The Impact of The Application of Make-A Match Technique Towards Students' Vocabulary Mastery
The Impact of The Application of Make-A Match Technique Towards Students' Vocabulary Mastery
The Impact of The Application of Make-A Match Technique Towards Students' Vocabulary Mastery
Dewi Maduratna
Universitas Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
The purpose of this research were to find out the impact of the application of Make-a Match technique
towards students’ vocabulary mastery of grade seven of SMP Tri Sukses Natar South Lampung. This
research was using an experimental method in the quantitative form by collecting data from
documentation, and test. The sample of the research was 25 students of seven grade. The data were
collected by using two pre-tests and two post-tests in control group and experimental group. Statistical
formula t-Test two group design was utilized to analyze data. The result showed statistically significsnt in
the critical value at probability level of 5% is 2,01 and at probability 1% is 2,68 as t-value is 7,41, therefore
p value is smaller than t value ( 2,01 < 2,68 < 7, 41). So, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and
the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. it can be concluded that using Make-a Match technique in teaching
vocabulary is quite success. It is not only effective to lead students feel more interesting and enjoy doing
activity in the class, but also it can give the students the opportunities to be active in learning English
English is taught in Indonesia as the first foreign language and it is a compulsory subject that should be
given to students of elementary school up to university. At the time being, English is taught for elementary
students as the local content. English as the one of the important thing that needed by students when
continuing their study for the next level. Besides, in the higher level English as the one of important
subject. It shows that English is important to be mastered.
English is very important to be learned by students in school. It can be seen from the fact that most
scientific books are written in English, there are many job applications which put English as the main
qualification, and there are many schools use English in the daily activity for example SBI (Sekolah
Bertaraf Internasional) and every body in this school must use English as a tool of communication.
In the junior high school curriculum, teaching English covers four skills namely listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. The four skills are supported by the learning of language elements. They are
structure, vocabulary, pronunciation, and spelling. Therefore, vocabulary is one of important language
elements and student should increase it.
Vocabulary includes collection of words. The words are known not only as individual words, but also
as a group of words that have meaning. To increase students’ language skill in listening, speaking, reading,
and writing. So, the learner must have some degree of vocabulary. To learn English in junior high school at
least the students must mastery 1000 words. If they can not be mastery vocabulary of course they will not
learn English well.
Vocabulary is amount of word which is combining by rule to make up a language. It is used by people
in communication in the real word by using written or oral form (Nation, 2001). Without vocabulary the
students can not follow teacher explaination’s well. If it is happened repeatly what things that have been
taught by teacher is useless.
The Second International Conference on Education and Language (2nd ICEL) 2014 ISSN 2303-1417
Bandar Lampung University (UBL), Indonesia
In reality, teaching English for junior high school students are not easy. There are many problems
which occur during the process. the one of them is the students usually confused in remembering or
mastering vocabulary. On the other hand, the students do not understand when teacher explains the
material by using English. The less of English vocabulary becomes the prominent problem.
While doing internship, the researcher experienced the difficulty of learning English coming from the
students. It is shown from the statements of majority students who said that English was a difficult lesson.
In addition, the writer finds several problems about students’ problem in mastering vocabulary such as
difficulties in understanding the meaning of words, difficulties in pronouncing words correctly, the
students could not spell the words correctly, and the students could not use and understand the reference
For the purpose of this research and to increase the students’ vocabulary the writer will apply the best
technique for junior high school especially for VII grade of SMP Tri Sukses Natar south lampung based
on students’ charateristic. The writer purposes to create the teaching learning process that is interesting and
comfortable to reach the learning goal. It is also to increase students’ motivation to learn vocabulary.
The writer uses Make-a Match technique to improve students’ vocabulary mastery in VII grade because
the students have found difficulty in mastering vocabulary. Make-a Match is teaching technique that asks
students to find spouse while learning a concept or certain topic in gratify condition (Huda, 2013). Besides,
Make-a Match is learning model that help students to improve their ability to answer a question through a
game (Komalasari, 2010). By applying Make-a Match technique in teaching vocabulary will create the
classroom livelier.
The Second International Conference on Education and Language (2nd ICEL) 2014 ISSN 2303-1417
Bandar Lampung University (UBL), Indonesia
teacher to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful. Make-a Match can give
opportunity for the student to cooperation with the other people in teaching and learning activity (Huda,
Aqib (2013:23) proposes procedures of make-a match technique. The steps are:
1. The teacher prepares some cards that contain some concepts or a suitable topic for review session,
a part is contains questions and the other is the answer.
2. Every student gets a card.
3. Every student thinks the answer or the question from the card that they hold.
4. Every student finds their partner that has a matching card with his card.
5. Every student who finds their suitable card before the time up will get a point.
6. After the first session, the card is shuffled, so the students will get the different card in the next
session. It is continued until this activity is ended.
7. Teacher together with the students make a conclusion from the
material that have been given by teacher.
Teaching vocabulary by using make-a match technique is very good. Using Make-a Match can improve
students’ vocabulary mastery. The students will stimulate to think about vocabulary and interest to improve
their ability in vocabulary mastery. Moreover, Make-a Match can be applied for all level of class, so it
make the teacher easier to apllied this technique for teaching vocabulary in the classroom.
Quantitative research is an approach which must to use numbers, began from collecting data, interpretation
of these data as well as the appearance of this results (Arikunto, 2006:12). This study involved 50 junior
high school students of Tri Sukses Natar, South Lampung.
There were two variables, they are independent variable (x) and dependent variable (y). It supported by
Kerlingert as cited in Arikunto (2006:119). “All experiments have one fundamental idea behind them: to
test the effect of one or more independent variables on a dependent variable (it is possible to have more
than one dependent variable in experiments)”. The researcher described the characteristic of variables of
the research, they are:
1. Using Make-a Match Technique means that the use of Make-a Match technique was used in the
instruction and functioned as an independent variable.
2. Students’ vocabulary test was measured to know the progress of the use of Make-a Match
technique. It was indicated by the improvement of students’ score.
Population is a collection of data whose properties are analyzed. Arikunto (2006) stated that: Population is
a set (or collection) of all element proccessing one or more attributes of interesed.
Sample is concerned with the selection of a subset of individuals from within a population to estimate
characteristics of the whole population. A sample is a part of the population of interest, a sub-collection
selected from a population. Irawan (200:73) stated that: Sample is represented from population. If the total
of sample same with population, so the research called census. But oftentimes, total of sample that is taken
smaller than total of population.
The Second International Conference on Education and Language (2nd ICEL) 2014 ISSN 2303-1417
Bandar Lampung University (UBL), Indonesia
Control Group
Mx =
= 13,76
(∑ )
∑ = ∑ −
( )
= 5914 −
= 5914 −
= 5914 − 4733.44
∑ = 1180.56
Experimental Group
My =
= 30.96
(∑ )
∑ = ∑ −
( )
= 26020 −
= 26020 −
= 26020 − 23963.04
∑ = 2056.96
| − |
∑ ∑
( )( + )
| , , |
, ,
= .
( . )( , )
√ ,
= ,
t= 7,41
The Second International Conference on Education and Language (2nd ICEL) 2014 ISSN 2303-1417
Bandar Lampung University (UBL), Indonesia
df = (Nx + Ny- 2 )
df = ( 25 + 25 - 2 )
df = 48
t = 7.41
df = 48
p-value = 1% = 2,68
= 5% = 2,01
The t-Test for two group design equation is presented as follows:
t = 3,89 ,Therefore, p< t → 2,68 / 2,01 < 7,41. It is statistically significant. This calculation shows that p-
value is smaller than t-value. Therefore, null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha)
was accepted. So, there is an impact of using Make-a Match technique on the students’ vocabulary mastery
at grade seven of SMP Tri Sukses Natar South Lampung.
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