IJOME D 15 00004 Manuscript
IJOME D 15 00004 Manuscript
IJOME D 15 00004 Manuscript
As advances in numerical modelling techniques support the increased confidence in
predictions from computer simulations, the need remains to have experimental verification
built into the design process. This paper outlines the experimental investigation carried out on
a shielded vertical axis turbine in a marine environment. The experiments consist of
performance measurements and the use of particle image velocimetry on a small scale device
in a marine current flume. The results demonstrate that the performance of the device can be
modelled numerically; in particular, the results show that the numerical model used can
correctly predict the increase in performance with Reynolds number.
Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, cross-flow turbine, flume test, power coefficient,
model validation.
1. Introduction
The attention given to marine energy sources is increasing as demonstrated by the interest
from major manufacturers and the allocation of national resources to the development of new
energy recovery devices [1]. This study presents a set of experiments designed to verify
numerical simulations of a shielded vertical axis turbine in water. The test series seeks to
answer the questions raised at the small scale tank testing stage of the concept appraisal
process laid out by Johnstone et al. [2]. The present work addresses several of the questions
raised at the small scale testing: the proof of concept is implicitly addressed, of greater
import, the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) model validation is ultimately the objective
of this test series. This is due to the nature of the development cycle of the turbine, which
relies principally on CFD modelling for cost effectiveness, with milestone experiments
integrated in the process to validate the model results.
The numerical approach to the CFD modelling has been described and verified for wind
turbine devices [3] [4]. The motivation for further experimental work is the change of
environment combined with the simplified approach to turbulence modelling. Prior work by
Bachant and Wosnik demonstrated that that the performance of cross flow energy converters
is Reynolds number dependent [5]. The change in environment will lead to changes in
Reynolds number. The same publication also highlighted the difficulty in reflecting this
dependency in numerical simulations. The simplified approach to turbulence modelling
proposed by the authors is closely linked to the Reynolds dependency validation. Much effort
has been undertaken in numerical modelling to predict the properties of turbines, focusing on
turbulence modelling. Bachant and Wosnik used a k-omega model, for example and found
Rolland et al., International Journal of Marine Energy, DOI 10.1016/j.ijome.2015.05.003
that the experimental data did not show as strong a Reynolds dependency as numerically
predicted. The difficulty in modelling vertical axis wind turbine is the broad range of incident
angles encountered by the blades. This difficulty is identified by Lanzafame et al. [6], who
used the 𝑘 − 𝜔 SST [7] and the Transition SST turbulence models. Their work shows that a
good prediction of blade properties is achievable but requires a “long process of optimizing
the local correlation variables”, which is not fully described. McNaughton et al. [8] used a
modification of the SST 𝑘 − 𝜔 for low Reynolds number (𝑘 − 𝜔 SST LRE). The 𝑘 − 𝜔 SST
based model over-predicted the power coefficient, while the 𝑘 − 𝜔 SST LRE based model
under-predicted the power coefficient. Moreover, the latter model resulted in discrepancies in
the dynamic response that were not exhibited when using the 𝑘 − 𝜔 SST model. Li et al.
adopted the more sophisticated large eddy simulation (LES) approach and compared it to the
traditional Reynolds average Navier-Stoke solutions [9]. The study showed an improvement
of the stall behaviour prediction with the adoption of the LES technique and led the authors
conclude that the dynamic stall prediction is delayed by the use of RANS methods. The lack
of a satisfactory consensus in the research community motivated the choice of a pragmatic
approach to turbulence modelling, laid out in section 3 and supported by Rolland et al. [4].
The originality in the present work resides in the transient modelling of the turbine, which,
due to the geometry does not readily lend itself to steady state models combined with the
simplified turbulence modelling approach laid out in the numerical method section. This is in
contrast with techniques such as the blade element model, for example, where the blade
properties are inputs to the models [10] and it represents a further challenge which needs to be
resolved. The study reports the experimental programme undertaken to support the CFD
modelling approach used to assess the correlation observed between numerical and
experimental results. The experimental work was carried out at the IFREMER flow tank,
which has a published record of marine turbine studies, including flow characterisation by
particle image velocimetry (PIV) [11] [12].
2. Experimental Method
A prototype of the proposed design (Figure 1) was built with a diameter of 0.5 m, (1/8 of
flume width) and 0.5 m high (0.24 flume depth) with a disc above the rotor, 0.4 m below the
water surface, to minimise the surface effects (Figure 1a). An immersion of one turbine
diameter, also equal to the turbine's height can be considered sufficient to avoid surface
effects. This is supported by the study by Bahaj et al., in which cavitation tunnel results and
towing tank results showed little difference for an immersion of 0.55 turbine diameters [13].
The design region of interest in this study was the rotor and the shield outlined in Figure 1b.
A stepper motor was used to regulate the rotation speed of the turbine. The instrumentation
consisted of a shaft encoder to record the rotating speed and a torque transducer, measuring
the torque output of the turbine. The torque from the turbine was corrected for friction with a
4 N m constant component and a variable component according to the bearing manufacturer
guidelines based on estimated radial loads and a journal bearing friction coefficient of 0.05.
Experiments were carried out in the IFREMER (French Institute for the Exploitation of the
Sea) wave and current circulating tank displayed in Figure 2. The flume is 18 m long by 4 m
wide and 2 m deep. A side observation window of 8 m by 2 m placed on one side of the tank
allows users to observe the behaviour of the models during trials. The turbulence level can be
adjusted between 3% and 15%, by the modification of grids and flow straighteners at the
entry of the test section, in order to simulate more realistic flows. The stream-wise flow
velocity can be adjusted between 0.1 and 2.2 m/s. The experiments were carried out at flow
Rolland et al., International Journal of Marine Energy, DOI 10.1016/j.ijome.2015.05.003
speeds of 0.8 m/s, 1 m/s, 1.2 m/s and 1.4 m/s. At each flow speed they were repeated at tip
speed ratios (TSRs) from 0.0 to 0.7 in increments of 0.1. Particle image velocimetry
measurements were taken at flow speeds of 0.8 m/s and tip speed ratios of 0.0, 0.3 and 0.5.
An extensive description of the facility was given by Bouhoubeiny et al. [14].
a. b.
Figure 1: Outline of the turbine in the tank and cross section.
In this study, two-dimensional time-resolved PIV measurements were carried out (Figure 3).
Illumination was provided by a standard, frequency-doubled, double-cavity Nd:YAG laser
(NewWave, Gemini PIV) with a pulse energy of up to 120 mJ per pulse at 532 nm and
maximum sample frequency of 15 Hz. The seeding particles used for the experiments were
silver-plated glass spheres of 15µm diameter. The image acquisition was carried out by a high
resolution CCD camera with a 20 mm focal lens. The physical area of approximately 0.36 m
by 0.27 m was captured onto 1600 by 1280 pixel² at a rate of 15 Hz and in synchronisation
with the laser source. The FlowMap software from Dantec Dynamics was used for PIV image
processing. Finally, instantaneous velocity fields were obtained using a cross-correlation PIV
Rolland et al., International Journal of Marine Energy, DOI 10.1016/j.ijome.2015.05.003
algorithm using 25% overlapped windows of 32*32 pixels². This yields 99*74 instantaneous
velocity vectors on a rectangular mesh of 357*268 mm². The physical discretisation
corresponds to a resolution of 3.6 mm in each direction and the time separation between two
PIV images is 0.067 s. The composite images were obtained by repositioning the camera and
repeating the experiments, due to the field width required. The resulting images are presented
as time averaged velocity contours or vectors.
The domain was discretised as a two-dimensional cross section of the turbine in a 4 m wide
and 40 m long computational domain with 29.5 m downstream to avoid interference with
outlet boundary conditions illustrated in Figure 4. An unstructured mesh was generated with
110,000 elements, 67% of which are located within the rotor, which was consistent with the
calibration cases presented by Rolland et al., for use with the enhanced viscosity laminar
model. The domain was split using a conforming sliding mesh technique illustrated in Figure
5. This enabled the transient modelling of the turbine while avoiding the use of deformed
elements or an interpolation plane at the interface between the static and rotating subdomains.
This is of particular importance as the asymmetry of the shield combined with the rotor
motion implies that a steady state solution cannot be expected to exist.
The choice of a conforming sliding mesh technique couples the time step with the rotor speed
for all tip speed ratios 𝜆 ≠ 0. The resulting time steps are shown in Table 1. It was found that
convergence was more readily achieved by time stepping than by assigning a large number of
iterations per time step, therefore, three complete revolutions were simulated for each case
with 300 iterations per time step and the first two revolutions were not retained for the
calculation of the power coefficient. For the cases where 𝜆 = 0, a time step was assigned
based on flow speed and 1440 time steps were carried out. Similarly to the cases where 𝜆 ≠ 0,
only the last 480 time steps were used to compute the results.
Figure 4: Computational domain layout and mesh density distribution around the turbine.
Table 1: time step sizes (s) used as a function of flow speed and TSR
The performance criterion used in this study is the power coefficient (𝐶𝑝) scaled by the peak
power coefficient experimentally measured (𝐶𝑝𝑚𝑎𝑥 ). This criterion is plotted in Figure 6 and
shows that the numerical model is effective and accurate in its prediction of peak performance
and the tip speed ratio at which it occurs (0.4). The main discrepancy occurs in the rise of the
power coefficient with increasing tip speed ratio. Experimental results suggest a second order
correlation between tip speed ratio and power coefficient whereas a near linear increase is
numerically predicted. The curve fitting to the experimental results indicate that the tip speed
ratio at which the maximum power coefficient is obtained may increase with the Reynolds
number; however the quality of the curve fitting is too low to hold this as a conclusive result.
In contrast, the tip speed ratio at which the maximum Cp is predicted numerically is
essentially constant.
Notably, the increase of performance with increasing Reynolds number was predicted
numerically and experimentally confirmed. This is a crucial result for future applications as
larger scale turbines imply greater Reynolds number, thus offering a potential gain in power
coefficient. With a Reynolds number based on the turbine diameter, the range explored is
from 𝑅𝑒 = 3.06 × 105 to 𝑅𝑒 = 5.36 × 105 . Figure 6 shows that a 75% increase in Reynolds
number results in a 40% relative increase in power coefficient.
Figure 6: Comparison of numerically predicted 𝐶𝑝⁄𝐶𝑝𝑚𝑎𝑥 (left) and experimental data (right).
Two results were sought from the particle image velocimetry: an assessment of the 2D
modelling strategy and a qualitative correlation between the flow fields predicted and
observed. Figure 7 shows the location of the vertical PIV measurement plane in a vertical
cross section of the turbine containing the turbine’s axis. The flow in the tank is left to right in
the images and the top disc is located at the top of the figure (arbitrarily 1800 mm). The
shadow of the turbine’s components obscures some areas but the required images were
captured. Processing the resulting velocity vectors, in Figure 8, shows that the effect of the tip
speed ratio on the flow avoidance is negligible and 6% of the flow from 0.2 m upstream in the
median plane avoids the turbine.
Rolland et al., International Journal of Marine Energy, DOI 10.1016/j.ijome.2015.05.003
Figure 7: Photography and superimposed velocity vectors from the PIV for location reference.
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Rolland et al., International Journal of Marine Energy, DOI 10.1016/j.ijome.2015.05.003
Figure 8: Flow avoidance at a flow speed of 0.8 m/s and tip speed ratios: 𝜆 = 0 (a), 𝜆 = 0.3 (b), 𝜆 = 0.5 (c).
The PIV data shows that the modelling approach does not simply consist of calibrating the
model to yield a single correlating measurement quantity such as the power coefficient.
Indeed, the velocity field correlation is of good quality, although some areas were
unavoidably shaded from the light source in the experiments. The main flow features are
captured by the CFD model, exhibiting an accelerated flow between the blades exposed to the
flow and a very effective shielding of the blades on their return stroke. The model also
captures the strong inflexion imparted to the flow by the rotor when the turbine is
immobilised (Figure 9). This effect reduces as the tip speed ratio increases to 0.3 (Figure 10)
and 0.5 (Figure 11).
A detailed review of the results in Figure 9, Figure 10 and Figure 11 shows that the
correlation with an immobilised rotor is better than that yielded in the other cases, with a tip
speed ratio of 0.3 and 0.5. The main source of discrepancy is the low velocity region
downstream of the housing. The experimental results show a slower rotation than numerically
predicted. This may be due to the turbulence handling chosen for the study and it is the
subject of a more detailed study focused purely on the CFD model.
Rolland et al., International Journal of Marine Energy, DOI 10.1016/j.ijome.2015.05.003
Figure 9: Comparison of numerically predicted velocity contours and PIV – flow speed 0.8 m/s, TSR 0, common colour scale
Figure 10: Comparison of numerically predicted velocity contours and PIV – flow speed 0.8 m/s, TSR 0.3, common colour
scale used.
Rolland et al., International Journal of Marine Energy, DOI 10.1016/j.ijome.2015.05.003
Figure 11: Comparison of numerically predicted velocity contours and PIV measurements – flow speed 0.8 m/s, TSR 0.5,
common colour scale used.
The analysis of the results gives several indications about the mechanisms through which this
turbine operates. The first mechanism is drag: from the shape of the blades and their pitch
angle on the rotor, it is instinctive to conclude that the torque contribution from the blades at a
south azimuthal position is generated by drag mechanism. This is supported by the pressure
contours in Figure 12, which show that high pressure gradients across the blades in the west
to south azimuthal quadrant. The flow fast flow through the centre of the turbine combined
with the simulated instantaneous torque contributions in Figure 13 indicate that lift has a
significant contribution to the torque generation as they continue to generate significant
torque levels when reaching an east azimuthal position. For this aspect of the study, a
Reynolds number value based on the blade chord may be more relevant. Its range is 𝑅𝑒 =
4.37 × 104 to 𝑅𝑒 = 7.65 × 104 . This means that the blade is undergoing transition flow
regimes. The transition regime has significant implications on the lift and drag properties of
blades [21]. Modelling transition regimes and the dynamic stall phenomena occurring around
rotating blades is recognised as challenging [5] [6]. This highlights the strength of the
simplified approach to turbulence modelling.
Figure 12: Instantaneous pressure contours from the simulations at 0.8 m/s, tip speed ratio 0 (left and 0.5 (right)
Figure 13: Instantaneous torque contributions from the blades and on the shield at tip speed ratio 0 (left) and 0.5 (right)
Rolland et al., International Journal of Marine Energy, DOI 10.1016/j.ijome.2015.05.003
5. Conclusions
The work presented shows that the numerical model developed is able to capture the
performance of the proposed vertical axis turbine design under test conditions. In particular,
the model’s response to flow speed captures the increase in efficiency observed with
increased flow speed. Importantly, the comparison with the PIV images shows that the
modelling approach effectively captures the physics of the flow within the resolution of the
experimental data available, rather than simply fit a single criterion such as the power
coefficient. Finally, the present work, in conjunction with prior publications demonstrates that
a simple approach to turbulence modelling can be an effective and efficient alternative to
more complex turbulent models. Combined with the PIV data, it highlights the need for
further research in turbulence modelling to cover the broad range of flow regimes encountered
and predict correctly their aerodynamic properties.
The authors would like to thank C-FEC Ltd for their sponsorship of the research program,
Quadratec Ltd for the design and build of the prototype, and the MARINET European
Framework Programme for the access to the IFREMER test facility at Boulogne/Mer, France.
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