B. Definition
Design is a creation of the detailed plans from concept basis on the specifications, code
and standards, and procedures for manufacturing and construction.
Conceptual Design is an initial design document for the feasibility study including
operation capacities (feeds and products), screening of the process technologies, site
(plant location) selection studies, high level process and basic documentations (BFD or
PFD and overall plant layout), initial project schedule (Level 1) and budgetary cost
estimate (-50 ~ +100%). The Conceptual Design result is the basis of FEED or Basic
Front End Engineering Design (FEED) is for the evaluation of accurate TIC (Total
Investment Cost) estimate and development of overall project execution planning, and
preparation of tendering documentation for main EPC (Engineering, Procurement,
Construction) contractor selection, and to make a FID (final investment decision). The
FEED engineering depth is similar to a basic engineering, and it is developed based on
a conceptual engineering or pre-FEED results, and basis of a detailed design and
engineering. The FEED engineering main outputs are process studies including process
technology selection, process and utility configuration, and optimizations for a cost
minimization, supporting documentation for permits and funding, EPC execution
planning including EPC cost estimate (Accuracy: +/- 15 ~ 30%), EPC Schedule, EPC
tendering document, and basis of detailed design and engineering document. Type of
FEED is a light, normal and extended FEED based on engineering and deliverables and
depth depend on the client's demand. The FEED is also called a Front End Engineering
(FEE) or Front End Loading (FEL).
Basic Engineering is a basis of detailed design and engineering development for a
construction. A cost estimate in the basic engineering phase may typically be refined to
+/- 15 ~ 30%, and this is used as the project final investment decision (FID). In many
cases this package may also be called as a front end engineering design (FEED) and
used as an Invitation of Bidder (ITB) or tender package for the EPC Contract selection.
C. Engineering Disciples
Electrical Engineering is a part of the design and engineering discipline, deals with the
electricity power system including power generation and distribution system, and
electrical power system controls. An Electrical Engineer is responsible for the
technology and application of the electric power generation, distribution and system
controls. Key deliverable of the Electrical Engineering is a one-line diagram (single-line
diagram), electrical load list, electrical equipment datasheet, electrical bulk materials,
and distribution network drawing. etc. The Electrical Engineering is expanded to
telecommunication systems.
Structural Engineering is a part of the civil engineering, focuses on the design and
engineering of all type of stationary structures.
Architectural Engineering is a part of the civil engineering, responsible for a building
and structure design and engineering and construction.
D. Other Definitions
Field Engineering is one of the construction organization, perform the design and
engineering work at the Site. A primary responsibility is an interpretation of engineering
design and document to the construction teams, supporting ad-hoc engineering related
site activities including field material supply, gathering and feedback requested site
information to the Engineering division, and assisting engineering matter to operation
and maintenance team. The Field Engineering team involves performing of
completeness check and inspection of construction outcomes, and development of
hand-over documentations.
E. Additional Definitions
General Project Description
Site Description
Operating Philosophy
Rely Upon Data/Information
Document Order of Precedence
Project Execution Plan
Master Document Index
Design Basis
Design Criteria
Project Engineering Basic Design Data
Flare and Relief Systems
FEED Studies
Preliminary Noise Data
Process Safety Documents
o HAZOP Report
o Fire Hazard Analysis (FHA) Reports
o Plant & Building Siting Study
o SIL Assessment
o Fireproofing Zones (drawings)
o Firewater Design Considerations
Environmental Documents
Mechanical Handling Report
Project Philosophies
Project Technical Specifications
Codes and Standards
Basis of Design
Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs), Utility Flow Diagrams (UFDs) and Heat &
Material Balances
Process & Operational Control Description
Process Equipment List
Process Datasheets for Main Equipment (per Equipment List)
Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID’s)
Line list
Tie-in Schedule
Cause & Effects Diagrams
Process Data Sheets for instrumentation
Process Alarm & Trip Schedule
Effluent and Emission Summary
Catalyst and Chemicals Summary
Process Simulation Report (including Process Simulations files)
Process Design Calculations
Flare and Relief System Study/Sizing Calculations
Distribution P&ID for the flare headers
HAZOP Report
Performance Guarantees Statement
Performance Test Procedure
Pre-commissioning and Commissioning Manual
Operating & Maintenance Manual
Architectural Design
Electrical Design
Area plans
Hazardous area classification drawings
Area key plans for Lighting, tray and grounding layouts
Layout drawings
Grounding layouts
Plant cable tray and cable routing layouts
Plant and buildings lighting layouts
Substation layouts
Switchgear building equipment layout
U/G duct bank layout etc.
One line diagrams showing interlocks, inter tripping, system capacity, Voltage
levels, currents, impedances, generation power levels etc.
Key one line diagram
138/4.16 kV one line diagram
4,16 kV (MV) one line diagrams
480V one line diagrams
120 VAC UPS one line diagrams
125 VDC UPS one line diagrams
Emergency power one line diagrams etc.
4 kV motor schematics
460 V motor schematics
MOV control schematics
Lighting control schematics
Heat tracing isometrics etc.
Equipment drawings including vendor prints
These drawings shall be supplied for all the major tagged equipment such as
Transformers, Switchgears, MCCs, UPS, Chargers, Generators, Power
supplies, PTs, CTs, Control panels, packaged equipments etc.
Front and interior layout showing all the components
Wiring drawings and terminal connections
Installation details including manuals
Component maintenance and instruction manuals
Electronic equipment manuals and settings
Fuse ratings and characteristic curves
Equipment and component datasheets
Weights and measurements
Equipment specifications
Motor datasheets
Circuit breaker settings
3 Line diagrams
Battery details including amp-hour ratings
Relay settings and relay discrimination curves
Data sheets and environment limitations
HVAC requirements
Manufacturing data books
Spare parts lists etc.
Inter connection diagrams
Inter connection drawings between panels
Hazardous area classification details
Installation details for Lighting, grounding, heat tracing etc.
Duct bank details
Lists and Schedules
Cable routing schedules
MCC schedules
Lighting and Distribution panel schedules
Heat tracing panel schedules
Load lists
Electric equipment list
Bulk material lists and catalogue numbers
Cable tray penetration details in to buildings
Tray sizing calculations
Heat tracing calculations
Equipment sizing calculations
Lighting level calculations
Emergency power load requirements
Studies and reports
System studies showing fault levels, short circuit current, Minimum/
Load flow analysis, motor starting effects and system stability, voltage
Transformer tap settings
Motor protection settings
Relay setting schedules including setting curves
B. Definitions
Document Review and Approval is a project design and engineering work process in
the development of project deliverables, document and drawings. Following initial
document development and the necessary internal check and review processes to
ensure adequate quality it will be released for external review ultimately leading to its
approval. Part of the internal checks includes proper documentation of required design
and controlling steps, assurance of critical safety and alignment with operating
requirements, project specifications whilst ensuring that contract, client and regulatory
requirements are satisfied.
Document Distribution Matrix is a systematic organised matrix for the document and
drawings to be distributed to related person or organisation for their information, review
and approval, record, and use for further actions. The Document Distribution Matrix
includes lists of key project positions or organisations on one side and types of
documents on the other.
Issued for Information (IFI) means that drawings or documents are issued for
information only. (e.g. Progress Status Reports, Detailed Calculations, etc.)
Issued for Review (IFR) means that drawings or documents are Issued for internal or
external Review (IFR) or Client Review (FCR). (e.g. Project non-critical Document, etc.)
Issued for Approval (IFA) means that documents or drawings are issued for client or
delegated authorised person/ organisation to review and approval to use of them for
further developments or activities. (e.g. Project Critical Document including P&ID, Plot
Plan, etc.)
Issued for Design (IFD) means that drawings or documents are issued for further
development of design or used for other disciplines' design.
Approved for Design (AFD) means that drawings or documents are reviewed and
approved by a dedicated and authorised person or organization for use, mainly further
design development, and procurement.
Issued for Construction (IFC) is drawings and documents which are categorized as
the review, and Issued for Construction.
Approved for Constriction (AFC) means that drawings and documents are reviewed
and approved by authorities of internal and external organisations including the client
team members of the construction. A Construction team must use only AFC marked or
stamped drawings and document for the construction works and activities.
Issued for HAZOP (IFH) means that drawings (P&IDs) and documents are issued for
the HAZOP review.
Modularisation (Modularization)
A, Definition
Module is a set of separated parts from a complete unit or plant, and is a transportable
pre-assembly components of process plant designed to minimise site installation and
commissioning activities and labour costs. Module Types are pre-assembled unit (PAU),
pre-assembled Rack (PAR), pre-assembled building (PAB), and vendor assembled unit
B. Reference
Modular Construction