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Research Paper Rubric Generic

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Research Paper Rubric

Criteria Unsatisfactory - Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Total

Paper Focus: 0-13 points 14-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points /20
Purpose/ Fails to identify a relevant Identifies a research topic but may Identifies a relevant research Identifies a relevant research
Position research topic or is not clearly be too broad in scope and/or the topic and a thesis that provides topic and a thesis that provides
Statement defined and/or the paper lacks thesis is somewhat unclear and adequate direction for the paper direction for the paper that is
focus throughout. needs to be developed further. with some degree of interest for engaging and thought
Focal point is not consistently the reader. The thesis states the provoking, The thesis clearly
maintained throughout the paper. position, premise, or hypothesis, and concisely states the
and is the focal point of the paper position, premise, or
for the most part. hypothesis and is consistently
the focal point throughout the
Analysis 0-22 points 21-23 points 24-26 points 27-30 points /30
Demonstrates a lack of Demonstrates general Demonstrates an understanding Demonstrates a sophisticated
understanding and inadequate understanding with limited critical and some critical analysis of the understanding and careful,
analysis of the research topic analysis of the research topic and research topic and thesis critical analysis of the research
and thesis. Analysis is superficial thesis (argument). Summarizes (argument). Adequately topic and thesis (argument).
based on opinions and perspectives, counter-arguments, compares/contrasts perspectives, Compares/contrasts
preferences rather than critical or opposing positions. counter-arguments, or opposing perspectives, considers
analysis. positions but broader counter arguments or
connections and/or implications opposing positions, and draws
are not as thoroughly explored. original and thoughtful
conclusions with future
Evidence 0-22 points 21-23 points 24-26 points 27-30 points /30
(Sources) Lacks sufficient research sources Provides some evidence to support Provides essential, accurate Provides compelling and
to support the central position the central position with only a few evidence to support the central accurate evidence to support
and/or, if included, are generally research sources. Some sources position with the required (7) in-depth the central position
not relevant, accurate, or may not be relevant, accurate, and research sources including 1 beyond the required (7)
reliable. Contains numerous reliable and/or appropriately source from a periodical research sources with at least
factual mistakes, omissions, or referenced and cited in the paper. database that are mostly 1 source from a periodical
oversimplifications. Sources, if relevant, accurate, and reliable. database. Research sources are
included, are not properly Sources are referenced and cited highly relevant, accurate, and
referenced and cited in the appropriately throughout the reliable and add to the
paper. paper for the most part. strength of the paper; and are
effectively referenced and
cited throughout the paper.

Rubric by Denise Kreiger, Instructional Design and Technology Services, SC&I, Rutgers University, 4/2014 1
Research Paper Rubric (continued)

Criteria Unsatisfactory - Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Total

Organization 0-6 points 7 points 8 points 9-10 points /10
Paper lacks logical organization and Paper is somewhat organized, Paper is adequately organized. Paper is effectively organized.
impedes readers’ comprehension of although occasionally ideas Ideas are arranged reasonably Ideas are arranged logically,
ideas. Central position is rarely from paragraph to paragraph with a progression of thought flow smoothly, with a strong
evident from paragraph to may not flow well and/or from paragraph to paragraph progression of thought from
paragraph and/or the paper is connect to the central position connecting to the central paragraph to paragraph
missing multiple required or be clear as a whole. May be position. Includes required connecting to the central
components. missing a required component components (introduction, body, position. Includes all required
and/or components may be less conclusion, Reference List, etc.) components (introduction,
than complete. for the most part. body, conclusion, Reference
List, etc.).
Writing Quality 0-6 points 7 points 8 points 9-10 points /10
& Adherence to Paper shows a below average/poor Paper shows an average and/or Paper shows above average Paper is well written and clear
Format writing style lacking in elements of casual writing style using writing style and clarity in writing using APA guidelines and
Guidelines appropriate standard English and standard English and following using standard English and standard English characterized
following proper APA guidelines. APA guidelines. Some errors in following APA guidelines. Minor by elements of a strong writing
Frequent errors in spelling, spelling, grammar, punctuation, errors in grammar, punctuation, style. Basically free from
grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, and/or formatting. spelling, usage, and/or grammar, punctuation,
usage, and/or formatting. formatting. spelling, usage, or formatting

Timeliness* and Deduct 11 points-overall failing Deduct 6-10 points Deduct 1-5 points 0 points deducted /---
Length of Paper Paper is submitted 2-3 days (49-72 Paper is submitted 1-2 days (25- Paper is submitted within 1 day Paper is submitted by the
hours) or more after the deadline 48 hours) after the deadline (24 hours) after the deadline and deadline and meets the
(* unexcused late)
and/or substantially lacks/exceeds and/or is somewhat lacking (or meets the required length (6-8 required length (6-8 pages for
the required length exceeds) the required length. pages for the body). the body).
TOTAL POINTS (sum of 6 Criteria) /100

Rubric by Denise Kreiger, Instructional Design and Technology Services, SC&I, Rutgers University, 4/2014 2
Instructor Guide and Notes
 Sharing and discussing your Rubric with students is a good idea so that you can all come to a common understanding of what is expected
for the assignment and how students’ work will be graded. Students should be able to visibly see a link to the Rubric at the beginning of
the assignment in web-enhanced, hybrid, or fully online courses if a course management system is used (e.g., eCollege, Sakai, etc.).

 Rubrics make the process of grading more objective, consistent, and quicker (in the long run).

 Rubrics can also be used when reviewing any grade appeals.

 When grading:
o Pick three students’ papers at random and “practice” grading them using the Rubric so you get a better feel for it.
o Focus on the “Exemplary” mastery level (category) on each criterion before the other mastery levels (i.e., Accomplished,
Developing, Beginning-Unsatisfactory) when evaluating and grading each student’s paper. The Exemplary mastery level
articulates the highest learning outcome.

 If the rubric doesn’t do what you want, adjust it, as needed. For example, modify mastery descriptions to add “context” for your
research paper assignment, if needed. However, be careful to maintain a similar “weighting” of criteria (i.e., “content” should be a
significantly higher weighting than the “mechanics” of the assignment). Also, be aware that the “points” assigned for each mastery level
have been mathematically calculated and proportioned as follows: overall, Exemplary is ~ 90-100%; Accomplished is ~80-89%;
Developing is ~ 70-79%; and Beginning-Unsatisfactory is ~ 0-69%.

 This Rubric will work with both “percentage-based” grading systems and “points-based” grading systems. For percentage-based grading
systems, it is important that the overall points add up to 100 points to work properly with the Gradebook in the course management
system (e.g., eCollege, Sakai, etc.).

 It is recommended that instructors include a “model” of an “Exemplary” paper so students have a frame of reference before undertaking
the assignment.

Rubric by Denise Kreiger, Instructional Design and Technology Services, SC&I, Rutgers University, 4/2014 3

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