Load Forecasting Methods
Load Forecasting Methods
Load Forecasting Methods
Code: BELF
Length: 2 days
URL: View Online
This course introduces electric load forecasting from both statistical and practical aspects using language and examples from the
power industry. Through conceptual and hands-on exercises, participants experience load forecasting for a variety of horizons
from a few hours ahead to 30 years ahead. The overall aims are to prepare and sharpen the statistical and analytical skills of
participants in dealing with real-world load forecasting problems and improve their ability to design, develop, document, and
report sound and defensible load forecasts.
According to statistics gathered on the first five offerings, this course was highly rated by students who ranged from new
graduates with no industry or SAS experience to forecasting experts with over 30 years of industry experience and over 20 years
of SAS programming background. The students represented all sectors of the industry: G&T, ISO, distribution companies, REPs,
IOU, co-op, municipal, regulatory commission, and consulting firm. Titles of the participants ranged from analyst, engineer,
manager, to director and vice president.
For advanced topics, pair this course with Electric Load Forecasting: Advanced Topics and Case Studies The two courses are
offered on contiguous days.
Skills Gained
classify load forecasts
use basic graphic methods to discover the salient features of load profiles
detect outliers
Before attending this course, you should
Course Details
software applications
class variables
polynomial regression
interaction regression
rolling regression
weekend effect
holiday effect
case studies
dynamic regression
two-stage method
weather normalization
exponential smoothing
training courses
Software Applications
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