academic writng-6
academic writng-6
academic writng-6
English is one the international languages because many countries use English
states that English, originating from England, is the dominant language in many
countries around the world. This means that many countries in the world use English.
The ability to speak English helps build real connections with many people and we
can learn more about their cultures, places, lifestyles, and open up job opportunities
not only in one country but in others. Not only that, we can learn about the cultures of
other countries and gain more insights or knowledge.Since English laguange has
(2014:338) states that vocabulary is the wealth of words found in a language that will
form a communication.
According to Azizah (2020),vocabulary is one of the most important components
in English language learning. Alearner who just learns grammar without vocabulary
will find difficulties in express I what he or she wants to say.Wardani (2015) states
including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It can be concluded from this
speaking, reading, and writing. This means that a person's low language proficiency
all the words that is used by people when delivering the language both in written text
or oral speech and those words are having meaning. Based on Cambridge dictionary
vocabulary is all the words known and used by a particular person, language or
understand about a word that exists in a language that is the basic for communication
known by averyone.
regarding the graduation target for SMA/SMK/MA Students,the four language skills
need to complement integrated language skill.Thus students must first have a rich
curriculum.In general,not all school can easily achieve the objectives of learning
English as stated in the curriculum.Each school encountered and the solutions needed
In the learning process,there are some factors that are influence teaching learning
motivation is the encouragement that they are within someone to make changes in
better behavior it needs.”Ac The motivation as change energy someone that driving
into the real activity to reach a certain purpose. Motivation can provide a great
influence on someone‟s life. Uno (2012:5) said that “The motivation is the process of
psychology that can explain the behavior of someone. The nature of behavior is
orientation on one goal. In other words, the behavior of someone is designed to reach
the purpose. To achieve that goal needed a process of interaction some of elements.
Thus, the motivation is a force encourage the person does something to reach the
goal”. In teaching and learning, motivation is very needed by students to study hard,
to get good score and get the goal. Motivation is very important especially in learning
process. If someone who have high motivation in learning they can have a bright
future ahead and motivation is very good for them. Motivation is used to explain the
learners since it never ends. However learning a new language is not easy for foreign
language learner, especially Indonesian students who have different language rule
within their mother tongue and English. They have to learn from word to word with
different pronunciation, spelling, meaning, and the word use. Even though Indonesia
and English use the same alphabetic in written form, there are some differences with
the way how to pronounce the word. A conventional teaching and learning process,
where teacher explain material in front of classroom then students listen and take
notes from the explanation, was commonly used in Indonesia impacted to the lack of
vocabularies. Using media was suggested to help teachers teach vocabulary easily.
causes were related to the appearance of the vocabulary learning given that was less
attractive, students' motivation to learn was low, and students did not have a lot of
English vocabulary. The low motivation of students and low awareness of the
importance of vocabulary mastery really need to be changed. From the description
above, the researcher assumes that there must be an appropriate approach, methods,
The one media that can be used by teachers in teaching students' English
al. (2015), a wordwall is a list of words arranged alphabetically by the teacher in class
vocabulary of the particular subject. Teaching vocabulary using the word walls media
will be helped the students to enrich their vocabulary because it is effortless to use in
a class. Teaching vocabulary using the word walls media can help students memorize
give the appearance of the terms required to compose sentences (Arsini et al., 2022).
Wordwallhas been used for quite some time. When students engage in face-to-face
instruction that uses wordwall media, the words displayed on the wordwall will be
simple for them to read and remember (Monita & Sihombing, 2015). It is the same as
when used in traditional classes the only difference is that modern versions of
Wordwall use more advanced technology. Wordwall is a new way for teachers to use
media to help students learn.Researchers pay progressively more attention to the use
interactively or individually (Çil, 2021; Hasram et al., 2021; Le, 2021). These games
and other similar activities. The games that teachers play on this website are either
ones that they make themselves using pre-made templates and to which they add their
content (words and images), or else there are games that they use other teachers made
2016, the website counterpart to the software was created, and ever since then, the
website has seen significantly more usage than the software itself.
Through wordwall, there are many benefits for students and teachers in a process
of learning vocabulary. The media have several advantages: Firstly, the media gives
visuals to students that will help them to remember the relationships among words.
Secondly, the media functions as vital equipment to help students learn to read and
spell new words. Thirdly, the media can foster students’ independence. Fourthly, the
media can promote reading and writing. The last, the media can hold students
Wordwall give a diversity of the new vocabulary that can be mastered by students
and provide more meaningful, and fun atmosphere for learning vocabulary in the
classroom.Wordwall can train the student’s brain to recall the new words and make
researcher would like to conduct a study with the title “Analysis Influence Of The
Wordwall Media On The Motivation To Learn English Vocabulary In Tenth-Grade
2. How does the positive influence of wordwall media on the motivation to learn
English vocabulary?
In this the researcher hopes that the results of this research will be
1. For Students
2. For Teachers
that allows teachers to create engaging learning activities with ease. This
teaching practices.
and effective tool to diversify their teaching strategies, making lessons more
engaging and interactive. This can lead to a more dynamic and stimulating
activities, allowing students to work together on tasks and learn from each
Researchers get learning experiences directly and can carry out action
of the study were laid as the basis for the thesis which was the researcher's
From the identification of the problems set out in this study, it is necessary to
limit the problem so that the study carried out is more focused on the problems to be
solved. This study only focuses on vocabuly teaching using the Wordwall media
skills because previously in this tenth grade students at SMAN 1 Demon Pagong
the teaching had not used the wordwall media so that it could affect student learning
outcomes. The Wordwall media can be applied to any tenth grade material that is
There were some definitions or words used in this study that need further
they can have meaning or meaning. This vocabulary cannot be separated from
where students are required to master word for word so as to allow students
learning of students' vocabulary mastery will certainly make it easier for students
vocabulary of the particular subject. Teaching vocabulary using the word walls
Motivation is the driving force that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-
oriented behaviors. It's the reason why we do things, whether it's studying for an
nuances of the language, the psychology of learning, and the art of creating engaging
lessons. Teaching English refers to the processes and methods used to teach English
language instruction also has implications for learning the culture of the native
instruction for children aims to equip them with good communication skills.
2. Speaking: Speaking skills are the main focus of many studies. For example,
speaking skills.
3. Reading: Reading skills are also a concern, where the development of
there are several important skills that need to be learned, one of which is vocabulary.
2.2 Vocabulary
vocabulary, students can easily understand the lesson that delivered by teacher. As
Alemi and Tayebi (2012:1) states that vocabulary is the basis component of language
proficiency which provides the basis for learners’ performance in other skill, such as:
words.” Meanwhile, Hornby (in Wakidah, 2013:1) states that vocabulary is the total
numbers of words in language. Vocabulary according to Linse (Inayatul, 2013)
"Vocabulary is the collection of words that an individual knows". This statement can
which has an important role in understanding reading and expressing all ideas in
written or spoken form. Students can get vocabulary from dictionaries, glossaries at
the back of English books and so on. Vocabulary will always be in students' minds if
students always use it and will disappear if students don't use it. Because of the large
list of words, the method of learning is important for students to master vocabular
From the definitions above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is all the
words in language and which enhance the skill in language. Because mastering
Teaching vocabulary is the process of helping learners acquire new words and
their meanings. According to, Alqahtani (2015), say that, Teaching vocabulary is a
according to, Pido & Dewi (2019), say that, Regarding the teaching of English
curriculum at which students must be able to try, process, assemble, and make
sentences orally and written in English. Furthermore, according to, De Castro (2016),
argues that technology can be used as an instrument that assists students in
vocabulary learning and teaching. Apps, games and the like can (and should) provide
significant learning and facilitate the teacher's task of stimulating and motivating
Graves (2012), stated that provide rich and varied language experience can
help students to develop their vocabulary. Teacher must preview the reading
materials to determine which words are unfamiliar for the students. Student learn the
words that they never know before, and the words will be defined and discussed.
Then, teacher must give the explanation about the word, not only meaning but also
students. Therefore teaching vocabulary really challenges teachers to use the right
vocabulary must pay attention selection of media and learning materials that are
relevant and not boring. So that students can easily understand and be motivated to
participate in learning.
language because, this is really needed by society in the modern era. so students must
supporting media for every human being that raises high morale and has full
responsibility for the work. Motivation cannot be seen directly but can be known by
because motivation, like an energy source that can inspire achieving someone’s
Hamalik (2011) stated that motivation could determine the extent of success or failure
interesting and fun learning media, so that students have motivation to learn
In teaching English language, the media is not a new thing for the
teachers.Most of the teachers use media to give the particular information about
material or topic in the learning that the students learn.Media itself according to
Usually, in the process of teaching English language the teachers have difficulty
in delivering the message of learning to the students. Thus, with using media it can
more fun and the students feel interested in the class. Thus, the teachers must
know the types of media and use the media that the teachers’ need to help them in
teaching vocabulary. According to Adela (2016: 51) “There are three types of media
that can be used in the teaching-learning process. They are: a) audio (tape, radio,
compact disc and so on); b) visual (pictures, poster OHP, and so on); and c) audio
the use of technology itself. Based on these technologies Arsyad (2011),classified the
a. Word games: Games like Scrabble, Boggle, and Wordfeud can help
d. Duolingo: This popular app offers a variety of language courses,
spaced repetition.
interactive games and activities for learning and teaching. It's a great tool
for educators and students alike, offering a fun and engaging way to
we can use various kinds of interesting and fun media, an example of one media is
more developed the era, the more developing the learning strategies used, as well as
the word wall. Currently, word wall can beaccessed online using a cellphone or
laptop, making it easier for users to access, because it can be used by anyone,
anytime, and anywhere. So when teachers want to use word walls nowadays, they
don't always have to use the old way by making it by writing it on paper.In this
crossword game was given by the teacher in the form of paper that has been printed
and then displayed in front of the class for students to work on.
In addition, the word wall web application can be used as a tool for learning
evaluation, or for making daily assignments. In this word wall website, there are
several kinds of games, namely: quizzes, match up, pairing, anagrams, word search,
crosswords, etc. The games that have been or will be used can be played online. The
teacher can also use one of the games that will be used then download it and print it
out (Wayan Mertha & Mahfud, 2022). The Word Wall web application not only
serves as a learning evaluation tool, but also as a means for daily assignment creation
and teachers can utilize it online or by downloading and printing selected games. This
technology such as smartphones or laptops that serve as aids in making it easier for
word wall media, there are steps of word wall which are mentioned below:
1.Plan vocabulary
The first thing to do in making word wall media is to plan vocabulary. This
life and the vocabulary targeted by the teacher. So that the vocabulary is made to
what is expected by the teacher. The steps in planning vocabulary in word wall
a) The teacher finds out about familiar vocabulary (prior knowledge) and new
c) Teachers can choose words that are easy to remember by using favorite
choice of vocabulary should be flexible and allow for additional words that
f) After target vocabulary and phrases are identified and matched with
word wall media. In making it, what the teacher needs to pay attention to is that word
wall is visible from all directions by students in the class. The steps in making word
a) After the teacher identifies vocabulary and makes sketches, the teacher
prepares student worksheets that correspond to the sketches that have been
c) Teachers can create word wall before learning begins. Word wall is written
After making word wall, the next step is to place word wall on a strategic wall
that is easily visible to students from all directions. The steps taken by the teacher are:
a) After the teacher selects the vocabulary, the teacher arranges how to connect
word wall sketches and student worksheets, then the teacher places word wall
b) The teacher can use a large sheet of paper or a special whiteboard as a base
c) The teacher arranges the words alphabetically to make it easier for students to
e) The teacher should place the words where each student can see them, the
words are written in large black letters using a varietyings of backgrounds and
h) The teacher can pair selected words with pictures or real objects.
After word wall is installed, the teacher then applies word wall to students in
the class. There are various steps taken by the teacher in the classroom in
a) Once word wall is installed, the teacher uses word wall with students.
b) The teacher asks students to pay attention to word wall media on the class
wall. Then the teacher asks students to listen and divides students into groups
(Amelia, 2022).
d) The teacher provides enough practice so that the words can be read and
spelled automatically and ensures that the words from the wall are always
spelled correctly. Teachers and students can practice word wall every day
using a variety of activities such as matching words, associating words, and
e) Teachers can use word wall in various activities such as listening, speaking,
part in building word wall, they are very proud and enthusiastic about
5.Complete the student note sheet and shared word wall.The final step taken by the
teacher is to repeat the described above at each meeting until they meet the teacher's
fun medium for learning vocabulary. By utilizing wordwalls, teachers can create a
richer, more interactive and effective learning environment and students have
2.8 The Relationship Between The Use Of Wordwall Media And Student
students, where students can be directly involved in learning and directly discover
that knowledge (Pradani, 2022). The success of the learning process can be seen from
&Pramudiani, 2021). Sulandjari (Nurafni & Ninawati, 2021) stated that intrinsic
Wordwall is one of the interactive tools that is easy to use and can help
students increase their interest and motivation. Besides being easy and cheap to use,
this media offers many alternatives for presenting materials and questions. Diverse
and interesting media will make students more active and motivated to follow the
learning process (Nissa. & Renoningtyas., 2022). The same thing is said by
(Arimbawa, 2021) that Wordwall media is one type of learning media that can
entertainment and enjoyment, but they can also serve as a means of training,
education, and simulation. Games can sharpen intelligence and brain skills in
Based on the explanation that has been explained, it can be concluded that the