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Introduction To Gram and Kilogram Measurement

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The key takeaways are that grams and kilograms are units used to measure mass or weight. One kilogram is equal to 1000 grams. Students will use balance scales and weights to solve word problems involving grams and kilograms.

Grams and kilograms are used to measure mass or weight. Grams are a smaller unit of measurement, while kilograms are a larger unit of measurement equal to 1000 grams.

A balance scale can be used to compare the masses of objects. When the triangles on both sides of the balance scale are touching, it means the objects on both sides have the same mass.

UOTeach | Elementary Multiple Subject | Lesson Plan Template

Pre-Service Student Name: Ashley Hoogenstryd Date of Lesson: 2/22/19

Curriculum Materials: LearnZillion Grade Level: 3rd
Mass Measurement Word
Problems (Unit 6, Lesson 8-
Central Focus for Learning Segment: 10) Whole Class or Small Group: Small Group
Lesson # in Sequence: 1 Total Lesson Time: 35 min per group (1 hour 10 min)

Lesson plan template is subject to change based on subject area and grade level.
I. Overview
1. Title of Lesson:
Introduction to grams and kilogram word problems: Math Station #2

2. Rationale:
Students will be working on words problems using the relationship between grams and kilogram over the next week. This lesson
will introduce the relationship using manipulatives to help them gain the prior knowledge needed for the upcoming in-class
practice in LearnZillion.

3. Standard/s:
Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units of grams (g), kilograms (kg), and liters (l). 1 Add,
subtract, multiply, or divide to solve one-step word problems involving masses or volumes that are given in the same units, e.g.,
by using drawings (such as a beaker with a measurement scale) to represent the problem. 2

4. Learning Objective/s:
Students will be able to measure objects using units of grams and kilograms.
Students will be able to solve one-step word problems involving grams and kilograms using scales, balances, and weights

5. Language Objective/s:
Students will be able to orally describe the relationship between grams and kilograms when solving one-step word problems.

II. Beginning the Lesson (Lesson Launch)

1. Narrative:

Students will split into two groups based on student relationship and need of support. Students will have two math small groups of
this lesson. Station #1 will have students work on their Math Review Book pages. Station #2 will have students work on the Intro to
grams and kilograms.

1. A small group of students will start at the carpet. Begin by asking students if they have every heard the terms grams or
kilogram. Ask what the terms were used for. Describe that grams and kilograms are used to measure mass or weight.
2. Pass around a scale manipulative. Describe that has mass is added to the container or the scale it pushes down and the
pointer on the dial goes up to measure the mass of an object.
3. Ask students what they notice about the numbers on the scale. Describe that once the grams reach 1,000 it then becomes 1
kilogram, which makes them equivalent. Write this down on the whiteboard for them to reference throughout the lesson.
Connect this to prior knowledge of liters and milliliters from previous lessons.
4. Pass around different manipulative weights, 1 gram, 100 grams, and 1 kilogram (make sure each student has felt the weight
of all 3 weights. Tell students to pay attention to how heavy or light the different weights are and how many grams it says.
5. Describe that using this knowledge of grams and kilograms we will now estimate if different objects are closer to 1 gram,
100 grams, or 1 kilogram. (pick 3-4 different items). Draw a table on the whiteboard and place tally marks for each students’
6. Then measure each object on the measuring scale to discover the correct answer as a group. Pick students to read the mass
on the scale.
UOTeach –Elementary Lesson Plan-Template Revised: 3/6/2019
7. Bring out a balancing scale. Ask students if they know what this is and where they have used it. Describe that a balance is
used to compare the masses. Explain when the triangles are touching that means the objects of both sides of the balance
have the same mass. Show this by placing a 100 grams weight on each side.
8. Ask students to predict what will happen if you switched a 100 grams weight on one side to 1 kilogram. Describe that the 1-
kilogram side will be lower down. Show this on the scale. Describe that we will be using these balances in groups to solve
word problems.

1. Academic language supports:

Academic language support will be through defining key vocabulary and use of manipulative to provide visual and physical

2. Assessing for understanding:

Students will be assessed through participation in discussion, by purposefully involving all students, as well as through

3. Adaptations for student support:

Adaptations for student supports is through the use of weights, balances, and scale manipulatives.

III. Middle of the Lesson (Small Group/Individual Work/Whole Class Discussion)

1. Narrative:

Students will receive their LearnZillion (LZ) workbooks and will open to page 23 while still working on the carpet.

1. Explain they will work through problem #1 as a whole group and then they will split into three groups that you have chosen
to work on problems #2 and #3.
2. Read the word problem and underline important information in teacher copy of LZ workbook under the document camera.
3. Using a balance scale demonstrate putting a 10 g weight on one side. Have students count as you place 1 g weights on the
other side. After each 1 g weight added ask students to share collectively allowed if the triangles on the balance are
touching. Model what students should write in LZ workbooks under the document camera.
4. Read over problems #2 and #3 in LZ and underline important information. Describe to students that you may not have
enough 100 g weights for #3 so you will have to use a combination of smaller weights that each equal 100 g to find your
answer. For #3 ask them to draw a picture of the different weight groups that added to 100 g. Draw an example in teacher
copy of LZ.
5. Have students split into groups and work at different table groups. Each group will have a balance scale and a set of weight
manipulatives. Start a visible timer for 6-8 minutes. As groups work, walk around the room and observe strategies and
provide support if needed.
6. Collect LZ workbooks once students are done.

2. Academic language supports:

Academic language supports will be through reading the word problems aloud, underlining important information, defining
any unknown vocabulary, and modeling the first problem.

3. Assessing for understanding:

Students will be assessed for group understanding through problems #2 and #3 in their LZ workbooks.

4. Adaptations for student support:

Adaptions for student supports is through working in groups and having weight and scale manipulatives available.

IV. End of the Lesson

1. Narrative:

Students will come back together as a group at the carpet to give direction for an exit ticket. Students will have a
whiteboard/clipboard and a pencil.

1. Students will have a copy of the Super Teacher Balance the Scales worksheet (exit ticket). Under the document camera read
the directions and model problem a. Explain that students should look at the side with one block and then find the missing
weight by subtracting or counting on.

UOTeach –Elementary Lesson Plan-Template Revised: 3/6/2019

2. Students will work silently and independently. Collect exit tickets as students finish. If student finish early have them
contract read at desks. If students do not finish on time, have them come back and finish before leaving for recess.

Each section and step will be repeated with the second group.

2. Academic language supports:

Academic language supports will be through reading through the directions aloud and modeling the first problem.

3. Assessing for understanding:

Students will be assessed for individual understanding through the exit ticket.

4. Adaptations for student support:

Adaptions for student support will be students who need more space can move to a new area.
During the end of the second group, one student will return from the Learning Center and will be provided supplemental math

UOTeach –Elementary Lesson Plan-Template Revised: 3/6/2019

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