Edge-Triggered D-Type Flip-Flop: 0 Transition
Edge-Triggered D-Type Flip-Flop: 0 Transition
Edge-Triggered D-Type Flip-Flop: 0 Transition
The transparent D-type flip-flop is written during the period of time that the write control is active.
However there is a demand in many circuits for a storage device (flip-flop or latch - these terms are
usually interchangeable), in which the writing of a value occurs at an instance in time. Such a device
can be built in a number of ways, one of which uses 2 transparent D-type flip-flops. This form will be
presented here and the circuit is shown in the figure.
Clock at 0:
• FF1 is enabled and is written with the value on its D input. Any change on D changes the
stored value and the output value on its Q output. See trace M in the timing diagram.
• FF2 is in storage mode, and outputs the value stored when last enabled (when Clock was 1).
Clock 1→0:
• FF2 goes into storage mode holding the value it has been receiving from FF1 since the 0→1
edge of Clock. FF1 goes into writing mode, storing the current value on its D input. M again
follows the Input, while the Output holds the value stored at the Clock rising edge.
It can be seen that the output from the circuit In practice, there is a short time period over which storage
occurs, but this is not a problem since this period can be
(Q of FF2) only changes on the 0→1 edge of made much shorter than the time for changes in the stored
Clock, and that the output value is always the value to propagate through the circuit. However, if the value
value on the circuits data input at the time of on D is changing at the time of the edge, it is not possible to
this edge. Thus, the circuit stores the input determine the stored value. The propagation delay through
value at the instance that the edge occurs. the inverter on the Clock signal must be shorter than
There are more technical details in the box. propagation times through the flip-flops, otherwise the circuit
has problems at the 1→0 transition.
The vertical dotted lines mark the
time of the edge. The value on D at
this time appears on Q a short time
later due to propagation delays
through the circuit.
It should be noted that the edge-triggered device cannot be replaced by a single transparent D-type
flip-flop, because on the input clock going low, the flip-flop would be enabled for writing while there
is a low on the input and during this period the output would oscillate as a change on the output feeds
back to change the stored value which changes the feedback value, and so on. A device that stores just
on the edge of the input is required.
Delay/Shift Circuit
On the rising edge of Clk, each flip-flop stores the output of the flip-flop immediately to its left, while
the leftmost flip-flop stores the input value. This circuit can be used immediately as a delay circuit:
the input value appears on the rightmost output after a delay of 4 rising edges. It could also form the
basis of a shift register, since the circuit shifts data values; extra logic would be needed in this case. A
number of different types of shift register are used in computer systems:-
• serial-in/parallel-out shift register: in terms of the figure above, 4 bits would be shifted in from
the input into different flip-flops using 4 rising edges on Clk and then all 4-bits would be read out
in parallel as a single 4-bit data item.
• parallel-in/serial-out shift register: in terms of the figure above, each flip-flop would be loaded
with a different bit from a 4-bit data value, and the device would be clocked to shift each bit out of
the end serially one bit at a time.
• parallel-in/parallel-out shift register: these enable a data value to be shifted one or more binary
places. A data item would be loaded in parallel, shifted and the modified value read out in parallel.
Bits shifted out of one end can be shifted in at the other or new bits can be shifted in.
Finite State Machines
Edge-triggered flip-flops play a key role in a very important digital circuit, the Finite State Machine.
Finite State Machines (FSMs) are important because they allow for a sequence of operations to be
performed with a controllable interval for each operation, and for a choice to be made of the next
operation to be performed under the control of input signals. Thus FSMs allow control circuits of
great complexity to be built.
The digital FSM is a circuit with feedback signals, and as in many circuits where there are feedback
signals, the outputs of the circuit are a function not only of the circuit’s inputs, but also of the internal
state of the circuit. The state of an FSM is easily identifiable as the information that forms the state of
the FSM is stored in edge-triggered flip-flops. A generalised circuit for a FSM is shown below.
Both the output values and the next state values are functions of the inputs and the current state.
The maximum number of states of the circuit (not all may be used or reached) is 2no of latches, i.e. with 8
latches there are 256 states, with 20 latches, 1M states. Since the next state is defined by the
combinational logic, any state, i.e. a particular set of 1s and 0s in the latches, can be reached from any
other state. Thus, in an 8 latch FSM, state 10100000 could be followed by 00011000 or by 11101000,
depending on the design. It is possible to make the next state dependent on one or more input signals:
state 10100000 might be followed by state 00011000 if input I is 1, but by state 11101000, if I is 0.
The maximum number of choices from a state is 2no of inputs , i.e. with no inputs, there is only one
possible successor state, with one input, two possible successors, with 2 inputs 4, etc. Of course the
number of successor states can never be greater than the maximum number of states.
From a particular state, the FSM will step through a sequence of successor states controlled by the
inputs to the device and the states themselves. The sequencing is controlled by the clock. The outputs
from the FSM are controlled by the inputs and the state sequence.
The figure to the right shows the state diagram of the traffic
light controller. The states of the controller are the circles;
the transitions between states are marked by the arrows. It
can be seen that there is only one successor state for each state: there is no choice of successor in this
This lack of choice means that no inputs are required. To turn this state diagram into a digital circuit
requires a number of stages:-
State Assignment
Unique binary patterns, or labels, must be allocated to each state. The number of bits required
is log2(number of states). Thus, 2 bits are needed for 4 states, 3 bits for 5,6,7 and 8 states, etc.
The pattern allocation can be purely arbitrary, but some allocations give simpler solutions.
The number of state bits determine the number of latches in the FSM. A set of state
assignments for the traffic light controller is shown on the state diagram above.
For the traffic light controller, the truth table is shown in the figure.
Taking the first line of the table, the current state is 00(RED), and only the Red output is
active turning on just the red light, while the next state bits show that the successor state will
be state 01(Red & Orange). The various outputs only depend on cs1 & cs0.
The Boolean functions can be derived in the same way to give the following:-
Red = cs1 Orange = cs1.cs0 + cs1.cs0 Green = cs1.cs0
Circuit Layout:
It can be seen that ns0 and Red are
identical, so that they can be merged
to reduce the number of outputs in the
final circuit. Everything has now been
done and the circuit can be drawn out.
It is shown to the left.
A State Machine with Conditional Branching
The circuit for the state machine has just one edge-triggered flip-flop and has logic to implement the
Boolean function for the input to this flip-flop (Q’).
Although a simple state machine, its operation can be identified with the basic Fetch-Execute
operation of a CPU. Taking state A as the Fetch state, and state B has the Execute state, then operation
could be interpreted thus:-
• in the Fetch state, the Q signal is 0 and the 0 value enables logic elsewhere to read a word from
• signal GotoB is set to 1 if all the instruction has been read in after this read; GotoB is set to 0 if
further reads from memory are required to get the complete instruction. The number of words
to read in is usually found by analysis of the first word of the instruction.
• when the state machine is clocked, it goes into the Execute state only when all the instruction is
available, GotoB = 1; otherwise it stays in the Fetch state.
• in the Execute state, the Q signal is 1 and the 1 value enables logic elsewhere to execute the
• the machine stays in the Execute state until the execute logic indicates that execution is
complete by setting GotoA to 1, so that the machine moves back to the Fetch state.