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Improving Students' Vocabulary Mastery Using Semantic Mapping Through Narrative Text

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Using

Semantic Mapping through Narrative Text

(A Case of Tenth Grade Students of Senior High School 1 Kota Bengkulu)

Lecturer :

Kasmaini, S.S.M.Pd.

By :

Nadya Ramadhanty





In this early chapter, the writer delivers several points, there are background of the study,
Identification of the problem, Research Questions, Research Objectives, Limitation of
The Study, Significance of The Study and Definiton of Key Terms.

1.1 Background of The Research

To understand the meaning of particular language especially English which is

not our own language is difficult. We need to understand one word to another words
until we can find the meaning of sentences. English in a language of globalization is
used in almost all of countries in the world as a means of International communication.
Richards (2007) states that English is the language of globalization, international
communication, commerce and trade, the medua and pop culture, different motivation
for learnig it come in to play. Because of its significance role, English has been included
to Indonesia Educational System curriculum. It is a compulsory subject in Elementary
School, Junior High School, Senior High School and in University level. English
subject is given with purposes to conduct the young generation to face the world which
has assertion to master this language so they have a vast association.
In learning English, there are four skills that involve in such as reading, listening,
writing and speaking. To master in English, these four skills are important which is also
support four linguistic aspects. Four linguistic aspects are grammar, spelling,
pronunciation and vocabulary that are also taught in English learning process.
Vocabulary is one of the aspect of a language learning which need to be mastered by
learners. According to Edward (1997) vocabulary is one of the important factors in all
language teaching, students continually must be learning words as they learn structure
ande as they practice sound system.
Vocabulary itself is a word in a specific language which have meanung in which
label objects, actions and ideas that conveys information. Without learning vocabulary,
it will be impossible to learn a language because learners cant convey a certain meaning
to communicate with others in a particular language. Laufer (1997) states that learning
vocabulary is one of the most important elements without which neither comprehension
nor production of language is possible. On the other word, learning vocabulary cannot
be separated from the other language skills. The more words the learners know, more
better to understand what they hear or read. And also, the more words they have, the
more accurate in expressing their ideas in written or spoken form.
Based on the researcher’s interview with professional English teacher of Senior
High School 1 Kota Bengkulu, most of the students still suffered in lacking of
vocabulary. The students in that school still lack of vocabulary that make students can
not achieve the learning purposes. There are a lot of vocabulary that should be mastered
by the students in level of Senior High School, but most of the students arent mastered it
well. Because of that, they even can not follow the class. As a foreign language learners,
learning English vocabulary seems difficult for them to master because it is totally
different from Indonesian Language itself. They find difficult to memorize new words
and to enlarge their vocabulary knowledge. Also, having low vocabulary will cause a
difficulty for the students in Learning English. the students have limited vocabulary in
their minds so they are nit able to use language correctly.
One of the reasons why students have lack in vocabulary mastery is influenced
by teacher’s strategy in teaching vocabulary. Some of the teachers still use conventional
strategy that make students are not interested in learning vocabulary. They let the
students depend more on the meaning of wordlists in textbook. As a result, the students
cannot explore their vocabulary knowledge which they have known before, and they
adjusted to learn vocabulary passively.
It is a big challenge for the teachers to find appropriate startegy for the students
in teaching vocabulary so that they can help the students to memorize words better and
improve students’ vocabulary mastery. However, the aim of tecahing vocabulary should
provide the students with the abillity to distinguish the meaning of words and to
enhance the words usage instead of knowing the meaning only. Therefore, the teachers
should vary their strategy in teaching vocabulary and motivate the students to learn
English vocabulary actively and independently.
One of the strategies that can be used to teach vocabulary is a semantic mapping.
According to Graves (2008:56), semantic mapping is one of the most powerful
approaches to teach vocabulary because it engages students in thinking about word
relationships. This strategy increases students’ active exploration of word relationships,
therefore, it leads them to a deeper understanding of word meanings by developing their
conceptual knowledge related to word. Hence, this strategy can help the students to
memorize some new words easily and effectively.
As cited in Keshavarz, M. et al. (2013: 152) Semantic mapping strategy involves
drawing a diagram of the relationships between words according to their use in a
particular text and it is best introduced as a collaborative effort between the teacher and
the class (Stahl and Vancil, 1986). Semantic mapping strategy is such kind of strategy
to correlate the relationship between words in particular text to enhance the teacher and
students comprehend by drawing or sketch of the information that they get from the text.
Besides, semantic mapping strategy has been used in a variety of ways, including the
following: it has been used as a mean of improving the teaching of study skills (Hanf,
1971: Heimlich & Pittleman, 1986). Semantic mapping strategy can be used to improve
the teaching of study skills means that it affects the variation of teaching strategy which
include the way in delivering the materials and the media of materials.
Based on the problem above, the writer will introduce English activity to the
students by using a strategy that is semantic mapping strategy. This strategy addressed
to optimize in teaching vocabulary. This strategy can be applied to all kinds of texts
related to the type and the purpose of the text relevance with the strategy or not. So in
this research, researcher use narrative text as the media to improve students’ vocabulary
mastery using semantic mapping.
In this study, researcher will apply several strategies including List-Group-
Label strategy, Think-Alouds strategy and Somebody-Wanted-But-So strategy which
are the sub-strategy of semantic mapping strategy to teach Vocabulary through
Narrative Text for Tenth Grade of Senior High School.

1.2 Statement of The Problem

Based on the researcher’s interview with professional English teacher of Senior

High School 1 Kota Bengkulu, most of the students still suffered in lacking of
vocabulary. The students in that school still lack of vocabulary that make students can
not achieve the learning purposes. There are a lot of vocabulary that should be mastered
by the students in level of Senior High School, but most of the students arent mastered it
well. Because of that, they even can not follow the class. As a foreign language learners,
learning English vocabulary seems difficult for them to master because it is totally
different from Indonesian Language itself. They find difficult to memorize new words
and to enlarge their vocabulary knowledge. Also, having low vocabulary will cause a
difficulty for the students in Learning English. the students have limited vocabulary in
their minds so they are will be able to use language correctly. The writer performs the
semantic mapping strategy as one of the strategies in teaching vocabulary that is
considered will make the students pleasant to master vocabulary in English. The writer
found semantic mapping strategy as the strategy which is used to solve the problem
above. Semantic mapping strategy is an alternative strategy that has significant effect on
teaching reading comprehension

1.3 Research Questions

In this research, there are research questions such as
1. To what extent can the semantic mapping strategy be applied in teaching
Vocabulary mastery of narrative text of the Tenth grade students SMAN 1
2. Is there any significant difference of achievement before and after the students
of the Tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Bengkulu ang when they are taught
vocabulary of narrative text by using semantic mapping strategy?

1.4 Research Objectives

The objectives of the study can be stated as follows
1. To describe how the semantic mapping strategy be applied in teaching
Vocabulary mastery of narrative text of the Tenth grade students SMAN 1
2. To find out whether or not there is any significant difference of achievement
before and after the students of the Tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Bengkulu
ang when they are taught vocabulary of narrative text by using semantic
mapping strategy

1.5 Hypotheses of The Study

There are two hypotheses in this study that are working hypotheses and null
1. Ho: There is a significant difference in the students’ Vocabulary mastery of
narrative text taught by semantic mapping strategy
2. Hi: There is no significant difference in the students’ vocabulary mastery of
narrative text taught by semantic mapping strategy

1.6 Significance of The Study

The results of this study can contribute some benefits related to theoretical,pedagogical
and practical significance as follow:
1. Theoretical significance
The results of the research will give theoretical information about the effectiveness
of using semantic mapping strategy in teaching narrative text vocabulary mastery.
The semantic mapping strategy more effective in teaching vocabularyof narrative
text than the teacher uses other strategies. The sub-strategy of semantic mapping
such as List-Group-Label strategy, Think-Alouds strategy and Somebody-Wanted-
But-So strategy are appropriate in teaching vocabulary of narrative text. Those
theory are simply but have many effectiveness. There are several advantage, as
follow those strategies give a variety in teaching process, each strategy has main
purpose to enhance the vocabulary mastery of the students, and the strategies more
fun to apply in teaching vocabulary. Theoretically, this research will help the
researcher of further research to find out the new strategy which is supported and
combined with semantic mapping strategy
2. Pedagogical significance
a. Students
It may motivate the students to improve their interest in vocabulary mastery with a
pleasure. The students can actively participate and make a discussion in every
session of English lesson in class. They will move freely and individually with their
own presentation to make a good result of their understanding too without depend
on their teacher perspective all the time.
b. Teachers
The teacher will get new suggestion about teaching process that semantic mapping
strategy can be used for teaching vocabulary mastery of several kinds of step for
Senior High School students. The teacher will be motivated to use the semantic
mapping strategy for other skills in English besides vocabulary mastery.
3. Practical significance
Practically, the outcome of this research study is expected to give feedback to
English teachers, especially those who teach at tenth grade students of SMAN 1
Bengkulu. The feedback of this research which about the use of semantic mapping
strategy in teaching narrative text vocabulary mastery will be a breakthrough in
developing teaching and learning process of English subject. For the readers, the
strategies which are applied in this research can enrich their insights to learn
vocabulary and also give them knowledge to master vocabulary by using semantic
mapping strategy.

1.7 Limitation of The Study

The writer limits this study by the following limitation.
1. This observation is only conducted for the tenth grade students of SMAN 1
Bengkulu in the academic year of 2019/2020.
2. The strategy used in this study is semantic mapping strategy which is focus on
narrative Vocabulary Mastery for the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Bengkulu
in the academic year of 2019/2020.

2.1 Definition of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is all the words in a language which has meaning that produced by
human beings to express their mind. They use words in communication to convey
meaning so that others can understand them. Hatch and Brown (1995:24) state that
vocabulary is a list or set of words particular language or a list or set or words
individual speakers of language might use.
According to Kamil and Hiebert (2005:3), generically, vocabulary is the
knowledge of meanings of words. Besides, another definition of vocabulary is stated by
McCarthy (1990:32). He states that vocabulary is defined as words in a specific
language or freestanding items of language that have meaning.
Based on some theories, the writer defines that vocabulary is a word or list of
words which have meanings and used by individual or group to communicate with
others either in verbal or written communication.

2.2 Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary is an important element which has to be mastered in learning a
language. Hornby (1995:207) stated that mastery means great knowledge about
understanding of a particular thing. In addition, Fries (1945:22) stated: We never
separate from mastery of vocabulary, because whenever we think of language learning,
we usually think of mastering the vocabulary or learning the word. The words one
knows actually depend on the experience one has got, for example a child’s experience
is very limited in its range, and therefore, his vocabulary is limited too.
Hence, vocabulary mastery is someone’s ability to understand or to use words in
a language. If the learners want to learn a particular language, such as English, they
should develop their vocabulary mastery first because it will influence every step of the
process in learning language itself.
2.3 The Importance in Learning Vocabulary
Learning vocabulary becomes essential aspect in learning a language. The
mastery of vocabulary will determine the mastery of others language skills. It is
impossible to use language skillfully when the students have limited vocabulary in their
According to Laufer (1997:142), learning vocabulary is one of the most
important elements without which neither comprehension nor production of language is
possible. It would be impossible to learn a language without having vocabulary mastery
because people need several words to convey the intended meaning to communicate
with others.
Thus, learning vocabulary is a central component of language learning.
Vocabulary itself is a core component of language proficiency and becomes the basis
for how well the learners listen, speak, read, and write. Without having vocabulary
mastery, it is difficult for learners to convey the information which they want to express.
Meanwhile, with a good knowledge of vocabulary, learners may feel confident in
communication either spoken or written.

2.4 Semantic Mapping

In teaching process, semantic mapping strategy allows the students to explore

their knowledge of a new word by creating a map using other related words or phrases
similar in meaning to the new word. According to Pearson and Johnson (1978) as cited
by Clark (2005: 133) Semantic mapping is a strategy that helps students to organize the
information they know about a subject into different categories. It is a visual
representation of the subject. The steps for creating a semantic map are the following:

1. The subject being discussed is written on the board, a chart, or on a transparency.

An oval is drawn around it.
2. Students think of words to describe the subject. As they share them, the teacher
writes them on chart in boxes and connects them to the oval with arrows. Above
the arrows the teacher writes phrases or words to show the relationship between
the subject and the other words.
3. Students give examples of the subject, and the teacher writes these in the ovals
with arrows connecting them to the subject in the center oval.
Using semantic maps requires full participation by students who are engaged
during the teacher-directed discussion students will be required to use maps before,
during and after reading the text. Therefore the step by step procedure is designed for
using semantic maps as a strategy at different phases of reading information or fiction
text. The strategy which is included in semantic mapping strategy has the different
treatment when it applied in certain text. So, we should pointed that the chosen strategy
is appropriate for the chosen text also.
As stated in Antonacci and O’Callaghan (2011: 9) Semantic mapping strategy
most effective when (a) they are used with teacher-guided discussion before, during,
and after reading a text; (b) teachers select a few critical key words to be taught; and (c)
students are actively engaged in constructing their word maps through participating in
lively discussions on the conceptual nature of words.
The efficiency of applying semantic mapping strategy in teaching learning
process not only depends on the discourse of each step in semantic mapping strategy but
also this efficiency needed a balancing among the teacher and the students. The
successful process during the applying semantic mapping strategy is supported by the
teacher and the students’ interaction in class. So, semantic mapping strategy represents a
concept of development approach in teaching learning process. Semantic mapping
strategy uses as like a visual representation which has pattern and role to make the
teaching learning process more conceptual and pleasurable.

2.5 Advantages in Using Semantic Mapping

Semantic mapping is a visual display that demonstrates relationships between
one word to another. There are seven advantages of using semantic mapping in
teaching-learning process:
1. Representing ideas or views from a large group of participants or
stakeholders in an easy-to-interpret format.
2. Helping students brainstorm and generate new ideas.
3. Encouraging students to discover new concepts and the propositions that
connect them.
4. Allowing students to more clearly communicate ideas, thoughts and
5. Identifying complex relationships between issues, factors, and so on in a
tangible or graphic format.
6. Participating focused, everybody can have his or her ideas represented.
7. Promoting active participation, therefore ensures that participants stay on task.

2.6 The Strengths Using Semantic Mapping in Teaching Vocabulary

There are some advantages in teaching vocabulary using semantic mapping:

1. Helping students to remember the words easily because it organized in some
categories of word.
2. Decreasing students’ boredom in learning vocabulary.
3. Helping students become active participants in the class because they can have
their ideas represented.
4. Increasing the students’ motivation to learn new vocabulary because of the
attractiveness of semantic mapping strategy in teaching vocabulary.

2.7 Narrative Text

A narrative text is a story that is told in language; that is, it is converted into
language signs. As was evident from the definition of narrative text, these signs are
produce by an agent who relates. This agent cannot be identified with the writer. Rather,
the writer withdraws and calls upon a fictitious spokesman, an agent technically known
as the narrator. But the narrator does not relate continually: Whenever direct speech
occurs in the text, it is as if the narrator temporarily transfers this function to one of the
actors. When describing the text layer, it is thus important to ascertain who is doing the
Narrative strategy instruction gives students a more elaborate understanding of
stories. It is one of a number of comprehension strategies children should be taught to
use. Research shows that students who have a good understanding of narrative text
structure have fewer problems comprehending this text type (Dymock & Nicholson,
1999). Narrative text structure strategies can be used with other comprehension
strategies in a readers’ repertoire of reading comprehension strategies (see Pressley,
2000), including activating prior knowledge, constructing mental images, and
There are at least four stages in a narrative text. Frequently these same steps are
repeated increasing the suspense of the story. The each stages of the story are used for
elaborating or giving more explanation through the plot of the story. A simple narrative
will have orientation, complication, series of events, resolution, reorientation or coda
Firstly, the orientation may be brief or continue for several pages allowing the
writer to create a visual picture of the setting, atmosphere and time of the story.
Generally the characters are introduced and clues are set in place for the coming
complication. Second, complication, this revolves around conflicts or problem that
affects setting, time or characters. Realistic stories generally have one complication, but
most adventure stories will have a series to build up excitement. Third, the story
continues through a series of expected and unexpected events. In this part of the story a
sequence of events that affect the setting, atmosphere, characters or time. Fourth, the
resolution brings the series of events to a close and resolves the main problem,
challenge or situation. Finally, reorientation or coda is sets the scene again and locates
the characters in it. Some narratives have a reorientation or coda that returns the reader
to the present and sums up the events. This may be written in the form of a moral or
The structures of narrative texts are the important parts that the students must be
differentiate each other. The structures of narrative text have the different discussion
which is strengthen as the supporting sentences or paragraph in the text. The students
need to more concentrate to analyze the structure of the text to help them summaries the
text. Narrative text is a text which represents the story of the past event. The form of
narrative text represents the sequence of event which ordered among the paragraph. The
generic structures of the narrative text have a important role to keep the plot of the story
easy to follow and understand by the reader.


3.1 Time and Place of Research


The writer hold the research at X Grade of SMAN 1 Bengkulu, which is located
on JL. Kuala Lempuing Kelurahan Lempuing Kecamatan Ratu Agung, Kota Bengkulu.
The writer will do the action research on 10 September 2019 up to 10 October 2019.

3.2 Subject of The Research

The subject of the research is X Grade students of SMAN 1 Kota Bengkulu in

academic year 2019/2020. There are 35 students in X grade.

3.3 Research Design

The classroom Action Research procedure in this research is Kurt Lewin’s

design. It consists of two cycles in which each cycle contains four phases; planning,
acting, observing and reflecting.

3.4 The Classroom Action Research Procedures

The classroom Action Research using Kurt Lewin’s design consists of four
phases within one cycle. Those are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. After
accomplishing the first cycle, it will be probably found a new problem or the previous
unfinished problems yet. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to the second cycle in
line with the same concept of the first cycle. Here are the phase in the Action Research

1. Planning
2. Action
3. Observation

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis

The collected data found in this research are analyzed qualitatively and
quantitatively. It means that all the data gathered from the observations during teaching
learning process, questionnaire, and interview before and after classroom action
research are analyzed qualitatively. While the data obtained from tests (pre- test and
post-test) are Analyzed descriptive quantitatively (percentage). In completing the
numerical data, the writer tries to get the average of students’ speaking score within
before the the implementation and every cycle in order to know how well the role play
technique in the classroom. It is the formula.

X= 𝑁
X : mean
N : number of students
x : individual score
Then, the writer tries to get the class percentages which pass the the target score of the
minimal mastery level criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). The KKM that
must be attained considering speaking subject is 75 (sixty-five) which is adapted from
the school agreement (SMAN 1 Kota Bengkulu). It is the formula.
P= X 100%
P : the class percentage F : total percentage score N : number of students
The last, the writer analyzes the students’ speaking score from pre-test up to post- test.
It used to know whether students improve their score or not. She uses the formula:

y1 – y

P = ─── X 100%

P : percentage of students’ improvement
y : pre-test result
y1 : post-test 1

3.6 Criteria of The Action Succes

Classroom Action Research (CAR) is able to be called successful if it can

exceed the criteria which has been determined. In this study the research will succeed
when there is 75% of students could pass the assessment score ≥ 75 based on the
minimal mastery level criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) which is adapted
from the school agreement (SMAN 1 Kota Bengkulu). In addition, the success of the
action is not only measured with the achievement students’ speaking score, but also the
role play technique can motivate the students and they become more actively in learning
process. If the criterion of the action success achieved, it means that the next action of
the Classroom Action Research (CAR) would be stopped, but if this condition has not
been reached yet, the alternative action would be done in the next cycle.

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