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First Nca Notification

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Extraordinary Gazette Date:- 29.12.

Last Date:- 31.01.2018
Category No: 617/2017



Applications with photo uploaded are invited from qualified candidates belonging
to Ezhava/Thiyya/Billava Community for appointment in the under mentioned post in the
Kannur, Pathanamthitta and Malappuram District Co-operative Bank only through online
by One Time Registration provided with the website of Kerala Public Service

1. Department : District Co-operative Bank

2. Name of Post : Deputy General Manager

3. Scale of pay : ` 26,440- 78,170/-

4. No. of vacancies : District wise

Pathanamthitta – Ezhava/Thiyya/Billava - 1 (One)
Malappuram – Ezhava/Thiyya/Billava – 1 (One)
Kannur – Ezhava/Thiyya/Billava - 1 (One)
Note:- The selection in pursuance of the notification will be made on district
wise basis. Separate Ranked list will be prepared for concerned District Co-
operative Bank in pursuance of this notification. The Ranked List thus
prepared and published by the Commission shall remain in force until
candidates are advised and appointed against the NCA turns identified as
unfilled during the currency of the Ranked List published for the post in
Pathanamthitta, Kannur and Malappuram Districts.

Name of District Date of Publication of Rank List Cat No

Pathanamthitta 09.08.2011 404/09
Malappuram 04.08.2011 404/09
Kannur 21.07.2011 404/09
5. Method of appointment : Direct Recruitment.

6. Age Limit : 18-48. Only candidates born between 2.1.1969 and

1.1.1999 (both dates included) are eligible to apply for
this post.
Note:- For concessions allowed in upper age limit, subject to the condition that the
maximum age limit shall in no case exceed 50 years, please see para (2) (except
sub para 5,8,9,10,11,12,13) of the General Conditions under Part II of this
notification. Relaxation of age will be allowed to all provisional employees of
the twenty nine Co-Operative Institutions mentioned in G.O (P) No 41/98 dated
09.03.1998 (whether they continue in service or relieved from service) who
have been appointed through the Employment Exchange to the extent of their
provisional service provided they possess a minimum service of one year in the
provisional appointment. The maximum period of relaxation allowed to such
persons will be five years. Once they get appointment on regular basis, the
concessions will not be available to further appointment to any post. The
candidates who are entitled to the above concession shall note the details there
of in the respective column of the applications and submit a certificate
(original) obtained from the Head of Office or Head of Department or
appointing authority of the Co-Operative Institutions concerned, when the
Commission called for. The certificate should contain all the relevant
particulars such as the post in which the applicant has/had provisional
service, the scale of pay, name of the Co-Operative Institution in which he/she
has/had worked, the date of commencement of provisional service and the date
of termination of the provisional service. It should also be noted in the
certificate that the applicant is not holding regular appointment under the Co-
Operative Institutions. The original certificate thus produced will not be
returned to the candidate.
7. Qualifications:
1) 1) Master's Degree in Business Administration or any other equivalent
qualification, in Banking or Finance as the main subject, recognised by
the Universities in the State
Memership of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
2) Experience of not less than 5 years in Managerial Supervisary Cadre
in Kerala State Co-operative Bank/Kerala State Co-operative
Agricultural and Rural Development Bank/District Co-operative
Bank/Nationalized Banks/Scheduled Banks/Government/Quasi
Government Institutions/Public Limited Companies in Public Sector.
In the absence of candidates having the above qualification;
candidates possessing the qualification in mother notification as
mentioned below may be considered for selection to this post.
2) 1)Masters Degree in Business Administration or any other equivalent
qualification recognised by the Universities in the State.
Membership in the Institute of Chartered Accountant of India.
2)Experience of not less than 3 years in Managerial/Supervisory cadre
in Co-operative Institutions/Scheduled Banks/Government/Quasi
Government Institutions/Public Limited Companies.
(The experience prescribed as qualification shall be one gained by the
candidate after acquiring the basic qualifications prescribed for the post
and should be received before the last date fixed for the receipt of
Note :- 1) Rule 10 (a) ii of KS & SSR is applicable.
2) The existing employees who posses MBA/CA qualification will be
allowed age relaxation of 5 years to apply for direct recruitment.
3) The experience certificate shall be counter signed by the concerned
Controlling Officer noted below
A. Co-Operative Institution : Joint Registrar of Co-operative Societies in
the Respective District. In the case of
Industrial societies the District level officer
of the Department concerned.
B. Scheduled Banks : Officer not below the rank of Regional
manager of the concerned bank
C. Government : District level Officer of the concerned
D. Quasi Government Institution/ : District Officer (concerned) of the Industries
Public Limited Companies Department/Labour Dept.
The genuineness of the Experience Certificate shall be examined and action as
per rules will be taken against those who issue bogus certificate and those
candidates who produce such certificate.
The certificate to be produced in proof of experience shall be in the following format (as
specified under para 20 of Part II General Conditions in the Gazette Notification).


Name of the firm :
Department/Co-operative Institution etc)
Register Number :
(SSI Registration or any other Registration
Number and Date of Registration)
Date of Registration :
Authority issued Registration :

Issued to (here enter Name and Address)....................................................................

This is to certify that the above mentioned person has worked/has been working in
this institution as.........................................................(here enter the name of the post held
and or the nature of assignment held in the capacity) on ` …..........per day/per mensum
for a period of …......years........months.........days............from...........to ….......

Name and Designation of the Issuing Authority
Name of Institution
Place :
Date : (Office seal)
Certified that Sri/Smt.................................................mentioned in the above
experience Certificate has actually worked/is working as.................................(Specify the
nature of employment) in the above Institution during the period mentioned there in as
per the entry in the above....................Register (mention the name of Register)
maintained by the employer as per the provision of ….............................act (Name of
Act/Rules to be specified)

I am the authorized person to inspect the Register kept by the employer as per the
provision of the Act/Rules of the …......................................................State/Central Act.

Signature with date

Name of Attesting Officer with
Designation and Name of Office
who is the notified Enforcement
Place: Officer as per Act/Rules
(Office Seal)
Note:- (1) Please specify the post held or nature of assignment, casual Labourer,
Paid/Unpaid Apprentice/Regular worker or Temporary worker.
(2) All Experience certificate shall be duly certified by the concerned Controlling
Officer/Head of Office of the Government. The genuineness of the certificate shall be
subject to verification and legal action will be taken against those who issue and produce
bogus certificate.

8. Last Date for receipt of applications :.31.01.2018 Wednesday upto 12 Midnight.

9. Mode of Submitting Applications:-

Candidates must register as per “ONE TIME REGISTRATION” with the Official
Website of Kerala Public Service Commission, viz, 'www.keralapsc.gov.in' before
applying for the post. Candidates who have registered can apply by logging in to their
profile using their User-ID and password. Candidates must click on the `Apply Now'
button of the respective posts in the Notification Link to apply for a post. The
photograph uploaded should be one taken after 31/12/2010. Name of the candidate and
the date of taking photograph should be printed at the bottom portion. The photograph
once uploaded meeting all requirements shall be valid for 10 years from the date of
uploading. There is no change in other instructions regarding the uploading of
photographs. No application fee is required. Candidates shall take a printout of the
application by clicking the link Registration Card in their profile. Candidates are
responsible for the correctness of the personal information and secrecy of password.
Before the final submission of the application on the profile, candidates must ensure the
correctness of the information on their profile. They must quote their User-ID for
further communication with the Commission. Application submitted is provisional and
cannot be deleted or altered after submission. The Application will be summarily
rejected if noncompliance with the notification is found in due course of processing.
Documents to prove Qualification, experience, Community, age etc. have to be
produced as and when called for. Candidates who have Aadhar Card should add
Aadhar Card as ID proof in their profile.
10. Address to which applications are to be sent : www.keralapsc.gov.in.
11. If a Written Test/OMR/Online Test is conducted as a part of this selection, Admission
Ticket for eligible candidates will be made available in their Profile for One Time
Registration and the date of downloading will be included in the Examination Calendar.
Candidates can download Admission Ticket for 15 days from this date. Candidates who
have downloaded the Admission Ticket will alone be permitted to attend the
12. Sub paras 5,8,9,10,11,12,13 in Para 2 of the general conditions are not applicable to
this post.

(For details including photo, ID card etc, please see the General Conditions given
below as Part II of this Notification)


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