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One Marks Questions & Answers: 4. Moving Charges and Magnetism

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The passage discusses magnetic fields produced by moving charges and current carrying conductors. Key concepts include the Lorentz force law, cyclotrons, and Bohr magneton.

The magnetic force experienced by a moving charge is F = qvB sinθ, where q is the charge, v is the velocity, B is the magnetic field strength, and θ is the angle between v and B.

For a proton to pass undeflected through a magnetic field, it must enter along the direction of the field.



One marks questions & answers

1. Who concluded that moving charges or current produces magnetic field in the
surrounding surface?
 Christian Oersted.
2. Mention the expression for the magnetic force experienced by moving charge.
 F = q ( × ) or f= qvB sin θ
3. In a certain arrangement a proton does not get deflected while passing through a
magnetic field region. Under what condition is it possible?
 It is possible if the proton enters the magnetic field along the field
4. What is the trajectory of charged particle moving perpendicular to the direction of
uniform magnetic field?
 Circle
5. What is significance of velocity selector?
 Velocity selector is used in accelerator to select charged particle of
particular velocity out of a beam containing charges moving with different
6. which one of the fallowing will describe the smallest circle when projected with the
same velocity v perpendicular to the magnetic field B :(i)  -particle (ii)  - particle
  -particle
7. What is cyclotron?
 It is a device used to accelerate charged particles or ions.
8. Who invented Cyclotron?
 E .O Lawrence and M. S. Livingston
9. What is resonance condition in cyclotron?
 The condition in which the trajectory of the applied voltage is adjusted so
that the polarity of the Dee’s is reversed in the same time that it takes
the ions to complete one half of the revolution.
10. What is solenoid?
 Solenoids consist of a long insulated wire wound in the form of a helix
where neighboring turns are closely spaced.
11. What is toroid?
 This is a hallow circular ring on which a large number of turns of a wire are
closely wound.
12. What is an ideal toroid?
 The ideal toroid is one in which coils are circular.
13. Define magnetic dipole moment of a current loop.
 The magnetic moment of a current loop is defined as the product of
current I and the area vector of the loop
14. What is the value of Bohr magneton?
 =9.27×10-27Am2

15. Define current sensitivity of the galvanometer?

 It is defined as deflection per unit current of Moving coil galvanometer.
17. An ammeter and a milliammeter are converted from the galvanometer. Out of the two,
Which current measuring instrument has higher resistance?
 Higher is the range lower will be the value of shunt, so milliammeter will
be having higher resistance.

Two marks questions & answers

1. Mention the expression for Lorentz’s force.
In the presence of both electric field, E(r) and magnetic field, B(r) a point charge ‘q’ is moving
with a velocity v. Then the total force on that charge is Lorentz force,

i.e F= Felectric + Fmagnetic = qE(r) + qvB(r)

Note: 1. Magnetic force on the charge depends on ‘q’, ‘v’ and ‘B’


Fmagnetic  q v x B  ; and is always perpendicular to the plane containing v and B .
Also, F=qvBsin n

3. If =0 or 180o, then F=0 and if = 90, then F=Fmaximum= qvB.

2. Show that crossed electric and magnetic fields serves as velocity selector.
Suppose we consider a charged particle ‘q’ moving with velocity ‘v’ in presence of both electric
and magnetic fields, experiences a force given by F = FE + FB = (qE+qvB) (assuming  =90o).
If E is perpendicular to B as shown in the diagram, then F=(qE-qvB) j

Suppose we adjust the values of E and B, such that qE=qvB, then E=vB
Or B.
This velocity is that chosen velocity under which the charged particle move undeflected
through the fields. The ratio B is called velocity selector.
Note: B is independent of ‘q’ and ‘m’ of the particle under motion.

3. Mention the uses of cyclotron.

It is used to implant ions into solids and modify their properties
It is used in hospitals to produce radioactive substance. This can be used in diagnosis
and treatment.

4. State and explain Ampere’s circuital law.

" The line integral of resultant magnetic field along a closed plane curve is equal to μ0
time the total current crossing the area bounded by the closed curve provided the
electric field inside the loop remains constant"

i.e  B.dl =  I ; where I is the total current through the surface.


5. Mention the expression for angular for deflection produced in Moving Coil Galvanometer?
 NAB 
 I
 k 

Where, N is number of turns

B Magnetic field
A Area of the coil, K is torsional constant of the spring.

Three marks questions & answers

1. Derive the expression for magnetic force in a current carrying conductor. F=i(l × B)
Consider a rod of a uniform cross-sectional area A and length l. Let n be the number
density of charge carriers(free electrons) in it.
Then the total number of mobile charge carriers in it is= nAl. Assume that these charge
carriers are under motion with a drift velocity, vd.
In the F= (n A l) q vd × B; here q is the charge of each charge carrier.
presence of an external magnetic field B, the force on these charge carriers is
But current density j = n q vd
 F= j A l × B
But, j A = I, the electric current in the conductor, then

i.e F=(IlB sin)

2. Obtain the expression for radius of circular path traversed by a charge in a magnetic
Assume that a charged particle ‘q’ is moving perpendicular to the uniform magnetic
field B, i.e =90. The perpendicular force F = qv x B acts as centripetal force, thus producing
a uniform circular motion for the particle in a plane pependicular to the field
mv2 mv
 qvB  qB
i.e r or r ; here m is the mass the particle, r is
the radius of the circular path traced
r 

3. State and explain Biot-Savart’s law.

Consider a conductor XY carrying current I. There we choose an infinitesimal element dl
of the conductor. The magnetic field dB due to this element is to be determined at a point P
which is at a distance ‘r’ from it. Let θ be the angle between dl and the position vector ‘r’.

According to Biot-Savart’s law, the magnitude of the magnetic field dB at a point p is

proportional to the current I, the element length |dl|, and inversely proportional to the square
of the distance r and dB is directed perpendicular to the plane containing dl and r .

o Idlxr
dB 
i.e 4  r3 or

o Idl r sin  o Idl sin 

dB  
4 r3 4  r2

here o = 4x10-7 Hm-1 is a constant called permeability of vacuum.

4. Using ampere circuital law, obtain an expression for magnetic field due to infinitely
long straight current carry wire.

Consider a infinitely long conductor carrying current. Let Ie be the current enclosed by
the loop and L be the length of the loop for which B is tangential, then the amperes circuital

 B.dl =  I becomes BL=oIe

o ;
If we assume a straight conductor and the boundary of the surface surrounding the conductor
as a circle, t hen length of the boundary is the circumference, 2r; where ‘r’ is the radius of the
circle. Then B.2r = oI


5. Show that current loop as a magnetic dipole?

When x>>R, (i.e at a long distance from O along the x-axis),
oNIR2 oNIR2 oNIA o m o 2m
B    
2x3 2x 3 2x 3 2 x 3 4  x 3 ; here m=NIA called Magnetic dipole moment
of the loop and A=R2, the circular area of the loop.
Similarly in electrostatics, for an electric dipole, electric field due to the dipole along its
1 2pe
axis, 4 o x 3 ; here p is the electric dipole moment.
This shows the current carrying circular loop is equivalent to a magnetic dipole.

6. Explain how do you convert moving coile galvanometer into an ammeter.

A small resistance rs , called shunt resistance is connected in parallel with the
galvanometer coil; so that most of the current passes through the shunt.

1 1
The resistance of this arrangement is RG  rs

RG  rs
If RG >> rs, then the resistance of the arrangement  RG  rs

This arrangement is calibrated to standard values of currents and hence we define, the

current sensitivity of the galvanometer as the deflection per unit current, i.e I k
7. Explain how do you convert moving coile galvanometer into voltmeter.
For this the galvanometer must be connected in parallel with a high resistance R. in

The resistance of the voltmeter is now, RG+ R

Since R >> RG, RG+R  R
The scale of the voltmeter is calibrated to read off the p.d across a circuit.
We define the voltage sensitivity as the deflection per unit voltage,
  NAB  1  NAB    NAB  I   NAB  1
i.e V   k  R [because,    k I  V   k  V ] 
V  k R

Five marks questions & answers

1. Describe the construction and working theory of cyclotron.
The cyclotron is a machine to accelerate charged particles or ions to high energies.

In the digarm there is a completely evacuated chamber and there are two metal semicircular
containers, D1 and D2 called ‘dees’, which are connected to a high frequency oscillator as
shown, which produces an alternating electric field ‘E’ at the gap between the dees. In the
diagram ‘dot’ represents the applied magnetic field ‘B’.
As soon as the positively charged ion or particle ‘P’ is injected into the dees, B brings the
particle into circular motion. As the particle enters the gap between the dees, the tuned ‘E’
accelerates the particle and the radius of the circular path increases, because of increased
kinetic energy.
It should be noted that P enters the gap between the dees at regular interval of 2 ; where T is
the period of revolution.
1 2m qB
i.e. T    qB or c 
2m 1) This frequency is called cyclotron frequency.

Let a is the frequency of the applied p.d across the dees through oscillator. If we adjust
a = c is called resonance condition. In this case, as the positive charge arrives at the edge of
D1, D2 is at lower potential and vice versa. As a result the particle gets acceleration inside the

Each time the kinetic energy increases by qV; V is the p.d across the gap. As it is found to have
the radius approximately equal to that of dees, the deflecting plate throws the particle out
through the exit port.

From (1), 2c = qB/m But, 2c = 

  = qB/m
But, velocity at the exit, v = R or R ; R is the radius at the exit.

v qB
 qBR
 R m ; i.e v  m

Squaring on both sides, we get v2 

1 2 q2B2R2
mv  ;
This is the kinetic energy acquired by the positive charged particle or ion at the
2 m
exit of the cyclotron.

2. Derive an expression for magnetic field on the axis of a circular current loop.
Consider a circular loop carrying a steady current I. The loop is placed in the y-z plane with its
centre at the origin O and has a radius R. The x-axis is the axis of the loop. We want to find the
magnetic field at P and is at a distance x from O.

Let us consider an element Idl on the loop and which produces a tiny magnetic field dB at P.
 I dlxr  Idlrsin  o Idl sin 
i.e dB  4 r 3  4 
o o

r3 4  r2

o Idl
Since dl  r, dB  4 r2

But r2 = x2 + R2,
o Idl
dB 
4   x  R2 


The direction of dB is  as shown, and it has x-component dBx and y-component dB.

But dB =dBsin = 0 [since, each dB due to diagonally opposite Idl vanish).

Thus, the net magnetic field at P is dBx = dBcos

But cos    1
 x2  R2 2
oIdl R o IR
  dB  
4 3
 B
4 3  dl ; B is the total field
x 2
R 
2 2
x 2
R 
2 2

The summation of elements dl over the loop yields 2πR, the circumference of the loop.
o IR oIR2
Thus, B  4 3
x2R  B 3

x 2
 R2  2 2  x2  R2  2

Note: (i) In vector form, B  3
i ; i is the unit vector along x-axis
2x  R

2 2

(ii) For multiple loops(i.e of N turns) B  3
2  x2  R2  2

The direction of the magnetic field due to closed wire loop carrying current is given by right
thumb rule.


Curl the palm of your right hand around the circular wire with the fingers pointing in the
direction of the current. The right-hand thumb gives the direction of the magnetic field.

3. Obtain the expression for the force per unit length of two parallel conductors carrying
current and hence define one ampere.
Shows two long parallel conductors a and b separated by a distance ‘d’ and carrying (parallel)
currents Ia and Ib, respectively. The conductor ‘a’ produces, the same magnetic field Ba at all
points along the conductor ‘b’.
According to Ampere’s circuital law, Ba  2d

The conductor ‘b’ carrying a current Ib will experience a sideways force due to the field Ba . The
direction of this force is towards the conductor ‘a’, Fba the force on a segment Lof ‘b’ due to ‘a’.

i.e Fba = IbL Ba

 I 
Fba  IbL  o a 
i.e  2d 

Fba 
 2d

Similarly, if Fab is the force on ‘a’ due to ‘b’, then Fba = – Fab.
fba 
Let fba represent the magnitude of the force Fba per unit length. Then 2d


The ampere is the value of that steady current which, when maintained in each of the two
very long, straight, parallel conductors of negligible cross-section, and placed one metre apart
in vacuum, would produce on each of these conductors a force equal to 2 × 10-7 newtons per
metre of length.

4. Derive an expression to magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron in a

hydrogen atom and hence deduce Bohr magneton.
An electron revolving around the nucleus possesses a dipole moment and the system
acts like a tiny magnet. According to Bohr’s model, the magnetic moment of an electron is
l =Ir2 = 2 ; here ‘e’ is an electron charge, ‘v’ is its speed in the orbit and ‘r’ is the
corresponding radius of the orbit.

The direction of this magnetic moment is into the plane of the paper.
l 
We know angular momentum, 2

Dividing the above expression on RHS by electron mass me, we get

l  me vr 

But, mevr = l, the angular momentum,

l  l

l   l
2me ; here the negative sign indicates that  l and l are in opposite directions.

 e h
Further, l  2m and l =n 2 ; here n=1,2,3… called principal quantum number and h is

Planck’s constant.
 l min e eh
Since is minimum when n=1, we write, h  or  l min 
2me 4 me

And on substituting all the values, we get  l min =9.27x10-24Am2 and is called Bohr magneton.


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