Quenching For Induction Heating
Quenching For Induction Heating
Quenching For Induction Heating
Basics of Quenching steam or vapor at the surface of the part as the quenchant
comes in contact with the hot metal surface. It is important
When induction hardening ferrous metals, quenching is that the steam be broken down as rapidly as possible so
just as important as the proper heating of the metal. that additional quenchant can contact the surface and
Inadequate or improper quenching of the heated part reduce the part temperature. Breaking down the vapor
results in low hardness values as well as spotty hardness barrier on the surface to be quenched eliminates soft areas
and may cause quench cracking. and reduces residual stresses that may lead to quench
The intent of the quench is to cool the already austenitized cracking.
material at a rate that converts most of the austenite to Quenchants are generally rated by their ability to remove
martensite. heat, with brine being the most rapid and oil being the
Grain size of the material is a major factor in conversion slowest. Where feasible, water is commonly used as a
of the metal into austenite and then martensite. The quenching medium. The key to adequate quenching lies in
smaller the grain, the faster the material will go into the thermal conductivity of the quenchant and its flow
solution. Smaller grain sizes reduce the time required at against the heated surface. Brine removes the heat at the
temperature and the temperature necessary to go into fastest rate. Oil is considerably slower. The reaction time
solution as well. Accordingly, rolled, forged, annealed or of certain steels precludes the use of rapid quenchants
previously quench and tempered materials will all be such as water which can produce cracking. Selection of
affected differently by the heat and quench cycles. the proper quenchant for each type of steel can generally
be found in most metallurgical tables.
There are a number of methods that can be used for
determining the cooling rate for a given alloy. These Oil can be used as a quenchant if it is used in sufficient
include the Jominy Hardenability curve (JHT); the Time, flow so that the BTUs removed from the part, per gallon
Temperature, Transformation curve (TTT); and the of quenchant, is kept below the ignition temperature of the
Continuous Cooling Transformation (CCT) curve, all for oil. Thus, flow is more important than pressure in oil
the specific alloy being processed. Usually, the process at quenching. However, oil is rapidly being replaced as a
704oC(1300oF) is used as a measure of the material's quenchant due to its fire hazard and the smoke generated
hardenability. during the quenching cycle.
There are a number of quenchants that are used with Plastic or polymer quenchant additives to water are
induction heating and they are selected according to the replacing oil as a cooling medium. The “quenchability” of
materials being processed. This selection is based not only the system is dependent on the percentage of polymer in
upon the material selected but by the mechanical the water. The greater the polymer concentration, the
configuration of the part as well. Where masses vary slower the quenching action and the lower the BTU
rapidly in volume (change from shape to shape) it may be removal rate of the quenchant per gallon. Since heating of
necessary to use a less rapid quench to prevent cracking at parts causes the water to evaporate during the quenching
the interface of the two shapes. cycle the concentration must be monitored constantly.
This is done utilizing a refractometer which can indicate
Quench cracking is caused by the formation of stresses percent concentration by measuring light diffraction
within the part due to the normal contraction of the metal through a sample of the quenchant. Some automatic
as it is cooled. In addition, microstructural stresses also systems are now available which will monitor the system
occur as the steel expands with the formation of and maintain the polymer concentration.
Polymer additives have a sticky residue and when used
Quenching is designed to remove the heat of the part as with automated equipment, cleaning of the quench system
rapidly as possible. The quenchant must bring the material is important, especially if the equipment is not utilized for
temperature below the knee of the TTT curve before the some period of time.
structure returns to an austenitic condition. The basic
problem incurred during quenching is the formation of In all cases, quench flow is the important factor. High
pressure causes the stream to impinge on the surface of Water quench temperatures should be in the range of 15-
the part and does not effectively remove BTUs from the 25oC(60-75oF) as shown in Figure 2 below. To maintain
surface. A high flow rate, at minimal pressure is more adequate cooling provide agitation of the fluid to create a
effective. velocity in the order of 0.25 m/s (50 ft/min).
Selecting a Quenchant
Brine cooling rates are the most rapid of all the
quenchants. While steam (vapor) breakdown is extremely
rapid, higher cooling rates may increase the possibility of
distortion and quench cracking of the part may occur.
Where the part geometry permits rapid quenching, brine
quenching can eliminate soft spots.
This rapid quenching action is caused by minute salt
crystals that are deposited on the surface of the work.
Localized high temperatures cause the crystals to fragment Figure 2
violently, creating turbulence that destroys the vapor
It is usually recommended that along with rust inhibitors,
A 10% solution of NaCl is usually an effective quench. biocides should be added to water quench systems to
The relationship of brine concentration to hardness is eliminate biological growth in the water.
shown in Figure 1 below. Small variations in quench
temperature will not greatly affect the cooling rate of the
system. A temperature of 20oC(68oF) assures maximum Oils
effectiveness of cooling. Oils are characterized by quenching speed and operating
temperature among other factors. Oils range from normal
speed for quenching high hardenability steels to high
speed for steels with low hardenability (see Figure 3).
Figure 1
Water quenching is the most common of induction
quenchants. Cold water is one of the most severe of the
quenchants and rapid agitation allows it to approach the
maximum capabilities of the liquid quenchants. If the
temperature of the water is allowed to increase, its Figure 3
capabilities for reducing the vapor phase drops and the
cooling rate will also decrease at a rapid rate.
A major factor in selection of oils is the flash point or 60-90oC(140-195oF). Adequate cooling of the quench
temperature at which the oil vapors will ignite if an fluid to remove heat must be provided to keep the
ignition source is present. Ignition occurs if the part is not quenchant in this range.
quenched rapidly or if the oil does not remove heat fast
Agitation of the polymer quenchant solution will also aid
enough. Rapid agitation of the oil together with an
in maintaining uniformity of quench.
adequate cooling means in the quench tank are necessary
to reduce the possibility of fire.
Selecting a Quench Method
Polymers Mechanical considerations of the handling system usually
Polymer quenchants are aqueous PVA materials that are determine the method for applying the quench. The main
added to water to simulate the quenching characteristics of purpose of the quench, however applied, is to remove the
oil. This is obtained by varying the concentration of the heat from the part as rapidly as possible while minimizing
polymer in the water. Benefits of this system include the any stresses that may occur in the process.
elimination of smoke as well as possible hazard of Critical factors in designing a proper quench are flow,
ignition and fire. temperature variance in the quenchant and, degree of
The polymer helps develop a film at the interface of the filtration and heat removal. Flow, not pressure, is the key
heated material and the quenchant and acts as an insulator to a successful quench.
to slow down the cooling rate to approach that of oil. This
film eventually collapses and the quenchant comes in Drop Quenching
contact with the part being processed. This results in
nucleate boiling and a high heat extraction rate. The Drop quenching is the most common of all quench
balance of the cooling is due to convection and conduction techniques. The part is heated above the upper critical
in the liquid. temperature and then dropped into a tank containing the
quenchant. In many manual processes the operator will
The polymer film on the surface of the heated area simply take the heated part and immerse it in the quench,
dissolves into the fluid when the surface temperature of moving it about to provide agitation.
the part falls below the separation temperature of the
polymer quenchant (see Figure 4). The time interval between the completion of the heating
and the immersion in the quenchant can affect the
hardness of the part being processed. Long parts, if heated
by single shot technique and dropped vertically into the
quench may attain different temperatures from one end to
the other during the drop cycle. Similarly, if the part is
very thin or the heated depth is shallow, temperature may
drop below the critical by the time the part enters the
quench. This may create a variation in hardness in the part
and possibly create distortion as well.
In the case of a long
Figure 4 part, an auxiliary spray
quench, energized as
A range of quench characteristics can be achieved through the part drops into the
variations in the concentration of the polymer, quenchant tank (Figure 5) should
temperature and agitation of the quenchant. be utilized. The
distance the part travels
As the water vaporizes due to contact with the heated
when it passes in to the
surface it will vaporize and turn to steam. Accordingly the
quench should be
concentration of the polymer tends to increase in the
quenchant over time. This will change the characteristics
of the quench and the addition of water and/or polymer When the part drops into the quench, there should be
must be adjusted regularly by checking for proper sufficient agitation to break the vapor barrier. Figures 6A
concentration. and 6B depict a system used to harden plane blades for
woodworking. As each blade is stripped from the
Polymers are completely soluble in water at room
magazine it is heated. An escapement then drops the part
temperatures but insoluble at temperatures ranging from
in to the quench tank. Initially, cold spots were created as is applied to the part at the completion of the heating cycle
the flat blades fell and surface tension caused the parts to by a ring or head with perforations, through which
adhere to each other bottom of the tank. This prevented quenchant is passed directly on to the part.
insufficient cooling of the blade. A spray ring was inserted
In static heating, where the part is held in position during
into the tank so that the blades passed through the
the heat and quench cycles, a solenoid valve is actuated to
agitation created and were sufficiently cooled by the time
start the quench flow when the part is at the desired
they reached the bottom of the tank.
temperature. In cases where the part is small or the case
depth is shallow, the solenoid valve is actuated shortly
before the end of the heat cycle so that the quench
pressure can build sufficiently.
Figure 7
Figure 6A Figure 6B
When using a multi-turn coil, a quench ring surrounding
Drop quenching consists of the part being physically the coil applies the quenchant through the space between
transferred to a tank by a gravity device or conveyor. the coils turns (see Figure 7). Because of its proximity to
Selection of technique depends on the mechanical the work coil, quench heads of this type may experience
handling as well as the mass of the part vs. the surface heating. Quench head should be made of plastic, ceramic
area to be cooled. In some instances it is preferable to or low resistivity materials such as brass. Where a metal
spray quench the part as it exits the coil and then use a quench ring surrounds the coil, heating can be additionally
drop quench for further heat removal. reduced by placing a split in the ring to prevent the ring
The capacity of quench fluid in the tank is calculated on from being a closed loop. The split should be filled with
the amount of BTU’s to be removed from the work each insulating material and sealed to prevent leakage.
hour. A general rule of thumb is one gallon of oil for each With single turn coils an integral quench may be utilized.
pound of heated material per hour.
In production systems, the quench tank must be cooled by
a heat exchanger. Gradual build up in temperature of the
quench medium by continued use will cause its
temperature to rise. This increased quench temperature
will reduce part hardness obtainable.
A heater should be supplied in the quench tank to bring
the quenchant to the normal operating temperature after a
cold start i.e. Monday mornings. Normal quench Figure 8 Figure 9
temperature is 70ºF to 100ºF +/- 5º.
The quench tank should have a propeller or other As shown in Figure 8, integral quench coils are double
mechanism for creating a continuous circulation during chambered. The outer chamber contains the coil cooling
operation. This helps to remove steam pockets that may water. The inner chamber channels the quench fluid
form at the face of the hardened area when there is no through perforations in the wall closest to the part. Since
movement of the quenchant. this face also carries the coil current, the number and size
of the holes, as well as their spacing must be designed so
that there is minimal resistance to the flow of the current.
Spray Quench Quench hole area should be no more than 10-15% of the
Spray quenching is the most common form of application face of the coil. Integral quench coils are also utilized in
with induction heating. With this technique, the quenchant vertical scanning systems. Here, the quench chamber is
below the coil water chamber. As shown in Figure 9, the open vessel for drop quenching or as a supply for a spray
quench is oriented at 30o from the vertical axis. This quench. Capacity of the tank is usually calculated as a
provides for an area for the temperature to soak uniformly minimum of 3-4 times quench flow or a capacity
before it is quenched. It also prevents the quenchant from sufficient to contain 5 minutes of the normal flow rate of
rising up the part into the heating area and thus causing the system. An old heat treaters adage is “One gallon of
soft spots in the work. quench for one pound of heated material per hour”.
Spray quench heads, whether separate or integral to the Quench filtration is also a key to consistent operation.
coil should have a total hole area of 10-20% of the area Chips from the part, particles from the air and similar
being quenched. The ratio of surface area to the total contaminants all are possible problems which could
orifice area is typically 10% for systems with narrow coils prevent a consistent, trouble free quench.
and 20% for systems with wide coils. Hole size is a
A strainer should be used to remove particles which are of
function of part diameter.
a size to block quench holes. Weir tanks are utilized to
Part Diameter Quench Hole Size Flow at 20 PSI remove floating particles and a cartridge filter of 75-100
micron size is recommended in the quench line to remove
0.5 in. 1/16 in. 1/3 GPM additional contaminants.
Mass Quenching Press Quenching (Die Quenching)
Mass quenching can occur when the total mass of the part Where tolerances on flatness of a product are critical i.e.
is far less than the mass or volume of the adjacent knives, gears, it is sometimes required to place the heated
material. The unheated volume absorbs the heat at a great part in a press when it is above the critical temperature.
rate by conduction acting as a heat sink to allow the The press is then closed on the part and fluid quenchant is
heated layer to convert to martensite. Generally this is applied through holes in the press dies. The dies keep the
used where the part has an extremely thin case or where part flat as the material is brought down in temperature by
induction pulse hardening is used. Where there is the quenchant. Flatness can be kept to a minimum with
sufficient cool mass behind the heated area, the this technique even thought he parts have been heat
temperature of this mass reduces the temperature of the treated.
heated zone below the AC3 value before the knee of the T-
T-T curve is reached. This is sometimes referred to as Self
J. Davies and P Simpson , Induction Heating Handbook, McGraw Hill Ltd. London 1979
S. Zinn and L. Semiatin, Elements of Induction Heating, Electric Power Research Institute Inc., Palo Alto California, 1988
G.E.Totten, C.E.Bates and N.A.Clinton, Handbook of Quenchants and Quenching Technology, ASM International, 1993
Heat Treaters Guide, ASM International, 1995
Heat Treating, Proceedings of the 17th Conference including the 1997 International Induction Heat Treating Symposium,
ASM International, 1998
Donald R. Stovicek, An Update on Polymer Quenchant. Metal Treating, Mar/Apr 1994, P.49
Jack Hasson, Oul vs. Polymer: Selecting the Proper Quenchant, Industrial Heating, October 1993, P.73
Hans M. Tensi and Anton Stich, Characterization of Polymer Quenchants, Heat Treating, May 1993, P. 25
Daniel J. Williams, Quench Systems for Induction Hardening, Metal Heat Treating, July/August 1995
George E. Totten, Glenn M. Webster and N. Gopinath, Quenching Fundametals: Effect of Agitation, Advbanced Materials
and Processes, 2/96
Polymer Quench Solutions for Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals, Tenaxol Inc.
Aqu-Quench Products, E.F.Houghton
Parquench, Park Chemical Co.
Metals Handbook, Volume 2, Heat Treating, Cleaning and Finishing, ASM International, 1964, P. 167-188