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Qualification File template

Application Documentation Guide: Version 1 Final /4 March, 2015

Guide to completing the Qualification File template
This document is to be used in by bodies completing the Qualification File template to seek inclusion
of their qualifications in the NSQF. In this document these are referred to as “submitting bodies”.


Name and address of submitting body:

National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT)

Under Government of India, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
Shram Shakti Bhavan, Rafi Marg
New Delhi – 110001

Name and contact details of individual dealing with the submission

Name: Shri. Deepankar Mallick
Position in the organisation Deputy Director General (T)

Tel number(s) 011-23710485

e-mail address deepankar.mallick60@nic.in

List of documents submitted in support of the Qualifications File

1. Curriculum attached
2. Levelling scorecard attached

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Qualification Title Basic Cosmetology

Body/bodies which will National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT)
assess candidates
Body/bodies which will National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT)
award the certificate for
the qualification.
Body which will accredit National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT)
providers to offer the
Occupation(s) to which Successful candidates will be able to work as Beautician, Hair
the qualification gives Dresser, Make-up Artist, Manicurist, Pedicurist, Hair Stylist, Slimming
access Assistant, Hair Colorist and Yoga trainer
Proposed level of the Level 4
qualification in the
Anticipated volume of Training is covered in 02 semesters, each with 26 weeks of duration.
training/learning Time distribution amongst the components/ subjects is as under: -
required to complete the Course Elements Hourly Distribution
Professional Skills 1320 hrs
Professional Knowledge 264 hrs
Employability Skills 88 hrs
Extra Curricular Activities 88 hrs
In-plant Training/Project Work 160 hrs
Admission & Examination 160 hrs
Total 2080 hrs
Entry requirements / Passed 10th class
Progression from the 1. Qualifying trainee shall obtain an NCVT Certificate in ‘Basic
qualification. Cosmetology’ trade which places the trainee in a position to
investigate requirements for progression to a National
Apprenticeship Certificate or National Craft Instructor Certificate
2. This qualification shall enable the trainee to find employment as a
skilled worker.
Planned arrangements 1. At present the students who have passed 10 class with minimum
for RPL. 3 years experience can appear for NCVT theory and practical
semester examination directly.
2. The students who have passed SCVT examination can also
appear for the NCVT Examination in the relevant semester and
Trade directly.
International 1. Existence of any official document suggesting the comparability of
recognitions. the qualification with the qualifications in other countries is not
2. However, ITI passed out trainees are getting employment in many
Gulf countries, European countries, Australia, New Zealand,
Singapore etc.

Title of unit or other component: Mandatory/ Estimated size

Cosmetology Optional (learning hours)
Professional Skills Mandatory 1320 hrs 4
Professional Knowledge Mandatory 264 hrs 4
Employability Skills Mandatory 88 hrs 4
Extra-Curricular Activities Mandatory 88 hrs
In-plant Training/Project Work Mandatory 160 hrs
Admission & Examination Mandatory 160 hrs -
Total 2080 hrs

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Please attach any document giving further detail about the structure of the qualification – eg a
Curriculum or Qualification Pack. This table should be filled in even if such a document is included
with the application.
Give details of the document here:
(1) Curriculum attached



Name of assessment body:

National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) is assessment body for this qualification

Will the assessment body be responsible for RPL assessment?

1. At present the students who have passed 10 class with minimum 3 years experience can appear

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for NCVT theory and practical semester examination directly.

2. The students who have passed SCVT examination can also appear for the NCVT Examination in
the relevant semester and Trade directly.

Describe the overall assessment strategy and specific arrangements which have been put in
place to ensure that assessment is always valid, consistent and fair and show that these are in
line with the requirements of the NSQF:

(1) Assessment process:

The assessment for the semester-based qualification is carried out by conducting formative
assessments, and end-of-semester examinations for all trainees aspiring for this qualification, as per
the guidelines given in Section 12 of the Curriculum. The internal assessments for theory subjects
and practical are conducted by the concerned instructors for evaluating the knowledge and skill
acquired by trainees and the behavioural transformation of the trainees as per the learning outcomes
specified the qualification. This assessment is primarily carried out by collecting evidence of
competence gained by the trainees by observing them at work, asking questions and initiating
formative discussions to assess understanding and by evaluating records and reports, and sessional
marks are awarded to them. Theory examinations are conducted in Trade theory, Workshop
Calculation & Science, Engineering Drawing and Employability Skills. The question papers for the
theory Examinations contain objective type questions. Trade practical examinations are conducted by
the respective State Governments. However, the question papers for the Trade practical are prepared
by NCVT. The details of testing and certification for this qualification are given in para (3). The
marking pattern and distribution of marks for every semester for the qualification are as under:
Marking Pattern
Sl No. Subject for the Qualification Maximum marks for each subject
a) Practical 100
b) Trade Theory 30
c) Employability Skills 50
d) Internal Assessment 20
Total 200

(2) Minimum pass mark:

40% for each Theory Examination and 25% for each part/section of the Examination separately, and
60% marks for each Trade practical Examination. Failed candidates are entitled to three chances to
clear the paper.

(3) Testing and certifications for the course:

Arrangements are made by NCVT to ensure that the evidence on which assessment judgements
made are comparable for all trainees and that the judgements made will not vary from assessor to
assessor. Arrangements relating to the conduct and monitoring process of assessment are as follows:
 OMR sheet based question paper.
 Questions papers are prepared by National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI), Chennai.
 A panel of expert paper setters, who are graduates in the concerned field with 5-7 years
experience, is prepared for setting question papers for the Trade. The panel is vetted by the
Secretary, NCVT.
 Paper setters are appointed from the panel after the approval of the competent authority for
setting the question paper.
 The question papers are then moderated by the Board of Moderation to see if the paper is set as
per the requirement and syllabus.
 The manuscripts of the moderated question papers are sent to Government Printing Presses for
 Printed question papers, packed in sealed covers, are despatched to Banks/Police Stations for
keeping in safe custody.
 The question papers are handed over to the Chairman/Principal of the Testing Centre two hours
before the commencement of the Examination.
 An Examination Board consisting of representatives of industry/Employer/State Government are
set up to supervise and monitor the conduct of Examinations at every Centre.
 Theory and practical Examinations are carried out with invigilators/examiners with the overall
supervision of the Examination Board.

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 Examiners called for evaluation of practical should have minimum technical qualification of a
Diploma in the respective engineering field. However, when diploma holders not available, the
qualification is suitably relaxed.
 Examiners for practical Examinations are appointed preferably from Polytechnics/Engineering
colleges/Industry of repute. Government Departments or from amongst retired qualified personnel
possessing requisite qualifications and sufficient experience in the trade/discipline.
 Each State Directorate prepares a panel of Examiners according to the norms as mentioned
above and the Examiners are appointed from the panel.
 Flying squads from State Governments as well as the Central Government are constituted to
check malpractices during the conduct of Examinations.
 OMR based answer sheets are evaluated by the third party evaluator National Institute of
Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT).
 Evaluation of every practical examination is carried out by the concerned examiner with the
overall supervision of the Examination Board.
 Till 2014, the marks were compiled by the State Governments as per NCVT guidelines and the
results were declared by the State Governments. At present, the marks are compiled by NCVT
and the results are declared by the State Governments. Now onwards, results shall be compiled
by NCVT on its portal ncvtmis.gov.in
 The successful trainees are awarded National Trade Certificates.

Detail any particular assessment policy or arrangements which have been put in place relating
to the validation of prior learning:
1. At present the students who have passed 10 class with minimum 3 years experience can appear
for NCVT theory and practical semester examination directly.
2. The students who have passed SCVT examination can also appear for the NCVT theory and
practical Examination in the relevant semester and Trade directly, as Private candidates

Please attach any documents giving further information about assessment and/or RPL.
Give details of the document(s) here:

Assessment for this qualification is evidence based and covers all the outcomes and criteria for the
qualification and generates sufficient evidence for all the assessable outcomes of the qualification.
Assessment comprises the following components:
(1) Job carried out in labs/workshop
(2) Record book/ daily diary
(3) Answer sheet of assessment
(4) Viva-voce
(5) Progress chart
(6) Attendance and punctuality
(7) Assignment

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(8) Project work

Complete a grid for each grouping of NOS, assessment unit or other component as listed in
the entry on the structure of the qualification on page 1.

Title of NOS/Unit/Component 1: Enter the title of the NOS, assessment unit or other component as
Assessable outcomes Assessment criteria for the outcome
Enter the elements/outcomes of List all the criteria applying to this element/outcome.
the unit which will be assessed.

[Pl. see the Attachment]

Means of assessment 1
[Pl. See the attachment]

Means of assessment 2

[Pl. See the attachment]



What evidence is there that the qualification is needed?

DGET has 60 years of experience in the field of vocational education. With valuable feedbacks
from industries, mid-term evaluation studies, and tracer studies as conducted by Central Staff
Training and Research Institute (CSTARI) under DGE&T and other bodies, the need for the
qualification has been realized.
Evaluation studies of ‘Upgradation of 1396 ITIs in PPP mode’ and upgradation of ITIs under World
Bank schemes have mentioned about high employment potential of this trade.
The scope and job roles of this qualification are given in section 1 and 2 of the curriculum.

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What steps were taken to ensure that the qualification(s) does/do not duplicate already
existing or planned qualifications in the NSQF?
The qualification is originally designed and approved by NCVT for the Craftsmen Training Scheme.
NCVT has been entrusted with the responsibilities of prescribing standards and curricula for
craftsmen training, advising the Government of India on the overall policy and programmes,
conducting All India Trade Tests and awarding National Trade Certificates.

In the research and/or development, what steps were taken to identify potential barriers to
access (eg related to education, race, caste, religion, gender or disability) and eliminate or
overcome these?
There is no barrier imposed in taking up this training programme on the basis of race, caste,
religion, gender or disability, except for the visually-impaired.

Has the qualification been through a formal approval procedure(s)?

(If so, explain the process and the outcome.)
(1) The qualification was prepared by a core group having experts from Industry, DGET institutes,
and ITIs.
(2) It was approved by Mentor Council having representatives from Industry, Academic institutions
and skill experts.
(3) The qualification has been approved by the sub-committee of NCVT dealing with norms and

What arrangements are in place to monitor and review the qualification(s)? What data will
be used and at what point will the qualification(s) be revised or updated?
 In a recent initiative, a Mentor Council (MC) for the Beauty and Wellness sector has been
formed to review the curriculum of this qualification under the sector.
 CSTARI, the research wing of DGE&T, reviews and updates the qualification, in consultation
with industries and other stakeholders, on a regular basis.
 NOS approved by NSDA have also been referred from time to time.

Please attach any documents giving further information about any of the topics above.
Give details of the document(s) here:

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Calculating the NSQF level of a qualification

Level of qualification:
NSQF Level 4

Summary of Direct Evidence (from learning outcomes):


Learning Outcome Comment Level-3 Level-4 Level-5

1. Recognize & comply safe Trainees will acquire 
working practices, knowledge of the safe
environment regulation and working practices,
housekeeping. environment regulation
and housekeeping and will
be responsible for
implementation in his own
2. Work in a team, understand Trainee will acquire the 
and practice soft skills, knowledge of languages
technical English to and will be able to
communicate with required communicate written or
clarity. oral with required clarity
and practice in day to day
3. Identify and develop specific Trainee will acquire 
area to perform practical knowledge to develop
operations. specific area to perform
practical operations.
4. Explain energy conservation, 1. Trainees will have 
global warming and pollution understanding of
and contribute in day to day concept of energy
work by optimally using conservation, global
available resources. warming and pollution.
2. The trainees will have
basic understanding of
social, political &
natural environment.
3. The trainees will have
responsibility for own
work and learning.
5. Explain personnel finance, 1. Trainees will have 
entrepreneurship and understanding of factual
manage/organize related task knowledge of personal
in day to day work for finance,
personal & societal growth. entrepreneurship.
2. The trainees will have
understanding to
manage personal finance
and further growth to be
an entrepreneur.

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6. Explain and apply basic 1. Trainees will have 

computer working, basic understanding of
operating system, simulate concept of computer
part programme using working & internet
simulation software and uses application and apply in
internet services to get day to day work.
accustomed & take benefit of 2. The trainees will have
IT developments in the responsibility for own
industry. work and learning.
7. Understand and explain the 1. Trainees will have 
concept in productivity, understanding of factual
quality tools, and labour knowledge of
welfare legislation and apply productivity, quality
such in day to day work to tools and labour welfare
improve productivity & legislation and apply to
quality. enhance productivity.
2. The trainees will have
basic understanding of
social, political &
natural environment.
3. The trainees will have
responsibility for own
work and learning.
8. Explain occupational safety Trainee will acquire the 
and health, hygiene, accident knowledge of occupational
prevention techniques and safety and health, hygiene,
first aid. accident prevention
techniques and first aid
9. Develop good appearance The trainee will learn to 
and behaviour, practice, tasks possess good
as per industry standard and communication skills
express good communication along with pleasing
skill. personality.
10. Prepare and maintain The trainee will be able to 
work area and maintain maintain health and safety
health and safety at the work at the workplace.
11. Carry out epilation and The trainee will 
depilation services. Illustrate demonstrate waxing,
and explain hair structure & threading, bleaching,
hair growth cycle. plucking and explain the
knowledge of hair growth
cycle and products.
12. Carry out manicure and The trainee will be able to 
pedicure services. Explain demonstrate plain &
anatomy of nail. Differentiate different types of
between and identify nail demonstrate and pedicure,
disease nail disorders. and explain the anatomy of
nail. The trainees will be

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able to prepare and

maintain the work area in a
professional manner with
knowledge of related
13. Carry out facial 1. The trainee will be able 
treatments for common skin to explain anatomy of
problems. Illustrate and skin understand & draw
explain skin structure. skin structure.
2. The trainee will be able
to identify common skin
disorders and
demonstrate skin
analysis facial procedure
using different
3. The trainee will be able
to demonstrate
application & removal
of different types of
packs & mask.
14.Carry out hair treatment for 1. The trainee will be able 
common hair problems. to draw explain structure
Illustrate and explain structure and composition of hair. 2.
of hair. The trainee will
demonstrate head massage,
shampooing, conditioning,
deep conditioning.
3. The trainee will be able
to treat common hair
15.Create basic haircuts using 1. The trainee will be able 
special cutting techniques. to explain basic facial
2. The trainees will
demonstrate basic hair
16.Demonstrate basic yogic 1. The trainee will possess 
exercises for stamina building good stamina and maintain
and correcting body posture correct posture.
2. The trainee will be able
to explain yogic diet.
3. The trainee will
demonstrate exercise of
yogic sukshma vyayam,
surya namaskar and yogic
sthula vyayam.
17. Demonstrate day, evening, 1. The trainee will be able 
party & bridal makeup and to explain color theory,

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explain effects of light on effects of light on makeup.

makeup. 2. The trainee will be able
to demonstrate day time,
Evening party and bridal
18. Demonstrate basic 1. The trainee will be able 
corrective makeup & explain to explain facial shape &
basic facial shapes. demonstrate basic
corrective makeup.
19. Create traditional hair styles 1. The trainee will be able 
using artificial aids to demonstrate and create
traditional hair styles.
2. The trainee will be able
to use, clean and maintain
artificial aids.
20. Create hair designs using 1. The trainee will be able 
thermal gadgets and wet styling to operate thermal gadgets
techniques. for creating different hair
21. Demonstrate hair coloring, 1. The trainee will be able 
perming, straightening, to explain science of color
rebonding & smoothing. Explain and classification of color.
the knowledge of bonds. 2. The trainee will be able
to demonstrate different
hair coloring techniques.
22. Create bindi, heena & 1. The trainee will be able 
tattoo designing, drape saree in to demonstrate different
different styles. designs of bindi, heena and
23. Demonstrate asanas for 1. The trainee will be able 
spine stretching, stress to demonstrate asanas for
management & common body spine stretching, stress
ailments management & common
body ailments.

Summary of other evidence (if used):

Established using the levelling scorecard,

Levelling Scorecard
The methodology for using the levelling scorecard is set out in an Annex to this Guide.

[Pl. See Annexure x]

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What steps have been taken in the design of this or other qualifications to ensure that there is
a clear path to other qualifications in this sector?
1. Qualifying trainee will obtain an NCVT Certificate in ‘Basic Cosmetology’ trade which places the
trainee in a position to investigate requirements for progression to a National Apprenticeship
Certificate or National Craft Instructor Certificate

Please attach any documents giving further information about any of the topics above.
Give details of the document(s) here:



List any comparisons which have been established.


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