B2c Meteorology
B2c Meteorology
B2c Meteorology
1. Ability to use and interpret information obtained from meteorological
instruments and the ability to apply the meteorological information available.
2. Knowledge of the characteristics of the various weather systems, reporting
procedures and recording systems.
3. General structure of the atmosphere and the significance of variations in sea
surface atmospheric pressure; simple relationship between pressure gradient,
wind speed and direction. (P.2)
4. Knowledge of global mean pressure distribution. Daily and seasonal variations.
Prevailing winds, land and sea breezes. Monsoons.
5. The Beaufort wind scale. Water vapour in the atmosphere (P.7). Evaporation,
condensation, precipitation. Meaning of saturation, relative humidity and dew
6. Formation and classification of clouds. Fog, mist and haze.
7. Synoptic and prognostic charts. Types of weather charts received by FAX.
8. The structure of weather reporting by shore and ship stations.
Past Questions;
5. For a vessel in the Arabian Sea in August on a passage form Colombo in Sri
Lanka (latitude 7N longitude 80E) to Aden (latitude 13N longitude 45E)
i) State the direction of the monsoon.
ii) Describe the expected weather condition.
iii) State the expected wind force.
Q.5(i) South-West
strong SW monsoon wind
heavy wave and swell from SW
may encounter cyclone
visibility impaired by heavy shower
drizzling weather
overcast sky
Q.5(iii) Force 6 to7
Q.6(a) As pressure change, the vacuum pile expand/subtract, by the lever system, the
pen are will be deflected and mark the pressure on the chart. The barogram is fitted on
a clockwise rotating drum which has a period of one week.
(see Kemp & Young Meteorology, P.7-8)
In North Latitudes, face the wind and the barometer will be lowest to your right.
In South Latitudes, face the wind and the barometer will be lowest to your left.
Synoptic weather maps normally contain a diagram from which geostrophic wind
speed can be determined by measuring the distance between successive
isobars. If the diagram is transferred to a celluloid scale, then the wind speed can be
read by putting the scale across the isobar. A correction for latitude can be applied
when necessary. Then the speed of surface wind can be taken as two-thirds of the
geostrophic wind value, and the direction as one or two points from the direction
of the isobars, towards the side of low pressure.
use Beaufort Scale
obtain apparent wind from anemometer, apply ship course and speed,
calculate true wind
by observing funnel smoke and estimate by experience
5. (a) With the aid of sketches explain the formation of the monsoons which
affect Southeast Asia, showing
i) Wind directions
ii) Pressure distribution
(b) Explain why the NE monsoon winds are, on average, of greater
strength than the SW monsoon winds in the South China Sea.
Q.5(b) NE monsoon wind in South China Sea is greater than SW monsoon wind
because of the presence of consistent NE trade wind.
Q.7(b) Obtain the difference (i.e. depression) between dry bulb and wet bulb
temperature; enter the dew point table to obtain dew point of the air. Since water
vapour condense when temperature lower than dew point, fog occur when sea water
temperature lower than dew point.
1. (a) With the aid of a sketch describe the principle and construction of a
marine barograph.
(b) Describe the essential differences between an aneroid barometer and a
precision aneroid barometer.
(c) State the corrections to be applied to each of the above barometers.
As pressure change, the vacuum pile expand/subtract, by the lever system, the pen are
will be deflected and mark the pressure on the chart. The barograph is fitted on a
clockwise rotating drum which has a period of one week.
(see Kemp & Young Meteorology, P.7-8)
Aneroid Barometer Aneroid Barometer
Reading driven by mechanical by pointer to scale
Deal with small accuracy up to 0.1mb A light tap on the
Change in Pressure barometer to free the
Fine chain
Height Correction apply manually built in by setting the
Of the instrument
(see Kemp & Young Meteorology, P.7-9)
5. What feature would you consider when using the Beaufort Sea criteria to
estimate the means wind speed?
A vessel on course 050T at 16 knots has an apparent wind of 210T at 14
knots measured at the mastead.
Determine the speed and direction of the true wind. (1991feb, 1993, 1997)
1. The appearance of the sea: whether sea like a mirror, or whether ripples,
wavelets, waves or high waves exist.
2. The length of waves.
3. Existence of sea foam, white horses. Density of streaks of foam along direct of
4. Extent of crest break and its appearance, whether crest is tumble.
5. How visibility is affected by sea spray.
6. Things to be born in mind:
i. The probable height of waves columns are added as a guide to show
roughly what may be expected in the open sea, remote from land. In
enclosed waters, or when near land with off-shore wind, wave height will
be smaller and the waves steeper.
ii. It must be realized that it will be difficult at night to estimate wind force
by the sea criterion.
iii. The lag effect between the wind getting up and the sea increasing should
be borne in mind.
iv. Fetch, depth, swell, heavy rain and tide effects should be considered when
estimating the wind force from the appearance of the sea.
1. (a) Draw temperature height graphs to illustrate stable and unstable
conditions of the atmosphere.
(b) State the cloud types associated with :
i) stable air
ii)unstable sir
(c) Define conditional instability.
Under adiabatic condition, an unsaturated parcel of air, from level A raise to level B,
its temperature will change at adiabatic lapse rate, but at this level, the temperature of
the surrounding air is at the Air lapse rate, which is lower than that of the parcel. So
the parcel of air will continue to rise since being warmer and less dense than its
surroundings. The air so is unstable. The stable condition: reverse.
2. (a) Air flows directly from a high pressure area to a low pressure area.
Comment on the validity of this statement, giving reasons.
(b) Given similar spacing between isobars explain why the wind around an
anti-cyclone will be stronger than around a depression.
Air tends to move from high pressure area to low pressure area due to the
pressure gradient
Coriolis force, arising from the rotation of the earth, deflects all movement
of air toward right in north hemisphere (to left in south hemisphere)
Without surface friction, wind blow parallel to isobars as the gradient
finally balance the Coriolis force
In case of surface wind, due to the friction by landscape, wind speed
decrease, coriolis force reduce. Wind direction tend to deflect 10-15deg
towards low pressure
Coriolis force is minimum at equator and maximum at poles
The higher the altitude, the less the frictional effect, and the wind flow with
geostropic pattern.
So the statement is partly valid
(see Meteorology for Mariner, Met Office, P.29-31)
Q.A2(b) For steady circular motion, the difference between the acceleration due to the
pressure gradient and the deflecting force must be exactly that required to keep the air
moving in a circular path. That is the centrifugal force equivalent to centripetal force.
The centrifugal force always acts outwards, at right angles to the tangent to the curved
path along which the mass is moving. Thus for a cyclone the centrifugal force is
directly against and has the opposite sign to the pressure gradient, gradient wind speed
has to be less than geostrophic wind. While for an anticyclone centrifugal force acts
in the same direction and has the same sign as the pressure gradient and thus wind
speed is greater than the geostrophic wind.
(see Meteorology for Mariner, Met Office, P.32-33)
4. State the names of the weather patterns at the places indicated by the letters A
to H on the attached weather map. (e.g. X is col).
A Occlusion
B Secondary depression
C Ridge
D Depression
E Frontal Trough
F Warm Front
G Cold Front
H Anti-cyclone
5. Hong Kong harbor experiences period of radiation fog.
a) Describe the cause of this fog.
b) Describe the conditions which cause this fog to dissipate.
c) State, with reasons, the most suitable position for a look out man in this fog.
land temperature increase by sunshine
strong wind present
dry wind from mainland present
Q.B5(iii) Bridge wing to hear fog signal // (alternative answer) Forecastle: To hear fog
signal and lookout for other vessel more closely.
2. a) Give examples of the conditions which could result in reduced
visibility at sea.
b) Explain how the readings of the wet and dry bulb thermometers and
the sea surface temperature reading can be used to predict the
formation of advection fog.
1. Fog visibility is reduced to less than 1000m. Fog forms in different
condition. Radiation fog, advection and sea smoke fog form by
condensation of water vapour due to contacting with cold surface
2. Mist similar to fog, but visibility is not so seriously affected. (> 1000m)
3. Haze visibility is reduced to the same level with mist but due to dust or
smoke or other impurities in suspension.
4. Rain visibility is reduced by heavy rain drop
5. Smog smoke from industrial area is trapped under the temperature
inversion. Large particles of smoke settle under gravity and do not drift far
6. Sand storm near to the coastline of desert
7. Snow similar to rain
8. Sea sea spray due to rough sea
Obtain the difference (i.e. depression) between dry bulb and wet bulb temperature;
enter the dew point table to obtain dew point of the air. Since water vapour condense
when temperature lower than dew point, fog occur when sea water temperature lower
than dew point.
5. A cold moist air stream begins blowing over a relatively warm sea surface.
What changes, if any, would you expect with reference to:
a) dew point
b) absolute humidity
c) relative humidity
4. Write short notes on the characteristics and source regions of Polar Maritime
and Tropical Continental air masses.
Polar Maritime Air Mass
moist cool, unstable, cumuliform cloud, isolated squally shower, very good or
excellent visibility
In winter, it is warmer than continental polar air in the surface layers.
A steep lapse rate in the lowest layers
Humidity decrease rapidly with altitude.
when passing cool land in winter, fog or low stratus cloud may be present
sources region: cold air from hi latitude (sub-polar region) crossing over ocean
(e.g. air the north Atlantic and arrive UK and northern Europe)
1. Radiation Short wave radiation from sun do not heat the air efficiently,
Long wave radiation from earth (radiation rebound from earth) is long
wave form, warm the lower of air
2. Conduction Heat is transferred from particle to particle. Air is warmed if it
contact with warm surface. It will be cooled if the surface is cold
3. Convection Warmed air expands and rise. Convection takes large amount
of warm air and moisture to the upper level. Air is cooled when rising and
water vapour condense and release latent heat. Precipitation occurs but
latent heat remains.
4. Turbulence Air blow over rough surface tend to deflect upwards by
landscape. Rising air bring its warmness (acquired from ground) to the
upper level. Air in the upper level replace the rising air and bring its
coolness to the ground.
A1. (a) Describe how cumulus and stratus clouds are formed.
(b) State the main differences between cumulus and stratus clouds.
Cu St
Air Stable Unstable
Shape cauliflower with Continuous layer or sheet
Vertical extension
Flat base
Colour white grey
Height 460-1500 m 150-600m
(see Meteorology for Mariner, Met Office, P.50-52, Kemp & Young Meteorology,
B4. Describe fully what is meant by trade winds. Discuss their cause and any
circumstances whereby these winds change in velocity and/or direction
during the year.
air is heated and risen in the ITCZ, as a result of sun heating in low latitude,
therefore low pressure in ITCZ
the rise air cooled and sink at the latitude of 30deg, high pressure in Horse
surface air from Horse Latitude move toward equator due to the pressure
as a result of Coriolis Force, wind deflected and resulted to NE wind in N
Hemisphere and SE in S Hemisphere.
This wind blow towards the equator; wind direction change from NE ENE
E, due to the reducing effect of Coriolis Force
Trade wind usually have a wind force of 13-15 knots
In Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and China Sea, Monsoon suppress the Trade
In summer, NE trade wind suppress by SW monsoon, wind direction in these
region is SW instead of NE;
In winter, NE monsoon reinforce the NE trade wind, give gale force NE wind in
China Sea
1994-March 2 = 1997
B1. Over large land masses the pressure is usually high in winter and low in
summer. Discuss this statement. (1994-mar2, 1997)
Large land masses becomes heated in summer because of long day, short night, and
of sun ray is more directing to the great land during summer. Land being heated more
easily than at sea, because of the specific heat capacity of sea is 5 times more than that
of land pressure becomes low in summer,
Reversely, land masses becomes cooled in winter because of short day, long night,
and of sun ray is less directing to the land. Land being cooled more easily than at sea,
because of the specific heat capacity of sea is 5 times more than that of land
pressure becomes high in winter.
(see Meteorology for Mariner, Met Office, P.85)
B2. Explain why the Trade Winds blow steadily throughout the year but the
monsoons of Asia change twice a year.
Referring to the Figure 7.7. Idealized global circulation of surface winds, sub-tropical
high pressure belt, Horse Latitude, and Doldrum exist throughout the year. The trade
winds are prominent over all the major sea areas in both summer and winter.
However, the intense cooling which occurs n the interior of Asian land mass in winter
and the extreme heating in summer has the effect of producing a great anticyclone,
normally entered over Mongolia, in winter, and an intense depression, normally
centred near the Himalayas, in summer. That is why the monsoons of Asia change
twice a year.
(see Meteorology for Mariner, Met Office, P. 80-85)
B4. With the aid of a sketch show how the precision aneroid barometer, of the
type supplied to voluntary observing ships, works. State any corrections that
should be applied after reading it.
Q.B4 (see Seamanship Technique, second edition, D J House, Vol.2, P. 53-55;
Meteorology for Mariner, Met Office, P.20-21)
Q.B5(a)(ii) mist is similar in cause and character to fog, but the visibility is not so
seriously affected. By international agreement, visibility which is impaired, but is not
less than 1 km is described as mist when the obscurity is caused by water particles.
Q. B5(a)(iii) haze occur when the obscurity results from smoke, dust particles or other
impurities in suspension in the atmosphere. The usual criterion for deciding between
mist and haze is whether or not the relative humidity is above 95%.
B1. State the conditions favorable for the formation of advection fog and sea
Adiabatic Lapse Rate is the change of temperature of an air parcel as to the change of
height, with no energy exchange by heating or cooling.
For Atmospheric stability see Meteorology for Mariner, Met Office, P.12-14
Q. B2 (see Meteorology for Mariner, Met Office, P. 170-171; and Marine Observers
Handbook, No. 1 App.C)
Wind Direction: NE, Wind speed: 15 knots, Total Cloud Amount: 7/8, Air Temp: 20C,
Visibility: 11nm, Dew Point: 14C, Sea Temp: 18C, Present Weather: slight rain
shower, Past weather: Thunderstorm, shower, Barometric Pressure: 1010.3hp, 3 hours
pressure tendency: decrease or steady, then increasing by 0.5 hp, High Cloud: CH3-
Dense Cirrus, Middle Cloud: nil, Low Cloud: Cumulonimbus with fibrous top, often
with an anvil, Amount of low cloud: 4/8, Height of lowest cloud: 200-300m, Direction
of swell: (primary) 45-54 deg, (secondary) 075-084deg