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KSN Anchors Nov 2013 v2 NZ 1113

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Enhanced Performance Loads

in Slab-to-Wall Moment Connections CI/SfB (29) Et6

November 2013 (Version 2)

KSN Anchors
Reinforcement Continuity System
KSN Anchors
Safer, faster, simpler construction joints
Ancon KSN Anchors, in projecting bars and on-site bar
combination with BT parallel- straightening. The system replaces
threaded reinforcing bars, offer cogged or hooked bar ends,
designers the opportunity to thereby simplifying bar scheduling
simplify concrete slab-to-wall and minimises congestion in the
construction joints, when wall. The rebate formed in the wall
compared to traditional methods. can also improve the quality of the
KSN Anchors are cast into the
concrete wall and, when the In addition to their use in direct
formwork and thread protection tensile applications, KSN Anchors
are removed, the reinforcing bars have been independently tested in
are simply screwed into the moment connections where they
anchors. This is a quicker, easier provide enhanced performance.
and above all, safer solution. See page 9 for further information.
It eliminates the drilling of KSN Anchors may also be suitable
formwork or concrete and the for other applications where a
dangers associated with cast-in threaded insert is required.

Traditional slab-to-wall High performance

construction method. KSN Anchor System
Projecting reinforcing bars and Bars are installed when
congestion in the wall. required. No bending of bars.
Less congestion in the wall.

System Components 4-5 Direct Tensile Concrete
Characteristic Loads 13
Anchor Installation Methods
Specifying and Ordering 6-7 Tensile Concrete Characteristic Loads
System Performance 8-9 in Moment Connections 14-21

Load Table Guidance 10-11 Reinforcement Details 22

Installation Guidance 12 Other Ancon Products 23

2 Tel: +64 (0) 3 376 5205 www.ancon.co.nz

Eliminates risks Standard components Compatible with No drilling of Reduces the dangers Based on the principles
associated with on-site for ‘just-in-time’ site rebar up to formwork or of exposed of AS3600 and
bar straightening delivery, direct from 20mm diameter concrete required projecting rebars NZS3101

Certainty of Replaces cogged or Visual check of correct BT thread Reusable Anchor head exceeds
performance provided hooked bars to simplify bar engagement minimises slip rebate former requirements of
by comprehensive bar scheduling available AS3600
test data

Ancon KSN Anchors

Ancon KSN Anchors, in combination with BT parallel-threaded

reinforcing bars, simplify concrete slab-to-wall construction joints
when compared to traditional methods. This quicker, easier and
above all, safer operation, eliminates the need for on-site bar
straightening and the drilling of formwork or concrete. The system
replaces cogged or hooked bar ends, thereby simplifying bar
scheduling and minimising congestion in the wall.

System Design
Standards require anchorages for bars and Associated References:
fixings to be designed for both strength and AS3600 Clause 14.3, fixings must transmit all
ductility. Ductile design requires the steel to forces acting on them and to yield before
fail by plastic yielding before brittle concrete ultimate failure. AS3600 Appendix C Clause
failure. C1, where the structural ductility factor µ > 3,
structures should be designed and detailed
N ≤ Os Ns ≤ Oc Nc where Os = 0.8, Oc = 0.6
to NZS3101.

NZS3101 Clause, anchorages must

develop the upper characteristic breaking
strength of the bar without damage to the

System Components Head A/F Length

KSN Anchor
The KSN Anchor is machined from tough, high
reliability, hot forged Cr-Mo alloy steel, with Head
minimum 15% elongation, to form a blank that Width
is subsequently hot forged to form the head.
There are eight anchors in the KSN range to
suit the requirements of most applications.
Metric Thread Diameter

Minimum Wall Thickness KSN Threaded Anchor Dimensions

Anchor Anchor Min. Wall Min. Wall Nominal Nominal Nominal
Ref. Length Thickness Thickness Anchor Anchor External Metric Head Head
mm mm mm Ref. Length Diameter Thread Width A/F
KeyBlock KeyBox (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
KSN12S 115 200 200 KSN12S 115 22 M16 x 2.0 46 40
KSN12M 150 200 225 KSN12M 150
KSN16S 130 200 200 KSN16S 130
KSN16M 160 200 230 KSN16M 160 28 M20 x 2.5 61 53
KSN16L 190
KSN16L 190 230 260
KSN20S 150
KSN20S 150 200 225 KSN20M 190 32 M24 x 3.0 75 65
KSN20M 190 225 260 KSN20L 230
KSN20L 230 275 300

Note. Wall thicknesses of less than 200mm are possible,

but cannot be used with the enhanced loads available in
slab/wall moment connections due to the limited moment
capacity of the walls. The minimum wall thickness for
KSN12S, KSN16S and KSN20S used in direct tension are
150mm, 160mm and 180mm respectively, for anchors
cast flush with the face of the concrete.

4 Tel: +64 (0) 3 376 5205 www.ancon.co.nz



BT Threaded Bar Standard BT Continuation Bar Dimensions

Ancon KSN Anchors are designed for use with
Bar Thread Thread Rebate Length Total
12mm, 16mm and 20mm diameter grade Anchor Diameter Size Length Depth 40D Length
500N reinforcing bar, threaded with a BT Ref. (D) (T) (TL) (RD) (Lp) (L)
metric thread. The BT system produces a full KSN12S
12mm M16 16mm 36mm 480mm 535mm
strength joint. The bar end is cut square and KSN12M
enlarged by cold forging. This increases the KSN16S
core diameter of the threaded portion of the KSN16M 16mm M20 20mm 36mm 640mm 700mm
bar to ensure that the strength of the bar is
maintained. A parallel metric thread is cut onto
KSN 20M 20mm M24 24mm 36mm 800mm 860mm
the enlarged bar end. A 12mm bar is provided KSN 20L
with an M16 thread, a 16mm bar with an M20 Other bar lengths are available. Please refer to AS3600 section 13 for additional guidance.
thread and a 20mm bar with an M24 thread.
The threaded ends are supplied with a plastic
Reinforcement Characteristic Yield Load
sheath for protection.
Bar Diameter Yield Load (kN)
Standard bar lengths are held in stock. 12 56.5
These provide embedment in the slab of forty 16 100.5
times the bar diameter when used with a metal 20 157.0
casing. Non-standard bar lengths are available.
Please contact Ancon for more information.

Ancon KSN Anchors

Installation Methods
For maximum versatility, Ancon provides a number of installation methods for the KSN Anchor.
Since trouble free installation and optimum performance requires clean threads, each system provides
thread protection to exclude contamination.

KSN MomentBox (Double row)

KSN KeyBox (Single row) Metal Casing
Metal Casing

KSN KeyBlock (Single row)


KSN MomentBlock (Double row)


Additional Embedment Given Specifying / Ordering

Installation Additional An Ancon KSN Anchor System is specified and ordered using the following identification method:
Method Embedment
Anchor Ref. / Installation method / Unit width / Anchor arrangement / No of anchors / Unit length
Welded to Rail None
Re-useable Block 5mm e.g. KSN16S / SBM / 150 / AA / 3 / 600
Individual Nailing Plate 10mm
This is the reference for KSN16S anchors in a metal casing, 150mm wide, with a double row of
Metal Casing 36mm* anchors, 3 anchors per row, in a 600mm long unit.
* Standard casing depth. Other depths available on request.
Lead time will vary.

6 Tel: +64 (0) 3 376 5205 www.ancon.co.nz

KSN Anchor System Options Individual Nailing Plate
KeyBox and MomentBox Metal Casings Individual Nailing Plates may be used to place
(SBM) KSN Anchors singularly or in groups to provide
metric thread fixing points. They are also useful
Individual Nailing Plate A galvanised steel casing can be supplied with
for placing anchors in lines where wide centres
KSN Anchors installed at the specified design
or congestion precludes the use of other
spacing. The unit is sealed at each end to installation methods, though care must be taken
prevent the ingress of concrete and the steel is to ensure correct placement. The Individual
dimpled to provide a key for the concrete. Upon Nailing Plate provides the Ancon KSN Anchor
removal of the formwork, the casing remains with an additional embedment of 10mm however
embedded in the wall with the cover in place to it is unsuitable for moment connections.
prevent thread contamination. The cover is Welded Bar (WB)
removed to install the threaded bars and the In this configuration, the KSN Anchors are
rebate formed by the boxes is filled with supplied welded to a flat steel bar. The bar is
concrete when the adjoining slab is poured. nailed directly to the formwork, placing the
This method provides KSN Anchors with an anchor thread ends flush with the concrete
additional 36mm of embedment making it the face, and the anchors are tied to the wall
reinforcement. There is no additional
highest load capacity installation method
Welded Bar embedment of the anchor and this method is
available, and suitable for moment connections.
not suitable for moment connections. It is ideal
KeyBlock and MomentBlock where a metric bolt attachment is required.
Reusable Mould (SBP) Thread protection is offered by plastic plugs
This is a reusable plastic mould that is provided that should be removed immediately prior to
with mountings for the KSN Anchors at the installation of the male component.
specified design spacing. The blocks are loaded
with KSN Anchors and fixed to the formwork
where required. The block protects the internal
threads of the anchors until it is removed, so
should be left in position until this time. Once
removed, the block may be reloaded with KSN
Anchors ready for use on the next set of
formwork or may be retained for use on future
projects. The block provides the KSN Anchor
with 5mm of additional embedment by
offsetting it from the formwork face. This offset
and surrounding rebate increases the capacity
and makes this installation method suitable for
moment connections.

Information for Specifying and Ordering

Anchor Ref. Installation Method Unit Widths Anchor Arrangement Number of Anchors Unit Lengths
KSN12S SBM = Metal casing SBM available widths = A = Single row To be specified SBM = 600, 800,
KSN12M SBP = Reusable mould 85, 120, 150, AA = Double row as number of 1000, 1200mm
KSN16S WB = Welded Bar 190, 220mm (AA units are only anchors per row, SBP = 600, 800,
KSN16M SBP available widths = available in system per unit 1000, 1200mm
KSN16L 90, 200mm widths of 120mm WB = 600, 800,
KSN20S and above) 1000, 1200mm
Specification Clause
Headed Anchors shall be KSN Anchors as manufactured by Ancon Building Products. Reinforcement shall be BT Threaded Continuation Bars as
manufactured by Ancon Building Products.

Ancon KSN Anchors

System Performance
The performance of KSN Anchors is presented for two load applications and is based on
comprehensive test data.

Direct tensile concrete characteristic loads

The anchor concrete characteristic tensile load Nc,k is determined from the formula
Nc,k = k1 . fck0.5 . heff1.5 (NZS3101, Clause
Nc,k is the characteristic tensile strength of a single anchor remote from edge effects (kN)
The direct pull-out strength of anchors fck0.5 is the characteristic concrete cylinder compressive strength (MPa)
embedded in concrete has been the subject heff is the effective embedment depth of the anchor (mm)
of extensive research over many years.
To determine the direct pull strength of k1 is an empirical coefficient determined from tests (k1 = 12.5 for non-cracked concrete)
KSN Anchors, Ancon commissioned a test To achieve the maximum anchor load, the required minimum spacing is three times the depth
programme at the Heriot Watt University, UK. of the anchor heff.
The test results and subsequent analysis
Load data is provided in the tables on page 13.
aligned closely with established formula for
the pull-out strength of anchors.
The direct pull-out strength is based on a Fig A. Full Tensile Cone Fig B. Reduced Spacings
model with a break out prism angle of
approximately 35 degrees. See Fig A.
Anchor Spacings
Although KSN Anchors are able to provide an
anchor that is equal to or greater than the
characteristic yield strength of the reinforcing
bars, this is dependent on their arrangement.
The capacity of the anchors is reduced when
the proximity of adjacent anchors or concrete
edges affect the development of the full cone,
as illustrated in Fig B.
Load data for reduced anchor spacing is
printed in the tables on pages 13 to 21.


The tables on pages 13 to 21 assume that the Cx Sx Sx Sx Local reinforcement required when
close edge distances Cx and Cy are catered Cx or Cy is less than 1.5heff
for by either (1) ensuring Cx and Cy are equal
to or greater than 1.5 x heff or (2) local
reinforcement is provided (see page 22). In Cy
addition, where moment connections are
used, the top of the wall shall be at least three heff
times the effective embedment of the anchor
(heff) measured from the centre line of the Elevation Plan
anchor. If these conditions cannot be met,
please contact Ancon Building Products.

8 Tel: +64 (0) 3 376 5205 www.ancon.co.nz

Tensile concrete characteristic An empirical expression has been derived for The tests used KSN Anchors in the
loads in slab-to-wall moment the strength of KSN Anchors where the arrangement shown in Fig. 1. The design
connections concrete cone failure is modified by an procedures derived enabled Ancon to
adjacent compression reaction. Load data for calculate pull-out loads for KSN Anchors when
M KSN Anchors in moment resisting slab-to-wall they are located in the paired arrangement
T connections is provided in the tables on pages used in the tests and in a single line at the
14 to 21. These enhanced performance figures mid-depth of a slab (shown in Fig. 2). Fig. 1
were quantified by our test programme and and Fig. 2 illustrate how the full pull-out cone
subsequent design procedure and are is modified by an adjacent compression zone
From the tests conducted to determine the therefore specific to the Ancon range of in both applications.
direct pull-out capacities of KSN Anchors (see KSN Anchors.
page 8), Ancon identified a potential increase
in anchor performance when the compression
part of the moment couple lies within the
pull-out cone.
Although design procedures for the direct
pull-out strength of cast-in anchors are well Wall Wall
established, existing procedures do not cover
anchors within moment resisting connections, Slab Slab
such as slab-to-wall applications. Therefore, =
Ancon commissioned a further test T
programme with the Heriot Watt University to
determine the degree of enhancement in z d M T M
concrete cone pull-out capacity in typical slab- cone z
to-wall connections. C d
1.5heff = 1.5heff C
These tests verified that there is enhancement cone
in concrete cone capacity, when the pull-out
failure surface is modified by the presence of ‘Full’ cone
an adjacent compression force forming part of heff ‘Full’ cone heff
the couple. The enhancement is strongly
influenced by the ratio depth of embedment of Fig 1. Idealised modified concrete Fig 2. Idealised modified concrete
the head of the anchor to the effective depth failure. Paired arrangement used failure. Single line of Anchors is
of the anchor in the slab heff /d. in testing. shown.

Notes on the design tables for slab-to-wall moment connections

The load tables on pages 14 to 21 are applicable provided the following conditions are met.
• The concrete characteristic pull-out loads are applicable for Ancon KSN anchor range, sizes 12mm to 20mm with anchor effective embedment between 75mm and 260mm.
• The structural concrete compressive strength shall be in the range N32/40 to N50/60. The letter N denotes normal weight concrete; the first figure, 32 is the minimum
characteristic cylinder strength/ the second figure, 40 is the minimum characteristic cube strength.
• The design tables assume the concrete in which the KSN anchor is embedded is un-cracked. This in general would be the normal case for anchors embedded in walls.
• The minimum wall thickness shall be 200mm.
• Where other forms of loading give rise to cracks which intersect the failure surface, the design tables may over estimate the load capacity, e.g. seismic.
• Whilst the anchors have not been expressly tested under seismic conditions, the behaviour of the connections is essential in good seismic design.
• The design tables assume no close edges, see pages 8 and 22.
• The design procedure assumes that the top of the wall is at least 3 times the effective embedment of the anchor (heff ) measured from the centre line of the anchor.
• Provided the wall/slab connection comprises at least 5 KSN anchors, yS,N , the edge distance reduction factor may be taken as 1.0 where the edge distances are ≥ 1.5heff or
where local reinforcement is provided. If these conditions are not met, please contact Ancon for further information.
• Analysis of the structure should be based on the assumption of linear elastic behaviour.
• Redistribution of elastic bending moments shall only be used if the greater of S Rd,c and S Rd,s ≥ 1.25 S Rd,y this restriction is to ensure the anchor has sufficient capacity to
develop strains in excess of those required for yield of the reinforcement.
• The shear capacity of the joint must be checked at all times. In tests with continuity bars at the top and bottom zones of the slab, no distress was evident that related to vertical
shear in the plane of the wall, so it is unlikely vertical shear will be a problem. However, should the shear capacity be exceeded, then the designer may consider the use of
debonded shear connectors.
The use of KeyBox metal casings approximately 85mm high x 36mm deep is considered a suitable alternative key. The effective wall depth to be used in the calculation of joint
shear resistance is limited to 175mm or the anchor embedment, whichever is the greater.

Ancon KSN Anchors

Load Table Guidance

The KSN Anchor load information on pages 13 to 21 is provided as concrete characteristic
pull-out loads N c,k and accordingly an appropriate material factor must be applied to
determine the design resistance values N Rd,c .
Design Examples
AS3600 Design Method
A) Load condition: Direct tensile load
Anchor: KSN16M x 160mm long
Method of fixture: Nailing plates 10mm deep
Anchor effective embedment: 164mm
Anchor spacing: 200mm
Concrete: 32MPa
From the table on page 13 the anchor concrete characteristic pull-out load N c,k is 60.4kN. T
Concrete design resistance load N Rd,c = characteristic pull-out load x material reduction factor
for anchors (Ø= 0.60) = 60.4 x 0.60 = 36.2kN
The reinforcement design resistance N Rd,s = characteristic yield load x material reduction factor
for reinforcement (Ø= 0.80) = 100.5 x 0.80 = 80.4kN
The anchor is limited to a direct tensile load of 36.2kN

AS3600 Design Method

B) Load condition: Moment connection
Anchor: KSN16M x 160mm long
Method of fixture: KeyBlock
Anchor effective embedment: 159mm
Anchor spacing: 200mm
Concrete: 32MPa
Slab depth: 250mm
Wall depth: 200mm
Anchor reinforcement location: Mid slab depth
From the table on page 20 the anchor concrete characteristic load N c,k is 148.5kN.
Concrete design resistance N Rd,c = characteristic pull-out load x material reduction factor
for anchors (Ø= 0.60) = 148.5 x 0.60 = 89.1kN M
Reinforcement design resistance N Rd,s = characteristic yield load x material reduction factor
for reinforcement (Ø= 0.80) = 100.5 x 0.80 = 80.4kN C
The anchor is suitable for full elastic design as 80.4kN < 89.1kN
An estimate of the design moment capacity per metre width (where the lever arm la = 0.85 x deff
& deff = 100mm ) (80.4 X 0.10 x 0.85) x (1000/200) = 34.2kNm per metre.
In cases where the anchor will be located to provide a mid slab connection, the joint design is generally
considered as a pinned joint.

10 Tel: +64 (0) 3 376 5205 www.ancon.co.nz

AS3600 Design Method
C) Load condition: Moment connection
Anchor: KSN16M x 160mm long
Method of fixture: MomentBox casing 36mm deep
Anchor effective embedment: 190mm
Anchor spacing: 200mm
Concrete: 32MPa T
Slab depth: 225mm
Wall depth: 250mm
Anchor reinforcement location: Top and bottom of slab
Cover: 25mm to top main steel M
From the table on page 14 the anchor concrete characteristic pull-out load N c,k is 162.4kN.
Concrete design resistance N Rd,c = characteristic pull-out load x material reduction factor
for anchors (Ø= 0.60) = 162.4 x 0.60 = 97.4kN C
Reinforcement design resistance N Rd,s = characteristic yield load x material reduction factor
for reinforcement (Ø= 0.80) = 100.5 x 0.80 = 80.4kN
The anchor is suitable for full elastic design as 80.4kN < 97.4kN
An estimate of the design moment capacity per metre width (where the lever arm la = 0.85 x deff
& deff = 192mm) (80.4 X 0.192 x 0.85) x (1000/200) = 65.6kNm per metre.

NZS3101 Upper Characteristic Yield Design Method

D) Load condition: Moment connection
Anchor: KSN20L x 230mm long
Method of fixture: MomentBox casing 36mm deep
Anchor effective embedment: 260mm
Anchor spacing: 250mm T
Concrete: 32MPa
Slab depth: 300mm
Wall depth: 300mm
Anchor reinforcement location: Top and bottom of slab M
Cover: 25mm to top main steel
From the table on page 15 the anchor concrete characteristic pull-out load N c,k is 237.5kN.
Reinforcement upper characteristic yield value Rek.u of a 500N grade bar from AS4671 = 650MPa C
Reinforcement characteristic tensile stress Rm = 650 x 1.08 = 702MPa
Reinforcement characteristic tensile strength = 702 x 314/1000 = 220.4kN
The anchor is suitable for full elastic design as 237.5kN > 220.4kN

Ancon KSN Anchors

Installation Guidance
Re-Useable KSN KeyBlock KSN KeyBox Metal Casing

1 1

KSN Anchors are inserted into the Ancon KeyBlock. The unit is then Nail the metal casing to the formwork. The wall reinforcement is
nailed to the formwork. The wall reinforcement is installed to which the installed to which the anchors are tied. The concrete is cast and once it
anchors are tied. The concrete is cast and once it reaches sufficient reaches sufficient strength, the formwork is removed to reveal the
strength, the formwork is removed. steel cover.

2 2

When a connection is required, the KeyBlock is removed and retained When a connection is required, the cover is removed and the bolts
for future use. which held the Anchors to the casing prior to installation are removed
to reveal the threads.

3 3

The BT parallel threaded reinforcing bar is rotated into the KSN The BT parallel threaded reinforcing bar is rotated into the KSN
Anchor and tightened using a wrench. No more than 2mm of thread Anchor and tightened using a wrench. No more than 2mm of thread
should be left exposed on the bar. Fix the slab reinforcement and should be left exposed on the bar. Fix the slab reinforcement and
pour the concrete to complete the installation. pour the concrete to complete the installation.

12 Tel: +64 (0) 3 376 5205 www.ancon.co.nz

Direct Tensile Concrete Characteristic Load Data
Embedment Depth
By increasing the embedment depth, the capacity of the KSN Anchor can be improved. Embedment Depth heff =
The following tables provide the tensile characteristic loads for the four installation methods Anchor Length – Head Thickness (6mm) +
shown on pages 6 and 7. Bold figures indicate performance equal to or greater than reinforcement Additional Embedment
design resistance load N Rd,s, where N Rd,s = Nks x 0.8.
N Rd,s = reinforcement design resistance load
Nks = reinforcement characteristic load
0.8 = material reduction factor for reinforcement

KSN Anchors with Welded Bar (Flush with Concrete)

Metric Rebar Anchor Embedment Direct Tensile Concrete Characteristic Load Nc,k
Anchor Thread Dia. Length Depth heff (kN) 32MPa Concrete at
Ref. (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Various Anchor Spacing
150 200 250 300 350 400 450
KSN12S M16 12 115 109 36.9 49.2 61.5 73.8 80.5 80.5 80.5
KSN12M M16 12 150 144 42.4 56.6 70.7 84.9 99.0 113.1 122.2
KSN16S M20 16 130 124 39.4 52.5 65.6 78.7 91.9 97.6 97.6
KSN16M M20 16 160 154 43.9 58.5 73.1 87.7 102.4 117.0 131.6
KSN16L M20 16 190 184 48.0 63.9 79.9 95.9 111.9 127.9 143.9
KSN20S M24 20 150 144 42.4 56.6 70.7 84.9 99.0 113.1 122.2
KSN20M M24 20 190 184 48.0 63.9 79.9 95.9 111.9 127.9 131.6 heff
KSN20L M24 20 230 224 52.9 70.6 88.2 105.8 123.5 141.1 158.7

KSN Anchors with KeyBlock (Additional 5mm Embedment) 5mm

KSN12S M16 12 115 114 37.7 50.3 62.9 75.5 86.1 86.1 86.1
KSN12M M16 12 150 149 43.2 57.5 71.9 86.3 100.7 115.1 128.6
KSN16S M20 16 130 129 40.2 53.5 66.9 80.3 93.7 103.6 103.6
KSN16M M20 16 160 159 44.6 59.4 74.3 89.2 104.0 118.9 133.7
KSN16L M20 16 190 189 48.6 64.8 81.0 97.2 113.4 129.6 145.8
KSN20S M24 20 150 149 43.2 57.5 71.9 86.3 100.7 115.1 128.6
KSN20M M24 20 190 189 48.6 64.8 81.0 97.2 113.4 129.6 145.8
KSN20L M24 20 230 229 53.5 71.3 89.2 107.0 124.8 142.7 160.5 heff

KSN Anchors with Individual Nailing Plate (Additional 10mm Embedment) 10mm
KSN12S M16 12 115 119 38.6 51.4 64.3 77.1 90.0 91.8 91.8
KSN12M M16 12 150 154 43.9 58.5 73.1 87.7 102.4 117.0 131.6
KSN16S M20 16 130 134 40.9 54.6 68.2 81.9 95.5 109.1 109.1
KSN16M M20 16 160 164 45.3 60.4 75.5 90.6 105.6 120.7 135.8
KSN16L M20 16 190 194 49.2 65.7 82.1 98.5 114.9 131.3 147.7
KSN20S M24 20 150 154 43.9 58.5 73.1 87.7 102.4 117.0 131.6
KSN20M M24 20 190 194 49.2 65.7 82.1 98.5 114.9 131.3 147.7
KSN20L M24 20 230 234 54.1 72.1 90.1 108.2 126.2 144.2 162.2 heff

KSN Anchors with KeyBox Metal Casing (Additional 36mm Embedment) 36mm
KSN12S M16 12 115 145 42.6 56.8 71.0 85.1 99.3 113.5 123.5
KSN12M M16 12 150 180 47.4 63.2 79.1 94.9 110.7 126.5 142.3
KSN16S M20 16 130 160 44.7 59.6 74.5 89.4 104.3 119.3 134.2
KSN16M M20 16 160 190 48.7 65.0 81.2 97.5 113.7 130.0 146.2
KSN16L M20 16 190 220 52.4 69.9 87.4 104.9 122.4 139.8 157.3
KSN20S M24 20 150 180 47.4 63.2 79.1 94.9 110.7 126.5 142.3
KSN20M M24 20 190 220 52.4 69.9 87.4 104.9 122.4 139.8 157.3
KSN20L M24 20 230 260 57.0 76.0 95.0 114.0 133.0 152.0 171.0 heff

Ancon KSN Anchors

KSN Anchors with MomentBox Metal Casing (Additional Embedment 36mm)

Moment Connection - Continuation reinforcing bars with 25mm cover

6mm Embedment Depth heff KSN MomentBox (double row)

Cover Metal Casing


Anchor Length

Tensile Concrete Characteristic Loads in Slab-to-Wall Moment Connections

Rebar Anchor Embedment Slab Concrete Characteristic Pull-Out Load Nc,k (kN)
Dia. Length Depth Depth 32MPa Concrete at Various Spacing
(mm) (mm) heff (mm) (mm)
Horizontal Spacing (mm)
KSN Anchor KSN12S 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
12 115 145 175 106.4 124.2 141.9 149.4 149.4 149.4 149.4
200 106.4 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9
225 101.4 101.4 101.4 101.4 101.4 101.4 101.4
250 85.6 85.6 85.6 85.6 85.6 85.6 85.6
275 73.0 73.0 73.0 73.0 73.0 78.1 85.1
300 62.8 62.8 62.8 63.9 71.0 78.1 85.1

KSN Anchor KSN12M

12 150 180 175 118.6 138.3 158.1 177.9 197.6 213.5 213.5
200 118.6 138.3 158.1 177.9 197.6 213.5 213.5
225 118.6 138.3 158.1 177.9 186.4 186.4 186.4
250 118.6 138.3 158.1 159.3 159.3 159.3 159.3
275 118.6 137.7 137.7 137.7 137.7 137.7 137.7
300 118.6 120.2 120.2 120.2 120.2 120.2 120.2

KSN Anchor KSN16S

16 130 160 175 111.8 130.4 149.1 167.7 178.9 178.9 178.9
200 111.8 130.4 149.1 162.7 162.7 162.7 162.7
225 111.8 130.4 136.0 136.0 136.0 136.0 136.0
250 111.8 115.3 115.3 115.3 115.3 115.3 115.3
275 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0
300 85.7 85.7 85.7 85.7 85.7 85.7 85.7

KSN Anchor KSN16M

16 160 190 175 121.8 142.1 162.4 182.8 203.1 223.4 231.5
200 121.8 142.1 162.4 182.8 203.1 223.4 231.5
225 121.8 142.1 162.4 182.8 203.1 219.3 219.3
250 121.8 142.1 162.4 182.8 187.7 187.7 187.7
275 121.8 142.1 162.4 162.4 162.4 162.4 162.4
300 121.8 142.1 142.1 142.1 142.1 142.1 142.1

Notes: Bold figures indicate performance equal to or greater than reinforcement design resistance load.
The above tables are based on 25mm cover to the top main steel. For other cover please contact Ancon.

14 Tel: +64 (0) 3 376 5205 www.ancon.co.nz

Rebar Anchor Embedment Slab Concrete Characteristic Pull-Out Load Nc,k (kN)
Dia. Length Depth Depth 32MPa Concrete at Various Spacing
(mm) (mm) heff (mm) (mm)
Horizontal Spacing (mm)
KSN Anchor KSN16L 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
16 190 220 175 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2
200 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2
225 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2
250 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2
275 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 245.4
300 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 216.0 216.0 216.0

KSN Anchor KSN20S

20 150 180 175 118.6 138.3 158.1 177.9 197.6 213.5 213.5
200 118.6 138.3 158.1 177.9 197.6 213.5 213.5
225 118.6 138.3 158.1 177.9 191.4 191.4 191.4
250 118.6 138.3 158.1 163.2 163.2 163.2 163.2
275 118.6 138.3 140.9 140.9 140.9 140.9 140.9
300 118.6 122.8 122.8 122.8 122.8 122.8 122.8

KSN Anchor KSN20M

20 190 220 175 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2
200 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2
225 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2
250 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2
275 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 248.0
300 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.1 218.1 218.1

KSN Anchor KSN20L

20 230 260 175 142.5 166.3 190.0 213.8 237.5 261.3 285.0
200 142.5 166.3 190.0 213.8 237.5 261.3 285.0
225 142.5 166.3 190.0 213.8 237.5 261.3 285.0
250 142.5 166.3 190.0 213.8 237.5 261.3 285.0
275 142.5 166.3 190.0 213.8 237.5 261.3 285.0
300 142.5 166.3 190.0 213.8 237.5 261.3 285.0

Note: Bold figures indicate performance equal to or greater than reinforcement design resistance load.
The above tables are based on 25mm cover to the top main steel. For other cover please contact Ancon.

Ancon KSN Anchors

KSN Anchors with KeyBox Metal Casing (Additional Embedment 36mm)

Moment Connection - Continuation reinforcing bars located mid depth of slab

KSN KeyBox (single row)

Metal Casing

6mm Embedment Depth heff



= Dia.
Anchor Length

Tensile Concrete Characteristic Loads in Slab-to-Wall Moment Connections

Rebar Anchor Embedment Slab Concrete Characteristic Pull-Out Load Nc,k (kN)
Dia. Length Depth Depth 32MPa Concrete at Various Spacing
(mm) (mm) heff (mm) (mm)
Horizontal Spacing (mm)
KSN Anchor KSN12S 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
12 115 145 175 106.4 124.2 141.9 154.3 154.3 154.3 154.3
200 106.4 124.2 141.9 154.3 154.3 154.3 154.3
225 106.4 124.2 141.9 154.3 154.3 154.3 154.3
250 106.4 124.2 141.9 154.3 154.3 154.3 154.3
275 106.4 124.2 141.9 154.3 154.3 154.3 154.3
300 106.4 124.2 141.9 142.0 142.0 142.0 142.0

KSN Anchor KSN12M

12 150 180 175 118.6 138.3 158.1 177.9 197.6 213.5 213.5
200 118.6 138.3 158.1 177.9 197.6 213.5 213.5
225 118.6 138.3 158.1 177.9 197.6 213.5 213.5
250 118.6 138.3 158.1 177.9 197.6 213.5 213.5
275 118.6 138.3 158.1 177.9 197.6 213.5 213.5
300 118.6 138.3 158.1 177.9 197.6 213.5 213.5

KSN Anchor KSN16S

16 130 160 175 111.8 130.4 149.1 167.7 178.9 178.9 178.9
200 111.8 130.4 149.1 167.7 178.9 178.9 178.9
225 111.8 130.4 149.1 167.7 178.9 178.9 178.9
250 111.8 130.4 149.1 167.7 178.9 178.9 178.9
275 111.8 130.4 149.1 167.7 178.9 178.9 178.9
300 111.8 130.4 149.1 167.7 178.9 178.9 178.9

KSN Anchor KSN16M

16 160 190 175 121.8 142.1 162.4 182.8 203.1 223.4 231.5
200 121.8 142.1 162.4 182.8 203.1 223.4 231.5
225 121.8 142.1 162.4 182.8 203.1 223.4 231.5
250 121.8 142.1 162.4 182.8 203.1 223.4 231.5
275 121.8 142.1 162.4 182.8 203.1 223.4 231.5
300 121.8 142.1 162.4 182.8 203.1 223.4 231.5

Note: Bold figures indicate performance equal to or greater than reinforcement design resistance load.

16 Tel: +64 (0) 3 376 5205 www.ancon.co.nz

Rebar Anchor Embedment Slab Concrete Characteristic Pull-Out Load Nc,k (kN)
Dia. Length Depth Depth 32MPa Concrete at Various Spacing
(mm) (mm) heff (mm) (mm)
Horizontal Spacing (mm)
KSN Anchor KSN16L 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
16 190 220 175 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2
200 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2
225 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2
250 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2
275 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2
300 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2

KSN Anchor KSN20S

20 150 180 175 118.6 138.3 158.1 177.9 197.6 213.5 213.5
200 118.6 138.3 158.1 177.9 197.6 213.5 213.5
225 118.6 138.3 158.1 177.9 197.6 213.5 213.5
250 118.6 138.3 158.1 177.9 197.6 213.5 213.5
275 118.6 138.3 158.1 177.9 197.6 213.5 213.5
300 118.6 138.3 158.1 177.9 197.6 213.5 213.5

KSN Anchor KSN20M

20 190 220 175 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2
200 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2
225 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2
250 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2
275 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2
300 131.1 153.0 174.8 196.7 218.5 240.4 262.2

KSN Anchor KSN20L

20 230 260 175 142.5 166.3 190.0 213.8 237.5 261.3 285.0
200 142.5 166.3 190.0 213.8 237.5 261.3 285.0
225 142.5 166.3 190.0 213.8 237.5 261.3 285.0
250 142.5 166.3 190.0 213.8 237.5 261.3 285.0
275 142.5 166.3 190.0 213.8 237.5 261.3 285.0
300 142.5 166.3 190.0 213.8 237.5 261.3 285.0

Note: Bold figures indicate performance equal to or greater than reinforcement design resistance load.

Ancon KSN Anchors

KSN Anchors with MomentBlock (Additional Embedment 5mm)

Moment Connection - Continuation reinforcing bars with 25mm cover

6mm Embedment Depth heff KSN MomentBlock

Cover (double row) mould

Dia. Slab

Anchor Length

Tensile Concrete Characteristic Loads in Slab-to-Wall Moment Connections

Rebar Anchor Embedment Slab Concrete Characteristic Pull-Out Load Nc,k (kN)
Dia. Length Depth Depth 32MPa Concrete at Various Spacing
(mm) (mm) heff (mm) (mm)
Horizontal Spacing (mm)
KSN Anchor KSN12S 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
12 115 114 175 76.4 76.4 76.4 76.4 76.4 76.4 76.4
200 61.3 61.3 61.3 61.3 62.9 69.2 75.5
225 50.0 50.0 50.0 56.6 62.9 69.2 75.5
250 41.4 44.0 50.3 56.6 62.9 69.2 75.5
275 37.7 44.0 50.3 56.6 62.9 69.2 75.5
300 37.7 44.0 50.3 56.6 62.9 69.2 75.5

KSN Anchor KSN12M

12 150 149 175 107.9 125.9 143.9 160.8 160.8 160.8 160.8
200 107.9 125.9 131.5 131.5 131.5 131.5 131.5
225 107.9 109.6 109.6 109.6 109.6 109.6 109.6
250 92.7 92.7 92.7 92.7 92.7 92.7 92.7
275 79.2 79.2 79.2 79.2 79.2 79.2 86.3
300 68.3 68.3 68.3 68.3 71.9 79.2 86.3

KSN Anchor KSN16S

16 130 129 175 100.4 110.1 110.1 110.1 110.1 110.1 110.1
200 89.0 89.0 89.0 89.0 89.0 89.0 89.0
225 73.3 73.3 73.3 73.3 73.3 73.3 80.3
250 61.3 61.3 61.3 61.3 66.9 73.6 80.3
275 51.8 51.8 53.5 60.2 66.9 73.6 80.3
300 44.0 46.8 53.5 60.2 66.9 73.6 80.3

KSN Anchor KSN16M

16 160 159 175 111.5 130.0 148.6 167.2 177.2 177.2 177.2
200 111.5 130.0 148.6 159.9 159.9 159.9 159.9
225 111.5 130.0 133.6 133.6 133.6 133.6 133.6
250 111.5 113.3 113.3 113.3 113.3 113.3 113.3
275 97.2 97.2 97.2 97.2 97.2 97.2 97.2
300 84.1 84.1 84.1 84.1 84.1 84.1 84.1

Note: Bold figures indicate performance equal to or greater than reinforcement design resistance load.
The above tables are based on 25mm cover to the top main steel. For other cover please contact Ancon.

18 Tel: +64 (0) 3 376 5205 www.ancon.co.nz

Rebar Anchor Embedment Slab Concrete Characteristic Pull-Out Load Nc,k (kN)
Dia. Length Depth Depth 32MPa Concrete at Various Spacing
(mm) (mm) heff (mm) (mm)
Horizontal Spacing (mm)
KSN Anchor KSN16L 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
16 190 189 175 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 202.5 222.8 229.7
200 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 202.5 222.8 229.7
225 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 202.5 216.2 216.2
250 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 184.9 184.9 184.9
275 121.5 141.8 160.1 160.9 160.9 160.9 160.1
300 121.5 140.0 140.0 140.0 140.0 140.0 140.0

KSN Anchor KSN20S

20 150 149 175 107.9 125.9 143.9 160.8 160.8 160.8 160.8
200 107.9 125.9 135.6 135.6 135.6 135.6 135.6
225 107.9 112.7 112.7 112.7 112.7 112.7 112.7
250 95.1 95.1 95.1 95.1 95.1 95.1 95.1
275 81.2 81.2 81.2 81.2 81.2 81.2 86.3
300 69.9 69.9 69.9 69.9 71.9 79.1 86.3

KSN Anchor KSN20M

20 190 189 175 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 202.5 222.8 229.7
200 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 202.5 222.8 229.7
225 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 202.5 219.0 219.0
250 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 187.1 187.1 187.1
275 121.5 141.8 162.0 162.0 162.0 162.0 162.0
300 121.5 141.4 141.4 141.4 141.4 141.4 141.4

KSN Anchor KSN20L

20 230 229 175 133.8 156.0 178.3 200.6 222.9 245.2 267.5
200 133.8 156.0 178.3 200.6 222.9 245.2 267.5
225 133.8 156.0 178.3 200.6 222.9 245.2 267.5
250 133.8 156.0 178.3 200.6 222.9 245.2 267.5
275 133.8 156.0 178.3 200.6 222.9 245.2 267.5
300 133.8 156.0 178.3 200.6 222.9 244.1 244.1

Note: Bold figures indicate performance equal to or greater than reinforcement design resistance load.
The above tables are based on 25mm cover to the top main steel. For other cover please contact Ancon.

Ancon KSN Anchors

KSN Anchors with KeyBlock (Additional Embedment 5mm)

Moment Connection - Continuation reinforcing bars located mid depth of slab

KSN KeyBlock (single row) mould

6mm Embedment Depth heff

Rebar =

Anchor Length

Tensile Concrete Characteristic Loads in Slab-to-Wall Moment Connections

Rebar Anchor Embedment Slab Concrete Characteristic Pull-Out Load Nc,k (kN)
Dia. Length Depth Depth 32MPa Concrete at Various Spacing
(mm) (mm) heff (mm) (mm)
Horizontal Spacing (mm)
KSN Anchor KSN12S 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
12 115 114 175 94.4 107.6 107.6 107.6 107.6 107.6 107.6
200 94.4 107.6 107.6 107.6 107.6 107.6 107.6
225 94.4 105.0 105.0 105.0 105.0 105.0 105.0
250 91.9 91.9 91.9 91.9 91.9 91.9 91.9
275 81.2 81.2 81.2 81.2 81.2 81.2 81.2
300 72.3 72.3 72.3 72.3 72.3 72.3 72.3

KSN Anchor KSN12M

12 150 149 175 107.9 125.9 143.9 160.8 160.8 160.8 160.8
200 107.9 125.9 143.9 160.8 160.8 160.8 160.8
225 107.9 125.9 143.9 160.8 160.8 160.8 160.8
250 107.9 125.9 143.9 160.8 160.8 160.8 160.8
275 107.9 125.9 143.9 160.8 160.8 160.8 160.8
300 107.9 125.9 143.9 153.0 153.0 153.0 153.0

KSN Anchor KSN16S

16 130 129 175 100.4 117.1 129.5 129.5 129.5 129.5 129.5
200 100.4 117.1 129.5 129.5 129.5 129.5 129.5
225 100.4 117.1 129.5 129.5 129.5 129.5 129.5
250 100.4 117.1 129.5 129.5 129.5 129.5 129.5
275 100.4 114.7 114.7 114.7 114.7 114.7 114.7
300 100.4 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6

KSN Anchor KSN16M

16 160 159 175 111.5 130.0 148.5 167.2 177.2 177.2 177.2
200 111.5 130.0 148.5 167.2 177.2 177.2 177.2
225 111.5 130.0 148.5 167.2 177.2 177.2 177.2
250 111.5 130.0 148.5 167.2 177.2 177.2 177.2
275 111.5 130.0 148.5 167.2 177.2 177.2 177.2
300 111.5 130.0 148.5 167.2 177.2 177.2 177.2

Note: Bold figures indicate performance equal to or greater than reinforcement design resistance load.

20 Tel: +64 (0) 3 376 5205 www.ancon.co.nz

Rebar Anchor Embedment Slab Concrete Characteristic Pull-Out Load Nc,k (kN)
Dia. Length Depth Depth 32MPa Concrete at Various Spacing
(mm) (mm) heff (mm) (mm)
Horizontal Spacing (mm)
KSN Anchor KSN16L 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
16 190 189 175 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 202.5 222.8 229.7
200 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 202.5 222.8 229.7
225 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 202.5 222.8 229.7
250 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 202.5 222.8 229.7
275 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 202.5 222.8 229.7
300 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 202.5 222.8 229.7

KSN Anchor KSN20S

20 150 149 175 107.9 125.9 143.9 160.8 160.8 160.8 160.8
200 107.9 125.9 143.9 160.8 160.8 160.8 160.8
225 107.9 125.9 143.9 160.8 160.8 160.8 160.8
250 107.9 125.9 143.9 160.8 160.8 160.8 160.8
275 107.9 125.9 143.9 160.8 160.8 160.8 160.8
300 107.9 125.9 143.9 153.0 153.0 153.0 153.0

KSN Anchor KSN20M

20 190 189 175 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 202.5 222.8 229.7
200 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 202.5 222.8 229.7
225 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 202.5 222.8 229.7
250 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 202.5 222.8 229.7
275 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 202.5 222.8 229.7
300 121.5 141.8 162.0 182.3 202.5 222.8 229.7

KSN Anchor KSN20L

20 230 229 175 133.8 156.0 178.3 200.6 222.9 245.2 267.5
200 133.8 156.0 178.3 200.6 222.9 245.2 267.5
225 133.8 156.0 178.3 200.6 222.9 245.2 267.5
250 133.8 156.0 178.3 200.6 222.9 245.2 267.5
275 133.8 156.0 178.3 200.6 222.9 245.2 267.5
300 133.8 156.0 178.3 200.6 222.9 245.2 267.5

Note: Bold figures indicate performance equal to or greater than reinforcement design resistance load.

Ancon KSN Anchors

Reinforcement Details
Correct detailing of reinforcement in accordance with appropriate design codes and the
recommendations provided here will ensure Ancon KSN Anchors attain the designed

Mid Slab Anchor Connection

KeyBox Slab Reinforcement (A) Projecting rebar with BT threaded

Metal 25mm Cover end to suit KSN Anchor
Casing Slab


Note (A) The U shaped end
KSN rebars to be 12mm diameter
Anchor 300mm minimum. The bars may be
formed from the top steel
Minimum length 40 D

Top and Bottom Slab Anchor Connection

Projecting rebar with BT Slab Reinforcement lapped to
threaded end to suit KSN Anchor projecting rebars. Provide bottom
bar, Mark (1) with U shaped end
25mm Cover Slab
(1) D

25mm cover to top and bottom rebars

MomentBox Metal Casing
Anchor Minimum length 40 D

Wall-Part Edge Section Main

250 Minimum Reinforcement
Wall thickness not less
than 200mm

Edge distance
100 - 300mm
Rebar KSN Anchor
shape SH
500mm Minimum
Reinforcement: Minimum edge reinforcement, 12mm diameter Grade 500N
The main reinforcement can be detailed to incorporate the above shape noted as rebar SH

Wall-Part Edge Elevation

200mm maximum

KSN Anchor

Minimum vertical rebars

12Ø at 200 centres

Horizontal rebar SH 12Ø at 200 maximum centres

Other Ancon Products
Ancon Keybox Continuity System
A standard Ancon Keybox unit comprises pre-bent bars housed within a galvanised steel casing,
enclosed by a protective cover and sealed at each end. Anchorage in the concrete is provided
by the U-shaped bars. After striking the formwork and removing the cover, the bent bars are
straightened using an Ancon re-bending tool, ready for lapping onto the main reinforcement.

Ancon Coupler Box Continuity System

Similar to a Keybox unit, the bent stirrup bars are replaced by BT Couplers. Anchorage in the
concrete is provided by hooked bars installed within one half of the couplers. After striking the
formwork and removing the cover, the other end of the Coupler is revealed to accept a BT
parallel threaded continuation bar, as used in the KSN Anchor system.

Punching Shear Reinforcement

Ancon Shearfix is used in a slab to provide additional reinforcement around columns to
alleviate punching shear. The shear load is transferred through the studs into the column.
Dimensions, spacings and layout are determined by calculation. A free design program is
available from Ancon.

Shear Load Connectors

Ancon DSD and ESD Shear Load Connectors are used to transfer shear across expansion
and contraction joints in concrete. They are more effective at transferring load and allowing
movement to take place than standard dowels. The range features rectangular box section
sleeves to allow lateral movement in addition to longitudinal movement. A range of Lockable
Dowels is available for temporary movement joints in post-tensioned concrete.

Stainless Steel Rebar

A comprehensive range of stainless steel reinforcing bar is available from Ancon.
Stainless steel offers many advantages to the specifier and its use in the Construction Industry
continues to increase. Stainless steel reinforcement ensures a high degree of corrosion
resistance without requiring additional protection.

Reinforcing Bar Couplers

The use of reinforcing bar couplers can provide significant advantages over lapped joints.
Design and construction of the concrete can be simplified and the amount of reinforcement
reduced. The Ancon range includes BT parallel threaded and MBT mechanically bolted

Masonry Support Systems
Windposts and Lintels
Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings
Channel and Bolt Fixings
Tension and Compression Systems
Stainless Steel Fabrications
Flooring and Formed Sections
Shear Load Connectors
Stainless Steel Reinforcement
Reinforcing Bar Couplers
Reinforcement Continuity Systems
Punching Shear Reinforcement
Precast Concrete Accessories


Ancon Building Products Ancon Building Products Ancon Building Products
98 Kurrajong Avenue 7-9 Second Avenue 2/19 Nuttall Drive
Mount Druitt Sunshine Hillsborough
Sydney Melbourne Christchurch 8022
NSW 2770 VIC 3020 Tel: +64 (0) 3 376 5205
Tel: 1300 304 320 Tel: 1300 304 320 Fax: +64 (0) 3 376 5206
Fax: +61 (0) 2 9675 3390 Fax: +61 (0) 3 9311 1777
Ancon Building Products
Ancon Building Products Ancon Building Products 246D James Fletcher Drive
4/15 Terrace Place 18 Tennant Street Otahuhu
Murarrie Welshpool Auckland 2024
Brisbane Perth Tel: +64 (0) 9 276 2236
QLD 4172 WA 6106 Fax: +64 (0) 9 276 2237
Tel: 1300 304 320 Tel: 1300 304 320
Fax: +61 (0) 7 3395 6693 Fax: +61 (0) 8 9361 1262 Email: info@ancon.co.nz
Web: www.ancon.co.nz
Email: info@ancon.com.au
Web: www.ancon.com.au
International Enquiries: +61 (0) 2 8808 3100

Overseas Offices:
Ancon Building Products Ancon (Schweiz) AG Ancon (Middle East) FZE
Sheffield Ried bei Kerzers Dubai
United Kingdom Switzerland United Arab Emirates
www.ancon.co.uk www.ancon.ch www.ancon.ae
Ancon Building Products GesmbH Ancon GmbH
Vienna Nuremberg
Austria Germany
www.ancon.at www.anconbp.de

The construction applications and details provided in this literature

These products are available from:
are indicative only. In every case, project working details should be
entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced persons.

Whilst every care has been exercised in the preparation of this

document to ensure that any advice, recommendations or
information is accurate, no liability or responsibility of any kind is
accepted in respect of Ancon Building Products.

With a policy of continuous product development Ancon Building

Products reserves the right to modify product design and
specification without due notice.
© Ancon Building Products 2013

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