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Major Overhaul of LP Turbine and Generator: Unit-4, (250 MW) OPJSTPP JPL Tamnar-Raigarh (15/07/2012 To 31/07/2012)

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Report on

Major Overhaul of LP Turbine

and Generator
Unit-4,(250 MW) OPJSTPP
JPL Tamnar-Raigarh
(15/07/2012 to 31/07/2012)

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited

Report on

Major Overhaul of LP
Turbine and Generator
Unit-4,(250 MW) OPJSTPP JPL Tamnar-Raigarh
(15/07/2012 to 31/07/2012)
Customer Service Order No.4400002853 Dt.03.07.2012
BHEL Job Order No. 120017

Prepared by
Dy. General Manager/ ser

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited

U#4 (250MW) OPJSTPP –JPL-Tamnar Raigarh


1. Introduction

2. Brief History of Machine

3. Brief Scope of work

4. BHEL – JPL Team associated

5. Major activities carried out

6. Observations & Action Taken

7. Spares consumed

8. Commissioning

9. Turbovisory Parameters

10. Conclusion

11. Recommendations

12. Log Sheets

13. Reports

 Bearings Ultrasonic Test

 LP Free standing blades MPI Test.

 Stator overhang NFT

 Generator Rotor RSO.

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 1

U#4 (250MW) OPJSTPP –JPL-Tamnar Raigarh


JPL-OPJSTPP Tamanr-Raigarh has four (4) units of 250MW KWU design TG set. These units
were commissioned during the year 2007-2008.
JPL awarded the work of LP Turbine & Generator along with TG Bearing inspection, HP-IP
casing centering and overhauling of valves & strainers.
Unit was withdrawn on 15.07.12 at 01.45 hrs for the present overhaul and LP-Generator
was decoupled in hot condition on 16.07.12 to speed up the Generator overhauling work.
Barring gear was stopped on 19.07.12 for TG bearing inspection & other associated work.
TG Bearing inspection, Overhauling of LP Turbine, MPI testing of free standing blades ,
overhauling of valves & strainers and Generator & Exciter was completed within 10.5 days
(Barring stop to Barring start) 17 days bar to bar.
After completion of all works, TG set was put on Barring gear on 30.07.12 at 02.00 Hrs. Unit
was rolled and machine was synchronized after electrical testing on 31.07.12 at 20.00 hrs.
All turbovisory parameters including bearings temperature & vibration were found well
within limits.
This report embodies the details of various activities carried out during this overhaul and
performance of the machine after overhauling.

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 2

U#4 (250MW) OPJSTPP –JPL-Tamnar Raigarh


Sl.No Description Period

1. First commissioning 17.06.2008

2. Total Running hours since commissioning 29977

3. Bearing inspection and Exciter Inspection 16.07.2010 to 01.08.2010

LP Turbine, Generator & Exciter overhauling

4. along with Bearing inspection and Valves & 15.07.2012 to 31.07.2012
strainer (present overhauling)

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 3

U#4 (250MW) OPJSTPP –JPL-Tamnar Raigarh

2.1 Major event

1. Unit shut down 15.07.12

2. LP-Gen decoupled 16.07.12

3. Generator rotor threaded out 18.07.12

4. Barring Gear stopped 19.07.12

5. LP Turbine dismantled 20.07.12

6. Generator rotor threaded in 23.07.12

7. LP Turbine boxed up 24.0712

8. Oil flushing 29.07.12

9. TG put on barring gear 30.07.12

10. Machine rolled 31.07.12

11. Machine synchronized 31.07.12

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 4

U#4 (250MW) OPJSTPP –JPL-Tamnar Raigarh


1. Bearing Inspection 1 To 7,

2. OH of Main oil Pump

3. OH of LP Turbine

4. Overhauling of Generator

5. Overhauling of Exciter

6. Inspection of MS/HRH Strainers

7. Inspection of Turbine valves HPSV, IPSV, HPCV, IPCV

8. Inspection of servomotors of HPSV, IPSV, HPCV,IPCV.

9. Stator & rotor testing

 NFT test of generator stator winding overhangs

 RSO test of rotor

 LP Free standing blades in-situ MPI Test

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 5

U#4 (250MW) OPJSTPP –JPL-Tamnar Raigarh



Sl.No Name Designation Area of work

1. Shri.V.Veerapandi Dy. General Manager Site In charge

2. Shri.V.B.Sha Sr. Manager Generator

3. Shri.N.P.Khuntey Engineer Turbine

4. Shri.S.P.Kulkarni Asst.Engineer Generator

5. Shri.R.D.Yadav Asst.Engineer Generator

6. Shri.N.P.Gupta Asst Engineer Valves

7. Shri.Y.P.Singh Asst Engineer/HWR Generator

8. Shri.S.K.Khare Asst Engineer/HWR Generator


1. Shri. S.L.Prabhu Sr.GM.

2. Shri. Saikat Nandy AGM
3. Shri. Santosh Pal Manager
4. Shri. Subash Behera Asst.Mgr
5. Shri. Anit Kumar Asst.Mgr


1. Shri. Naresh Punjabi Sr.GM

2. Shri Kapil Dev Dupey AGM
3. Shri Gaurav Gaur Asst.Mgr.
4. Shri.M.Amit GET

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 6

U#4 (250MW) OPJSTPP –JPL-Tamnar Raigarh


5.11 Bearing no.1-7 were visually checked. All bearings were found OK.
5.12 Brg.2 thrust float was checked & found OK.
5.13 UT& DP test was carried out in all the bearings. All bearings were found in order.
5.14 HP/IP,IP/LP,LP/Gen & Gen/Exciter alignment was checked and minor correction
was made in bearing 1,2,3 & 4.
5.15 HP/MOP alignment was disturbed and same was corrected.
5.16 Gland box re-centering done on both side by adjusting keys.
5.17 HP-IP-LP casing roll check was carried out and minor correction was done for
centering the casing.
5.18 HP-IP casing Bump & Horn drop checks were carried out.
5.19 All casing & pedestal clamp clearances were adjusted as per design.
5.20 Final JOP lift was checked & Journal lift was kept as per design value.

5.20 MOP
MOP was dismantled for inspection. Impellor, wear ring & gear coupling were visually
inspected and found in order. Governor impeller & wear ring (FS) and Thrust bearing
found damaged. Damaged components were replaced by new one. MOP Shaft run out &
clearances were checked and found OK. DP test was carried out in all the components and
found in order. MOP float was checked after final assembly & was found OK.

Damaged thrust bearing

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 7

U#4 (250MW) OPJSTPP –JPL-Tamnar Raigarh


LP Turbine was opened for first inspection after erection. Visual inspection was carried out
in all the stages of moving & guide blades and found in order. Heavy deposit found in
moving & guide blades of stage no.1 to 6 and it was thoroughly cleaned by alumina blasting.

Deposits on Moving blades

MPI testing was carried out on last three stages of free standing blades at both sides in
position (without removal of blades from rotor). MPI test revealed that the all free standing
blades are in healthy condition. LP steam path radial clearances recorded and clearances
found less in few stages of stationary & moving blades. Those stages were grounded off to
improve the radial clearances. Inner-inner casing ovality checked and measurement was
LP rotor was placed in zero position and final steam flow path clearances were recorded. LP
inner-inner and inner-outer, outer casing were boxed up on 24.07.12 after joint inspection
of BHEL & JPL. No loose items & No foreign material was observed during the inspection.
LP roll check was carried out after final box up and minor correction was carried out on
top/bottom and Left/Right. Final roll check was carried out after correction & found ok. LP
outer boxed up on 27.07.12 after removal of all scaffolding materials.
LP extraction compensators bellows were DP Tested and found ok. Compensator bellows
and their supports and steam space were thoroughly inspected and found in order. LP
gland box centering checked and minor correction done at both side.

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 8

U#4 (250MW) OPJSTPP –JPL-Tamnar Raigarh


Generator was dismantled for planned schedule of first inspection. Visual inspection and
various electrical tests were carried out on stator and rotor after rotor threaded out.
Electrical tests revealed that the Stator, Rotor and Exciter ware found in good and healthy
condition. Generator air leak test was carried out after complete assembly of generator and
was found ok.

Exciter was dismantled for inspection. Visual inspection and electrical tests were carried out
on Exciter stator, rotor, PMG and rectifier wheels.

Powder formation was observed in the stator end winding EE at few locations and same was
removed by proper cleaning. NFT of stator end winding joints at both EE and TE was carried
out, all the joints were found in good condition.

The RSO (Recurrent Surge Oscillograph) test was carried on rotor and result found
satisfactory. After CC bolt O-ring was replacement, Rotor air leak test was carried out N2 gas
and no leakage & no pressure drop was observed during the test. DP test was carried out
on Retaining ring and it was found ok.

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 9

U#4 (250MW) OPJSTPP –JPL-Tamnar Raigarh

Hydrogen seal rings:

Hydrogen seal rings were dismantled and thorough inspection was carried out. UT & DP
tests on both the seal rings were carried out and both seal rings were found ok. However,
both the seal rings were replaced by the new ones as a precautionary measure.

Hydrogen & Exciter Coolers :

All Hydrogen coolers and Exciter coolers were dismantled for servicing. After thorough
inspection & cleaning, Hydraulic test was carried out as per design value. No leakage & no
pressure drop were observed.

Valves & Strainers:

HPSV1, HPCV1&2 and IPSV1 & IPCV1 and servomotor of HP SV1&CV1 and IPSV1&CV1 were
opened for inspection. HPCV 1&2 servomotor disc spring 12 nos (each 6 Nos) found crack
and same were replaced by new one. HP CV 1&2 seat found dent mark. MS strainer (LHS) &
HRH strainer (RHS) were dismantled for inspection & found OK.

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 10

U#4 (250MW) OPJSTPP –JPL-Tamnar Raigarh


Sl.No Abnormalities Corrective action taken

01 Powder formation & paste Removed by proper cleaning and

formation was observed in the Insulating varnishing done.
stator end winding at EE at few

02 HPCV-1&2 Servomotor disc springs Replaced by new one

found crack.

03 MOP Thrust bearing & GOP impellor & Replaced by new one
wear ring found damage

04 IP SV 1&2 spindle seat and IP SV 2 Lapping done and 100% blue contact
body seat found dent mark achieved.
05 HP CV 1&2 seat found dent mark Left as it is

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 11

U#4 (250MW) OPJSTPP –JPL-Tamnar Raigarh


1. JOP hose for Bearing No.1 to 7

2. Hydrogen seal rings -2 (Nos.)

3. Generator rotor CC bolt O-ring set

4. HPCV servomotor disc springs -12 nos

5. MOP Thrust bearing-1 no

6. Governor oil pump impeller-1 no

7. Governor oil pump impeller wear ring-1 no

8. Pedestal oil guards fins complete set.

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 12

U#4 (250MW) OPJSTPP –JPL-Tamnar Raigarh


1.0 Oil flushing carried out on 29.07.12.

2.0 Machine was put on Barring gear on 30.07.12

3.0 Machine first rolled on 31.07.12 at 13.30 hrs.

4.0 Electrical testing carried out on 31.07.12.

5.0 Oil injection test was carried out before synchronization and both over speed
tripping device were found operated.
6.0 Machine synchronized on 31.07.12 at 20.00 hrs

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 13

U#4 (250MW) OPJSTPP –JPL-Tamnar Raigarh


Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 14

U#4 (250MW) OPJSTPP –JPL-Tamnar Raigarh

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 15

U#4 (250MW) OPJSTPP –JPL-Tamnar Raigarh


The unit was withdrawn on 15.07.12 at 01.45 hrs for overhauling of LP Turbine, Generator
and Exciter overhaul ,TG Bearing inspection, HP-IP casing centering, overhauling of valves &
strainers along with MPI Testing of LP free standing blades. All work was completed within
10.5 days (Barring Stop to Barring Start).
Machine was rolled and synchronized on 31.07.12 after completion of electrical test.
Machine’s performance after overhauling was found smooth and the vibrations &
Turbovisory readings found normal.

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 16

U#4 (250MW) OPJSTPP –JPL-Tamnar Raigarh


11.10 One no MS strainer element may be procured and kept as emergency spares.

11.11 One set of HPCV servomotor spring discs complete set may be procured and kept as
emergency spares.

11.12 Complete set of Clamping pieces for LP free standing blades (3L/3R,2L/2R AND
1L/1R) may be procured and kept as spares.

11.13 LP free standing blades MPI & NFT test may be carried out during the next planned
LP turbine overhaul.

11.14 One set of HP/IP SV&CV valve & servomotor fasteners are to be procured and kept
as spares for future overhauling.

11.15 Complete set of O-rings for TG valve servomotor may be procured.

11.16 Hydrogen cooler pipe line flange O-rings are to be procured and kept as spares.

11.17 One set of HPCV seat to be procured and kept as spares.

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 17

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