is
described in “hertz” or “cycles per second,” which is the number of waves or cycles that occur in one second.
With laser it is more convenient to look at it’s wavelength. The wavelength is “the distance between two points
in a periodic wave that have the same phase.”
Most laser cavities are constructed using a specific optical gain medium (solid, liquid, or gas) held between two
external mirrors. Laser mirrors are separated at fixed distances, and the gain medium pumped by an external
optical or electrical energy source. Light is emitted by the medium and bounces between the mirrors. Since
only specific resonant frequency modes of the light are amplified, the laser output has a narrow frequency
spectrum, called monochromatic (“single color”). The wavefronts of light emitted by a laser also maintain a
high degree of phase relationship over extended time intervals. With the wavefronts traveling at the speed of
light, this translates to an extremely accurate correlation between successive laser wavefronts which have
traveled extended distances. Therefore, laser sources are ideal for ranging and speed detection.
The S LIDAR uses a compact laser diode as the transmitting light source. The diode chip is
manufactured using an ultra-pure semiconductor process, and the chip itself acts as the complete laser cavity.
The manufacturing process and chip dimensions are tuned for laser output in the infrared region of the optical
spectrum, so that the LIDAR beam is not visible to the human eye. As current is pulsed through the chip, a
series of correlated light pulses emerge from the laser diode. The transmitted wavefront is collimated with high
precision laser optics to a very narrow transmitted beam, which allows for accurate target selection. Light
reflected from the target is gathered by a second set of high precision laser optics and concentrated on a fast,
high gain semiconductor detector diode. A custom optical filter tunes the detector diode to the exact
wavelength region of the laser diode. With this approach, extraneous optical radiation from sunlight,
headlights, and other sources is blocked. Thus, daytime as well as nighttime LIDAR operation is achieved.
The beamwidth of the S LIDAR is 0.172°, sometimes referred to as 3 milli-radians. This produces a
beam whose width is 0.003 times the range to the target. Using the beamwidth formula (.003 x Range to
Target) we find that the beam width of the S LIDAR is 3.6 inches at 100 feet, 1.5 feet at 500 feet and 3.0
feet at 1000 feet.

In the most simple terms, the S LIDAR determines speed by measuring the time of flight of very short
pulses of infrared light.
Since the speed of light is a constant (approximately 186,000 miles per second), the time it takes the laser pulse
to travel to the target and back is directly proportional to the distance of the target. By sending two pulses a
known time apart, two distances can be calculated. The change in distance, divided by the time interval
between the two pulses, gives the speed of the target. Laser utilizes two laws of physics, speed of light and the
time-distance formula S = D/T, which is: Speed = Distance/Time.
When we point the S LIDAR at a target and squeeze the trigger to transmit, the unit sends out infrared
light in a series of predetermined pulses. Each pulse is traveling at the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second
or about a foot every billionth of a second. As each pulse of light leaves the LIDAR unit, it starts a timer and
allows the LIDAR to determine how long the pulse is gone until it returns. When it returns, the timer is turned
off and the elapsed time is fed into a computer processor. The processor then divides the elapsed time by two
(since only a one-way distance is needed) and converts the result into distance. Once we know the distance of
travel and the time it took to travel the distance, speed can be calculated. If the distance is getting greater, then
we know the target is traveling away from the LIDAR so we display a (-) sign next to the speed indicating the
target is going away. If the distance becomes shorter, we know the target is coming toward the LIDAR so we
display a (+) sign.
In theory, it is possible to make a speed measurement by comparing only two pulses. For law enforcement
applications, this is not enough redundancy to eliminate possible errors. To eliminate errors, the S
LIDAR looks at a series of pulses and applies various independent tests to the data before it determines and
displays an accurate speed.
First, the actual speed calculation that the S LIDAR uses is much more complex than the simple distance
divided by time formula. The unit actually computes the movement of the vehicle as change in time of flight
instead of change in distance. Timing circuitry in the S LIDAR measures the round-trip time of flight of
the LIDAR pulse. The round-trip distance is twice the target distance, so the target range can be calculated by
the following formula: d = c × t / 2. Where d is the target distance, c is the speed of light in air, and t is the
round-trip time of flight.
An Example is:
If t = 2034 ns (nanoseconds) and c = 983,286,229 feet/sec
d = c × t = 983,286,229 × 2034 x 10-9
2 2
d = 1000 ft

Secondly, the processor takes all of this data and averages it over the number of pulses received. This method is
referred to as the average of least squares and it gives the best possible result and the least chance of error.
Average of least squares is a sophisticated mathematical algorithm formula that determines that a group of data
is consistent. The S LIDAR looks at all of the data and determines the speed based upon the entire
group of data. It tracks and plots the data and averages it to establish a straight line. If it receives data that is
too far removed from the best-fit line, the data is disregarded. If too much data is out of fit then no speed is
displayed and an error message would appear. This method of calculation assures the operator a very high
degree of accuracy.
The S LIDAR produces a very narrow beam width, which when properly used, allows the operator to
monitor individual targets to the exclusion of others.
However, because the size of the beam width is directly proportional to the distance of the target, it is important
to understand the relationship between distance and beam width. The S LIDAR produces a beam whose
width is 0.003 times the range to the target. The following table shows the Beam Width vs. Range to Target for
a number of distances.

Range to Target Beam Width

100 feet 0.3 feet (3.6 in.)
300 feet 0.9 feet (10.8 in.)
500 feet 1.5 feet
1000 feet 3.0 feet
1500 feet 4.5 feet
2000 feet 6.0 feet
3000 feet 9.0 feet
5000 feet 15.0 feet

As this table shows, the narrow beam width permits a single vehicle to be selected at shorter distances.
However, depending on the width of the vehicle, the beam becomes wide enough that some separation between
targets is necessary to insure accurate target identification at longer distances. The beam does get
proportionally wider as distances increase. It is suggested, in heavy traffic and multi-lane usage, that speeds be
obtained at the shorter distances to assure proper target identification.

A condition known as sweep effect can occur when using LIDAR devices. This will happen when the sequence
of range measurements obtained by the LIDAR are not measured from the same spot on the target.
Suppose, for example, that a long rectangular semi-trailer passes by and a tripod-mounted LIDAR is sighted
along a line nearly parallel to the roadway, toward the trailer’s side. The trailer has some speed, but the range to
the point where the laser beam hits the side of the trailer is constant, so the LIDAR gives a speed reading of
zero. On the other hand, if the trailer is stationary but the LIDAR is smoothly rotated so that the beam sweeps
along the flat surface, the LIDAR receives data that the distance to the target is changing, and a non-zero speed
may be indicated. These are extreme cases, but they illustrate the point that LIDAR speed measurement is
based on the assumption that a series of ranges to the same small area on a target has been obtained. If the
measurements do not fit this assumption, then sweep effect has occurred.
A more meaningful example of sweep effect can occur when aiming at the front or rear of a passenger vehicle.
If the aim of the LIDAR device is permitted to wander between the license plate and the top of the passenger
compartment, an inconsistency of about 4 feet in the range data (the length of the hood or trunk) can occur.
Depending on the sequence of events, this can cause the vehicle to appear to have traveled either 4 feet further
or 4 feet less than the true distance. If this sweep effect goes undetected, it could cause the calculated vehicle
speed to be as much as 8 miles per hour higher or lower than the true speed. The S LIDAR target
recognition processing software includes tests for this condition, and potentially erroneous readings are
suppressed. In addition, the continuous tracking capability of the S LIDAR permits an operator to see
that an erroneous speed has briefly occurred and to ignore that speed. Other possible sweep effect conditions
are due to two or more targets intercepting the laser beam during one measurement. This can occur because of
intervening objects interrupting the beam, or because of poor aiming allowing the beam to sweep between two
side-by-side targets. The S LIDAR also provides screening for this type of effect and suppresses
potentially erroneous readings.
Properly trained operators can eliminate the sweep effect by understanding reflective properties of the LIDAR
beam and by obtaining a proper tracking history. Using Tracking mode, S LIDAR performs continuous
tracking (speed and distance updating) as long as the trigger is depressed. Using Single Shot mode, a tracking
history may be obtained by taking multiple readings for a single target. Either of these methods allow the
operator to track the vehicle and easily recognize any invalid readings should they occur.
The S LIDAR also employs a Target Speed Tone, much like the Doppler tone heard on radar. This tone
is in direct proportion to the speed, i.e., the higher the speed, the higher the pitch of the audio. The audio can be
heard whenever the S LIDAR is tracking and displaying a speed. If the sweep effect occurs, the operator
can hear an irregular tone for the vehicle being tracked, thus alerting the operator to the possible sweep effect.

The LIDAR beam interacts with the environment but with greatly different results than a radar beam. The
LIDAR beam will reflect very easily off almost any object, therefore the beam will reflect back to the LIDAR
rather than going around, through or being absorbed like a radar beam. Because of this, care has to be taken by
the operator to make sure objects such as signs, trees, and other obstacles are not between the target and the
LIDAR. These obstacles would not cause an incorrect reading but would either stop the LIDAR beam from
“hitting” the targeted vehicle or simply give a distance reading to the object.
It is also important to remember the reflecting properties of vehicles. The hood and windshield of many
vehicles are sloped and may not reflect the LIDAR beam directly back to the LIDAR unit. This could either
prevent readings or readings at shorter distances. We suggest that the LIDAR beam be aimed low on the
vehicle, at the grill and front license plate area. The license plate is almost a perfect LIDAR reflector and
targeting it should produce the best results. Vehicles without license plates will result in the LIDAR having
shorter effective range. The shape and color of the vehicle can have an effect on the LIDAR. A light colored
vehicle will produce a better return signal than a dark colored vehicle.
LIDAR devices may be operated both in daylight and nighttime, however care at night must be taken. In
daylight, the operator can see all of the subject vehicle and it is easier to target the front grill or license plate. At
night, the operator may only see the headlights and the dark area between them, and targets may need to be
closer to obtain a reading. It is also more difficult to see obstructions between the LIDAR and the vehicle, such
as posts, signs, rain, snow, fog, etc. All of these effects have the result of shortening the range of the LIDAR.
An Inclement Weather Mode feature allows S LIDAR to track through interfering weather phenomena
such as fog, snow, and rain which would otherwise cause S LIDAR to attempt to process reflections
from the weather phenomena as targets, preventing processing of the intended target. This mode works by
inhibiting processing of any target closer than approximately 250 feet. Reflections from weather phenomena
beyond 250 feet are normally too weak to cause interference. All S LIDAR units manufactured with
serial number 70400 and higher contain the Inclement Weather Mode feature.
The LIDAR should not be used through the windshield or any other glass surface. The angle of the windshield
will often reduce the effective range of the LIDAR. Some windshields contain elements or coatings, which
make LIDAR operation through them impossible. Operation through the side glass is better than the windshield
although some loss of range may be experienced. Hand-held operation is possible, especially by the lightweight
and balanced design of the S LIDAR. However, for greatest range, resting the LIDAR on the glass,
using the shoulder stock or a tripod or monopod, will produce the best results. Care should be taken to hold the
LIDAR as steady as possible.
The cosine effect while using LIDAR is the same as that seen using radar. A large cosine angle to the target
will cause the device to read lower than the true speed. The speed displayed will always be less than the actual
speed of the vehicle.
Therefore, it is recommended that the LIDAR be operated at the least angle possible (relative to the direction of
travel of the target vehicle). This will also provide a better return signal to the LIDAR and resulting in better
sensitivity. Care should be taken for the operator’s personal safety in regards to passing traffic.


Due to the inherent properties of the LIDAR (highly collimated coherent light) and the vast differences from
radio waves, LIDAR devices are generally not affected by RFI. The S LIDAR has been shielded against
RFI entering the device and also has an RFI detector circuit. If RFI is present and causes interference, the RFI
detector disables the S LIDAR from operating and displays “RFI”.


The S LIDAR is designed and tested to meet the F.D.A (Federal Drug Administration) eye safety
requirements for a Class I laser device, and thereby complies with CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11. Class I levels of
laser radiation are not considered to be hazardous.
To prevent inadvertent exposure to potentially hazardous laser radiation, all servicing of the S LIDAR
must be performed at the manufacturer.
We do, however, recommend that certain reasonable precautions be taken when operating the unit. A person
should not stare directly into the lens for an extended time, especially at close distances.
CAUTION – The use of optical instruments with this product will increase eye hazard. Therefore do not point
the LIDAR at an observer using instruments such as binoculars, telescopes, or cameras.


RANGE: The right, four-digit LCD window is the range window. This window displays
the range of the last target measured in feet (or meters for metric operation).
SPEED: The left, three-digit LCD window is the speed window. The speed window
displays the target speed in MPH (KPH for metric operation). The “sign”
character in the left side of the speed window indicates target direction. A “+”
indicates the target is approaching, while a “–” indicates the target is receding.
PWR: The PWR icon indicates that the unit is on.
XMIT: The XMIT icon indicates that S LIDAR is transmitting.
TEST: The TEST icon indicates that a self-test sequence is in process.
The icon is used to adjust the volume up or down. One bar indicates ”off” and
four bars indicate loudest.
FAIL: The FAIL icon indicates that a circuit malfunction has been detected, in which
case speed readings are inhibited and the unit should be removed from service and
repaired. FAIL will remain in the LCD along with an error code until reset by
being powered off.
Lo V: The LoV icon illuminates when the battery voltage is too low. Operation is
inhibited while this icon is displayed, but normal operation will resume
automatically when the input voltage is restored to a normal voltage.
RFI: The RFI icon indicates the presence of an interfering signal. Operation is
inhibited during an RFI indication. Normal operation will resume automatically
when the RFI condition ceases.
KPH: The KPH icon indicates that the unit is measuring using kilometers.
T/D: The T/D icon indicates that Time/Distance mode is selected.
MAX: The MAX icon indicates when maximum range is shown. When MAX is shown
on the LCD, the current maximum range can be updated by aiming at the new
target and pressing the trigger, or incremented and decremented with the MAX
and MIN keys.
MIN: The MIN icon indicates when the minimum range is shown. When MIN is shown
on the LCD, the current minimum range can be incremented and decremented
with the MAX and MIN keys.
▲│MAX: The ▲│MAX key is used to display/update the maximum range for
Time/Distance mode. Press the ▲│MAX key to light the MAX icon. When the
MAX icon is on, the current maximum range will appear in the distance window,
and a new distance can be updated by aiming and pressing the trigger.
The ▲│MAX key is also used to increment the setting while in the Alarm Speed,
Max Distance, or Min Distance set modes.
MIN│▼: The MIN│▼ key is used to display/update the minimum range for Time/Distance
mode. Press the MIN│▼ key to light the MIN icon. When the MIN icon is on,
the current minimum range will appear in the distance window, and a new
distance can be updated by aiming and pressing the trigger.
The MIN│▼ key is also used to decrement the setting while in the Alarm Speed,
Max Distance, or Min Distance set modes.
MENU│T / D: The MENU T / D key is a dual-function key. It is used to enter the User Menu
and to select Time/Distance mode.
A short press of the MENU T / D key will enter the User Menu and step between
parameters within the User Menu. A long key press will exit the User Menu and
return to normal operation.
During normal operation, a long key press of the MENU T / D key will toggle
Time/Distance on and off.
HUD LIGHT: The HUD LIGHT key toggles the HUD intensity from low to high through six
levels when pressed. The first key depression displays the current intensity.
Subsequent depressions toggle the intensity from 1 (lowest intensity) through 6
(highest intensity), then back to 1.
SPEED/RANGE: The SPEED/RANGE key is used to select Tracking mode, Single Shot mode,
Inclement Weather mode, and to toggle between SPEED only display, RANGE
only display, and simultaneous SPEED and RANGE display. The current mode is
indicated by “ - - - - ” or “ - - SS” in the SPEED or RANGE windows.
Pressing and holding the SPEED/RANGE key for two seconds will cause the
unit to enter the Inclement Weather mode. Press the SPEED/RANGE key to
exit Inclement Weather mode, MAX/MIN set mode, or TIME/DIST mode.
PANEL LIGHT: The PANEL LIGHT key toggles both the LCD backlight and the keyboard
backlight on and off.
AUDIO: The AUDIO key is used to adjust the volume of the speaker from low to high in
four steps. The number of speaker bars changes (one bar to four bars) to indicate
the setting. One bar turns off the Target Speed Tone but leaves other tones
enabled at low volume.
TEST: The TEST key performs a complete self-test, including verification of crystal
accuracy. A “happy tone” and the message PASS on the LCD Range display are
used to indicate successful completion.
PWR: The PWR key is the main On/Off power switch.

Self-Test tones - A 4-beep “happy” tone indicates the successful completion of a self-test operation. A failure
is indicated by a repeating beep code consisting of one to eighteen beeps. The self-test operation is explained in
the TESTING THE S LIDAR section.

The Heads Up Display (HUD) is the viewfinder on the top of the LIDAR gun. It is used to sight the desired
target in LIDAR mode. The alignment of the HUD is verified in Sight Alignment Mode by panning past test
targets while listening to the sight tone. See the TESTING THE S LIDAR section for a full description
of these modes.
TARGET RETICULE: The target reticule consists of a red spot in the middle of the HUD viewfinder.
This reticule approximates the size of the transmitted beam and is used for
TARGET RANGE: The upper, four-digit LED that appears in the HUD window. This window
displays the same distance information that appears in the Rear Display’s Range
field unless tenth’s range display is selected, in which case whole-number range
will be shown on the HUD and tenth’s on the Rear Display.
TARGET SPEED: The lower, three-digit LED that appears in the HUD window. This window
displays the same speed information that appears in the Rear Display’s Speed
field. The “sign” character in the left side of the speed window indicates target
direction. A “+” indicates the target is approaching while a “–” indicates the
target is receding.
HUD SWITCH: As described in the previous Keyboard Functions section, this switch allows the
HUD LED brightness to be adjusted through six levels from 1 (lowest intensity)
to 6 (highest intensity).

The following tests check for proper display, aiming, calibration, and computations in the S LIDAR.


A complete self-test is performed at power-on. The unit goes through a self-test sequence and displays 1.0 20,
150.0 250, 200.0 1000, then displays the LIDAR unit’s serial number, for example: Ld07 9229. Successful
completion of self-test is indicated by the display of PASS and an audio “happy” tone. Self-test fail is indicated
by a repeating beep code consisting of one to eighteen beeps. If the unit fails upon power-on, please listen and
note the number of beeps (one to eighteen). The unit should be taken out of service and the factory should be
contacted for further instructions.

A self-test can be run at any time by pressing the TEST key. Successful completion of self-test is indicated by
the display of PASS and an audio “happy” tone. If the test is unsuccessful, the FAIL icon appears instead.
NOTE: If the FAIL icon appears in the Display Window of your S LIDAR, the unit must be turned
OFF and then back ON to reset the FAIL mode.


This test is designed to ensure the operator that the light beam of the LIDAR is aligned properly with the Red
Dot in the HUD. If the HUD alignment is not correct, it will cause improper sighting of targets and will
produce difficulty in tracking vehicles resulting in display error messages. We suggest this test be performed
before each shift or at the beginning of the day. Some departments may want to perform this test at the end of
operations as well, much like the tuning fork test for radar.
To perform this test, follow these simple instructions:
1. To enter Sight Alignment Mode, press the TEST key and release while holding the trigger. SA appears in
the Speed Display Window indicating Sight Alignment mode. You now can pan the unit across a test target,
such as a sign. A tone sounds when the unit has the target in sight and recognizes it. Verify that the target
dot is symmetric with the target both horizontally and vertically.
2. Select a vertical pole or sign at some distance away. (At least 100 feet away)
3. Aim the Red Dot directly at the pole or sign and press the trigger to transmit. A distance reading should
4. Continue to press the trigger and slowly move the Red Dot
across the pole. You will hear an audio tone.
5. As the Red Dot goes off the target, the distance reading
should disappear and the audio tone will stop. This checks
the horizontal alignment.
6. Slowly move the Red Dot from the right to left and left to
right. Again the distance should disappear and the audio
will stop whenever the Red Dot is off the target.
7. When targeting a sign, go from top to bottom and bottom to top to check the vertical alignment. When
targeting a pole, simply rotate the LIDAR 90 degrees and move from side to side again.
Note: You may notice that the audio tone continues briefly after the Red Dot moves past the pole or sign.
Remember that the beam gets wider as distance is increased. The Audio tone gives you an indication of the
beam width at the target distance.

1. Locate two known distances in a convenient location; i.e., to a sign and to a pole.
2. Mark an “x” on the pavement where the officer should stand with the S LIDAR. Measure each of
the two distances from the “x”. Make sure one distance is greater than the other, i.e. 150 feet (to sign) and
200 feet (to pole).
3. Set the S LIDAR to range mode. Obtain a reading to each known distance and verify the S
LIDAR is reading the measured distance within specification.
Accurate distance measurement insures the operator that the unit is operating properly and will display both
accurate distance and speed readings. The LIDAR actually computes the known distance by timing the time of
flight of the transmitted and received light pulses.


Testing the S LIDAR using a target traveling at a known speed further serves as verification of accuracy.
This test can be performed several ways:
1. Test using a S LIDAR and S Radar at the same time. The speed of a moving vehicle can be
checked with both the Lidar and the Radar operating simultaneously.
2. Have a patrol vehicle drive at a constant speed directly towards (or away) from the LIDAR while the driver
of the target vehicle verifies the speed using either a radio or cell phone.
3. Although the LIDAR should only be operated while stationary, it is possible to obtain a speed reading from
a moving vehicle while driving the vehicle and aiming the LIDAR at a stationary object. The object needs
to be directly in front of the patrol vehicle so the cosine effect does not effect the readings. Since the
LIDAR is looking through the windshield, the range will be very short. Verify the speed on the LIDAR
against the vehicle’s speedometer.

The S LIDAR offers a number of user-configurable settings that are accessed through the User Setup


To access the User Setup Menu:
1. Briefly press the MENU│T/D key. Subsequent short presses cycle through the 6-item User Setup Menu.
2. Exit by pressing and holding the MENU│T/D key.

While in the User Setup mode, the ▲ & ▼keys are used to cycle possible choices for each menu item.


The table below describes the parameters that can be set according to the user’s preference. The factory default
for each setting is indicated by the bold underlined setting.

Menu Step Description Speed Display Range Display

(bold indicates factory default)
1 Speed decimal or units display SPd 0.1, 1
Distance decimal or units
2 dIS 0.1, 1
3 Serial Port Format For For 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
4 Baud Rate bAU 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, 384
5 Alarm Speed ASPd 60
6 Printer Time & Date Pt-d


In choosing an operating location it is important to keep the following in mind.
1. Officer safety. LIDAR devices are usually utilized in areas of high traffic density where radar cannot be
utilized. Selecting an area where the officer is safe and vehicles can be stopped, out of harms way, is an
important consideration.
2. Clear line of sight to the targeted traffic. Make sure there are no obstacles such as trees, signs, and telephone
poles between the LIDAR and the traffic.
3. If working from the patrol car, locate the vehicle where the LIDAR can be used through an open side
4. Greater sensitivity can be achieved by monitoring traffic traveling away from (rather than towards) the
LIDAR. This type of operation, however, usually will require more than one officer.

Several operating and setup modes are available with the S LIDAR to provide versatility of use. The
modes and their uses are described in the next section, MODES AVAILABLE IN THE LIDAR. The LIDAR
provides several features to make it easier to use. A back light feature is accessible by pressing the PANEL
LIGHT key. This key lights both the rear LCD display and the keyboard for use at night. The HUD LIGHT
key provides adjustment of the LED intensity of the HUD display characters. The AUDIO key provides
adjustment of the speaker volume for use in a variety of surroundings. Every 10 minutes, the internal
microprocessor automatically runs a self-test on all critical components. For more information on the self-test,
see the section TESTING THE S Lidar. To prolong battery life, the microprocessor automatically
goes into a low power mode 10 seconds after release of the trigger or last key depression. During low power
mode, all signal processing, back lighting, and the display of HUD digits are temporarily turned off. Only the
rear panel LCD and the HUD’s Red Dot remain on.


S Lidar has three operating modes available (Tracking mode, Single Shot mode, and Time/Distance
mode), three setup modes (Speed Alert Set Mode, Minimum mode, and Maximum mode), and one test mode
(Sight Alignment mode). For the two Lidar measurement modes (Tracking mode and Single Shot mode),
Inclement Weather mode can be selected (or not selected) depending on operating conditions. The operating
mode chosen depends on the purpose of the gun, as well as the needs of your department.
TRACKING MODE - Tracking mode continuously tracks a moving target as long as the trigger is pressed,
using LIDAR technology.
SINGLE SHOT MODE - When the trigger is pressed, Single Shot mode tracks a moving target for a fraction of
a second and then “LOCKS” the target speed (indicated by a BEEP) using LIDAR technology. Tracking
history may be obtained in Single Shot mode by taking multiple readings of a single target.
TIME DISTANCE MODE - Time/Distance mode allows you to enter a minimum and a maximum distance,
then determine the average speed of a vehicle by clocking the amount of time it takes for the vehicle to travel
between these two points. Since both Maximum and Minimum Modes are used in conjunction with
Time/Distance Mode, these two setup modes are explained in the ENTERING DISTANCE FOR
INCLEMENT WEATHER MODE - The Inclement Weather Mode feature allows S Lidar to track
through interfering weather phenomena such as fog, snow, and rain which would otherwise cause S
Lidar to attempt to process reflections from the weather phenomena as targets, preventing processing of the
intended target. This mode works by inhibiting processing of any target closer than approximately 250 feet.
Reflections from weather phenomena beyond 250 feet are normally too weak to cause interference. All
S LIDAR units manufactured with SN 70400 and higher contain the Inclement Weather Mode feature.
The S LIDAR features snap-in/snap-out handles. It can be powered by either a rechargeable battery
handle or a coiled cigarette plug handle. Choose which handle/power source you want to use and insert in the
bottom of the unit. Be sure to check and make sure the handle is “locked” into place.
To use the S LIDAR in either Tracking mode or Single Shot mode:
1. Power the unit on by pressing the “PWR” key. The unit will go through a Power-On Self Test followed by
a “happy” tone. It will display PASS. The LCD backlight will “light” and then turn off in approximately
ten seconds unless the trigger is depressed. The unit is still on and operational. The unit will power on in
either Tracking mode, Single Shot mode, or Time/Distance mode, whichever was last selected.

2. The “TEST” key can be pressed at anytime to initiate a Manual Self-Test.
3. Choose the level of audio. During Tracking mode, the exclusive Target Speed Tone in the S LIDAR
will be heard when a target is being successfully tracked, just like Doppler audio in radar. There will be a
higher pitch as the speed increases and a lower pitch as the speed decreases. The S LIDAR also has
a Target Return Tone. This helps the operator properly aim the LIDAR. No Target Return Tone is heard
when the beam is off the target. Tone repetition increases as the beam strikes the Target and signal quality
increases. Once a target speed is acquired, the Target Speed Tone overrides the Target Return Tone.
4. Press the SPEED/RANGE key to select one of the six possible settings for either Tracking mode or Single
Shot mode: SPEED only display, RANGE only display, or simultaneous SPEED and RANGE display. See
the next two Operator Manual sections, to further clarify these settings.
5. Adjust the HUD brightness to user preference using the “HUD LIGHT” key. Normally set the HUD light
to 6 for daylight usage.
6. Select Inclement Weather mode if weather conditions or other operating conditions demand it.
7. While the unit is powered on, the Red HUD Dot allows target selection prior to transmitting.
8. Once the target is selected, squeeze the trigger to transmit. To “lock” a target in Tracking mode, simply
release the trigger. To “lock” a target in Single Shot mode, simply press the trigger and wait a moment for
the BEEP. The “locked” LCD display will stay on until the trigger is squeezed again. The “locked” HUD
display will clear in 10 seconds.
9. Because of the HUD Optical Eye Relief, the operator should position his eye near the HUD to insure that he
can see the Distance Display (top numbers), the Red Dot, and the Speed Display (bottom numbers). By
moving one’s head (or the LIDAR) away from this optimum position, the operator may not be able to see all
of the HUD display. Once the operator is familiar with the HUD operation, eye position is not a problem.
Note: Operating the S LIDAR when trying to read targets at a long distance, you may see a distance
reading before you see a speed reading. You will also hear the Target Return Tone. No tone indicates the beam
is off target or too weak to produce a signal. A slow beeping tone indicates a weak signal. As the signal
increases in strength, the beeping tone repetition increases. This indicates correct targeting and the LIDAR has
been able to make a distance calculation, but has not received a strong enough signal or the proper validation
data to display speed. Continue to track the target and a speed reading should display momentarily.

Tracking Mode uses LIDAR technology to track objects. When in this mode, it is important to get a clear shot at
the desired vehicle so that you can track it for several seconds. For best performance, it is recommended that
the unit be used through an open window of the vehicle or
outside of the vehicle using a tripod.
The unit will power on in either: Tracking mode, Single Shot
mode, or Time/Distance mode; whichever was last selected. To
enter Tracking Mode when the unit is another mode, press the
SPEED/RANGE key. The current mode settings are now
( “ - - - - ” or “ - SS -” appear in the Speed and Range fields).
Press the SPEED/RANGE key to move between Tracking
mode and Single Shot mode and to select Speed-only, Range-
only, or simultaneous Speed and Range. The three settings
using “ - - - - ” indicate Tracking mode. The three settings
using “ - SS -” indicate Single Shot mode.
Depending on how your unit is configured at the factory,
tracking a vehicle in Tracking mode is performed by either:
1. Pressing and holding the trigger down for constant
transmitting (normal factory setting), or by
2. Pressing the trigger to indicate the beginning and pressing
again to end transmitting (optional factory setting).


Single Shot mode uses LIDAR technology to track a moving
target for a fraction of a second and then “LOCKS” the speed
(indicated by a BEEP).
The unit will power on in either: Tracking mode, Single Shot
mode, or Time/Distance mode; whichever was last selected. To
enter Tracking Mode when the unit is another mode, press the
SPEED/RANGE key. The current mode settings are now
( “ - - - - ” or “ - SS -” appear in the Speed and Range fields).
Press the SPEED/RANGE key to move between Tracking mode
and Single Shot mode and to select Speed-only, Range-only, or
simultaneous Speed and Range. The three settings using “ - - - - ”
indicate Tracking mode. The three settings using “ - SS -”
indicate Single Shot mode.
When using Single Shot mode, it is important to steady the unit to
minimize the shot interval. The shot interval can be as short as
1/3 second (if the return signal is strong and uninterrupted) or as
long as several seconds (for a weak or interrupted signal).

LIDAR Example:
A Patrol vehicle is parked in a residential area, monitoring traffic in a school zone. A vehicle enters the school
Point the LIDAR at the vehicle and pull the trigger.
The speed of the vehicle, 30 mph, appears in the Speed field on
the LCD display as well as the HUD LED display. The speed
remains on the display once transmitting has ended. In addition,
the Range, which in this example is 650 feet, is displayed on
both the LCD display and in the HUD.
There is no need to clear the speed and range of a vehicle from the display before tracking the next vehicle.


The Time/Distance Mode allows the Operator to determine the average speed of a vehicle as the vehicle passes
between two specified points. Once a distance is entered into the S LIDAR, the time it takes a vehicle to
pass through this distance is entered by separate trigger depressions which start and stop the timing clock. The
LIDAR calculates speed by measuring how much time it takes the vehicle to pass through the pre-set distance
and then calculates and displays the speed in MPH or KPH.
Example: 1 mile of distance over 60 seconds of time = 60 mph
½ mile of distance over 30 seconds of time = 60 mph
1 mile of distance over 40 seconds of time = 90 mph
The formula is: Speed = Distance (in feet)
Time (in seconds)
This results in speed in “feet-per-second”. To easily convert this speed (fps) into (mph), there is a 1.47
conversion factor that can be used. Dividing fps by the 1.47 conversion factor will provide speed in miles per
No hard and fast rule can be established concerning the minimum distance over which a vehicle should be
monitored. However, several factors enter into the equation which does establish the fact, that the farther the
distance, the less the chance of impact of an error. Three factors that can influence the calculation include:
1. Human error in activating start/stop
2. The distance measured
3. The speed of the vehicle
Human error can occur by the operator not pressing the start/stop trigger at the precise time and place that the
vehicle passes the points entered into the LIDAR.
If too short of distance is entered, it increases the chance for error. We recommend a minimum of 300-600 feet.
The greater the speed, the longer the measurement distance should be to reduce the possibility of an error. For
example, if you are mostly measuring high speeds you should measure using a longer distance than if measuring
slow speeds.

There are two methods that can be used for entering distances into the S LIDAR. This information is
entered by using the Maximum and Minimum Mode Keys on the LIDAR.
First, it is important to remember that the LIDAR makes its calculation based upon the “difference’ between the
two distances entered. One method of entering distance is to measure the distance with the LIDAR.
To measure and enter distance, follow these steps:
1. Power on the LIDAR
2. Briefly press the ▲│MAX key. The MAX icon appears in
the display window. If a number appears in the Range
display, this would be the last MAX distance entered. To
enter a new distance, aim at your new target where you
want to have your maximum range and press the trigger.
The new distance should appear (i.e. as example 525).
This distance is now in memory until a new distance is
3. Press the SPEED/RANGE key to exit Maximum Mode.
4. Press the MIN│▼ Key. The MIN icon appears in the
display window. If a number appears in the Range display,
this would be the last MIN distance entered. To enter a
new distance, aim at your new target where you want to
have your minimum range and press the trigger. The
distance should appear (i.e. 225). This distance is now in
memory until a new distance is entered.
5. Press the SPEED/RANGE Key to exit Minimum Mode.


Once the maximum and minimum values are set, the Time/Distance feature can be used.
Press and hold the MENU│T / D key to enter Time/Distance mode.
When a vehicle passes the first measurement point, press the trigger and release. The incrementing elapsed time
(.1 second intervals) is shown in the display window and 1 second intervals in the HUD.
When the vehicle passes the second measurement point, press and release the trigger again. Now the speed of
the vehicle is displayed in the SPEED window and the total time is displayed in the RANGE window.
Time/Distance Example: A Patrol vehicle is parked in a residential area, monitoring traffic in a school zone.
The maximum and minimum points to be used in this example are the school zone signs that demarcate the
beginning and end of the zone. Using the Maximum and Minimum Modes, set the maximum and minimum
range values.
A vehicle going 22 mph enters the school zone and passes the
first school zone sign, press the trigger and release. When the
vehicle passes the second school zone sign, press the trigger
again. The average speed of the vehicle in the school zone, 22
mph, is displayed in the SPEED field. The total time is
displayed in the RANGEe field.

The distance between the Maximum Distance and Minimum Distance is 525 minus 225 = 300 ft. (meters).
Because the LIDAR is only calculating the distance (300 ft.) between the two points the clock can be started
from either point or target where you got your distance. Care must be taken when entering the distances that
you take both measurements from the exact same spot and in as straight a line as possible and as close to the
roadway as possible.
The second method of entering the distances requires that you already know the exact distance between the two
measurement points. Enter these distances using the ▲│MAX key and MIN│▼ key as follows:
1. Power on the LIDAR.
2. Briefly press the ▲│MAX key, the MAX icon appears in the display window. To enter a number, press
the ▲│MAX key to increment up or press the MIN│▼ key to increment down. By continually holding
either key down for approximately 2 seconds, the numbers will increment faster.
3. Once the desired range is reached, press the SPEED/RANGE key to save this distance and exit the
maximum mode.
4. Press the MIN│▼ key, the MIN icon appears in the display window. Repeat the above instructions.
5. Once the desired range is reached, press the SPEED/RANGE key to save this distance and exit the
minimum mode.
The Inclement Weather Mode feature allows S LIDAR to track through interfering weather phenomena
such as fog, snow, and rain which would otherwise cause S LIDAR to attempt to process reflections
from the weather phenomena as targets, preventing processing of the intended target. This mode works by
inhibiting processing of any target closer than approximately 250 feet. Reflections from weather phenomena
beyond 250 feet are normally too weak to cause interference.


Inclement Weather Mode is selected by pressing and holding the
SPEED/RANGE key until a second beep is heard. This will
toggle the Inclement Weather Mode on and off, and the display
will indicate the selected mode by showing “+ inc on” or “+ inc
oFF” as shown in the figures on the right.

Whenever Inclement Weather Mode is selected, a letter "c" will

be shown at the end of the SPEED display as shown on the right.

Whenever Inclement Weather Mode is deselected, the end of the

SPEED display will be blank or a "-" will be shown.

EXX: (Where XX is an error number) This message indicates that an error has occurred. Below are the
definitions for error messages that can appear on the S LIDAR’S display.
NOTE: If the message number received is not listed below, then the message is a combination of two errors. For
example, if the error message is E-03, this indicates that both errors 1 and 2 exist.
The following is a list of errors and their meaning:

E01 = laser high voltage pulse error

E02 = APD bias voltage error
E04 = Jamming signal detected
E08 = Sweep error detected
E16 = Insufficient signal quality
E24 = Combination of E08 and E16
E33 = Invalid Time/Distance combination


To determine the version of the software used in your unit,

power the LIDAR on by momentarily pressing the PWR key
while holding down the TEST key until the unit beeps.
The version number appears in the Speed field, and the code
SUP (for Setup), appears in the Range field. Press the trigger to
return to LIDAR mode.


Speed Alarm Mode may be used to activate a signal when a targeted vehicle exceeds a specified speed. This
mode may only be used when the signal is attached to an external alarm mechanism through the I/O connector.
Speed Alarm Set Mode is accessed by briefly pressing the MENU│T / D key to enter the User Menu.Press the
MENU | T / D key an additional five times to cycle to the Speed Alarm Set Mode. Use the ▲│MAX and
MIN│▼ keys to increase or decrease the speed that will set off the alarm.
Once the desired speed is set, press and hold the MENU | T / D key to save this speed and exit Alarm Speed Set

S LIDAR has a 6-pin RS-232 serial port (bi-directional). Signals are:

Signal Pin

Transmit data 1
External alarm 2
receive data 3
External trigger 4
Switched battery voltage 5
Ground 6


A variety of sources, both natural and man-made, can cause misleading indications or poor performance. The
operator should note the symptoms described below, and take steps to avoid the problem, or ignore the
misleading indications.

LIDAR signals will not pass through most solid objects, including sign posts, power lines, or tree foliage. Make
certain the path between the LIDAR and target vehicle is unobstructed. Successful speed measurements require
uninterrupted visual tracking of the target. A glass window is a partial reflector of LIDAR; therefore, some
reduction in range will be experienced when aiming through vehicle windows, and/or the glass may be
recognized as a target.

Rain absorbs and scatters the LIDAR signal. This reduces the range and increases the possibility of obtaining
readings from the speed of the raindrops.

Electrical noise sources include neon signs, radio transmitters, power lines, and transformers. These influences
may cause reduced range or intermittent readings. When electrical noise interference is present, the RFI
indicator should come on and suppress all readings.


An extremely noisy vehicle electrical system may cause erratic operation. If this condition occurs, it is
recommended that a two conductor shielded cable be run directly from the vehicle battery to the cigarette
lighter plug on the dash. This should eliminate any problems from vehicle electrical noise.

Other than periodic cleaning, no user maintenance is required on the S LIDAR. However, if any
problems are experienced during testing procedures or normal operation, the unit should be taken immediately
to your department's LIDAR specialist to determine the extent of the problem. If a malfunction has occurred,
the unit will require servicing. Since there are no user serviceable parts inside the S LIDAR, only the
manufacturer can service the S LIDAR. Servicing by untrained personnel can result in exposure to high
voltage and potentially hazardous laser radiation as well as affecting overall performance. Normal care should
be taken by the user in handling the S LIDAR to preserve the life and usefulness of the equipment.

All of S LIDAR’s optical surfaces have optical coatings and care should be taken to protect these
surfaces from scratches or damage, which can reduce effective range and ease of use. In particular, the front
lens surfaces should be clean and dry.
All optical surfaces may be cleaned in the following manner:
1. Place a few drops of either pure alcohol or lens cleaning solution on either a lint-free cotton cloth or a lens
cleaning tissue. These cleaning materials are inexpensive and are readily available at retail photographic
supply stores. Never use items harmful to the coated optical surfaces (e.g., paper towels, abrasive cleaners,
household “glass” cleaners, or sharp instruments).
2. Gently wipe the surface using a circular motion.
3. Repeat using a clean portion of the cloth or new tissue, until the surface is free of contamination.

PWR key does not function:
‰ Check with two different power sources and two different handles.
‰ If using a battery handle, make sure it is charged
‰ If a cigarette plug handle is available, make sure receptacle is clean and the cigarette plug fits snugly
‰ Check the fuse in the cigarette plug

Low or no speaker volume:

‰ Check to insure that the volume control setting is not in the “OFF” position.

LIDAR has short range:

‰ Check the HUD alignment. Refer to the SIGHT ALIGNMENT TEST section.
‰ Contact the factory.
NOTE: Vehicles with missing or dirty license plates, different color vehicles, poor weather conditions, etc. can
all affect the sensitivity of the LIDAR resulting in short range. Try the LIDAR in different vehicles and perhaps
different weather conditions.
S LIDAR includes extensive self-test routines at power-on and operator-initiated using the TEST key.
A self-test failure will be indicated by one of two types of error codes.
1. During the power-on self test, all failures are indicated by a beep code which repeats until the unit is
powered off. The number of beeps between pauses indicates the type of failure.

2. During the other test modes, a failure is indicated by an error code on the LCD rear panel display. The form
of the error code is EXX, where XX will be a two-digit number.
For either error, make a note of the indicated error code and contact the factory for assistance.


Police Traffic LIDAR was first utilized in 1989. The first documented court cases soon followed, however
there is very little case law yet established pertaining to LIDAR. Legal precedence has clearly been established
for Radar devices in regards to its accuracy and admissibility as evidence. Many of the same principles used for
Radar can and should be applied in LIDAR cases.
First, the court must recognize that a LIDAR is a scientific instrument used to measure speed. This has been
established in several courts and is actually upheld every day in courts throughout the world when they accept
the LIDAR Speed readings as evidence. This is called Judicial notice, which is a principle of law. This
principle applies to facts that are common knowledge and once established states that it is not necessary to
introduce evidence to prove what is already common knowledge. The scientific principle used in LIDAR is
common knowledge. These principles are such basic concepts as the speed of light (186, 282 miles per second),
and the time/distance formula for calculating speed, (S= D/T).
Secondly, operator qualifications were established in a landmark Radar case, Honeycutt vs. The Commonwealth
of Kentucky. This case established “that a speed measurement operator need not be able to explain the internal
workings of the device.” The LIDAR Operator, just like a Radar operator does not and should not have to
attempt to describe the scientific principles of LIDAR.
In another landmark Radar case, State of New Jersey vs. Dantonio, it was established that a few hours of
training is sufficient to qualify an operator. This landmark case can be used to establish the proper training of a
LIDAR Operator.


Goldstein vs. State

Layton City vs. Brandon Shane Barber
Argued April 10, 1995
January 1992
Ruling issued September 7, 1995
Second Circuit Court
September Team, 1994, #94
State of Utah
Maryland Court of Appeals
Davis County
City of Dayton vs. Robert Kane Layton Department
September 23, 1991 Judge K. Roger Bean
Municipal Court of Dayton, Ohio
State of Louisiana vs. Mark A. Marcelle, Sr.
September 1991
Nineteenth Judicial District Court
Parish of East Baton Rouge
State of Louisiana, Section 1
Judge Freddie Pitcher, Jr.

Evidence obtained on LIDAR speed measurement devices, just like radar, is only as good as the Officer’s
We recommend that the Officer (Operator) be prepared to testify to the following points:
1. The operator has adequate qualifications and training on the LIDAR device.
2. The time, place and location of the LIDAR device at the time the offense occurred.

3. The location of the offending vehicle at the time the offense occurred and the speed limit that was in force at
that location.
4. The identification of the offending person as the operator of the vehicle.
5. The identification of the offending person’s vehicle.
6. The visual observation of the violator’s apparent excessive speed and the speed you estimated it was
7. The LIDAR device was verified and tested per departmental procedures.
8. The LIDAR was operating properly and working normally within the operational range for the device at the
time the speed measurement was obtained and that the speed measurement was reasonably close to your
9. That you established a tracking history on the vehicle before you “locked’ the speed and made your final
determination that the defendant’s vehicle was in fact the vehicle the LIDAR was tracking.


While many police agencies and others in the industry may believe traffic LIDAR solves all the problems of
target identification and tracking history, it is still imperative the operator build a solid case. Proof beyond a
reasonable doubt begins with testing the LIDAR before, during and after operation and establishing a complete
tracking history of the violator’s vehicle. A complete tracking history using LIDAR is very important and much
like radar. The S LIDAR is a continuous tracking LIDAR with simultaneous speed, distance display,
speed correlated Target Speed Tone, and a Target Return Tone. These features help the operator gain a
complete tracking history.
A complete tracking history using the S LIDAR is as follows:
Visual Observation
• Identify the target.
• Estimate the speed of the target.
• Confirm the target is in operating range of the LIDAR.
• Check the surrounding area and environment.
LIDAR Verification
• Properly aim and sight in the target, making sure the Red Dot is on the vehicle you observed. Hold the
Red Dot on the same area of the vehicle.
• Hold down on the trigger to continuously track the vehicle.
• Track the vehicle until a stable reading is obtained and it matches your visual observation and estimation
for both speed and distance.
Target Return Tone
• Listen to the audio. The S LIDAR has a Target Return Tone which is separate from the Target
Speed Tone. This audio indicates the signal strength of the target and assists in aiming.
Target Speed Tone
• Verify that the pitch of the Target Speed Tone corresponds to the speed reading; i.e., the higher the
pitch, the faster the speed; the lower the pitch, the slower the speed.

1.) LASER is an acronym for:
a.) Light and Safety Environmental Radar
b.) Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
c.) Light Amplification on Sensing Energy Robots

2.) LIDAR is an acronym for:

a.) Light Detection and Ranging
b.) Laser Detection and Radar
c.) Law Enforcement doing Arrests

3.) Police Traffic LIDAR falls into what classification of Laser:

a.) Class of 1945
b.) Class 6
c.) Class 1

4.) LIDAR emits a narrow cone of radiation, which enables the instrument to have a:
a.) wide beam
b.) narrow conical beam
c.) cigar shaped beam

5.) The LIDAR light pulse travels at the speed of:

a.) light
b.) sound
c.) bullet

6.) The speed of light travels at:

a.) 250,000 miles per minute
b.) 1 million miles per hour
c.) 186,000 miles per second

7.) The best place to aim a LIDAR is at the:

a.) driver’s head
b.) right front door
c.) license plate

8.) The LIDAR emits in the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum which makes the light beam:
a.) invisible
b.) visible
c.) harmful

9). Using the LIDAR through the windshield will:

a.) burn a hole in the windshield
b.) cause inaccurate readings
c.) shorten the range of the laser

10.) LIDAR is not affected by the cosine effect:
True or False

11.) To get maximum range with the LIDAR:

a.) stand on top of your patrol vehicle
b.) plug into your car and rev your engine
c.) mount on a tripod, monopod, or rest on a secure stand

12.) Tracking history is not necessary with a LIDAR:

True or False

13.) LIDAR uses the doppler frequency to determine speed:

True or False

14.) The LIDAR’s time/distance mode keeps track of the day, time, and month:
True or False

15.) The LIDAR’s time/distance mode is used in much the same way as VASCAR and other time/distance type
True or False

16.) The LIDAR is eye safe as along as the operator wears sun glasses:
True or False

17.) Both the Rechargeable Battery Handles and the cigarette plug handle of the S LIDAR are
interchangeable with the S ATR Radar:
True or False

18.) The S LIDAR emits how many pulses in a second:

a.) 130
b.) 1397
c.) 680

19.) The S LIDAR is a continuous tracking LIDAR:

True or False

20.) Which of the following characteristics of the target will have an effect on the LIDAR:
a.) Color of the vehicle
b.) Finish of the vehicle (shiny, dull)
c.) The size of the vehicle
d.) All of the above


Manufacturer warrants this LIDAR to the original purchaser to be free of defects. At its discretion, the
manufacturer agrees to repair or replace all LIDAR components that fail due to defective materials or
workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase.
During the warranty period, there will be no charge for repair labor or parts. Purchaser shall return the failed
unit to the factory or authorized service center, freight prepaid. The manufacturer will pay return shipping.
This warranty applies only to internal electronic components and circuitry. Warranty excludes normal wear-
and-tear such as frayed cords, broken connectors, scratched or broken cases, or physical abuse. Manufacturer
reserves the right to charge for defects and/or damages resulting from abuse or extraordinary environmental
damage to the unit during the warranty period at rates normally charged for repairing such units not covered
under warranty.
Seller warrants the LIDAR devices manufactured by Applied Concepts, Inc. are designed to perform the
function of determining the speed of motor vehicles. The foregoing warranty is exclusive, in lieu of all other
warranties, of quality, fitness, or merchantability, whether written, oral, or implied.
As a further limit on warranty, and as an expressed warning, the user should be aware that harmful personal
contact may be made with seller's LIDAR devices in the event of violent maneuvers, collisions, or other
circumstances, even though said LIDAR devices are installed and used according to instructions. Applied
Concepts, Inc. specifically disclaims any liability for injury caused by the LIDAR devices in all such
Note: We have several Factory Authorized Service Centers located throughout the country.
For the Service Center nearest you, call the factory at 1-800-S (1-800-782-5537).


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