The Use of Vocabulary Journal in Enriching Students' Vocabulary Mastery and The Students' Attitudes Toward Its Use
The Use of Vocabulary Journal in Enriching Students' Vocabulary Mastery and The Students' Attitudes Toward Its Use
The Use of Vocabulary Journal in Enriching Students' Vocabulary Mastery and The Students' Attitudes Toward Its Use
Due to the importance of English as an international language, the Indonesian
government has made some efforts to obtain human resources who are able to
understand and master English well. As launched by Decree of the Minister of
Education and Culture No. 060/U/1993 dated 25th February 1993, the Indonesian
government has determined English as the foreign language to be learned by the
students in Indonesia from elementary school as local content up to the university
Although English is a compulsory subject at school in Indonesia, the result has
not been satisfactory enough yet (Nurweni & Read, 1999). In fact, many students
have graduated from the school with minimum ability in using English. One of the
Fika Nurul Hanifia
The use of vocabulary journal in enriching students’ vocabulary mastery and the students’ attitudes toward its use
factors is because of the lack of vocabulary. Nurweni and Read (1999) administered a
study about vocabulary size in Indonesia. A total of 324 freshmen completed
Nation’s Vocabulary Levels Test. The results revealed that their subjects had a
vocabulary size of 1,226 frequent words and 240 general academic words. This fact is
really disappointing since vocabulary has been regarded as one of the most important
parts in a second or foreign language acquisition (Schmitt and McCarthy, 1997)
A great deal of literature revealed that vocabulary provides the basis for
mastering English skills i.e. writing, reading, listening and speaking (Hammer, 2007;
Carter, 1987; Lewis in Wijayani, 2009; Iriyana, 2007; Lestariningsih, 2008). It will
be hard to master the language without mastering or understanding a certain number
of vocabularies (Rubin & Thompson, 1994). Therefore, it has to be realized that
“no matter how well the student learns grammar, no matter how successfully the sounds
of L2 are mastered, without words to express a wide range of meanings, communication
in an L2 just cannot happen in any meaningful way” (McCharty,1990, p.vii).
The Journal of English and Education 2013, 1(1), 81-88
Several benefits have been described to the use of vocabulary journals. They
are described as follow:
First, it has been reported that the use of vocabulary journal can enhancing
vocabulary study (Schmitt and Schmitt, 1995). Second, it can improve students’
ability to the use of dictionary and guess from context (Ledbury, n.d.). By using a
dictionary, learners may be encouraged to use guessing meaning from textual context
in order to enhance incidental vocabulary learning.
Next benefit is enhancing students’ autonomy (Fowle, 2002). Enhancing
students’ autonomy in vocabulary learning is a must for the great impact that it causes
on learning process. Benson (2003) attached that students who think and work
strategically are more motivated to learn and have a higher sense of self-efficacy or
confidence in their own learning ability. Besides that, vocabulary journal also enables
learners to revisit each word and make the vocabulary they meet active (Lewis,
2000). Many students learn new words relatively quickly but they also forget them
quickly too (Pinter, 2004). Taking this into account, the vocabulary journal can
facilitate the learners review the material any time.
The other benefit is vocabulary journal also provide multiple learning
strategies. Since learners are individuals and have different learning styles, the best
teaching plan may be to introduce students to a variety of learning strategies. The last,
vocabulary journal is also beneficial for the teacher. The vocabulary journal keep
teachers informed about learners’ progress (Fowle, 2002; Nation, 1990).
This study used quasi experimental, a type of research design which included
experimental and control group without random sampling. There were two groups
that were taken for this study. First, was the Experimental Group (EG) which was
treated by using vocabulary journal in learning vocabulary process, and the second
was the Control Group (CG) in which was employed word list.
The population in this research was the eighth grade students of a private junior
high school in Bandung. The selection population then was narrowed into a sample.
The sample of this study involved only two classes from the four existing classes, one
as experimental group and one class as control group. The two classes were chosen to
Fika Nurul Hanifia
The use of vocabulary journal in enriching students’ vocabulary mastery and the students’ attitudes toward its use
The Journal of English and Education 2013, 1(1), 81-88
is implied that the independent variable, which is vocabulary journal has mayor effect
in improving the students’ vocabulary mastery.
This finding above is in accordance with the research conducted by Walter and
Bozkurt (2007) which emphasize on the effects of the implementation of vocabulary
journals on the lexical competence. They have been demonstrated that the use of
vocabulary journals was effective in enhancing vocabulary development, and that
both teachers and students had positive attitudes to their use, as well as to their
inclusion in classroom activities.
The data from interview indicate that the students have some positive response
toward the application of the technique conducted in this study. Related to the
advantages using vocabulary journal, there are four points highlighted derived from
students’ answer on the interview.
First, the result reveals that 6 of 10 students (60%) found that vocabulary
journal can help them to enriching their vocabulary knowledge. It is due to the fact
that the students find it easier to memorize the vocabulary. It is in line with the
experiments on vocabulary which is suggest that students remember best when they
have actually done something with the words they are learning (Brown, 2001). In
addition, this result is proved by the students’ post-test result in which most of their
score were significantly improved.
With regard to review, the result show that 2 of 10 students (20%) stated that
the use of vocabulary journal facilitating them to review the vocabulary. Many
students learn new words relatively quickly but they also forget them quickly too.
Taking this into account, the vocabulary journal can facilitate the learners review the
material any time. It is because vocabulary journal enables learners to revisit each
word and make the vocabulary they meet active (Lewis, 2000).
Besides, 10 students (10%) perceived that the use of vocabulary journal
enhance students’ autonomy in learning English vocabulary. It is in line with Fowle
(2002), who is states that vocabulary journal can enhance students’ autonomy. Last, 1
of 10 students (10%) perceived that the use of vocabulary journal can facilitate them
to know their progress on vocabulary knowledge. The vocabulary journal keeps them
Fika Nurul Hanifia
The use of vocabulary journal in enriching students’ vocabulary mastery and the students’ attitudes toward its use
informed about their progress (Fowle, 2002; Nation, 1990). In similar way, Lewis
(2000) states that “the vocabulary journal is not just as a decoding tool, but a resource
which individuals can use as an encoding instrument to guide their own production of
language” (p. 43).
Through vocabulary journal they could write their new vocabulary when they
learn English at class, it also could be remembered and used in their daily life.
Finally, there are many new vocabularies that can be used continually by students
orally or in written product. Because vocabulary development is not only about
learning words but also learning phrases or chunks, finding words inside them and
learning even more than those words (Cameron, 2001).
However, some suggestions from the findings are addressed to English teachers
and future researcher in the field of methodology. Concerning suggestion to the
teacher, English teachers are suggested to rectify students’ vocabulary journal as
feedback for the students. Then, the students will learn from their mistakes.
Moreover, this research is just one effort to improve students’ vocabulary
mastery. The findings of this research are expected to use as a starting points to
conduct further research in the same field.
Future researchers are suggested to conduct their studies comprises as many
samples as possible from different schools and employs random samples to
accomplish more accurate and defensible results. Besides, observations and
questionnaires also should be carried out to obtain more detailed information. It was
also suggested that the study should be conducted longer. By studying it longer, the
researcher would obtain more detailed and comprehensive results.
The Journal of English and Education 2013, 1(1), 81-88
Benson, P. (2003). Learner autonomy in the classroom. In D. Nunan (Ed.) Practical
English language teaching. PRC: Higher education press/McGraw Hill.
Bone, B. (2000). Lessons from a Vocabulary Journal. Voices From the Middle, 7(4),
Nation, I.S.P. (1990). Teaching and learning vocabulary. New York: Newbury
Nurweni, A., & Read, J. (1999). The English vocabulary knowledge of Indonesian
university students.English for Specific Purposes, 18(2), 161-175.
Fika Nurul Hanifia
The use of vocabulary journal in enriching students’ vocabulary mastery and the students’ attitudes toward its use