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A Software Tool For Federated Simulation of Wireless Sensor Networks and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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A Software Tool for Federated Simulation

of Wireless Sensor Networks

and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Ewa Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz1,2 and Andrzej Sikora1

Research and Academic Computer Network (NASK),
Wawozowa 18, 02-796 Warsaw, Poland
Institute of Control and Computation Engineering,
Warsaw University of Technology
Nowowiejska 15/19, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland

Abstract. The applicability of parallel discrete event simulation to de-

sign and evaluation of ad hoc networks is discussed. In this paper we
describe the design, functionality, implementation and performance of
our software system named MobASim. It is a Java-based integrated
framework for wireless sensor and mobile ad hoc networks simulation
performed on parallel computers and computer clusters that utilizes the
paradigm of federating simulators and asynchronous distributed simu-
lation technology. The computational results presented in the final part
of the paper show the efficiency of parallel simulation performed upon
MobASim and the application of our tool to design self-organizing com-
munication network.

Keywords: Ad hoc network, MANET, WSN, discrete event system

(DEVS), parallel discrete event simulation (PDES).

1 Introduction

The ad hoc networking is a relatively new area of research that has become
extremely popular over the last decade and is rapidly increasing its advance into
different areas of technology. Two types of such networks can be distinguished:
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs).
Typical WSN consists of a large number of homogenous, stationary nodes, i.e.,
densely deployed sensor devices. Nodes networked through wireless must gather
local data and communicate with other nodes. MANET is formed through the
cooperation of an arbitrary set of independent nodes, i.e., mobile, heterogeneous
wireless devices. The nodes are free to move randomly and organize themselves.
The network’s wireless topology may change rapidly and unpredictably. There
is no prearrangement assumption about specific role each node should perform.
It makes its decision independently, based on the situation in the domain and
its knowledge about the network.

K. Jónasson (Ed.): PARA 2010, Part I, LNCS 7133, pp. 303–313, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
304 E. Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz and A. Sikora

Ad hoc architecture has many benefits, however its flexibility come at a price.
Currently research effort is directed toward the specifics and constraints in ad
hoc networking, such as: limited transmission range, limited link bandwidth and
quality of transmission, constrained resources, mobility and multihop nature of
the network [1,3,17]. Design, development and evaluation of such networks are
non-trivial task. The complexity and scale of modern networks limit the applica-
bility of purely analytic approaches. In this paper, we discuss some guidelines re-
lated to wireless ad hoc networks modeling and simulation. We model WSN and
MANET simulators using discrete event systems methodology (DEVS) [2,18],
and address the challenges to design high-performance simulation of these sys-
tems. Next, we describe the integrated software framework MobASim for simu-
lation of ad hoc networks.

2 Simulation of Ad Hoc Networks

2.1 Wireless Network Simulation Tools
Recently a number of software systems for cable and wireless networks sim-
ulation have been developed to aid programmers. A survey of open source
and commercial platforms for simulation of wireless networks is presented in
[4,7,8,9,15]. Some of them are dedicated systems that are focused on a specific
attribute of the behavior of a given network simulation, the others are general
purpose tools that can be used for development and testing various types of
networks. The high-level functionality, rich feature sets, comprehensive docu-
mentation and support options are available in commercial simulators: OPNET
Modeler (www.opnet.com), QualNet (www.scalable-networks.com), which is the
commercial version of GloMoSim (pcl.cs.ucla.edu/projects/glomosim). The com-
mercial simulators have many advantages and offer scalable solutions but they
are costly and typically do not offer the customization options of an open source
simulator. Hence, they may not be the best choice for new technology design.
Ns-2 (www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns), OMNeT++ (www.omnetpp.org) and GloMoSim
are very popular open source simulators primarily used in network planing, re-
search and education. However, all these general purpose network simulators
are often not very suitable for large scale WSNs and MANETs. They do not
address with the expected accuracy the complex interactions among nodes and
environment. The other solutions are tools dedicated to simulate WSNs and
MANETs. The TinyOS operating system is a common framework for sensor ap-
plications. TOSSIM (docs.tinyos.net/index.php/TOSSIM) is a discrete-events
simulator for TinyOS wireless sensor networks. By exploiting the sensor net-
work domain and TinyOS’s design, TOSSIM can capture network behavior at
a high fidelity while scaling to thousands of nodes. The same code can be used
for simulation and real test-bed operating in TinyOS. A powerful product – NC-
TUns (nsl10.csie.nctu.edu.tw) for ad hoc network simulation and emulation was
developed by SimReal Inc. The other system – SWANS is a scalable platform for
large scale WSN simulation. SWANS is built atop the JiST (jist.ece.cornell.edu)
– a high-performance discrete event simulation engine that runs over a standard
A Software Tool for Federated Simulation of WSN and MANET Networks 305

Java virtual machine. It should be pointed that most of presented open source
simulators are now professional tools that compete with commercial software.

2.2 Parallel Simulation of WSN and MANET

The main difficulty in ad hoc networks simulation is the enormous computation

power, i.e., speed and memory requirements needed to execute all events involved
by internodes communication, and time varying topology. Another problem is
scalability, i.e. how a given simulator scales for large topologies, high speed
channels, and nodes mobility. As a consequence, the developments of methods
to speed up calculations has recently received a great deal of interest. Parallel
discrete event simulation (PDES) is a promising technique when performing the
analysis of complex network systems [3,12]. Parallel execution of simulation can
improve the scalability of a given simulator both in term of network size and
execution speed, enabling large scale networks to be simulated in real time.
When DEVS simulation runs, it pulls events of the event queue (sorted by
time) and executes them. In sequential discrete event simulation all compu-
tational processes simulating the physical ones access the same event list. In
parallel discrete event simulation the shared data objects, i.e. the global clock
and global event list are discarded – each computational process maintains its
own local clock and local event list. Hence, all processes require explicit schemes
for synchronization. Since events are characterized by their time stamps, the
obvious mechanism for achieving PDES is to simultaneously execute the set of
events with the same time stamp (i.e., occurring at the same time) on multiple
processors or machines. Such mechanism is labeled synchronous parallel simu-
lation. This approach is extensively restrictive. In asynchronous approach, the
times of events do not dictate the order of execution of the events. To obtain
the correct simulation results the calculations have to be performed with re-
spect to the schemes described in [10,11,18]. Asynchronous simulation is much
more effective due to its potentially high performance on a parallel platform
[14]. In the last decades numerous integrated software platforms for parallel and
distributed processing have been developed. OPNET, OMNeT++, GloMoSim,
QualNet, NTUns provide tools for parallel and distributed calculations.

3 The MobASim System

There is a variety of simulators that ad hoc networks researchers and engineers

are using to cover their needs. The common ones were described in the section
2. However, there were some reasons we decided to build our own simulator.
We have found that most existing tools focus on the various IEEE standards
for wireless communication with the lack of the reliable radio channel model-
ing. NS-2 and OMNeT++ provide only simplified wireless transmission models,
TOSSIM does not model radio propagation. The more advanced signal propaga-
tion channel models are supported by NCTUns. Moreover, TOSSIM, GloMoSim,
OMNeT++, OPNET do not support gathering power measurements, and do not
306 E. Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz and A. Sikora

consider signal strength. Many commonly used simulators do not model disloca-
tions of nodes (TOSSIM) or provide simple mobility models (ns-2, OPNET, Glo-
MoSim, QualNet, Castalia project in OMNeT++ : castalia.npc.nicta.com.au).
Usually they have only implemented a mobility pattern model – the user just
describes the destination point of a line segment (Castalia), and simple random
mobility models (NCTUns). The other reason for developing a new simulator
was the complicated architecture of available tools and limitations in results vi-
sualization and user-system interaction. In case of OPNET, OMNeT++ or ns-2
systems a user must read a large number of manuals to learn how to use the
tool. The source coding is usually specialized for a given simulator and it is not
easy to implement a given application and extend the system with the mod-
ules developed by the user (TOSSIM, OPNET, ns-2). Hence, we have decided
to build an open expandable, flexible and scalable simulator that can be used
for real-time simulation of self-organizing MANET and WSN. The focus was on
reliable signal propagation, nodes’ motion modeling and advanced programming
interface. We plan to use our tool to ad hoc networks design and on-line decision
support in operational management in real life applications (i.e., self-organizing
network for monitoring, design and support in rescue actions, etc.).

3.1 MobASim Overview

MobASim is a general purpose software system for ad hoc networks simulation.
The DEVS methodology is applied to model ad hoc network operation, i.e., the
process being modeled is understood to advance through events. In MobASim
simulation events can represent hardware interrupts (such as switch off the node)
or high-level system events (such as packet reception, dislocation of nodes, etc.).
In our application a model of each node of ad hoc network is composed of three
types of components responsible for different functionalities: Device – a static
or mobile radio device; Communication Manager – an object that models the
wireless communication with other nodes in the network; Mobility Manager –
an object responsible for tracking the node on the map and collision avoidance.
Hence, the logical process (LP) simulating each node of given WSN or MANET
simulator developed upon MobASim consists of three sets of classes (see Fig. 1):
D – implementing tasks to be performed by static or mobile nodes; CM – imple-
menting internode wireless communication and updating of the network commu-
nication topology; MM – implementing mobile nodes movement and providing
the access to the information about environment and other nodes’ positions in
the network.
Three techniques for estimation of the signal degradation with a distance
(path loss) are extensively used in practice [6]: long-distance, log-normal shad-
owing, and fading model. The MobASim simulator provides two models: long-
distance and log-normal shadowing, hence each process CM implements one of
these two models. The long-distance models combine analytical and empirical
methods. They were developed to predict variations of the signal intensity over
large distances. The log-normal shadowing models consider the fact that the
transmission area of a transmitter may be different at two different locations,
A Software Tool for Federated Simulation of WSN and MANET Networks 307

Fig. 1. Architecture of logical processes – WSN and MANET nodes

which leads to measure signals that are different than the average value cal-
culated by the long-distance model. In these models path loss is modeled as a
random variable with log-normal distribution.
The MobASim system provides the library of classes implementing the IEEE
802.15.4 standard for wireless communication. We have implemented physical
and MAC (Medium Access Control) layer protocols according to the specifica-
tion drawn up by the IEEE Computer Society, network and application layers
protocols according to the specification drawn up by ZigBee Standard Organi-
zation. The user can select one of three types of MAC protocols.
Modeling of node mobility plays the crucial role in MobASim. The real-life
movement patterns are very difficult to obtain, realistic models are usually very
complicated. Many mobility models have been introduced. The detailed survey
of these models is presented in [13]. In current version of MobASim each process
from the group MM implements one of the following models for mobility pattern
– The user describes the destination point of a line segment.
– The random waypoint model (two variants), i.e., random mobility model
with randomly generated destination point and velocity.
– The map-based model that is used for applications in which nodes are con-
strained to move within defined paths.
– Our novel model named PFM (Potential Function Model) that combines the
idea of potential function and particle-based mobility modeling. It calculates
a collision-free movement at a group of mobile devices, and is dedicated to
self-organizing network modeling.
In all mobility provided in MobASim the obstacles are included. The obsta-
cles are generated by the user or are loaded from a real map. It is assumed
that wireless signal is obstructed by the obstacles, too. All models utilize DEVS
methodology. The state of each mobile node is described by four variables: lo-
cation within the deployment region, orientation, velocity, and energy stored in
the node. It is possible to combine various mobility models in one simulator, i.e.,
the model of mobility can switch w.r.t. the current state of the node.
308 E. Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz and A. Sikora

3.2 Components of the System

The system consists of two sets of components: MobASim Simulator and Mod-
eler, Fig. 2. The MobASim Modeler provides tools that allow to create the model
of the system to be simulated. The model can be generated using the MobASim
graphical editor or can be read from an XML file. The bidirectional interface to
XML file that uses ASimML language – XML Schema specification for building
XML file with description of parameterized system model is provided. A user
can perform various operations during the experiment, i.e., configure the net-
work system and manage the simulation. Hence, the MobASim Modeler consists
of the following set of components implementing models and standards presented
in section 3.1: communication models library – a collection of classes implement-
ing models of wireless transmission, wireless communication standards library –
a collection of classes implementing wireless communication standards, mobility
models library – a collection of classes implementing mobility models, GUI – the
graphical interface responsible for user-system interaction, MobASim database
that stores all geographical information – a map of a deployment area, and all
network nodes’ positions.

Fig. 2. Components of the MobASim system

The second component – MobASim Simulator is responsible for the DEVS

simulator implementation and performance. It provides: basic library – a collec-
tion of classes implementing basic elements of each DEVS simulator, such as:
A Software Tool for Federated Simulation of WSN and MANET Networks 309

logical processes, events, event lists, messages passing, etc., runtime infrastruc-
ture – the library of classes that provide communication between the processes
and machines, synchronization protocols library – a collection of classes imple-
menting synchronization protocols reported in the next section.

3.3 Parallel Implementation of MobASim

MobASim is an integrated framework for parallel simulation. The model of an
application to be simulated is decomposed into a number of entities with respect
to their functionality and data requirements. A fine grained decomposition (a set
of nodes) or coarse grained (a set of networks) are available. All network nodes
are implemented as logical processes (LPs) utilizing classes from MobASim li-
braries. LPs communicate with each other through message-passing. Each simu-
lator created upon MobASim has a hierarchical structure as depicted in FiLogical
Process (LP) – simulating the network nodes operation, Domain – a set of LPs,
Simulator – a collection of domains. Computational processes that belong to
the same level of hierarchy are synchronized. To provide high performance and

Fig. 3. Hierarchical structure of MobASim application

scalability we utilized the paradigm of federating disparate simulators [5] and

asynchronous parallel simulation technology [18]. Such implementation distin-
guishes our software from the commonly used tools. Federated simulation is a
way to interconnect separate simulators to serve as a simulation-of-simulations.
In our application a model of given application is designed as a federation of
disparate simulators of network nodes (Fig. 4) or networks (Fig. 5). By link-
ing each of these simulators together through runtime infrastructure (RTI) that
enables information exchange between them, they form a federated simulation
that can be handled by a set of processors or computers. MobASim enables to
310 E. Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz and A. Sikora

Fig. 4. A federation of simulators of wireless devices: fine grained parallelization

Fig. 5. A federation of simulators of networks: coarse grained parallelization

do synchronous and asynchronous simulation. Four algorithms for asynchronous

simulator implementation are supplied: conservative protocol with null messages
(CMB) [10], window conservative protocol (WCP) [11], optimistic Time Warp
(TW) [11] and hybrid Moving Time Window (MTW) [16]. Parallel and dis-
tributed versions of MobASim were implemented; one simulator can utilize both
of them.
The MobASim system is completely based on Java. It is built atop the ASim-
Java library described in [14], and developed by the authors. The Java messaging
service (JMS) API provided by Sun Microsystems is used for interprocess com-
A Software Tool for Federated Simulation of WSN and MANET Networks 311

3.4 Simulation Under MobASim

Three main phases can be distinguished during a simulation experiment: prepara-

tory phase, configuration phase and experimental phase. At the first one the
model of MANET or WSN to be simulated is investigated, developed and im-
plemented. Within the configuration phase the user is asked to enter the parame-
ters concerned with the whole simulated network (number of nodes, transmission
model, etc.), the parameters concerned with each node (radio range, minimal and
maximal speed, mobility model, routing protocol, energy reserve, etc.), and set
up the simulation experiment (simulation time, number of processes, number of
machines, etc.). The setting windows (MobASim GUI) are used to facilitate the
configuration phase. The network can be constructed graphically. Finally, the
application is saved in XML configuration files and can be used in many future
simulations. After completing all initial settings and implementing all expected
modules, the experimental phase begins. All processes are executed. The results
of calculations are displayed (wireless transmission, time varying topology, etc.).
The user employs the monitoring and analysis of the current situation (see Fig.
6). All results may be recorded into the disc file during the experiment.

4 Simulation Results

MobASim software was used to perform simulation of several network systems. It

allows for setting up simulation experiments on parallel machines or computer
clusters, and the analysis for different types of ad hoc networks. It does not
involve any restrictions regarding the size of the simulation. The calculation
speedup depends on the application and its decomposition. In this paper we
present the results of two case studies. The first is concerned with the design
of MANET to support the rescue action, the second presents the efficiency of
parallel simulation of WSN upon MobASim software.
Example 1. Consider a situation where the fixed network infrastructure in a
disaster area is damaged due to human activity. A rescue mission requires that
new communication channels be quickly established in order to coordinate the

Fig. 6. MobASim: Design of communication network for rescue mission

312 E. Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz and A. Sikora

actions. MANET can be successfully used here. It will enable communications

with an adequate quality and will adapt to changing conditions and require-
ments in the danger zone. Computer simulation performed upon MobASim can
be used to design an ad hoc network that will provide the continuous communi-
cation with all rescuers. During the tests the bandwidth of all links and current
traffic are calculated, and the critical paths are pointed. The animation of time
varying network topology – all nodes moving from the initial position to the
destination, avoiding the obstacles – are displayed. The user can keep track how
the communication network created by a set of mobile nodes adopts to the new
positions of rescue teams. The current network connectivity is marked by lines
connecting the nodes. Figure 6 shows the dynamically changing network topol-
ogy during the entire network operational lifetime. The snapshots of initial and
final topologies calculated for 1 and 65 time stamps are presented.
Example 2. The goal of experiments was to simulate 10 hours of WSN oper-
ation. The network was created by 60 sensor nodes. In case of battery equipped
typical WSN, the primary design goal is to optimize the amount of energy used
for transmission. The popular power save protocols attempt to save nodes en-
ergy by putting its radio transceiver in the sleep state. In our experiment it was
assumed that each node was 2 hours in active mode and 8 hours in sleep mode.
The objective of the test was to compare the efficiency of parallel simulation
with the sequential realization. Two variants of implementation – S (sequential)
and P (parallel) performed on the following hardware platforms were compared:
S – AMD Sempron 1,67 GHz; P – AMD Sempron 1,67 GHz, AMD Athlon 1,2
GHz, Intel Core2 Duo 2,2 GHz. The execution times of each experiment are
given in Table 1. We can observe that parallel simulation developed based on
MobASim software can seriously speed up simulations of WSN operation w.r.t.
sequential implementation. The calculation speedup depends on the size of the
network model and assumed degree of parallelism.

Table 1. Results of WSN simulation – two implementations

S (1 processor) P(4 processors)

simulation time [s] 155 44
speedup w.r.t. sequential simulation - 3.52

5 Conclusions
We described the MobASim software platform for ad hoc networks modeling and
simulation. MobASim can support researches and engineers in network design,
research, and network education. The system offers many unique advantages that
can not be easily achieved by commercial and common open source simulators.
MobASim is easy to use, and is especially useful in large scale applications in
which the speed of simulation is of essence, such as real time mobility ad hoc
network simulation. The federated approach to parallel simulation of networks,
A Software Tool for Federated Simulation of WSN and MANET Networks 313

provided functionality, easy usage and its extensibility to include other open
source modules or modules developed by a user, make our tool different from
the popular software systems for simulation. We plan to release our system for
research and education.

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