Original Investigation
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IMPORTANCE Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infections increasingly are reported in patients with Author Audio Interview at
multiple sclerosis (MS) and constitute an area of significant concern, especially with the jamaneurology.com
advent of more disease-modifying treatments in MS that affect T-cell–mediated immunity.
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OBJECTIVE To assess the incidence, risk factors, and clinical characteristics of VZV infections
in fingolimod-treated patients and provide recommendations for prevention and
DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Rates of VZV infections in fingolimod clinical trials are
based on pooled data from the completed controlled phases 2 and 3 studies (3916
participants) and ongoing uncontrolled extension phases (3553 participants). Male and
female patients aged 18 through 55 years (18-60 years for the phase 2 studies) and diagnosed
as having relapsing-remitting MS were eligible to participate in these studies. In the
postmarketing setting, reporting rates since 2010 were evaluated.
INTERVENTIONS In clinical trials, patients received fingolimod at a dosage of 0.5 or 1.25 mg/d,
interferon beta-1a, or placebo. In the postmarketing setting, all patients received fingolimod,
0.5 mg/d (total exposure of 54 000 patient-years at the time of analysis).
MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Calculation of the incidence rate of VZV infection per 1000
patient-years was based on the reporting of adverse events in the trials and the
postmarketing setting.
RESULTS Overall, in clinical trials, VZV rates of infection were low but higher with fingolimod
compared with placebo (11 vs 6 per 1000 patient-years). A similar rate was confirmed in the
ongoing extension studies. Rates reported in the postmarketing settings were comparable (7
per 1000 patient-years) and remained stable over time. Disproportionality in reporting
herpes zoster infection was higher for patients receiving fingolimod compared with those
receiving other disease-modifying treatments (empirical Bayes geometric mean, 2.57 [90%
CI, 2.26-2.91]); the proportion of serious herpes zoster infections was not higher than the
proportion for other treatments (empirical Bayes geometric mean, 1.88 [90% CI, 0.87-3.70]).
Corticosteroid treatment for relapses might be a risk factor for VZV reactivation.
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Rates of VZV infections in clinical trials were low with
fingolimod, 0.5 mg/d, but higher than in placebo recipients. Rates reported in the
postmarketing setting are comparable. We found no sign of risk accumulation with longer
exposure. Serious or complicated cases of herpes zoster were uncommon. We recommend
establishing the patient’s VZV immune status before initiating fingolimod therapy and
Author Affiliations: Author
immunization for patients susceptible to primary VZV infection. Routine antiviral prophylaxis
affiliations are listed at the end of this
is not needed, but using concomitant pulsed corticosteroid therapy beyond 3 to 5 days article.
requires an individual risk-benefit assessment. Vigilance to identify early VZV symptoms is Corresponding Author: Norman
important to allow timely antiviral treatment. Putzki, MD, Novartis Pharma AG,
Fabrikstrasse 12-2.03.38, CH-4002
JAMA Neurol. 2015;72(1):31-39. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2014.3065 Basel, Switzerland (norman.putzki
Published online November 24, 2014. @novartis.com).
aricella-zoster virus (VZV) is a neurotropic, epidermo- tion and management of VZV infections, predominantly HZ
tropic, and lymphotropic α-herpesvirus that infects more in adults with MS receiving DMTs, is a topic of clinical
than 90% of people worldwide.1 Primary infection with relevance.
VZV (varicella) is usually acquired in childhood or early adoles-
cence, and infection in adults is rare and often more severe than
in children. Fatal cases with multiple-organ diseases, such as
pneumonia, hepatitis, and coagulopathy, are significantly more
common in healthy adults than in children. Respiratory muco- Patient Population
sal epithelial cells are presumed to be the first site of infection. We based our analyses on the pooled data from the double-
The T cells become infected with VZV in the tonsils and re- blind phases of 6 completed phase 2 and 3 studies (3916 par-
gional lymph nodes and then transport virions to the skin, where ticipants) of fingolimod in MS and from any ongoing exten-
VZV replication results in the typical vesicular lesions of vari- sion phases of these studies as of August 31, 2012 (3553
cella. Varicella-zoster virus gains access to cranial and dorsal root participants) (clinicaltrials.gov identifiers: NCT00333138,
ganglia and likely to autonomic ganglia by T-cell viremia and N C T 0 0 2 3 5 43 0 , N C T 0 0 2 8 9 9 7 8 , N C T 0 03 4 0 83 4 , a n d
by retrograde transport from skin lesions through the afferent NCT00355134).8-10,16 Institutional review board approval was
fibers of the sensory nervous system. Similar to herpes sim- obtained at all sites, and participants provided written in-
plex virus types 1 and 2, VZV then establishes life-long latency formed consent, as detailed previously.8-10,16 Male and fe-
in the sensory ganglia.1 Antibodies and T cells specific to VZV male patients aged 18 through 55 years (18-60 years for the
are induced during primary infection and typically protect phase 2 studies) and diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS
against symptomatic reinfections after new exposure in immu- were eligible to participate in these studies. Details of the study
nocompetent and most immunocompromised individuals. Vari- population have been presented elsewhere.8-10,16 Serologic test-
cella-zoster virus antibodies are likely to provide a first line of ing using an enzyme-linked immunoassay for VZV IgG anti-
defense against a new respiratory mucosal inoculation of the bodies was introduced as a protocol amendment during the
virus, whereas VZV-specific T-cell responses are the major host pivotal phase 3 studies. All patients with positive test results
defense against symptomatic reactivation of latent VZV, which after randomization continued the study. For patients with
results in herpes zoster (HZ), commonly termed shingles.1 In in- negative test results after randomization, increased vigilance
dividuals unable to produce VZV IgG antibodies, T-cell immu- for infections was implemented. Patients who were found to
nity is sufficient to protect against a second episode.2 Varicella- be seronegative for antibodies before randomization were not
zoster virus antibodies do not protect against HZ, regardless of included in these studies.
the levels detected in the serum.3 After mid-adulthood, T-cell–
mediated immunity declines with increasing age, and a signifi- Assessments and Analysis
cant decrease in VZV-specific early effectors and cytokine- Calculation of the incidence rate of VZV infections was based
producing CD4 + and CD8 + T cells increases the risk for on the reporting of adverse events in the respective trials. The
reactivation of latent virus and the incidence of HZ.4 incidence is reported per 1000 patient-years, which was de-
The available literature on the incidence of clinically symp- fined as the sum of days all patients in each treatment group
tomatic VZV infections or HZ in patients with multiple sclero- received the study drug divided by 365.25 days. The number
sis (MS) is limited. Herpes zoster has been reported in pa- and percentage of patients with VZV infection was summa-
tients who receive disease-modifying treatments (DMTs) for rized for patients who received concomitant systemic corti-
MS, such as natalizumab, alemtuzumab, and fingolimod.5-10 costeroid dosages of no more than 1000 mg/d for the treat-
Fingolimod, 0.5 mg/d (Gilenya [FTY720]; Novartis Pharma ment of relapses. For the postmarketing incidence of VZV
AG), has shown superior efficacy to the approved first-line treat- infection, we conducted a search of the US Food and Drug Ad-
ment, interferon beta-1a, and placebo in three phase 3 studies8-10 ministration Adverse Event Reporting System database to iden-
and is currently approved as a once-daily oral therapy for re- tify spontaneously reported adverse events consisting of
lapsing forms of MS. The therapeutic effects of fingolimod are HZ.17,18 The search included reported frequency and propor-
mediated via the modulation of sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) tion of HZ infection for all drugs, including fingolimod and
receptors by fingolimod phosphate, a phosphorylated active other DMTs for MS, from January 1, 1994, through June 30,
moiety of fingolimod. In vivo, fingolimod-phosphate binds as 2012. Point estimates of the disproportionality in reporting fin-
an analogue of S1P to S1P receptor 1 (S1P1) receptors on lympho- golimod vs other DMTs for MS were assessed using the ad-
cytes to trigger receptor internalization and degradation. This justed value of a ratio of observed to expected reports (em-
process leads to the inhibition of S1P signaling and the selec- pirical Bayes geometric mean [EBGM]). The lower limit of a 90%
tive retention of CCR7+ lymphocytes in the lymphoid organs. CI of the EBGM above the threshold of 2.0 is considered to in-
As a consequence, predominant levels of CD4-naive T cells and dicate a potential signal that deserves further investigation.
central memory T cells (TCM), but not effector memory T cells All these analyses were undertaken using the following pre-
(TEM), are reduced in the circulation.11,12 ferred terms from the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Ac-
The recently approved MS DMTs all lead to distinct altera- tivities, version 15.119: herpes zoster, herpes zoster dissemi-
tions of immune surveillance.13-15 Infections with VZV may be nated, herpes zoster infection neurological, herpes zoster
seen more frequently with the more efficacious DMTs in clini- multidermatomal, herpes zoster ophthalmic, herpes zoster oti-
cal practice, and increased vigilance is warranted. Preven- cus, and postherpetic neuralgia.
Table 1. Incidence Rate of HZ Events per 1000 Patient-years by Severity in Clinical Trials and Extensionsa
Abbreviation: HZ, herpes zoster. study), 12 months (TRANSFORMS [Trial Assessing Injectable Interferon versus
Diagnosis of HZ is based on clinical symptoms and investigating physicians’ FTY720 Oral in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis]9; only fingolimod arms
judgment. Data cutoff was August 31, 2012. included), and 24 months (FREEDOMS8 and FREEDOMS II10) for fingolimod.
Calculated by the following formula: No. of cases/(patient-year × 1000). Treatment time in the double-blind and extension phases of the clinical trials
Patient-years were defined as the sum of the number of days receiving the was as long as 4 years for fingolimod, 0.5 mg/d (FREEDOMS,8 TRANSFORMS,9
study drug for all patients in each treatment group divided 365.25 days. and FREEDOMS II10 extension studies), and as long as 7 years for fingolimod,
1.25 mg/d, switched to 0.5 mg/d (phase 2 extension study).
Treatment time in the double-blind phase of the completed clinical trials is 3
months (vaccination study), 6 months (phase 2 study), and 24 months Indicates presence of bilateral lesions or lesions affecting more than 2
(FREEDOMS [FTY720 Research Evaluating Effects of Daily Oral therapy in contiguous dermatomes (cutaneous dissemination) or in other organs than
Multiple Sclerosis]8 and FREEDOMS II10) for placebo; 3 months (vaccination the skin.
Table 2. Incidence Rate of HZ Events per 1000 Patient-years by Corticosteroid Use in Controlled Clinical Trialsa
Figure 2. Incidence of Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) Infections in Fingolimod Trials and Comparison With Other
Treatments and Conditions
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Incidence Rate per 1000 Patient-years
Natalizumab Placebo-Controlled Studies25 of MS
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Incidence Rate per 1000 Patient-years
Dimethyl Fumarate,
240 mg TID
them in the lymph nodes, thereby preventing their wider dis- Studies showing intact T-cell immune responses to non-
tribution to the sites of VZV replication, such as the skin (and specific and specific stimuli during fingolimod treatment sug-
possibly the ganglia). As a consequence, the generation of gest that the pharmacodynamic effect of fingolimod leading
TEMs from TCMs would be restricted to tissues that harbor to the ubiquitous reduction of circulating TCMs may not be re-
sufficient numbers of TCMs, which may reduce VZV-specific sponsible for increased HZ incidence.12 However, informa-
immune control and may be especially problematic as a tion about the effects on VZV-specific T-cell responses is lim-
result of confounding factors, such as immune suppression ited at present.31 Varicella-zoster virus–specific T cells are
by corticosteroid use. In contrast, antiviral CD8 T-cell immu- normally present at low frequencies, and the occurrence of HZ
nity would be largely preserved during treatment with fingo- infection in individuals without underlying disease is associ-
limod because CD8 T-cell immunity predominantly results ated with a rapid and substantial increase in these cells.32 Vari-
from CCR7-linked TEMs that are not retained in the lymph cella-zoster virus–specific T cells have multiple functions, in-
nodes by the drug.11,12 cluding production of key cytokines that orchestrate local
ARTICLE INFORMATION Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois (Reder); take responsibility for the integrity of the data and
Accepted for Publication: September 1, 2014. Department of Neurology, MedStar Georgetown the accuracy of the data analysis.
University Hospital, Washington, DC (Tornatore); Study concept and design: Arvin, Wolinsky, Kappos,
Published Online: November 24, 2014. Department of Pediatrics, Columbia University, Tornatore, M. Gershon, Levin, Putzki.
doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2014.3065. New York, New York (A. Gershon); Department of Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data:
Author Affiliations: Department of Pediatrics, Pathology and Cell Biology, Columbia University, Arvin, Wolinsky, Kappos, Morris, Reder, Tornatore,
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, New York, New York (Michael Gershon); A. Gershon, Levin, Bezuidenhoudt, Putzki.
California (Arvin); Department of Neurology, The Department of Pediatrics, University of Colorado Drafting of the manuscript: Arvin, Wolinsky,
University of Texas Health Science Center at Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora (Levin); Novartis Kappos, Reder, Tornatore, Levin, Bezuidenhoudt,
Houston (Wolinsky); Department of Neurology, Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland (Bezuidenhoudt, Putzki.
University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland Putzki). Critical revision of the manuscript for important
(Kappos); Department of Infectious Diseases, Author Contributions: Mr Bezuidenhoudt and Dr intellectual content: Arvin, Wolinsky, Kappos,
University of Miami, Miami, Florida (Morris); Putzki had full access to all the data in the study and Morris, Reder, Tornatore, A. Gershon, M. Gershon,
Department of Neurology, University of Chicago Levin, Putzki.
Statistical analysis: Reder, Bezuidenhoudt, Putzki. and editing the paper for submission under author 15. Bielekova B, Becker BL. Monoclonal antibodies
Study supervision: Kappos, Putzki. guidance. No financial compensation was given for in MS: mechanisms of action. Neurology. 2010;74
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Arvin received this support. (suppl 1):S31-S40.
a consulting fee from Novartis for participation in a 16. Kappos L, Antel J, Comi G, et al; FTY720 D2201
workshop on herpes zoster and fingolimod and for REFERENCES Study Group. Oral fingolimod (FTY720) for
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