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Four Way Galvanic Cell 2

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This experiment aims to determine the identity of unknown metals (A, B, C, D) by measuring the voltages produced when they are connected in a galvanic cell and comparing the results to known standard reduction potentials. The voltages are measured using a multimeter and by touching its leads to different metal combinations.

The purpose of this experiment is to measure the cell potentials for a series of voltaic cells constructed using unknown metals. By comparing the measured voltages to known standard reduction potentials, the identity of the unknown metals can be determined.

The voltages between the metals are measured using a multimeter by touching its black lead to one metal and red lead to another metal. The readings are recorded and used to rank the metals according to their reduction potentials relative to an arbitrarily assigned potential of 0 V for metal A.


In an oxidation-reduction reaction, electrons flow from one substance which is oxidized
(lose electrons) to a substance that is reduced (gain electrons). In a voltaic cell, the flow of
electrons in an oxidation/reduction reaction occurs through an external pathway and an electric
current is produced.

In this experiment, the cell potentials will be measured for a series of voltaic cells.
Individual half-cells will be constructed using unknown metals, which are placed on a piece of
filter paper and adding several drops of aqueous metal ion solutions. The external pathway or
“salt bridge” will be provided by placing a few drops of aqueous sodium nitrate along the path
connecting the half cells. Voltages will be measured using a voltmeter. The identity of the
unknown metals will be determined by comparing the data with known standard reduction

multimeter disposable pipets
clip leads 2M Sodium Nitrate solution
strips of metals (Cu, Zn, Mg, Pb) sand paper
solutions of Cu, Zn, Mg, Pb steel wool
(solutions listed on teacher resource page)
filter paper P4 pencil
laminated paper scissors

 Always wear goggles and an apron in the lab.
 Avoid skin contact and inhalation of all chemicals.
 Multimeters are sensitive instruments and can be easily damaged. Follow your
instructor’s directions for their use.
 Dispose of all materials as directed by the instructor. Metals can be returned in their
original container.


1. Obtain unknown metals A-D and polish with sand paper and then steel wool to obtain fresh,
shiny surfaces. Wipe the metal strips clean with a paper towel to remove any bits of steel
wool adhering to the metal.
2. Based on appearance, guess which metal each sample is and write the name next to its
corresponding letter on Data Table 1 – Samples.
3. Obtain a piece of filter paper and cut into four “petals” [Fold filter paper in half, then half
again, then cut a triangle to give you four petals.] See Figure 1. Using a pencil, label each
“petal” from A-D as shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1

2. Fold each petal lengthwise and cut two slits in each as shown in Figure 2.
3. Unfold and weave unknown metal strip “A” through the slits in its corresponding “petal”.
Repeat with metal strips “B”, “C”, and “D”. See Figure 2.

Metal Strip


Slits C

Figure 2

4. Place the prepared filter paper on a flat surface covered with a piece of laminated paper.
5. Using a disposable pipet, place 4-5 drops of Sodium Nitrate solution into the center of the
filter paper. This will act as the salt bridge.
6. Using another disposable pipet, place 4-5 drops of Solution A metal ion solution onto the
center of the slits of the “A” petal metal strip (Solution A on metal strip A).
7. Repeat adding metal ion solutions to the remaining unknowns (Solution B on metal strip B,
8. Make sure the metal ion solution and the sodium nitrate solution come into contact with each
other. If there is a gap, add more of the metal ion solution.
9. Obtain a multimeter, with black and red leads, and turn to the “2 V” position (direct current)
by moving switch to the left.
10. Touch the black lead to metal “A”.
11. Touch the red lead on metal “B”.
12. Take reading and record in Data Table 2 (make sure you record if positive or negative
13. Keep the black lead on metal “A” and move red lead to metal “C”. Record data in Table 2.
14. Repeat step 13 with metal “D”.
15. To rank each metal by reduction potential, metal A has been arbitrarily assigned a reduction
potential of 0.0 V. (See Data Table 2).
16. Fill in the reduction potential in Data Table 3 for each of the unknown metals relative to A’s
reduction potential of 0.0V.
17. Write the letter A above the zero point on the number line on the worksheet.
18. Place the rest of the unknown letters in appropriate places above the number line according
to their experimental reduction potentials relative to metal A.
19. Use the Standard Reduction Potentials in Data Table 4 to identify the metals and indicate
each on the number line.
20. Complete the worksheet.


The basic design of a galvanic or voltaic cell is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Components of an Electrochemical Cell.

The substances involved in each half-reaction are separated into two compartments connected by
an external wire and a salt bridge.

Half Reactions: Cu2+(aq) + 2e- → Cu(s) [0.34V]

Zn(s) → Zn2+(aq) + 2e- [0.76V]

Net Reaction: Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s) [1.10V]

Each half-reaction takes place at the surface of a metal plate or wire called an electrode. The
electrode at which oxidation occurs is called the anode, while the electrode at which reduction
occurs is called the cathode. Electrons flow spontaneously from the anode (the negative
electrode) to the cathode (the positive electrode). Charge buildup at the electrodes is neutralized
by connecting the half-cells internally by means of a salt bridge, a porous barrier containing
potassium nitrate or another electrolyte.

Dissolved ions flow through the salt bridge to either electrode, thus completing the electrical
circuit. The ability of a voltaic cell to produce an electric current is called the cell potential and
is measured in volts.

Student Worksheet
Data Table 1 - Sample Data
Metal Sample Hypothesis

Data Table 2
Black Lead Red Lead Voltage (V)

Data Table 3
Metal Sample Relative Reduction Potential (V)
A 0

Post-Lab Questions
1. The table of standard reduction potentials is not based on metal A being 0.0V. Research
a more complete table. What element is designated as 0.0 V?

2. Rank the four metals tested from most positive to most negative standard reduction
potential. Write a general statement describing the relationship between the standard
reduction potential of a metal and metal activity.

Data Table 4
Standard Reduction Potentials
Reduction Half Reaction eᵒ (v)
Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu 0.34
Pb2+ + 2e- → Pb -0.13
Zn2+ + 2e- → Zn -0.76
Mg2+ + 2e- → Mg -2.37

Teacher Resource Page
1. It is important to clean the metals with sandpaper and steel wool in order to get more accurate readings.
2. It is important that the leads on the multimeter do not come in contact with the solutions, only the metals.
3. You can view a similar experiment at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=kYDR8z6JIDs

Data Table 1 (Student data will vary.) Data Table 2

Hypothesis Actual Black Lead Red Lead Voltage (V)
A Lead A B 0.237
B Copper A C -0.36
C Magnesium A D -0.08
D Zinc

Data Table 3 *These numbers varied experiment to experiment but should be close to these here. B should be a positive
number, C should be negative and lower than D, D should be negative.
Relative Reduction
Metal Sample
Potential (V)
A 0
B 0.237*
C -0.36*
D -0.08*


Mg Zn Pb Cu

Post-Lab Questions
1. The table of standard reduction potentials is not based on metal A being 0.0V. Research a more
complete table. What element is designated as 0.0 V?
2. Rank the four metals tested from most positive to most negative standard reduction potential.
Write a general statement describing the relationship between the standard reduction potential of
a metal and metal activity.
Cu > Pb > Zn > Mg
Metals with more negative standard reduction potentials are more active (more easily oxidized) than
metals with more positive standard reduction potentials. Magnesium was the most active metal tested, and
it has the most negative standard reduction potential.

Metal Ion Solutions Used in this lab

Solution A: 0.1M Lead Nitrate Solution C: 0.1M Magnesium Nitrate
Solution B: 0.1M Copper Sulfate Solution D: 0.1M Zinc Nitrate

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