Adam Freeman - 071229 - Thesis PDF
Adam Freeman - 071229 - Thesis PDF
Adam Freeman - 071229 - Thesis PDF
Adam Freeman
This project report contains no material which has been accepted for a degree or
diploma by AMC, University of Tasmania or any other institution, except by way of
background information and duly acknowledged in the report, and to the best of my
knowledge and belief, no material previously published or written by another person
except where due acknowledgement is made in the text of the report.
This project report is the result of my own investigation, except where otherwise
stated. Other sources are acknowledged in the text giving explicit references. A list of
references is appended.
I hereby give consent for my project report to be available for photocopying, inter-
library loan, electronic access to AMC and UTAS staff and students via the UTAS
Library, and for the title and summary to be made available to outside organisations.
Experimental Testing of the Effects of Stiffness Variation on Vortex Induced Vibrations
My family for their continued support during this project and throughout my degree
My supervisor, Mr Rowan Frost for your guidance and technical assistance
My 4th year mates
AMC staff who gave guidance at various stages throughout the project, in particular:
o Dr Shinsuke Matsubara for your support and Matlab prowess;
o Dr Shuhong Chai for your late words of wisdom;
o Kirk Meyers, Michael Underhill and Rowan Cairns for your assistance in
conducting decay tests
Alan Faulkner for your assistance at the Flume Tank
Declaration ................................................................................................................................ii
Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................... i
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................ii
List of Figures ........................................................................................................................... iv
List of Tables ...........................................................................................................................vii
Nomenclature ......................................................................................................................... viii
Axis System .............................................................................................................................. ix
Units ........................................................................................................................................... x
Terms, Abbreviations and Definitions ...................................................................................... xi
Abstract ....................................................................................................................................xii
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background ...................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Aim of Research Project .................................................................................. 2
2. Theory...................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Natural Frequency ............................................................................................ 3
2.2 Reynolds Number ............................................................................................. 4
2.3 Strouhal Number .............................................................................................. 6
2.4 Vortex Shedding Frequency ............................................................................. 7
2.5 Added Mass ...................................................................................................... 8
2.6 Reduced Velocity ............................................................................................. 9
2.7 Free Span Response ....................................................................................... 11
2.8 Bending Stiffness ........................................................................................... 11
2.9 System Tensioning ......................................................................................... 12
3. Literature Review .................................................................................................. 13
4. Experimental Testing ............................................................................................. 19
4.1 Testing Facilities ............................................................................................ 19
4.2 Testing Apparatus .......................................................................................... 19
5. Experimental Progression ...................................................................................... 23
5.1 Testing Regime .............................................................................................. 24
5.2 Model Scaling ................................................................................................ 25
5.3 Model Selection.............................................................................................. 25
5.4 Member Natural Frequency ........................................................................... 26
5.5 Applicable Codes ........................................................................................... 28
6. Experimental Models ............................................................................................. 29
6.1 Instrumentation............................................................................................... 29
6.2 End Connections ............................................................................................ 31
Adam Freeman Page ii`
Experimental Testing of the Effects of Stiffness Variation on Vortex Induced Vibrations
Figure 1-1 Velocity distribution near the point of separation (Espeyrac & Pascaud, 2002) ..... 1
Figure 2-1 Simplified representation of vibration model (Ojeda, 2011) ................................... 3
Figure 2-2 Fluid flow regimes across a smooth cylinder (Laidlaw, 2010) ................................ 6
Figure 2-3 Strouhal number as a function of Reynolds number (Techet, 2005) ....................... 7
Figure 2-4 Vortex shedding patterns of a circular cylinder (Sarpkaya, 2004)........................... 8
Figure 3-1 Von Karman Vortex Street (Espeyrac L., Pascaud S., 2002) ................................ 14
Figure 3-2 Effects of varying riser tension due to self-weight (Chen et al., 2011) ................. 15
Figure 3-3 Modal shape of riser with varying stiffness increasing from left to right (Chen et
al., 2011) .................................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 3-4 RMS of displacement for tension T = 1.91 x 107 N (Chen et al., 2011) ................ 16
Figure 3-5 Numerical results of RMS hydrodynamic force of CF direction (Tang et al., 2011)
.................................................................................................................................................. 17
Figure 3-6 Numerical results of RMS hydrodynamic force of IL direction (Tang et al., 2011)
.................................................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 4-1 Testing apparatus design basis (Michael, 2011) .................................................... 20
Figure 4-2 Experimental model top supporting structure ........................................................ 21
Figure 4-3 Base supporting structure front section .................................................................. 22
Figure 5-1 Testing configuration used to conduct decay analyses .......................................... 28
Figure 6-1 Accelerometer axes and ports used for DAQ system connection .......................... 30
Figure 6-2 Accelerometer moulds used to create waterproof casing ....................................... 31
Figure 6-3 Flume tank DAQ system ........................................................................................ 32
Figure 6-4 Tensioning mechanism used during experimental testing ..................................... 33
Figure 7-1 Accelerometer orientation and voltage output (Dimension Engineering, 2012) ... 35
Figure 7-2 FFT plot of thick wall PVC tested at T = 0kg and v = 0.8m/s ............................... 36
Figure 7-3 Decay test for thin wall PVC member with 490.5 N applied tension .................... 37
Figure 7-4 Displacements each middle accelerometer for v = 1.21m/s and T = 981 N .......... 41
Figure 7-5 Effects of tension on the aluminium model at constant v = 0.8m/s ....................... 42
Figure 7-6 Middle accelerometer displacement at T = 0kg and v = 1.21m/s .......................... 44
Figure 7-7 Cross flow response for each accelerometer at T = 0 N ........................................ 45
Figure 7-8 Cross flow and in-line flow response of the thin-walled PVC member at T = 490.5
N............................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 7-9 Effects of Reynolds number on non-dimensional amplitude at T = 490.5 N ........ 47
Figure 9-12 Effects of reduced velocity on the thin wall PVC model at T = 981 N ............... 76
Figure 9-13 Effects of reduced velocity on the thick wall PVC model at T = 0 N ................. 77
Figure 9-14 Effects of reduced velocity on the thick wall PVC model at T = 490.5 N .......... 77
Figure 9-15 Effects of reduced velocity on the thick wall model at T = 981 N ...................... 78
Figure 9-16 Effects of reduced velocity on the aluminium model at T = 0 N ......................... 78
Figure 9-17 Effects of reduced velocity on the aluminium model at T = 490.5 N .................. 79
Figure 9-18 Effects of reduced velocity on the aluminium model at T = 981N ...................... 79
Table 2-1 VIV response to reduced velocity (Chai, 2012) ........................................................ 9
Table 2-2 .................................................................................................................................... 9
Table 2-3 Basic non-dimensional VIV parameters (Chakrabarti, 2005) ................................. 10
Table 2-4 Free span characteristics as a function of L/D (DNV RP-F105, 2006) ................... 11
Table 4-1 AMC Flume Tank specifications (AMC, 2012) ...................................................... 19
Table 5-1 Effects of increased material property on natural frequency................................... 23
Table 5-2 Vortex shedding frequencies for proposed experimental models ........................... 24
Table 5-3 Model testing time estimate..................................................................................... 24
Table 5-4 Froude scaling factors for model design (Chakrabarti, 2005) ................................. 25
Table 5-5 Properties of three materials used for testing .......................................................... 26
Table 5-6 Relevant project codes ............................................................................................. 28
Table 6-1 Comparison between two models of accelerometer considered for testing ............ 29
Table 6-2 Colour configuration used to identify vibration axes .............................................. 30
Table 7-1 Natural frequencies of each model from the dry decay test compared to calculated
values ....................................................................................................................................... 38
Table 7-2 Wetted natural frequencies of each member used for testing.................................. 39
Table 7-3 Natural and response frequencies for each experimental data set ........................... 39
Table 7-4 Adjusted vortex shedding frequencies..................................................................... 40
Table 7-5 Member dry natural frequency variations due to tension ........................................ 42
Table 7-6 Response characteristics of each model at v = 1.7 m/s and T = 490.5 N ................ 59
Table 7-7 Response characteristics of each model at v = 1.7 m/s and T = 981 N ................... 61
Symbol Description Units
a* Structural aspect ratio Dimensionless
A* Vibration amplitude ratio Dimensionless
ζ Damping ratio Dimensionless
D Cylinder diameter m
E Young’s Modulus GPa
fn Natural frequency Hz
fs Vortex shedding frequency Hz
g Gravitational acceleration m/s2
I Moment of inertia m4
λ Scaling factor Dimensionless
k Spring stiffness N/m
L Length m
m’ Added mass per unit length kg
ρ Density kg/m3
P Paired modal response Dimensionless
Re Reynolds number Dimensionless
S Single mode response Dimensionless
St Strouhal number Dimensionless
t Wall thickness mm
T Tension N
µ Dynamic viscosity Ns/m2
Uc Free stream fluid velocity m/s
V Volts Volts
υ Kinematic viscosity m2/s
v Flow velocity m/s
VR Reduced velocity Dimensionless
The following axis system has been used throughout the project to describe accelerometer
X axis – Perpendicular in plane to fluid flow
Z axis – Parallel to fluid flow
Y axis – Vertical
Fluid flow
Hz Hertz
kg Kilograms
kW Kilowatts
m Meters
N Newtons
Pa Pascals
s Seconds
V Volts
Expanding material technologies are continually increasing the variety and availability of
riser materials and properties in the offshore oil and gas industry. Flexible pipe use has seen a
particularly large growth rate in recent years due to its adaptability to various subsea
applications including umbilicals, flowlines and jumpers. Varied flexural rigidity causes
changes in natural frequency and riser response to vortex shedding. Predicting and
eliminating vortex induced vibration (VIV) response of these risers is critical to maintaining
the structural integrity of the system, particularly as exploration expands in ultra-deep water.
Experimental testing was conducted in the AMC Flume Tank facility at Beauty Point on three
models of the varying stiffness with the same outer diameter. Stiffness variation was achieved
with the use of two PVC models of differing wall thickness and a thin-walled aluminium
member. A decay test was performed on each model to determine the natural frequencies of
each system. Models were subject to varied tension to replicate the effects of self-weight in
deep water. Flow velocities were varied in regular intervals and response accelerations
measured at three equidistant locations on each model. Response in both cross flow and in-
line flow was recorded and analysed.
Lower stiffness properties typically demonstrated the largest response amplitude as a result of
the decreased natural frequency. This trend was particularly prominent at increased fluid
velocity where cross flow amplitude dominates response as a result of alternating pressure
distribution. Tensioning effects on the natural frequency range was considerable, placing
members outside the range of potential lock-in. Effects of the large variation in bending
stiffness were compared, with instable response characteristics resulting from PVC models at
lower reduced velocities. It was shown that non-dimensional amplitude significantly
decreased as a result of increased bending stiffness, which was particularly prominent for
conditions of high system tension.
The ever-evolving search for hydrocarbons requires new technologies for production in ultra-
deep water. The large riser span required for these depths changes material properties of the
riser and amplifies the effects of environmental loadings. It is the cause of much research into
understanding and reducing these forces.
Vortex-induced vibration (VIV) is the most important dynamic response of a deep water riser
(Beardman, 2009). It is a phenomenon caused by a fluctuating pressure distribution as fluid
passes over a cylindrical object. A boundary layer created by the fluid viscosity separates
from the body due to the bluff oscillatory forces perpendicular to fluid flow. Vortices formed
after separation lead to an alternating pressure distribution, causing the body to vibrate.
Shedding of vortices create a lifting forces on the body, leading to transverse vibration. These
vortices can be categorised as singular or paired eddies, or a combination of both (Figure
Figure 1-1 Velocity distribution near the point of separation (Espeyrac & Pascaud, 2002)
The existence of VIV has been known for centuries. The ancient Greeks used the
phenomenon in the design of the Aeolian harp to transfer wind energy into musical sounds
(Beardman, 2009). It has been the focus of significant research in the offshore industry since
the nineteenth century. As flexible risers are becoming more common in deeper waters,
research into VIV is an increasing priority for the offshore industry. Associated increases in
riser length with water depth bring new challenges to VIV behaviour of risers. Varying riser
tension due to increased self-weight and changing current profiles are typical examples of
problems that add to the challenges of deep water exploration.
Early investigation into VIV began with the first research paper of George Stokes (1842). He
suggested the possibility of an incompressible, inviscid fluid deviating from computed flows
and raised the prospect of continual perpetual eddying. Osbourne Reynolds (1883) later
conducted experimental investigations into the transition between laminar and turbulent flow
in the case of vertical pipes. This resulted in the development of a ratio between inertia and
viscosity later known as Reynolds number.
Effects of VIV at high Reynolds numbers are still not completely understood. Much of what
the industry knows about the phenomenon is the result of observational and empirical
analysis. There is a large scope for future research into increasing the current knowledge on
VIV behaviour. This research project is being conducted in the hope of doing so.
Previous studies have been carried out in relation to the experimental setup of the AMC
Flume Tank facility to enable subsequent theses to be carried out without extensive research
into the design of experimental testing apparatus. This information will be used as an
experimental design basis for testing and modified as required. Experimental results will be
used to determine correlations between risers of varying stiffness under a variety of testing
conditions. Results will be made non-dimensional where possible to enable use for future
applications. This will develop our knowledge for the prediction of full scale modal
frequencies of flexible risers.
VIV of a bluff body occurs when the boundary layer created around the surface separates
from the body and creates a pressure differential on the body. This pressure can be generated
in line with the body or perpendicular to the flow. As the pressure fluctuates the member is
forced into periodical oscillations which are dependent on the structural properties of that
body. A significant increase in response amplitude occurs when the natural frequency of the
bluff body coincides with the vortex shedding frequency. This phenomenon is known as
‘lock-in’. The natural frequency of a simplified system is governed by mass and stiffness and
can be idealised by a one degree of freedom oscillatory system (Figure 2-1).
The natural frequency of the testing member can be determined by idealizing the system as a
linear-elastic beam (Palmer & King, 2006). Equation (1) can be used to determine the pipe
natural frequency, taking into account boundary constraints and pipe length.
fn (1)
L2 m
The natural frequency of a system is the oscillatory motion caused by free vibration. The first
resonant frequency is known as the ‘fundamental’ frequency. Higher modal frequencies are
encountered at various increments above the fundamental frequency. Knowledge of the
natural frequency of any floating system is critical to avoid the occurrence of lock-in.
Alteration of the system natural frequency of a subsea riser can be achieved by altering the
system parameters listed in equation (1). Due to the exponential relationship of riser length
with natural frequency coupled with the ability to alter the free span, changing the effective
length of the riser is the most effective method of avoiding the lock-in regime.
Chakrabarti (2005) outlines the important hydrodynamic quantities influencing VIV as:
Reynolds number,
Shedding frequencies and their interactions,
Added mass (or mass ratio) and damping,
Lift coefficient, and
Correlation of force components.
from the body increases, so does the Reynolds number as turbulence is reached at a certain
Drag occurring at the surface of the body is due to skin friction which is dependent on the
roughness of the surface. Skin friction typically dominates drag at lower Reynolds numbers.
Form, or pressure drag, is the dominant friction force at higher Reynolds numbers where the
shape of the object influences the inertial drag.
Dynamic similitude is achieved by matching the Reynolds number of the experimental and
full scale models. Reynolds number is calculated using equation (2).
Re , (2)
As the diameter of the models and kinematic viscosity of the fluid will be constant, the
Reynolds will be directly proportional to the fluid velocity. To achieve the highest likelihood
of lock in a range of 300 < Re <3 x 105 is required for a fully turbulent vortex street
(Lienhard, 1966). Values higher than this range will result in turbulence, dissipating the
vortices until the turbulent vortex street is re-established at 3.5 x 106 < Re (Figure 2-2).
Figure 2-2 Fluid flow regimes across a smooth cylinder (Laidlaw, 2010)
St , (3)
Strouhal number is shown to be approximately 0.2 for Reynolds numbers in the Von Karman
Vortex Street range i.e. 40 < Re < 105. This approximation has been used in calculations to
determine vortex shedding frequencies of testing members.
f s St , (4)
A value of 0.2 can be used as an approximation for Strouhal Number in the region 2.5 x 102 <
Re < 2.5 x 105 (Chakrabarti, 2005) which can be seen in Figure 2-3. If the natural frequency
of the member matches the calculated natural frequency resonance is likely to occur.
Vortices can be described in terms of singular and/or paired modes. Factors effecting vortex
shedding behaviour are fluid velocity, member natural frequency, cylinder diameter, and
response amplitude. Figure 2-4 can be used to categorise expected vortex response for a
variety of flow regimes.
The 2P mode relates to the splitting of a region of vorticity in each half cycle, causing two
counter-rotating pairs to be shed per cycle. The 2S mode is categorised by the shedding of a
single vortex in each half cycle (Sarpkaya, 2004). P + S modes occur due to asymmetric wake
modes, with paired vortices on one side of the wake and single on the other (Blackburn &
Henderson, 1996). 2S, 2P and P + S modes are the principle modes near the fundamental
lock-in region (Williamson & Govardhan, 2004).
The effective mass of the riser is the sum of the mass of the body and the added mass.
Additional force placed on the riser from the fluid changes the natural frequency of the
system and must be accounted for during any calculations relating to the wetted natural
frequency of the riser.
VR , (6)
fn D
Table 2-2
velocities at for each analysis will be calculated and response behaviour compared to Table
Additional fundamental non-dimensional parameters effecting VIV are given in Table 2-3.
Vibration amplitude ratio will also be a key parameter used in the experimental analysis. This
allows non-dimensional analysis of oscillatory response and accounts for variations in model
Table 2-3 Basic non-dimensional VIV parameters (Chakrabarti, 2005)
F R3tE (7)
Bending stiffness values required to accurately scale the model are given in Error!
Reference source not found. and Error! Reference source not found.. Material selection
will be based on the Young’s Modulus and wall thickness of the model to achieve the
required bending stiffness. Comparison of deflections at various locations on each model will
enable resonance behaviour and modal shape to be determined and related to the bending
stiffness characteristics of the riser.
ft fn (8)
4 A L2
Despite intensive research into VIV, behavioural response predictions of cylindrical systems
at high Reynolds numbers remains elusive. Sarpakaya (2004) lists the ultimate objectives of
current VIV research as “the understanding, prediction, and prevention of VIVs (preferably
without drag penalty), partly through the direct numerical simulations of fundamental as well
as industrially significant fluid–structure interactions.” While certain key parameters
influencing vortex shedding behaviour of structures are easily identifiable, Sarpakaya also
states that “the robust parameters do not serve as unique identification cards for the
integrated effects of the individually non-quantifiable parameters.”
Czech physicist Vincent Strouhal conducted the first recognised experimental analysis
involving long slender members in the nineteenth century to explain the singing of overhead
power lines. He concluded that transverses oscillations occurred when the vortex shedding
frequency coincided with the natural frequency of the wire (Bearman, 2009). This
preliminary analysis leads to the development of the Strouhal number.
Theodore von Karman (1911) further analysed the alternating double-row of vortices behind
a bluff in a fluid stream (Figure 3-1), now known as Von Karman Vortex Street (Casillas,
Figure 3-1 Von Karman Vortex Street (Espeyrac L., Pascaud S., 2002)
The associated increase in riser length with increasing water depth alters the structural
configuration of the riser. “Axial tension is no longer regarded as a constant along the
overall length of riser due to considerable structure weight.” (Chen, Li, Zheng and Tan,
2011). Structural inconsistencies across the riser length lead to variations in vortex shedding
behaviour at these areas. Coupled with the variation in current velocity profile this can lead to
significant discontinuities in behavioural response of the riser.
Chen et al. also investigated the effects of self-weight on natural frequency of the riser.
Figure 3-2 compares the effects on a 1000m long riser of outer and inner diameters 0.500m
and 0.445m respectively, top tension 6.24 x 66 N and a top tension factor T/W is 1.57 where
W is the riser weight.
Figure 3-2 Effects of varying riser tension due to self-weight (Chen et al., 2011)
They describe the relationship between modal wave length and response amplitude as “for
lower modes the amplitude is larger at the axial position where the tension is smaller,
whereas for higher modes the response amplitude is larger at the axial position where the
bending stiffness is lower.” Variation in riser tension along the model length will be difficult
to achieve during experimental testing. This deepwater analysis will give a good comparison
for data on the effect of tension variation on oscillation amplitude.
Chen, Li, Zheng and Tan also go on to discuss the effects of stiffness distribution on VIV.
This will be another point of analysis for model testing. “The distribution of the amplitude
along the riser length is approximately inversely proportional to the distribution of the
stiffness EI(x) that becomes more evident for higher mode, e.g. mode 43” (the last plot in
Figure 3-3). Models tested will be fabricated from homogenous materials, however as with
tension distribution this will be a good source for data comparison and analysis.
“For the case of a beam with axially varying bending stiffness EI(x), amplitude peak would
move along the beam length from the position with larger stiffness EI(x) to the position with
smaller EI(x) as the mode number increases.” (Refer to Figure 3-3).
Figure 3-3 Modal shape of riser with varying stiffness increasing from left to right (Chen et al., 2011)
Displacement response for the model riser subject to tension T = 1.91 x 107 N with increasing
stiffness from the right to the left of the riser can be seen in Figure 3-4. It exhibits an increase
in amplitude and reduction in frequency in the lower section of the riser as a result of the
stiffness variation. As Chen et al. explain, “This amplitude distribution is similar with that of
the mode shape.”
Figure 3-4 RMS of displacement for tension T = 1.91 x 107 N (Chen et al., 2011)
This statement is confirmed by Tang, Lu, Teng, Park, Song and Zhang (2011) who noted a
“similar periodic characteristic between hydrodynamic force and displacement” during their
experimental analysis of a long flexible riser in uniform flow. Three different pre-tensions
were tested of 600 N, 700 N and 800 N which remained uniform across the length of the riser
during testing. It was observed that the odd-time harmonic frequencies (i.e. fn,1 and fn,3) are
associated with the cross-flow (CF) motions, while the even-time (i.e. fn,2 and fn,4) are
associated with the in-line (IL) direction.
Numerical analysis conducted by Tang et al. presented the effects of higher order frequency
on hydrodynamic force. Figure 3-5 shows the results of these forces at fn,1 and fn,3 i.e. CF
dominated frequencies at various sections of the riser length (z/L).
Figure 3-5 Numerical results of RMS hydrodynamic force of CF direction (Tang et al., 2011)
The largest value of hydrodynamic CF clearly occurs at fn,3 which has a value of
approximately 14 times the hydrodynamic force occurring at fn,1. This value demonstrates the
importance of ensuring that the structure will not be subject to higher modal frequencies.
Testing was also conducted on the in-line flow dominated frequencies (fn,2 and fn,4) where a
similar trend is observed (Figure 3-6).
Figure 3-6 Numerical results of RMS hydrodynamic force of IL direction (Tang et al., 2011)
Analysis of the results indicated that the damping force is much smaller in comparison to the
other two hydrodynamic force components of reduced mass and stiffness. Tang et al.
summate the damping effects as “The contribution of the damping force to the total
hydrodynamic force can be neglected without any significant loss of accuracy.”
Researched proposed for this project will lead on from these literature reviews. Focus will be
on developing a relationship between the harmonic effects of various stiffness and tensions of
homogenous risers. These articles will be reviewed after experimental testing for relevant
data comparison.
Testing will be conducted in the AMC Flume tank located in Beauty Point, Tasmania. The
tank was constructed to test behavioural properties of structures in a variety of currents. It has
the ability to simulate drag and lift forces due to seabed interaction using the floor conveyor
belt which runs the full length of the test section. Tank specifications are outlined in Table
Table 4-1 AMC Flume Tank specifications (AMC, 2012)
Length 17m
Width 5m
Depth 2.5m
Water holding capacity 700,000L
Flow velocity 0 - 1.7 m/s
Conveyor belt velocity 0 - 1.7 m/s
Electric motor power 4 x 90.0kW
Propeller diameter 1.2m
The largest section of the tank features an 11m wide viewing window for close observation
during testing. Testing can also be viewed from overhead from the observational carriage
where a monitor displays a real-time profile view of the experiment. An interface located on
the carriage enables flow velocities and DAQ system to be controlled and monitored from the
same location.
Some modifications will be applied to the testing apparatus to improve testing capabilities.
Hydraulic tensioning of the riser will be replaced by a simplified method of weights attached
to a pulley system. This will achieve a broader range of testing tensions, which was
previously limited to 500N based on the hydraulic cylinder capacity. Maximum tension
applied to the pulley system will be limited by the load cell to approximately 1000N. This
system will simulate the self-weight of the riser to some degree. The DAQ system located at
the tank has also been replaced.
The top support structure also consists of an additional aluminium carriage that is able to be
placed on the tracks of the flume tank during large load cases. Under recommendation from
previous studies, the carriage will be implemented during testing to reduce and potentially
eliminate structural vibration of the aluminium frame during testing at higher frequencies.
Previous testing conducted without the addition of the aluminium carriage recorded vibration
amplitude of 12mm (Michael, 2011).
CFD was conducted on the base support before construction and results indicate minimal
flow interference on the model. Any turbulence created by the structure does not appear to
form within a close proximity of the riser, while flow disturbance created by the clump
weights is on the outer regions of the flow and does not appear to interfere with the
downstream flow.
Models will be fabricated from three different materials of varying stiffness at a constant
diameter to gauge the effects of stiffness scaling. Each model will be subject to varying
tensions and flow velocities to achieve the highest potential for lock-in.
Three accelerometers will be installed in each testing member to indicate riser response at
equidistant locations. Each will be made waterproof by resin casing and wired to the Flume
Tank DAQ system. The use of multiple accelerometers will allow modal response
fluctuations to be identified.
The natural frequencies of each model will be determined in air by a decay test and compared
against numerical values. This will involve the testing member being subject to free vibration
while natural oscillation periods are recorded. Effects of added mass will then be added to the
model and wetted natural frequency calculated. Discrepancies calculated from the predicted
and dry natural frequencies will be used to estimate wetted natural frequencies.
Strouhal number can be used to determine vortex shedding frequencies of testing members at
varying flow velocity for each considered model diameter. These values have been calculated
using an approximated Strouhal number of 0.2, as discussed in Section 2.3.
Table 5-2 Vortex shedding frequencies for proposed experimental models
Task Duration
Setup 8 hours
Testing 36 runs @ 20 mins each
Repeat testing (contingency) 15 runs @ 20 mins each
Pack up 8 hours
Total 33 hours
Note: Run time estimates have included flow acceleration.
Materials were purchased from various hardware stores and steel manufactures in the
Launceston vicinity. It was decided to use the two previous models tested by Michael (2011)
and construct a third model of differing stiffness. Thick walled PVC was chosen as the most
appropriate stiffness in between the two previous models tested. This was the only available
off-the-shelf material available that would be suitable for testing. 43mm aluminium round bar
was purchased for fabrication of connection pieces. The outer diameter was selected to be
slightly larger than the model diameter to enable machining of connection pieces to the same
diameter as the testing model.
Free span ratio indicates the riser will be susceptible to VIV and sensitive to boundary
conditions. This category represents the typical free span ration of most operating conditions
as given in Table 2-4. Calculation of the natural frequency of each member was conducted
for comparison with experimental data using equation (1). Results are given in Appendix A.
A free decay test was conducted on all the models to determine the member natural frequency
and associated reduced velocity required to achieve lock-in. Test would ideally have been
conducted in the Flume Tank to replicate model testing environment, however practically this
was not possible due to tank depth and accessibility. The test was therefore conducted in the
AMC Towing Tank. The effects of added mass have been added to the results to account for
the displaced fluid during testing.
The towing tank DAQ system and power supply were used for data collection and processing
via Labview. BNC connections were used to record data in the X axis for each model at the
three tensions used for experimental analysis. Vertical alignment in the X and Z directions
was achieved using a spirit level.
Decay testing apparatus was designed to enable tensioning of the system while replicating
experimental testing conditions as closely as possible. The model was tensioned from the
bottom section using experimental weight increments. The lower section was secured to a
tensioning system which was attached to a universal joint. An adjustable clamp was placed
on the tensioning rod, negating any horizontal translation caused by the hanging weights as
the pipe underwent vibration. This configuration restricted horizontal translation at the both
ends of the model while allowing tensioning of the system. The 90kg mass of the bottom
supporting structure helped to restrict horizontal motion. End connections resembled
experimental testing conditions by causing universal joints to behave as a pin connection.
The top section was also restricted from horizontal translation above the universal joint to
replicate a pin connection. A plate was constructed with a welded connection piece matching
the inside diameter of the universal joints. The plate was then clamped to the roof beam and
the top universal joint secured to the connection piece with a 6mm stainless steel pin. The
setup used to conduct the decay test is shown below in Figure 5-1.
Model diameter was identified as a key design criterion to enable the highest chance of lock-
in. The smallest diameter of 40mm was chosen as the most suitable model for testing based
on its low natural frequency and increased possibility of lock-in. An additional PVC model of
increased wall thickness was constructed to increase the natural frequency of the model.
Some modifications were made to the existing models to allow the required interface between
the data cables and DAQ system. The thick walled PVC model was constructed using the
details given below.
ADXL330 and DE-ACCM3D accelerometers were both considered for model testing.
Comparisons between models were made based on functionality, price and availability. A
comparison of specifications between the two models is given below in Table 6-1.
Table 6-1 Comparison between two models of accelerometer considered for testing
DE-ACCM3D accelerometers from Dimension Engineering were selected for use in the
experimental models. Inclusive of the criteria given in Table 6-1, this model was readily
available been used previously in VIV testing and proven sufficient. Motion is detectable on
a 3 dimensional axis system, however only 2 dimensional data is required for cross-flow and
in-line flow response analysis. Accelerometer properties are given in Figure 6-1.
Figure 6-1 Accelerometer axes and ports used for DAQ system connection
After accelerometer procurement wiring was required for DAQ connection. Four core cables
were soldered to the X, Z, positive and negative terminals. Associated colours and wiring
configuration is shown below in Table 6-2.
Table 6-2 Colour configuration used to identify vibration axes
Once the accelerometers were wired and shrink wrapped waterproofing was required. This
was achieved using epoxy resin casings. Moulds for each accelerometer were constructed
using offcuts from the testing model. A small length of five core cable was placed vertically
on the inside of the mould to allow cables to run vertically on the inside of the model once
the casings were installed. Moulds and cable spacers were then taped internally so that the
resin was able to detach once set. Wired accelerometers were then positioned vertically inside
the mould and coated with electrical Grade 2 part joining epoxy resin. This particular resin
was selected to reduce curing temperature and potential circuitry damage. The accelerometer
moulds can be seen below in Figure 6-2.
A single cable with B & C connections for input into the DAQ system was then soldered to
the 4 core cable. This allowed a single input into the DAQ system for each X and Z data
output from the 4 cord cable. Wired accelerometers were then screwed into the model at the
centre and equidistant spacing of 0.5m above and below the centre of the model. Additional
wiring was required for the existing models to link the 5 core cables to the DAQ system using
the same circuitry configuration as the thick walled PVC model. Calibration was then
conducted on the load cell using intervals of known weights. Output voltage was recorded
and graphed to validate tension readings and subsequent data analysis.
Once installed into testing position the model was connected to the data acquisition (DAQ)
system. DAQ system used for testing was the NI PXIe-4330 with integrated signal
conditioning, shown in Figure 6-3.
1. Setup and install model as outlined in Section 5. Ensure riser orientation is vertical
using laser calibration.
2. Secure model to the testing top and bottom supporting structure and attach tensioning
3. Plug all cables into DAQ system.
4. Tension system with initial weight and check load cell voltage output.
5. Turn on power to the DAQ system and check each accelerometer is producing a
steady output voltage.
6. Setup run sheet and recording files.
7. Record zeros when carriage is steady.
8. Convert flow velocity to RPM and input into DAQ system.
Figure 7-1 Accelerometer orientation and voltage output (Dimension Engineering, 2012)
Acceleration values were then integrated twice to convert each data set to displacement
values. Non-dimensional model response amplitude can be compared at each load condition
to determine instances of lock-in. This data was then used to compare response of each
accelerometer on individual models and to identify any correlations in stiffness between
behaviour. Modal shape is also able to be indicated by accelerometer amplitude at each
section of the model.
frequencies and associated maximum displacements are able to be identified from large data
sets. If the system frequency response is close to that of the natural frequency of the system,
non-linear displacements should confirm the instance of lock-in. An example of several
modal responses determined by FFT can be seen below in Figure 7-2.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 7-2 FFT plot of thick wall PVC tested at T = 0kg and v = 0.8m/s
Results from the FFT show several modes of frequency response. As discussed by Tang et al.
(2011), odd frequencies are representative of dominant response in the x axis, while even
frequencies correspond with z axis response. These modal frequencies will induce increased
oscillatory response if matched with the member natural frequency and can account for large
amplitude response of the model at the top and bottom accelerometers.
FFT’s and displacement analyses were performed on each run. Correlations of results
between various tensions and stiffness have been investigated at each flow velocity. Because
of the extensive set of results only a select sample is included in the body of results. Full
results are given in Table 7-3.
Displacements of each testing model have been made non-dimensional using the vibration
amplitude ratio and reduced velocity. This enables results to be compared with data from
various diameter models.
Decay Test
13.8 14.3 14.8 15.3 15.8 16.3
Time (s)
Figure 7-3 Decay test for thin wall PVC member with 490.5 N applied tension
In order to calculate wetted natural frequencies a spreadsheet was first set up to calculate the
dry natural frequencies of each member using formulae given in Section 2. These values were
then compared to data obtained in the dry decay test, given below in Table 7-1.
Table 7-1 Natural frequencies of each model from the dry decay test compared to calculated values
0N 490.5 N 981 N
Calculated Actual Calculated Actual Calculated Actual
PVC Thin 6.7 Hz 6.7 Hz 11.3 Hz 14.0 Hz 13.2 Hz 14.2 Hz
PVC Thick 5.9 Hz 6.5 Hz 10.9 Hz 14.8 Hz 12.9 Hz 13.9 Hz
Aluminium 21.5 Hz 22.4 Hz 26.5 Hz 22.2 Hz 28.6 Hz 26.4 Hz
Added mass can be calculated and combined with the linear mass of the system to account for
fluid displacement by the riser during testing. As discussed in Section 2.5, added mass can be
calculated using Eq(5). Added mass coefficient has been taken as 1 for all cylindrical
members, while diameter varies slightly in accordance with Table 5-5. An example
calculation of added mass of the aluminium model is given below in equation (9)
m ' c 'V
1000 1 0.0382 (9)
1.13kg / m
The added mass calculated for each model can then be added to the linear dry mass and the
internal fluid column to determine the effective submerged linear mass of the system.
Empirically determined natural frequency from the dry decay test can then be used to
estimate the natural frequency of the system in fresh water by including the added mass into
equation (1).
fn (10)
L2 m m'
Calculated values for dry natural frequencies were then expressed as a fraction of the results
from the decay test. The wetted natural frequency was then calculated and multiplied by the
error fraction of the decay test results to give an estimated value based on dry frequency
discrepancies. This was done as an error approximation as the same structural parameters
were used in the calculation of wetted natural frequency. Results are given below in Table
Table 7-2 Wetted natural frequencies of each member used for testing
As mentioned in section Section 1, the vortex shedding frequency must match the natural
frequency of the testing member to achieve lock-in. To asses model response it is important
to identify which flow velocities are more likely to enter the lock-in regime and which are
less likely to be affected. Calculated natural frequencies have been compared against vortex
shedding frequencies generated using FFT analysis and given below in Table 7-3.
Table 7-3 Natural and response frequencies for each experimental data set
0N 490.5 N 981 N
Member Velocity Natural Response Natural Response Natural Response
0.4 m/s 2.69 Hz 3.67 Hz 9.04 Hz 5.03 Hz 9.90 Hz 3.65 Hz
Thin Wall
Vortex shedding frequencies have been adjusted from Section 2.4 to account for slight
discrepancies in testing model diameter. Results for each flow condition are given below in
Table 7-4.
For lock-in to take place the shedding frequency must match or approach the natural
frequency of the member, as mentioned in Section 2.3. This will develop a coupling between
the structural motion and the wake dynamics. The shedding frequency in the wake of the
body is shown to generally increase with flow velocity and should be proportional with fluid
flow (Chakrabarti, 2005). Table 7-3 shows a general increase in response frequencies with an
increase in flow velocity. A non-linear trend can be seen in the thin walled PVC which can be
attributed to instability caused by low flexural rigidity. Data indicates natural frequencies of
the two PVC members are within vortex shedding range in the zero tension condition. These
members will be outside the range of lock-in when under tension. The natural frequency of
the aluminium member places it out of lock-in range for all testing conditions due to the flow
velocity limitations of the Flume Tank.
Analyses were conducted in Matlab using raw accelerometer data. Voltages were converted
to accelerations based on the voltage output in the zero position and divided by the
sensitivity. Displacements at each accelerometer were determined by integrating the
accelerations twice. This information was then plotted and to indicate vibration response at
each accelerometer. An example of cross flow displacements experienced at the middle
accelerometer for the same tension and flow velocity is given below in Figure 7-4.
0.1 PVC 1
Displacement (m)
Figure 7-4 Displacements each middle accelerometer for v = 1.21m/s and T = 981 N
Figure 7-4 shows the standard model reactions when subject to identical experimental
conditions. Individual analysis of each member will be conducted initially to determine key
behavioural response of each model focusing on areas of increased amplitude response.
Results will then be compared between members to investigate and identify the effects of
VIV in response to varying flexural rigidity. Particular attention has been focused on cross
flow behaviour as this generally displays the largest response amplitude and potential for
structural detriment.
Before analysis can take place the effect of tension variation on model response must be
identified in order to determine the effect in conjunction with flow velocity. Large variations
in member natural frequencies were recorded during the dry decay test. The increase due to
natural frequency on each of the models during the dry decay test is summarised below in
Table 7-5.
Determining the linearity of tension effects on member natural frequency will aid in assessing
response behaviour and lock-in regimes. As mentioned in Section 2.8 an increase in system
tension results in an increase in member natural frequency. To identify the effects of tension
on the cross flow and in-line flow response the flow velocity can be held constant so that any
effects on vibration amplitude ratio are due solely to tension variation. Aluminium has been
used for tension comparison in Figure 7-5 due do its reasonably constant response
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Tension (N)
As can be seen in Figure 7-5 tension has a substantial effect on model response amplitude. A
reduced velocity range of 1.91 to 1.27 resulted from the variation in system stiffness. The
largest differential in cross flow and in-line flow occurs at the lowest tension with a cross
flow over three times the amplitude of the in-line response. As expected cross flow reduces as
the model is. This results in a reduction of over 32 times and 9 times the zero-tension cross
flow and in-line flow respectively. The increase in in-line flow at 4905 N tension can be
attributed to the reduced velocity of 1.59, placing it in the in-line oscillation regime as
outlined in Table 2-1 Further results of tension effects can be seen in Appendix B. On
analysis of these results it can be seen that no set trend is observed due to tension effects.
This will make it difficult to relate any results directly to the effects of tension. Reference can
be made to tensioning effect results in Appendix B to account for any unexpected trends in
Displacement (m)
5 5.5 6 6.5 7
Time (s)
From Figure 7-6 it can be seen that there is unstable vortex shedding occurring in the X axis.
This is most likely due to 2P modal response. Large reduced velocity of 10.52 results from
the low flexural rigidity and zero tension condition. This results in structural instability
causing non-linear response in the model, as can be seen in Table 7-3 with the
disproportionate increase in member natural frequency with flow velocity.
Cross flow vibration amplitude at the middle accelerometer for the range of reduced
velocities is able to give a good indication of model response behaviour under the various
flow regimes. Figure 7-7 shows the response of each model at the condition of zero tension.
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Reduced Velocity
It can be seen from Figure 7-7 that the highest amplitude occurs in-line with the flow at a
reduced velocity of 15.08. There is a spike of vibration amplitude ratio up to 1.06 at the
reduced velocity of 10.52, which can be accounted for by natural frequencies shown in Table
7-3. Amplitudes in the cross flow direction are shown to reduce after the peak at 10.52, while
in-line flow continues to rise linearly until a reduced velocity of 15.08. This is most likely
due to the significant reduced velocity which is out of the margins of cross flow
characteristics given in Table 2-1. The large reduced velocity and low stiffness property of
the material is causing instability of the member, leading to non-linear results.
Tensioning of 450.9 N can be used to compare results from a testing regime that does not
experience lock-in. Table 7-3 indicates natural frequency of the member is well outside the
range of expected lock-in due to the applied tension. Oscillatory response can be represented
by vibration amplitude response in the cross flow and in-line flow directions. A plot of non-
dimensionalised amplitude at each reduced velocity is given in Figure 7-8.
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Reduced Velocity
Figure 7-8 Cross flow and in-line flow response of the thin-walled PVC member at T = 490.5 N
Looking at Figure 7-8 it can be observed that there is a more distinct trend in amplitude
response as reduced velocity increases. Cross-flow response can be seen to have a significant
increase as reduced velocity enters the cross flow dominant regime of 4.8 - 12. Cross flow
response dominates the highest reduced velocity of 4.50 with amplitude of almost 1.8 larger
than the in-line response. This correlates with data given in Table 2-1. Model response
amplitude increases as the fluctuating pressure distribution increases, forcing the model to the
area of low pressure. Significant separation is occurring due to oscillatory forces
perpendicular to fluid flow, resulting in vibration amplitude of almost three times the model
The second highest reduced velocity of 3.14 produced a more even in-line and cross flow
response at the middle accelerometer. This is consistent with reduced velocity behaviour
presented in Table 2-1, as alternative vortex shedding is causing in-line oscillations between
reduced velocities of 2.2 to 3.5.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Re 4
x 10
Figure 7-9 Effects of Reynolds number on non-dimensional amplitude at T = 490.5 N
Figure 7-9 shows an exponential increase in cross flow response with increased Reynolds
number. Each resulting Reynolds number indicates flow in the fully turbulent vortex street
regime. Model response to Reynolds number is expected to follow a linear trend when there
is no instance of lock-in. The exponential behaviour exhibited is most likely due to instability
of the member due to low Young’s Modulus.
Table 7-3 indicates the zero tension experimental testing condition spans the range of
potential lock-in. The calculated value for member natural frequency at this tension is 3.56
Hz, only 0.47 Hz less than the vortex shedding frequency at 0.8 m/s. However the response
frequency of 2.27 Hz determined from FFT analysis indicates that no lock-in will take place.
The displacement resulting in the X and Z axes for the flow velocity of 1.7 m/s at zero
tension can be seen below in Figure 7-10.
Displacement (m)
8 8.5 9 9.5 10
Time (s)
Cross flow is shown to exhibit a higher response to the increased flow velocity than in-line
flow. A 1:1 relationship for the two regimes exists, demonstrating uniform oscillatory
behaviour. To gauge the response over the full range of reduced velocities tested cross flow
has been compared against in-line flow response in Figure 7-11.
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Reduced Velocity
Figure 7-11 Cross flow and in-line flow response of the thick-walled PVC member at T = 0N
Results show a dominance of cross flow response across the full range of flow velocities
tested. There is no significant spike in vibration amplitude at any of the reduced velocities,
confirming that no lock-in is present. A linear trend can be observed for both cross flow and
in-line behaviour as reduced velocity is increased, confirming the absence of lock-in. This
suggests that response of the thick-walled PVC member is more reliable than that of the thin-
walled member.
Cross flow non-dimensional amplitudes at each accelerometer can be seen in Figure 7-12 and
Figure 7-13.
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Reduced Velocity
It can be seen from Figure 7-12 that the largest cross flow vibration amplitude for each
reduced velocity occurs at the middle accelerometer. Significant amplitude was also recorded
at the bottom accelerometer for each flow regime. This could be the result of the modal shape
encountered during testing or most likely due to incorrect accelerometer alignment. Extensive
attempts at accelerometer alignment were attempted in Matlab using the recommended tilt
adjustment method from the accelerometer manufacturer. This method produced unrealistic
results and so smoothed and de-trended accelerometer data was used for analysis.
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Reduced Velocity
Response of the thick-walled PVC model shows minimal oscillation in both the X and Z axes
for reduced velocities below 2.7. A significant increase in cross flow vibration amplitude was
observed during the highest reduced velocity as it enters the cross flow oscillation regime of
3.89 as outlined in Table 2-1. Figure 7-13 shows a large the largest in-line response also
occurs at the same reduced velocity as cross-flow. This non-linear trend may also be caused
by member instability as reduced velocity increases due to low Young’s Modulus.
Submerged natural frequency of the member at 490.5 N of tension has been calculated to be
11.17 Hz, which is outside the vortex shedding frequency of 8.55 Hz.
Results from of an FFT of this run show a third harmonic occurring at 10.4 Hz which is
within 6.9% of the natural frequency. This could be responsible for the increased amplitude
ratio at seen in Figure 7-13. As also confirmed in numerical analysis conducted by Tang et al.
(2011), the largest value of hydrodynamic cross-flow force clearly occurs at fn,3.
To assess the effects of Reynolds number on the non-dimensional cross flow response,
vibration amplitude ratios at all four Reynolds numbers have been given in Figure 7-14.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Re 4
x 10
Figure 7-14 Effects of Reynolds number on non-dimensional amplitude at T = 490.5 N
Figure 7-14 shows the increased cross flow response amplitude corresponding with a
Reynolds number of Re = 6.84 x 104. This corresponds to the critical Reynolds regime where
VIV is a key structural concern. Amplitude increases with reduced velocity in an exponential
fashion, as was also the case for the thin-walled PVC member in Figure 7-9. This is most
likely a result of the low member stiffness, or potentially by third harmonic response
Table 7-4 are outside the potential range for lock-in. This should result in linear trends of
amplitude ratio with increases in reduced velocity. Cross flow response at flow velocity of
1.2 m/s for this tension can be seen in Figure 7-15.
x 10 Displacement at Middle Accelerometer
X axis
Z axis
Displacement (m)
5 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6
Time (s)
Looking at Figure 7-15, distinct response amplitude in the X axis can be observed.
Fluctuations in Z axis response about the position of zero displacement indicates that
displacement is occurring on both the local and global axes as due to pressure caused by form
drag in line with the flow. The larger cross flow exhibited at the reduced velocity of 2.39 is
2.4 times greater than the highest in-line flow vibration amplitude recorded. This differential
then increases to a magnitude of 5.56 as the flow velocity is increased to 1.7 m/s with a
reduced velocity of 3.46 (refer to Figure 7-17).
The same response frequency in X and Z axes can be observed in Figure 7-15, indicating that
the same vortex response frequency is occurring for each. This can be confirmed by the FFT
plot in Figure 7-16 indicating a single mode for each axis.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Frequency (Hz)
A comparison of cross flow and in-line flow response can be seen in Figure 7-17.
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Reduced Velocity
Figure 7-17 Cross flow and in-line flow response of the aluminium member at T = 490.5 N
Figure 7-17 shows a linear increase in cross flow response of the member. Table 7-3 indicates
a natural frequency of 12.90 Hz, which is well outside the range of vortex shedding
frequency. This is confirmed by the linear response to reduced velocity. The differential
between cross flow and in-line flow is much more significant in this region as the reduced
velocity enters the range of cross flow oscillation region given in Table 2-1.
Experimental data from the highest tensioned testing condition displays the largest response
frequency of the testing members at 13.20 Hz. Cross flow and in-line flow amplitude
response at this tension can be seen below in Figure 7-18.
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Reduced Velocity
Figure 7-18 Cross flow and in-line flow response of the aluminium member at T = 981 N
Figure 7-18 shows a similar trend to Figure 7-17 of cross-flow domination across the range of
tested reduced velocities. It can be noted that the in-line vibration amplitude of the highest
reduced velocity has slightly decreased with a proportional increase in cross flow. The lower
reduced velocities display no response to the flow. This is due to the high tension acting on
the model increasing the natural frequency.
Effects of Reynolds number on the cross flow response of the model can be seen in Figure
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Re 4
x 10
Figure 7-19 Effects of Reynolds number on non-dimensional amplitude at T = 490.5 N
Unlike the effects of Reynolds number determined from the other two models, results for the
aluminium member show a linear relationship in cross flow vibration amplitude with an
increase in Reynolds number. This confirms that no lock-in is occurring at any of the test
regimes. The exponential response of the two PVC members can be attributed the low
Young’s modulus of both members, causing instability. This is particularly the case at
increased reduced velocities where the apparent exponential response occurs. All Reynolds
numbers in the regimes tested are in the fully turbulent vortex street range outlined in Figure
To enable comparison of each model response at the various flow velocities it is important to
make riser response non-dimensional. Vibration amplitude is a key parameter in comparing
risers, taking into account the 2.91mm differential range in outside diameters resulting from
pipe availability. Maximum amplitude experienced by each model has been used to calculate
the amplitude ratio, as the extreme vibration of the system represents the worst loading on the
system and connections. By taking onto account the reduced velocity of the system a true
non-dimensional comparison can be made allowing data to be used for full scale models.
Correlation of results was attempted by scaling model stiffness and relating reduced velocity
to vibration amplitude response of each model. Because of the large variation in bending
stiffness and instability of models with low Young’s Modulus this proved difficult to achieve.
The range of vortex shedding frequencies resulting from testing also made comparison
difficult as lock-in was regularly observed. Evaluation of tensioning effects can however be
concluded from Table 7-3. Vortex shedding frequency has been shown to increase in a
somewhat proportional manner for the two stiffer models. As tension is applied to each
model the resulting natural frequency creates an increasing differential between vortex
shedding frequencies and member natural frequency. An initial indication of the effects of
bending stiffness on cross flow vibration response of each accelerometer at constant flow
velocity and tension is shown below in Figure 7-20. This gives a good indication of the scale
of bending stiffness affecting the response amplitude of each member.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
2 4
Bending Stiffness (Nm ) x 10
Figure 7-20 Cross flow response for each model at v = 1.7 m/s and T = 490.5 N
Figure 7-20 shows the largest vibration amplitude at middle accelerometers for each model.
The decrease in amplitude with the increased bending stiffness gives a good representation of
what is expected from model response when lock-in is avoided. Amplitudes recorded at the
top and bottom accelerometers show discrepancies for each model. Table 7-3 shows all
natural frequencies falling outside the range of reduced velocities.. A trend in cross flow
vibration amplitude reduction can be identified with cross flow and in-line flow factors being
reduced by a magnitude of 3.26 and 10.56 respectively as a result of bending stiffness
increase (refer to Table 7-6). This large decrease occurs in conjunction with faster pressure
fluctuations as the vortex shedding response increases with bending stiffness. As the response
frequency increases so too does the vibration velocity. Oscillation amplitude is therefore
smaller in members of increased natural frequency as vortices are being shed more rapidly.
This results in a change of pressure distribution and direction of oscillation towards the area
of low pressure.
Comparison of cross flow and in-line flow response of each model has been conducted to
identify oscillatory behaviour at each flow regime. This form of analysis also gives an
indication of the modal response of each riser and the vortex shedding behaviour under each
3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8
Reduced Velocity
Figure 7-21 Comparison of cross flow and in-line flow for each member for v = 1.7 and T = 490.5 N
The same approach has been undertaken to identify response characteristics for the highest
flow velocity of 1.7 m/s at the same tension of 981 N. Cross flow response at these conditions
can be seen below in Figure 7-22.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
2 4
Bending Stiffness (Nm ) x 10
Figure 7-22 Cross flow response for each model at v = 1.7 m/s and T = 981 N
As with Figure 7-20 there is a distinct trend in vibration amplitude reduction with increasing
values of bending stiffness. The linearity of response at middle accelerometers suggests each
model avoided lock-in. Table 7-3 shows the natural frequencies of each member at these
testing conditions are well outside the vortex shedding frequencies as a result of the applied
tension. This indicates the importance of tensioning risers sufficiently to place the natural
frequency outside the range of vortex shedding frequencies, thus avoiding lock-in. Tension
may be applied to full scale risers via top tensioning or self-weight in deep water
environments. Altering the natural frequency of risers is particularly important in deep water
applications where large free span increases susceptibility and response to VIV.
Model response in the cross flow and in-line directions for the same testing conditions is
shown below in Figure 7-23.
2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2
Reduced Velocity
Figure 7-23 Comparison of cross flow and in-line flow for each member at v = 1.7 m/s and T = 981 N
A close response can be seen from the two PVC members can be seen in Figure 7-23.
Increased cross flow response is proportional to the decrease in-line response over the
reduced velocity differential of 0.15. This indicates linear behaviour for both models, which
was not the case for lower tension and fluid velocity conditions. Cross flow and in-line
behavioural response at each reduced velocity is given in Table 7-7.
Table 7-7 Response characteristics of each model at v = 1.7 m/s and T = 981 N
For a better understanding of cross flow response due to flow velocity, tension has been held
constant at 490.5 N and flow velocity varied. Vibration amplitude at each model stiffness be
examined in more detail in Figure 7-24 to Figure 7-26Error! Reference source not found..
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
2 4
Bending Stiffness (Nm ) x 10
Figure 7-24 Cross flow comparison for each bending stiffness at v = 0.4 m/s and T = 490.5 N
Figure 7-24 compares the effects of bending stiffness on cross flow oscillation at each
accelerometer location for lowest flow velocity of 1.4 m/s. As expected there is increased
amplitude response for the lowest bending stiffness member, however there is no correlation
of response behaviour with the increased bending stiffness of the other two models. Bottom
accelerometers on all three members produced the highest amplitude, however it is important
to note the very small scale of vibration amplitude. Similar response behaviour can be seen
for the thick-walled PVC and aluminium members, suggesting that neither member was
significantly effected by fluid flow.
Figure 7-25 compares vibration response under at the flow velocity of 0.8 m/s.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
2 4
Bending Stiffness (Nm ) x 10
Figure 7-25 Cross flow comparison for each bending stiffness at v = 0.8 m/s and T = 490.5 N
Middle accelerometer vibration amplitude of the aluminium model is shown to be over two
times larger than at the thin-walled PVC member. This result is unexpected and can be
attributed to instability of the PVC models at low flow velocity. As previously mentioned,
vortex shedding frequency of the aluminium member is well outside the range of vortex
shedding frequency as confirmed by Figure 7-17. This discounts lock-in as the cause for the
increased amplitude ratio response. The aluminium member has typically shown steady
response behaviour, which is verified for this run in Figure 7-17. Results discrepancies can
therefore be attributed to the two PVC members, which have been shown to give unreliable
results when subject to low flow velocities. This is a result of non-linear pressure distribution
between bending stiffness values at low response frequencies.
Figure 7-26 shows the cross flow vibration amplitude ratio for the flow velocity of 1.2 m/s at
the same tension.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
2 4
Bending Stiffness (Nm ) x 10
Figure 7-26 Cross flow comparison for each bending stiffness at v = 1.2 m/s and T = 490.5 N
As with Figure 7-25, Figure 7-26 shows unexpected response from the PVC members. No
lock-in response if expected from any of the models under these testing conditions as outlined
in each member’s individual analysis. Response of each member is shown to be most
significant at the middle accelerometer, indicating an odd number of modes. FFT analysis
conducted on the aluminium member confirms the odd modal shape by indicating a single
mode in the X and Z axes. The same analysis conducted on the thin-walled and thick-walled
PVC members also confirmed odd modal shapes of three and five modes respectively.
decided that any results from stiffness scaling analysis would be erroneous and would not
contribute to the study of VIV.
There are, however, several conclusions that can be made from the model analyses in relation
to full-scale risers. As no lock-in was expected or noted for either PVC member a linear
increase in response amplitude was expected as Reynolds number was increased. All flow
Reynolds numbers calculated during testing placed the flow regime in the fully turbulent
vortex street. This indicates that vortex shedding behaviour should not change as a result of
the variation in fluid velocities tested. The exponential response of PVC members to
increases in Reynolds number highlights the susceptibility of non-rigid pipelines to VIV due
to current velocity, even in instances of no lock-in. As knowledge of VIV increases it is
commonplace for checks to be carried out on instances of resonance. Non-dimensional
response amplitude of the thin-walled PVC member of almost three times the model diameter
indicates that highly detrimental response can occur even when there is no lock-in present.
Testing has also shown the significant effects of tension on avoiding lock-in. Increases in
natural frequency over 200% enable both PVC members to avoid vortex shedding frequency
and any possibility of lock-in. This highlights the effects of tensioning and self-weight on
offshore risers for VIV ramifications. However, as mentioned above significant vibrations
can still result under tension.
Increases in reduced velocity have also been show to result in varying response behaviour of
the models. Increases in reduced velocity above values of approximately 3.0 have shown to
have notable impacts on the in-line and cross flow response of the models, particularly in the
higher stiffness aluminium model. As reduced velocity is increased in the critical range the
cross flow response continues to increase proportionally, while the in-line response decreases
in the same proportion. This behaviour is consistent with reduced velocity theory presented in
Section 2.6 and can be applied to full scale model response predictions.
This experimental investigation has presented the effects of stiffness on model response to
VIV. Variations in system tension and flow velocity have proven to have a large effect on
model response behaviour over the flow velocities and tensions tested. The following
conclusions can be drawn from the investigation:
Response amplitude tended to significantly decrease in models with higher stiffness
properties while oscillation frequency increased. Higher stiffness placed put the
aluminium member outside the range of potential lock-in.
Model in-line and cross-flow response has been shown to be largely effected under
small variations flow regime. Reduced velocities exceeding 3.0 tended to
proportionally decrease in-line response and increase cross flow response
Post-processing code written using Matlab has proven effective in analysing a large
quantity of data efficiently with minimal user input. A large variety of comparisons
can be made by results generated from one set of data.
The filtering function used in Matlab proved to be successful in eliminating noise
pollution. Steady curves were produced, resulting in an effective idealisation of model
PVC models with low Young’s Modulus have been shown to produce more stable
results at higher flow velocities and tensions.
Lock-in range has been substantially reduced by member tensioning. No lock-in was
encountered during testing due primarily to natural frequency increases resulting from
Natural frequency was able be determined from the decay test and calculated for the
submerged condition using added mass. These results were consistent with calculated
values, confirming their validity.
The following list of recommendations is intended to assist future studies on VIV at the AMC
Flume Tank.
Experimental analysis was originally meant to be conducted in tandem with a
numerical simulation. This would be ideal in future studies to relate testing results to
commercially available software.
Check accelerometer orientation during testing. This proved to be difficult to correct
and future studies will benefit from ensuring accurate alignment for modal analysis.
Conduct testing with fixed connections on PVC models to increase natural frequency.
In depth analysis of VIV suppression methods. PVC members were shown to exhibit
very large response behaviour but unpredictable at low tensions.
More in-depth analysis on relationship between in-line and cross flow. Investigate
amplitude ratios at various reduced velocities.
Setup system to conduct decay test in the same environment as model testing to
achieve completely accurate natural frequency values.
Configure a system to determine the exact response of the Flume Tank carriage under
Beardman, P. (2009). Understanding and predicting vortex-induced vibrations. Journal of
Fluid Mechanics, 1.
Chakrabarti, S. K. (2002). Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering. The Theory and Practice
Analysis, Inc.
Chen W., L. M. (2011). Dynamic characteristics and VIV of deepwater riser with axially
Laidlaw, A. (2010). Pipeline Vortex Induced Vibration Under Free Span Conditions.
Lie H., K. K. (2006). Modal analysis of measurements from a large-scale VIV model test of a
Lienhard, J. H. (1966). Synopsis of Lift, Drag, and Vortex Frequency Data for Rigid Circular
Ojeda, R. (2011). Vibration. Free vibration and damping, 3-6, 24, 41.
Palmer, A., & King, R. A. (2006). Subsea Pipeline Engineering. Oklahoma USA: PenWell.
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet used for natural frequency calculations.
Input Output
Cylinder OD = 42.66 mm Pipe mass (empty) = 0.50 kg/m
Wall thickness = 2.00 mm Pipe mass (full) = 1.67 kg/m
Young's modulus = 3378550753.00 Pa Added Mass = 1.43 kg/m
Pipe density = 1530.00 kg/m3 Total pipe mass = 3.10 kg/m
End constraint = 0.50 Flexural rigidity = 1426.96 Nm2
Pipe length = 2.00 m Natural frequency (dry) = 6.69 Hz
Fluid density = 1000.00 kg/m3 Natural frequency (wet) = 2.68 Hz
Applied tension (kg) = 100.00 kg Tensioned natural frequency (dry) = 13.24 Hz
Applied tension (N) = 981.00 N Tensioned natural frequency (wet) = 9.23 Hz
Effects of Tension on Vibration Amplitude
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Tension (N)
Figure 9-1 Effects of tension on the thin wall PVC model at constant v = 0.8 m/s
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Tension (N)
Figure 9-2 Effects of tension on the thick wall PVC model at constant v = 0.8 m/s
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Tension (N)
Figure 9-3 Effects of tension on the aluminium model at constant v = 0.8 m/s
Figure 9-4 Effects of tension on the thin wall PVC model at constant v = 1.2 m/s
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Tension (N)
Figure 9-5 Effects of tension on the thick wall PVC model at constant v = 1.2 m/s
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Tension (N)
Figure 9-6 Effects of tension on the aluminium model at constant v = 1.2 m/s
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Tension (N)
Figure 9-7 Effects of tension on the thin wall PVC model at constant v = 1.7 m/s
Figure 9-8 Effects of tension on the thick wall PVC model at constant v = 1.7 m/s
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Tension (N)
Figure 9-9 Effects of tension on the aluminium model at constant v = 1.7 m/s
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Reduced Velocity
Figure 9-10 Effects of reduced velocity on the thin wall PVC model at T = 0 N
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Reduced Velocity
Figure 9-11 Effects of reduced velocity on the thin wall PVC model at T = 490.5 N
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Reduced Velocity
Figure 9-12 Effects of reduced velocity on the thin wall PVC model at T = 981 N
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Reduced Velocity
Figure 9-13 Effects of reduced velocity on the thick wall PVC model at T = 0 N
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Reduced Velocity
Figure 9-14 Effects of reduced velocity on the thick wall PVC model at T = 490.5 N
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Reduced Velocity
Figure 9-15 Effects of reduced velocity on the thick wall model at T = 981 N
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Reduced Velocity
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Reduced Velocity
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Reduced Velocity