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Chapter 4 Plain Suction Dredgers

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Chapter 4 Plain Suction Dredgers

4. The Plain Suction Dredger ...........................................................................................2

4.1 General considerations ........................................................................................2
4.2 Areas of application ............................................................................................3
4.3 Types of plain suction dredgers ..........................................................................3
4.4 History.................................................................................................................5
4.5 Working method .................................................................................................6
4.6 The design ...........................................................................................................8
4.6.1 The production capacity.............................................................................9
4.6.2 The suction depth.......................................................................................10
4.6.3 The transport distance ................................................................................12
4.6.4 The dredging installation ...........................................................................12 Suction and discharge pipe diameter .....................................................12
4.6.5 The dredge pump .......................................................................................13 Pump types..........................................................................................13 The sand pump drives .........................................................................14
4.6.6 Jetpumps ....................................................................................................14 Pump type ...........................................................................................14 Jetpump drives. ...................................................................................17
4.7 General layout .....................................................................................................18
4.8 Technical construction ........................................................................................20
4.8.1 The hull ......................................................................................................20
4.8.2 The dredging equipment ............................................................................21 The suction mouth...............................................................................21 The suction pipe..................................................................................22 The sand pumps ..................................................................................23 The sandpump drives ..........................................................................25 The discharge pipeline ........................................................................25 Sprayers...............................................................................................25 Jet-pipeline and pump .........................................................................26 The winches ........................................................................................26 The bow winch .................................................................................27 The side winches ..............................................................................27 The stern winch ................................................................................27 The auxiliary winches.......................................................................27 The fairlead.......................................................................................27
4.9 The dredging process ..........................................................................................29
4.9.1 The production of the breach .....................................................................29
4.9.2 The production of the pumps .....................................................................32
4.9.3 The production of the barges .....................................................................33
4.10 The dustpan dredger............................................................................................34
4.11 References ...........................................................................................................35

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4. The Plain Suction Dredger

Figure 4. 1 A plain Suction Dredger

4.1 General considerations

The characteristic of a plain suction dredger is that it is a stationary dredger, consisting of a
pontoon anchored by one or more wires and with at least one sand pump, that is connected to
a suction pipe. The discharge of the dredged material can take place via a pipeline or via a
barge-loading installation. The suction tube is positioned in a well in the bows of the pontoon
to which it is hinged. The other end of the suction pipe is suspended from a gantry or A-
frame by the ladder hoist. The ladder hoist is connected to the ladder winch in order to
suspend the suction pipe at the desired depth. Excavation of material to dredge is by the
erosion of a jetstream and/or the suction flow of the dredge pump and the breaching process
(see lecture notes wb3413 the Braching process)During sand dredging the dredger is moved
slowly forwards by a set of winches. To increase the amount of sand flowing towards the
suction mouth, a water jet is often directed onto the breach/bank. In this case the jet-pipe is
often mounted above the suction pipe.

Figure 4. 2 Plan view of a PSD

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Chapter 4 Plain Suction Dredgers

4.2 Areas of application

Plain suction dredgers are only used to extract non-cohesive material. Moreover these
dredgers are less suitable for accurate work such as the making of specified profiles. Suction
dredgers are very suitable for the extraction of sand, certainly when this occurs in thick
layers. Suction dredgers can be seen in working in many sandpits.

If the dredger is equipped with an underwater pump, it is possible to dredge at depths

g 80 m. Depending on the pumping capacity; it is possible to transport material over
considerable distances via hydraulic pipelines.

Because suction dredgers are often demountable they can also be used in excavation pits
which are not on navigable waterways. In general, suction dredgers are relatively light
vessels and, although anchored on wires, are usually unsuitable for dredging in open waters
(unless specially adapted).

4.3 Types of plain suction dredgers

Different type of plain suction dredgers can be distinguished.
1. The barge loading plain suction dredger
A dredger which loads the barges which lie alongside it by means of a spraying
system. This type is used when the transport distance is too long for hydraulic
transport to be economic (Error! Reference source not found.).

18 28 26
25 19
16 10
17 23 21 20 14

27 15

Figure 4. 3 Barge loading PSD

2. The reclamation dredger
This dredger pumps the sand ashore via a pipeline and, if necessary, further away to a
disposal site or treatment plant (Figure 4. 4).

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Figure 4. 4 Reclamation dredger

3. The deep suction dredger

The deep suction dredger. A dredger equipped with an underwater pump. It may take
the form of a barge loader or a reclamation dredger. (Figure 4. 5)

23 5 6 28
24 19/20 27
16 7 30
1 11 10 9 34
12 14
17/18 35
35 33


8 8

Figure 4. 5 The deep suction dredger

4. The dustpan dredger

A suction dredger with a relatively wide suction mouth. This dredger is suitable for
extracting sand at a reasonably high production rate with a low breach or bank
height. With regard to production the cutter suction dredger (Figure 4. 6) has
superseded this type.

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Chapter 4 Plain Suction Dredgers

Figure 4. 6 Dustpan dredger

In many cases these types can easily be transformed to another type. The barge loading
dredger shown in figure 4.2 can be transformed to a reclamation dredger by connecting a
booster just behind this dredger. The same might be possible with reclamation dredgers by
placing a sprayer pontoon after the dredger.

4.4 History
In 1851, more than a century after their invention, the first centrifugal pumps were used to
excavate sand with hopper dredgers. A few years later (1856) the first attempts were already
being made to transport the material onshore via pipelines. Ten years later this idea was
demonstrated in the Netherlands during the excavation of the North Sea Canal. (Figure 4.7)

Figure 4. 7 The wooden Hutton Dredger dredging the North Sea Canal

Meanwhile, in 1864, Freeman and Burt patented a flexible floating-pipeline.

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From this history it appears clear that the development of the suction dredger was closely
linked with the development of the dredge pump. Because at that time little power was
available to drive the dredge pump, the reclamation dredger was only used when the
distances to the disposal site were short. In the other cases barges were used or the dredger
was modified. As the sand pumps became able to withstand higher pressures, the transport
distances and pump capacities were increased.

4.5 Working method

The working method of the suction
dredger depends on both the
progressive collapsing of the x
breach/bank and the loosening of the Instabilities
sand near the suction mouth by
eddies created by the flow of water
caused by the sand pump (Figure 4.
8). The progressive collapse of the H br

breach/bank resulting from the Sand-water mixture

dislodgement of particles of soil or (density current)
of masses of soil as a result of Suction tube
localised instabilities is termed Vz
Figure 4. 8 Breaching

This process is essential for the production of a suction dredger and is entirely determined by
the soil mechanical properties of the slope, the most important factors being its permeability
to water and relative density.

When a suction dredger starts on a new work there is no dredge pit, slope or breach and the
angle between the suction pipe and the horizontal is usually very small. The sand that is
carried towards the suction pipe lies entirely within the area influenced by the water flowing
to the suction mouth. This process causes a small pit to develop in the soil.
The dredger is now drawn forwards a little
by means of the bow winch and the suction
pipe is set deeper, after which the process is
repeated. As the small pit becomes deeper
and the angle of the suction tube becomes
steeper (more effective for the swirling up
and transporting of the sand) the production
increases. (Figure 4. 9) This process is
continued until the suction mouth is deep
enough or until the production is so high
that the pump can no longer cope with a
further increase. This slow forward
movement with the dredger, with
simultaneous lowering of the suction pipe is
termed ‘breaking in’ or ’commencing’.

Figure 4. 9 “Breaking in”

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Chapter 4 Plain Suction Dredgers

The time that is needed to reach a state of equilibrium thus depends on the previously
mentioned soil mechanical properties, the height of the slope and the pump capacity of the
When a state of equilibrium has been reached it is the task of the dredge master to maintain
this situation by letting the dredger follow the breach/bank, by regularly hauling the dredger
forwards and by continuing to lower the suction pipe for as long as this remains possible.
If the movement of the dredger is too slow, a less steep slope forms and the production is
If, on the other hand, the forward movement is faster than the transport of the sand, the angle
of slope will increase and there is an increasing chance that large scale shearing will occur.
The sand concentration may then become so high that the pump cannot cope with it and the
mixture ceases to flow. The shearing can be so great that even the suction pipe becomes
fast/firmly embedded and, if it cannot be pulled free, another dredger must be used to free it
by using suction or must cut it free.

The dredging pattern that is made with a suction dredger generally appears like that shown in
Figure 4. 10. As long as it lies within the dredging area, the length of the cut is determined
by the positions of the anchors. The anchors are usually placed in such a way that more cuts
can be made beside each other from the same position. In addition to the length of the anchor
wires, this possibility also depends on the width over which the sand is being excavated.
This, in turn, depends on the shear characteristics of the sand layers.

Figure 4. 10 Dredge pattern of a PSD

For suction dredgers equipped with an underwater pump the excavation depth no longer
determines the production. This also makes it possible to exploit the dredging area in the
vertical sense. In other words, production can be maintained by continuing to lower the
suction pipe until the maximum suction depth has been reached. If the production falls below
an economic minimum, the pit is abandoned and dredging recommences ½ to ¾ pit diameter
away from it. It will be clear that this dredging method produces a pockmarked excavation
area and that considerable amount of sand that cannot be economically excavated remain
behind in the dredging area. This is a situation that the managers of the dredging sites prefer
not to see.

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This method of dredging does provide the possibility to obtain sand from directly beneath a
clay layer, but it must be realised that the removal of the sand will cause the clay to lose its
stability. In the most favourable case the clay will fall onto the slope in fragments that will be
taken up with the sand. If the clay falls in large pieces there is a good chance that these will
become fast and block the suction pipe, with all the disadvantages that this can bring. It is
difficult for the water needed for mixture formation to flow, especially in the beginning phase
when the clay layer has not yet been penetrated.

Figure 4. 11 PSD with suction pipe of 2 sections

Water must be brought to the suction pipe via the jet pipe. For the above described
excavation method the suction pipe is made in two parts, (Figure 4.11) the lowest section
being hinged onto the upper section so that the lowest part is always first suspended almost
vertically. With such a suction pipe, moments that occur during horizontal movements can be
taken up only to a small extent.

4.6 The design

When designing suction dredgers the following parameters are important:

• Production capacity
• Suction depth
• Transport distance
• Type of soil

Because suction dredgers are only suitable for the dredging of non-cohesive material, the last
parameter plays an important role only in the determination of the diameters of the suction
pipe and hydraulic pipeline and the required sand pump capacity.

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Chapter 4 Plain Suction Dredgers

4.6.1 The production capacity

As in other dredgers, the market forces in relation to the sites where the dredger can be used
determine the production capacity. As mentioned earlier, the plain suction dredger is much
used in the extraction of sand for landfill sites and for the concrete industry.
For this too, it is important to know the production capacity per week or per hour. In the
Netherlands, to a limited extent, the labour agreements between the trade unions and industry
permit a working week of 168 hrs, thus an entirely continuous operation.
Often this is restricted to only four nine-hour days (36 hrs). The percentage of hours during
which effective dredging can take place, however, is not equal. With a 36-hr week, major
repairs are often carried out during overtime. When using barge transport, for example, the
percentage of downtime resulting from the absence of barges is lower during a 36-hr week
than during a continuous working week, since part of the downtime is made up when the
dredger has stopped work at the end of the day.

If, during a 168 hr working week, the number of effective working hours is 0.75*168=126
and during a 36 hr working week the effective hours are 0.86*36 = 30.6, the production ratio
is 126/36.6 = 4.1 instead of 168/36 = 4.7.

For the design of the dredging installation, and thus for the vessel also, the production per
hour is more important than the daily, weekly or monthly production. In many cases, in order
to prevent overloading of the drives, even shorter time intervals are considered. If the
production capacity is known, this requirement can be translated into:

1. A sand flow rate

2. A sand concentration

Since: Q = Qmixture ∗ (4.2)
1− n

Symbol describtion dimension
Q = Production [m3/s]
Qmixture = Flow rate [m3/s]
Cvd = Delivered concentration [-]
n = Porosity [-]

The anticipated average concentration depends on the behaviour of the soil in the
breach/bank (see lecture notes ‘Dredging Processes”). The maximum suction concentration is
determined on the basis of the types of soil and the insight of the designer.

The maximum average concentration that can be transported by a pipeline depends on the
ratio maximum grain diameter/pipe diameter and the length of the pipeline. In long pipelines
aggregation (increased concentration) may occur as a result of density variations during
dredging (Matousek, 1995).

As rule of thumb, a maximum average density of 1500 kg/m3 (Cvd = 30%) is often used for
sand. On the basis of this assumption the flow rate is now fixed because the production
capacity is taken as a given value.

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4.6.2 The suction depth

A second important design parameter is the suction depth. This determines whether an extra
underwater pump is needed to achieve the required production. When the suction depth
increases, if the use of an underwater pump is not considered the suction pipe diameter and
also the pump flow must be increased. At the same time the concentration must be reduced to
avoid reaching the vacuum limit (under-pressure at which cavitation occurs). This can lead to
the pumping of low concentrations and thus much water, which is uneconomic.

With the aid of the suction formula one can

determine if a submerged pump is useful and k
hoe deep below the waterlevel the pump has to rw
be fitted on the suction tube. The suction
formula is a force balance over the suction tube. rm hz
The pressure difference over the suction tube
equals the weight of the mixture in the suction
tube and the friction due to the flow. hp

Figure 4. 12 scheme for suction formula

ρ w g (H − h p ) + ρ p gh p − p pomp = ρ m ghz + ρ m v 2 ç1 + ζ + λ ÷
1 æ Lö
2 è Dø
ρw = density water [kg/m3]
ρp = density suspended sand in the pit [kg/m3]
ρm = mixture density in the suction tube [kg/m3]
H = waterdepth [m]
hp = depth of pit [m]
hx = suction height [m]
ppump = pressure in front of the pump [N/m2]
v = mixture velocity [m/s]
ξ = entree loss factor [-]
λ = Darcy Weisbach headloss factor [-]
L = total length suction tube [m]
D = diameter suction tube [m]

Because hz = H − k the equation can be written as:

ρ w g (H − h p ) + ρ p ghp − p pomp = ρ m g (H − k ) + ρ m v 2 ç1 + ζ + λ ÷
1 æ Lö
2 è Dø
This results in:

ρ w g (H − hp ) + ρ p gh p − p pomp
ρm =
1 æ Lö
g (H − k ) + v 2 ç1 + ζ + λ ÷
2 è Dø

For the boundaries given in Figure 4.13 the maximum dredgeable mixture density is
calculated for different depth of the dredge pump below thw waterlevel

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Chapter 4 Plain Suction Dredgers

Mixture density as funktion depth pump below water line

hp=3 m, Vac=75 kPa, Vz=5 m/s, rho_water=1000 km/m3, G_p=1600 km/m3, Zeta=2 , Lambda=0.02, L/(H-k)=1.5, D=0.8 m


Mixture density [kN/m3]

k=0 m

1400 k=5 m

1300 k=10 m



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Dredging depth [m]

Figure 4. 13

The above graph (Figure 4. 13) is derived from this equation

In order to dredge, from a depth of 30 m, a density of 1500 kg/m3 the dredge should be place
almost 8.5 m below the waterline.
A pump on the waterline can pump a density of1120 kg/m3. In the second case, if the same
Q0 ρ5 − ρ w 1500 − 1000
production is required, the flow should be: = = = 4.17 as great.
Q5 ρ 0 − ρ w 1120 − 1000
With the same pumping velocity this leads to a suction pipe of a diameter that is 2 times as

For a given decisive vacuum and a maximum suction concentration it is possible to determine
whether an underwater pump is necessary and, if so, how far under water this pump must be
positioned, as a function of the required suction depth.

Rho_mixutre=1500 kg/m3
hp=0 m, Vac=75 kPa, Vz=5 m/s, rho_water=1000 km/m3, G_p=1600 km/m3, Zeta=2 , Lambda=0.02, L/(H-k)=1.5, D=0.8 m


Depht pump below water level [m]






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Dredging depth [m]

Figure 4. 14

From the above graph (Figure 4.14) it appears that to pump a mixture density of 1500 kg/m3
at a depth of 50 metres the pump must be positioned 17 metres under water.

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Of course whether or not an underwater pump is mounted is a question of economics. The

cost of fitting an underwater pump is considerable and, moreover, the suction depth can have
a great influence on the ladder construction and thus on the pontoon construction. It is also
necessary to hoist the suction pipe above water for inspection.

4.6.3 The transport distance

The transport distance makes demands with regard to the installed sand pump capacity and/or
the need to load barges. The need for barge loading depends whether the required transport
distance is too long to be economically covered by the use of a hydraulic pipeline. It is also
possible that the use of a pipeline may not be feasible from the point of view of hindrance to
shipping. Suction dredgers may also be designed exclusively for barge unloading. In general,
if material does have to be transported by a hydraulic pipeline there is still the option to place
a booster station with the necessary capacity behind the plain suction dredger.

If the suction dredger is equipped with an underwater pump the chosen discharge pressure
(and thus capacity) can be such that during the loading of barges only the underwater pump is
used. The pipeline system and valves can also be designed for this. The grain size and the
distance over which the material must be transported determine the required manometric
pressure for the discharge pump(s). It is also possible to choose an underwater pump of
higher capacity than is needed to unload the barges. The surplus capacity can then be used
during discharging. The maximum discharge pressure that a dredger can supply depends on
the quality of the shaft sealing of the last pump. Often values exceeding 25 - 30 bar are not

4.6.4 The dredging installation

Under the dredging the following components are included
• Suction and discharge pipe
• The dredge pumps
• The dredge pumps drives
• The jet pumps
• The jet pump drives Suction and discharge pipe diameter

The critical velocity that is necessary to keep the dredged material in motion determines the
maximum suction and pressure pipe diameters.

Thus: v kritiek = Fl ,h + Fl ,v ) 2 g ( S s − 1) D in which the value of Fl,h is determined by the
material to be pumped. (See lecture notes “Dredging Processes) Fl,v is the correction for
sloping transport and has a maximum value of .333
(See also the relevant Section of Hopper dredgers).

If both the critical velocity and the average concentration have been determined, the relation
between pipeline diameters and production is:

Cvd π D 2 Cvd π D 2 Cvd C

Q = Qmixture ∗ = vkrit = Fl 2 g ( S s − 1) D ≈ 1.5π D 2.5 vd [m³/s]
1− n 4 1− n 4 1− n 1− n


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Chapter 4 Plain Suction Dredgers

Symbol describtion dimensio

Q = Production [m3/s]
Qmixture = Flow rate [m3/s]
D = Pipe diameter [m]
Cvd = Delivered concentration [-]
Ss = Relative density of the solids=ρs/ρw [-]
n = Porosity [-]
g = Gravity [m/s2]
vcr = Critical velocity [m/s]

Figure below give the results of the equation for Cvd=30%

Discharge diameter [m[

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3
Production [m3/s]

Figure 4. 15 Minimum discharge diameter

4.6.5 The dredge pump Pump types

Now that the capacity, the required pressures on both sides of the pump and the power are
known under the various transport conditions, the type(s) of pump can be selected.
The pump types, centrifugal, semi axial or axial are determined by the specific speed of the
pump; defined as:
ω Q ρ 4ω Q
ns = 3 = 3
( gH ) 4 ( p) 4

For discharge pumps the specific speed ns is in the interval between 0.25 and 0.50 (Figure
4.16). With the aid of this figure the type of pump and impeller can be chosen.

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Inboard Pumps

0.08 0.8

0.07 0.7

0.06 0.6
Specific Capacity

Specific Head
0.05 0.5

0.04 0.4

0.03 0.3

0.02 0.2

0.01 0.1

0 0
0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Specific Speed

Figure 4. 16

For the underwater pump usually a higher specific speed is taken than for the discharge
pumps, but for the sake of standardisation the same pump is often selected. One should ask
oneself whether the position of the maximum efficiency point could still reasonably satisfy
the stipulated demands with regard to the flow. This is also valid when no underwater pump
is fitted. In such a case stipulations must be made with regard to the suction properties
(NPSH value) of the inboard pump.

Other factors also play a part in the selection of a pump and impeller:

• A three, four or five blade impeller. Depending on the required minimum passage
between the blades.
• Single or double walled pump. (considerations relating to wear.)

If long transport distances have to be covered the question arises of whether one large pump
or two smaller ones will be needed. In addition to the specific revolution speed the peripheral
velocity of the impeller also plays a part. To limit wear, the peripheral velocity of the
impeller is limited to 35 to 40 m/s. This also limits the maximum manometric pressure.
Whether or not one or more delivery pumps are needed depends on the total require delivery
pressure and delivery pump power. The sand pump drives

Underwater pumps often have electric drives, but hydraulic drives and even direct diesel
drives may be encountered. If barge loading is required, a controllable drive is necessary.
With a fixed revolution speed the variations in flow resulting from differences in
concentration and grain size are often too big for the efficient loading of the barges.
Diesel drives are often used for the delivery pumps, but of coarse electrical drives are
possible too

4.6.6 Jetpumps Pump type

The flow of the water pumps depends on the required functions of these pumps.
Two functions can be distinguished:

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Chapter 4 Plain Suction Dredgers

1. The activation of the breach process of the bank.

Suction dredgers are usually equipped with a water jet for this purpose. The speed of the jet
flowing from the water jet decreases hyperbolically with the distance from the water jet in
accordance with:

vL = v See Figure 4. 17
L 0
v L = Velocity of the jet at distance L in m/s.
D = Diameter of the jet nozzle in m.
L = Distance to the jet nozzle in m.
v 0 = Velocity of the jet at the nozzle in m/s.

Jet V0

Figure 4. 17 Flow establishment of a jet

If the pressure at the nozzle is 500 kPa and the jet nozzle has a diameter of 0.3 m e and a
minimum velocity in the centre of the jet **at the breach/bank of 3 m/s is needed to activate
the breach/bank, the maximum distance to the breach/bank is:

2p 2∗500
µ 0.6
v0 ρ 1
L = 6D = 6D = 6∗0.3 = 11 m
vL vL 3

æ r ö2
vr −90ç ÷
The decrease in velocity towards the edge of the jet can be calculated with: = e è Lø .
Here v r = the velocity of the jet at distance r from the centre.

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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

Figure 4. 18 jet velocity as function of the radius r.

At a distance of 11 m and with a relation of vr = 0.4 the diameter of the jet is as shown in the
graph below D = 2 L = 2∗01 . ∗11 = 2.2 m
In other words, the influence of the water jet is only very local.

πD 2 π ⋅ 0.32
The jet flow is: Q j = v0 = 18.9 = 134
. m³/s
4 4

Qj ⋅ p . ∗500
and the power at the water pump: Pj = = = 838 KWatt
η .8

2. The maintenance and control of mixture forming.

In this case, when it is assumed that no water from the environment can be sucked in because
the suction mouth is completely embedded in the soil, it is necessary to satisfy the volume
Qj Cvd
balance: = 1−
Qm 1− n

Q j = the jet flow m³/s
Qm = the sand flow in m³/s
Cvd = the transport concentration [-]
n = the pore number [-]

Figure 4. 19 gives a graphical representation of the equations.

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Chapter 4 Plain Suction Dredgers

Verband Qj/Qm - Cvd

0.6 n=.35
0.2 n=.5
0 0.5 1 1.5

Figure 4. 19

If Cvd = 0.25 and n=0.5 (loose packed sand), then =.5
The area of influence by the jet is now less important, as long as the water that is added
benefits mixture formation.

The water pumps are chosen in the same way as the sand pump Jetpump drives.

In case of activation the breaching process required pressure and capacity will always be
constant. So separate diesel engines are frequently used.
In the other case, the mixture forming process a speed control engine is required to control
the density.

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4.7 General layout

The hull consists of a simple U-shape pontoon. De width of the pontoon is determined by
stability and sometimes by the distribution of the loads. (Figure 3.1.7) The length of the
pontoon is in certain way determined by the length of the suction pipe, the number dredge
inboard pumps or by the requirements for mooring barges along side.
Loads on the suction pipe resulting from the dredging process are relatively small, so are the
loads on the pontoon. For small plain suction dredgers the dredgepump is situated in the
engine-room, however a separate pump room is certainly advisable from safety point of view,
in particular for the bigger dredgers. Nowadays even small dredgers do have a submerged

3,000 3000

2,500 2500
y = 0.4074x
Light weight [t]

Light weight [t]

2,000 2000 R = 0.8715

1,500 y = 0.2712x 1500

1,000 R = 0.712 1000

500 500

0 0
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Total installed power [kW] LBD [m3]

Figure 4. 20 Figure 4. 21

The lightweight of the plain suction dredgers depend on the total power installed. (Figure
4.20), while the volume of the pontoon is 2.5 times the light weight (Figure 4.21).
The main ships parameters vary widely; L/B between 3 and 8 and B/T between 7 and 3.5,
because the length is mainly determined by the factors mentioned above. (Figure 4.22)


L/B & B/T

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Light weight [t]

Figure 4. 22

Figure 4.23 shows the dredger Seeland, with a total installed power of 3200 kW and a
maximum dredging depth of 40 m. The dredger is build under the classification of the
Germanische Lloyd GL + 100 A 4 dredger.
The length of the suction pipe often determines the length of the well. With very long suction
pipes or two-part suction pipes the catamaran principle is often used. The suction pipe is then
hinged onto the stern of the pontoon (Figure 4.2) This is certainly not essential.
Sometimes special gantries are designed to carry the long suction tube (figure 2.23).

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Chapter 4 Plain Suction Dredgers

Figure 4. 23

In deep dredgers with an articulated pipe, the lower pipe is fastened to the upper pipe by
hydraulic cylinders, in which case it is not necessary to have a long well (Figure 4.24).

Figure 4. 24 Plain Suction _Dredge Seeland, Yard Orestein and Koppel

Lübeck Germany

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Wb w3408b Designing Dredging Equipment

In other cases an additional

pontoon is connected to the main
pontoon by means of a special
construction (Figure 4.24 PSD
The engine room, pump room, fuel
tanks, water tanks and storeroom
are all located in the pontoon. On
small suction dredgers the sand
pump is located in the engine
room, while large suction dredgers
have a separate pump room. The
control cabin, and if required, crew
quarters are above deck. The Figure 4. 25
anchor winches are also on deck

Figure 4.25 shows an offshore plain suction dredgers designed for significant wave heights of
2.75 m and a total installed power of 7425 kW. The coupling with the floating pipeline is in
the middle of the port side where the movements of the pontoon are minimum when working
in waves. This is in contradiction with dredgers for inland waters. They do have the
connection on the aft of the pontoon.

Figure 4. 26 General arrangement of an offshore plain suction dredger,

Yard IHC Holland

4.8 Technical construction

4.8.1 The hull

As previously mentioned, the hull usually consists of a simple U-shaped pontoon.
The width of the pontoon is determined by stability considerations and varies from 6 m for
small to 20 m for large deep dredgers. The length of the dredger is usually determined by the
requirements relating to the length of the suction pipe and/or the need to accommodate barges
alongside and by the warping of the barges.

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Chapter 4 Plain Suction Dredgers

The ladder gantry, which usually

takes the form of an A-frame,
provides the link between the
pontoons, which are separated
by the well. By deep dredgers,
having a suction pipe in the
raised position pointed very far
ahead of the pontoon, the gantry
is a relatively heavy structure
(Figure 4.23 and 4.27).

Figure 4. 27

4.8.2 The dredging equipment

The dredging equipment will be discussed according the flow o f the mixture. The suction mouth

Suction mouths of plain suction dredgers are in many cases very simple. The end of the pipe
is just covered by a screen to avoid pump blockage by boulders and debris (Figure 4.1, 4.28
and 4.29)

Figure 4. 28 Figure 4. 29

In many cases jet nozzle are situated around the suction mouth to activated either the
breaching process and/or the mixture forming (Figure 4.30)
When the suction mouth is fully penetrated in the sand, water jets are necessary the fulfil the
requirements for the mixture forming. In that case jets are situated around the suction mouth
(figure 4.31)

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Wb w3408b Designing Dredging Equipment

Figure 4. 30 Figure 4. 31 Suction mouth of the sea going

PSD DECIMA The suction pipe

For many suction dredgers the suction pipe, together with the jet water pipe, forms a strong
construction (Figure 4.32). To strengthen the suction pipe this it also equipped with a jacket
pipe through which the jet water flows to the suction mouth. If this jacket pipe is divided into
sections, these can also be used as float tanks to reduce the underwater weight of the suction

Figure 4. 32

With bigger dredgers, and certainly at

greater suction depths, these
constructions are too weak and it is
necessary to turn to the use of a ladder
(Figure 4.19). If an underwater pump
is used, the upper part of the suction
pipe must certainly be constructed as a
ladder in order to transfer the heavy
weight to the hull. H

Figure 4. 33

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Chapter 4 Plain Suction Dredgers

On the suction pipe there is often Valve open

a water admitting valve or Valve closed
breaching valve. If, as a result of
irregular shearing of the Cylinder
breach/bank the vacuum becomes
so high that the pump starts to to pump From suction mouth
cavitate and threatens to cut out,
water can be admitted through
this valve to keep the process
going. This valve, which was
formerly operated manually, is
currently regulated automatically
by the under pressure in front of Figure 4. 34
the pump.

To ensure good control it is advisable to provide the valve with two openings, a big one for
sudden emergencies and a second smaller valve that can be used for fine control with a
continuously high vacuum.

A rubber suction hose forms the link between the suction pipe and the pipelines on board.
This rubber hose is equipped with vulcanised steel rings, which prevent it from collapsing
when under pressure occurs in it. The centreline of the suction hose is at the same height as
the hinge and often lies beneath the waterline (Figure 4.35).

Figure 4. 35

To prevent water from flowing in during pump inspections a so-called “outboard valve” must
be fitted onboard before the pump
PSD’s without a submerged pumps have to be designed in such away that the suction pipeline
is as short as possible. Where the suction pipeline comes above water, the chance of taking in
air must be reduced to the minimum. (Taking in air has the same effect as cavitation.) The sand pumps

Barge-loading suction dredgers usually have only one pump, even when the dredger is
equipped with an underwater pump, while reclamation dredgers have one or more inboard
pumps independent if provided with an underwater pump.

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Wb w3408b Designing Dredging Equipment

Figure 4. 36 View on ladder with pump for a PSD

When suction dredgers do not have an underwater pump, efforts must be made the position of
the first pump must be as deep as possible below the water line. This means on the base of
the pontoon. As well as good discharge characteristics, the first pump must also have good
suction characteristics, thus a high decisive vacuum and/or a low NPSH value.
If the dredger is equipped with an underwater pump the layout is less critical. In that case
aspects such as accessibility for inspection and repairs play a more important role. The
onboard pump is then only required to possess discharge characteristics. For the required
specific speed for these pumps referred is to chapter Dredge pump.

Submerged pumps have mainly a single

wall, while inboard pumps have either a
single or a double wall.
If there is more than one inboard pump the
layout must be chosen in such a way that,
if desired, it is also possible to work with
the ladder pump and one inboard pump.
An inspection hatch must be provided for
every pump, so that the pump and the
impeller can be inspected and, if
necessary, debris can be removed.

Figure 4. 37 Double wall pump

Pagina 24 van 35
prof. W.J.Vlasblom April 2003
Chapter 4 Plain Suction Dredgers The sandpump drives

The underwater pump often has an electric drive while the inboard pumps are powered by
diesel engines. Diesel direct driven submerged pumps is till today in use for relative low
powered pumps. See also chapter The discharge pipeline
Reclamation dredgers pump the dredged material ashore by means of a floating pipeline and,
if necessary, to a more distant disposal site via the land pipeline.
Because the movement of the suction dredger is considerably less than that of a cutter suction
dredger, it is not necessary to connect the discharge pipeline of the vessel to the floating
pipeline by means of a swivel on the stern of the vessel. Often the discharge pipeline is
connected to the floating pipeline by means of a delivery hose/pressure hose (a floating
rubber hose). This can be mounted either on the stern of the vessel or on the port or starboard

Figure 4. 38 Ths sea-going PSD AURORA with the discharge pipeline connected on starboard Sprayers
If the dredged material has to be loaded into barges alongside because the transport distance
is too long for pipeline transport to be economic, sprayers which are connected to the
discharge pipeline are fitted on both sides of the dredger. The number of sprayers that is
fitted on each side of the dredger depends on the capacity of the dredger and the size of the
barges and varies between one and four per side.

Figure 4. 39 Two different types of sprayers

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Wb w3408b Designing Dredging Equipment

To prevent barges from being unevenly loaded, the sprayers must be positioned as closely as
possible to the centreline of the barge (Figure 4.39). Sometimes extra measures are necessary
for this. For example, when it is necessary that to satisfy the demand that free fall of the
dredged material must be prevented, the sprayers must be positioned as low as possible.
The capacity of the pump and the pipeline plan must be designed in such a way that on each
side a barge can be loaded simultaneously. The sprayers are moved by means of winches or
by a hydraulic system.

Figure 4. 40 barge loading with movable sprayers Jet-pipeline and pump

The jet pipeline is of such a size that the pipeline loss remains within acceptable boundaries.
It is advisable to design the bends, valves, crossovers etc. as large as possible in order to keep
the losses within acceptable limits.
Often a sand pump is used as a jet pump to keep the wear between limits. This is certainly
advisable when the dredger is a barge loading suction dredger. The water surrounding the
dredger due to the overflow of the barges is diluted by fine sand particles, and thus the water
taken in by the water pump. The winches

Besides the ladder winch and the auxiliary winches, the Suction dredger is equipped with six
winches for mooring:
• one bow winch
• two forward side winches
• two after side winches
• one stern winch to maintain tension on the bow winch The ladder winch

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Chapter 4 Plain Suction Dredgers

The ladder winch that serves to adjust to the

correct dredging depth is usually mounted on
deck. If the hoisting wire runs through one or
more blocks, the lowest block is fastened to
the suction pipe by a rod (Figure 4.41). This
is to prevent the block from being fouled by
sand when dredging an irregularly shearing
breach/bank. At present slow running electric
or hydraulic drives are used.

Figure 4. 41 bow winch

With the aid of the bow winch the suction pipe is held against the breach or bank. For the
optimum control of the suction process good control of the bow winch is essential. It must be
possible to pay out the bow winch quickly when moving the bow anchor. Bow winches are
mounted on or below deck. Because of the great length of the bow wire, the bow winch
usually has a large drum. side winches

The side winches control the position and direction of the dredger in both the cut and in the
dredging area. Side winches are usually mounted on deck and are electrically or hydraulically
driven. stern winch

The stern winch has a secondary function, namely to maintain tension on the bow wire, and it
does not determine the production. Like the side winches it mainly comes into action when
the dredger is being moved to another cut. The stern winch is usually mounted on the stern
deck and electrically or hydraulically driven. auxiliary winches

The moving of the sprayers and the warping of the barges is usually done by separate
One or more jib cranes may be fitted and used to lift heavy parts during repairs. fairlead
To sail the barge from and to the dredger fairleads are used to bring the side line wires on a
sufficient depth below the water level that the barge can sail over the wires.

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Wb w3408b Designing Dredging Equipment

Pin to change the height

of the fairlead


Side wire

Figure 4. 42 Fairlead

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Chapter 4 Plain Suction Dredgers

4.9 The dredging process

The dredging process of a suction dredger can be subdivided into

1. The behaviour of the breach/bank during dredging also termed the breach/bank
2. The suction production of the dredger.
3. The discharge production of the dredger.

The last two productions will not be considered in these lecture notes. They will be treated in
a course on dredge pumps and pipeline transport because the calculations involved are
similar for all types of dredger.

4.9.1 The production of the breach

When a vertical suction pipe is

lowered into a sand layer quickly,
narrow pit forms with almost Suction tube
vertical side slopes (Figure 4.43). 210
The diameter of the pit decreases 180 Slope
from the top downward with time vwall 150
so the sand grains and sand 100 0
fragments glide down under the Time in seconds
force of gravity. 60
The velocity at which the 20
instability of the slope moves 30

depends on the permeability and Suction velocity vs = 2.5 m/s

the relative density of the sand
layer and is roughly 20 to 40 times
the permeability, depending on the
slope and the angle of internal Figure 4. 43
friction of the breach.

Detailed information about this process can be found in the lecture note wb3413 the
“Breaching process” .

When, under laboratory C D

conditions, a 2-D suction
mouth is moved forward
with a constant speed at vh vw
the base of a breach, a
slope with an angle β will
occur which is much
steeper than the angle of a b
internal friction. (Figure

Figure 4. 44

The relation between vw and vz follows from the similarity of shape after a time ∆t.

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Wb w3408b Designing Dredging Equipment

vw ⋅ ∆t = and vh ⋅ ∆t =
tan α 1

tan α tan β

From this it thus follows that:

ì tan α ü
v h = v w í1 − ý
î tan β þ
Production per metre wide:
ì tan α ü
Qsand = vh ⋅ H = vw ⋅ H í1 − ý
î tan β þ

Here H is the height of the breach/bank.

The cause of the steeper slope is cause by the dilantancy (an increase of porosity) due to the
shearing of the sand matrix. When the porosity increases pore water has to flow to the these
large pores. When this happens slowly a decrease in pore pressure will occur and a increase
in the effective stresses causing an more stability. When sufficient water has flowed into the
pores the under pressure and additional stability will vanish.

When a 3D suction pipe is moved H

forward horizontally at a constant a)
speed a pit forms the slope of which is
at its steepest directly in front of the FG 1 − 1 JI
suction pipe (Figure 4.45). The slope
H tan α tan β K H
decreasing at the sides to a value α that Symmetry plane

is determined by the eroding effect of

the density current flowing towards the
suction mouth. The angle β between
the slope just in front of the suction
pipe and the horizontal can be derived
according above. If all the material is
removed, the production will be:
H H2
Q =W vh = vh
2 tan α Spillage from breach
b) H
However, due to the movement of the
suction tube not all the material from
the side slopes will reach the suction
mouth and spillage will occur.
Figure 4. 45

This spillage can be calculated with the following production balance can be set up:

(H − S) v
H −S 2S S
Hvh − vw =
tan α 2 tan δ tan α


Symbol Declaration Dimension

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Chapter 4 Plain Suction Dredgers

H Maximum pit depth M

S Height of spillage M
vh Horizontal velocity suction mouth m/s
Vw Distortion (Wall) velocity m/s
α Minimum slope angle angle of internal friction °

The first term is the volume per unit of time passing through area of the plane TAR, the
second term is the production from the face BAT and BRA with ½S being the average height
retrogressive erosion or wall over the area considered and the term on right side of the
equation is the volume per unit of time passing through a plane with the final cross section.

0.5b H H H

tan α tan β tan β

O g B S A
tan δ


S d

Figure 4. 46

This leads to:

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Wb w3408b Designing Dredging Equipment

H 2 − HS S 2 vw H 2 − 2 HS + S 2
− =
tan α tan δ vh tan α
tan α vw
H 2 − HS − S 2 = H 2 − 2 HS + S 2
tan δ vh
S = 0 and S =
tan α vw
tan δ vh
The theoretical production without spillage, according equation Q = vh ,
tan α
é ù
v H ê2
v ú
the real production Q = h ê tan δ
ú , and
tan α ê vh + vw ú
ë tan α û
é tan δ
the spillage production Q vh H 2 ê tan α h ú
= ê ú
tan α ê tan δ v + v ú

ë tan α û
h w

Laboratory measurements have shown that tan α = 4.77 .

tan δ
However, in practice appeared that the angle α is small too. Taking α=δ results in a
production of:
é ù
vh H 2 ê 1 ú
vh H 2 é vw ù
Q= ê ú = ê ú
tan α ë vh + vw û tan α ê vh + 1 ú
êë vw úû

4.9.2 The production of the pumps

The sand flowing towards the suction mouth will be taken up by the dredger and must be
transported away by means of barges or pumped to the disposal site via a pipeline.
Depending on the pipeline system and the position(s) of the sand pump(s) the following
situations may occur.

More sand flows to the suction mouth than the pumps can handle. The pump is the limiting
factor and this criterion can be subdivided as follows:
• The under-pressure/vacuum in front of the pump is the limiting factor. The under
pressure in front of the pump is so high that cavitation occurs, resulting in the loss of the
discharge pressure. The pump then cuts out. The only good remedy is to position the
underwater pump deeper.
• The discharge pressure is the limiting factor. The discharge distance is so long that the
pressure required for the critical velocity of the mixture is higher than the pump can
deliver. A stationary deposit will be formed in the pipeline, with the chance of a totally
blocked pipeline. Depending on the loading on the engine, consideration can be given to
the installation of a pump with a larger impeller or to changing the transmission ratio in
the gearbox. If the loading of the engine is already maximal the maximum concentration
has been reached.
• The pump torque is the limiting factor. This is the contrary situation to the above
mentioned limiting pressure situation. The remedy is to use a smaller impeller.

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Chapter 4 Plain Suction Dredgers

4.9.3 The production of the barges

The pump production of a barge loading stationary suction dredger is not the same as the
amount of material transported by means of barges. This is caused by the overflow losses that
occur during the loading and also the bulking that occurs because the sand in the barges often
has a lower density than the in situ density. These two factors must be taken into account
when determining how many barges are required.

The number of barges follows from:

P( 1 − ov ) β P( 1 − ov ) β P( 1 − ov ) β
n= = = t cyclus (4.24)
Pbak Lbak Lbak
t cyclus

N = number of barges [-]

P = pump production [m³/s]
Ov = overflow loss [-]
ß = bulking factor [-]
Lbarge = load of barge [m³]
Tcycle = cycle time [s]

As a rule of thumb the percentage smaller than 100 µm can be taken as overflow losses.

The bulking is determined by the difference volume weight in situ and in the barge. With
strongly graded material the volume weight in the barge is ± 19 kN/m³ and with uniform
material this can decrease to ± 18 kN/m³. For the calculation of the bulking reference should
be made to Section

The cycle time of the barge is composed of:

• the loading time
• the sailing time
• the discharge time
• the return sailing time
• waiting times for bridges, locks etc.

In addition to the fact that the pit or the pump can be *maatgevend, with a barge-loading
dredger, a situation may occur in which the barges are *maatgevend. In other words there are
not enough barges. A situation that may have a variety of causes such as:
• weather and wave conditions
• shipping
• Bridges and lock
• Unequal speeds of the barges
• Loss of time by the barge
• Delays on the dredger
• Loss of time at the discharge site

It will be clear that when using a barge-loading dredger there is always a chance of delays
due to the absence of a barge.

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Wb w3408b Designing Dredging Equipment

Because the above mentioned delays can be reasonably well estimated with regard to their
average values and standard deviations, the Monte Carlo Simulation can provide insight into
the probability of delay resulting from the absence of barges.

4.10 The dustpan dredger

As appears in chapter 4.9.1, the
production of the suction
dredger is proportional to the
square of the breach height.
With low breach heights the
production remains lower than
the discharge capacity of the
pump. In order to compensate
this to some extent, a broad
suction mouth, the dustpan
head, is mounted on the suction
pipe. The width of the dustpan
head is 10 - 15 times the
diameter of the suction pipe. In
addition a large number of
spray nozzles are mounted on
this suction head, which by
means for water jets stimulate
breaching process. Moreover zuigmond

they are necessary to prevent

the suction head from
becoming blocked. The
working effect of the spray
nozzles can be calculated in the
same way as is given in chapter
In fact, the dustpan dredger has
been superseded by the cutter
suction dredger, which, with a
considerable larger width of
cut, can attain a much higher
production on low
Figure 4. 47 Dustpan heads

Dustpan dredgers are now only used for small projects or on special dredgers such as the
“Cardium.” The “Cardium” is equipped with 6 suction pipes and suction pumps, each with
two suction mouths, in order to ensure that the bottom is at the correct depth (the foremost
suction mouth is in dustpan mode) and is flat and clean immediately before a block mattress
is laid down (clean up model).

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Chapter 4 Plain Suction Dredgers

Figure 4. 48 Dustpan haed with pump and pipel ine sceme of the matress laying vessel “CARDIUM”

4.11 References
1. Offshore soil mechanics, Verruit, 1992
2. Investigations to the spillage of the horizontal suction process, W.J. Vlasblom, to be
published in May 2003.
3. Hydraulic excavation of sand, H.N.C. Breusers, Proceedings International course Modern
Dredging, June 1977, The Hague
4. Neue Erkentnisse beim Gewinne und Transport von Sand im Spülproject Venserpolder,
J. de Koning
5. Coastal & Ocean Dredging, J.B. Herbich, Gulf Publishing Company, Texas
6. Lecture notes wb 3413 “The Breaching Process”
7. Lecture notes additional to wb 3414 “ Dredge pumps”

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