2D Mensuration
2D Mensuration
2D Mensuration
(Wizard of Maths)
parallel lines is 1 : 3 of a
3 2 traperium while non-parellel
Area = a (c) 70 3 (d) 35 3
4 sides ratio is 2 : 3 if the ratio
2. Find the area of a whose of length of larger parallel line
3 sides are 5, 5 & 6 cm. to larger non-parallel line is 2
Altitude = a
ml f=kHkqt dk {ks=kiQy Kkr djks ftldh 15 15
: 1. & height is h. Find
a Hkqtk,¡ o
5, 5 6 cm gSA 4
2 3 the area of the traperium.
(a) 12cm² (b) 15cm²
a fdlh leyEc prqHkZqt 2 lekukUrj
esa Hkqtkvksa
R= (c) 14cm² (d) 10cm² dk vuqikr1 : 3 o vlekukUrj Hkqtkvksa dk
3. Find the area of whose sides vuqikr2 : 3 gSA ;fn cM+h lekukUrj Hkqt
Area circumcircle
rFkk cM+h vlekukUrj Hkqtk dk 2 :vuqikr
are 5, 6, & 7 cm.
Area incircle 1 5, 6vkSj7 cm Hkqtk okys f=kHkqt dk1 gSA rks leyEc pqrqHkqZt dk {ks=kiQ
Radius circumcircle {ks=kiQy Kkr djks\
2 15 15
Radius incircle =
(a) (b)
djks ;fn bldh m¡QpkbZ
1 6 6cm ² 5 6cm ² 4
* (a) 11 15 (b) 15 15
A (c) 2 6cm ² (d) 5 0 3
6, 8, 10
B a C r lseh-f=kT;k okys fdlh v¼Zo`Ùk
esa cu
cm gSA blds vanj cu ldus okys cM+s ls
1 okys cM+s ls cM+s oxZ dh Hkqtk Kkr d
Ar (BDC) = × a × P1 cM+s oxZ dk {ks=kiQy Kkr djks\
2 2r 2r
(a) (b)
572 575 7 3
1 (a) (b)
Ar (ADC) = × a × P2 49 49 2r
(c) 2r (d)
1 555 576 5
Ar (ABD) = × a × P3 (c) (d) 9. A brick of 5 cm is placed
2 49 49
against a wheel. The
vkSj o`Ùk ds chp [kkyh txg20 esa
cm circles.
yEck vkSj
10 cm pkSM+k ,d vk;r cuk;k 1 cm f=kT;k okys
3 o`Ùk ,d nwljs ij ckg~; three circle of radius 14 cm.
ml NksVs
tk,A vk;r ds rhu 'kh"kZ oxZ ij rFkk ,d Li'kZ djrs gSa] rhuksa o`Ùkksa ds ckgj cuus okys ls NksVs jcj cSaM dh yEckbZ K
'kh"kZ o`Ùk dh ifjf/ ij gS\ ifjo`Ùk dk {ks=kiQy Kkr djks\ tks14 cm f=kT;k okys rhu o`Ùkksa dks c
2 ldrk gS\
(a) 50 (b) 40 2 – 3
(a) 175 CM (b) 178 CM
(c) 60 (d) 45 (a)
3 (c) 172 CM (d) 170 CM
11. Find the ratio of length of an
2 3 19.
equilateral and a regular
hexagon which are on the 3
circumference of the circle.
dkVh tk lds\
(d) 60 1 7
width of the rectangular field? the rest park has been lawn.
fdlh vk;rkdkj eSnku dh yEckbZ vkSj If the area of the lawn is
pkSM+kbZ dk 3vuqikr
: 2 gSA ;fn yackbZ 2109m2. What is the width of
x B dks 5 ehVj c<+k;k tkrk gSA rc eSnkuthe road?
L dk u;k {ks=kiQy
2600 eh2 gSA vk;rkdkj ,d vk;rkdkj ikdZ dh eki 60 eh 40
eSnku dh pkSM+kbZ D;k gS\
x eh gSA blds eè; esas nks lM+dsa ,d&nwlj
(a) 55 (b) 50 (c) 40 (d) 65
23. The length of rectangle, which dkVrh gSa vkSj ikdZ ds 'ks"k Hkkx esa y
(7) (i) Area of path midway = x (l
;fn ykWu dk {ks=kiQy 2109 oxZ eh- gS
is 24cm is equal to the length
+ b – x)
of a square and the area of the jkLrs dh pkSM+kbZ D;k gS\
(ii) Perimeter of Path (P)
rectangle is 176cm less than
= 2(l + b) - 4x = 2( l + b – 2x) (a) 5 (b) 7 (c) 3 (d) 6
the area of the square. What is
L the breadth of the rectangle ? A rectangular lawn 60 40m2
fdlh vk;r dh yackbZ 24 lseh- gS tks fd has two roads each 5m wide
,d oxZ dh yackbZ ds cjkcj gS vkSj vk;r running between the park.
dk {ks=kiQy oxZ ds {ks=kiQy ls ² 176 lseh-
One is parallel to length and
x B
de gS] rks vk;r dh pkSM+kbZ D;k gS\ other is parallel to width. Cost
of gravelling is 60 paise/m2.
2 2
(a) 16 (b) 15 Find the total cost of gravelling
3 3 the path ?
1. Each interior angle of a regu- 5. If each interior angle of a 8. The ratio between the num-
lar polygon is 140º. The num- regular polygon is 3 times its ber of sides of two regular poly-
ber of sides is: gon 1 : 2 and the ratio between
exterior angle, the number of their interior angle is 3 : 4.
fu;fer cgqHkqt dh izR;sd var% dks.k
140º sides of the polygon is: The number of sides of these
gSA Hkqtkvksa dh la[;k gS% polygons are respectively:
;fn fu;fer cgqHkqt dk izR;sd var% dks.k nks fu;fer cgqHkqt dh Hkqtkvksa dh la[;k
2. Each interior angle of a regu-
lar hexagon is: blds ckg~;dks.k3ds
xquk gS] rks cgqHkqt dh chp dk vuqikr1 : 2 rFkk blds var%
Hkqtkvksa dh la[;k gS% dks.k ds chp dk vuqikr
3 : 4 gSA bu
fu;fer "kV~dks.k dk izR;sd var% dks.k gS%
cgqHkqtkvksa dh Øe'k% la[;k gS%
3. If one of the interior angles
of a regular polygon is equal
to 5/6 times of one of the in-
6. es
Difference between the inte-
rior and exterior angles of
9. The sum of all the interior
angles of a regular polygon is
ter ior a ngl es of a r egu l a r regular polygon is 60º. The four times the sum of its ex-
pentagon, then the number number of sides in the poly- terior angles. The polygon is:
of sides of the polygon is: gon is: fu;fer] cgqHkqt ds lHkh var% dks.k dk ;ks
;fn fu;fer cgqHkqt dk ,d var% dks.k
fu;fer iapdks.k dk ,d var% dks.k5/ds blds ckg~;dks.k ds ;ksx dk pkj xquk gSA
fu;fer cgqHkqt ds var% dks.k rFkk ckg~;dks.k
6 xquk ds leku gS] rks cgqHkqt dh Hkqtkvksa cgqHkqt gS%
ds chp dk varj60º gSA cgqHkqt esa Hkqtkvksa
dh la[;k gS% 10. The ratio of the measure of an
dh la[;k gS% interior angle of a r e g u l a r
4. The su m o f t he i n te r i o r
,d cgqHkqt ds
54 fod.kZ gSA cgqHkqt esa
1. Find the distance between 2. Find the distance between two 3. AB and AC are two chords of a
two parallel chords of length 6 parallel chords of length 16 cm circle r = 5 cm, AB = AC = 6 cm.
cm and 8 cm which are on the and 30 cm which are on the find BC = ?
opposite direction on the cen-
same side of the centre of the AB o AC fdlh o`Ùk dh nks thok,a gSa
tre of circle of radius 5 cm.
circle of radius 17 cm. r = 5 cm, AB = AC = 6 cm, rksBC = ?
fdlh o`Ùk dh f=kT;k
5 cm gSa dsUnzksa
ads nksu
dsUnz ds ,d rjiQ nks lkeUrj thok,a
16 4. 2a, 2b are the length of two
vksj6 cm o 8 cm dh nks thok,a gSaA
cm o 30 cm ds chp dh nwjh Kkr djsas chords which intersects each
nksuksa lekUrj thokvksa ds chp dh yEcor~
;fn o`Ùk dh f=kT;k
17 cm gks\ other at right angle. Find the
nwjh Kkr
s\ radius of the circle and the
fdlh ABC esa A, B, C ds C
3 cm, rksr = ? dks.k lef}Hkktd ifjo`ÙkD,dks
E, F ij
cm, AO = 13 cm. find r = ? 12. ABC and MNC are two secants
;fn o`Ùk dh thok
CB vkSj f=kT;kOM of a circle, then it cut at point
dks vkxs c<+k;k tkrk gS] rksA ij
os fcUnq C outside the circle. AN is 17. In the given figure, if CDF
feyrs gS vkSj = 87º, AED = 24º. Find F= ?
AB = 9 cm, BC = 7 diameter of circle, C = 28°,
cm, AO = 13 cm. rksr = ? NAB = 35°. Find MBN = ? nh xbZ vkÑfr esa ;fn
CDF = 87º,
es AED = 24º rks F dk eku Kkr djsa\
7. In the given figure, if ABD ABC o MNC ,d o`Ùk dh nks Nsnd
= 40º, than find ACD = ? js[kk gSa tks o`ÙkCdsfcUnq
ckgj ij dkVrs F
nh xbZ vkÑfr esa];fn
ABD = 40º gSaA
AN o`Ùk dk O;kl gS]C = 28°, D
gS] rks
ACD = ?
NAB = 35°, rks MBN dk eku C
Kkr djsa\
40 C
? 13. The bisector of angle A of a A
BAD = ? BC dksD ij dkVrk gS rFkk ifjo`ÙkE dks R & Y. S is a point on major arc
nh xbZ vkÑfr esa];fn
ADB = 30º,
ij feyrk gS] DE = 3, AC = 4, AD =
21. O & C are respectively F
outside the smaller circle?
orthocentre & circumcentre of
S, QCR = 130°, PQR = 53°. touches AB, BC, CA at D, E, F ckgj gSaA
Find RPS = ? respectively, if BE = 1, FC = 2,
30. AB and AC are the length of
O o C Øe'k% fdlh PQR ds yEcdsUnz AD = 3, then which type of tri-
two tangents on a circle of ra-
o ifjdsUnz PgSa
vkSj O dks feykdj
angle is it? dius 5 cm. Find the length
c<+k;k x;k tks
QR dksS ij dkVrh gS f=kHkqt
ABC esa var%o`Ùk AB,Hkqtk
BC, (minimum) of another tan-
QCR = 130°, PQR = 53°,
RPS dk eku Kkr djsa\
CA dks Øe'k%
gS vkSj ;fn
D, E, F ij Li'kZ djrk
BE = 1, FC = 2, AD = 3
gent which intersects AB &
AC at M & N, r = 5, AB = 12.
22. In a PQR, I & C are incentre
& circumcentre of the . The
gks] rks ;g fdl izdkj dk f=kHkqt gSa\ Find MN = ?
5 lseh- f=kT;k okys o`Ùk
AB vkSj
line PI is extended which in- 26. Two circle touches each other
nks Li'kZ js[kk,¡ gSa ,d vU; NksVh ls N
PQR esaI vkSjC Øe'k% var% dsUnz nks o`Ùk ,d&nwljs dks ckg~; Li'kZ djrs AB
31. gSAand AC are two tangents
vkSj ifjdsUnzPIgSa dks c<+k;k x;k tks AB nksuksa o`Ùk dh Li'kZ js[kk gS vkSj o`Ùkksa
of circle, r = 5 cm, BC = 8 cm.
ifjo`Ùk dks
D ij feyrh gSa QCR = dk Li'kZ fcUnq
C gS] rks
ABC dk eku
Find AB and AO ?
X°, PQR = Y°, QID = Z° rks AB o AC fdlh o`Ùk dh nks Li'kZ js[kk,¡ g
Kkr djsa\
34, MON dk eku Kkr djsa\ Find COD = ? fdlh DokVZj (prqFkZ) o`Ùk esa ,d oxZ
35- See given figure, find AB = ? nh xbZ vkÑfrAC
esa]= BC rks COD izdkj cuk;k x;k fd blds nks 'kh"kZ dsUn
vkÑfr dks ns[kdj]
AB Kkr djsa\ eku Kkr djsa\ ls leku nwjh ij gSa rFkk ckdh nks 'kh
o`Ùkkdkj pki ij gSa ;fn oxZ dh x Hkqtk
A cm gks rks o`Ùk dh f=kT;k Kkr djks\
B A 130° O circle are 13 cm & 8 cm. AB
es B C D
is the diameter of larger circle
and BD is a tangent to the
36- In the given figure, if ADB =
smaller circle touching it at
30º, r = 12 cm, BC = 4 cm.
Find CD = ? 40- Find M + N = ? D & the larger circle at E.
Point A is joined to D. Find AD.
nh xbZ vkÑfr esa]ADB
;fn = 30º,
gS vkSj
BD NksVs o`Ùk dh Li'kZ js[kk gS
M NksVs o`Ùk D ijdks
Li'kZ djrh gSa vkSj cM+s
41- BE = BP, EBC = 37° o`Ùk dks
E ij Li'kZ djrh gSa
A vkSj
D dks
x+y+z = ? tksM+k ADx;k Kkr djsa\
A C 45. E is the mid point of median
P E AD of ABC, on extending BE
it intersects AC at I.
37- In a isosceles ABC, a circle E gSa
BE dks c<+kus ij AC
;g dksI ij
goes through from vertex B dkVrk gS
and touches the mid point of A B C
line AC, intersect the line AB AB = 18, AC = 15, BC = 20, CI = ?
42. Three circle touch each
at M. AB = AC. Find AM : MB = ? 46. E is the mid point of median
other externally and the dis-
lef}ckgq ABC esa] 'kh"kZ
B ls ,d o`Rr AD of ABC, on extending BE
tance between their cen-
xqtjrk gS tks
AC ds eè; fcUnq dks Li'kZ
tres is 5 cm, 6 cm & 7 cm. it intersects AC at I.
djrk gS vkSj
AB dksM ij dkVrk gS]AB Find the radius of the circle f=kHkqt
ABC esa ekfè;dk
AD dk eè;
= AC, rksAM : MB dk eku Kkr djsa\ all the centres. fcUnq
E gS Hkqtk
BE dks vkxs c<+kus ij ;g
(Wizard of Maths)
1. Find the volume of a prism 6. Find the volume of a right fdlh fijkfeM dk vk/kj6 3cm Hkqtk
which is based on regular oc- prism which is based on a
okyk ,d "kV~Hkqt vkSj12cmÅapkbZ
tagon of side 10 cm and height regular hexagon of height 10
of the prism is 63 cm? cm. If its total surface is fijkfeM dk dqy i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy Kkr djks
fizTe dk vk;ru Kkr djks ftldk vk/kj 156 3 cm? 11. Find the volume of a pyramid
10 cm Hkqtk okyk ,d v"BHkqt gS vkSj fizTe which is based on regular
fdlh fizTe dk vk/kj ij fu;fer "kV~Hkqt gS
dh ÅapkbZ
63 gSA hexagon of side 10 cm and
vkSj bldh ÅapkbZ
10cm gSA ;fn bldk dqy having slant edge 13 cm?
2. The base of right prism is a
of side 5, 12, 13 cm and its
volume is 450 cm 3 . Find its
i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy
150 3cm gS rks bldk
vk;ru Kkr djks%&
fdlh fijkfeM dk vk/kj10cm Hkqtk okyk
,d le"kV~Hkqt gS vkSj ftldh ,d fr;Zd
13cm gSA fijkfeM dk vk;ru Kkr djksA
total surface area?
7. Find the volume of a pyramid
fdlh fizTe dk vk/kj ,d f=kHkqt gS ftldh which is based on a regular 12. Find the volume of a pyramid
5, 12 o 13cm gS vkSj bldk vk;ru which is based on hexagon of
hexagon of side 2 3 cm and
450cm3 gSA bldk dqy i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy
9cm gSA ;fn bldk vk;ru 810cm3 gks rks side 6 cm and its slant height
is 5 cm? eral of side 6 3 cm. If its
dqy i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy Kkr djksA
4. The base of a right prism is a fdlh fijkfeM dk vk;ru Kkr djksa fd slant height is 5 cm?
quadrilateral ABCD and the ftldk vk/kj 6cm Hkqtk okyk ,d oxZ gS fdlh fijkfeM dk vk/kj6 3 Hkqtk dh
find the volume and total surface
lateral of the tent? area of the formed figure? bldh ÅapkbZ Kkr djksA
fdlh 'kadqvkdkj VSad dh ÅapkbZ
9cm gSA
fdlh ledks.k f=kHkqt dh Hkqtk,a
15, 20 o 29. In a circular sheet of paper of
blds dsUnz4m
ls nwj
6m ÅapkbZ dh ,d [kaHkk
25cm gSA ;fn f=kHkqt dks blds d.kZ ls radius 10 cm, a sector of 40%
j[kh xbZ tks bldh lrg dks Li'kZ djrh
VSadgS area is removed and the re-
?kqek;k tk;s rks cuus okyh vkd`fr dk vk;ru maining part is used to make
dk oØ i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy Kkr djksA
18. A cone is cut parallel to its o dqy i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy Kkr djksA a conical surface. Find the
base is such a way that height 23. The length of diagonal of a cube volume of the conical surface?
of the two parts is same. Find with volume 729 cm3 is – 10cm f=kT;k okyh fdlh o`Ùkkdkj 'khV ls
the ratio of volume of two fdlh ?ku dk vk;ru 729cm3 gS] bldk 40% {ks=kiQy okyk ,d o`Ùk[k.M fudky
parts? fod.kZ Kkr djksA fy;k x;k vkSj cph gqbZ 'khV ls ,d 'kadq
,d 'kadq dks mlds vk/kj ds lekukUrj bl
24. The ratio radii of two right cir- cuk;k x;kA 'kadq dk vk;ru Kkr djksA
izdkj dkVk x;k fd nksuksa fgLlksa dh ÅapkbZ
cular cylinders is 2 : 3 and 30. A right angled sector of radius
leku gSA nksuksa fgLlksa ds vk;ruksa dk vuqikr
their heights are in the ratio r cm is rolled up into a cone
Kkr djksA 5 : 4. Then ratio of their curved in a way that two binding ra-
19. A cone is cut parallel to its surface area is– dii are joined together. Find
fgLlksa esa bl izdkj dkVk x;k fd izR;sd cylinder is doubled and the 31. A sphere is cut in two parts
height is halved, then the ra-
fgLls dh ÅapkbZ leku FkhA bu rhuksa fgLlksa along its diameter. Find the
tio which the new volume and
ds vk;ruksa dk vuqikr Kkr djksA total surface area of these two
the previous volume of the
35. The areas of curved surface of is placed, water just im- 45. If a conical cavity is drilled out
a right circular cylinder and a mersed it. Calculate the depth into a circular cylinder of
sphere are equal. If the radii of water in the cane before the height 15 cm and base radius
of cylinder and the sphere be sphere was put? 8 cm. The height and base
equal then the ratio of their 3.5 cm f=kT;k dh fdlh csyukdkj dSu esa radius of conical cavity is
volumes be –
dqN ikuh Hkjk gqvk gSA tc buesa cM+s lssame.
cM+s Find the volume and
fdlh csyu vkSj xksys dk oØ i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy total surface area of the re-
vkdkj dk ,d xksyk Mkyk x;k rks ikuh us
leku gSA ;fn nksuksa dh f=kT;k,a leku gS rks maining solid?
bls <d fy;kA xksyk Mkyus ls igys dSu esa
muds vk;ru dk vuqikr D;k gksxkA 15cm ÅapkbZ8cm o vk/kj f=kT;k ds fdlh
ikuh dk Lrj fdruk Fkk\
36. A circular tent is cylinderical csyu ls leku ÅapkbZ vkSj f=kT;k dh ,d
upto a height of 3m & conical 41. The base radius and slant
above it. If its diameter is 1,0
m and the slant height of the
height of a conical vessel is 3
cm and 6 cm respectively.
Find the volume of sufficient
'kadqokdkj vkd`fr fudkyh xbZA cps gq
Bksl dk vk;ru vkSj dqy i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy
Kkr djks\
conical part is 63 m, then the
total area of the canvas re- water in the vessel such that 46. The base radius and height of
quired to make the tent is – when a sphere of radius 1 cm a cylinder are 7 cm & 25 cm.
,d o`Ùkkdkj VsUV
3m dh ÅapkbZ rd csyukdkj is placed into it, water just 2 conical cavity of radius 5 cm
gS vkSj mlds Åij 'kadqvkdkj gSA ;fn immersed it? and height 12 cm are drived
bldk O;kl 105m vkSj 'kadqokdkj Hkkx dh fdlh 'kadqokdkj crZu dh vk/kj f=kT;k out on the both ends of the
fr;Zd ÅapkbZ
63 m gS rks VsUV dks cukus esavkSj ÅapkbZ Øe'k%
3cm o 6cm gSA crZu esa cylinder. Find the volume and
yxs dSuokl dk {ks=kiQy D;k gksxkA dqN ikuh Hkjk gqvk gSA tc
1cm blesa
f=kT;k total surface area of the re-
37. A solid is hemispherical at dk ,d xksyk Mkyk tkrk gS rks ikuh cl maining solid?
the bottom and conical above. bldh lrg dks <d tkrk gSA Kkr djks fd fdlh csyu dh vk/kj f=kT;k o ÅapkbZ
If the surface areas of the two o
xksyk Mkyus ls igys crZu esa fdruk Ikkuh Fkk25cm gSA csyu ds nksuksa fljksa ls
f=kT;k vkSj
12cm ÅapkbZ ds nks 'akdqokdk
concial part is : –
cylinder stand on equal base vkSj dqy i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy Kkr djksA
,d Bksl uhps ls v¼Zxksykdkj vkSj Åij ls
and have the same height. 47. The height of a metallic hol-
'kadqvkdkj gSA ;fn nksuksa fgLLkksa dkTheiri`"Bh;
pering the 4 walls with paper
50 cm wide at the rate of 25 VSad7cm
esa f=kT;k okys ikbi
5 fdeh@?k.Vk
ls Kkr djksA
paise per metre? dh xfr ls ikuh fxjrk gSA Kkr djks fd fdrus
59. What is the semi-vertical
,d dejk 8eh- yack]
6eh- vkSj
3eh- Åapk le; esa ikuh dk Lrj14cm c<+ tk;sxkA angle of the cone whose lat-
54. The water in a rectangular eral surface area is twice
gSA blesa
1 eh-× 1 eh- dh nks f[kM+fd;ka reservoir having 80m × 60m base area?
2 × 6.5m dimension. In what fdlh 'kadq dk oØ i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy blds
1 time can the water be emptied vk/kj {ks=kiQy2 lsxquk gSA 'kadq dk
vkSj2 eh × 1 eh- dk ,d njoktk gSA by a pipe of which the cross-sec-
2 v/Z&'kh"kZ dks.k Kkr djksA
tion is a square of side 20 cm.
height are 5 cm and 48 cm. 'kadq ds vUnj j[ks tkus okys cM+s ls cM
11 162 eh- gSA blesa
40eh- × 60eh- ds ,d
xksys dh f=kT;k Kkr djksA
The string makes exactly 4 ?kukHkkdkj ikbi ls fdl xfr ls ikuh Hkjk
complete turns around the cyl- 62. The base radius and height of
tk, fd 5 ?kaVs esa ikuh dk Lrjc<+sA
20cm a rod roller are 0.7 cm and 10
inder while is its two ends
touch the top and bottom of the 56. If the length of a rectangular cm respectively. When it re-
tank? parallel piped is 3 times of its volves 1200 times then it only
breadth and 5 times of its 88% area. Find the cost of lev-
fdlh csyukdkj VSad dk vk/kj O;kl vkSj height. If its volume is 14400
eling the whose ground at the
1 cm3, find its total surface area?
ÅapkbZ5 cm vkSj48cm gSA bl VSad ij rate of Rs. 6.75 per cm2?
11 fdlh ?kukHk dh yackbZ pkSM+kbZ
3 xquk gS vkSj
dk fdlh jksM+ jksyj dh vk/kj f=kT;k vkSj Åap
yisVs tkus okys /kxs dh yackbZ Kkr djks ;fnÅapkbZ 5dkxquk gSA ;fn bldk vk;ru
Øe'k%0.7 lseh o10 lseh gSaA tc 1200 ;g
/ kxkk VSad ds pkjksa
4 iwjsvksj
PkDdj yxkrk gSA 14400cm3 gS rks dqy i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy Kkr djksA
ckj ?kwerk gS 88%rks
fgLls dks lery dj nsrk
52. Two third part of an aquarium 57. A well of 14 m base radius is
is full of water. When we tilt gSA6.75 :i;s izfr oxZ lseh nj ls lkjs Hkkx dks
digged upto a depth of 10m & a lery djus dk [kpZ Kkr djksA
the aquarium in such a way 7m wide platform was made
fdlh csyu dk vk/kj {ks=kiQy 1/9 jg fdlh leprq"iQyd dh ÅapkbZ P vkSj izR;sd rolled along its length (length
6 xquk gks xbZA blds Hkqtk 2A gSA 3P dk eku Kkr djksA dks eksM+uk gS a cylinder. Find
x;k vkSj bldh ÅapkbZ 2 ) to form
the volume?
oØ i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy esa D;k cnyko69. gksxkA
If h, c and v are the height,
C.S.A, and volume respec- 44cm × 18cm dh ,d vk;rkdkj 'khV gSA
65. The radius of a cylinder is 10
tively of a cone. Find bldks yackbZ ls eksM+dj ,d csyu cuk;k
cm and its height is 4 cm.
How much cm does we add ei- 3 vh 3 – c 2h 2 9v 2 ? x;kA bl izdkj cus csyu dk vk;ru Kkr
ther in radius or in height to fdlh 'kadq dh ÅapkbZ oØ i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy djksA
get the same change in the vkSj vk;ru Øe'k% h, c, v gSA3 vh3 – 74. The capacity of two hemi-
volume? c2h2 + 9v2 = ? spherical bowls is 6.4 and
fdlh csyu dh f=kT;k 10cm vkSj ÅapkbZ 70. A person requires 4m2 of space 21.6. Find the ratio of their
4cm gSA f=kT;k ;k ÅapkbZ esa fdruk tksM+s dh
on the ground and
ume to breadth. What is the
nksuksa ifjLFkfr;ksa esa vk;ru esa leku cnyko
metre is 25 paise. The width pkfg,A fdlh racw11esa O;fDr cSBkus gS] racw depth in starting is 4.5 m
which reaches upto 7.5m in
of the ground is 50m. If the dh ÅapkbZ Kkr djksA
length of the ground is in- 71. How many smaller cylinder of the other end. Find the volume
creased by 20m, then find the of the pool?
height & radius 3.5 cm can be
fdlh rj.krky dh yackbZ
20 eh- o pkS-