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The Effectiveness of Cooperative Language Learning On Teaching Grammar Rina Husnaini Febriyanti

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Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching p-ISSN: 2541 -0326

Volume 02, Issue 02, March 2018 e-ISSN: 2541 -0334



Rina Husnaini Febriyanti

Program of English Education, Faculty of Language and Art, University of Indraprasta PGRI
Jalan Nangka No. 58C Tanjung Barat, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta 12530


The aim of this research is to investigate the significant difference in English Grammar
achievement scores of the students taught through cooperative learning and those
taught by traditional method. The participants were the students of Indraprasta PGRI
University who took Grammar subject on the fifth semester that was split into two
groups, those are control group (non-cooperative learning) and experiment group
(cooperative learning). The number of the participants in the control group (non-
cooperative learning) is 25 participants and the experiment group (cooperative
learning) is 25 participants too. The method used is a quantitative experiment method
using True Experimental Design specifically on Posttest-Only Control Design and the
data is tested by t-test. The result of data analysis shows the differences on average
(Mean) the control group (non-cooperative learning) is 63, 52; analyzed case as
amount is 25; Standard Deviation is 19.194 ,and average (Mean) the experiment group
(cooperative learning) is 79,20; analyzed case as amount is 25; Standard Deviation is
12,111. The T- Test shows that the Sig (2-tailed) is 0,001 <0, 05 means Ho is rejected
and Ha is accepted. In conclusion, there is a significant difference in English grammar
achievement scores of the students taught through cooperative language learning.

Keywords: cooperative language learning, teaching Grammar, English Grammar


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari tahu apakah ada perbedaan atau
tidak terhadap nilai Grammar dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan metode
Cooperative Language Learning dan dengan metode tradisional. Partisipan adalah
mahasiswa semester lima yang mengambil mata kuliah Grammar tahun akademik
2017/2018 yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol (non-
cooperative learning) dan kelompok eksperimen (cooperative learning). Jumlah dari
partisipan dari kelompok kontrol (non-cooperative learning) adalah 25 mahasiswa
dan kelompok eksperimen (cooperative learning)25 juga. Metode penelitian yang
digunakan adalah a quantitative experiment menggunakan True Experimental Design
khususnya Posttest-Only Control Design dan data diuji dengan uji T-Test. Data
analysis menunjukkan perbedaan rerata average (Mean) kelompok kontrol (non-
cooperative learning) adalah 63, 52; analyzed case dengan jumlah 25; Standard
Deviation adalah 19.194 ,dan rerata (Mean) kelompok eksperimen (cooperative
learning) is 79,20; analyzed case dengan jumlah 25; Standard Deviation adalah
12,111.Hasil dari T-Test menunjukkan Sig (2-tailed) adalah 0,001 <0, 05 yang artinya
Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan

Copyright©2018 171
dalam nilai Grammar dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan metode
Cooperative Language Learning.

Kata kunci: cooperative language learning, pengajaran Grammar, nilai Grammar

bahasa Inggris

INTRODUCTION wishes on the student, the variety of

English is an international language, so the teacher herself uses, the learning
almost countries in the worldwide put materials that are on offer, or the
it into their education curriculum. school or education authority policy.”
Indonesia is also one of the countries In other words, there must be one of
that subsume English in education many alternative methods that can be
curriculum. Despite English is a chosen to be implemented in teaching
foreign language which is learned in and learning process based on each
Indonesia, Indonesian learner formally student’s need. Related to the previous
begins study English from primary or discussion about mastering grammar
junior high school to university level. for Indonesian EFL learner that is still
Otherwise, English is assumed as a assumed as a subject that is not an easy
difficult subject for EFL learner in to be learned, therefore, it is important
Indonesia. to consider close to the most
English skills that are taught in appropriate method one on teaching
Indonesia classified into four skills grammar. Beside of that grammar is
those are listening, speaking, reading the component that involves in four
and writing. Out of four skills, there is skills in English learning.
one component involves in those skills Nevertheless, the traditional method
and it is still assumed as the most nowadays is still used commonly on
uneasy component that is called teaching English in Indonesia. Yet,
grammar. Grammar is such a another method can be applied into
complicated thing for Indonesian EFL teaching English such as cooperative
Learner. Starting from the basic language learning method to investigate
difference one compares to English of enhancing especially on student’s
between Bahasa Indonesia that is tense grammar mastery.
which doesn’t occur in Indonesian The main objective of this study is to
verbs up to more complex element in investigate the effectiveness of the
English grammar. Hence, teaching differences between English grammar
English in Indonesia is a challenging classes that are taught with cooperative
to reach the teaching goal or target. language learning method and
English teaching method is very traditional method, or in the question
important to achieve its target. As form as follows; Is there any significant
Harmer said (2007:24) in the difference in English grammar
following: achievement scores of the students
“What seems to be the case, taught through cooperative language
therefore, is that, especially for learning?
beginner students, a prestige variety of Knowing the result of
the language (whether from the inner effectiveness of cooperative language
circle or from anywhere else) will be learning in teaching grammar may give
an appropriate pedagogical model. The advantages for not only grammar class
actual variety may depend on the but also other classes such as,

172 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 02, Issue 02, March 2018, 171-187
listening, speaking, reading or writing efficiency an activity is gauged
class as those four skills should be by determining: its economy-
mastered for EFL learner. how time-efficient is it?, its ease-
Additionally, CLL method also can be how easy is it to set up?, its
applied in many subjects besides efficacy- is it consistent with
grammar, for instance, linguistic class, good learning principles? The
English for Specific Purpose class, appropriacy of an activity takes
drama class etc. Therefore, the into account: learner's needs and
effectiveness of CLL can be as a interests, learners' attitudes and
method for enhancing not only specific expectations (Thornbury,
on grammar but also English general 2002:28)
mastery. Patel and Jain (2008:71)
The definition of grammar is the says “Methodology is systematic
description of the ways in which and scientific way of teaching
English words are combined to form any subject.” It means that
meaningful and acceptable sentences. teaching method is a way to
In technical terms this means: syntax reach the teaching target run
that is the systematic rules by which successfully. As told by
we group and order words to form (Scrivener, 2011: 31) in the
phrases, clauses, and sentences and following:
morphology that is the ways in which “A method is a way of teaching.
the forms of words are changed Your choice of method is
according to their use in phrases, dependent on your approach, i.e.
clauses, and sentences (Seely, what you believe about: what
2007:2) language is, how people learn,
Another definition is grammar and how teaching helps people
may be roughly defined as the way a learn. Based on such beliefs, you
language manipulates and combines will then make methodological
words (or bits of words) in order to decision about: the aims of a
form longer units of meaning. (Ur, course, what to teach, teaching
2006:4) Other definition about techniques, activity types, ways
grammar is the study of language, of relating with students, and
specifically, how words are put ways of assessing.”
together. Because of obsessive Teaching method can be
English teachers and their rules, described of issues identified
grammar also means a set of here at the levels of approach,
standards that you have to follow in design, and procedure. In so
order to speak and write better, doing, we will often have to infer
however, the definition of better from what method developers
changes according to situation, have written in order to
purpose, and audience (Woods, determine precisely what criteria
2010:9) are being used for teaching
On teaching grammar there activities, what claims are being
are several grammar presentation made about learning theory,
and practice activities should be what type of syllabus is being
evaluated according to: how employed, and so on (Richards
efficient they are, how and Rodgers, 2001:29)
appropriate they are, the

173 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 02, Issue 02, March 2018, 171-187
Defining from the understanding Jolliffe (2007:3) said that
of teaching methods above it can be “Cooperative learning requires
concluded that teaching method is an pupils to work together in small
important part or way of the groups to support each other to
successful key in teaching and improve their own learning and
learning process. that of others.”
Cooperative Language Learning Based on Kagan there are seven
is a method that allows all students to successful keys in Cooperative
work together, each student language learning (Kagan, 2009:5.2)
experiencing the role of teacher and they are:
of learner, and each student modeling
recognition of and respect for many
different skills and learning styles.
(Cohen, Brody, and Shevin, 2004:3)
The Seven Keys
1. Structures How to use cooperative learning instructional strategies
2. Teams How and when to form and re-form the various types of
3. Management How to manage the cooperative classroom
4. Class building How to create, caring, community of learners
5. Team building How to develop powerful learning teams
6. Social Skills How to develop students’ ability to cooperate
7. Basic Principles How to use the proven principles of cooperative learning
Table 1
According to Kagan categorized as follows: 1) knowledge
(2009:6.24) the purposes and building, 2) procedure learning, 3)
functions of Cooperative language processing info, 4) thinking skills, 5)
learning is split into two terns those presenting info.
interpersonal and academic. In Kagan (2009:6.24)
interpersonal is divided into five recommends learning models that can
classifications they are 1) class be applied in teaching and learning
building, 2) team building, 3) social process using Cooperative Language
skill, 4) communication skill, 5) Learning method as follows:
decision making. And for academic is

No Learning Model Interpersonal Academic

1 Find Someone Who Class building Knowledge
2 Think Write Round Robin Team building Procedure
3 Numbered Heads Together Social Skills Processing Info
4 Match Mine Communication Thinking Skills
5 Team Stand and Share Social Skills Presenting Info
6 Mix-Freeze Group Class building Knowledge

174 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 02, Issue 02, March 2018, 171-187
7 Round Table Team building Thinking Skills

8 Telephone Social Skills Procedure


9 Timed Pair Share Communication Processing Info

10 One Stray Social Skills Presenting Info
Table 2
The explanation of each activity have been shared.” (Kagan,
above is in the following numbers: 2009: 6.37)
1. Find Someone Who 6. Mix-Freeze Group
“Students circulate through “The classroom is bursting
the classroom, forming and with energy as students
reforming pairs, trying to rapidly “Mix” around the
“find someone who” knows room, “Freeze” in their
an answer, then they become tracks, and frantically
“someone who knows.” “Group” to avoid falling into
(Kagan, 2009: 6.26) the lost and found.” (Kagan,
2. Think Write Round Robin 2009: 6.29)
“Students think about their 7. Round Table
response, then independently “Students take turns
write it down before the generating written responses,
RoundRobin.” (Kagan, 2009: solving problems, or making
6.33) a contribution to a project. In
3. Numbered Heads Together Round Table, students take
“Teammates put their “heads turns in their teams.”(Kagan,
together” to reach consensus 2009: 6.34)
on the team’s answer. 8. Telephone
Everyone keeps on their toes “One student per team leaves
because their number may be the room during instruction.
called to share the team’s When students return,
answer.” (Kagan, 2009: 6.30) teammates provide
4. Match Mine instruction on the
“Partners on opposite sides information missed.” (Kagan,
of a barrier communicate 2009: 6.37)
with precision, attempting to 9. Timed Pair Share
match the other’s “In pairs, students share with
arrangement of game pieces a partner for a predetermined
on a game board.” (Kagan, time while the partner listens.
2009: 6.28) Then partners switch roles”
5. Team Stand and Share (Kagan, 2009: 6.38)
“Teams check off or add 10. One Stray
each idea as it is shared by “One teammate “strays”
other teams, sitting down to from her team to a new team
show every teams’ ideas to share or gather

175 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 02, Issue 02, March 2018, 171-187
The lists of alternative activities investigate the effects of
that involves in Cooperative cooperative learning activities on
Language Learning above giving Iranian intermediate EFL
many options toward teacher or learners' grammatical
lectures in teaching an learning competence. This research was a
process. Moreover, in this study the quasi-experimental study and its
activity that is applied on research design was comparison group
process are “Round Table” and Think design. The study included one
Write “Round Robin”. control and one experimental
As the research that had been group. In total, 50 students
done by Khan and Akhtar in Pakistan participated in the study. They
(2017:1) entitled “Investigating the were male and female
Effectiveness of Cooperative intermediate English language
Learning Method on Teaching of learners studying English in EFL
English Grammar” the study department at Shokuh-e-Danesh
investigated and compared the effect Institute, Dehdasht, Iran.
of cooperative learning method and Following a workshop on the
the whole class traditional method in implementation of cooperative
developing English language of the learning activities, the
students of 7th class. The students experimental group was exposed
under control conditions were taught to cooperative learning activities.
through whole class traditional The control group was, on the
method and the students in other hand, provided with
experiment groups were taught traditional grammar learning
through cooperative learning method. methods. 25-item grammar tests
The STAD (Student Teams were given to both groups before
Achievement Divisions) model of and after the eight-week
cooperative learning was used in this treatment. T-tests were employed
study. The results based on post test to analyze the obtained data. The
scores showed that the STAD model results of the tests revealed
of cooperative learning had significant differences between
significant effect on the achievement the control group and the
of students, both male and female, in experimental group regarding
learning English grammar at their grammar learning through
Elementary level. The effect size was cooperative learning.The
also calculated to determine the findings of the study suggested
magnitude of difference between that cooperative learning had
achievements of experimental and positive effects on Iranian
control groups which showed high intermediate EFL learners'
increase in the achievement of grammatical competence.
treatment groups. And a research by Trimastuti
Another research is by entitled (2016:269) "The
Zarifi and Taghavi (2016:1429) Effectiveness of Cooperative
within the title is "The Impact of Language Learning in Teaching
Cooperative Learning on Vocabulary" the study aims to
Grammar Learning among determine whether the Cooperative
Iranian Intermediate EFL Language Teaching and Learning
Learners" this study was to method is more effective than the

176 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 02, Issue 02, March 2018, 171-187
traditional learning to teach to solve the problem of vocabulary
vocabulary. This is an experimental (3) the results of this study can be
quantitative research. The population used as an initial step to hold further
for this study is freshmen majoring in research.
management. The use of Cooperative
Language Teaching and Learning METHOD
method through engineering teams- This research was held in Indraprasta
games-tournament (TGT) in the PGRI University that is located on Jl.
English vocabulary learning is Nangka No. 58 Tanjung Barat
considered to be effective, creative, Jagakarsa Jakarta Selatan.
and fun to increase the students‟ This research uses a
motivation to learn and to improve quantitative experiment method using
their vocabulary mastery. The True Experimental Design
findings showed that the Cooperative specifically on Posttest-Only Control
Language Teaching and Learning is Design. Based on Sugiyono
an effective method to teach (2016:112), the kinds of this method
vocabulary. It is, thus, recommended is dividing two classes that consist of
that (1) the Cooperative Language control and experiment class. For the
Learning and Teaching improve the given treatment class is called
students’ ability to remember experiment class (O1:O2) and it is
vocabulary; (2) students are expected tested within namely t-test. The
to be more active in the learning design of Posttest-Only Control
process in order to improve the ability Design as follows:
R X O2

R O4
Figure 1

The research study applies the scheme as follows:

Figure 2
Subject. The students were taken out
of two classes chosen randomly. One
The participants of this research class was a control class and another
study were Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta class was experiment class.
University students who were on the The instrument is a multiple
fifth semester that took Grammar choice of grammar that will be given

177 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 02, Issue 02, March 2018, 171-187
to the control and experimental collection involves the researcher
classes. “Research instrument is a herself to observe the participant.
There are several techniques that
kind of tool which is used by the are applied on this research study as
researcher to collect or to get the follows:
data” (Arikunto, 2006:149). 1. Homogeneity Test
The data collection technique in 2. Normality Test
this study uses Participation 3. T-Test
Observation this kind of data

Figure 3
t : t-value,
Mx : the average deviation of the experimental group,
My : the average deviation of the control group,
Nx : number of student in the control group,
Ny : number of student in the experimental group,
x : deviation of the control group, and
y : deviation of the experimental group.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION on teaching grammar

Description of Data particularly in higher education
This present research level. The data were taken from
purposes to figure out the using grammar test, and the result is
of cooperating language learning described as follows:
1. Homogeneity Test
Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
2.313 6 14 .092

Sum of
Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

178 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 02, Issue 02, March 2018, 171-187
993.440 10 99.344 .177 .995
Within Groups 7848.800 14 560.629
Total 8842.240 24
If = 0, 05 smaller or equal
On homogeneity test table within score of Sig. or [ = 0,
shows the variances that homogeny 05≤ Sig.], then Ho is accepted
or not within the proposed hypothesis and Ha is rejected meaning
as follows: Homogeny.
Ha: English grammar Based on the result of SPSS 16.0 Sig
achievement scores of the students is 0.92 meaning that = 0, 05 is
taught through cooperative language smaller or equal within score of Sig.
learning and non-cooperative learning or [ = 0, 05≤ Sig.], then Ho is
Not Homogeny accepted and Ha is rejected meaning
Ho: English grammar Homogeny. In other words, the data
achievement scores of the students taken English grammar achievement
taught through cooperative language scores of the students taught through
learning and non-cooperative learning cooperative language learning and
Homogeny non-cooperative learning is
If = 0, 05 bigger or equal 2. Normality Test
within score of Sig. or [ = 0, The result of normality test is
05≥ Sig.], then Ha is accepted shown on the following table:
and Ho is rejected meaning Not

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statisti Statisti
Group c Df Sig. c df Sig.
Scor Non_Cooperative_L
.102 25 .200* .961 25 .430
e earning
.116 25 .200* .951 25 .264
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

Based on the output of or > 0, 05; in other words; it can be

Normality Test, It can be seen that the concluded that the data are distributed
significant score for Non Cooperative normal.
Learning group is 0,430, while for
Cooperative Learning group is 0,264; 3. T-Test
it means that the significant scores of The result of the T-Test by taking
both Non Cooperative Learning and the data through the grammar test
Cooperative Learning are bigger than

179 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 02, Issue 02, March 2018, 171-187
towards the experiment group and
control group as follows:

Group Statistics
Std. Std. Error
Group N Mean Deviation Mean
Score Non_Cooperative_Lear
25 63.52 19.194 3.839
Cooperative_Learning 25 79.20 12.111 2.422

The differences on average (cooperative learning) is 79,20;

(Mean) the control group (non- analyzed case as amount is 25;
cooperative learning) is 63, 52; Standard Deviation is 12,111.
analyzed case as amount is 25;
Standard Deviation is 19.194 ,and
average (Mean) the experiment group

The result of data analysis T-Test 05≤ Sig.], then Ho is accepted

table above is as follows: and Ha is rejected.
The Proposed Hypothesis Statement: If = 0, 05 bigger or equal within
Ha: There is a significant score of Sig. or [ = 0, 05≥ Sig.],
difference in English grammar then Ha is accepted and Ho is
achievement scores of the students rejected.
taught through cooperative language Based on the table displayed
learning above the Sig (2-tailed) is 0,001
Ho: There is not a significant <0, 05 means Ho is rejected and
difference in English grammar Ha is accepted. In conclusion,
achievement scores of the students there is a significant difference in
taught through cooperative language English grammar achievement
learning scores of the students taught
Requirements: through cooperative language
If = 0, 05 smaller or equal learning.
within score of Sig. or [ = 0,
Interpretation of Data
Question Experiment Contro
Group l
(%) Group
1. …………any of his movies? 100 72

180 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 02, Issue 02, March 2018, 171-187
a) Have you ever seen b) Have you ever saw c) Did
you ever seen
2. She doesn't work …..……….. Mary. 96 60
a) the hardest b) as hard than c) as
hard as
3. Los Angeles is ………..city I have ever been to. 96 84
a) the beautifuler b) the most beautiful c) the
4. We're thinking of …………..a new office. 68 28
a) opening b) to open c) open
5. What are you going to do this weekend? I don't know .I 48 44
a) might to go away b) might go away c)
may to go away
6. Sunday is Holiday. We………… work. 92 80
a) don't have to b) must not c)
don't must to
7. What will you do if you …………..the exam? 72 64
a) don't pass b) will pass c) won't pass
8. If we had a yard, I ………….a dog. 84 72
a) will buy b)would buy c) bought
9. He went to the supermarket ……………… some milk. 88 92
a) getting b) to get c) get
10. You ………….. coffee late at night. 84 72
a) shouldn’t to drink b) shouldn’t drink c) don’t
should drink
11. I've known my best friend ……….….. . 56 32
a) since 4 years b) for 4 years
c) for 2004
12. How long ………… your car. 72 80
a) do you have b) have you c)
have you had
13. He's divorced now, but he …..…….for 20 years 72 68
a) was married b) is married
c) has been married
14. He……….… have a lot of friends at school. He wasn't 52 56
very popular.
a) didn't use to b) don't used to c)
didn't used to
15. If he …………..in that hotel, it will be very expensive. 84 40
a) stay b) will stay c)
16. Basketball is ………….….than soccer in the US. 84 64
a) popularer b) the most popular c) more
17. John …………….The dishes. 84 76
a) has already done b) have already done c) has
already does

181 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 02, Issue 02, March 2018, 171-187
18. I don't enjoy ……..……. to the movies by myself. 56 60
a) to go b) going c) go
19. The radio …………By Marconi. 80 60
a) invented b) is invented c)
was invented
20. If I had a car, I…………..to work. 96 64
a) would drive b) will drive c)
21. She's been afraid of flying ………….... . 40 36
a) for many years b) since many years c) for 1998
22. I ………….…..Ana for ages. 88 44
a) knew b) have know
c) have known
23. You ………….. smoke in gas station. 96 84
a) don't have to b) don't must to c)
must not to
24. Jack ………….…sad, if he doesn't see you tomorrow. 92 72
a) is b) will be c) was
25. She …………... with his mother, but now she lives 100 84
with his father.
a) used live b) use lived c) used to

Average 79 64

Based on the table analysis of the point is higher than the control
answering all the questions above, the group.
result shows difference average On number (2) question in
between experiment group and control experiment group the point shows 96
group that one is 79 point in means in excellent level oppositely in
experiment group and 64 in control control group 60 means average level.
group. It is clear that in experiment The question is “She doesn't work
group is higher than control group. ….Mary.” and the answer should be
Comparing to experiment group and “c) as hard as”, somehow less of
control group firstly is starting from experiment group answer incorrect
number (1) within the question”… any way, yet in control group many
of his movies?” that the answer is participant answer in false answer that
supposed to be “a) Have you ever they choose to answer a) the hardest or
seen” in experiment group all the b) as hard than. Hence, the experiment
participant answering in correct group point is higher than the control
answer, while in control answer in group.
some variation answer such as b) Have Next, the number (3) within the
you ever saw or c) Did you ever seen question” Los Angeles is …city I have
these can be seen on different point ever been to.” That the answer is
score that one is 100 or in excellent obviously “b) the most beautiful”
category in experiment group and 72 because the question is about the
or in good category in control group. superlative, however in experiment
However, the experiment group shows group, only one participant who

182 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 02, Issue 02, March 2018, 171-187
answers the question incorrect answer, other hand, in control group the point
in the opposite group or in control is 80 means in good category. The
group there are four participants who question appears “Sunday is Holiday.
answer incorrect answer within the We…work.” The answer is supposed
number 96 for experiment group to be “a) don't have to” because it’s
includes in excellent level, while 84fro about the suggestion. However, the
control group includes in good level. experiment group is higher than the
Therefore, the experiment group is control group.
higher than the control group. Next, in number (7) the
On number (4) within the experiment group point is 72 or in
question is “We're thinking of …a new good category, while the control
office.” That the correct answer is “a) group is 64 means in average
opening” because preposition that category. The question is “What will
available on the statement must be you do if you …the exam?” The
followed by gerund, in experiment answer is supposed to be “a) don't
group shows the point that is 68 point pass” because the question type is
(average level) in other words this kind of conditional sentence which
result shows that still much learning the “result clause” uses simple future
more about the using of gerund, while and the” if clause” is supposed to be
in control group 28 point (poor level), in simple present. In assumption, the
otherwise it means the participant in experiment group on 72 point is
control group should learn much about higher than the control group in 64
the using of gerund whether point.
intensively or extensively. So, the On number (8) the table
experiment group is higher than the presents the point of the experiment
control group. group is 84 and the point of the
Afterward, on the question control group is 72. The question is
number (5) shows in experiment group “If we had a yard, I …a dog.” The
the point is 48 or in weak level and in answer is “b) would buy” because it
control group the point is 44 or similar is about conditional sentence within
with experiment group that is in weak the “if clause” uses simple past then
level. The question is “What are you should be followed with the “result
going to do this weekend? I don't clause” using would and simple verb
know .I …” and the appropriate form. Both groups are in good level.
answer is “b) might go away” because However, the experiment group is
the using of might is followed by higher than the control group.
simple verb not by infinitive. On number (9) the point of the
Therefore, the results shows both experiment group is 88 (in good
experiment group and control group category) and the control group is 92
are in weak level in doing this (in excellent category). The question
question, and it means needing more is “He went to the supermarket …
learning about this case. Even though some milk.” The answer is “b) to get”
both groups are in weak level, the because the main verb “went” is
experiment group is still higher four commonly followed by infinitive. To
points than the control group. sum up, the experiment point is lower
On number (6) the table shows than the control group even the
the point of experiment group is 92 difference point is only 4 points.
means in excellent category, on the

183 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 02, Issue 02, March 2018, 171-187
Afterward, on number (10) the simple present and it means the effect
experiment group point is 84 (good of the next clause that one is in
level) and the control group is 72 present perfect. To sum up, the
(good level). The question is “You … experiment group point is higher than
coffee late at night.” The answer is the control group point.
“b) shouldn’t drink” it is obviously On number (14) the experiment
clear that the modal the pattern of point is 52 (average level) and the
negative should is “should + not + control group is 56 (average level).
simple verb form”. Even though both The question is “He… have a lot of
groups are in good level, the friends at school. He wasn't very
experiment group is higher than the popular.” The answer is “a) didn't use
control group. to” because the negative pattern of
On number (11) the table “used to” is “didn’t use to”. However,
shows the point of the experiment both groups are in not really good
group is 56 means in average level level and the experiment group is
and the control group is 32 means in lower than the experiment level. In
weak level. The question is “I've other words, both groups should learn
known my best friend ….” The more of using “used to”.
answer is supposed to be “b) for 4 Afterward, on number (15) the
years” because the using of “for” is point for the experiment group is 84
followed by stated period of time. (good level) and the point for the
However, the experiment group is control group is 40 (weak level). The
higher than the control group. Even question is “If he …in that hotel, it
though the point of experiment group will be very expensive.” The answer
is higher, yet the point is in average is “c) stays” because the case is
level and the control group in weak conditional sentence and the using
level, so that both of groups should simple future in the “result clause” is
learn more the using of “for” and followed by simple present in the “if
“since” in present perfect tense. clause”. However, the experiment
On number (12) the experiment point is higher than the control group
point is 72(good level) and the that needs more learning on
control group is 80 (good level). The conditional sentence.
question is “How long ………… Next, on number (16) the table
your car.” The answer is “c) have you analysis presents the experiment
had” because the pattern of present group point is 84 (good level) and the
perfect question is “have + subject + control group 64 (average level). The
past participle verb”. Even though question is “Basketball is …than
both groups are in good level, the soccer in the US.” The answer is “c)
experiment group point is lower than more popular” it is obviously clear
the control group. that the question case is followed by
Next, on number (13) the table the signal of comparative degree
shows that the point of the because there is indicator word of
experiment group is 72 (good level), “than”. However, the experiment
while the control group is 68 (average group point is higher than the control
level). The question is “He's group.
divorced now, but he …for 20 years.” On number (17) the experiment
The answer is “c) has been married” group point is 84 (good category),
because the first clause is stated in while the control group is 76 (good

184 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 02, Issue 02, March 2018, 171-187
category). The question is “John category). The question is “She's
…The dishes.” The answer is “a) has been afraid of flying …” The answer
already done” it is obviously clear is “b) since many years” because the
that the answer must be present using of “since” in present perfect
perfect requirements. Even though tense is used when no exact stated
both groups are in good level, the period only “many years”. However,
experiment group point is higher than both groups are in weak category and
the control group point. the experiment group higher 4 points
On number (18) the experiment than the control group, yet still both
group is 56 (average level) and the of groups need more learning on
control group is 60 (average level). using “since” in present perfect.
The question is “I don't enjoy … to On Number (22) the
the movies by myself.” The answer is experiment group is 88 (good level)
“going” because the verb “enjoy” is and the control group 44 (weak
commonly followed by gerund. level). The question is “I ….Ana for
However, the result both of groups ages.” The answer is “c) have
are in average level meaning more known” it is obviously that the
doing exercises about gerund. Hence, answer should agree within the tense
the point of experiment group is that one is present perfect tense.
lower than the control group. However, the difference between the
Next, on number (19) the experiment group and the control
experiment group point is 80 (good group is very far higher on the
level) and the control group point is experiment group than the control
60 (average level). The question is group.
“The radio …By Marconi.” The On number (23) the table
answer is “c) was invented” because analysis presents that the point of the
the case is simple past action so that experiment group is 96 (excellent
the appropriate answer is in simple category), while the control group is
past tense in passive pattern. It can be 84 (good category). The question is
seen that the experiment group is “You …smoke in gas station.” The
higher than the control group. answer is “c) must not to” because
On Number (20) the table the statement is about tendency of
analysis presents the point of the suggestion. Here, the experiment
experiment group is 96 (excellent group point is higher than control
category) and the control group 64 group point.
(average category). The question is On number (24) the experiment
“If I had a car, I…to work.” The group point is 92 (excellent level) and
answer is “a) would drive” the the control group point is 72 (good
question case is about conditional level). The question is “Jack …sad, if
sentence in the “if clause” uses he doesn't see you tomorrow.” The
simple past, so in the “result clause” answer is “b) will be” because the
uses “would + simple verb form”. context is in conditional sentence
However, the experiment group is within the “result clause” uses simple
higher than the control group. present then the “if clause” must uses
On number (21) the table simple future. Therefore, the
analysis shows that the experiment experiment group is higher than the
group point is 40 (weak category) and control group.
the control group point is 36 (weak

185 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 02, Issue 02, March 2018, 171-187
Last number (25) the table Language Teaching Method, Direct
analysis presents the experiment Method, or Eclectic Method etc.
group point is 100 (excellent level)
and the control group point is 84 REFERENCES
(good level). The question is “She Arikunto, S. (2006). Prosedur
…with his mother, but now she lives Penelitian. Jakarta: PT Asdi
with his father.” The answer is “c) Mahasatya.
used to live” it is very clear that the Cohen, E. G., Brody, C. M., & Shevin,
pattern of the action habits that M. S. (2004). Teaching
happened in the past, yet do not Cooperative Learning the
happen in the present anymore uses Challenge for Teacher Education.
“used to+ simple verb form”. Albany: State University of New
Summing the average on all the York Press.
question numbers can be seen from Harmer, J. (2007). The Practice of
the result of the experiment group English Language Teaching
point that one is 79 meaning in good Fourth Edition. China: Pearson
category, while in the control group Education
average point is 64 meaning on Jolliffe, W. (2007). Cooperative
average category. Learning in the Classroom
Putting it into Practice. London:
CONCLUSION Paul Chapman Publishing.
After the analyzed data Kagan, Dr. S., & Kagan, M. (2009).
calculated there are several results Kagan Cooperative Learning. San
that can be as conclusion those are: Clamente: Kagan Publishing.
1. The differences on average Khan, A., & Akhtar, M. (2017).
(Mean) the control group (non- Investigating the effectiveness of
cooperative learning) is 63, 52; cooperative learning method on
analyzed case as amount is 25; teaching of English grammar.
Standard Deviation is 19.194 ,and Bulletin of Education and
average (Mean) the experiment Research. April 2017, Vol. 39,
group (cooperative learning) is No. 1 pp. 1-16.
79,20; analyzed case as amount is Patel, Dr. M.F., & Jain. (2008).
25; Standard Deviation is 12,111. English Language Teaching
2. The T- Test shows that the Sig (2- (Methods, Tols & Tecniques).
tailed) is 0,001 <0, 05 means Ho Jaipur: Sunrise Publishers &
is rejected and Ha is accepted. In Distributors.
conclusion, there is a significant Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S.
difference in English grammar (2001). Approaches and
achievement scores of the Methods in Language
students taught through Teaching second Edition.
cooperative language learning. Cambridge: Cambridge
The similar topic or field University Press.
research may be proposed for other Scrivener, J. (2011). Learning
methods on grammar teaching. The Teaching the Essential Guide
other methods may be applied such as To English Language
on the using of Task-Based Language Teaching Third Edition.
Teaching Method, Community Oxford: Macmillan

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Triverton UK: Oxpecker. Cambridge University Press
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187 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 02, Issue 02, March 2018, 171-187

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