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Exploring Government Uses of Social Media Through Twitter Sentiment Analysis

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Exploring Government Uses of Social Media through Twitter Sentiment


Hsuanwei Michelle Chen1, Patricia C. Franks2

San Jose State University
United States
patricia.franks@sjsu.edu Journal of Digital
Information Management
Lois Evans
University of British Columbia

ABSTRACT: As social media becomes an important Based, Twitter, Social Media, Social Media Mining, User
platform for organizations to use to interact with users, Engagement, Electronic Government
the ability to understand user opinions in social media
communications has gained increased attention. One of Received: 1 May 2016, Revised 4 June 2016, Accepted 10 June
the most popular approaches for exploring user opinions 2016
is sentiment analysis, which employs natural language
1. Introduction
processing, statistics, or machine learning to extract the
sentiment of a text unit in terms of positive or negative
With both growing popularity and prevalence, social media
attitudes. However, the effectiveness, interpretation, and
is considered a platform on which human opinions,
accuracy of sentiment analysis rely heavily on the context
comments, thoughts, and attitudes are expressed, shared,
in which it is conducted. In this paper, we investigate three exchanged, or even influenced. For example, Twitter users
sentiment analysis techniques for Twitter use by build social relationships with friends and strangers by
governments with their citizens, including a lexicon-based sharing short messages of interests and activities. This
approach, a machine learning-based approach, and a user-generated content on social media has become
hybrid approach. Our results reveal that, while each valuable assets to organizations and businesses, as they
technique is developed based upon different rationales, often contain significant information for better strategies
the results are statistically robust and comparable. The and decision-making. Many businesses, cultural
study provides new insights into sentiment analysis in organizations, and social institutions are leveraging social
the context of government uses of social media. media to achieve their own strategic goals. According to
research that has assessed the social media activity of
Categories and Subject Descriptors the top 100 most valuable global brands, the brands that
H.3.5 [Online Information Services]: Web-based services; were the most socially active saw an 18% increase in
I.2.7 [Natural Language Processing]: Text analysis; H.2.8 their revenue for the previous year, while the least active
[Database Applications]: Data mining experienced a 6% revenue decrease during the same
period [1].
General Terms: Sentiment analysis, social media
One of the most effective approaches for exploring and
Keywords: Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining, Lexicon- understanding these opinions is sentiment analysis.

290 Journal of Digital Information Management Volume 14 Number 5 October 2016

Sentiment analysis is a technique that uses natural using social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and
language processing, statistics, or machine learning YouTube to connect with citizens. The main reason why
methods to extract, identify, or characterize the sentiment government agencies are increasingly adopting social
content of a specific text unit ([2], [3]) in terms of feelings, media is it can play an important role in influencing and
attitudes, emotions, and opinions. Sentiment analysis has growing the government-citizen relationship. For example,
been widely applied in a variety of disciplines, ranging Bertot et al.[9] state that the interactive and instant
from business, politics, law or policy-making, and capabilities of social media make it a promising tool for
sociology and psychology to better understand online user increasing democratic participation. Song and Lee [10]
sentiments and provide appropriate and timely responses agree and state that social media works as a
([4], [5]). complementary communication and participation channel
of government. The authors further state that social media
The effect and accuracy of sentiment analysis, however, has created a new type of citizen-government interaction,
relies heavily on the context in which it is conducted. wherein author content can play a huge role in increasing
Both local and global contextual information affects citizen trust in government. In their research, Graham and
sentiment analysis and the approaches to modelling Avery [11] argue that social media can not only help
complex linguistic structures in sentences often can result government interact and engage with citizens but also
in a failure to interpret sentiment through capturing of help them build effective relationships with citizens and
contextual cues [6]. Therefore, how different sentiment ultimately meet citizens’ expectations for transparency
analysis techniques perform in different contexts is an in government. However, care about message truthfulness
important research issue with both academic and practical is needed, as indoctrinated citizens or the spread of false
impacts. In this study, we conduct an investigation of information are common issues on social media platforms
sentiment analysis techniques for the government uses [12].
of Twitter. In particular, we examine and compare three
main types of sentiment analysis approaches through the Considering the importance of social media for influencing
lens of how citizens respond to government posted public trust in government, governments of countries
messages on Twitter, using a lexicon-based approach, a around the world have initiated several programs to direct
machine learning-based approach, and a hybrid approach government officials on how to use social media to
called SentiStrength [7]. communicate with their citizens. Several studies have
examined the role of government in its use of social media
The application of these techniques to the selected, for the government-citizen relationship. For example, Nam
specific context considered two concepts. First, local, [13] studied American citizens’ attitudes on the adoption
state and federal governments use Twitter for different of social media use by government. The author found that
purposes that range from crime prevention and police the use of social media by government contributed to
assistance, emergency alerts and severe weather positive attitudes toward government. Song and Lee [10]
updates, activities and class registration, to public service also studied the new types of citizen-government
announcements [8]. How citizens respond to these interactions that are enabled by social media and found
messages can significantly determine how effective these that the use of social media services by government
government social media efforts are, and how these efforts significantly increases trust in government. In another
may potentially affect the on-going relationship between study, Hong [14]examined the experiences of 2,000
government and its citizens. Sentiment analysis is one of American citizens with government social media usage
the first methods used to address this important issue by and their perception of the government-public relationship.
exploring and better understanding citizen attitudes, The author found that experiences with informational online
opinions, and thoughts toward government posted services and social media were associated with greater
messages. Second, the selected three techniques cover trust in government at the local and state levels. In spite
the broad spectrum of sentiment analysis methods to of all the benefits that social media provides government,
provide a fair, representative comparison of the three social media remains highly underutilized by government
different sentiment analysis techniques for the selected agencies [11]. In fact, Lee and Kwak [15]note that several
context. social media-based public engagement initiatives launched
by U.S. federal agencies do not deliver their intended
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Prior research outcomes because of certain organizational, technological,
is presented in the Related Work section. Next, we and financial challenges. Moore [16] suggests that
discuss data collection and its retrieval process in the governments should focus on enhancing the two-way
Data and Methodology section, including main discussions interactions between government and citizens using the
of the sentiment analysis techniques used. The results features of social media.
are given in the Results and Findings section. The paper
ends with a section titled Conclusions and Limitations. One of the most popular and effective approaches for
facilitating these “two-way” interactions on social media
2. Related Work is gaining a better understanding of user opinions and
attitudes. The technique of mining opinions, also
Today, government officials and public institutions are commonly known as sentiment analysis, refers to an

Journal of Digital Information Management Volume 14 Number 5 October 2016 291

an automated method of extracting, identifying, or matched in a text unit, leading to a classification of a
characterizing attitudes, opinions, and emotions from text, positive, negative, or neutral sentiment. A machine
speech and database sources into categories like learning-based method, on the other hand, develops a
“positive,” “negative,” or “neutral” using natural language classification model using training data with pre-labelled
processing, machine learning, and statistical methods [2]. sentiments. The machine learning algorithms are then
This process of sentiment analysis can be divided into used to identify the general features associated with
three stages [17]. First, the input text is divided into smaller positive and negative sentiments, where these features
units, such as words. Next, these words are analyzed are a subset of the words in the text unit or n-grams (e.g.,
either through lexicon matching or machine learning [23],[24], [25],[26]). The model is further applied to classify
classification to detect their sentiment polarity or semantic future data into pre-defined categories, such as positive
orientation [2]. Finally, the overall sentiment of a text unit or negative. There are also more advanced, hybrid
is extracted [18]. To complete this three-stage process, techniques that integrate methods from lexicon-based and
there are two main approaches that have been commonly machine learning-based approaches, with linguistic
used: the lexicon-based approach and the machine knowledge then added. For example, SentiStrength [7]
learning-based approach. A lexicon-based approach uses employs novel methods to simultaneously extract positive
a lexicon (or a dictionary) that contains already pre- and negative sentiment strength from short informal
classified “positive” and “negative” words for matching with electronic text. This technique uses a dictionary of
the data and identifying the sentiments ([19],[20], [21], sentiment words with associated strength measures and
[22]). A sentiment score is usually calculated based on a range of recognized non-standard spellings and other
the statistical distribution of positive and negative words common textual methods for expressing sentiment.

City Name Twitter Account Date Joined # of days’ # of posts # of # of Citizen

Presence Between Followers Responses
as of 1/1/13 & as of Between
8/25/14 8/25/14 8/25/14 1/1/13 &

Atlanta, GA @cityofatlanta 2/19/09 2,013 319 44,600 10,064

Austin, TX @austintexasgov 5/18/09 1,925 3,637 43,400 27,816
Boston, MA @notifyboston 3/19/10 1,620 5,941 77,900 35,643
Honolulu, HI @honolulugov 10/7/10 1,418 4,198 9,772 1,255
Kansas City, @kcmo 5/21/09 1,922 6,040 28,500 25,747
Mesa, AZ @mesaazgov 7/29/08 2,218 2,228 4,422 1,925
New York @nycgov 2/11/11 1,291 7,311 191,000 69,497
City, NY
Raleigh, NC @raleighgov 1/3/09 2,050 1,125 16,200 7,053
Riverside, NC @riversidecagov 1/20/09 2,043 4,230 7,401 5,679
Seattle, WA @cityofseattle 1/14/09 2,049 159 22,100 7,350

Calgary @cityofcalgary 8/21/08 2,195 9,697 104,000 53,441

Edmonton @cityofedmonton 2/5/09 2,027 5,096 68,700 64,837
Halifax @hfxgov 6/4/10 1,543 2,340 11,800 13,659
Montreal @mtl-ville 6/17/11 1,165 1,038 11,100 11,502
Ottawa @ottawacity 12/5/08 2,089 5,119 42,700 48,615
Regina @cityfregina 9/18/09 1,802 477 24,100 18,939
Surrey @cityofsurrey 9/27/10 1,428 3,686 9,689 21,942
Toronto @tornotocomms 1/22/09 2,041 1,368 56,100 18,969
Vancouver @cityofvancouver 7/9/09 1,873 4,906 48,400 42,748
Winnipeg @cityofwinnipeg 10/5/09 1,785 4,807 15,700 19,521

Table 1. Descriptive Summary of 20 City Twitter Accounts

3. Data and Methodology included 10 from the U.S. and 10 from Canada, chosen
with the objective of diversity in both geographic location
For this study, we collected Twitter data from 20 city and population. All re-tweets were considered as normal
government Twitter accounts. The collection period was tweets for this analysis. Table 1 presents a descriptive
from January 1, 2013 to August 25, 2014. The 20 cities summary of the collected data set for the 20 city accounts.
292 Journal of Digital Information Management Volume 14 Number 5 October 2016
The data for the 20 Twitter accounts were retrieved through which contained the actual tweet text. Finally, the retrieved
Twitter Python API’s (get_user_timeline) and included both data were cleansed by removing symbols, punctuation,
tweets and re-tweets made as responses to the special characters, URLs, and numbers for a precise
government accounts. The data collected were saved in sentiment analysis.
the JSON format, done in Python, to retrieve the list of
tweets and save them in a tabular format. The tabular Figure 1 depicts the overall methodology and the flow of
data was used for sentiment analysis of the content field, each analysis step used for this study.

Figure 1. The Flow of Step-by-Step Sentiment Analysis Process

3.1 Sentiment Analysis: Lexicon-Based Techniques 1. The dictionary developed by Taboada et al., which has
To investigate lexicon-based techniques for sentiment been carefully designed and used in the work published
analysis, we adopted a dictionary-matching approach. by Computational Linguistics and has been widely cited
This type of approach uses dictionaries of words annotated [27]. In this dictionary, a comprehensive list of individual
with their semantic orientation, or sentiment, and matches words has been provided with both their sentiment polarity
the text that needs to be analyzed with the dictionary to and strength. To be more specific, the dictionary consists
determine the text’s sentiment label: positive, negative, of a list of 2,827 positive and negative adjectives, such as
or neutral. In other words, the dictionary is used for the priceless (positive), awesome (positive), humiliating
process of assigning a positive, negative, or neutral label (negative), and vicious (negative), a list of 876 positive
to a text to capture the text’s opinion, sentiment, or and negative adverbs, such as flawlessly (positive),
attitude within its context, and in this case, the government perfectly (positive), woefully (negative), and bitterly
use of Twitter. While this method is relatively less involved (negative), a list of 219 positive and negativeinterjections,
with a machine learning or full linguistic analysis, it is such astremendous (positive), incredible (positive),barely
considered a well-performed, robust, and effective (negative), and arguably(negative), a list of 1,550 positive
approach [27]. and negative nouns, such as beauty (positive), pride
(positive), violence (negative), and curse (negative), and a
To implement a rigorous lexicon-based approach, the first list of 1,142 positive and negative verbs, such as succeed
step is to choose a dictionary thatconsists of (positive), amuse (positive), moan (negative), and hinder
acomprehensive list of words with their semanticorientation (negative).
annotated as positive, negative, or neutral.
2. The Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner
To achieve this goal, in this study, we adopted a combined- (VADER) lexicon, which is specifically attuned to
lexicon approach, where three lexicons were used and sentiment analysis for social media text [28]. With this
weighted for sentiment matching and calculation. This lexicon, the positive, negative, or neutral sentiment of each
approach has the benefits of generating higher accuracy word is weighted based on its semantic meaning, its
and higher confidence in the sentiment analysis results. relationship with nearby texts, whether it is capitalized,
The three adopted lexicons include: and with which punctuation it is associated. These

Journal of Digital Information Management Volume 14 Number 5 October 2016 293

“heuristics” are carefully developed based on linguistic Twitter data [33]. Weka is an open-sourced platform that
rules, making it an effective and appropriate lexicon for provides tools for various machine learning algorithms. It
social media text analysis. has become a widely adopted, standard tool in the data
mining and machine learning community. Our sentiment
3. The National Research Council (NRC) Emotion Lexicon, analysis task was based on the tools provided by Weka
which consists of a list of 14,182 unigrams (words) and using the following processes and configurations.
totals around 25,000 senses that are associated with eight
basic emotions, including anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, Training data: An essential first step for building a
joy, sadness, surprise, and trust, and with two sentiments, predictive model is to prepare a training data set. In our
including positive and negative [29]. study, we adopted the corpus provided by Sentiment140
[34], which has already been used in several prior studies
To provide a comparable analysis with the machine and publications (e.g., [35], [36]). This corpus consists of
learning-based and hybrid techniques, when usingthese 1.6M tweets, is balanced, and also captures emotion
three lexicons, we only adopted the “polarity” of the words icons.
for sentiment analysis, i.e., positive or negative, and did
not consider the “strength” of the words. In addition, for Text pre-processing: To prepare our collected Twitter data
those words with polarity on the borderline, i.e., very weak for the machine learning task, we conducted text pre-
negative and very weak positive, we treated them as processing, including word parsing and tokenization, stop-
“neutral” sentiments. The lexicons have also been words removal, and lemmatization and stemming. This
extended,as needed,with bi-grams and tri-grams, in which process helps the transformation of each textual unit into
we take into account the words that negate the meaning. a vector form, in which each document is further
For example, “not good” is considered negative, despite represented by the presence (or frequency) of the terms
the fact that it contains the word “good”. declared important. Term selection and feature extraction
were further performed to filter the terms with poor
Wealso pre-processed our data (tweets and re- prediction ability or strongly correlated to other terms.
tweets)based on some natural language processing
rulesto provide a meaningful and accurate comparison with
Weka configuration: To perform pre-processing in Weka,
the three lexicons. The text pre-processing steps include:
we used the StringToWordVector filter from the package
weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute and configured the
• Using TweetTokenizer for tokenization, which includes
tokeniser, specified a stop-words list, and chose a
removing Twitter mentions, treating hashtags as separate
stemmer [37].
tokens, and shortening words that contain repeated
symbols [30];
Classifier selection: We chose three different algorithms
• Using a regular expression tool to remove non- to build our predictive model, i.e., NaïveBayes, K-Nearest
alphanumeric characters [31]; Neighbors, and Random Forests. These three methods
• Splitting each tweet/re-tweet into a list of words; are briefly explained as follows.

• Applying the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) for stop- • Naïve Bayes: The Naïve Bayes method is a probabilistic
words removal and lemmatization [30]; classifier that is based on Bayes’ theorem with an
• Using Porter Stemmer for stemming [32]. assumption of independence between features. This
classifier uses a maximum likelihood principle to assign
The lexicon-based analysis involves a comparison each unlabelled instance a class and represent features
between the pre-processed tweets/re-tweets and the using vectors [38].
three lexicons respectively. Each pre-processed tweet/
re-tweet corresponding to a certain government account • K-Nearest Neighbors:The K-Nearest Neighbors method
was matched against each lexicon to classify each word is a non-parametric algorithm that assigns an instance to
into positive, negative, or neutral. For each tweet/re-tweet, a class by a majority vote of its neighbors, i.e., the instance
a sentiment score was then calculated based on the is assigned to the class most common among its k
distribution of positive, negative, and neutral words found nearest neighbors.We chose k to be an odd number, 3,
in each lexicon. so that a majority class always exists [40].

3.2 Sentiment Analysis: Machine Learning-Based • Random Forests: The Random Forests method uses
Techniques multiple learning algorithms to obtain better predictive
To examine the robustness of the sentiment analysis results, including classification, regression, and other
results from the lexicon-based technique and further tasks [39]. With Random Forests, a multitude of decision
understand the citizens’ sentiments, we developed a trees are constructed with training data, and the resulting
machine learning-based model for sentiment prediction class is either the mode of the classes (using a
and classification. We used the data mining software, “classification” algorithm) or the mean prediction (using a
Weka, to conduct sentiment analysis on the collected “regression” algorithm) of individual trees.

294 Journal of Digital Information Management Volume 14 Number 5 October 2016

For the three selected classifiers,we considered their 4. Results and Findings
different requirements on bias and variance for training
data sets to avoid biases from training data selection[40]. In this section, we offer a comparison of sentiment
We then applied the three classifiers to the training data analysis results,using the three sentiment analysis
with 10-fold cross-validation and evaluated the different techniques. These results include an overall comparison
classifiers with standard accuracy features, including a of Twitter posts for all cities, followed by a case study of
true positive rate and a false positive rate [40]. one chosen city to further examinethe three techniques.

3.3 Sentiment Analysis: Hybrid Techniques To understand the overall sentiment analysis for all Twitter
To provide a fair and comprehensive comparison of our messages collected using the three techniques and
sentiment analysis techniques, we further expanded this statistically examine the distribution of these sentiments,
study by including a third method, SentiStrength [7], which we first coded the sentiments using the following scheme:
has been described and evaluated in academic articles
(e.g., [41], [5]). We consider it a hybrid technique. 0: neutral sentiment
SentiStrength provides estimates of positive and negative +1: positive sentiment
sentiments in short or even informal texts. A unique feature -1: negative sentiment
of SentiStrength is that it also reports single scale (-4 to
+4) results, which complements our previous methods in The sentiment means and the standard deviations from
which only binary sentiments were identified. these three techniques, respectively, were then calculated.
Table 2 presents the percentages of positive, negative,
Figure 2 provides an architectural view of the three and neutral sentiments from all city accounts, followed
sentiment analysis techniques that were adopted in this by the means and standard deviations of these sentiments
study. given below in Table 3.

Figure 2. An Architectural View of Sentiment Analysis Techniques

Journal of Digital Information Management Volume 14 Number 5 October 2016 295

Twitter Account Lexicon - Based Approach Machine Learning - Based Senti Strength
Approach 0,-1,1 : neutral
2, 3, 4 : positive
-2,-3,-4 : negative

Sentiment Percentage (%)

Pos. Neg. Neutral Pos. Neg. Neutral Pos. Neg. Neutral

@cityofatlanta 23.3 9.0 67.7 18.4 6.4 75.2 20.0 7.0 73.0
@austintexasgav 17.6 8.9 73.5 24.8 5.0 70.2 19.1 3.0 77.9
@notifyboston 15.0 14.5 70.3 25.8 6.8 67.4 20.7 4.0 75.3
@honolulugov 13.8 11.9 75.0 24.3 7.8 67.9 22.5 12.0 65.5
@kcmo 22.7 6.8 70.5 24.3 11.6 64.1 29.0 3.0 68.0
@mesaazgov 20.9 5.7 72.4 31.8 6.5 61.7 19.5 7.0 73.5
@nycgov 15.3 7.9 76.7 30.0 5.0 65.0 18.6 4.0 77.4
@raleighgov 21.0 6.7 72.3 27.0 6.9 66.1 21.5 3.0 69.9
@riversidecagov 25.9 4.7 69.5 17.8 12.5 69.7 27.1 3.0 69.9
@cityofseattle 22.5 9.5 68.0 21.4 8.8 69.8 26.3 12.0 61.7
@cityofcalgary 19.3 10.5 70.2 22.3 7.0 70.7 23.7 8.0 68.3
@cityofedmonton 19.4 10.3 70.3 27.4 4.5 68.1 18.6 12.0 69.4
@hfxgov 15.2 11.0 73.8 25.0 2.3 72.7 11.5 5.0 83.5
@mtl-ville 3.5 3.3 93.2 8.4 2.3 89.3 16.8 10.0 61.5
@ottawacity 16.8 8.2 75.0 16.6 12.7 70.7 28.5 10.0 61.5
@cityofregina 16.7 13.7 69.6 23.9 5.1 71.0 18.1 3.0 78.9
@cityofsurrey 26.4 7.9 65.7 23.0 6.7 70.3 21.1 3.0 75.9
@torontocomms 13.5 9.1 77.5 24.2 3.4 72.4 15.2 4.0 80.8
@cityfvancouver 22.3 9.2 68.5 30.0 2.7 67.3 11.6 5.0 83.4
@cityofwinnipeg 14.4 15.7 69.9 17.3 6.5 76.2 21.3 8.0 70.7

Table 2. Percentages of Positive, Negative, and Neutral Sentiments Using 3 Techniques for 20 City Accounts

To statistically investigate whether the results of the three slogan, along with “The Live Music Capital of the World.”
sentiment analysis techniques differed significantly or not, Austin has the stated goal of being the “best managed
we performed an ANOVA test on the sentiments. These city” in the United States. The city launched Facebook,
results are given in Table 4 and Figure 3. Twitter, and YouTube accounts in 2009.

The ANOVA test shows that, at an aggregate level, the We first randomly selected 10 Twitter messages in
three sentiment analysis techniques, while functioning response to the selected “@austintexasgov” city account.
based on different rationales and algorithms, also provide Table 5 presents these findings, in which the actual
a statistically consistent and robust result. message and the estimated sentiments from all three
techniques are also given.
5. Case Study: The City of Austin, Texas
The results show that for these randomly selected 10 mes-
To further explore how these three sentiment analysis sages, the sentiment predictions using the lexicon-based
techniques perform at a finer level, we chose to focus and approach and the machine-learning approach were iden-
present our analysis for the City of Austin, Texas. Austin tical. There were some slight differences in sentiment pre-
is a mid-sized city of about 800,000 people and is the dictions between SentiStrength and the other two ap-
capital city of the state of Texas. Austin is known for its proaches, specifically for Tweets #1 and #6. If we take a
independent spirit, with “Keep Austin Weird” a prominent closer look at these tweet contents, we can conclude

296 Journal of Digital Information Management Volume 14 Number 5 October 2016

TwitterAccount Lexicon-Based Approach Machine Learning-Based SentiStrength

Mean (Std. dev.) Mean (Std. dev.) Mean (Std. dev.)

@cityofatlanta 0.14 (0.57) 0.12 (0.48) 0.13 (0.40)
@austintexasgov 0.09 (0.52) 0.20 (0.51) 0.16 (0.39)
@notifyboston 0.01 (0.55) 0.19 (0.54) 0.17 (0.41)
@honolulugov 0.02 (0.54) 0.17 (0.54) 0.10 (0.42)
@kcmo 0.16 (0.53) 0.13 (0.59) 0.26 (0.46)
@mesaazgov 0.15 (0.51) 0.25 (0.56) 0.13 (0.40)
@nycgov 0.07 (0.50) 0.25 (0.54) 0.15 (0.39)
@raleighgov 0.14 (0.53) 0.20 (0.55) 0.14 (0.41)
@riversidecagov 0.21 (0.54) 0.05 (0.55) 0.24 (0.45)
@cityofseattle 0.13 (0.57) 0.13 (0.53) 0.14 (0.44)
@cityofcalgary 0.09 (0.55) 0.15 (0.52) 0.16 (0.43)
@cityofedmonton 0.09 (0.56) 0.23 (0.52) 0.07 (0.39)
@hfxgov 0.04 (0.53) 0.23 (0.47) 0.06 (0.32)
@mtl_ville 0.0 (0.31) 0.06 (0.32) 0.07 (0.37)
@ottawacity 0.09 (0.52) 0.04 (0.54) 0.19 (0.45)
@cityofregina 0.03 (0.57) 0.19 (0.51) 0.15 (0.40)
@cityofsurrey 0.19 (0.57) 0.16 (0.52) 0.18 (0.41)
@torontocomms 0.04 (0.54) 0.21 (0.48) 0.11 (0.36)
@cityofvancouver 0.13 (0.57) 0.27 (0.50) 0.07 (0.32)
@cityofwinnipeg -0.01 (0.56) 0.11 (0.48) 0.13 (0.41)

Table 3. Sentiment Means and Standard Deviations Using 3 Techniques for 20 City Accounts

Source df SS MS F P-value
SA 2 0.06 0.03 7.7841 0.001
Error 57 0.22 0.004
Total 59 0.28

Table 4. One-Way ANOVA Test for the Sentiment Analysis (SA) Techniques

Figure 3. The Mean for Each Sentiment Analysis

Technique and a Vertical Error Bar Containing Values Within One Standard Deviation of the Mean

Journal of Digital Information Management Volume 14 Number 5 October 2016 297

# Tweets/Re-tweets [A] [B] [C]
1 It’s beautiful out at Austin’s New Year! It’s not too late to get down to Auditorium
Shores for fireworks, Del Casti ... + + n
2 Traffic signals not working at: Koenig at Shoal Creek, Koenig at Marilyn, 290 at
Berkman. Plan ur commute. #wind #ATX - - -
3 I’m at Lady Bird Lake Trail - @austintexasgov (Austin, TX) http://t.co/I3IIRrJUhy n n n
4 @TheaGood @JohnCornyn @google @austintexasgov Thea, broadband via
Google Fiber will be free. https://t.co/FRGEZigyrx + + +
5 Thank You! Thank You! @WellsFargo @RepLloydDoggett @UT_DDCE
@CapMetroATX @austintexasgov Austin Revitalization Authority for your support! + + +
6 @austintexasgov: Do you buy local? Today is your last day to be vocal! Tell the City
how you feel about locally grown foods here: n n -
7 HA! Love this city. RT @austintexasgov #48 ‰ÛÒ NANANANANA, BAT FEST! This
Aug. 24 fee-paid event just got its permit wings. #ATXcouncil + + +
8 I’m at Austin, TX - @austintexasgov (Austin, TX) w/ 4 others http://t.co/Xnh6EiXbBo n n n
9 @EddieforTexas: @austintexasgov Thank you to City Council for putting $65 million
affordable housing bond package on Nov. ballot. http:/‰Û_ n n n
10 Austin, TX wins the ‘2013 Best of the Web’ Award for government sites. Way-2Go
@AustinTexasGov http://t.co/0Cw64p8pke #Austin + + +

[A]: Sentiment prediction using the lexicon-based approach

[B]: Sentiment prediction using the machine learning-based approach
[C]: Sentiment prediction using SentiStrength
+: positive sentiment
-: negative sentiment
n: neutral sentiment
Table 5. 10 Randomly Selected Twitter Posts for “@austintexasgov” and Their Sentiment Predictions Using 3Techniques

conclude that it is largely because SentiStrength predicts the research period January 1, 2013 to August 25, 2014.
sentiments as more than a binary classification and reports The peaks and valleys in these trends may reveal how
sentiments on a wider (-4 to +4) scale. citizen sentiment changed in line with significant city
events, announcements, and activities. For example, we
We also conducted a sentiment analysis to better noticed a spike in positive sentiments in February of 2014.
understand the trends and patterns for how citizens We found that February was the month in which the Austin
responded to governments’ use of social media—in this city government was promoting the upcoming world-
specific case, Twitter. To achieve this goal, we created famous SXSW (South by Southwest) festival, along with
two visual displays based on the sentiment analysis several other cultural and art events (e.g., “We’re now
results for each city account, namely, the Twitter
accepting applications for #ATX Creative Ambassadors”;
Sentiment Trends and the Comparison Word Cloud. The
“City of Austin announces new public art opportunity at
Twitter Sentiment Trends graph can be used to explore
Montopolis Neighborhood Center”). On the other hand,
the changes in citizen sentiments over time, which may
we noticed a spike in negative sentiments in March of
correspond to unique events, new policies, and important
government announcements. The Comparison Word Cloud 2013, which might have resulted from arguments and
can be a powerful tool to use to understand the discussion discussions about the panellists who were selected for
interests of citizens on Twitter within a given period of the redistricting commission (e.g., “There were actually
time. We chose Austin, Texas (Twitter more women in the pool than men. Very few racial
account:@austintexasgov) as an example to discuss minorities to choose from, though”; “… Hopefully the
these two graphs further. applicant pool for the commission will be more diverse”).
These observations indicate how citizen sentiments can
Figure 4 presents the Twitter sentiment trends for be driven by events, and that the government should value
@austintexasgov by showing the percentages of positive, citizens’ social media responses when making its
negative, and neutral tweets per month, respectively, for decisions and designing its policies.

298 Journal of Digital Information Management Volume 14 Number 5 October 2016

Figure 4. Twitter Sentiment Trends between 1/1/2013 and 8/25/2014 (@austintexasgov)

Figure 5.Word Cloud between 1/1/2013 and 8/25/2014 (@austintexasgov)

Finally, Figure 5 represents the word cloud of all tweets comparing these sentiment analysis techniques in the
and re-tweets for @austintexasgov between January 1, context of government use of social media. Our study
2013 and August 25, 2014. The cloudserves as an contributes to the understanding of how sentiment analysis
informative snapshot to understand what topics citizens techniques can perform similarly, or differently, in the given
cared about and became interested in within a given context of government uses of social media. The different
timeframe. interpretations of governmental social media data and of
citizen engagement on social media can greatly affect
6. Conclusions and Limitations policy-making, government-citizen relationships, and
public trust.
In this study, we examined three sentiment analysis
techniques performed on Twitter data in the specific context Our study also suggests how sentiment analysis results
of citizens’ responses to governments’ Twitter posts. can be used to identify the trends and patterns of citi-
These three techniques include a lexicon-based approach, zens’ sentiments driven by events. This finding has two
a machine learning-based approach, and a hybrid implications. First, citizens’ sentiments can indeed be
approach called “SentiStrength,”covering a wide spectrum influenced by city events, activities, announcements, and
of possible sentiment analysis techniques. The selected many more, so it is critical for governments to take into
data provide one of the first attempts to examining and account citizens’ opinions via social media for making

Journal of Digital Information Management Volume 14 Number 5 October 2016 299

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